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The Courier-Journal from Louisville, Kentucky • Page 10

Louisville, Kentucky
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

I 10 THE COimrEIl-JOTJByAL; LOUISVILLE, FRTPAY MOBBING, FEBTIUAUT 14, 1896. UNJ-U THEREFORE THE BITTEREST PILL TO SWALLOW IS THAT OF DEGEPTIOIHOM HAHY COLIPETITORS, They would have you believe that on Friday especially they will almost give you their stuff. Flaming inducements are offered on several staple and well-known articles conveying, the idea that everything in the house is sold upon the same terms, If consumers will take the trouble to compare prices and quality of the majority of stuff sold on this catch-penny day (Friday) mey win uuuuuw uauiy muy tuo ueuciveu. xu uur (ilCHGLSOtrS CASE. Slayer Docs ot Appear Because Ills Liter Is i Oct of Order.

It Will Bequire Two AiSdavita and a Physician's Certificate For Another V. R. Harris Buys a Car-Load of Canned Goods and Is Attached Aealn. A Eoauaift of tho Dty'a Work la the Stato and Local Courts. JfEAV PKXrTIOT3 FILKD.

Tb trial Peter Nicholson. tl no-korioaa back drirpr who shot and killed IrtTmt IoUoeuiaa CharW Bmta. the depot, time tim gK lad to be potftpoced yesUrday on (coa nt of the derendant'a absence and Llm aUesed Uliiesa. Tbe eape has already been postponed crrenl tinrs for a like reajon. anit there ii good dkl of talk about Nicholson's fhyaieal coixiition.

'o charge have tetn cta'i Nicholson baa been play Id lor tiny, but the fact that be ha fceen aem on tho street several times luce the latft pitpoaement has been looked upon aa Biikpicloiid, in the hgh cf the fact that at that time be' was aid ta be in the last stage of oonump iuD. i l'Ue postponement was on the eerti flit ate ot Dr. C. dated Tester tar, stating that Niehokon was bedrid-Ci and seriouslj sick and that it was Impotable fur hLn to attend court. Ae-cotupanriurf the orrtifloat was the affl-oiTit of Jamit the alleged iiqrderer's illative.

it stated that he lad Jut come from Nicholson's bedside, tliali he was siek, and that he bad been table to rise for taro wcvka on aeoount cf kii'ney and lirer complaint. Ju.iin Juckson reiuetantiy granted the eonitnuance, and annoaneeu that it would r. te two affldavim aa well ai Boetor" rertificato next time. The caae was reset for April I. Mr.

Ilarrif Again. W. 11, Harris, whose casts in court Itave been numerous and rather re mar k-Tile, now that be bus been in court once seems totally uuahie to keep out of a lawsuit. Be was mad the defendant la a suit for a specific attachment by the Capital Canning Company, a large N'ash-1 lie canning bouse, in the Iaw and IL-juity Court yesterday, and the remark nble nature of his alleged transactions Js in every way in keeping with his famous soap transaction of some months The order to tire canning establish tnent was on a fine-lookinil letter-head vita -he firm nsuie of W. 14.

Harris k. in great btyle. Ilarrif was senior ineroler and the company all in one, but that did nt appear at tbe time. Ac-i eordinf to the petition be renresflnted Liaiseif a solvent aud responsible person "-pretended," as the flrra put it, ta purchase 4i e-mes of conned goods, worth Like the famous soap rier. the good made a car-load follows: One hundred pumpkins, 100 of Madison arplea, 130 of rripse corn, 15 of Capital corn, 10O of Grove Hill apples, and, lO of sweet pwtntues.

The Nashville tmj eiaims that tbe goods were obtained by fraud, imposition and ndsrepresentatinn and want a judgment SKainst VV. K. liamg 4c Co" for tbe goods themselves. Belere tbe GrnnJ J. Bmnn was ln.5k.tod by the grard luT yrttT-y for the alleged miMlemeanor of selling pistols withont a hceose.

The body then adjourned CU to-morrow, after senUlng out attaciunenta for more wrtnesae la the garbling eases. The srand Jurymen seem to te having some trouble in getting tea wttresses, hut the idea now to ad-oira ooly froir to dar dunnc tn term until all the ease are investlsateo. Agaiast the Keatncky Title Company. J. B.

