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The Indiana Weekly Messenger from Indiana, Pennsylvania • Page 5

Indiana, Pennsylvania
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tanger. OCT. 10, 1883 LOCAL ITEMS. THE INDIANA MARKETS. rVKr.y TVEBXESDAY i and fl.lio per sack.

per bushel. Kvc--TO. p'T busncl. cents; per bushel criits, i i a MEIVSKSC.EI!--51,30In advance, liacon--Ham, 16 rents. Jiacon--MUC.

llccnts lUcon--Shoulder ID cent'. -Dnts. liultc-r-- 1'J cents 1'orU--s cents. cents per Ib. Turkeys--S cents por Ib.

per bu. tv.ickwheHt flour per hundred, or the MESSENGER. i ADVEUTISIXO RATES. imr week, Inch two-weeks, l)ir-c weeks, i incli one month, one week, S-VM column one 1 column one week, Addi- i and space in same proportion. nllicial acK ertising cliargck at therate i KIlM-j OF THE MESSENGER.

a a i ccnH, if paklin advance; i i two dolliiis-: niter the cxpira- i i i (loll.n.sand lifty cents. A. M. 1, i.uthoii/.cd to receive and receipt for money due office. He will call upon some of our patron-, who are in arrears and they will settle promptly.

Little drops, 'if lager, Little sipii of gin. Make the red probocci.s, And consume the i the new advertisements. MONDAY was a profitable day to our liii- I I nevt ca i-i of excitement election. person and i friends i in on Monday. wan i at the on Monday.

Tin: new two cent stamps are ivt a- piet- ty as the old i i i JAMISON some real e-t'ite in paper. A of Ei'publican arc announced in p.qier. C.KO. an Indiana typo, here r.n a vi-it fnenda and relatives. i i new M.

E. will delivet his firit sermon here on next. Tin: Women's Missionary Society i assemble in thi.s )lace on Tuesday next, l-'irrv bairels of beer were soil to the thirsty on Monday last in this place. Tin: of a at tlic po-toffii-e here- ha-largely incrfaecd the 1-t ot tolier. A (.

of thieves arc getting in their in the neighborhood oi New Florence. JOSES and family K'lt their new home, in wnsiiington, jcsienl.iv morning. AT the recent meeting of the i Cou- furencc, Kev. J. a wa- assigned to Indiana.

IT is '-aid that H. Weir of I will shortly return to this and practice law. crowd in town r.n M. a simply immense and competent luik'Cs put the iig'urcs at Tin: American Hou-o was mme than full on Mo-iday. Indeed same my be said of all our hotels.

Tun receipts of the recent fail amount 10 Dvc-r almost as miirh a-wa-, taktn in at fair of Ilniisr. thieves, appear to be opcraiing in nevcral of the counties in the 'Western portion of Slate, THE arrival of the on Sabbath morning interfered nil the a tcn lance at Sunday TIIL award (if prc-iniinn- made by the several judges at the recent a i aie published on Ihe first page of this paper. Ax extra train run on the- a on Monday for the a i a i of pcr.sons whi to attend tiu'show. Tin: lUirgc-ss and Cm ntil i piohib- itwl allbtret-t fakirs from i vocations on the t-trcets on show day. MRS.

Cfslf, the Ilhu-klick lady operated upon bv Drs. St. Clair last week, ha-" pa-sed the critical point anil v.ill K-covsr. i were i ets about last week. Vie of several pcr-oiis losing their pocket book-.

"Wi: tltor.glit there i large crov.d here on the third day of the fair.hut it could not hold a candle to i ciowd oi Monday. PiMrsox, of the i a i Times, visited our fair last week arc glad to meet such clever Come again. Is another column give place to a i a growler. 1 The writer complains of sevenl a connected i the fair. acknowledge a -e-renade from the Sniiclcslnirg Land.

Tbo b.iys play well and furrii.slK\l music to the salisi'action of the Ui the stvles of hat- anel bonnets, at the Millinery store nf Clara Thomas, on 6th St. new aitiactbn" in dress good-at The One Price Store. vxu of tips.feathers-.birds velvet, and plu-l'ies. the Millinery Store of lara Thoma-, on 6th street. Cl.OTliiN-fi for the million, at the lio-ton I i in make One Price Store, ana Ho- All the lp.te.-t and goo'-.

Tun of Dixmont insane asylum have entered suit against the county of Clarion to recover 9310.42 the amount claimed to be due for the care of insane wards ol that county, Tnr. "ros receipts of the Forepaugh show- a trifle under The daily of the concern is about $3500. The a fair profit at Indiana on Monday. Wji have been present at a gocd many fairs, both in oui own and other counties, and 'we have never such universal good behavior as was observable on our streets last week. clothing, a new stock, and great value in everv garment.

