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Fort Wayne Daily News from Fort Wayne, Indiana • Page 4

Fort Wayne, Indiana
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M' x4 CHBlFOBT WM MlLf MEWS BipXyl oii' i frfil HB fo AOMHU iTinu rrui 1 SUn. tfSixw 110 12 ift11313 fr irTTi 7 4i iM8 20 5My f- A 23 Bwi11 41 aw tWMx xoi Mii' A iAu" bil' 26 A i7 1t2084 tJ-- A Kd AH i nrSun UKSfrl 1414 feMi. Wv1U18 llyvAveraa 26tiayg Vt11 ijy fcp i lTh ilibby0 liVV Irculatfpn iif th aW Kews nprepafejjindlerWipv4 ii y' ands f1 correct MpiinisS iw v- rirculitlottrilanaBerVi Ifei5 rpi fet ottiii ifv If1V SubswibedVwd worh1 I- Jfpreine thi9ls lay1t-0ctpbcri P-- i sftin1 a- i i Wlte jfi vllff nA 7' llct- ilfcotomissPttexpires larcb tJ3 12ii rj mHf Eh TT- l1i oci lioii pf Ameriein AcNwrtiter bti ix mined tad certified aiwWbn of Aii wibMonThi Jetii Vepbrt bli iwmiattwn ii iU rtftft Jn Vwi Jpfieii' Ihlf iiiociaiwi N4 iktfigW olWcuIiUioogu Bked i I' jL ll y- ii 7 I WA Newt PubllihlrigCorno riy. fibnBscnifripM RATKB. I SlUil PirJAiuiuia.

ByMtil Per S0 i mrr rWe k. delivered. tf ia4 a Secona lflM- lf tl i th OoytTunent 1oitoince tFort Waynffiln 5 FRIDAY ocTdBERV749ioi jjjMfg fnlf.M frffiJJ inr ANmbATE80 Wji iRERUBtlcAyf JCKEiy V- iu fot uJbioJlATt isii iMtii rdr CtongTess-- wen II a tPJi 3 iiWes iWnyrift lre t- ror tatpSeuator7fThbmag. LP- gahrPpistpfflce Building Sat prcsentatlre Erwlh SWolfi fi2 iCa streetf Samuel IIyndman CltyiD Burns iProsecatlng' Attorney Charlfl i WPdrJr 81BankBldcl- IIu5a0 jKecganJ' jprClerU Prank iiUncaerllU iiStiitB BtrMt i. r'-Audltp Bx' aA jStriiiirtt ji J7.

jBroadway Per TKafiurer-r-Allcn Jiartzell NtwslIayeh 1nd. jrpr Sheriff SaMuel. Errlngtoii :1 09 palhputtfltreet. JprrCorpn rjpir. E.

tiull i Cori' yayne' treetit- prifiurveybrr-liarrPtt Price 3021 Wayne areniiel Fcr Asseasor- Uinauuel Strasi 1122 VEwlngstreet pbmml tjnet First. District itfathjfri eWebster jfJevy Haven Jpd niFDNp5. Fpr Justice of Peace Wajn Town hlprBeajgmlnv IV SkeltoUj J34 vKast aynestrce Ppil Jrstico of Peace Wayne Town thlpJr-Cliarles A IGraham 1232 McCilan street ot Conitable Harvey Hughes 724 DaVryttrijEt jlndgeilI eatjm. iij- crip the most Sgreeabielpfmen iCprdlal Ihj rviklndlyiiijdlsppsltlon clean of Cbaractfr a good1 friend' and tt wortlijr fae isvQweii He tpn- Fprt- ne QazettS Pemij Th republican managers of the Tyeif district have pad the ypterg0t ithati parjy tne cpmpll- pf bffermg' them itcfr congress prie rtb6Tfrr bestvmeB Jn1. the' district.

