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The Cincinnati Enquirer du lieu suivant : Cincinnati, Ohio • Page 5

Cincinnati, Ohio
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m. hawb IOI. AND IDBOATIONAl ROOEB, TXTBUTURE, aIaliiUln of their large end ir 0 wa wiw. robllcal.oBS, nnd all TOW ANDOOCRTBT DBALEBS. orrl er porchMlng eliewhere.

KTaTlVw "elr advantage to look over the etck, latpwtlon or by to eiamiaetien ener LEeidVery eemprekeeelre eelalosoe. VSTtSIJi25S pabMceuensnf all rLSitltmm luim houeea. whose booko art end regularly received, end frequeotlT 01-7lT wltb their eeblicatlon in Baeum elllee. 0( ikw koueee their errant ireeau an they receive the b.ekt of all of Ihem uriM liable then t. furultk lata to tht Jura trade at tbe lowaat poetlnle prim.

B. W. DERBY 00., No. MS Main ttreet. Bncyclopdl of Rural Sport.

I gO BE, W1L8TACH, KEYS A (la. SB Waal renrtn-airaei, a Zrravlnga on wood bv Brtntlon, from drawtngt I en, Landaeer, Dvcaet, kc. I vol ZM, ball calf. THE SPORTSMAN'S VATK MICl'H. M) Dinkl.

Idlleo by Frank Fwrater. I ul Uuio. II at. Alia, ocw luppllet of HANK FORKnTEK'S FIELD 8P0KT 0FTI1R cilTBU KTATK.1 AND HKlTldll A II I A i rif illuttraed. 81.

AMERICAN OtMR IN IT SEASONS. By Prank former. Illuatratrd. Ivol.Umo. II lb.

PRANK rORKHTKR'8 flrtll AND flHIl OP THSUNITKD STATUS AND BRITISH AMKRIOA. IHartraled fraia nature by the author. I volume, ro. It- HAWKP.R ON SII00TIN0 lited by VTm. Porter, editor of the New York olAt Tkuj.

IlluttrateJ. 91 H. UO'lRK, ILSTACII, Oencral lookMllrre. at vholeialr and retail, ipall No. Writ Vourth-Itreot.

II ARPKH aV BHOTHKRX, PHANRLIN HJIJAKH. Nr fork, have reoently pul'Uihad ipni.iMiv at UHl.UMA: Or. Intarcetlna Aaeodotei and Rmarkarile Conrenilloni of tin lapn-or Diirinf the five and a half Yeart of lilt Qullvllr CulVtea from the alemorla of Lae Oalaa, 01li-ara, Montbolom, Antomraarohl and oth By John 8 0. Abbott. With lllttilratkina.

are. klailia, 1 ai balf calf, HAUBfS OBOOBAPMT Of TBI At The Ptoileal Oeoraphy at the Bea. By Lieutenant at. TCaarr ru.V Nary. With wood cuU and ofcarta.

Be edlUon greatly talaried and Improved, iraod'Uok; aa honor to America Preabylerlaii IWarll Review. prr.ifnR'S buoond jourjiby; i.imnd Joarney Ronnd the World, from ynAl to thr Cape of Oood Hope, Borneo, Java, aUh C'teSra, Caram, the Moluccae, kc Puiat, Pent, Bcuador and the United Slil Br lit riKlrr, aathoreii of the Lady'e Bullln. Bl ACACLAY'8 RNOLANPj The lllllory of ln- iadfroailn Aeeeeiion of JaJoee II. By Thomaa laliiUnUicaulay. With an orlflnal portrait af aaltor fKICN Of HARPRR'8 COMPLITI AND UNIFORM BDITI0N8.

A handaotne octavo library edition, eomplete. WiUpertrm! and elaborate Indea, of Indlepenaabla vaaM to it nnrary eauion. rriuteu oo luperuiic pa per; aiuelin. Ma volume. Apopularduodecimoedttlon.romplrte.

Wltn portrait ud elaSorate Indt. PrlDted oo paper; ailia. tl-JM centf a volume. A eneap octavo edition. Paper coven, cenu a vawnie.

Acheaportavoadltloo. The four velumee aeaily beuBdlo two volumea; muilin, avH eenU a volume. The volamee of any of the above editions told eep. aratery. HOTLBY'S BHTCTI RKPnULIOi The RUe af the Dwlea Reputlie.

A hutory. By John Lotbrop Motley. Muilln, calf, fa. AYHIW-8 WONDRRS OF BCIBNOIi The weaavre oi ooience, ur, itnni iiunpnry wy. "taeOoralih Apothecary! Buy.

who taught hlmeelf aaaaral philotophy, and eventually became Preol-aeatoflhe Roril Sooieljr The Lift e( a Wonder, fal Bey, Written for Boyi- By Henry Mayhew, aatkor af The Story of the Peaaant Boy Phlloeapher, ho. With anmeroaf lllaiaraiea. rae.i auulla. Hotau. HI88BVNKLBY8 BOOK The TeaUaony of an eeaoed Novice from the Slfterhood of Bt.

Jeeeoh. BmajeUabvc, Maryland, the other-houae af the awM'i af Uharity in ma united ouiei. sy joae akiM Baakley. muella. DHRBV at JACKBrON KO.

11' NAMAU 8TRIBT, NIW YORK, aire aacmrmv rcauniaa, C01RIR BILL'I OOMPLCTB WORK 8. vaaa. ta. MABJOM HARLANDTI ALOrtl. cloth, wa a MARION HARLANDfl IUDDIN PATH, tlmo ioth.