Candall has Instituted aa action aeamst tho Ktsotucay Title Company la Chaueery en acemnit ol a eonvract of November 19, 1630. to refund a eertain 50 pu) ap to be returned when Oraisby avenue was property closed to the satitfetlon ot tho- company by court proreUncr The- claims that the ontxxct- hm been uinUed. and bow waiits the money, Enforcing a Lien. The Fidelity Trust and Safety Tacit Company has broupht suit, as the u-ihinistmtor of J. Walker, against John Flebtner and George K.

Lochre, aasignee. Tie plaintiff wants to recover and interest alleged to due and, in Leu, ak for the enforcement of a mortgage on property on Second street. Legal Brevities. In- the CmaiDou Fleas Court. Andrew J.

Cutmtrk ha sued amea D. Canon on a note foe 7uo. In the Common Pleas Court Andrew Comuuk has sied James 1. Carson on a note for ilVO. Joseph Kevin has toed William Jtrat-nits in Chancery on an apportionment warrant for In tae ominon Fleas Court K.

Rassh has aned Willi wn T. Yoang for 3dO. aV togad to have beea hMoed. In th Cunmiui Pleas Coart K. Kansk has sued WUiium T.

loung toT'WOfr'. aileired to have beea loaned, Fred Hollenbacb has sued IVxold for the restoration of certain property on the east side ot liaxter avenue, which, he claims, the detendaut is withholding from him. His ease is stated in a petition in the Lw and iquity Court. Michael and liar bar a Schulther have filed a petition at common law against. James Eurrowa, astang to oe aajuazeu sole owners of a certain acre ot ground to which the defendant lays claim, 'lhe same plaintiffs also tiled a similar mit Ask by, to recover an acre of ground in dispute.

Proceedings In Crt Testevday. Jefferson 3r ecdt Coart Commonwealth vs. Pelec KlcHotsoat ronUmted Ui April 1. (tame vs. Auttiouy and Johu Cnrrao mo-Won to quash rontinueil till bat-unlay, aoio vs.

Josephine Martin. keei-inc dlsorderlr house: motion for new trld oveiruled. Orand Jury reported and J-Inurnnl till Mooda. True bill rrp.irt.xl aeliist J. Bruno, selling ptstut without lioeJse.

Court of Common Fleas. Croaa vs. Kam-ey; execution to issued in name ot ad-mliiUtralor de bonis con. Etchliom vs. Keituckr and Indiana Bridge aligned to Ap 11 2i.

Colons vs. Hennessey; assigned to April sa. Anderson vs. Rodman, etc aastctnd to April 17. Peoples liank vs.

Wooltou: dismissed, settled. Bell CoSee'diaU t'c. vs. IeRlnry moUuo Wy plaintiff kft Judgment and submitted. Law and Kruitv TurC HaWwln A Co.

vs. Teupc: aMincd tu April 11. Dempf ti. Caretioeli; iry. verdut and Judsment for plai itiir.

Converse fc Co. vs. iry, venlict and Jurtgmont for pfalntlil. KewLoff Oweutboro aixl NavlU Bail- mad Company; motion and grounds lur new trial filed aixl w-t for STTth for hearing. Attest: JOHN 11.

muc v. u. City Court. Bigamy baa bltoemaM tCth. Irtsorderly Coud net Mary Douglass, Charles wrean, l.

Bay, Clark lianun; Everythinp: eroes at the same uniform low fitrure and for this day. FRIDAY, AND SATURDAY, we are makinc: e3iecial fodnMm an Wrt rmr srhn And Trnsinrv TW.ATentsr all tie I best well- known brands of Shoes for both Ladies. Misses and Gentlemen will he nut on sale at very much reduced prices. P. WISH TO ALSO ANNOUNCE that we are opening: an immense quantity of NEW SPRING DRESS GOODS.

LADIES WRAPS IN NEW STYLE SHOULDER CAPES, ETS. ETC. These goods are all of our own importation, the order for which was given last foil. eiaramaedi Louis nuta (20 and sas- imulrA. Knrfaw T.Lry.i AiMlenuMI.

Vary Adam. A. Weaver fi. James Pmiwii HO. Connelly: So and lvK) for throe moatLs.

Annlo Iv1s: ltth. hUILud Kiley: lTth. harles NelFon; 14th Vagrancy Thomas Cain; 1W for atx mor.tlis. Fast Driving Charles EvhTg; (3 till COfeta. Hreach of the Peace William Johnson; 16th.

