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Cumberland Evening Times from Cumberland, Maryland • Page 4

Cumberland, Maryland
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Tuneful Christmas Gifts. Popular Progressive and Reliable 'Xi- Pianos of the Age. First of all the "STEINWAY" which is the World's very best product in Pianos. Then comes Packard, Behr Bros Crown. Wissner, Emerson, Wegman, Smith JBarnes, Willard, all carrying the strongest recommendations from eminent musicians as well as our personal guarantee Terms to suit your convenience.

Old instruments taken in exchange Parlor, Chapel and Church Pipe Organs. Small Musical Instruments All the VSCTOR TALKING MACHINES. Reduced Prices of the Victor Talking Machine Records: 5oc Records $1.00 $1.50 MUSIC latest music. DOW 35c. $1.00 device for carrying sheet Toti 4 erythin in th music line.

I OU Vail ll6l Ever ything of the best quality. Everything at the lowest price J. P. WIESEL, 133 Baltimore St. Cumberland, Md.

I CHRISTMAS I I A EVEWNG- TIMES, MONDAY, DEC. 18,1905 A Locksmith's Apprentice Shot Gen. Sakharoff ACTED AS IF DEAF AND DUMB We desire to announce to the public that can and will fill any orders placed with us during In Order to Gain Access to Hie Victim--More Bloodshed is eFarid in Odessa--Mass Meeting of Polish Citizens In Austria. The Vienna Xf ue Frie Press haH ust published a. dispatch fiom witz, Austria, received bv mail from Kieff, in which the writer assert; that he assassin of Gea.

Sakhaioff, ministei of war and the repre ive of Emperor Nicholas at a locksmith's apprentice i amed Javrii Woroschnikoff, from Ek: terin- )dar, who was dressed as a oman ivhen hp killed Sakhaioff. osch- nikoft, thfe add.s, being deaf and when he gain- an entrance to the palace in order hand Gen. Sakharoff a lette A hours aftei his arrest IIP -for- ibly frorr, custody thf evolutionists and convpjed cioss ho border into Austrian Pjlaiid, he now safe. A big mass meeting of Polisj ens was held at Tarnopol. Au itrian allela on December 10.

The rs referred to the fact that the mlmb- ants of Tarnopol had seen ihous- nds of refugees fron. Russian ho were almost crazed with ejief and fear fleeing from almost tin I death. The meeting adopted a I tion to the effect that "We stfgi jatize the actions of the Russian A a Report Shows Increase Over Million and a Half. An increase of $1,347,135 in the total funds of Yale University during the fiscal year which ended June last is snown in the annual Jeport of Lee university troasine-, issued at Haven, yedierday. This i it; ti lyrist in the whole history of Yale, gift of $1,000,000 b.v John D.

ler. Other gifts to funds v. inch did not conic i i Ihe fiscal amount to over Uin-c quarters of a million, including $220,000 collected from Hie alumni by i i An'fcon Phelps Stokes, Jr. Th- a and asbuts of the iinn'-is'tv amount to 17, ..2,114. The general income account shows that the university a whole ran behind $17.308, but the revenue from funds which came in too late to supply income- for the fiscal year i much more than make this deficit during the corning year so that the university is now fuily -ielf- suppoiting.

A number of gifts to the university not hitherto announced are disclosed in the report. Among thorn are gifts amounting to made to thp infirmary general fund and collected ty the ladies of Cleveland, Chicago and Xew York. The library fund has had an increase of $37,573 as a legacy from the late Mrs. Ann Farman, of Xew Haven, and the mr-dioyl school from the same An anonymous gift of $10,000 to the university extension fund is also nounced. WHO SHE WAS SKETCH OF THE LIFE OF IYDIA E.

