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Ukiah Daily Journal from Ukiah, California • Page 7

Ukiah, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Money mnst be raised. The results are that Goods must be Saorifioed. This is a- We will reduce our stock 50 PER CENT in the next 15 days No deception, No Goods Beserved. Bring" your money and secure bargains never before heard of in Ukiah. You know what that means LOW PRICES! We will sell you- IT ,11 We will sell you Boots and UNDER COST.

We will sell yoi 5 to date Dress Goods MUCH MARKET PRICE. I Want Money You Want Goods C. A It is an Opportunity of a Lifetime. Don't miss it DISPATCH DEMOCRAT. APBII 9, 1897 liftr rniiillUK uot.lvrii: 10 ceniN liiM! UrNt liiMertloii null It raiilN iwr WM'li liitmrtloii.

LOCAL NEWS. M. Brinnblt-'t, Pnstnr. O. S.

Hnnutiii, Pdslnr. F. MrOmy. Pii Suudfly Hchonl tit 10 A. Si-nnnn nt, 11 A.

Junior Kiult'avor at-1 1'. Y. H. C. K.

tit Et'vciiingSt'rinon HI WeU-oiiH'. M. John IlHinion, 0. I'Hstor. Moniinij Kfrvico iit II oV.lnrk iiiul eviniiiiB HiTvlce ul Htnnley-iolinol at 9:45 A.

LeuKiie at v. M. All nro liivMi'd. MUM I. MiWK.

1'lie Grniid llie ))r liolel in Ukinh. F. A. Irish WHS over from I 'hiln Hiiice onr liiHl, Silliorliorn of Ciilpolla uuvn UH a plfiasiitit cull TiieBilay. biiin lilodeH wiiH 111 Snn I'riini 'JHfo llie Intter pari, of hml weuk.

VV. A. Ilofl'inaii paid ii hiiHiiiefla viuit to Hail Kraiirisfio Binoa our laRt. 'I'ho linoRl wiiieH, liquors and rl(i in Ukiali will bo found at Mie (irand ilnlel Kulooii. CoiiiMiercIal travfllorB' lieadtinarters in Ultiuh are at, t'le (iranii Hotel.

Koiirlarga sample rooniR. 'liy iiol. droHH in Hlyle wlien vou can do BO jiiBl aH cheap us olherwiHO hy tjo- inK to W. A. lloU'aian 'R? (i.

S. Oiihert, after a few weekH' stay in San Krancisco, returned to liis Walker ranch the lirHl of the week. New and up-lo-djile Bprinj; and Hiimmer Koods are now beiu(' ruslieil into llio (ireat I'laslorn llartsain lionsu. The uioNt beautiful lineH of KpriuK ever seen in Caliiornia may be found nt the iJreat ICa.stern I'argain lloUMO, Dr. Ij.

A. Klstnr, aHHislant phyBiciau at llio nBvlmi), ncconipanied by liiB wife and lillle oneH left Wednesday for a vinit to the nielropoliH. 14, 1), Weldon, the new grocer, presented many of onr people with neat puck- UMCM of caiKly April iKt. It. was a very niu 'Bptabie Aprd fool joke.

The advance of prosperity is abundantly illuKtraled by the vast amount of new Koods now heini; received at the tiroat Eastern DarKain House. Kon SAI.U buildint! lots H0x20n nofthern Ukiah. Will be Hold separately or in whole very cheap. Kor particulars enquire of Mils. Oim.

mr)m2 Alcoholism is a disease and can be cured. 'Pho cure is a certain panacea. It Is indorsed by the medical pro- fewsion and 1 a treatment. alao rejuvenates and bidIdH up the entire eysteni. On the evening of April the Fri- ilny subsequent to Knsler, the ladies of 'IViiiity (inild contemplate giving a living library masquerade.

There will be several prizes, one a handsoine piece of band-pabitnd cliinn, the work of Miss Kino, one of Ukiab's most accoiuplislied art ists. Why snll'or with Coughs, Colds, and La Grippe when Laxative liromoQuInino will cure you in one day. PODS not pro- tlie ringing in the head like Sulphate of Quinine. Put up in tablelB convenient for taking. Guaranteed to cure or money refuudod.

