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The Courier-Journal from Louisville, Kentucky • Page 2

Louisville, Kentucky
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Tie I lion jeTX-i two i tt wr ha Vim lal SI an Ml ha 51 Ml .1 I tii 1 i- I 4 i li covered October and Kovemr-r contracts lam viUteiy put it mi eg in tor May, aad that tended and sly deprea took eliv Oat scored a Ml advene. In sywp-thy th other markets, and toer was a rood rtaeral riptA of eer war earn: el ot. II ear. Jh mqoim for Thursday i for4 20 cm of eon aad 140 of Ther were inspected of stor bh' eat eora and 24.000 of eat. Charters wre far 107,00 boihek of Corm and 71.000 of nu rv.

In mrlv'su continues. aad rrtcM aught ly bo advaaeed, it atrear vortin should andrrtake to ra deeL The stock or so ngbt sues ar rWJvertes command larr premium the rua of hogs should Increase largely, tho situation not likely to Improve iueh for tb abort, for tbe de-aanad to food. and wlQ eheorb nianufae-wared prndact i sdiiy. It is tb hebet la U-rnfo aed ei-elr that provisions or likely to nil eonsid TaMy hirher. 3 bare were received 1 8,000 hog, which sold rood prior, aad 1 2.0 uw ar expected Thareiny.

On tbe ertr curb, wWt was very telling down to $1.10 for December, bo It relied to $1.14 1-4 end closed beet SI. 1 3 1-4- Soar rood line of long wheat sold to-day. end It n-nr rally tboagbt there eboald be farthrr reecttoa, bat tbe market io oo trUd tht opteiooe ere velueie. ZXCITEAEXT AT GOTHAM- CoaaervolMai Tkrowo To the Wlada Rt ftpeeelalor la firrie. JUw York.

OcC (SprUl.) Tbre wee a wild eon of -itmnt in the wht pit of the FroJoe Cxchaaxe to-dmy tbat bad kerdlr eay tnWf rupitoo frocn tho openiaK lam to tbe clow. York baa at last reopoadad to tbm ball aproar ia Chicago, oodkno pradietiaoa of tee wUeaur to too eeataerret.sia" of tha local apacelatioa mm 9 aad.r dtaappoiatad. Tbr wera bom aad edr, bat the aoie waa rom-eri to the die (het bagee a tea official hear of trading la looaa baedravla of vigor-oaoeeisre. Everybody waatad to bay. aod oerybady wanted to eaU, aod tba aprcar paadaatoaiam.

First pnore mt hlfbrr tbea tbe prrrioaa aight's eloaa. aod thy kept cUsaoutg fur tha i keif hoar. Tbe brokars wra axcceuc i epporvaUy wiUtout Lmit. ead coo- re aseda ia dtfferrat parte of the araszjiec, howhac crowd at yriemu eao eeat ervrk Ike flactoetioos wrra arratte, aad did aot stop at erdlaarT fractions. Tha traaectiooe ia het options for the first hour siboaciad to war tewva BJUiioa leseeis.

ibatraoing for the ear acKracatod aon than kaikils. Thai ratrssaetad flsnre ia rzoMS of the local natUascFply of whaat. IMcmay-bar optioa, which was tha favurtta, otoad a LI 4. against 1.11 oo ktootlar aigct. reptdly roaa to, aad thro rractro co II.

UH- Way cponoa opriMd at $1.17. tM HUH. ead roaa to tl.JUU. tailing to 11.1? and tbaa rslijiug slUX- lea other aoalhs fo-fcjeiad ttoaa WxWl in tea genrral tiadiary of flurtcauoaa. Tha nat gains fur tha oar raegad foo 2K to 4m oats par kaehat.

Tha solar how uid do( tea afOor of IM sj ruin or. 1 umy gaO tto lobby of ih Ext-iianga for i lima axtar tie cOiai rlna. ami aairs ware saaka of Ilrermtar bom II to tl.lf.S4V Ttaa trsjtaacbous ara cot olrtal ry rao s-alaoo. at tby an indax to taa at sue evm tea arxl uay la tuanr eaaae. Tea esaaagars of tea ExcLanga bara piesad thatoaalTaa powarlaas to swp tha praam of tredia aibar boors" 1m fimas 0 ascttaaaaws.

Ihe 'biis" ia tha floor market keva bad good Usee ia tea last thrw days, tro-iiog voracia 4O.0U0 Larraai a day am en el-seasf markac lo-aay pntai Jnnpaa op Uaut Irt 10 fifty casta par barrel. Tha oar spare lalioa was sUoialatad by tha aoriy-boriy ta whae'. lt tbe advances ia wars aot so saaasltnnsl. Dakota's cbaix csor. yre-t, Mot 'Wretber aad Fire Cea-tribata ta MeU the Ylold a.

ftkei I Oaa. Otlwar. 0aJr Oel a Tbe Territorial StaletieiaB's teoort for October 1 all 11 that arooa axe evea CLXer thea eaoarted ember 1. Norul Dakota outfaced severely by tLo frost of ocas la. aod what grain they Love ejaelL shruakoa berry, and aot fit for aJliiag twDoers.

They win bo wbJtgod to come south of ttie Una to s0us tbclr seed, as it is doubtful If It be safe to sow that touched by troaV Some soot were act la. 11 red by fzoaft. bat aot enouca to cut any fif-ara. CeatreJ DaJtota has prcduord a feix Oroo. aod of good Biiliiaa quality.

Two or lixao of tiie user aetined coaatlas rroort good crops. South Dakota waa badlv injured by toe Lot wcotaer la air. wUicb luatcaed beut-wea folhr tea der. bereat her gsa little or no raia baa feUWa which bee enabled the farmers to occur ths paia ia rood sheDa. All the graia iauveaed 00 tar baa been diy and ia gwod aoadiuoa.

exoeot where it hea stack-Wrsed. aa accounbef it bring cat belore fulir rine aad stacked before cured out Verr aula ito Is raised in the Trr-t err, aad is used saoallr for ford. Oats aco a bebt eroo. having rusted hadty. and akvo bUchiod eusne.

Lany la oca wlil keva aa able ia oata bof oao another res. while other Darts report a amull aoroloa. Tbe berk crop is tight. In eotumea with other crops, boa tbe qusW Jtr renereilv is rood. Tbe berry is not ae taato aa eosne other seasons, bat tha eolua is excabena.

Owing to iba ruUna Lick arl rae lanarrs ara dinuwd to sr 11 ythair araioe ae oolcklr as thrr can. and la atanr instances will a-ll tbemeehrcs abort af seed. Ftoob all norta of aha Territory eoma reoarte of arsirld Crra. which have de- SWovad thoaBds of eerea of a- tin the stecJc and which mast tnoantTo hundred af thoaeaads of bashele of all Vinda of rial a. low Is too xoport of too araraao rioid per acta.

VVbaaa a k-4 bashels: rve 11 busbsis: sau It bnahala: barleir SO 1-S bushels. Avetaaa eeadiUoa per acre le aa fet- lawa: Baekwmee 77: potatoes oo: sorKbaat i aaaar eeae IJl Tbe Fleet at rrlseo. Sea rtaacisao, Oct, 1 Tbe re waa eon- aldarabla activity la the wheat nvsrkrt tlie atornloaV ckoed yrsunLiy aJUraKoa at 1.7 per ccatai. Tbe SrM sole txordod this aiorniog waa. at 1.7? 1-1.

ben it wae lounw Btbaoiaasa ooakf not bo aMiaLaiaed, aolUra aommaacod to 'h aad the d- Sno waa want l.l wao rapid with each saeceedlng sale 1.7 o-4 wae tacbd, whea tbo rt rreoverrd a trifle, and tb aesaioa closed wtUt seloe of el. hi band red tone ae 1.74 1-0 per cental, rnoee eoiiiuwa inenUr as the afteraoon arealon of the cell board; beyer opened at 1.74 1-S, adveAfiOd td 1. 75. ena CAtaea -e 4 FaJlero at Soale. 00, InaJa, Oct.

SFor Tr r-st it Lao beea aretorasry to close the Ha, chaata Cxrbeago Beaks aad OasTing lions, aa TbcxrdsT of fair week, bat e-wiDg to tb ooodi Uon of tbo market it tat been decided to not do so to-taorrow, area altar aan.ancoeat bad twea mdo tUi thw cuatoca weall ocaetved. 7 here wmo en fa liar toMay oa Chacc. that It horr'dai taa. Mr. Shertdaa ear fee eaa not ear mat what bis ke will r.

bat it will take a be baa got to Om of ta Wlaaora. Detroit. Oct. SIk baa coma to ligas her tbat J. W.

riyaa. President of tbo Beard ef Trad. at.d a promiaunt lternoaatle pob'tician. bas care-J nearly oo tbo Chi-c; wbea corner, lit began rpeco-lin in ptcmber wb2st three tnodba azo. and aisro tbes Le baa ba4 bis partner ettablished ia Chicane.

