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The Amarillo Globe-Times from Amarillo, Texas • Page 2

Amarillo, Texas
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PAGE TWO sugar I but It SUM Is Try to ration most anything and the people want more of It. Some one sent In this bathroom hint: More care should be taken of hos- ipry made of the new materials, nlnse carefully. Rayons or nylons with rayon tops should be stlowed lo dry for at least 2 hours, since garters will punch through the tops of the THE AMARILLC. GLOBE. AMAMLLO.

TKXAB CHURCH WOMEN MEETING HERE IN STATE SESSION ''If the Christian Church lias Chrhtlnn home requires a rral God jitlerj and nothir but a spiritual of Chisiianlty, family prayer a seek- ssnitarlum. hate failed," ing of Cod's win. faith in God's pro- G. Hamlclt of Utc Polk street; lectitig cnre. a working together of Methodist Church delegates whole family and home rela- HonsJiip.s based on unselfish love.

She that every home has its money, pleasure, IMW Jnstjimklng Jiving or the true 1 what JuM, about fis beautiful here lor us the next lew clays as in California cr Florida, The most npree- nbl March, by all oclris, we have ever had. About every other person von meet, or hear tell of has a terrific cold, Ann they me hanging on so much longer timn usual. tiie annual conference of the Texas home tonight and talk it over with ja WEDNESDAY. MARCH 18, TlribSMM 11MH KnvHWi NORFOLK, M.rch II A thief stole the spire tin from the automobile of Jumes W. Wolcott, NorfolX's tire rationing administrator.

He is not. eligible for a certificate to purchase a replacement. -IT'S CRITICAL JOPLJN, March 18 9I.PJ--The military draft situation Is being viewed with alarm in Joplin today. Both the chairman and secretary of the clly draft board drew low numbers tn yesterday's drawing In Washington. THIS CROSS BETWEEN A JEEP AND A STATION WAGON is offered as a civiliim passenger auto for the duration.

Capt. Richard C. Fitch of Los An- this experimental model of a "Victory Car" to sell for around I llastl cs some steel and rebuilt motors. Is llirrr anvlhiiiit to thr- old, old i 0 lhl tn 'nvc, but not if youi 55 1 Prior- falling to give them chance to faying that Von ran v1 else Some i i "I'VT' 1111 their parents'honesty and up- a a to whether an oxnectaiu' la ll courage to face C( 15 ll ri lUness. mother Is about lo have girl fr vllli except their own short-15' 1 en shlll Mrs.

E. C. Seaman, state president boy? comings rt Is ns Ynif 0 I 0 council, presided at the con- Plan Greeting To Visiting Now a we are rapidly entering Into flfi era when this part of the. state will be a bee-hive ac- tiviiy, our people are warned to beware of outlandish reports and rumors. Some of them being circulated over the country liavc been traced as enemy propaganda.

For example, The Kansas City Star up In Kansas City, in Missouri, had hiui r. hard (line quieting the fears of thousand or women working at a big war plant iifiir that city. The story a created so much alarm and excitement, wits to tlic effect that the bit: floitre.iccnt limits In the assembly plant would make (he feminine workers sterile. It almost demoralized the plant. Such weird, unbelievable rumors may be expected here.

Girls by the scores have already been hired for office work. "I Threw A Kiss In The Ocean." war sons by Irving Berlin and people think that the freedom or the press onlr gives you the right to agree with them Happiness doesn't depend on having a lot or a little. It on having what you think is best Funny it Is easier for a friend to remember the one favor you didn't do than recall the many favors you did A man respects an Intelligent woman and runs a a pretty one A girl tries to live down her past; a man without a past hasn't lived A woman's which Is expected countiy. to sweep the Why not, why not. refer one of the proposed new air fields "somewhere in Texas to cost In excess $5,000.000" as Connalry Field? If It wasn't for him we wouldn't have it.

Have, you dropped a bomb on the Japs this week? Don't fall to musler in. In this patriotic crusade this week. This is a MUST if you can possibly af- ford It. 'j buy a bond, it's like drop- i ping a bomb on some Jap transport. I you may not be able to go to war yourselt but you sure can send a 5 lot of lead hurtling towards the Japs if you purchase War Bond.