Price 25 cents. Kor sale at City I'barmacy by H. MalliewB. During the winier of 1893, F. M.

tin, of Long Heach, West Vs contracted a severe cold which left him with a cough. In speaking of how ho cured it be says: "I used several kinds of cough Bvrup but founil no relief until I bought, a bottle of Chamberlain's Oougli lleniedy, which relieved me almost instantly, and In a short brought about a cnmpUjte cure." When troubled with a cough or cold use this remedy and you will not lind it necessary to try several kinds lieforo you get rolief. Tt lias been in the market for over twenty yearB and con" BUtully grown in favor and popularity. For Rale at 25 and CO cents per hotlle by MutbewB, drnggjBt. You probably pay too much a month for tea; it is probably not very good.

Try Schillings Best. If you don't like it your grocer returns your money. You may find unexpected pleasure and profit in it. Rev, Father O'Connor loft Monday for a visit to San Francisco. MiRB Kettle Taylor has returned from a visit to the coast Bection.

The Grand ffotel is the headquarters for tourifllu visiting (Ikiuli. The Palace hotel is the leading hotel of Ukiali. It iR (Irst-clafiH in every Marion Moss left Friday last for Bon, Amador county, to remain some time. Good Hervice and polite attention are the leading featiiren of the Grand ITotel, Ukiah. Mifls Carrie Hryan of San Oiego is the guest at present of Miss Carrie Van Allen in this city.

Hailroud ICnginnpr is again laid up with rlioumatisni. Had lui'k particularly fond of First-class table, tlrst -claFis bar aud lirst -claBS attention at the Palace. A (Irst-class hotel in every respect. To UKNT dwelling hause in Ukiah known OB the Abbott property. Kncuiire of.r.

Thomas, Clerk's oHico. jKM' One Hundred Doses One Dollar is peculiar to and true only of Hood's parilla. It is economy to buy Hood's. (Governor Budd lias signed the bill ap- for niaiuleniinite of the iMendocino Asylum during the next two years. The aged mother of T.

L. aud H. Carotbers left Wednesday for her home in I'plalunia after a several weeks' visit in thiH city. There have been twenly -lwo hun- drodths of an inch of rain since our las! issue, Muiking a total for the sensoM of iiiclies. If you want a stylish shirt or suit of clothes go to W.

A. Ilofl'mau 's, He has just received the latest, and a look at them will convincre you. aiM Gordon and W. If. Baechlel clrove 02 head of liogs frnui Willils (o Suiilli it (iibvon's market Wednesdav.

Tlioy were shippod below yesterday. EvcrBolo it Tompleton are preiiared to sell all kinds of school Hupplios and books, desks, blackboards, etc. Give them a call when needing any thing in that liiie.t The cold weather of recent weeks has played the mischief with fruit everv- wliere. In this county it is said that the peach crop will amount to. near nothing.

Mrs. Sii.sau Brown of Willits, after spending a few days with her sister Mrs. IT. Miiir in Ukiah, left Wednesday for Pomona where Bhe'will pass the summer. Col.

Hardin, (be wall known cattle king of Nevada, came up from his homo in Santa Uosa Monday, and proceeded to Cahtp where he owns a very large stock range. W. v. Lockwood, one ot the directors of the new electric company, started Friday lor sonlbcrn Nevada where bis company, the Westiiighouse, is to put in a large elec aud power plant. President Foster of the nnnahue mil- way came up Saturday night and remained till the afternoon following.

He looked at the Imtchorv Sunday and was well pleased with the appearance of things. There is a proposition on foot in Santa Uosa among lovers of baBeball to form a league and embrace In it the cities of Santa Rosa, Ukinh, Oloverdale, llealds- burg, Petaluma, San Kafaol and San Francisco. Miss N. 15. Hughes has the thanks of the DiKiMi'cii for tii to this evening 's enterlainiuent.

"The Merry Milkmaids" is a boautihil operetta, and i(s being under the direction of so capable an inatruo tor as this lady is additional guarantee that the aU 'alr 'will lie a treat, August (iiolho, llio well known tavern- keeper and rancher at Hell's Springs, was ill Ukiah lasc Friday. Ha tells us that the late cold weather was very severe on the stock of his Bection, liiindredfl of Bheep and cattN parishing. Snow has been three and tour feet ileep on IJelVs Springs mountain. Two acres of land on Ackerman Creek belonging to some Indians were wanted by the new electrii! company. The Indians didn't wish to sell lint were willing to Irade for lanrl In lo vicinity.

