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The Times from London, Greater London, England • Page 14

The Timesi
London, Greater London, England
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

I4 THE TIMES, SATURDAY, MAY 19, 1883. REPORT OF THE JIETROFOLITAN OARD 0r WORKS. Tin mnul rtpcrt of Xhm Mttropolittn Bord of TTorks Is not only an itractir chronlcl of ths frowthof London. It comUin ia natibU the, kulorr of ctlcbnUd littl. contramtloi wkkh hire felled Ur rUc for th tim being in tit tboagbta tad diacoetloti of Lcndooera, and which bars then dropped Mt of men'i minds, perhaps fcr peod, prhip to ram cin on soots future ooca sion.

It ihe destiny of the Board of Yiorksthat it should form the central figure in ephemeral giU tkns which ante upon some question of metropolitan improretnant, or, it may be, desecration. If a. tnic starta bio life about tho 1 intuffidency of the fire brigade, the Board of I Works is, as tt were, the scratching post against which the alarmists allay tbeir irritation. If a Continental theatre is burnt down and many lira are lost, the lJoard, and perhaps not nndeaerredly, is the target ofiabosefor not compaslng the re gencfation of our crsiy theatres. If our noble rirer is fouler than uaual in the neighbourhood of liarkioc; if the builders keep from Northuabsrland aTenue longer than, they might bo expected from such an advantageous site if a parklces neighbourhood it desirous that the Board should contribute a coople of hundred thousand pounds towards the purchase of a park or if a few agrrierrd commoners tnd themsclTcs ousted from their critket ground not to speak of District Railway rentilators the Metropolitan Board of Works is for the moment the centre of.

disturbance. In the report of the Board for the ystar ending the 31st cf December, 1882, which was presented last week, we see many! of these eontrormics reviewed in brief, to gethcr with others mora important, but byj their drrneaa less calculated to arrest public attention. Of these questions some appear insignificant, now that they are orer. Others, we feci instino tirely, are destined to re appear. The Beard's supervision of the theatres will continue a chronic mbject of criticism.

Mr. Dixon Hartland's Bill transferring this supervision to the Uome Secretary was properly defeated the other dsy in the House of Commons but probably many more members than voted with Mr. Dixon llart land were not altogether satisfied with the rate of progression employed by the Board in overhauling the London theatres. In the present report we have an account of what the Board had accom in this direction by the end of last year, 'orty one theatres and music halls are enumerated which have been reported upon by Captain Shaw npon the instructions of the Board of Works, and thr no doubt that a considerable amount of prewture has been put npon the owners of theatres by the Board within the last twelve months. The Criterion and the Alcazar have been condemned as almost past cure, while the owners cf other theatres have been forced to make largo structural alterations.

It must not, however, be forgotten that this energy did not spring from the Board of Works spontaneously. It waa itself the product of pressure from the Lord Chamberlain's office and the Lord Chamberlain wss moved to action by the 'catastrophe at the Ring Theatre in Vienna. Upon the financial concerns' of the Board we took occasion to comment' when the last Budget was promulgated, and it will be sufficient to repeat that the indebtedness of the Board, as well as the expenditure, shows a growing tendency to increase. This follows naturally from the large accession of duties acquired by the Board of late years. When tho Metropolitan Board of Works wss first constituted, in 1856, its functions almost entirely related to the construction and maintenance of public buildings and works.

In the year 1633 it would be hard to asy what its functions do not include. If Parliament is at a loss to find an authority which shall enforce an enactment, the Board of Works is hai recourse to by an exhaustive process. Every new duty means an increase to the rates and perhaps it would be correct to say that paternal legislation, rather than the Board's extravagance, forces the Londoner to dive more deeply into his pockets every year. Of the Board's original and most appropriate fune uoxu, tnat 01 rna minima tiio amuags ijneja 01 London is, perhaps, the most important. pending controversy oetween the Conservators the Thames and the Board of Works with 'regard to the state of the river nexr the sewage outfalls at Crossness and Barking Creek, to which some few pages are devoted in the report, is notable because it engendered a dispute within a ditpute.

Two of the Commissioners recommended by the Home Secretary to inquire into the matter srere gentlemen who had previously taken a prominent part in opposition to the outfalls and the Board strenuously, although, it appears, vainly, complained of the disadvantage to them of pleading tbeir cause before a prejudiced tribunal. With regard to the public lands vested in the Metropolitan Board, the report anticipates that Northumberland avenue, ths frontage along which has remained an abomination ol desolation since the opening of the street, is now likely to be soon covered with buildings. The same is to be hoped of the ground lying between the Temple Garden and the City of London School. The new streets from Oxford street to Piocadilly cireus and from Tottenham court road to Charinc crots are still talked of, but nothing more. In the former case, it is not as yet possible to secure the whole of the property necessary for the construction of the road in the Utter, the operation of the Artisans' Dwellings Act stands in the way.

The Act of 1877 required provision to be made for the whole of the working population displaced. To comply with this requirement would have rendered the contemplatea improvement impossible and the Board applied to Parliament to be allowed to proceed upon making provision for only a portion of the number. A reelect Committee of focr members, however, declined to sanction the arrangement, which had already been recommended in the preceding session by a Select Committee numbering nineteen. The result is, as the report remarks with some not unnatural bitterness, that the Board must begin the tedious work of a private Bill all over again. (The history of the' abortive Paddington Park Bill is told anew in the pages of the report, as is also that of the Sbsdwell Fish Market Bill.

To the first of these Bills the Board of Works offered opposition because it proposed to compel the Board to contribute nearly 180,000 towards the scheme. With regard to the second, the Board was partly instrumental in securing the rejection of the obnoxious clauses which were added by the House of Lords, giving the Corporation an option of purchase, or, in the alternative, a right to compensation for any diminution caused in the tolls at Billingsgate. Thus, the Board of Works, which, under incitements frcm the Heme Office, wss almost the first to move in the popnlar agitation for new fish markets, has the credit of contributing in some measure to the inauguration of a more plentiful sera of fish supply. In another capacity the Board has the opportunity of conferring a great benefit upon the inhabitants of the metropolis. Those of the parks and commons of London and iU suburbs which have been taken over by the Board show excellent results but these results have not been attained without some friction.

It is complained that in some cases the Board poshes preservation to absurdity, and interferes with the legitimate use of a heath or a common. Parts of Hempstead Heath are closed to cricketers and Sanday meetings are interdicted on Peckham Bye. It is impossible to en joy a good gallop upon 'any common taken over by the Board of Works without being interfered with by a uniformed 'enstodian. To preserve an open space by regulations agreeable to every class of pleasure eeeker is, doubtless, a task of difficult but oerhana the Board of Works goes somewhat too far in restrict ing the free use of its commons and heaths. Tux Lioroz Turnc A lares and renreeenta tlve sseetinf of brewers, wine and spirit merchants, licensed victuallers, and beerhoese keepers was held at yesterday, at which a tesolstlon was passed, statinf that the viewed vrtth re ret, Beagled with alarm for the ablie good, the fanatical agitation which 'was belsx pewwteJ by cliques whose main object appeared to be Used oeUrtninatioo to eefeeole and paralyse alrno sO the established systems that conducted al tegoisica me cmnwi wvraue in lasutuiioos aa eoesinerse of the conn try.

A second rrsolatioa, depre catiag the almost eodless plswmesl legislation affecting trade sad taxation, sad appealing fcrelsbs lobe placed catbessM looting ss, licensed booses, was also passed. vDutMJtl wmadonted aratnat Sumdav cL uinr 'and tafavoBr of sompegsatiom. Copies of the revelations to be forwsrded to the Itlae Xiaister memPST renew; TUB TEXAKIS COXTEXSATION BILL. TO TmS KOTO Ol THE TIMES. Sir, Though I still prefer the plsn pot forth by me las ztaus onApru oiasv, ways than one of reaching the same object, and the Bill of the Government, which has been ably and csiefuBy rwpared, appears to me, except on one important DomL to have fairly attained it.

Its operation is limited by the first clause to the quitting tenants, the very small minority of the rnr Mr British farmers who claim from the Legislature reasonable protection for their invested capital. Unless the interests of the sitting tenants, who are the real backbone of British agri culture, are equauy recegmzoa ana umv tun, it will fail to give that security which would promote good farming and justify legislative; interference with the contracts ol landlcrd and tenant. It is only on quitting his holding that a tenant will be entitled to claim ire compensation provided by the Bill. But the most numerous and the most industrious of their class desire to make the farm their home, linked as it is with associations of neighbourhood and friendly interchange of kindly omces and mntnal esteem. 11 he continues in a stsndy court, of good farming, raising tho character and productive quality of the land, civiee good wsges to deserving, workmen and prontable employment to the village tradesmen, the improving farmer may be called on for an increased rent, partly arising from and doe to bis own skill and exertions.

How does the Bill deal with bis case By the 27th section, if I rightly understand it, he is allowed to claim compensation at some remote future time when he may quit his holding, for improvements on which his rent has been, partly raised, and for which he would have been entitled to compensation at the time had he then chosen to break up bis home and. leave it. By the lapse of time these improvements will here ceased a few years biter to have any valne to' an incoming tenant. For a farmer's, improvements ere for the most part not an addition to the nttural qualities of the soil, but to its floating capital." And, if the rent has been raised against him partly on he is mocked by the promise of a compensation which will hare no value when the time, if it ever arrives, will hare come to claim it. His neighbour, farmimr land ot trie same class, but with no desire to remain on bis farm, is also called on for a rise of rent.