Potter County Is going over in a big, big way. And it's something in which all of us can bo inlghly mighty proud, That Is. ir we ourselves do our share are doing. as the others It is'raid over the nation that Texas Is the most patriotic state In (he Union; that our people are more loyal and determined and more lighting mad than those In any other state. And let's have It said that the Panhandle is leadlnj Texas.

you say? Buy a bomb to drop on the Japs. Buy 16-lnrh (o at them. Buy some nineliiite gm bullets with which to cut them to pieces i boys rc to 'own In their first big drive. these war bonds will help to bring nlioul peace this much quicker. And the sooner II Is over, the less lives tlmt will be lost.

to our first child is always her husband Funny that It's easier lo be frank i an enemy than a friend There comes a time when nm- biliou ceases to give you a boost and becomes a load Many times It's easier to do something than to i good reason for not doing It A good conversationalist is one who can please you bv talking about himself Grown-ups teach children instead of taking lessons from them as to how to live happily A lie can travel faster: but a fact lasts longer The time lo worry about what your enemies say is when your friends start to believe them Any kind of constructive criticism will alwavs be considered destructive bv those criticized A gal doesn't have to be Intelligent lo outwit the smartest gent--she Just has to be beautiful, Iniereslltig facts: Due to air rtulsUnee, It takes about 19 seconds for a bomb to reach the earth when dropped from a plane one mile high Here's how the world's largest hotel (Stevens, Chicago) figures things out: For a banquet of Itoo covers. 250 guests won't arrive at the table In time to tackle the first course of shrimp cocktails--because they'll be. up In Ihe Just a last few drinks. cocktail sauce Is iwtlred on 250 orrters of shrimp anil, If they're llnronsumed, they're used next morning. Next, for the soup course.

300 of Ihe 1500 will as a rule still be absent np.slalrs. It Isn't until Ihe main course is on that all Ihe banqueters are present. Then after that main course, they begin dropping nway again, saving'on salads and desserts for the hotel. Fortune's estimate of the Jnp Honorable Enemy has shown himself lo be more complicated than our casual Impressions had ixilntcd mm-bowlng, smirking, bespectacled, bandy-legged little man who leaves Ills shoes on the porch and wears his hat In the temple: who has a passion for a a i flowers constructing 31-syllnule never Invented anything Important of his own, but copied everything he saw." A survey shows there are about 1,300000 persons In the United States who stutter; that boys have a greater tendency to stutter a girls, by aboul to and that 'is most kely lo develop In children when Northwest TPXSS Conference ertucaUon Friday. Many of (he faculty will have specinl Tiarticipation Job of making thci in the huge convention success.

Selby, director of secondary curriculum and guidance school commercial group on ''Adapting Business Education to Student Needs to Help Make a Better World." Mr. Selby Is also on the publicity committee for the convention. Miss Annie McDonald, supervisor of elementary schools, is chairman of the arrangement committee for the conference. Mrs. Dorothy Brokaw, head of the social sturjie, department, Mr.

I. D. Mn- huron. principal of Sam Houston Junior High, Mr. J.

W. Midrtleton, assistant-principal of the Senior High School, Mr. R. B. Norman, principal of the Senior High, and Mrs.

N. N. Whitworth are also on the arrangement committee. Mr. A.

B. Lewis, who Is principal of tile Dwight W. Morrow School. and president of the local unit of as prepared a list of the teachers the Texas state Teachers' Assocla- UmC nd on ls chairman of the Reception jn OlJItinrr ovm- Ho i i I great wrong." the prltiol- somponr pie Adolf has nlwavs worked on whether! from Ihe treaty New McS New McMco? Here is somcthlni; nt hns i me from Alaska: One Alaskan Imilnn shot and klllril iinolhcr Indian; Tfic man who did shooting was taken to Alichoranc for trial. HP said i he hud mistaken thr- man he killed for moose.

