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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 5

New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

ALL GERLIAUS Liner Takes C. Dutch, Eng'ish, French, ar.J Americans. fight to co rrrang Attack Guard! Who Bar i from Pier Moiwy lReturned ti Those Who Had Paid. hnm-werd kundrMt of ln li English, and tN iirmr llotterdara of tha -1 Ar.rl-a IJe elled at i' frm liAboken for i. li an) llotiertUm i.n aere aweptet a paaaen- a i rnulj rot proof I ti's-H, FVenih, tr Anieri- drnJel passage.

r. who cmilJ not show that I i on tha plr were money WM T- I Germans who had c( persons aho war SaXlsg 1 In getting on tha At firlnk they wire 1. en I of tha Una told i -in hut that tin- t. k'bi and could pro- "'u racers of France, Holland. fir not go on tha i T't li frent of th pier i i- r( th.

HdtKiken police rn i' i oii l. Pvral German v. a to frt through i fi bark, and thy i 1 1 ltt tha fuaMi In tnntr a tha r.f r'rilrr. an i I I tiro jnlrr .1 tha litmn? I i rmrli taxac. lie tel i fi i x'i of tr.

Holland 1 i mn.i Mm MI I I It IM'I 1. KHL.llit it wee an l.r.gtth i mII, eft.l they told ry to i t'i h-v I 1 a letter i i ii. it, would $ly lat fm rtr who went on mi I t.nt aha harl tha if. h'n uutli'ntn a ma r-r i. n.

ll arte.l thjit i n. hut he couIJ no I ant thxy 1 him i i ifv tia ahi t-. ruatit ni'ney. I te arnt tf tha Una. i i ii hnarii the ait.

ar'..' tha'refual of paieriifl r. 'f I l.iin. A no one. eve i i waa almlt i i I r-ot ha i Kv.g; lnk. eipl.lnd tha n.

i. and Hotter V. a are acrepun prona ho ara i ire. If wa tax irs.r rf ii.rmna with a I I ltlt lhy cen'int gt liac 'rv r. ml.l have Ice i Ifilland to Oermany to 1.

ii r't truo." he 1 I'rilrl trt la at the pren i i ff 'I 'I ng i im ri ntil)la fof i I i rmaie cirnM T3 flrtt and 4 I is'uri. No official tim ti. irrit.r i with, but It vnv of troee iwho 1'parted i f-- will carrr i i i. rf a i 1 tlm i' rlnxe 1 1 iau-bor. Ut, t- on the Rotter t' t- flt(ht in Tenafly, Have You Worn I.

lay fairs? tiv 'tii IB i more dretiy a woman than a pair Mayfjiiri Oxford, fee tJ.em lodiy they will ate you at they cap e's i Drirj; Jren, too. 'e can fit tlicm oul with 5 wrartngEiJucatori and proMcm will be. 1 for a long time lo Rice HutcKins shoes rr-en. women and chiL r.i. rJurators, All-Amer- rat, rU.

Mayfsirs. IT i lt4 Ave. A ltth St 1ST KultenS 1 'c Bun bis a on vx. 401 llrl.t.- St. BreeklTW.

J. Mr Vlflkars, Who a Scotchman, returning to take up commluloB In British Armv. lit la a member tot th Officers' Training- Corp of Ulee- vow fnivereitv. and will tall thf rrad of First Lieutenant. Accompanying him Mr.

visiters, wr.o was Mies lyouiee hlet of New York City, a cousin of Plevelanit rkwtre Mrs. VlelcerS Will ay In London doing; Rea cross. wor Ml bar husband la at tha front. ai soon I heard of tha moblllsa orders speared paeaege on lh rat' steamer I eould get, ha eaia. i av up mr peatorat In Tenanr on unuar menu nop wnn ma over to coma back to It.

while I ftn) away ore am at 11 a'eiock with Lady Paget. ttaloh. vha an In tha Weat whan tha war started, arrived la Jw ors laeii BlrHL Th Rnffortlum aalled with all light ablaie. ar a neutral vessel, liy-li tha Dutch Gag" on? of tha Una a official said. do not expect ny trouble.

we ara gome straight i lymouth." Tha same official asserted was danger from mine In tha Enauih Chanr-I, but ha aald tat if thara wara, cut th caiftp ment came In hopa tha work will go on." ir Ralph Paget. irat. tnaer eecra- ry to k(ir Fdward Grey, tha rcnguen in Minister, arrived at tna itott tha veaaal would riot changa tta aour. not With Lord and Lady nald and Arthur Page1 rs fa tat wara aa- t. who ara hmlh- Paaat wr Raa- i a of Lady Paget and aonl ien.