I nof to tii irnkfj" llyaa waa not IvortA oxer 10,000. 1 hi BOMBASTIC BLAIHE. The Btlne' Statesman Tarns nil Attention To Tetoes and Pensions. Es Goes Into Ancient History For Statistics and Applies Them Modernlj. Tilt Diipotitioa of tb Sarplu S'isbtaart Tntt Is Worrjlaj the Plamed Kaif at Bold Eid Tor tht Voteg of Vtenu, axd Aa Appeal To Eanod Frejndioea, HA8 EB BSiXBf XVatLSSf Detroit.

Oct. a Tbe ZUpnblieaaa of Detroit turned out by tbe bones ails to-day to batea to Sir. Bialae'a opening speech ia Jatrbigaa. ArrangeaMots bed bean atade to hold iba masting at RaereeUoa Fork, bat aa ier wind front the wast warned tbe nanarera of the occasion to cancel that part of tbo progranuBS end bold the Bloating at the lMtroit rink. TVitk capacity of eoma six thousand, tha rink waa crowded aa boor before tbo time sat for opening the proceedings, end a multitude larger tbaa that wiUiia the building was tamed ewey for snt of room.

From the ntotneot the 11 sine statesmen appeared et the entrance until he mounted tbe platform, altar making his way along the narrow aisle which was formed tbamigh the mass of humanity, the great aodimos maiaiaiaed a coatluaoas cher; and wben ha iwacbad tbe platform a great yell of welcome assured hua that he was among personal trtaadi. llr. Blaine's hair may bare taken on a trifle more of whiteness tbaa when ha was last In the West, but be ta as bright, hia form es foil, and his bodily movements as ague as ui lboi. Jtor has hie votes lost much, if any. of tha rreonaat tone which in farmer years swept over vast Lodies of listeners, and drew than) along bis bno of thought.

Uaa. A'ger acted as chairman of tbe meet lug. end introduced it. Bleina, who spoke ss loliews 1 "Mr. Chairman aad FeUow-cwhwoo: Far aeeoua tbe booorabie lua Dtcaiuaua, taa maa of vw sniaad ul aud tasture call tea saaa of hur.iUaa bar latw.uJoa.

t4ipisiwa end ku.gbier.1 It wa aaal at iiao beymmng of our Oonrra.iieat tiua the veto puer ea aa anomaly in a awe. la aavurisg taa pf wamiia Jf euaatMbUuoai bbrrty ia mat sraat Oocumeaa. our mo Mora largely rooted fraaa krU lea sx eiroeuta, luca 'batr si oeatnra had bruocbt a lib Ibvm a baa they oama ta Abm raa. Ad hnlanu taere bad aat been a e.o iy tea 1 ru a uj aot of Fac'ismmu siaca k) revkilioa lute, -two buadrwS years aco ikejrar. bo it a4ruck mo ssaaa of tha people ia turn coiojae, -rctuuel ae Uary wore to bruh taw.

uu tu civ uia twjeiaat tbe ruibt to vet a aiij act of curves aad tw raqiure taa votes of a ujrua of in aVaate a4 tao-toirda tut Howe oeira taat veto, wae to cooler apoo I be rTelat a not axtraordmsry loaer. gaio bun a power tbo bat ata aod tb Booee o(aivalat so oa sixth of taa wboe tegwlaue eoaar of tea Uov ruoml Tub diSerouca betaaaa a suajor tr uf owe and a vi aa of two-th 9 ia amoqated to ea atxib cm 10a boa power ut Onogrem, be tbat 1 iiiwi cc aay wtaass saa wawiams twaer of tnlrtoea beaasur saw Afly-feter hapra- ttautss ausa ata asaswuva repaciiy aa uca a ktii. A power as asraoruiaarr was eaturallv nerd waa great aamioo by oar earuer ITeaiiteota. Oan. Haaoiogwiw.

ss etas ytrna. used a twiea. Tbe Brat Ail an aovar bead a at Jed eon. a lea Wed, vary orroae oualy. but silU masidaraii ay too asadeTa liamos racy aa tctror croes prototype, la eigia years.

ocor ueea a a au. naniaoa, aigua yaara. wwcia tbiea ibaaa. Mowro waad aaea. aad JvtuuQumaf Aoama aear.

So, teas bl tee arat Surty eaei of taa batwaai Ooarsmai. low itxxa aatuastaa 10 Jarkaoa. from ioa, toa veto poear bad bea came hi the treat leader of las armsul Damocial a party ss a baa beaa organised for tiae laet axiy yean pen Aadrow Jae -000. Lpua toe nirntioB Jacaanaa saini. a aum kt-r of voof rroue ijemuKrata a our ear af tea kail aet op a yi'U ot amauia, to wbaia turn rrpbed: "Ura.

Jcckaoa aaitiu worthy of your aeera. uoesvor routampor or 11 oaa a-v auccai oea bun atger trues aa aartAJI nratq leelioiia. they lite arat eoTurte ei tne a a oil atM ai la taecradja by tbat raad oai aara Taa oujcx aod bappy lesurt upoa tha wouid-be Uaa- tiuars of the uaaoung waa received by tae ireat eiauMtce wua aa ouinuri or arar.v caars. After iiiii bail auak lau auiat.

Mr. I I.I coa- waaeu aa loikuwa: Ia UjO bozi forty yi sixty tlutea. awl of iheaeaaty over tUty of ua re i twioucr-ijc leiil lAPtitaiiae, 1 bo wax ia party wsau pror re a to we so mienseiy iai wwTti oaa ia Bouoraue saa oaa waioa ooear ta uswars isa Mxtw will Lo io Man. a 4. laA.

aaea tba pre a I ri aal of taa lBUal SI slot was ks- euttji-lbjd. l-a net laser of tha murtiaiil had uera aj ia ah Sesoaty-Ov li-aye: aba waa from urn to nao on auairwa years lackmg tevir. And bow, nr. Oavwlaad (A u4 potut ta rtistordont el tie eat la taa galtery. aa oy enticveswl arr aaxe.aeat.

ooanad oan appease for lveiaod, wbacB waa baa a auveiy aua euerge 11. aiiy arowaaa oy a deduce ot bi ass irom toe bjuv ot taa sii iieans suaiwMs. Mr. Hnies t. eoianil.

I inree aa vat Stir veers. ass uaea sua tout over tare a Btinurou nm (Cot art and ones at 'near, bear; or ka baa obeo 1 left New Tork. tbe i-y befur yoaiardaT sad boo loaay limit be baa used a etaoe I do I saow. itin aad lauxa er. I Aad or tcs Pisaidca Umtiais, aat aav ssed pr steal a taiUul ilfid peaetja of k4 few.

1 keslevo. of tli a a moaso lowora-ooea aad starvtatT sot daw af sue bum wiiw ti-Tiasra aad anas Aad bo Is the Bras Pre, ai eat of saa tfttted btalot tuat vor eetusl a bad for tb ro- hw of sauldMrr taat bad ottered his body to tttteo aoi atvi saeii of taa aoaeay of a try. 1 watb 1 bad tkoee vtitat aere, aad bi bm to aaed upooi Lb as. Tory bavo ail bo ieautd la lawpaat fm. aad tbey furaiah buvjvmjos eapiaaiaoa or in em twee ib Ke.uuitBaa aad too Us af to duy as ta tbo msoaer of tra-ttea- tar satdiarsaf thea.aaiilia.

I ti -a ee af tbo oaa ioimil nm uiaaeis ia putas. katk im. Mr. Caaaraiaa. tuera waa But ia aay et' ais votuea, oouave, a auarxo rt aaare wa war be roiteeo bi" tua pausaua sotasbt a era ao ia ia aeod of broad.

