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The Courier-Journal from Louisville, Kentucky • Page 6

Louisville, Kentucky
Issue Date:
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for ct Jccicy CInb Dcsriicg Its IViins. Esziris lis cf Kirizin ttsj Iijirj to CcL Clui. Prctatls That tbe Tyrant-Volants Hatch Eace Will Ba Contested at Chicago. TALK FROM THE TRACK. Tbe mo, successful and brilliant meeting ever beld on tba Louisville Jockey Club groonds ia nearly over, and already tbe own-era and trainers of the different etablee ara preparing for tbair departure.

A number of borsee not further engaged have baan ahipped to Latonla and other race tracks. Tbe entire atabla or Bernea ia which ara tba crack tbree-Teer-oMs, Blna Wing and Pure r.ya, and tba two-year-old, Duke of Bourbon, ltft last night for Latonla. Earn Bryant, TT. O. Scullr, Thomas Stephens.

Wm. Brepnenson, Applegate and It. Pata also laft yesterdsr for Latonla, Jlr. Ed Corrigan aant a numbar of hi bona to tba aaxna place, bat atill well represented at tbe Louisville track by FraaLand, Modesty and several of tba Wat youngsters ta bia atabla. Tba old bar Free-land ia intandad to start ia tba Turf Stakes to ba run to-morrow, and ba is said to ba in as good condition aa when ba CnUbad ia front of tba Dwyers erand mara, Miss Woodford, last yaar.

Hia legs ara not in tba baat fix, bowarar. and In case ba should fail, Corrt-g ai'a otbar entry- ia axpactad to aara tba day. Faarl Jennings and Irish Tat of tba nmi atablaa wera left at tba track, and atari in to-day's races. Mr. Fata'a boraea bad no artber engagements bara, and wara aant off to rain all Iba rest possible befora tba opening of iba racaa at Latonia.

Nearly all tba otber atablaa at tba track will go to tba Latonla meeting, though soma ara intandad to Co direct from Louisville to 6k Louis or Chicago. TAXJE ABOUT KRKMAX. Huch taik' baa been Indulged in at tba track over tba raportad breaking down of L. Cassidy Co. 'a greet cole Kirkman.

Tba statement publisbad to tba effect that bis lags wara unsound, and tbat ba cool not stand" further training, ia altogether wrong. Xirkman atartad tbraa times this yaar, once at Mobile and twtoa at Naahviiie. and ia each of bis racaa ba won. On bis ratarn from 2ahville ba caogbt a slight cold, and on last Fridsy, when ba waa to have lax ted in tba Merchant' Biake, ba waa feverish, and bis trainar thought tt best to draw him. Hi legs ara aa aoand aa tbey ever wera.

aa wi.l ba damonstratad ia tba St. Louis Darby, for wbicb ba is intanded. 11a will not go to Latent, bat wiib tba remainder of Cassidy Jc Co. 'a boraea will go direct to tit. Louis.

It is not altogether improbable that be wul not start for tba Turf atake to-morrow. i ii. Zei big's colt CoL Clark ia also among tba nam bar af boraea erroneously aa having broken down, lie started on Friday for the Mercbanta' Stakes, and ia running around tba turn into tbe quarter stretch, slipped and sprained bis ankle, lie pulled up lame, and raportad aa baring broken down. Ilia lameoees ia only temporary, however, and ba will ba ready to iirt again in a short time. Tba phenomenal ill-lock of Mr.

8. S. Brown's atabla baa occasioned some comment, but belter things are expected of hia borsee at Latonia. A number of bis youngster have been sick, and tba death of bia colt Enright waa a severe blow to his hopes, but tbe list of calamities seemed computed Matinee went wrong, Sb will be relecated to tbe stud, and baa already been brad to George Kinney. 1XTZBZST IS THE MATCH BACX.

Great interest ia taken bara ia tba match rare between tba representative California fables, llacrxia'a Tyrant and Baldwin's Voiante. laa track oo which tba match will ba run baa not yet been agreed on. but tba majority of turfmen think Chicago will ba tba scene of tba struggle. Tba terms ara of one mile and a half for fo.000 a side, tba to be run at Chicago or 5t. 1 is, tba track adding tba large, inn to the stake to ba accepted.

The weight of opinion among turfmen is ia favor of Volants, and judging from public form Volants appears much tba better horse. Tyrant's performance in tbe Eat last year etampe bim aa a great horse, but tbe record of Voiante aa a two and three-year-oid la that of a grand race horse. His race ia tba American Derby, at Chicago, last year, wben be carried 125 pounds aud beat Favor, Troubadour and five other good claaa three-year-old, and his win at one mile over Pearl om Martin and Pegasua in after the hard campaign ba went through tba early spring, ara indications of the borse'a powers. Aa expressed by horsemen who know botb borsee, "it will be no race if Voiante is fit wben ba comes to tbe pot." Tbe interest in tba Eclipse Stake at St. X-ouii baa greatly abated sine It is probable that neither Freeland uorMi.a Woodford will atart.

Alias Woodford will hardly make a trip West this season, and while Freelaud'a traiuer and owner insist tbat be is coming around ail right, bia legs are suspicious sensitive, and it appears that tba old horse's day has passed. roouxa ox to-dat's zvixts. Tba following poola have been sold on tba four races for to-uay: Fim Rnce Three-quarters cf mils; lloantaia Rang fill), tlU; Evsngelina I'JQ), 12; Henrietta (Ul). ti; Pearl Jennings Uo. $7U: Probns (y3l, $2: (101), Uov.

Bate Vuian (IHJ), t-i; btisbisaius (118). $3: Magia MUtcheii OJ, S3; Maggie P. (yi, Chatupagoe titaka, one and rmIm; liarrodshorg (113), 15: J. 11. Feotoa 10; Jim Gray (1 IS).

i0; Boas 0O; Fedora Third (lOts). 55. Limeodorf tbrea-quartera of a rniU Marilee (107). t3; Jennie Treacr (107), 140: iimda (1U7. 20; VaJuabie (loT), (0; Jacobme (llU).

to; Duome (1 10), 50. Mile lleata John A. (107). I6U; Bob Swim (lOU); Uopedaie (100), t0; La hvlptUe (1C8). 4o; Iri-n Pat (10b).

too; ChsatXsllow (SJ). Kershaw (bV), 3. Th French Derby. Pakis. May 23.

The Franca Derby was run to-day, and resulted in a dead heat between Co nit a Berteux's cbestnat colt Upas and Baroa Shlckler'a bay colt Sycamore. C. J. Lefevre's chestnut Cliy FUs d'ArtoU was third. Tba otbar starters were Xabjle, Acgiio, Jorin, St.

Uonora, Fetiche. Gamin. Grytaaee, 'ero and Orme. At the start Orm led, followed by Iwabylc, Aojelo and Fils d'Artols ia tba orJtr nanisd. Katyla and Angelo gained rapidly, but Kabyle was soon beaten.

At tbe bo 1, Cpascaoght Aoilr, Jopin aoi St. ''lienors fullowui in the distance. Sycamore then caugut Upa, and they ran a st'lendid race ioetbr to toe tlaitb. Fils d'Artuis buihe-i four ien the tiehiod, folio -eJ by Jupia, Feticae) aa.1 Anelo ia tae order named. Time, The betting was 40 to 1 azalnrt Upas, 10 to one againat Srcasaore, 10O to 0 epaiast a'Artou, 7 ti 4 ott Jupio, 3 to 1 aint llunore, -4 to 1 acaioit Gam in, 15 to 1 irs.cil Grytanre.

lu to 3 Fetiche, i to 1 2ro, aol LO to 1 aaiuit A--': a. 1 Le itskea wLi ba dirided balwaaa Vji al Srcsaiora. Tliej Cnllsrx EXrrty. Lcnc. Hay i3.

Tbe ca tbe vtLi ta ta ruu ca XTti-tiltj, is 3 1 1 4 ia iTcr cf the Duis cf V.estr:ur's Crac: i. Oc twice tLs Ut i c-: -ry a I'irl I 1 rt c. i 1 1 a 5 that iuu touch tie favvrne. Notes I'rom Track. Race at Latonia Thursday.