Fir- Arthur Paget. Th of Lieut, FAat hrothara own large rancftee th Vaet. Th Prltiah Vtc Consul ac-cvmi arvlad tha party to th Jlr' Uir pnaaengers war I. A. I.

and Mrs. John it Ttoae, t'r. and Mrs. J. Clarrnce Sharp.

Ralph O. Btokea, Oen. ianiia i. tieeian, u- ana r. o.

ork. May Be llied by the Government I 'for Military Purpoaea. OEHEYA, -Aug. 0, (4elayd )-Amert can and British Consular officers esti- mat that about 6,000 Americans and 1Q.TXX) English were held op In Swltaer- land owing to tha outbreak of war. Th Bwtas Government for th last few days has prerented automobiles from leaving the country aa It tntends to us them if necessary for military purpoaea.

CROWDS AROUND BIQ WAR MAP The New York Times Bulletins Have an Added Feature. Addition' Interest for th thousands who watol, the latest war bulletins In Times fiqear Is now fcttnd In a six-foot detailed map of th scene ot hostilities In th even-natlon European war. map waa bung last night in a window in the Times Building, and as soon as it wm jut jp hundreds congregated and ther was a crowd about It all night and early this morning how the location ot th various oppos ing force. The names of towns, rtvars, and i mountains sre plainly Indicated, and in characters so large that they are sii'y read. The principal uae of the map last night en tea to be as sn arbiter on points at iu vm mm an wuhw early evening when about twenty men got Into a dispute aa to whether a city on in a ranoo-uermaa border was really ther or la ewitser- Every an engaged In the dispute had com from ai-rnes the Atlantic, and earn, was sure of h' sertgraiihyi A man from Switzerland Interrupted to point out that tha mentioned In th bulletin was realy a very email town in Germany and not a larger place of almost tha same nam In Hwltiet land.

it like this." eaid an English atrat- eglst. Th British troops ara landing to tnin the French and belgium fortes, If (r i ao siwl inarrH down hut Ut go arounJ to th o. followed by halt a hundred persons they moved over to the Broadway side of the building. WOMAN FIGHTS A BURGLAR. Man Captured by Purauerl After Robbery In Apartment.

i Mrs. Piker's Jewelry Wag found in me street, naif a block from the house. ACTRESS UP AS GUN TOTER. Tells Detectives She Meant to 8care a Toe Persistent Man. Edwards, West Fifty-third Street, a 19-year-eld actress who said she was Appearing la a musical comedy station at Forty-second Street, when, tha dntacttvea say, they saw her drop aeveral small cartridges from a When Questioned, th detectives said.

she drew a calibre revolver from GIRL STOLEN FROM BED. Crua. THE NEW YORK TIMES. TUESDAY. 'AUGUST 11.

1915: I ONE ARLIY BRIGADE QUITS MEXICO CITY 1' I Company and Bent Rc "So'Evao- ggft no uatlon of Capital by Federals Won't Oppose Carranza. Will Preserva Order Until Carranza Occupies Cipltal Fadaral Arrriy 'Demand Quaranteea. paelat Cable to Ttl NlW Yokk Timsb. "ri uokji. ftDL una mn.

v-. Krmpe-. Arthur Nichols. and Mrs. rurance ot tna vcmautuuonajiaia.

