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Joplin Globe from Joplin, Missouri • Page 11

Joplin Globei
Joplin, Missouri
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

KLIXiAviTmodern room. Prlvatu Phorto 2978. H.VYWoou HOTEU deslrn.blo, outside w. 6tii. HOTEL, lOG N.

Out- tZ JIODEU.V Roomis, hot and cold ruiinlnf stoam heat, special ratoB, Rooma, 215 East furnished roomd, hot and cold SHl per, WBBk, 893 JOI'LIN 710 roomj steam heat, '-''asa preferred. Call gCter 8 KII.S 626. nicely furnished slenplng ro'ims, Htrlctly modem home, also PK A UI, Room neatly furn- IslllJil. AHI, furnished room PEKXSYLVANfA IJIB. sleeping room, jady preferred.

PEAUL, iurnlshed mod- Private hort )0. SI3RC1A.VT 101, for gehtleihau only, mp- t'urnaco hnnt. Prtvatp lavratory, AVAl.r, i028. room, furn.aca -iLHL'i- Outside entrance. ALL -nmnn 'pr men.

Y. ilOOMS WITH iJOAitu 'AND Wall. Phone KXOELLUNT board aiid roonV for some one wishing plaeo. peferenc t's oxcluingod. globe 147, Child to b09.rd.

RpsponslbJp party. Phon" 2792W. HOUSKa FUnN18HEb 5 cottage, wfll Inquiro 918 Wjtll. B'URNISHBD 6 room modern house, close In. Phone 6S7-M.

JPiVm "modern, funilshed. In quire at 2123 Main. SECOND w. 109 fur'nUbed Phone 3430. KENTUCKY 1031, 5 room modern fur niahcd houao.

Call 3940. PENNSYLVANIA 418, 5 room modern cottage furnished. Close In. Phone WHEBEJ to BAT JOHN BOYlv plas, cxceliont meals, prices 20th and Main. BARBECTJEP; MEATS with barbecue sauce Orders Accepted For Dinnere and SpecliiV Parties Wa DellveF.Any TlmiB PULLMAN: liUNCiH: 801 Main Phoije 84,7 HOUSBHOLD GOdDS dishes, china and Wtchen utensils for sale.

-Joplln Transfer. furniture, rugs, stoves, household gqods, PfcntPBraph outfit; all or by piece. 1030 W. Austin, Webb City, Mo. rjOJUSSTIO Sowing machine cheap; or will trade for furniture, carpPts or beddlnf.

Phono 4510, POX buys and sells anything, 930 Main. I'URNITUREi and stovps, any! condition. Highest prices. Phone 16B0, Ashmore 122 Main. GRASS RUG.

Ice box, duofpld and window shades. 811 Chestnut; BOOSU5R CABINET practically new 1210 low. Phone 2201-'W. ONE AXMINISTER' carpet, one velvet brusaelsi 1617 SEWlNCf Machines repairpd by ms-; chine repair man. Any'nialce' machine made to sow good as PWoBp.

1241, 319 -I car loads of for oyt of town. Call ,12 PEARLI 828, machir.o, library, furniture, general household ture. I'hone 433ti. r.l';p.Ai«ED WORK C. (3ARR0TT- PHONB WBARINO APPAREL SXMOST NEW Navy tricotlne suit; 36.

Reasonable, 1170. dress, fur' opat, slippers, silk sweater, 36; 6. cur- V.latna. 408 N. Jackson; BEAUTIFUL Linp of Week" Jop: ilh Auction Oo.

Malni I COATS', SUITS, dresses, Good reasonable. Phono'. 2940. ITURS, C0AT3, Reasonable; niS Pearl. Phone LADIES Eall drosses In sergp, twill.

Cantoii crepe. Trlcolettp and Tricotlne Jl week. Joplln Auction 7.17-719 Main. LADIES full coats in all colora torlals, fur tl week, Joplln Auction Co. 717-7H' TRICOTINB black velvet dress, sizes 30.