P. G. Sp-TH'S stable wU ieate for St. Louis to- bb I Vslanta were worked yes-trJsy for the Turf to-morrow. Voiante is booked to ttsrt.

IT has been decided to make Wednesday a Children's Day at the raes. Childrsn under 12 years wiU be admittsd free. THEprobsble trter ii the Turf Stakes to-morrow are LUitr, Ui-sty. Iwirktusn, lbiliip Msiterpiece and Lijero. LCCKT Modesty, Pearl Jennings and End urer are tbe only that Lava won mora than one race at tba prcseTi meeting.

is tba largest winning two-year-old thus far of tbe eaon. lie bai started in ui rarvs, of wbicb ba ba won five, thea victories netting bis owner 14,750. Hixdoo and Buchamn ara tbe only two borsee that evar won both tbe Derby and Clark Stakes, although four otber loners of the first mentioned race have started ia tbe latter event. Tbe fast work dona by Boas yesterday is said to have broken the watches cf the trainers who saw biai. lie is to be tbe great surprise of tbe meetiog.

the track goasip avs. lie starts la tba Moat and Cbaadon Stakes lo-dey. 2Jodestt by her rietory ia the Montgomery btakee at Mempnisaod tbe Merchants' Stakes at tbe meeting bare has incurred a Knelt of aeveo pounds ia tba great Durban Handicap, which now makes ber weight in tbat race l'2l pounds. Tub spring meeting at Jerome Park commences to-morrow. Of the six raeee to ba run wo ara of especial interest the Ford-bam Handicap and tba Withers Stakes.

Ia tba first mentioned, Pardee, Gen. Monroe, Himalaya. Exile, Albla, Valet and Tho-maria ara among tbe probable starter; while in tba latter, Portland. insctor Bigonett, Casta it. Lansdown, Jennie Brown Duse, Briar and several others will CO to the pot.

P11ILLIPS-ME YEH. A Pleasant Sunday TTeddlnj oa West HarLet Street. A vary pleasant and auspicious wadding was celebrated at tba residence) of Mr. Simon Phillips. 643 West Market street, at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon.

Tba contracting parties wera Miss Bertha, youngest daughter of Simon and Sarah Phillips, and Mr. Joseph Mayer, a prominent young business man of St. Louis. About aeventv-flva of tba relatives of tba bride and groom wara present from Frankfort. Lexington, St.

Louis, and otbar potnts, and mora than a hundred telegrams of congratulation were received. Tbe ceremony, wbicb was performed by Rabbi Roeenfikler, was followed by a reception wbicb lasted until 0:30 o'clock. At 7, tba happy couple left on a bridal tour to tha Eastern cities. They will make tbair base ia 8t. Louis.

Among tba many presents received wera three pair of very exquisite lace curtains, Mr. and Mrs. II. Cohen; fancy bronsa ornaments and lac tidies. Misses Beckieand Bertha Cohen; rocking cbair, Mr.

and Mrs. Summer; cut class water set with bronze waiter. Miss C. Harris; bronxa banging lamp. Mr.

and Mrs. Adolpn Sales; band-painted mirror. Mine Minnie Wald; fruit diabee, Mlse Celia Harris; water act. Mr. and Mrs.

Heisraan; awioring lamp and china, Mr. Wei berg and Mia Lowen-thai; set silver knives and forks, Mr. and Mrs. N. Sales; velvet album, Mrs.

Smit; blue glass water set, Mrs. ti. Jaoob; dessert eat, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Mareorin; ornamented cuepadors, Mr.

and Mrs. B. Snyder; d-eert set, Mr. and Mr. Julius Loeb; ban some lamp, A.

Sales; dock, Mr. and Mrs. Itanxal; pitcher, Mrs. bebwaaa-gar; rasee, Mr. and Mrs.

Hermes; caster, Air. and Mrs. II. Sales; silver pickle disb, Mr. aud Mrs.

liertchtieid; silver butterdish, Misa Sarah Uoffuiau; parlor ornaments, Miaaea Jennie and Bertha Hermes; vases, Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Coben; broosa clock, Mr.

and Mrs. K. Wald; cbina dinner set. Lea Phillips; silvsr cup and orne-tueats, Eddie Pbiliips; silver totter dish and pitcher, Samuel Hams ailver ladle, Solomon DsrrU; table-cloths. Mrs.

Alexander; towels. Mrs. Cohen: table cloths, Mr. and Mrs. Ilosoier; tidies.

Misses Annie and Bella Cohen; fruit dihe, MUs Julia Ii. Plobn; icecream and de-sert dUoes, Mr and Mrs. Wolf Jacob; iron di.b, Mrs, Glad-atone; wioe el asses. Misa Fannie Levi; bread-box. Mr.

Wahl; flower vase. Mrs. Blats; fancy wall ornaments. Miss Sadie Lilienfeld; flower dub. Mr.

and Mrs. Kiass; rocking cbsir, Mr. and Mrs. Harris; coal vase, Mrs. Frankenstein.

A GHASTLY FIND. The Eemalns of An Infant, Sewed in a Slip, Fished Out of thCanai. George Jones, tba overseer at tha lower locks of tba canal, was walking along tba bank yesterday when ba noticed a peculiar-looting object floating ia tba water. Ha procured a book and, drew tba bundle out. It looked like a sack of flour, but whea opened tha.

decomposed remaina of an Infant ware found. Coroner Miliar waa notified and want down to tha lock. Tba body was tbat of a large, well-developed female white child. It bad been apparently atrangled, as a piece of twine was tightly twisted about tbe neck and tba feet wera tied together. Tba body bad been securely aawed ia a linaa sack, evidently made out of a wbite dress, aa flouncee were at the top of tbe sack.

Tba cuild waa thrown Into tbe water shortly after birth, but it is not positively known whether life was then extinct" or not. 1 ba badly decomposed state of tba remaina prevented tha Coroner from roakiog a poet urtem examination. Some -i hint tbe body in some way connected with tba mysterious find by some fishermen of a woman's leg soma time ago. Tbe body had evidently been la tbe water eeverei weeks. Death of John Cmerson, Aed 00 Years.

fCorresoCDdeoce of tbe Courier-Journal, Boutaji, Tr.iN May 23. Mr. Joba Emerson, at tha age of 90 years, died at tba residence of bis son. Joba M. Emerson, ia this place, oo tha ISth lost.

Deceased waa bora la Chatham county, 27. la 1790; moved to Tenneasea la 1S73 and assumed the business of farming, wbicb bad been hia avocatiun from boyhood. Tbe exceptional taiihuiineaa to duty which characterised bini all through life is noteworthy. He began plowing when nine years old, from wbicb time up to two years previous to deatb be had not missed a single summer, making a grand total of seasons of actual labor tilling the soil, lie to maturity seventeen cuildren, nine of whom eerved ia tha lata war as Confederate soldiers. Mr.

weroa led a life of feiiofulnese to Christian duties and loved bis fatuity devotedly, and no doubt passed away with no fears aa to the life bryond the grave and lookw-back upon oue well spent. Gored I3y Cow. Little Wade Hampton Poole, tbe six-year-old son of Lieut. CoL S. W.

Poole, of this city, was so seriously gored by a cow ia Bouling Green yesterday that ba is not expected to recover. Col. Puoie waa advised of tbe injury to his son by a telegram, sod left oa Ue Hiiduight train for Bowling Greco. lake ktue is 4etr4 enreir If yea lira la e. loce.iir Iters malaria is prevalent.

m-iu a preventive that expcrirnie indicates as the most reliable of turd ical safeguards liostelier'S S.oov-acb tillers. Eruinrl free from the objecuous and thrj are valid vaich attach to tba udoeral slkaiotd quinine, it Is far more elective, and Its ejects are net evacccent. butlaatlog. nnliks those of the crux. There ara portions of our land snd aoce more beautiful aad mora fertile Uch at ao lesion cf the year ara ea-tirei exempt from the scturre.