Herbert Nicholson, Arthur Noel, joaeph 114.11 pforann lUW Pile. Ijr. MEXICO CITY. Aug. Tha Flrat Brigade of tha Federal Army departed this afternoon for Puebla," This move, ment la regarded aa th beginning of the evacuaUon- of Mexico City by the Federal Army, preliminary to the en- In confirmation of last night's dis-patchca, Tbi Nw Yok TiMte corre spondent learna: that Praaldent Car- bajal will turn oyer authority for pure ly local affairs to Gov.

lturMde of the AUTOS HELP IN SWITZERLAND, Wgtrlct! pending the entry of the Constttutlonallata under Obregon and that Carbajal will leave for Vera The Chambers! of Deputies met In secret aeaaion this afternoon. The speaker, Manuel Mercado, da- accordingly. Wat' Minister Defiant. War Minister I Velasco was asked this evening about the; evacuation of the cMr by the irmy. and whether Government employes Would slso de part.

The Minister said: "If the army were acting selfishly In Psalo, N. was arrest yester- while no details of the discussions were uey looming uv jje'eo lives uinairica nd C'wena, on the cherge of carrying a tevnlver without a berrnlL secured from them, and from the mo ment they take possession they alone will be responsible for the vital Interests of the Government, which belong neither to them nor to the Federal Army, but to the; nation. They will also be responsible tor nationals and foreigners." i Trala Kemdy for Carbajal. MEXICO CITY, iAug. two-hour Cabinet council Was held today, and ad public It Is believed that th details of th transfer Of tha provisional Mi-s JMward Wss ascending th stcr-s I Government to th to th inth Avenue elevated railway I was the chief theme.

uonauiuuonaiiaia A special train was being held at th Buena Vista Station this evening, pre sumably awaiting 'the departure from the capital or President carbajal. A committee of followers of the late Proal-dent Madero was expected to leave h-r hom and eaid that he hud bcn inertly to confer i with (ten. phregon carrylnr It to frlphten a ccrUin man regarding the best method for th entry t-M vr, tr I of the ConatitulionaliBta irate XlcQuade. In tha West fll'd Court Word haa reached the capital that the nctii ner in i.i niui ior trial. i I "7 tuuonajieia ann ins men vi r.unii-iiu Zapata, dlspoaed aa follows: Gen.

Obregon. 20.0UO men. at Tula: Gen. Nicolas i i toraa, ti i riu iiun, vii. M.k.-.L- r-.

I Julio Madero, 4.0u0 men. near Tulan- iiy imu n.LrL 11 muuiiu vwv -i cinso; uen. r-aicoan iwarquri, men, and Aunt of Victim. I at Tulanclngo. and Eufemio Zapata.

is.uoo men, at Miipaaata.i SCHUTLER. Ausr. 10. MlsS I Jen. Obrearon haa aent In word bv a I renreaentatlva that ha Will guarantee a Kchuyler.

was taken from her bed by I Pacerui wiry oi in unknown persons at 3 clock this morn. rm zr. 7- I iv, mrrivu wx in mi, Her mother and aunt were left bound with baling wire, but freed themselves nd gave ins alarm several hours later. No ciue has been found. CITY BREVITIES.

rW Lleuf. F. whs was held la fS.Ouo ball by Coroner Hiordaa af'er he ha1 enmerated by a Coroner's Jury for killing William J. Na.n on July 6. w.a didnar-l by Judae Nott la I that they will combat th new admlnls- o-iirl HntLM an reueminendeUua ot the I (ration lion.

urana jury. Hy aa arrangement with the Vulunieer Life Kevins Cotne. I a be ataiion.e at all the publle baiha. AI limra when their eervl-ea aa lit aavars are not aeeoed they will give swimming Inatrue- tlon. Cm complaint Oeorga Calhoun of Oreea wtrh, lone.

Klmer Calhoun'S vhauff-iir. waa held In ll.OuO ball yeeterday Na mcmer waa taken from the Hudson tMreet Theatre by the three robbera whe bnunil and gsat-d Parrlck lwnt. tha watob man, en Siin.i-v ll'. It developed yel-r oy. The I2.A00 which had been put tnt the aafa was found Intact, although tha rob b-ra had drilled a hole in the aide ot lt- rllr of as Avanue anempted uiciila yttt.rdt.jr by ehvoung himself tn the h-ad.