Go Stt-upsi: IP tli. MjKHjo Kh Tltomss Keynulds; 10t? An-ry ettle; 54th. Wa'kiouj CSpner; Kth. Escaped Con U-t Jiai Holt: lTUu Court Calendar TeDay. rianrerr Court NotVre Ttocket for February 17.

fidelity Tru-at Co. vs. MarreU; fcvans VS. Banks: 1UXA v. Roth; ilrofler-tm vs.

HeudATson ctucky vs. Ilarris fjanibsT iianibel; won rs. Coritran Formaa v. Forman: Holt vs. Budd; City of vs.

Darron. Law and Equity Court Notice Doc Sot, Equity tide, fir February 17. WHherspoou Meyer vs. StlKler vs. KLuiw' Tru Co.

vn. Tabaaa Shapinsky vs. FtiUllps: Marshall vs. vs. Louisville Trust Co.

vs. Emporia Land Falls Clry Bank vs. Hill; MurreU vs. MurreU. Chancary Dorka To-day, 6eupe vs.

Mc-Barl: atanriitte vs. Ittckiiraa: BchmlU vs. Nortawstern Mutual Life Insurance Howard vs. Jaeoh: Kentuckv Nadonal llank vs. Bowman; MoCall vs.

Willouichby; Herr vs. FUiley; Crockett vs. Crockett Aras vs. Arua Ralternian vs. Henrr Wnst vs.

Carter; Huches A Pon vs. Vllson; Kranehaar vs. UcUwaQ; Martin vs. Blair. Law and Equity Court Eoctet To-Oay Xo docket.

JeSerson Circuit Court. Noth iax on docket. Court of Common FSeaj. Purdv vs. nnlres; kuhl vs.

McDonald. ion vt. Mmins; Miikor vs. Minor; ocaupp A Kehmldt vs. EwaU.

Kotlce Oochet for Monday. Rudd vs. Pennsvtvania Company Gordon vs. McDonald. Arcnmont Docket for Mondays-Owen vs.

Howsrt lssuiance Convpanv Waf le vs. Central ftasenger Baltroad ttompaay Maury vs. (iaertiier; Unwory. vs. Kentucky and Indlaua Brklge Company; Lawrence vs.

Hoerts: Cootiis vs. Hurt: Becker vs. N. A. and C.

BaUroad Company; Watson vs. Citv Railway Company; Lemlein. ts. MekanJey. etc Law and Fruity CourWLawson vs.

Bacon, Kuby vs. Lawson; Badford vs. llarting. Aisrn i joiui h. rAUG, d.

Coart of Appeals. Frankf'vt, Feb. 13. Special. )-Mo- Ilroy, vs.

Bussell it Avontt, Washington reversed. Dennis Long. A Co. vs. L.

and N. RaO-ro Ooairanj, ete LssUsvUln Chancery reversed. Walt vs: Pnlascl afflrmed. 'lfaslton vs. Coavmuo-aealth, Loolie; amrm- Hardin vs.

'HartbAeU, LulCtt; peUtioa ior rehearing Jenkins vs. Stewart, Hardin fifteen days given sppellant to give additional security on the supersedeas bend. MonWoiwcey 1 Comity vs. Tipton, ete hlontgomery mnti vs. Tipton, Montgomery; amotion io dlsmU.

WsKOer. V4. CampteU; mo-tioa Uike. eut bill ut e.ccpun and aArra as a delay ease overruteti. Lush vs.

Lisle, Clark; tune given to file petition. Mora vs. Co in moa wealth, -Montgomery Kuks vs. same, Jeflertcn; set for hearing Februar- Sa, 10 City of Henderson vs. licCuUogh, Hen-deiMon; thirty ilavs extension of time given to file a petition for rehearing.

Roger, ete vs. Graded City School, etc, Van meter's assignee, Clark Brrn v. Henderson's adouniktratur same vs. same, Fraiikhn; anbHiiWd. Kewport Iron and f-fel Works Company vs.

Weinuirtiicr. luirncrt trustee vs. atsiKiiee, rule in case against arpetln)s awarded execute a liond or cost returnable in lliteen a CommonwaaltH vs. same rarue. McDonald Justin, e'c.

vs. Jcukln, Bvrne vt. Lone, Fracklia; Fort tier vs. Duncan, Long vs. Long, Uwen: TaL boft vs.

