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The Courier-Journal from Louisville, Kentucky • Page 5

Louisville, Kentucky
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

i i Li 4 31. CHURCHILL'S REGRETS Scnr E3 Tacils Glistens Els lizzitz -ia lis Dean Adams Burned to tie Water's Ed-e and Her -Caryo Lost. LATEST NEW3 BY TELEGRAPH- tcTOOT. lTy 24. Mr.

Labonchrwrtt tb fatfy Xeurt: "Ther not a single Liberal or Radical who announced ideation to rot against Mr. Gladstone's who action baa ben indorsed by a por-tica of constitaeats who sent hinj to Far-taaint. on pretends to bo acting ia tnnooy with bia ctor. It can not po. iX'-f tn' tb Liberal aa a party are cposed to th till, or ara disunited, be-esass a certain amber of Commoners decline to act aa representative of their sai appeal to tba Conservative to support thro ia too coming lectlons.

Un er tie eircuontanc, approvers of th of ti Lull should ralix tbat thy ax not justified in asking concessions which, if made, would not ran tad to a scciioa of th Liberals, but to gentlemen in 'aatsronisra with tbeir party. Mr. Oladatona aai their own Laboucher aatimatas tbat fort Liberal eeredera ara in favor of the principle, of ti bii1! bat from tba iaflueuo of tba Chamber clique fear to meet Mr. lads ton and fairly bait way ia aa endeavor to rrmoTt objections. He urges tbtrn to ct for themselves.

Instead of submitting to tLott who desire to overthrow Mr. Clad" itcaa. He believes tbat a isetbod can easily It found to eoable them td vote for the second reading without sacrificing tbeir convictions. CUrer TTeodell Holmea write to tb Standard correcting tb statement tbat to bold a reception at tba 8t. George's Gun to-day.

XI art will merely pay aa informal visit to ib dab. BA3DCLFB TH OLD HAS. Lord Eandolpb Churchill, in a letter to Mr. Gladstone, aaya: I regret tbat was a tern from tb Iloua of Commons on tb cession of your speech oa tba 21st Inst. From reports, observe tbat yoa completely nissj-prsbend tb meaning of oar tain r-roarta of mine on eertain occasions in regard to TJUtsr Loyalist, and consequently pro-aoanced an impreieiv coodemnailoa of my opinions referred, to.

You will not consider me wanting in reepeet wban. aasert tbat job completely in 1st tad my doctrine. My epinion tbat an inevitable result of establish-hi a Parliament ia Dublin, sach a your Government propose. will eiv-il war, harmonize with tb opin-loos xpr id by aa overwhelming majority of tb pabliomen of England com-pttsat to giv judgment, and almost vary person In Ireland of experience, position and respectability. Moreover, it ia tb unanimous sod immovable conviction of th wbola Protestant community of Ulster.

My cJoeo examination of tb position led to tb conclusion thai tb Ulstsr Ley list JustiSed la contending tbat such Parliament at Dublin would evai posed mainly of National Leaguers, wbo, ia toe guis ot Parliament, would mora tyrannical In tb past. I do not h-ttat to say tbat ahould tbeir fears ba re- alixed, the Loyalist would ba justified in refuting by fore of arms such monstrous yoke. If tb pro taction of tb Imperial Parliament should ba withheld, tb Loyalist would ba la duty boaud compelled to protect themselves, also coo tend tbat Parliament a moral right to divest Itself cf la responsibilities toward Ulster Loyal ists, nor transfer tba ailegianc of Loyalists to what most be to tbem sot only a foreign bat bostil body, without tb fail and free contest tb Loyalist themselves. Bach ess been my doctrine, elevated into constitutional law by tb action of tb Whigs sztinst tb arbitrary government of Jame It Sor can it be Uoubtod tbat tb action of tis Leaguers through tba Parliament would far mors awful than James' would ssts been vpoa England. I never urged a rssistano othsr than a rigidly constitu tioosl one, and if I bad any inflnano vouliexsrt it at any sacri3ca to prevent ue Una being ovrstppd.

I declared last ia that struggle they, ia ray opinion, aooU be ia tb right, and would clearly It entitled to ta sympathy and support of te Eritua people. "Ttis is what I would bav triad to say ia Us Bouss of Commons. I feel confident yoa will admit tbat your description of cy doctrine was entirely inaccurata and erroneous, aad that nothing in tb above is inconsistent with an x-Minister of tb Crows aad a Privy Councilor. -r- Oiadston baa replied to Lord CborchiU, as follows: grsaily re-grstif I have miare presented your state-tie eta. My words rested mainly on your ia Ulster and the closing paragraph ef TOUT latLar to Iff "Vrn n- 7.1, To latter am constrained to ap- sxactly to sam words I sxpressed in rsrUmsnt," A 8TEA3IER DURXEIX A tbo lcstruction ot the Dcaa Adams.

2xra. May C3. At 12:45 o'clock to- an cd lamp exploded ia tb barber cf the steamer Deao Adam. Tb spread rapidly, and although tba juht watchman womptly gar the alarm, ir' ersw barely escaped with their Uves. boat was held fast to shore and burned water's adg.

Tb steamers Pne and Gayoso were just Lelow th Adams and war cut looaa from their cooring! and taken la tow by harbor tugs. I Adn, was lying Jjtt i 7 bnming steamer, waa in great for a while, aa a atiil op-streaoi rttx i was blowing. Tb fiir department -tlthidr attentloa principally to saving Hid succeeded. llU d1''rM bnHtby James sn, of Pittsburgh, in October, scd cost 137.00O. Biio waa intended la Ena CT nd Vicksburc trade.

she was purchased by th Lee lin mphla and Osceola. trade, SSe ties lean running av.r unM an.l recently ex-i I in repairs, tjiie was iosired is C. P. Welford's ia i to at oa T. thearrlTed late Saturday 1 c.t:on.

C-O l--a, tsscaacf a.i mi ca Lwdri 1 ye.l Liong wi a tLe Coal Oranlau St. Locis, liny coal niiners who bive U-eo la socret svtion here for tea ttree cave cnit to Tratintoi trict Asmby of ICcljchte of Labor, to be t-nicyossa wnoiiy or coal have perfected the organization en elected oncers, tns i-iincipal one bing as follows: Dutrlct iilitir Wnrkmifi It liooal Executive Board: Worth Jlartin Joyce, cf SStraitsville, Ohio; Secret tary ana treasurer, m. Cadle, of Shaw. nee. Ol; Tt, i J4I 1.

