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The Chronicle-Telegram from Elyria, Ohio • Page 4

Elyria, Ohio
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General ROJB tfit E- WARD, Forrest Advertising iiaaajer Building, iii Fifth Avenue, New York. Telephone Mild Sq OFK1CJC, Room 1.100 ttalers Uuiluing, south Wabass, ATttnae. Corner Madison Stttwjt I TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION' Tbe Evening Telegram, per month (4 weeks) delivered by carrier, tea cents per week, forty cenu lor four weeks. The Eveamg Telegram year, delivered by carrier, $4 50 per year in advance. Tbe Evening Telegram, i er year, outside of Klna, by mail.

$2.00 in advance. Received at Elyria PostoSice aa Second-clasa matter. Cheer Up! There is nothing but encouragement and reassurance ill the continued heavy export trade of the United States. Europe is buying heavily for reconstruction purposes and to make up for reduced purchases in certain lines during the HWtr. There was an expected reaction immediately foiiow- the armistice, accentuated somewhat by delay of the evernment in making payments on cancellation of war fcohtracts, but the situation, so far as permanent business is concerned, is sound, except for the need of a protective tariff law.

The new Repubican Congress will attend to that-thus preventing injurious foreign competition with any important American industry. Having our own markets protected, and having a heavy demand from abroad, we shall enjoy a long period of industrial prosperity. Drift of Opinion SEEMS RA1BER FAJWbETCHFJ) 1 We can't trail ascng with thosj ER5 BIT TM DISCIPU-VE lo liiig at $75 IF fcrcaje sheep are not flulflciently protected from Louie Globe-Democrat SOMETHXG TEXT liLEOAY'S MORE 1XTERESTIXQ Senator Keed of Missouri has asKfrd to resign, but he see res to prefer bi.tiding up arguments for me recall--Chicago News. Perhaps the wets vill have to be satisfied with tins definition fe soaiethins that was, but Amencan Foul Ball ay OOSH; THE to tm.o with her daagsW ter, Mrs. J.

fclgfs Clpria 50 HENRY MASON WAS SEVERIi- ly injured by being thrown from his agon, when the horse to which it was attached ran away, ou Main street MISS NfiUE LANE, SIXTEEN I jear old daughter idr. and Mrs, John Lane, was burned to death shortly after liei a nival home sihooi. In kinaling a fire she was the act of pouring oil over tho wood, when the can exploded, the Dives From Fang Twrer, Is Uninjured AJLIr LNOICATIOX9 PODfT THAT WAY are summonm? up our fortl- tude for events Experience has SHE'S ALWAYS I33EV MINOR Professor Delbruck says Germany Jwsver will be a great STSometxxrv ouslit to tell piofes- -eor that Otmany neve 1 a never. What sh" thought great- was an overplus of wickedness City Tunes. i taught us that when old Vox i ces ii to his head to slam hallelu- out of the Dpraetratic parlv, it will not listen to Post AIJREADY WELL SUPPLIED If the king of Piam is really AKE HEltK, til Fulling sends the boys 'Xic'nangel a.

spirited homily, I neither he ucr anybody else i to au-R er tht ir questions --Spring' tie Id Republican. he will not present that i THIS IS HAT MAKES MAI elephant to President Wilson jsntU 'the president i-etires. Tho already bis 37 senators on his Tt isn't ruiag the installment at Mated internals that gets on tha WILL BE EIM1EO 01 coy-eiing her entire bodv. The young man wfeo was to been her husband within the yeir. was approachutg ths Lome whan is 1 heard the tollowe i by the i screams of ihe victim, b-nt despita Us fnntie efforts tc save, Ler, tn- flames had done ieir fatal verit death resulting soon after the i Cent.

She was a senior in the Iccal' high school and the pui-ls of school formed a sad prc-cession. lowing the fisnerr.l and ccmpauled the body to the ce lory. passersby saw the coacrete distributing tower erected by coa- tiacters fer coastractiea of a bridfe oner tke MeBsateaic river aad fall toe river wlU Hike IBM the werfcnsB. at the toy of it thoufitt a serious accident occurred.