But, Ui aa auia-ia tae aiittaat au totted of tua setmiotil power af Ca- grvaw ta graa tb aVvory eaa of Irvetdeat teveisad'S of pea tins Bails raj prevsawy as MutTa taey wars too dec of tbe Ciaat laninsr of Psat net I jr aa nonlsca. toa for a peaaa under esatuag law. a4 gaatral taavaau law provkiee for the ao st tot at caios. a aa awr seat ay era. loo io rsoea ait catv; but mgosarsliiisg tart a ti.

always be found eimpthma; aa evwry et i in tut soat wtot a vet tTota toe IT oil C4 i tisia ef gena-si law. tut ao autv de of tae Mrtjonal narrw of to P-ad Aw roltef. ry case bad baa tuts-imt tee af a krrrnhltnaa beasla kad a baforo to oommsiae a he lor tb Ev or craue tiOvi aal ovory eaa kad 1 tnrwutib a he. aiietssa Inasia aad a btiaa. 1 SMOitlb bard tmt i 1.1 teas a.

tbaa tbaa ehotiid av odaus. oad sot ay mm eeary tmte waa tae saaotttc eat of ti t. aotne ef laata vea, out of their fr rnwta aad ot bars aot ef tbetr creaky, bad, I ttu sc. a apaoe bsuaor theta. I reoaii one I wts 1 bad a oar to read bow ta watch tb maa kad fstwe vtcttm to aetaraupa af tba moat arai Bnd to Say at of laxiag a aeod as kabi i Uta was bother be ssoarrod daabttity ta kaa of duty, oaetaer as dtad of the pat ur of aa riot of to opiate; aad tf of aa overdose of an sir a waa tan.

mm a-tndal aawas, il ucbtvr I Mr. lao aaad. ta bat mittstie. aatd a weuld be a to bad preixOoct so gn ml tk widow aad La cnilurea of ItaU ski lisaiua. etav of enures, yoa know.

Mr. Cbairmaa. a rt a of that kiad auxbt Ut so ef iea rat oaled IT amrhiar.t Waa all jut vs.c4 t- tba IT ul a ca tad tor Ind I snor yowu.lul days, va 1 aead So attaad tbe rtewer tuaa I aae of lata rear, ead I saw as aa c-U y. 1 uuBk "laul Itt but I am but sura, toe tir rf tbe prof i ttiuosl piissikrwpttc. wao fa ta oaatiioute acytbiag to a so beer iptasa -per tor tw allot of ui wmow of a wbo kad faiiea from th top of a bltrh h-uea was working, because, at tots r-a-'-n- tarof tts tabi.

becsute. tf Ol reitee tba a alow sod toe eo J-l en of on Unr, you wta ba ail from aa aorta af and b-attntT sit SJrta of widows aad orphans ba-Iji (Ltujh'tr So-1 spptaua.) "I do aot Biieai. Mr. Cceirmaa. to dt fl an tbe enbot of pis nnsi, aad ba tn trod need sow etuotT tbaa it Biipht be piaost vtsa-vat Vt-k i TTTD eaothrr ansjaot, Tis tb- rroas 1 ioa la the rraaurj a taa Caerd (Imm, T-a.

of air h. I taick. aXfot hsaa eaoa ta ibel eoor aoalar aot toduirannf toe aiatlhy cf the ioraeaat. (ApvUoas ead taaee-. I "rV" whicb ia Pr-l ba.

aeaa oaunH'-Uf graa aaal aad toOaatry far aaora taee er aad half, rafusie- to -7 radortioa of tha paolia e-t; the "fP'" la -watcm he OodV sock araa. fEJ ta taa raounm. eaa es amth laaad aa ae ful Treaeury hTa aowlawatad lea dsw rW rwrs thaa.Uty rt loea wiu-ul laiarwO to aama ltoot beaks arr tha rouatry; aaJ teis day aod hoar. raoey aad mtaa. aad tea awaey c.Jt ie tha TJaer Wialea, 10 tea smooai a akora (naaalstT et.oaa of eailera.

loaaad witnot. heaat of Interest ta canata haucmai laka la ibis ooautryi and I otiotaad. eltbeusTb I bara not tttna ai iirnai la re into taat waboot a sbadow of aaijstant ai rtffbr eaJrr the law. Tbat aisty mil luoa sseeay 'is aecurad to tea Oaearemaat hy taa naa wao borrow K. oa-poaMlns? eoaos af tha Unltra fe ev atd thsy ere aowaiiawadtarUrsibaaaat ihejr osa aara aa tbe atsty sni'lkm Ahawiag that hMeraat to beattberaieof na aeroaeU.

ee4 I do aot t-hmk yaa or 1 raoid cat mock of for lass on tnons keakars (laughirrt. thnre ai tarae aiiliioa cratol-ty gieaa eway hy lea Pres-d ni aad taa baureiary of toe Treasury la a ataxia year. "Well, any frteada, aav owa of as eould gat rich If tha Umranwi would favor oa aa udoas lbs yaaoaal bank a I read tbis nwraaig tbat tha Caalrmaa the Damoeraiie Vauoaat Oucamutm. hr. C-irla Brtoa.

a vary bnret, aiuck aed abta saaa, has IWtt.uu0 of tea surplus ia bis lank lar end a(ptaeaa.) Ua.L tbat wor iVO uuu a year. If aaytuiaz would lamps a mu to be Cbairmaa of tbe Uo o. eratio Naltoaal Coaoiliioa, 1 ahould ttuok t-'O -Ouu woukl go a little way toward a. (Laugbtrr.) belli. furtLar.

Mr. Cbairmaa. whea there waa danger laat year aod toe year before of a etriiig. a tt the Btowey market, and 100 lints drcniatioa, tbe-e waa a Baoeoaieat nieoa ia Coagrra to e-low toe National baaka 10 circulate a Usa booda auay bave depos-ttv-d up to par. Instead of bemg coattaad 10 tu per aa ibey are now by law.

Oo aw tlfl. XJ0 of Overran etit ds. aa yoa aft know, uaa baas r-niy ctronlaies f9t.Uuu of biila. Iba iwmocrai" da-feaiad lbs prupia4itB; aad vet, la Una xrauntous dwtni a boa of ihe MXty-odd milikms of liara, iTiaideut Ueveiaad aad Secretary Fajrcblid havo abowed lie 10 tea aauoaal baaiis lniaad of OA Thai nx If any one of tea pet beat laa I of UovoraoMfit bonosto tnaTre. a ry, toa bva would got tll.OOU iBBjooey.

I bate kuowvsotue-tbinjc eoout the Oofrrna mtof iba (Jaaad rkefcre. I have bad aonw bule to do wtab and I know tbat If tbat bad beea dooe any lima within tbo taat quarter of a century by a Bpxiuttcae Decre-tary if tha Treasury, ibe 1 emocntta le tne Howes would have trtrd to unpeacb tUia. lAppiauaak. I do not aay tbat I would vote to i.poMi.-a Mr. faircbd-i: tbat snot pair iaaifcn: but I reraas.

if aav Beoubiicaa becrrlary stnea 8aimoa P. Cbaae was tint appointed by Prvsident Liueola bad dooe wKh sixty odd nuilWn of tha publia BMwey aa racretary yajrcbiid baa dooa, I say taa a Ixmorrauc Uouao in power wou bare motavl bis in peaebmcat, (dies of Tuai'sso" aud applauaa. 1 If that money bad been nerd ta redoee tha pubulc debt by buy lag tbo bonds of tbo Uovera-dkq 70a aal and every citueo of tba Cnbed btatee no uiiatt or yet to come wouid l.e'e tb advantage of it: ao 1 I hao rvekoaed las ily tbat if tea claim of tba Sue peaatoaers taa were atopped by Ibe veto of rtvatdent Cieva-laod had tara alloaad. and the peoaioB bad tpea paid, and bed ah rua Ier taanty yaara, tna total uwual of tha iaaatlm. sb rauaf to those poor.

and acearuinee starvmg famlle of aodarrs wbo bared tier brieisn for your country aad mine the abut of tnem wooaj aot aava consuinail ob sixth part -f tba mooi wbich the tavuntea of tb Trea- ry Iiepanmont wui rorwiva la a atagla year from the mirrirat of the money that loaned. "I do sot aavb to cbaraotartaa this art any furl oar. Its ilsecrlpnua Is aa coaracieriiailno I wish to do bo mors than to stai tb faa end earn thru fuftacr aoib ratios and trrn-sneot to the votera of ibe country. Tue freni Imt of Use ailed ta la bl a to aiswer before the peo ple. aaJ the pcOrMO of iiicb g-ia.

aad tne peupi of Maine, a bo are going 10 pull toiivtber in tnia great Batiooal coutt, tuuat deckle a a ther toe surplus luuw) of tba La t-d btateabad a. better go tor tue relief of tne pi or and atuf enng. tawf twtiike t.rr-. tbaa to u.e lepi-OvraUO tawkers in Wall atraet, bo are receiving Buia wf ul aain irum your moavy and tuisa Upon tbo eioee of toe speocb. three cheers wore given for kir.

Blaine. Gen. Aler stepped to tba Irmt of tb pjetform aa Mr. xilain took his root and inquired "What's tb matter with James li. hMaiaef" to which the aadivnc reapomled tbunxieroosiy: all right;" and then there was further Mr.