As we are determined to meet the wants our trade.wegive the best values offered in the market, at the One Price Store. -nr i signed by T. C. Florence, states that on the night of Oct. a dark brown mare, no white marks, weight good carriage, was stolen from that vicinity.

a former resident of this i.laee, alter an ab-cnce of several years in I'liica-o roped iu on'tlie old town on ntrd.ty i of last week. lie returned to Chicago on Monday. Tin: fair la-t week wai a success in every rc-pect. The i i was large and of a high ihe attendance was large and the receipts sitisfactory Indiana ciimiy Fair lake- the cake, little really bad conduct was notica- bk on our strcets'on Monday. Quite a num- he-r oi per-on- under the influence of li.pior, bill as a rule they just feeling good and 't in the fighting humor.

A 11 III.WAY conductor, lately promoted to a on of the church, as be started around i the contribution baskets, involuntarily a i -Tickets, gentlemen!" The u.ntrilmlion was unusually large. ould i from tlic the Na- MR. Jons MILLER, of C'onnellsville, was visiting friends and relatives in this place last week, P. Youngblood and his son fishing vesterday and succeeded in sectirintr 13 pounds of bas-i. CAPT.

ANDY KTNTER, formerly of Marion, returned i i to Dakota. No to -hovel coal ith your fingers when ni i in pureb.i-e- an iion shovel at's "for ir.e ce-nts. He i also sell you a wash basin for 10 c-ciits tbeicfore why continue to make your a i i i i ill a eiock. i Ciceiisbiiig Tribune, called to see us one day lust week. lie keeps the i i i i i i a i i oliici.iK of Wc-tpiorcland i i on and is now making it v.

arm" for the Poor House Uhcctors. C. TAYI.OK has returned from 1 trij) to K.uisas, and his many friends will be glad to learn that the trip benefited his health. Mrs, Taylor's was along i him in journey and is also looking better. 1 is -aid partridges were never more meTO'is than they will be this "eason, owing altogether to tlie last two winters, which comparatively mild, i no deep snows.

K.ibbits i also be very numerous Dressgoods, trimmings c. Men and boys clothing, (lokey hand-made boots and "liocs. Victor 5 ply carpet chain, week from a protracted lie will spend the winter in ihi-i county. 'i in: County Committee met on Wednesday last and was well attended. Much routine business was transacted and the reports from all the districts were encouraging.

A FRIEND remarks that there are more pretty girls to the square yard, on North b'th street than on any other street in the village. This, of course, includes the young ladies now visiting persons on that thoroughfare. "WrrAT influence has the moon on Ihe tide'!" Ihe teacher asked John Henry. And John Henry said it depended on what was tied if it was a dog it made him howl, and if it was a gate it untied it just as soon as a cow or young man came along. It is such things as this that make school want to lie down and die every day at 1 o'clock.

LET it be remembered that if a voter moves from one borough or township to anothei, between now and Tuesday, Nov. 0, (election day), he loses his right to yote this year. Whoever does disfranchise himself, because be loses his residence of 00 days and gains none elsewhere. Every voter must reside CO days in the district where he offers to vote. Dn.

Jonx LAXEY, who a few days since opened a dental office in Trilby's Building, nearly opposite the Indiana House, is one of the best workmen in the State. He graduated at the University of Pennsylvania and they turn out no inferior workmen at that shop. His work thus far in this place, has given most complete satisfaction. His charges are reasonable. I i stated that there were several case? of i jams last week.

It was confined to per-ons from Erookville and Spirit, The first sentence in the above is cprrect; the last is a long way oft the truth. The fellow troubled with the jim jams were all Punxsutawney fellows, as any one could ca-ilv discover by the vc- million color of their respective nose-. Ox Wednesday niglit, September 26, a valuable horse was stolen frorh the stable of of Lynn, in Fairfield county. The animal is a bright bay, fourteen hands high, weighs 1300 flat footed, little white on hind foot abdicted to the habit of cribbing. A reward of is ofi'ercd for tiie horse and a like amount for the arrest of the thief.

SOME person-, aie uncharitable enough to say that if our policeman would spend more time on the streets, looking after disorderly characters and spend less time in the alleys looking after "tray cows, it would bc better for the community. But then, the people who talk so have'had their cows impounded and we know from from experience that they do not feel in the most amiable mood. MR. JAMES DOXAIIEY, having purchased a fine selection of goods, is prepared to offer the citizens of Mechenicsburg and vicinity, some extra bargains. Mr.

D. is an accommodating gentleman and knows how to "keep store." As it is a new departure on jj ME. JACOB S. CONNER, an old an well known citizen of Green Indiana county, met with an ac 22, which might accident on Saturday, have cost Mm his 1 1 I He was out in the woods nuntin and aiming at a squ: irrel in a very tall tree, he fired, killing the He held the almost straight up and when it was has been home but a few we still sick. his part we wish him abundant success.