At Boll-rue ba -ait he waa part enr of a teloea at Avenue C. and own- the Merkaway Hod Works, hut that bu.ineaa had unnervad him. Me firotaiily will die. A young man whs said he had forgot tee Ms name etopi-d "ollenian Hlcitey at Third Attnot and Tntr-e'ond. Wreet yeateraay.

M- mi put la the- peychopethlo -ward at prilMue. The was found en bis handkerchief and the Initial i hla ahtrt. tlon of tha anomaloue altuation In Mexico since the enforoed realgna- tlon of President i Huerta, The reins of Oovarninent. It Is now believed. will He neanefullV transferred to ConatltullonaJlat Government.

Willi fthe Federal army ot some men will maruh out of the oat) City, there to await developments, after offering their services to tha mw (invwnmant In exchange, for guaran teea. If theaa latter ar not forthcom ing th Federal army leaders intimate j. i To carry out the new plan, President raited etatee I Carhalal will turn over th Government life aar.ra will i in V-duerdo Iturbide. the Governor ot the Federal Pietriot ana in neaa or tne Kural Guarda These Guards will be used as a neutral force to patrol the cspltal during th Interval between the departure of th troops and tha entranna of tha Conalltullonallsta Much anxiety nan Deen ren pere oi by Magi-trete Mc3aa. Aecordtng to th proaimity of Gen.

Zapata SeflwVrr; iilr cal! army "but -this was greatly re-1 1 eL 1 i 1 1 lleved by th announwrhent that Felipe I Contreraa, a repreeentatlve of zanata, had arranged wltri frosiaeni carDajaa for en ermletice. Preparations for war had been carried forward on a larg seal In the laat few davs. but they now nave ceaseo. Three thousand Rural Guards are ready I a Mimnl-nt that Vatr! tTO I Armv am VMIn as It vacates the city, I though serious disturbances now are not reared. A manfesto to be.

Issued by President Carbalal will call iupon the people to maintain law ana oraer ana to euppon th new Government. As public opinion Is larrHy with the new regime no trouble is expected, I Carrnasa Leaves for Front. tJlRKDO. Texas i Autf. 10.

Gen. Car ransa left Ean Luis Potosl today for i Quart taro to take command of tha a lira uonautuuonaiut army. SAN LITIS POTOBI. Mexico. Aug.

i a-j i ruu, a cjia. au. ransa latued an order annulllnr demands on the cltlxena of Baa Luia Potoal for forced loan. Ha alao ordered that ora and concentrata aelad at i tha mlnea of the Xtaaaptl Coppar jnifiin win" companlea wnen th mlnea wra owned by UrltUh Inleresta. A mlsun daretandinj! aa to tha ownership, wag explained, led to tha aeixura.

BOARD TI. PL CALIFORNIA. atacatlan. Aug. ft.

By wlraleaa al. Aug. IV. A genera rMnnnll illhne ke rf I aiiacit on -Maiauao waa oroaraa lonig" PIT I RURAL GUARDS AS POLICE by oen. Iturb.

commander of tha In waa ordered tonight vesting Constitutionalist Already In poaaeaalon of th outer line of defenses. tha besieging forces advanced te tha earthworks on th edge of the city. Fierce hand-to-hand fighting occurred In the trenches, which, filled With dead only partially burled, cover the ap proach to the eltr's main fortification a. Indiana aiding th Insurgent used their knives with sanguinary effect. Tile FederaJ gunboat Ouerraro aided th garrison by shelling" th ooaltiona Of th besieger, EL PA80." Terns.

Anf. 10 Advices reoelved today from Gen. Obregon, commander of th Western Division of th oiiatltutionailat Army, stated that hie ad vane guard was at El flalto, fifty mllaa southwest of Mexico City. Oen. Obregon declared that his troop Would puen on io Mexico uiiv.