He decides to go, makes his claim under the Bill for compensation, and receives it. The deserving tenant who wishes to remain, who it a useful member of the society and perhaps, within its limited circle, a benefactor to the neighbourhood, ought to be placed by the law on at least equal footing in regard to immediate compensation. The Bill sdmits the equity of the claim in both cases, and the compensation should be paid when (as the Bill in the 27th section expresses it) a change of tenancy occurs," whether the tenant remains in his holding or quits it. There are other points in the Bill which, in its progress through Committee, will no doubt be altered and amended. In any case where com pensation is otherwise allowed than by the Bill, it ought not to be less in value man tne mil provides.

If drainage is to be made in a permanent manner, it should be done by the landlord. It is a work which requires special skill snd care, and cannot safely be intrusted to a yearly tenant. In regard to waste committed by a tenant being allowed as a set off against claims for compensation, the tenant should be stopped from its con tinuance at the time, and, as tne landlord nas urns the remedy in his own hands, the time specified by the Bill for recourse on a tenant should, instead of four years, be limited to one. ro exception should be allowed to the one year's notice to quit. The limitation of the power of distress to one year is a clear snd great improvement on the present state of tne law.

But tne maw amendment to wcicn have first referred, which would bring the whole body of tenant farmers within the immediate scope of tne Bill, is necessary to insure that full success which the Government desire to attain by legislation, and would strengthen British agriculture to meet the competition with virgin land in ether countries, with which it must henceforth contend. 1 am, bir, your obedient servant, May IS. JAMES CALKD. TO THE EDITOR OF THE TIMES. Sir, Will you kindly give me a place in Tkt Times to ask those members of Parliament who may te giiitg tbeir attention this week to the Agricultural Holdings Bill, to reeoember the claims and interests of one class ot life tenant', whose position and prospects are moch affected by Its proposals, and who auy le brsught Into graai difficulties, if seme provisions are cct introduced to meet their ease.

I allude to those clergy, wboie sols endowment is glebe land. Our recent anxieties are well known, as the sgrical tun I distress has brought into prominent relief the belp leesoees of many of ns in the position of landowners. At erst sight the Bill seems as if its regoletioas might assist si, but I fear it may end in plscirg a halter round our necks, as in jecuring compensation to tie tenant it may saddle the life tenant with a hampering and crippling debt. Ths BUI starts on a presumption which is cot warranted by facts. It seems to assume that English tenant farmers are most of them wealthy capitalists, turning with desire to upend Ueir money on their holdings, provided they can safely do so, and as if it aimed at giving them the needed security, Lot those who have practical experience ot the present condition of tbirgs know too well that farmers, at any rate in the Midlands, hate, doritg the last 4e years, lost at least one third of taeir.

capital, and so far from belt alls to improve their holditas themselves, they are everywhere lesking permanent redactions of rest, snd demanding more and more to te laid out for them ty tbeir landlords. Certainly few clergy have ten acts in a position to stall tLemsclirs largely of tbe powers of the Bill. Motl of us find ourselves obliged to yield to our tenants' ever Increasing demands frou fear of their leav bag us with the land on our hands, snd no capital nor skill to farm. But in cases wbere tbey might execute these Improvements, cr where, as would oftencr happea.they might leave their holdings with heavy claims jr issproreraenu under the 3d Schedule, let us see what may possibly be tbe consequences "ot this compensation. By Clames 8 and 10 of the tew Bill a landlord is entitled to obtain a County Court order to charge his land for tbe tenant's compear at loo, and any loan company may take an assignment of such charge, and further assign it to any persons whomsoever." We may judge of tita pos silillties to Church Endowments by a case that Las Lappened, reported in Tke Timu a short time ago.

The rector ot a parish in the diocese et Ely barged bis rJele with repayment of a loan advanced for drainage sad buildings. Times became bad rents fell, be could not pay the rent charge, and the Scottish Widows Fund, to whom the loan company had assigned the after a time foreclose and obtains 1 a Vise Chancellor's order for of the glebe to re pay themselves. Thus the endowment of that rectory was alienated for ever from the Church, and ths tame thing may happen cow frequently, Unless sexe provision Is inserted in the Bill to present it. What I venture to snggett li tnls. Inasmuch as tbe CovernoM of Queen Anne's Bounty by Clause 49 cf the 1875 Act (incorporated in this Bill) must give their consent to any ecclesiastical landlord eternising the powers of tbe Act, I would propose that wherever they do consent, or rather in any case (tor by Clause 4 of the new Bill their consent Is not even requisite for draining, and third class improvements) it shall be obligatory on the Bounty office, and not merely 'permisslDie to tnem, as it is now, to lend the compensation money, if ths incumbent cannot advance it, and to take npon themselves tbe charge on the holding.

This would prevent tbe land being sold away from tbe Church at great sacrifice, sal Qroen Anne's liouut could well afford to lend an mors reasons ble terms than the companies. TBS ousicoa isrcicTKu mwnuwiniujiun. tott change of tenancy meant the lees of Dearly a year's in eosae. The outgoing tenant farms for leaving. The lnooea demand allowance for bad condition, and sometime needle alterations and improTwnents.

Being matter of tbe situation he make his own terms, sometimes will not pay fee: fallows which the owner was obliged to take te is set oft against rent. Now we are threatened with surveyors, fees, rnt chrges, compel sat ion for unexhausted nspro emeuts, while whatever improvements lifa tananU make ourselves, so far from beinc com pensated, we shall be charged on them for dilapidations What a hindrance to air pastoral duties will surely prove this increasisg worry about and lettiig an 1 management Pardon naif wa sometimes envy tbe quarterly chooses trn the Cosnmissioners enjoyed by some of our ecclesiastical superiors, who sdvise uanc togivaway to need ls peaie. hat Leer out troubles petls ally for the sake of the church of the future. Howgtai we ahouldbeif our friends is FarUanLt could save us from having all our eggs is one basket, snd procure us free leave, to sell only half, ot norland, sad latest the proceeds in tbe funds, even at 21 per seat. Yours faithiully, Y.

H. UTJEQENVEH. Byftsld Bertory, Usy 13.: TO THS EDITOU OF THE TIMES. Eir I am most anxious not to bs misunderstood on a point of great importance, that LisrflkrtawicIlysiBis p7csvletsria TUXimu ef tbe th last If he thinks that Iclaimfcr the tenant any geodwUl or control over fstars rest beyond security fcr the valee ef the lavpreeemenss he. as made.

I do claim that security fcr the sitting tenant as well as for the outgrng tenant bat I never have claimed mare than that. It is only when an attempt is made to rent a tenant en. his own laprevseneats that I ask fcr an appeal to srbvtrttivu oa behalf ef tbe sitting tenant. Lord Bcrthwick gees on to arena that the tenant should never have more than his unexhausted outlay, which, he says, will be equivalent to the" landlord cayieg for the im provements wha they were made. This view ignores aa important dLfTerenre.

If tbe landlord paid for tbe improvement when they were made, ha weald ray for Bnsneeeae fat as weD as for ancceaafal experin sots, ss the tenest. having no risk, would not be est; tied to anything more than tha cort of the improvtmenta. But no cue prtpacs to pay tbe tenant fcr uneaeeeesfnl experiments, and what I protest against is leaving to him all the risk, making him tear ths loss cf a failure and refusing to mm the proCts ef a eueeawa. Payment for remits is the only satis factory method of compensation, and I contend that it should be or the whole of the results; in other words, that the landlord should simply pay the tenant for vain received. I am.

Sir, your obedient servant, WILLIAM E. BZAB. CJeroent's inn pasiaie. "W.C., May 17. TO THE EDITOR OF THE TIMES.

Fir, I bav read the various letters which hare ap peared in Tkt TimtM on this subject, but my Impression is that neither of your correspondents is a tenant farmer. Mr. Borrows, whose letter appear this morning, is net a farmer, as many might sappoe, but steward of Sir Edward Dering'e estates in this county; and your 'ether correspondent, Mr. Lipecombe, is a well known land agent in Urge practice in i otkthire, and a frequent speaker st the ChambeT of Agriculture. Your readers, I feel sure, wul agree with me that the raise ot people's opinions eu a subject ef this kind depends a good deal cpon their occupation, and It is notorious that land agents, aa a rule, have elwaya been stoutly opposed to any between landlord and tenant by Government.

As a tenant farmer on a Isrre scale mvself. I have no neeiratiou in ssymg tnat air. narrows is entirely in error in tne assertion ne raises test tne oemana Ice tenant ngnt has not been kept alive by bond fd tenant farmers. My experience it that BO other class has felt sny Interest in the sab ject, and when I stood for West Kent as the tenant farmer candidate at the last election 1 had opportunities of judging and alao of ascertaining the deep interest wmen my nrotoer isrmert lell in the suDject: I am firmly of opinion that until the Interests of tenants are felly secured to thrsa for their outlay upon improvements, the farming of tbe country will not advance, but will go back, as, unfrrtanately. it has been and is doing.

,1 see that tbe Speaker of tbe Douse of Oommons has been addressing his constituents on the subject but judging from his remarks, I do not think he understood what farmers hare asked about being secured against a rise of rent. Tbey do not say, Ihe rent is never to be raised." I never beard anything of the kind expressed, and I have been a member of tbe Farmers' Alliance sines its commencement. What is demanded is that a tenant who has raised tbe value of his farm should have some security against his rent being raised upon bis own improvement at all events, that he should have a power of appeal to some impartial triborel ajrainst so arbitrary aa 1 unjust a proceeding. Nothing would be felt such an inducement to lay out money in increasing tbe fertility of a farm as sueh a provision and it would have a more wide reaching InSnence than merely securing compensation to outgoing tenants and aa it would be an encouragement to the best elaas of tenants men of enterprise, with an Instinct for improvements it will alao promote the interests of the owners of land. The absence of any such provision, with tbe objectionable permission clauses, I take to be tbe mala defects of tha Government Bill, and I have carefully studied It.