By II am be UR aad OAMF rlBJia Of TUI RID MEN, By Ortea amMi 1 aV BUAMB AND REALITIES OF A PA8TOR Baa 81. MAEEI1D, MOT MATED. By Alioo Carey TkHF Vl OIBM. By Riytka TOIL-rao AND HOPING. By Jeaay lank.

TBI L08T HUNTER. A Tale of larly time, awee. at BW WOMAN'S FAITH. A Tata of Bealaarr. Ufa.

tame, maeaia. IIMB. Iv lui Ukii. Ml. ai UCREOLRORFaAMR.

By J. 8. PtaMaka. laallABDI. lima.

81. A a V)8 8 WORKS. HtA "OlOOTT ISORA'B OUILD. lime. ,81 88.



fOlEBTEES. X. AMD HI8 FIOTORIA. IrlWIIum -MatrwH, Ouvtiaaaal. HTTW LAW nnrarr, ed aalar(d adtileet.

M. neetid -IS Uw Baokaetmr. aad VaatUhara. RMILR OORI -priUIH. Amertaaai anW'rbthatreet.

aaaaj akkeol Uaiaa, iJi, aii51 J.aID O' Or, The Dattea Bara a Fc8Tki A Bury far Beaael Olrts. m. ajia aaa." nUertlkt-M PnowRkmal JialA aii W.DERBY O01 ALlmn In recelredAN ENCYCLOPEDIA Of RU SPOUTS, or, a Complete Account, lliitoriral LrtirelendDeecrlptlve, of lluutlai, Pithing, Rac Tla week haa bee well raM i OoBireMaloaai. Friday, AarBm. On molioa of M.

tooeaU a reaolatrao wv adopted iaatruetiDf Ikf Jadioiarj Coraatitta to inquira into the eipedwjncj of rapaaliaf Uu act of Juno 15, 1848, aoModiaf the naturaliiatioo sot of 1811. The bill for the relief of Geo. P. Maral was then taken op, and waa advocated by Mr. Toot 1 and opposed bj Mr.

Brodhead. This and aar-eral bills re la lire to the Diatrid of Colmnbia paiaed. Adjirarned tail Monday. HOUSE OF BBPRBSBNTATITBtJ Yeaterdar, when the bill to reesit or fbfond dutiee on all foods and raercharidiae tetroTwd by Are, in the original paeiarea, waa before the House, the question wu raised that, ai the bill' provided that Commissioaen to settle these olaims should issue oartiflcataa, which should be cashed by the Secretary of the Treasury, it must necessarily be oommiUed under the rule requiring that all measures making appropriations ahall recire tSeir first oonsiderauoa in Committee of the Whole. Tbe Speaker had decided that, as further legislation would be necesaarj befoie money could be paid inder this bill, the rule did not apply in this caw.

Tbis deoiaion was overruled by eleren mtjority. This morning Mr. Watton moved a reconsid eration of that rot, and the motion gave rise to 1 to a long debate. Mr. I'helpi condemned the hot haste exhibited to pass the bill.

Nobody could tell bow much money was in vol red. Rumor said ten or fifteen millions of dollare. Mr. l'elton explained that from the most relia ble information the amount of the duties to be refunded did not etoeed 1300,000 or $500,000. Mr.

Phelps thought that inoluding Ban Fran- eisoo, with all fires that had occurred tor the sixteen years covered by the bill, the amount would be far greater. The New York fire of 1845 involved 300,000. Be contended that the Secretary of the Treasury ought to pay the money, being in efleot an appropriation for that purpose. Mr. Pel ton said this bill was bssed upon a similar sot psssed In 183A, snd intended to comprehend from that period to 1858, making it continuous Jaw.

It would hare answered the New York merchants to confine Its operations to 1845. Mr. Haven thought the Speaker'a deciskr yesterday right He thought the bill came here nnder suspicious circumstances. He bad no re ferae oe to the eommittee which reported it, bat to outside combinations. It declared that persons haldmg certificates of losses shall be paid on presentation of the same st the Tressury within one year from their date, but did not appropriate money for that purpose.

There must be special law to that effect. The rote overruling the Speaker's deeisioa was then re considered, when the rote stood 74 to 71. Further debate, inrolring the principle of ap propriations and the propriety of the Hpeeker's decision, ensued, pending which the House adjourned till Monday. Mr. Baxkannm in Philadelphia.

PHiunsLniu, Friday, April The City Council yesterdty, after a factious debate, refused to pass resolutions ka4ring the use of Independence Hall to Mr. Buchanan, This mark of disrespect has occasioned a strong feeling of excitement in all classes. He left New York this morning and wu met by a committee of eilisens at Trenton. The official welcome look place at the Marohants' Exohanga, the interior of which is decorated with Bags in honor of his arrival. A salute wu fired nd a large crowd ae-scmbled at the wharf, where Mr.