Phone 3809. NEW NAW tricotlne Suit, 34. Call SPHOIAXi men's overcoats, 1,1 dowij. week. suits $16.

ddwnSl Joplln Auction 717-719 Main, vSPECIAL ladles (ioats, suits, and rtrftssnj JO. down, Jl waplt. Jpplln Auction 717-710 Main. Ladles' Suits, slzpiwSSiand 43( "alaV oVeredat. Phone 1952 W.

TOUR CHOICE. of blouseB free with each laldo suit. Joplln Auctloo 717. 71ft Main. for 437- or drop postal' to lOi South Main, City, CLdoki3 "Bepalred7 f6? Phone 1241.

319 on casoa. Modern Trunk Faetpry, 57 rtepg fMM 118 w. sth. Phone laig. mn JOPLRf' and vUphPlstprlng Furniture wprlc exPluMvely, phono 1481, 1320 Main.

BtOVB REPAIRlNH-CJnH PJiyl. Hayti no Phnnn 2 iw5F'i '6NED ness College, Oct. gS3c2R8 line used cash registers and ioales. W9 pjtr anything. Interstate Billiard 8up, ply Co, MEAT blookB, all Main.

914 Main, SEEDS AND PliANTS field grown.oar- wiflon nianta llsht, pink enchantress, hundred. 'Snmrnerflpld Floral 'hW FtOWERS-Dahllas, also plpx- iiants for fall plantlnB. Pliono 1170. i'JBRNS and" bSIJSuas. Reasonable.

160a ypntuaky; I SBQNY PhPne .2360, Wor drill 'Tig, with all tPPlB. N. Intllant any of nruK. Phnne Icltv, 4th street Jrug. itnd KELJS of all flwertptlon.

1B23 wwlng jilaste paper etc. L. Baum Dry Ga. SoNBy-'teXTBACTOn for 1618 Oon. JOPLIN GLOBE, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1922 11 BALE LIBRARY rockers, rug, tailor mirror, dross forma, all tailor shop equipment.

town. Ballan's Ladles' Tiillorlng, W. Ith. MINERVA Electric Sweeper for sale, used only short wMilln, cheap, phone 31G. horse.

General eleqtrlp, Reosonabln. 1703 Or.and. NIGHT SCHOOL opens at Joplln Busl- noaa College, Oct. j. PHONOGRAPHS and Records bought, sold and exchanged.

Fox furniture, 920 Main. REED BABY BUGGY, walker, also 3-4 size violin. 1717 Pennsylvania avenue. Phono 3010. STORE FIXTURES Just what you Prices reasonable.

711 Broad'wray. SWEET CIDER 40o gallon. Oushman Orchard. Phono 29-M. 2V, miles northwest Oroiiogo.

SHOW OASES, cash regwrors, adding machines, typewriters, "tc. 103 Main St. TWELVK TON- scale, derrick and hopper. Globe box 1118. WB CLEAN SGod wheat, 6c; bushel Oak- Spud Co.

Phone 02. CLEAN seed wheat, 5o bushel. Oak- leyrPato seed phpne WATCH CRYSTALS, all kinds and sizes 2gc at the Sharp Shop, 018 Main St. tl5 HOT POINT gr(ll for $8.50 Apier- can Beauty Iron 15.00, Beautiful fur trimmed suit, sixo 36, a rare Mrs. Hurlook, 502 N.

I'Oli chocking up thi News Herald composing room we find wo can dispose of 4 Linotype niachlnos. No. 1 and No. 2. AH In operalpn when when taken over.

Also p. large pssortr mont of type In series, modern faces. Other equipment such as stones, oases, turtles, chases, steel racks, etc, A roar bargain for oanh. For further Information writo or call at The Joplln Globe, PubUdhlhg Company office. BRINGING UP FATHER-Drawn for The Joplin Globe by George McManus V.


Phone IflOO, Ashmpro Blankenahlp, 128 Main. BABY'S Crib Brd Phone City. FURNITURE and stoves highest prices paid, 813 Main. Phono 2183. HAVE wanting pmallfarms, mUst be bargains; Fred B.

Doarte, 123 Mln- ers Bank Bldg. Phono 70. JUST SOr 3 partoadB of stoves and furniture. 3 ware-roonm rmpty. Iturp wanted at onoo.