And so couvirted Dr Co who Invented the a i i i a llmb i The editor of Mnrshntl friend new Chicago paper reputedly the ma agiiw a 8 a I Paid S3S.OOO year, i 5181)00 A Imniftl federal iiil 1 product, though advertised at times n5 for nrhlnj: trfi ns well as Ior UJC lcr i for medlc'i'l the Indian lor shouting moose out! lr Pses. while a competing product of season and sentenced him to DO' slgnalfd ns a sklii rlpnner days In Jail. A a i has just romp in: IJpnr Tiek: see where some woman at li.vs written a Irtler and thp rniilrnLs cf (hit Idler klml eo( under my skin. Tf a a war projprl so nmrli Hip Why shouldn't Am.irilhi Iti this dpserlp- llt'n nf Oil, a i slip i a IIO.IIP riclilhif; and girl imiiiKeriiic. slip imich of it romps a Tamils prolpcls.

a i sli'p's rlirlil and imyhp slip isn't. Hut just I same IK rip mi-rnlleil Imiur (iglilrrs ami i uimiitprs i amnns Ihe a i lilillcli (lirniiBh I i i hcjils and bayonets Ilircuicl, I i i slonurli and uill dip Itrjivply so a pcnulp Ijlp 5 ninrms woniin ran rontinur lo li.ivp frpp speprli. Knmp nf thpni may evpn hp sons of hpr hrsl frlpuili. IVIm Ixioney, r.xtur.ili. Hcrr Is a letter froiu Gallaehcr who i i i "Country sucurst.s a our raliioads boffin i morp a i lo and from thp cllirs i over Panhandle.

iays that because of and automobile people from over llil.s plains are not romlnp lo towns as Ihpy lormcrly did. More Iniln the answer, slir Mrs. Gallagher lives at IliTeford "1 11 rjenner Id lubricant and therefore not for mrrticnl purposes. A cinciii null department put a pair of size 15 overshoes in il.s window i i a simi readliiK. who oon wear ihese can have iheni." odd story on the for his pappr.

the Cinci Times-star Re- Purler Kocster I I I nt niiri eame oui wenrinir ih overshoes. He's sl fp 7 3-, snu 8 a him very SKKvYl'K MKX f'RKK XI up Ashlsi-on- tlliiillion 0 nallonnl drlrnse Cos- lel.o Holil. barher. ndverusps a rr nt 10 to arms and all men home on furloushs in i -V vor.vr, aim. WANTS WOKK lenr Tacit: work.

fort, in putting over the first Teachers 1 Conference to be held in Ama- rlllo in "a hundred years." according to Dr. A. M. Meyer of Canyon, who is vice ui-fisiclent of (he Northwest Texas Teachers' Conference. A few of these follow: Superintendent C.

M. Rogers will extent! greetings to the visitors and opening session. Mr. member of the state executive committee. Selby win to the high 'Beaver 1 To U.

S. LONDON, March 18 (fl)--Lord Beaverbrook. former British minis; (cr of war production will go to Ihe United states. It was announced! officially today. A spokesman, dispelling recent doubls us (o whether Beaverbrook would continue in work lor the government since removal from the cabinet, snid the publisher would carry on eflorls in connection with the pooling of United Nations resources.

In addition to his work on pooling resources, it was explained that Lord Beaverbrook would perform "such other duties as may be entrusted to him from time to time by the war cabinet," The nature of thtse duties was m' disclosed. 'Scorched Earth' Speeds Airport Construction PEORIA, III, (U.B_Tho WPA Is using scorched earth system of Us Invention to rush completion of new airport which may be needed soon for defense. Work OP the runways was impeded because sub-zero weather had frozen the ground 30 inches deep, mak- jg excavation difficult. WPA workers covered the runway area with straw to a depth of four Jeet. riusled three-fourths Inch of snnd over the whole, and then set tile stiaw on fire.

Ttie straw smoldered for lime, thawing the enrtli to depth of IS inches. As a result, (he nir- pnrt is expected to be completed fnr ahead of schedule, -Refreshments Sland Robbed Durglars broke Into John Welch's refreshments stand in the county court house last night and took 58 clgnrels Mr ch Is ICiNSUFFERERS Fret book by m.lhora trmnf how simple nro)u( rrom lhB quickly them rom tilt misery or IVc.rlru.Li, Athltu', Fxt. Acnr. niters, Itch. Pol- Aon OAk.