Bochenw wu met by a eommittee of el n1 una, headed by Joatah Randall, and oemdacted to the Bi change and weloomed in an address, to which he happily responded. Ai exactly twelve o'clock to-day the ctkuwaa were informed by Ike sound of aaaaon of the arriral of Mr. Buchanan. Tbe aremuee in the rl-einily of tbe Walant-street Wharf were thrngd wiu wartons snd excited spectators, and apoo the pier itself a considerable number of persona had gathered. On the arrival of the krmt o.

crowd formed into lino; aad aa Mr, Buchanan, accompanied by Samuel Y. Merrick, Chairman of the Committee of the Board of Trade, stepped oa aaore aaa proceeded to hit oemage, sheers In itxradaaee sainted him. On exhilarated in- diTtdam! shoaled loudly tor President BeMhsaka. AMoeDpnnied by several CouncilnMn, Mr. B.

pro. seeded In the Philadelphia Exchange Reading, roots, when he wu received and welcome! a brief apeeck by Ira Welsh. Ken. Mr. Buchanan, reply, said ha felt If bis loot wu afaaa apsrj his natir land, aad ha knew that la the opinion of his fellow ooemrry-men he had not discredited his oooatryer ju pnncipies.

ne cad been absent aim ih years, aad wu happy to be owes snore ta his na tive land. fie wu addressed by a eomniittea afnw chants a riaitor sad not a party mam aad ho wmIA raanrmd In (ha L.I. I Ttas Isrgs hall in which aha reception' took place wu crowded in every part During the proiraas of Mr. Baahaaaa's rfisoh ha wu frequently btemrpvad hj spplanee, and si the aeaclnsiea he was Vondly cheered. Mr.

Buck ansa thea prooaaded to the Merck aa by' Hotel, where he wu greeted by aaaay frieada. DacUioa ia the) "apreeM Cassii la Nrw York. New Teas, Tkaredar, April M. The aas af Olleo ee. Tsgg, larai-vtaf the Hgh of the tatlsr to hold the ssVsa ef City Oeaspwnllar, wu deciaed to-dav the BarMsas Oaent la faror af Mr.

flsgg, the preseat la- camoeal. The ssaaekUoawu ashargaaf frud ia the ratnraa af the hiepertors of the aleetioa n) oas af the wards, by which, it wu alleged, Oiles, wa nnow-jaouiing saadidats, wu defrauded af Mr. BachaaaaH Rapiom. At VaVfinT. lAfska lawflM Tha teree of Mr Bnchuaa ia Ihs aanroiaf, wu atleased by a Urg akeeav hlaga, aoanriaina- av avw i hankers aad elueens gaaerallj.

I rur wan. aude a hrVsf soeaeh omaa.el.. angroaead aan ml ik. which Mr. sWkaaaa lenemi rMasaa.

Taf aUva ant rtttstMrn. rtl kW, nmd enM tmt OrmH Lorn of Lls, sai las, IVtaaw. A art) Be, Ad vines frosa (hhtaJiar saaoanee the Mai koss af the seraw saranwr JTMU, freas Liverpool la BarosloM, she harm ooeao ta iistsst with the transport shift MiUn, off TaoeruTe. The Jrtaiw wu tak. Oat of aaa hundred sad eighty-five aould on board only Iwealy one escaped.

The captain is said to bars gone down with his tvmsoI. flrhoonetr I'apaiscd. Roaroa, Friday, April The schooner MMtr, from Warwick, Yirgisia, far Boatoa, wu eapsrsad oo tbe eight of the Mth and Iliad with water. All the crew were lost except Bdward Colbert, who wu taken from the wreck furly-eight boars afterward by tke rchoouer Wm. D.

OsiyiU, of Philadelphia far Boston. The echoomer JfOter belonged to 9t Oeorge, Maine. The Soatkera Mail. BahTinosa, Friday, April St. Tbe Southarb mall brings New Orleans papers of Saturday last, lata due.

John A. Washington hu written letter, which is published in the A'alionaJ InUttignctr, slating that he was willing to sell Mount Vernon to Virginia or the United States, but both de dining to purchase, the property was not for ula. Reported Riot in Erie. Kaia, Friday, AprllR M'. M.

A street fight occurred here to-day between Young Walker and a Mr. Cochran. Cfhran was whipped, snd from this grew general row. The C-otulitution newspaper office is being destroyed, gutted snd burnt. The notera are firing acannon, and itiipropos'd lodestrov tbe houses belonging to the railroad men.

Kirn in Hochestnr. Ror.lieSTBK, N. Friday, April 98. The extensivs Iron works of the Novelty Company were consumed by Are to-day. The main building is in ruins.

The pattern-shop wu eared. More than one hundred workmen hare bees thrown out of employment. The loaa ia estimated at Th Nlnwer Falmouth Hold. New You, Friday, April m. Tbe oondomned slarrr Filmtuth, recently seised in our harbor, wss sold at the navy-yard in Brooklyn to-day, with ber cargo and fixtures lot 4.878.


THOSNl. TO LAiSTD THORNS, No. SB Weal Poartk-otraee, between Mala aad Walaat, CINCINNATI, OHIO, DEMAL DEPOT, Fancy Ooods and Toilet Articlea, IBT A BID riXTXT MESICIHU, Have opened a larie aad dae rabli ttock la the above hraaohea, to which they Invito the atteotloa of all who wut bareelni In food artlelei, EITHRR AT WHOLESALE OR RETAIL To Country Merchants we offer treat iuSaeeaeati, be las prepared to aell ai EASTERN Fit LOSS. apUly WANTED. llrAETBO-Ttt rlRTV PntNONf TO CAN.

Vanit Ihu city lor a lepoltf wort Bow ready. A pply at tku emco io Si WABJTBO-A HOVrtR Of NIK OR HRVHRJ Ireome, wHhta torre or loar aonvr of ta corner at staia aad Thud streeu. vuw WTKO-A OOOD FKHDKH 08 TBI rreee aa me ueainr emca nOOBSMBRRS WABJTRD BRFRTtAL rioveaereaaa rerwararre eaa aareeoiwlaatem re7WMaBy maaiaf uaeMdlau appllcaUoa. O. 8I)uBYk CO sa8 Be.

