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The Cincinnati Enquirer from Cincinnati, Ohio • Page 8

Cincinnati, Ohio
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

i il Hi I' SAfE I.IVESTf.lEIITS, Tlw Pit Morlfift Bonds of The Colambai. 4 Electric RaUreatl Co. Have tHt InrMtltiHJ end proved by MMari l' ion Warrington. Attornere: Siuert Tu.S. Public Arr-qunlsnts.

Stone Webster mill. flylleaby. Consulting Engineer. race Ml AN lTEST. RUDOLPH KLEYBOLTE CO.

INVESTMENT BAKKEKi. W. Third vtajaat SKe, The Central Trust aad Safe Deposit Co. Oldwet Trail Cw. I CleelwsaU.

t. Paul II 1 1 E. 4th 4H. PtyfMcrcal on Saviop DeposUs. OFFlCKMBl BAT'L IIKCNUAN PA VII, JUM, lucisn wvuin, riririrv ITtPHBN B.

ll'ITON, M4 -MM, OAXSAM COO.mwwr 4 Tmmw, TMIO. f. taHSI-SB, AttM tewtetery. PliaMI e4 Mark B.f MIHM Psy OVkB.taat. CM tB C.

A. COVBB.ta. CM As sals rbmrcA At. leal. Non-Taxable.

Nets 6.18. 'Central Market Railrav, Of Columbus, Ohio. pfrr4 stxk has rmlarljr p.4 Us i il a ejuartvflr. 1c ht -lv from ftetf ir Kf la a)iB) tn-r har s-aivin1. Th-iMt autfetortil on irctioa mmy that ilita prop-em mit ta 4tl tawi low A HitrgM mmmm to itninn tnia tpotti.nsr sum avr.

Wa mM la furnish ill ROBERTS-HALL CRISS. I 31 and 33 E. 1 bird St. ISSUED FREE Upon Request Our "Dally Market Letter." 'Order Solicited All Amount. flap freese Stock Stock.

Boada. Orala, Cellos. Valea Treat Bids, t'lsrlssatl. ftoaliM Main 838. Grand Prix, PirU, 1900.

IX XL Baldwin ft 141-144 W. Poarth PHONED THE GOVERNOR Co Xtnd Out Who Had Sent Hagelbar-gar a Threatening Tetter. reoiAL Dir4Trn to tbb axai'iaaa. Akron, Ohio. April 13.

Lat weak IToaa-eutlnc Attorney H. M. liagalbarsnr ra-ealvad an anonymuua latter In which ha lrti Invltad to rmovt alt the gaming da-iricaa) from Akron or auffar tha penalty of oueter prooaadlns In three dajra. About the MBit time a kiytrloua Individual rr tatered at a hotel and Irft the lmprraalon that he waa a detective here for the pur-poee prooaadlns asalnat alot machine wnera, aturdajr'a Colurabua dlapatchaa atatad tbat Oovarnor Naah had been requeued bjr Akron mlnlitere to ouat the Proaecutlng Attorney of thla county becauae be refused 'to remove gaming devlcea and that tha Oovarnor replied that he had no authority te take auch action. To probe the matter to the bottom Mr.

navelbarfer to-day telephoned to Governor Naah, who replied that the only letter be had on the aubject waa from A. H. Croaa. Secretary of the Cleveland Sunday School Association, and that Croaa had aald that he haul requested Hagelbarger to act. liaa-elbarger stated that he haa had no conversation with Croaa whatever.

Last Wednesday Croaa waa hare aa one of the late speakers at the County Sunday Bchool Convention. Prominent ministers of the city aay that they know abaolutely nothing- about any movement against slot machines. The Proeeeutlng Attorney aays that If there are any here that play for money he will proeeed against them. IN EUROPE CTIaaa-Blo'wing' Machines of America Will Be Introduced, recta MsriTca to tsb ssgnaia. Gas City, April 13.

New land T. De- rasa, of New Albany, one of the managing XMrectora of the American Window Qlase Company, aalled to-day from New Tork for Xurope, the object of his visit being to secure foreign patents on the glasa-blowtng tnaohlnae whioh have recently been Installed la the planta of the compaay tn this valnlty. He will eJao introduce the ma- vbinee la the different countries wtiere glass (naaufaet urine largely carried on. His Intention wben he left wa to visit England. ance, Belgium and probably qermany.

This step hi taJren to mean that the teats whloh the machines have been subjected ajrere satisfactory. Mr. DePauw Uvea at Xew Albany. BIQ FRAUDS At Xavrngraaa, Porto Kioo, Are Beino; Carefully Xnveetl gated. Ban Juan.

Porto BUco, April It. The Ped-eraj Court opened to-day. The hearing of the 'smuggling ease In which Lieutenant Commander O. W. Menta.

U. S. and Su- pervtaor of Elections Benjamin Butler are involved, will not be bold this term. Governor Hunt to-day ordered the In aular police to take possession of Mayaguei and supplant the municipal police at noon of Aprlela, for the greater security of the latereet 'of good government. Extensive frauds In the expenditure of the Mayacuea 3UU.UJ0 loan have- been discovered.

Super-tntendeet of Public Works Baas waa arrested at Mayaguee April charged with trauda amouating to between and Uu.OOOk Two Insular offlclals are continu ing the Investigation, and It la believed that sli other offlclals will be arrested when the insular police have been Installed. i TO EFJOIlf ANHEXATIOir. Attorney Scott Bonbara notlfled City Clerk Hecdersoa that he yesterday filed suit be fore Judge Holliater to enjoin the propoeed annexation of "Oklahoma" to Cincinnati. The suit was flied on behalf of William Hubbell aa trustee of the estate of. Asara-aret ac poor, usees as it.

Teatarday waa the last day. for protests, and tt the suit had not been Bled the annexation would have been approved by the B. last night As It la, the approval of the an- aexaUon Is stopped pending the litigation. zxxc PEOLircnoH. Washlncton.

April IX The Cnlted States Oeologlcal Survey to-day isaued a preliminary statement of sine production tn the I'nfted States in Ustt, showing a total of 358.804 short tons, against 141. Si! in 1001. The production was distributed aa follows: llllnote and Indiana. 4T.0M abort tons; Kansas. UUeouri.

11.087; Colorado, 1.U2T. and Eastern and Southern 8 la tee, 1X13. The principal additions to prodac tion came from new plants, notably la JCaa- EZCTJViat KA11X2). Cnden. X.

April IX Vice Chancellor Giey to-day appointed Richard 8. Miller Receiver for the Anderson Food Company, The appointment was made on the petition or areditorv who aald that the firm was-In. solvent and had suspended buslnesa. Treasury Btlnre. "vVi-lilnf.

AikII 13 Aiuani 3 tar -mi ruud. sx--f iy.n.W e-: rTr la trt 4. -e -pi'oa. cask HEAVY SELLING 1 Curbed tbk TmdMr Tovr Higher Trie ft WbL Clako. ArrU TIM wives! BaArhet was ravled Israels a iwlxtotM aad wa Inaa aaaiuiai.

Ban stessl ad imN Us laas. b4 fins! taam ware M(Mt4 se Mm aftd Jly. Mr Cor cros-4 she M4 eat ear, sss Ugher. -PraWlsvaa wr strong, lb Mar (Mm al adva atf Mk Ttwt wae a atruae aaMiag eiit 4aa eaveftag tr sauna, wae wees eaeav aa lsi Ike (hat tee tell caajsetga whum eeoe4 laai wtaiM asala he la VWwe te-4ay, s4 Mar was earkaased sa biehar. at TWWl4.

Vmt a f-4 a4 fveas this eeaae the arlae es'ikiy nnmn ta feva. hat It fcaiaaa that the Iaa4u.s loa a-aa M4i mt. araa ua.4aTafce aelUos hr towami-a kaaa. (ck HWIU4 la a ak to 1v, Tha aa.kt tote a the 4ay waa esiresMlv mm" nt. ik Mm rrae wiu eaaiir www th allahtaat the bwll iaa4ar.

i twi Auwttim ia lt ait faia af taa m-A Vi ilnaT fbiKMi La Itwt. July tl aahans4 at we a tar aulas aataaaa Ivc ao4 Si The vialbla apply ilwa4 a ecraae nt I let soab aaraaaaa ut kat at umr w.r. to zaju.iv avail pnauMy racaista bwt. ssaKat aah a rac ao- SIhbmH' ao4 Lwltttk rBurv4 rwateia JI4 rare. BK'b.

arKh kal rapta mt taa. aoaa at cuotraot graaa. ataoa ual raeaipta lr im tkrae wrlm at Ml raia asataM aa cars law aaa eare a year asa- TM tut e44 tfaa u. ra an 4 the aau-aat ialltRa aaa a lntlllk cha l. Uie 1.1b.

(4H.r arl taa oar ahueta wr a.tia kayora at the tart ua tM. kurabta waatkrr ut Mi taa email fsrtta. a4 altk but IISM "Hth' arll aUttatn4 xaa cim waa nruns- hlih-r. at aa, sftar raaciac ktaro aa4 4.1V rccrlpta ara aara, wlUt auaa uMfrl jrlj i. r.iri sttva aarf the nakx wae Brat tkrtuanout Ida oar.

iha acarotly of oRannaa bina tao main rrotur iai Bklla Mar waa la auu4 4a- a.i niital ara Tba atloa of nival ha1 Mia oa aiuaa. but tja- rt-ma aaa lra with Mv a hlalm. al Xlt. afla selling bataaon XfV an4 UV'. Iucal raualpta rt I4 raft Thta was oly a mrala iraA- to but Iba inarkrt was run.

Innuara4 lV SO4 4nisn4 tor pork sn.t nla fiom cn ra.) in ymaihv with tlia ki arat Tba waa naae ta Vip vtr.n of tha d.r with pure bisiw. al (IT a': Iar4 tiiabar. at WJc. an I rlba tu 'XtU at Ketlmae4 rat-aipta fur u.mtrw: lu at as lara. coin cars, uats IU cata.

17. haad The laa.llns ransal aa follow U. Ct.a, Artk laa. No. May.

7l'k 74S TIMe I TkH July To 71V Hlfamb'-f tl A 4 44. 4-iW an 4:1 4HW t-J'a J-S. '-in. Na S- April 42 'J aSf4; 43 I 4-r, May J''r Savtambar 4S imfa. No, 3 May July aj.

SfiHj -H rrv 271,. hth IT MV IT 0 17 MV IT Ml Km IT la 117 JO IT 7', 1 I as a srf a.brl. JRI irv UTS 1 1 jo Iba. May. Julr IM IV FO Ml I CS HU ai'V, fth loo lb May MSI vu 0 Kl41 Uu July aaptambay IITS 73 72S fiarlaiuna ware aa follow- Flour waa tnadr.

No. 2 aurlna whaat 7Ttr7x1-- No. I 7oe 77c, No. a raxl T4Si7ftli. Na.

4.1-. No. 3 vailow No. oats S2c, No. 4 while No.

3 rya 4ua. raajliig l.arly -Jlti 41c fair lo vholra malting No. I flax. aaa4 ua No. I North waaiarn lo Prima tlmo- inr smkI i Mraa pork par bri sit aooiT vo.

Urd rr KM llw fw rMH to. short rlba allr ol WMia lU'. am.ulrtrra iikimii a SI V. abort claar aid ll.i0 IihjiIoZAc wiiiaay. tMtai or niga winas.

1 so. con sraila, fia llciaii.ia. Flour Iv.lkio brts. whral 11.100 buah corn I.IB.MlO l.uah. Bla SoitetW buah.

rra B.aou buah, barlay TV.Jial buah. alilpmauia. Klour brla, whaat loH. laiu bush, corn esk.40u buah. amis inT.omi buah.

rye Ill.iajo-tauati. bariay 13.BUU buah-la. Ntw Tork. Anrll IJ -Flour: racaluts IU.IVM brla. rsporta lo Vol brla.

aalaa Item brla; ftrnily hrl.l anl un-liana ad Rya flour ateaay. Corn m-aj avlat. Kya aiaaHy. ftarlay dull. Ul.mi rrralpU luu.too buah.

axuurts I0.HJO buab. aalaa 3 3mi lam buah: sunt rear: No. 2 rad 7li'- alavalur. No. 3 red sirtM f.

b. afloat. No. i Nun nam intiutn ic r. e.

enoat, no. 1 hard Manitoba Mac f. o. b. afloat.