1 I ill txi of Mster Workman Ajir. Kecretarr a- rfMiitMi, ana Itlchar.l .11 I I suuoj ITIUiS. DVTU or the ueleAtes end aUit several mernbere of District Assemblies 101, U3 and 17. wbich tu iucu a prominent Cjiur la ice lat rail-roai strike, left Ler to-nirtil fur Cleveland. wberetbey wiH participate iu the tpcial se-sioa of the General Assembly, whicn roeets there this week.

Xte National Dis trict Atsembly jat organize i wia hold their nxt meeting at bUawnse, Ohio, on th 4th Forest Fire iu Mlrhiffan. East Haoixaw, May A for est Or of imii.ense proportions was rajiiig yesterday all through the woods back of and adjoining Chippewa station, in Clar coun ty. It appeared at cooa about half mil soutuwesl of Cbnrcn's camps. a mile and balf east of Chip pewa station. Trains there loadmi logs, owing to the Ore burning both sides of tba track, could not come in, leaviog tb people, numbering three families of women and children and about fiity men, including on train crew, a scaler ana th leaders, hemmed in by tbe flames.

Tbe people the camps have everything pa cued and ready to try and save what tbey can, but bav scarcely any means of exit. Th ramps are located oa tb aoutbwest shore of baas Lake, and if it should necessary they csa CO to th tax lor shelter. A Xewspapcrr Burned Oat. Toeosto, May 23. Tb Mail printing o3c waa dmagd by fir last ulgbt to tba extant of $80,000, Tb flames were first obeerved issuing from window on th seo- ond floor, which is occupied by Alex Cable, lithographers, and tb fir quickly spread, to the editorial and composing room above.

Tb fir also spread to tb flor oc cupied by the Mall Job Printing Company. completely destroying; tbe typo owned by tb company. Alex Cable suiter a total loss of toc and maciuoerv. Tbe type ia tb Hairs ctUca waa baUiv damaged, but enough was left so tbat tb paper can ba isaued to-rnorrow morning. Tb ilail'a Joaa on plant ia fuliy covered by insurance.

An Old Town Celebrates. BrmnonxLD, May 23. Tee cele bration of tb two hundred and fiftieth anni versary of th settlement of city begins Tuesday. To-day appropriate preliminary exercises were held la neariy all th cbnrcbes. Historical sermons were preached and inusio of tb oldaa tlm rendered.

Several churches bs.d prala service this evening, ail of wbicb were lareeiv attended. Workmen ar dec orating tb interior of tb City Hall, and iiv or six decorators worked during a good part of last night on tb exterior of th pub lic huiidinrs by th aid of tvtrio Ugbts. On of tb Committee eeid to-uigat tbat (uiiy viaitors would be ia town during th feeuvitie. In Memory of tbe Dead. Kcvr YoKK, May 23.

Th committe In charge of tb memorial day observances at Geo. Grant's tomb has assurance tbat Pruaident Cleveland and Secretaries EuUi- cott, Whitney, Vilea and probably beer tar Lamar, will be present. Mayor Vleber, of St. Johns, N. will com to bring a shaft of laurel eight feet bigb.

Florida has already ahippad her oleander ana pomegran ate trees, and from bsrmuda dat palms ar on tu way. Ex-President Hays sends re- crts. From Michigan wul oom a deelgn eigbt feet square of laurel, oak and other leasee from ail of rant's Datue-neias. eDecially of Vlckshurg, Appomattox and Mission itidga. One Fool Kill Another.

CoTOLha, Texas, May 23. A. few miles sooth of here this morning G. W. Crensbaw shot and instantly killed Alex.

Irving in th presenc of neighbors. Crenshaw surren dered himself, and makeeth rather remark able statement tbat it was customary with Irvine and bimself to greet each otber by snapping their revolvers. II supposed bis revolver was empty. Both Irving and Cren sbaw ar young tuea ot wealth and wall coo nctd. A Knifto in Ilia Liver.

Detroit, May 33. At balf past 1 o'clock this morning, John Kalousky, aged 26, employe of tba Peninsular stov works. wbil returning- home from a dance, was as saulted by four men, on of whom plunged a knif into bis right side. Tb knife pene trated tb liver, and recovery is considered impossible. huuis Urywezsxy, wno threatened Kalousky, has been arrested suspicion.

A Railroad Ileslgnat Ion. Columbus, May 23. F. U. Kingsbury, Assistant General Freight Agent of tbe Paa-bmdl lin, will resign Jun 1 and accept a cositioa as Through Freight Agent of th Pennsylvania road, headquarters New Vorit He will succeeded oy D.

T. Mo. Cabe, of Chicago, at present General West ern Freight Aeent of in unicago, oc Louis and Pittsburgh road. Tho "Wheelmen's Meet. Boston.

May 23. Tb various oommit- tes in charge of th League of American Wheelmen's annual meet this week held their last renerai meeting to-day. At no rsTious meet bav such complete arrange- men been mad for reoeiving and enter tainiog visitors. Tb wneelmea ar already besrinniaz to arrive, and the hotels ar flooded. A Glove Fizht.Off.

Kiw York, May 23. Tb Ellingsworth-Fogarty ight-round glove-fight contest has been declared off, oa account of complaint mad to th police, and the interference of buDerinUndent Murray. Tb men ar re ported matched to tight in four weeks for Sl.OOOatid with s.ia gloves, la prirat, a finish. Another Sky Rambler. RocnxsTKK, May 23.

Prof. Brooks, cf PLeioa. N. discovered still another comet last evening, ia right ascension (as determined Warner observatory this evening at 10 o'clock) lib. 61m.

declination north a. 65m. loa. It is large but faint, with a slow motion aouth-soutneast. A Great Gusher.

w.tTnTO. Mav 3. Th Cam eron oil well was drilled into to-dsy, aad swa started otz at tne rata ci ivo carrsis aa hour Tbe flow increased durin? tbe alter- to l'JJ Darrei aa Hour, or ou.uw oar- m. dir. This is on of th largest Weils record.

