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The Fort Wayne Journal-Gazette du lieu suivant : Fort Wayne, Indiana • Page 10

Fort Wayne, Indiana
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L. DougU Spring Style in. dud more Snappy and Up to Cut than ever before produced. Donglrt warrant! ewr pair ef Ms ahnea to keM thelranapa, took At Mtter ana mir longer than any other make rtlnff you better t1u tar the money than you can obtain elaewhere. When too buy Vf I.

Donglaa Mioes yVmwW to pleased became of the Bt and appearance, and when It cornea time for you to irenaee another pair jrou will bo mora than pleased becanaa the laat onead wore eo well ai gare ao much comfort. BEWARE OF SUBSTITUTES. rillTtflM Til iwnln. hitv Vr tm InHHBBj JZZZSZ a 02.BO X.I..4 fetch rrkM sad l.fnHor HmT fWHpSil III AtiiSu tf ye. cafinm nMala TtmmlM tVwe I.

rear Imni. vrlto for wmln, IMmm Mnl 4 rM ttm luWJUnnc IthartwprjplA. Ia DOUOLiS, lUSpuk Bt, kfoaktoa Him W. I. Douglass Shoe Co, 818 820 Calhoun St.

Jk7 nKL EL ALL RECORDS ARE SMASHED HERE SK iliwg' All records were broken yesterday when the heaviest 6fith the heaviest qtfarjrnd. history of the local posTomce acre completed Previous records have been smashed by the reoerd the term Just completed and It an apt ind test Ion of tha prosperity of rbrt wajne For the month or March just ciosea i total cash rerelpta of tha local of were 131 700 OL For the three months ending March II the receipt a sioo 469 76 ana for the corre eponfllng quarter of laat year th to tal waa 20 33 th a showing; a net gain of $24 260 63 For the flecal jeer ending March II the receipts were 3b ioi i and for the previoua fiscal year tha total was 1381 141 St. show jti year of lis 6BB li. Accuracy In Measuring ta as Important aa the character of the drug. Just a.

little too much or too little may make a viet difference In the effect of the medicine. We meaanre our druse, with absolute ae curacy Particular aa we are aa to their purity we are equally ao In meaaurlng them out for your use. Le us fill your neat prescription. J. C.

Hutzell DRUGS 1402 Main Bt Phene ISM $10 Loans and upwards LHbtrdMaMB a ta. 1 etdok IIMaW, a Mai Upe. WBM JO borraW feeling that joltawrwht doing Ov 1 nnsun wU able to talk abort cur I at irt, wtmat taka th tr bla tall tkta aU tbr ts ta talL Wa do ao ad wjrtaaoaaUUaffaaaaaaoUtav. Loan of tie Sift awab nda wlLbtti tea nUa atf City all wltbau dUy faaa ar MoerMOt, Tha dMtawjUMMtifrHlAnt.WtMlil tfcetiMt WE LOAN 910. TO S300.

Oa faraltara, ptaaom, antaweblaca, maohlaaTy atoak aartlfaoataa, Ula mraraaoa poUeeom, growlnf aaopa. Bra stock, ata. la iy a aaimtrj tty Un la yoar ynwrtaa. Ml Will Qaily Pashion Talks BY MAY MANTON A SHART AND USEFUL C0A1 FOR YOUNG GIRLS. 4i Oovble Breaitcd Coat (or Mbaea and Snail Women, 1416 and yttn.

SUCH a long, looee protec tlv. coat aa tbla ona 6IU a treat many eeda. tt can be naed for motoring for travel and for general utility wear and it malcee a moat convenient al oru It can ba made of double faced cloth or from mannlah auiting; It can be made from cheviot or from corduroy or indeed, from any cloaking material. It can( ba worn with or without a belt It ia exceed Ingly aimpl. et amart in the ex treme.