TLorn, Bourbon; Morton vs. wood-ford, BesiKiea vs. Anderson, Clay, vs. Trimbl AiblU vs. AsbiU.

Ben- Ick's exeeufair vb. Uenh-k, etc-. Paris Winchester T. P. lioad Company vs.

Board of UwincOmen of Clark; Caper ton y. County Ju.lim Madixon. etc. BlatlrweU, vs. Townsend.

Madisoa; continued for areument. bure vs. Ug. Iraukiin; subpoena duee tecum awanlwl. Lcnc vs.

Hrsnnra. Brand A Glover, Carroll I transferrd to superior Court. Town of Beli-i llxiut vs Pence Fran Win; pasd. irul.l v. Mji-ihn it Co.

Boone; motion by appellee -11wnij appeal i tr want of prosecution moliuc sustained add appeal disiuUeed. toKaw-orth vs. and O. T. P.

Company Owefi passed sixty days for brk-f. Glass vs. Vainos. Owed passed to foot up the dorket. Longdate Ton' Company vs.

Swift Iron and fcieel Works. Cam pwll atcreement filed argued by J. Helm lor appelke, and A. T. Root for appelant and stbmit-ted.

KeKignatioo of Thomas J. llunry, clerk of this court endured, and tbe court took time to consider same. Ccurt amounted till Saturday morning at 11 o'clock. the: receipts fall off. Tory Snail Ham Collected faV Vnof Ta Receiver Yesterday Sews Jlotes.

Tax LVecciver Shelley's office wore a very lonesome appearan yesterday, to Its aspect for the past lew weeks, 'lhe raue was apparent when one looked at the aise ot the discount that was tein? taken oil the bills that Were paid- 'lhe drop from 3 to 2 per cent, oil was tlie reason for the lack of enthusiasm on part ot taxpayers to fret rid of their cash. But if the receipts cvef the counter yesterday were mail, there was another source which more titan tuatie np the discrepancy be. tween yetorday and former days. That was Uncle item's popular institution, the maiL Through this channel the receipt were $98,4 5 1. 6 7.

All of this came in the day'prior, but was not counted then, for lack of time, on account of the rush of the last big discount day. Counted in with Wednesday's collections, as the mail receipt properly should be, the amount taken in by Mr. Shelley dur. inir tlie lirtit 03 ele of payment wni or $4e 643 more, than wog ever known, to have been taken in before during tlie same ieueth of time in the history of tax collections in LouisviLle. The highest collections for tlie same period heretofore were One ot the reasons for this great increase Is tlie prosperity of the city.

Another is the operation aud strict enforcement ot the Dembit law. Lpon the theory that figures do not lie, it is the liest evidence vf the progress Louisville ha made in the paat lew years that can 00 ndduced. iho eonseiuence cf the tin. usual ruagnituJe ot the early payments was, in oue war, to work Air, Shelley' for. of asaisbknts harder than tbey have ever been before.

Tbey have not lelt the elhce at any time between o'clock in the morninsr and the same hour in the evening, lhe hist day ot the big pnynienta it was well alonir toward the uhostly hour before they left tbe City llali. Tbe Payne-street bridge is bowling along toward completion rapidly. The channel of the creek will be changed next week to permit, the water to now directly under arch, and tlie span itself will be finished before the lire days of spring-. The water is still too hiarh in the river to permit the work 00 the large fbrt-land sewer to be pushed. It will not be long, however, before a large gang ot workmen will have employment there, unless there should he another rise in the river, which is not anticipated.

Robbed. In IS road Daylight. A thief entered the residence of Mr George Bouser. niteenth street, 'be tween Uroadway and Maple, yesterday afternoon, and stole two gold rings and a fine revolver. A colored man, who was seen banging around the plaga.

is thought to be the guilty party. 1 THE FEDERAL COUnT. The Fabruary Term To Begin, Uext Holiday, Judga Barr Pre- a trr Ife Walton. Takes Formal Cfcare of tae Pension and Finds a Seed of Sanitary Improvement. OlDi ike February term of tlie United States District and Circuit Court will open nest Monday.

