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The Cincinnati Enquirer from Cincinnati, Ohio • Page 7

Cincinnati, Ohio
Issue Date:
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STRONG Business ManNeeded 4- for President and Gorman .1 Y. -J Seems ineraTonie. 1 Senator Bailey Boomed For Second Place Bj Those Who Claim They Know the Trend. Payne Says He Started the Investigation Of Parian Chief and Will Keep It I Litll He Gets the Vrrj Bottom of Ibe thirgfi. gMrul MUlKJl TO HWW1 nhiatvn.

U. April "Ton mult me." (aid United States Senator J. W. bmii't. of Tnu, thla morning at the km H'uM.

whn essed whoa Tsxas would mipptirt far Prssident In the next PMiuxrallc lonnnliuo. "Mill you be a maadldal fur seoond aiat.T" asked. must escuss ma Main." replied tha lumiur. aa ha hurriedly gave (it reporter kaadahaka and endeavored la avake hla emaia. but.

arustur. II ta said you ax (tar Qor-Ma, bile tho people of your state want a nlvrr man. How about It?" yuu must exoua ma. 1 am not talking for I ha aewapapere, and da not ant to talk pontics at thla tlroa. Thar mr coma a time whan I will have eome-hlia say.

Until than, I say, you mual iicum ma. With thai tha Taaan made a ruah for tha rlsvatur. closed tha dour himself and lamahed from tha report or 'a via w. It la currant gnsslp monf tha Western Ixanocrata that Senator Ballay la opposed to Hi) an or any Waatarn man for flrat ilaca on tha national Daraocratle tlckeL Instead, ha wanta an Kaatsrn man of buai- aaa standing, and Uurnu, of Maryland, la aald to ba hla choice. AaH'iatd with thla rumur la tha report that Senator Ballay would Ilka tha aacond hlaua on tha national ticket, and will hava ta united support of several Waaiarn and goulhweetern Statee.

rtopraeentatlve Clauda A. Swanaoct, of Virginia, paaaad through Washington to day on hla way ta Naw York, whara ha will paak to-morrow night at tha annual Jef-faraun banquet of tha llarlam flub. To a rapurter Mr. ttwanaon osprosssd tha follow-bi vlawa In regard to tha Presidential campaign of li4: "As far aa tha Dtm- acratlo aaodldata for tha Presidency la conversed. It la almuat too early to Bottle upon any ona man, but to my mind tha main Qualification ha ahould possess la a good record aa a loyal IteiinK-rat.

With thla aa a baala 1 would fan- the moat available Stan at that I Una. My peraonal preference la ilroif for Senator Arthur Pue Gormen. Ma haa always stood by tha party, and la aa thorough going and stanch a' Democrat aa oaa ba found. Ha haa ability and would lake a good President. "However, my personal preference would be controlled by the question of availability If the developments of tha next year and.

a half should bring forward another good, loyal lmoert. whoa chance for sure appeared atronger than thoae of Brnatur Uormaa, I ahould favor him. al-thousk aa 1 aald. my atrong peraonal pref- w.iic la for Oorman. "A to tha lasuea.

Ihay will ba a eeaaa- tlun uf wasteful atpeadKura of tha public nx. currency and tariff reform. With thaaa laauea and good man for candidate. tha imocrata would win a victory In in." Tha Foetal Inraatiratlon. ATthe Investigation Into the alleged Ir regular! tie In the Poatofltce Department prvfrraars the smoke becomea denser each aay.

but thua far tha tra baa not been dls-tovirtd. Fourth Aaalstant Postmaster-Ota- ersl Brtstow, who digging Into record thrrr. four and five yeara oM. may be Bet-tint hotter In" his search, but ha haa yet ltn no al(a aa ta whether ha will have ttr sensational disclosures to make. Never- thairas.

the department la on the qui viva, tui! almost any day may bring forth a Urge alsoi sensation. jult a number of charges already hava bras tiled against various officials In tha Weau of the First Assistant Postmaster-uVneral, but no one except Mr. Brlatow and it eelrct corps of Inspector knows how aaay are baaed on facta or what percent-ace are the result of animosities engea-ered by failure ta get coatracta and by pareonal il! feeling. A aweeptng Invitation saving been extended ta contractors who bare grievances to present them la for-aul manner, charge are coining In which reflect seriously upon different chiefs of vtions But every ona of them thua far, lih one exception, la atandlrg the Bra and sticking to bis post. Possibly soma of these ehiefi are walking on live volcanoes, but If that la the case they are manifesting a great seal of courage.

Tha general Impression ta that tha game graft has been played pretty strongly by certain offlclala. Tha names of these en are In every body' mouth, and to-day uors were In circulation to the effect that arrants had been aworn oat for tbelr and would ba served upon them aa oa as Brtstow'a investigation had deval-ted uffkiently to establish proof of their rallt. Another report that Hew about the city was that thee particular offlclala were dr the aurvelllanee of PostofRce) inspect- aad would not be pensltted te) leave tkt city. Tfcer la a pretty general expectation that la going to bo eaugbt with "the tuoii on him." Thla impression haa been atrencth ened beoauae there haa been such a nae volume of asnoka. aad may be attributed, pernapa.

to tha common belief In old adace that where) there la amok uere la some firs. Up to this tlma tha has been conducted under the aircnoo Acting Poatmaater OeaeraJ nne. but with the return to tha city of tmaeter-QeneTal Payne tha latter official U1 take charge of affairs. Although Mr. returned from hla Weat Indian trip this afternoon, ba will not resume his work.

the department until to-morrow. It Is aid former Governor Black, of Naw York, "in come to Washington to act as attorney Superintendent Ai W. Machen. of tha "delivery division. -aater-Oearal Payna thla avantag a statement aa foUowa: Durtng the month at January an Feb-kry Information and reports reached 1 deemed It for tha pubUc Interest to "'unaation and facta aa would enable tha 11 oncers of th department to undar- thorough Inroatlgatioa mm to tha wwh or falsity of these report.

I directed fourth. Assistant Poet master-OeneraJ Brlaw Ua proper ateps to lnatltuta tha uataa- far that purpose ronomoe lnapeotors divlalon and aies. ether methods as would thoroughly I4 truth or falsity sjf th ehargea or "unuattona mad, and we instructed bfoceed promotlv. Bine my return this promptly, lng I have not a General Brtstow, of the progress Tha lBreetigattoa win cos tin ue. and wrongdoing la disclosed th parti such wrongdoing will be um-dealt with.

If Uie ayatasa or method "ui bualneaa In th department I the proper ramadiea wtU be applied "Ttboui fear ar favor. I Inaugurated tha "nould be exhaustive. It Is proper for add that laid U'it tin I r.i-Jaat rha lafswaHa rhik had la my slow and that rally approved ta tl proposaal Mr. Paya' purpoa glvg fair and lust treatment ta all gwsrnsaV, and aot t. art arsttrariiy and wit undo bast.

rr thla rsaaoa ft at change Of Impartane I th isi sunset th asi i la ar aw oeatemplated. rbsagea will epend largely ew th fwpwrt la be mad by Fourth Assistant Pstsaatr Oansvral krlstw th tavaotlgatl, al iases" davalepmsut aaaaatl attaa Soese eveleai eras Th of th Aaalstant Attorney -Oea- ral for tha poatfBw Department I among baratiM laol tided la th general lntury. aad ibui th laveetlgaUoa of affair gea- arally teeapleted It la probable that a successor Aslstant A ttornev-Oeneral Tv aer will be aaraad. It la resorlad that It wui aevsral Weeks befsr th Postom la- ap sat era will age awmplet their work. gn tacky Baartf Tro Adymaai-qsneral Murray ba la formed th War Deimrtgaaat that Oovertvor bee la- ham ba designated X-'oionel K.

