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The Washington Post from Washington, District of Columbia • Page 9

Washington, District of Columbia
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43 jrw MA1 THE WHESTO MRf2Hl 26 1910 9 gBfp WtH lwsj OOSTTNCXD FROM EIGHTH PAGE Mlsa Emma Harper Turner president of the College Womens Club Mrs Ernest Knaebel president of the Wash Inrton Wellesley Club and Mrs Lyman Swormstedt Mrs Charles Carroll Walcutt will receive today for the last Urn this season Ur Mann will be at hems today for the last time this season Mrs Guy Lynn Noble of 8yracuse Is spending several weeks In Washington as the truest of her parents MaJ and Mrs TerrlU In Vermont avenu Mr and Mrs Twyffort Mr Twyriort Mies Beatrice and Miss Lillian Twyffort of New Tork have arrived from the South for a short visit In Washington and are at the Shoreharn Other arrivals there Include Mr and Mrs Charles a Hebard of Chestnut Hill Pa and Mr Rudolph Spreckels of San FrancUoo Mrs Royal Meeker will be at home on Tuesday afternoon at the Northumberland Army and Navy Lmagae BalL Among those who have taken boxes for the ball for the benefit of the Womens Army and Navy League to be held at the navy yard on Easter Monday night are Mrs George Dewey Mrs Brownson Mrs Richardson Clover Mrs eilas Casey Mrs Theodore Baldwin Mrs John Rodgers and Mrs Saur of New Tork Mrs James A Reed entertained at cards Wednesday afternoon Other guests were invited later to tea Miss Hughes who Is a student at St Marys School Is spending the spring holidays ulth her mother Mrs Reynolds of street The Congressional Club has issued invitations for a dance Monday March 27 from 8 JO to 11 oclock Some of those to be at the card party snd the daneant for the benefit of the industrial education in the mountains of Virginia at Rauschers March 30 are Mesdames Claude Swanson James Mar tine George A Barnett Ira A Copley Samuel Spencer Charles Thomas Charles Howery Walter Wells Robert Russell Strotb era Smith Frederick Brltton Frederick McKen ny Thomas Newton Woods William Corcoran Hill Leland Stanford Connesa Bradley Davidson Thomas Hardy Taliaferro Querlllo Fred Ben nett Victor Kauffmann Richard Ewell Thornton William Eachs FendalL Thropp Mary Harris Thomas Creigh ton John Osborne Thomas Dunn John Temple Graves Robinson Downey John Wllev Charles McChord Ben Johnson William Borden John Joy Ed son Charles Ward DeWltt Tallmage Anthonv Andrew A Jones Sleu ter Harry Rust Lowndes A A Tun stall A A Spear Absolam Waller James Culp Hubert Dent Dennis Gate wood Lisner A Benham Floyd Sieard Thomas Armat McAllister Rust Smith Holcomb French Hurley Ragsdale Fletcher Clapham Eldridge Owen Alexander Phillips Countess Spottlawood Mackin Lester Barr Miss Gertrude Gordon Miss Flora Wilson Miss Helen Stewart Miss Katherine Critcher Miss Griffith Miss Nannie Heth and Mlsa Janle Slemp late Donnell Gilliam and Mary Rawls Gilliam and is universally admired and loved by a host of friends throughout the State Mr Nicholson originally from Rockingham Is one of Tarboros most popular and progressive young business men Among the people present at the Cosmos Club for the lecture Vf the Alliance Francalse were Mme Jus serand Mrs Bernard Dahlgren Mme Rttter Mrs Charles Boynton Mra Chauncey Hackett Miss Harrl man Mrs and Miss Garver Miss Lee Mr and Mrs Baldwin Mrs Walter Tuckerman Mrs More head Mlsa Hale Mrs A Wins low Miss Joan Ohl Miss BuUer Mrs Gilbert The next lecture with stereoptlcon views will be delivered on Thursday March SO at 4 JO by Baroness Huard whose castle suffered a great deal at the1 beginning of the war The subject will be Monchateau aur le Front A delightful affair will be the benefit vaudeville teato be given early In May by the District of Columbia Division United Daughters of the Confederacy Miss Alice Theobald Is In entire charge A vaudeville will be given for a part of the afternoon starting at 3 oclock and vlll be followed by dancing until 7 Charming hostesses assisted by the attractive debutantes in Washington society will