Sfarine Intelligence. Gellert, from New York, for Hamburg. Tbe steamer Norseman, from Boston, has passed jk-insaie. QciE.NBTOW.v.XTav 23. Arrived Esteemer 'avoni.

from Bo-ton; steamer Aurauia. irom ivib k-- o- -i Daly'a theatrical company, who aro ou I inr Hi n. LoarJ. are au weu. Nxvr OHK.

Mav 23. Arrived btoamere jaimti-. from luinourx., i i ntt.j Aiaiei iitu- rs Teunese, Uai--ua, owaiara, Aaaucaaa LrooUya arrived lo-aay "Why the. South Docs Not Grow.

tfm in i la.als.nd Lrader.l I asked yesterday on t- Uadinj sm ma-n hp Of I L.9 Confederate army, tvhy is was that the outh did not develop iaier. Toe penions whica we cave to PJ nion soldiers is tae hir-i, hr-- about tbe cec- cl tae ooutn. -n Goeeran.etit now pays out about of cr JO LOUT: tLIs Ij pitherd from ftotbern htt'. We tay a to toe rcrta cf ttf ry veer, ent hardly a cent of tui tuoney ijH-nt in tlie houta, "Tbe Norts yets Us to it psys to the taxes which Cr for penions, iacii ajaio, because the money is spent wictia it own borders. It stt our ttird, too, and tbis continuous dram keer us jor.

You Northerners lin-poverisbed tbe houth by tbe wnr, and when we catue oat of it in ISOo with our slaves all guue, our bouses burned to tbe ground, our money eaten op in the, rebellion, and eve our men cone, you put a tax upon cs la the way of pensions, which has amounted to more altnont than the increase of the value of our property. pay th tax acd say nothing about it, Lut we do a great deal of thinking all tue tame. The war is over, and we are shaking bands erross wbat was once a bloody chasm. LvervtbiBe appears harmonious, but stiil tbe thinking caen among ua can not forget that, poverty-stricken as we are, you are taking more and more of th little that we have, in tbe way of pensions, every year. it would do no good to make any fuss about It, and so we let it go." cor.

wrsr axd run moruoxs. Utah' New Jwentucky I'xecutlve Cont'oaiiUiii? rhe l'ulyzraiuifet in Ix'ijal Arguments. Tb Salt Lake Tribun gives editorally tb following story of bow Gov. Cal West is familiarixing Limsolf with th Mormon problem Gov. West is potting in fall tim studying tb crest question at usue here; he has read a surprising number of books, patnphjets.

and newspaper articles, pro and con, and ia pc-bting timaelf up on th laws of ta Ter ritory, hndiug with surprise some strange omiseious, and some wbich it is evn more strange were not oamted. Th Gover nor sees many people daily, and it most an xious to meet tb citizens of all shades of opinion and eatber facts and details from trustworthy people who have knowledge of tniuzs tbat is useful to know, and to discuss with tbe leading people the situation her and th beet method of settling th ques tion. Oa Sunday th Governor went to Fort Douglas with Treasurer iCobsru, Auditor Pratt and Mr. Harnett, and viewed th splendid parade at A. U.

In tb afternoon tbe partv drove out to th Utah penitoo tiary. Tbe Governor wisbiufr to tela with acme of the polvgamoue convict, they wer brought out aad introduced. Itudger Claw-son, Liiowoodey and Policeman Smith being prominent' among the first coming, and Apcotle Lorenx baow coming ia later, as was visiting with some friends. To each and all tb Governor expressed surpris at seeing men wbo evidently were intelligent aad capable of belter tilings, shut up la prison because of a stubborn adherence to a delusion wbich led them to defy the lawe of their country, bnow attempted to argn tb religious pbas of tb matter with Gov. West, out tb latter wouldn't have it tbat way; ba draw tb line sharp and clear between religion and an infraction of tb civil law wbich is th rule and guide of every citizen in bi daily walx.

As to re ligion, a man may believe wbat be cooosee, and pray aa be likea. but where practice wbicu toe law does not tolerate are indulged ia. tbey must stopped. Tbey will bar to be stopped here. Tber is no sort of uueetioa about tbat; law-bteaaing must cwase.

AU tbee sacriiioes maue to aueteln caue like tbat ar vaia aad cruel; hearts will bav teea broken in vaia. and th weartnr and eoetlv strnezl to maintain le tiaoc of tb law wid go for notaing. Tb Mormons ar all wrong on this; tney will bav to civ up polygamy, and it would wtis for tbem to recognise th fact and cess th hopeless struggle wuivh is so bard upon tnem. aad ia wtivh tbey ar bound to ba worsted. Tb Governor's remarks war Vizorou aad unqualified oa tb subject.

Aposli Know undertook to torn th table cdou tu Governor ly referring to bis join- inc with tbo who sought and fought to s- tabliaB tba Confederacy. Gov. Wat replied that the men who went Into that movement thought tbat tbey bad as much inspiration as tb people her ar claiming, and they wer many time tbe number of tb ilor moos; but tbey found th Government of this nation a terrible thing to light, and now saw their error ia assailing it. If the Apos tle meant to intimate that pnysical resistance was in contemplation, tbe Governor warned bim in ta tnoet earnest manner not to think of such a thing, for there oould but on outcome in sucn a contest, which would in flict untold misery and borrore. Tbe Apostle complaiucd of tb "packed juries." to wbich tbe Governor replied tbat tbe juries ar rightly purged of polygamists or their comrades or supporters; laany titat tb courts msiat upon striking from tb jury the special friends of ta culprit, and tboea wbo er leagued with nim to ootu tu 1 1 any crime are struck from tbe jary before whicn is to be tried, as a matter of course, and nobody thinks of objecting to it; tbat is per Xectly right and proper.