D. U-llaat and Coloael t. Embury Allen, of Ington. Ky to represent Kentucky as aide on th staff of th Oraad Mars bar th snamaaota parade at all. Iouie, set April au.

Kentucky was slmest th last tale be beard from, although Oovernor Durbio baa not yet reported Indiana's os tlaa-eat. Twenty-eighl state have sew re- poaded th War Department's call for tbelr most eenlaeat aatdlar atUsaa. and tha staff will be mash mar tba a glittering show of (old lace. Each late was asked to nam two members In addition. Pay master Uenersj Alfred Elliott Bate, of tha regular army, and Oenaral Castle ma iw of LtoulsvlUe, will serve aa special aide.

To Inspect Ouardgmra. Oenaral Chaffee to-day reported to tha War Department tha assignment of officers to Inspect th National Uuarda In hla de partment, which coma to tha Ohio River and Include Waal Virginia. Captain uewls has boon directed ta make tha In spection la that stste at aa early a date aa caa be conveniently arranged with the Qeveraor and Adjutant Oeaeral. Xamphl Caa Decided. Tha United tales Supreme Court to-day sustained tha contention of the City of Mempbla, In the tax proceeding of the Union and Planters' Bank vs.

that city. Tha bank claimed exemption from taxa tion. Tha opinion sustained the decision of ths United state Oroult Court, but held that tha Circuit Court of Appeals had not been Justified In assuming Jurisdiction in tha case. Tha Shall Not Daf active. Rear Admiral Higglnaon reports that the explosion of the gun on the battle ship Iowa was not due to a defective ahell.

I la Bay a the ahell struck near the target. Ha stales that tha gun had been fired YJT, times. It I believed that It may hava un dergone a severe strain at some tlma Treasury Statement. Treasury statement: Total receipt a to-day 2.10U.rr TT, thla year 441.3W,UO Si; total expenditures to-day i.R25,ur). this fiscal year aaiio.SU4.lTT U2; excess of expenditures over receipts to-day 23, exceas of recelpte over axpenditurea this fiscal year fSa.2lS,aa JU.

Wrifht'a Caa Conaldered. L. Marshall, representing the law firm of Ouggenhetmer, Untermryer A Marshall, of New York, appeared before the Supreme Court of the United States at noon to-day, and made a motion that Whtttaker Wright. now under arreat in New York on a charga of embesslsment. be admitted to ball.

Mr. Marshall also argued that tha offense of falsifying accounts is not extraditable. la his argument Mr. Marshall aald that Mr. Wright's accounts had been audited by Dtrectora of the umdun and Qlobe Finance Company, and had been approved.

Lord Dufferln, former Uovernor General of Can ada, was ons of the auditors. lie and hla associates had passed upon Mr. Wright accounts with approval. Mr. Marshall pro tests tbst Inasmuch aa Wright a aacounta had been approved by the Directors of the company he la not a fugitive from Justice.

He also alleges that Mr. Wright' offense la bailable, and moved that Wright be ad mitted to bail. Tha Court aald that the case would be taken under consideration for one weak, and that a decision In the matter will ba given next Monday. Zg-g Rolling; a allure. Ths Esstern -egg rolling on the White House ground was a dlamal failure to-day because of rainy weather.

The grounds were water soaked, and dripping rain from tha treea mada tha ground cheerless. About a hundred children, with their parents, cams down during tha afternoon, but soon departed. Th proposed Marine Band con-, cart on tha ground was abandoned. In a Few Llna. Repreaentatlva Burton, of Ohio.

Chair man of the Rivera and Harbors Committee. ta In Washington. Next Sunday be will leave bars for North Carolina, to Inspect river In that state, and later will go to New Tork. In May ha will go to Nashville, to Inspect the Cumberland River. Dr.

M. A. MoKendall haa been appointed Pension Examining Burgeon at Bowling Qreen, Ohio. The Park National Bank. Cleveland, has been approved aa reserve agent for the Kinsman National Bank, Kinsman.

Ohio. Th body of Rear Admiral George E. Belknap. U. 8.

retired, who died at Pen- sacola, last Tuaaday. was buried with military honor In th National Cemetery at Arlington thla morning. The Treasury Departmeat to-ay pur chased tOO.UOO ounce of silver for account of Philippine coinage at aa avsrag of cent an ounce. Mm Alice Roosevelt left to-night for Aahevllla, N. for a week'a visit to Mr.

and Mrs. Oeorg Vanderbtlt at Blltmore. She was accompanied by her aunt. Mrs. William S.

Cuwle. ARRESTS EXPECTED Za Vaw Tork, and tha Inraatl ration Za Zxpactad To Spread. New Tork. April 13. Investigation Into th charge mad against the Manhattan Postofflc Department la said to have advanced to the point that arrests will com.

Secret Service men have arrived here from Washington aad Joined tha detectives who have been secretly pushing th Inquiry. It 1 estimated that if promotion were mad In many lasts sees at from S23 to a bead ta rake-off" in New York alone amounted to S5U.O0O In. a fiscal ysar. The Investigation started hare la expected to spread other clt MILLS WASN'T THESE. New York.

April 15. The bail bond of George Edward Mills, law partner of tbe sob of Dr. R. Flower, waa forfeited to day when Mllia failed to appear ta Court to answer to th charge of trying to buy the Indictments against Dr. Flower from an Assistant District Attorney.

THE ENQUIRER'S DAILY FASHION HINT. I aam 47 -Mm 1 tilt I RIOTS In the Streets of Brest SwtUIUtf Mke a. Attempt Te Wreck ACkorcb. President Loubet' Accorded Oration at Maneillea. 8riig CIjub Bctweea Gtrat a-d AaUtrUa SaI41-r la tfc City rreklar.

Breet. Franc. April II. gerious disturb ance to-day attended th Coogrea of Oatholl Club. Th Clericals Indulged ta a aerie of ma nrfee tattoos ta favor of tha religious eoeujregationa, which lad to street conflicts with Sorts I lei a A number of ar rests war mad.

This evening th Socialist workmsa or ganised a counter demonstration and tJOOO of them paraded In a body through the town, singing th Carmagnole and other revolutionary aire and shouting "Does with tha pries la!" The pulleo dispersed tha demonstrators several llmee. but they formed again In procession and attempted to mob a church. This assault tha police prevented. The Sociallata then made a demonstration In front of th town hall, rh courthouse and th newspaper Bices, bolting th Clerical organ and cheering tha Republican papera In the efforts to dlspara the mob several policemen. Including a commissary of police, were hurt and many arrests were mada.

It was midnight before order was noaUly rsstorsd. GREAT OVATIOff ocorded Pridnt Loubat Ttj ths Clt lxna of MAraeille. Marseilles, April IS. President Loubet errived here to-day from Pans, on his way to Algeria after receiving conttnuoua ovations along the route. A crowd estimated to hava numbered Vxl.oun persons packed tha thoroughfare aad gave tha President an enthusiastic greeting.

A grand banquet at the Bourse followed the reoeption. Only one minor disturbance waa reported. Thla was between a group of Socialist agitators and a number of adherents of the army. Blow were exchange, and tha police Interfered. Six persons were Injured, three of them seriously.