1 .1 i 1 iroposcs to put bis goods down to the lowest lotch and expect-, cash or its equivalent for notcl "un almost straigni "I' discharged a spark fell from the gun into a powder flask, containing nearly a pound of powder, causing it to explode i a fearful report, and burning Mr. on- ner'a arms and hands in a horrible mnuuer. --Cherrytree Record. "Couxi Zowaska," a native of Poland, Russia, a solder under Napoleon at Leipsic and in the march on Moscow, and who, at the age of seventy years, enlisted in the Union armv and served three years, until the war closed, called on us on Tuesday. He is ninety-two years of age and says he is on his wav to the Soldier's Home at ashmgton, We get the above statement from the Count himself and, being uncontradicted, it must stand as the Citizen.

The "Count" passed through this place some ten days ago. If he keeps traveling west it will be some time before be reaches ash- ington. THE Department received a letter from a western postmaster, a few clays since, as follows "I desire to know whether in case a suspected horse thief, whose eahc-, U'fl; I I Tin: is the live stock ship- me'iits for the week 8 Horses, 2 cattle, hogs, 111. OVKH ivne people were under the at MIOW on Monday afternoon, and three IhniT-and at the niglit A i i i i monthly risks: "What nre This is an one. Crowds are what we see going into the store that advertises extensively.

L'KriKsHAXKs retired on Saturday last for five days because of drunkenness and disorderly missed the show. Robert thus OVEE five hundred peopU witnessed the unloading of the -imw at the) station on Sunday morning. Many of those present were from the country, FROM present indications we will have numerous candidates, for Coantv Treasurer next Spring and jiirants- for Sheriff. uiie a sprinkling of as- THOMAS- SYLVANIS has organized a package express company and is prepared to deliver packages in any part of the town at a small compensation. A ERK.HT little daughter of Mr.

L. M. Clark, of Cherrytree. fell from the coun- counle-r in her father's store, the other day and received severe injuries. TIIKKE is a woman in Montgomery twp.

Indiana county, who, beside faithfully performing domestic duties of her household, make's a full hand on a saw-mill. MR. J. M. will have charge of the Cherrytiee schools during the coming winter and will be assisted by Miss Annie Klingensmith, of Indiana.

THERE will be a public sale of personal property, at the residence of Richard Getty, in Rayne township, on Thursday, October 25, commencing at 12 o'clock, Tnrr.E are no nice little stories about the return of "The Prodigal Daughter." The son can return and have the finest veal served up for him, but the daughter must stay away. FOUND--In this borough, on the 4th day -of the fair, a pocket book containing a judg'- nent note for a considerable sum. The own- can have book and contenjs by applying Ihe new color). Moss rose flour at The One Price Store. THE fair managers, ib usual, come in for a certain a of adverse criticism.

Like editors, all their mistakes are looked at a i i glasses, while their c-ommcndible acts are lost sight of. But -such i- life. A LITTLE son of George Groft, of Ibis place, aged about seven years, was run over liv a wagon i the fair and quite severely i i The wheel passed over his bead just above the car, cutting a large gash in the scalp. Jonx Pedicord died at the residence of lii- father, in Homer City, on Sabbath la-4. He had been in California for the past ten a a was called home by his father's illncs-.

He His father is Ax unknown tramp having tho initials, ''II, maikcd on his shirt, was found hanging from a tree Friday morning by a ladv a short distance cast of Huntingdon. Nothing was found on his person that would lead to his identification. QVITE a smash up occurred near Harry Bryan's, on the morning of the show. A wagon endeavored to pass a couple of bug- L'ies and frightened the horses. buggies and one wagon badly u-ed up.

No person seriously injured. BLAC merchant at Diamondville, has purchaser! the mail route between Indiana and Cherrvtrce and will take charge tins week, llcde-iies to have the schedule so changed as to leave Indiana Monday morning instead of Tuesday. I JACK-OX, a beautiful young girl, who was an inmate of the Soldier's Home at Me-Callisterville, Juniata county, lias been mis-dug for some time, I is believed that she was led astray and then spirited oil' to Philadelphia. or four young men about town will find thcm-elves in the Penitentiary one of these line days. They make a habit of inveigcliug men into a dark alley where they rob them of a ever of value can lay their hands on.

'SeH'iKE COLEMAX married a couple on Monday, but they requested him to keep the affair out of tiie papers. We presume neither of the contracting parties are ashamed of the affair, but have other motive for the secrecy manifested. Ox Monday night a couple of horses were hitched in Moorhead's shed, in West Indiana. After the show was over tho owner of the animals failed to find them and it is thought they were either stolen or ridden off by some malicious persons. TIIK show people made arrangements ith the railroad company to sell tickets to the exhibition in connection with passage tickets.

The double headers were put on sale at Blacklick on Saturday afternoon and by ening three hundred had been sold. W. II. ELLIS, son of the late David Ellis, of Springdale, paid us a pleasant visit last week. He is practicing law in Pittsburgh and is building up a lucrative practice.