Ml aiala Wreet. SI 1 10 RABOBM T. LOUU wasted ay OMOROE u. TAYLOR UU-, we. as waiaat awoi WEJT WMI ABJTRD A flBALTH V.

aalddm-aaedOeniaa er AmerUan weaea.wlik mtk lot a eklid rrooa lane sli NilW eid. Oae wHkMd referanee wUlaaayieNe.nRaelFMrUi- mam FOU RENT. nat-atraai. reneiilon grrea on the lit of April aali UBWBON 11UUIBS. FOR SALE.

Ill V. v.1 rnuriari roia Tb lieaeee aad Lot ea leath-weet rorptr mt Meiaereetaad Fetteneo alley i Lat eataf fart treat Malaireoa by til (eel la depth. Alee, Lot ea eonUt eide el alley adiolalaa- the abeee, baiaf a foet (real oa the alkryby 18 fcet la AtoV, tke Ilenee aad Lot ea north aide ef same M. ''very eUkki Ut belaf 8 feet Ire at by leH la doatk. i.

vVICBOM WHB8TOE. Aieat, apSa-lmj At no- W. Blue takle. earner ef Third enS Vlae-etreole I i laa ana ueaanry aeeidoaee a Mt. Ilepe, fktrre Jjwaaaip, wltk uiae aarae ef lead, baautlratly u.

Three Lota ef Load adjolaiaf IkeaWrt.eeSuale lemf irT rnVRmiol. WUIhafcUaianrgaiaa. tajalraef 'I" a WINTEKR Re. 881 Vlaoewmi. RMAL 8WTATP rOft IIU -w HAVE u-acu Land far or iral ajme lieaees Bad Lot.

la Ike elty, eeaatry sarllemlare eail at ewa i. a. BILLER OO. A flaaoe Ike hi at. kai I aA avaa lk M.AL.

ioa. U. fm4 ardari aaa eaek reame, aamm; hileXaa, bBfavy, eMera. aread-aeeae, aamaen-kemaa; "mvaiien, aae mutaaraS, aaw- bis a rlaeyard of eaeae three Ihoaeaaa re hydros p.a alamo, eherrtee, aad a avaraataa af small fralLTae aeaee la larseaadeamaiadloae, kartas baaaeabve. fad aoaialae BTUer, waurloeat, ki Tha ea alia ttakllaf for all kwteeead foaraowa wltk "eao.

af raom fat fadaer, earn) barn. pllrT-, emokahiuee, milhaeww, M4 kaVui See la aUe ee the pktas a aew enearn plow bee I ia y. There are twa aaver-laibas euelaas af Bae waior, three mrfe eiataraa, well, i oh-, aad, la-dead, every ranrene Ut a eamfarlahio aad ekarmlas raiteaaea. The laratlea meal eellettfal aad fceakhy, heiaf eaabrety free nam aay dlasea. kwetsble ead emalla, ead so fever aad asaearckot-era erar kavlaa bean kaaera In lae elcieliy.

The mad Imo lata, farm af a aaralleleavam, beaaded aa ike aartkara end by war ptaakroad, aad an Ike aaatk by aeaaaty road, taavhis ks ike meat Silkakbl araaony, aaa ateaaaaa er aa pi liw aue aa. lae Aral daeaf May Bait, rtk ahaa be divided ky ataaaad eold al paawe eaatlea. Sr FIODSB AN LOT OBJ vt-reae, mpe-rtaaa, ewaeraa! a carrlar.braao, Mahia, ka. Tkekawaekaa Wlas ea aha aaraad, aeaoee two end tkree me fraea Ike ally, Sue fared fee ante. Tkleleeaaaf the meat etflUe reaoeTe? BraTrrVy JXlmSm Oeaaty.

eenuualaa abawl Uk-row'aeres eti mad. SPECIAL NOTICES.1 XIAT TTOTn TarXiTW IndUnarlii and Ciivciriniti 8H0RT-LINE RAILROAD, VIA LAWRENCEBURO.I L'fhT," a ladtaaaaelle. All ether Thia route Iklrlymilaj ulnF nujuteeaalcher then any Tbi fBaBd.v.. "wawaava. osaoilla the la IT' a aaraet Hoaae, er Me.

in Olbeoa -t-irrlbroSW O.albw.wiil sal, ettlp'a'iSVjl by Uavtag rrelibl taken by Uli route ee aheae aa am other and from twenty tour hou7. "edTaaceoi all other roatee. J. r.

CHEEK, FrllinlAMrit Baiiase ohecbed th Ll aaVckl-easooolywiaihieraau. MKHCHANT. TO- ALL WHO OBE I WOLF88 H0I11BDAM AROHATIO brated modlclual beverasa la mtnafaetured at tne raetory of we andmifoed, at Schiedam, Holland. He la the aole Importer, as well at the tide-Ire manufacturer of the article, and he preparatloa bearing the name of not pracared either from hie eatabllihmenl la New York or Iron kli ageata In other eitiee, enulae or reliable. 1 1 la made from barley ef the 8 eeel eathiy Miecled with freat care from the product, ef the moat celebrated iraia-frewlnf diatricta, la Savored wkh the eeeeaeaef the aromatic Juniper Berry of llaly.and la realised by a peculiar proaees, which eipela from the iplrlt every acrid particle.