Blaine was followed by Gen. aVdam King, of alary land, and others. While in Dvtrult Mr. Blaia is th guest of froo. Alger.

Tbcparty! coosisunt: of Mr. blaia, hat eonYValaer, Gone. Alger aad klxng, aad a few otnars, will gn by special tram to Adrian, wbar tb eUsUoguishod etatesman will addrts a mass aieatiog, 1'rooa Adrian the party will return to Detroit, and on ruiav will urocoed to East Ksfcins w. and from there perhaps to Ishpen- tng, on to Aon nern rsnmsuia. 4 keaater Gtrati la Ifew York.

Washington, Oct. S. (Special.) Senator Gorman wool to Sw Tork to-night, and will probably remain ther during th remainder of the week, lis has about cleared ap his Senatorial docket, and from now until to dose of th campaign, he will work with bis coat oif and his sleeves roiled npv Thar war a few persona who were disposed to eriUcia hua bat-su so ha did not aeglect hi work ia the 8nte aad take a more acuvs part in the preliminary arrangements of th campaign, li bad siac demonstrated that there was plenty for him to do, va Irom a party standpoint, in tba bans to. At tha Capitol it is geaarady coo-Otxied that kit spsvvh oa th at propriaUou in reply to benatur AUiaoo, and uis remarks oo th iansdisn fisherias end Chlus treat war among the atlost spi acuot ul una srssiitn. For Coasrets.

GroaoOold. Oct, 8. The Eleven Coagnsrliioal distriot Kapoblioana to-axght aomlosial Koduar Wailaca. Uarnstturg, Oct. a 1L E.

Atkinson was uvaey rvnomlnaied for Cougrsa by tu oiatrtc Mpubiicana. FROST ANO SNOW. Koataeky ha ceo Caatlaaes To Bo "ipped Cwttoa Mat lajared la Teaaetsse kaew la Slew Yotk Mlate. Canajobnrlo, N. Oct.

3. Sniw fell Uilckly la the klobawk Valley this morn- Lug. Lost Ia tke btoras. Detroit Oek, Evening Journal pecjai frtda Clabboygaa bays: Tbo ateaatcr AtlaaUa, traich arrived here this morning, left Alicna at 11 last aighx, At tbat time nothing bad been beard ot tbe propeller Wilson, and tunning bad been seen of the Atlantic pa bar pneaage to tbia.citr. The Wilson wee Uat seea with her spar gone, and tbe crew ot tb Uogers, the Wikoa tow, stsl positively tbat tbey saw the Wlktoa gu down with all bands on board.

Catenae. Keetackv Tobaret. Ciniiunatl. Oct. a.

A special from Oradford, ky bays: Tbo tobacco erop ia tnie end of the county waa badly dasnactd by frost Septan brr SO. rroia one-third to cno-half of tba erop was ia tba field, and all growth alorut orerks ana hollows wa badly daniarrd. port frota over tbe eountrj ere to tbo effect tbat frota ont third to ono- fourth of tbo crop was eaugbl by frost. Cora Rained Br llaiL Ctadaaetl. Get, 3 A soecial front OrclevUle, Ohio, says: Last aight tbo southeasttra part of tbis count was eiaitea by too bon-iet and moot de structive bau storms li ltr hitory.

Tbe standi ag oora was strinptd of blades, and tba apnlo orop, wbicb nmniiaed to bo abundant, a In-tat wholly destroyed-Tba downfall of bal waa frightful, tar estteedJa aaytniaa of tbo kind wrtnla tbo memory of th oldest in bit at. Killed Br Ukito Jack. afsaoksetar. Oct, 7 m-axLh at all tbo tobacco crop ty aot yet hoc sad was killed this tug by th heavy trust. Sipped Uy Frost.

Vsysrilis, Occ (dpacial Tk tuunding toiaooo in Alssoa and Braekaa eoontlae waa badly damagwl by the frost of betarday and Teaaday aihts. Tb Cottoa Not llm ipbis. Oca. Liabt frost tbronrn. cut tbis sec uon this morning, but not sufficient to Injur cotton.

TjOTTTfr nSUFl. -AV. Awae FEVER'S VICTIMS Camp Ferrj's Honejless To Ca Glren Transportation. Twenty Nurses From Jacltsonville To Take Their Tea Days' Dose of EtTenty-Threo lTiw Caaes aad Six Seatha tho Record of tao Stricken Tbo Mayor of Deoatar Publitieo Aa TJrgtnt Appeal For ICoooy and Proriaioua. TEI PEOFIiX ASS BVTWTBJSQ.

Cam Pen rbv. Oct. I. Special) There was aa i teres ti or aoeao o-nicht la front of Sureeoo Iluttoa'g tent. Thio mornlnc tbo Commardact isaft) an order direceihr aU oo on wbo bad beea la Camo ItrrT over ton dar-caarantlne time to teoort at bcsulqoartixo after evening meba.

"Ia answer to tola, there apDrajccd men sod women of various decreed who were stranded her without mean to eroeeed. Cndcrneatb a canoor. and seated a round a pine table, over which awuntr a bun p. were Dra, Hatton- Geddiaaa. McDowell and fjult tru.

while tMutv hv warn tha Atlier attacbea of tbe cam a A number of curious refnrees swelled the throng of need ones, wnile away In tbo distance was hbe bure lor fire around wbicb were gathered bttla crowds of yellow fever refutree. Dra. Ceddinn and MoDowell acted aa Secfetaitea. wbilo Surgeoa liuttoa Questioned each on as be pre- aeuied himself. Somettmea ft was a tnan witit a family of several cnikiien.

wbo told tbe storr of bis flight, and of bis tsMMiileaa condition, libera iwer some wbo bad a few do Harm, but nearly all desired to re to Georgia, Kentucky and far 8 or thorn point, innlud-imt Sew York, and hoe pittance tbey potiBrarinl was not sufficient to buy food en roUtc Tbo name of each, together with tho nkvc ot deaQ nation waa tauten and transoortation will be furnished to the nearest larre olace. Maqt points to whic-eacoole wished to so axe under strict auatuntlue attain Jackaonviile and Caniu rcrrv. and therefore tians-portutiou to such oiuoes would avail noLh mu. It will take Severn! Uays to iuuuixe tborouguiv into all Uw ca -s. as sum who dccla-e ther have no moucy have sumcieut lu nils to lake Uiem awav.

and Uiev wid be found out if puaaiule. Among those wbo eaiiicd were several vounr women, also a uum-ber of widows rubbed of their pioiector bv tha nlatrue, Alton ther. it was a nirht rarar witnessed, and one that Jrouid wake an Utexeatina cbantcc dvsciibed in detail There were no eases ot ye now fever i rmn krrr. and three in- nnttea of the bosLutal were diacnaiged as nmvaJeaonnta. IberO were tairv-w arnvaav on tb Government train, iwentT Of thUB WlIU and leiuale nurwaa, booe servtj; wece no lou-er nceued la Jackaonvldc, and --a uriu hrre who were arr ted floe tut nuia cmarwinia.

at and scut to Camp lrry for various onenaus, and who have no mean of turn? a war will be sent to Camp Mitchell from tbe looks ot horror witn whicb tbis iniorniaUon wa received 1 conclude tbat Camp Mitchell Is not a doligbtrul place, 1 here ia only one discharged relugee to go 5orth to-morrow sv. a-vm I. llitT 1 1, situation at Callabaa. eight K.ttn. unti, KmtiM nnchamted.

I church is stiU hanging between life and death, and liicbaru I doing very well. i. Anmnletclv deserted. Dr. Posey goes there each morning and return in the evening- In rvpiy to a letter asking if a party of refugees eoukl get Into Montgomery, xi.

ust. eesved tbe lolAiwing to-day from kUyor Ueeso, ol that place: a wiar ni beDtsmber Si received. TourvOii and es ty, nwr tan days queraa-tiB at Csbib Wry, esa paas ihroug this eit In a tooked car, but eaa not skip here, lasasi lit nia know wkoo yoa can pass throukh, so hat I can make a-ngneota L.TT.k. ur tatin On. Ihia is but one iliustrataon of tbe information received every day oy in- A "A with sixteen rattle, was killed in camp to-day by Mr.

Gon-xales. who shattered iU bead with a load of shot. There are PenT fa-gators and mocassins in tho Sk Mary's end swam its around the camp. Dr. Fat- tnh1 with his old WOUnd better, and be is able to bobble about bis cabin on erutchea.

wii. v- TiakM. of the Cincinnati Poet. arrived last night, He nearly died of the fever and looks bke a ghost. Tne Government never change it bill of far and consequently the food nerved.