He is a young man of more than ordinary ability and will come to the top. WE are all subject to certain humiliations. We got more than our share on show day when a patron accosted Judge Sutton on the street and wanted to pay a year's subscription. That was about the severest thing we have undergone for some time. WE were ''t the Punxsutawnev fair week before last and were around considerable at our own fair last week, and we make the assertion, without fear of successful contradiction, that there was more drunkenness and disorderly conduct in Punxsutawney in fifteenjnimites than was seen in Indiana whole four days of the fair.

verdict of all who attended during the This 'is the both fairu. MOST almost from babyhood, if permitted to be with their mothers in the kitchen, love to see the work done, particularly Ihe cooking; and nothing delights them more than to be allowed to attempt to make some simple article themselves. This early play will not be forgotten. Girls that grow up under such training or indulgence i have no tear of the real cares when it comes to them as a duty. MR LINK of Green township, had more than his share of bad luck i coining to the fair.

When near Pine Flats his buggy was upset and he and his lady were thrown out. After some difficulty he got all things squared up and proceeded on his All went well for a few rods when his vehicle was again upset and the contents spilled. A second time things were righted and no further accident occurred during the trip. LAST Friday evening a young man named Samuel Withers was leading a vicious cow along the highway near his father's residence, in President Ycnango county, when she biiddcnlj', and i any warning, made a rush at him, striking him in the left f-ide and impaling him on herhoins. His side was tcrribly mangled and he died i i less than an hour, never having regained con-ciou-ness.

The cow was shot. SEVERAL ago an man. with a bottle of whiskey in his out on railroad truck, at Mt. Pleasant, just as a passenger i a i was approaching, and afler striking a dramatic to pom the whiskey down his he didn't get it all down. The brakes failed to stop the engine in time, and lie was knocked from the track head over heels.

He was picked up, but in a few minutes recovered from the sbock and walked away, quite sober, F.FxnxTi.Y several horses gol into a cornfield belonging to Mr. Clark Black, of Smithport, Indiana counly, when he attempted to turn them out and in so doing picked up a com stalk and hit one of the animals, when it kicked with full force, striking Mr, B. full in the face. The force of the blow was so powerful as to shatter the uppe: LOST--On Thursday of last week, in this borough, a pocket boo'k containing a sum ol monev and many valuable papers. J-he finder will be suitably rewarded by returning the same to W.

H. Coleman, in borough. THE person who took an overcoat from the Indiana House, with check No. a tached.will be allowed five days to return the same otherwise legal proceedings will be instituted. The coat 13 a chinchilla ol light color.

judicial campaign will soon open. The friends of Col. Porter are urgingh im to become a candidate and John N. Banks, is frequently spoken of in that connection, Tl.e friends" of Judge Blair are also active in his behalf and will leave no stone unturned to secure his success. OXE Mormon superstition is that children whe'a ill, may be cured by the laying on of than 5,000 of the little ones are saicThttave died in the last SD years who mighNiTe been saved bv medicine.

The lavinf olof hands is of no benefit to a chi except ficn he talks baek to the old low was so powerful as to shatter jaw, knock out -everal teeth, cut the upper lip clean through, and inflict other severe injuries about the eyes and Spirit. ABOUT the -1th of July, J. S. Rodkey. of Diamondville, mk-ed his pocket book and after making dilligent search for it concluded it waslo-t for good.

It contained over $20 in money and a number of valuable papers. A few days ago Mr. Black, the merchant there, while cleaning out his store found the missing book among some rubbish behind his counter. It is supposed it fell out of Mr. R's pocket while sitting on the counter, and was perhaps drawn to its place of concealment by rats.

Suows'are organized to make money and skin their patrons and Forepaugh's is not an exception. The mode adopted by the show here on Monday was to sell tickets at CO cents, when the advertised price is 50 cts. In the evening this plan was worked to perfection. A great crowd assembled on the ground, all anxious to get into the tent. The ticket wagon was not opened till an outside arrangement had sold nearly every person on the ground tickets at 60 cents.

This is a small swindle and entirely too small for a big show. Ox the night of October 1st, the County Treasurer's office was broken into and the Constable's Account Book stolen. The thief gained an entrance bv forcing the iron shutters on the alley window. It is clifti- mail is accumulating in this office, shall write me to forward it to him at another office, I will be justified in disclosing his address." Judge Freeman, Assistant Attorney General for the Department, is of the opinion that even in such a case as this a postmaster must respect tbe confidential relation between himself, as an official, and the patrons of his ofiice, and must refuse to disclose any private information received by him in his capacity. Ix the public schools of New Haven, a new course of study called ''newspaper geography'' has been adopted.

This con'-i-ls, of requiring Hie students to trace out on his map, places referred to in news reports of the daily papers. In thio way he finds that dreary monotony of studying ge- ographv greatly alleviated, and in con-e- quence of an interest which seems inevitable, even to the most lazy pupil, he at once has a desire to ascertain the exact location of important events of the day, and when they are once found he retains the location in his mind. So far as tried the new study has proven very satisfactory. DOX'T point your gun'at youiself. Don't point your gun at any one else.