PINKHAM And a True Story of How the Vegetable Compound Had Its Birth and How the "Panic of '73" Caused it to be Offered for Public Sale in Drug Stores. This remarkable woman, whose maiden name was Estea, was bora in Lynn, February 9th, 1819, coming from a good, old Quaker family. For some years she taught school, and became known as a woman of an alert i Handsomer 'i a Kodak for a Chiistmas sift to $30.00. Liechtenstein's Pharmacy. we a v.hich has not hesitated 'o set ablaze the lov.est and worst rac hat- reds against the Jews simply br rr SPECIAL HOLIDAY FLAVORS: Vanilla, Caramel, Chocolate, Tutti Fruitti, Bisque, Lala Rook, Winter Green, Pistachio, Lemon Sherbert, Grange Sherbert.

We especiallv solicit family trade, guaranteeing prompt deliveries and entire satisfaction. BOTH PHONES TO THE PLANT. patch to the Tagblatt from O'essa, Se by mai! to Podwoloczyska. "In spire of the fact that Ir erior Minister Durnovo telegraphed r-ders dismissing ail the striking post; 1 em- the strikers are determir 3d to continue the strike. The Leaf -e of leagues gives warning of furth -r re- pressi ve measures by the government and the council's preparations olute resistance.

Further bloc and trouble is feared at Odessa. The Distinction. "What is the difference between a statesman and a practical politician?" asked one member of Congtes.x "A replied the other, "is a man who stands pat, but a piacticai politician is one who not only insists on drawing, but who tampers "with the discard." What Would Delight Mother More than a Bissell Carpet Sweeper for hc-r present Chiitnias moining' The Potomac Hardware Co. and investigating 1 mind, an earnest seeker after knowledge, and above all, possessed of a wonderfully sympathetic nature. In 1843 she married Isaac Pinkham, a builder and real estate operator, and their early married life was marked by and happiness.

They had three sons and a TBI-STATE SANITARY MILK South Mechanic Cumberland, Maryland There is Nothing That would please the machinist more than a few pieces of Starrett's ols-- I subject to exchange after. Christmas, i The Potomac Hardware Co. WHO LONGWORTH IS. Publicity. Publicity is highh prized When you are kindly advertised.

But it produces consternation When brought you by investigation. You Can't Go Wrong Buying our famous cigars. Red Lion. Portuguese, Red ilan, White Owl, Robert Burns and Cortez. Lichttn- stein's Pharmacy.

I four children, daughter. With a Long F. A. BLAIL'S SON. The Leading Wholesale and Retail Meat Dealer in Western Maryland.

The Whole Hog Yes, we can supply you with a whole hog for home consumption at a reasonable cost. SKATES Why Batcher Yourself And be annoyed with the inconvenience and expense, incident to having the work done at home? The Son of a Tanner Head. Washington. D. Dec.

may be no luck in the affairs of men. but when one contemplates the fact that Nicholas Longworth is to marry the most prominent young woman in the world it certainly does seem that it takes a good deal more than merely hard work for a family to get up in Longworth grandfather, j-eariy in the last century, was a tanner who started out from Marietta, Ohio, I or some other river town, in that part i of Ohio, to make his fortune. Another man who started the same place i at the same time was Billy Hedges grandfather of Charles Hedges, who was superintendent of city carriers at i the time of the postoffice scandals, and lost out on account of them. Hedges tried his best to "persuade the i tanner to go with him to Seneca i countv, the acres are rich, broad and and invest that belt i of gold that he had around his waist in lar)J there. Longworth declined.

Instead he went to Cincinnati and bought land near Fort Washington, in what is now thtf heart of the city. When Longwortb died he was'worth millions. When Hedges died he was merely well to do. Part of the Hedges money came indirectly into possession of S. H.

Kauffman. who then lived at Booster. O. He now owns the Wash- Uiany Otner articles which took pleasure in able for Holirlav fli'ftc announcing the engagement of the IOF xuoiiaav ijiits. happv Was or the possession of an extremely long head by the elder Longworth? The Virginia aristocrat (Hedges) went to middle Ohio and the poor tanner went to Cincinnati.