Is rettlne a little monotonous. Koast beef, beef stew. grit, potatoes, ha eon and eoffe are verr substantial. but you do get tired of them three time a day. There is no way out of it, however, and we shall have to eat it until the bitter end.

Dr. Faget's child Is better, and be will remain in charge tho his pi I LUCJXN ADKESa CHILLY AT DECATUR. A Cold Wave aad siowia Frost Dis p. Foallars of Aat-letv. Decs tor.

Oct, S. (SneclsL An un expected cold wave tbat appeared last night has to a large extent dispelled tbo fears that were entertained by our physicians. The thermometer registered SS deg. this morning, and a light frost waa visible all over tb city; but still ft is not what wo need and will bavo to bavo before tha yellow fever is en tirely obliterated. During tho past twenty-four boars there bavo been tour easea of fever reported, besides oaa or two doubtful -cases, and two deaths bavo occurred Dr.

IUaek and a oolored railroad man, Andy Orr. Among- the new easea reported ara Edward Booker, a city policexoan, and Mrs, Joe Graham, Tb sick ara all reported la good oon-dition to-day. with only on case Ua ssoua, aad that a oolored female worse. Several patient bavo beea di am It sod as well during the past two flays, leaviavg Only about loartewei esaes under treat. aient Dr.

William baa been on tho street to-day for tba first time since bi attack, and Dr. Buckley will bo out tomorrow. la eon vers Una with Col Bead, of tb Tavern." to-dar. ha told your corresoondant tbat there was consider, able sickness amoax citizens of b'rw Decatur, but ho thought ft was not yellow fever: tbat it was merY a severe typ of malarial faver. and Ti- Steinberg, tbe Government expert ar.

lived brio yesterday, all those lncredo nlous nartin aere anxious to know bis opinion of th disease. beLevinr woukl decide It waa aot veilow Xevar. Ia 09 n-voraation with that ruibleman this morn, fag. be info-aed vour eoiteeoon4cnt tst be bad seea veilcrw fever Ja mnnT pert oX th wozii, and that the Xveg eB OS. eams -ear bad bera waa mat a well la tbat diaroao la Cuba and Souui America, Di.

baa exam" A several easea since Tcalerday. btiTT "oeforo aad after duaUa, and of course ho ia pretavrd to save a ooc.cct tfiagiinbia tho ciieeaae. in. halt ft- wbo was oaa of tHo oldeak and most rceoccted eiuzcus of Deeauir. waa nven a Chris dan burial this morn-ins.

Dev. Dr. Aims bran nmoiatod. Dr. Jiiack'a land iy and several fneurta war in aUeauaoitt.

llus waa the seooud funeral thA aan teen allowed any yeisow fever ourtwo ainoe tno As mails ktHtfOaciiea tbo woauuer gctumr couJur avuu we ara antioiiny awuaJit SilU iaotuaa fog aCOBt la UllUilg ttitavaatkV. tl'FfSSUO BECATUB. Ctty Officials Mono Aa Appeal For aa ror ta Do-Ututa. Cjadnxrvti, Oct. 3.

The loUowin4: baa beea rootuved Uiio evening; by Uio uie mnXiwti-Uaitetts lnjni tbo A Lay or ol Do-catuxo f)rL nocvaiipa-nicd wiui a rou.ueat tuat bo puhiis tb rough tbo aao-eiated Press "Decatur, Ala-, Oct. 3. At tba outbreak: of tbo fellow lever we, tbo execu-Vive utucexa cl Ibjcatur and ew Decatur, agreed upon a Una of policy to bo uiv duxiuK the prevalence of tbo eyi-djuiue, aau aaul all suuecinii waa over, wuicb wo sen supported uy tho aw- Juiiiy of Pt pcoiila. rut tto have beea hBllijrfVl otiii-Ui Ul arraaatll iruut uotu, awui. by ytuauno auu navo ueiLtwsr t0ret(Luur ayireciated the Mtu puun, and wan bnv ceusurott our motive ana acuona, aad Uitta have led vno outaida world to bcuieve tttat we were actuated by aejiiab tuotivee alone.

Oux laara ate uowr cu-iiixcd. Mw Uecatur bn 250 wbito and 7ii colareu onle, and Decaikir baa pvec iuu persons teuo have aitvndy arujiied tor bels; other yrho b-vv uo bittiu a small suoiy olaPpd will noon be destitute, and tu-day we nava no i. muT pfdfoTf mTth i mor- 1 tbucbritabl fee pie ol th United State for a as is tan oe. eitner 114 money or suppinte, tne latter preferred, exet from points from which tbey would no. reach us promptly.

Under the restraint of tho quarantines we ae eept the kind offer of rite Louisville and (Khviil and alcmpt 'S a-V rcga to deliver dur sup7ues to ua tree of charge, "Ajrnarw Fas, "Havor of Wew Decatur, C. Aubti. '-Mayor of Dctar. J. fcxxD, "Vice Belief Cbmmittsw, Daoatnr.

Jobs 8. Bus, "Chairmaa Kauaf Com mitt, Kw Dsca- tur." 8eveatyThre Ifew Cases at Jack- anwville. Jacksonville. Oct, S. The banks havo beea closed during the day, many buildings draped in mourning, and baalness generally suspended on account ot the death of Col Daniel Dr.

Meal MtchJll, President of tbo Board of Health, issued the following bulletin for tbe twenty-four hours ending at 6 p. m. Mew ease, seventy-three deaths siXi total caaes to-date, 2.000; total deaths, 270. Of the new oases, thirty-two are whita and forty-one coloreda nearer approach to equality than for many weeks past. Bev.

A. Barbour. Episcopal rector in Lav 11a, died this morning. His family is in Illinois, their old horn. Under the new regulations, K.

D. Baker, of th Cineinnat. Pose, will only be detained at Camp Perry three days, lie is convalescent. George E. YVUbou.

of the Committee on Nurses and Medical Aid. baa a list of about thirty-live extra nurses, and hone to ship them all away to-day, as it waa found that the New York nurse had beea not! tied that they would receive S3 per day until discharged. Tk Heroes tk Epidemic. (Clos. Cromwell I Mom phi Ladger.) DKDICATSD TO THE TELXOBArBxaS AUD ax wsparga mxji or rax stoicus Km to tba sound of tba drum and flfa.

Nor to nutria's euvrioa oad; K01 la the aui i hi raake of sun fa 'Neath tba batua's grimy pall Where tk burtliar rata of bullets faQ Krotn tns thunder otoud of war. And tba roar of guns and shriek of ahaB Seuu Sella bck aaiaa arw Kot there tbey marched; Tnelr too was a foe unseen Wbo lurked I the city's stutod air? Wbo lurked ia meadows ft sen: Wboatory oksro aud at one would be; ho struck with retaotieas hand; Wbo aoattered sorrow sad sntarr All over a happy land! Did our be a i alter? Nay, aot they I iVu weakening sifra thsy gaea. But m-rubed a eaitn and "-til fast way To toe brink of a oartaia grave. Ob! History ia toy flaming oar; fame in inv tmiaint aotaa Tatae we taa aeroee ot mood tic tu Daxd wbore tb vuliar Tba berooa grand of the key and tue pea no uuu uowa tasir uvos 1 for their follow. Trains Rissikf.

KnoxvlUa. Oct, S. Trains wbich were diaoontlnud oa the Memphs and Char lea ton railroad, on account of th yellow fever quarantine, are now running again- BANKER BANQUETERS Th Aaterfoa Baaker' Assoclatloa la acssioa at Cia ciaaaiL Onotanett, Oct, a Tk sro Atsselatloa saa ab led In the Bootdab Kit Cathedral to-day. wast Mr. Jams Sapcy.

ot tnia elty, mads tb opening address, ta wbich aa eloquent raapons was made by Ms. Logan C. Murray, Froaldeat of ta aavtelsilna, Tbis waa tadewed by roudn reports. This being ClBolnaaU Dajr at the Kxpoaldoa, and Cbaatber of Com mere having adiottraad la rdar to attend it, tk Bsakei alas Joined tkla afiaraooa la la spooling tba exhibition. Tb banquet to-sight to tks ABtsrleaa Beak, sis' Asaocituioa was given at taa Bumat lloaae.

fl early three kuadrsl seraona wee at the tables la ta ksnrtamj at Tb Bora! aooorstion war Doing scattered rosea. Mtv Jsatee Eaor. at CiatlnnaU, Bentea near alas ware Jobs Jay Knox, of New Yorktjcity J. T. batita, of BalOmors: L.

