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The Cincinnati Enquirer from Cincinnati, Ohio • Page 10

Cincinnati, Ohio
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Hi; 1 I i i i 10 PRICES For Terminal Property Agreed Upi Bj Sontheni Trustee Owaert. Local 8 witching Tariff Ap-proved By Trade Men. (WertM if B. A D. PMager Mm at WMdsiAl IaUad Newt fnm Wj SUtUit.

AORZZO -VERDICTS. Th Jury la the salt to rood ton property for terminals In the Brighton district for tli Cincinnati Houihrn lu-xd vriU rstura WrM4 verdicts In sll th esses. The Clncio-nsll Southern TruiiM have reached an (ITMiMDt with tie wrnl lUckenlotrtiwr to the prlrt be paid foe his property, which th old aanhll grounds at Bank treat and Weslero aven us Agreements had heen previously reached with the othar arnara of property wanted. Tha ground to purchase! for tba ter-anlnals la bonnded by Hank. Jepth end Iuch atraaia.

and Mclean. Waatarn and Harrison avenues. Tha condemnation gulls ara ant ff.r hearing In Judge McNeill's Court to-morrow. FKOM CHICA00 TO T1DEWATEK. arenai bierarrs vo raa uiicwii Illrtnlngham, Ala.

April 13. It was learnerf lrr i-Uy ihal tie- ferent change In tha control of is- flrtinawW and Hlr-niinxhwm KaHri-ul. In course of wnutruc-tlcn tfrm llrunswlch. Urn to Wrntlnghsin. nn.the the llllnola fentrai Interests tha Bnm.iiljl t.e.-kois and pra.Ttltal ownsra of thla nr line, ami moan that when the Illinois ('antral complete Ha projected -tannlnu fmin Ja kin, TrAn to thla city It will roi.iie.-t hi.

re with tha Hrunawl-k 1, thua -ei-urlng tliroi-gh routo of Its own from Clilrsg.i to Atlantic tidewater. Wi of ronatrurtliin can on tha Ililnola Vii-tral-lllrmlMrhum tutfiieirin to-day at It-mla. two mile -iiilh of Jnrkion, and will pnahl iljwi.ufly. The whlrh la via BhrlTlfl.l. A In hiia been p'TniunMill)- li-estrtl wlthlnr ft of lllrmlnsham.

and ha rlsht of way haa been secured. Terminal Hiriipat-mt-tiia alaa han mada har" whlrh tha llllnola fantral and tha Hf. Iotila and Pan Frnrl-. will have tar-mlnila In roitjunctlon. Tha lailar road will alio aa the lllliiol Cenlnil an In tar rat in Ilia ItU Railroad.

it la atatrd. Maaiitlma th work of romplntlng tha llrunawlfk and Illrtnlnaham will ha ra-awd with araat anaray. In ordar to nntah It to thla rlty In time for the llllnola Cen-tra)' "tilry kTv. INTO HUTCHINSON. Tluti-hlnaon.

April lit. Tha Rnck Ialand Uallr ad Company, It la rrportrd on irootl auth'Tlly. haa Iraaad from the Santa Ft Hallway tha uaa of the llutchlnaon and Bxjth-rn from Anthony. to llutchlnaon. BlvlnaT the Chortaw, Oklahoma and Golf an rntranca to thla plaor.

Eventually a north and aouth Una of railroad will be built from hare to Belleville In tha northern part of tha atate. thua ron-nerttnx the R-k laland main line with iJenver. A quurtar of land aouth of the Arkanaie River ha bran purchaaed by the Rock Ialand and on thla the round houae and tarralnala for the "Choctaw" Railway will be built. It la underatod that the laaaa of tha llutchlnaon and Suuthrrn traekJ la of ahort duration, aa the tension of the Chortaw to Iluurlnton already haa been aurveyed. Aa aooa aa tha round houae and trrnlnali are corn plat ad It la undar-atord ltutchlnaon will bacomo a dlvlaion point on tha main line of tha Rock lafcand to El Faao aa well.

Several of tha dlvlaion irfloera have barn movtd here from Harrington. EXHAUSTIVE EXPORTS. W. T. Porter, attorney for tha Truatrea tha Southern Railway, la wall equipped to go Into tha hearing of tha aulta for tha condemnation of tha property on Front and Water etreete.

between Vina and Plum atreeta, wanted for tha principal terminate Of tha Southern Road. r. A. Schmidt. W.

V. Ebareole and W. M. Ilugle. tba real aetata) men who war employed for the purpoae.

bava prepared and turned over to afr. Porter aa exhauattve re port. Tbla report glvea) Che tax vaJuea of all tha property, coat of Improvementa, namea of owners, name of tenants, terms of leaaea, Ac. Oeorgw B. McMlUar and Robert Thomas, tha bulldera, have alao aubmltted a report on the bulldlnga and Improveaaents on tha property wanted, thalr condition and value.

The report goes Into ovary detail, tba eleea of tha dlffarant buildings ara all given, number of rooma. dui. Thee reporta ara on 118 different pieces of property. PASSENGER MEN CONFER, Representatives of tha Cincinnati, Hamilton and llayton road mat yesterday at Woodsdale laland Park for a conference re-gmrdlng auramer excursion business and. ad-vertlalng.

Assistant Ueneral Passerujer Agent Webb presided at tha meeting, and the following named were preaant: Ira Ballowa. Oansral Southern Agent, and W. EL Smith. Traveling Pasaenger Aa-ent. of Cincinnati; J.

C. W'tlUamaon, Dlatrlct paaaengar Agent, and John R. MoCord, Traveling Paasangsr aOent. Toledo; J. C.

Wlnana, Oenaral Traveling Agent. Ft. Wayne; K. V. alcOratb.

Traveling Paaaena-er Agent, Flndlay; Wood Pstton. Watrict Paasengar Agent. Dayton; F. W. Walker.

Traveling paeaeagar Agent. Dayton; F. O. So hi top. Traveltnat Paasengar Agent.

Hamilton; R. P. Algo. District Passenger Agent. lnd.uuia.poUs; J.

8. Ferris. Traveling Iaanger Agent. Decatur. I1L; Frank P.

Wade, Traveling Passenger Agent. Springfield 111., and. Albert lack a. Advertising Agent. A VALUABLE FRANCHISE.

saaravca vaia axmctsam. South Bead. April U. The City Council to-night granted tbo Cbtoago and Air LIm DaotrVs Hallway Company a franchise) la tbla city. The road la backed by J.

B. Hanna aad) Judge C. M. Stone, of Cleveland. One of the Couaelunea Impas-stonsdly declared that the Council was voting away a valuable franchise without resolving any considsrsAlon: that It was worth $30,000,000.

Hs stood ready to lira that amount for the franchise within Ave mln-tea. Sevan eompaaleo are competing for tba tight to build bat wean South Bond aad La port a aad Michigan City, and two bars already started work. DELIVERY TOiaCENCED. Richmond. ImL.

April li The first of the asrw locomotives of now type for the Cincinnati. Richmond and Nuncio Railroad arrived hero this forenoon. They weigh lue.00 poanda without coal and water. The tanks aro of Um moat modern build aad have a capacity of 6.000 gallons. Besides tha addition of new locomotives tha C.

and aft. will sooa add much other rolling stock -to Its already largo equipment, aad by tha time the lino Is In operation into Cincinnati aad Chicago tha system will be la readiness to handle any volume of buaN NEW Orders have been placed for a large a am bar new engines at Lbs Tcpeka shops of tba Atchisoa. Topeka and Baata Fa. Tweivs of the engines to be toailt are a witch eaginsa of a unique pattern. They will all ha vary large, have three pairs of drivers, and will weigh about 190,000 pounds each.

The drivers ara to be 51 Inches la diameter, aad the cylinders wflt be SO by tachea. Several of the "eM class engines are to he changed at the Tosoka shops to the Atlantic type, and will be aaed for mulling; the fast pa a Sanger trains. to coinnarcE mat i. Genera! Manager ef the Baltimore and Ohio, has an sou wed that work on the hw WashlBrtoa D- C. terminals will be commenced the Brst of next month.

Tbo total cost of the termraahi will be gla.0U0.0U0, of which assonat gS.0uO.00a will bo paid by the District or Columbia. Tha remainder of the cost will be shared a boot equally by the Pennsylvania aad Baltimore and Ohio Companies. GOES WITH A. AND a nrui IHsrTC tss ssocntSK. Pittsburg.

Pern, April 13. J. B. Vt'srO. -f tlo.

who has ieea ta- the PaavBvaadla for tha mat 90 years, ass beea appointed road foresaaa of angina cf the Cleveland. Akron and Col am bus RaiU His heads, sartara will be at Akron. fWlTCHIHO TAKUT ACCEPTED. The freight raffia officiate mat again yve-teraay to consider the toeal switching tariff. The taxis; as checked la by the rats clerk was aoraptad and the Chairman of tha ssaet-Ing was ordered to have it printed.

Aa soon as proofs are obtained they will be aant to each of she road for aay necessary correettons. It will probably be about two weaks before the tariff Is Anally adopted. The tariff sheet will runtaJa about SO or CO page. CARD WAY BILLS. At tha meeting of the Central Paeeenger Aasoeistloa held at Chicago last wrak a recommsndatioa of the general baggage agents requesting that card way Mile accompany baggage ran containing theatrical effects snd other estrs baggage, was adopted.

This Is lo prevent daisy. Heretofore such cars have been moved only oa special orders. APPOINTMENTS AND CHANGES. President Ootlld. of tha Missouri Mountain, has Issued a rlrrular an nouncing the folk wing appointments: Run.

sail Harding. Vice Freetdant and Cianeral Manager, in charge of oparatlon. wit head quarters at bX. Loula; O. Warner.

Ice Prestdwnt. in chsrge of flnsnres and ac counts, with headquarters at St. Iula; A. C. Bird.

Vice PrasMant. In charge of traffic. with headquartar at Chi' ago. Freight Traffic Manager Srlth on May I becomes Vice President In charr of traffic, with headquartrre at Chicago. J.

M. John- eon. Vloe President, la to be located at St. Louis and will look aftar the traffic of the Kastern llnea of tha Wabash, Including the Wheeling and Iika Ola. W.

It. Trump, who haa baan Huparlntand-ant of the Huiilnaw dlvlaion of the Pare Marquette, haa bran appolntad to tha new poalllon of AeaaUnt Oaiiaral Superintendent. P. X. Place aucreede Mr.

Trump as Supertntandant of the Saarlnaw division. It Is aitld that J. IJnroln. General Fralght Agent, may succeed Mr. Stlth aa Freight Traffic Manager of the Mlesour! Pacific at fit Ioula If the office la continued.

NEW EQUIPMENT. The I'nlon Vin-jfc has ordered Atlantic type pnaaengar engines, with cylinders IM If- Inches, with HI Inch drivers and total walght of 111, imunda. Twenty enclnea. Vauolaln compound, have aUn been ordered. They will weigh 184.110 pounda each, with pounds on the drivers Tha Lackawanna haa plard ordara for 2.o boa cars nr Oo.oihi pounda capacity.

atefl coal cars and steal flat cars of NtJ.iMI pounds rapacity. Ivilvery Is to be m4de before June Tha Mineral Range Road haa ordered I'M) wotftden hopper ore and oal ram of e.laa pounda capacity, and box ran of uu.taaj pounda capacity. The Iielaware, Iaoka wnna and Western all told hi ordered 4H ItK-omotlvra, to be delivered during the flrat aix months of the present yasr. Tha Modlle and Ohio la In the market for l.uio gondolas of Mi.oki pounds capacity, and f) box csrs of Oti.oai pounds capacity. The Grand Trunk has placed an order for 3(i0 stock csrs.