Rifrer dived jg clear of the tvwer, however, and cane op nailing. When tae tractors decided to the tower he was sent to tha top to loosen the gay which held it in place, aad says he had frequently performed the same feat in other places. OB similar The nest meeting of Eaton Grange will be held on Friday evning, April 25 A large attendance is desired as some matters of Importance are to i be brought before tho members. jThe program for the evening will jbe in charge of Mrs Bassett, will consist of musical numbers. Some little excitement has beea among dairymen in this lo- icality by the new ruling of the 5 Cleveland Board of Health that no manure shall be deposited within 50 I sfeet of the cow stable.

It appears to I those who understand the situation that the C. B. of H. have exceeded their aathority and have gone about thirty teet too far. Many of our Heading dairymen have their barns equipped with standard litter carrier outfits with swinging booms tear down 30 40 fect ja frjrjnew ruling means that these booms i a useless and more than this a a to deposit maxure GO fect irom stable would have to be about 60 long and it would be chanicai impossibility to a me- support Lorain Judge to Stage a Public Spanking of Boys Frank Tcmmanock, 30, dropped Tuesday mgiu while attempt- i to push an automabole -which! lie had been ndmg.

out a rut. Lorain, April 24--The a-i' Toiuaneek had left Avon Lake Mrs Martin Springer and little son, Russell, swnt Wednesday in Am-j he'-ict, visiting Mrs Fred Lange i i I WILL TAKE PL-ACE THE COURT RCTOM THIS AFTERNOON. Lorain April, 25 --Judge The Ladaes' Aid Society of the Meth-rP. Duffy is assured of a crouded odist church will hold a halfday ses- courtroom today as a. public spank- sion in the church parlors, Wednee- cla afternoon.

will be administered to three JadJ who wore caught last n.gnt hocic-ty of tV K.i-t Cliurch of Christ, I oram. will o-v tertain all the Cnnstian Endeavor societies of Lorain count an "Ovei the Top" mtct -ig Pr t'ay evu- ning, April 25 The Mr.te field retarj of Ono, Haines A Eeipbrl will present at this meel.ns arl ah his friend, Eugene Potchner, c.nd as tn. route to Lorain The iHCehme caught in a rut. Mr Tom- Tneck put his shoulder to the wheel utici pushing Ltricken he No had spent his entire life in i Avan, being a "well known farmer Mr and Mrs Claude Heatheote and i stoning a troop train whicL was pass- son visited Mr and Mrs. John Heauth-j in through the city.

cote Sunday Manv parents 2.1 contemplating Mrs. William Wmson, of Elyria, i attending to get a hunch ad to the spent the week-end with her latest and best method of adinims- such a boom from the average dairy jbarn In every modern dairy tho milk is taken from the barn to the milk house immediately after milk- 'ing so how is the manure outside the barn, whether it be 30 feet away or 30 feet awa, going to contaminate the milk' How is it tkat the of H. always attempts to enforce such unreasonable useiessness and altogether obnorious rulings as this one at a t'me when there is a surplus of milk on the market' Are the dairymen of Northern Guio alwajs goug to submit to domination by a board of men, who have not the least thing in common with the dairy industry, who have no understanding of the complex problems of the dairymen, and yet who feel like the despots of old that it is theirs to command and be obeyed? We think not and if the mmebers of this same B. of have one- tenth of the wisdom which thev Ua' ton to Vernon Tharst'sy to Uie fum-rul of rneni Mrs Wines uf lole-lo th" pucRt o( her sNtf: Mrs Lotha liawsoli, 01 Katt Lo-ain street Dje of Elyri-i a week of Miss Lorih.i Anglo Lorain street Capt rrn.cis Satur'lav i 1110 form will Born, to Mr sivi w-s 09 West Vine Moti- dtiy, Api-il -I, Pi of A Root U-ft Tuesilnv a short western trip, expecting lo visit Chicago, Kansas City and Galesburg Leeds Gull' spok" to the bovs of Amherst h'sfh sc! col Thnrsdav. telling som" of ins in France, A i GrMfln, 'IS.