I hateened to meet Mr: Borlaae. JI.P.. tc dav. whose views scon tbe Bill to find ecrredDcnd with those held by Mr. James Howard, M.P., although he was not prepared to vote against the second reading.

Knowing that I have expressed the views held by a large number ot my brother farmers, I shall be glad If you wul insert this letter. Voors obediently, Farsingham, Kent, May 18. JOHX MAT. TEE COUNTY COURTS. TO THE EDITOK OF THE TIMES.

8ir, Tour notice of Mr. Norwood's Bill omits the very important provision for Increasing the jurisdiction from 20 to 50 protected by costs. Should this become lsw, the very large business now so satisfactorily don In the High Court Off.ce and its District Registry would be trtns'erred to the Countj eourt, and ths wholesale trade, which suffered so much inconvenience by tbe issue of writs between 3 sad 30 will then fnlly realix tbe difference in eost and time between the two systems. Without a total change in practical procedure and very large reduction in the court fees, I believed the interests of creditors would be best serve by still using the High Court for non contentious business, even st their own expense. The proposed increase of tie optional jurisdiction to 300 may be of occasional benefit.

It is to be hoped that the Bill will get into Committee, if only for the advantage of section 7 reducing the time for judgment in default summonses from 16 to eight days, tne former period making this very useful provision, however, alnvat a dead letter in all courts sitting monthly or fortnightly. Could ths Treasury be induced to adopt a common sense view with regard to the court fees and reduce them to something like those of tbe High Court, there can be no doubt a large business would be done in the county courts. Bat my experience since 1S47 convinces me that no alteration of tbe law with ths present heavy fees will ever make ths courts self supporting, even so far as the officials' salaries are concerned. The poundaca in the different stages are aa follow Five per cent, on summons, 10 per cent, oa hearing, 15 per cent, on execution against goods, and about 20 per cent, oa judgment summons hearing and committal, or amounting to 50 per cent, on the whole. Yoors obediently, Q.

MAN LEY WETBEBITELD. Oresham buildinpi May 17. OKPIIAN WORKING SCHOOU. Instituted 1758. Ssalor School.

Hanntock tiUI Junior School (Alsxawlra Orphaeao), Ilerassv rlsa Oonvaleaesal Home, MarftU.Tk Com nlumt has ths plasm of bimdcuc that HERBERT J. 1LAD RTMNK, M.I" will 126th ASJUVKKSART FESTIVAL oa WsdsMdar. Jaasl at Walls's Booms, Etoa strMi, Bl FIRST LIST ef frntWAKTjS. Aiasiis. a ri r.K.u.H.

AlurUie. J. AlMa. Hviuy u. Anderson, J.

11 Bsrru. Joan, Ksq SLt. If writ, rrueui wca. 4vsra, aa. Kr.

B. Ev Klanek. Job List. WillUm. Xv.

UamL Ksriftt lb Hao. Ins Marshall. U. tn,, V.P. Maxwn.

WUnaia, Sea, Msrrta. 2. Eso, ManuMrr. HrrjT JtA S. Parkiaace, W.q,Xra, Psttiaoe, 8.

tL, Ksq. PowsU. OaorK Robsrta, ST. it, D. RoUnohild.

LsopoM O. gsa. Saddmftoa AUrsd. Ceo, Salter. Arthur esq.

Soot l. W. fiaouar, Kia, ShafMbvv, th Elfbt Bee. the fcariot.K.0. OttriBJ.

v.r. Clarsaea. 10. Smith. Walter, kaq, eplotr, Jamsa, Esq, J.P, V.P.

BwirAa sax, r. Sttrr, Wstsua, Eh Kterr. trTtax. Thompoa, Alfred. Xa Tomuason, Oaarn, Xaq.

Tnrntr. Vraads. sd. llUt. Mr Janm, J.fD.L..

T.P. M.P. U. sn. Archer.

Tl oa. aa, r.R.R.S. J.P. BeU. Charies, gaq, K.tB.A BoUci Door.

Urka. Jubm CUrke, Joseph, Kaq, Cohan. Arthur, Eaqy.0, VLP. Cunnlasham. E.B., Eat.

Dansoe. WUtain, Eso, ItaTtts, Alfred, Kl lit UarU, A. Ea. Da Krvwr, Mi. Aldermaa and ShtriS D'Oratr.

lUv. A. J. B.D. VaaolnctOB Jaaarson, J.

JCea, J.e. Dove, V. ba. Kanras, J. rassinere, causLr.

Daoaal, 1 im. Esa Card. W. Soovdoa, Esa, V.P. Glsifcr, J.

Esa, Grtffla. Oolonal J. T. OrUSia, Wslur, Eso. Oua, Arthur, Eao, Oararr, IL Edmuad, Eaa, Hwilvr, 8, Aldatmaa Mall.

Willuun. Ek. HalL H. Warm, Esq. UamUloa.

Sir B. N. Bart. Harvcr. W.

Esq, ilaiasaiaaa. Eso, J. F. Ths Bseraiarr vfll bs clad le receive the aames ecasy nUemsn eiluni te act as Bieesrds on this oocaslnn, Ladim will ems at this PssUvaL Oootribvtioos urssatlr aaada4. Aaoumi nlwcvlptioa tot on vote, 10s.

ditto for tw Sa: drtso lor Iwovotas. 10 10a. Tha otca iBarsaslBf la BreporUoa te the eoetribatioa. Ufa PrnsctaUoa, 2 IX JOXACAB nSiUB, BwaUrj. OAees, T3.

Cbeapdda, K.CL OYAlTlNSTITUTION of GREAT BRITAIN, I Albssiarls stnsi. PloeadUlr. W. PROVraSOR a It Tl'R SK ot ths Univsrsltv ot 8L Fatmburf, U1 THIS VXY ISatardayl, Mar 19, at 1 e'clook, BkOIM a COUKSB of FOuft UCTORKS. Historical fkstchss of KoaaUn Social life Subscnp.

lion to this eeorss, half a colaee te all the courses la ths seasoa, R'" sociirrt7Boath Ksoanuton, S.W. OraaS PLOWEk SHOW ef tha asssoa and IlorticiularalloilesseBt Exhibition. VUt OA and 23d. Band ef the Bojal eras Guards sash Jar, from i o'clock. FatraeesW ths Show front tbe Graai InlereatioBal risheriss Xx MMtwo obIj.

oa Taradar. Mar 23d. no Baraaas ot 2s. Sd. ia addition Trior! Ea r.i.kJ.aiT TrUr.

BarTWIlUaaii aufaaa, jsev. am. Waaxb. E. A Eaa.

ekk J. Camp, so, J.P..T.P, Wood. WUlUm, 1 Exhlbitioa Adiaiasloa oa Wadnssdar.K ar 23d. 2S. td, msradlnf antraDS to ths rtoharats Kiblbitlvx TlckaU oaly ts be bad at ths stheas ef tha Soctatr.

EiblbtUonoad. STATISTICAL 60ClETt. The SEVENTH uBOUrAHT MXETIKO ef the pteasnt Saatloa arm bs said ea Tasada, ths 224 lnstant. br paraiaaion. at the Boral School of, JararB atjaat.

a. vrkaa a Paprt wUl bs Baad oe Popular ESaeatloa la KosUad said Walaa Solort and aflar tba XlaaaaaiaiT Edooatloai Ass at 1470," Bealsavd XIasaUSoa. Est, The ehairvulbslaksealLSaMs. rpHE SANITARY ASSURANOBAfesOClATfON. AnylHyaoa, Maeavis aarsas W.

laenrporatad VU. WLD. atraat, W. ks Mar 2M. SOBMXS CHCTKIUL CLE.

M.D, aa sainqon taaiwa, aa jfconi upon toa wjaata as iae PSBiaary assiii mar bs sad rss oa appucatisn te ths Secretary, Jossph HedLrv, ArtyM BUoa, W. i JlKJUilM BKNfijSTT wUl IjECTUKB on the eh, Hs blatarr. lanhanlaw, aad saode ot BiasaTacSBia. Is avosOsaBdaartead. Teaeday trd, star 23d, at A BXV.

ia ths cbail UIKJUHN BENNETT will LECTUKB on KJ WaSam, Na blatarr. She auaeansa jas. h. rosa iOtJK'S'TOUR'TlOaND the WORLB. The WsXVTH AXMCAL TOCK randar paipaaal aasortt, vadtlaa tbaTTBltsd etaaaa.

Jeoaav Cblaa. Aaaaralla. Iivlla. raloirlaa Ziht Idea, TVi PaWna. Ilalv, Vraaoa, Aagest U.

SMstsl anrBhlst, wits saap, 2d. THOS. OOOlt aa4 SOX, lelpss stress XtTtmaait er ttt, Wast bWae4; TTTR TtDTAI. mnRSESS the PRINCE XI WALES has rt khtdty seesented selBESlDI sS tbe DiifEaWbaU of ths BaadDif read of tha JUlTAl. HOft riTAi for UUXAJEI tba CHUT, CMr road.

oa Prtdar, aba lat rrrwABSs. I Rtapban W. Hoopar, Eaq, W. UrtvoaJraaoo. Ksa, IU.

jaa Moca. nsq. Sir WUUam P. Aadrav. CLE.

Tba Hon. Uoatt Aahbr WUaaa SMiats. Eaa Osorf Bavrv, rsa, BlJ.soaw.Eaa, Edfsr Skrarar, Eav Bir rrlcrtck J. BraamtQ, JLSL Jnk Brodarfek. Can.

Ku Mno. lha Lord CbwWs Brae. H.P. ajhajnaaa of tba Uoanau aad Trastast Thomas Buck, Ess. Tboau B.