Acconl- ingly the couipauv bought two acres from I 0. Uni'd near by, niid the same were in swap by the ahoriginea. Work on the hatchery and boulevard iB being actively prosecuted. Sixteen men are shoveling on ibe latter, and Trustee Rniilli says it will be all enmpleted by the middle of nexcweok. Its width will average 12 feet and its length will lie something over a halt mile.

The liatnh- ery, lou, is well along. Ool. informs UB that it will be done the iiib 61 tbe boulerard. TUen lot the trout. LOCiWi NKVVS.

Day was down from his resort Sunday. tiot tliree-aeared surrey for funerals. When yon are in Ukiah stop nt the Grand R. D. Weldon, the new grocer, has invested in ilelivery wagon.

Mrs. Sadie Rice, nee McGarvey, carao up Sunday last to visit her parents. Ifighest price paid for fnrB, dried fruit, and country produce at C. Hofinan 'B. dl 1 White Rabbit Easter Egg Dyes in eight, colors for cents, at .1.

R. Mathews' City Pharmacy. aOwT Oavid L. Sawyers of Willits belli a chair down a little while in our sanctum Wednesday. Tlie nice warm sunBbiue of the past few days has been good for the soul and good for the stock and crops.

The display of summer goods in the windows ol the Groat F.nstorn Bargain House is exceedingly attractive. A word lo the don't have to send to San Francisco or New York to get the latest style of SIIOCB. A. HoO- man has them. a9t received at tbe (iroat Eastern Rav- gain HouRe the handsomest and mofit stylish linn of clothing over exhibited in Nortbern California.

The lailies of the RaptiRt oliurcli have decided to give a floral festival here in May. A meeting will be held today (Friday) at 2 p. m. in tbe church. Thomas has been compelled lo close tlie 's Valley school on account of sickness, and will not be able to resume this term.

lie is snlTering from pleural pneumonia. Cassel, the tailor, claims to have been robbed ot $75 in money Tuesda.v night. He says someone forced an entrance to his shop and worked the coni- biiialion on his Do you liquor to excess? If so, vou certainly desire to quit. Tiiat is ean- ier said than ilono, but it can be done easilv aid ot the Alcohol cure. Parti.iulars from Pr.

(J. tV. Stout. A brother of H. Muir, who recently arrived from soHtliern California, has gone into the chicken busi- nesR, Last week lie purchased the lease, poultry and personal property generally of Mr.

Phillips ou RobinBon Creek, below town. Mr. Phillips was formerly a partner of IS. I 'j. Handy.

tt will be an agreeable surprise to persons suliject to attacks of bilious colic to learn that prompt relief mav be had by taking Chamberlain 's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. In many instances the attack may be prevented by taking this remedy as soon as the firet symptoniH of the disease appear. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by ,1. R. Mathews, drug- glut.

II Senator and Mrs. Seawell have taken up tlieir abode in tbe Senatw's dwelling near the Haptist Church. The large yard and the house are to lie improved very shortlv, he inforiiis us. He intends adding to the bouse large front addition which will give it a much better appearance. The old oak tree which so long baa drooped over tbe southern eaves was undermined and removed tliie week.

Tbe site for the electric works on Ack- ormon creek was cleared and pnt in shape for building Ibis week, and Contractor Heap is now ready to begin operations. Post -holas were being dug nil week and now are well nigh llniBbed to the generating site. The task of setting the iiolcB, which are made of step- connected above the surface mark, began Wednesday morning, Next Monday wiring commences. ad- Three new subscribers have been dfld to the DisfATcii list this week Swell bats of the latest styles at the Great Eastern Bargain House. Ed Spencer again sojourning in this city.

The young gentleman formerly represented Renters' Building and TiOan AsBOciation, a branch of which he organiTOd here. W. A. HofTman has the only up-to-date shoe store in Memlocino county. He has the latest shapes and shades of shoes made in the United States; also a first- class shoe maker.

uOtf The seventy-eighth anniversary of Odd Fellowship will be observed by an entertainment and ball at Hall Monday ovoiiiug, April 2litli, under the auspicoa of the Odil Fellow anil Rehokah lodges. aShvl Knights Templars'excursion tiain will leave Ukiah Easter LStb, at 8 a. and retiiniiug will leave Rosa at p. m. Those holding invitations can Becure nt the drug store of R.

MathowB. ATTORNEY HOBOAN WAS HXRS. The Alleeed San Franolioo Swindler Visited XTlclah Last Uonth iBut Since Disappeared. Ukiah will liave iUa Institute. The voting bv tbe tencherR to determine where slinll be lieM the coming Teaohei's' Institute has resulted in of Ukiah.