From tbs banquet the Prealdent drove to Borely Park, about two miles out of the city, where an International gymnastic festival waa being held. He there distributed a number of dec orations to aucceeaful competitors, and preaanted a flag to tha gymnastic society. President Lou bet this evening gave a dinner at tha Prefecture to the principal author! Uee and notabilities of Marseilles. PROPOSAL To Stop American Competition By Pro hlbltlr Tariff. Rome, April 13.

Count von Bchwerin Ixe-wlts. a leading member of tbe Reichstag and Prealdent of tha Oerman Agricultural Council arrived to-day. It haa been elated that ha will present a propoaal to tha Agricultural Congress for a Curopean agrtco-eommerclal aollvereln to meet American competition. Th Count said to-night: "My propoaal dor not exactly contemplate a European sollvsrein, but merely aa understanding tetween the European countries to put themselves In a position to safeguard their agricultural Interests through a combined system of protective tariffs. I shall tubtr.t uiy proposal at to-morrow's session of ins congress and it will explain my Ideas." SPRUNG By Kebals Under th Moorish Fortress Th Garrison Fled.

Madrid, April 18. An official dispatch from Malllla eon firms a report of tha capture of tha fortress of FTaJana by tha Insurgents. Th insurganta exploded a mine beneath a portion of the wall of the fortress and then delivered tbe aaaault through th breach mad by the explosion. Tha garrison held out for soma tlma and then ded to 8panlah territory. The Spaniards took possession of the arms of tha fugitives and tended tha wounded.

Private dispatches aay that fifty men and one offlceraof th garrison perished In the explosion. Among the wounded now at Melllla I th Pacha who commanded the fort. HOSTILE CLASH Between Titty Oarman and Austrian Soldi era at Peking. Peking, IS. A barroom row to-day between Oerman and Austrian soldier culminated In a street fight In which SO men on each aide war engaged, aad bricks, clubs and knivs were used.

A great crowd of Chine witnessed th affray. Finally a company of German Infantry with fixed bayonet and a patrol of Austrian troop separated th combats and cleared the streets. Several of tha Germans aad Austrian who took part In the disturbance were so severely hurt that they were taken to ths hospital. Both of the lighting contingent will be 'confined to barrack tor a fortnight. PRINCE CHDTO HONORED.

Peking. April IS. Prince Chlng. President of the Foreign Office, ha beea appointed Grand Secretary In succession to th late Yung Lu. The court will return from It visit to th Western tombs Wednesday, and will sojourn at the hunting park.

A short railroad Is being built between the main Una and the park to convoy the Crown Princess of Bavaria. Maria Theresa, who Is, visiting Peking, to th park for an au dience with the Dowager Empress. LAMP EXPLODED. A lamp exploded last evenlne in tha boarding houae of Lauiaa Stevens, at 1222 wamut street, caualng an alarm of fir from Box TS, but no damage. A boarder threw the lamp to th street.

A dainty littl deml-tollet for dinner or theater wear la of whit crepe chine, trimmed profusely with yellow lace. Th skirt, which Is very full, haa a wtd Inset of lac, running around It about 10 Inches from the foot. A Uttl lower down Is another row of lace In th shape of wreaths held together by a band of th lac, still another row, of lac Is set at th extreme dg of the skirt. Th waist baa a deep Imoe collar, threaded with turquoise velvet The girdle Is of th lovely hued velvet, tha velvet being ooatlaued from collar to girdle with almost a wreath-like effect-. Tha full sleeves have wide Insets of sac.

TIIE ENQUIltEB. CINCINNATI, TUESDAY AFBIL 14. 100a TO HIS PIPE U. efgfea, the) Of the) MtBeM, iAdit) esc Te rss av centra. Xew York, April tt.

Psalm- aad lees vtk) sotdierty tread heats th th east wait th Brooklyn Navy Tard. with ba gw grareslly oa hi ahoaider. Private K. oaa. ta -Poet th rcsitsd day ta aa gsecnum orison sadist th feOowlasj rsrsia.

wli Indited aa mm -ac-jstroph to my had watch composed a ta spur af th What to a lover Foad arsasi be. That, la my tkeurhta You'v bai go. Ever ready yet. Sweat briar bowl. Te drive dull rare From say panel ve souL To as, sweet pipe You play th part Of Daa Cupid with Mat bow aad dart.

Tea brims; foad bop When life Is dearer. Aad my spirits bar Dir Bead of bear. At eveatlde When twilight dips. I breaths your fume With a lover's lip. Aad whea I lay You dowa rest, I feel your work Was for th beat.

"I've bees oa guard for thro hours. he said, "and that' three hour without a pip. You, perbap. doa't realise what that maaaa to ma. but you would If you smoked a pip Ilk mine.

It's strong enough to walk and It's old enough to vol. but It's a good friend and true. It waa with me In tbe Philippines and ta th field of Tien-Tata, and I wouldn't loe It for fortune." Th marina, who comes from aa old family of fighters, waa recently left a fortune glu.OuO by hie grandmother, the widow of Colonel BC John, who commanded ths Ons Hundred snd Twenty-fifth Ohio Regiment during tbe Civil War. DINNER Given at The Breakers. Many Guests For the Vanderbilt Nellson Wedding Entertained at Newport Pal ace of Groom's Mother.

Reginald and His Best Maa Arrested asd Fined For Speeding Their Motor. arsctat. Disrates to tbs sugcisas. Newport. R.

April 13 Mrs. Vanderbilt gave a bridal dinner at The Breakers to night, though It was principally a funlly affair. The gut- La, numbering nearly 60 people, were eeeled at three tables, which were handsomely decorated with Bridesmaids' rosea In the other rooms were placed great clusters of American Beauty rose. Th dinner guests Included Mr. Miles Standish Bromley.

Mrs. Eliot F. Sheppard. Mrs. Frederick Vanderbilt.

Mr. and Mrs. H. McK. Twombly.

Miss Rurn Tasombiey, Mr. and Mrs. James A. Burden, Mr. and Mrs.

William B. Osjrood Field and' Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey M. Depew, who cam here In the special Vanderbflt train thla afternoon; Mr.

and Mra. Alfred Vanderbilt. Mra. Frederic NeiLson. Mrs.

Ar thur Kemp, Mrs. Henry Max. Mr. and Mrs. F.

Watts Sherman, Mra. Spotewood Schenck, Mr. and Mrs. W. Edgar Shepherd.

Mr. and Mra. Braddlah Johnson and tha bridal party of to-morrow. Including- the bridesmaids, ushers and a few young col lege friends of Mr. Vanderbilt.

ATTEWDBO atasS. The wedding ceremony by whlah Mis Nrtlion will become Mrs. Vanderbilt to morrow was rehearsed In detail at Arlalgh at noon to-day. All those who will officiate at th wedding, and also th bn mediate members of both families, attended. Miss Nellson waa up betimes to-day and attended o'clock mass with ner mother.

When ah entered Bt. Joseph's Church she was dressed in A blue cloth gown stitched" with white, and gray beaver bat trimmed with bunches of purpl grapes, and whits kid gloves. After th maa Reginald Vanderbilt drove up to the church In a buck board drawn by a dapple-gray cob, a present from his mother, and they drove through Bellevue avenue and around tha shore road, coming horn through the village and making a brief stop at aha Aquldneck National Bank. where th present are stored. Thence they drove to Arlalgh.

WXDDUrO MaxUUISAt. All tha bridesmaids war at th Neilaon cottage and prepared for tha wedding re hearsal during th absence of their host. Shortly after 11 o'clock 8. H. Stone.

EUia dama, Arthur Burdsn. Albert Grey, Jul B. Nellson and Peter O. Gerry, th ushers, drove up to Arlelgh in Alfred Wynne Vanderbllt's automobile. A few minutes later Rej Fatner Meenan arrived, aad then the renearaai oegan.