Tbeu tu Auoad mad th stereotyped complaint tbat it is oniy Alorinons wbo ar panisued under lb Lduiuuds law; that Gen tiles arraigned for iewdne of various kinds ar not punished. To the first, tb Governor replied that tb reason way juormona ar toe ones punisned under tne law is because tbey ar th ones wbo offend against its pro visions; tbat a Gentile wno should go into polygamy after tbe Mormon fasuion would be punubed also, it is idie to complaia be cause people wno violate a law are punished. and that people wbo do not vioiat It ar not punished, for tbat is toe wsy all criminal statute must necessarily operate. As to tbs second point, tb reason why Gentiles are not puuiahed for lewd nee, is be cause nobody caa so punubed here, siao tber ar no statutes this lemtery cover- las such cases: and for tbi lack th Mor moos themselves are to blame, aa tbey bav had full power at aay time to pass tbem. When th a po tie usvdertooa to argue tb queetloa of tbe unconstitutionality of tb idmunds law, tb Uoveraor cut it abort by referring to tbe fact tbat tee conatitullou ality of this law has been aOrmeU by tbe U4 IWV.

wiajfrva. UWS1 wuw wow. I WM open to argument; it is settled. There is no nizber law" in tb premises: tbe statutes of the country and tbe decisions of tu court must be tb rul of life for every man in his civil relations; otherwise we should bav chaos and aa unsettling of everything. It lino a is for man' inner nature; to lawa for his outward observance, mere must be no confusing of to two.

but a full accept ance of all tb laws ia good faith by every citizen. It was a refreshing talk and bad sxsctly tbe riifbt ring. know tbat it will rejoice very loyal heart ia Utah to read this brief ouuin oX It. SHE AITElirTED SUICIDE. Gertie Oilman, a Frail Damsel, an ureruoso oi Jiorpuinc.

Last nigbt Gertie Gum an, aa inmate of Pvliie Hunter's bagnio, at 740 West Green street, quarreled wjtn her lover, Cham Brown, who keep th bar ia Murti Edwards' saloon, near Eighth and Greeo. After veuting ber anger upon him oa ac count cf ber unrequited affection, tb rail damsel retired to ber room and attempted to commit suicide by an overdose of morphine. Drs. Porst and Corrigaa were summoned. aad after applying emetics pronounced th woman out of daueer, though sb still suffered greatly.

Gertie has of late beea oa a big tear, and oa one occasioa coated Brown down Marset atreet with a pistol ia bar band. Tbe despondency caused by tb after efTects of ber epre doubtl bad mor to do with her attempted suicul than any thing ls. Denies tbe Charge. J. W.

Chase, a photographer from Rich mond. was arrested last night aud charged with stealing a oore and buggy from Ki chard firiggs, oi taat place, cuass denies th cnerge. aad aays it is spite work. A Demand for Silver Service. ashing ion CapitaLj He was a Department clerk, aud had beea married about two years.

Beiog of a practical turu. bis wife had been neing ou tne table dai eom of tbe silver piate presented at tne wedding, with more or less wear aud tear on the ptte. iiv dear." ba said one dsy to bis wire. 'wbere did you get all these brass work. "Wbv.

love." aiie excialuied, "mat's tbe silver liit was presented at our wedding." "On, i 111 ell, love, 1 aru not surprie that ttit-re is a dcuiand lursi.ver service reform." and he wiped his mouth on a disu of atrawberries aud cream. Ladies Wbo use Sorodcnt have ccly to cpea their lips to prove it white, gleaming, spotless teeth, and fragrant treata will leu tae siory. iOore more deman i for this and utiexcep- tioualle preparer iou lor any other c.a- t-uii. t. ktaltiz.

T1i Orrs IIivlln in the lotintatn AVlilch Ii Alone tli find fclnMiaiuioali Valley Tim Mrtiiclnat AVuters of ilia Same Correrxitidence cf tlie Courier-Journ at 1 Shkwamhiam Alcvi SSrRi.vcis, May 21. A valuable article bearing upon tbe agricultural, and especially, upon the mineral resource of tbe So at hern St.itj, written by Prof. iSbaler, of Harvard College, has lately appeared in tbe Jttdustrial toutk. 11 th greater part of tbis article had been specifically prepare as of Shenandoah county, Virginia, it wouu most truthfully indicate the general features of this favored district. The absenc of au intersecting rail road bas kept the Btate itself iu comparative ignorance of the rich natural resources com prised within tb limits of tuis county.

Iler ar ttretcLt-s fcf nobl luni- berland, fertile slopes and meadows. abundance of natural water power, solid beds of salt, beds of building rock, rich treas ures of mineral ores and of mineral waters From Shenandoah Alum Springs a journey of foar miles leads to tb top of North Mountain. Along th southeastern base of this range there stretches a great belt of iron ore. and aa immanis bed ef ore has lately been discovered in the Iliree-niile Mountain range. Given tb furnaces, and or? might ba mined Vrom the great seams at a cost surprisingly low.

Tb Columbia-Liberty Iron Company, consisting of associates from Virginia, Penn sylvaaia and New Jersey, bas two furnaces within a few miles of the base of tha moun tains, aad is carrying 'on extensive min tag operations. Tba Colombia Furnac was built in and sines tbot dat baa been almost constantly in blast. This furnac produces aa excellent grade of cool-blast Iron. From tha seam along tb North Mountain, th company produce a superior quauty of iron, which is well-suited for Doner and cue-piates, ana is bigmy valued for car-wheels and lor chilled rolls. Tbe orgeat need of the furnace company and of tbe county is a railroad.

Permission to establish on bs been obtained by tu company, but th necessary capital seems to be lacking, and thus far the coarter has been little more man a possession cf nomiual value. Only twelve miles of railwsy ar needed to connect the muiiug district with tba Baltimore and Ohio railway, or with tbe Virginia Midland, and tots little atrip of railed masonry would transform the now quiet febeuandoan into a mart of mining and of traulc. Tbe use of this strip cf road would not limited to to monopoly of a fw ijcal furnaces, but great quantities of lumber, of tan-bark. and of similar freicbt would be carried over it from points ia e.t Virginia; and for tbe crude iron-ore ber there would alwsys be a ready market ia tb near manufacturing cities cf Baltimore, llarrisburg and itisuurgb. Tue rout for tb railway baa already teea mapped out, and if.

at tois juncture, some liberal miuued capitalist wouid com to th aid of th furnac company, bs would many times double bia iuvestment in the' returns of the road. It baa beau eatimated by business men acquainted with' tue trade avpecte of tbis section, that thre auudred loaded trains would soon daily hauled over a railway, such aa is here projected. For the Liberty F.urnace, the ore ia now baoled one mile over a tram railway to tbe furnace; here it is prepared for smelting by washing and roasting, then th pars used here is bauied in wagons a distance of iiv mile. Indications tbat setui-biiumi nous coal exists in the Three-mile Mountain rang bav recently been detected, and as tbi stratification, and those already men tioned, lie wubia th limits of th Isad owned by tb furnac company, tber is tb mor pressing reason for a speedy realisation of the privileges Implied la tne charter. Almost at every step we see bow lavisblv Nature has scattered here brr treasures.