-with the Houghtor. Miffi-n Co of Boston, was in tt.wn a few dajs tha iirst of the week Born, to Mr and Coolev at the Ooerlin hospital Tuesday even in jr. 15 a son, Ran- fco'ti Hayne? Cooley. The Literajy Social club will meet with Mrs C. Seemonn, Voodlxnd avtnue, Tuesday, April 2'J.

nt 2-30 p. m. Mrs Cnailep Mornron for His well Mi-nco, this week Mis, Fitch still In St. Vincent's hoHUtal. eiptctcd home but will lake up work this ear Mrs.

ii. Adnms. who was n-st of Mrc Ht-Uyer of North Professor it turned to honc in St Charles, 111, ibis week. Miss Chess, Alite Williams and Chmuo IVillltibs at Spring sticct TUi Nim-i tenth (Viituiy club wltt olitPrtiKHtil Mttwlames "llh. Hobbir unrt at the Mr and Mrs Foifst P.nrer ot Ser.epr Saiurilay in Oherlla, of Mrs Insrahani, Miea Maiie rftnrnfad wi(U them to spenl Siinday.

Woman's sen-Setjr of i i hold a special Wednesrtsv. Ajiiil 30 3 p. 11 FoFici afi address oa 1 ili'sicn" in Ohio Uorn, to Mr ant 1 Mrs Harold O. V.nrcnt of Pittsneid. Suadar.

April t. sou. JrRies Alexander Vincent Mr Vincent is a of B. Vintent of ObPrhu aad bfrttierly here Miss Ada Kirk TV ho has been to Cnnal the past month, returned to her home on North Pleas- art street the of tbc week. A.

little daughte-- KathHen Elizabeth. April Ii. 1916, to spond lici first Fater Mr. and Mrs. H.

Mitchell, 10)'South Professor street The monthly meeting of the Ob 1m Woman club was held in Dudley Allen Memorial Art but' iiip thif afternoon at 3 o'clock. Pro Ward an art lecture. Alan Sheldon. O. C.

'17, Just returned overseas, arrived in Oberlin last week and will be until after commencement. Mr. Sheldon enlisted two years ago and uas overseas ten 'nonths. serving in tbt artilleiy in the third army, Mrs. Hin.ttt Stroeinple of Cleveland is spending a fe.v days at the Lome of he.

1'atUer, Cuhoou Thu Junior hlcn's class of the Baptist Sunday school will have an icj social at tht- home of Harry Vitts, Fricay evening, April 25. Frank Gtiber, who has SHEFFIELD Mr and Mrs John Heatheote. tenng a Miss Marie Winson, of Lorain, to irrobably A nrrr-ctor- aot re returned from overseas, spent Tuesday and at the home of Mr. and Mrs Frank Pickering and Mrs. Ant one Helft'icli on- tertaiaed a party of relatives fioui Cleveland -Sunday.

Mr. and Mr. Henry ScUouck of Cleveland recently at tne borne of her parents Mr. ani Mrs. Alfred Walker.

Mis. Katiiferine Junglas of Hulge- ville spent Monday nd Tuusday at the home ot her parents, Mr. and Urn. Joseph Klinkner Walter Peak, who lecently returned frcm overseas, tnnved home on Tuesday, havins received hongi- nble discharge from the artnv Fejk, who is tationed at Cauip Taylor is at on a a lough. Mr und Mrs Andrew Klinkner of Cleveland spent a part cf this week at the horns oH the former's parents, 6 spent th with her parents, WOQld ha been takan of the ston- aard against it was Mr and Mp of the troop Irani lor tne 1 Iailjre I A Ti TM A i TM A i.

that one o. the stones took a Mr and Mr Joseph The fifth 1-berty It an drive open- Miss Hilda of Akron, and Miss Edith Alisop, of Oberlin. spent' cillinl of the walp ih.j Jire- tae address of the and stock reiser. Other "speakers: Fred parents, Mr of Ghilstian Tn fosansck.