Throiurh tha fore- nou whaat waa Arm and blsbar. aapaclally In July. iamand bains allniulata.1 by amall world's ahlpmanta. further manipulation In hlcao and Id wathrr In Kanau. umtor It aaawl off a lit Ha undar bis Waatarn rrcalpta, pour axporvtn' qulry and rasllsing, sad r-loard net ainhaxtaii May THHtTTS lo-lrk-.

closed at TSVar: July 7SHO "Sc. closed at BaDtembar 7at4a7 ll-ldc. cloavd at 7V rn: ra-ljjta nn.Ta buah. axsnrts 21. TOO buah.

aalaa ItO.iaal buah faturaa and 54.000 buah apot; apoi staady; Nik 3 nominal alavator and blVac f. o. b. BBoat. No.

2 yallow b2c. No. 3 whlta A3c. Opilon market rulad senerally firm all day on isht world a snipmenia. small raraipta.

oovarina and rain throush tba Waat. doalns dull and part ly nat manor, April rioaaa at azsc: May 3ia 31V.O. t-loaad al Biter; July rloaad at aHo, Sap-tan bar 4lac Oats: recaipu w.ouo bush: at porta S.T-aO buah; pot dull: No. 3 SUc, aiandarl white 3vHc. No.

3 Mc, No. 3 while sSc. No. white STVac; track mixed Westarn nominal: track whlta I74 optl ns fairly actlaa and firmer on tha unfavorabla waa her May rload at Uao. Kay flrm.

Hna aaay: state -ommon to chotca 1U03 3IMJ2TC. IUOI 1 7 lac. oMa llr, HarlSo. Ceaat Itkl3 SimUte. HWI lOeiHc.

olds Say lie. Hldaa nulat Iaalhar qMlet. Wool firm. Cornl nominal. Daaf aiasuty.

rut meets quiet, lairrl dull; Waet-ern elrauuxl K.25c; raflna.1 airauly; oonllnetrt 10 she, A lie, compound TSvhc- Pork dull; niaaa tlxeiH 00. Tallow aiaaoy. Cotton-aaad oil Arm: prime yallow Katrolaum steady. Rosin atasdy. Turnatitlna dull at a7400se.

Rice qulat. Molaaeaa firm. Coffaa: aput qulat. Sugar; raw flrm; rattnaa nrm; -a. a tuc, no, 7 No.

4 23c. No 4 3Uc. No. lo 4 15c. No.

ll 4.11k-. No. 13 4 kV, Ne. 13 4c. No.

14 Bftc, coo- facltonere' A 4 euc. mold A 5e. cut Wsf 86c. 5 55a. powdered f.Bftc, graoulsTsd 4.Toc.

cubas 5c Niw Tork. April 13. Tha coffaa market opaned taady. with Mioaa anchangad to 5 points klgber on modsrate local covering and sema foreign da-ma 1. started by rather bulllah waakly movement figures and light inlarior reuelpts.

Liquidation set In. however, sad before tha close prloes were hack to Thuredsy'e level, final bids being net -chant -d. Sales amouated to IH.uuo bag, IncluJ- inc May s.uea. June e.tioc. juir 4 Joe.

nantember 4 October November 4.BOO December 4-sOa. January a.toeH.sOo. New TorkJ April IS. The rlalbla supply of grain Saturday. April II.

as oumplled by Naw Tork ProHuca BTxchanse. Is aa follows: Whaat 40.1flp.ouo buah. dacraas I.Tve 000 buah: corn 17B.ix buah, decraaa buah: oata buah d.acreaee buah: rye 1 bush, decrsaae 7.0u0 buah; bariay 1.43.000 hush, decrease. 41.000 bush. Baltimore.

Anrll 13 Flour dull Whaat firm: pot and April Corn quiet; apot 4SW 4W14C. April Oata weak; No. 3 white llttvlK. Kansss Cltv, April IB. Receipts: Wheat eS .400 buah.

corn HH.9UO bush, oata bush. Shlp- mants: Whaat 4a.auu buah. coia 53.000 buah. oata T.ouo buan. New Orlsana.

April 13 Husar dull: open kettle opaa kettle oaatrtfuital istUStC. centrlfussi whiles 4Vao, yellows SSfttc, secomls SVaOB B-loc. Mulsaees: open kettle nominal at ISO 34c. centrifugal 4lse. Sirup BoBilnai at llrfl34c.

St. Ixmla. April 18. Flour dull red wlntar patanta 4 5. axtra fancy aad atratght 43 35.

clear 43 7403 tax Whaat wash: No. 3 rad eash. elevator ejV. track TUOTuVa; May 480 4c, July o. No.

hard T0473c. Cora firm; No. 3 rash S1VS0. Bomlnal; track SWHOeOtac; May 3c. July 3lkc.

Osts quiet: No. caeh 55 Ho. aomlnal; track 33S034WC; May- 34c. nominal. July 3Hc; No.

1 whlta Tfcc. Rye dull at 44c. Porh hujherjlobhlng etaadard meee SIT 84. Lard bailer at 43vIc. Timothy aaed nominal at $2t S3 TS- Corn meal etaady at S3 SO.

Braa dull, but staady: sackrd east track 4ieeoc May ataady: timothy 17015. pralrla (tail. Whisky staady al SI 30. iron cotton tiee Si OS. Bagging B44r4Vva.

Hemp twine 4e. try-eaJted masts sirongar: boxed extra shorts 4 87Sc. clear rlba I4.13SC, short elears lo-BOe. Baoon stronger; boxai extra shoru lO.STSc, clear ribs 11.12tac. short clear 11.34a.

Receipts: FVoar 10.000 brla, wheat SO.OOO buah. corn 48,000 bush, oats 97.110 hash, hlpmanis: Flour 14.000 brla, wheat BwT.OUO Buah. eora lTT.OuO bush, osu SsVOM hash. Teledo. April 13.

Whaat aaoderately ectlee aad lower; eaab T44o. May TSUc. July TOtic. Cora: eash traoa active and ataady April 42Sc. May July 48 We.

OaU 4u44 but arm: April S4ve, Maw Uto. July Te. Rrs: No. 3 Clover, seed dull but nrm; eash S4 SB, April 34 SO. Onto see St 34.

Pt-laae timothy $1 40. 4a alatke ST 44. COTTON MAEKETS. New Tork. April 13.

The cotton market opessd steady, with Brtcea 103 points higher, ana. after a 4ajr cat axcltaaaant aa regards May aad Jaay oixlooa. el aaa steady at rron 4 to 33 autaas aAvaaea. Naturally tka lataa-aet sssnns oparatara oantered chaaay about tbaws two ob-tlonaw both of which mada saw racore prtoaa, tha former Bailing up 34 polnta above the cloae Thursday and July as much. Later barn leaa aaaeted.

the Influaaoee governing aear-by paamiona. wars relatively qulat all gay, with a Bet advance fram 4 to polnta. The reports las the xoanlDulated montha wera that the bull leader was giving actlvs support to May. while shorts, notably In the Wall street dtstrlot. were leading buyers of -July.

Tha hast potnta la both three dah varies were attaiaed In the last half hour whan a nana bar of room aborts, who had held out all day In aatictpaUon of a aetbeck. lost heart and covered. The bull laadar operated la person, aad the prtnclpal bull aprrator of New Orlsaaa wss alao active. Spot hoauea were rather frae as liars of May at above th Infrreace being- that dalliai las were latended. Waatbar eoadiUoaai unfavorable for the movamasx.

balaer sbowary tn all parts of tba South. Tha abaaara or Bagllah cablas leaulu-ed buslaaas eumswhst. hut ware lost aarax of la tha gaaaral actlvKy attending the May aa July upturn Port receipts of 11.B48 baiaa were eaa. traated with 1187 bales last year, and esUmatas at leading polais for Tuesday were heavier than espected. Spot cotton, white quiet, advanced 14 rjotats to the basis at le.5c for mlddltag aa-leaca.

aad atouthen apot markate akso came Sraa. Silth prloaa aaebsaaraj lo Wo blgher. Total asJaa ruturea eaKlssatee at 34.000 he New Tork. April IS. Cotton etoeed quiet and IS Botata klgher: aalAollrag uplands r5o, mldiUag gulf 10 woe.

aalaa KM haita: futures clored April toshc Msr M.eOe. June la July lO.ISc. August S.B40. awptembar 4s4a. Ode-bar 4V44c November 4.

40c iacaanhtr A44o- New Orlaaaa. April IS. Cotton rururaa barely statr: April in 33c bid. Mar Ha.34wlO.3Te. June 14 7la3c Jely 10 August 4.744.

September 8 srftlOo. October A4.T44&a. Novsmber 8 SlflS IVc. lmmhee 4 3ies.33e. Spot flrmi aalaa m.844 balte: ordlaary ac.

good ordi-aarv 4ecu low mMdiias 1 good middling Ioc. middling rata 1 IS-lea ma laal; receipts baiaa. stock 140.B4B "ml -a New Orsaaas. Anrfl 13. BaCTataiy Heater atstamaat at the world's vtalbla aannlv of ending Friday.

April lo. shews 1-471. 774 bales, ef which 3.303.774 baiaa are WOOL lalUESTi aid combing Iserisc. Hsr-t Baa 144)17e. aurytaa Sagnr Prices Kew Tork.

April IS. AM Sradaa at refiner) sugar wi aevsaeed 5e a hundred rnninis ta-dav. i FIHAKCE AI1D TRAFFIC. Monetae aAffairs Active. Rontf.e Werk, Owins Te BI Mails.

Weaker aad IsartiTe nritie-Xew Yark Kxekure Sfarce aad Strang. Mowday Evening. April U. likat. Tbere wae a reenarkable and unexpected Increaun In the appllcattoas for credits at nearly aU ot the banha, and motiatary affaire In general were active- Beside th heavy borrowing there was immense routine work brought to the banks by the big mails, atikh.

bar Madly sua te some delay. had accumulated largely. Many cash Itarna hail haan fonrardad bv country baulks for anita-tlmn and to ba blatcad to their credit for th enlargement of their balances. Lo ral datxasiUna waa extensive and fully off set tha liberal checking, and. altogether, the changes of funds tended to Incraeee the kaanabW supply, and th market wss In an easy condition, suna banks voluntarily reduced the rela-e on call loans held by them fram orVd pair rent to ft per rent.

Dis counting- of prime paper was at 6441 per cent, and naw call loans were accepted al 9 per cent. Brokers had a better demand for collateral loans than they eould supply. To the extent of their holding their negotiations m-er at 3 per rent on call and time. Clear. ng House exchanges amounted! to day to compared with S4.hMh.OO0 for the corresponding day last week.

It is highly protaable that the panicky condition of the New York atook market had some local effect, more through sym pathy than from any connection between the markets, and the result waa that th local market fur securities was weaker and Inactive. Thrro didn't appear to be any pressure to sull. but In the moderate movement slight concessions were in evidence. Cincinnati Street sold tn email lots at I'JWV VM. closing offered at lSVa.

with 130 the best bid. Cincinnati Oa and Electric sold 1J. and there were steady offerings at thla price, but at the close there wera no buyers at better than aM5V- Detroit L'nited Hallways stock sold at but the cluec waa offered at ICVfe. with the beat bid. C.

N. and C. Light and Traction common sold on call at 37. but later transaction were at on th outside, and at the close ST was bid and JPI asked. The preferred stock waa offered at the reduced price of (W-a, but as He was the beat bid.

there were no sale. Th Stock Exchange business comprised the following sale of listed securities: siroii So shares Detroit t'ntteg fty. Sahara lietrolt United Hy. slock 1ft aharas ('In. Kl Motor prsf.