Friday afternoon, at tlie office of Superintendent Rhodes, the votes were counted by Messrs D. White and M. Baecbtel, who were selected for the purpose by tbe Superintendent. The votes were found to number 12.S, anil divided as follows among tbe difierent towns: Ukiah, 00; Fort Bragg, 50; Point Arena, 11; Mendocino City, 7. The de- cisiou accordingly was given Ukiah.

Mr. Rhodes has appointed Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, May 18, 19, 20 and 21, as the time for holding the lustitute. He purposes making it the most interesting and profitable session of the kind ever held in the county, having secured the consent of some of tbe State's ablest lecturers and educators to be present. These visitors as well as the teachers are assured of excellent entertainment during tbetr stay in this city, OppossB Beduood Bates. Our young W.

H. Seaver, manager of the liemington Anns lishment in San Francisco, an advertisement of which appears in our columns, is dislinguishing himself as one of the crack rllllo shots of the Pacific Coast. In trap Bliooting circles he has earneil the aobri- ipiet of "Trouibone." On March 14tli, with his fine nickle Bteel barrel iii250 presented htiu by the Remington Company, he made a score ot 84 out of 90 with a run of 4(1. This excillent shooting won for him the Heesemann cup being shut for tijat day. Billy in known in iMcndociiio county, hflvhiK vin ited here on two or three ucuasiuns.

M. (Standley was in town vcstorday morning. Doc has been working up a case for Welis-Fargo on the coast and is convinced he is on the right Bcont. It seems that in January last inysleriously disappeared from the treasure box on tlie stage lioe Ijelween OaKudero and fish Kook, Aii 'd llie ageut at the station last passed before tlie discovery of the loss hud to iniike tlid amount Furtber particulars will vrobubly be bad by uexl week, Tuesday's Chronicle says: W. li'osler, president o( the San Francisco and North Pacific Railway Company, filed hiB answer to tlie complaint of ,1, S.

McOue with the Board of Railroad ComniiBsiouers yesterday. McCue, as will be remembered, is a resident ol Corte Madera, Marin county, and seeks to have the ConnniBsioners reduce tbe rates between San Francisco and San Rafael on both broad and narrow gauge lines and to correct some alleged discrepancies in monthly coinniutatioiv tores. President Foster opposed the rf- diictiou ou the same grounds as are set forth ill the answer tbe North Pacific Coast Railway, which was filed on Saturday. Foster further declares that McCue is a patron of the North Pacific Coast alone, and fails to see wherein tbe complainant has any grievance against any other company. Foster also makes the urguineiit in his answer that the plan of running alternate trips on the two competing lines, as favored by McCue, would necessitate the pooling or dividing of their traflic, which is illegal and against tbe bast interests ot tbe companies and the public." Terms Expired, The terms of two of the directors of tbe Mendocino O'Connor and Gardner of San ex pired, but the Guyeruor has not yet appointed their succesRors.

Until be does they will continue to serve, as soon as the appointments are made the directors will proceed in the matter of erecting tbe new administration building. Surprise Party. A number of the young friends of Genie Kellen gave her very pleasant surprise on last evening, (iames" and refreshiiienls were the pleasures indulged in, and a happy time was had. Following were tbe little ones present: Ada Lynch, Josie and Kate Gibson, Lucy Davis, Betty Burke, Susie Lyncli, Marion. Ivtt and Irene Estes, Vic Lynch, Alice Beryl Ilanke.

Alice lliirke, Rov Lynch, Frank Nutter, Grover and Ernest Lynch, Horace Weldon, Robt. Kellen. Did Tou Ever Try Electric. Bitters as a remedy for your troubles? If not, get bottle now and get relief. This medicine has been found be peculiarly adapted to the relief and cure of all female complaints, exerting wonderful direct influence in giviog Btroiigtli and tone to the organs.

If 'you have ioBB of appetite, coDRllpaiion, iiead- avbe, fainting spells, or are norvoua.sleep- leas, excitable, melaucUoIy, or troubled witb dlw spellB, Kleotriu is the uibdlolae you need. Heultii and strength are guaranteed by Its use. Large bottlei; only fifty at J. K. Matbuwa' City fbarmacy.

