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The Amarillo Globe-Times from Amarillo, Texas • Page 2

Amarillo, Texas
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i a a PAGE TWO THE AMARILLO GLOBE, AMARILLO, TEXAS sugar than I did but it. sure Is hard. Try to ration most anything and the people want more of dt. Some one has sent in' this bathroom hint: More care should be taken of howirry made of the new materials. RInsA carefully.

Rayons or nylons with rayon cops should be allowed for at least 24 hours. since. garters will punch through the of the stockings 11 not dry. Learn to Buy a bond. cAn.

your wife. And then do what home tonight and tnik It over with; vol: know, In this war. Every grants that what America one, ing factor in winning the LOSING does this year wilt deterininthe war. Winchell write paragraphs; Many: people are considered modest they have nolhing worth while to boast about There a great tendency to make of no good for the pride of person with talent Hope Is good thing to have, but not if you, have notbing else Some mans hate the courage to face erything except their own shortIt is just as impor-: ns LILI.L the to right Che uglit enemies friends Too for talent This people seem to mistake confidence! happier world 10 we would noticel our own faults as easily as 9'e no-1 Lice the faults of others Some people dunk that the freedom of the press only gives you the right 10 agree with them Nappiness doesn't depend on havin: loL or a Jinle. It depends on hav.

what you think best Funny it is easier for EL friend to remember the one favor you dildo do than recall the many favors you died A man respects An 121- lelligent womnn and runs after prelly one A girl tries to live down her past: A MORN without a pasc hasu't lived A Woman's first child is alwAYs her bustand Funny that It's eusier la be frank with an enemy than a friend Turn comes a time when ambilion ceases to give you A boost nTel becomes a Many times: to find a goo reason for not do. It's raster to do something chant ing it A good conversationalist one who ena please son by ing about himselt Grown- ups teach children instead of Inking lessons from them A.S to how live happily A lie can travel The 1lme worTy about what your faster: but. A Tact lasts longer enemies say Is when your friends slart to believe them. Any kind constrnctive criticism will considered destructive by those, criticized A gal docen't have be intelligent la outwit the gent- Just has to bel 'beautiful. Interesting facts: Due to alr rentstance, 14 takes about 18 seconds for 8 bomb to reach the earth when dropped from planc one mile high Here's! bow the world's largest hotel (Slevens, Chicago) figures things cult: For 4 banquet ol 1600 covers, 250 Ruests won't arrive nt the table in time to tackle the first course of shrinip cocktails--because they'll be' 10 in the suites.

having just A Inst few drinks. cocktall snuce 15 poured on 250 orders of shrimp and, they're unconsumed, Ilsey're used next morning. Next, for the soup course, 300 of the 1500 wIN A5 A rule still be Absent, upstairs, Tt isn't the main course that all the banqueters Are present, Then, after that wain course, they begin dropping away again. saving on sal. ads and desserts for the hotel.

Fortune's estimate of the Jap race: himself Honorable Enciny Jus shown to be more complicated than our cAsual impressions had painted -bowing, sinirking. bespectacled, bandy-legged little mAn who leaves Dis shoes Ont the porch And wears del hat 1u the temple: who Has passion for arranging flowers nil who constructing 31-syllable poems; never Invented anything Inportant of his own, bull copled ev-. shows there lie are SAW." about 1,300,000 A survey, erything L1s the United States who stutLer; that boss have a greater dency to stutter than girls. by nbout to and that stuttering Is most likely to develop la they re around 11 grass of age when An old German proverb tAn: "Hevenge converts a little right into great wrong." (That's the pie from Adoit the hAS AlwAyS worked princiVetanille treaty down.) A cork Irg doesn't copinin Any cork, but 1s med for Dr. who invented the artificial Man The editor of Marshat1 Field's: New Chicago parter Is pald $35.000 yeAr, the reputedly edItor $25,000 and the city militor $18,000 A learned federal Kansas ruled that one judge: product, though advertised times good for Arbing feet ns wol! F1.3 After stinvnig.

is for medical Was while competing product lubricant desigr.ated no skin cleaner Atri And theretore for medical purposes. A CincinnAti department store A pair of overshoes in its window with sign Trading. "Anyone who near these cAn have can them." Sockan odd story on the offer for paper, the Cinct -Star, Re. porter Knester Moro went Into the And chair Oli! wearing 11p Overshoes. Hc's six feet, 7 3-4 and the galu: hirs 1lt him inches.