Canard, Esq, B. Ca i are. Ea. Tboaaaa Capoa, Eaq, LUot CbL PUsray Alfrrd Coojr, Eao, T.R.C.X. BarMrt Oensa, Xso, M.0L.

rjLcr. ItrAUcrBiaa aad SheruT da T. Aodros da la Xea, Eaq, Bovaes DobeU, aq, bLO, Kir Ganrt EUot. Bart, M.P. P.

raidnian. Esq, B. H. Gabbau. Esq, SUX, JtB CpT Jahn 8.

CnHat. Esq. rfisasiuat of ths BoUdlae Puadl Tba Hon. Pasej Ulra (Traa Alfrad Ooad, Eaq. IL Clifford GoanaJL Eso.

Lsooard Oosoall, Esq, Stdnav UoanaO, Eaq, rDanatf. 1 artrman of tha Mr. Aldanaaa Hadlar Babart Raiasaofi. Eaq, mdsnck A. Haskar.

Esq, Edward Hart, Esq, C.C fl IL Hawkins, Eaq. Philip Haaalrv. M.D, P.B.CP. Ara Maosbara of tha Coaacu ef the nospitaL ZHmwv tickata.2Sa.sach. suv ebtalaed of au of ths Stewards.

er of tba Baerttarv at tba Hospital. Tba Rixht Hoe. ths Lord Cbarka Broea. JLP, Chalraaa et tha CoBBcU. win bs atad So racarra contribution, to ba aJdad sa tae Cbalna.a's Ual, at ths Honaa ot Csaanaana.

a. W. Tha nam. raaoaa Ulm will as clad to Maura tvotrtoauoos te a Idad ts tea Trwaiarar's List, at fl, Lombard atrrH, H.C. VBARLM MBUCE, Obairmaa of ths CoondL PAMXlK CIIARLEH GLYX.

Traaaurer. BlDN kY GtWNIXU lapyCbaiiaiaaiaf toaOoartl. Eaaila Lnlu, Ese Jnha tifaiaaia a. Eat. "Olooai Makua.

M.P. (Tisalai) J. uuaM ataaarf, saq. Koharl MiIW Can. 9.

Hope Moriar. wuiiaas ja Wiujaaa Pdwia Oabsra. aq. Sir Cbariss Pslssar.

Bart. E. W. Parkas. Esq, Jssaas Pilars on.

kaq, Harry Paavmo. Esq. J. P. Sharbr Babcrss.

Esq. G. OodojaAt Bafara. SUX, M.K.CP. Tba Krv.

Wimam Bosara, K.A. Charlaa rUabrtdrvEaq, CC. taaas Salicnau, Eaq. Tkm Kent. Hon.

tba Earl ef 8bartaaha7. K.U. (PrssSscnll. H. T.

fMlaarlock, Eaq, Edward Mania Esq, Khalrmaa of tha Hooas CoauBitaaal T. Gubarveoiith, Eaq, 24.TA WUloashbr ftaaith. Esq, w. jsarauea nouut, aaq. R.

B. BUrr. Esq. Tbotnaa Wratbrrir. Esq.

W. H. WVta, Sir bamusl Wtbna Tba Bichs Hna. tba Lard Wot. vwrtoa nraataal.

17 AST LOUDON HOaflTAL for CHlLUKKN, Vj RhadwalL ETJadav Boval Patrooas Th. MAbUfUlSof LANSDUWMi has kiadtr eoasantcd to PBES1UE at tba EVE3TII rESTIVAI. VUiXUL in AID of this Chant r. te ba Id at WUlis's Boaau. aUaf straat.

St. Jaawaa. an Ibaradaf. ana 7. at a.

4S o'clock AU ths nfeada aad sucwrtsrs of tba lastltwtton are aareastlr ra cial tad to anile with the Board la promotiat tha suocias ef thai rasuvaL Ladias sra apocialEj btrHM to booonr tha smaskaj br tbcur prs oa. LIST et STEWABIM. Abbott, Eaq, Olirar Alcsaaoar AJsaua, sq, P.B.H.H. a n.

Aadrnoa. Esq, Tba Bav. B. H. Atbmoa.

Bobnt Baraaa, Fvaq, hLU, Tha Bar. J. Hooa Wm. Cunllffs Brooks, Esq, af J. A.

rt. Brows, aan. T. H. Urraat, Eaq, Andrew Clark.

Baq, iLIl. Thomas Clark, Kaq, tionai Cobm, Eaq. ww, apij. a.w. Gaorra OowaU.

Esq, n. nateuzra uroaiar, aaq, ai it. rradarlck Davla. Eaa, AMarasaa aad Skartff Da Karaar WUliaa. Dseaj.

Eaq. n. b. LXMii'n. asq, m.o.

Brraa DoBkia. baa. Tba Bisbt lion, tba YlaooasA ennria Alfrad Proat. Eaa. Henry J.

Gardlnar, Zaq, Ths Bav. Fathrr Uoraua Bir Usorfs Maepaarsoa Graat, M.P. Lord Onrrs Bamntoa, JtP. Bmeat Haaborv. Eso.

John Holt, Eaq, Danial Howaro. Eaq. James Mclnrjrra, Esq, itooers ooasoB, sbaq, Robert Jonaa, Esq, Tba Ksv. J. Kenaedv.

D.D. Tba Bar. R. T. LKtlsdale, D.D.

N. lauBftha. Eaq, Edward Maoaeeoa. Zan, J.X.Mallaaon,Eaq, A. Sa M.

Moratta. Esq, P. D. Moeatta. Eaq.

Tba Hon. Klan XoaL Edward B. Karris. Eaq, K. A.

Owthwalta, Eaq. Tba Rav. Jaawa B. Parker. B.

W. Pirkar. Eaq, John B. Parklaftna. Zaq, Tboaaaa Porter.

Eaq, Cberlas A. Piaaautt, Esq, P. Ballf. Esq, M.P. H.

A. Beeaea, Eaq. Gaorra ItnaialL Eaq, Jaaaaa Salaaoa, Kaq, Albert O. ttaadaaaaa. Zaq, Charlaa IC aVboasbarc Esq, Jon.

John Schwarts. Esq, Xaxtm ShUletoa, Esq. Tba Earl of Shaftashwrr. Draaa J. Slatar.

Eaq. M.X.OS. Eaatass Smitn, hl.D, Tba Bar. H. Sladas, Lord Thar low.

Arthur Dene de Tsht, Zsq, The Hev. J. X. Vaaxhaa. C.

Vlekarr. Eaq. Prancat Warear, Eaq, M.D. Georce Wahb. Esq.

SaaioalWbltbraad. Charles B. WKta. Zaq, P. Mima Wlbna, Eai.

i H. GraaviUa vt rlckt. Eaq. AuiajKe eBa. patmminiitw lane ncen, wue hn im, dhw Mrasra.

Dlaadale aad Co, Cornhill Messrs. rreacott aad Co, Tbieadaaadiaeimt and br ASHT02T WABXEB. Sacra UrT. of the EXCHEQUER, will PBESIDE at tha AXNIVEBAABY DINSEB af EWSPAPEB, FftEaS rUXD. as WUlis's Booms, an Satardar.

the9thof Jane. JORS BIBJfE, Seeratarr. If a. Si, atnsd. oresirle at a FESTIVAL Ij Dl.VNKR of the CABDElVriurBEXlVOLEST AASOCIA.

loS. at Willls't Rooms, aa Irlda. ths 21 Jobs. We. ib, Boho aqnars.

W. O. STOBMOXT.MTJBPHT. TOTGHTINUALE UN h' JL4 fnrjrCBSEa vnatraian bis uabx uuici, nan, s.r. Seeratnrv Haar bonhanvCarter.

Kan The K.rioa for amiaAoa to the Tralnlas dchuol far Hospital London. W. milE I'AkKES MUSEUM of HVltIEnE. Bis Xoral HIcnnesstbsDUXKef ALBA1TY, K.O., Prealdaot ef tbe Parkas Mnaeem. baa Based SaUrdav.

Mas 26th. 1SU, lor OPXXIXO tba MUSZUM in iU new preaUara, 7a. Marraret atrarV. Besant ssreat, W. rTUIEPAKK.E3 MUSEUM stands quite alone in 1 this sobbUt aa a permaaant Exhibition of Apparatus cocao ed witn nyrma sea i boim neaju.

aaa tasrsiora aminaauv enuuea to pablic siippori, aapedally at tha praamt time wbeo there is a arow Ins aaad of ferilitira for obtalniBC a kaoaiedaa of tha pruulplas sad eraotieal aDPiioatioa of sanitarr eoienoB. fTUlEPATtKES MUSEUM is now located ia premises bald an law, and apodal DOXATIOXS arc eereestlr solicited br the CobbcU ia order that tha less of tba premiere mar as Baay Be pau to toe Treaewrer. rerseirr Jada e. A.B.LB.A!. All oommnnteeUon to be aAraaiid to tha Mimaal Ta.

bCTnretatreet. Baaanaetraat. W. Obaoaea. Sa to be croased Union Bank.

Tha qnallaoatloa lor Ufa Membership of tbe Partea Mm i urn Is a ooatlea ot 10 Annual Mambershlp, tX la. rtia rwrmi nuanwi ana aaae ot ajnenj. awu, unit upon too Muaraa ea Satardar, Mar 26th. after which dale it wUl be open dair trum 10 te, to 1 p.nt.a and on Mondars snd Saturdays to ST.PETER8BUKO RUSSIAN CONSOLIDATED RAILWAY OBLIGATIONS. THIRD EM1SHIOX.