Ia such reciooa llostettrr'i Eiomach Litters has under, goce a eoLtiouous tei tor the past thirty years Ui tsr regulation aU rsvll as a Ccfents ajalaa every form cf i.irae. For bUiousnesa, aa and It is a potest fcr aa i.r zrt cor.i.iloa cf i I i i 1 C1 1 a Splinters from Hoof and Horn et Homo and Abroad-Full Notes of tha Situation in Kentucky. nr. I'quin. TBK Oaxetts refers to ATen Eroeck as that vastly over-rated horse." Dextir's best record, 2.17?.

made ia 107. has been beaten by thirty-one borsee since the Macd S. once sold for I2SQ, wblla Oold-emitb Maid changed hands when 0 years old at Tnx "staying quality' is one of tbe necessary elements in tbe make-up of a good driving aorse. JOHX TcBrn has aant Trinket, 2:14, to her owner. This mesa at la ao far as John is conorrned.

Trinket is oft the track. the value of tha hones in tba Unl Ftttesat but 50 rer head, th-lr value reaches the enormous sum of L. G. Otekbt, Greenfield, ha bought frcia W. M.

Athlock. Carroll ion. lib. the ware Lou 13eU. fneled la 1871.

bay. by SoUerino; dam Corena. by Uasau. F. Bckxs.

Nashville. baa bought from Joba Crur. also of Nashville, tba colt Er-Uneer. three yej rld. by Enquirer; dam ubla, by input ted Albion.

A. M. otvder. Peoria, baa bought from Ed. White.

Providence. HL, the mare Shadeland Oem. foil sister to Golden Bow, SnTTJ. by fatal-Ute; dam by Volunteer. IV.

Nicholas. Joliat. Ill has bought from W. 1L Snyder, Moacatlna. Iowa, the mare, ffur years old.

chestnut, by Attorney; dam by Ureen Mountain Morgan. L. C. New York city, bas bought from TT. S.

Payne. Lexington, Kx the colt, one rear o'd. lay. by Pertram; dam Aaaie by Tom Bowline $oOu. Wst.

Owrss. Toronto, Canada, bought from Rufus Lisle, Lexington. tha gelding Felix, three yeara old. by Fooso; darn Lucy Lisle, by Vlrgu prior. Dr.

A. N. Smith. Clinton, Iowa, baa bought from Judxe Welter Hayes, also af Clinton, ere mre Patience, by All aba, eon of Almoni; dam by Coma ChWf. Taccolt Eoriht is dead.

He was three rears old. chestnut, by Enquirer; dam Mataxor-da. by Imrort'd Okrnearrr. He died tha property of S. a.

broa n. ltusounch. Pa. Thx tUly Verliatim is dead. Sha wns foaled ia laSs, bay, by VirgU; dam Fanny Brown, by Brown llck.

She died tba property of P. U. Yasoo City. Mo. Tux event of tha year, so far as trotting Is concerned, will be tha flO.CXX) purse for tha horses of tb cl iss.

to be trotied during tbe fall meeting at Hartford. Conn. Tax imported mare Gondola ia dead. She waa foaled la :871. black, by Beadsman: dam imported Fe -ca.

by hucaneer. She died tba property of 1 lerre Loriilard. Jobatowa, N. J. W.

P. Falme-b, Sjarta, bas bought from W. T. Withers, Iexlnrton. tha colt Poco Tewpo.

foaled la Sir 3. ray. by Harpy ledium; dam boonie Bell, by Aloioot prtve. $1,000. An English hackney bona breeder eays: I have lavariably found a aire get better stock after ten yeara old ttaa before Ih.t acre, aud ib area, as a rule, show belter colts after tea yeara old." J.

M. Va Wisxlx. Lamed, Kansas, has bought from W. T. Wlibers, Lexington, tha colt Wymark.

foaW la 18H0. bay. by Happy Medium: dam 1'atsy by Mambriuo Patcbeu pric-e, SUtiO. D. M.

Heexmait, V. 8., RocbeeUr, baa bought from W. T. Withers. Lrxinxtoa.

the colt Mameluke, foeled ia bay. by Ab erdeen: dni Emma Kiaktad, by Cooscript price, Sl.bUU. Gkoxok MoxBJSOjr. St. Johns, N.

B-. has boorlit from W. T. VTlthers. Lexlrgton, tbe mare Li ea, foaled la IbM.

bay, by De Loor'a Kibaa Allen: dam toion Queen, by Tburstoo'a black Uawk price. l-XXX. Good blood ia appreciated mora and mora every year by thcee who buy borsee for city pur-voaee. Tbe farmer who baa tba beat bred animals to eel generally fares tbe best. Tbe breed-lag etaaou is tae lime to tulck of ibis.

TDK Board of Review of tha National Trotting Asaoriauoe has sanctioned the expulsion of II. V. Eemis. proprietor of tha Chicago 7oraeM. ard I.U two Ha ters, Bella SnM.

sod Onward. for having entered them ia the same rave two ears axo. Tax public sale of trotting stock, mostly the rt of Sultan, at tha Bay District Course, oa tbe 3d was not very auc-cesaf ub A majority of tbe ehoicv Sultan ynunx-sters were withdrawn. Mr. Hose prpuee to rind a market ia tbe East for thrni.

TAe Sport' img Lift. L. Ii. Ketch AM, Borbenks, Utah, has bonsht from J. M.

McCully, Shelblna, thoroughbred stock as follows: 1. Tba horse Imogen, foaled In 1873. chestnut, by Marlon: dam aoay iKMton, by bo-tea, Jr. The colt Tom htar, foaled iu lfcbd, bay, by Li boa; dam tarn Hunter, by Lever. Ir would ba interesting to know in what resp-ct Tea Broeca Is vaxlty overrated." That la what a Cbicaro paper ear be is.

Sotue facta la tba history of Ten lr a demooatrate he we rather a irood borae wuit.t be waa oe tbe inn'. Tn trial in the stud has not yet goue far euougu to justify harsh oommeat. TBE case of Dunbar, tbe trainer and driver, who waa expelled the Cleveland Driving Park forosipg foul language to President Edwards outside of the driving grounds, was settled bv the Board of P.eview at Chicago recently. The suspension stands until Bunbar apoiogixea. Duubar apologizes.

Tax Detroit Driving Park will offer la purses at stakes for its meeting July 0 to -3. divided as follows: A purse of 1.5od each for tbe frv-e-io-ell. 2:19. ZvJi. aad daa-as: tl.toOeacn for tbe and classes; f.

tbe liase. and Sl.OOO each to the free-to-all and 2:18 pacing Diu Pbiixip G. Truxkxll, Louisville. has bought from Dr. Robert Dunlop, also of Louisville, the horse Grosbopper, roan, by Princepe; dsra by Volunteer; I'd dam by

Ihis horse ia decnbed aa beioc uud aa a bullet, wtib rood liiaba. and eyes, lie already has auibcieat apeed. without handling, to clearly demonatrate tbat it a race-horse." Tax Haggins kick bas been experienced, and la regarded aa a rather email affair. Tbe Louisville Jockey Club has eacoseJed because it has never been given over to the owners of the ooeu pants of tbe stables. It is a public Instiiu-tioo.

ably conducted as such. Every now and uien an iwlivida .1 tuaeee a spectacle of and stultifies tdmsvlf fcr the benefit of the LouisvUle Jockey Club. EoBXkT Stzxl, rbJladelphia, has bouchtfram neoderson Wllliamatown, W. trot Umpired stock aa follows: L. Tbe Clly Lorette, one rear old.

c'aes-nux. by Sacramento: dam Nellie Wslworth, by Toronto Patcitca. S. "Tee liily Flash, two rears old. bsy, by i-ir 'eli0 Waiwortb, by Toroulo Patcbea.

Foatba FJeetwood" stud, has been bought frcm Cap. O. W. Stewart, Shelby vUle. tborouchbred stock as follows: 1.

Tbe mare lllea Alice, foaled la 1874, bay. by Barney Wltliamt; Jenny McKinney, by 1 UurU 3. Toe mare bailie foal-d in lXTtt, ehestaut, by i to ported Uuckdeo; 1 ecalco, by imported Oien Athol. J. Cask Racine.

has bought from G. Finkle, Moor head. tro ting, bred stock ss. follows: 1. The more Twinkle, bay, by Alruoat; Cam Sprranxa, by Main bn no Chief.