Don't carry your gun so that its range includes all your hunting companions. Don't try to find out whether gun is loaded or not by shutting one eyeand looking down the bairel with tiie oilier. Don't use your gun for a walking stick. Don't climb over a fence and pull your gem through muzzle foremost. Don't throwrfhe gun into a boat so that the trigger i catch in the seat anel the charge be deposited in your stomach.

Don't use your gun for a sledge hammer. Don't carry your gun full cocked. Don't carry your gun i the hammer down, Don't be a fool. Don't you forget it. THE prize of ten dollars for the best loaf of bread as awarded to Mrs.

of the late Edward Chcesly, of Homer City. She is a woman of very moderate circumstances, but knows how to make a loaf of good bread. The flour used was the Victor Roller, manufactured by Ellis Son, of this place. This is a large sized feather in the cap of the best mill in Western Pennsylvania. And we may remark in this connection that they are supplying many of the largest bakeries in this part of the State with their flour and find it difficult to keep pace with the demand.

They purchase the best grades of Western wheat and arc willing to stand over their work. THERE will be a joint institute of the teachers of Blairsville Conemaugh and Young townships, in Sallsbtirg, commencing Friday, Nov. 9, at 7:30. Evening Exercises-- ulclress of Welcome by Prof. A.

Marshall. Patrons C. Ewing. Wanted--G. W.

Gilbert. Recitation--Miss Sadie Shields. Qualifications and Responsibility of the Primary Teacher--Miss Sadie Patch. Morning Session--Nov. 10--Essay, Miss Nannie Ilincs.

Punctuation--J. C. 1-iairigh. Evils of Parents Criticising Teachers in 1'rc'cnce of their Children--T. M.

Donahy. TILLIE C. Drcicrc, S.YM'L EARIIART, Com. J. C.

KAIKIGIJ. Oxi: day last week Mr. Bence, of Rayne arrangements to hull his clover on the following day. The machine was set in the evening ready for work the next morning, When power was attached to tho machine next clay there was a terrible smashing of machinery and pieces of metal i every direction. Fortunately none of the men were injured though some of them made very narrow escapes.

An examination demonstrates the fact that during the night some scoundrel had placed a piece of iron where it would do not most Inrm and the result was as above btat- ed. The man would thus destroy his neighbor's property andjendanger the lives of his fellow men deserves the most severe punishment and, if caught, he will likely get what he deserves. MOKE quarrels arise between brothers, between sisters, between hired school girls, between clerks in stores, between hired men, between husbands and wives, owing to electrical changes throusrh their systems by lodging together niglit after niijbt under the same bedclothes, than bv any other disturbing cause. There is nothing that will so derange the nervous force as to lie all night in a bed with another person who is absorbent in nervous force. The absorber will go to sleep and rest all night, while the eliminator will he tumbling and tossing, restless anel nervous, and wake up in the mornings fretful, peevish, fault-finding and discouraged.

No two persons, no matter who they are, should habitually sleep together. One will thrive, the other i lose. This is the law. Tin: small arteries branching up from the main arteries, on each side of the neck, and passing over the jawbones, supply the face with blood. If tiie nose bleeds from the right side, for instance, pass Ihe finger the Os the night of October 5th a most cold blooded murder occurred in Allegheny City.

John Brown and Henry Weaver were partners and were engaged in trad ing horses On the day of the murder Weaver had made a trade and cleared for the firm. In the evening Brown called on him and demanded half of the proceeds of the trade. Weaver was nursing his child and told Brown to come in the morning and he would pay him his share. At this Brown became angered, drew a revolver and in presence of Weaver's wife shot him iu the head At this juncture the lamp was overturned and extinguished. Brown then fired a second shot in the dark, which struck a door.

He felt around, found a match, and striking it, held it where he could see his yictim.and as the wounded man rose he tired at him again. He knelt on the prostrate man, took forty dollars from his pockets and Heel. At the corner of the street he had a horse hitched. He sprang on its back and rode rapidly away. He has not been captured.

The men are both well known and the police of both cities are on the lookout for the murderer. THE Republican meeting advertised for Wednesday niglit last, in Court House, was an enthusiastic affair. The hall was filled till there was no longer standing room, by an intelligent and thoughtful audience. Chairman Bell called the meeting to order and nominated Capt. W.

C. Gordon, of Blacklick, for Chairman. The Captain thanked those present for the honor confered in selecting him as President of the meeting at which his class-mate, Gen. Beaver, was to be the orator, and urged an active campaign. On motion the following persons were chosen Vice Presidents: E.

P. Hildebrand, Col. D. S. Porter, W.

J. Burns, W. II. Jenkins, S. J.

Craighead, K. L. Hunter, W. R. Black.

J. R. Smith, Geo. Bank, Z. T.

Ridley, S. C. Hazlelt, T. S. Marshall, M.

T' Work, Peter Leastire, Milton Noel, J. S. Nesbit and J. Iv. Thompson.

John Lowry, W. McWilHams and S. A. Smith, were chosen Secretaries. After the completion of the organization, Gen.