Tha neck 1 niahed with a collar that can ba rolled open with the fronta to lapela or buttoned up closely about tha throat ao that the coat ia adapted to the mild pleaa ant daya and atao thecohionea The patoh a a mean both comfort and amartaeae. The model ia an excellent ona for email women aa well aa for yoang grl. The quantity of material required for the 16 year aixe 1 SM yardi pi Inchea wide 3 yardi 44 or 3 yarda 32 Inchea wide A May Mantoa pattern No 6S46 auea 14 16 and ll yeara will ba mail ed to any addreaa by the fashion Department of thia paper on receipt of ten centa. (If In haate aend an ad ditlonel two cent stamp for I 1 1 a postage, which In aurea more prompt delivery.) RECEIPT OP POSTOFriCE HEAV IE8T IN IT HISTORY Sawdust and wood for sale at Hoffman Bros. 800 W.

Main street. CITYJNEWS R. Parker superintendent of the public school at Cayura, ma is in the for a abort visit with rata Uvea, He tauaht acbool In fit. Jo aeph towpahlp foe aU yeara and la well known locally The rainy weather of the past few daya baa caused a terse number of waabouta over the county and cobsla arable expense will be entailed tn mak Inr repairs No lesa than alx wash outa occurred In TVayne township, but tnese were or email consequence. rheetlnc of the committees ae lected In connection with the obaerv ance of Decoration day will be held next Monday evening; at the office of the deputy United states marshal in the federal bulldlna; Jacob Kepllnref 'father of Vice President Kepllnrer of the First Na tonal bank, la critically ill at the tberan hospital, where he nnderwent a aurrlcst operation laat Wednesday Mr KepUncer la seventy two years a ana roaiaea on vorca aireei WOLF LAKE NEWS WOT.F LAKR Ind April Ir John Marr of Alhlnn araa hra tafonrlatr Dr Morr la health oftlrer ef this county ana rimi nara ior in nuraoaa 01 ax amtnlna; the ernool bul dine as resardi amnltarv cond tlona.

Ha ranorta th build na not equal ta the requirements of law E. Thome alttna: frland. at Kandal vl naiaraay ana mnij returned Monday after ranted a licenaa open for business lueeaay a Meivin vysonir expetna to ihj aj in Ion atorace house on his farm thli aaon Mr Wvaontf la one of our mom successful onkm growers. Ona who hai La he iret a railroad wa predict that, ba ii oe one oe our largest anippei Tha had 'feaathari baa datlavaal oatwi sowine paual eow1nf beeaa here about Apru isc or eaniar out in spring plow wiiiiam niiHimi ielr onion farm 1 I llva thla aurr Cor laa trta tlttl aan of tTharloa Rkatila itrannr rrom an attaca of tonaiiu a. II for Mr presaiar I sick also I.0AGLAND NEWS HOA.aTANb.Inrt April Allan Me Intoah Chaa.

Fraora. Mart L.uttman and Ora Adams We In CI Icaso laat week inspe una auiomooi en 'inose wno phased were Chas France and Luttmari hoaarland Is mournfns; over the Sb JJ Chews the Way to Health What are yoinloingto give your children sound and healthy teeth? Out of 11,374 children inspected by the Medical Inspector in the schools of Toronto nearly 3,000 cases of physical defects were found. Of these 2,027 were credited to decayed and imperfectly formed teeth. Sound and good bones come from thoroughly chewing food that is rich in the phos phates. You can't build them with mushy porridges, soggy pastries or sweetmeats.

ShreddedWhole Wheat contains alflhe necessary phosphatesin a digestible form. You HAVE to chew SHREDDED WHEAT The enspness of thfe shreds compels thorough chewing and a thorough mixing with saliva, which is the first; process in digestion. Shredded Wheat Biscuit every morning for breakfast, served "with milk or cream, win build sturdy, robust youngsters and is a preventive of stomach and bowel disorders so common Jto children. Eeing ready cooked and ready to serve it is so easy to prepare a iiuunsiuiig meat wiui ii in uumuinauuii wn itcsii ijr prcscrvcu anus a meal mat; dehciously satisfying to grown ups as well as youngsters. Your grocer sells it THE ONLY CEREAL BREAKFAST FOOD MADE IN BISCUIT FORM MacU only bjr The Shredded Wheat Company Niagara Fall.

N.Y. axaxaxaxT MLEESBURGNEWS LRBSBima Ynd ArrH Mra. Alls Romalne. of Ch.ciro Is Tinitinar at the home of her brothel O. IX fcrvln and family this week fl Mr and Mrs.