Now their descendants live in Washington, one the fiance of the President's daughter and the other a man who felt the loss very much when he was put out of the Postoffice Department. Curiosity. "That man says they are only eight real, jokes in "Humph," exclaimed the professional humorist, looking over his glasses. "I wonder what the other five are?" Gentlemen. SLED SKATES For Children.

Skate Bags, Skate Straps, Skate Sharpeners. A Large Assortment SLEDS for Holidav Oift: nno ncin the ens? lur VjilItS. happy young: people. WM MOREHEAD'SSONS 17 N. Mechanic Street, C'jmbe-land, Maryland Buy a Dressed Hog jn.

us in ly Ihe With Five Popular Markets Located Throughout the City We Can Supply Ai! Demands. F. A BUUL'S SON The Leading Meat Dealer in Maryland. )ffice, 252 N. Mechanic Brown Kean, Ihe Cheap Grrcers 51 and 53 N.

Centre Street A large line of beautiful Lamps--something that will mako an acceptable and useful Chnslmas present, Fresh Country Butter and a Specialty. Dressed Poul- New Raisins, Citron, Currants, The Laugh Wont be on you if you buy our famous cigars. Lichtenstein's 'Pharmacv. THE WORTH OF A TITLE. it High at Many People Will Think $40 a Week.

Cleveland. Dec. cannot 1 work. I have not Jiwn broiiKh? up -n-aj. True.

I grt $40 a week from my but is thnt for a. sr i man to 15v wan i Karon Max Sictned von Srhwartzcnhjirp. who i from his -wife, formerly Read Our Advertisement And become acquainted with the best place to buy suitable Christmas gifts. Special line Dress Shoes foi Men, Women and Children. Nice line of warm-lined Shoes for Ladies and.

Men. Rsifroad Gloves a Specialty. (Just the thing for gifts.) Nothing so pleasing to a boy as a pair of serviceable gloves. See the stock and make early selection. L.

C. MADORE, The Progressive Shoe Man, NO. 20 BALTIMORE ST. In those good old fashioned days it was common for mothers to make their own home medicines from roots and herbs, nature's own remedies-calling- in a physician only in specially urgent cases. By tradition, and experience many of them gained a.

wonderful knowledge of the curative properties of the various roots and herbs. Mrs. Pinkham took a great interest in the study of roote and herbs, their characteristics and power over disease. She maintained that just nature so bountifully provides in harvest- fields and orchards vegetable foods of all kinds; so, if we but take the to find them, in the roots and herbs of the field there are remedies expressly designed to cure tile various ills aad weaknesses of the body, and it was her pleasure to search these out, and prepare simple and effective medicines for her own family and friends. Chief ot these was A rare combination of the choicest medieinz.1 roots and herbs found best edapted for the cure of the ills and weaknesses peculiar to the female sex, and Lydia E.

Pinkham's friends and neighbors learned that her compound relieved and cared and it became quite popular amon? them. All this so far vras done freely, without money and without price, as a labor of love. But in 18T3 the tnancial crisis struck Lynn. Its length and severity were too much for the larg-e real estate interests of the Pinkham family, as this class of business suffered most from fearful depression, so when the Centennial year dawned It fonnd their prop- the family fortune. They arg-ued that the medicine which waa so good for their woman friends and neighbors was equally good for the women of the whole world.

The Pinkhams had no money, and little credit. Their first laboratory was the kitchen, where roots end herbs were steeped on the stove, gradually filling a gross of bottles. Then the question of selling it, for always before they had given it away freely. They hired a job printer to run off some pamphlets setting forth the merits of the medicine, now called Lydia. E.

Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and these were distributed by the Pinkham sons in Boston, New York, and Brooklyn. The wonderful curative properties of the medicine were, to a great extent, self-advertising, for whoever used it recommended it to others, and the demand gradually increased. In 1877, by combined efforts the family had saved enough money to commence newspaper advertising and from that time the growth and success of the enterprise were assured, until today Lydia E. Pinkham and her Vegetable Compound have become household words everywhere, and many tons of roots and herbs are used annually in manufacture. Lydia E.