NOTES. Tha passenger department of the B. and O. 8. W.

has Issued a very handsome hanger advertising the dedication of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition at St. Louis. The Rurllngton will make Improvements at t'lyde. 111., the west and of Its Hawthorne yards, which will. Including the purchase of property, cost General Manager C.

E. Behalf, of the Big Four, who haa been abroad for about two month, was expacted to arrive at New York yesterday. The Qrau Opera Company, of over 2U0 people, after Its engagement here will go to Pittsburg over the B. and O. 8.

W. and B. and O. Oenaral Passenger Agent Ryan, of the Seaboard Air Line, who has been her for a few days, will leave to-day for Atlanta, Oeorgla. Superintendent Conners and Division Freight Agent Ruffln.

of tha Norfolk and Western, were here yesterday. Division Passenger Agent F. D. Bush, of ths Louisville and Nashville, will leave this evening for Mew Orleans. Oeorge W.

Barney, of the C. and O. passenger department, was here yesterday from Lexington, Ky. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Harry Klostermann.

X3. motormaa. SOT Wood-lawn avenue, aad Kleenora A. Creutslnger. IS.

aalaalady. Tel State annua. Rev. Bueckler. Mister Fletcher.

Z8, ml Bar. MeCracken, aad Mary Pyles. IT, Iadiana House. Orrla R. Sale, SS.

oiler, S40 West Ninth street, and Augusta Noll. Xu. 10v Mound street. Rav. Von Schltchten.

Lorn X. Baugham. 41. salesman. Peoria.

111., aad Carolina A. Fischer. nuree. Madison-villa Daa gnyder, M. laborer.

Columbia avenue, aad Luella Burt. Z3. aladlaoa aeeaue. KdwarS Duppe. XI.

fruit dealer. 21M Barnard street, and Anna Troagar. la. 1SU8 Elm street. Rav.

Tapke. Oeorae Baaltfsld. 40. preaser. Paste street, and Josephine Hart wag.

38, ass matrass. Race street. Rav. Phllbert. Wm.

Rams. IT. laborer. Wast Fifth street, aad Mary a. Hardaa, ST.

domaatie, Waet FIftfc street. Rev. Wyatt. A usual Blegmund. S8.

cook. ISM vine street, aad Emma Wohlgemuth. 34. domestic 251T Oil- Robert Carrol. S4.

box sawyer. 113 St. Clair allay, and Lully Bond. coos, 113 St. Clair allay.

Rav. Wsxklna. Charles B. Smith. Secretary.

Clevelaad. Ohio, and Urace Dolpa, Cllrtoa. Kav. Fowler. Bann Marriages, Rav.

Joseph Buasmaa, of St. Mlcbaal's Catholic Church, reported baan marruuree te the Probate Ooort yeeterday. Some of the marriages date back as far aa Jane. Isss. Tke foUowtag La a complete list: LNuiie! O'Brtaa aad afargaret Lane a.

Rav. Jamae O'Doaohaa. vters Klumb aad PhUomena Plllea. Frank Baraaer aad Josephine Viator. ZMward J.

Dobiskay and Macdalena Troaneky. Haary Wasaal aad Marlaaaa Wtlks. Fraak rucaar aad Mary U. rank. ValaaUae Fiecber aad Marta Lwaaaott.

Carl H. Moelier and Maria WackaadMOck. Reary Moaaatng aad Maria Wlegkaua. Barnard Ooepker aad Elisabeth tianrUl Fraak Oarde aad Mary Lay. Fred Monemalar and Aana Sartoat.

Ha4urica J. Hecemaaa and KUaabetk Frits. Joaaa Balow aad Catharine, Fraaa. Fred Lsiebal and Rosa WahoeT. Joaaaea nchtveider aad Loretta Schroder.

John H. bust aad Rosa H. Pell. Joeeph Fox aad Ada Bacoa. Joaaaea Doll aad Catkarla Marteaav anaa) H.

KtcXert aad Mararsrataa Bsa-kltard. Fred Bock holt and Margaretha Zlaa. Johaa W. Holt and Maria Strebsl. Rudulpk Lodder and Cathartaa Eichhold.

Joha Hue and Catherine Wlsghaua. Latdwig Oeritold aad Aaaa Rlake Ceorge Malar and Elisabeth Mayer. Edward Oraatar and Rtxe Kuhisuuia. Caorgs Pellarta and Carkertaa Wacfceabrock. Aatoa tMttrtck aad Wuiwmiaa' Harsog Jiaanaes H.

and catharlna Wnahbalsr. Barnard Gerke and Eilaabatk Sckmldt. Herman H. He'naath aad Maria Rothes, Casper Oehred aad Joeapblna Ouatav C. Goekemelar and Maria L.

Miller Joaa Shruadar aad Maria A. Feldkaans. Baraard Malar aad Maria Mahle. Aacust Reraaw aad Aaraas Altmater. George Srhsaidt aad Joaapalaa Oallbategge.

Halnrich Evers and Asavae Haverbeaea. Oeorge Sand an dK II a bath Kaellmaan. Johanana O. Vabr and Joeapalaa Rieateaberg WtUiaaa Wlrasei aad Mary Radsi. Xlclaoias Martin and Francises 8efcaeer.

Aadraea Kaollaana aad Pbilomena Wabar. Martla Ackermaaa aad Joaapalaa Oteskaa. Johaawee J. AbbUig aad Cora Crass. Silvester Kettssana and Msrsnretaa McHagh.

Bar sard Kemphaas and Maria Zuriaga. Barnard Rosttker and Oeataa Oardea Joaaaaaa Kropfeid aad Anna Wackaabrock- Roesaa Beck and Marls. lTuhlmssa. MILLCREEK VALLEY. The street car qsaetion Is agala 't-g ta the foragroajad at St.

Barnard aa weU as at Ennwaog Place. A ave-ceat fare will agala be ottered as Elm wood aad aa erdlaance te that afreet will be preeeatad at the CotascU waeeting en Wednesday Bight. A delrgatiea ef about clt'seae tt the lower end st St. Bernard wlU be present at the Blmwosd sseetirg aad ask Council to sac sat the ordlnaaeo. aad Elavweod Oxiacil will most probably da ec It also stated that a cosssstttee saT 8L Bereard Cfttsaas will sbortty call saa Pral-daat Schoenf aad aah blsa for a few efcaagea Is rbe aia asade eosse time ago, at the am ma time aaurgasciag a tew points, la the koae that.

If tne Bernard CeoneU will also NEW STjTTS TILED, conaaoir plbas cocarr. 13V43. Jtalnas Schach at aL vs. Frank Scaocb et aL To set easde win ef Maxy sbach. Horst- The Ktsaras Masalea is lug Oompaay vs.

Aitrt H. Its et at Appeal trass gejware Mailer. C. F. WLUtarua Hoary Roatnaon vs.

Jaee Wetsberg 'Mi sa dasaagsa. Csl F. williaan. Ili.Si Aastia J. Coal vx.

Roaaasaa Cook. For d.vnrca. aoha Waataal aad Stanley Ferguson. li.J La a AJrlaoce Barnard. Xa-pocj rrosa Hqair toaj It John W.

ai 121.714 E. vs. rrire of,-,-.! el aa. sur as aviOaa. Saott gl risen a ii so the Plttsbars; dtvwloa of RIVER lUTElLIGEHCE.

Boat ZaMvistc To-Day Laaalsvtlle CfTT Or CtHVlXXTi. Paratss, sa. W1I1 Lewrs a Advertised. Masasdus MEKS LEE, aaaarday. i a CMrlasetl.

iU A pell IE tsss. Follost- are tba atasas af a nar. wwa tas cbeasaa kr 1st BVewrs fkalM a Sv at. saa- w.eaaaa aaara-rr. aa TA'OklA ithaaae-a.

a. aa. uuia. kil P. atLU.

tdlS-'aa. 9 p. m. Madtaaa LEVI J. knulU M.

aiaa aH'a fit I laWaTSOalS- j- vramss Clsainnatl ill flty. flraaboea. rnttaburg. I) I lasa Wheeling. KanasviiTe.

r-aiU'turg. Ralford. HimluM K.n. FalU raa1 lua 1-1 HI'U' Huntia I 0 3 01. 7' a 1...

aa 4 aa 34 i 0 1 .1 baits sa. iMivasport lie to a a a I la II '11 2,1.4,. ll.i 04,. K.buS... M.

Kap I a 4 5 Sc. Luula. 4 Kaa City. 9 H-l-na 1 yi Saaltb. -h.

2 hitliWI i Shrevaport urlaaas P5 ii rstlifsb-g xl a furtan tk lulavllle. Esaavllla i 2 1 Bivsr Forecast, Fairly sod rataa hsa fallen In tha aaltay ovar Hun, tar, aad st basilar a I ara tha Mo KT ta seals rialog. From Psrbarabatg t' aar (Iwi-nail It is Islllng, aad at Ciacionaii it will ba falling Tuesday and probably Wedsds-. ASiiLEK, r. o.

Waetber eloody. wttb rain. Rlvar 3S.4 faal aad rasing. Buslnass fair. Arrival-.

Tba If Stanley, rrom Pomaroy snd return; Courier, from alayavtlle aad return: W.lla, from ttilto uul txarn; l.lxsla liar, from snd return. ani tba Cltr of luiavlila. from Lyulavllla and return. Departare. The utam-r Vlrclnla laavae Tuealar for Pitts-burs anl Whaallnc and sll way pulnie from tba fMji of Main atrrat.

at 5 p. In evmmand of Ca.tslD J. bwaoay. office la chars of fisrry I'n-tor Tha fine, fast will at 2 p. m.

today for Portsmouth. Huntington, (iallipolta and hotnaroy fntm foot of Umadaray. In command of Captain Ed Wllluunarja. offlca charge of Laava Tha t'ouilrr laavaa at 11 p. m.

for Mayarllla and all aay ilnta. In canmand of Csptaln Ktmar Edslnston. oitv-a la rbarge of Harry liurteas. The V. Walla, with Captain KdslnaU.n In command, leares tha foot of Main street for Moscow.

Fuaier. Neville and Chllo at 3 p. in. to nay. Tha staamar Levi J.

Wor um leaves snd easy potnta from tha foot of Brosdasy Tuewlay, Thuraday and naturday at 6 p. m. Fred Kdglngtnn. master. The I'lty of Cln'-lnnatt leaves for lyulavllla and all way points at A from tha forft of ltr.

ajr (sptaiti p.ytun la In aummafrl, offlca In rharar t.f William l.e(par- Th leaves kiaturnajr Memphis ana all aay p.lnta at fr tha jot of Main atrial. In command Captain J. Leonard. olTUe In ihaiga of Mr. Kia-I l'eyion.

Towboata. The Iali I up jreaterdsy aftaraoon with a twa of Tne Ha i-lark paased up yesterdsy morning aiih a t.iw of empties. Tba Iron Ace i. due In to-day with a tow of coal I'ltleliurit Tha Joseph Walti.n arrived with a tow of coal Kunrlsy fn.m Pittsburg 8ba made the trip from Cincinnati to fltttura ami In eavaa an 1 one half dsya. one nt tba qutckaal trtfa on reoord fur any taking a tow t-ach way.