Be side tb great beds of iron ore, of coal, and of salt, tber are cucalrulated resources of slate, sandstone, limestone. pottei a' clay, fire-clay, glass, sand, man-canes, paiut banks of ocsre, tieuna, ic. Lately tber bav been found specimens of blstkish gray stone, thickly studded with minute, glistening flecks of a waits and a yellow substance- aud these have reminded tbe most alert of the inhabitants tbat iaante-bulluns dare cold and silver nuues wer really profitably worked iu tbe Souto, and most willingly, if, iierbaps, most Uselessly, i is the hop nourished tbat the metals may' I yet tound imprisooed io4tbe favor! mountain ranges. In spile of its vor.od mineral features, the lend is well adapted it farming purposes. Cauls rsi-nng Is common form of tne borne in dustry, and -fruits grow ia abundance lluntiug-parties from Baitimor and other cities often com here in tbe autumn: for thesummei amusement of the angler excel lent trout all earns turead tbeir wsy through tbe mountains, and almost at every point ta artist is tempted to pitch bis tent.

ict onenanaoan aiuiu Dnuirs form one ot the most interesting grouys or water ia irgiuia. lo this group beionrr three alum spriugs tb largest in tb State aud iiv others, comprising respectively, chalybeate. neauag, suipaur, iron aad arsenio waters. in cases of cbronio tbroat and kidney troubles, and iu spiual affections, tbe alum wa ters anrwar to act almost mau-nll Th. are, indeed, especially adapted to most forms of enronic ailments.

I be immense rock from which th waters issue is. ia itself, a great natural Tb property wbioa comprises tbe springs is a private possession, and consists cf 1.000 acres oi oesutuui land, aa varied in appear a nee as la characteristics. One portion of it is level and award-like, and ia devoted to or chards, graperies, and euiad fruita. Another portion consists of fine. sloDinor hillocks: another of valuable wood lands; another of a I arm wner tpe vegetables for rummer use ar raised, and wubiu a stone's throw of tba hotel stands th stack of a furnace, wbich one was used by ta brothers of tbe present owner fur burning the different ores of the mountain.

Many years ago the uruac was burned, and th solitary stack seems to be consciously waiting for some energetic hand' to restore it to its old-time importance. Tb hotel is a well built, ram structure, with verandas and cood weather-exposure. Near to it is a substan tial, square frame building that sustains to th hotel tb relation whicn, in Switzerland, tbe dependence sustains to tbe pension. There is no bar at tbe strings, and tue united aim of the proprietors is to givs to the place the security of a private home. For tue con.

veaieuc of guests wno mav wish to stud v. th hostess has organized a summer school of languages and of elocution and English literature. A sanitarium is to be oiened in cou-' uection with tbe hotel, and it is intended to make tbis institution peruiaueut. The springs ar twenty-tbre hundred feet abov tiJe-water, and lb purity and dryness of the atmosphere, tbe variety and iho etcacy of tb mineral waters, the balsamic odors of tbe pines, tbe dryness of tne surrounding ground, aad tbe abundance of tb successive fruit crop give to the spot every ad vantage as a bouie for invalids. Ml.

Jackson, on the VaUcv Rranrh nt tba Baltimore and Ohio railway, is the station for th Springs. Tbe road between the two points is bard and smooth, and the coach. ride over tbe mountain la utie of rare exhil aration, lb Baltimore and Ohio P.ailwav Company riiTers excursion tickets to the Springs, includiug coach fsre, aud good uutil October 31, for $10.75. lores uiiies from Aium Sorintrs era Ork ney Springs, tbirty-two miles away are the Loray Caverns, twelve miies distant ar tha caves of New Market, and eut bevoud the mountains stretches Shenandoah V' alley, of wtiicn a great statesman oucesuii: "A visit to it is worth a trip across the Atlantic." Elise Aixkx. Old Fo-y, Number Two.

iTo "she iUixvur ct the Courier-JournaL FortAR, Tats Mlss.V May 21. Old Fogy has given a nice aud exact description of tbe silly doings of tue Whis in 1810. To this I do not object, but 1 thiuk bo should have given tbeir reasons, as be was writing-for the benefit or lnfurmatiou of young mea. Presuming be did not know, i I beg tbe liberty to tell him. When tbe Whips cave Gen.

IIarrioa tbe nomination for President, lb Democracy, by wsy of derision, called bitn Oid Granny Harrison," "Old Jump- jacket, one-gailass fedow, living iu a lor cabin, drinking bard cider, wearing a coon-skia cap, etc." Under all these opprobrious epithets, th Whigs received the "Old and elected bim triumphantly. and ta 1 tbeir fun, to tbs treat tmcooiuiur- cf tbe Democrats. I si.all loox for tbe cn- vss cf 1M1, Ly Old i'o -y. Cae cucre ue-j la t-j cf tlie IsS cf mi wfcica I wi-h to faw I -s: 'i Li peiieral LiQsrupn-y ot iut'i-r incut in tnens clJ, cone-by days, lie thinks ilenry Clay ws mistaken ia bis views as to the proper caust. 1 do not remeniber wbat lienry Clav aid, but my reca lsction is thst tlie Journal and every ia (ojigrei4 ua I out of it stid it was tli destruction of the United States Bank, th removal of tbe public deposits in the ditlerent Ktatos, issuing paper money by the million, creating a temptation which people could not stand, consequently they quit work and weat into wild speculation.

Tbe rre-dieted the remit, but the old General thought diHerently and defeated tbe bill to recnarter the old bank tbat gave tb people the best currency we ever bad. Old FOot the Sicosd. The Inequalities or Trade. It is lamentable that ia the rivalry of trad tbe good and evil ar so intermingled tbat it requires no ordinary degree of discrimination to sift tbe one from the other. A manufacturer no so'oner pats bis Invaluable article upon tne market, and receive as tbe reward of his enterprise and original conception a geuerous share of publio patronage, tnsn competitors rash ia with taeir sickly imitations, and by dexterous subterfuges so developed as to even trick tbe rusj-esty of the law, strip the genuine article of its merit and support.