Oen. Villa, commanding th Northern Division, remained in Chihuahua today, according to rellabl reports. HOLDS U. S.j RESPONSIBLE. Should Now Enforce Peace In Mex ico, Says Carbajal Commissioner.

gaeclal Cable to Trie New Yosk TtMts. VERA CRUZ, Aug. 10-That the re sponsibility of America In the present situation In Mexico Is very great Is the statement made by Judge David Gutlerres Allende of the Carbajal scribed the difficulties of the situation Pe Commission, who passed through and said: i- Carbajal Is ready to leave the capi tal, and therefore It is, desirable that A number of American cars ax among Congress voluntarily dissolve," tbnue held. The Hwlss banks have begun to dis count American checks, but charge 'A) I per cent. The American banking agn ciea here also have begun again to tali ike travelers checks.

The motion was opposed by Deputy Uruchurtu. whoisld. President Carba jal should be summoned before the which Congress; should: dissolve. Mr. Uruchurtu added that If Carbajal re fused to resign to Congress, the execu tive, legislative,) and Judiciary depart- ment should Jointly surrender to the revolutionists, arguing that it would be better for the army; to give up Its arms to the revolutionists than to march out In circumstances that might lead to Its participation in a new rev olution.

Finally, It was decided to ap- the city this afternoon on his way to the capital. 1 Seflor Allende 1 said to Tub Krw Yobk Txvxs correspondent that the United BUte had had a hand In all the developments tn Mexico for the last three years, and It waa therefor chamber to resign In dua form, after t-bnt to Uke a hand now. I lea. A1a waksweAash MaaAA In order to restore here. carnajai wouia puts his moral support would be enough were we deal- lnr with persons! of ordinary culture and lie admitted that the whole' con- point committee to confer with faience with the! Cfcrrans delegates President Carbajal and learn the exact had been a failure because we had Miniature flags of the various nations strength of thai city's forces In order onjy one proposition to offer, which to determine whether It would be ad' TZ I I which we were not empowered to When the committee tf Deputies offer." called on President Carbajal he asked I He said he believed that compromise them to suspend further action for on -iS nT'l i vary inej suiiuinnieni vi praci ana ut and aa a means for the local war I me urwwiu uiora wctiuou lu ui ii.a.1 'ihP'ri emnS fanv of om hop of ufctory adjust- bloodshed.

Utlmatlng. however, that how. were they in eornmand of any Of I ..4 the arnuea. they wonii pian ana exei mvui w. simvuiti in n-wwii vw.

i he warmw argu- ConstltutJonallsta. The Chamber acted promise -wnen mw unaesiram me peace Seflor Allende re rased to say whether he considered that the Utatted States hail the strength nec essary for such an Intervention, dodr lnr the Question by saving; "The events occur. ftafior Allende and his colleague. Oen. Lauro VUlAr, seemed to think that fighting tn Mexico City was Inevitable unless Gen.

Carransa accepted their terms, i lUcardo Roblea Domfngues. the Car ransa representative, who accompanied the) party, rerused to talk regarding his mission: but the Carbajal delegates said that he carried a me saga which it would withdraw atj once, leaving I gave hops of a peaceful solution of the capital at the mercy of anyone thcexican problem. nt'ne fn1w "uMTAKn THRCB MEXICAN TOWNS, the fact Is that army is willing I i to go to treat lengths of sacrifice if I Pachuca, Toluca, 'and Morelia Cap necesssry In order to afford protec tion to the metropolis and to th com muntty. When the city has adequate guarantees the'; army will retire, though It Is not yet possible to say tured by Special la rw ft Tor Timet. WABHINOTOJC, Aug, P.a- fsl Zuharsn Cepmany, head tf tha Broadway and Thirty third Street Of Constitutionalist Confidential Aseeey is Washington, today received a dlapatah from Oen.

Csrranxa, First Chief of the Constitutionalists, saying Pachuca, To-luca and Morelia had been Captured by their forcea. The message "Cities of Pachuca, Toluca, and Morelia have fallen Into the hands of oar forcea. Chen. Qonsalee and Obregon are advancing toward th capital of th RepubUo at th bead ot their divisions." i Th Constitutionalist agency Issued this statement: i Th city of Toluca has a population of mora than people and Is but thirty-eight nftles south weat of Mexico Vllf. vw tm w.w.

la about forty mile northeaat of the capital. Morelia la th capital of th Stat of Mloboacan, and is ISO miles weat of Mexico City. Ooreaon's troop ar la Toluca and Morelia and Oon-salea'a forcea ar tn Pachuca. 1 "A dispatch received from Mexico City Is highly optimistic In th prediction that the city will be occupied peaceably by the Constitutionalist lorces. It Is rumored there that Carbajal is making ready for flight." i STILL LOYAL TO CARRANZ ConstitutlonaUst Consul Here) Denies Villa Has Gone Hla Own Way.