Tbo Commbaina Imperlale d'ApaortlaarmeBt aotifles to tha pabiia that oa tne ina asarca, tow, tne arawinf ot tas UDUtaooos was rnecvrd ao roMlnetothaTalilaaiaarAmortiaaXton nrlntad thereon. Tba ollo ms UUBEB3 of Us OKUO ATIO.X3 wars DBAW3 a uw oarruns. JToa. 1S9 600 1563 239 2tS2 RvrrUor. Xot.

3332 CJ3 7J 69M 550 STJ Uti K9 SX3 130 Btrrllnr Sou 16481 to 1552(1, 37JT. to IS3, C7tl to 4273 60 Merlins Xos. 74441 to 244S0, SU01 te (1S3I Total ObUsatloMof xU.000 as CS.300 10 Oblta etioBSof 400 6,000 100 OblifStlona of 109 aa laOuO ObUonoosof I.ta0 In all' 194 Obllratloos formlsc the snrn ef 2X9S0 Btertrnf la conformity with tba Imperial Edict, dated the 27 ta Mareh. 1272. te nominal capital of each Obllsauoa drawn will be retmbnnarL as printed thereoa.

six months later in Loo don, by Mrssn, H. bL Botheebild and Boas, la eooeds aterlinf at St, Psterbnrt. at the Baaqoa da rEtet, ia roeblas ss Parts, by Meaars. da BothaehUd Prerea, la francs at Amsterdam, la Dutch Series as Berlia. la mark, of tho Kmpire, by tho boniaa deetfBaled by the coatraetors and at Prsnkfoit eo tba Maine.

by M. A. da BothaehUd at rila. in marks ot tba Empire la tha last Sra places at the cishaus of the d.y apon Losdoe. The coopoaa duo after the date axed for tha reimbursement of tbe ObHsauona drawn aanet rereaia attached to the tiUre otherwise tbe amount of the coosons waatin wul ba do.

doeted from tbe capital to be reimbursed. fnURKISH DEBT. The EXCHANGE and IN. JL VEoIMEXT BASIC IB. W.

BLTDE8TtIJI and OxL SS, bS, Loo ion, andarUta tha OUNVEBBIUN or KEU1BTBA1 lo.i or TUht.isti BU.ius ano toe collection of the overdue dividends, bay and sell fractional savtiSeates Uad Beaae sansl, and traasaot all rat li nasi Incidental to tba iwaiatraUoa sad CHICAGO and NOKiH YVKtiTKttN KAiL.VVAx' COUPASY SKVKX arr CENT. OUBSOLtDATEn GOLD BOXIX The OOTJPONS aa tbe aboea Bonda, aitnllili tbroorb tba Balrwev Share Tnat Oomsanr. daa lat Jane am. win ba PAID, on and altar that data, at their cAeca, 4. Bank btuU lars, S.U.

Three clear days sre raqolnd for examtnaaru of tba Con none era. vtoaa to paymaot. By order, W. MORBUS, Secretary. JO.

paas panqioge, fc ictn atay, loej. VVEWOASTLE UPON'TYNE CORPORATION MTOCK. iBterast st 3 10a. per cent par ananas, Issooof liiO.OCO Stock authorised by Aot 4S snd 6 Vkt, Cap. 23S.

Dirl. dands payable half yearly on let January sod lat July, by aactloa tl of tha 2f eweaatle apon 'Tyna Corporation Loans Act, 1222. Traeteea or other panons authorized to blreat money In the saorwafae. debea. tores, or debenture stock, of aay railway or other aompaay, bars the power of Inveatlnf soch money ia the parebaee of the abovs stock Usoed by the Corporatloa ef ewoas Ue poo Tyne.

Tba Corporatloo of Mewraetla epon Tyna are pispaisd te raoshe ofT Ti for uveatmoBl ia the abera Block. Tba Stock will be iatned as par la sums of 10 sad upwards betos a mulJple of 10 free of atamp duty and all oftclel eharxea. xna stock wul ns isasamams as par on isa Jtuj, tarn, wniim pre vtoualy oancrlkd by pushass either in tba open marks or by sires meat with tba stockholder. otoekboMm will bsabfa to obtain, free of stamp duty and all eharsea, 8tork coruscates to bearer, traoalarabla by dettTary. with coupons entitllnf the bearer to the dividanda ItUlen(U will be paid half 1 early oa lrt January and lrt July, sad divtdeed warrants wul be transmiUed by post it deatred, br any stockholder.

All traosfars of Block wUl be free from stamp duty aad all chart ae. Tba atoek will ne aecurca apoa too ranm ana ouor reieuuas or too GeriaralBaas authorised to ba levied under the provisions of thai sAtle epoo Tyae improvement A mprovamaot Baas, ths Gsasral 1 castla epon Tyaa Imteovemsnt Act, Uol the Naweaatla upon Tyne anauics too ruBtta tsarary Tba IVaeboU Landed Estates of tba Corporation extend aver a considerable and cooaiat, la aaditina to extaoatre pronertiaa with rn the dry, ol tbe Walker Fattta, which somnrlsM the Lordship of Walker adjolninf tba. city; tha Willlartoa Estaleentha north bank of tba rrrcrTyna and the Salt Meadows Calais oa the south bant of tha river, la tha Borooxh ot Gateshead together with rala sMe oosl rnyalUos. Tbe land is chiefly let on bundla aod ImprevlBs lraars tor tmas at TS I a art, and will yearly become af hwiasiBS value ss the periods approach when the laaasa will tall la. A ouBsidcrahla Dumber of the Iraaas will tall la bafore tba date lied far IU rsdsmptloa of the Stock.

Tba Cprporalloa are alae owners or ensys axtaaolne aloafthe and ether properUes la the dry, from which a larxe aamaal nwaraaa ts dertvabla. The from ysarty hi turns of tba Oorporatlaa, axstaalTe of raies, la ss follows Prom tha Oty Fond, wnh Includes the eataaaa, eoOlerias, maitiis. said other wopsiei SS2.2S5 Proa tram ware CtI Prom pssksia daeai iiiupeity aeqaired. and sranes ervoted oa toe quay isou Tbe rstsabla value ot tbe city le 7S2T. Tbe debt af tba atty te 7tSl.

tncludnas H.000 mveaaad br tba Corporation la their own andanaklnxa, and this has been rnrttrrwd la tbe formation ot a desp eat quay and various street improvements, ooostrnctioa of tramways, purrhiae ot land and formation of parks, tbearatloe of public library, and other worta euthucterd by Axt of Parllameat trKXKOuO ot the Stock la laceed for tbe rrpeyxaanl of Oca poratioa saortcaras that have expired or shortly will exptre, aad are ai ea the lecei rales, aw and the rsaialailer will be reqnh ed fer sites it iss of tramwsjs, street improvements, aad other puhlia Piavtaioa la made for tba radessrsion ef debt te aecordaaoe wtta tbe rariooa Acta of farilamerit emler ehich tee money ia anthaa laed to bs borrowad, and aeeual returns are ssede le the Lacal CewerameaS Board. Tbe resistor books cf the Stock win be kept the City Tlsaavuars ofece. Town hall, Bnauatls uiiuM Tywa. wbere Stock asrtlSsetcs wtu ba uvaaad, free of axpeaee, an the balden, and where ssrlrnmasits asvl transfers will bs rssisaarad tree at aharta, AU Block earttaaataa vffl be uader tha Seal ef the Qty rViaaitl.sad they will be leaned la exehaasu tor lbs raterim reorfpta. which will be treae by the beaters af tha Corson! Woods aoa Ca.

Bow. aastls apoa Ty aa. wheal tbe ana ay Is laaeliad bp these east httsseat raraaa apaiteatleai laioraraaloa aaae be obearaed on appamnosj so toe xuuns taars: or an toe jur xi eaauiai, yewBsataM BILL MOTVM, Xl letgisssmltaTMAiVm DO UnTu SfCAAD A lOY BBtrnSWICX. Peoxpereaot, paeasaraSSeVlslaanablasaf eo fmariaXe raaJaef pareeeA.eai aae acteeaf eetiru in. iwa.

atrasywarata tat jaauari.ti.vx uers ilai ru aaoae. jeaued aa tbe iedaai atach lot Prtee as eahaislril ai par sham sotiSaues a IS sharaa a fSO a 10 aaab siailSsals jiti hbbUbs, tUiP share r.aiiaU tbaa ytaldfaa; aebecrrkara tie aetnvr ilia iiaaia) eewr I par for eiriae to lm January. UTL Iaarraat payabea half ysarty an let January aad 1st July ta each year. Pitas half Ta perm au of per aarttacnas payaUa lat air aaxt, at the Loateaaneyef Ihe iilleii. II.

Siiiel eiaiil TSinl null's duel K.C, Loadoa. Masma A BiaardoaadOa. are raatrncted So erfiw lor SALE by publas laaaa liiUna ILOO PTJIXTPAIO SMSJMUI af wbh i a ponVa ban aWuy kern applied furl ad the AIJiZaT BAIL WAT COMPACT, ef Haw rSruaewUkT De ain sa ef CaaaAa. af aotlers cr iUO each, errul lJa30a, LIB eartlacaees af 13 Sliares eaob. rwnrrseatras Cl Share Capital, forasbvr pan of a 4oSel Share Capital of JiXO So rea.

aetancnal by ate Am ed Biflssasat at the In alatiaia of A Bruaeelcu. On aavuaaal at tae iaeta I ai eats tbe ghseis afl be aaaf mud Istbe sabaaneers ta oaere Oertiaoaaae af 1 anaree eaeh. aad bwnbed ka tbrtr aames oa too Load resTstse af rSharae at tba laaadea Siaarraf too Bairwaf. IL Ansel suert, TailSat SilllB at Z.O, Tae eaaeue brass tally paid a aa tfakautp wssimr starts Itarme Price of pabevptloa. iii ymr snare aarttSoaaa ef abarws each.

rl taaactlax A1X ahare capital, payable loiiewa as pm caruacasa ea wa aifpianii II pre OnlfieeU Oe Ailnlmast. Zl per CerttScate Id Jaly. laal IQ perCeruaoete hi.XMfmt.lSX n. ..11 lill ma auaiaaiifui em tba shares front 1st January. 1U3.

at Ue rat. ef 4 per aeat per aaaum aa toe fall lOA equal ea too price as eureartpuoo as ada piaiiaiiiea anu aaiiiiew Tba tret Coupon of AlwcltiacaAawm be Tba osuon ta reanwi to aabaenewa te pay the bastalmaaia bs aaa paymeatoa aiiotmeot under diaocmal at the rata of per cent, per the a rued aaierret fvnaa let Jaaraar hart aad tbe die count for prraayuaras af Imtalaiaia, tae embecriselou prteo ta rw duoad to under il par ATJOaarUnoaae. at vhieh prise tae raerao tred dirvlend. aa balore staled, )iaUi aisr I per aeax. prr aanum aa the tut ual naoney ueeased.