serve refreshments Miss Alwarda Casselman of Cleveland Park is visiting friends and relatives In Canton Ohio The Ladles Guild of Kenllworth under the direction of Mra Stephen Ball gave a very enjoyable St Patricks entertainment at the chapel on Friday March 17 Solos were given by airs Herbert Devlne Mrs Patrick Daugherty Mrs Roy Johnson and Mr Alexander Petrle Mra George Baur presided at the piano Dane of the Crsscsnf Afas Gilliam Engaged Mr and Mrs George Howard announce the engagement of their niece Hannah Clements Gilliam to Mr Archibald Thomas Nicholson of Tarboro the wedding to take place at the home of Mr and Mrs Howard the Barracks Tarboro on the morning of April IS Owing to the very recent deaths in the families of the bride elect and Mrs Howard the wedding will be very quiet no one being present but the im mediate families of the contracting parties Miss Gilliam Is the daughter of the The Crescents held their sixth dance of the season at the Raleigh on the evening of St Patricka Favors appropriate to the occasion were distributed Over 160 couples were present The committee in charge of arrangements consisted of McKertcher Harry BIgourney Fred Glesler Ellis Allison and the Misses Edna Jones Grace Swart Minnie Gorman and Lucille Candler Among those present were the following Mr and Mrs Jack Loepold Mr and Mrs Karl Schuermann Schone mann and Miss Lorena Rouse Woodward and Miss Woodward Osborn and MlssS Carter Webster Adams and Mias Glenn Barnes A Burhen and Miss McKnlght Charles MacCarter and Miss Alice Stewart Tuft and Miss Boyd Mr and Mrs Helm Mr and Mrs Streb MUler and Miss Ellsworth Noyes and Miss Martha Fields Mr and Mrs Roy Gilder Charles Batson and Miss Katherine Esher Falk Harnel and Miss Louise Veihmyer Mr and Mrs Robey Mr and Mra iW Hartig Samuel Garver and Miss Can non Lawion and Miss Florence Barker Mr and Mra Howard Keyworth Cartwright and Miss Katharine Barrett Sullivan and Miss Helen Shekles Jenkins and Miss Louise Payne Dr and Mrs Alvin Day Dr and Mrs Buck A Sturgis and Miss Gladys Wilkinson Hodgson and Miss Smithson Jack Perkins and Miss A Kaln Thomas and Miss Margaret Perkins Paul Moore and Miss Dorothy Davis Santehnann and Miss Santelmann 04 Borchardt and Miss Helen Santelmann Mr and Mra Bergman Mr and Mra Oster mayer Mr and Mrs Charles Taylor McConvllIe and Mias Coles Mr and Mrs A Wilson Moran aifd Miss Freda Clayton A Llngle and Miss Anna Gerhold Ervln and Miss Meyer A Brunger and Miss Marion McCay A Atchison and Miss A Carroll Kalmbach and Miss Lalla Scully Matthews and Miss Adeline Bradburn Tenney and Miss Margaret Black Tarnall and Miss Gertrude Murphy Weakley and Miss Bailey Albert A Bonar and Miss Mabel Lewis Bengw and Miss Viola SMppert Prey and Miss Oliver Griffin and Miss Viola Oliver Gaffaey and Miss Helen Gantley Thomas 6ulBvan and Miss Kathleen Smith A Domey and Miss Corbett CongresstonaPGifchofiSociiiyrH i i Extended HerJfcdritfjfeM ffidhKriown im Capital Society JJfei mmmmmmm ftARPlS fcMHO MISS DOROTHY PETTTBONE House guest of Representative and Mrs Henry Cooper of Wisconsin in which State she lives She has been the guest at many society affairs this season Moses and Miss May Rowe McNemar and Miss Frances Henckel Dr Schoenlng and Miss Agnes Quirk Sandford and Miss Nora Davis Stewle and Miss Marie Randall Xi Grieb and Miss Knlll Stauffer and Mlsa Ruth Tyree Grlffln and Miss Edith Hook Buts and Miss Anna Coale Ma and Mrs Boerner and airs Kemper Dillon and Miss Hasen Potter McGraw and Miss Marie Btrudley Great house and Miss A Paxton A Mc Creight and Miss Edna Strudley Charles Thompson and Miss Gilbert Garvey and Miss Agnes Garner Klrkley and Miss Brown Will lams and Mlsa Younger Mark Roman and Miss Leah Rudolph Rudolph and Miss Fannie Rudolph Dr Zinberg and Miss Rudolph Winter and Miss Albey Mr and Mra Downey Wiley and Miss Mai Smith Lang and Miss Redeker Berry and Miss Hawkins Heider and Miss Crener 8t Jacques and Miss Reynolds Frledll and Miss Hutchinson Kelly and Miss Hlpkins rEiker and Miss Katherine McDonald Sylvan Taylor and Miss Dorothy