Beaver was introduced by the President, and made a most telling speech which was received with enthusiasm by the audience. It was a good meeting and its effect will be felt during the campaign. G'riMvl from a Growler. Fair is over and as it is the privilege of every American citizen to giowl things do not go to suit him, I desire to have my say in regaid to the management of the recent exhibition. In the first place, I do not like the make up of the premium list.

Too much money is given horses and not enough to agricultural products. In many instances the judges selected to award premiums were utterly unfit for the duties' and as a consequence tho second class articles took first money. This is not as it should be. The premium list did not do justice to the average farmer and stock raiser. Persons have fancy stock of no special to the farmer, were awarded large premiums.

I also object to placing men on the Board of Managers who do not know a cultivator from a windmill and cannot tell what time of year any farm product should be planted. They are not the men to manage an agricultural society in the interest of the farmer. The reader may say that that is the fault of the mem. hers of the Association, as a large majority of them are farmers. Let ua see how this is.

The election takes place on Tuesday of the December court. At that time there are not a great many farmers in town as a class, Jour best farmers have no business at court and few of them feel like traveling ten or twenly miles to be allowed the privilege of voting. And as a consequence Ihe people of Indiana usually control the election and generally elect the ticket. Now, this should be changed. Why not hold the election on the fair grounds during the fair.

Let the polls he opened at noon on the 2el day anel continue open till noon of the 4th day. Have the Managers appoint two responsible men to hold it anel pay them well for their time the society can afford it. Then every ticket holder can vote on presentation of his annual this way every member of the society could get a vote anel none be disfranchised. This is one reform I should like to see adopted and hope some one will present an amendment to the constitution to that effect. Judges who are related to exhibitors should not be allowed to judge of articles in Masses where said exhibitors are competitors for premiums and how caa a judge, on bread for instance, give a competent decision when she cannot balce a loaf fit to eat, if it was to pave her? These arc some of the tilings I know it is hard for the Man- ageis to prevent; but they might come a little nearer it than they do.

GBCNVLER. Concmanirli Conference, The annual meeting of the a i Conference of the Allegheny angelical Lutheran Synod, will convene in the Lutheran Church of this place, on Tuesday evening, the 16th mst. Service, on the occasion by Kev. 3. T.

Ghulhill. Wednesday morning. ') o'clock first business session "will open and the day devoted to business, and discussion of by Conference. Wednesday evening. A School children's meeting conducted by Dr.

K. A. Fink, of Johnstown. Services in commemoration of the 400th anniversary ol the birth of Martin Luther, the hero of the reformation of the 10th century. Thursday morning.

An address by Kev. M. 0, T. Salmi, at A. a memorial service referring to the same event.

Thursday. 2 P. M. Memorial resolutions and addresses by Dr. Hall and others, and the membeis of Conference.

Thursday, 7 P. M. Memorial services Ovariiiu Surgery. On Monday of this week tOet. 1) DK.

Thomas and Cbr.s. St. Clair successfully removed a large ov.uian tumor from the person of Mrs. CVic of At this writing, (We.lne- lay evening I Ihe palient give? good promise of complete and if her progress for tiie next too weeks shall justify the large hop of many friends and well-wishers will owe a large debt of gratitude to the modern science and art of surgery as as to the skilled physicians into whose hands she has placed herself. Ova-ian tumor, cyst or dropsy, is of such frequent occurrence, is so grave a malady and so difficult of successful removal by treatment of uch an operation as this merits mure than mere passing notice.

Removal of ovarian tumor by cutting it from the abdomen with a knife was first performed by Dr. Ephraim McDowell of Kentucky iu 1S09. Since then it has been adopted as one of the most valuable resources of surgery in every civiiizetl country of the world, It has been performed by Dr. Spencer Wells of England more than eleven hundred times and he has had about 7o per cent of successful rendts. It has been estimated that tens of thousands of years of healthy and valuable human life been saved by this operation at the hands of Dr.

Wells alone. Ovariotomy is a heroic operation and though of Ameucan origin it is not practiced by every American doctor. And not every surgeon who cuts will attempt to cut away a tumor of this kind. It is well this is so, for statistics show that the ratio of after this operation is greatest in the practice of surgeons who have had some cxpeiience in this particular woik. Di.

T. St. Ciair's experience in ovariotomy is not contemptible, amounting in all to about foiuteen case-, which just evens the number operated upon by his Although ov.uian tumor is a disease not susceptible of cure by internal medication, theie are various ways of operating and treating it locally. A very interesting and rare case occurred recently in my practice. Miss Marklc, then living in Pittsburgh, became the victim of rapidly developing abdominal enlargement, evidently from dropsy of some kind.

Doubtless if medication by derivatives, revulsives, irritants and ethaustivcs (to coin a word for the occasion) could remove the fluid from an ovarian cyst, such removal would have been effective in the case of Miss M. while she was still in Pittsburgh, and where she had the advice of suigeons of good reputation. But she was brought home unrelieved to her father's hou-e near Yellow creek and placed under my direction. She was not deemed the most hopeful case for a cutting operation. Drs.