Ai a means ol srerentlas and correcting the dlie-(reeahle and eftea dangerous snatle pradaoedapea the etemach aad by a change el watera lilt at Ioa to which new eeuiore and all aaaa-eltmated peraone la tha West, the South ud South-west are pecallarly llable-tha Bekledam Aromatic Bchnappi will be foaad ahaslately lafalllble, while ta aeaee ef Dropsy, Orarel. ebaUuealoa ef the dlieaeea ef the Bladder, Dyepepela endOeaaral Debility, It Is recommended eaeat amekatlaally by the moitdliuofulibed members ef tke mod leal are-faailoa. It put ap la eaart ud plntkoeUee, In ewes ef one down, wltk the aame ef the abderalgaad ea Ike hatUa and cork, and a fee almlmef hie ilgnalare ee tha label. For aale ay all drassiele Ud country merchanto. UDOLPIIO WOLFR, No.

is, 8U sad TJ Baavee etreet, Mew Fprh. CAUTION TO TIIB PTJEL10. Blnee the Inlrodaetloa ef my Schiedam Bcraupps inu Ue Unlud Btatei, a namber ef llqaor ml ten la New York, Boatoa aad Philadelphia hare commenced putting up mixed ud poleoe Ola and eeisng aennappti mat name belooga eipreuly la my artl- etoi allethmsaracouateWelUudunaaekuanaoalke public. CAUTION TO FEBSONB WHO DEINE AT BABJ AND IIOTRLB. Namerous eomplalali are madeef aeraeas whe keep bare en iteemboate and la hotels, whe 811 my empty bottlei with nor, Uia and aell It Is Ike snoaspeel-log for my SCII I EDAM AROMATIC SOIINAJ'FB.

1 wauld, therefore, advlie all whe drink the Seanappe at eoeh pmeee, mark the appearaeeer ike bolOei and If the oaleide of the label thoald be defaeod, to refuae le drtna, aaleai a freeh battle le opened. UDOLfllO WOLFS Far tale la Cuwlaaatl by the fellewlng atenk. JOHN D. PARK. Looms campbbll.

OBOBOB M. DIXON. ALLISON OWEN BON. SELYEB ROTU.SJk Beet Third etreet. Barlt-tmDkW RIDMPH COMPLHTB- anuTim aaoa, rirqemaas Oetoher Ta.

siBleted WIU 'w 'brmiad le give year Tub) a trial, ad ertlMmrat of which saw la eameef the papore.iaad ceatiaaad to aaa them for aoma montha, until I wai eared. I believe them to he Srt-raU uncle, aad elaee I hare eeed ih.m I have aot had one attaak, and am aaa la the eeleymenl ef food health. I am, very reaaaelfally, years, ke Jh. Pill, were rajommeadal la me by sir. Naaban Newby, af Able eeunty, la wheat addreeayoB sent Ihna Tkeee Pllli, betides cartas fee all modlioaUoaa of iZLJZ? pJTT par ben a aeaee far eai taal.o boaee faTett.

Peraone I nolo, tag a romlttaaoe will have Ike Pills amiifcaa. litre ugh BU rarA. Per tale ww i aaiumare-emel, Btl I-more, vytaad, la whom ordare Ir.m all parte ef the Bold by JOHN D. PARR. ll eatDkeowW! Corner ef Fourth aad ernes.

rr-MR. O. BOLOMONR-BKAR BIBi BAT-INO aaiufaeaerUy UM a pair eTsataiaalai par chaeedef yea. aad Bedlaithoea ttr wmwwwu i. VZ, I have ever eead, la lae! liay raat aad etna rata the www, wuim wit Hint mmww p.raea, wearKB aaa weas eeed my elf et, I eeraially reaoamead lata ia at of all who etaad ra need ef them.

BatpielfeUy kTkll.lkVI. FROM BISHOP BPAtrLDINn. Havlaa triad Mr. Solomon's dlaeeee, I Bad ahem aota ai.iuim aaa eoeiaies ta the tigkti mare, la fart. from a short trial, taaa any I hare yet aeas.

1 reoommaad them le ike aaleaagt af Ikeee to WHMOO. aiiaoa, I B.J. BP AULPINO, Blalep. Lealavllle, OeUaerls, leal. LETTER FROM TUB MAYOE OF BOO Ft EST SB.

RoaataoTaa, April), lui. MS-Botawews-airi Having Bailed at year aSee la reva-sin llavlns Bailed atyoar afee la aad Mraaaaed twa pair of year Faleal wmmil Urm taperier any that have fore laty hava real lead more Aaa I Ulatee. I feaa ewar atod bW or. eeald have et parted I have aew pal tr.ATC..L.....A....R.4.Y kas ae eae oacaaaded la a ah lag a reliable Has) Dye eaeept BATOHBLOkl Beat nan Ikey weald avoid Ike earea, Ike Ikeefht, the eta, paUeaoe aad laaar neeaeeary. maers, try skertsata, weald nay arena tetiea they aaa aot wltl and by aerUBcaaaa ef feed sbemlila end aaBtptam bravado, Sg hi their aay Sa aetaneiy.

aaa "meaatry aae iu reward. Wua the lavtaalhlertpBlaliea ef A. BATOHBUiB'S Hair Dyt. made, aeld er applied (la alae Brrvals rsenu aim nreaaeay, new erk. JNO.