ISOahara On. Gas and El. stet-k SU.taju Uovarnmant coupon 2s. due 7W Uovarnmant coupon as, 4ua S3, ISO Uovarnmant coupon 4a. due FtnsT CAUL.

10 shares On, Htrsst -Railway 10 sbaraa ('In. Hireet Railway I shares fin. Street Railway lo aharva On. Hiraat Railway atock In aharaa Datroll t'nllad Ky. stock VI abarae Columbua Uas pref.

SBTWKBM CALLS. aharaa eta. Oas and Elactrle stock shares NO. A T. P.

Ry. pf. il k. The following unlisted securities 2S hS Ha at lot lllfe 1U 1811 134 134W lHVaJ lot SS UlH were sold at the Stock Exchange: 85 sbaraa Champ, ft Pspar prer. atock 11414 24 aharaa Houvaa-Oweaa-Rj pr.

axork. 115 1 shares Chaa. itotdt tlas pref. stock. IS share HamrMaca, Tool oref.

stock 1 KM shares C. N. A C. 1. T.

s. stock ST4 3ft aharaa North. Ohio, T. A Light atosk 34 Th following sHler wsr reported oa the outside by banket and brokers: fa.iajoctn. FMiaon Fleeeeto Co.

Ss Sa.Ooot'ln, Wsterwcrks SWs, dus IS44. SXouo Col Del. A. Marion Traction 4 aharas Cona Traup Mining 10 So aharaa Detroit- United. Ry.

stock. 24 ahana C. N. C. U.

A T. s. stock SH ou anaree r. And Interest. AC L.

A T. c. stock Tn following tabl show th transactions tn securities, giving th highest prices when sales sre made and the highest "bid" and lowest official quotations: MUNICIPAL BONDS. I Bid. I Aak T-Sron.

'lia gold iw cur. Oaj'll 'li; Ts iuthim 124 Cln fts laVPlOBttl10t Fundlns Bid. 1 Aaa HCoRef aal'llU 11 HCose-50 4l-lUS(lovH HCo40-fto Ho20-8U 1 ri'sila HCo 4 in Bib. AT -no HO 11H4 ios4 imv, loa HIS lOS Sales im pvalU1410u iel CRF 4 lasil'ioa loa Cr l41l113 JI14 a. Ton.

Avon. 1112 Be 4 lB34ai03H CfJFSH '531. 'luoia LKI lOIII-lUV Se lt4 no r. s-vos '110 Cov ret. aa Cov red 4 Co ptslBSl Cov WW as 114 CWW4 191ll102h 1UV, us ITWH CwwV 4JitOS Cww 8 '( 4 Cww 3 011 CIIULfc l3i.l(le 114 10aH4j Cov Fad 5i 113 'lOS.

loo 104 Cov So 1 4a lira-New' T-euflolH wh4 loaVi lo 10T awport aai-toa-jajj-iuiivy Newt. eta etv aat-iue Tk Sew ealMOB ACTION BON DA' A 4a A Cat) 114 A Bll tails CNAC 34 5.1 'loT COAT 5e (OI 44H Col St Bj10l Col.O Ct 41 1113 Col.O.Ry 4 'a SO I Int Tr. 4liX 103 Mt Au Cs5Mo3 Mt Ad Caft MUX Mt Ad Inti 1US no in Wk Line ft lo Cta A oi kalLSOAO BONO. L. M.

112 CLAN 41. DAM 0011054 CISlLAC 4,. CISlLaVC 41144 I 71 A 8W3V S4 A 6Skllu4H I A 4 1U3 lbs" BS IsJ 'lot Kiet' CH A Ts CH A Ha CH A 6a Has lOT, lot lOUt CHAUen ft 113 CH A D4a '1011 DAW daw esfius D. A V. 7s LA 51 '11T 114 klKaXlAMSOIII BOH D.

I 5e BO I KlnCoal Sal I Sal SB I Col Oaa 5 MO FA: Oa-llO Stll-Brea a B. A S. aa113 MIS Am Type lo t-enn. B4lllo I UHL A P4! of 4a 1MVC Ed El 41111 Kan Co Os lu2Hi103W Cent 41 Sue. Br.

4sllo 10S 104 iis lull, Sales narusOAD STOCXS- CNOATP pi 11 1 Vel I Lit, Mtamtl 3241 ST 11 Col. A X'a ZH CNOaTr TRACTION STOCKS. Cln. Street Det. V.

Ry Cln DAT 13j Sale MRy S3 eAies'ivan. at it ST II Int A 33W bamk rrocxa. See'd Nat' I Fourth N'l llTket Nat. I Waat. Oar.

370 BOO N. LarttaH 344 A Mar. Nat ClL Nat Oer. Nsf I Fifth Nat Atlas Nat irai.i Oer. N.

Cvl 330 Ola. Treat isiy Pruv Truat) 104 rsov-fi IM4UAAMCR STOCKS. Security I 100 Euraka. National. i I 00 Mer A al 134 I I 10 MiacatXAJinoDS stocks.

OasAEi Col SS Rt pi St A'k-Red'y ISO RootaC pfl 80 of earl 344 TJ. S. Print I Cln Teh W) FAS Th cf. FAS 1st Sales! FAS 3d Bf lOS uoi.uaarl pi 104 Bala. low na ai i Ohio True aeu Jerwaas tf HTw 'oii 10 Sale ia? tTB 110 Kroger e.

.1 1AO israger Cln El lOaltlMpI 104 The following quotations are unofficial, and when sales are made ar at th hlgheet prices: vmxmrwa arotjas. Nat'l 31T 3X4 MS Ceatral B. 17 cty are tv RiDal Third Nat. O. V.

Nil 1V ill Eqalt. Natl Unloa Tr. Ptrst Cv cm Rv 1 ISO 144 1U4 130 HO A ef SHHi Bales CNAC 2 ml A 6 erf A pi CK. N. Cv Cov Trust A If NaWt Nat Car N'l Hall Dk 1U A cmt S43 (...., P.

o. pf1. rao 144W Ptrst Nr in 110 17Q AaTLO.L HO 1st El Cv-On Br Gar Man Herr. Bk i BOB B03 132 xs Ntlea T. pf 123 BASmltk I2S enii'ito 11s BASmith c( 30 Stll-Krce B0 Sttl-Rrra Cy 8b 1TO A Dp4 A CHAD al Bhllirto me 147HJ I las-BP a 111 to ISO IO UNI Hci.

laa-BP 14 1UH IS IM 114 44 Salee Sales Sales 1KW Uas loo KBa. Aav NiauiaR pr. lag Ass. Type 3S USHTI a type so Stand. OILI 457 A eu ma i' nilL, 11 in 1 r-y-fVa pi 112V, 124 y-g-a a Aad ialTssC New Tork exchsnge eras acarc and atrorul.

with a good detnArjd. To the extent that the article coald be obtained there wera sales between banks At UeSte ner fl.OUO premium. A fair mercantile -demand was supplied by banks at 00a pre ml sun, and hill offered by their depositor were taken at par. The Tnxrkst for foreign exchxnxe easier, with ao change in Belling raves, and tne aainarja rrorn importers was fair. Banks bought documentary sterUmr -tail on Olaa-gow at sHL'S- aad would have given 4M for London bills bad any offered.

The following were the closing selling -rates: i etarling demand bnia. Sterling sixty-day hills Parte demaad bills for S1O0. 8T14 4 M4-A Paris sixty-alay bill for BIOS 6151 "evaesn inauo cuiia tor 4 rerrtimark. Carasaa slxty-aisy biils tor raacSmArk. Boc O-vernment bonds In the Ntw Tort market were steady and troag.

Two per cents were qusted at IOCS bid and H'T a ska A three ptr etnts at l(- bid and 10914 naked, fir per cents st K)3S bid snd liS ssked. aur per cents, due In 1S0T. at lliv, bid and llH aakerl, ani. those due la at tes 3U4 lies' res aa I -so oJ en Ppfl 1 I AO pfl So II pf TOE EXQUIItEU. CTNCrNXATI, TU ESDAY.

APltlL. I -I 1003. hi and 13TH asked. The ietlewlng are the davtrisT Mat prtaars far tha- iaa tsar atay-e: AjarSA Apr Apal IX. c.

a a p. a. p. a. Baass.

IUB. yoaa, Haaa. V. 'a V. B.

4 Baa4. HIS 4. 4 b. haw. lauS.

Da-m, 14 Aaarat i. The l-cal market Wae esaat. Thaai oa. la'- IIISi aalrs rapurtad st th Staark Cavehaags at coupon four per cents, dug in tkVT, at Ill4 tr 1114 sad rvupon tw per crsu st Bit. but 4 Acre war ma transsrstows I the eeara market- The ftawlag qootatioos ruled at that close: Basytnat.

Bwttlsg. V. If aaAm, SM luai, ut hoad. mu4. aS p.

a. tait lsa, t- B. p. s.

boavds, IMS III-, U. A 4 P. e. Baaed. 1B24.

Hi' 1ST Mondsy Clearings. Naw Trh. April IB. lehaege tltS BOS BBS, haaaacaa Si.534.iAS Busto. April u.

Kxcharara 41T.4C3.tA hai-aaata SI.4d3.S3T. hiMlaaw April IA Oana(l t3.SBt.tS. BaJ-aaoas Mnamr 4 par caat- TMlaaalphla. April IS. Claartag 14.eAX.7S.

heisaaas 44.134 BM, Mi aay StiSs per eaaM- Chleaga, April 13 SsM X13.T&4, bal-saaas 4XSIO.S4. New Tseh tacaax eae premium. Foraisn escnsage ajaataaagad alar poat4 at 44 B4 for so aays sad 44 47 t4 e- St Louis. April 13 BBees. SI. at SU.lXB.aa4 at pee New Toab airnaai. eHs pri New Tork. April IS -ertana Bv54 par cast. Startleig stasjy. wna actual basal nasi ia To fur aesaaaMi aavd at 43 1 a days' btlja Poatad re laa axwarcaai axcajaAsa baraiy tliu at aad 4A3 To e4 aa4 4T bwr aaiaar t'oaBianarelai bllla 4a3At b4Aaaa.

Uanraaau B.ilcaa oollara saFfce. Kallroad hoavia weak, TRAFFIC. Ger-sral Bus)nss of tbo Day Brlafly Sarwlarwed. Monday Kveaiag. April IB.

IS4S. The following uaw aaw iaa raa.a.pts aaa saip-aaals of the laasdlBg artlcaaa of ssarchsBrtlae la tua market for the peat 24 hours: A 1 Maw. Appias. brU" S7 171 Art Idas. Rec.

Shlp. Iroa. Birr 301 Lemoae. ass lu 54 Lumbar, ere 7 Malt, Ta25 WW Mouaaa. hi 13 ha uata.

1423 llaaaaaa.ta. 3U Itarlay. bti. 72Xi Hut'ar, pkg 521 llutlerlns.lh Sn23 'ilk head 17: Chaeaa, bxa ITS Goal. ar Collaa.

base SI5I 33 3 at 143 314 I Kalis ra. bx. 4b 1 4 Tso ul l4 430J 411 144 4J Til Potatoes, baa 3UT Corn. hues. Haw 344 Rye, buah 3UUO UO t'otioa.

bale oo7 Ml Salt, brla Ac 4117 Kur. brht. 42 4 fruit, ib 4.CXI Hsy. 411 4444 CloVard. sk.