TJtutssiaumamretuntosuanaeud fer etfbt yvau. via, frees lat January, lstl, to lat January. HSU by tba tnaater. prior to tbo lasao of too snare corttlcaiaa. Sato ana aimm a tae intarwins trusters, vts.

Taa Bixas Hoavoarable Lord Charsloo, The Uraata, Tatlo souara. aamoeua IauinMaa of Poor Bar Ceat Ooaaraieant Staek. quoted at 104 oa the Lamdoa Saaot Ksrbania. aa will, with tba aaoruoj uterret, yiakt 4 per cent, per annum upon tba fu.l 100 ccrtiScata. aaual to ever 7 per cans ess the saannnt paid jar tha aharee now lor Nhecrtptloa.

minimum return ta aubuenaera tram the ttaas af aarinc for tbo snares, tmapeeuve a div deads fresa tba rail war. ami aLa to aafm time for tbe devctoamaal ef Its tranVs aad itaouiess as well sa te permit the extsraueua from baenury te the Oevamm sat later, eotonlal Ballraad Bear berrys MIlLaad from xlopewall Caraerte xiarrry Bans to be unaati iim I. for which eaarters with UoverBanraa sueaidMa of 2.000 doUars eur aaila bare been Iran tad by tbe Hew Brunswick Leg iautaru, wuion haas, wbeo eoanUa uoted by tae hollers of tho charters, caoito fail to ba aalaable feeders at trams to the Albert BaJway two otaer exMaslbas are alao projected, an af which anown oa toe ssrtoa saap ancioaen in toe proaperma, rlhould. Brlor to tha einntno of tba ruaraekaeu eUvHaad tbe radway pay a ai.ldrad axseedms 4 per aaaa. am tbe par pnea, ahaoh kaqualtsovsrl per arat, oa tha set price, laesuh scrlears will bs entitled to such cxasasv If tba railwar am a divturnd ol 4 prr oeot rabaenbera Ul recet a tbrtr outlay over 7 ywrseet, per stat.

sabecribars will recurve oa toetr outlay over teparerat, 5 pereent. sanacribers wulraoMVBoa their outlay aver 19 per arat, 1 per ornt tabecr.bars wul rrsutva sa teatr autlay aver 12b par eras. The total ahare a.nita of the Com Dear Is aaa million dallara.or ia 21000 aharee of SO dollars lAl aeoh lot waich tho akarat now ta ba exposed of form peni. aad ta per Cent. Bonds.

baiBS under Z2S0 per aiilo toe latereat sa the boads baa alnsoy bsea provided as to Jane. 1U7, and they hare all been baaed era, vts. xaa ittxus xxoaoaraow nora uarseou, xuo uraaia ow, Bucks the Uoaoerable P. Cm d. St.

CUcrres pbtUlp W. birth. 31. JLmumoFntta, 8, W. rt IUcarto, Eeq, IL Aaaoi coart.

thrormortoe ewat. K.C. af here at SO per tha railway ley. therefore istsasialsl by 3LWXof capital, cr lass than A7J0J par mile, whicn comraras Isvourably wits most Unas ta Canada, maay ef wuica kava coat vtry Cooatdarlu tbo vary Unxthraed aeriod affords! to the railwar vts, atfht years ts aareiop its trams, ana for the ST tho holders of the eaarters ef the erjautatoae aad branches, sad seeing tbe eoormooa material iiinaiaas the Domialoo of Canada le snakine. there a rrery reaanu lor bauerlns that tae trade of the rre viace of aw Branawkk will so la li east, asm anneeqasatly the urafne of ths Albert Hallway, durutf the period of raaiaatee.

thai an tvaa hixbsr rate tbaa 4 par seat, oa tha par atnouat of tbo share annual will thereafter us earned, which is. howsver. all that Is required te coottBos to yield to aaoaeribers for the aaa res tne I per eene, eo tba pnoa of subecriptloa aeonred to them ahaolateiy to let Jaauary, laiL With ratena to this, aa will ba seea by tha toUoertag ataiintra. the averafu (roaa airaluts of all tha railways la Canada vara ta 12721 ABU per mile per aaaam la UU. ITIi pry mile per aaai creeee of per tabe la two yera, er XJl 13a, par mile par aoaent.

Per 1SS2 they arr ccriuiaied by a compelent aaUhortty at W7 per aa tnareaes of lli per mJ per aaMus over laU, er aa everaae eetimatinx. tewer er. that ia 1221. wbsa tas lusraatos eipuua. tha earn, ex oc see jun rt xtauway are attty per eaat.

or tnis Daure, beinx 1m than t.othirla thereof, the rroea ramlns would be Abas per mile, whiea oa tba lectin of 4b stasaaf raaoar woutl rrre a (TOaa Income of U.3JC froaa wkica, daa act ins SO per seat, for work in cap eisea. cmoonuns to taera woaax remain toe sum or l7Jii. aumaenl after Beruta tae annual Intereaa cm tba rlnaiSe af UJUZ. to pay per cut. upon the ahare rani tel.

equal to ever per coot, oa tas present price ox ruoeenpuoo. With each share eertlncate to ba aaauad at da. aad iaiaaail1ai Z100 ahare capital, wtil he lesnal a abeet of 20 eoepana of 2 each, puabU half yearly, oa lit January and 1st July in aach year, froua 1st January, Itti, to lat Jaauary, U31 tbeas will be seuatarstraad by tbe LoBdua Asaats. Maaers. A.

kemrde aad Co, IL Aaiw aoort, Throssaonon strret, Loadoa. E.U., oarUfylnf them sa eautlou to toe rntrsotraa intcTsss as aoeva. lbs ameoupoo ti parasla 1st July aaxt, Tba lotourtnr statietlsa, tahea fresa tntnorilla sourcea. urUl niue. traae tba prucaieias; future of Canada.

The avera.a rrcee of all tba rail van ta Oanada la 1171 tu per mba, wtulat la ltal they were 772, aa laereaac nt two years uf2S percent. Tbeas for 132 arc act railed at t7permCa. Tbe reveaas or caaaoa tor toe Ira aine months of the pimiat nseal year shoes a surplus of revenue over expenditure of saOfLetu, Tbe Ulna nf Canada la 1171 waa J.SAXTU rn tin n. 444.210. an Increaae nf 2S per cent, ta 10 feara.

Tba total debt per head of population of Csnarls Is ealysTT 2a. par head, aw oat 7 Us. for ths I'Uted Statea, OX 2a, for ana xn u. tar reucu. Tbe avrrece drpoalt ra aa.tots baaks ef eaeh ta lus, aaa in was ami la 1272 there wars 4.

US poVoicaa la the total number of letters aad portal cards out 32 mUlioea, la 12(3 there were 171 port oOicea, sad the number of letters, Aa, posted waa 73 salillana, an inrrtasi of mHlinna, nrltS per rant In ten jsars. Tba foreign trade of Canada, expone aaa imports ta 1279, was 23 minioes teriiag. and bs US2 wac 44 millions ntritric aa lai iisis of 44 per cent, ia tares years. Ths Albert Bailwey Is romplotea. stork sd.

snd st work tbxoaunout, and Is with branehra over 4S Bailee lane tit Canadian Uoreraxomt Intrr Colonlai Bailway at Salateatry, which at 7 mllee from St. John a. Bew Snmmmk, tba aaoual. aod aboas 1 detwatlor waa bs ltrt of per cent, bs lour 200 miles weet cf Halifax, the tulacrsal tort of tea nrorlne. aa 1.

1 A fl thirattsd rum from thaooe to IhnBrrny Uarboux. aa the Say of Toady, aad to BonawalL Tba Albert Batlway was eotauxuoted under tverumeai laperTi. ston. the Gorerameat ot Ifew Brunewisk baring aontrtbuled as a eacewy pur tuue. wniiat iae ewunay aaa mty alao ecu tn bated liberal Auo.l(Les, owtng to the rreat Impurtiane te them of tha Hao for tba tWBOses of ooeoiae bs vast aad rub diatiieti thraaieh kia The una waa core pie Led aaa oponau cor trams bs in, alane which time it baa I eaa in ooottnuoue work It la vary aoiMlly butlt.

tha work tnorouxhir well tMrfonxied bv tha contractora. who awieej larra eortluo of the aharea included ta the preaeot auoacrtptiou la paymsat, snd ths roUlsc stock Is all ef modern prlaafpljavea are ths apptlanoH at tha various stations. The railroad tier is Utiough one of the richest conutlee, AXbrrt County, la Kew BruBcwIek, and the line has, ataos ha opening, aot only paid all its working erpeaaea, which tor tae Sret few yeareofa new baa Is always tbe saoat dininilt, bat danag that period haa left a surplus of eS.74371 li lil De aaaa cy toe aoore oner statement that Canada offers tbe try biet laourlty for prngiaes to nmatnra, aed, ae ie well knou. tmpoastble lor any country to advaaee aa Canada ie doing ia saaterial wealth wiaboBt her rauwart feeling tbe very nras reaulta and It stsl record, tba next eight yean juurug which ths shares now for sab scriptlon saysr OoveraaMct ot Canada Stock rnarsntas for the aereu per ceat minimum dividend), the rale of progrsss will t1aus If aot ba leaded, by tbe artml results. A ppiioatioa ia Intended to be made for a quotation for tba aharee bow lor enbecription oa tba Imartoa Stock Exuberate iTltlr efvv they are allot d.