Snugly. SERVICE DIES FREE SPENCER, MASS. IU.P.I -As his contribution to national Cosfolio a barber. advertises 19A: wi.1 gitr frro service to nil men railed to arms and all men home on furloughs in uniform. -V What They Write 10 TACK YOUNG GIRL WANTS WORK DeAr am A SONDE wanting work.

Will do housework. And can take care of Can furnish good references. ROSE. PRATHER 1510 8. Strret WANT GOOD FARM WORK Dear Tack I A fArmer with wife and small girl.

can handle any kind (CONTINUED ON PAGE 14) MARCH 18, 1942. I CHURCH WOMEN MEETING HERE IN STATE SESSION "I the Christian Church has the! Jallers and 1s nothing but spiritual sanitarium. failed," Dr. Earl G. Hamlett of the Polk Street Methodist Church told delegates 1C conference or the Texas: Council of Church Women morning A confidence in Ged and a tian spirit are reeder.

for indivaluali stability In the living of prescel war! days, Dr. Hamletz said. Tho sessions of the state confer-. ence, which lasts through Touts-: day, ale being held in Polk Street Methodist Church, delegates from Houston. San Antonio.

Brownwood. Canyon, Pam: a. El PAso, Pan-! handle, Odessa and Pladaricw an-. swered the roll call this "Spiritual Priorities" is the theme. af the ronference.

Mrs. A. D. man. discussed "Spiting! in chio Home" this morning.

warned bring unkind; at do home church and then dashing off to; work. After asking delugntes it Cicit homes were really Christian, Mrs Forensan explained the essentials of Christianity, family prayer, a sock- Christian home requires a real God of Chisilanity, family prayer. a seeking of God's will, faith in God's prorecting cure, A working together of the whale Innslly and home relAlionships based on tusselfish love. She sald that every hone has its cod perhaps money, pleasure, power. just making a living or the true God.

She asked the mothers what kind of a God they were to Admitting their children. that family prayer Isl the hardest problem of a Christian home. the speaker asked. "Es Sour I family on speaking terms with i God citizens She pointed out that today's good unconsciously acquired their from traits of honesty and uprightness She said these good religious citizens training. are neglecting the rellgious training of OWIE children and nIC this tailing to give them chance to gain their parents' honesty and rightness.

Mra. C. Sonman, a state president of the council, presided at the conterence. A luncheon was held in the Fel lowship Hall of the Central terian Church AL noon. NE I ONE- WAY Reds camp in Tampa, Birmingham bays A1 Che fielder Henry Sauer, hit .330 to rigirt: Outreach for Jolning the Reds late in the for Birmingham Inst year before his home town Is Pitchurch.

season, when he hit ,303 in nine games: tilt .323 Michael Dejan, up from Outfielder in 113 Games. He lives in Angeles. skin. this Briton -With that extra "throw' leopard DRUMMER BOYKeeys a little warmer than his fellow. ho are quarirred at an eastern American army base.

Rand unk create stageil a creemannial parade and review. 2-DROP COLD THAT -Aral ease -nitly snorzy Just nostril of Penetro Nogr Drops in each as dirertel, Sup give that. cold the air. Iraling nid of nir rushea in 44 oki-clogged nose passages open up. 25c boya long lasting supply of Urnetro Nose Drops, large Fizes, 50c, 31.00.

NOTICE Pursuant to Article 2530. Revised States of the State of Texas, 1025. as amended, 15 hereby given that the City Commission of the of Amarillo will nt its meeting be held on the 14U: day of April. 1012. At 7:30 P.

AT. receive Appilcations from any banking err-' poration, association, or indIvidual banker dong business in the Cur ol Amarclo, Texas, for designation ns Depository the funds of the City KATIERYNE City Secretary, Tire bs Stolen From Rationer TAC TIES TEXAN Weather: Just about As brautiful here for! us the next tew days as In CAllfornia or Florida, The Prost nble March, by All odds, we havel ever had. About other person von; or hear tell of has a terrific. cold. Anc 180y are hanging 00 so, much longer than usual.