The jealousies awd petty envies are a disrsce to taercsntli business and a blur upon tbe escutcueon of commercial integrity. True, the good ultimately triumphs the Lad, but not before much of tbe valae "of th former has been Impaired by the opposing: spirit of the contest. Wolfe's 8chiedaiu Aromatic Schnapps baa retained ita supremacy, and the facta must accepted as incontestable proof of iu superiority over as mitjr weak and Impotent attempts to counterfeit tbe preparation as ever assailed aa article which, by sheer force of excellency, bas captured universal patronage. But, as Disraeli one said, "th inferior must go down before the superior race." so all tbs fraudulent deicoe and piratical snorts to foist tb imitation upon tu publio mast fail before th splendid virtues and coo-ceded properties of tbe great, original article. Especially in this climate, as ia all Southern sections, is Wolfe's Schiedam Aroiuatio Schnapps most eClca-cious, because of its tonic, stimulating, anti-malarial and diuretio tendencies, and ia all cases of lassitude aad physical debility it is ss potent as its nam and fsm wherever introduced or used.

Court of Appeals. Special to tb Courier-JournaLl Fbas xroT. XI ar Short, ate, va McDaaiel. Lawrence: affirmed. J.

H.cea vs. 1L Bullock. Peadletont af firmed as a delay case. NVeods vs. Eih-r.

Keetoa; reversed. OrUc4 Triplet vs. Common wealth; eub- mitted. Wills vs. Wills and Kamsev vs.

Wilis: Trued by niUhun Llodsay for appellant and suouutted. Ended la Murder. HocsTOJf, May S3. Ia a street alterca tion ber last nhzbt, James P.aveli shot and killed George Metealf. Th men had goo outside of a saloon to settle a dispute with tbeir fists, wbea Kavell drew a revolver and rir4 iiv.

shots. Mstcalf was unarmed. During the excitement caused by th shooting Kavell escaped. Ilorsford'n Acid -Phosphate Tor Wo men and Children. Dr.

Jos. Holt, New Orleans. say si 1 bav freuueutly found it of excellent service ia cases of debility, loss of appetite, and iu convalescence from exhaustive ill-xtes. and particularly of ssrvios la treat-meat of women and children." LOCAL OXlUlaS. tba CeatomptlTe.

Let those who lan guish under the fatal severity of our climat through any pulmonary complaint, or. evea those bo are lo decided consumption, by ao means despala There is a safe and sure aeuiedy at hand, and one easily tried. H'Ubor't Com- I ound Cd -fleer Oil and LmeJ" without pos- ses 4u the very nauseaiiug flavor of the oils heretofore used, is endowed by liie phosphataof liiue ith a heanag property hich render the 11 doubly eflicaciwus. Pmarsable testimonials of its caa be shown. Sold bv A.

Wilbor. Chemist. Boston, and all DliATIIS. KESSACK At St. Joseph' Iaflrinarv.

at 10.4 p. a. ounday. Alar Sd, Bobxbt KxsbACK. afd GL from fct John church, corner or C-Ay and iVuiuut streets, at oloca to-morrow WILLIAMS Sunday, May- 2 at 6 o'clock a.

Liiajs M. AicAltixxji. wife of fcev, W. J. illiauis.

uuerai services at tbe resideoce of ber father. eouUct coruer of First and Walnut eta, Hon. oy orieruoon, llay Xi, at o'clock. Burud trivaic. V.

LIiS-Msy SX Faxo. W. Weiss, aged 60 years. uneral will take plaae Tuesday, at 10 o'clock A. from tue Church of th laa inoculate Conception.

1KIKI Mrs. Adocsta Bbixl, May 23, at 4:45 A. aged 7d years. 1 unurAl trom tue of her so August I3ril. 1.

si 7 iio wan street, Monday afteraooo at 4 o'clock. ti-t- Louis, aad Kichmond, Va, pa-pei please copy. and XU A. J4-, will meet in called ion o'clock, in Lxorlsior Hall, Market and hirst tu for work in Al inter siason degree, bretnren of sister lodues and all 11 ling Master Via so us ore traternally invited to meet wtih us. iiy order.

W. S. BKYAN, W. s. Dimsu Scc'y.

THE LODGE OF ANTIQUITY. No. lis. aad A. will bold a callc tneeuugin tuelr ball (Uks iialiV.

this T.T Honour) evening, at 8 o'clock. Work' in tlie 31. M. degree. All Masu-r Masons ia good Standing ar cordially inviurd to attend.

GX. pEABCii. W. 1C msCliLtiA" liO US. IHO.V BITTERS TO.VED CP JL tbe nervous system of Mr.

J. Ls Bvrd. Louis- sllle, Ky and made him well and strong, lie woe aoiicted wita nervousness, which all other re medics fall ed to relieve. GEORGIA YELLOW PINE LUMBER. it KQ leave to Inform tbe dealers aud manufacturers requiring lumber tbat I have received tne entire cut of several saw-m ills, aad am prepared to quote very low prioes for ear-load lots of Suinles.

Laths, liar. Car aud Bridge limbers, aud general bill siuiZ. Price aud freight uraieued on application. J. C.

lLSOX, o. 7 png sC, Ailauta, lis. Louisville Chancer Court. John W. Wiliianison's Executor.

1 va John W. WlUiamson'a Devisees. A LL creditors of the estate of John W. Will-ii. iamon, onceoaed, and all persons having cUiuis under decedent's of Plan.

11. A llhainson, hiadea A. Widlainsou, lieceased, or Levi idiajusou, deceased, are no ihed to prove their claims before me by jne a. Ibid. JulLN ew illLLtai, Coniuni-mioner.

i.OW.Va IROU BITTEUS COMPLETELT cured Mis Eda ilernman, 7JJ W. Walnut street, LouisviiU, of malarial affectioua, and sue says it's ibe best remedy sue has known, biie adviKes every one lo uae It. Louisyilio tliaucery Court, Louisville Safety Vault and Trust Assise, Ac. vs. itacrhersoa Brotoers i'o, VLii persons having cialms against tb estate of ilac i'hf rioa Brotners, are notified to pruve the same teior tue by June 3.