Tha Marmti baa been acruboed and re-palntal, whl-b adds very much to the appasr-sm a of the Imai. This compear la always la tha lead In keeping up Its property. Tha new tuarboat Homer la nearly ready for business at 8ha will have a new hull snd new battery of boilers. Tha that was lost off the Excel whaa aha capaited and aunk In the I'pper Little Kanawha River haa been found, and sill be placed bark on tha which haa bean rebuilt by the Par-keraburg Dock Company.

Driftwood. Captain Paris C. Brown, of the Consolidated Boatature. will try to find buyers for aay float-Ins property If the owner will meet him at 222 Bast Front atreet. Cincinnati.

Ohio. Tha Virginia ta due In early thla morning. She haa a nice trip and will leave at bar usual time p. m. The H.

M. Stanley for Pomeroy aad the Louisville mall boat ware In on good time yesterday and received fair trips out. Tha Lassie Bay had a vary nice time in aad out yesterday far Madleoa. Jamae Iftrlcb has reelarned hie poantioa sa chief engineer on the Columbia sad has tsken charge of tha Mt Clara Ths Mlssleelppl snd its tributaries are navigable for SO.UOO mttee. The rivers ef Europe Furnish navigation for only half as many miles and few of them are connected.

The Valley Bella. Helen Oould and Utvarty are sll running In tba Marietta and Mlddleport trade. Tha Liberty la aa 1.1 to ba doing tha moat business. Csptaln Tom Window is in cbargs of the Liberty. Captain Jackson, of Georgetown.

passed through the city yesterday en route to Rising Sua to attend tha funeral of his arif e'n mother. Tha Interment will take place to-day. Captain H. B. Feotoai.

lata commander of the steamer Levi J. Work um and in tba employ of Freiberg Workum fur the past 32 years, was retired with pension by bis employers of lit a week. Fenton. It will be remembered, resigned his oaptslncy of the at earner two weeks sso because a certala employe wss not discharged. A.

English, formerly mats on the City of Wheeling, la In charge of the Coney laland wharf boat, having taken the place of Dave Law-wella. The City ef Wheeling has not received her ahaft. snd It will ba seven or eight days before tba boat will be ready. Captain W. F.

Rose snd Bart Reed have char, tared ths little low boat Ada ta run up the Kentucky River, gather produce aad bring it to tha local markets, Tha boat will make her first trip ths sad of tba weak. The beet way to improve health, mind aad spend a Una vatloa la to Join a private party te eroee the ocean and Vkrtt Holland. France. England and Scotland, taking about 40 days. For full particulars apply to C.

Dorman. 323 East Front etreet. Cincinnati. Ohio. Tha proper authorities should look after the condition of the Muskingum River; It needs dredging out badly at several places.

A boat owned by the Government for this kind of work te laid up In that river, not doing anything, while steamboats nave more or leee trouble for lack of this dredging. The attention of that engineer In charge of the Muskingum River called to this matter, which should ba attended to at once. Captain Oscar Webster, wf Beverl y. OhlA, has purchased the old tow host D. T.

Watson, snd will have her towed to Marietta, where ska will be rebuilt. The Wateoa wsa partlallv dismantled wbea ebe waa purchaaed by Captain Webeter. The old stdewbeel etaamer Bayard waa la the Pittsburg and Parkersburg trade a number of years ago. She waa commanded by Csptaln Gee. Moore aad hla brother.

Captain Dan Moore, was chief clerk. Roth are still living, bet have been out of the rtver boalneas for a number of years. City Engineer Stanley, of this city. Is preparing plans for tha repair of the public landing hare. Tha entire Wharf will be either paved with bowlders or llmeetone.

Eapsruaaati now being made wl'l decide whlrh ta the better for the purpose. Chief Clark Billy Lepper. of tha Morn Ins Star? returned from hla father's bedside Saturday, and says the natlant wsa conveyed to the Oood Samaritan RospitaL Cincinnati, that hla case may ba studied by the eurgeona before aa opersllue will be performed. Captain Charles Boies haa beea one of the pilots of the James Mores for several tripe. His brother.

Captain R. M. Boles, is one of the pilots of ths Joe WUUaasa thla trip from Louisville to New Or leans. Tha United States, monitor Arkansas, while at Memphis, anchored wlthla Sen feat of tha spot where the Confederate rasa Arkansas waa built. The latter fought 40 warships, saak two.

vanquished oae and played smash with a doses others: than, three weeks later waa Mown ap by her own crew, after her machinery got out of shape, to prevent bar falling into the hands of the Fed-erela The Louisville Post says: "The Naanette. a beautiful little Evassville craft that haa bee wintering ap Is the wilds of the rock-ribbed Ken-tuckv River, passed down lest eveatn oa her way kiaaa taking the falls route, wttb Pilot Alex. Evans at tha wheel. Tba bag model bargs Wasa-1ns ton. which required lO days' time.

lie man and to teams to aaload, wsa removed to the Patch yesterday to be sent to Plttsbwrg. Centals Arthur Mores pasearl through town last night en routs from Pit tabors to St. Lents Is look after those So bargee of coal the eoaabm as aaadlng to that ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Genuine Litfle Uvgp PDls. Must Igprmtuffw mt FarS Claw "a a aits Jtna.


linKX, aa. Tiaaaar ass rmaaai wad IS awaaas ta at Tauaat aad WYetee boaar. Tea Cttv ef Laeueatila., Fauie City sad ing aaaawaa ail tart um saad gated tripe bass eaeaiag. Flsatr ot Work Im aUg-hC ew ana ssasmsss.

a-s sa is Ta Sheet aaa Kir Canada, haa awarded tha eawtraet faS aeaxlstar oavaet annate sa awe laaaia i nates It as a lea soars' fur as aw TXIiORAPiia FECI XL. tatSF ATOM Est TO Tail eCSKlCIEER. aaell IS -Tka M.rfc. aft EaaVtS fs- aaad Ua ta-augbt showed 113 feat ssd river rtslag Weather eliedy and coot. aa sarneai State left for Claciaaalt St s'riae this sieambaat las par wars Aihiaaaon aad wiuiaaas Save ana 4a tbaar daeia aa la the sssltee af tea eztteloa of um aaaaaiaea Mergarwt sad wblcS oaawried aw stseeb T.

Tba daeuMua ailsa tne pate af tba Marstarsa. S. v. Carter, was negligent. Carter" a Hcaaaa la eaaa-pasded for as days.

Wheeling. W. Ape IS stiver IS feet aseaas aad riainsr and Maine; Waai. wita Itgbt ram. la- parted: Tha U.aela Smith.

fur Parkarabarg. at aos Itaws wits euai Crukaee. I p. m. a- aa.

Marietta, Ohio, rising Rata lag April II River is feat aad Tne wueea tlty up at am. The Valiant dowa with ol at Tarn. Mlddleport. Ohio. April IX River SO fae.

sad rlalag Lisht rsla to-day. t-are The Tacoeaa. a an Vlrslela. a. an Vallaaat.

p. aa. I The Valley beiie, a. aa. Parkerahurs Vi Aor.l 13 River 3 feet and riaias.

Hard raloa Tba Heam tld. for (lalllpuiis at noon: uvaan City, or ptttabarg. at 3 p. Oaalda. for Creetue, at 4 p.

aa. PMat Pleaaant. Va April IE Raver 31 1 feat and rising Raining. VP' The PavelSe No X. a.

m. Itooert Olltlam. so a. Convoy, a iJown: Tha Tacoma. 10 a.

m. Virginia. 9M a. an Annie 12 1 p. m.

1 Bill Clarke ft 30 p. m. mtarleatoa. Va April IS Raining since noon. River SS feet Tba Onaas la aaa returned at p.

m. The Columbia due. L'auaJ locals la and wut. rafl.ltal.ara If a Anril 13 Ohio River 30 feet and rlatng. Raining during tha greater part of the day Man: The Iroa Age.

il a Ts- roma 11 So Viralnla. an A PUI run of timber la arrtvtns out of tba Sandy. Over 1' rsrta came la to-day. Captain Jobn A Herpham ta hare to look after Itt. underwriters Intereet In the stranding' the Ml lee Captain Jeff Owens, father of Captain Robert snd Hhodaa Owens, was stricken with paralysis sarty Sunday morning.

Msdlenn. April It Tha Bonanaa will ha launched lo-nvaTas. Hlver as reet aad rlalng The Hsttle Urown. 1-evl Workum. City of Loulsvllls snd Falls City up.

The Big Ksnawha and City of Cincinnati down. Tha Uaa la Bay due down at midnight. Cloudy and cool. Louisville. April 13 River rising.

Csnsl 15 feet. Inches, falla IS feet Inches snd fool of lof ke SO feat Inches. Bualness g-vod Westher cloudy snd cooler, with heavy rain last night snd showers Th- City of Cincinnati, from and to Cincinnati: B'g Kanawha, from and to Carroll ton; Tell City, to and Tarascon from Evsnsvllle: Iv-llevue. to fait River: Fa. la City, to Kentucky River.

The Alice Brown snd tow armed from Cincinnati and leavea for New Orleans to-ntght. Evsnsvllle. Ind, April 1.1 River feet and rta'ng Severe thunderstorm snd hesvy rsln Ual msht High a lnJ The Hunah'ne due at I p. The ftaea a -sue at p. m.

I'siucwh. Ky April IS niver on the gauge and rlalng Italnlng and colder The Bunehlne is due fr-mi Clnolnnall for Memphis The Lydla arrited this morning from the Cum-herlend lllver The Mary MIcWl 1 due from the Mlsslaaippl River. The Rea 1. smved this mrnlns rrom for Cincinnati. The My of Memphis la Jo.

lo-enarrow from St. Louie. The IluttortT la ettll due from Naahvllle The Duffy. arrived from tha Cumberland River with ilea The Pavonla left tnls mornlos for the Cumt-erland River The Charles B. Peerce arrived th morning from Oolrnnda.

III. and will lo-roocrow begin to run between bare and that city. Cairo. April IS The river marta St I feet on the gauge lo-nlght. a rlee of 1 I feet during the past 24 hours Weather rainy and cold.

The Thomas Nevtr.s la due from tha Tennessee River. The City of Memphis Is due from St. Louis. Tha 8. H.

Clark arrived from HI. Louis with tow. which she took to New Or-pauuis. Tha Herman Hsepcke arrived from below with logs The acker from Memphis peaeed up for St. Loula at 2 p.

m. St Loula. April IS River 33 ft feet and rising. Arrived: The Ruaaell Lord, from White River. Tennessee.

Cold and threatening. Memphis. April 13. The river here stands 2N 5 feet oa the gauge, a fail of feat. The laland Queen departed at 1 a.

m. for Cincinnati. Tha Kate Adama departed at 6 p. for Arkansas City with a good trip. The Patera l-ee departed at p.

m. for Friar's Point. The Robert K. Lee depr--ted at m. for Aahport.

Ths Oeorgls Las arrived thla evening from Cairo, and leaves to-morrow evening. The Lucille Now-land will leave to-marrow evening for Arkansas Rlvsr. Rscelpts by river to-day were 370 bales cotton. 04 bags seed cotton aad TuS eacke eotton Vlckebaurc. April 13 The gauss reads So 4 reVt and railing.