14 B44.Tlm's4. sks Sheen, head 443 SOI SorBsuaa, hi 344 Haras. Iba. 5-0 77 Busar. bri.

415 s. anauus3aia tu tsuue i Tobacco, hd BT 5T Floxaal maata liajij 11501 'Wheat. IB-Pal Hams. 5h7i Wbiafcy. bri 1U2Z 137 I-ard.

eVSWi Wool, baiaa Bl'i Hoga.baad. 44T IBS Braa. Acta IS 117 ErsndstTilTs, etc. Flour Thar, is a little mora Inquiry than as-ual, and In the moderate movement prices are suatsined. Spring pair at I quotable at SS Su 54 2H, atM-tog fancy at S3 SStyS oo, spring family at S3 lftv winter palest at S3 eftw4 SB.

wlntar fancy at S3 4. wuuar family at S2 aiu ti lo. extra at S3 onoa Su. low grade at 32 fto) 2 go. snd rye flour iWl 10.

Sales reported wera luu brla spring patent a I S3 04, fto wlntar palest at S3 TS and to winter fancy at SS 3ft. COMPARATIVE PRICKS. April 13. "CI April 13. 'W2.

Flour, winter family. ...42 BoOS lo 32 MrtrS 23 Wheat, No. 3 red T3 SIV Cora. No. 3 ml aad 4" rials.

No. 3 mixed S4 4H Rye. No. 3 St 2Vt Wheat Owing to liberal receipts the market I weaker, but at the concessions ths demand la only moderate. Two cars Na.

3 wlntar red sold st T5o. one ear No. winter rad at TSc and oae car by sample al Mc. oa track. It was aald that ths No.

2 that sold at T5c waa hardly up to grade, and that rbotre would bring 7 Sc. Cora The market is easy, with liberal offer. Inge and a light demand. No. 3 white Is quota b.e st No.

2 yellow and No. 3 mixed st 0r. Two car No. mixed Bold at SSe, oas oar yellow ear at 444c. one car mixed ear tmoatly yellow) at eoc and two ears do (asariy whlte at 44c.

oa track. Oal The demand is only moderate, and. wlta large receipts, especially of mixed, th market Is weak. No. 3 while are held at S4c.

One ear white sold by sample st 32c, on car No. 3 mlxsd at 34Ac, two oars do at Sac snd. three cars rejected mixed st SOe. on track. Rya I In moderate demand and aomewbat flrmer.

One car No. 3 sold at 47c and eaa car da at 64Vc. oa track. Mill Peed The market ia qulat aad barely staady. Hrsn I selling at S14314 SO and mid-dilngs at 414 So 15 per ton In bulk an track Hay There la a fairly actlvs demand, which suetstns prices, though supplies are ample.

Choice timothy la quotable at SIS BO. No. 1 SIT.Bool. No. 3 SlotylH SO.

No. 8 S1313 So. No. 1 clover 112 fyxylS. No.

111 60 12. No. 1 clover mixed 414 Sod 15, No. 3 SIS 251S TB. straw at 97 So) SB per ton.

on track. Twenty tone aMo. 1 timothy olj at SIS. 25 tona do at SIT BO. 84 tons No.

3 do at 41 SO. IO tons do at 414 3ft. So tons do at S10. SO tons No. 3 do at SIS.

10 tons No. 1 clover mixed at SIS and 10 tons No. 1 clever at SIS, oa track. GRAIN INSPECTIONS Monday, April IS Cars: corn, three No whits, three No. whits, (our No.

3 mixed, five No. mixed, eight rejected, three hot, two ear; wheat, tba No. 3. two No. S.

throe No. 4: oata. oo No. 3 while, three No. white, four No, 4 white, twenty-two No.

mixed, ana No. 3 mixed, four r)rtaai; rye, one No. 3. one rryrcted: barley, one No. 1 spring, seven extra No.

spring. TO-DAT GRAIN MOVEMENT. WhaaL II Cera. Rec. Snip, Rao.

I Ship. Naw Tork 108 200) 14.000 I S.3BSI S.SSS1 1.730 B.0HO S.620 41.125 HM.7751 44. TOOi 31,700 T0.SO4, Baltimore Phr.adelohla Toledo Chlcag IBS. T74 428,414 Kansas city L1S3.SOOI S4.SIKIII MIlwauBee Z1.12UI J.IOVI 287.04OI 23.480 40.4501 S0.717 S0.0O0, 3B.700 2. too) 15.

SOU 13,400 Minneapolis Dulutb St. Louis Peoria Cincinnati 4B.00O1 1.000 17.480 25.044 VISIBUD SUPPLY STATEMENT, Ao AD Ap.13.-02. 44 411.00O 7, BOO. OHO S.U54.UUO 1.472.OU0 1.17AO0O Wheat- buah 40.144.00O 41.B44.0U0 Cora. ABae.ouO B.44LO0O Oats, hush A47S.OJ0 T.440.000 rtya, buea uia.un Barley, 1.708,000 Wheat decreased 1.TS4.0O0 bush, corn decrsaeea S7XOOU buah.

eats decreased 670.000 bash. CoaI and Costs. Ths market Is esay at uaohaaged price and very quiet- Pittsburg Is bsld at Be per bush of 3.448 euble Inches, run ef tha mine aUao. and Kanawha at S4e4vc afloat. Prices to eoneumera are as follows per ton of 3.000 lbs delivered Pittsburg 34.

Kanawha M. smokslsss S444 25. snthra-elte St BO. a a house aad crush sd eoks sailing at 14 per bush. Cotton.

A flrm tone Is maintained, bet there Is no mm a meat reportad. Stock aa haa4 11.SS4 balea. Official ctuoiatloaas: Low middling 4e Oeod middling lOVae Miauling low Whisky. id Is fairly active and ng, 1.4.1 at SI SO. Pitrrisiona.

Ia srmpalhy with aa advance Is centers th local market la Btroager for some ar- an BMvemeat, tnouga. nntlnus smali. Prices) are hlabaar. but ik. Ilsht- Meaa Is aual.hla at Sis BA i Ilii SB.

family SIB, dear faaaily 420, T'ir to 40 pieces SlS 44. Lard There Is a alight advance In prime at earn aad tha demaad la fair. 300 tlwcas saiimg at B.67so, free oa board. Kettle dried lard is steady aad In fair demand at KiVc, tiaroe haala Oreea Meats Ar arm; hat rather alow. Ram 1 IV, 12c.

abort clear atdea TOc short Mb sides a-aic nua snort ajr ear sides Skc halllss light 10S10e. California haans UMIUe. do heavy Sc. ahoaldar Sc. Dry-SaUla4 Maatal Prioea auw anaJaraJBaA tha demaad la light.

Short clear aldaa So lbs average love: abort rfh aldaa So lbs aaaraa. u. extra abort oaiajr aid 34 te so Iks aaarmae HaZ clear bell laa 14 iba aiaraaa loaie. 14 lh.7. lOHc.

skoaudaars Be Ian and Me par 100 Iba snore par had Bacon Is nrm. with a fair eeraand for packed lola. Short dear He. ehert lib KHke. extra short clear 1440.

clear bell lee 14 lbs average Hfec. 38 lbs averae llHc aad auVsuidars loose and 35c more per loo lbs Baveksd. 4.004 lbs short cisaa selling on country orders at tlc paehsd. Sweet-Plekied Meats RemaOn arm and laactive. Hams te So lb average HHc, 10 to 12 avsrag 12c.

skinned do IS lb svsrags ItUa. clear bell lea lbs antan, ia. iwl llVrc. New Tork eat shoulders aUaVe. biaAs da PVs.

Callforala haass e. surad to amokaT Meat AT goo arm. Hsms IB to IS lbs average Uvac Iba average ISHe. As 13 lbs average lMi. iba average epeclal cure 14c do Ha a ao lac do Bklnnsd 14 ta IS Iba aavaa.

taaaiaa. hraasrasl bacon aarraw.iaUc oa Xia. txi. srlectad wide fancy 14a. New Tork cut shayaldars loc.

blade da IO. Caiiforala haaaa iirHe. packeal la era tea. WMPAJIATTTX PRICES. Anrll ta.

'OS Aaaril ts 'aa Jass pork -SIS 45 817 OS Lard, prima steam 4.STH BS Dty-aaited abort 10 tu Drr-aaltad shoaJdare Short claar I to Short rib 10 i mat Mn i wu ant ot bear prodact sa naataaiaii eaoiag AprU 11; Recta. L02S.40T Ship'te. at, ma Lard, lbs a i B0.O7 Pork, hais Tteets. rhtrta. I EaW4ftv4 157.4a Meats.

lbs E44.n Laard. Iba Sm.3u Pork, bri Bl Movamaat eat hog product at CtadanatJ bsaa Xalisib 1 ts AprU 11: Shlp-ts. se.7Ll;6j 1A4SA.447 Maata. lb BX 5o Lara. Iba 12.o&,5sT Pork, bri 774 Rec-ts Meets, the Lard.

Iba XX fa. 737 BSIr. Bbhrta 37.121 W7 A 4X7 Pork, brla A 411 Poreiga sxporta or the ant eadtog April 11 nauaai Meats, lbs Lavre. Iba Total foreign. ipTt rrom 1 (e April i.

r--- ox-. Pork, brla 7. 128 U01-S 7LB14 2ra.OBi.iaaj SiA.5;xooi Meats. lb auooa) Lsrd. Iba 274.111, f.

QteejplaML, Coffee Steady and ta fair Rao warhed l-'vo ie. Ositani lw lc. Java iie. Mocha laW4a laa. aaax Price of tanaed ara 5 per 104 las hlgh- eaaL tPe Montraai nac hsiavg rar.luSiB Ikas isstsiilsa IBM.

Prarx, bri AIT 13.rs3.451 taai.ts MBSi.tH smaa -aC. good araiaarr sc, stractly goad cum Boa SSe. low Be trdliiary 4Sc gacd aar-o nary esc. low lair c. ranr TSC roe IV prime 7 -c.

Fsntrs -c klgher tkaat Rio graaaVea. Mrx-esa sSvll. Maxlcaa waataed Hisc Cara- cae earsro i i c. uaiunali ma. a.

NEW YORK M.strli4. 4.a.a-as.... aavS taaebrr. Mew eteaat. Ada.

Ks. eel. tr. ChL Umax iai. a.

tear. sae.ouw Its, A St. tr, C. P- Se SX4i ltd A at, P. Be Lata, axaaaa mv, OM ft.

A P. aWS 45 4 $lt S.tsa..., aW S2 waa. lis OMtf. ta.iaas Sluw ll.naal.... 4aej at.

3J tl Sienuo 4. eus AJrk adj. aaaa Be il as tea Mas C. Clkt, pea vs. C.

C. A At. la, At Die. a S4UOV lTX Ca4e Feet A inas Aeh Ss si S3 SSeu. A Ss'a Be SVaoo MM, 4UH 2aj TNlaj S2.0a.

lO 0W TfrO. M.aaaa.... SALOort SB CVa-a T-b 4s. uu.eeu.... 41 SaU.Was....

41ai IS Oaa Sl- SIT aaaa SIS 4 ial alia. si SaVSua SOW, SI4.aa BM Sll mna tft, S12.WM. Was, S13.4SM uA Oat A Mse. ss 34j Brie ava Ilea 4a Hne 4414 SZ.OUO.... i 44.WW.

B4V Kan. City. Ft. S. A Mam.

raf 4 S4.HUO Bft Eaa C.iy So. s. Sl.rasj... sTH S2 Slo.uuu 7 Laciade Oas of St. L.

1st 5a. SXuoo to Naw Albany A Chi. 1st. Sorkau L. A Cat.

5a Ili Mo Psc got f-s S4 luSla, M'ra BV A svps, ss A aav S3. 4l.e M. Sti A U. I4W US 44-Ouo 4 sea S2.B B6 Sis.euo.... SaVej A IX A W.

Dla Ss. sao.ouuT... a Si.u 74 Bhlya. L'a. atlev.

823 Mo da Nat 1-t call Luu 4a N. North, gtd Kur Uae SAU Nor lira (lo O. SI0 Third. SI ax a uauK Cent Oa. eaa.

Ba. S5.aa....las 44. aaa Cssit Oa Is laa, BAOua) T4 Ceaat rae. lata. V4 l.oto pai4 Oal.