We my top W. qepfprd, 1814 Main. PhPine 3014. TRADING high BUypT, fpr secpnd hand furnttUre, alsq exchange. Phone.

2076. MY STORE EMPTY--want all' kinds household goods, furniture also men's, children's, Got the worth of what you want to sell. Call 1683. WANTED to buy atovos. Call llayl, 2329.

WANT TO for one car. S. A. Devaney, Joplln. Routn l.

Box 626. WANTED phonographs, records, furnl- stoves.and sewing Fox Furniture, Main HORSE phone: 2112." (iSm(dlW HORSEHIDH NO. 1 $3,00 each HORSEHIDB NO. 2 each CATTLK HI Cured No. 1 .12 lb.

HIDES tereen No; 1. .10 lb. 1402 WEST 10th Phone 976 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. FOR SALE, Best louatf'd barber shop In 3127 Main. RICHER bargains It taken at 5 good 2 and 3-room houses to be moved concrete store building 23x80.

3 rooms Inoorao $10 6 room In' 4 room house, closo In, S. room house, business located, 7 Btart) rooms and rooms upstairs, Wlok hotel, 405 South Main, furniture, $3,600, building $6,000, botl; furniture and building $8,500. James E. Burke, 405 South Main, X'lcher, Okla. RARE you want to got Into tho filling station business, we havft one.that wp will rent you.

Best location )h our city. Brokerage Motor 613 Grant Cjirthago, Mo. REAL BARGAIN splendidly estftbUshpd and well furnlshfld rooming, housp location, good, returns on Inveptmcnt. 708 Pearl. YOUR SPECIAL story furnished boardlngnoUse 'building and furniture for with regular boprders, splendid location, price $1,100, $500 down, balance $50 month.

Write, call Real Public office, 108 W. 2nd, Richer, Okla. Lairgest list hotels, restaurants, boajrd- Ing, rooming lioupfs Ottawa county. $1,000 TO INVEST in any. good' Investment proposition In sarv-.

Ices. Box ICB care The Globe. SMALL APARTMENT HOUSE full. In best residential district, near kpslnesa section, a sgiall cash payment. Income of property win pay It out.

A-1 condition. Will take In small property, 807 Byors. Phopp 3503. Profit With Safety How $40 to $125 controls100 shares; of any listed stock Is explained. Ihf.

our booklet PBTVltEGES Many profit opportunities In present market. Send for ROBERTS CO. FOR I 'acr Turkey creek. Good drilling propositions niade to right Phona 2159. bf all Kinds, Terms aa low aa 13.00.

down. Typewriter repairing' and office suppUea JOPLIN TXPEWBITBR BXOHANOB 201 B. 4tb'St. Phone tlSA RUBBER STASIPS For tho Best. In STAMPS Seals, Trade ChoPki, iiee BOVBR MFG.

CO. "The DIstrlpt'e Time Saver." 201; B. Fourth St. -t S150 CATS AND PETh Olarlt, 219 W. Hannum street, Cartervllle.

Mo. COLLIB SHEPARD PuppJrp, and Maiden Lane. Phono 773M1. FOR. pigs, 502 N.

Wall, call aftp'r 6 p. FOR SALB-rrFourtoen jreglBtorPd' pointers, dpga. andr all and air brokjen and unbroken. W. JI.

Waters, FOR bird dog; black and white; ono year old. Ralph Jacobs, Oxford Hotel, Galena, Kansas. BRED regiaterpd American Pit Ter-; rlor Bull Dog. Come and see him. Warren Cogllner, 1323 Main HOLLER prices, 1911 Kentuoky; Phone gtfga.J.

WHITE GoUla' pup, roglstefed. Phone 43.W2,. Route BPx 233. 'A of" ahaais from 60 to pounds, for. sale' or wpuld, trade-, for Phone 823-R-2, 42pd.

and Main FOR SALE ol; shoata for cattle. County- Melang Pen. ty- Melang GOOD and bridle, phone 1880, mornings. HOLSTBIN months old. HolstPin calf.

2329 Ken. tucky; liURBBBED Poland China-pigs, up, Dosa 3306 Connor. 'I'WO TBAM9, one largo, one small. Phone 2927. GALLON Jersey, cow' for 26th: and, PQirLTRY ANU SUPPLIEti and 'hens, Whito I.oghorn for sale, 5Qo and-75c R.