P. o. Box 5170. Chi- and Entertainment committee. Mrs.

O. D. Kendall of the Margaret wills School, and president ot the local Assocl.ltion for Chlltllioocl Education Group, is also on this committee and will be toast master at the A.C.E. luncheon at the First Christian Church. B.

A. Taylor of Central Junior High, who Is president of the Amahllo Teachers' club, is on the reception committee and will be toastmsstor at the classroom teachers' luncheon to be held st the Polk Street Methodist Church. I The local Board of School Trustees has written letters of Invitation to nil school boards Northwest Texas Conference urging them to attend the trustees seclion, Other Amarlllo people having I part on the conference progrsm are Carl a. Cliff, deputy super- Intendeut ot District 1, who will be leader of a panel discussion at thel trustees section meeting "Modern School ilc also chairman of the Progress Committee. Wes Izzard of the Amarlllo News-Globe will ad- oress the Hish School Social Studies group on "Current Trends in World Affairs." He will also speak at the Classroom Teachers' luncheon.

Mrs. James A Bush, president of the Panhandle Artists Group, is associated with the Arts and Crafts Exhibit. Thomas Thompson, late of Ihe Amarlllo Globe and now with the U. S. Navy, has served on the publicity committee.

Mr. T. W. cot- is chairman of Ihe Conventions Committee for the Amarlllo Cham- ijer of Commerce and will assist In the reception and entertainment. i flit be- CIUM il'i liquid--Hothlnr diliy.

run' VM prom ft! reliability. Ule only a i lor I CEKIIIT till JO PROOF I I I We Don't Moke Mousetraps But we do manufacture attractive prlnled forms for business firms that will catch ajid hold the attention of the people with whom you do business. We can print your forms In black and white, two or more colors or by the offset process. Just phone 4833 and our Mr. Teasly will bo glad to call with samples.

I PRINTING CO. S17 Fillmortt Phone 4833 A A I A A To Buy On Zole's Easy No Money Down Terms 9 Ia Effec March 2 3 Down Payment BUY DEFENSE STAMPS AND BONDS WITH THE DIFFERENCE! a IeoMrd skin. Ihls llr.lon Wps a warmer a bis fcllow-soldler. are a at an eastern American army lute. Bund unit I a a paradr anil review.

Write lo 2-DROP --an-l Fniflly snee7i Penrlro nostril as lielp the air. llpalinc "id of nir ruslips in as hoya IOIIK lastiiiR supply' oMv'oclm limps. BUM, 60i', SAVE YOUR VISION THAT COLD miseries, in p.irh pivo Miatcolil SALES and SERVICE NOTH'i: Pursuant lo A i 2iS9. lieviMd Statutes of St.itp of Tpxns, 1JI25. ninpncled, noucc is hereby 'given OSK I'RATHER Lincoln Strret im youiiK Rirl "1" housework, anrt can lake a I i Commission "of the of chllrtrrn.

Can furnish good Cl 'y of Amarlllo iclll tt.s meelint to be held on the day April i 1512. nt 7:30 o'clock r. M. receive applications banking corporation, juiwlntlon, or I a banker doiiiK liiifliiess in the Cllv monllvs aci) I sum didn't r.irel''"," Alll: Texas, for deMsiiannii ah0llt 5 can hand.e I WWED ox AO I HEBVSE cS ns Lry WANT fiOOh FARM WORK developed a cravln? (or meet. I'm trying not to eft more RADIOS and A Refrigerators NUNN lis Electric Co.

"Ik Phone SAVE YOUR SAFETY Do you work rl a machine? Then fof Ihe of sure your sfsht it rfahrl doot workman with tight. Slow, I "fuzzy" seeing poor work, progress. Tuke no i chance wilh your or your job. Bf lure your jigh! i right. it examined now) DR.

HUSH STICKSEL 4 DR. J. E. HEWETT OPTOMETRISTS CuHing Optical Office 126 E. 71h For Appointment Jhoo 7735 i i COLD tint PAY WFF.KI.Y.

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