H. af Sa. S4.40 130 A Ha- SS.Olae. lot HO. Sl.U nat C.

A Alloa 3a Sl.o C. A Q. jt. 4a. Hu aai, St.tauo ex's, SiXOUO B2 il.a....

piu, ll.UUO BIS B. A Q. dab. 33.000 lot U. A Q.

eon. IB S4.0OO 10C I A P. 4s. a.a.ww. as S5.WSI..,.

ftl 51. KJ S.Uia S4 52. UIW K.1 vn. B4 1, Total ssirs, par" vslus. 32.413,000 1 IS 1 14q, Xot 14 at St.

Leasts a ess, bus so i's- ft, IB30. SLouu af Mas. e-a 4a. T44 S-VOim T4 astral A dah Sa lt T. S.

ir SVs. 14 km art SlXaa Chic. A Si. I a 4a. 21M A W.

4 an. ma A W. 4a. Sia.uoo fmio 1st Be Mw ...111 rac sa S4.000 Tit Sl.isaa. 7IS Tiv awi Tl I "acinc prfcar 4a.

lmu, ll liai mas VCi M. I- s. Man lit' aai in PI St tlilllll Ml Av. 4 I aj te NEW YORK STOCKS. Ry PmnlnlrB A TVim'a'V WenXars STOCK.

(Open. Illlgk Low. Close. Balea. A.

C. Amsl loO 4S sus! 40 1 l'sj VI Boo 3J.UU Ii au ta Copper 4MS AaaMTuada Am. Smell Do pref. yii 1 via am. car Do pref.

Am. ice A FUy. ss aaj SOSi 2-a cs Co Ti Do pref Am. Llaaeed Am. Locomotive.

Do pref Alchleue Do pref Am. Sugar Bait A Ohio. Blerult Do pref Brooklyn R. Canada So Canadian Pec A St. L.

Chic. A Ot, W. Do pref. A Col. K.

A I Colorado Ho Do tat Do 3d pref Chaa A Ohio Chic. A Nerthw. Chic. Term Do pref Chic. A Do pref Ccas.

Os Cora Prod. Do prsf Dan. Rio Las pref Del. A Lac Del. A Hud Si Is Do 1st pref.

ta. 2d prsf Can atlec UoUtla Val Dc pref Int Paper Illinois lows Csnt Da pref Kan. A Tex. pf. Kan.

Cltv Do pref lasethsr Do trsf 3H IBS: 2T: 3-w 7i SISl 11 1 ho 2M. B2S 122 Bo 42S lot 47 7 12H BSC WSS' 13H I l' 5S1 MWl llUU l-ajiai 45500 not; i5: 21 1 auooo TMri IS, t-- 4TS 04 5 I I 7o 138S 127S iai'j '22s Tl. 33 3S 67 34S 4 87 B4i .17 taxi a run iis Br's: 34 23 1 2 IS I ns 174 1 I S' 2hS 2S 7, 07 4 ISO lao 16 27V sus SOS! wi BUS BIS 40. 2-iZS, SB SI al S5Wi 343 342 S4S 400 1 is-, AMl 4UMW h.1 242 If) 144 llMi 34 MS, 141H' 12S UI-- 4-aai 47iK 17oo boo 7 4000 "it, .1 a 47S, 4B 3J I Wi 1 I.1S 1 85 lstiH, 181 33 W2S 3IS! 57 I 61 2Mb! SB 04 2S 62! 124 2 114 24O0 3Sj i-Vs, 12S 12SI til SiiD L. A Manhattan alo.

Vaclflc Maaleaa Cant Nat. of N. T. Cent Nat. Lead De pref.

Nickel Plate Norfolk A West. North A mer Ont. A West Pennsylvania Psdfic Mall People's Oss Pressed Steel Rsll. Springs Do pref Reading Do let pref Do 3d pref Rubber Do pref Republic I. Do pref R.

Island Do pref South. Ry Do pre. St. L. A S.

Do 3d pref St Paul Sou. Pac St. la A 8. Do pref St. L.

A Do pref Tex. Pac T. C. A I U. Pae Do pref.

iii 114 I I 34-at 1.H5SI 15UOI lot 2I.) 2IS eeOJ 18 I 12: 227oo 154 .134 lST'if VW I82S laov loss mi' VI 147! an1 I 1SOS era iipis 23 24 34 33S 41H; ao 44 ooo 3nSl 2H 27 132S 27 oo 130AIO 53 oa 100 4200 loo K6SI- -BIS' 4H3UO MIS- 4J0 00 I 15O0 14 ISA I 144 s-si 10oS 100 40 31 BUS 5 5Sl 4IS I 1 IBiai 5ai 4TUHI I 8 222o HSI 55on 2200 1075OJ 2) 40O sou 74H eos 74 2 SO 1M 54 22 4 42 B4 76Si 75S! 28S 73 4S BUS, 143S stAgJE7 1 St 1 1 44 168 64 25 OS 24S 'sos 41 -rti: 81S LOO I 7WI0 T0M 4000 sos! ar but the moemnt a email New Orleans clarified 40440 Eastera fined yellow AStM3 4 BSc extra 4 0544 75c. white da tilet 4c off A 4 BHas-4 Ac. confectionery AOac. granule ted 23c cuke 6.44c, powdered fi 28c, cut loaf 5.83c. Motsases Unchanged and quiet.

New Orleans open aa eelllng at 23S6c and cenuifugsi at 12423e per gallon. Rloe Demand good snd the market strong. Pair to good Louisiana sella at 8 '44? 4c. prime choice 4S47c. fancy and extra fancy head 7 WW 74c.

common to good common Jspaa 4S Otmeral March snrll so, Beane Steady and In fair demand. Prima marrow sell at S3 T0433 75. screened and hand-picked navy at S2 4063 60 per bush. Butter A decline of Ic In Elgin to-day weakens the local saarket to that extent, and tha demand for creamery as fair. Elgin fancy creamery So.

Ohio creamery Urals Z7y21Sc. seconds S4St2ftc. dairy iseiao. Calves t-nchansed and the demand fair. Choice selections Te, good to prims ySc.

large and demand aad a staady market. Ohio flat Is selling at ISc small full cream 14SC New Tork 14c Schweltser ISSc Unvburgar IZSc. brick 13S4H4C Eggs Receipts liberal, but the market flrm na- der a good demand, strictly freak Bail at i2S Fvathars Active aad Srna. Dealer bay prim gooee svsrags color at 61c largely gray ueBuc. old white duck AOSjAftc.

all white duck avt oc. colored at BOe, chicken body all white 25c, euluraj Be, turkey whit 40c, coiored Be Kemp Demand good and the market arm. Ken-tacky rough S13B for No. 1 and S120 for No. per toa.

slagls dressed aalaa at SSwiSe par Ik. Btdaas Wasak aad ajuleC Daalera aire buying at tha follow Ina; prtoaa: No. 1 graea aaltad Te No. 3 So. No.

1 green 4c Mo. 8 Be per lb; No. 1 horse S3 752 SB, No. 3 Bl T541 86 each: No. I Tc.

Nc 4c, dry-sal tad Be. flint He per Ib: sheep pelts full wool Bu76c green salted ah seringa 154) 30e and Umbsklas at atagBuc Otis Qos4 demaad aad a steady market for refined petroleum at the following prices for roaaad lots: Ohio, Indians and Kentucky standard lie. perfection Uo-degree headlight lis per gX Llaased: raw sella at 46c per gal 1 lota af oa to Sve brla, de boiled lc mora. Lard oil Is steady aad la fair amend fee- wtater axtra at TBeyWUc. Stave gsaaaUwa sella st 12Se.

Pas an is Qolat aad Aran. Prim faroaera stock Is qaaatahia at Se4c acraaaia IS4)Sr avnA re-cleaned sad aaad-plckad 4Ooc Poultry aTUai. with moderate offerings aad a goad deraand. Old hen chick eae eell at 13c roost-ars tu dwnk 14. turkeys 14c old toms 13c sails lOc, ywaag chick ens Umall) Ue, large iXc per Ih.

Salt Qaj let aad flrm. Ohio River eeD at 80 Bar bri of 380 Iba aa track and Cleveland Dt-awaad at 87 per bri of 384 lha an track, Arayage added for AeUvery. Seeds Esay and moderately active. Tiasuthy ka at SI 854)1 fto per hash on arrival aad 81 SOapl TB from store, clover at 84)4 54 as avr-rival aad BS BOAT 39 from store. Tnrpaaila Weak at 54c per gal-la lots e.eejs la Sve hris.

Tallow Pair eamwaad aad aaty. prime dry rehv arae rninaa at aava smintry Bar IA Woo Pla-va asdw Uarnt receipts as Bimsait. ilnelirs buying at th follow lsT ssicaa: Uaaraaka rawnhmg aad Aslaiws IBBySm. medlam clothing ITVwlbSe. quarter blood ITS4lSc braid l17c.

Sa mertno IJaglae. burry aad eots Stta less: Becca wshsd eomhlag and delaia liej 27c BveaUum ciethtng 2342 4c taarur blood 21 0 XXc. line awesirae and XX 2ua3c berry aa eots 4y5c ka: tub wasbsd No. 1 saad ehntr rrtrXSc No. zxeylsc.

coarse Bieyxx, palled saapar aaa lamb XXwMc inmiing 3ax7e. Trolto and V4YtAbw. AbbIi nwssaS assed aad the msrkat Bras roe goad stock, halt poor atock la weak sad com anna to prime aell at 81 WX at sows per an rrom s. iLmraas Bias ay aad ra fair and Pauwrrao aaU at SSS 25 Coraaa at S3 234ys. Orangia Fairly active aad btx.

CBJrfsrnla aavel sail at 63 2394 SB aaad ai4ilag at 83 x-v eraaaa at S2A Bar ermaa. aaf a amairtav CsbbasT scaarew avad Srxa. wi a rood 4. Oaad ea prtase Daslak sails at S3U4)2S par taax aaa track aad 81 aaVtgrS par bri Cram suara. saw Ptor-14a 83 38 pee Cucnmhsrs Are eelllng at sitH SS par aosva.

Head Let two Aalaa at 81 6ov3 par hamper. Ob lone 8 il at Boaysu per hash ea track seat 81 pae bri rrom core. Peas Oood prtaaer Auhauwa sen at S3 33d XX 75 sod rvarlde at St BeaiiS per baaapae. Porstoas rear auaat th demaad (air. I'll an choice miss sell at eoe45c aad whit at aaapeVie wr swab oa traofc 41 '5)1 4 Par brt tram buins Baana nil at 83 Soaps BO par haa or hsmper.

Sareet Patatiais Pi Inn ta choice LovleviUa an at t-2 713 per bri, Jeisey seed S3 Stags 75. Tomsn aa su at TB per aushaaAet craft. I 4O0 loo 103 I I I I I eOND SALES. si aaa 13 aa 14 Mew Sesi irasr KTsrvr 4 -1-1 h.1 a h.1 'S iata. 11 hA, It.

rSlv. Ivlx Ja taij t-. i.S I 1 34 ha a.aa....I(X pi t. aaaa, A.uu. IB asm 14 eaa 1 aa I.eaas...

jwna 7.ea.,, It SB eve Sz: I si ran aaaa. I ssa-wai aw p4 1 st 3 SI earn BVV S4" 34 a 3 I Sl4 i 414. we a rwarva A Kaev. Sat 4a sit ewe Btaavntag ajaaa- ea. 1 Bat I a.ue....

St Lost A tren Caaurei a Mta ST St. LaasM A Iraa Mta. Sa. sjtjta III. St A San raf.

4 SI.u0...a a aaaaa Bl4.tttaa.... a aai Sl S4U.taaa 4 Waa S3. Bio. asa. SI A T.

lies la. aaaa at Slo.wao.... aj SI i.ia. S3, sue Jlo.euu.