Meredith Lynn and Miss Burger Derham and Miss Helen Harvey Booth and Miss Erma Horton Mr and Mrs Whitcomb A Nubson and Miss Green Mr and Mrs A Hell man A Baker and Miss Edna Ash ford Smooth and Miss Rae der Cooper and Miss Grace Wilson Charles Cadel and Mlsa Clara Goodyear Bryan and Miss Tanctll Williams and Miss Ruth Abbott King and Mlsa Ives OBrien and Miss A Adams Ashford and Miss Colburn Howard and Miss Margaret Harbin Edwin Skinner and Miss Argentina Coleman Mr and Mra Barr Bradley and Miss Eloy Bernett Jones and Miss Hastings Mr and Mrs Wise Hodgson and Miss Margaret Laufer A Buehler and Miss Cook A Goldbeck and Miss A Buehler Mr and Mrs Jack Shulman Fred Stohlman and Miss Cahlll A Sulzer and Miss Corbey Mr and Mrs Rohes A Barnhartt and Mlsa Krauts Bert Emerson and Miss Ruth Jones Morrisey and Mies Miller Hettwer and Miss A Bre tow Burslay1 and Miss Bernadlne Shippley Howensteln and Miss Alice Fowler A Sherman and Miss Tyner Mr and Mrs a Kyle Brlmer and Miss Margaret Frost Mr and Mrs TT Moore Mr and Mr Trudewlnd Carrick and Miss Rora baugh Maxe and Miss Florence Llpshitz Sloane and Mlsa Levy Beach and Miss Budd Splcer and Mlas Smith Mr and Mrs Lelghty A Bond and Miss Dore Stephenson and Miss Qulgley Newman and Miss Qulgley A Schmidt and Mlas DeLauder Jones and Mlsa Hlbbs ZIrple and Miss Gal Icher Taylor Chewnlng Hutchinson and Miss Mary Newcomb Fitzgerald and Mlsa Mary Gantley Wlndaor Civ JaomUm Done Mra Anna MFoater entertained Friday March 24 with a juvenile dance at her home 1801 Columbia road In honor of her ward Helen Flnkels ninth birthday The out of town guest was Miss Mary Jane Thompson of Martlns burg Vs The color scheme of pink was tarried out In both decorations and refreshments A dance program with favors was given to each guest Among those present were the Misses Dorothea FlnkeL Mary Jane Thomp son Audrey Keys Jewel Hawks Beat rice Duke Ruth Hausen Eva Hausea Lee Olla Smith Tfaelma Parsley Audrey MRS CAMERON MARTIN Mrs Martin whose glrlhopd was spent in Mississippi has been much sought alter in Capital society during the past season and has been very popular Flack Dorothea Sabotka Louise 8a botka Beatrice Coles Irene Gash Doris Siagel Dorothy Mulllns Helen Mullln Margaret Van Sant Adelaide Farraher Mae Esterly Margaret HUss Marlon Bushey and Ruth Newman Masters Id en Thompson Jack Stewart Mark Coles Harry Collins Robert Petzold Wilden Frank Buddy Siagel Thomaa Bromley George SchuHse jr Francis Keys George Openshaw Donald Dudley Homer Shaver Le Roy Thayer James Hicks Ralph Goldsworthy and Herbert Lanford During the Intermission and while refreshments were being served the little guests were entertained by some kiddie performers under tlrie direction of Mr and Mrs Howard Leslie Holt Mra Foster was assisted by Mr and Mrs Gllmore Iden Mrs Alfred Haynes Smith Mr Guy Tolmar Mr Henry FlnkelMrsv Petzold Mr aid Mrs Howard Leslie Holt and Mr and Mrs George Schultze Mr and Mrs George Akers West brook Me Mr and Mrs Howard Milford Mass Mr and Mrs Allen and daughter and Mr and Mra Shaver Ottawa Canada Mr and Mrs Harry Dobson Brooklyn Pablo Doerr Lima Peru Mr and Mrs Newcomb and Mr and Mrs Fogg Cleveland and Mr and Mra Thomaa De Lude Lockport were among the arrivals at the Raleigh yesterday Mr Egelseer entertained a few of his friends in honor of his birthday anniversary last Monday evening at the residence of Mr and Mrs Fletcher 1151 Neal street northeast After an Inter esting musical concert a sumptnousrt luncheon was aerved In an appropriate ly decorated dining room Among those Present were Mr and Mrs Fletcher Mr and Mra Fletcher Mr and Mra Otto Sonntag Mra Charlea Sherwood Mlsa Alice McDermott Miss Louise Fletcher Mr Rlstlg Mr Tucker and Mr Egelseer oeoo40 J0VEieHQFE4RTHSAVElIii riODDiSAET DOtieflNUlSHOLE EOTNTOR TELLS JUST H0Wt a saisi ssj mr mrj fssfc wwjm tiuf it rail UM VV iHAV 2i3 UlUUJll XU A 1 rfMf 04400044 SpceTtoTaeirstMiigtoa Foit BdstoiUllarchTcJS Theinan who tn Venied thahoIe focthdoughnuti has benifoundiH isCaptTHansoa Greg oryav present aamrnaw Bailors snug