Blackwell, BplI'- vUlostOR on J. and P. car. FARM DAIRY SUPPLIEIS Ulil LAVAL cream separatora, the. world'a standard.

$65, $80, $90, spid on easy Fischer Harnesa Main, phono 2970. 4 Wallace and Fprdspn 4 John Deere and Oliver traotorplowa. 4 wheat drlllB and binders, 4 Qalvanlzpd grain bina and diso harrows Phone 1120 107 14th Joplln, Mo. BUSINESS OPPORTUNWy, A FINE INraSTMBNT--Buslness' "biook income $1,800 per year. Let ua ahow you thla; Fred B.

Doane, .123 Minerp Bank Bldg. Phone 79. BRANSON LARGE at Washington for 175-foot dam. Large lake already here. Get In- on this bpfore the boom.

Write Wllhltp Ttpglty Branson, Mo, FOR the heart of the mining campa, thp only boarding in town 19 roonvs, all full. Will take $300,00 cash, balancp payments, pr will take good as part payment. Thp The jnlnw are wprking beat since Mrs, Cora Moore, Treece, Kane. FOB Billiard Parlor, OoniT mcrce, Okla. Business Is avpraging better than $800.00 ppr month, Rcasen for BPllIng, other business.

(30OD BUBiNBSH and modern home. Re; tiring on account of age. Globe box 164, HAVB YOUR family's health restored. Save hospital expense, opnallU Dr. Evans, 530 Main.

MR. GROCER or market roan, the best market and grecerv. fine locatlpn, fine cash busineaa. liberty bonda or good paper taken, Real bargain fpr iiuiek deal. Thia la a real business and $5,000 or $6,000 will handle Jt, Address Globn box 1S6.

FOB And'lease. Coah' or, terms.Globe Box-152. i MONEY to LOAN SHA'TTLli! LOANS nmde' ort good seou? Oliver Sift Main. FARM AND CITY loapa. Low Long time.

Inc. Main. I NEGOTIATE Loans on Joplln real es- tate, quick actloii. ,0. repl estate, and Insurance.

60,7 Main, phono 871. MONEY TO LOAN Joplln real estate. Polph' Shaner, W. '4th. Call 143, MONEY TO LOAN ON YOUR CAR ON SHORT, F.

P. GARAGE 114': VA. AND APARTMENTS MODERN 4 ROOM apartment, hot 'water, 308 Ryera. NEWLY apartment built- Ih ibeda to parties wl.t;bout chlldrpn. Call 2132.

furnished-- 4- room Ground and gas. Phone 2712J.A1SP 2 rooms furnlehod, Inquire' 108 VERY CHOICE, "STRiCTLT MODERN APARTMENTS, 402 BYERS, PBiONB 1359., BYER.S, N. 514, room modern Fhrnlshcd. EIGHTH W. room modorn un- furnlshed Garage, phone lOjl KENTUOKY 3 room Phone 4106.

PENNSYLVANIA modern 3 pottage. Japitspn phfema; 5 BOOM house; 131 N. Byers. 7 ROOM modern' resldonop with baseipenti 824 Byers. Franks 7 ROOMS, modern, sleeping porch and North'Heights, Globe bps 163.

7 ROOMS Modorn, 1802 Wall. 4 rooms, 5 1817 Byers. Freeman, 107. W. 14th, ''phone 1126.

7 ROOM MOPBRN hPtise, alpoplns MoKet. 828 PBARL, naodprii dpsltfiblp 8 rooms, good furnace, 2214'' modern, garage. Phono'Rural 2SW1. MOOBRK 7 and room houses. Phono 1403.

ROOMS, .10. aorfls, 23rd and Now; Jersey. 2020 Grand. BYERS, 4I3i 6-roora cottage $15, Can 354B. 'WALIJ'1722; 4 room house, 'Call 3840," OFFIGB AND ROOM OFFiaB 'orTeiSrHrniahpd two mahogany dsaka, maiipgaay fur- niturp.