SS Oaau. 3 to ue. .14 lovs loVat lo. loa aS STt.sau. to 45WM Sa 1'eciAe 4a l.a SO SZ.aaaw aa4 S.

pl Sa. SX.aaaa lliai 5.UUO..,.l5 Hand. M. A iaac. Sia.tsai Tea.

A Par. Ut llS.eue (5: S54.WW... B54 S5.a S21.0UO WebasA deb (., aaaa l.l SISwaB IVixu. S5 0UB SAw Ila.i... a-a aa Kl.iauu Blu.iaati Sai'.

wau. Hoe IS us. it 0.0 SlS.aaSl. 1-4 UOU Il-I lama 1 i taaj 1 aa ii'aai 5aj 41.i.iai i-'i un lv taw Mbura gtd 4e St-waj 71S To 7.s Te 45 ran Sl.a.. Sl.wi Toledo.

St 1. V. P. ea. 2ft taaj.

HIS .115 .115 A MB 113 iwlS "'a SH oa -s 4S aa et l.t lues Jraaai I Uli lots t'n it K. of ta. Fraa. Shi uuw. 77'i Ir.

a Coal A Vka Sa. lJi 7T Vl'aet athora 1st CM. 4 rigd I 32 uou luv ia i ml aa. ho' MU il, 41 S3, QUO au andftn-ha Tf Rort. Vanae-e.

Stocks. Op-n Lara- Cloae Ca.aa V. Steal Co Do prvf V. feat llpr Do pr.f I t'n. Ba A Paper.

Do prf Wsbsah Do pref I Wis Cent lao praf. Tel I A L. i Do 21 pref S5S ASi 51:. US "I i 2a 411: 24S; 47 hfta, 2'S B5 84 BJ S4Si MS 421UJ I 42S 45.t! 22s 2as 4us is! h4 4 I 21 i 21 sis! liaai liaaal SoOl buu 44S! 2tS tl Total sales, 1 290. 7iW aharaa.

Colorado Mining Stocks. arsriAl. Piarari a Tu TBS Sagt isi Cotorsdo. llprinsa. April IX Acacia Anaconda Alamo Man II ur Blue bell C.

C. Kx C. C. Com ioriolanus liante Dr Jackpot. K1H ton El Paao 1 Cycle Oould 11 Ida May 2 2S: 4S 2 'as! Ua bells KayaU.l.e Laa I laingl.m I.lttl Puck Mobil.

M'n Anchor. National Naw Havea. Pnarmaiiet Pinnacle Portland 15S lS I tv 5ti 4 4S Si 4 1 i I i as, is 4 4S 15S S-, 5S as 2 5H 75 8 5 'STS'I IO ll tiao lieu Ik Pruerreaa Reuubllc I 7 lies Indies tor Boston Stocks and Bonds. Boston. April lit Money: Call loans BSerS per cent, time loana Stye) par caant.

auNM. Atchison 4. TS Atchison i T7 Fllchburg pref. Do pref I Bft-aa Cnlon PsclBc BS Boston A Albany. 254 'Mexican 34S Boton El ted musLLixtoi'i American Sugar.

ll.t'iS' Union Fruit Do pref U. Steel Am. Tel. A 152S, Do pref iJom. Iron A Hteel) 2Mt W.tlngnoue com Pen era! ETleclrlc.

17B 'kttt MIMIMO Adventure Alluuea Parrot 6't Oulacy 4u i Kama Copper Tamsrau 34 no 3 leo 23', iS ft 70 Amslssmata.l t'alumat A llecle I HIS' Trinity 5S United Btatea I 42 i Utah Copper Hani. Xaaly-Wast Iiominlon Ccsi loo Victoria Franklin lo 10 mons Wolverine Iie rbie 45 40 United Cupper Mohawk Osceola Cslumet A Heels 81030 CloalBi auotstlona on unlisisd rurltl.s by P. J. Ouodhart A Co. Bid.

7 41 4 lo 2J 84 Asked 42 15 t8S 23S 38 443 A ansrican Can common Do pref American Writing Paper common. usy stale uas Brlttah Columbia Copper Electrlo Vehicle commuo Do pref Oreene Copper Manhattan Transit New Tork Trsnslt Northern Securities Sesbosrd Air Lin common Do pref Standard Oil Tennai a Copper Union Copper U. 8. -fkeel Be. I'.

8. Steel Right St. L. St. 2S 2 84 43 1-14 sos rrs BUTTER, VE00S ASD CHEESE.

New Tork. April IS. Butter: receipts 1.47 pkgs; market steady: state dairy 184127c. extra creamery xne. held creamery 15f2c, cream-ry oommcn to choice 2027Sc- CB, Ipts 658 pkg; market firm: state full cream, small colored fall mane fancy 15c.

email whlta fall mads 14c lares color ad fall made fancy 14s4H4c. large white fall made fancy 144)l4Sc. Ecse: receipts 114, TBS pkgs; market firm; state end Pena- New Tork. April 13. Poultry: alive unsettled; dressed staady: chicken 16017c.

Western fowls lOSc. turkey 16c Baltimore. April 13. Batter flrm snd un-changed: fancy Imitation 21fr23c fancy creamery 2uw30c fajrey ladle ltejlBc. fanc-y roU 170 IMC good roll lewITc, store packed laapITe.

Eggs and unchanged: freak 15c Cheese troag aa-1 fjwer: arg 14014SC medium 1414c small Chicago. April IB. On the Produce Exchange te-day the butter market was eealer; creamanea IKrzfSc daii-iee Eggs steady at mark, cases tad laded 13Slc Chaaa stsady at 12 9 13c Elgin, April IB. Butter dropped lc per ib oa the Board of Trade to-Aay, selling st 27 Sc. Sales tor aha week la thla district ware BOX.

Sou lb. rsnas City, April IE Eggs weak: fresh Missouri and Ksbsss atock like, ass relumed; aew Ne. 3. white weed cases lacluoad. 12s Phitaderphla.

April IA Batter wank I Is extra v. cetera rrasmarr asc aaaar-bv r-b: paiats XXc Bam aeaaadv: fair daw a I rn.k near-by 14Se at the asark. Ao eaters ISc. do Southwestern 14lBc do sootberw. 14c.

Cheeae Srxa aav la aaodarata diaisnil; Naw York full creams, prim smaUl at 14sl4Sc do tavir to Pittsburg. April 13 Eggs ataady and qulat at St. Lea la. Aarti IA Pool try aaalaar: sAleau aOSav. tarkeys 14.

desks ISc gaeea Sc. But earn; maiaj siwawe. as ay IsJT Its steady: 12 tar fr.ik KETA1 af AT.TTET8. New York. April 18.

The London metal markets naaarnlng closed astll Tusy wera sot a faesar te-Aay. aad ao qaotsttosa war race! rad from th other side. Th New York Metal Exchange adraaoad Its eoppsta a beat sc above the aVgaraa last quota, this change being due ao it ia atateo. to a sew metkoa of qaotiag. Which tt Is genarraily auppased is for the paarpose of aaarsaoajlxtng the Prchsngs's price with those reported by the leading sroduosra.

Staaoard I navw wbaaliy Iraal; aske and electrolytic SaSaglB 38 sad easting at S14 Son 14 TB. all aavi- Tin waa aboat 1 paauata higher, with spot qaaoteA at 82S BOW2B so. laavd eras staady Ban I auaat at 44 grs. Spelter ruled rather ana avt i SB Te. Iroa remaraed atari, as aachssged; Na.

I 1 fooavdry Northera is quoted at 632 2S433 i. No. 3 foundry North. -a at 838 764)21 28. No.

1 I eaaaasry DOUtserW Sag M. aoft at 621 Ib2X foauvdry Blanker OIL llfXETS. Oil City. April IA Credit haUsors 81 SA cer-tiAeatas ao bide; shlpmsats: Pextasylvanla loSUlTl bria. average TS.31S brla.

runs 128.234 hris: I Ira 16B.S44 brla. averag, B.742 braa. rsne NaS. aria, average BU.720 bri. Char ba! i as.

April IE 48. iUaUa Binmasl 8avsaaak. Aprs IA Twrpatattiw dull St Roala meavdy; A. B. C.

sz S3 to. WSS 40. Toaado, April IA OU: as chavage. WflBsnasttya. April tt Spirit tarpar-tf ns firm at aSc.

Bosla nnsalsal; crude qaist at 62. 63 SO aadSaTA Tar Srss at 81 SA EEY GOOES UAHXEBL Ne-w York. Aprfl tX Ttae weak tm dry CXarcs With aaaaral at BrSt BBSS Weil sa iobbarm. Natural anaaUtiJaae ara aargeiy raapoaallile for this estasttos. Piicse ara asa, tajned sakd borers are anebae to fares aavy cjaa- riaaian.

laaanirias ara made rar aWw--eaajaa. aoent tna majonty af quary Is aU. St- Lomis. Atara 11 I aald weaker at 84 BA Spelter arm at SB 48- 7 CIDICTiMENT Agaiiist Qeiger Is Bad Aeeerdii Te the CIiIbi ef Al tenejs Skaj 4 Caa. Schoch's Children Sue To Set aASide Her Will Fortarr WcII Kaswa West Eat! wist DtlaretJ iBSBltrit Ceart UfatUrt.

A wvotioa to quash the livdtctnseat tvgaiasl Fred Qeiger. charged with killing hi wife. waa Sled la the Criminal Court yesterday A aumbwr of reaeoa ar set forth why the Indictment la not good- One ta that the foreman did not sign the document barfure it was given te th Court, a not hear Is that Buma of the grand Jurors era not freehold era. aad that one member's name was drawn fur a special venire Instead of from th wheal as required by lew. another is that the law under which tha grand Jury which Indirtavd Uelgwr was drawn I uivcon-sUtutlonsL Shay 4 Cosjan represent the ace used.

Will Contest. Mary Henoch died on the lvth of last month, leaving a will In which she left some real estate to her son Prank, and articles of personal property to her grandchildren. Her eon. Julius, wa not named, rrsterday, he and his sister. Utile Pox.

filed suit to set aside the will. It Is chargad that Mr a. htchorh wa of unsound mind, and waa coeirced Into making the will by her son Prank and his wife knd other by falsi- and fraudulent representation. Th rstste Is worth but few thousand dollars Hursimsn A Horstman. attorney.

Insolvent Zstst. In th I'robate Court yekterday th estate of titto llelneman. who wss a wall known drugtlal of the western part of the city, was to be Ineoivenl. and the executor. Alfred llelneman.

wa appointed a commissioner to arrive and prorate the aaaeta amutig the creditor. It was up-posed he left a nice estate, snd hs did. but the debts sgslnst It are such that the truat he created In his will and all other pro-vltilon of that document ar useless. The executor say his total receipt from the rstste have been S3U.5.T7 IS. The cost of administration and other preferred claim will aggravate 311.574 2S.

Other claim amount to EBJ.K70 4tt, so that there are not asset enough to pay th debt. Small Tallur. An assignment was made yesterday by the Werkhofer Electric Company, doing business at 104 East Court street. Charles E. Rattermsn ts th assignee.

Threatened suits for unpaid bills was the cause. The assets are 81.BU0 aad th liabilities S3.tKk. Dome tic Troubles. Alpha M. Bleber Bold Judge Smith yesterday morning that Andrew J.

Bleber would not work after their marriage In December. 1SSJ0. She charged that he would not even carry a buckt of coal for ue In th house. She worked with her mother a tailuresa. was a tailor, but would not assist them in any way, ah said.

He wss offcA-d several ptisltions but would not tvecept. They aeparated in January, 1H01. Sh will set a divorce. Bundy Woods, attorneys Win. C.

Relas. a baker, told th Court that he caught his wife with another man. lie had to work at night, and she waa fslthla-aa to htm while be waa at work. He got a divorce. He has not Seen her for three years.

They married In IMS. E. Robert kept a boardlnc house. Her husband, John B. RoharL drank to excess.

In fact, waa drunk most of the time. He would causa disturbances in her house, threw thing at her and abuse her In such a manner that eh had to have him arrested. He would not work, but wanted her to provide for him and furnish money for his drinking. They were mar-ried tn lhK7, and separated last June. She got a divoree.