Tba Senator Cordall up and down on time. Tha steamer St. Josapb. In piaoe of the steamer Chalmette. paaaed up at S.

ra. fne la Landing. The Belle of the Bands left at d. m. tat Oreen villa.

The atssroer Warren due from Oreenvllla ANGLERS' CLUB Adopts Measure To Prevent FisMng-By Illegal Methods. The Anglers' Club, of Wyoming, is going to get after the Illegal fishermen. This club Is composed of some of the most prominent men of the valley, and Is in closest touch with the Cuvler Club, of Cincinnati. Mr. Oeorge Stoddard la President and Messrs.

William Be Hubert, Walter Baldwin. Ad Roll and Charles S. Woodruff aro member For several years the club has been stocking Mlllcreek with the choicest varieties of fish, which hsvs been furnished by the Government through Congressman BronawelL It has been determined to protect these fish from the unsportsmanlike fellows who fish by questlonsble and unlawful methods. Borne quiet deflective work has been dona In ths last few weeks and several seines hsvs been located. Namea and addresses of several persons who own dip nets have been learned.

Every effort will be mads to save the fish for the true sportsman, whether he belongs to a fishing club or not. Members of the club state that they Intend to hire watchmen to nightly patrol every part of the stream where fish are supposed to be located, and any one caught violating the laws will be prosecuted. The members of the club are true sportsmen ami fish for spore The club will pay a liberal reward for Information leading to the arrest and conviction of any one violating the fishing laws and ths name of the Informer will not be made known. Mr. Fred Llgowsky.

the electrician of the Wyoming electric light plant, hi the Oame Warden for thla dlatrlct. PAINTING UP. The Cincinnati. La wrence burg and Au rora traction cars are rapidly being over hauled and fixed ap for the summer sea- son. Ail the cars are being painted a rich Pullman green with mahogany trimmings.

Ths cars will make a stylish appearance when they are again put into commission. BOARDTWQ. AVON UAL EKo. sens Highland nlace. 3 sen- tlemen or ladles can obtain good tloaa, with Soma oomlorta.

Tel. IS03 it. CENTRAL, AV SUB Flat S. nicely ruraaabed room for mats ana wire or gents, with board. tIM tu a.

i niceiy ruraumed with board, for gentlemen; terms ax 50 per week, tall oa ascend noor. CLARK eSO-NMsely famished room, with board, tor 3 yoamg ad Ilea. CLIFTON No. 3214 JeSersoa av-. board tor s.

COUNTRY board on hill back of Newport. 1 sails frost cars: saa. haailhy place. Ka. K.

Fourth covuurioa. ay. COVINGTON. KY. No.

238 Garrard 3 large. class board; a minute ride to Fowauaia so COVlNotw. SO K. Faeu-ta nicely aerainiaeai a Naeaaar aavaaa rooea. Wlia Br class table board; beas raaaneabla to sjermav- aent tana s.

COVINOTON. KT No. 424 Oarrard larsa. piaaaaat raoans. with board; bath aad ether eaa- veaiencea.

COVINGTON Na 33 Oiesnup St. fern label rooms, wttb board, la private la i.y. CVTTER TOT Rooes and boar for aiaaag lady employed during the day. EAST SAUlsuXVibLB-aiatk Caams board and rooass. In prtvaua family; 3 anaaaias from end af car tine.

MReV J. CRIST. 1121 Nicely rarnUbad mums srtrh for Us-bt nonaskatptns. FVH. H1M 414 E-Twa sdee bears; goo aajMe; laasnssbla for anoatba fboete sua v.

Foe RTH JMS W-doardiag by ths day. week rw KTll die Flrst-chasa board, at reasonable rates. Ptome 41S3 RK.RTH an w. Nleair fmatahad mm wirb ait mnasia rmisltai is sag ssasel taaas TWf TejBBsC'em, FOURTH EM W. Heavietta, Flat 3.

hoard also, day board: wi ma aa ill eeaaU' OARFIBLD FiCB. MT. ACBITRX Ko. 2S1S Bbrbiaad av sjssuv arasehla. Ph is 11X9 at MT.

AC BURN Stow 3U, Albasw able rooewa. with ail I aim nniasis auad btant hTEWPORT-M. SOS W. TweUt eL. boaJaLl.

ss-ivaue ramuy. by ay. area, ar an al, at raeanaable rataa. NINTH 6T 33 E. Lam party of 1 or 4: bath sand was.

NINTH 11 W. Room aad board tor 1 ar ge.uertra-xaeat.n as, wlta; bath; as NINTH 12 With board, hauh sad 11 iiaiauwa; asw sonabt rata. NINTH tTT St K. board: Drarae rt KORTHSlOBNo. alee board far a tea we.

saipasyed PRKTB HlUe-Na, farajases num. with board, dtc, la a eesmcrv-like PRICK HILi No XXI4 Kwhth et- reoaa tor itnanaa; aaa aawsww from berca av. car. aaw arusa aa- ng -or Larre poor, aua Java ettys ems sua, mia i tas sad bath: a ep snails. 2 Hoard aad akssla far.

auabeal front sad and rooaaa; beta aad ail eon real i araa OlLBEltT ATMl-jrwrabbad in. srtrh aaaa. "Ir'i faialahad asm au aamaawiaara. aa'lahla rat rlees table board: awa. car Unas aaawtaarn aleery BOAJLTJTjra.

SKVKjrTM 314 W. Mewry raa weak 4 rat ma, saaate ae eansbaa. wttn Sest-rlaaa ard; aa beta aad gas Tilapaiais M. diasv SEVEXTM ST, SA1 -XI tasty fwrSllS I feasat aad rear inn ma with teanrd: elaln ary weak a-a aaa. ba asaih aaat sll asudam aaaiaslia aa; sl tTHarr fuiFeratahed raoaas fur W.

euaa, svaats ar aad wife, saa beat ea? day board. SEVtryrrsf aTT. SOS W. Mnrety rooea. wit Waard THIRD gus -ekoardia.

WALNCT HI IX Xa yvia Waodbwra suceir ravwanaad front tu ima. wua a ard. eaaa- eeaiawf ta ara WALNCT HIUA--v ar ntt piare. piere. alasr sally fare I a Had ruses ssut bKalerB eoaveaien ssd use a pkaas WALXIT HILLS-No Waallisr frued ran saa aa setaasi Sour: all Irlepboaa: Sa laeataaa.

ea ear Una. WALNi'T HlLLI-N a aa ties a I aad sta. front. i iaaaetlna raaaaas saa or second Soaay, wtah Srat-eiaas board. WALNCT MILLS Ma.

salt Mswa4ia ntaady faralsaad rooas. I a private fasnily.wuh asaard. HOBaOCaf AMD VXHICLXA. Tor SaU. A HVK AKD atEPAIREP express, bwrh-ater.

grocery, laundry, milk, baker, carpenter, butcher, ire. fraltre and dram mar's wag-Mas. faraltu vaaa aad pteasaare vehlclaa. wsgaa-attaa. aanalbaaaa.

rwral milk wsgoaa. Ac rash or weekly pay ansa: ba raa as wf all hlwda: aaw aad old. Wait aad sataa wbeele. 41 aplee ap MA NT buggies, traps, telle boms, auanopaa. rockaways aad dap4 wagoas; full line of poety vehicles, modem atyiee.

at prices thai sell. AMERICAN WAGON Eighth aad fyc-snuee sta S)ol4-tf A -COACHEf RERUNS. Mtop RERUNS. S-OL1U LAN OA IS. S-FASalENUER Kia-K AWATS and CAB: WILL SELL FOR CASH OR CREU1T KRL'MtnECK CARRIAOE us W.

Ntnth sl aoll-TuThaS-tf A -WAOONS For every purpoae; we sail new waguos at Drteee otbara aak for aid ones: will trade or credit. THE AKklJEl'KH S34-XIU Loo wort a et. ecl-if BAROt'CHE Very Saa: aawly painted: one-horse: cheap; or will esrhange for yoamg horse. No. 812 Clay l-ytoa.

Ky. Ill GOT-Nearly new. custom made, and harness No lllll Haymliler et. Bl uViy-And carriage. Sm Ith-Eggera make, la Al condition.

CARL MAYER, ill Fairmount avenue. HuhlB- Work horse, cheap, at toll Vina at. HORSE Small aaddls bursa; sound aad gentle Nu 7 N. Crescent av Avondaie. HoKHE Ray.

gsntle and wHind. also, new rub- her-tired runabout, and harneas, $lu. No Ifibtw Greanap at. Covingtin. HORSE And ana phaeton bugry: any lady ran drive, a family pet.

R. RAVMONIl. no at II OHXK Black: g'jod worker. No. 2S McAUIeter HOKSE-Larga black horae.

god aorker aingle or double, feet traveler; price $50. No 2h23 Sixth at at MB Blatb at. HORME-Ha Call bet. and o'clock at 11 Iunla; al. HORKK4 Two gnod.

small horaea: alao. a tp buggy for "or. pau-hea av. and Rhenafor.i St hellevu. Ky I weighing 1.4w lbs.

I 1 inn lbs; snd a -years old. b-1 workers snd sll right, will sell low No. Ki W. Twelfth at resr MARE-llay mare. years old; sound snd good mars, closp if sold at ones, st 61T Hop- klna et MARE In cheap, at 4.13 E.

Fifth at. Rl'N'Afo l'T Fine. Curtla make; new and cheap Of-St .1 HI NAHol'T Hlsb srade. at SX4 Walnut t. Ill'SAla I'T Chaap: must aall at once: IU n.12 Walnut at ROAD CART Fine and cheap, at 19U providence at flrat ctmdlllon.

st Southern av and Main at Itunl. Ky. SI'RRE Fine hsnd-msde. in Al condition and cheap No tin Main st TRAM Match team of bay mar. weight l.Ouu lb each Enquirer WAGONS Two tight delivery wagons.

2n and (Co. alao. three-year-old driving colt. e. cor.

Martin and Madiaon Covington. At JON Rural mall delivery wagon, chrsp. CHAfl Htsnchaster. Ohio WAiloN-Top wagon, sultsble for or esia- aing: good as new aad cheap No. 12tj Martin at WAiON And buggy for (2.

at Til Firth st AGON Custm-meds aoiid-top grocery de livery wagon: in good order; f3f. No. Bid Second sv Dayton. Ky. WAGoN Platform spring wagon, at 1217 W.

Ninth WAGON Two-horse lumber and toll watnto, In fine ehape. eh tap. at 22S W. McMlrken av Wanted. DIRT WAGON.

Ac To buy a dirt wagon an1 tesm nf horses and harness. E. L. DAVIS, b3) Third at. HORSE To buy a good.

eafs. sound buggy horae. Room H. Bradford Block. Sixth and Vine ata HOUSES To pasture; fine pasture.

E. McFEE. Oskley. Ohio. HORSE Large work horse, at loll Viae at PHAETON Or buggy, for country uaa for lady: must be In good condition.

BROWN. IS Plum RCNABOIT Must ba In good condition snd cheap; atate particular. Rl'NABOCT. En- rjtrtrer. Express wtgnn and tingle harneas; must be In good condition and cheap.

SCOTT. a-44 Clinton st. WAHTTED HOUSES AMD BOOHS. Houses. FOUR or room cottage on hilltop.

Enquirer. a IN tAvlngton. 3 upstairs rooms, by a young couple; rent must not exceed fa. BEN BER-N1NG. KM Main at.