Win rent (urnlahed-or sell" furniture. Apply Belter, 381 West Third stroet. STORES AND WAREHOUSES FOR BENT OR Herald building, 212 W. 4th, modern, ateivm heated, ideal InpatlPn, the jbustness Cnnter. Joplln Globe Publlplilng-Co.

FOR SALE OB EXCHANGE ONE ACRE lots, nd ropka. Phone 3 ROOM Jtiouse and lot fot- iiale or (radP I Phon" 1467.: 303 AOftHS atPOk, fruit and poultry farm, new improements. Might consider small close aoreftgp- Jenlln prpporty or buai. neaa, 319 Byars. Grafanela reconfa rto tvude foremilk ppwa or hpjra; interest in gold mine to trade for gppd piano- 731 Wllspil WPbb Olty" FOR SALE OB EXCHANGE CABINET GRAND and records to trade for milk cows or hogs.

Interest in gold mine to trade for good Piano. 731 Wilson St. Webb City. IfOUR HORSES and two, cows for sale or trade for late model Ford truck, car or tractors Bowen, Pierce City. Route 2.

GROCERY Store, lot stock, filling station, for cattle. Phone 42RI. Kt. No. 1, Box 61.

GOOD plnno tor sale, or will trade for a Ford Also have some furniture for sale. 1419 Wall St. GOOD 4 room house, out buildings on 10 aero tract. Will trade for 'IJ'ord. Inpulrp 1816 Grand.

HOUSE and lot on 2-lth street, Baxter, Kana; Inquire 1210 Military Baxter, Kans. HOUSES FOR SALE MODERN HQUSB 7 Rooms in good repair, also garage and coal house, close to Jitnpy line, southwest JepUn, or wlllconsldnr farm nroperty. phone 1781. 6 ROOM, modern, with large garagp; Nearly new, reasonable terms, by cvimer, 1705 Bird. Phono 4378.

5 ROOMS modern bungalow. 1 block car line, fine place, sleeping doubl'- garage. $3250.00. McDonald Stophen3on 1014. 5 ROOM.modern bungalow, 8 roonis'hard- wood, fruit, $3000.00.

McDon- gld Phone 1014. 7 ROOMS modern, sleeping, porch and garage. North Heights, Globe box 163 8 BOOMS-modern, $2300 it sold at once, 1718 Pennsylvania. ROOMS, bath up and lot. For sale pr tradp.

A rare harga-lri. Robinson, 304 Frisco Bldg. Phone 780 lo HOUSES, and lota' to be sold Hke rent, with small apympnf down, .1 can suit you In prices, location and where others fall. Q. H.

owner, Main St. Phone-671. -me $1500 'BUNGALOW of flvo bath, electric light, find s'hade, suburbiri' location on-main line of cash payment. Joseph-R. PIlo, 831 Frla- cb phone 1500.

$2250 COTTAGE of five rooms, bath, gar-, age, shade, east front lot, good, location south payment $260. Joseph R. Pile, 831 Frisco phona 1500. $27o0 ONB and threo-fourths acres near center of Joplln with, good cottage of four rooms, electric llBljits, city water, and tpllet in hpuse. Cftsh payment' $600,.

Joseph pile, Frisco phone BEAUTIFUL largo rooms, furnished In hardWPPd, massive; fireplace, 2 porohi's, best loeatlpn, ampng fine homes. Owner must leave city. Sacrl- flCB prlcp. Addreaa BPX.86.. EXTRA NICE 5 rpom oottago, double garage.

Very pretty. Roblnspn, 301 Frisco Phone 786. GOOD 3 room' houso and lot for sale in Cartervllle. $225.00. Phone 4115 NORTH BYERS, 6 room fine worth the 304 Fi-ls- Phone 786; SUBURBAN Cottage, 4 rooms, gas, water and electricity, fine well with punip, large lots, good out buildings, line and concrete road.

$1300.00. Terms. McDonald Stephenson, phone 1014; A BARGAIN FOR QUICK SALE 5 acres, 4 room house, garage and other outbuildings, chicken house, drilled well of fine "water, small creek running through back of land, raspberries blackberries, strawberries, peaches, apples, chfer- ries, plums, etc. All fenced; and cross fenced. Located' on concrete road hear Joplin.