his wife and young child, deavcr and Daniel J. Johnson i t5i ce brothers, Robert William md. no a rooster "for thi' and Carl a one state convention will a have not i him are i the week end th their parents, Mr and Mrs Robert and Mrs Wm Alls The- Sundav school of the Methodist church guve a cantata Easter which was very successful. man on the lcoiaoti-ve Ke complained, the boys "were found and their parents notified to bring them to court for the spanking process today. It has not yet been decided who will act as spanker, but several profoundly profess when thev issue their far reaching edicts, they will a arlvc opeu At I Monday evening with a mco.ung at St Mary' hall The speakon of i the eieninK were Mr Mrs Squire and George Chamceriai head ths ruinbie of the distant but oncoisjcg storm and will withdraw to a safer, saner and more reasonable ground before the dairymen Walter Rider has been visiting at the home of his sister, Mrs.

Root, during a short furlough, but hat now returned to Pelham Bay pital. The Odd Fellows of Elyria held services for Mr. Dyson at the uoxne of Mrs. E. Riebeling, Sunday afternoon.

Mrs. Ivan Downs entertained Red Cross meeting Thursday afternoon. Mr and Mrs. Lou Taylor moved to Elyria, Mr. and Mrs.

Roy Taylor moving into their house, and Mr. and Mrs. Perry Taylor art moving into the house formerly cunied by Mr and Mrs. Roy Taylor and Mr. and Mrs.

King are moving into the bouse vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Perry Taylor. Many people from Sheffield and vicinity attended the Easter cises at Elyria chnrchia. Mr.

and Mrs Harvey are having a new house built. Mr and Mrs McAllister entertained relatives Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Root gave ft dance for Walter Sider at their home Monday evening and a jolly good time was reported ull Mr Newton Blackwell of Avon, has resigned his position at the Logan Gas Company.

b'H eland, JUDF 2i been i influenza, improving the pufrram for the led by Rev. HIP Top" meetinc April 25 SoIecUcn Church of Clrist rr chfst-j I orain Dei Venn! O. Newcomer Business meeting SOB PS and yells for convention, cheer Edgaf Gates of Elyna Coninition." Johnson or Cleveland, Frad Ball, Solo. Charles I. P-fcrson IiVnes rteu-ael, Beld secretinj for OL.o USE ROY BUA Mrs Wm.

Jewett, who has been Hi. lence in the woodshed art nave Historic Island. BlecEerhassett's island is a. snail Bland in the Ohio river ab-vjt Biles below Parkersburj, W. Va, figures in history.

I eis its ttnae from having been ownM Hiram Blennevbssseti, a wealthy Bngliahjcan, who built e. One rssidence to 1L While living there he became involved in Aaron Burr's and treasonable schemes, taey proved his rnin. St. Lcuis Lunch Stand Proprietor Is Relieved of in Liberty Benda. St Louis--The tirae-worn trkk cost Tonr Maccki of this city $2,000 in Liberty bonds.

Maccki, who runs a lunch stand, said he became acquaint- ed with a young roan named "Hugo," and the two had plamned to buy and cperr.te a chain of candy stores. MaccU was introduced to an older man. an alleged gald mine Mr ar.d Mrs John Gailand, of! Zlyria, spent Sunday with Mr. and I Mrs Garland. Mis Minnie Heatheote, of Torch ef Own.

arise in the strength and righteousness of their cause and declare "thus far shalt thou go, and no farther And dairvmen' Abo', everything else always kesp in mind those old time vrora and time proves maxims, "In union there is strength." anii "united we stand, divided fall." Mrs Carrie Cole and daughter Helen, of Detroit, spent the past week visiting Mrs. Cole's brother and family in Southern Ohio, came Elyria. Mr Bvrgner and Liauc. CJnse of Obprlm A quartet of Obirlm in -uniform furn'thed music srent Sunda to another man's fire. Easter The Ladies' Aid society tho society rooms Thursday afternoon.