Oeorre Nicely, if Warsaw, Were lh aussts of A Tboraae aad wiia Hiinwr aui ouwiki Waliaee I Mra A Bowman and children and as May Hower of Maraawv visited with Mr and Mra. A Irv ba Saturday Mr end Mra tlsuda Klrksnda mored la the Mrs. Mary Hunter property Tues day IrrlrT SawyeV and family, of T.Ik hart. Mrs, iti eaw are viawt nc witb Hn and 1 jrar this week, r. vau ITWfW.

W. Wednesday with bar parents, Mr Warsaw, pen1 Hudaoe Btephsnson atora, noma over wunaay a aad Mra. Ml ler Ooahen Was at b( fivw parsnia, mi for Kokomoy to attend ibe north ladlana aoinoa a. voniarencok Mrs Arehlbald and dautrhter Mra Wal ace were Ml ford visitors Tuesday Marian, the youngest eon of Wn end Mra Ell Goshora, Is confined to hie home vlll leara to be a nurse i Saturday where she of Beniamln Stone crept ed a poa tonu Inspector at steam dradaaa at lndlanaooHa Bom to Mr and Mrs. Ed Codvl11e.a daughter Mlea Katie Small, who has been serious ly 111 st the home of her er at Bluff ton for the past moot la UnpreTlnf qulte rapid A very quiet weddfne; took place at clock laat Wadneaday evanlne when as Jane Harrod berame the bride of Benjamin Ruhl They have aone to housekeeping on a farm In Abolte town Karl BoaardT hss returned af er aa ex tenalve YieU Grover II, O.

He re ports an awfu ly good time. Mr Peter eaiey wno nan his root amputated a Vhte pattern wfl be ea receipt ef IS aaata Address an erdors ae give aaa Me. ta MewWwMtwfMMtfMMM.t a4inMM Mam MNMMtHNtMMMNIIIt few weeks ago Is Improving wat nrowp vi now ina IB visit ng her daugl ter Mrs. Allen Wo Mr and Mrs. Frank BobyHa have gone to Howe, Ind where they have accepted poa tlons la the cut nary department of the Howe ml itary school Mr Alva Paughsrty Is on the elck list SALESMAN WAS IN RECENT BIG FIRE New York city who waa In the city yesterday waa In the recent fire which coat the Uvea of 141 persona He ea caped unlnjivred and managed to ree one or tne girl employee At the time the fire broke out he was on the tenth floor of the building and find Ing othsr means of escape cut off be Induced the girl to accompany biro and the two managed to grope their way through a smoke choked hallwsv at the end of which they made their escape through a window nto the roof of an adjoining building They I compelled to spend several min utes en the roof before they were res cued by firemen, and durlna that time they witnessed such harrowing; etg hts aa win never ne forgotten.

i states that rthe scenes were Impressed eo vtv Idly on his mind that he hss hardly na aa sieep since ine nre Instant Relief for Catarrh 10c If ou have apent do ar after dollar for apparatus and msdUine you may bovih at. iwuiwi ana a you fR pa in stauly relieved end preheeiy eured (or me But it Is fait and you aaa provi It with a cent box of Flea th oulck healina salva Tha raauWa wl make yoti regret that you never tried Flea is a wonoer working penetrating Into ant that destroys germs, eleaas and iwii i nwmr a ois uoa ior iv nd it baa a hundred usee la every hi lOae application cures Itching piles ent 1 X.Mre WIT Varrea, ed yes BUND WOMAN DEAD BLtFFTON Ind. April iam Alexander Tl ot Wi terday at the horag of her daughter Un Charias Plummar near Batson brldgi jaoKBon townsnip Laa tnair norru ire tn early fall Mr Alexander had hip broken during tha winter and la a af Invalid Um. Alexander haal Kmh Ind for a number of yoaia. The fqnersl services and burial will be al the Old noma a warrepi BIUFFTOH IndAoril Hn Frank Vlaner has been appointed enumerator a nit me act ooi canaua ior ine city of llulTton She will beatn her work nckt Monaav ine enumarataon tm laaan ui der the rait ion of OF Markley ee the tl sci ool board.