Price Terms can be arranged. Wanted: to trade acres in timber about 8 of Seneca for auto. General Insurance Real S. H. Roy E.

Stephens HOUSES FOR TWO three room and one four ropni houso; good Iota well located with wafr, gas and. sewer connections, sidewalks, curb and gutter, all at a great bargain call at 1321 Main strnot Pr Phono 3CD. WE HA-VE somo' bargains In nqultes, In residence ard Mortgage and X-oan Co. 316 Main, phono 4. FOR SALE.

One 4 room house, water, gas and electric, ity, Houaa In gpod condition and priced $1360. $100 down and $15.00 a month, interest Included. One 5 room wodren. all city Improve-, menta In; on Jackson near'21at. Priced at $2650.00.

$600.00 down and $25 a month, intereai -Inoluded. One 4 room with bath and electric lljshta. All city Improvementit priced for quick sale at $1500 $350 down and $1D a indnth fthd Interest. One 4 room house near school and car line and prloofl, at 8600.00. $26 down and $10.00.

month and Interest, One 8 room modern, near ISth' and Ppnn. All'clty iDprovoments In and priced for quick sale at $2360.00. House' In good condition and a real bargain. Better see. thla If you want to buy or soil aeo GARVIN-EMRICK 1056 Phoina 3312 FOR TWO nicely located lota (100 ft.) In Joplln with East Front.

Excellent alto for a home. Good terms. 2 ACRE tract close In on street car line, excellent, sou, unimprpved. 40 ACRE tract well Improved, 3 room houso, barn, good sou for grass, grain or fruit crops. 2 In strawberries, some grapes, and a family, orchard: Mostly all In cultl'vatloh.

aome valley land. A biirgalri. 3 SOUTH Joplln. realdfnop, all ipo. dem, on good street; East rr'oht to aphobl, Prfoe' TWO acre ti -act close tc Joplln, well, im-' proved, 5 roomed house, sleeping' ga bain, family orchard.

This, nroperty la on concreto road only 2 mllea from JopHn. Real Loans and Rentals 110 west '4111. Sti phone ESTATE WANTED owner, 6 or 6 rppni modern house, well located with Globe Box 158. REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE. CARTHAGE brick residence to paorlfloi! for Joplln property.

ard Realty 316 Main, DANDY 5 room aell or. trade larser. pne LPcdtlon, will pay cash dlfferPnoo. FrPd K. Do Phone: 79.

EXTRA FINE( honir-, strictly modern. On carllne. 37 acres In cul- tlvatlon. Win trade for Joplln real- donee, Robinson, 304 Frlscp Bldg. Phone 786.

MODERN .0 room: house,,. paved street, fine location, north, poll or trade for farm. Fred H. Doane, 123 Miners Bank Bldg. REAL SUBURBAN, ropm house, bath, gas, cistern, drilled well, fine water, all kinds fruit, roses and: Teriant hPuse, building.

Outside of. city on ear line at station. 5b fare. Wlfl take In modern homo In city. Ella aiountaln, iron Gates, Phono Rural 29-J2, SUBURBAN ACREAGE ACRES, 6 room housoi on Concrete read.

Phone 98S-W-1 tan acres, all good aoll, no rocka pr atumpa, on fine rpad between Joplln Webb; City. $250 caah payment. PIlo, 831 Frisco phono 16S0. HOUHES FOR SALE Fine 8-room modem house with hot water heating plant, hardwood floors and finish. Selling to MOV WIECK To clear lot for Bell Motor Company's new, home, Apply PHONE 7 H6 WEST FOURTH ST.

FARMS FOR FOR aero farm in Ozarko, Address Globe, bo.x 102. FORTY AORKS, good 3Vj acres blackberrlBs, strawberrle.a. Stock and crops. Cheap for cftsh or consider trade. Address Bragg, Seneca, Routn 3.

MISSIfSIPPI-Florlda, r'oh farm and timber some improved, write for description. Loavltt Land Indian ftpolifl. Ind. SMALL rich valley farm near city on hard surtpcod road. Frank Croller, Miners Bnnk gldy.