Is there anything to the old. old! saying that 3'0: tan tell brfure. hand as to whether an expectant Inother is about to have girl or bor? They to SAY that if the mother looked particularly well and pretty it 1'AS 1a be a girl. Bul it wan about the face nod if the corners of 11:0 mouth begin to troop, expect boy. Nosy that we are rapidly entering into A11 cm when this slate will he A of activity, our prople are warned to beware of reports and rumors.

Some of them being circuilated over country hove been traced as enemy propaganda. For example. 'The Kansas City Star up Kansas City, la Missouri, hart hnd hard tine quieting the fears of thousand of women working al IL big war plant near dity. 'The story that created 50 excich alarm and was to effect that bit: flourescent tights in the assembly plant would make the feminine workers Alerile. It nlinoss demoralized the plant.

Such weird, unbellevable rumors may be expected here. Girls by the scores have already been hired for offlee work. "I Threw A Kiss liL The 1s a WAY SONg by Irving Berlin And Ocean." which is expected to sweep the country. Why nol. why not, refer to ore of the proposed new Alr flelds "somewhere in Texas to cost 11.

excess of $5.000.000 18 Connally Field? have it. If it wasn't for him we wouldn't Have you dropped a bomb on the Japs this week? Don't fall to muster in, in this patrintte crusade this week. This 15 A MUST you can possibly RI-! ford It. If, you buy a bond, il's like dropping a bomb ou BOIDC JAp transport. may not be able to go to You war yourself but you sure can send lot.

of lend hurtling towards the a Japs it you purchase War Bond. Poller County Is going over in A big, big way. And it's something in which All ot 12.5 call be infahty, mighty proud. That 1a, Ir we ourselves do our share AS the others are doing. It Is snid over the nation Texas Is the most patriotic stale that in the Union: that our people are more loyal and determined and more other state.

Ind thAn those in R11y fighting And let's have It sald Texas. the Panhandle is leading What do you any? Buy A boint to drop on the Jags. 2uy a big 16-Inels shell to shoot AL them. with Buy which some manchine gun to Gait. Item 10 when our boys are pieces 1n their first big drove.

golug 10 sown Enying these war bonds will help to brir.g peRce this much quicker. And sconer it Is over, the less dives that Trill be lost. Buying to our limit is so very, very little compared to 11:050 who have to do nctuml lighting. Here Is A letter from down at Silverton nsking whether! st isn't jossibte to make tires oust nl New pine wax out of pine trees in. Mexico? Here Is something that friend has written me from Alnska: One Alaskan Indian and! killed nnother Tradian: The nsan who did the shooting was taken to Anchorage for trial.

He he bad mistaken the man he killed; for a noose. And so they convicted 1he Indian for shooting moose out af S035011 and sentenced Bien to 9D. days In A lette: chat has just rome in: Dear Tack: see where some woman al Dumas has written a Artier and the contents cf that letter kind of col under Iny skin. TI Amarillo 3 war project, so nuurh better. Whe shouldn't Amarillo have 2a this tion of this ariter stem mentions.

bonte fletiting and girl mungering. She stairs much of it comes aloud army camps and proleets. Maybe she's richt ngain mashe she Isn't. just same their ralled booze lighters and girl mongers mill he among the lines ho 1913 cel ballets through their hears and Grouch their stomach and aha trIll din bravely $0 that people like this Dumas woman ran continue to have free speech. 5nme of them may even he ants nf her best friends.

Who knows? Jesse Looney, Paducah, Teras. Hore 13 letter Trot Mary Gallagher nan calls "Country Jake" Abc that our rallreads turning more trains to and from the central. all over the Panhandle. Shr' that because of tire and auto. mobiln shortage people from over plains country are not coming to towns as they formerly did.

