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The Fort Wayne Journal-Gazette from Fort Wayne, Indiana • Page 14

Fort Wayne, Indiana
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THE FORT WAYNE JOURHALGAZETTE. tVt ONOAY MORNINO, ninUArtr it, 1ttt 'I I ONlXtN 1 JY1 Ji "i nt ilt fS i in i ii If i renew TAMprr 1 on Brit it yf'VI 1 ker eanrease i ilsft apfMAL Hi Tr Mi MTvyKNtfU Sri taffp follow In pan ITIT SS JI(HS! llit.e of llim 52 3lS lurtrr with inidtiiM rT lllnHI'lffff i Ilrit tin ha bwn I Great Britain Ftiiidiriiieutnlly Sound ir I ki i or tlrrn he bell I I I II if pnl unprt lop I frllnc chapf In Amrrln, ko. II par IrnlnrU rf.lrnhl. that h.t opln Irna on each side of tttf Atlantic con i mil i Mho Id be un the other id oufrh I u.alon til If you were run by electricity you could wash clothes just as ell and as "asily as BlueBird docs But you re not and you can t' Of course any woman can do a week ashing in day. rubbing the clothes on a board and wear ing them out bending over the tubs and wearing irrself out But no woman coutd possibly clean a whole week Mashing simply by swirling the pieces back and forth through a soapy water until they were spotless And yet, that is exactly what BlueBird doe Ti vwl'ii' I ttn edit need, of th eontlnsnt ii thou or lift own trader iKHiar hans li really Nw ora ruropp not nr iorK Ion eschans: Orat Britain Is neither bankrupt nor mywhvre naar It nlthoufttt her rxt rnnl debt it larger than ever henrem her history This debt wu incurred mainly to rtupply the needs of hr continental allir and she is owrd approximately twice an much as she owes While America mey fairly expert to ollrct all her Brltlah debt Ureal Ftrltaln If preparlnr to writ off fifty per cent of her continental debt In SDlte of theta (acta Xtrltlah it Ilriilnh 1 business and (Inane ir In am fund a tockholdera In an I mentally wound condition Business of om men and worker art fwoverin.w from repnreH menu to the the demoralising effrcti of the wnf The me Their euntomarj eneray la revlvinj nnd Hrltlnh fnctorlei ire lncreasina I their output According to estimates made puMtc oy ont bnk chairmai the present ear Mporta will pro flurr a profit ot frm II 0O0 000 to tl 500 000 The exprtwlon ar round! njr thf corner li now heard nil slUea either British bankers I nor th Brltlxh rovtramenC expect 1 or ak further nopmment or long How to Use Vick'sVapoRub To Prevent Flu Flu Germ Are Breathed In.

In. firnetl Air Pauifei Mak Ideal Breeding Crounda For Hint Germ. KEEP AIR PASSAGES OPEN Vapor Alao Apply Up th Nulr la Sahara I Tlraat Day, Ea illy Ju Bofort Being Eirpoaad PMallv Juat Ti Crawda. EIGHT TOWNS OWE INCREASED ffi RATE Will Employ Accountant to Prepare Evidence for Public Service Commission I Hrl MIASM and i go books of tl Indi la and I loctri th thi orflshtiriff the prop8pr fifty per cent in rease A petition I Ibo he present I und Ben )p 1 iblli ice oi i fer It on a knft thai I ori jrinp rt li Free Trial of J3lucBiid ELECTRIC CLOrHES WASHER in your home This demonstration will cost you nothing obligates you to nothing It will just give you an opportunity to see that dothea can be washed, better more quickly, more gently, and more economically by BlueBird than by you or any laundress in the world Telephone to us to day or better still, come in to tee us And remember, when you are ready to buy BlueBird, that you pay Only $7 down and complete the payments in convenient monthly On the Fourth Floor PHONE 4444 Patriotic Party tomorrow night at Washington Skating Rink. NASTY COLDS I RELIEVEflATONCE the destitute ire aa of Kurop hould not be mlscomtrued at veiled orals for anslRtancs to Great ftai Huch emphatically ts not British banker and bust ness men took to American bankers and ruisinex men only for aruch tendly facilities si they have en Joed and have themselves afforded In the pan tSuintnarlxInff the ml nation of British banking opinion It has made ihe American hamber reiterate that Great Britain does not uk credit for I ereelf but what iht wants Is a normal world to do business In Will friendly Airerlca continue to stand tny In helping to make the prea ent disrupted world normal? The measa Tha force, FOR SALE Studcbaker Truck at bargain, two extra tires in good condition.