St. Clair in counsel with me in this case recommended tapping and the introduction of a permanent drainage tube through which daily discharge could take place and proper chemical solutions he introduced into the tumor to destroy its mordiel secreting action. This plan was adopted in practice and Miss Marklc is now convalescent after lingering prostration which brought her very near death's door. Probably sixteen pintsof pus-like fluid were disdiaiged at the first lapping. A i and detailed statement of the development and progress of this case 'incl its successful treatment would make a profitable record for the perusal of the medical profession.

It should be remarked in regard to the case of Mrs. Cusic that extraordinary clifli- uilties were encountered in the process of icmoving the tumor. It was grown fast to the abdominal wall in front which fact necessitated some delicate dissecting for its detachment--a complication which materially increased the labor and taxed the resources of the operator, prolonged the duration and added to the dangers of the operation. I have remarked tint experience a valuable and valued acquiieinent of the surgeon, but in ovariotomy, as in all other departments of medical and surgical prac lice, each new case possesses peculiar features of its own and demand; a capacity for spontaneous decision and ac'iou in unforieen emergencies'. The Drs.

St. Clair wiio are modest men may question the propriety of so much pu lie statement about their work, hut I submit to the candid reader that aside from th newsv quality of any of these statements fact, they may have a far greater value a resources of needed intelligence to a portion All Our Departments Filling Up This From a package of Hair Phis to au elega ARTHUR LADIES cols, quality, pricey styles never equalled ai The One Price continued with a recitation on the cult to understand why that particular hook should be wanted, as all the accounts can be duplicated. Of course it will reciuire some time and considerable labor to do this, but a new hook will soon be made. Treasurer Gibson, as will be seen by an advertisement elsewhere, offers a reward of $100 for the conviction of the thief. Ox Saturday last the brakes on a street car got out of order as the car reached the top of a steep grade on Sandusky street, Allegheny City.

The car ran through the gates at the crossing of the Fort Wayne railroad and collided with a passing freight train. The car was wrecked and all the passengers in it, twenty-five in more or less injured. Four of them, Chas. Menzenheizer, Mrs. Mary Martin, Mary Hall (colored) and Hugh Dnnnet, were severely hurt and the two I5si named are likely to die.

No blame is attached to anybody for the accident. along the edge of the right jaw beating of the artery is felt press hard upon it, and the bleeding will cease. Continue the pressure five minutes, unti Ithe ruptured vessels in the nose contract. In the case of the severing of an artery, the utmost activity is required, else the patient will bleed to death. Tie a handkerchief loosely around the limb, between the wound and the heart, place a stick through it, and twist it up lightly till the bleeding stops.

If the wound will not admit of this, place the thumb on the artery between the wound and the heart, and sent! immediately for a physician. A nLAiKSTIlLE correspondent writes: On the day after the soldiers reunion at this place, "bills were pcsted up by the banquet committee inviting the citizens of the and vicinity to come to the hall and partake of the good things left by the soldiers the evening before. It was said that the surplus consisted of about 200 chickens and about 40 cakes, besides the et ceteras and such that go to make up the trimmings of a first-class feast. About o'clock the hall was filled to overflowing by an average hungry crowd consisting of all classes from the town and country. "All waiting patiently for the tempting viands to be brought forth, when one of The commiltee stepped from the larder onto the stage and announced that the jig was up; that s-ome persons had broken in during the day and stole all the grub.

Comment is unnecessary. ABOUT nine o'clock on Sunday night, a traveller, weary and foot-sore, put in an appearance at one our hotels. He said he was a resident of Clearfield county and had traveled over thirty miles in order to see the show. He declared he had never attended a circus nor had he ever seen an elephant or other wild animal other than those found in the wilds of his native county. He counted his ready cash and found he had hut one dollar.

He made a contract with the kind hearted landlord his (JUIlUHUt'-l i i i ject by Prof. Kritchhaum, of our formal School. A general invitation is extended to all friend's of the Reformation, and of civil and religions liberty as the out ol that great movement. List ol LeHors. Eemaining uncalled for Oct.

3, 1883. Indiana, Pa. Baker Sam'l iiicarejMorrison, i Sadie A Xibert, Adam iKaincr, A 'Kinehart. Xaltie A of Fcnton Barber, Hnoorl Hertford, Kdd Coffman i ifc Coufman, (horse- 1 Wilhelm, Cli dOCtOr Faith, Frank Leach, Myers, Leena 'Squire Streeter, ara Tannery 0, (discontinued Henderson, John Hull, Sirs Sarah BF From a carpet at 20 p. yard to an eksaut From a gentleman's 3 cent Xeck lie to a FIRST CLASS SHIRT.

From a ladies 5 cent Utiii'Ikereliiel', to a mm mm, mi From a Pociat 1 i- nuiEiiiiimit TRAVELING TRUNKS. The liberal patronage i Silk department ha- oiifouvaudl IH to keep ip and add to our large Hue of good In this line we are oftl'rin; quite a iilaek at '-13 cents, ip to the very baudsonic Silks that we have been ii iatisfactioii of all our hufv iMtrjiii. Ladies' Full linos and latest pr We to call special attention to our attnvtr.T of FLANNELS tf BLANKETS. "We have never offered Blanket- chean. Vv'Iiito Blankets, Scarlet Blanket- 1 Gray Blankets.