Modesto a Holland, the Mexican Constitutionalist Consul for New; York, denied yesterday th truth of the re port that thara had been a permanent breach between Gens. Carransa and Villa In Mexico. II received a telegram yesterday morning from R. E. Muaquts, th Constitutionalist Consul at El Paso, Texas, he said, which read: CI Paae.

Texas. Aug. lo. M. C.

RoUaad, IT Battery Place, new ior: i i Tea may eny categorically th report that Villa a4 Carransa have epraie-t. They are In constant communication. a. Villa etlll recognlsee Gen. Carranaa aa the First Chief of toe revolution.

i r. r. MCTQtnz. Peace will be restored In Mexico with In a few weeks, according to Senor Roll and. and the Constitutionalist Gov ernment will commence to carry out the reforms for which it has fought.

He said that th Constitutionalist chiefs honed to occupy Mexico City without bloodshed, but would not agree to the terms proposed by Provisional Presldqnt carDaiai. i BeAor CafbaJal tias declared hJs m-nilnarnasa to turn over Mexico City to the conquering Conetitutionallsu under uen. carransa provided certain concessions ar made." Heflor Rnlland eal. Th Constitutionalist chief wisely to give terms, demanding the unconditional surrender of th Mexican canltal. There are two reaufns why amnesty should not granted' to th reoeraia.

una is mat tn jonsriiu tlonallsts ars In control of all Mexico, with th exception of Mexico City, ilt la not for their enemies to dictate term to them. Th second la that the reac tionaries. If granted amnesty, will have t. iv.iltn open roaa xor anouier campaiso ui W1 Intrigue and treachery which may nn- determin the Carransa admtlstratlon as It did th Madero regime." I Soeaklna: of the nollcles whlCn 4ie declared th Constitutionalists would carry out as aoon as they come into power, Renor Holland said: I Probably the first constructive measure will be the establishment of a fre public school system, similar, in many peers, to the system In the Unit'd ftatce. Fre schools in th rural districts and small towns of Mexico ar almost unknown.

Considering th fct thst per cent, or tha population of Mexico lives In the country dlatrtda. of Mexico lives in the country district It Is obviously necessary that schoo be built speedily if genuln reforms to be effected. STABBED IN THEATRE CROWD Daniel McCormack Wounded Three is are ai Woman Takes Poison, but Will Live. A woman who said sh was Mr. Tblatla Fiacher was rmovd from her apartment S38 West Nlnety-aeventh Street to th Knickerbocker Hospital yesterday 1 morning, suffering from poison.

She was arrested at the hospital en a charge or attempiea suicide, rine Id aha had taken th polaon accidental- At tha noepltai it waa said ana woui'i inlta reHvr. No Information atojt in wd-man could be obtained at th apartment house) wher ah bad lived for about lour weeks. lee Cream Polaons Four Children Lillian. Sophl. Walter and i Allc Bugncy, whose ages range, from fifteen to six, wsre removed from their, horns at 23 Plvmonth Street.

Brooklyn, ye terday after Dr. Smith of the Long Isl and CoUeere Hoapital diagnosed auiiucs aevara pain they fait as -ptomaine poisoning. Th children war taken III half aa hour after they had 1 eat. hokev.nokev ice cream from a peeing vendor. Lillian and Alice were (it eeriftna condition i Times Alleged Assailant Caught Theatregoers last night witnessed a stabbing, followed by a wild chase, when Daniel McCarmack, S3 years old.

a pbo- I tograpber, who gave his address as th Hotel Cla ridge, was wounded three times In the cheat, th police say. by Alfred Howard. 21 years eld. et 123 West Forty-fifth Street, at Porty-otghth Street and Seventh Avenue. McCar mack Is In th Polycllnio lloepltal la a uplAut etindltlOfk.