C. klurray. Vrealdeak ei, tne Aseoc.aoua taorton AtcMjenaaL ef 111. adPlphls; Hun. BonJ.

J. Buucrworth aal Mnra iia siaad. ot fliimtnnaM. kmoti otbera nwnt were ueorgo a. Loe, ox Atv lurk lie 1.

naa i an. af Cumheruvad. hid. Wat. imu.

-r vwwuuaa, v. i m. axamweea. ot sueaisamd. Vs.

i Job I. P. OAsll. ot Caicagu; uTtL Camp, of MUwaukee. tuere was no pro gr Baune er tosaoi Br pared, bat srnoBgtbe speakers were una Jay wwiius viuitacj a ajami Butterwortb.

oa Tbo Clnoinnarl Cntanoial Year." aad M- TTai stead, oa Tb was Isle akua tb party separated. A TOWM IX DASCEB. Pralrl Fires Threaten Dostraetiosi iti to vi oi ciarige. Irak. Jmatwa.

Oca. S. A report teat reoalvod from Eldrig. too mile wsajk. taa uo ot ia Northern Faciflo Bailroad, say a biz prairi fir fat rarinr Beer thak Viliag, and lb town ia in dana-ar.

Tba flra tartaatni ax tar noon, and approacbad tb cay raptoij, ana an its reaiaeou are new out fa fore fighting th flra. In resranna to a roqueas for aid, a Oiorthan i Faotno or with nrty men oa just lait to kelp save the town. ws ar aiao raging ta other dircio Mrs, ktoroy tret Her AUsaoay. Chioago, Oct. Mrs.

Jdaria F. Btorar. tb divwrosd wife of tho 1st Wilbur W. Btorsy, obtained to-day front tba Ulinoia Eaprem Voort a rwvarsal of a docisio, by tk lower courts that ah wa aot tltasd to bar alimony of 12,000 after the death of Mr. fvtorey.

lb ffact is to giv kor anout S4.UUU tbat has been withheld, and to aoa. firus ker claim to S.0U frota to estat aanusJly as long aa see lives. Tba Bdiee Keeovered. -Fort Sanilac, Mich-, Oca. a Ike wodJoa of the Ave people from th barge 8k, Clair diownod bera yehtexday mf.rnitl wben the band Deech life-boat swamped, havo all been recovered.

orrroBim 4, isss. -waaeawam-mi CiaOSK COXSIEHHATIOL The Growing: Sentiment In Fa tor bt Annexation to the United States, A Canadian PaperSnggests Higlier Patriotism For Stopping the Swelling Tide. Born. Scotia's Attorney Oonaral Speak. Ia Behalf of TJueatralaed Hflciproeity As th Eemtdy.

Prat GiScksa, too Betrayer of German 8tau Secreta, Said To Bo a Little 017 In tbo Head. WZX.BSZ.SC I IT TIZ91TA. Montreal, Que- Oct, 3. Tbe Star.1 whicb rcprcsenr mora accurately than. any of tba party of Caaadiana en nauera tba true feelings hu Wlc quttion'i1 i wae produced this evening ana wae rw-ZrTJZZi eei'ed with every mark of approval.

Sullivan himself acted ao conductor. At signiflcant article thia eveanff on tba annetatiion question. Its expression of opinion baa cauaed a bis avwaat oa in political circle. It earn: "Tbe American Senate can not have Canada for tbe Baking Just now. but we warn tbe poll-tieiaaa of both sides ia Canada tbat they are la an appalling rata creating aa an nexation sentiment in this country.

FIX- te rears aro it would have been treason totknk of such a chang. and any on. openly oxprnwiag a Jav arable opinion ef it would havo been exposed to per sonal violence, To-day the question can bo dlscossed with tho utmost freedom, and aa espousal of th causa ia tolerated without a thought ot violence, Thia change baa been brought about by a variety of co-unes, all created by professional politicians. Tho only thing that eaa cheek th swelling tide of saa. negation sentiment in this country la a higher patriutism ia our public men.

tho tilling up of th great Northwest aod posaioly a system of imperial federation." An Ottawa aays: Attorney General Long ley, of Nova bcotia, ia here attending the bupreme Court. He baa created a senaation ia the stronghold of Toryism by bis outspoken utterance oa rntematjonai quwt ona. Mo la an out-and-out annexatioaist, but aim ply calls himself aa advocate ot anreata-ivted ci procity the United btates. Talk lnif to tho limes correspondent, ho said: 'Ibe people of Nov bootia want to trade with their neighbors, rather than build up aa unproutaol in ter-prov lnuai tratie. 1 think bona tor tiherman, ka his speech, baa played a great card to bring- about annexation.

The blunter of an elemeno -of th American people respecting Canada, eould havo no avail, for Aagio- baxons are not to bo bulkioxed. but if other American poLticiana follow in aha wane of bherman, Untish intereat ia Canada ia in danger. -Unrestricted reciprocity w.U aot bo brought about in a clay, lor tho prejudices of gen era ti ana have got to be removed. Mr. Longiey said that he bad heard that a movement waa on foot by a syndics of capitalists to acquire and oun aolidate th Cap Briton eoal-mining propertie.

Th promoters, understood, were Anvds-ioaina, and accord ag to newspaper report, Cyrus W. KeJd waa of the number. The proposed step would bav tk effect of stiffening- price. The Cape Briton eoal minora, just now, ho said, were at tho mercy oX. the Montreal dealers, who have not tieen paying them fair pneea.

The, Mr. Longley added, waa the result of tb eftorta to divert trade into aa unnatural ehanneL Mr. Longley concluded a little talk by stating that unrestricted reciprocity, not commercial una on. waa the remedy for Nova tin. W1U1ELS IN VIENNA, A Cordial Rewkptioa xteade4 to the berass basttor attk Capital Aaatria, Tiraoa, Oct, 3.

Tho Emperor of Ger man arrived hem tkla morniniz. mnror Joseph, attired la a Fnialaa unllorm and wvaniii uio yowi us tno inwett Order of the Black Eagle, received tke Emperor at the railway station, As the train bearing the Kaiser drew Into tb stage, baud played a acht am Uhoin, mperor Ftbueis Joseph raised his band to ais helmet in saiute and advanced to tho footboard of tb ear. where stood Em-pet or WUliaas clad tn tke unihvrm af tb Austtlaa Infantry lteglment. of which ke Is koncjaiy L'fdwoei, aud wearing tho rarlous of the Older of St Slcpben, of Hungary, aad the Vnliar of that Aiaoa bsgie. The aoveteign eeiulalry emuraued ami kltied each other aud snook each othor's ii-Mft- iuriug the exenaugo ol greetiaga they remaiueu with Uioir rsnda oussped.

Eniperor a lUiam than advanced aad shuuk kaads with the Archdukes, who were alee piwaeht, and kissed the uowa rTinoe ana Archduke Chjlua, Louis and Albert, while Lmpuror Frauds Joseph shook hands with Count Herbert Eismarvk and Prince Rvuss, of tbe kaiser'a part). Kmpuror Wlllisai passed befur th Uuard ol ktonor and received vaiioais deputattoas. lie shook naoda with Uovernor xtiaaiiignr. Chief of Folic Mines and burgomaster Chi, who exproseod tbe pleasure ol the city at ahd halsor's visit. Tbe Emperor lets Use st Uon aa la arm, luiiowed ky.

the otaa. visitors and thoao who had received them aad war driven to th lioflbum. A Urge crowd kad gathered at lb sis don and A antbuaiaatleallv SS the two porurs eanerged trotn th station and drove. Tb Imperial earring mad a triumphal rogt through tbe sut tu th xtodburg. fat Twuiuows and k-lounio ol th hoiis.s alnne ilia KHIt We Ka-ly AoTs4ed aud were filled with laui.

who waved their hendaeivhlat ia welcome ol tho Imuettal c-mnita klsabeth wlIoouiu m-pe WUilaau ia th iteluarl wing of th house, which wld be occup.ed by hi in. aria, a convcitiuus wtut iti amp and Crow Frlocea btenhanle. the Enuforor reenl.Ad number of distig -Uud p.n. The popular preparwtloas fur tke reception of fcuiporor Miiilam weue oa tae grwrnasat Bcale.

lloffnurg was splendidly decorated. On many bouses th Gorman aid. Austrian aod Uuagailaa eeaura wee aying. XJutring too as, iy moruiog a gathered at the depot and along the route lo the lioifbuig. win-low along the Mas to the King sfrsese wa occupied.