They furnished the beautiful quilt which they have been making Am- ber parents, Mr D5Jt not to tarry by It, instead of llgiit- and Mrs Joseph Heatheote ing a torch of nae's own." A torch Mr and Mrs Alexander ot ocas' own! That is a possession Jr, and daughter, of Elyria, worth having, whether it be a iteming Sunday with Mr and Mrs beacon on the hilltop or a tiny tapet rt in the window. We cannot tell how 33 Estehr Pip-pert of Ebr.a spent! far a "ttlo candle throws its beams, parents, Mr nor aho lading his course by its I filrtteriag light. TIi2 most that we COB has returned do--and it is also the least that -we should do--is to tend the flame and Mr I Mayor I from Ak'-on her Pippert Ruth and Mrs Mr Cole a Cole. Alfred Lowe underwent a serious operation at a Cleveland hospital Wednesday. Anril 23.

Mr Rogers, county agpnt and Attorney Prank Wilford spoke at the One of the best refdenies a maa can have in applying for a job tlat he is a discharged soldier. MICKiE SAYS 1 vouxe sent? out A BUKICH O' Stfcf eM6Mf TO OlSTAMf SURSCaiOERSj AND NOU GVf tp -rueVuu ATtfiN THEM AVV "community sing" at last Thursday evening the cnurch Warm suear was served and all enjoved them- selves Friends are glad to learn that Jack Lyons who underwent opera- for Maccki. to show his good rs A Wrog- fsith drew money from the bank. Mr and Ha BruecJteP Qpent A.1 the moaey was supposed have snda- at the home of Mr ar.d Mrs reen put in a box and given to E'-ne-- Baxtor Maccki to keep until the men returned, i Merchant of EUria and Maccki's wife became snspicious Mr Powers of Oberlin spent the box was opentd and two Si bills and pieces of newspaper were found. fuily and to keep it i tive treatment, for gathering of the week-end Merchant Kb Mr.

and Mrs Wm Matttewfc Don't Be a Quitter. maa. tblr. fy-three years oid, desires chaste. Not an uncommon desire, though few ore so bold as to advertise it--Boston Evening Transcript.

ear. is recovering Easter services were postponed owing to the funsral services for Burt Lyon Alfred Alexander r.r.d Alton Mennell, of who their Easter vacat'on at their homes here, returned to Columbus Tuesday Genersl S'rike r.ppcars to be to wrttf- prose elo-gs that labor coui "(ituation In As fruit pr.ccs 'leohne rne hears a i th Davis spple When a mat Line gets ir ever vVhe'i rut it gets in a nit 'ic str.vs It jr. devote iiid ic ine. be- better foi to more to raising pi-r lc.j.-.Di ivnai. if.

is I i 3 John Wilford tot'ay for Bcwlu-g- to attend tne memorial -service for hia nephew was killed in trance Mrs A. Buck will return from Asheville. Mrs. Fields is among- the sick. i i here will th: county Snnc 1 crbo at Sunday Albert a Lon John 1 vsife will Sunday at George Fortune's Rev Alnple TV as in Xoblc on business, Thv a i i a'- tendet' aT 1 ii'i'rt'ssiie Tlier" was ORI bi; i PI Mr anc' i i i tortair.fcl a i i Sunday Food pr.ces may be thief tir- i5gher than years ago, b.U v.

to surt i a i tlironi'b it al! again OAMS "YOU I LETTERS WITH CHECKS AIN'T (T A OHRAMP Rtner isrder wt ush to SOPHIE HAS NOTHING ON CICERO IF SHE ONLY KNEW IT. Riff i i bow ood writers twlnv to express a I do in nur WP of -fntv." by Sir o---- 11 i- is ii 1 i -noncy sot propaganda in we f-ho'jlrt iup- 1 HOW Tb CftTCH I'tu -JUST SKOWC up IM BfiOt Of TURT A rr INTO THS il-l,.

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