Call 107 E. Columbia St Phone 483. DANCING PAVILLION WILL BE IMPROVED KOIL ITY Inil Feb 22 Tho mana.renTient of Lhe lino danclnn pa lllon announce i ut (hey will as oon the leather permits, enlarrr their popular datneing pavlllion here when the floor epacp will SOxlOB feet of the best during; floor In orthern Indiana They will also In stall it aet of electric tans that will re for the temperature, and Keep It Juat rlffht The bath na; beach will be Impro el by the erection of a filrt) foot div.ntr tower That the patrons cf the Rome City resort will appreciate this ajoei without say lng We deal in Lberty bonds. Commercial Investment Pape a Cold Compound" then Company. 722 Clinton street, orcauu up a con in a trrouwirl floor.

Flu This Yf I Mildar IMiite we know very little mora about the flu now than we did last year the jrerai Itiie hsa never bean hn he In If th system la In rood shape and the membrane or lining of the air pa aaes Is In healthy con dltlnn these arerms ar thrown off A rood la to me a little Mcki apoRub In a npoon nlsrht and mornina and Inhal the raoors also i a day emclaly lust befora eipoeed to crowda Treat All Celds Promptly Abov all Keep fret from Co ds as idi Irritate the llninf of tha air i passkfea and make them real breed Inr crounda for arerms Hromnt of Vicks A apoRub aids In prevent inr colds For head eolda aore throat 1 hoarseneasa. rub Mrka well over the throat and chest and cover with cloth For deen cheat roldi severe store throat or lronchl hot wet towels ahould firnt an ptled to the throat Ghent and back between the ehou der bladea to open tha pore Then Vlcks should he rubbed In over the parts until the spread on thickly and ro thlekneNsea of hot I flannel cloth leava the cloth In sz Ioom aro ind tha neck so the vapors released by tha body heat may be I irwy innaietl Tfieae vanora Inhn erl wil each breah carry the medication directly lunen nnd atr pas'iuree. At tne time Icka is ahRorbed thru and ettmuatea the ckin th is aidlnv to onareatlnn within Ueaaf Eitarral Trsalmani for Colds Inorsaamg i Mcks nnraRub la the dinroverv of North Carolina drurrist who found how to combine In 8ahe form the (nair time tee ted remedies Cam phor Menthol Eucalyptus Thyme etc ao that when tha uh la ap piled to the Hody heat these lnsrred lend ar II Derated In the form of Jed I Between You and Hiffh Prices Stands the Boston StoreJ Low Prices Our Chief Attraction BOSTON STORE 604 CA1H0UM ST. IOtT W. Cilumbia Ira a Zono of Our OWn Economy Center Last Week of the Great Thrift Sale The last week of the Great February Thrift Sale Is to be the greatest bargain and Jiving week Fort Wayne shoppers have known.