itaroor acviujneyaiLaaa jJougn nut icutterahavV mada fortunes for menimWlOBr eat doughfluts for breakfast andt feel aaysfled Doctors CoTnot aaaallathaoughnuU Ana all othisowes JtaibelngibCapCGrg ory wh6imailerhe doughnut a aafe sanetandhyglenlofoed ItJaalongt storymatetHjraa the 85 yearold chat TalatesiItKa oiiy tooahort Outside the if act that Capt Oregpry ts a bit hardof hearing hes as sound a new timber Hes a product Maine and so Maine can lay claim to thefIeO rerer ct the hole In the doughnut along with the disooverer of nevrwaya to evade the prohibition lawa But Capt Oregorjra discovery to ot real va In the world millions have risen and millions more shall rise up and caI him blessed Bout 47 Was the Date was way back oh I dont know Just what year let ma aee born la 31 shipped when I was IS well I guess It was about 47 when I was a 6 that I was aboard ship and discovered the hole which was later to revolutionize the doughnut industry I first shipped aboard the Isaac Achprn three masted schooner Capt Rhodes in the lime trade Laterr I joined other crews and other captains and it was on one of these cruises that I was mawlng doughnuts Now in them days we used to cut the doughnuts into diamond shapes and also into long strips bent in half and then twisted I dont think we called them doughnuts then they was just Tried cakes and twisters Well sir they used to fry all right around the edges but when you had the edges done the insldes was all raw dough And the twisters used to sop up all the grease just where they bent and they were tough on the digestion Pretty a tough tool profanely agreed one of the dozen of pipe smokingsmoking fellows who were air eyerand ears taking rn their comrades Interview by The Post reporter With a glance at the perfenrld Interrupter the discoverer continued WellI says to tnyself Why wouldnt a space inside solve the dtffloultyT I tuougn at nrst ro taice one or the strips Con to Atlantic City Mra Francis Bacon James of the Highlands Is at Atlantic City for a few days Miss Elma SMoulton daughter of Judge and MrsfH Moulton has arrived home from Wellesley College for the spring vacation Mlsa Moulton will graduate In June Mrs TJberroth of Wilmington la visiting Representative and Mra William Warfleld Wilson Cot and Mrs Wolf who spent the winter in Florida have returned and are at the Cairo At a card party given by the precinct branches of the Congrealaonal Union In the District of Columbia at Cameron House yesterday afternoon 60 was raised to help defray the expense of an envoy to go with the Western expedition to form a woman voters party Mrs John Kerfoot Haywood chairman of the Tenth precinct was the hostess and she was assisted by the officers of the other branch organizations In Washington The card tables were placed In the drawing rooms at the na tional headquarters Quantities of 0ONT1NUKD ON TENTH PAGE The Womans Store 1109 Street ML Greatest Sale of Suits in Our History Two Entire Floors Devoted to This Sale The announcement of this extraordinary sale at the very dawn of the spring season created a sensation Even with our extra sales force we had our hands full waiting on the women The sale is the result of our buyers scouring New York for three weeks for bargains and having ready qash to tempt manufacturers who had surplus stock on hand You Should Buy Your Spring Suit Now Every one in touch with the market knows the shortage of woolens This means that many of the fabrics shown now cannot be had later and later prices will advance In buying your Easter Suit now you get choice of best styles and best fabrics at a big saving 4 These Suits Are in Four Lots 1995 A Clear Saving to You of 10 or More on a Suit NEW ARRIVALS IN EASTER DRESSES i handsome line of Dresses in Georgette Crepe ft aa Taffeta Silk Combinations Beautiful Striped Silks A I fl lS AT VS de Londres and Taffeta flWv 60 a TheLOUVRE 1115 1117 Street Womema aad Misses Osrtergarments aad Millinery Store Hours i 9 to 6 Daily Our Suit Assortment Is Very Practical Easters approach is widening our showing