All th ushers and Reginald Vanderbilt wore blue sack suits. Miss Nellson and her bridesmaids wor dark cloth dresses. Shortly before tha rehearsal a large crowd gathered In front of Arlelgh. along Bellevue avenue, and the few police on guard had their bands full In keeping the pathways clear. By far the moat exciting event of ths day for the prospective bride and bridegroom was th arrest of to latter with hi beat man.

Miss Nellson Herself waa a party to th affair, because shs was la th whit locomobile whan Conatabl John son, of Middletowa. got evidence for th arrest. Then it waa in her horn that Mr. Vanderbilt was notified of his arrest. They were taken before a special session of the District Court and each was fined S10 and costs.

GRIM REAPER. Bat. Clarasca Z. Boston. April 15.

Rev. Clarence E. Eberman. Field Secretary of the United Society of Christian Endeavor, died at Baun. Northwest Territory, yesterday.

'Winisun ft. Smith. Huntington, W. Va April IS. William Smith, a noted Confederate General, died her to day of pneumonia, aurad Ta.

x-Con gTSBaman Taylor. Washington. April 13 Former Cangresa-tan Abner Taylor, of Chicago. T4 rears old. died to-night of a complication of dis eases.

He served several terms la Congress from tha First District or Illinois. Captain XL. H. Tajrlor. araeus, assraTca so na axaeiaaa.

Knoxnii. April 1. Captain H. H. Taylor, commandant of Fred Ault Bivouac, Confederate Veterans, and a prominent lawyer, died suddenly to-day.

CAUSED A FLURRY. 1 Alleged Attempt To Get Control of a Uf Ixontrance Cmpany. Indisunapolls. IndU April IX There la a Curry In business circle ever aa attempt supposed te be beaded by Cha. E.

Dark. Vic President, and Philadelphia capitalist to get control of th American Central iVf Insurance Company or rots exrv. M-wnea E. B. Martlnda: Is President.

Brokers bid up th stock ta SI W. fs 't Th management to-oay issuea a circular advising stockholders not to part with their holdings, saying was paying, incran ng taxes on shares, 8 per cent dividend, walla Its affairs were ta Ba It Is not known what Is behind th attempt to get control, although tha circular say It is g-urelr speculative. i FASTER AsB-awawsxennusaaM i Than a Ilile a lllkute Cincinnati People Went, En Route To Sonth. Train Passed Through Electrical Storms. Resolutions Prepared For the Big Convention Ask For the Repeal of Duty on EawMiUrl-Js ToledoFkv vored For the Next Meeting.

aractab staratcn te tan ejsaciss. New Orleans. I April 1A Th special train with th Cincinnati Business Meet oa board arrived bar at OAS o'clock thla evening. All along- th rout from Louis trills to New Orleaaa a warm reception waa gives tbe Cincinnati ens. After leaving Louisville th train passed through a tarred electric! etorm.

which greatly delayed It- Th special arrived at Memphis two hours and forty- five minutes lata At this city the First Regiment Band, under th leadership of tbe redoutable "Bmltty." gave the Mempbla folks a serenade. Ths band also played at Grenada, Hammond aad other points en route to the Crescent City. Mr. Joseph Biggs, the district passenger agent of tha Illinois Central at Cincinnati, was In charge of the train from Louisville to this city. lis Instructed ths various sn-glneers that took th train south from Memphis to make th beat time of which their engines war.

capable. Aa a result of hla instructions som phenomenal run were peat rum BnoonD. At ons stretch of th trip ths train made a rua of 71 miles In aa hour, which la a record breaker for th road. A a result of these fast runs ths Cincinnati special toads up two hours, arriving la New Orleans only minutes behind tbs acbedul tiro. The trip from Cincinnati to this city waa mad without th least mishap oa board th train.

At New Orleans John A. Ring old. Chairman of tha Band Commute, took obarg of the Flrat Regiment Band and th Fred H. Aim Battery. The ladle with th party.

of whom there are 40, were placed on a special trolley car and taken to tha Grune- a-aid Hotel, which la tbe Cincinnati bead- quarters. The men formed In Una. haded by th First Regiment Band and th bat tery, and marched to the hotel. The streets along the line of march were crowded, and the Queen City delegation waa given an enthusiastic ovation along the route. Th Cincinnati delegates to th conven tion of th National Association of Manu facturers held several meetings on board the train, and resolutions hava been draft ed by them on tha labor problem, reciproc ity and revision of ths tariff so aa to ad mit raw material free of duty.

WAsrr ran naw matbhiai. Mr. James F. Taidor, Vice President of the Manufacturers' Association for Ohio, has prepared tha following resolutions. which he will present to the Committee on Resolutions to-morrow Whsrea.

The United State la becoming one of the great commercial power of the world, and Whereas, It Is necessary for th manufac turers of this country to hAva th cheapest raw material possible for th manufacture of their goods in order to compete In the foreign markets. Therefore it resoivsa, xnai in is con vention ask the Congress of th United State to repeal all tariff duties on raw xaa- teriaL A copy of 'these reeolutlone. If adopted. will be nt to th President of tha United State, to every Senator and Congraaamaa and to th Governors of ths various atatea. Mr.

Fred A. Gelerer will present a reso lution in conjunction with Mr. Ernst Du Brul in ths labor question. Aa to othbb acsuraaa. The Cincinnati delegation are not of the sum mind as to what action th conven tion shall take on the labor situation.

Soma ar la favor of taking a mild course. whll others desire radical action. Mr. Gelrer favors tariff reciprocity and will work to have a resolution "passed on th subject. Ernat F.

DuBrul will org that Congress have a law passed defining voy- eottlng by labor unions. Tbs outlook is that th great battle of this convaalon will be on free raw material and tha labor question. The members forming ths Cincinnati dele gation passed a vote of thanks to Joseph Biggs for his excellent management of th train and hla attention to tbe wants of tha passengers. The First Regiment Band gave a concert this evening at the Gruenewald Hotel. Th Alms Battery will give an exhibition drill to-morrow.

Late to-night the Cincinnati el ears ion went Into a caucus- They de cided to support Toledo In her fight for th next convention. Up to a late hour they bad not agreed oa the various resolution. MANY SCHEMES For tha Entartainmant of Visitors Ax- rangad at New Orleaaa. New Orleans, April 18. Th hotels began to fill up to-day with members of th Nat ional Association of Manufacturers, whose convention will fcegln to-morrow morning.

A dalegatioa of members from New Tork arrived this morning, among the number toelnc Marshall Cushing. th Secretary of th association, Richard Toung and was. MoCarroll. The official special train bearing: Prealdent D. M.

Parry and a large num ber of Indiana. Michigan and Ohio members will arrive to-fnorrow morning over the Louisville and Nashville Road. The outlook la excellent for th largest convention ever held by th sssoclstloa. Extensive preparation nave see asad by the local committee ct boataea men to entertain the city's visitors. To-morrow night, there will be a reception ta Paha Garden of tha SL Charles Hotel.

Wednes day evening; aa elaborate entcrtaiament will be given at Athletic Park. Thursday afternooa a river excursion will be given oa th finest boats on th river aad th aama evening Mayor Capdevellle will eater tain th visitor at his residence. Th programme of th convention proper will begin to-morrow SBornlnaT with a welcoming address by th Mayor aad Governor Heard, of Legists ns tm annual report of th Prealdent and th Secretary will be tad and committees appointed. Wednesday xaorolng" Carroll D. Wright will address th convention, attar which th Committee an Resolutions is expected to re- oort.