D. PARE, eeraar of Feank aad Walaat, etreets, Cmeiaaatl, A rata. rm sTF-JOBRrajlLRI-B A MRU CHART n. mmm viiiaauaei, are eaBMaoAiv re- Maplm saaetetyms ef Oeaea la Ikawlla sw- p-ort an-rowiMHiNU RARtisil in OiathlBf aad hlorrkaanailarlag, eail at the retlehM aad aaa prlead heaaa, the Oatkia Araada, RaTiai blaJaatraM. batweaa earth aad Pi's rArmiT Straerwi bt tkaj ea had I ill it bear thle ia saladT rnrra JONES BROTHERS A CO, e.

10 reart-etraea. DUT OOOZjfll. Aad aaV (raat bay ore. be seek snd aramat ethany-af I A WTO IB a man babpbbbbv at. a aaa RrtatktoS Oraan, knarera Otaat.

Fraaaeal alare Oraap, Rraarera Otai Rirere' ia. Rrreraakewa. 1 laeeoaa, Oakita, fiaenslas'e Oeeaal and Man CTTBBABT BTJIHBB. wsne sraata, ytawia. a hs.

ninraasaad Barry's Baadliasa-kloaret BearlaV, Cllaai SorUt a4 dvneeeeei ClaelaaaU aatdlaaafr- rwrtww aaaarvar. Il-rya SWMa( sad Waakiastea Brarf and Buadard Camries la (roes variety. I raraaaay JOUR F. BAIRR 00., aaa unw' Baa aad as CABIJtBAD BP flaaalMan, Bailer aaa warn p-reooa as isnswilllismnil etlias OR TPli FIRST OP MAT RBXT. i er oarvakad, Bam.

Itarveaaad. Pyr-m-. badraak wkaeat sen, fatten er aaaa as Ma nkavawaslaaas nauy, wis giuSSrr 1 Irils Tim A Jl l-? Ohlaasa at kT. aaWatiV ttllwkai IT," VSr. St.iUaTalw..

-T 'wsmety days, la be had at tatt a. 81 kfai-sJeatTaS VtSli Meeae, J. R. OI8BOM, bTabbw. waoraaa ar syhai u.a.ia.a mWm" -fa," warena as a jeans aereas Ubanaef kHaeiBnay keilS i las I'" BnVaVMIBBRRlRBITtL-BaBRdSa AGRo'IMPLEM ENTSi Rww.rtiwtaaend Vabsabta UORTtCVLTinRAI.

IMFLEJMEril. aqricvltttral mrututim. I aapra wad Peat Awaarai a vara able artlek. May I keeeaalaedt), ad, Sllnekea. I rraalaa RaHsa, Btnddfaa Kalwae, Utaftlna Knlwaei Sayaarmaaa.

H'aMaakslBa'a Btaf Taha-anSa, foe srealng, budding and grafting. Ssaylnt Ralvee, BnrtM Naadlea. Urapa Trlaimara. Urape Betaare. rraalaa Caleaio, vrlahaleehel FVaalae Baere.

Saaal Ball laas, tlapaar Bnll Rinse few V9W faee, Improved. Briar Bayifcaa, Briar Meeka. raw Hat? ea. Hay Aaleee, MAeat ety ka. laa-lah Lawn acwinee, Aaa art ran Lawn Ottawa.

Oeaalae VYaMran A Rea'a Uraln aad Bra ete-rtkae. Anaerirea Walerea Srala aad 4raae Bertkas Nawtaa Darilae'e Qraln nnd Uraas krythao Uardan Hatekete, lenrdaa TrewaU. aad-a Uarden kyrtesae, Ureea-kenee ly Cardan Radee A met', Rewlands ud ethere. Bora' Uardan nensae, LaAlae Uardea Hpadoe. Ladlae Uardea Tool CbaaU very eamptete.

tardea khavalal Amee', kewland't aad atkere. Psllehad all-aver khevete and Bpadae. Handlsd Uardan Rakoe, Weetdlaa rtaksa. Ladlae Uardea Rakee. tleel, palltkad all er Bawo' Uarden Hnkee, iteel, polished all ortr.

Lawn Rakee, all tint. Handled Uardan Heae, la greet variety. Ladlae' Rslrs Pine-pollened Uardea Heet. Held Hoei, light and heavy, fine quality, Uardea Raale, with eornt eomplete. UaPdea Parka, for spading.

Handled Field Handles Parka. Uardea heart, la (real Hedao Hheare, many new aorta. Patent Oi-bow Plna, the beet made CnUera, all laUtl paUernt. Htraar common and patent Ladlae Uardanlas Ulovee. Lopalns Hkenra.

Harraar Teelk. Dlbblere. PaiaMUaieHlnaaaand Lalehee Half-Cloelns Hale Hlagee. Boya' Meal and Cheap Uatdaa Tael Ckaato. Rorky't HuperlerHksepkkeara, (real variety.

aad Hsran Rknara. Revthe Raatka, Orndlee, Mar Hakea. Uark'e PaleMkrylkeeaad Hnatke. Rrytha Ktoaae, klrklae, Uraae Heeks. Averaaentere.

Ladlae' Praalas Mbanre, with Aeleaaatle Apple Pearara. Trnea Oos laalna, Usll Chains, ens handred leal lengtht. Bnekore Wasaa Uinlna. Baekeya Brenal ayaaiaa. Baekeye Tonsae aad Lark HrdraalleRaaae, IndlnRukksr Ueeei the heel raaoe ror (ardent.

Hansee, Itehe, Mettseke, Urnkklas Hone. Ooer Bare.NlaneHledsse. Mertleallaral Tael Chaeu, four elaaa. north aad Paale'e eery eapeHer, aatrn-alraas, klsk flelekad akraw Perkt, Hay aarae, vtaaare rerhe. Uraln Haevele, black, peliaked all erer Uraln Bkavela, for aoyt.