Tho vmIsis denot. tn which mm but member ot the Imp rial party wae admitiad, waa beoOOkrn Wltn Bowers. im wear a waa tnraaoutlt dneoraUMt. 'Ihe Maatur Ktag Ot Prussia's Infantry reKUneat fu nlahed the guard ot honor, -troop ot aa anus aia is tha route to th palace. Tk Tea Huasa-wr aoMAg as a guard oi aoaoc at th Ited- Van fiesanlrL MLntsb ef Axrlnlt- ore and Commerc.

and to other member tb AnsW I an Ministry, tb Goiaor. Burgomaster. Commander of tbe Troop and preuuBcot German twakieats of tb sit- wc at ibe depot, Tit aimbart of the aclomatw eor t. aad tk etlice i ot the reserves isadweur were preswnted to r.weror luiam ai Beffbuiav After th German ba-ey, Lmpator- toon lunehiion at Vie Jtn- Srisl pajaoe, aod afterward vbdted tb eadeny Educ alios aad Art. In tbo ka rreeived PtiOO PbliiP.

Co karg. th Blskop of irsguo and Urrr 1 rtsa, tbe Hungsxtaa VremJer. Ia ta evening a baauues to Koiperor lUlam wsa give by. the luiiperor aad Kmprrst ef Austria, Among tne guests were te Anstriea Crow a Prior and Crowe PtiBrwe. Ih Austrian Arcadnars aad Arebduckesses, Prinee end Prinoess Fhilip ol toburg.

aad Prinee Henry of Means, ike Oat-man Ambaa idor. aad kls wife. To-mon amiree uiiaia wi.l ie-ive ta Ausiriaa aw tary ata allnMtcra. GERMAN, Tba Caaa at Prof. GefSekeav Frae Retaltato Oa Her letsc Ettat, Berlin Oct.

3. RnUrive Prof. Ocf- ackea, who was aires ted for revealing etat secret in furnkhiaf tb Deutach stunoscaaa wita extracta rrom mneroc kredetkk Uary( kor turwarded bs tk i aoort a atedieil eertincaU showing Ust the arouaea ia attuotioa nw.rMae as the court to declare that the inofeaeor le aot responsible for his srUona. The doere Ususd ky Prasldens Carnot relative to the ivaidcno of lureigners i. bant aa a sseasnr retaliation of the reeent Bpsiport -guaUoaa anoyUal oy tne unniity Trial rWraalk lVowdon.

Oct. a. The Fn ten mdamnity mod bs reached tb sua i of Ilk reported that the Time baa roaoJvod that, as liUour-od gra a pones In bringing wttneetee to toodoa ta trsdfy la the fboaneU trial, ead ea It red. kra th same eour la eoaneeto AtJ.Sr5 if MrTt-araea- snlt agslnat It tor lihai. which I to he ttled lo booUand.

tneur larg expeaase la sppeanBg Jhstora tba FaraaU inquiry Cowm 4ioo. lwtdMBiy supply evldone SBOUgb fo JiCf misTloa ta summoning Mr. rtrnaU to tt witness box, aad eompei him to ehow bis band. The Tfmee, It Is said, will far. Ski eommiselwtth otir wltni ttm.

whom th eemnuseJon authorised to summon and meuXj. rioodo Droal a. Berne, Oct. S. -Owing to floods have occtirred throughout bwiuer-land and a Bomber of railways have been dmaged to such aa extent ao to cau.H interr nptiona to trafno.

London. Oct. A arositik praJlk throughout tbe province pf Ouxerat, India, and a famine is threatened oa tbe peninsula of JtittyaTar. Gilbert ead alHs-ea If Ovora. London, Oct.

Sc. SaTU van's new opera, Tbe Yeomen of tbe tbe close be appeared before the curtain with Gilbert and Oarta in res pons to the demands. Tbcr were numerous encores and recalls. Th isaericaaiet Cwrwe Berlin. Oct, 3 At Mm Americanist Cea rrss today papers were, read hy Messrs.

liaxrer and sltarae, af Bo to a. Ia tha after-boob lie' Voa Seheaalsaa rave a fat at tha Zooloaieal garden la honor of Ihe me tabors of the conference, at which Hsrr Voa Uusster Tho Rkoao OvrS-wa It Bank. Paris, Oct, X. Tb Rkon ha overflowed Pts baaka. TralBs aa tb Urneva and Lyase raUruad have beea lopp d.

hoveral persona bave Dee diowoad a 6eyseL I'ay. ero I flooded. Th alyk of the rtver kav broken, and tke water kaa burst ever th adjacent plains, forming a vast lake. Aaarckiat Plot Mill ilk Is. London.

Oek, S. Sooth Ge-man paper reoprt that th Grmaa polio hav been warned of aa Aaarehist plot against Erne pror William, and that the plans for his. journey havo keen altereu in oonsequenc. apposed Americano Arreased at London. Oct, 8.

Two sapposed America have been arrested in connection with tb yyhitcehapel murders. Marine latellir)ce. London, Oct. 9. Tho State Line steamer.

State of Georgia, which railed, from New York September 20 for las-row, baa not yet arrived, and much anxiety 1 folk. London. Oct. S. Pusaeal the Lixard Steamer sLrooca, from Baltimore for Antwerp, Passed Portland Bill Steamer Colorado, from New York for IIulL Arrived Steamer Mimnean, from Boston.

Psa Dun net He Ste Gothisk Irom New York for 8ettin. fcwinemund. Oct, 8. Ariived St am-ers Bolder and Islaad, from New York- New Castle, Oct. a.

Arrived Steamer Ma re oca, from New York. Hambura. Oek, 3. -Sailed-lSteaaer Viola, fos New Orleans. New York, Oct.

Arrived Steamr IQiTnland. from Critfo. from Leith, and Dunde and State of Indi-ana, from la ago. r. Maraeillea, Oek, Arrived Steamer Neustna, from New York, Queens town, Oct.

3. Arri ved Steamer Anion, from New York, Boston, Oct from Baa croft's Eighty-Eisktb Birthday. Newport, L. Oo, 3 Th Hon. Goo.

Bancroft, tb historian, reecneo. his eigbty-eigbth birthday to-day. Be at looking wno-derfully well for a maa of hia years. He had manv eallere. wnoen be rooolvod with great cordiality, and roosived eoogn lUUaeorT tsleg-m a from distinguished ma ot tb country.

Georgia aJoasoeratle. Angnsta, Oct. SV Ther being ao exposition, th lectioa for Go srnor aad Stat ofScwrs ramtrl off aniatl. Rot do and tk other official war ra slrntail. I ne a me II lmIH til I lie yni IStlf BtiOSI acra lag tb number of buprwm Court Justiosa from three to Ave was adopted.

Crashed Retwewa Plat far. Ashland, Oct, Special August Enke, gin-hand at tba Norton Iron-works, waa caught between tho bumper of two flat ears today aad cruanid to death, a wa about fllty-nve yeaas old and married. The Kichsnoad Aspitlaw Bicbmond, Oct, 8. Ih wn-i Exposition was formally opened to-day la the pfweeno of twenty tbotisaad peo-le. airs.

Gov. Le est th uiachinorr tn mouoa by toucuing an aioctrio buuoo. TWO CLUttn PUKJ1EO. DoatocratB of tho keooad aad Tblr Hards fclfrci mm Tk Democrau ot tbe Second atul Third waidi did themeelvs credit laat night at th mooting ia Mat tin' UalL ua Jaddrsoa street, between Hancock and Clay. Tk object of tk meeting wae lot Deav ocratie club and it can be said that they sucoeeded sdmiraliiy.

Th kail wae fllleo wua irpreeeatauve Uemoc from tba Oiaereat precincts, and. alio gather. Mr. 'oobi! mew nag wa a rousing on. was elected President of the Second Ward Club and John IX Beyers, Free! dent of th Thud Waid Club, a all John J.

fachususr was ek-cied bocretary ef tho former aad Olii Spcckert ectretary af the lattar. Altar tn eiocuua oi omrars aa luvitatioa was. extended to ad Uioe wbo aosirad be-come members, bmu ever mghty as inns we enrolled lor th two clans. Mr. bhaekai- Kiid kUilar was th first snoainr and aunn- tloned a eumuer of instances where uio ouvnuoue sarin nasi aaea octrtmeutal to tn laboring man's Intt reets.

iare you suppose," said Mr. liar, that If Morton had beer worth only 010.OUO that tha Bepublleane would hav bixim Bated hint for Vie President I ho, the kVpubiicao ar arujuvlBg tuuney while th Hvmuerata ar ran ring brains." Mr. lt.iai aid wed was next InUoduced aad mad a llvaiy apeeoh. Ha predJoted for the Laxmocrata a sue-cessful eampaign and urged apoa tkem the importane oX aot forgauiag tb I iinaiea sioiial election, wkick ha said waa of aa. aenual ImpiH-tane lo the party at large, for ia ease the Republican got a majority la the a lieaiociatle President weald be puwerises to act.

