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Fort Wayne Daily Gazette from Fort Wayne, Indiana • Page 8

Fort Wayne, Indiana
Issue Date:
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TJ'j; "vxi MkW'tW 1: Ti, ix vy?" PTOSiTTCP i. tv K' r. iv A FORT WAYNE DAILY GAZETTE. A SHOWMAN'S DAIRY. KeckAnlwali lB 1 Tli under Storm Lassoln a Bear.

Tight Between a Won and a Tiger Itad Elephants Lioness Eating her Cubs. Charles' Morrison, who left ftlch nwnd, In the spring ol 1878 to knln; Anderson's consolidated snows. has after an absence of nearly four years. He traveled with Xewls Bell's clrcussos and, menageries nearly all the making four trips with them through and'eouthern states. Last.evenlnghe elated bis experience to a Palladium acportcr.

He said 'BBriAKINO A WON'b NECKj xti'le li rlAAl.AnJnn fltlk r.dL.k IIIiMWi vleee of raw beef to the lions. Two of lb dm caught It between their teeth and began struggling for posessipriof K. One' was? flue black maned Black African and the other was a joiing animal, of the. Bamfr ipecloe. They pulled and jerked at It until we aeard something snap and saw the smaller one let loose and fall to the floor of the cage.

We went to him and found that his neck had been twisted out; of Joint and the spinal vsrd broken. He was dead when we nnehed him." AS ELKl'IINT KILLB A'DBOMEI)AUY. vAs our train pulled out of liouis tclle, after a two day's exhlb JTien, Hao, a young elephant, began fcaainir a dromedary, that had been Jrrven In beside him. The ship of the oieiert spat at hirn and finally llt his Qrnnk. The elephant turned on him and pinned him to the floqrwlth one af his tasks.

Itobey, the elephant wan, Jumped In to atop the fight and the enraged monster drove the other task through him and almost killed him. The dromedary was so badly hurt that it' died from the effects fits injuries. At Ilastrope, Texas. 3e became frightened at the motion the ferry boat that was to carry aim across the Babtne river, and jmnped overboard. He to the opposite shore where the other elephants had landed, and we were marer able to get him on a bCat afterward," dHIHALS IN A THUNDER STORM.

A. menagerie In time of a thunder storm Is a regular pandemonium. No tongue can describe It. The animals art up a roar and howl that is per. aectly deafening, and to one not ao cswtomed to it the.

sound sends a Shrill of terror through the heart that cannot be forgotten in a day. The 3Sanapace backward and toward in Utelr cages and keep up a continuous muring, the wolves and Jackals howl, lb hyenas laugh like a pack of lemons loosed from the infernal regions, the monkeys and parrots screech and chatter to each other, the sea 4en' bark, and every beast that hasa aafr or lungs sends up the most un aarthty noise his throat can give vent LA8SOINO A BLAOK HHAK. "One Bunday we watered the animals at Deiluyter, N. Y. Two Men fastened chains to the collar of Jtmln the black bear, and led him to the creek, one walking on either side.

at the length of the chain, to keep him flrem getting too close to them. The screKie vt' Ke ana ine couar supped fl. Vruln saw his chance, and start. rortne country on a canter. All afthe men on the ground followed, and after a four mfle chase one succeeded In throwing a lariat over his irad and choking him down, so that a collar could be slipped around his seek." A LION KILLS A TIOBK.

"The Hon trainer forgot to jock the noor in the partition between the Dons and a female tiger that we had fast bought, after his rehearshal at JUayenna, and the tigress pushed II open and walked Into the lion's fen. A terrible light followed, which one of the lions disemboweled and fatally Injured her; In a fair aght she eould hare whipped for the tiger Is a more courageous ana TaXfroU8nlniainhannheklnrof easts. The first readers do not teach this kind of natural history, but it is une, nevertheless. Showmen know it and hunters find them harder to sspture and kill." KILLED BY COW J10Y8. "Ehnls, Texas Is the hardest place at the United Btates.

It la a rendei woas'forcow. boys, and a ruaaf Is never ale within its borders. The favorite amusement of the inhabitants is to go sot along the. railroad at night and boot the lanterns. out of the hands of the brakeinen.