Jude Barr will 0414 court alone, as Jude Juckson will be "detained at Nashville on account press of business which' 1Q can not put aside. The civil docket will be taken up Monday and the cases set for trial on some day ot the the grant, and; let4t ju-TieawiJl be impaneled aiidTtUc.crjminal cflsrs called. It is expected that there will be about seventy-five criminui cases for trial, the icajority of which axe yet to be indicted by the grand jury thia term. The assignment of the civil docket is as follows: MONDAY, FEBRFARY 17. fpringfleld Coal and Lumber Company vs.

Thomas V. vs. t-e tioff Land Company. 4 Cltlaens liank of Evtnsvfllo. vs.

Q. B. Coleman. Presiding uUge of Muhlenbun Count Court. Asber Bros.

vs. Moore A Whipple Lumber Company. I vs. Lvon county, et aL James K. P.

PenUergraa vs. James T. Duffy. TUESDAY. MARCH 4.

Park Co. vs. Kelly Ax Maanfae. turlnc Company. Mary K.

Hopkins vs. Kentucky Mutual Seeuritr Fund Comnanv. Variety Iron Works Company vs. the King Mining Companv. Alfred C.

Tanner vs. Q. B. Coleman, et aL Allied C. Tanner vs.

Q. B. Coleman. Pre-. skt'ng Judse of Muhlenbunr Conctv Court.

Cnfrens' National Bank of vs. Q. It. Cotoman. PreaUing Judge of MuhlentMiiv County Covrt.

Phenix Mutual Uie Insurance Company vs. William W. Morris, et ah D. C. Fitxhugii, et vs.

John Chancellor, et aL Hays A Powell vs. Louisville. Now Albany and K. Louis Sailwav Companv. P.

A. Helen's heirs vs. Z. Cbaudler, et aL B. D.

Wileott, et vs. Mmrod Long, et al. James H. Kuekols, et aL, vs. James H.

Jarrett. et aL LoniAville. Eransvflle and St. Louis Railway Company vs. the Guarantee Company of North America.

WUlls Duff Green, et vs. B. L. Ewell, et al. John Thomas, et vs.

D. T. Towles, PrexWrn- Judri of Green County Courts Th Kentucky Lumber Company vs. O. M.

Allen. E. Kay vs. William E- 1 Dr. Walton made his appearance at the Custom-house bright and early yesterday morning, and spent the day looking into the routine work- of tbe Pension office.

Uis first official act was to notify Commissioner Green B. Kaum. at Washington, of the fact that be had assumed charge of the office. In the same communication he designated tbe following clerks to be Invested wit'a the authority to administer an nth: Mhsc S. S.

Warfield and Egelhoff and Air. W. D. Watson. Dr.

Walton had a ntuclx-r Tf callers during the dny, and spent ranch of his time, in entertairun them. One of the first things that attracted his attention was the badly ventilated conrlition of his office. Accustomed to a great deal of outdoor exercise, office duties would hav been trying to him, even la an office, where the most modem means of ventilation are in use, but it was peculiarly irksome in an office that has none at all. He says be will give immediate attention to improving tbe sanitary condition, of bis office, both on account of his own health and his clerks. I found everything in first-class condition, he said, as far as I am able to judge.

I have spent the-day getting used to the harness, and, ot course, it will take me some time to learn the run of the business." Dr. Walton taken to bis In tie quick-lv. and, assisted by bhr efficient-eere of clerks, business was cuing -en an smoothly yesterday a tie days when Gen. Biieil was at ta helm. The force of clerks is very busy now.

preparing for the quarterly payment ot pensioners which begins nest March. N3TES OF THE BALL FIELD. How "Reddy" Mack Had Pan With the Springfield Ealhasiasta. The Pittsburgh Fhst publishes the following interesting story about Ifcddy Mack Louisville's" ei-cnptain and see-ond basefnnrif V'1- iP i Vjs "Durtn tme twson was playing ball for Hamilton. and was one ot the finest young- second basemen in the country.

For some breach ef discipline, probably drinking; he was released. Shortly aftor the time of his reledse the Sprimrflekls were playing in Dayton, and. although the ten days' limit was not up. Mack was put in by SprioshekL Dayton protested, but that did no good. lie waa keit on tbe teem for the two days, and played such remarkable ball that he really won both of tho games.