Thursday morning mere will ta nnv1 election of officers aad th selection of th next place of meeting; A snuaber at Important speeches aa th labor o.uestie ar looked for. and th Urn to be largely taken up with this subject. Th duration ol oeveiopjng ta organiss- tioa will oa of ta ubcts of dlscxt- a. A large estotanoa from xoieo too onarters at on ox isa aoteua amy aw opened a campaign captor th next co vent km. Pittsburg.

Buffalo and Chart a-pcoga also ar aspirant. DB. CAIXEXV a blew received her tatat ta Pulpit Commltte of th Congregaooa Emanuel, th wealthiest aad foremost Jew-Ish synagogu In New Tork, win eau Bey. Ir. Max Heller, new stationed at Srv Orleans.

mXA a araduat of th Hebrew College, of Cincinnati, to occupy Its pulpit. Rev. Botbiel Is the Rabbi Emeritus of the corgregstloo. and has beea waiting for a successor for some months. Dr.

Heller wlB be formally Introduced to tbe coog-rea-ati oa ott the first Sabbath ia May. after which tn call will be extended to him. Hi many Ie-cil friends are pleased ta bear of th good fortune UxX haa com to him. in OOXKAM TrstvUark Gorham Silver not o)r thm ttxxUar OttaErr of th rcr, but tlLstixvctiyw ietlgn fgwhtftt moderate -Sr. PRESBYTERY eBaaaweawawaaBasssmmnwa Will Xleet Coauniaalaner- Ta I antra Mr Vast Xamda.

At th ustlsg aa Methodist sain I star ysatsrdsy BsaralaaT Ke. p. C. 1 PrasidiaaT Fldar gwrlnadlsd Dastrtrt. Dvered and ad arm a Ta) OrlsAa Maa." Km Ua of thought waa that ad sac aad ohlloaooar had aothlag ta aay about the bumaa arkfta.

but revels Maa aid grr th facta. At th rresbrtertaa mtamtsraf snewtlmg. Rev. Taompsea. of CUfford Chapel.

mad aa ad dree on th subject. A Cedoaial Cathi araL- gar a history of th BpaaMi Cat bo lie sslaaioria aad of tn Cathedral "Sea Xavter a Bae." aln miles from Tucson. Artaoaa. gnisbed In 1TS7. Mr.

Thompson waa a Presbyterian missionary ta Minnesota and Arnvma year. His xrtur waa illustrated by pbtTphav Tn raa-ular sort mar aseeUag Clneianatl Presbytery will be held Monday Ing. April 90. ta th Second Presbyterian Church. Three clerical aad three lay raise on era will be elected for ta Osasral Bsemhly.

whk-h sneeta la May, at Lo Angeles. Cat. Candida tea for rdlnatkm will be exemlaad at a SBealal seauaoa of th ommHt this morning at the First Its bytartaa Church. NOTHING RADICAL Zxpactad To rJomandad By Antale wamaUd AaaodaUoa SoJaftaa. Columbua.

Ohio, April IX The annual convention of the Amalgamateo Aaaocta- tioa of Iron, Steel aad Tin Workers will eoen In this city to-morrow. There will be about 390 deiagate In attaadaao. most at whom had arrived to-night. Th Wag Commltte continued It sion to-day and whll Its work may not completed for eom daya a partial report at least will be submitted during ths early days of the convention. Th deliberations of tha commltte are cloody guarded, but It 1 understood that Its report will act costal aay radical recommendatlona.

Among th questions that may be brought before th convention are tbe placing of four Bel ated onranlssrs tn ths Held aad th re moval of th restriction now placed oa th amount of work that may performed by association man. GROUNDS Sought Bj polls Councilman To Impeach the Major ma. Other City Officers. Indianapolis. AorU IX Illustrative of the ranoof of anti-administration Re publicans against tbs ursssnt city adralnle- tration.

beaded by Mayor Bookwaiter, a special counctlmanlo commltte na nn lnvestlgatiner vtolatloa of ta ordinance governing the speed of steam roads within th city limits, claiming that th lawful apeed I limited to four miles par hour, whll nteen, and twenty, aad even thirty, mile Is not an uncommon gait. Thla Is to be followed by an attempt Impeach Mayor Bookwaitsr, th Board of Safety aad th Polio Buprintadat, be cause they have mad a effort to enforce th ordinance. It la not understood why tha Investigation la limited to steam roads, bsoaus the In ternrbans gallop through the heart of th dty frequently la excess of th SO mile an hour, and th elty electric I me pay uttl attention to limitation of speed, Although under a special ordinance it I claimed they ar entitled ta 10 anllee an hour. It Is scarcely aossfbl that th threatened Impeachment will amount to more thaa aa an noyance, but It ta Illustrative of ta eagerness of th antla" to peek flaw with th present city regime. PAVE CHECKS When Ka Had JTo Tands on Deposit and Hanlay Is Detained.

arsciAL MsrsTca ye na aseorxxa. Indiana poll a. April IX Henry Healey. whoee graadpereata are wealthy resident of Bloomlngton. and whose father.

Joseph Henley. Is a noted criminal lawyer of Chicago, and hi mother, Mra Ida Henley Goodwin, active la church aad musical life at Bloomlngton. I under detent! oa here and will have a hearing Monday oa charga of buying a secondhaad autaanototte from Conrad Mueller, giving ta exchange a check for ftoO on a bank at Bloomlngtoa, In which he had no deposit. Th young maa was surprised over his aires, saying bis araadfather always honored hi chocks. Investigation shows that he made other purchase In thla city, either on credit or by check, ia a4ntaac receivlag chang In cash.

To-day a letter waa received from hla grandfather, asking that Iks' boy be hunted ap and returned bom. Th police ar Inclined to think that aa acted ta good faith. Dorflinger Wedding Glassware Will always ba fand ta th embodiment the highast styl of skin la workmanship aad bee sty aad grac ia a- Ask your deeler for glass with this trads- NOW is the time the blood needs cleansing, re-vitalizing charged with an imatiorx, life, vitality. Hacee. Cordial of Cod liver.

Oil ZZ-ZFZZ) is particTilarly a spring' It not only cleanses the blood, increases the number-. of red aarpuscles, bat recon-ttracts the wasted tissues cansmnedbj winter'i riorsv It sends a tlrrill of vigor and activity bounding to every part of the body. It puts on new and healthy. yon buoyant-cheerful active strong. mgee'sCordi-aisathiii, palatable tonic greasy, fis tost of ordinary cod liver oils.

SaU aTl imo-Tie wared Vr r.iThirmrai Oietnicml Co-. St, Lotus. atgaw- whiks not mors lastly thaa common pi ac glass without nam. Whon Johnny comos marching homo ogoln with oraokoro in a bag- Oond Johnny marching book again and vrito upon tho tag-- Oinieedla In tho In-or-ooal Packago. NATIONAL BISCUIT1 COMpAMY PETITION FILED Hays th Sonth arm Oeorwla Cattl Company Declared Bankrupt.

ladlanapolta. April lk-la the Fed-ral Court thla artaraoea aa actloa was Sled to have the Souther Oeorgia Cattl Company, of Indianapolis, declared bankrupt. Tbe petition la Sled by THoaaaa aad Charles Weather, of thla city: James it. rrtr. Atlata.

Kooert M. Tarrar, of Decatur, Oa, and S. Tows, end. of Homervllla, Ua. Tbe eoeapany waa organised under th laws of th Stat Dataware.