J. C. Martin, attorney. Austin J. Cook has Bled suit for divoree from Roaanna Cook.

He charges that deserted him without caus and has refused to live with him, writing to him and saying aba did not care for htm. They were married in 1887. and have three children. John Wentxel and Stanley Ferguson, attorneys. FIGHT Orsr Proposed Chang In Route of th ArondAiA Cars.

The fight over th proposed changs of rout of th Avondaie car line will reach the Board of Pubila Service to-day, when two petitions-one favoring and the other oppoeing It ar to be presented before thst body. Borne time ago the membara of the Avondaie Athletic Club and property owners and residents along Dsns avenue Bought to Influence trie Cincinnati Traction Corn-pan to chance th Avondaie cars from Mitchell avenue to Dana avenue. There was opposition on the part of th residents and property owners along Mitchell avenue and north of Reeding road, and for a time It wa believed that the matter would be dropped. In the last two or three days a petition has been prepared and signed by a large number of persons asking the Board of Public Service to order the change, and a counter petition waa also circulated and signed by tha Mitchell-avenue people. At present the Avondaie cars run out Reading; road to Mitchell avenue, tharoce oa Mitchell avenue to Chester Park, but undar th proposed change they would leave Reading road at Dana avenue, two blocks south of Mitchell.

i Under the chart cr granted the old Clncta-nstl Street Railway Company an agreement waa entered into by the company to extend one of Its line to the Athletic Club, aad wham th Cincinnati Traction Company gained control of th street railway properties It aammed this part of the obligation. Later it was announced that the ML Auburn-Zoo line, now the Highland-avenue line, would be extended, bat this baa never been gone. The High la rid -avenue cars now turn At Rockdale avenue and Bending road. Tba people residing along Reading road north of Dana avenue and alone Mitchell avesoe ciavim that tt woo id be aa injustice to tbarsn should the beard order she change In avcasordanc with the wishes ef the petl-ttoraer, as it would force then to either depend on the Wlnton Place ears or walk from tw to six blocks to reach their boms after alighting from the AvondaJs ear, Ths matter has been creatine conaxrabie Interest tn that part of Avondat and It ts provable that a warm fight will be nuvde before the board to-daty. TURNED DOWN- By tha City Cooncil Was th Tour-Cent Par Franchise, Veungstowx, Ohio.

April IE When H. Haunllton returned frota New Tork te-day he announced that be bad tweetved th funds on Wall street to build the four-cent troUary Has to the stayel plant. The Cotraty Ciiiiiiiilsshiini however, ref as i te renoas mend fntvchls. The ma tier was then ap to the City Council. At to-night mssting-tLa Cos ndl failed to cast a vote for the lUmiltoa-McXally erdinane, but tAwtead granted A franchise te the awmbAagb-Jscksxm people, which provide for a tlva-cent fAr.

The Haniilten-McNaJly people will probably take the matter to the Coirts on the plea of bAvtng the lowt hid. TO SEICOTa. CABLE A rrsotution was Introdocad tn the BC of last night by Member Herxaaa WtMtywen. rttjTiaystlBg ths B. of P.

S. to order the Traction Company ta remove th old catvle tracks en Sycxjnore artrwet. between Canal and Liberty Btrwet. and te put the) street In good A ramoitrtios to rimui the cahae tracks ow BytssBsr, from As-burn avenoe to Liberty street, was fnxre-dueed by Merarber Fred Wtebklng last wreek. This wHi ieava only one aquavre ef track, between Court and CanaL and a rvecHutloa to have this twrwoved wiU also be tairo- duced.

i 3 -i 4 i BWIHSeSLPIWA. QwtgBBka, A. E. APPLEYARD CO. Inrcslmcnt Scca 21 EAST THIRD STREET.

htab-Cnfle Beads. Yielding 3 5. W44484A W844444 ID I I4444t4a.i WW CATTLE MARKETS. Oaeexaalt. Oh as April IS.

I rtseatpts aad ah'tmaSl. Bar the Bvet ss aimpara wna aaaa aa SoUarw. Cattle Tiaaea was aa sella tr4. ta lSBt baieber cavtile al rail, struas last week's beat pttoee, hot aajaveaaaaal aa Basvy hs a as Be pa- tailf haasay Saws, wss ra layer lease, at Barely a leaver to lee l-wsr vela eavlse laVo'aAeS I est. 1st suaer.

I SakJ lb, at XX Be etrletly choioe ieava. lb, avt 84 IE 84 eavuaee I vr lue, at 41 IS. aad atS g-a4 aVWfars sreigblB sU Iba at 45 A saai tavaay tavl. a.a a from aaujkbuvuvg oa'ry aiel-aee wees eaabraeed ta Ike day a arri.ala. sa the aa la aatra eae aua4 fiom 64 ta 44 tt.

the a -erase baiaaj loayiio low lhaa taast wee htsh I see ttis.ipta ware fait aad smimsie a l.aoU Bead, asaiaai ass head tae same day leet wae. aad 17 hasv a year asa. Mllrh wti gaaaraaly eaeavdy al aaat week deaailave of t3a3 par ka4. Mas re ataara. cbavtre to eaira 44 Busj6 IA fair la Baedlem 64 ne4 B4.

aaea S3 Xlta sa) batrker sisaarc estra 5ea4 lu, Ioud ta koice 64 Watji, eoejiawa ta fair 64 Bag 4 au, rare. eea4 ta be as 44 TXwi, com nana te lair Sa S5a4 5. aewc eaura 64 1 '-V4 88. eho4-e 4 5,4 lo, fair ta Waa 11 1. aa 44 Tla au, aaaa), aaaqS SA.

a-a. Sara an feeaie.a 4.4)4 fat davuy ro era 404 to. tope 84 1444 lualla Kaclled aad paaeaa SftO Jaaa blsaaar far ha. hu gisoe. oaa to amall aad lasilaqiista re-crlpia Tkia aad Haht 63 Bo4 36.

boaugaa 81 40 04 IA rat bulla 644 Calvaa Market aajavaeai steady foe top veaal graaies. bat weahaAeal. avad lata aalaa wera as an tars at XawOoe lower vmaoa aad asa-g S)A fair la goaal ligbl 41 Boaj SB. ckoace to eaura sa5oT. iitaje la kaping Bits Rvur llhaarai receipt, whi.

ameasateA te 1. 14 keavd. as last aaly I. Jus haavA the asm day tast weak. togMhear witb lower pa-ieaa in ait uiv aaaa il Iras anavrhavta.

buyers seted wry bearlah aad lavdlffersat. aad aham a trading baala waa Saavlty flsed pavckirag snd heavy fat hnvs ware sail Lag a Alas, altar last week's Causing Vavlua. At the eWcdlae a g.4 4mad worked aj aad tae yard wera cleared is I rao4 iim wae good eevnpe in ion la llkl ahipplaa bona and pig aad aa rhaagt waa repotted la aariceaa cerraat tka Uvat two days of last weak sUtei-i heavy ahipners ST SO aynod to ctesaee tchera saal bwlehers SI B4 eT 45, a.Uad paw Bars 4 BUWI 3u. aaMBiiaaoa choice heavy fa I eewe s.vfa 75, alag 444)6 S. light hlpprs BS Tftgl IB.

pigs IIS is aad lass B. Sheep and lamb There wss a sis a very uaseiiafactury trade la both aaheep aad lambs ta selling Hrtarests. A saaasldsf sbiy weaker ta-detavy aaf vaviuas vekapa4 la ayaapatby wnb a further abavrs ravaeal na la prieaa la aVaatera aaar-keta, anl the average of aalaa of both sheep aad lamhe wss stroag 34 per 104 lbs losrer traaa lavat week's eluaa. aa the marhat aalebed heavy wltk a lendaaoy toward further deolaoee. Blieep.

eaira ewea and Wei here ps aianS TA goad te choice aommea ta fair S4ap4 74. slipped aUvsaap SetjB. lambs, estra 44 axVAal TB, gaaud le ehutos 84 TAAr 4u. oamnaua sir 44 clipped lambs 89 BBtrS BA eltra 8 so. spring la robe ware ncau-o aad th fi ateavdy pricea si 8eie.

a few aalrs will eel! tavatah nadar laoreeea4 Sli. bat auppilae. Chicago. AprU reeelpu ono head: market actlvs and Mreag; good to prim sti 45 eoa4 TO. poor to aaedlaus 84 S44 stack.

rs snd fa. Bars 8-XT4 TS. aows II TAwe SO. half 62 Bn6. cavnnera Si 7541 TB.

hull S3 Boo 40. calves BStr 7ft. Teaas fed slews 64 etapB, liners: receipt is dsy Su.uuo head, ta tasrvaw Bu.uus head, left ever 4w; svarkat Bo is lee lower; closed Brm, mix ad and bau-her 87 104)T SS, goad to rhotos heavy fT SftejT SB. fvaugh heavy ST I OS ST SB. light StaSTT IS, balk ef savles IT IBrT BA Sheep: raaelpts X.O0O bead, ahaap aa lambs los ta Mae lower: good to wet Sera 4a4 fair to choice raised steal, eel era sheep 648)8 44.

native lambs 64 Aaa) 44 OtneuU Baturdavy receipts, cat lis 1.744 aaaa. bogs 4TBO baavd, heep 1 irirB head; shlinaeaia, caila 1.1T3 haai. hogs 1.444 haaA arsciai. pisravca TB ssoctssaT: Cleveland t'alos Stook Tarta. Apr) IA Hogs; receipts eat cars; mediums active; llghte dregajr; prices lower; mediums f7 BoeT SB.

ilgbu ST Step 7 SO. Lembe quiet and easy. Cattle fairly o-tlve St 4bout steady pri aaa. East Buffsio. April 13 CallU bead market slow: heavy aad aaealpls 4.4O0 aad betsivere' gradee About steady: otheas lower: priwi 65 xsayft 80.

aarppiag alaars Boay as. kejtchm ataara 84 aOO K. heifer 61 lui. sows 83 TS4) 64 40 bulls 6S BU04 ftO, faaaiar 44 3644 48. stock-era 63 TSfJ-t BO.

stock heifers 648 SdT fresh cow nd aprtnsere la eavr lota steady; good ta choice 454.66, medium ta good S-'uf44, eomaasa I25A-'ei. Vssls: reeslpta 40 baavd asark at stsady; tops ST xoejT Bo. sommas ta good 84 5ty7 IB Hoge: reoeHpts 30.400 keavd: marks. aeUva aad ftelos lower; heavy FT aXagrf IO, mlsad 87 4o4) ST U. Yorker ST paflrT 85.

pigs gf aaeyT SO. buix IT SB. roughs 87 OT So. stag 6S BtagA Slasep and lambs: receipts fB.luO bead; Is sab lew aad akeep OBe lower; top naUve lamh 87 4tg7 SB. cull to good 8 BOOT 60.

eaters lamb fT BOa7 86. yearlings TST SwOA SB; sheep, top mixed SB. amils ta soael pa BaapS. sractAi. BasraBca ra East Liberty, AprU IE 2attls: reeelpt faAr snout juw oars am saie; saarxat acuva; eha to l.SOO Ibal aVtaa prima i.soo ioe ee iaw a as, soos 1 to l.sos lpel SO Ma, (avir tkuo te i.Too lb) S4 B04 e.

k.l7.ra 'Too te I. loo lbs) BS Bop TS. bulls snd cow a tig 64 86. fraa sows snd prtngr I Sua? 5. Kit: rscelpts dtyuais Aacks; eaarket slew aad I'aplao lower; prims sea vies 17 anedluna 6T667i, heavy Yorker 87 44)T 48.

light Yorktrs IT SWA 87 SS, pigs 87 304J7 So, roagivs Staff Sheep saa lamo: receipt fair: about SB VnaS ea aaie; markst lOpSue lower; best wankers ips I 104 Iba) 85 606 7o. good i to SO Iba) 68 044 so fair ITS te 40 Iba) 84 BOOB, eell aad eemaaoa Bug S3 SO caotce lambe 64 So SB, favar ta peed 86 la 44 40. eiammos 8 Stag SO. Cltv. Anrll IB.

acetate. 1 aaalala A tava head avattvee. Saw bead Taiaaa. aasives laW hawA. moaUy aatlvss; aura caitie lie klyker; Tixaas acUvs aad stroag: cows sad heifers kicker; stockers aad feeder 64)I0e higher) bo los exports sad dree.