Every possible effort la beint concentrated on our policy and promise. "Better Merchandise at Lower Prices" and the reiultant array of quality merchandise at prices which defy competition is bound to pnne that thrifty and economical buying can best be enacted at The Boston Store You will not be disappointed for the best that the markets afford awaits your inspet tion here and the prices are exceptionally low on the'frot feature day Tuesday, $1.29 Day Quality Ready to Wear for Spring Suits Newest poplins and serges, some braid trims, fancy lined flared and tailored styles in navy, black tan and brow A wonderful selection at $29.50 Domestics 4 Lb Cotton Bstts In full comforter size sheets; $1 65 value Goats Dresses The newest of short Sport Spring creations In ruffled Coats in Pekin, putty and effects, Turkish bottoms tan colors from the finest trlteh broad hips. mixtures, worsted and di 3 agonal weaves Your choice tions. Priced very low New full length Coats in navy and black serges and poplins. An unusual assortment of exceptional alues to go at $29.95 Linens S1.29 $29.50 few houri FARMERS MAKE PROGRESS Pap quicUcet It acta without a tuMed Quit blow KFNDALUILLF Ind eb at iumina Adoataf Paue a Merta of rslrflekj township pound tatktn every two nre ldent of the n.k totintv rHrmera association while her to d.i stated that In i opinion the arlous farmer orfianlxatlons throughout this sec Ion of the stnte i re making excellent proareaa The diattict meeting recemly held nt ort Wayne was a bis surcra from many Mew points Another meet In: will be held here a KendalKIll Tuesday March when repreaenta tive liveatock prod teem and shippers from thia aectlon wll alk over man prohlema of Intereat The proftrim for this meetlnp all) be announced later Co three dusti ar take fualt) breaks up a odtnd end K1P rniaer The er lira a oppna our cossed up notrlla and air paiwa es of our liead clop noa running relieve the headiche dullness erishne.

sneczins miitT Cold om pound i relief known few cents at druff analmance 1 Iks is nartlcularh for children a croup or colds. be used freely and often without i HH 71) varrJa for th itlirhtest effects The heat evidence ef Ihe alua of Vtcki I th aiteadlly Increastiia; number of people who havs been con verted to thss us of this outside treatment. Beglnnin; ith th customers of a mail retail drug stor tha use of Mckihas jrrovn rear by ear state itateuntll noa more than It million Jars are uaed annually And this In spite of the (net thtat A Icka is new form of treatment to many folk, th rforth and West Icka can be had at all dnggiats In thre aliei 30c 0c or fl0 White Outing: A splendid quality outing which the open market cannot duplicate Tuesday (T OQ eaW Silkoline i In plain and fancy figures a srood 35c quality. Tuesday special, (T OQ JJ JL md Underwear $1.29 ELECTRIC SERVICE fOT LIGHT HEAT POWER PHONE 298 UTITJTY BUILDING 122 E. WAYNE STREET Patriotic Party tomorrow night at Washington Skating Rink.

"FLU," GRIP, COLDS Pmumon Fvrs, Hard Coughs, Tonsil 1 1. Head this plain lUtement rintt thin while brood of wicked enemies of health may I kept at hu) the medical authorities amy, by keeping up high quality of the ood, and ohatrvlna; the ordinary lama re latins; to in notation and health That la why Hood a ftirsaparllha Is recommended aa a preventie of flu" and other diseasesit Is the stand ard blood purifier and vltaltzer of wie Immediately to call a phyancian Third for that weakne and pro trallonfollowing the flu srrlp and ot her Ineaaea Hood i Raraa pa rilla by renewing th red blood corpus ofes wonderfully rettores health bullda up the hole iatem. creates an appetlt and nuke food tast ood If a cathanlc la needed Hood Fills ar recommended CITY NEWS Jan ker of Kel ver town hip, vho iJta been a patient tt fct Jop ti pital for a period of aev eral kr 1 as betn permitted to turn to hi horn Mr Parker ai strickan with Influent, whil at work here at th Perfection Blacult coin pany and was immediately takn to tha hoapiul It will probably be aome time befor tha patient will bi again abl to return to work. Late February days offer much of plcaiur. nd profit for weekly visitors) and shopper, in Fort Wayna TH.

stores and theatres are at their best They are crowded with apnng styles armiuiKesiions Th city welcomes thousands every week. Join till crowc Wednesday Suburban Day Fort Wayne Suburban Trade Association Of the Chafe' ef Csmmarse. See lh Traclo "Mewl, lM5awRia3rfn 'n "lOWrlOH vJffn'jjiJpJ onil in tl? mU IS NOT HIGHER We sell at the urn price we sold good Coal for before) the coal striate. Order To day Liberty Lump. S7.25 per top Brazil Block.