Th petition declares that th company owe and that ft owe th petitioners for real estate. oBtATB a at a a aaw afaxva. otA. aajecata, esaa sevMar oreve cta u. r.ioriUMEriTs zzzi FLOWERS mSMTWkm.

MONUMENTS WsamsmBKKmBeB9agaBm aaasmaaai nzATBa BVRCUCR Aqullln. at hla lata residence, a e. cor. Clark and Freeman, aged al yeara 19 months. Funeral wedneedsy.

April l.V Beoulsm high maa SL Joseph's Church a a. an. BRACER Mrs. Marr. beloved wife of John Urauer, aged 61 year I month and 1 days, at her residence.

ITJH Pulle at, Du notice of funeral will be given. BOS8B Mra. laieca Dorothea, In her Slat year. Funeral from residence, 1WIT Western av Wedneaday, a p. so.

Burial private. CrXNINQHAM-Catherlne. Sunday. April 12. at a.

at ths residence of her nleoe. Mrs. Wat. Donnelly. Md laurel at.

Reiulem high mass at St. Tcdward Church Wednesday, April 1ft. at a. aa. MILLER Harry 2 years months 2 days, beleved sea of Msry Miller (n Selmiar) and the let Merman Miller, Sunday.

April 1VL at p. m. Burial W'edneaday. April from late reetldence. So.

119 Poplar st at 1: p. m. Friends Invited. NOOK AN John, beleved husband of Alice roonaa aad father of Frank J. Noonan. 1:10 a at lata realdance. Si W. Third Newport. after a lingering te years. Funeral will take place Wedneaday, with services at the Church of the Immaculate Con-caption at a.

m. NU8BAUM Carodae. Sunday, April 12. at 1 p. st tbe egs of an.

Funeral from the house of her son-in-law. Tale Walnut Hills. Tuaedmv. at I Hi Servica at th chap! of the Clifton Cem RICHARDS Lauretta Alices arifa nf bert Richarda, Sunday. April 12, aged gd rearm. uesaay. April 14. at p. at reeidanoe. Big Richmond at.

RiRMtN hi. aa.t. Monday morning. Du notice of funeral will be given. STEINBERG ER Andrew It agad b8 Kmrm, ovurveo nuaoana oi ssartna (aee Monday.

April it, at a. m- Burial Wedneedsy. April 10, from late residence. 11 W. Sixth at 1 p.

m. Friends Invited. STEPHEN Joseph, suddenly, April 1003. Funeral from hla late reeldenc. fi2Wi Wednesday.

April 14. laoa. at a. m. Raqulam high mass at Church of tha Atoamnt.

a a. m. rrrEJfFeTL Th funeral of Mr. Heary BtttenfeU Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, from his home. Fifteenth and Bra mem: will be burled Walnut Hills.

Daughter Haiti. 8HRAOUB Dorethea. at lata resldene, 110 Hewitt Monday. April 1. a p.

tgd yeara Due no tic of funeral will given. Mala leu. Chas. M. Epply, Undertaker, Tel.

BJ. AFA. Mia tiUaerl Ava, MONUMENTS Far Isfis niallo apply t. A. T.

sioavaK. s.rr.iarr. wc as. Blrmrer fcallrtlng S0CTJETT XOTXCXa GA. R.

Membsre of Wss. H- Lrtle Poet Me. wui itiltl. at Puet Hall T1fc-IA April 1. te attem tae fuaaral at Jaoeb Kaiter.

late ca. a. eota v. iniini rasaa eC aar prvu mum. nuo ULXJCOXrrTER.

Cem'ear. C. Bieiler. Adl. TT f)V Ofltcra aad at Llnaola A- Lodge Jte.

17. K. of f-, are reeasst te asset at taeu eaette TvaauAi. aeru ia una. at 1 -m am.

soarp. te atiea raaarai ear mm- ssr. Wry mttmral. AmaaT jr. ucvx, c.

LAFATKfTTB LODOI NO. si. F. aad A. at netlms Tl'ttDAT.

April 14, a sa. THO. at. steOwMM. W.

M. MEMBERS ot the Fratsraal Order of -Xagies Ho. 144 are reaaei4 I attaad the faaeral ef niutssr abui inarser. rrom sia late ra- eaea. s.

e. ear. dark as ytnasa ta WSPKEIDAT at a a. tm. CHAS.

A. NAUOHTCX. Worthy goha Valaataa, SWy. MchTTLLAN CHAPTER Special xaeatlsg TBI EVEN1NO at TJO. Work: F.

aad M. -Diltm. VbUlsrs waksrnw. w. jr.

rnsAcaa. m. f. tlATIOm UFAYETTE BANK Noa 118 and 130 K. Third St, CINCIXN ATX.

OHIO. KluU. S. BONDS, CINCINNATI BONDS mai aad Traveler Credits ts BROWX. SHIPLXT A OtX.

sUatuesr mrr patf 'cur FcniT cci'Fcar, ataugfiay. AAAai. agr. STAMOAKO MAIat GOLOtOm yUw Crsy 1 ts a srr mmmM- met a-i Vy aatke; yarmusj J'l I swruas-iBl abeetety taraiMS. aa ta.

va.iaaoi.Bw aiiaaaaa steassi ba 051 flliL. i- i xtosrxaisk rw mMM Braa. rsasi nun a Beid bv Weubaaml A r. amk mm Vise mtm. Jacr Hair sura.

Mala sl, mop. Twelfta. WnneusBr. If East atxth street, the wvIUtrl a.S. em wme awntiau eau ea otni aa rbe ameet at Baa.

mma frwL aucat. rvrvat Aiaaag THtf part Bars hi heretofore existing be-tweew John Crowe and John H- Brkeaw kamp vsoar th tra aam of Crows Ai Firknkaaaj is by mutual con Mat this day aiaaolvod. JC RaOOVKAMF. ClTirlnnafW At-m list. Tt aat uslfisiay Ibmad SB Cmminamr fw shss gssatas aks ar fasat, Ssmb is tastes, larva sme AaBsasmssmav Very Basaaaaaw gins Very ss Ssr smaalav a In il THiMorr HiiT-mooa.

An AdmlrAbls food, with all Itta natarai qnailUadi tauvet, flttaxl to build up and maintain EFPS'S 0 Iras Stranarth Vljrotir. OOGOA pobust haaUth. and to rwalat wlnta ra axtrem eold. It ia a TsiuAbla) diat for chUdran. ORATS L- OO TORTlNfiv THE CARLSBAD OF AMERICA.

The sssgaiaesat. snarveloea. maw Waet aUa pnaga Hutal. st Heat Be. laAlaaa.

an" l.My rwptmot. aMiialBlB ta reoeaa. eitk ewy BMra taaraiwa, aa. hnrem eoaetlua. maieee mmum tea wune.

wu ee aw- THCSaSaV, A FBI I. law. With aesresriate aad tntsraeila Tae BroiaMs. tmclu4v iffM. Biusle, as sertwra.

aait a fr.m tall el lat A cordial tnvltaltaa ia MlW to taw pem-lla. ynr tmnhmw pmrllrmlmre am mar llfamtilw rrarlne this tMfal bsiih rawtl. s.iOrM. Tilt WMT BIKtN aPRINOS OOatrAMT. irr BADEN.

IND. SEA CLIFF INN, IBLAIII OF KAMTIX'MKT, FJAaVaV. Calata Eseelleat. KnWIsat htasla. Spmciml rmtmm tw Jmmw-mm 5afgaAar BOOKIWO BT U.

OtllTi. i. atAJtagrr bquarc i-hviixjii TO AU MEDICAL INSTITUTIONS OF THE WORLD. I. ths anteratsae.

will laha a amah. Mt tnr (lO.Oiu. Ka nr. Imrotmmem. iul SMltk, eternals, age 7 yeara.