A train man knows tatter than to step outside of his car with a light while passing through the place. Our Master of Transport Men. Campbell Pollock, an old and experienced showman, was shot down ana mortally wounded by two cow keys while loading wagons on the aars there on the 16th of last April. Tbe town Marsha) arrested them, but we could not stay to prosecute. A.

snr months afterward Mr. Sells reserved a letter post marked Knnls. which said: "I killed the man last might who killed one bf your men sere in. April." was no eigna tare to It, but I have since learned Uut the fellow's life was snuffed out with a bullet, one night, while dhw cmDing a cnurou garnering, as quick ly and, with as little warning as one wine uraneman's lanterns that be Sad put out with his revolver," TKXAB MUD AND AN, ELEPHANT C1IA8B. "Mud was plenty In Texas when we were there.

The wagon sank In It tat he hubs, and at Butler it took weiveuorees to pull a cage. At other jlaeei i We had to get the blgrelephant to push the wagons. He la a seed worker, but he sometimes took it In his head to push when we did not want him to. On one of our v'slU oEnnls he pulled loose from the stake to which he was tied, As I was Bussing the grounds I saw him stand tog beside a fenoe deliberately tear far it I called to him stop It ana be took after me. There waa a ape standing out alone in the open apace, and I.

ran for It. When he eaenea it ne put nis roreneaa against the hind end and began pushing It along. I caught ld of the pole and godded It around, so would at be broken by coming in contact other. Objects Two men began whipping him, and he took after them They would keep him after them until he was so olnse that he could mostrMnjaUenifcWUhi'his, trunks Then another one would throw sticks hewould run after the new nin: We kept him, running around lu this, way untll hi keeper arrived and made hint, behave himself, p.JHm. BtOK jblbIpiiantb.

Elephantit have chills that resemble ague. When oae fcf them comes pour quart or wuissy ana other stuff in a buoket of water, and tea of: it They soon get better under' thh1 kind of treatment. Their feet are tender, and the hard nlkes stives them a disease that rotes lh lonot tlie feet and kill, them. Bunday Isalway set a part for paring off tbe callous places Cn their soios. Tlie blg' AtiMIo' elephant Empress.

Is diseased 'INDIANS AT A OIEOUS, v' 'One hundred and fifty Winnebago Indiana front the reservationattended the performance at. Tama, Iowa. After the performance they, went around tp, the cook which was updi my care. The aealstant steward ws In charge and ihe. gave onei of thema'Dlece of bread' and butter.

That suited exactly, and Ihe wholo band fllciltnto the tent ana sat down at the tables. I arrived in time to son them helnlne themselves to the eunner nrenared for the men. I ordered them out, and they went off grunt ing to themselves." CHOKINO SUA LIONS. "Two sea lions were choked to death by the carelessness of the at tendants. They live On fish, and the buyer who travels ahead of the show used to order a supply in advance.

At Monmouth, 111., he had to take shovel nosed cat flsh, and' the man who fed them to tbe sea lions forgot to trim the1 spike like fins on their sides and back before throwing them Into tbe cage. They stuck through the throats of the lions and killed them." A LIONESS DKSTBOYBD HER CUD9. "The lioness gave birth taa litter tf cubs at Iiorih Vernon, and they were all right when we started for the street parade. On eur return to the show around they had all dis appeared, and the' bloody mouth of the mother told plainly where they had gone." Kiohmond Palladium. Remember all diseases of the stomach and lnttstlnes, urinary and digestive organs, cured by using Brown's Iron bitters.

r'saa. rtMi I rV aBBBVPBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBR (Btump before the blast.) Great Stump Annlhllater. i iauuibnaiMr.Mi HwM fcr I 44 la jpUoa Hin Eiailii. TkakMpM(u4 MMMtUfUrp ll(MNJVCt (fragments aner.j 'lwHwtuI conipWUdt lob of 'km iv ta pimhi nw tf.n. ot imnin Beaeeas Per tjsiaa; the iiArrr thought ranqe.

Because It Is the It Is the. cheapest. It is very beautiful. It is substantial. It Very economical.

It is always cleanly. 1 1 is the quickest baker. It is always ready for use. It will base day or night. An old Are Is as good as a new.

There is no waste of fuel. The grate is perfect. No shaking or poking necessary. Always a fire for baking. The old Are ready quicker thu new.

Ashes and clinker easily removed, No dust escapes in the room. But little coal or wood necessary. Coal is not wasted or half burned. Fire lasts like a base burner. Oven is always ready for baking.