4 beef eteera 64 4o4r4 40. fair ta gaad 45A4 staakaes and teeaters SS T544 SB. WMlera fed steers S46 4. Tain and ladiaa Yaaave ow 83 404 IB. avsUv.

cow 824 25. aativ keirsra S3 S4q4 SB, ran sera 41 Bops SO. bulls S3 B04)4 le. mvlvee 83 TBp7. Hog: lereiOt 4.o)0 bead: market 6 lower; Top 87 TS.

balk ef eaie 87 iHfl 80, heavy 87 s5 SJS. mlxsd lacker 7 log 7 88. Ught $1m 37 17Sv Tork are 87 1S4P7 17. piays 88 ahrpS w7 Sheep, reoatpts beavd; market slow aad wears; aativ lamne sswv, wvetar lavmb 60. fad ewee 6 7aeja.

astive we her aa, Texas ciippe sbaap ailifa 75, aad fa. 4ms 88 Sow 7A New Tork. April IX Beeves: reset eta A 41 aad: etaaa lOo to liar iawar. mat aaaaal balls and sows ateavdy to Bam; mna aa estra staere 4katM So. BulU 8A4fp4 42.

sews 81 78 OS IO. tops 84 So: aabiss eaoted Mv cattle lower, at 13413Sc per lb. Arise ig weight; steady at 14c lo 15s. draaavad walght; exports to-aavarrow 1.4W3 haavd eauaa; I.ISB head ahaap sad mm ewartars of beef. Calves: reaatpta 7 SAO baavd: ajarkat fai Ir.

bat yrlea BOn ta 73 lower; anasls rvo7 75 toes 84. city sraaait veals lower at Tf r-ee BiThiaJ' cfcoica shies barely staady; ax hers Uas ta 33 aapwar; lavaaaes laa VS aoe aower; BSting. Iai aw: ranaf. lamps W. tops 8 TB.

slipped axmbe 86 8f TB, prtag lambs 81 4oJ 444 bead; aaavrket ZZZl wimaa ma ra, eia.ep as aSBWW IS, weolss clipped lambs 14 7B4BS 78. 44 per haavA Hogs: reeelpt 444 head 7 407 60 sxats aad Pasvaawieaaia hose IS-CBttl! renlpts 1SSS Ivsad. tetsding TOO imsd Tasaaas: aamrla mawtlTia mt I (Ml ar at mm 'J'k BSrVrOy tiamr, emual at SB SO. arewaal beef Sard tyartcbaar aartaara lull Ja lbs SS SOSM 74. ew And betters 82 Bits, S3 S54M.

83 044. calvaa AS Iaa.T sa. -rJZ ZLT 'ara 82 35s. ressaas S3 SSdjA. bulls steer 48 eajeVi aaaa ea'aZir HrLmlTrf Hogs: reeeipts S.koe bead; market aanivi aad arm: pigs aad liable tl ptejr Vearkers 87 45.

fcutchae 87 BB4PT A 977 ml 7j heed: avarket active aavi Arm; aatlea aaattoaa us sxocivsr 63 mJW M. Texaaw 84a7 BLAMES CITY- For AatuBAC aOosvp By WLoilstArxa, Sat CIaIxa Is Xdjoctski. A ratttwr nniqava rats fee damagsa waa fltad with the Board ef ISablls rAsrwiea yasv 1 "rday by Wm. Omatavee. sin nave ax shoa- aorxBvAAt eWser ef Otvwrt street SAd Waaler He aaetawl a a 1 JaT tree wai stsus araows arver oratA Ma shew ense.

and A rlalsss th city Is reaiacAtaXraVs lowlns; Mimlaid hill: Oaas pair Oxford 2 Two paw Oxford mm.l. 1 Tl vaas psw ll ll 1 Bj Total tuTml Tb Board repeated th claim. 4' lien tr it f. "V1' eTdJt 1 Hsxltad. -r i will advance) an their hooZ APfouctx, aotaa.

wxrahooaa re- i celpta any other eollatersT bswb I mttmSSrimitlS E. COTCSCCILD CO. Res 279. w.arutL.'' tWlAMM. BaAWaSsaT; Weoala.S tl saaipiaaai- a.taai aa-aia a a i Apru I'SW) ra tlTj rTIi April l.aaoi 8.

lew. 4oti I AT AUCTI0N VaIbaVIs alaswU of the A.kait Ce, nlea WtU tarxid PhllaaSslphia. Apru IB It.wr, Tstaj laoar oa aaaa evepRaut os.pb, a a aw awe a-a an, Hawaii Japavvj Seed May a the dai. aeeets of the two Issued by the Circuit Cort wtsiee ror tae meirtct of a a avavaar wiaj taae piaaOB at Oooa lbs Courtlkewae. Jarsey Cktr aistlng of avacurltlaa aad fats com pa a las svnl rial led th sot cwmpsaia.

will bs offsred it, mount raaUlaavd from tba i- Jz aot be leaa lhaa 8a.tsaj.ixau The haras of car tain curp-reiwa ed with the Lavad Title and unoer agreessoat with the cee, oi satnw, oa tea uiy l. i ka tsa unaraa. nen in eset h.i th Asphalt Ceanpaanr of,' aaaats of th National wHI erTsred, and ta ini.i..t sals of the Asphalt of represented. by 6m.Ca poelied under ag-raemaun beiean, ta fj hi Trust Compavny sad th. Nstwavs, a pivailt Cuen pavny.

will ba sold 1 undaratood that John ll n4 rhUsdelpblB. who ha beer, I dent, ft ,1 ths owAPMle)S, will Ud for sii tka i- REAL ESTATE-AND BUILOIH. PUa far a met. a as- wwtatHI -A 4 IPVI4 14 1 1 Tookar by th 11. tiltasm mau day.

It Will toe seven law a al SIS and 414 Earn street t.i.. a. aad Pllh streets. Building permit Were yaWeral for a double brick house tan, on the waat aids of kiiu. tr to iwwen Oak and Pern, for Mei.i, lt to oust Sfl.Ooti.

and for a 14 un-a ad stone house of two fist a on the tua-tt aa of HewMt avenue. between Wold avenues, for Wm Morg.etbai XKaiL ESTATE TRAHSFEU The Laurel p. a te Moiii. IMt. BX4ta kiraai Trevor Aft vlaToa We" 23 Saaaoa at.

Cooper lo Eugenia aan Leas 44 sa Be7 i .,.21 Dsns avsnus; SlA.kov Low la Bekmldi te Oerhsi uma 7-ewTJ Vuba B. Muiaapkreysta Ansa Bad teat the west side of y- a. ttJ LZ aorth of Ylavee street; 82 OraK Aoflnger A MaoBUia to I ay ITU fei ea) tka simtk a. al hin aaa Be; 84. IBW.

Msary A. Narr is Aai.a II lu eaa 'ad la tb Waal Bids of Tveer a toeraavrd SUk Julia keys art al la Sat, V.f.l am Hiajaa ta Mary K. M. i aa west side of lire men street, vv. aeath at reel Bl sad ether i UraM as IIS aad 114 la tiiawlid aav visloa; 81.

H. Bragg I.trl. au ta Savaavaal Clean's sabdlvaaioa Aeal'" rosvd sod Dsava aaeaue M.uia Jsiries Haanaa la Juh. Law SB aAaavav A Thaaasial's subdl. Ik) aWvrgs Clark to Albert Mi n.ra it l.

a as ''e Bowin Bias of McMlllai. awae Kirby aad Kasiua strests; 1 asi oar Th OiM Edge p. aad 8 Compear Leg feet sa Ova seat a Va aisis eireei ten ill lo Ckrri. sat taa am Fifth Mreet. la irir.a.

BUI a wt5T- "uaa ta The Rice, harast I Noted I Cosspaay. 8 year. lsa pr.aaaa ka West Fifth street, n. Ma Sarah O. Devee yearr aaa Siaaalaa Mas.

IB Si. 28. 2 Vaeet nn auaat ancantkly real, SM, Baaaavllls Kiln. Per tla-ul tt fu WaaS Toepke. Ueta, aa4 lo ki.J taa.1 ar saaellvlsssa la aak lay Slu se Btwastatler to Frsa.

at su-r a a 'Tided three-fourtk Inleresi if 14 a aaarth side of Bwveatk etreet laa (eat eaa i Cavrr, 7BO a.C?!!"J' Reiaatatler te Aaaaal Ma aa B-vilia aavrsay-iamrtB jatere.l u. aaa arrederlek Pfaaakaehen at jai hex Lt AM la Miles Oreeueat a Ji.BtsJ. atetart II. Sksemsker et I Basadvet, Lata ea4 lo In Tiaa mil suB4Uvlae; I1.A Clav.lsavd kaenedirt to Th. awta ef Christ Chareh.

Let ib Tt. i aa-aa aubdl rUloa la Oieevssls. ni aeiaav Aaaaila P. Jastla to Aai-a f- Ciesaays subdivision of 'a I The Moral H. A ciT.p.., Coaler.

13 lots ta sjwm a taoi raaa 4 rVslsut Orovs; 81.3UO Samael J. Murray et al to Mavcklaary Cempssy. Lot la ax BAtaa worth sstats. Slu.ObO Elvira aVck st si. to Wli.iarr.

feet oa east side ef Carr straei. faaa aa-w Prowl afreet; B4.W Nor arood Keel Ketst A In Oas. Paar ts Mary Withers a nn aa) 11 ia Henry Peldmsn 4 84 aad ether eeostderstiv, Mortgagee Canceled. Jtotatrt Todd to Tav-a I Lavrns Pettersoa ta 3t.rprla. mi Asaaaeaasticaa Peter Kallaakl le beat Praat a 1 si Baarkbardt to Aoartbara 'Aw T.

Oo. 4S VaaaaUa R. Hammvar to St Hemer I-- a i aaa 1 1 st cM. IB Peter a-S'frrm to Oleadai til A. Co Thomas M.

Laws ta Cltiserui A Rlefmrd M. Ayer to Huara-i A A yer Patrick DuermM to Eila T. Joaax C. haan to jotta 1 Mortgage P111. Mattl I.

Avar to Katarpnee is as'. -A. 43a. Jon a) iai B. Ca.

Iloshilngar te Nertk r-r. jvm, Hanaavk Katih ta Weetwt LlafrLlli4ssy lay Pultoa auvi Na. 4., 'aa Jeaa Oettlar te FroaAdent La: Carrie Pnafcianaa Cavrtrvas. a-' as A. C.

Tha Neetava A Cale 8 a am i array et a. 1 SUchavr M. Ayer ttaa; ais Oeeaga T. OeasMhsr to w- I a2 1 A. ljjJ Carris As ill ran aa te CVev-s Moare to A av-b-a WlUiam Cosley to Miami a aad L.

CS Jeh lOrats to seme M. wtpper ts svonorar Tt3 7HI3 Gnaraaiee PoBtw Ipptsityy this Company tursfd perfaft Security. Oof Sf-T eYidecced by pcrrnjnf at posit of tZSyxA with tn '-e Ohio. All natters. lntrntcd tresteJ ss coofidcntial, anl rs ployps enjoined to Smtrtct- taciU tis lor bsndlio aU title boalA AbstrACt Sts'e SBPAts, Titid In nrs nee.

Looa The Guarantee Tide and Trust Co. S. Csr. Cent sad Mai St Cmmrmmtmw Tit Bids-.

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