$7.75 per ton West Va. Lump, $8.50 per ton ANTHRACITE and COKE ALL SIZES POCAHONTAS in EGG and MINE RUN AMERICAN GOAL GO. Nirkel Plat Railroad and Itanqver St. Phone4o5 3916. ASK YOUR NEIGHBOR HANGSSELFTOTREE, Body bf David Pellett Found jf By Searching Party Near His Home Saturday.

UARRAU Ind uffrtnff i frm mental ederprewlon Iald Pellett 1 sited Mjears committed auiclde ttatur d. mornina; ty hanging hlmaelf to a fur mar and a I If clonic real 3 clUHko county had gzs for sevaral da) a and When rtam to the hojne after to do the morning chore hla 1 1 me alarmed and mad a 5 4 yards for Apron Gingham Good quality worth 30c a yard. I uetday only, 5 Vl ydt for Fancy Flaruieletta All good patterns and splendid quality regularly selling at 39c, Tuesdey fl OQ 5 yardi for 36 Inch Comforter Cretonnes Splendid quality and very special Tu esday, fl at A'i yards forpX.aWs7 Fine Dress Ginghams New season patterns in an extra quality regularly Belling at a 5c lueaday, A yardi for Cotton Challies 40c values garment irr full yard width, fine quality Challies; I uesday, AVl ysrdi for $1.29 $1.29 $1.29 lies' and Pant 75c quality gar ments; sizes 34, 36 only; uesday, 4 garments Ladies' Wool Vests and Pants Fine nbbed, best quality and $1 75 value; Tuesday, the garment Ladies' $1.75 Ribbed Union Suits In popular styles, high neck, with lonf sleeves, medium low neck and short sleeves, low neck and no sleeves, Tues fj OQ day, the suit Men's Union Suits Ribbed and flat fleeced i sizes 42, 44 and 46 only; regular $2.00 values, Tuesday, the suit Men's U. S. Army Wool Shirts and Drawer In broken sizes These are regular $2 50 garments; for Tuesday only, he CJ1 OA tPX.aWt Table Damsik Fine quality, 58 to 72 Inches wide, big assortment of patterns, $1.25 value, Tuesday, spe cial, yi yards for 72 Inch Mercerized Table Damask; A splendid quality beautiful new patterns: tl values; OQ the OXaa.s7 Crash Bleached.

good width; just fine; 30s quality; lues Cf CJQ )r. 5J2 yds. Turkish TswcUp FuD bleached and good size; Ut valoes; Inesday C1 Jfl 5 for OXasiiU New Hock Towels Fnw large towels, plain white and with colored borders; 35o valaes; QQ Tnea, 6 towels 4Xaa $1.29 Muslins Tuesday, I S1.29 Ho8iery lrhKrn and trn itartd on minrlrrd by ri It witlaw naufmer nm ni mnini Martha of Warsttw and "eHstt per Pell Chari Kelle set of Wmhw hlcaso funeral will ha held "Monday nd Inqueatt Th TJRL55 WANTED! Good Mv. iteadv work. 6 yard, for Ft Wtyne Corrugated Papci Co Cotton Chalhs and practical patterns in a good 25c quali tv.

very special. Tuesday 7 yards for 27 Uch White Outing Extra heavy snow white out ing iptendid quality 28c value Tuesday, C1 OQ tpxsy $1.29 rate Ladies' Fibre Silk and Suk Lisle Hose A true 59c value; black, white and colon; Tuesday (J OQ PX.aWt $1.29 CurtainlMaterial Any attempt to Letter market in condltlms muat ImhI on a (ood vorkinf knowlesdT prettnt iffnds and their fun tlmia Markttlns; experts of th IMtad. Statu Department of Axrlcultor da fllar that tl nearer both producer I and consumer can com to an under sUndlnv and appreciation of th work dsvolvlng upon th distributor th nearer will Americana Approach a solution many of tha problems la oldont to tha movement of fruits and Vfgnablea I Th shipper who has a cUflnll! knowlcdss of ttis cours his aoods, wm taka wrsn wey acrt a ma market kas sa arreat ad van tar ovs ths ma who has na Idea of tnathoda o( distribution If Uttri aaferuard bis Inttnats by retain Int a tncaaaur of control vr hla product aftsr It rsaeiie dattnatlon Shippers as prospective shippers of fruits and va staotf ar sdviad tt In toucrs with tbslr principal mark Uar. Its liksa, duuttrs and pscuUarltlas. study th mean a whr byihelr oodls ar distributed to cus tsfflirs and ascur a worklna know Mis of ths etoUf problama Incident th baadllrtaT tblr romimoditlas.