No trouble to use, but a pleasure. It Is for wood or coal. The fancy shelf is a beauty, Extra shelves without charge. It has an elegant high closet. The expansion top will not crack.

has six kettle holes. The low close is large, Can be had with or without reservoir. The reservoir Is large; It Is very heavy and strong. It will last for a life time, All can have water fronts. The ovens are large.

Warranted to ault perfectly. Testimonials say "It's perfect." "It rtqulres half tbe fuel I used," Ifrls above orltlelsm," "It certainly claps the climax." "Worth double what I paid." "An even and quick baker." "It la a complete a tnai costs nothing. Good cooking is certala. HOLD ONLY II Prescoti Bros. Go, far J.H.

Bui. Ihtn vpwrU m4 an ttntwrwd ttf oainuit And rid flldi VMMabily viVlMttMMwy A toa mm waaUd I ftha)lf Vawalarhtlmt sV tmw MM vrtff mmmif tbia and dollftj iUUi to tip, (fall on i mA blow tmft atnaatM ftHWtfM, Ini. awv ttaavuiaaj rgwuN vra OADT'8 SARATOGA BITTERS Is a mild and pleasant Elixir and Is a cure for Ague, Malarial. AND BILIOUS FEVERS AHTJIMA, DYSPEPSIA Indigestion, Constipation, Heartburn, Headache and Files, and removes Despondency or Blues. It purifies the breath and clears and beautifies the complexion.

Table spoonfull twice a day. .00 PER BOTTLE. HEYKI11IKOS.A.CO., Wholesale Agents. O. B.

Oadjr Prop Claelnaatl JOHN A. SCOTT, Dwftlsrla Bir, Straw, Oor Oat, 1 ttndaof 11U1 Fed.aad theekbratd Ckorlf Horat) aad CI Food. 45 Colambla Street, Tort Wajriie, lad. On Monthly Payments at I. N.

TAYLOR'S No. 01 Calhoun Street. Central Grocery, HO. lOS CAJLHOraSTHBBX amal.auurte ni far Flah and Gai TOILET ADDITIONS! COSMETICS, Vpt Morth and Ilair; Frnoh, Italian and Aintrloan, in WlilU, Blaok, Brown and CnMtnut lYIoustacho Was. draalna Frenoh Hair Pomadai, 011a and itonn.

Bay Ram, Imported' and DomMtlo. Florida and TolUt iraUn. Toilet Powders and Lotlona, and ererjtlilnj mel tor the Toilet by ladles or gentlemen. t. THIEMB, Druggist Chemist IBITES, 1 1 ATal fL RlnVBteek 9t OmXkmma! ray Drertae Vm.Jnk aify.

Vaaltirjr, Oysters, tola uaU for Saddle ttock ttae aoest ever sold In the city. BUpie and Xancr arooerles. Best teMs of Chnned foods. Uainrey's fUnce for iah aad per put, Qroat Blaokwell's (ooda, lnolodiai ali kinds of ewnned naV. All kiaos of fratts sad vegetables In BaMf I fae.

00c A. WALTERS, falleu aera. NOTIOE TO STOOKHQIiDERS. FortWwa. feb, 811892.

Theaaneal ateetlna et (he stoekholdan of (be Fori Waioe Wurrea A llruU railroad eoapaaf will be heldaiUiaoffloeiatbeoltrel Ifort W.roe, lad, on March 14th, 1882, at le'olook, for' the eleoUoa of a bo.d of dl raotorfl. to aorre for the easnloa 'roar, aad for the tfeaiaouoa of eaob. other baoiaooe ao mar be praoeot eaattheume. v. v.

WEisKiuMorotarf NOTIOE TO STOOKHOLDEBS. Oraad ttaDlda. If Idhl. Jaauarf IflRJ. 1 Th aamnal Motloai of aha aUMkholdara of aha Orad HApidatwa ladiao Uauroaa uoHpf do hm Ba conoru ompo is wo m.

uraa Wednesday, March 1st, atOM o'oloek, forth ladtloa of thtrtooA dl rooiorOe oonatliailaf board io Mrvo for tho ooavlac joar, ad lor tko iraotaoUoo of ta3li other baalooM may bo yrwaniod at. tha maotlor 'Mi Ui Km UVUtoaii Baaratarr, lBTmiiom for OrftTOf. SK VIJ LUiuJi k.1 1.1 iL.kt. We alee euae'aetare haarr eak aiaak bvaaa, IcaaaA weaau at IJJ. vtMUUi.