At its very best now Prom beginning to end it holds models and effects that will appeal to your good taste and judgment Decidedly smart and truly exclusftre but suited to the occasion and marked with individuality Thats why you hear Louvre styles praised as superior Its intelligent catership and competent facilities Knitted Jersey Cloths Milanaise Silks Glove Silks Sport Silks Taffetas Gros de Londres PongeePoiret Twills Serges the entire range of popular weaves and in all the new effects and preferred shades Whilcitis a very large assortment it is also most critically assembled The prices are likewise as unusual as the effects 25 30 35 40 45 and 55 Do You Know of Our New Silk Underwear Department Its purpose is to supply a real need that existed to offer dainty Undergarments in sUk at prices that are rational and reasonable And so you will find here complete assortments of Shirts Bloomers Gowns Combination Suits Camisoles and all the rest perfect in cut carefully made in yhite and the delicate shades At popular prices Coats for Early Spring Wear We have aimed to make this showing different from any other different models and different effects as different in style as youll find the prices different Many checks and plain colors in Covert Glove Silk Milanaise Silk Serge handsomely finished and fashioned 1250 15 20 25 30 Louvre Hats Theyre Masterpieces From such a variety of sources that the variety of Ideas is well nigh endless yet each style and shape arid embellishment embodies an exclusive thought of a famous designer If its an original its moderately marked ifs a copy ifs truly made tfnd also modestly marked You who want to get away from the monotony of duplication will find the exclusiveness you seek inXouvre Millinery 5 750 850 10 1250 oM and roll ltaround then 1 got an Inspiration a great inspiration I took the corer off the ships tin pepper box and I cut Ifltothe middle of that doughnut the first hold eyer seen by mortal eyeslf Were yon pleasedTr Was Columbus pleased Well air them doughnuts was the finest 1 ever tasted No more lndlgestion no more greasy sinkers but Just well done fried through doughnuts That cruise over went home to my old mother snd father In Camden Ma where was born Mr father Hanson Gregory sr lied to be S3 and my motner lived to be 79 She was a pretty old lady then I saw her mak lng doughnuts In the kitchen I can see her now and as fine a woman as eves lived was my mother Taught Trick to Mother I says to her 1et me make some doughnut for you She says all right so I made her one or two and then showed her bow She then made several panfula and sent them down to Rockland just outside Camden Everybody was delighted and they never made doughnuts any other way except the way I showed my mother WeIl I never took out a patent on It I dont suppose any one can patent anything he discovers I dont suppose Peary could patent the north pole or Columbus patent America But I thought Id get out a doughnut cutter but somebody got In ahead of me Hole Cut Out HIa Joke Of course a hole alnt so much but lfs the beat part of the doughnut youd think If you had ever tasted the doughnuts we used to eat In 3L Qt course lots of people joke about the hole tn the doughnut Ive got a Joke myself Whenever anybody says to me Wheres the hole In the doughnutr I always answer lfs been cut out and the old chap laughed loud and long at hla little sally while the rest Joined In So there he sits In the Snug Harbor by the sea And whenever theres doughnuts on the days fare Capt Gregory takes a personal pride In trying to do what nobodys succeeded In doing yet in trying to And the hole tn the doughnut And whenever the old salts rally him about It he always springs his little Joke The holes been cut out I guess to the delight of the whole shlpfuL I gf Bth Aim at st YORK I 1510 StNW OppShoreham Hotel C0L11EOTW 4 EL rzprobujdwns axi aptationsxuid fa dividual designs bymr oOnSrtaff ijlgsv rY5zESk jw fftjifetai Post Eail a Sunday Are Op to All Iv 1.

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