Mere train service Je the answer. she says Mrs. Gallagher lives at Irreford Two months aco 1 sure carel Anything developed about sugar. But now Tve greet. I'm trying not to more craving for ererything thief stole the spare tire from NORFOLK, March ta 4.

the automobile of James W. Wolcott, Norfolk's tire ratloning administrator, He is Mol eligible for a certificate to purchase a replacement. IT'S CRITICAL JOPLIN, March 18 (V.P)-.The military draft situation IR being viewed with alarm in Joplin today. Both the chairman and secretary of the city draft board drew low numbers hi: yosterday's drawing la Washington, THIS CROSS BETWEEN A JEEP AND A STATION WAGON is offered as a civitian passenger auto for the duration. Capt.

Richard C. Fitch of Los Angelca, designed this experimental model of a "Victory Car" to sell for around 8600. It uses plastics, some steel and rebuilt motors. Plan Greeting To Visiting Teachers Amarillo teachers will be on the welcoming committee in body la greet the 3.000 expected guests who comprise the delegates 10 the Northwest Tesas Conference for education Friday. I Many of the faculty will have a special participation in the huRe Job of wanking convention SUCCCES.

K. A. Selby, director of sccondary curriculum and guidance, hAs prepared A list of the teachers! who are to give extru fort in putting orer the first Teachers' Conference be held in in "a bundred vears." according to Dr. A. Ar.

Meyer of who is vice president of the Northwest Texas Teachers' Conference. A few of these follow: Superintendent C. M. Rogers will extend greetings to the visitors address the opening session. and! Rogers is A member of the state excculive committee.

Mr. Selby will speak to the high 'Beaver' To U. S. school commercial group on "Adapting Business Education to Student Needs LA Help Make Better World." Mr. Selby is also DA the Lion.

publicity Miss cominittee for the Anhle L. McDonald, su-1 pervisor of elementary schools, is mittee chairatan of the conference. arrangement comMrs. Dor- othy BrokaR, head of the social: st department, Mr. I.

D. MaJunior huron, principal of Sam Houston High, Mr. J. W. Middleton, assistant-principn1 of the High principal School, of the Mr.

Senior R. B. Norman. High, Mrs. N.

N. Whilworth are also on the arrangement committee. Mr. A. B.

Lowis, who la principal the Dwight W. Morrow School. president of a unit of 1he Texas State 'Teachers' Associa and Is chairman of the Reception Entertainment Committee. Mrs. G.

D. Kendnll or the Margaret Wills School, and president or the local Association for Childe! Education Group, is also on this commitlee and wilt be toast mAster at the A.C.C. luncheon at the First Christinn Church. R. A.

Taylor Central Junior High, 5230 Is president of ithe Amarillo 'Teachers' Club, is on the reception committee and will be toastmuster at the Classroom teachers' luncheon to be held at the Polk! Street Methodist Church. The local Board of School Trustees has written letters of Invitalion to Al! school boards in the North-! west Texas Gunference urging them to attend the trustees section. Other Amarillo people having LONDON, March 18 (P)--Lord To Beaverbrook. former British minisler of wat gU to Federal the United States, it was announced officially today. A spokesman, dispelling recent doubls as to whether Deaverbrook would continue in work In: the government since hi: removal the cabinet, salt the from; publisher would carry on efforts in connection with the pooling of United Nations resources.

In arkition to his work on pooling resources, it was explained that Lord Beaverbrook would perform "suck other duties as be enmay trusted to cabinetcal time to time by the war The nature of these ducies not disclosed. 'Scorched Earth' Speeds Airport Construction PEORIA. Ill. -The WPA 15 using 8 scorched earth system of ils own Invention to rush completion: OF A New alrporl which may be needed soon for defense. he becaitse Work on sub-zero the runways weather was bad impeded frozen the ground 30 inches deep, making excavation difficult.

WPA workers covered the runwAy area will straw to depth or four foot, dusted inch or sand over the whole. and then set the suaw on fire. The straw smoldered for solac time. thawing the carth to depth of 18 Leches. A.5 a result, the nirpurt is aspected to be completed far ahend of schedute.

Refreshments Stand Robbed Burglars broke Into John Welch's refreshinents stand in the county court house last night and took 58 packnges of elgarets. Mr. Welch 15 blind. SKIN SUFFERERS Free book by twelve mulhors tellic.g hone simple use of A produrt earth quickly retrosed them from the the has larry of Eczema, Athlete's Frot. Acne.