S. The mre Pioneer llelle, brown, by lloneer, tot of o. tin leer; -Cam Alias ilcCioud, bj the lioloert to t. aoa of KyeUvK's 11 mbie-tonian. Ii.

Tbe liny, year chi, bay. By xio-nr; dam Twibkle. by Al uoau J. B. Cua.vIiLib, York, bas bought from Dr.

W. A. Gibsoa. Jackon, trot-tins-bred stock aa todows: Tbe mare Hamlet UirL Han-let; dam by Waxey, son of Oar Chief. Tbe mara EfSeHawley, by Tremnti asm by Manbnno Waxey.

3. Tbe mare huemoct, by Trvinoul. r.Kii. aoa of 1x1-moot. aim ia dam of bum Gruau).

4, '1 mare Laura by iremwni; cam by Ueorge likes. Yocxo breeders should bear la mind tha fact that although a great number of tborough-bred horses have beea imiorted to America, tha names of all whose blood is found ia many of the trotters with fast records are limited to Grand B-shaw. Honied. Trustee. Olca.

roe. Margrave, nstralian. and prhapa a few others. Eellfour.der. it i true, was an imported bore, but wa never claicnei as bv taose who bruueht h.ra to this counlrv.

Oih-r croeees are cvc.ioa. fui-ad la iroiu. Tuixres but it le very rarviy that u.e saie s.ri.a occurs in a kaif-duica trwi-le cr stru talf li-st uua-btr. IfiitA. Wiuxrs a dsorbtsr cf Gtorga ani the is ef the "Oicnview" trc: lex lr Iru O.

was gel ty Wood, crl trlaow Ht sfcccl Cara wss gvt ly Alei tier's I-r did IK.a Ti-ry fani'is .1 broi nssr-j irut by Toni Teenier. Thus lrm nke Is a brrd Lroo-1 uiarv. Ju -U ai ber i.le a ay a larjre. raj-ey, fvm-in tiical frllotr. i ty? It I by ti l-4 a h-re tl an Nutwood.

1 hua in or-e bavi ali.iovt a com en rat iu cf alinoi all that Is tery crest in ironing. Ms. JTRAfs. Iba owner of Majolica, is very anxious to mtch that horse atalnst Clingstone, either for nw uey cr fun, and offers ro to Cleveland trot the race, rrovijed lr. Gordon does uotwialt Lave Clinystone perform awee frvm lu in-.

ir. trna at pars very the ei.priiMi.r tf over Clm-stoire, hoi hut oiMnion "is not snared by hor-e-nwn. Cbntrntcnn lit. on two lrotiela mii In 14. i tc laai annnnr, wnlw Jisjoic 1 1 nj.un is a rfnmrSaWt ct-taiu bore- as in prrfu mauce.

wben ia condition, while ysjnbca a rf arksbly unoitain one. Atico Lt -n fiinysK-ne ad Harry Wl.fce would be much luore put lie Interest than one brtw.en aiAi Xajoiica. 'breeders' Uazttte. It is a mieraken Ilea tbat a mare once bred toajjek will ever cf ershow la ber produce some of tJie char.icteristics of the mule. Kose-daie, the dam of Cludsle.

had two mule foala, and the coits hicb she has since dropped po-eees nial.ty without a single hybrid tainf, VueenGuftin prduc-e tome cover of Jw lite or tnus. aud she has brown to tVil. sou's Blie l-iill. lvoua tiurttn. and Otto K-, 2:4 4.

There ere pleuty of Insiaucea of matea ihrowms; tpevdy ami valuable borws aftr hsvlnr brru mated with ta- a -a. The theory liuu the Jncic leaves an iipreaion upon the mare which cat not Le and sliico taints ber later prrtuce will not bold water. Turf, lie uud J-'ai a. W. 11.

AshBT. Wyniore. fcas bought 4 from tha -Glenvlew" stud. Louisville, trow tinx-bred stock as follow: 1. The coll Chic wrod.

foaled in lSi'n, cliestnut. by Nutwood; dam Kaxttio Wilkes, br George Wllkesj -d dam Princess Clay, by American lay price. J. Tb hilv Bye Bve. ioalni it ltWi.

bay. by Nat wood; dam Ilapidnn. by l'lctajor; daat br btaubope Ills in 1 or rest; ou dsra bv ilm-brbio ouef price. a. The f-Hr May Koae.

f.iaied in lhe. to. by Nutaooii dam Hose, by Woodford Mambru.o: 24 dam Primrose, by A le antler's Andaliub price. 4. The roll Spectre, foaled In blscc by Corbln's dam Zrlda.

by biic-tator; dam Neiisou d. by Aiiuoot price, Macd 1 said to be ia much better eondhion this than for several seaaona past, oainr lirgely to Mr. Rotart Louner's methods of shoeing. It waa generally understood by those professional trainers who knew her best that the mare was broken down nearly a year before Mr. Bonner bought ber.

but im ia now said to ba perfectly suud. it bas often been suggested that r. Bonner csa confer no greater favor upon the horse-loving part of tha community than by preparing a work settimf forth bia kieaa of shoeine. aud explaining the methods 01 irestin; tl.e different subjects that le has so sun eef ully persu-d upoti In iie pst. Msud K.

will probably b-) kt-pt in siktpe to defend her title to the rw ai scepter tliia saaaon, but the track here ber ettorts at record brekiig are to ba made baa not been fixed upou yet. taer-cuh va tor. It ia quite certain that EJ. Corrigan never had such a stable as he owna this year, and theie is room for mild doubt if it bas a ei p-rior in sod tbat meana a comparison between the Isojkljrn and Kanaaa Ciy stiinc. with the ciiancea rather in favor of tha Western stable, Tbe string euibrscre thirty-teo animals, and you can uV pend on it there is very little interior material In tbe 1 -t, while th- re are about a decen that nearly r.ns up the best.

The chain 1 ion. Tie. 'land, entitled to precedence Id re fe nine; to be animal, ia doing aa aeil aa could be exiect is a mistake to suppose hia triiiiun.i affrc. ed They a re. is oer avers, aa souaa aa a uollur.

The trouble baa heretofore been in the ankle-, but ti er ar nearly ail rigut now. whie a li(rht hip lumnii ob erv alle hia work. It soon wears off. however, aad. speak in: ia a ireiaral ay.

Freebn I is a eoun ler animal to day tuaii be waa lb Uuie last year. prit ikm Timee. A of an English paper, the London Lit Stock Jo-maL says tliat "the bard blood runninc in tha veina of the majority of American trotiinx stock taki-s of this country, unacquainted wiib this 1 a tine plienomeaon of the New World, jo r. iy to Mr. E.

Pla fs place at Bia it-wood, Cbeadla, Chefthire. sad carefully laapect Ms alaliloa, aa importation from Mr. A. J. Alexander a wb-kaowo stud farm' at Wtoiourn, ia tna famous 14ueffras Keutucsy btate.

lie la a bard bay, wit it lack points, stand. ne 1 jl hands hi rlt. ia molded somewhat on or tuf oik lines, ia lull of excellent point aud quality, aud hia ae-tiua is all tna ino-t iritical'e can desire, be-iuk luftv enouitii in Irunt to suit modern right-Up-io-the-Uo Sir jp fashion: and Lis bind lejr, when straihusntd out at bis pace, rr minds one of tnant uikIi in awimiuin. which, with creat forward reacli. Is peculiar to the js jiirn-e trotter.

Mr. iiatt's horse was awarded ti. 1 ise la the roadster iiliow.cias at Aluincham. tba only occasion of bia baving beea exUibited, wben be lowered tl.e colors o. such a good-looking opponent as Youug Jt Miscellaneous.