Policeman Healy of th Weat Forty- seventh Street Station eaeerrea mat saw Howard do th tabbing. Heward fled, followed by several hundred par- aona. When he reached Forty-ninth Street Healv draw hla revolver and threatened te shoot if th fugitive did not stoo. At Eighth Avenue Howard was captured and taken to th police station, xie is a jewelry salesman. DOUBTS ARSON-POISON TALE Official Intsrvlowa Plr and Mr.

I Kuresa In Jail. VseHsf to TU Vni Pert Tim. HACKENSACK. N. 3.

Aug. flophla Kuresa, 40 years old. sad Oaorge Piro, IS yars eld, whe are locked vp tn th Hackensack Jail charged with murdering Mrs. Kufoee't former huaband. Michael Sooa.

and then burning bis bam to collect In surance, were Interviewed this alur- oon ny Assistant rroaeoutor i. rlskU. i Th toung man's story that he gav Boo a poisoned whisky when prompted to do ao by Mrs. Kuresa. seems to me a bit improbable," eaid Jar.

zarmsai later. If It was too lata to find trace of I polaon In Roo's body. Mir. Zabriakial said, effort would be made to bold both )1ro and Mrs. Kuresa on a charge of burninr the HOUSE ROBBED, SET AFIRE.

8on-ln-Law of Woman Whe Discov ered Flamss Is Arrested. gserta! lo The jVeai Tert Tim. HACKENSACK. N. X.

Aug. 10. -Mr. Babllle Sauer. who rives tn Mspl Street, Fort Lies, was awakened by the email et amok issuing from a room across th ball from her bedroom -early eater-day and found a pile- of boxes and paper on firs there.

After sh had put out th bias with bedclothes, she found that stlverware and bedclothes had been atolan. button-to-the-neck In fancy homespun. Men's $35 to $45 Sack Suits at $19.50 All tour finest suits mnaininir; in single and; double breasted models. i i Detectlv Slccardl arrested Chart Ward. Mrs.

fatierB Bon-In-law, en a chars of stealing trie, silverware and attempting to cover the theft by firing the house. Ward bad been separated from hla wlf who was at th bom of her mother when the fire was discov ered, i STARTS OKLAHOMA CONTEST Contsst for Democratlo Nomination Leads. to Charges of Irregularltlee. OKLAHOMA CTTT.jOkla,, Aug. Official returns from seventy In Oklahoma of th vote cast tn the recant primary givs Hobert L.

Williams a lesd of 1.600 votes over A. Robertson for th Democratlo nomination for Governor. UnotnciaJ return from tn remaining seven counties indicate th nomination Of Williams by a amaU plurality. Robertson filed notice of contaat today alleging Irregularities to four eounuea. Astrological Soclsty Election.

At the annual meeting of the AMrotosi- cal Society last night th following I officers were lctd: Dr. A. Y. 8tven-l ana. New York.

President! Dr. Jawetyn George. Portland, John jfutalrigg. New York: Capt. G.

Walrood, Denver, Col. Unit K. Rtowe. Detroit. Vies PrldenU; Dr.

J. Havell. Treasurer: D. A. Ferro, Secretary: J.

II. Wil son, Financial Secretary Dr. H. C. Richard Alexander, L.

ft. Wna, Mlas II. Flint, sad John p. aariy, truaiaaa. Soma Bull Moose Want Two hundred.

sad fifty Progressives) of the Fifth Assembly District met at et if a Weat fierenteenth Street and passed resolutions Inderal nr. rK- rinvernor. Tha meet- Ins was ca led by P. T. Canavan to head off the Sulver movement he ssw.

Mrs. eerie Baker, who Uvea on the whether It will go. Whether the Gov- fl 1 as. s. fWl T7 rH TLn second Ooor of 2,12 Dorchester Road, ernment employes Willi depart or re- r-et" i -j Flatbush, heard steps In tha vacant 1 main depends on the form In which! apartment abovs br yesterday afternoon and decided to Investigate, She found a man trying to get into the other apartment above, occupied by the family of Percy A.