IN Newport, a cottage mutt be high and dry; will pay ll.SOU. No. E. Fifth Newport. MODERN houae of rooms snd bath, arranged for 2 families, la suburbs; rent about S2Ul W.

Enquirer. MODERN bouss of about rooms: rent must not exceed 33S: give description. D. Etvquirsr. SIX or eight room kauas.

with modern improvements: near car line; suburbs preferred. A. A. JONES, S3 E. Fifth Flat 6.

BIX or room house. D. 2 Allison ascend floor. SMALL houae or 4 rooms, flrat -class, la near suburb, by Msy 1: by 3 adults; references. SI INCT.

Enquirer. REE or 4 room cottage; atate price. R. Enquirer. TO rent a house of 5 rooms by May 1.

by a family May N. Sl of 4 a villa. Of 4 aduits. A. HAMILTO.

tatlon K. Cor- TO rant a hooas of from 10 to IS rooms, centrally locatad. W. Enquirer. TO rant a cottage In suburbs, by a small family.

A P. Enquirer. TO buy a or room house, with stable; stats terms. B. Eaolrsr.

TO rent a houae of rooma. with 4 rooms on first Boor, ta suburbe. F. S. LARIMORE.

1UT Scott COvlngtoa. Ky. TO rent a bouss of 4 or ft room, with 3 or 4 acres of ground, cellar and large bare, near city. 8 L. 1401 Viae Flat A TO buy a bouse la Norwood; must be a bargain atale price, terms and location.

R. Enquirer. TO rent a house of 4 or rooms, with stable and garden preferred. JOHN CARNKT. 414 E.

Third st. Booms. ABOUT 3 rooms, by maa aad wifs; la suburbs preferred, but not more than So minutes' ride to Fountain square PERMANENT. Enquirer. BT young couple.

3 rooms la eeatrai part of city. M. SZf W. Court aL CLEAN, famished room In private family, centrally locatad: about fl SO per week. BACHELOR.

Enquirer. FLAT of 2 or 4 rooms, with bath. Ae. F. Box R2T.

city FLAT of 3 or 4 rooms, with bath, on second or third Soor. In city or suburbs, by a couple without children; will pay from $15 to la FLAT Enquirer. FLAT of 3 large, airy rooms: rent reasons bii: state parxaciaiars. aula, an, lAAirbs. genera! delivery, city.

FLAT of or 4 rooma. with all coaveaiences, at once. ao. vaaa tan trai 1st a. FLAT of 3 or 4 rooms, centralis located: modern conveniences; desirable building only.

G. En quirer. LARGE, unfurnished front room for couple. wttnin minutes wain ui suigaui aa syi H. Enaulrer.

LARGE, nicely furnished room, by a married couple, wlthla 3 aqua res of the Fair; atate price. A. aaairer. ON Mt. Auburn or Walaut Hills, near Cross to as line.

3 or 4 furnished or unfurnished rooms, by young couple; state particulars: permanent if eat tar set or l. b. Enquirer. ONE or 3 unfurnished rooms, centrally located nrtce. RENT.

143 Third st Ran THREE moms aad bath: Price Hill preferred. FRED. Enouarer. THREE rooma. or a small cottage, eity ar eus- vros; state reat vu a.

snirer. THREE or innma, for adults; reference. P. aaq uiTar. THREE or 4 farwlehed rooms for tight seeping, by youn ma led couple: refi Wibnt HI Us preferred.

SB, Enquirer, qatrer. THREE ales rooaas. in suburbs or fuetaata with yard aad svenieneea. by a yowag cooole: no children. HOOKS.

Enquirer. TWO or room fiat, within JO salimis" walk of poetofBce. C. Eaqatrar. TWO light front rooms, am fui nlsk ad.

ta eeatrai aocatiow; no cnuaren; rent most Be leaaimali reference. T. 228 Mela at. TWO sr three unfurnished Park. A B.

Enqalrer. TWO asforwlsbad. rneneetlag roome ka central part or city; must be clean aad rent rsaSnasM elate same; a cklldraw. A CO. El WAJmO BOABD AMD BOOM.

WANTED, hoard and liniaa. ha fsrlvnte Jew-ash family, by man aad wife, wreh eafld. ta ana ian ar wtiaal mna: PAT. BT a sadv room and tanard nr fast, en Wslaat RIUS or Mt Asm Bsssst be la a prlvala family ar where thai a are few boarders: refernee TEACHER. Esiisliaa.

BT a kady a perry ed darlag the day. wafm nlabarl slauTla una IUIOLE ITT Eaavl BT a aretet eamnle. board, at Msdstra. Synaases er Remington. BBS.

Enquirer. GOOD board and comfortable rooas. by ladles. In a family wltboat child av. ba gaXnrha.

eat the car Uaa. G. Enquirer. spll-Tt JTOB. A- FOR RENT A 14.

1 gse sag wuttsows i una aaa i IrrTng ITOSt aad imi. at 43 W. anU-b aTTORJE an Ka, i3 Ji rant si ar swaatk STORa and mi with aaa at aa Km eat sc. Ceetwetae R. Lnqukre Mas.

ea fl.aaalb aad nmaana ata Xtr. FOB, lrrCTH AMGZ BlXrrCLS. wheel as "aa a. wu pasta aoaoevs auao trip t. te ex.

TrErftt.9- K. ms BtCTCLit OnOa. cast sea, as esckasga far lob priaUB ewtst, Xtev 17 It. Puna at, Indlssa- a poliS- DEXTAL WORarTe exctjas fcr rarprt ar rais a a i. aiaa SAFE Snatt to excha.

sa tyuaw-1t alaa. sr. taaai 'a. XXX Ml TO aUCVT. AVtaXDAI.E-fao.

gjse) gta Sa Rack Asia ably lar aaaba4 I Iwa r- wttb a wllaaet Van rd atuaulLav-a. Sis M-a raaua av a avaDeaal Htjmr aaaaxa an advaae hArta Ma-Tua. wees laat a arst SAKit ST. egj.sisaaiy faraiaSaf roam wnk a a aa.1 balk; aiea, asfaaelsaad ma; raasoaaas-a B1AKH lee-Tea Saa raewae nwau a sr. reus wlta beet taanaiaair RAVklILl; IStS-Taeaa I a evaawa mm ara Sua.

KNEMEJ4 ST. tilt Jtloety faralabaf treat ra a f' la ly a gaailaasaa. aaa fa Soar. sT, laUi rnra.iaaii I true roses a BREMEN ST ISISV-Uwa tarse ream. XuHlTTAMr Ht lUIlN--FuM Piisrtb and Rsrs ata.

sktaaly fare la id rooas fur gawtieanaa. ail bROADWA T. 4J4-V ary alceiy rta r. baua, sa. llRAtWAT.

alcalr far- Hill li II, aos Furakabad rra raareaw (1 ap per week. Bl Uis Two ah, targe rowaaa oar. CAhlJSLE Sem-Nrrwty fawauanad a areata as maa as wire, can CARLISLE AV. T4i Haatly uewlaheil. larsa are, CARLISLE A TT Twe large rooms, with ail eon eeaieac real aa.

ENTKAL AV etif-FwrBished rooms oa sac- osvi noor iW geatlrmsa ur maa aad wile CHEST NIT ST esa Nicely NraUaaJ re for 3 genllaiiuaa. CLARK ST saa Flat 2. pretty, rleaa. bright. waftarn labed or prtur furr.laaa.1 aU aoaa- veatencaa; artarar car llaaw pass dt-ar.

CLARK ST. au-Vaa rouwas to prompt pay ml eoaured ter.sala No. 14 Garfield place, last, to aad II a CLAT IXia Twe targe front rooass aa nret Soor CLIFTON HEIGHTS No Slo Straight st fur-atahed room CIJNTON sr. TXT- Furnished fruet room fur bouaeaeai-log or seats, sleo. rear room, with ester, tuwthar or separate CLINTON ST.

T42 Furnished r-anm light basaeepitig aieeping, II bo taar weak CLINTON ST. lurcl.l.ej num. with tain, rent r-hau CUXToN ST. TsT Two furnlaba-1 rouaxut for bouseke4au 42 TA per aees. aster In rM.

fol.CMItlA AV E. nice 4 CoRRV I1.1.E -No JISJ Hlah at 121 at 1atr at fur- nlehed tr'trn numa, with bath, in a amsll prl- tste famil. llil'HT aTT 42k Irge lu.tilah-d for 1 ur 'J grata, rraweabl. private Kiat 2 11'1'KT A.VH mi'AHuKi: I 1MH 1 g-. neaty furnlah.d fr.nt room a 2 gentle.

ntan 'ar and wife, bath. COI'RT ST W. M.eli furnished ro-nia fur genta light htuaekeeplng rent resaonshie Cot KT MT 121 Four snd bath See nil'Rt ST SX.1 Two rront newly a trr mntb "OCItT AM Mot NO STS vn. Fur- ntahed ru.m lor light bueva eptng ua of laundry if desired Xlljr furnlahxl rums for bgh h'Hiaeke, p.rTg in pr.vste fs amlly. mixlern so.

Knoutrvr COVINGTON No. Ut Fifth at. furniahed r.x, COVINGTON-No SIT Ruaaell at nicely furnished front room COVINGTON. -No. hS1 lcjlt at.

fumlahel or unfurntahed r.x.m COVINGTON. KT No 442 I'lhe at, 3 i-otinactlng roofus. slth a a let ala6, 1 alng.v cheap. COVINGTON No 4.T3 Scott at 3 ma in sec-nd fl.Mr cov l.VGToN- No ITiii HolmsB at furntahs-1 r-on 1S1 Ki-venth at.

large ua furnlhl r-nl h.ap 2a Ath- av roni niVI.SUTHN-Sii lia Third al furniahed front me, shm1 i. al convenient lo snd bridge, te: ma reasonable COVINGTON -N. 1 Ninth at. furniahed front r-jin with bath and aaa. oa car lint DAYTON.

KY No Kourtn furnished flat ft rooma. rl--rtrl. tlatita. bath. ttua-.

and all runt rr-lria-ri per -nth EAST If No av W'tra jior-'h aiid large grounds. 47. alao. stable f-r II EIGHTEENTH ST K'Jn Nuely furniahed with all modem conveniences, suitable for I or 2 genta EIGHTH MT IIS Nicely f.jrr.l.hel rum, aaa.

tmth, hot and cold aatar. rent ttaainaiila EIGHTH JT 1-42 Front rrtmt. with uee of l-ath. In private family, rrssonable EIGHTH UT 417 -l-srge. well furnished.

clean room; houae heated and all other muotro con-, emen'-ea very central EIGHTH HT 3 W. Five nice rooma. front, porcelain bath. Janitor service. Ac all conveniences.

EIGHTH 4-4 W. -Furniahed front room. with first. rlara conveniences, reference. EIGHTH ST PI2 W.

-Nicely furnished eerond- rtory rouma. with bath, gaa and all tvnun- lenees EIGHTH ST f15 Two rooms EIGHTH lid Nicely furnished ro.m for light houseksvplng: also, nice room fur 2 gen- tlemen. EIGHTH 623 I'leaeant. furnished roomy for 2 young men. XI eau-h.

siao, slngis room: fl So: asa. bath auvd large yard. EIGHTH 413 Kit-cant flat of 6 rooms on second fl'tor. Inquire on nret fl'jor. EIGHTH ST la Nicely furnished front room EIGHTH W2T -Two amsll connecting rooms, fumlahavl or unfurnlaht i EIGHTH HT S32 W.