Prorpactuaea, with map and forms ef sppCralloo. may be obtained ot tba Capital aad Coaatiee Bank. Limited, ja. Thrmilimeills in sat. E.C1.

or of Measra, A. Bloardo aad Co, lX Aasel oeert. Ihneiaor. toa atract, K.C where a copy of the charter incur pm atlas the Company may be seea, sod to either of whom applications may be Bent, aeoomraaled by a deposit ef the ti par ooruaceie. A.

jutjAJUX) and Co. Albert Eafl war London Agency. IL Augel oourv rhrog utortocretraetTE C. bUr 11. liU Tbe Uet of aubecrletloue will be oeaeved an Mondae.

tk and alcao cm Monday. 2tth May, at 4 e'elocu. Kaaea per Cant, sslaimaa Ihvidend gmvrutea4 ea the erlos of enbarrlptioa lor eight years by Domlaiea et furls irsrsrsmeat Stock. rorm of Application. To Mreara A.

Bioardo aad Co, Gsatlomaa. Havtu remitted tba earn re? 1n. rc Share Caruacata, eaob tia anting 100 Share Capital fat tha Aihert Batlway Company of new Brunswick. Oomlnapa of that roe will allot to tbo sondltloos of your prosuutaa mb.aUy.ltsa, CertlSeates at tba price ot iT andTagrie aooar reme ror aun lauw antaer aa may he alleae4 to aaa, and to duly pay tha Inatslaieata ta accordance with tho tanas staasd thereto. Ngnaturc baaneinfuU jtddrees Data To ba stgaad by appHoaal If doaraas of oarlnr aa all tbo taaiI.

meats oa allotment under dtaeoaat 1 deal re to pay tba whole of tha Inilslmcats la eaa payment aa allotment asocr tusootut at per seat, par annua ea taca prepar Nmta, oixuature tajT. PETERSBURG COMMISSION IMPERIALEil lavtrtoe at tne rifrxLlaled aoadlUons we a. tAna wjj pur vaax, opraaa By the Bosnian Government ia 1140. through tas ssedbms of Msaer a Hobo and Co, and ta 1242. 1ML 1444, aad 1S47, with Maaaru.

tttieeiitaand auaaea eruorot the Boads for retmtiunaiint, i llng to tbo 28651 28700 3i51 J4Mo" J4701 J4730 36(11 JiSoO 36151 Jb2C0" 3W01 JtOSol! 3S7SI 35800 il SC600 40951 41000 44251 44400. 45551 45(01 2001 KSg noi sioo 15001 15C60. 15951 1300., 12101 1TIM. 134S1 UMB 15151 1S2J0 lwa '20801 20SS9 21001 2106O 21401 21453. 22701 22750 23001 23350.

23501 23350. 12X1 11759. 20451 20500. 21151 21200. 21X1 22W rata 22tso The Ouasntmrioa Imncriale fl aanillaai sal ta aaulfrma' tba ra auii to the boUen cf the Bonda af theee Loaoa.

regnewu them to pre aras tae xtoaae waleo rorm pan af tae aambers erawa as the pane OS Sxad for tbo paymeataf oooUaaoee Batefeet, uaararr.tli Boads at the Plrtt Loan. Beriee. Seriau. lctmtnlnsSos. 1 to SOIae.

S31soatt SI 2501 2S64 574 3351 240U. (SS 27 4X1 4350. OS 1 4501 4550 (S7 137 6801 tsbO 704 271 Ufa llfcSO 707 387 19301 19750. 71 392 19551 19600. 210 412 20101 20960.

220 434 21551 21700. IU 444 22151 22200. U2 523 2S4U 25500 Baonad Toaa. 2J HOI 1150. till 72 2551 3M9 1J3 4S1 4700 1 301 174 (651 I2X.

220 Third Loan. 22 1551 1800 I 2S2 111 ShOl SiSO. ItTJ 154 7LS1 7700.. X4 20S 1251 1300. I JOS Psarth IS '701 750 412 2001 2050.

421 280 13351 14000. 42 24 15561 17000. 272 ItSSI lSSOO. 4(1 274 U7S1 1S90O. 471 Tlfihtoas.

2361 2400. 275 14 7411 7253. 410 152 TScl 7600 424 17 2901 8560 4eS 237 10201 10350. 457 290 14451 490 202 ISJSl 154C0. (63 tad 4th Loaoa trtaa tbe let Aageat uatil the 20th De ad the Leu Sua the 1M ueeahar entfl tha 23th ber, US3.

for recutTtng the sMaaatal value et (00 1 roubles tba twar tlsmnuanaaraetof the Beedaot the ffbar lamas wiU to rwcrnwed ata the 1st Anrset and that ot the Bands sf the bth Lota aatil the lat Uetober. liti but beyond the abovs periods of payment, ne divt uendurmbepaMao tbaee Bonda, xaa twjuaa or tao mm tour tamaa, aa taear araiareuataaa tar ream, araaaaaaa. aauet ba fmalebe I with cwaaoaa the aasaaat ef ear reu BBS weather be tba Bvmde rsmiatil ae the Last Sour Loans wul ha retained boss the aapital te be rstabarssd. ALBERT COMPAUT of NKTV BBtTBSWiar. SIX par CKKT.

BCTOTL Paymeataf tiatf. pearly. Coupon daa 1st June, 1SS2, at the rase ef (pereent. pee annum Xotica ia euraby rrren. that the COUPuSS hsanmlni daa aa the 1st Jans aaxt aa the teras una bs PAID rr tbs uamsrsii ea aad aftor teat daUaS tbe I uaiina lisaii slbs 17illsi I ts OsBpeae maat be lafta sjaa aamma uusjvsasr tyr If KIT BOOKS and SbT ZSITtOXL Vlhttswinammiestnua tal AM F730N LOTT, AR8T05, ss4 UfrTp.

r. mHE VTAR BWPnSmt CHILie pSmiU. UlT. awiufc ISXHSa.CJl Wbm 4 Maun w5 fTlHE WAR BKTwSSN CHILlTa cJSiSKs mjaaaj p.P 1 OCA DELtLA iiOxiblA. mta ttiZZ rflHB HIGH ALPS IB WINTER or, Motnrtalnaep.

A bg la Srch of Health. 1 voL crowu rre, wnh Purtraxlifme Aatber. tws hUye, and aevural from PkaeoeTanea, atk EKl' ANY, Bp S. BARING COULD, AntV "Cm ear. Paes aod PreaewS.

AltOOL, tor Bis PAIN it. By HKLKMA OUL LLTXE. Aathor ef Tram barot, Sa. tauidoa. aasataoa Law.

MarstouvSeatla. aad Bivmrioa. HAPMAN aod HALL'S NEW BOOKSi TShldltloa, 1 readv. tTIHE yORTNIOHTLY REVlfcW 1 Edta's Maatle. April 12.

lrtS. By Lard Baadeleh t. ChursbCx. bl. Carry le la aoctet aad at Mesne.

By ti a. Vneaies. ticS Jfitralreerraa aad Draamite. Hy Cot V. Majeodle.

C.kZ anry tlrpneu Sutilb. By J. W. L. Olaiaber.

T.BSA taotn7 a Trouble snout his eoaL By the lieu. Aeeerou Uarbart SECOIECnUNS of nrv YOUTH. Bv ERNEST sum A2f. Truiuilsrajr by C. at Pitmen.

mm4 rarW XZmL a. Crewmjvsweu. mue day). em TBERIAN YifZZrv, TtavulUue Iiatiiiailuiii of ami Poraagat, he A nit. LXXGA.

1th a 2 la. deuay Ea. (TamdayJ rpHETLAND'ol PET13IL Bp aTB. ELLISTCk 1 tela 1st Wast India yrfssl. Anther at Wset Afranta Bxetchre.

Drmr Us. bin. CAUPB1LL PBAKi for Maps Bl SEW jrOTTI. by Mrs. PEASCIS XXZA50K TlMlOPr LIKE SHIPS npon the SKA Bt ilrs.

KUNCH ELXAJfOB TBOLLUPX. 2 Mat. va apman aaa xtatt. aamiteo, 11. neaniii rtiiet.w.C.

M. ALLEN snd CU.3 LIST? I Contra ta Tbe Prune bliiiaiai i Dilreima Aifrad Aamm Hherty and oodallam. Earl of rwmbroke Tbe Caws, of riceuaaat. J. H.

Baakta, UD. Vlear ef Wakraetd. X. Pord ueieajlbry I hi. E.

Uaraaem Drasa W. IL PaUocanmTaaamnrV W. A Baiurs Uamfltiia Tba Brvlge. Earl et Lyttea AJeu and Co, Waeeriuauaeu, S.W. THE RUSSIANS st MERv snd tLKItAT.

aad tbrtr POWIB ef 1VVADI5(3 CflMXi By CB AXLES it JIB VIS. Aatbor et The LMeaetroas Kaastsa Campaiga agnumt too Tarrimcat. OredeSosa Kide to lUru," the Queaa ef the VI arid. Ac. (Ye, wiU 24 UuatralJoBS and 2 Maps, 2va, KETCHES of "BIRD Linfrm Tirrntv'ruTV Ubarrratlou of Ihetr Baaats sad Uabrla.