Wh'tmore, who were way for the bummer. Th man grasped her by the throat and put a hand over h-r mouth to prevent her screaming. Then he wrenched diamond-set brace-leta off her arma and threw her to th iioor witn a force that' (tunned her the Constitutionalists are to enter and on the guarantees which the latter are prepared to give Gen. Velasco was asked whether he did not consider that the Government was Incurring a certain responsibility in evacuating the capital. In view of the divisions said to exist among the As the robber ran out at the door, the I i-j-r- tr.

Janitor. John Syrian, gave chaae. A I "evoiutionary leaders, tie answerea. nun who waa captured after a face tf rtaarly a mil by Policeman Phleban of the Parkville station said he was It has been aireaay mat tr.e City will only bo turned over to the William Murphy of 818 Howard Ave- 1 Constitutionalists guarantees being 1 Other Men's Suits at $16.50, $1450. 511.50 Former price of which range from $16.50 to! $32.

$28 and ISO Fall and Winter Overcoats, Men's $10 "Palm Beach" Suits. $70. Men's $12 to $40 Raincoats, $6.50 to $21.50. Men's $5 Tennis Trousers, $3. Men's ti Khaki Trousers.

$145. Men's SZ0 to $15 Motor Dusters, $1.15 to $3.75. Youths' $15 and $18 Suits, $7.50 and $10. Men's Fur and Far-lined Coats, Half Price. Store Opens Dally et 820 Olotliing Bought Now In This Semi-Annual Clean-up of Men's and Boys9 Clothing Will Pay Dividends Later this vou are rxsitivelv assured: That the Clothing in this Sale is GIMBEL Clothing made especially to our order, and, noted for its excellent style, at its regular prices.

That the prices in this August final disposal are cut their deepest from former fair levels, Quite irrespective of what clothing prices may be as a result of present disturbed conditions, you know for a fact that you can buy today, and during this salei the BEST kind of clothing iat the lowest possible prices. I- Notable additions to the GIMBEL are the fall weight silk-lined Overcoats at $15, regularly $25," and some equally excellent purchases of suits. I These are the leaders in the Many other smaller! items offer equal bargains. MeiVfl $35 to $55 Foreign Overcoats at $25 Men's $25 ilk-lined Fall Overcoats at $15 In Chesterfield. Btyle, with silk or cloth facing; also; A km it mm W- 1 Boys' $5 to $146 Wool Norfolk Suits.

$3.75 to $740. I Boys' $5 to 13 Reefers, $245 to $340. Boys' $640 to $840 Bassiaa and Sailor Suits. $2.95 snd $3.75, I Boys' $240 Basslsn, Sailor and Beach Suits. C5c Boys' $4 and $5 Washsble Norfolk Suits.

$X25. Bors' $1.75 snd $2.25 Washabla Knickerbockers. $1. Fourth Floor GIMBEL BROTHERS! Bankers Counting Currency by Electricity We shall demonstrate today in our Banking; Ofiiees an insenkms rnacbine operated by eJectrlctty, that counts paper money quickly and with absolute accuracy. a 1 1 I I.

I 1. 1 ..1,1.. AS lar aa we Know, Wis tne oniy mncninn capauie oi arrornptianing viiis. Bankers, mer chants and all others Interest between 10 and 5 today, I a are cordially Invited to see the machine at work Balcony, Mala Floor, Rear awanaanananS. I ni i LAI I.

U. 0 I I HI S7 I I Ml HI merican Merchants niteiin pr-aising i Ihe capacity the Autocar for ontinuous Service. sk any Owner tho eason elivery improved, conomy secured, 'I ower delivery cooto, I ncreased delivery area, saluable customers jjaino fficient in esult seasons; iTearly i profits incrqasedL ouched for by nterprising and I 1 ard headed ndividiials and oncerns who ara ooking for fficient ervice "Used in Every Line of Business 1700 Owntrt, a larf number cf tehem hav from" 10 to 270 Autocar 99 THE AUTOCAR SALES C01MPANY 428-430-435-437 West 19th Street. New Yet Newark aVsssaV. 41t Waaaiagtoes BbrwaS MOTOR DELIVERY CAR SFZOMlSn.

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