Neatly furniahed front par.or bedroom; also, furniahed room, complets for llsht housekeeping EIGHTH ST. IS Nlrw, larse front room a II furniahed. with bath and electric llsht. everythlns nret-claa; reference. EIGHTH ST.

41S Nicely furniahed front rooms, on second and third fVoore. for gents or man and wife, in a privets family, bath, beat ami gaa; terme reasonable. EIGHTH ST Sll -Nicely furnlehel room ELIZABETH r-T Haas Two nicely furnished front seoond-atory rooms, wltb private bath; adults only; prtvste family. ELIZABETH HT fsj Nicely furnished room in a prlvste family at 33 per month. ELM ln-'l-NVstly furniahed room, with all modem convenlencts.

on second flor, front. ELM ST ItlS Nicely fumiah I rxm for man and wife or senta: bath snd gaa; rent 42 So rweek: alao, gentleman roommate wanted; 2D par week. ELM BT 1 Three rooma on second floor: plenty of light. Key st 3d Elm in barber shop. ELM 14 Nicely furnished front room for man and wife or single gentlemen, to responsible parties only.

ELM PA Furniahed front room, with all conveniences. EVERETT 831 Two targe, light rooms, with pantry. In good condition. FIFTH 212 Flat IT. nicely furnish id front room, sultabls for 3 gentlemen.

FIFTH 212 E. Nicety furniahed front room for 1 or 2 gents: rhsap; references; Lath. Flat la FIFTH 418 E. Handsomely furnished front parlor for gent and wlta. with or without board.

FIFTH 115 E. Single unfurnished room. FIFTH 33T E. Flat II. nice front room for man and wire or 3 geatleroea; convenient and cheap.

FIFTH ST. .133 W. Two largs rooms ca fourth Boor. FIFTH AND BROADWAY. 8.

W. COR. Nicely furnished rooms, single and double, for g-ata only, XI 2S and upward. FOIRTEENIH AND PLUM N. E.

COR. Furnished front room for 1 or 2 ladles or gentleman. FOCRTH SSlVa W. Two nice rooms on Bret and ssooavd floors, with 3 closets; $9 par moots all conveDlences. Ring Janitors ball.

FOI'RTH S3d W. Elegant 3-room fist. FOURTH 320 Furniahed bail bedroom; reference. FOURTH SM Nicety furnished room for 1 or Sgrentlemen: S5 per month. FOURTH 421 E.

Furnished rooms. 32 and X2 SO a week. FOURTH gov Finely furniahed front room, with gas and bath; use of phone; reasonable to good parties. FOURTH 323 W. Flat 14.

Iximbardy Build-in, nicely furnished rooma. with bath. FOURTH etal W. Furnished room on sec ond floor: gaa. bath, etc.

FOURTH 823 W. Fiat IT. tares, llehf kitchen, with folding bed. for light bousekesp- ing; elevator; as per ami au it Tnirnree. FOURTH 32T E.

Furnished front hall rot for a quiet perty; also, aieeping rout fur couMe st a a wee. OARs-fELD PLACE. 11 Nicely turn Is hod on asooad floor for geetiemen; refer an tea; all convenlanrea; no other roomers. Ring upper ball. Out FIELD PLACE.

128 Nicely furniahed front room In private family; also, front hail room; no othar ro omasa, tatt aa taira net without rlnsinx. GARFIELD CLACE. ill Fsmlsbed room oa third Soor. froat. OILBERT 230S Tex fern te bag front connecting rooms, with ar without board, private family.

HAMKR 140 Furnished room Boor. AJtTW ELI -Pour nice room, furuliahsd or faralshsd MR. TOM t. CAMPBELL, Wii- imma an taairaj ava HARRIrON AV UM Fow rooms. HATHA A Sis Tw fnraisnad looms for light noustsaeptng; ax av a weak.

HluHLAND. al. Ro-ma fur thm anoatas; piaaty of shade aad near ear liana, inquire for ALT PIE, at Ft. Tbo as post-office. HOPKINS 43-One baasUfuL qsrxa.

tight room; water an gas in room; ail eonvenieacti second floor. anle-St HOPKINS WSS Nicely furnished room far tlg-nt noose searpang; ax xa per week. HOPKINS 413 Xsatiy fwrakabad room second Boor, with beta and all conveniences. JACKSON 11X4 Aloe ly furalabed front ma JOHN 4 IS Newly furnished front room for alt ping, san table lor maa sad wifer 3 gents sleo. issamaut toots for ahoe, 1 JOHN 431 Faraisiaed raa for light hnnaa kaeptn aad al at puna; bail sntraaee.

TON Tie Tw a rooaas en thdrd noar. KENTON A azi Large tmamC with water, fnr-nlshed for knani ia lag; no objection to 1 er Cstil 4f tBa KENTON 337 tMrslahad room tm a private family. LA tTREL 4TX large, aieety furalaatd raa an. with an coavanl ran tamas reewiaahae. LAUREL sua Flat 3 rooms far light biawa kit nine.

LAUREL 423 Larga room: ha aad aolS eaur LUX 1V1S Klewlr fern la bad baua and ail i nai aalaaiiia. for 1 er 3 UNX ST. taane at ST: aim a 33e Twe or saore nice nil aiailail am tales e. If A 31 ST SIX Claae. nleady sinlsked rt aaa for gantiamea.

MAIN ST We Nicety inlaheX re am. 1 1 lite for light hrinawkMBng htAlN 4BS Twe front reaans for 32 and 32 33 atatFARIJfB STT aaa rtji.l. mm Snt war to ska aoiuaad tola. HOOD Sea NleatF tare naked fl ant ror aigwc no TSD MutXO SO Front main ea lignt atotrp pg- n. Enay i-aanaa Laarlas av.

ALRLRX N. 121 aieeiF fnav raf' ua BsTvau family AlBTTRje No. Al'Bl'RH No. 1V2S S. 'Aabw aa.

1 er 3 as. faralshsd or anftaralahi-n nais. MT. ACBl'Rli-Ka twlv ly as 2 htT Al'Bt-RN N. 131 ataar et-.

aitaafy tur-niened rooas far gewtli man la a pHvaa iauxaUy; half a block tram ear Cwe: tafainaare. NEWPORT N. X1S Overton St. ba Ii naily 51VTH Xo Nk I yrss aaawe i rrett idh-i: rav: bsta.

in. Ul. utr. 412 as good tmrnmS. Fiat i.

apsas. 23SZ Aabara e4eaa mooum roft svxrr I niSTf-M ST K-Mawaty aa eaad aast. taa paara i aaaraiee. haNIM ST adS -kkeli aid Sana, aaa aa ua 'klSTS ate ana. rei MIWTM AMU XI Lp- rant e.

eaaway taxewbas f.aen ssvaa Saa ea al IN 1 m.LBt E. Hk far a I tawanl aaoaa AlkTM ST an W-FVm A easaqy ru. aW 1 as 1 -t a rial at mw. XII -Awy Walk Sa aa ewe SianS X1MT as a Xa iy l.aiaaM ar aaaa aaa 1 wile real A XlNIU ST. hi at-ranaaunag Haass, gas sad bath NINTH ST.

its 3LW, tars la a I a.aat- eaury frows ra uaa. HlxlN ua -i-nnn ant eleeuas ligbi aa aaa aa aaaa oaaasi a. NINTH ST IX X-a 1, liaalaaal eaaawa. wltb eamaeauaaa etta mt wllaaanu boar. es.

A INT SZ1 tva te aaatlv fwraaabad Hi a a salvata faaaiiy eantabte (as ligbt bnuaeaaaplag; terawi laaaaalia XC1NTM Sl al fc. Fwrsreaeg m.mmt sa-ry rawat "TVaiaau-se fv nM est MM at sr T3S -Ftaraiaaed resena fur fight taar4aata) wX4f4eandJ FlC.VUI.rjtJeH HlUOMT-'ixuww HtA flttm 4u-riu-i fwMiataM r- itwrM WUmT ftdsj tuajssv rJmnm fr a4n.rS ejsr S4.4xsn.t gWafbA, a.ll iwMairMf rwfiM Pl''VitH 441- rxirn.l,rS frtm rxm Uft -UI. Immr4 it ur4. I'iA IH 4T 4.u. MM4.gjr tMntimm n.

ml, ftjr ll fe.4 tUMtmmtxmmtua. i wtsj. 44 IH'WwtvTtt. Ml-. lltt-NMWlV futsxt.

(hT Sli; anidSO faLC34t jg lhl III fl IT fKh HIUe-aNu toZts eaen I HXlas4Jaa 4sr 4A I UTg. ltsrl TtttVsl v. MM fe-f I'KK'E Ht LLe--I-irg furnuishj rm om 4 floLar. mU vV9Um.ocvm iivrJI- ttv 1. avnqulr-'r FK' lI.fc.S4-K KT JilT-T-i ur ter ripttM.

UN Vcle Jaif, rwFll KAi'lv HT H.l -XitwiT i wrr.u..M um tr kmt b4.Uaara-elt. tssT tUrtpUtM ta. rvhwldSabf. t4kt4 XW 14 arfll) It A It HT tu, nUijr furniklwa ra rm rvt iuM in rtatvtsi r.frU'y. I rtlvi -IT.

frvml 1JJ fawrxx. HA MT 14V NareBtlr furfiUtw rtafajt rnutm I J-T MM tagatla. IWt 4VJ.4 CVuStAl WftlanT. tWUM Cnstaj HA MT ni3 Niiy rmoi.ii.j ruum, iuA bth Ua'l ry tagy vr-nl4ti- twrtneru IU Mr. Ii--V Kour RKv rsMAfit.

vltlb 1st, (I. HACK HT Walt- Kurniati-4 fi 11 t'-JOl wtl tiC4nsi ft ha.t atiij t-vid Lm i HA HT. kJi I. run.lahwt frml eM aw-ar-iOj mM. ftr fft-nta n.lh bl liA'tO HT Mtily furblAvHartl 4trud4 -MV ttmt ri--m ftr 2 ga-oi-.

or ui-ti n4 hA a4 xjM th-vih Ul illit HT Mft Suslr rural4M4 mem- ttry frtnt r-in It i. '1. 14' i.Vdl tT Mft-Tvu iargt furtiit344 trvnt rtatAOisl lilt llntOXP HT ttWtV-Nl (V-Ajtrl LkfAXlthT. Thr 4.iratle. ft-r )I fwtniat.

buU; (liiw east at ton HAXiixr uriijiis. smt 4 Hmu.9 ml ta-au. hiy trfAMfii, rb.naa.tA4S.-. HKK.NTH pT 32 W. Ku-g am i farnlb-4 -in! tlobi.r fr jnt num, nthtrr r.m, IK! tth, iititm mn'i mil cti HK.V TM HI I It.

lrnrrtd t-jom. ult-mtiim for I if Kitajf 4ttpar tfU. HKVKXTH HT. NUrl) farollV4a4 mm, In (amtl) KKVr.MH HT Ms Nlrrlr fUrtl aheraj Tmt t'f niin ml it. tt.

front 't tor l-HNKMH ni. HiiH mnt ron. ult.t.lf I i.f 2 fntieintn. ith itW ts4 Bit wm rnlrrit HKVKNTIi Kl -rly fml94 fr-l rast'n. tm reaT- ib stuprt vt tx trnxtniif.