Ibaii. JuUN Commissioner. BROiV.VS IHO.X UllTEKsJ CL'RsCD II U. itobt.

Donahue, Preston sueet, otagae, and save id in strencta and good appetite, lie rvcouiuienw is. STli.4s-U2xlai.i. CUiN'AKD JLliNJbG! icj. 0, loO and JU.V luteruiedutte J. D.

At l' ran waa Baok, Cli k'Ubt ti. ixaisvule. Drxi ou Loauoii, )uouu ial Sci Trie: CELCbHAThL) WHITE STAR LINE Flairs saj Ikvyal Lis cxeaoiers t-Aii from York tvery Thursday to Queeas- owu laverpxjl. CusurpasseJ S-woou scooai- uiouaUoua. Ita'es jJ.

3J au Mccr-ie as low by any nr.t-cias inil line. For Uate of tsuin and iuspecioa vt plaus apply JUtlN 31. ZANU.Nt. LJJ lUrd brlT Uaia, ijoui'-viiitf. il j.

Curtis, mrJU il.lui-o?u v. Broadway. er ork. r.uwxs iuo tv vs i.v 3r.M. Frai-ccs -V.

Beibert. o3 I. iiarketsu. Locis. lie, wita enurtly so: ry re- uii iu and uj 1 1 s.o.

li la. ror 1 her tj- iM tue. TAKE Vhenecr aa anxioti group is seen Around some monthly magazine Or paper that is daily whirled To every quarter of the world. And merry peals of laughter As this or that attracts the eyes, Tho smiling: crowd, you may depend, Above some illustrations bend That advertise the strength and scope And purity of Ivory Soap If your grocer does not keep th Ivory Sosp, send six two-cent stamps, to pay th postage, to Procter Gamble. Cincinnati, aad tbey will send yokret, a large cak of lvoar Soav.

A WORD OF There Is ONIY ONE "Ivory" Soap, but there are many Imitations of ft, which, like all counterfeits, lack the peculiar and remarkable qualities of the genuine. AtW for "Ivory" Soap, and insist upon getting it. NEW PUDLICATIONS. HAKPEB'S ITEW I.IONTHLY MAGAZINE Cv.431) 1886. C05TAIX3: Tbrewaa CasBberlans Oa Hereebaek.

By James Lane Allen. Illuerations. Qld Ferry at Point burnside "Blame me it them ain't the darnedest lens:" Native Types Cumber land all Moourise oa Cumberland Padre Interior of a jlouutalneer'a Home ford on the Cumberland Mountain Courtship A Moun taineer Dam A Family Burying Ground Cld Corn-mill at Pineviile Cumberland Gap. The Caitee S.atoe ftav-. In Traualiloa.

By Bear Admiral Kdwaid f-impson, U. N. With twenty-two illu.tratious. t.reat America IaSitstriea V. A Luui ef feagar.

By R. B. Howker. lllustiated. bvriasbaven.

A iVvcl. Pari ill. By K. V. Rlackniore.

Four illustra-' tions, with fronuVpieca. Drawn by 1'reuerick Barnar.t and Alfred Th Heme Acre. Pars IV. Br E- P. Koev Sbe btwopa i usisrr.

(Act v. continued.) By Oliver OolJamith. Illustratioua Drawn bv A. Abbey." The Jliai.ira tea Deaib." A tn-rf. By Annie Porter.

Tbeir rMsrimag HsrtllL By Chart- Dudley Warner, lllua-trations. Drawn ny S. Beiuboth The Death of Alexaader By T. K. Crane.

Kia: Arthur. Sot a Lave feierv. (Conclusion.) By the author of "John Halifax. by Paul Hamilton Harne. M.

J. Savage, and J. W. De Forest Etiur't Ksi tssir. By Georare William Curtis.

E4lMra feiudy. by William Dean How- ella. Aleaihli Itccard ef Current Eveaia Leix r'e Drawer. Conducted by Charles Dudley Waraer. HARPER'S PERIODICALS.

PER YEARx HARPER'S MAGAZINE .2. $4 00 1 tPER'S WEEKLT 4 00 IlAilPER'S BAZAR 4 00 HARPER'S YOUNG 3 00 HARPER'S FRANKLIN SQUARE LIBRARY (on number a week for 62 10 00 HARPER'S HANDY ISERIES (one number a week for 52 .....15 00 Foeiag Free to eM eubeoribert si the United mates or Canada. Remittance thould be made by Poet-office Honey Order or Draft, ti avoid chance of loss. fTaeis a time is specified, subscriptions teal! he eeoaa sritA tke csw neat namtr. ryHARPER'S CATALOGUE, comprising th titles of bstweea three and four thousand volumes, will be seat by mail on receipt of 10 cants.

BKOUVS IROX BITTER REsTURCO to health and strenrtU Mr. Jas. b. Wstib. editor of W.

lirecKinridge atreec, Louisville. alter be was much reduced in ctrenjrth aad flesh, and felt constantly languid and tired. JlISCELLAJiEO US. Money to Loan. nr in sums to suit, oa rood real JlOsUUU estate mortgage for a term of 'BUCHANAN 04 W.

Main at. UTTfu A otice. A CALLED meeting of tbe stockholders of th Kentucky Wagon tianufacturing Co. will be hs-ld at tne comDauv'S oiilce. No.

714 E. Walnut in LoalevdUv Tuesday. My 2a, lbau. at 4 o'eloca r. for tbe purpose of voting tor or acrainst the approval of aa act of tb General Assembly of the Commonwiralth Of Kentucsy ameodiog tbe company's charter, approved Feb ruary -a, At tba same time aad rIae tbe regular annual tne Uc of stockholders ef aaid company will be held, postpooed to ih.t time by resoiuuoa ox Board of Directors et saiJ company.

blEPUEN ti JONEo, President. pit PC Instant relief. Final oure lu 10 days, and I ILLO never return. No puree. suppository.

Suf'rs will learn of a si ra pie remedy. XublloYVeroultm ino.v DITTER tinOO SIR. XJ J. C. recmau.

4. JeUerson street. Lou isville. K.V.. of drsix'tiia of ioor lauuioa? and sreat obstinacy, lie has never beea troubled since.