Toti Wat TUOY 8TJKAM XAVNDBV F.L. JONES A CO i PROPRIETORS. vert l.t atOaldaaa wllfeaUfari OraanbfSal OBoe aad aarki at SO rearf atieat. aioaahaa en ueikeu atreot, waaaa aad dallTO aaodste ear art eflbe a "Oaatral bf Selapaaae araajaaif ataaadad ta. NOW IN Bead April 15th.

Boquet of Melody, ANEW S. S. SONd BOOK, BY. J. P.

KOTSEYr Filled with gems of the richest sentiment, soul Inspiring harmonies, new and beautiful songs, designed ex preesly for the children. Infaotitls list what the name suggests, JL orMolody': Dont fall to examlns this new book before adopting any1 other. 3.w pr uviou, or tu cenis Single. Sehd for sample pages. Address KE1X BBO lMblJshera, rorrWayrieInd.

asrwnBiaU mmwmm: FORT WAYNE rent! iHrB'pjitvvBjiwB aw nar ai1 Illffj mill ULUUUIIIJIL Delivered by a competent corps Carriers at the Subscriber's residence or place of business, for of SO Cents Per Month THINK OF IT I 1248 COLUMNS In one month, of the Terr choicest and latest news from every seotlon of the country, DAEDT and WEEKLY. THE LARGESTGENERALCIRCULATION OP ANT PAPER THE STATE OF mDIANA. A thorough Republican Newspaper which Republican' ought to del without. Especially devoted to the interests of the citizens of Indiana, yet full ofNews from the Outside World. T1IE TKBMSJ THE PAtLY iWKH AL AltE Ao.

rOLtOWS Delivered by Agents, per, week. A i i One Month. i 0 8.00Oa Saturdarpapereiilj (twelre pgs)joneTer, $2.00. ISrAH sub'sbriptlonsVpa'yabie In advance, except iffiere 'ijelivefed'hy1 ear rlers then at the end of every two weeks. best MAIUCET The WEEKLY INDIANA BTATEJOURNALIs the largest and it gives (lie JNffiwo, irannral tiAwananer nubllshed In the Htate REPORTS, a large supply of Selected Reading Matter, and muoh Informa tlon for the Farm and Ilome.

Rates for the WEEKLY JOURNAL, the Cheapest 1'aper in tne West I Single Subscriptions One Year, in Advance, $1.00. Less than one year, and over three months, lOo per No subscription taken for less than three months. Inolubsof Ave (6) or over, agents will take yearly subscriptions at 1, and retain 10 per cent, for their work. Send for circular containing our liberal offer of CASH PRIZES for large clubs. LOOK AT THIS OFFER.

GET UP CLUOS AT ONUE. ONLY SO CENTS. THE Daily Gazette Contains the Full Associated Press RE2POET The latest telegraph news and com munications from a lari 2fe, 1 MPS (eWftf. DM fl .1 HiObiJ ilD rf.v, JOi OOV i.t mu 'vrA careful review of the lJW lSBTEmVB! Brief and Feariess EDJTO RIALS a tke LemaUas IreaU ef the Day. With Its unequalled raollltlas news gathering.

Iter $15 Worth of Books for $1 1 By a special arrangement with the publishers we are enabled. for a short timero make our subscribers the URANDE8T AND MOST LIBERAL OFFER OF THE CENTURY. We will Rive tlje ten.books mentioned below, lnoludlng one year's subscription to the. WBKKLY INDIANA HTATE JOURNAL For TWO DOLLARS to all new subscribers, and all old subscribers who will renew their subscriptions for one year at the regular price, and at. the same time send ONE DOLLAR extra, being $2 In all, will receive, the WEEKLY JOURNAL for.

another year from expiration Of present subscription, and the ten books. Thus by renewing for another year you "get books that would otherwise cost you FIFTEEN COLLARS FOR ONE DOLLAR. PARTICULAR NOTICE We reserve the right to withdraw this Dollar Offer at any time, therefore subscribe at once If you. want these TEN BOOKS FOR ONE DOLLAR, and tell all your friends we have made the grandest offer of the century. Life and Ad ventures of RobinsonCrusoe, John Ploughman's Piotures, The Pilgrim's Progress, New Ilome and Fireside Cook Book, Gulliver's TEscop's Fables.