LOVIS HULLC. Mmmtl4, Obi: CITY OF WABNIIUTOI, OatTat 4A MOLINA. Fay KtlaUsc Dabt. SEALED pnOFOaALa will be received by the Mayor aad lluaril of AI4araa ot tbe t'ity el Waiugtua. Nana Omroilma.

until H. at AfHll. lBU. far purommaa of tSt.uul at tUi moae. of City ot Waahimetua.

N'mia Cmrolima, to sa Imim by vlrtaa am act at the O.o-rai Aa-aamWy at North Carlima. rmtiawl yabrmmry S. u. amtllto "Aa act t. aethorla.

th. berl of CoaamlMienara ot tha Towa ot Waahlbgtaa. Nurtb Carullma. te tease meads to par Its la-Sabinaea." mad imwM by the lam thrM ueaa at aa act ef htmrrh. luuS.

"An mot to Charier tbe City ef Waafciaauav North Care-llaa." No M4 will be raeetved for U-a thaa par. aad sweb laterast ss saay acorn, frees date ef bead te aay of payBMat. INTMIUT-yive mar cmii sMnl-aaaeally May am hIov.aBr the nsmM by anapoaa atirb4 te moods. fLACE Or tATMEMT Priaclpsl as4 rmterset payable at aay bsak or Traaeurare effkee ta City of WaahJnsiuB. Nurth Carotiaa.

aa appoera sa the boaaf. bet lb dty will iim Mtb purchaser to mm.e the isteraat pml4 st amy bana or treat company tm New Term, BaJtiaaure or fmilaoelpala If nquMUt each. PlKPoeaV-Te per ealetim e.M of aald tiff. oatraeted tnr amass ry Msms LErVIT-UMder must lacloes with his bM a eartiard check fee 0. parable te the Treae-sror ef the City af Waahlnato, Martb Care-llma.

ail mt asu.i ihat of th. awcemaa-ful htaaar -will m. mt omc. ratmrmammia' will ha aradlta am hie parrkaM. Kach hi saual comtala a ifrasml tn punhssa entire laaea of rOHll or BOND- BUSAt.

oVelr. snay larioaa with tmrtr hide a of mont admire. ABaeaarD valiatiom or paoi-icaTT Jnme let. luux. tm roum4 Ba-tiree, Ita.se0.ouu.

The ally UmUia have Sum graaujr amtamiat aiace Jsae-arr, Iwu. aa with a larxe amailMr of valuaml. m.w beildlnss sad sraet Imcrmmaa la value of property, it Is esUwaiad total aaseasmeat June 1. ivu. will reach.

If mot eaeeed Te Mllllo Dui-lara PRiNCIPAfTha prlaypal ef aald boaAs fa parami. oa Mar 1. but the Bomrn nt AUlar- iwi ar. rMiIrM mm4mr ami act, ma iimilil. t.

Ky Item oa star t. ini. aa 1 ouu an ttmr I ot each sural ailin year until all ba paid. The eat mrevde far epwial taxes ts pay bulb principal aad taierest. sai sorb taaaa'raa be eaad far ae etmar purpeaa.

The Buntbaee of eetstaadlm boewla will ba ptmree ta bl aad two nmbn draws out each for pmrsMmt. amd du. motto. rvam holder h.rnr. day of iMnt ba la mo yMaatbtlllr of oo t.

pafrtaMr. UEITT Ne other aaunlclpal et whmtrar Mew aallmslsd mt Sna Tb-aaa't KEgERVATlONg The right Is reserved Is ra- fart all bMa bfXiVIRTBMVli win be dailverad te aay basal In lb City nf Waahlaa-tne, Mont rarolifta. or to Snibm Krprae Coin my ia aald ol ip aad tmmar raaaivod there, or mmrsaeat saay ma simd by duly eortiaed bmna ehaaa of Mow fere. Baltimore or Phltmd.lBta. A (1RKS-Address all bids, dslr emcb, to the afarer asd Aldoriuae of torn.

North Carolina, mm Brqpwlv s.slld. Apply fur fansw Hit amiatloe te JOHM n. ROSS. Otty ourb. Waohlastom.

Mart Cmrolima. SEALED PROPOSALS SCALED PROPOSALS will be rerelved by the Fiscal Court of Campbell Cue arty until 10 e'clock A. MOXDAT. Msy 4th, IMS. for the removal th.

old besting apparatus and the complete Installa tion of a new overhead hot-wa t-r syeiei ef heeling for th Campbell County Courthouse, located at Newport. In strut aceordaace with plana and speclHcatlns a prepared for the aam Sir in the of W. J. Iliaaem. County Judge.

CeurV- houae. Newport. Ky. rrosoaai must soaiea aae aaareaee te committee in charge of Campbell Cou-ty Cnurthous. Alexandria.

Campbell County. and must be marked en the outside of envelope-tb name of bidders, te- getner Wltn -r-rpoai tor neating i ourt-hoasa." and must accompabtod wit a Breltminarr bond with twe good aad auf hclcnt dlstaUrested sarette Tn th sum of SO of th smoust said bid. to be forfaited tbe FtmeaJ- Court la earn of th ml lure of bnAder to enter Into contract for amid work, aad sir bond for fmitnful per-formaoca of said work a reuulred by apres-flcatlon if th earn I awarded him, Th right i reserved to revet any or ail propo- tt. v. mi iii rTJ T.

K. HCTCHIKSOX m. r. UOXKI.AJT. For th Fiscal Court of Csmpbll Coonty.

AaJg OF TltXAAE KALfcD JROFOALA srffl be reeerved at ta. Clark oAtoe MaaiTsy. April JM 14. tor ireaaao or twoaty-towr (Ml VtKnfm of the of Jiawiiaa Couaty. Ohio, aaca ot said bym-la matm tut I I aa am aws.

mmm means imiaraet at Vmflm. parssiio sail amnawlly T-r better deacrtpsiMi see rooast li i ta Jobastowa IsdM'ni mat as sassrt aavnraia, or aaaros M. AV UVMLXtM. Mayev- M. O.

EOAL. FOTICE-atat 'of Okie-'- MJ Cswaty, Piooate Court, la the aaattmr of lava Estate ef Ott MaaSMeamaa. i I I a. a. 41 Aim.

Oa th tsta amy mt AartL. Im ta yea af 1MB, rm Priilno Cowrt at Hasmti'om County. Obaa. aW. elsrad tm.

istsla ad Oct II IBi aaaaa a me yomaaiy Brnma1 the mats im is the ssSaralesid fr wttsia sis I tlnaad. ar they aiu mot reUOod a pbysaeat. Dated mt Clmcianail Ok o. this dmr Asru, J- 1SU. AI.PK ED KI ICMA 3, miiiiiia mm.

ji wiaisaasm. mmv m. 3 1 uma d. crroa rrm MuMb waera sbeB aad A Alloa swim ruth as raca riiJJahf l. ntrrr.

Scmim of Ohio, mmd whom, laa Iim mm rms wma 94w Tor Cacr, am th diet oa Mew Turk, win taa ami Isa tarn ea tbe tta at Mar am, tsog. Cbarlu ReAT aiad bar setltaua ke tke Court of Cisaiiiina Flams, ftaamileoa Commtr. Obaa. SMSf Case Km. mrarla a 41- rroaa kaw mm etkav S' "aa Brstect 4uty mmd aiual Croat emujae will ma for I urns mm mmd mrur ibe inn mv mt April IbhA.