Vv'e have in a very flock oi' Canton Flannels at lower price? than year. It impossible lor us to en i.r-i-ato. We never knowingly mj-ioprcseni. OTJiif-L "We are amoitioi's to sell ood The lady resident in the county (excepting tlic of our last year's irixe'l winning the award to tlic bc4 r'ulur, gracefulness, our County Fair, we oiler an elegant Black Silk Pattern, valued at The contest to bo under the entire control of Managers of the Fair provided there arc not less than three contestants, 'i'iie dress will be landed over to the winner upon the presentation of tbo certificate of the udges, and will be on exhibition at our store during the fair. TO FURNISH OUlt PATKONS DURING THE Teachers' Institute, The County Fair, The Great 4-Paw Show, WITH A LARGE AN!) ATTRACTIVE ASSORTMENT OF When inquiring for letters in this list please state that they were advertised.

A. T. MOORHEAD, P. M. GttlKi.

Breach loading shot guns of good quali- tv from 55 to 555. Rifles from Muzzle loaders from S3 to S3o. We -ell guns of all grades at from 52 to $5 less than city prices Call and see our stock Guns for ition of the best quality for the community. Indiana, (Jet. W.

Smith, being called to Indiana account of hi- father's sickness, has instrument- and is prepared to do all kind of Dental work. Office opposite West In diana weigh scales. KUHX Srrrov now have the brick yard, near town, in excellent condition an aie able to supply all demands. have now on hands 100,000 paving and orders for any quantity will be promptly filled. No better brick are manufactured anywhere, Kailroad Tickets, If you arc going West you i save money by calling on me.

-Round trip and one wav tickets to all points, at lowest J. A. C. Krrrxnn, 1303-tf. Pas-enger Agent.

Notice, Notice is hereby given to all member- of the Christian Temperance I nion and Li- brriry Association, of Indiana, that a meeting will be held in Temperance II.ill, gn Tuesday evening, 23d of October, loSo 1 at 7 o'clock, for the purpose of considering and adopting Rules and Regulations for the government of- the Library. (Persons not identified with the Temperance Union who contribute to the funds of the Library Committee, as provided in By-Laws, are entitled to participate in the proceedings.) By order of EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Many New Novelties in Notions and Trimmings, flic largest iis-OMj-iuits of 13oo-tf hire and anirnun sale at H. Hall's, Indiana, Pa. Kcal Estate. Bein" interested in the sale of western and- and frequently applied to about Indi- lands.

I have concluded to give ana county Kea- to keep him over night and give him dinner for fifty cents and he thus had flftv cents left for the show. He was delighted with the street parade and went into ec- stacies of delight at the circus performance and on Tusday morning started on his long trip home with a light heart and empty pocket book, the real estate business some attention. Kea, enable commissions will be charged wlucl. will include the examination of titles and the 'preparation of all agreements, deeds, mortgages, judgments, c. Farms and oth- rt placed in my hands for sale JU be extensively Indiana.Pa.

Tickctt West. You can secure your tickets West, Northwest, or Southwest at better rates, shortest routes and make the quickest time, by calling on John McGaughey, Special P-saenger Agent, 1330-tf Indiana, Pa. Everybody Knows It. When have the Itch, Salt Rheum, Galls, or Skin Eruptions of any kind, and the Piles that you know without being told of it. Daughe'rty the Druggist, will sell you Dr.

Bosanko's Pile Remedy for 50 cents, which affords immediate relief, and is a sure for either of the above diseases. Cause of Failure. Want of conBdence accounts for half the business failures of to-day. Daugherty the Druggists, are not liable to fail for the want.of confidence in Dr. Bosanko's Cough and Lung Syrup, for he gives away a bottle free to all who are suffering with Coughs, Asthma, Comsumption and all affections of the Throat and Longs.

Convincing. The proof of the pudding is not in chewing the string, but in having an opportuni- to test the article direct. Daugherty the Druggist, has a free trial bottle of T- Bosanko's Cough and Lung Syrup for each and every one who is afflicted with Ccnghs, Colds, Asthma, Consumption or apy Lang Affection. changes Railroad Tickets. New arrangements, obviating and transfers.

Quick time, (afety, anoVposi- tively the lowest rates to alYwints west. J. A. CT RTTFFXEB, Pass, agent. OF Full Line of Men and Boys Faney and Staple i LARGJC STOCK OF only be appreciated by calling the ONE PRICE STORE and see our counters losideu with The Wants of the People! TJ Every one buying one or more Jj.

dollars' wortli of goods will be Given a Beautiful Souvenir! One Price to All--All Oin Plain Fig-ir ONE CUB 1NEVSPAPER.

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