Everard Milton Morgan, the lawyer accused of working up blackmailing and land swindling schemes in San Francisco, and who disappeared when the authorities got after him, turned up in Ukiah last montli. This, of course, was not known at the time, as he masqueraded under a different name; Morgan came hereon March 10th and registered at the Grand as T. M. Mc- Nainara. On the day following be hired a team at Smith St.

Hill's stablss, was driven to Orr's Springs by Lee Harbert who likewise was ignorant as to bis identity. He remained at the Springs several days bunting and otherwise enjoying hiniRelf. About the time of his return to this city .1. L. proprietor of the Mendocino stage line, got an in 'tling through published accounts of the schemes that this man was the parly desired.

He at once communicated with Chief of Vol ice Crowley to ascertain wliat reward was ofl'ered. On learning there waa no reward tbe matter dropped with him, but bis telegram got to the ears of the reporters with the result that dailiee contained much on the subject. Saturday evening a local corrwnond- ent sent fnllqwing to the Snn Francisco Examiner. The information given is correct: "There is no longer doubt that Attorney Morgan of San Francisco has been a visitor to this city and vicinity. T'lis is positively known because Morgan is by marriage the Orr brothers, pro prietors of Orr's Spriugs.

Morgan has disappeared, but one ot his relatives confirmed the report published in the Examiner yesterday stating that Morgan had been at Orr's Springs. 'Morgan came to Ukiah on March said the relative. 'I know he is the man for whom tbe authorities are looking. I knew this when he arrived but kept it a secret. He went out to Orr's Springs the 17th.

He returned to Ukiali several days later, and I had quite a talk with him. He told me he would come and see me before leaving town, but did net do so. I was considerably surprised at his failure to comply with the invitation, but later learned that be had left the town, going in the direction of San Francisco. This is the extent ot my knowledge of the matter. I have not seen him since the day he returned from the Springs, and know nothing of his According to Sunday's Call Morgan was seen iu San Francisco Saturday and denied having been in Ukiah.

This of course is untrue, as his relatives here at- tflflt. Pure Pood Ooncrress. Keetinir of Asylum Directors. At the Chamber of Commerce Hall in San Francisco, on April 3Utb, a Pure Food Congress will be held. This is an important step, and should be assisted by representatives being Bent from every couuty in the State.

The question of im pure food is becoming an alarming one. It has been found that the campaign ngsinBt this class of olfenders, which is being vigorously prosecuted in San Francisco, is having the result of driving ilie rejected goods back into the interior, and hence those who are leading in this agitation have oo.nne to the conclusion that the only way to meet the evil effectually is to make tbe moveuient as broad aa the State. Let the good work succeed. New Opera House. It IB now an assured fact that Dkiah is to have a new opera house.

It will be built by B. Marks for whom plans have been drawn by Architect Copoland of San Francisco. The main building will he 00x100 feet. It will be handsonnely finished and conveniently arranged. There will be a stage 251:40 feet, a dress circle, gents' and ladies' hat aud cloak rooms, layatorles, baaquet hall and kitchen, parlors, and six dressing rooms coimeoted with the (a The location will likely be where, now stands the building formerly occupied by Hie Ukiah Herald.

There Is Kotliluv so Oood. There is nothing just as good ae Ot, King's New Discovery for coDsuinption, coughs and colds, so demand it aud do not permit the dealer to sell you some aulistitute. He will not claim there is anylliing better, but in order to make more profit be may claim something else to be just 08 good. You want Dr. King's New Dlpcovery because you know it to be safe and reliable, and guaranteed to do good or money refunded, Vat Coughs, Oolda, GuDsuinptioD aui) for all affections ot Throat, Obeet: and there is nqthiugao good as ia Dr.

£Iew Trial bottle free at Ji Jil The Board of Managers of fhe Mendocino Insane Asylum met in regular monthly session April with a full Board present. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. Claims to the amount of $2,744.42 were allowed, payable out of the appropriation for maintenance. The salary pay roll for the month of amounting to was allowed, payable out of the same fund. Claims to the amount of 105 31 were allowed, payable out of the contingent Innd.

Medical Superintendent reported cash received during the month of March, Contingent expenses for same month, $78.55. Tbe Medical Superintendent's report shows a total expenditure during March for maintenance, furnishing and permanent improvements, of the sum of Average cost per capita daily with an average of 394.8 for March, 47 4-10 cents. Number of patients Feb. 28tli, 395; number received in March, 10; number under treatment, 411; number discharged, 10; number died, fi; number remaioini: March 1st, 395. Said report further shows the consumption of gasoline during the month to be 550 gallons at a cost of $110, exclusive of'freight-.