Ranease Mllla aad Htalere. Manllaaaen'e Tael Cheats, complete, fear twee Iran Wedsee. Handled Aaaa. Priced eetalo(ea af Iheee Ooods seal by mall aa appiieauoa. The aiieallon ef bayan la partlealarly rcqaetled Ui our HarUeaHural Department, a ream devoted as cluahrely to this elaaa of Oeodt.

TYLER DAVIDSON fc Nee. IM and III Male tn-eet. CIWCIWRJATI TO DETROIT Tie TMB Cinclaaati, Ilamilloa aa4 Daytoa, AND MAD RIVER AMD LAIK IRK rLavllx-oai erl The only direct reau le DetreU Is by wty et Day Paaaengert leaving Cincinnati al 7 JO A (twa konre later than by any ether route,) arrive at Ben-duikr latlmetoeoaaeetwHh the steamer Bty Oily fa DtAlt lhMak l.u. FOR THROUOH ICR ITS 1 A ad InformatlcB apple at the Ticket OI8eee, comer ef wt www w.t snoar ne aa Walnnt-tlreet, near Foarth. Na teeth eaai earner af Feartk aad Flaaetreeti er et the Blltk etreel Depot.

utitv lata B. rrelihtutaiMUwayialiaibvae7olhar rente, ead wllk (raalar du patch, by applying Matter ef Traatpertlo'n. THB MIBHinniPTt AND OHIO MVKRA1, a.alaiBlns plane for the arolacnon ef la. Delia fraai laaadaUaa, aad mveetl(atleeaaf Ike praetlea. bllliy aad aaat el laprevleg the Okie by meant af MBS Mala-eteeat- art-am JOMM to.

PARR i DR. TWR bWkVMalBltR BAR a hill M.a of (aaaa af alla-m. new la store hmwm Cadet, la ardor to tart eeetere la all eaaliuoa ef SheM, lieitera, SUppere, ke n. PBTSSS, apat-lm Me. IB Hala-etrati.

1 1 II CD IM -lauaud Baal Baveu and eold: (raau tomaorary leeael maaaa eeliartloae IkraaSBaal the Be ava aaa aeaiB-weai. IkHALOR'B PAPBIAR ITIOB WIU.MVB I a law and teaiiaea aeeb, delieata aaade aad taaaaU arm. thing, wbtoh akakaaeareaayi I g.a Ueaamaaeeahl who proad at. art em JOUR D. PARI, A (oat.

I ATB DB POIB POTB UirT reeolvedT la larger aaaliUea tkaa larnmr let. Far dytaepeia, traakaaea af lae Laeat, weal af apt pauaa. ikla aaa ef the aataai, beaUee beia( perfect 1. HtS.i LAC BY.

sndR ertb-aset sarner Fink aad kraadnar. (J I AMD FARCY ataea aemsrltoa every brake, S.aere, Wlaea, Cat UEUKMCRI RBL JOCR 7 rroaarvat, ordlab. a iZA at a ea viae el loey par etat. ewer aU um a IS aJa Urw MaTktaaaaA IAJ80R AT UTW PmiOM. a a (raav rmieaw af See ptaaae wkiak -w aam JZZ7.

rTTjiTT'' ,111 PTarsa. TaaaaatkA nvtkak n-BB4 AamnYB. a a raaae man.vs re F' WAR.R8RTWB.WB IKvlTR tha Btttetlen erparchMme be are permeate Jy uVt a I II bttwera will know a bore le aeelr abeaM the Rtaia aiaay tanw nrere et a eat at to. I ra aew aeeaiBi aaaa aad Phmi Altai at Vlaataai Pteelte. ileaatlM and Oeeorh BaeeeeT Oaliarfc wWrntlt aaaa, Fifes, ke.

for eah) whobnaie vt ilT AWW MaViRA-antfaBBRtR "TO 18 iff OCRWTlRll OLIR OIL, wa-rtei dlreet la at by CkarlM -a. tbie It raid be Ike paraat aad iaaU -Pr-' rented udrlpe fralt eajT, whoaaaam aad ratalL J. II. W. BVLaORYT aaat Meetkaaataar.

FtfUaarastand CaedkaV. NaTBFfsOMRTMT RRCRfWRR rHRRCT Pale, af ear ewe bafa Urea ft IT. PaCeeTaaJ" ViA I Wl.tatUt aad ttaai-k Saee, all ihebi enemy, kaw. Stiver Flake Feartk autoee. an atoertBptaaaf Sea kanarnd l.etet hWhaatPreaek eraa- 0 5 BU8INE85 CARDS.

I.O.O.P. 8EAL8 AND SEAL PJIE88ES. C. r. HALL, Baal Rod Card BogTaraT, tm 'aheet etoapla.

RUTT1TER, HAL1 a TAYLOR, AsM. Ra. 18 Heel Praat-etrest, Unelnaall, O. apsily ROBERTS A MOTTTJTT AU SSXLMO NEW IILK8, LAWNS, AND ALL OTHER OOODfl, At prices erraeavly tat It raetory la nameraaa enalemera. WRSJT POL-RTH BTRRRT.

NO 1BC0ND PRIOR. MO CREDIT 0IB j-m I. m. muas. o.

a. Tiateti I. II. MILLER A REAL ESTATE OFFICE, Ra. It Wslanl alreel.