Notice. rTMtE annual meetlni of the stockholders of the Louisville etui Turnpike lion a lor tbe purpose of di rectors aud tbe transaction ot such olhrr bUiM. nes as mar come btiore tbe meeting, wiu be held at the "oriice of the Farmers' aod Drovers' Bank. Monday, June 7, at li o'clock iioon.

my-1-did jAci u. uaw" t-iu, ea y. OPlUu CHLOll tL 11 A it ITS curxjj. a vice ua. j.

liut wejersou, oc tixoiJk ly Frankfort Lottery of Kentucky. CLAS3 22. 1SSS. 3 Cd Co 27 43 S4 17 E7 li 7a 15 71 CLAS.S 24i T7 32 13 3j 41 S4 49 77 CO 10 44 45 Cl 6u7 T2.irJ street. a-v Corttraov as t-S THE HINT.

Eut while they smile or praise bestow And wonder whence ideas flow, The fact should still be kept in mind people of the knowing kind Will heed the hints or lessons laid, Ia rhymes and pictures thus displayed, And let no precious moments fly Until the Ivory Soap they.try, And prove on garments coarse and fine The truth of every sketch and line. BROW.V8 HO Bf TEU Ul. r.LV cured Jliss Mary Freeman. 2,817 Bank Ixui villa. when sit was aSUeted with dyspepsia that lif became a burden.

1 STJMMKB KESOIITS. The favorite resort for sportsmen, summer tour iais and invalids. Hsy frrerun Known, lorcir. cular address O. A.

DEN SEN. above, or CHENEHY 19 State aire. Bos too. llass. MoAThl XJ FiSET.

DEER PAF-K AND OAKLAND, on thecreetof the AUesUonira witbin tbe fatnoii Glad section, direct! on the liie of tn- B. and O. No stage riues or 'bus transiers. All Limited Express trains stop. With tne new aad unparalleled fat scheiule on the Bal imore and Ohio haiiroaJ.

these lovtly twin resorts are b-yood all coiapirio i the mosi advantageously loc-ated, botb as to trnia servievs aud surrouDdinfrs. of any t-Ast ot the Rockies. SEASON OPc'NS JU XI. No flies: No mo quitoe! No hay fever! No malaria! Deer Park aad OaUatid. the one being but six miles distant from the otuer with th- mo-4 ciiarming drive connecting tiiem will be tin ir.e the inan-tceiueut of Mr.

W. J-. WALJCElv. who. In bis tbree reasons' bos maae niany enmuslaaiic friends of the glorious resorts.

All should be a dressed to W. J. WALKER, Vueen City Hotel. Cuuiuerlaoi. up to Jure After ibat date, either Deer Park or Oakland Md.

RATES 4uu, 173, and $99 per month, according to locations. of rooms and floors Open at O. and M. ticket oihce. The B.

and O. Company lies spared no expense in rendering Deer Park and Cabtnd tbe leading -mom tain resort of the East, aud for the sesvsoa of 'htt the attructiona will be of a character not hitherto equaled, and the cuisine of both bouses unexcelled. First-class laundry. Fine livery. Elerant new bathing pools.

Finest pi ice lor chddrea ia the land. nn 7-i ii GRAftD HOTEL, ALUM bPiUN'Ga, KOOK-BKIDGE VA. High up lo tne Virjriuia mouniaina Pictureeque surroundinKS. exten sive sad beautifully shaded lawn. Gas.

elect: i belts, aad all modem improvements. Two daily mails, post, telegraph, aud express oflSoes on turn premisea Table the very beat. Luxuriously furnished rooms; superb band of mu-ic bend for illustrated pamDulec Cbarzes moderate. Open for visitors June 15. Watr: Alum.

Cha lybeate, and Freestone, B. T. WILKINSON, mjiaao manager. WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS, W.VA. IssaieSlateif turn aa U.

Uauwt. THIS great health aad pleasure resort, with a well established reputation for tbe melicinal virtues of the waters and fine summer climate, with an elevation ot 2,000 feet above tne aea level, aad surrounded oy mountain 3.5oO feet hiRb, will open tor tbe season UN 1. or para uhiets and Information call at the offlc ef the and O. radsrar. No.

2i-i Fourtb ava. or address B. F. F.ah l.r, bupt d.tSo-30 FREIiCII LICK SPRIKGG UKANGE COU MY. INDIANA, NOW OPUS FOU THliT 6K.4J50X Send for circular giving analysis, rates, eta WELLS A ANDREW, Proprietors.

WILL 8. HAYS, Manager. mvi7dH CAPON SPRINGS AND BATHS (AJkallae Lithia Waters: also i'tne Iron ofers llaair-. suias W.Va. Nofoa No raalana.

Wbrr tne stk ana ove-tcorktd tuon mover, and trell are altoay happy. Send for pamphlet. W. ti. oAlic.

rrop r. BROWValRUlV BITTER CLRED IH8. btokes, 1,02 Jefferson sueet, Louis ville. of kidney trouble, anu she aa vises any one troubled as sue waa to give tbe medicine a trial. It is aU it is represented to be.

Ii. II. THOMPSON Is a candidate for re-election Judg ot th City Court. inTW-'dte STUIILING 1). TOsMsY Is a candidate for Judg-e of the Louisville Law end Equity Court next August election.

pitS-ck U. aOiNTZ For Mtrthat Louisvill Chancery Court my? dte S. S. HAillLTOsN For Msif Louie vul Chaacery Court, spy die 21. 0.

HAVFLEY, Of Stanford, Lincola county. Is a candldat ta tbe bt-cond fiotrict, for tne Democratic nomjna. Uou for ucU'O of tne superior Court, inrS eoi AUGUST ELtOTIOiN. WM. F.

EUBEL, Forll e-clectioa as Jailer. iltOW.Vs IUO UillLRs r-it Vfci or sucn benent to 3ira K. uncio, tiiiii ouna avenue, UOUlsvine, tor uu.u uu us- pepsta that sue recomnifnai i. as lue nest ot lueicia-s. Her experience Is that there is noin- ia hse iu vlasos, SNNeS HINZEN fiOSEiW 'ianufa-turers of UPRIGHT All SQUARE PI Al'MC Vorerooms 440 ffI ilarnet; factory Lijs wer.

ta sua uraysja k.rne.i. Aiodal-rs la i iiad -Iji-jU In aua ia .,4. j. -t IT-.

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