The Arabian Nights' entertainments, Noble Deeds of Men and Women, Saved atLast from Among theMormons, Bread and Cheese and Kisses. Money should be sent by Postofflce Money Order or Registered Letter, ad dressed to JNO. C. NEW SON, INDIANAPOLIS, IND. ISafialalalaalaaHaBLMtal' 1 MBSaiiMa: 2.000.000 TInttlftB Onnnnrriftrl Anniinll LTk HOXIA, COWxUHI riOai, aad all eaas ef tke Threat (UmI aad Lvastk aa aa 'aaW'aaa aaaa mi always been one of the most DAI CAU 11 17 Xlll 1 1 "tnportaat weapons wielded by tke DALunlll III I ULU Hedlcal Faculty against the en eroaohmeau of Obugt, Colds Bronchitis, Asthma, BoceThroat, Oonsumptlon In all Its incipient and advanced stages, and all diseases of the Throat, Ohetft and Lungs, but It has never been so ad vantareousty compounded as in the celebrated TOLu ROCK and IIYK.

Inaddl tlon to Its soothing Balsamic properties, it affords a diffusive stimulant and toalo to build up the system alter the cough has been relieved. $1.00. palm on upon )OKandRYB. PrlvaU Die Proprie Fat up in Quart S139 Bottles for Family Use. Price Al ITIaOIVI Do not be deceived by dealers who try to VrtU I IU 111 I you Bock and Rye In place of TOLU 4 RO which is the only medicated article made the genuine has a Privat wry fsiamp pn eacn noiue.

The Tola Bock and Bye Prapav. 41 Illver Ohlcaso, 111 Sold at wholesale by Meyer Bros. A Fort Wayne, and by Druggists Grocers and Dealers Everywhere. VcftdDor's'Woalliox' AlniaiiaQ Freo. Mitt THEdAZETTE Mat be truthfully called one ofvthe jllsbed lathe StVt id beet par jndiBna, ira.Dub Uoi TRTITI For Ono Blontli TRY IT md yau will not be wltaoni It Aitraaall Mali Order, Fort Wayne, GAZETTE, i MUfflSIBEET.

TllO Cincinnati Dollar Weekly Commorcial AN FAMILY NEWSPAPE. PrloUd frooa iarv. aJMt, fntrp nap la thm rtxmlrv. ftba laaua ol aavoh awl anrpawd for UusHdm raporU I avaoa paOB aaviir aaoaia noiiar, Waakla Oonumtirelalona taarand iha I ar a. aoaaana udoii naiaar nnaiviaarta ana aaaaamaiv anna in on oar i.

a if. ww. ainiBaUM rn ym aapraarij or io uaiw puwi ojr rntiaaaov uunu, TV ibar Bropbat. rorveaatoi wmhw tot Ufa. im vorst.vOotaJDi ooloniytM MS tt aamy jumiHjrvia p14 tad I rjH Of oort Tnar Wnathat All or.

ttM notad WMtil i aabJUhwa mora rd.nt matUr for ib aMnvklb nf othar mwm aak OoaitalnloaT or 4otr t0 HUN foaa of brlnlad amaltar. anaiia llUrsn pod aalaet raoaiai. Vtt nla'flaf tboaoraoawliif thalr aoaerlpilotu. will taoolT th Dollar took the mu mlok out from tho followlnaT roniArkabla llatu nnaiaao orarof'' till iboHlar UU eftfh iha waaitaar for 1XHI. roDabuitu nrnfaahlllLtaa fo tha masaih.

bat iha aabdlTiatoaa ahowtnc tkas nrobablJltlaa for Thla Alaa UfuliAf moalaUratlanifcr piwpavradlF on Iall4rw4 pOfOa, wjvar Miwanaanfajaj aus iiivninatwu ri' odrnuoa. IBM I WIMP ilaUthlaialpndactlos. of iho JCarl of Baacooafloltl worlTw'lrrwIlfch oaaoU4 ibrown out ol by ba IytUrla. 4 Mc ULaditoao. 1.U tbo moot aoioosi aor 4 atj Edwtvrd W.