Of wood, 147 cords at a cost of aud of coke, 2800 pounds at a cost of Tbe foregoing portions ot said report approved by the Board. Other portions referred to appropriate committees. The committee on buildings aud grounds, to whom was rfefefred that portion of said report referring to tlie fitting up of rooms over tbe tbe barn for the accommodation of employees, reported recommending that tbe work be done and completed by the May meeting ot the Board. Report of the committee was on motion adopted. The time for opening bids and award log contracts for furnianiDg six months from May 1st having arrived, the following order was accepted: Wbereas, Amended Assembly Bill No.

091, an act entitled, "An Act to Establish a State Lunacy Commission, has become a law since tbe last adjourn nient of the Board of Managers, and is now in full force and effect; and Whereas, The time for receiving bids and awarding contracts is changed from April and October of each year to the month of June ot each year, and from semi-annual to annual contracts, and it appearing to thiu Board of Managers that there is no law in force at this time authorizing the receiving of bids and the awarding of contracts, it is therefore ordered that all bids for supplies now on file with the Secretary and received uodw the order of tbia Board dated Otb, 1897, be and the same are hereby rejected. It is further ordered that the Secretary be authorized and directed to communicate with the respective contractors and get their written consent to continue their contracts up to the 1st day of 1897. BOABO OF srrPEBVlSOBS. John Clark, Ball, Banders, Barker, Olirls Hansen, road woik Oscar Day, rood Usal Redwood 00, atampi OJourden, Browbaok, prlntftip RBPURLIOAK-FBBSS printlne Dispatch, printing. HPOhalfant, road work Uudtion A examining Insane a Stout, examining frisAnf GWetout, autopsy fl Bond; 8 Han, telegraphy Applications for Franchise.

The EvE UrspATCir is the title of a small daily issued from this ofllce, tlie firet number appearing on last Saturday It contaius the resolution of intention to award a franchise by the municipal board to the highest bidder for conducting a telephone business in the town; also a similar reBolution flxing time for awarding a franchise for electric lighting purposes, The advertisenieots, of course, a result of the applications to the Trustees by the Sunset Telephone and Mendocino County Electric companies, which applications must by law be published for ten consecutive days. The fraDchises will be awarded at a meeting of the Board to be held Monday evening. May 3d. J. A.

Cooper is attorney for the electric company, and Seawell Peinber- lor the telephone company. To Cure a Odd In one Say The Honorable Board of Supervisors met in regular sesBion Monday morning lost. Sam Duncan, C. P. Smith, J.

Flonagan and A. M. Duncan. 0. P.

Smith, Chairman; Hale McCowen, Clerk. The following businesB was transacted, the Board adjourning yesterday at noon. The petition praying for new district to be known as Elder schooL district, was rejected. The same action was taken regarding a district to be known ns Lincoln. The petitimi praying for a change of boundaries between Wages Creek and We.stport school districts was granted.

Tbe petition praying for a change of boundaries between Williams valley and Whitney school districts was granted, and sfflotious. 14 and 10 in townsliip 22 were transferred from the latter to the former district. Ou motion tt was ordered that A. L. Gibson be appointed a memlier of the couuty board of education vice W.

K. Dillinglinm, term expired. It was also ordered that .1. B. Santord be appointed a member of the board of ediieatio'i, vice J.

F. Barbae. Tbe petition of J. F. Barbee to be appointed a member of the lionrd of education was rejected.

A warrant drawn iu favor of Eugene Brown In October last for the sum of $iK) was ordered cancel led, as sniil matter should have gone before tbe board of education. C. R. Stayuor was appointed to superintend the bnrinl of ex-union soldiers. The following reports were examined and approyed.

Ukiah Water and Iiii- provemeiit company; Springs and Sqnnw llocfe "i'oll lload "tanipany: superintendent of county hospital steward, superintendent of coustructioii of tbe new- ward at the county farm. The petition praying for the appointment of Bishop, poniiiliiiester r--, Arena township, was granted and Howard, stamps bonds at $260. TUs resignation of C. C. stable of Calpelln township Bills of W.

S. Pinches for supplies niid Carew aud English for funeral expenses of ex-nnlon soldles, were laid over. Bills ot George Orr and others for road work and W. H. Snoll for load tools were rejected.