Ir is estimated that iglish cattle com- ptniee now own nearly T00.0CK) cattle la tha West. Tux enajority of cattle to ba drivea to Moo Lata during comn summer, says tha Stock Grbutrt' JouraJ, will be steer a Although there ara many atockmen In Montana who look upon it as a good breedinc country, the greater number are inclined to tuink that the climate aud lie range are uiucu mre suitable for tbe maturing of ateers. Tax successful conduct of public sales of live stock calls for arm tiling fresh. The old familiar cajts serve jr od purpose no longer, aud at this stage ia tbu t.eveiopnient of tbe bust ness nothing short of and brains will auawer. The r.eceeaity for frfcU.

original niethiius is brouifht about by the Ircuiusiuce that all know ai cn spply that widen is stereo-t) ped ai venerable. 1 he good and tne bad alike piler tbe rxi( Muds." Thus tbernerst grades are "the cuoiceM of the cboie" noUnnx less, luderd. than "woi U-beatei." So it rune to the end of the sale adver.itieu.enta. AM interesting subject of study and la-veslUrstioa is furnished by the distribution of the breeds ami tbe cau a which lead to their adoption or 1 ejection in some localities aud reception of an opposite character ia others. There is of course, no ru by which a section country can be canvassed in advance to see just what stock will bt absolutely first in choice ot its people.

Even wbeu th-same ends are to be aerveu. and elm ice sboul rest upon exactly the aatue conditions, preference la sonwiliinc which can not be reiieu upon. Every kind ot whim cermaua to atoca-raisinx has its influence In this matter, aad selections are ten made upen rrounds among tu least important of ail which, enter into the problem. otwithtat'diuir this, however, the practical jrood sent.e of the American people has secured a uistnbution of the breeds, shich seein upon tbe wnoie 10 be iw and benencial. aa tar as Koea.

the truU.1 troulii Letnir that it is cot suilicieUy reurraL As a rule, tue breeds are adapted to the locadtiea where they are found, and prove to be so tcucli beit-r than tbe stock wbicii tbey aupplant tnat their introdnc-tiou can not but be regarded aa substantial profr-reaa. It is not alwaya easy to ted Juat why tnia or particulsr kind of stock catue to be l. cated iu a given place instead ot soms other, but tne reuiis iu a vaet majority of fully vindicate the wisdom of the change. ui farmer. While there are some Short-born families noted for their inilkin- qualities, especially srnoa: the earlier importations, it is chiefly aa beef cattle that fcbort-liorus excel.

They are cf rapid growth and early maturity, with great aptitude to fatten, which givea great rotundity of carcass and early ripeness, in color they range from pure wbite to dep red. and between these colors ah the variations oi roan, red and white, flecked and spotted. For many yean pa-t, ths fashionable color in tbe United States bas been red, acd tbia preference has, we tblnk, been carried to a foolish extreme, wbicb baa breeders to ess; rue animals that possessed every valuable point exc pt tne one ot euior. It is believe bowevvr, mat McuUi-Mis value of mere Cuior will not buve aa mucn inllueuie in t- ulurv aa in the pa-t, assume ureederssre Ufcluir rmu bulls for le very purpose of or aking; doa tne irej i-uce. In England ibeie Ilas not been tins pr- Ju.Ji.

-e against white and in l-or red colar. bbori-horua must have aunl int feed and rood pasturage, and therefore are best adapted rica. 1 vrl ir centiy uuuula.inir lauib. Oa rolliuir. broknu lanJ tbat pruuuoes hnrt a or scanty herbace.

sotue tut small or. mor active breTtls of ca tl.e wi.l oeiter results. Tne tergal points of value in tao 8hurl-uuru are early 1 hereoy it i ciaiuird iiat an entire year 01 care and Kcep.114 cii be aved over most other breeds igui u.eL, np- umt of points, and civicg toe flnui 111 the brti plates, SO tiiat tue butcher cu ic-t more MgU-prlcwi cuts from the carcass than from an ordinary bullock, it is also a a4 1 of threat importance to the farmer tual the Kort-hrn il, heu uned oa native cows. Initial 11k so valuab.e qualities to lus off-spriu; iu Utx urr-of luakinc rrades nrarly as to butcher as iborouicu-breds. oiucr brenl c-ltle ha couiriwuird many vaiuaoie o.i.ti lb tne stock cf the Un -d StatK nd it la douhiful if any o.her will ever supplant it as a Keorral irpore aul-mal.

ti eo. e'J iara uiui itik Cmciojxdia. A Gill ULTURAZ Ilowxvia rich a vircln eoil may be (t eaa not lor.e rrr.i rich wuijcut an.ritU.1 aid from ti-e u.ti:cr, A11 acnuai beojaiee la Uwi 11 cects. aa tsu4l soiQcf secus, fcr year eowg, 101. tare travel loc- lances to tlrink.

Unl -s rou do. ycur vri.I po witnotit wster until tliey pt vl-: li. beu they do drink, triy will drin, too luucn and miti tbetnaiers everls.i. a con.ii-iti.n unfavorable to the production of the lirgest quantity or the best qu-u y. Ir one bas eatea a Savoy, sy a gardener, the ordinary cahbaee is coars and

h'srtners ehnuid cultiva'e their lustra aa weil aa ih -ir par-d nv aud tiieo "iiltivate the ost iruitsand oles. Try ib tawy cat JtsT as likely as not tbe little black are eatinr your cbbae ants. Wbhethedsw wiib plasttr -nd laris RTeo. bar the soil frequently. Liiug with dry wood ashes 1 bad for the Ceas and good lor tne plants.

Do jcot furnish rorwts for chickens. Ob'io them 10 st on the fl or ct.l crarle grown. Crooked breast toiit-a are olt tit br rooet-in? t'o louiii. A great miiake. oftvn nude, is tue trrins; to mu too many cuickeus ou the same mn-e of ground.

I'artcrkx are frequently unthrifty which would be mnch the tetter of beirfi thorcuihly drugxad. The surface simply neeus 10 be scan-tieu wiiu teeib lunar ciiouku IO scratch it ut cut snd lorn out of all s.iape. Tinawr.rk. judiciously done, bas a sumulauns e.Trct. Souk are prevented from giving cows an early bite of crass beia-iee its succulency will rust t.iem loee lei ah lor dry food.

Tui.t idea is a one. fw long a the rn- is watery aad innutritions rco I hay will be a urei iy rati a li n.ert a want of the eytem hic-n nut be re- ponded to if tue stuck ia to ia ive. AT a recent meeting of ihe Lnawe (Mich-i Horticultural Society. Mr. Edrr-liton a be bexae rowing airaa te isi twentr-onc yeor ago, and Stas since tliat 1.iik tested lut difie.ent Varietira.

uiosl of tliem new and libfh priced, and to-day be w.uld not erne uv tbe ilsou for any other rarle be bad ever crown. Ox effect ot salt is to iimke manure more active and available for immediate use. To this end it a co-xi plan 10 mix salt witj the Cisnuro jat before it is applied, taking care to cover ujrhtly to event loss of ammonia. alt alone ia not a end xer on most tods, unless it finds in tnem latent plant food wbica ii Con make soluble. Ir an old row is quickly fattened its meat will be more tender than where the feeding has beeo protracted.

Tbe great faculty in leedinjf eld cows is in renin tneiu to, digest larxe amou is of lood. This la best done ia summer. frei rrata. wbicb is the me-t easily di-eested cf f.NMia. may be auppleroentrd with cradually increasiair rations if nitab taking especial care never to give more ihaa will be readily eaten.

lux low price cf er js baa this year come unusually early, ard it i now so much lom than it 1 as averaged of late years that tbe chanree are rather for au advance before fall, certainty errs at the present rates art) cheari food, aud waoever will preserve them uutil wintrr will be preitv sure of a profit. Hipping tbe eraa iu stronx lime water and tna packinx i'l sait isaeafe way to preserve ihrtn. iaey 1 uid be in a tight box. nicu suoulJ be turued over every two three days 10 prevent the yolk from settling dowa so as to touch the shell. Most farmers draw wbst manure tbey have id their poorest land, thiuklng the best richeaouca to be profits uly cr ppvd ithout iu The result is a fairly rood crop from a large acreage, but with low prices LtU if any more than tue nect-aaary expense of growing it.