fort yvAYisa IQTt SOLO BSS. banker haa bought a ia aloni Hoiun avenue tsia aoutheaattra part Riaarsa alsttsssT that It. lota. Vr rural la a Iras (or a (arm knit sua fwaUa las aaa pur thaw WANTEDEiperienced KPtrator. breakfizcr and operator.

Dudlo Mfg. Co. $1.29 I of IS ls along Holtsn In a a.a aouth.utara Pan laar.a. from M' 36 InchCurUinNettlng AH new spring pstteros, 39c value Tuesday i)Q 4 yard, for iPJL.jLlV 36 Inch Drawn Work Border Msrqeis.tte A true 40c value; Tuesday 4 yardi for 36 Inck Fssncy Border Scrim Pretty snatenal; 39c quel' ityi Tuesday, 7 fj OQ yards for tPX.sW Hemstitched Marquisette 50o quality: in white, ream and ecru: Tues. OQ day yards for A 36 incli Plain Marquisette In white, cream and eru; our 40c value; I uesday.

4 yards for Ladies' Lisle Hose 30c val ues, in black and white; all sizes, Tuesday 6 pairs for Ladies' Cotton Hose Splendid quality, in brown, black and white, all sizes, 25c values, Tuesday, 7 (T OQ pairs for pX.abl7 Men's Lisle Socks Well wearing socks, in black and colors, all sizes; 29c values, 6 pair for 36 Inch Shae tin Unbleached; competition must ask 2Zc Tuesday Special, 7 yards for 36 Inch Shoring A good 28c unbleached eheeunf! Tuesday Special QQ 6 yards for J) 36 Inch Sheeting Both bleached and unbleached, 32c quality; QQ Tuesday, yds. DX.aa.t7 45x36 Inch Pillow Regularly priced at 50c; splendid value; Tuesday, 3 cases for White CambrM Finest qua! itv. a true 40c value: Tues day, 4 yards for Readyato Wear $1.29 $1.29 Men's Black Wool Socks Ususlly selling at 65c; for Tuesday, special, (JJI QQ 3 pairs for Children's Hose lino and hesry nbbed; regular 30c values; Tues. (T QQ 6 pairs for tp.Ls.Ut Infants' Whit. Wool Hose Sizes 4 to by 40c value, Tuesday, fl" QQ 4 pair for tj) JL aW Ladies' Sdk Lid Hose In black, whit, and dark brown; regular 50c vah I uesday, 4 pairs for $1.29 Envelop Chemias FinSK quality soft finish batiste 1 regularly pnetd at $2 00 special at Slip Over Night Gowns Embroidery trimmed with body of soft muslin; a genu in.

$2 00 value; QQ Tuesday at PXaWi Lad8' Dressing Satccnsss A splendid garment regularly selling at I 69; very special Tuesday fl A at. Boys' Overall Suits ood quality heavy blue denim, fast color; JI.7J valuss, Tuesday Spscial (J QQ "TTITOTrEFB aa llriD.d GIN0HAM DRtisea Bplandia lull. Srtmi in fiood It quality TUISDAY U29 THE. Wm.HahnCo. FOltT WAYttE'3 GREATEST BARGAIN STORE Whit.

Mail a ftttUoott 1 VALUt C3ood quallls muslin IU arsbrslain (Iom. Tuesday SUB our $50 Liberty Bond I WoUh 50 In Merchandisa Here.

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