Applications for tax rebate were not considered. The bill of S. P. Rosier for post mortem on body of J. H.

Mudgett wa.s rejeoted. J. Q. White presented a petition for tbe abandonraent of Cleone pound district. The petition was rejected.

An ordinance establishing a public pound at Comptcbe was passed. The resignation of W. H. Snell justice of the place of Long valley township w'Ss occepted. The application of 8.

Hooke for rebate of license to the amount of $9 was allowed. The following bills were allowed: Deere Imp oo, road plow 27 05 A Dnnoan, road work 747 75 James Byrne, bridgetimber (i 00 John Flanagan, Hd and br'dge w'k 120S 39 McDonald, road work S12 84 John and br'dge w'k. 420 83 Dave Brandon, road work Wui. Wright, road work road work John Flanagan, mileage and com. 0 Smith, 'J: 424 50 10 00 229 OO 00 75 00 11!) 00 50 78 00 125 00 20 00 05 56 50 00 1741 S5 333 5 00 150 00 1 75 90 00 Willits liSdy Dies in the Olt The wife of Jasper Mosier of.

died Tuesday in ban FranoisisOiF.whil she had been taken for treatpie cancer. The lady was on old and, bif respected the ley. She was aboWMO years leaves beside ber husband daughters and thned mourn her loss. The gle, but tbe daughters follows: Mrs. Hamer oficUpp Mrs.

Geo. Bndioott of Wlllitajt of tbe Willits-Mendoqino and Mrs. Geo. Grant of remains were brought up to Uklah'l nesday and taken to Wilhtp day for burial. Aib (lU This is to certify that on May walked to Melick's drug store I ot crutches and bought a berlain'u Fain Balm for rheumatism which had After using three bottles! am cured.

lean cheerfully iwomntie H. Wetzel, Bnnburyj Sworn and subacrtbed to beforafini August Walter.Shipman, For sale at 50 cents per bottle by Mathews, druggist. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All Druggists refund the money if ii falls to cure. 25 cents.

For sole at City Pharmacy by J. E. Mathews. Nottoe. The meetings at the Corroll school house that were discontinued some time ago will begin next Sunday eveoing, April 11, if tbe weather permiis.

Ohrig- tian Endeavor at 0:45 p. lu. and preaching at 7:30 m. Revelations 22-17. Arnica Salva The salve In the for Cutsi Salt BheujB.Fevei Soiw.

Tetter. Chapped HiyBai pttU I' to guaranteed to give perfect Mathei 'Clty Pharuiaov. Regular aize tion, money A Duncan, .1 Watteuborger, 8am Duncan, Smith aud ou books 0 Gibson, conveying ,1 Jenkins, road work E. etaufleld, funeral axp Smith, bridge r'd work A Duncan, bridge r'd. Julius Holler, window shades Peter Leiiipke, janitor Tom Charleton, Win.

Eldred, Charles Lewis, 00 00 Joe Gordon, cook 90 CO Monklna, steward 243 00 Mrs Lynoh, sewing 3 76 Chltwood, plowing 12 00 Moore, County Farm 226 00 Bmlle Joseph, labor 8 00 David Erwln, digging grave? 20 00 Anton Murohio, vegetables 1070, HR Waldo, 8 92 JStItt 47 70 FMMason, 9 80 Uoirman, 84 62 Edwards Bros, meat.101 Mathews, 78. A Holl'inan 4(128 RH Puett CHofman, Ul Porterfield Bartlett, 98 Jl- ttopklns Yonug, 46 7fi 8 Williams, supplies 4210 L. Rosenberg, 38-165 VanVoast. 82 Bruniier A Son, 82 ft, a Cook, coffins is. suiipltes, Sanders tfc supplies.

Bversole Tenipleton Bvens Orrf plansA 00; 0 Crockett, County Farm; '40 Oft Bvaus Orr, OoBliti Farip. 0 Oh7lsten8en 7i 'SS Important HE POLL, ROAD AND now auc and personal property tax not nooui They must bo pold atoncet. During the naonUidf' present stpck of drew I will give; to each oliBSeBfrom purchasea 'i We do this to make room stock of shoes' Hoffman. The Ordar otM4 Okiah IB to cainpf very The Deputy Hi the Pacific JuriudictW 'i and of nitin that the ihcapMt pUL inibereaib of i HlauLea naliflni iu the I rpvN Loacliiaivt. rold linL lllal iiaitiunto ita insurwDce i.

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