Fimi K. ri I iworth HuilUingl 7 HKVK.STM HI S. and Ijf fur- ni'h-M p-fvi nJ itor) frt.t ninni with IwH bat irtsfLifanc itftq all SEVENTH HI ill -Mii furnlaaad diHibi, parbra. ala r-aainalila seoond -story front room, rent bEVKNTH ST. Sll furniahed frost num.

SEVENTH ST. lid Large, pleaaant room. nicely furniahed. sultsble lot Hgbt eousekeep Ing. central SliV ENTH HT 22 W.

Nicely furnished rooms in a nr let is noma SEVENTH HT UI Large, nice ly furnlabad nom. nun lath, not and cole water, si er. SEVENTH f24 Furniahed room, with all conveniences, frr gentleman hilll.l.lTo PlAt'E. 12V-Nloely furniahed rooms. aim gaa and bath.

also, rurnisbeo pan or. HHIl.l.Iio i'LAt'E. 122-Furnlahed rooms rtlXTH HT, eos W. Nlcsiy furnUhad room for light houaekeeplng SIXTH HT T4X -Furnlabad rooms M1XTH HT. XIAd rooms: X4 per month HIXTH ST list on and floor.

H1XTH HT 2 Nicely furnlsbed roum fur llrhl Ikii kt-l n. or 2 arnt -nan SIXTH err sol light, airy furnished rooma. witn saa and batn. SIXTH ao second a lory front room in private family SMITH XZoglngle furniahed roesi; Bus per weak. Wll'TH NOR WfKlD Foraat and and bath.

BrCAMijHK HT 1TTT Syra roam a Hfntl-maa. in a private family. THIRD Oaat Two large rooms on second noor, sll convenieno THIKIi ST Efu -Nicely furniahed rooms for aieeping and light housekeeping Call oa third floor THIRD ST. .4.11 Nicely furnlabad bav-k In a private family, suitable for a aaa tieman: references TH1KD 414 Nicely furnished room; also.

a nsn room, si per weex. THMEE rutana si hilltop, furniahed for light housekeeping nice lucstloa, all ouaveaaawces. M. bMulrer. THREE rooma.

beautifully furnished aad lightfully located rwmi, fix par asontk; aa car line ECilERT. Enquirer TWELFTH AND JACKHUN STB H. W. COR Hell furniahed room, with all modern eoa- v.nlMirM TWELFTH ST. 22S W.

Furnlsbed rooms tor ml snd wire for llebt nousakeeptBg. VINE I3T Nice and cleanly farnlah.4 room for hoaaekaaping; X2 par week. Apply oa second noor. resr. VINE 1112 Two alee, largs rooms.

VINE ted Large front room, newly fur nished: hot bath and all conveniences. VINE HT. 324T Two nicely furnished rooms; ail conveniences. VINE via Nicely furnished room on ssoong noor inquire or jaat trass VINE vol Second noor. nlcsiy turn labed rooms.

VINE SfaX Nicely furnished reoaa. with rsnge. tor nouseaweptng: rent reasonable, rap- ply at Flat a. VINE HT. su3 Furnished room on for 1 or tarnona VINE Sua Nicely furnished front aad ate rooms ffT Kant nousegseping it aeeiree.

VVALNLT KILLS No. 22oT Uraad large, pleasant room, ea ear line; bath, telephone aaa all conveniences; references sachangsd. WALNl HILL NO. well-furnished front gentlemen or Seattle, iV isis Hasiu Larg bars room ror i aad wife; pn vat. fans- WALNCT HILL-No.

2241 Hsrkberry st alee rooma. with batn. gaa and furnace. WALNUT HILLS No. Eden Park nicely furnished front room on ttuang Boor overlook In para: private ismny.

WALNUT HILLS No. 23s Kenton 4 In flrat -class order. WALNUT HIL1.8 No. 21 Id Fulton neatly furniahed room. In pel vats family, srlth all eonventencee: X2.

WALNUT HILLS g. w. cor. Aahlsnd and hte- II lan sta. iunaeomeiy laraiaaet trent room naodern oonvewieni mm cars stop at tne eoor.

HSL.VL 1 1 w. aav furniahed flat. alao. single rooms, furs lab ad or unfurnished: nice nxauoa WALNUT HILIAV-No. KsT Chapel St.

rooms for small family. WALNUT HILLS N. UuX Lucuet nicely furnished re. nans: raea.anabta. WALNUT HILLS No.

3144 St. Jamae av. snt second-njor front room and all convenii hub, aw WALNIT I I.I JI No. UBS Stoma Santlr furnlsbed rront room; every aad cafe near br. WALNIT ST SIX Three rooas on flrat Boar 4 it rami v.

-in or ata famuv. WALNUT ST 1131 Nicely tarnished room for 1 or 3 genta WALNUT ST. SOT-raai alahsf and toilet Fist il tl arr bus Nlea. large room for 1 er gents; Sl each; aiao. roommate for gent; 11 par WLLNtrr ST 411 Tw nicety fare labed front WEBB ST nav-lrge roesn for aultred faaaUly WK8TIKX A lieu we naiat aw elevator and laundry.

43 per saoaKa. Star t.vp-rva aaaa. aaauanr. to raapactAUe colored peopas; 41L I. J.

WINTON Fl-Af-B First bouse en Ep and Wlnton road. 3 or fm ataksd Souse a ping: we eauarwa; on 1 eotjses ros, mvart. AVOXDALX ava. Avondsie IS aatared attic, water plumbing. laimdry.

barge corner llwee: Sen per FINGER HOPKINS, A POn RENT EkTbi faan.oa and ail anod anenta. Apply Sa. SS K. Feaarth Cow- Bgua. Ky.

I aKsatan sv tl-i serge A NOKWOOO NW ty fare hahad I for rent or eaia; a a uaa road sad Lafayette av. A aXOUSE for rent. SQ4 XTlm i aad eeed water; aaa 11 UeurSeld paace. 44 Fe rooatas. 3 betas; mt aw a A.

HOUSE for rwaf. SST Eeesstt rweass -aVPAATjbTZHTS AMD IaVATS. -Tor: A a -a-sdm" tt 1 A ruT ef i num. tfh bath, at MS4 W. A rta i.

aw AraAMas i a rbrbtn ex. anesy tw aa. aw aa. avX-tf at SXS Xtt- X1UL war SulS at ri rwia a i ra relwwi Ape, Faa laek a st a taaa Sr aewlanaaa Nia I at ar X3 Xl-rtat 3 lae fa-ant ewes IW furaaaneS saaaek aa aewry ssre. Inot aad sold lot, shsflt ear naaw a in ail ism a -IJO- 44 nuaia at.

a-13-St Hiila. esty. A-JTHXIX-XOOn asats, amrJt. s4sst. a raaapa a T0B MAUt-MOVm.

ases-x r-a-asi aaaasa. 4-urxn. aatke. as raw ye Xtoratina. Set, a MIWTnl arf tea wsw 4 sew: as.

Saw ear wash. at-rre Cast aaa A WALNUT am lTrXT? 1 ii in and eenar. bet as by Tt IWV Sll osr- selea mmvm wiik s-t eBH nana waste SAa-ea-Wstawl Slllea. ha wan all aan; sawr bat iaTav 1 reet a e. as Wasamsa-aer sea.

Apsdy a ear A -Txtn eats, at Twawsj en heaass af li nam, -rwaauaaa aa. answ-a seal abas aad leens a nan. a a S.sth a aaai a4 saaar. -a Wa4t.wSTttJL41 eaeasjl bbs. baata 4 atue.aa a aw aplAaXSasraTk M414SNV1LLK.

OHha-sW- haaaaw at. ira aaa aeal HB ueiavg ins a ata la at ear wtH trwda far I saa tiara as tares EINoKMLit. eare esad Tr aad l.ka ata aatX-Tl rtlVK nSlkt kiuaa. wltb ma I ira Haa a-aa nun. barge kawa aad frait trees and a a.

rub-bee y. taqaire at 3X1 eas e. SPlX-tt ro mrirr i-MiXAirxoTjt. a ron arvr-aaa et- bv ixn Seat a ana Stat, aa neat aaaa la rev eawatrr H-i as XtTaimTu afneterttur. ews a sou.

i. atiamlaboag FUR raaat dairyl. eon an etsbia en rows and boeeaat taqwea tHaa ka third basa aart at XI Airy. J.aX Wl ASSSNlCH br tal feat, with saeree: aaa Be by sal. with ar WIINavtt newer tea Hgbl raa- etas sale.

UsT. A Lt TE. XXI NIalb st A rARPENTFR SlltiP-tHd -atsbllnbad stand. 2 Seoe. sisa So by real cheap, plenty liaal fail sax Kuwait sa.

splX A FOR read. I or SVea. aalttsbts far tigttt aaa mj tact nrtng or taawr sbot Can at sso w. a a. PESK IVasl-At 4ta Main st seeowd tlner hta IMS-Suitable fuar talKar alaop ar light nut hKlartu No 111 Stalk at Itcajbt.

Twa ror aa ew Seat Sane, swltabla rar payaauua Wa ISIT Elm at aaa rot. BEJfT-KIAL rSTATE. A -SVR RENT-FARM -XX arras, h' 4 Frtas fllll. miles from car llav a2u Fifth ros -TT orricxa. FFICE-b-eirabU uce Riaum Ala kaak tWItdlng.

bis Walnut at ITIAMBOAI MATTZBX specTal! ARlrJE BROKER. Parties waablng to buy or sal'. Bleamaxaita nes-gee. Wharfba.ais at other floating property will Sa wall ta aaaid a full aa ipllua af wbat i Hey waat or baa. ta eel: te -Aftla HHow N.

Cincinnati. Ohio ht hargr I xlrathtlf la Mads. 4.rPKXt OHIO. rtltakarg aw larlnaatl Parkrd tain far Hhrellagssd Pittabnrg. VinGVINIA i-esvea ot of stain TUESbAT A arl 14.

at 4 htAl t'K. Agent. No' a Publie lndlag Tel. 1 lan KEYSTONE STATE follow a Thursday. April IS.

Far Pomeroy gsd Istarrxaedlglc Polgfs. Stiaaxerx TacsexA Baagia xsd Hear M. SUalcy tavs frt of Hroedway dally al 4 aa-cept XaaaSy Fralsht and peaaeasera received daily for Kanawha River Telephone atala XSaysville and latarawsullale Fedwta. COURIER wharf boat, foot of Broadway. dully, Se.tarday.ll m.

Tei lSuT. XXegwaar Chit Fashed. Me P. WELLS ,01 i he m. daily, except Sun day.

Telephoee 14ST Main. Xa XCXX OHIO, Tit. LEVI J. WORKUM leaves foot of Main I p. m.

Tussdsy. Thursday aad Satan-lay far kt.di-sun and la tar mad late poiats. TeL ataia ISO 7. Ferlalsvllle aaa Xwawrnsiedlnt Fwlata Stn. Clie'niti a.

Lisirrilli, Rlaa-er leaves frera foot ef Broadway daily st I s. excepting Sunday at a. at Steam- iaowaa omo aid rri. FawaTvawevlllav rwaa. aeh villa.

Calr. XBanh4e. BaUaa. Wlantaaawsg wa Var esdlsga. REES LEB (of Lee Line).

Bat April It. I a a SUNSHINE. Saturday. April 24. Xp m.