MAQAZINI WIL.U atcajgiLD NITRO whlrh ew tin a. fear mnnlhi wi i na rara ii ana irre Duaioaai section oi tne country ba acad In IxHigabaugh The charge of 01 ootar Jol orcires at Montpel In cha ae of and Mr Wearo II be tranefared which have been ge of Weacott will be cloaad other fin The majrailns Is lo CHAMBER OF HORRORS If CAl JeS3. 6.VPOGU!OT iNTo sosp HIS W(Fe eMb SvAsrtffb li CLom woTi WHAT GPCXT CITS 9 bA. TtWT Rmwrj, XoO Of! CAL CUT liER. Fusrtina me moiajtAiaJ GeMTUr; Asiie, vw Jumped U6rVTU( JTS CITY ANb 3WA ACPOSC CofFlM.

TWE GGRM SKSUAUST, COLDS VANISH tJhs eold care that te putting colds la the head chest ont of bustneea be fween annaet and dajtbrealif Her It la. Cut It eub and save tt tf eu don need It near ifr yon have a throat aorenees or aonte be urt ana xry tonighn just be fore gomg to bed. Four a acant te apoo iful of HT OMEX (pronounce It Hiib.o mt) I Into bOWl, Of! bolllna: rff.I cover, bead anil Kb a to wal nd breathe for era! minutes the? vapor that arlael than and aleeo peacefully an with a clear bead free, from mucus Hvomei guaranteed for catarrh. colds, oouffhe, eroufc asthma, eeee throat ad bronchltia. Pi? money oaca A bottle of Hyoroel costs 60 cents A complete outfit which includea a hard rubber pocaei innaier wwcu uaed at any time or place coats $1.0 at Meyer Bree Co or drugglata everywhere.

rVvaalw few mora app 1 (aat and orodu ia dandruff Sore achlmr opening reaulta In lhav akin Alaaaea. Hpland for eore, stiff muaulee. line jpwa ooata only a dine and Hat biggest household be gain you were et offered Tour druse at has It or aaa ly get for yon Sent prepaid rwie pv of priv by tbs ItV Tsi Hauie. Jn tbe Bpauld ng farm REVIVAL OF POKE BONNET. If grendu other wera to comi back to us for a visit she mleht feel that etylas had not changed much alnoe the nays or ner you in That, ig to eay ehe mlsht think thla If her grand daughter were weerinf one of the new style poke bonnets.

Dashing Indeed, are these new bon nets, sometimes wl ono poke and aometlmee perked up "fore and aft with wonderful waving; plumes nod ding over the perky hrlmj every time grandmother a daughtee movee bar head A new feature of tbase bonneta la the atrap of velvetquite wide velvet too that rune from elde te aide under the wearer a chin and over her ears We are led to wonder whether tbla ehtn atrap will become very popular It looks as though It mleTht prove te be a bit toe warm aa the spring; ad vancea even on beta whose sides bend upward and carry It out too far te cover me vara. I would make grandmother gasp no douht, because theraare blue lllace vnot lavender mind you. but del blue and lilacs of a genuine narvard crimson shade Grandmother might be tempted Mi esk whence came the flow ere from which they were modeled But they are effective. Jf not true to nature and give glowing touches of coior to tne nats, Artei all wnat is the use of halng a new spring1 mtllt nery creation If It cannot look blooming and fresh and aire everyone who seee lie bright eojors a pleasant muuieni in wnic a vision on open country tonea bordered with upaprinr Ing flowers drtfts across fcU mlnda aye A new Ideal for a tat. pgrbape, but really a by nott You Men Of Fort Wape Who are going lo order a suit offOlothes this Spring, and Want style, quality apd guaranteed fit, should remember that WE are fully able to givejhese impor tant requirements to a first class suit and save you from TEN to FIFTEEN dol lars on any suit ordered from us.

WE have the largest variefy of spring pattern woolens in the city. FROM THE MILL TO YOU $15, "$20 Western Worsted Mills Co. 921 Calhoun St, vSiwi CffMwSMM yMw a IJM I aW aBJ I Itl JOURNAWJAZE'lTE WANT ADS BRING RESULTS.

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