Farrar. D. T. B. lata fallow of Trln ti Ool Uartor of llarlboo.

VaTa Oa unapiaui wraiaavrr Wvw, Oaoon Farror baaao hla hlatorf oa atf ltw)a dooft aladr of iko Fwar OoaMlm, oldo by altJo. la addltloa ha ha ooniolUd oarafalir tha wriUoaa laavaaai Jlaalah Hbbia. and tha baa aad riohaat aoaraaa af Information. nlnata haM. Hla hnoh La a i loo of aaaBtlial aad aloquaal ihoaihtaVolothad In parfaot laaaoaa.

A iraaaiao oa to a uom anu mtm o. pi nanaaii with aoaiaroni aagrariat. aontaiaa aa idoob ad baal traaiaiaBt aob a labia tbo oaf for tallln tha aara. aad aaaak othar vatnabla aui ibroaabi and ooaBprahaaalr ValaabUtoa ri ara. lll.

A A 1 a li. al" a aaa uvmn yaiawe wwa vama av rovaar pavpia im torn vraawr laaaalroa of tbo aaacat or Pma iooioty, ana to proviao lot tbo iatroTomaa of I ovaa tba haiiblaaihOBvooanora. i 'Hlddloamaroh." Tha ftrroaUai of tha book all thlajri eoaaldarad, Qaorto Illoi, who waa too fotvanaaft i.o lavana yvaanwi aaa aautotj loornaaaa ita graaaral I9iaraas aaa iaa aaain a waa paiaa ioraaaadhia UUmV UfDf. B. Ji aad all.

book af aaarlv4na baadiwd Duaa. wnhanMoronaooirarlajra. It aontaiaaaa iladasof laaaaol tbo bona, aad kWao tha avmptoaaa, aavao. iwim Bwai aoaiA ai fliaoraaa aaa. wiu raua Itv laooaof alnplaai aad attboaaa Uaaoa a hnvna aamafri Ifftohoo ThiM to iha aaaa aad tiorf of tbo Wararlf Norolt'f a cOaatlo that all abomld twad a atorj bor praiaa ana vajvna rwnroav M0oo al Ktlqaatta aad lloao uw who datlra lo laroraa to opporloolUoo Ual Dam IiartUba booi bU.

a Saaf oUead wrltar of bar tlma. Xbi mli.h vaaaillnaTa ltob4aawm Oraaaa." Woortfawaiaihai tbUbook waiaror boforo aflorwd aa frao priao.j Illabfrooklat kora flaoafc oollaoifoa of Afwtrabj i ftorr rlahor thaa a roaiaaoo. 7k't tolUrot tola af tbo aaa bo aallor boy owa book aatooUoa of pctaai ooTort aa actraoWtaarjukio aad tarl) af tha bticbtaak a4 TO CLljn AQENTS. WesUoa tetka Weekly Oaaiautelal aaat taaj. fa lorwardlat aabeiirlpUeai eawla will BleaM be earafal ee ahnreaiTe la fall ike aaaw, aeaWSUa aeaa'realaUUe(eaabMrltMrlaa4teaiTetaeMUaof ihepraaUaai beak tbe eabaaribar ealeeta.

Olob aau ar laraaid ana or avaa eabaarlaltaaa al a Uaw, as ealte thalt eoaTeaieeee, aad elaba aua II the aMt araraia a I raa book be a eaek eoatailoalaa, be aiar, for aaeb arlr labaariDtloa aaat be. aaletk aaa rrae tvaok aa tha abora ll.i for blaie.1. UU la addiUoa lo tbo Irae bookieleoted br ue nbaortban WItkoal ret aH to tha ebalea Iho olob eaoal, eaah narU eaborlbar who pan aaa daUar la eetltlei oaa. to aaf addnaa. UaftMbook.

tl hapriaebaebamaatlaaUaeearbaealaatodalihaMmelbeeubMripUoala real. Terme Ua la aoraoee Bpaeln.a aoaiae Of too vouarjn ooav yoawMreui aa la flborajTSiaatlUoa, lo aeraaae dodrUc lo aalloll XnX. JELctlmXGCtL al In rroprlctora Cincinnati Commerclevl, F. 1 eek sad ataaeccaajaars waatad la ererf TUIee aad kaatlol. afe'ia.

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