CHAKlXTTTa RUFF. Kmaxe A Kammv, Artormrra tor aiatsttg CtmcUtmmU. starch 14. ltaaV "3 mn stiCiy cx Amttloar mad Sfrmgm MmrthmntM. Ca 2337 ta 2343 Clztl Aa ivwPs Br4vviaMl as mm in iiii il nasae uliiMiA fssiai swas aad tin, 'J.

waweBaahjBsan Hkosinczxr ctxucnaii ajiTtQirc ax. noocrf KDEWTAIL gyfalt Rtaew, slab, rwtaew aad ajgas, aaalsaae aatro.4 fl ON EXHIBITION tTHS DAY Tots.iT. April Uth Aad Ml by atalefee. pa tiv.iy ta alaaaot mi muaeei aaasaa ae a. At Auction Wsdaesdsy and Thorsdsy April IM6 Xaralege IS V4k An.

ram tlii afth rtew afs aslisisssaa TBE tZlllll BEtlf QCIM CO AUCTI01HEEIS Ns.iJ4 Main Slrasl taiact 4ta Til CiitUiflhl'jf ZlRui task til Wetter rsaaa. 4WrVaaai awd atagitea. na, a.alsmya.t ass. aao svad mmm riilam. AT AUCTION MONDAY APRIL 20-10 a.

m. aersya sa a rssstiBa S. Cm. WiIiiI til Ciul Strttts (peessoai mm grsdar aatd ateils Y-ama atk mm day mf aala. Tata aaaaiiai.

A asatsKia na ss asia stbssv AJKUSUCXHTa OPERA FESTIVAL MUSIC HALL. r. aerie aaraa. lireeta, Hla S.aa-jm. Aartl 2t, -THE FmOPMET." Aarl 21 (MI -0IC PLLTE." 1:4 s'tWthi -SltOlBIEO." All th.

gromt artlata of tha autre soHtiB Opera rleae Csaay Will lake part. SINGLE SEAT SALE NOW Ai TUB jriHX CpJt'Rr-M Cri Tat. Mala tea N.1 iMff aula vrd-ra r-r im tl ae amd 3.on aoata ra. b. sited FlMtr of tae IiksT SEATS rat fur A I J.

Frier, ad. ad aad Wabar Piamo VamA grand Kainfurta A llama attar this aaa Frtee-a. aiay ETHEL BARRYMORE ssiSTrszr: a country mouse rrere.a bv a etmdy ''PlRRflTJ ta ami eautlad uAnftUI. KEXT WEEK SEAT SALE THURS. Mm, s.

ti GOODWIN 1 1 ASM AM ELLIOTT ih 'THE ALTAR OF FRIENDSHIP HHUCK'SlJTJt' Frves: Mat. U. r. auri ra lsc. SOc, toe, gee.

Meat weefc-TME BapMT KlalO. RBORL.E 'S I Vtta, AL REEVES' DIG SHOW. Matla (Pally. Aiearral Adsalsalaa Aa. Mest Wwlr-MUIaTIC UVtUAtlKlVKtUm.

LYCEUM I 'atral Avea. a raa MallnM dallr. rVUasi Mats. lor. li 3ft-1 Erg a IVr, tot.

"Twe Oruhaaa" yridey Eignl amd Saturdar btatisa. amd Aiast. Ham Wa. THE SPAM or urm. colu mdia i mm.

At aisva. LA tr uam, Jaal avsrmos A C. eOana(ae-A siiaa sea. lw Vlaoea. atilsae 0iuoe 4 Ms wiurMf? area mm; AllMacusa all ataw Viarara WALNUT I RICHARD GOLDEN la DeaVeve A awiiih's gneimet uawrau i FOXY a People the Cast r.a "The rewer aahimd tae Tarem.


Tae-aday F.sewlaa, April l.tlSUtlt Address by HOW. A ROW MrWETtAv mm peg na ssr iee. 1 1 Ksck Co, 1351 Centra Arc. gay: W. eoebt ex tmas tbore are aeavtrede ef people Ihlakitie tmls vary day aeom grtiiag a Innf MmeSls.

ibey aiall rnai am (ai It ever avtta a we eeui tmmss tbeam ssej eery AMITVBT AIA BT FCEgVAMCE tm. FCTtgt ay Che rrisaia Ceers at Mam- utma Couatr. Oaam. am te maa dlrocia. 1 out oa-er for smi 4 piie rtioe ea rh arm mm aatardar.

th Wtb ear mt April. Juus. at rlusa P. kC the smuewlag liisnti rami awais, stuud ra tae Ctrr mt ciailmaaii. txaaMisaai Cwv.

mm Sua all at Loa s. mta an mm tt tmm oT mo nmrtm aSmo of Hm. mmm of the euhdlvlalo mt WILmoa at. Balas. am Tm sar4 tm plat awok t.

Pa. 12. Hamuli Csty Kmeordt. Said tt Me. Bla treats tweety- Ott feet ea the west aide mf Culwsia mreaee aad iilinli botooaa parallel I lams ml nkt al wtta Cslaials arasue Oerrard a.

tft morth bm ef ami Las atse iw, Is aae buadr.4 am ftr-arao ma SB-JOB la as fM. mm the aauta Ume cC mass bo mm. mmma i aad atxty-tw aa s-ts lUa.atn tmm. aea Are ill fast adl th aarth ead of Let Mm. to frsats see ttt feat Ba Ciders Is sveaa aad e.

tea wastwmrmly litaia parmlll Maa at neat sal os vut alorais awiii savmr4 vme, IiaTma; th asa arias la as amnyid te am4 Mmmm ttamamtamtmr kr Si it from larrfoms. ma Aj. straan ta tk City a CI a ImmafL aTaaafU tea Caaamtv. OM. b.aas twawtv Cau foot a7 ua Loatfc sad at Vat Mm.

tea livi. as 4aaisn4 a the a4ma mt awbatvtotoa at William M. mams' am. taas, muni rim saa mtm. race at the Hmsafltoa Cowary.

Ohio, ttamnram Bt4 pert ml Let baa to fmatlm twmary (met ea th west std of Csisrsis evamus. aad e. taadtm wamtmmrdiy ea beaarad ead stscy-we sa S-la iM3-ou famt. smsr ar bass, aa the Mr a lima, aad em has Ira mad smaamty aad mae ea the south mtmm llniil. aaA Al.

La mm. Mil from time ''JTiTVo Obt fmaa mm the waet aid at Ci larala ttuM. aad limllM wmstmsrmiy psraflil wtta Let ioa tun tm tarrsrd sr, ead brine ea hssdrf aad amvmaty aa fat U7WAJ fat a I a morth nmm mm aae baa Si i mmm aad ae-lo trao tmat la emeta ea tt em.h r(. saeer a aom. Aw.

me. Clmn email. Ohio. 14 M. alma aad tit fat saT B-ir-'t Side ef Let tea ti.

hem aarbjit mt Twenty easy foot ta moots at mt 14 tea Urn. am ssprslni at euae. Lot Xa till mssraiaid mt lasa. aat by mt tm pi iib.n Ciujt mm arm ArfemdamtA TErtbia OF aALE OS txdrd day at sal, aad 9- afV--: asma ha kasd of baamaos fee ea amd twe afana ysjsissii am a lilinl by 02-- ttr vmTS-sr- u- LfX IS mCKrtTmXXrtsn. Wsselia.

Xerease O. Creed. AWismay. Alloa B. a.

us if Plftk aad Mala sta. fTarl r. Oaia farca a Ceil bOml. m2 Sm. JZrir (I.

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