SEE ELLA MOUNTAIN, Iron' Gates for real estate. WELL Improved 80-acro farm on gravel road betweo'n Orostllne and Columbus, Kan. Will sell cheap it taken at once. Jamps E. Burke, 405 South Main richer, Okla.

9 ACRES on concrete road, fine land, good house and shade, a-1 place. Robln- son 304 Frisco. Bldg. Phone 786. 20 ACRES nice smooth land.

All In oul. tlvatlon. 3 acres orchard, 1 aero grapes, 1 acre berries, extra good 4 room cot. tagc. Very large chicken house, Robinson, 304 Frisco Bldg.

Phone 780. 42 ACRES, twenty nilKUto drive CrOm Jop room of good hog tight fence (ill, around; two aor strawberrieii, five hundred grape iome young'-frliit 't'rGes. six acres pasture, balance under icul- tivatlon. Ideal fop fruit end trUpk farm. Will Bell at a bargain price.

Call at 1321 Main street Joplln, or Phono 300. FARMS FOR 10 ACRES 'carllnem room house, lots fruit'Robinson 304 Frisco Bldg. Phone 786. 20 ACRES good liouae; 5 acres prohard. 3 acres berries.

Best chicken fftpclvlu' tho country, 304 FilWP BMLg. Phone, 788. MINING MAOHINBRt )t 'lii amttfl' rnlll' located oil good sIHpata mine lease. Good chance for paying, mine at a smj-U cost. James Bolter Machine Joplln, AUTO EXCHANGSi FORD roadser for Fprd racer, will pay difference It suited.

J. Forney, 123 East Third, Okla. AUTO NEW Late genuine Ford in stock, Auto IMlator I 117 E. GARAGES FIRE proof garage. 908 W.

ThirdTwubb WANTED AUTOMOBlliES UiOADftTBR body wanitadT Phone Craft, 434. i-ORD touring 1731 Va. Phone 2336-W. i WANTED TO' tires to be re- palrod. 619 Joplln.

Phono 227. WANTED TO model Ford or Chevrolet oar. No junk. Rayl. Phono 2329, WANTED 100 AUTOMOBILES, we are In the market for aiitomobllea.

of all from to What have you to offer? Highest, prloea paid, eell your car. until pur price. STAKDARD SALES- a TIRB 8613 MoGTe ''Traffic." Wky. City, i AUTO LATE MODEL ABSOLUTELY LIKE NEW. OWNER SELL AT HACRJFIOB.

F. P. GARAGE, 114 lino Pit parts for Oldsmo- bilu eight, OldainOblle nix and 0ak- lunds. 317.West GOOD H'i'OiHAGB BAT.TBRTES, $6 TO $10. TEN' MONTHS GUARANTEE.

F. P. GARAGE, yiRqiNIA. PARTS' tor OldsmobllB' Oakland, Npsii, and Ford. 317 W.



196.00 1920 Chevrolet 295.00 1917 Ford To'urlns ,1100.00 1919 Fora Touring 195.00 1917 Ford Touring 175.00 1920 Ford Touring 350,00 IftlSStudebaker Touring. 1918 275.00 1918 Saxon 100.00 1918 Dodge Roadster 325.00 1917 ClBindler 550.00, I9l8.ciiandler Chummy 650.00 J.919 Chaudler Coupe 775.00! 1919 Oldswoblle ,550,00 1.920 Overjand Sedan ,.650.001 1918 Dodge Roadster 300,00, Otliers froiu to HiOOO. Terms or Cash. USED CAR EXCHANGE FboneS.QO, 4mi6 Jop.liu SU AUTO WRECKED Oldsmobllo 1910 model, will sell tho parts. Southwest Auto 3ir W.

IGth. SEE PERRY for your Ford slip on bodies and auto wood work, phone 875, Perry Sludge Table Co. USED AUTO PARTS CO. We have in atoclc pew ring gears and pinions to fit most all makes of cars. Also axle shafts and springs.

Your Patronage Appreciated 3rd and Main St. Phone 2 AUTOMOBILES liXJR SAliJS DODGE Touring, '18 modBl. good run. nlpg c'o'ndllloh good -Miller. 7.12 B'OHD magnlto, Torrant Grocei-y, Duenweg.