Pinkham herself did not live to see the great success of this work. She passed to her reward years ago. but not till she had provided means for continuing her -work as effectively as she could have done it herself. During- her long and eventful experience she was ever methodical in her work and she always careful topre- ser re a record of every case that came to her attention. The case of everv sick woman who applied to her for advice-and there were thousands--received careful study, and the details, including- symptoms, treatment and results were recorded for future reference, and to-day these records, together with hundreds of thousands made since, are available to sick women the world over, and represent a vast collaboration of information regarding- the treatment of woman's ills, which for authenticity and accuracy can hardly be equaled in any library in NISI.

David L. Luke, Next Friend, Etc.J vs. Joseph c. Luke, ot al. No.

F725 Equity in the Circuit for Ailegany County. Ordered, this 9th day of the year, nineteen hundred a flve, by the Circuit Court tor Ali gany County, sitting in. equity, tha the made and reported la above cause by Benjamin A. Rlchj mond, trustee, be ratified and ed, unless cause to the contrary theret! of be- shown on or before tfee 5th dasi of January, 1900; provided a copy of this order be published in some aewfe published in Cumberland, Mdi once a week for three wetks before the 1st day of 1 amount of report states the to be $3,300.00. J.

W. YOUXG, Clerk. so J. YOL'XG, Clerk. NISI.

i i S.ninss Bank of Frostburg' A a County, Maryland. vs. Thomas J. No. G772 Equuy the Circuit Court foi Aiir-gany County.

Ordered, this Sf-cond day of Deeem-1 bor. in the nineteen hundred and five, tho Circuit Court for AUegany Countv, sitting in equity, that the sale made- and reported in the above cause i by Albeit A. Doub, attorney named in-' mortgage, U- latifled and confirmed, unless cause to the contrary thereof I be shown on or before the second of Jac-ary, 1906, provided a copy ofl this order be published ia some news- pape- published AUegany county," -Maryland, once a week for three suc- CP v.eeks before the 24th day 1 -lrt" amount ol December, The repoT states the sale to ue W. YOUNG, Clerk. True Copy--Test.

J. W. YOUXG, Clerk. NISI. Corinne Miller vs.

Henry .1. Miller and Others 575S Equity in the Circuit Court of Aliegany County, Maryland. any library in the other source id. erty swept away. Soj of income had to be At this point Lydia E.

Pinkham's Vegetable Compound wma made known to the world. The three sons and fee daughter their mother, combined forces to world. With Lydia E. Pinkham worked her daughter-in-law, the present Mrs. Pinkham.

She was carefully instructed all her hard-won knowledge, and for years she assisted her in her vast correspondence. her hands naturally fell ths direction of the work when its originator passed away. For nearly twenty- five years she has continued it. and nothing- in the work shows when the first Lydia. E.

Pinkham dropped her pan. and the present Mrs. Pinkham. now the mother of a large family, took it up. "With woman assistants, some as capable as herself, the present Mrs Pinkham continues this great work.and probably from the ofBce of no other person have so many women been advised how to regain "health.

Kick women, this advice is "Tours for Health" ireely given if you only write to ask for it. Such is the history of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound made from simple roots and herbs: the one great medicine for women's ailments, and the fitting monnmeni to the noble woman whose name it bears. Ordeu.a, this 35th day of December, 1905, by the Circuit Court ol Alle- wmy County, sitting in Equity, That "I the sale of the property mentioned in these proceedings, made and reported Marcus A. Patrick and Taylor riso-i.

trustees, appointed by a decree-5 of this court to maS.e said sale, he. ratified and confirmed, imless cause' the contrary thereof V. shown on. "i or before the 15th day of January. 1906.

provided a copy this order be inserted in some daily newspaper, printed in Allesany Maryland, -once ia each of three successive' weeks, before the 2nd dav of Januair, 1906. The report states rhe amount of sale to be SC015. True Copy--Attest: J. W. YOUNG.

TAYLOR ilORRISSON. Solicitor for Plaintiff. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. FOR SALE. madc hv Schweidlcr- Miw.