Varicose tricers, Itch, PolSon Oak. Address P. 0. Bar 5170. Chisage.

11. --Ads'. SAVE YOUR VISION SAVE YOUR SAFETY Do you work at a machine? Then for the sake of safety be sure your sight is right! Danger dogs the workman with defective sight. Slow, "fuzzy" seeing spells accidents paar work, slow progress. Tuke no chance with your safety or your job.

Be sure your sight is right. Have it examined nowl DR. HUGH STICKSEL DR. J. E.

HEWETT OPTOMETRISTS Cutting Optical Office 126 E. Th For Arpointment Phone 7735 WAY RELIEF FOR HEADACHE Casudino acts fart because it's I.quid nothing to dissolve- delay. use proves Its te fiability. Use only as die rected, 10c, 30c, 60c. AM druggists.

CAPUDINE part on the conference at are Carl C. Cliff, deputy state superIntendent of District 1, who wIll be leader of A panel discussion at the trustees section titled, School also chairman of the Educational Progress Committee. Wes Izzard of the Amarillo News- Globe will juress the High School Social Studies! group on "Current Trends In World Affairs." He will also speak at the Classroom Teachers' lunchron. Mrs. James A Bush, president of the Panhandle Artists Group, is ated with the Aris and Crafts Exbibit.

Thomas Thompson, lace of the Amarillo Globe and now with U. 5. Navy, has served on the publicity committee. Mr. T.

W. CotLen chairman of the Conventions Commitlee for the Amarillo Chamher of Commerce assist in the reception and entertainment. Substantially Increasing Popularity for 5 Consecutive Years WITH CENTURY CLUE STRAIGHT WHISKEY FULL 90 PROOF BICENTURY DISTILLING CO.I FIORIA, ILL We Don't Make Mousetraps But We do manufacture. attractive printed forms for business firms that catch and hold the attention of the people with whom you do business. We can print your forms in black and white, two or mare colors or by the offset process.

Just phone 4833 and Our Mr. Teasly will be glad to call with samples. MILLER PRINTING CO. 617 Fillmore Phone 4833 SATURDAY IS YOUR LAST CHANCE To Buy On Zale's Easy No Money Down Terms Federal Regulation, Effective March 23, Requires Down Payment BUY DEFENSE STAMPS AND BONDS WITH THE DIFFERENCE! GRUEN 15 Jewels, seller gold. rare bracelet.

$2750 50c Weekly BULOYA LY jewels, pink or Al BOLOVA, dis expansion BULOVA 13 bracelet jewels, And plian gotl, $3750 smart monds, rold-filled, $2975 11 $4500 LOW AS 50c WEEKLY. PAY AS GRUEN Yerithin, bracelel to match $3750 Tic Weekly fully metal BULOYA 17 Jewels, naturat gold. $2750 Sir: Weekly Banner, Jeweled, Ladies' Banner, constructed, jeweled. leather $1095 AS LOW "AS PAY fully ner, smart, dainty natural Battwith rold sturdily $1975 $1095 50c WEEKLY GRUEN Curves, 19 GRUEN jewel precision Modern Gruen GRUEN verithin 15 curved Norse's watch. 15 15 Jewels, with leath- to fit the Ing.

Jewels, 'yri. Cr $4750 $3375 low Attach- Sold, card $2975 50c Weekly $3373 A8 50c WEEKLY PAY AS LOW MORE FOR YOUR UP TO $5.00 OR A MODERN CLD RING STYLED MOUNTING SALES and SERVICE RADIOS and LEONARD Refrigerators NUNN Electric Co. 42.5 Polk Phone 9845 BULOYA Senator, IT ba, strap $3750 Wrelly 14K Yet low Gold Mounting. DIAMONDS In mK SOLID GOLD Smart $4975 Hand- Engraved $1975 Mounting Hand. tall Retting homely $500 PAY 50C A WEEK PAY 11.60 WEEKLY 11 fewels, yells bracelet male's.

Inc Weekly CARRYING BULOVA $3375 P.41 56r WEEKLY ZALES MIC 8th Polk.

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