The reform here needed irettinir tbe loorest laud in icrasa. lie re it will be'teaat expeu.wt. and will be. however slowly, itroo iiix more fertile. Then apoly what manure can be got on the best land, grow large crops, aad use the prouts oa those la luiproviux tae rema.nder of the farm.

Celsiit for earlv ae is of tea planted out this month, hooch for winter use July or AusTuat wilt be e-rly enough. It i best to set out ia shallow ttench-s for convenience intt-eriug. if the xrou. has been aubeoiled. and tha ubsoii well eiirich-i, tne tn-nches uiay be n-ariya foot ia uepth for conveni-nce in blanchUix.

Beware of 1 1 intiiiK uown in poor, barren suooil. 1m aubeoiled round plants will grow fivcly toouxh there may be no rsin for mat wee as. borne cf our bt xrowera, bow eter, plant entirely on tbe surface aou depend on drawing up tne anil, or the etnulovmrul of boards, or other aniUcial methods of blanching celery. Evert 100 pounds of grala sold from a frri!) niakes it poorer by two pounds of ash. A car-loaa of butter at 3a cents per pound wi.l bring as much money aa tuirty-nvecar loads of corn at bu cents a busheL The torn will carry off from the soil two-tuirds of a car-load of mineral plant food.

The butter Laud eruwe poor by exporting gram. can grow rich while exporting butter. If fed to i.ood cows, the corn will make a car-load of butter, and enough more to pay for making, and a prolll besides, by converting ihe corn Into butter on the farm, botu tne farm and farmer grow ricu. By export! ig the graiu. waa la gained iO one respevt is lost ia aaoter The surprising fact ia making under-drains ia tbat ths earth removed in digging will never Quite n.1 tne d.tch.

even after the stone or tile which makes Hie waier passage has been U1J. It shosa tl at uniboved soil is iu I of v. cant spaces, while after being looaeued it is eni.y cuinpcted. The most rapid work filling in itches is with a plow, a space at each end being covered by band the team to turn around oa. Untees the soil Is ridged up above the drain, a ho.

low wul mark its site alter the first y-r. but this doss ao particular barm, except where the water excetds tne capacity of the drstu to take away, la auch cass the overflow should be in a furrow three or four feet one aide or tba other of the line cf the drain. 1 rrape growing regions, much ia made of tbe fact tbat certain land i good for vineyards, and an extra, price is asked therefor, ihis adaptability for grape growing cwnid.ta cli'eflv in baving land dry, eituer naturally or drained. Tbe tery best vineyard is cinpuM-d 01 a aind of snole hicn drama away ail eurplus water. This gives it the extra warmth need, for early rip-ainz, and this warmth iuaures the up of surplus veget-a tli matter.

What are commonly -called very rich soi is ara not best for ape, buchsons have usually more iiuinus than mineral fertility, and it is the la it. r. especially otakh. that tne grape needa to bring it to perfection. Very sandy soils are more apt to be deticient in potash than in any thing else.

Aoriccltcre has been defined aa "tha art of disposing the soil in auch a manner as to mass it produce in the greatest aounuauce and perlection those vegetables whu-h are ueiul to man and the auiinala depending on hira fur" It hss been wntieu that "agriculture is the moat the most universal aud the most In irtaut of the ans," Indeed, "tbe liasisof all hrarta, aud baa been, in all couQtr.ea, coeval with tbe first dawn of civilbta-ttou." Hence, there is no civii-xtiiou, no art, no commerce, no manufactun-s, bo schools, where there is no auriculture. bis being auo-luteiy true, agriculture ougnt to nave great dignity as an occupation, and staiUdcs wbicn relate to agriculture, if compiled wita rare, auo.ild cummand the attention of tbe most exalted stateamaaship. lJ. H.

Haggard. No trek for its size takes si much ground as an elm. Ia pertnaueut cran land this does not 1: a ter; but whenever pluwing hs 10 be done tne tree must be given a wide bertb. as tut roots extend far and near tbe surface. And yet if near au uuderdiain many of ita roots will exieud down waid to it and choke up tne waer Ourse.

The tiny roote will enter ti.e atnabest bole be tween tue Joints of ibe ie, and aiterwarda enlarge until it hils tne tile with rooilus and soil wiiich it obstructs in its passage. ihe first thing to be done after making aa underdrain is to destroy all elms within twenty feet of it or the will surety ruin it, Aa the tJm is no. e-peciallv valuable for any purposes of luuioer h.uld be extirpated from fl Ids intended for cropping. Of course aa a sba ie tree in proper locauous the rim is 01 great neauty. Tax cost of grain par bnsbel ia decreased in tbe exact ratio that the yield per acre ia increased.

Suppose we taittjjl aa the average cost of producing an aero of waeat or corn. tiis aum to cover rent of land, preparation of soil, pbtniiug. cuitivaUng and barve.ung. A crop or wbtst averaging twelve per acre aid coat SI per busheb Twenty buacels will bring tbe cost down to sixty cents per bushel, and thirty bushela per acre will coxt but forty cntita per bushel, ibirty busheis of corn to tue acre wid cct forte cents p-r buahcl; forty busheis per acre will ccst thirty cents per bushel, and sixty bushels will cost but twenty cents per busheb You way think our estimate of Simper acre mconect. but take any amount you please ana it will not emus the principle.

Now, the surest way on insoy (arms to double the yield per acre, and 10 reduce the co-t per bushel, would be to reduce tue acres, under cultivation one-half. Th land not -in grain would ba producing grass or clover, and tbe soil Idling wuh roots to docuy and furnistt humus to the plants to follow si ler. eopl i'urwi and Stock Lytlopcaia. Tax codling moth ranks among our imported sloes it was introduced into this country, from tue oti-er skis of tne Alautic 'about tie beginning of the present century. The tist brood of niuU'l appear abjul the litre the trees are ia hi.

Kim and ui-posit one egg, generally in the caivx tach appie. Jus. as forming. The es in a lee days, and tiieyomg moth burrows into the core, wi.cre it ta tures iu about our weeita, and leavea tue fru by a tunnel made for tne purpo-e at the Mde of lue apple. Ti latter olieu tails to tue cruuu befir'iiie pest abandons iu Tne worm tuen uau-ily finds iu way to tne stem of the tree, spins Its c-coou ia the crat lci or crevices of tae bar.

wuerw it cnanges to a papa ia a couple cf days, and at tne end of two ros the ncond trtol of adult moths comes forth, abiut tue last 1 July or early in AuuaL si-ou to deposit another iSi of eirga. The wurmafrom una m. insurjia in ta di, ter tne frui is gaUiereU. and pa lii ir vvcuona iu a Suitable place aad await the appru-cn of prmg feice tbe worms lik a seciudcd 00k in whicu to piace. tneir cucuoas most effective ara of destroying them is to place bauus of cot about the tr.eeorly ta Julr.

liine may be aecured by means of a tut. and then houid he removed acout once a wees during the next tau moot us aud all worms and cocoons de.truveX AL after last brood ha coins ih's fruit in ti.e fad t.ese butdi shouli receive a lieu. ion. The i'sris green applied in sprjys 10 destroy the csnker worm or the tent eetei pillar, it 1 aaid. wdi also prevent this mom d.

pJkjnar i upoa Ue a ple auu otner fru.i. Couiing motbs are next irii ia tbeir but whi.ea wii.u iixa wiu atu-tci cud cpi.ure the tsut v.i..u, BJOlliS 1-Jtl It, at Acd Leucs can aH be destroysd ia tu-s wsy. Tex meicsl proretslon cf the lar-s ladon.eaairrescr.ta r- nc-ter'vaa aton.c, tt.t asaleaaBi. be. i ie you i.i Aii your Cr u.

px--'- "7 aiONHTAleYe PirntiuT Evinito. The aearlng- bouse xchanzea ia the eek Just closed and tha current month were as follows, with com pari sons: a 11- i- fo? rc.T. ixii. Aa.3i3 The tiearings to-day aaiounted to fShu.w-iS. 1 d.