10 siippnn mi and 1 Walnuts, Pecans, Soft Almonds, "After abroad ho al)otv-d us 1h od during tho firm spent considerable lime Pjris and Monte rar'o. nrfx- ihnt oit ihe Casino Bn. that was a roe-re hacaiolh- You so" I nai always thought Americans who titles 1has these ed by mr voars I have been in a Jecinre before the Society of Arts, Martin nnncsn I thst the clnftmatograph may be traced 9130 A. I D. H.

LEAR, 31 N. Centre Street The place to get your supply of Candy and Ice Cream During the Holiday Season. A FINE LINE OF LOWNEY'S, GIBB'S AND DeWOLFFS PACKAGE GOODS. rail special attention to onr line of Loose Candies of the Best Grade, fcifX) oar assortment of cheaper, but candies of pool and 2 storr ALL BRICK. Corner of Rebecca and Harrison street.

$10.000. No. IS Hanover street. 50.650.00. No.

10 Green street. S2.650. No. 70 Decntur street, storr dwell ing. No.

110 Grand dwelling. $3.000.00. Haley street, double 2 story. South dwelling tvitb 4 lots at a bargain. JC.r-"0.

1 '--No. 7-3 t'nioa LOTS. In all j.arts of city. Nos. 15 and 17 William street 51 K'O: No.

fi4 ioad. 35x1'ifl; No. 7S. Fifth strict, "Ss No. 737 Virginia Xo.

71 Virsnnj.T ner; Xo .716 Lafajctte r. STOCKS. shares of Allccr-ay hosT cor- at ALL FSAME. Virginia avenue. 0--141 Virzinia avenue.

S2.30d--27 Arcn street. Eidvr street Fiftth avenue. 51.S50--33 South street. SI.650--Ridseloi. w.

Va, Wxxisice avenue. fSnO--r. OiTu't s'rcc''- street. KHr strot. 3 This is to give notice that the subscriber has obtained from the Orphans' Court of Ailegany County, lend, letters of administration, oa the estate of Malcolm Sinclair, late of Allesany county.

Maryland, deceased. All persons having claims against the deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof duly authenticated, to the subscriber on or before the 8th day ot June. 1D06: they may otherwise hy law be excluded from all benefit of the said estate. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given tinder hand this Sth day ef December.

1905. GEO. L. cdS Administrator. ELECTION NOTICE.

First Xational Bank. Cumberland. Dec. 8. 1905.

The- stockholders of this bank a hereby notified that an election for directors to serve for the ensuing year will be held at the banking house, Baltimore street, on Tuesday, the 3th day of January. 1906, between the hours of 11 a. m. and 1C o'clock noon, J. L.

GRIFFITH. Cashier. i ELECTION NOTICE. 1905 LA-VALE. ho or jl ibis sific of AHesrany 1 con sejl ymj for less ban it can be h-silt for.

Ixxik for my in A --Jjoijsr- rind H' W. Jhir- 1 st Jl.2-11-- Xo. i Ma, to Wine str'-ct, Comer of E35er and Olive. Mapleside lot, Machinery and Lumber of G. S.

Hawks iy the or piece (Shop for Rent) Have your Property Insured at this Agency against Fire. Thos. E. MCLAUGHLIN, 172 a Orders for Ice Cream Soli JOHN W. RHINL) SANITARY PLUMBING.

GAS FITTING. STEAM SEAT and KMGINCER, STEIN FI.NE8AL DISECTOI AD EiEAiJEl OFFICE, CHAPEL ANO IVc. S. Third National Rink. b- J.hoid«3s this bank are that an for di- to for iho Basiling will hold at the banking housfiv on Tn'-tilav.

tho rnh of i.0f.. betuet-n th of 13 OT; W. r. COXLEY. Cashier.

ELECTION NOTICE. M-l Tbo on notified thai cJ to for tv- at 1V han tfi" ri.r. i 52 ft fir li- insr of 11 THE HOST.

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