By JAMES KCMUTO Aatbor ef "A rtaadaonS a Brttiaa Birda," Kaaahier sa Search ef BbeUa, Ae. pro, wrtn, lUnatnitcue ty Wolx. Wrymper. Bsaiamaoa, aad Tbmbaia. 10a.

(eL 1 SMINESTWOMENT SftXIsU. Etlited bv JOHN IL 1XOBAM. Crewa tve. 3a (d. each.

Ceorte E0e4 ki tilde Bluid Bow ready. Xmif fronts by A. Mary r. teat. "aT'DECisrv'B'jjrriTss isixrym V6 ta 19 lacloHru.

With a Portrait cf Us Aatbor, Mta, and ttree Plaaa Sy CX1L07IXL O. MALLEoOa, On Aeteot of tho Llle e( Lord Ac INDIAN SNAKE POISONS, their' Nature and Effects. By A J. WaXL. SsTJU P.B.C8, af tha Manemi StaS at BJt.

ladiaa Amy. Crewa tva, with lilaebatiooa. (a. Leaden, w. iL AJeasaaus, IJ.

wiiaino piitu. HDE3T aad BLAUKXTTB NEW OYELS (ta be ha atatl Ubrarteel? XLTXXN MtBlisi XiW yOVXL Xaw ready, at all tbs LibrarW. 1 voia. crowu lro LOAM'S SWEKTHEAKT. Uj HELEN LATH EES, Author of Coaara' tbro' the Ere, Qfrrr ltipe Se.

ER aAlLOH LOVH: Bv ilrs. MACQUOID, Aatbor of Pattr Diana." 'Ia tha Sweet honor Tbaa. Ae. Ivoia. 'Mrs Maequoid bee.

wrtttea bar book welL Tbeatery a rahrry eooarrueteq. aaa the mmrtpsums aaa 1 1 a ion, a IT MONGRELS. ByT.WlCr6sr.vols. "Alwlrnt aad dtverttcx story, full of efleeatve sceoee sod dimlptluaa There It a food deal of saw In te, Tha aathor's aarrarna aaa af aaeratoaaaei HAT HAa THoL! DoEi By J. P1TZ.

GEBALD MOIXOT. Xathar of Court Ufa Below Sleeuta Ae. 2 voia A bright, pi aaaa at. and teMimdiigaoeet, It eoatalas seeaes ta Bnh smls. sxaaas la high Bte at Umdoa.

sad smnasm WOODROF7E. By Mra. RANDOLJ'BVAutoot ef "Uentiaaelli Aa. vela, "Bra. BandotBh astumam areolar whinh she saauet de vsu.

Tbaru are BO set is or haul at st anarming as ners, wttn taetr parts aaa rnrasna with roam ihoiae.uua aad' eatertaiaing aad poaaa SlrBt, Atademr. TlflSS CxtEtHEro! ATA OKAWr. Aether of "Bnraaaea at War Sa. 1 whotaaoasa aad eatertalaiar irextaase af tsodma Ufa. Tba plot wail suiUlred aod evaenrlisily drama We.

Montlae Past, Buns aaa tueexett, raainmurs. U. Oraat Maiihuiasb a lies, ftTEW WORXS of EICTION. Ncra ready at all i.1 tlbrarlaa aad BookuerW rpRANSPLXN TElOi7M7 ETFEAiiEIUT fTtE2, JL Aathor of Orteal Beasary QNTRADICTIONd. By P.

At. PEARU. Aathor at "The Boas Oarden." Can eaeh Aa. 2 vabt. Mats Piiaiai Paardbi that rare arte stood actslum It Is aieays a paea.

sura ta read aarythiae whmh she wrttea, beeaaae sha has tae aena btful faculty at iatirmtleg her rraaera, aod beyond this ts pooaeeaed at saarvetloua deetrlptue pewne. Watteheii Bswiear. rH ADMIRAL'S WAKD. BtMSTALEX A3f Aatbor of The Wooing frt. ('Itrr Daareet Pea.

trhlch rhaB It Be. Aa. Ivaia. erawa lea. and thorougaly healthy aad satrml.

Tbaaovui ts lien gets er cam. tiLORT. By SAkAlI DOlTCSET. XJl. Author of Saraaeere Tat.

Ac. 1 vola. 1 WILFRED'S WIDOW. By tie JarTdaghaas's rw Arwti6Jf i xxiuterAyttrifiviciT' WOOED and MARRIED. By B.

N. CABEY, Aether et Jew and at adraoa. Ekthard Bestlry and Boa, Xew xjarBngtoa street, PshHiben at Ordinary ta Her Majasry the Igaaaa. REMINGTON and COl. Pnbliabers.

No ready SB BooktoBrrs aad Lfbrurtes A BOExrvrAIti lis Csases Xit, and Beealta. Sy T. PORTE3CUB CAJtTKB. Damyrre, tOaTU. Be one who wtaaea to lsd eat for himeetf tea truta abeas thewur aaa aSord to aaaleat tola valaahla aoatrOmttoa to Bs hlatory.

oprctator. SiafoRicAu handbook, i Italian aXrCLPTUBB. By a FX 1X153. Aathor of aoaa Italiaa Sonip43rm, Aa. wnh 4b Uaetratlona.

Cwmr Aboak wbioh ear be iiiitrnenmly aad agremSly read. Saturday Bevtav. Baar ia7leia Tbey a Breeedlnrrr dlai tier A a laav. AMEBa Traoxtated he IL SALE. fown tvev.

7a SVL "A NoveL By CAPTAIN, E. LTOX. late Clth Light Iefsntry. 1 vols. Aemmgtea ana vow us, new? iiuuaiuiit, QHARLES GRiryiN sad LISTi StJBdrTs' fcltStBAL VCitGit6Zt km tea BIVglSI WaT" SANITARY CONTRASTS of tha BRITISH and PRIXCfl ABMUS daring the CTUXEAX WAS.

WSh reooe te Mr. SntgUks's Crimen. By PBOP. LO5UB10EX. CB, Q.HS, B.OS, of tbo Army Malice! ahonl.

(Wrar ai tne Legioa or Hoaour. Price la. ad. Thie a'Aw, S.Lnan TlTARINE ENULMEEKINu 4IANUAL oft Tbs 1TA Dealruior, Oooetructior, sad Working af Marine tfaabJawry. By A E.

RiCtrOS. bL last. Bar. Arab Lertarer oa Mariae tag aeenug. Boral Baval Ocat, Oraeawich.

Wnh DatgriBat 'Bflas tba bees manual la etlateaea." "TbleeV. 1. LA mHa ST UDENrd MECHAN ICS an lititoixtioB 1 to the Btody of Pome and Motion. By WALTES. B.

BHOWJX, bUU CK, later alio wef Trtn. Coll, Camb. Tbe saeuasafm stoaa sauoa et mirbanire descade mainly am too attaining a eiaar aad tboroaga saaetery of a few leading prlaeipaea Pvef aaa. 1AOMKTIOMEUICINK and. HOUSEHOLD JL la DICTIONARY ofl.

BySPCTCXX moUKX Iim post tveu 708 pa. Mtyit4 tstpooMts. fTIHE 8TOitY of ths BIBLE. By CHARLES a. rucitx.

a tta a ape aaa aa ina at: gut, ia so. A vwrsioa lor a utwmsna aasaea. eaa meat iae Manila I anarit." Ba 12. Esetes atiuet, Straad, Lradoa. J.

a NIMMOsad BAIN'S NSW. BOOKS 1 a uviiiuAiii a a ami vav OCTAVB UZAjrXE. Illuatratloae br Paul AvrO. TbJslsae Xagneh edition of tbeuutewe aad artlasta work tiaclty satbilabadtor'arKaadaawdlnWaBtobaprac Thaedrtumaea been pi Lu lid at the p. of Maaaiar, wab tbo eaa.

aura ad teat, as wayregi adick a. atoab, rBWaja COTTOX. Edited kv MAJOX. Wrlh NTswe Weed, rrmted sa China paper. Two Embed Pmaislat, aad Sic tWttsij Bteklaga.

Tva Immnalin at each, eg wbtab are green, aaaaa Wbatmaa and one en Jipismi pagm. Sra, cioth. sr half piiakamSi 5. Omrna aad Bain, KJQdst WTmsm itviat, laislT saana WJL tti'lUxiulrATHafa sf Be. 24.

Bing eueeu, sbmty atLlTTIONS the LATX CXSTXtV KXCB ef IXDIAJT BLtaorS, t.inkir wttk a Latin ft in tbe Bdhopeaf thaChanhot aaumad lalacTm aaa tyxaa to aB sf avers ratosadraligioaltiiils, Jrevtrwaf taaa aaorwmt asaakaa set Ouardiaa ofMar Pttv' laBaloa. B. LatliaTlA llisillllt ar A eta fBS. HENRY WOOD'S MAQAZI XMtxnr. now randy, (or May.

CoaeaaW sV lake Tba Cream af tbe I Sqautdrea. bp Cberlea Wjee, wah ttx TJbmtisUiBS btra. CarVs Oiainlii I aSapbajJaTea. saaasa. BybL APeum.

Stuisn isisfp BlaSnf Siatial Bndfcm.ABewBiBltiiB stTeeS, W. s. a. a. as blBDlUAL PR0raO.

Osint fats. sum il w.t. OUT ttiijXFAiLi JJUg a li apa?.

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