the currencr balance, was The money market has displayed more aetivi ty, th mgh it Is not probable that any noticeable nsrt of tue train was derived from current oust iies and new paper. The tone and tao per of business has undoubtedly brightened to aome extent br reason both cf tbe removal of an im pending rink of sm magnitude in the quieting of the labor agitations, ml also because of the unexceptionable cast of the crop aituatioa. There are only one or two lines of business which are rtouiring any important new aocom- modettouaet present for current trade, the whiay and tobacco trades, though tbe Jobbing branches have been latterly osicg considerable muter in settling Eea.erii accounts. Time paper baa beea quotable at C7 per aad call loans at 0V4 tU per cent. Eastern exchange has beea sti2f, and New York sight bills have sold betwe a banks at 80c per fl.tXW premium, the contract rata tor cur rency aid jti.ent.

blocks aud bonds liave beea strong, but la scant supply and idmcst entirely featureless. The odowing table presents the price of cer tain local securities at comparative uates: Aay Mat Maf SS 1J. iJ 16- Bank of Ky 4All ....4133 ....46110 Mer's Nauouab. -6l ulU irst Ky. auoual kulSi 1UU Gas t'U I.

lmuJi ltll'1 lit. 12.1 (d-H-'M U.U.&U 1 jnor.kftlbB lt mor.4ilv aill'4 tlLV lAulkVUla 4i L'. UM tillSJ Louisville lOuOlOoMlUoialbti ixiuisvuio iuiioa lu-iii jidiij iuisvUe lObtOil-'a lUS6l-o bndxttuouds Tbe weekly staUment of tbe New York associated bangs shows a gam of in reserve resources, and a decrease of 534.400 deposit liabilities. Tha relative reserve bas increased by Sl.itt4.l00. The surplus above the lawful minimum ia now S13.7UI.172.

againet SlA407.07o a week ago, and to7.SlU.473 a year ago. Interior exchange has been favorab.e to th-i center and the gold outflow has also beea checked. The present position compares as follows with last week and last year: 1 Mag l0 'H 33 52. 'S $J4, bpecie. 114.UI7.UUO bU.804.oOU Leg.

ten ui.o-uvjoo y.747.;oo aieioy.700 bew ails 3bS.U.6UO Soo.bMi.lOO Clrcu'in 1u.4.ri,vA 7.40.i;oO lies rud U0.B10.7Uj. Uesuid I4o.0od.u0 Tbe following quotations of local stocks aad bonds are furnished by Aiesara. Joun W. ii. o.

(ireeu, stock and bond brokers: CITT hOSDS. Bid. Louisville 6s of 1 8S3. loO Louisville is of Louwvilie ba of loob 1U4 LouisvUie us of l.Mw luo louikviiie os of iirJ loo- Louisville bs of lew lot 1-ouisvuie oe of lftvu. 110 Louisville be of lsW LouisvUle be of leWS.

1 1 1 i Louisville la of lood luo Louisvule 7s of Itwl 10UH Louisville 7s of IMi llu Louisville 7s of latf 114 Eo laviiie 7s of Louisvule 7s 01 luod 14 Louisvule as of 104 Louisvule 4s 01 Itf il Oo Mew A litany city ti per cent. 1UO New Aluanjr 7 per IvW Jltked. luol ldi lOotf lui looja BAAK TOCKS. Bankof Kentucky Baukof llank of Cotnmeroe Karuers' aud i-Tovcrs" Bank. Falis dtv Bauk tieruian ..155 7t5 ..117 bjt-a 78 103 UTllUSN tierinau becunty liauk LouisTille Bausiug Company.

liaaouo Bank feopie'a Bang Western bauk National Bank. Fi at National Bank. Mauoual hsa, Third National Banav rourta. 1 .100 136 111 .110 .113 .110 .1) .111 -l-'J 111 119 14d uuirui pauwiw 11 Ueruisu National Kentucky National Bank Louisvule City National Aiercnanta' National Baas 14U 117 BOX OS. LouisvUle Transfer Oo 112" bloouilield braucn bO A.

aud C. lstmortgagelOoS A. and 1st montage. Monon braucn 100 101 St. L.

Air-une. 1st op. 4o Cecil 1 au branch 103 110 7 p. clOO 101 L. di K.

H. consoi, 7 p. ells llj L.U.K.. 1st llti 7p.c.llt Uo i.o: 1. 1st 7 p.

c.115 lld k. 1. u.h., 7 p. cils, llO KlSCXIXAKKOCa BOXOS AKD bTOCXS. LouisvUle Bridge 7 p.

104U '105U Henderson Bridge Co. bjude lot-14 Water Co. bonds, tt percent ....117 Eouieville City Kail ay 10HV4 Central fass. Hallway bunds. 10O "lOrfJ-A LouisvUle Bridge Co.

stock Bio 131 Louisvide City KaUway Ccstovklul LouisvUle lias Co. slock 100J bouuiern KaUway ewsCo. 47x COUMTT BOXOS. Allen county, old. 18 SO Log an county bonds 6 per ceut.

1C4 l0o rdieiur county per cent lul lU-' bpeucer county lOOt lo-j '1 ay lor county 6 per cent. Id iTO Ureen county 0 er Id 20 Waauingion .........100 Msnoa county per cent 1U2 Orsysou couuty per cent Ma Urayson county, new, per cent.lOif 10USi Muulcuoerg county 7 per can 10 vo' Aluuieuuerg couuty per 70 Lyon county 7 per ceut ..110 Lyon county, new, tt per 100" Caldwell county 7 per ...125 Caldwell county ti per ceut. lol 910J Alccracken county 7 per Oe ticCrauken county. par ct. bb4 10O Mauisou couuty per cent "10d iui intereal auded.

Foreign exchange haa bean doll and drooping since tha pasa ng away of the temporary stringency iu Loudoa caused by the drafts for iraioe. Gold suipiuenis from this coon try bate Slopped, Miver bullion, after declining la London to 44J4J per ouoce recovered to 45 7-16d, and closed at4jjl. The following shows the rate ot sterUng ex-change ta New York." the rates of interest of the Bank of England, the gold price of silver, tha price of British consols and of American 4 per cent, bonds in Loudon, and tha price of middling upland cotton iu Liverpool to-day aa Compared with last week and last year: May 'X May IS, Han 'js, 400.4488 iSd'ibmi b'k rate 3 3 bil'rbul lOwbg SKU srjj it 1 10 lolSa 101 11-la U.s.bda. I2t5 iaj2 Cotton a l5-16d 1-ldd Government bonds are slightly higher for 3, 4, and 44 per centa. Tba touuwing are comparative local quotations of ooversoient bonds: May S3.

May 18. 14aJ. J6. HeoflOL 11-i llJti ir-U 4soTlWJ7 li5 lauW Three per cenu loit, low? Currencies l-J, LfJJ The ew York ato.k market bas been generally stro g. with a steady advaace.

The more active properties ou tne bull siue are per rent, higher, snd almost every. hiug ou 1 be list baa changed more or less favorably to holders. Tbe following table soots the closing prices in York to-day as compared with last week aud Uat year: UaV S3, JJay JZ, Hay S3. Jj. iav.

estern Union 0.1.4 iiuwourt tvmo 9 loos 107sl ew korkCeutral I01U loiii -rie lu 4xZ ac 4l.t5 fcjg 7tii- ew Jersey Central fill? leb. Lack, aad estern. I04, 1-- 1,4,, 1 iZJ Illinois Central l.t.t l30 liocs Island 114ft l-'l 124 bu i'aul toi bull lilcldgsn Central 4i 63 boXI fcU L. and ban ll'V im: Vyt L-audN 301? hasa. and 31T 41! Paculc lo.

4 -4' U. H. A. and S5 as Kansas and Texas lKl B. and lv.j l8f .3 Cnesapeake 4 0 1.

Canada Koutijern Tf Texaa Taciuc a as Sw York ttock LT.TcZ:an rs-vYcEX. on wn tnj ccct. Triune rcercantlle Paps-r 4 Sterling excht icje, actual rates 45Ci days and 437 fr demand. Bar silver ento ounce. Government bonds were doll and steady te day.