We are pr reared lo aril Heal Bttaie at Auetioa ar at Private earn en aa reaeenable lernt aa any la the clly, aad Invite the palroaa(e of the pahlle. Wealtnk'vetema firm and Wild Laadt to ri change for Oily Property. Aiao, Hoatee and Lola, Country Seatt aad Parma, which we will aell aa very rraiontblt lormt A I.O. lABia .1 I ,1 Clothing. Wt n.aetllte loam for Money, buy and aell Bonds and Slock! and Land apai at a.

t. anvLa. New York.) Iraanaaics sodlb. OlnclriAeU. BOYLE CO, laroaTaaa or PRRrrC-H BRARDIRa) AND WIN KM, Bonded Wareboaie, fte I DISTILLERS OP ALCOHOL, C0IOONS AND MBUTBAL SPIRITS.

AND ALL KINDS OF DOMEXTI0 LllgUURH -auo DtHslftrs ia Old lloarbnn, Hrr aad Moaoagahela Whiskies. NOS. SB, ml AND BR SECOND STREET. apM If csacimuTi, owio. Marias lasBTRRas or Halls aad freight.

THE FARMERS A1TD MBCHAPflOB-UTBURAJTCE OOMPAJfT 0 PHILADELPHIA. ab Capiul, 800,808 faak Bar plea, lOel -Tl" Astatt araarepared ta laaae Pell clr. oa the Halla aad Frtlght LUlt ef Saaaaahaala ea the won raatonakle laraa. All loetee paid at tha Ai.acy A gency oAoe, i Waal Thardreet, Olatlnaatl, 0 a a ANTHONY, Agenu. A- are Oeneral A gun lor Fare, viae ai.d LIS) laturanee.

apS-Sm JoHmwieav. aSUaootuas. a. a. lauai JOUR RWANEY A Wkoleaaleaealertrn (JrasaTlaa, Prodnss, Forelg! fmlt.

beOeen Front and apM Oulumblt, tllaclnnall.u. KELLOGG A FOOTS, Na. IT Raat Celaakla-elreet, wrorrau ar ItR Rochnilr, Coftiiao and Bordaatiz Brand loa, MADBtRA. PORT AMD CLARET WINES, JA MAI0A AMD Bf. 0ROIE RUMS.

OHreOlleta baakeU aad rate. J'ule" beaae Uck.aad far aale lo the whoUaaUUadt oa the moat favorable tarmt. apM KELLOGG II FOOTS, najn-facrraass or laatrnl Iplrlu kad Dovaestil Liqaers Of all kladt, aad dtalart la tae eld Bourbon Whit kite. tplo JOHN H. DETERS, FANIIIORABLE BOOTH AM Kit, 111 airsg W.

tt HARRIBOir CO WNOtataia maun is I'AINTH, OIUS, YARN1MIIXM, BRUHifKH, niATCH fLMTtMXD YMTAI. OLtlU, FRRN0H AND AMERICAN WINDOW 0LASB, Re. SI Wett Poartkaireat, Claelaaail. WIL60N RAoOREW SOW, Reaab-waet eernae Pennh nnd Mala-eareaaj, aitrrPAOTnasaa srb ihTroarsna Wstckes, Jewnlry, lUrar and Plated Wan, AT WlinLBSALB IIS mm Cloekl, Wstakss and Jewelry repaired by a aead warkmea. and In all eaaee warraated.

a pari HATS, hot nan aad Retail. Wa heae a tarn and well aelarted ateek ef eearr-thing la the Ratline, at whlek we tavittUa aaVtallVa OOtTNTRT HBRCHARTI. Auke i am. Ume we eeaUaat nay ettiet atuaUoa RRTA1L TRADR, nnd eeeure (entlemea ef atHalalnr ike riret tklu. MUatym aaa railing DODDm HAT BTORE, H.

144 Mein-etrees. OMT, TIlOMFROlf AX BANKERS, -Ra. Bank Balldlnaa, Oaeiaaatl, OMa. kldN-el prleee l-r Vaearreat Money ineeetHmTaoad. tateraet pate aa ume at lilts.

aaSSIm A. 6. BURT II CO. BBchRfnw Rod ''--'ring Offloa, 0. Itt MAIR.

STREET, Bav aad a.11 iHbaH nwaa Moaeyi alee ee temporary lenae. atnbj par litaa. Reeaneardeaan. ikii eetakliahmoal bl laatij T. TODO.

Ren Or Man avaryiaia( eenneaatd wnk taaa, aaaa, ana retanitin Orrt rn rrnsg TT isian I April as, I lAa. fk-KaUS wZ'YiJtS- 8'iwtta vine ead aae atrottt, aettl II o'eatah al aj tuiJkSDA Y. Marl, Una, lar ike mZmSSmii aatanrenew a ayajpwimajr sweruma BmyaBmraavjnyar aa-aajj fkBJ araj-eAhmal eweehmtam 7 to their aot l. itllTaTuJt lae eaa ta.Seatias eagtaae as the Werka. PamaaadaaoaiBomieasaanbsaMnsanaaHaatsaa -BaterSkmT3 Br ereer of bad Roerd.

saisaw lAk.ooopia,a,r- 88 Mala strata. aaljed and kwaaaa UiuhUS kCAmVi VlT MMalnsnak H'alSJn BPTRRTR UrR. rlw.yrj?.xstt and rapairad ak sltss reaairod la aaUag. ef the battela! iZt iwrn'' WB.rARl.An. 'ri- JoilR PkaXAeaan.

tM daadsaS and aanrfi TlatTl M. BO EDO, kjat.

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