Ua briefly aasnUened tb xeeiient wuik aocta pliaLe: by tk Hot, A soar G. Ca th, and sakti that hi i tot merited a ereoad term. Caps. Freak Hagaa eonciwded tk rem arse with a roue. lag preen oa in tariO.

waich Waa thus! sal le ally received ky kls auditors. Tk mestag aujou wax ao Bleat again Bt tb seen place next baturday aight, LagraBg PrUoaer Bragkt Here. illiam Earigkt aad Charles Bsyers, aged, respectively eighteen aad sevatem year, were brought to jail bar yesterday by Mar. shel T. J.

Mount, of I-rranga, The prisoners, who lis near Lagraage, wer aiiaetil by Detective Lot Hits wail ia to act of brwaklwg into frwigat ear oa th L. aad N. tbaa thought best to bring tbe- ker for saf e-keeptng. To youth appear to eery kardened ctiaraetrrs. Papiared a Uinta) Tho Coroner was.

called at o'clock thia morning to Fourteenth and Dunuwnil treat to hold an inquest oa tho body of 1 siongnaa. wbo died aoddenly front th ruotux of blood vtwael in th brain. Ma a ti. Monghaat otuw-traca as tnat piao about a week ago, 1 ky were locked in tk Oldham oouaty W. bmorJaT ther four raade twd deaperate ecTorta eacana wan KILLED BY A Ait OQcer Shoots a Enj Steallns Street-Car Side.

An Armed Posse Capturej Tr3 Border Dasperadoest. Uvxltfl ers and Train Bobbers, A ITenaesieo Farmer Goes Goati-y m. V.I.IV.. VTTV ua a at tixuuui, ate JUdlla) Him Witn 8aot- EifuWayTaaa Eanr Elirstlf A lowel In tie Cell i of a JaU. duings oar cRisnAia Badrsoa, Oct, SSpsclaLKTkis was tkrowu lata a fever ut sxcltnusol alteniiajg var th Shding of taa 4..

body af WUii Mlder. 'son of A. J. Bh. a auwutg matkiuti aut ksra, -n a youag Miner aud Caaey Hart, asaa tlx teen years old, were ataWnr A nds tk rear platform of a Main strawTssr tbey Wjto alarverwd by Ca buoecxt a-.

at 0urin, who eaiied to Turner to arrest the hoys. trightea tkam They 1 tillsinlj toward th river with Oftieer Tunar a their keels. Hart was uvenaa, Mltier. diaappearou over tkd aver bisa lust ae Vuruer Bred In tba air. a he aiai ta In ah tea tb boys and atus ih lug tnuia uae i rd cf u.

until about 4 o'clock Ula altemaua. I he was dlacuteiea lying at the tset ai i i 1 embannul near the river wita imm I aanset note ui nta aeao. inrouga wva bauud eusad. buch a giiaauy periaus 4 ha present, that he waa sce.eety blxd by those wbo had knuwt ka. tin.

i ner waa arrested hy 0cer T. luita tul put In JaU, lie dlsciatme any uueaiMi Of afcootaug tbe buy and uaeply tec siloa, lb feeling, however, rs hiicta against hlra and grave lusrs st "a'ar'nct 10s ais samty. Swallowed MorpklB, Memphis, Oct. 8. Spyial), MurreU, who waa a drummer two yea ago for Schacfer, Scbwaru A Ca, a iks bouse of St, Louis, commiltsd suioO thia afternoon.

MurreU has beta ea ployed by Good bar ot Co. and riednu 01 uua city, to travel at tut si joining States, and voluntarily ram 1 qui shed his position with th hua house three weeks ago. lie had ben very hard before that tint, and sin os then has oeen on a eanuBtu spree. At noon to-day, an acquaint to whom he exhibited a bottle af aa- chine, took it away from him, kit hs became ao ugly that Ui poisat wit at laat given back. As he walked tf, he declared bis intention to kill La-self.

Four hours later he waa tsai 1 unconscious in his room, ile bad lowed nlty grain of morphioe, and tu not bo revived. A Rspetd Clt st Asaass'aata. Blrmlbghani, Oct, 3. bpclh. News reached th cliy to-day of the as posed aasasslnatloB of Joab Houstos, 1 respected eltisen ef th Toadaiae BMO woraoodw of this county, ewveral sv ago he ws found dead on th pubUs am near his home at daylight wHh a ftu' of shut ta bis body, kte la knows kavs been passing tba way tat the alien belore, and it Is thought ornouodj aiuun by ta roadsht abut aim.

It Is sstpstw that the caua of tb bluing was a bu. wbicb baa existe oetweew tae ua as and tke Stmpaoas. anotlir saoilly of ht neighborhood lor tome year. Aoo kjr the Uowtons wa killed by a it about a year agu. This time thate nothing to Ux suspicion upon auy xteaiks of tbe hostlio family, more ties etha.

Haaged Himself itk a TwL Bale, Oct. S. John i. Caasl. of Boston, in jail awaiting acdoa of a grand jury for highway robber atCioaeav ter.

hanged hi taslf with towel ia shea this atornlDg at o'clock. He asked fwsssa to be coo, aad twenty minutes later wat tetsl hanging dead. He hsd beta very Barvoa for several davs, and his mind was eveietur uabalanoeds Paper had beea suds eat a commit htm for iuaanitv te-nsy. btea believed to bave been Impiloaualta tmronsj Lomasney murder and roouery esss, aoa kvi tosd tow. prawat omcial taat alts, eat Bow serving a life sea tones tor mar sr pushed Lorn a soot od tb wnarf Conaally wa twenty-five years old.

Twenty btelea Baa, St, Louis, Oct. 3 J. W. Co ktwwy of Piatt county. Missouri, took In new bonds ef the county at rtfei i City Monday to hav them regis Its, 1 I bonds were dulv recorded "4 Br- piaMSd tuoui ui hi.

VaUsO, uniaa ss bis room at tbe hot la Jedwisa ui, while be was at dinner, bat a hi sight at any other tlmj. If arrival in af, Louis, wk ka to dispose of th bonds. Mr. Coats ered taa twenty 0 per cent nadir aw of tb denooiinaiiou of 01.04X1 eaU mknlng, their numbers being frma 30 inclusive aad dated Oct. 1 leha.

presumed that Lue bonds wert ssa, aa all efforts to locate them ksvs fsjsv A Pair of Murderers. Wichita FaUa, Tex. Oct. A Sheriff's posse, nnmberin over armed men. yesterday surprised sm captured tho border deperadoe.

and Dan CnmnbeiL at their t'i place In the Kod river bottom. TM prisoner, who are brothers, ro tnuiderea Deputy bhenfl Cocbajt. who was attempung to arrest then robbing a train on the Southem l' ciric and for robbins a bank at Ci Texas. ITiey were lodged is J-l thia place. Held Up By lie as.

Florens, Oct. J. Tho io1 stage from thia place to Cass w-aa held up yesteiday aJueiaou a) Dry Lake, If to miles north 4 Cw tirantle. by two Mexicans, who tw tho Wells Farxo treasure box registered mail pooch. No gero wert ab(rd tho ftaze.

la rob berg eecapt-d. Throw Sana! la tb Turnkey's ZT--Oaalaad. Oct, A rVisoaart la sba -at New Iakdwa. a deaparssj tempt to socape to-day. Cbsrls tw.

charred with bors steeling, threw soni tb eye of tbe turnkey, knocked kua 4r and mad hi escape. It kad kse so relaaaa all tba leHaoaers. bal balors hrv rtuld tmlock tb oalla. tbe tare key g'J lan mnA tu wn kaS But reoaptured. Bb Took Cas.

Chicago, Oct, Mrs, Sidney Smith, of tb ami stent tick rnt of tk aylveaia reilroad, was fooad sJaad bed tnia morning by her buebuea. ossss been suffering from despondency. mitsed suiovde by plaulng tk tub PMist-MtoswiSh This tae" attemp at suictde la this msnaer wttaia past two weeks, and two Of tkem ker so liirnsstf ill A Bad Maa Caoght. Indnpssvlsooa, Oat. A Balsa, of this pi, has ospsursd Myers, wbo toad a deadly assasli ea Burtoa with coupling-pin At lad.asdao on August Myers ia rerd-da per ago aad dangerous cbsrarter.

A Dlaalt JalMd. MoBtreal. Oot. A-IUcoer. tk Frevdeoe Aefaalttr.

was tax to tb pwwteotiary eJtorwoo. All say asissd him-lrt over to tb baaka..

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