Ot the thiiv dav bis ten days were np and Springfield expected to sifrn bim. Tbe Dayton manager was watching them, however, and as soon as Mack appeared after supcer. he waa enticed into a cab and driven about the city until 13 o'clock, the bonr at which he was at liberty. sign, and then hia contract was secured. That afternoon he was found with the Daytons.

and playing bis usual irood game. This little piece ot strategy angered the Springfield manatrenienti. and they offered a reward of $5 for every time Mack waa struck out. The pitcher succeeded in Iccompliahtag the featr oneev and waa rewarded with a $5 bill and the cheers of the people. The nest time Mack went to hat there were three men on bases, rnd the pitcher remarked that be wag going ti win another fiver.

Mack made a protest, declaring it woukl be a homer. And Mack was rihtl The first ball that came ever tbe antta was as biz as a bit I icon, and 'Eeddy tipped it with the bat. sendirjr the fence as pretty a borne run- as eve- was The audience acknowledged tbe fine bit with storm of arplanse. aed 'Reddy was at outer installed as -a favorite, a distinction he enjoyed, until the ead of the Assssaad nU 'Xeawl St Feb, Anson and thirteen men of the Chicago League team arrived here this evening ami will plar the first game to-morrow with the home team, which has been re-eri forced, -by several praiesaionala. Billy Sanders will not Join the 4 The Pittsbowc League team will take- a Southern1 trick Pete Sweeney lias" s'gned to play third for tbe St.

Louis Browns. Jobn Ialy and Trotter have been enDjrc-d as uupixvs by th Texas Lea true. IkKton will' try Lowe on teeond In erse SnIi'does not return. lutf Smith mil go to lVesident rhelos yesterday received tbe Hltidavirs of the Hamilton 'lub in the Swartwood ease, and he will probably render bis decision to-day. THE COMMERCE.

The Commercial Club's New. Structure Christened By-, -the Directors. 1 Endeavor To Kade For Anetner Faraitnra FacUry Important Xeetinr To-morrow Mfht. The Board ot Directors ot the Commercial Qub held a meeting yeatenhiy afternoon and christened the new strue-tnre now towerint skyward 1 fri.m the eorner of Fourth and Main street. The name selected, and by which the bnikiing will hereafter be known, is The Corn-bubcc.

This name was thought advisable on account of lht being short and crhtp. im has teen presumed by many that the building had teen already named, bat until, yesterday it bore none otbe: by which 1: is commonly called when cne speaks of the nnnnihed structure, i he name selected ha been suggested by many who favor a short, distinctive one. Tlie Diree.ory has also agreed to put a bronre pmte in the entrance indicate to those coming in and out that tbe immewe structure was erected by the Commercial Club Unikl-ing Company. Work on the building, is progressing rapidly and with entire satafaeuoa to the Directory, 'lbe window frames are bow being put In the walls adjoining tbe inside court. In two weeks there will be 400 people at work in the building in the various epacitfea ot plastering, flooring, plumbing, carpenter work, gas.

eiectrio and steam rltung. All tbe appliance for this work are now being received at the buikiing. It is expected that the larger part of the building will be ready for occupancy by May 1, and that it will completed by Jane 1. Correspondence has beea opened between the Commercial Club and tbe proprietors of the furniture factories lately destroyed by fire at Ciand Kapids, whs have been invited to come down and view the situation of affairs, Louisville's advantage as a furniture manufacturing point, etc. It is thought likely that such a vr-it may result in the removal ef Ukm establishments to thia place, which will no doubt prove mutually renefioiaJ.

Mum Id the gentlemen come, and there is reason to aeppose that tbey will, they will be given every opportunity for full investigatTa end Iiwnibed with sta-tiptle of uw-mitibtt-y -f iphit, vifle- a manufiMsturing point. The Finance Committee of lhe Fair will hold an important niece, ing at tht Commercial Vhab room morrow night at o'cluek. The RmriJ of Directors ef the Fair will bo present, and -ail busin- men in the -city, who may be interested in the matter, are in-, vited to take part. This will prohahly be one of the most important meetings vet held' by the committee, and it is hoped that there will be full attend- The' committee appointed by the Board of Trade to look after the An'i-Trust Bill will go to Frankfort -Tuesday to present it case.betore the" Judiciary C'Tmmiitee, in rreponae to the notibcation nt Snp-Tintcndeav A ft SoereViry of tbe Commercial Club, west to Frankfort Lut evening on buaintss connected with the lintaicr-tion BUL HersfordH Aeld Phosphate i Tmt Wakefala ari JACK We wish to impress on the many patrons and friends of the New that we are still making big efforts to reduce our immense stock and large inducements are Estill offered, in every department. i Dress Goods and Silks.