FORD Touring. 2906 Joplln St. FORD Touring, 1918. First class condition. All good tires.

702 Fountain. Phone Cartervllle. FORD ROADSTER body, good Waters Auto VVrecklng 1711 Joplin. FORD TOURING for sale, 'In good cohdi- tlon Call 2530 Byers. KORD SPEEDSTER, 1017 model, good ducking top, good upholstering, flno condition, $135 cash, 1729 Main.

HUDSON Super Six, model sedan. A bargain. Don't fall to look thla over. Loonils Barroii Garage, 210 'Vv. I5th.

street, 0LD8M0BILB 8, good condition, able. Jungo Baking 18th and Main. MINING MAjOHlNERYr-SUPPUCBM AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE'. Car. Touriijg, lj)Ve -in-.

Tourlns Roadster LlUo Netv Rottclster Koadster is a Bargain Truck Tpui'ins poaClgter i- Touring" Touring Chassis Terms to suit ...350.00 ...385.00 ...300.00 Jojplip supply 00, ,,315 West ltd St. ELECTRIC MOTORS Stock for Immediate Delivery. All 25 Cycle 3 Phase. -rraHP HP OHP OHP 220 Volt 220 Volt 320 Volt 230.Volt Volt 2Efr'-V-oIt 720 RPM 220 Volt 7 220 Volt 72? RPM 2200 Volt 720 BPM 2200 VoJt RPM 2200- Volt 720 RPM 14iO RPM 720 RPM 7 All Motors tJuai'anteed in Good Operijiting Condition. MACHINERY SUPPLY CORPORATION Factory, Warehouse and School Sts.

arid 1030. American Steel Split, Pulleys Friction Clutchei English Steam and Electric Hoists Denver Drills Denver Drill Sharpener Red Star Drill Steel Double Diamond Belting Union jPumps'and Compreacora Walton Tubular Boilers YaleandTowneChalnBlockB a- Cbamiilon Exhausters and. Blowers: Mine and Mill fluppHes -T Phones 638-639' EMPIIE ELECTEIC 4di.Pa. No. 341' -ix RADIO PARTS AND SETS IN STOCK.

i II you wish a Radio Concert for an entertainment. Call Wvl NEW AND REBinLT MACHINERY! COMPRESSORS' FR-1 In'geraoll Imperial Ingorsoll 1-1- 11- 1- Ss- 1. 11- 12B HP Murry: Corllaa 173' 327' Chlcagp pneumatic Ingersoil 731'X8 Ipgoraon 888' Ingprsen Ingerspll SJOil'XS IngeraoU STBAM EriGINBB 7 HP Freeman I-Iprlapntal IB HP Freeman. 30 HP Atlps 2-, 2- OA0 60 HP 70 HP 7fi HP HP a- no HP a- 160 HP 1- 165 MP 1- 85 HP Miller 1- IftO HP 2- 30 HP Vertical 1- so HprlaontaJ 1-160 HP HprUontal' BP Hot-lapnial tntarniny Steam and Rock DrllU of All Sties and All McNEAL MACHINERY COMPANY Opposite Post btfice 1 CP. Oil Engine 1 20-h.

p. G. P. Oil Bnglue 1 12-h. p.

C. P. Oil Engine- 1 12-b. p. Engine I 35-h.

p. Bessemer Gas Engine 1 40-h. BessemerCras Engine 1 50-h. p. BesseniGr Gas Enginoi 1 60-h; p.

Olds Gaa Engine 1 8C-b, p. Begsemer Gas Engine 1 HO-h. Bessemer Engine 1 ISB-h. p. Bessemer GM Engine 1 Chicago Pneumatlo 10 Steam DrJ-ven CoflipresBora 5 Belt Driven CompresBora 10 80 to 150-h.

H.R. T. Boilers 5 tplO P. Steam Engine h. I -r 8' Horijoiital Steam CoicllSs Bngtoea 'f" 20 8 First Motion HpUt 30 'vmp3iC 15 Centrifugal 7 QrmUra.

Seta 18 KolUi a MHlB.wlU selJ any a UQPpers'and SQvtltl Electric-IifQjtorD E. MACHi;.

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