State bonds were dull and firm. Railroad bonds were more active, the skips amounting to S'J, 144.000. Tbe advance In prices continued, and important losses to-nigU are rare. Erie second consols. ex-June coupon, and West Shore fours wers heavier, and Houatoo and Texao 1-suee led tbe advance.

The mala line firsts, coupon off. were up fi cent, at Hi; Western division sevens, ccupou off. cant." at lo34; the mala Hue ceut. at 83, and ths general mortgages lli ceut. at 6154.

There waa active tradinx ia Nickel-plate trtLt receipts. The continued advance of the last few days raised the queation whether the brisgiC(. outcf long stock would not check the rise, but the same buying continued to-day, and la ths face of extensive selling for foreign account asd a great deal of realizing to-night's final prices ahow material gains throughout the list. The Chicago party were prominent among tlie bust, cess. Their favorites the Grangers are most conspicuous iu tbe advances made, Paid, Kortnwestera and Omaha each showing a advance of over 1 fl cent.

The YauderbU-j were strong witn the rest of (he market and show ma. terial gains, the high rate for loans of Lake Shore stuck being a feature. The favorable outcome of tha Presidents' meeting undoubtedly helped these stocks. There was considerable burlng of Western Union, generally believed to be prtaci-pally, covering of snorts. Lackawanna was again active for a time, and advanced materially but became sluggish again, aad was supported only by manipulation.

Tha market opens! steady, but the trading la favorite stocks at advancing pricea soon carried the reaeral market witu them. Prices advanced, with no reacboa of importance un'U near-the dose, whea heavy realizing summer ihe upward movement, iai tha market closed beary, close to the best figures reached. It waa reported to-day that tae bill bad passed the House giving the St. Louis and Ban Francisco tba right to enter the Indus Territory, and tae preferred stock advanced over 3 cent. The Grangers, as mentioned, were the only stocks oa tha scuve liat making net advances of more than 1 fl Xorthwestera being up Ui.

and fct. Paul and Omaha 1 each, Lackawanna 1 fl and the rest of tue aiar. ket fractional amounts. St. Paul was moot active, its sales aggregating 74.140 shares, Tbe sales for tbe week amount to 1.70, Has saarrs.

an advance of 70,000 shares over those cf last weck. Tha transactions at tha Stock Exchange today aggregated 3C3.425 shares, including the following: Bviaware. Lacxawaana and Western 61.370; Delaware and Hudson Erie Lake Shore Northwestern la.Oii; Jersey Central Sew Yorx Central 10,870 St. Paul St. Paul ana Omaha 7.5x3; Union Pacdio 0.330; Western Union Oregon and Transcontinental 9.230.

The total 1 111 ports of merchandise at this port during the past week were valued at and of dry gooda at 1.333, 173. and the amuaui thrown on the marset waa 9Lbb.V4o. Tbe total exports bt specie from una port during the past week were of tais amount the exports to Europe were 110,000 ia silver. The total Imports of specie at this port during the pat week were $73,440. Mining shares weieatroug but Sales of 3Ioultoa at SLSoiJvLOd; Consolidated Paciiic 45c; bulwer $Vi.

lo; mOoss ac; Cury soli te 55c; California and Virginia SL50; Hale and Kor cross BAUK 6TATXXXXT. Tbe weekly statement of tue associated banks issued from" the aearxng-house to-day shows us louowing cnanges: Beserve. $1,304,100 Loans, Specie, iucreaae Legal tenders, 0,00,100 65d.ocd 2.5J4.4J1 1'epoeils. Orculauon. increase.

banjos now hold above the 25 fl cent. legal requirement. ttOVaHjfXXXT BOXOS. 13,801.173 Tbreee Fours, coupon lor'i iiw4 ll''a l-lf ettitvtuti Four and ahaifs. a-acibc oa ot STOCKS.

La. stamp Missouri Tenn. I. new Cen. Pac firsts 74 Lake Erie W'a Lake Sbore.

Lou. Nash ejOi 85 67 117 A. Jk L. At 1st pref. 31o.

second pref. Mem. At Mica. Mia. M.

Louis, Do. lo. i'acinc Mobile At Noma N'aah. A N.J. Central Nor.

fc tv. Northern Paciuo. Io. Kortbwetoern Do. prelerrd N.

V. Ohio Ohiod; Do. Out. At Western.

Oregon Navigt' a. Oregon At Transa Oregon Pacific Man. lanama Peons, D. Pitutburgn. PuUman Pal.

Car Beading Hock Inland. St. L. At S. Do.

Do. first St. Paul. Do, St.P St. P.

At Omaha-Do. pref erred. Texaa Union 0. b. Kxpre- St.

L. At Do. Wellaoi Kargo. Western Colorado N. C.

AtM.1, Do. MiL. L. S. Do.

Vcuf.A 119 7(J Ella 10u'-, 034, North. Pac. firsta 11 Bo. 08 Northwest coin 141 Lo- 107 St.L&s? 10o3 St.

Paul I i4 M.P..C P. 1st. 13J1 Tex. P. laud 3d Tex.

P. otKioG. 61 1 43'S 10, lUs 141 4i ili4 21 244 i8 13J lul'i 1 se-g CO 16'4 W--4 3.1-, 19 in 151 13. 124 lUo i ia 113 41'1 10 1 Cl 14 i-i Union Pac firsts. 117va eat enore.

Adams Expreea. AUegheny Cen Alton at T. bo. American B. It Canada Can.

Soutnern. Central Ches. Bo. rirst pref o. second preC Chic.

103 14J "ii to lOd 60 o4t 30 IU 10J4 155 lo. eiaiig SLL.i:N.O.. L. B. com.

I'O. S. 'dm 10 8 27 40-T. 874j l-'7tw 15? I 24 55 14 Clev. Column.

Lel. Deb, Lac Denver K. Irie Do. 1-asl Do. preferred.

rort Wayne Han. feu Do. Harlem Houa. At Illinois 20 33 13 B. estera.

Kansas at Texas. Ex-dividend. Boston Bond and Stock Market. Eostov, May 23. The following are the off.

rial closing quotations as the Stock Exchange this afternoon; A. At T. ltt 7s iertf fl Do.Und grant 7s. l'd Mex. C.

Cl A. Xi.H 864 '4 Boston At Albany 1U1 N. Y. At 37, B. et E.

7s N. Y. At L. 7s. Boston ot o.

At C. C. B. At UlU lx. preferred.

C. S. Jt 14 Old Colony lo5.l Baaiern K. OJJ Buliana com latern oe I 27 F. At Fere ii 21 IL -I fr r.

a. 1 1 ru tfu XJ, o. w.iu. ft.Ui.tI.J.,1. Vls.

common. IS L. K. 3J Do. preferred New York Kxcbanre.

Bostoh. Bate for money 2 ex change on. New York premium 11.000. MxitrHis. New York exchange seUag alum.

Et. Lotus. Exchange on Hew York Crm at oc premium. Cici.s'x.ti. Eastern exchange Is steady: tt buying and 110 premium eldng.

Cbio co. New York sight exchange vrti quoted between banka at 25o premium. NxwOhlesns. Sight excuaiige ea 'ev icr. il per premium.

211X2SO STOC1LZ New York. Krw Tcax, May 2i. 1 ouowing are tie c' rial closing Quotations at the Near Vork X--- Lxtbscare this alternoou: Homestske 20 QuickFilver pref. 2D Iron buver 1U boutu Oulanu HUli buuo VuicKsuvcr 11 Boston. Bostox.

May 23. Tne 1 olio wing are tbe rial closing quotnions at the Boston Xj-uidj bx-charge this afternoon: AUoues 31in. 75 Pewabic 1 Calumet dt Heda 2-M Ouincy 4 Cataiju. 25 Kidge Central fcilver IleU Copper Falls Fed L-'i ran Boston Huron. au Power.

1 14 TaiuaracK. San Francisco, East Faa9cisco. 31sr 22. The the cfT.clal cloving quotations at tbe change vbis afternooo: Alta in Buiwer 2 beiCher. iticl Ci liikir.t I -lJ 1 oc -i 7 tit.

at 1 32 9 cent. Cons. 45 lev. 1 1 I.

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