Wo will open and place on sale: 100 pes of highest stylo Printed Challies, exclusive style and prettiest goods to be seen." 80 patterns high-tone and exclusive things in Embroidered and Applique Paris Robes. These arc the richest goods ever seen in Louisville. 150 Stylish Novelty arid Combination Spring style Dress uatterns. THINGS Iff CHECK AND STRIPED SPRING SUITING. TFe continue the great Cutund Sacrifice Sale oh all Silks and A Dress Goods brouffht forward earlv in ho season.

This is the greatest opportunity ever offered to the Louisville public to se cure grand bargains. 1 40 pieces Fine Printed 40-irich Cashmeres for Tea Gowns and House Dresses, only 60c; cheap at 90c oe lii imeiifD Choice Burt's French Kid, Hanct-sewed Button Boots, Common Sense or Opera Last, all sizes, worth $7. Choice Burt's Straight Goat Foxed Kan- faroo Top Button last, 5.23; worth $6.50. Choice Burt's Straight Goat ButtonBoots, Common Sense last, worth $5. Choice Burt's French Sid Button Boots, Cloth Top and Patent Leather Tips, worth $7.

Choice Laird, Schoberfic Mitchell Straight Goat Fozed Button Boots, Patent Leather Tip, worth $5.50 Choice Thos. Bolton French Kid Hand made Button Boots, Common Sense Last worth $5.50. Choice of our, Lien's Fihe French Calf or Kangaroo Shoes, worth $5.50 and $6. Heavy Hosiery arid Underwear Less than Cost to -Manufacture. Hero are a few Prices: 4 Only 19 Cents For Ladies Black and Unbleached Fleecy-lined Hose, worth.

33c. Only 19 Cents For Ladies' Black and Col-ored Wool Hose, never sold under 35c Only 37 Cents For Ladies' extra fine Black and Colored Cashmere Hose, former price 60c. 25c for Children's Extra Heavy Double'Knee Wool Hose, "worth 50c. 31c for Ladies' White Merino Vests and Pants, cheap at 50c. 8c for Men's Extra Heavy Herino Shirts and Drawers, worth 60c.

75c for Men's Genuine Scotch "Wool Underwear, worth $1.50. Your Last Chance on the Greatest Collar, Guff and Shirt Sale Ever Inaugurated. The Celebrated Greenlander Shirts go down to 48c to close; made of New York Mills Muslin, all linen bosom, reinforced back and front, and gussets in sleeve and back. 75 cents for the best Unlaundered Shirt in Louisville; shield or plaited bosom; very best shirt that can poasibly be made. $1 per dozen for 4-ply Linen Collars.

$1.20 per dozen for any of Coon's or Cluett's Collars, worth $2. $2 per dozen for the celebrated E. W. Collars. $2 per dozen for 4-ply Linen Cufis.

$3 per dozen for the celebrated E. W. Cufis, worth $4. Our Kid Glove Department the Largest In the South or West. Our Spring importations arriving daily from Paris.

Some new things. Our Black Velvet-finish Mocha, 4-button Undressed, Mousquetaires, $2.25. Our celebrated Koodoo, in Black and Colored, 4-button, the strongest Undressed Glove made. It will outwear three pair of Kid, and. it's, the only Glove made WARRANTED to wear.

This means a full warrant, after a week's wear. Should they show signs of wearing out we will replace with another pair. kmvsmmksm: a hew DRY COODS, ETC THE BEST Mium 11 For 11c a Yard. Equal ia every way to the French. All Silk Gros Grain RIBBONS- Satin edge, all shades, No.

2, 4 Cents. No. 5, 8 Cents. No. 7, 10 Cents.

No. 9, 12 1-2 Centa. No. 12, 15 Cents. No.

16, 20 Cents. Magnificent exhibition of Smyrna and Jledici Laces at cut rates this ireek. rouitTu AVE. AGRICULTURE. SHOES rnwrYsti Kw is the tlnw plans ynarSwlS .1 Hamawrord.

fliu SANDUSKY FORGED HOES, AS stars ana rumr. 1 HANDLKD IIOES ooc, XortT eaW liti aL mmm itHWAktirBit ta ecr st km nt aisv Vooknt ms tlC II-! Sn-t. -w SL sw id-vorixT. M.ra ro'V '1 11 I 1 i 1 i.

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