Will recalpt paaaeag.r. tbrowgh to New oriaaaa Ti tijriBSlr' A- JCDZC-X. Dr.TrlcLEOD saa sere. lis was. waaeevaaas.

winws sad BVyweiUas radically eesd. A frkeadly eali ef erwlth alaaapaaey sse feieee ewwertag aad add gaadea years to Ufa areas lowas carnsastanlwifbarst-rlam tea alaaaal. hnasle aatraaea. Me Will aa i it giss Saw SEXUAL DISEASE 'E-Sr- I will treat aM leasees af Met and Weanen Be esteaetveiy ad ear aa wp.aisiists an eaare in the saaartaat mibi. aia Owe Dollar waa.

laeladiag nmdletne aad aanmlaetaen ef nrtaa. hewiy eawtraatad aais.t ffr ii as cwred an frean lo ts days. Patients not res avast ed te sign eon- trena ana laaar Ilnka4 after balsa taUoa Invited and free I ail. CaJl er write wttk warns. m.

m. aaTtrra. Saswaaa Seaadanat, enth Sc. be. Tin and Kaee, O.

tafjafw a Tra-h-f Oom fortsbie barana. strictly private anal eawAdaatlal Ual bias adopted free; ae quest lent sake 1. taood. ra. phystelaa In attaadaac Firat-clsss rsfer- list aotaq pnyeact The only flret-cieee Aenlt noted phyetclan here aad all potata et -class aaalisnsa larestlssia In.

After been to ail veaa win her. In-. Ana is. Sea) W. Tta.

neear iTnttaw. Cla o. LADIES, ATTENTIONt fwaa at few Indten wfora and durlnar af and hnmn sag for tarsals whaa All feaaaie trsalilis swceeesfaUy traala-1 ant pbrainlaaa. L-tt saar uiw 42 Clark 3 doors east of Jo, ca f. sirvrr TZ2 ZZ Adam -i IJtpa 11 a ay rOTBtg, -as -at ante saaar a aad Saa i uaa i a a va ay Fobs is.

Xe pa, CaSwdStStAtl, Owptswg OTte-4ttrta Carrel tor aaatken. Tram knave few Oawgatoes 15 Ceanvnetlon mf tn una from TTT IV Pearl and Bstler Straet liTsm. liT-T 34a nan. IJa waa a saw in a ass. Cara gar fins i a lla Tplaxia, Btl ferWaVQn XXahStxig Man ata jr.

Oiartaao'tl mad nalgCtXi. J. ef Eestarn ava Eaaaa End ear For Xtew rI ST-iwr, aaa 4 13 a Cars AwdaswoT; iZZT, C.eVLif.T. I una nrashi aanin. anaae, rare Cnixrinnaf-, Iatwan al Jlnrtavsr-.

1mm wev" Ca-atrt aM-sn atnntVt gf 2VadJ nafgSf. Saw aaaa-lianaaa Mail and "Vaj Sasynwi Laaaasn XaaU aad Express alutZ latest hla and Eaprews iXulaa Ml aa aan 4 a.iimmn 1.11 IfZ XS na-htrawrTT Tsd Z2 lttAOavm Una ignsairy Imaa iiiatAonv a talZ sen atoaatgoansry a iilT 2 jSS "Si 7- 5 1, aaa a aa --a aaa a ntuaaa 1 IS ana, SJka aaa fan, 4 we pea. xe sea and axultlnasl traJa on town sr. SS iatal a -aa sea. Addltlnwal tm uane far Haals SXa sTi! aa.

Al pea. 4 4 aaa. IX pmTimm VLVZl aaslwwtee eaa wren aad half boar Can weak ays atail aad Ca XX. far Oauagilana. 4sa neathate paSaataayamrr' ns' atv-i tsan.

amdaie aa rXrbS nsn MLXLBOAO rt-T4n44- AAs. ii. rVaamaa; rvrvs 1 tana Saa '-TILS'" --t as la.U..T i eaaa -e 4 am -T-i. Tt is rr i la. T-awa.

Tin a ew aw mv4fmu -a a. af I aa ea 4 Sa saa I ea I Cii. AS4 1). nuiw 1 lam. tta n.

-ii a -waa aaa rs asa, a a leave aa as la A g07 taaa a I vi aaa. Inta-'lafarMn a II Si I a- ai'kv a( tt e) ps tw.t C. aa k. r- at a ti TVhal fan. faaewrt from Cla.

tens tl I a So a 1 r.a. llia I "'e-TT gaVa.ll,. TVrbet totn.a Ta.a4,I,... a aalr iili a aw elaetrvc cai A'l hum aiw at lsaia lellr Fr Uinnaaatl i Jll'na'y Marl I Pan I aad ro.r, OS saw i laws loan N.w taj pas Msri. I polaia "iFnaw I buSao, lg a M.

a i e.e,!e' o.i. rvaa a sad all t.a.i. Xaglaad i I-. a. tAAXXliv Jkal Oarlaneit aiati I -TU-asl OITMs at a.a:i i Fonarth snd stsiawi a-a follows by teatrau Lially llau.i.

i a laaia I pi am- tXanla ant XXil am -g sm si. XX sm I X'Bia sn Im mm-Ijqsuap-at ai pan- a at. 1 aft pa. Hi- bm.a. 1 ar.

so twt "I -a i--i t4u pan IT.Iie.l-U-fcla Xo pta, -II erne. A-- -t. 1st pm rk i XX pm Kb-hm'Sil ai, Xo am Akr.n ml as pan 4-1 A I i fi, i a AlOsurOLX iaiAUka kA.IL Fsaiia Ivaais i tifhee. 44 Xwuttk 1 gas Lena ou am- Foneanoolk a lit a as, am Mlll.t-a.. aa-.

a Wo pes-Forteaaowt a I paatats -a. BlStlon. I Mt ata 10n am- nardmla A'x 'a a 10 pm-nardlnla and II laallr Hreur -a -i" te AO pm so paaandtaaiai-'ita so pan Lima ka AW pm ti.lnna 4o.rfi.ii. .1 i 3 4 em 'Mlddietowa art l.n Ja sm-IMiddi-town au-i I sm- VII-1lleloan sr.1 Saa at asdletoaa a1 I a. 10 am tMlddletowa ar.

I 1,., i pm lelow a al. I pm 'Mlddletowa sr. lri-SO pm tMbi'iletwws aa.1 I 4 40 pna Mptdletowr. I 4 so pm IMIddlelows an I OU psa ebll44letnwn ar.1 a pm ealaddletown ar. 1 a.

-SO pm l)aislal sad Sprite 1 1 IX XO pm VTus I-- a. an a aa eoa Iwr and i 41 aan-4 XO pm-vt Versailles snd Vsraalllss ani lii. a 44 am Ft Wayne and rw.i XO am eFlapaisr Eapr.a. 1 im paw art Ware-, ar.1 r-o-a XxiOiSWlii a JlailVlJia aUJakl vjtaiil. Faauri aa4 Roller 1'ie a aei aaa t'Blr a-al.

a City Ticket Offio. a vat J4 taae n't a Tatapbooe a. rt eryejip. tLalir. Leave.

saa AO sen ileal lla Eaj-r a a S'2X pas 4LaauaSV Ills ua-ls-l-. 11 am SRashvllU Eair-ea 'IS pan- aLa 'eellls. i i i Orleans 'Sa II 4 PSS SLarulavllle. Naa- oa a (alaaea 'J Dtatag Care Free H-naur fl A hf II JLAiXg tt IHblXMX I Xtala. Pearl ar, 1 Thatet OITIee.

Fourtl. aa.1 a-w la Leave. a 10 IX am ehfk-hle-an r-a. SAX pea -No be I Eapr-aa 1 1 CttnclnnaU Va Hsi-fl. Pearl mjA la Ticket CvXVas.

Fourtt. ai.t AO 11 UO sad 7 r. sad CeSTwlaaled, ClLVCl ns ta4l Zxiuis B.s So -r-n aaa mt mm aa aad Caatrsl sl-i TVea Band Caniial avaaua T.Mpt Sis a alaaiiy. tEsipt Sai.a a AS a-ia '4 2 iAl pas New Tort 1 l-a- 144 13 pew ntw liar S0 saw eplaw "VS Sit aaa asprtngnekl Xw pes New Turk a. 34) pen aCdaataa aM trnytoo and njl X-PTgm ill i tni-tm f-a- aiv: AS aaw 'Chicago lr ''Z UM paw aWhlia (111 i ar- AO nav eaTpjcago Nisln saa So am-'St Loula arl 1--- rta-a aJ 12 XO pes -'St Loula ao T-rr.

pSB St. Loans Sbi 1rr. J2 4 pan 'Peoria an-1 ra.f:.-..a It 3W psav-thmpain 1 12 pm. tlndiAi jgsf ai AO pm elniilsnsiaia 4aaJW IMuacla sal Ft Aara 36 twa tkuvla at 1 1 asw aaw Caafaeravll.a a llas-'a-34 pea eCoanar evlila Trains leave tor I tar -a a ia-. 0 a as.

44 Arrlaa 4 A3 am. Ut-o6 e. idM Baitlrxvors dc Ohio fcutin Oread Cen'-rs. a W. -or Frur! at etaslly.

1Umii a ew TW ar-: -Rural lliue VI ewbee ling ao'. i- sad artusbua s4 'Ctrikwtba Vbillliwiba A'-t-'i- tOa'vabat ar3 tBlasv-b-ater sr. I liisncbaater ax. BlaaaXieater f- St Lau. -a: Sf Fast klell Louts villa an- Larttlevllie stJ LaMrlsvliU -V- Norta Varr, a.

A Cwatral rmon aVaU-ei M. W. Cor. F'AU-k I la pas ev.a Wart sal Slaw-lladire as r-aXSwes tVaa Wert sn1 vxaanr. asat pt aaear XXIalJIOl- CZiTii-si- cxtg a.

423 Vuva Centra, a -ff tawsa avi Memphis and Ta wW a flgygiPPITK AJi Bet etBea, A W. Cor Tea tna nal CeX'rs. Iavus. tiavuy. aaueit AfS X-nawa.

T2wl LamiT-1 -A. pm 'Venae-. Ball 14 tw-aSaatiart-a a -aa 4 BBBBBWawWdB 1 -XS AX-1 a. SS pas 1 Mays, and Hunt ia AS gas Ma in lla Aoc-r-" KsmtwAvky Ctrai 1JiV'Ji Fiur- a --S A pea eLanUag- 44 a Fnlmtrntk Csaaeral tTadon D-pet- Tlrkrt orva-X" Xtas atreeta. Tat- mm eXaaOr- LaUF.

i lie i rartas at A am dC-siiaawns ea-1 staja, SO uva if1r. in a war flahavtii aad N. Car-. 4 tilts 7i SASaa. ataaHHa Wad FTSr pm XWUlkimatirsrs Xlliaaia- aaaa ei--taai aad Oeoraete-a- 11 aaaa-ov-sitoa AaiamlsnnWPo; ran 'Erlangar end Wssass Dea floa.

S. htala 4a. any aauy. Leave. ov am lx 14 ass 10 pas 4 24 aaa 14 aaa IS aw.

at am Au awe-3is pm pas-AS IB IS) wm ea-a pm 34 ass- ame guess any pea -S pm AX am 4:44 pes I Tlcku I tew. 3 Aw a- Xa Bas- Tishia Inset from sees. 1-4 ps Is e. Brkstoi am Mail.

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