Judge Ow JT HeatonVof thlaicltyrba hpt palpability iand periehCevi buijdcharacter and high reputeibut many persohai trait8 6 ngaglng' as toyell nlgh make JtlOtrudpfblni that iitin know him but to love him none Bam8 himt but pral 91 Fort WaynrSentlnel Dem. pf ia i 1 rT Stiii SaftffigiaToU ilo ke ilirti jtio8iATpje ciiiieilg eepiltJn fl1- li. ff Jyrw. jln jji rnoti in raft rtlghtwa i jbe Wilt pntjfyrtfito iiO' Iin cpn umfedpyf8up infejlin flne new autbmpbilei rly all the memberg of the Roya WB rirnoi pr ikiiifenioblteit' It evidently 9' ii iftiif' ln royitp ce ki i' rii if 6mC re 1 le i 3 i' vi-iv- i i 1 ii ftotijA w9r i pi ead semeht wilt VVi rom i dembiratlp igaSijbttM itV :1 wH Jf ppiise tQ' dmttnjcase pO mt raU legi tt it cap te epend iip irMofik v' V'- h5A rcanRity orR ewfi one f' tbeim Jst ponjset y' voil ii tattiiiiryy. virld a nip jrbr ectl ri uif4Matta4tbai itenticn fflphlifcpl i ett e8r e3te i tibn i ft i Jl itedState teniaCorg rjf ft ierjdgeiifcamt i i djWV Jtlsvwi ltati i dianapol tt ct3iil0ma 5halfwit i rldg i ire lec" Wtipnhli' fiirjeetidgeIs pn foi nfe1 jorejjl nipst' Jpohenti ofrip pjibllcatfdop1 fln CliteyI iii i feat ii il wbi nri TH 6 8HRi ERSV PAGEANT Thft" i thi 0 aflnrshabeert pretty 4tprp ne irougnly i ir i a vetti ilandt irubjic nimiljhu preikred for- ot unusiial.

nd It is pubitrui' bye iiv Wwifr Sou nbt 0ft the had any ideapf ibeijreSi.1cqijt pf Suflfce lit tojaajwiliat' theeffect1 tyagjmagnlfl ent It' pegwithout saying that na Bucii atabltlouS flight In pageantry wag. BvferVattenipted In Indiana before jrtid tbat It seta highniarlii that will prpbabfy tandfor years to rhe crowd of people wHnesgVdvtpe display and the only pity is JLhatit cSnubt be repeated for the benefit of tjiose thousandsof In- dlinlans vlio would thrpng tp' eee it ifaffordedithevbpportvinliy Jt was educatton4lvIwi a well as gratifying. tfi tinterprlsiBtilnnoi be tpo Wgiijy. ccnr cri illated' tipStlie uccess of th lr ye sitcces8 at leastBO far 4gilglijlng ruWIliwl V. 6iic ft Vj ABOUX tHIS MRBRyANt Jfh Pryan declared ln.

Indianapolis tlie ojlierHeyenln5 ihat he di npt. propose to dlgcus ilje local pptioa qucsIpnave In. braskav tyby not to Indiana r- wt Giyer or IahyLdedarpiltfh amouiittasU Ji i' and ieyeryoniS kiMjw that ln wttpwn State ybu ibijitfd tlitf rn6cratic ticket o0p UontcJ Ihejas- nge pf ttJocal optipntaw oucpPi t6 Indiafla dvwteTtnTclecflonpi jeglglatlye tandidats pledged to rieijeal astmllar lavirtiat novfpn indianaB Btatutft booifB that1 a. qaftslion' whicha great many of your democratic friendi Sierp arevanxloti tp ve ou answiiyaiui your llnce will pottylnce thqnithat they have ea mistaken In their feitlnmte. of.

YOU For np man but a hypbcrite and i dgmasogue will' up hold lu one stte a moral Issue which he conderani in another. There it. np twilight itone in lioft- eit Mr Bryan. fN EMPTY TREASURY. Governor Marshallatat6d in an apologetic manner the otter evening that he Blgped.

that puttagepu appro- priailoj bill becaus fLe itPVghtlt was better to do 80than to call a special session of theJeglslature Possibly hp was correct but doubt Is beginning to take Its seat In many minds. Recently the state board of finance hadio transfer f525pOfrpm iha cpmnipnweaithB slnklflg fund to tlie general fund In' order to' meet current blll and ye terday the auditor called on the cpuaty treasuf rg for advance paymentsof the taxes due In Deceinbpc Jhls done because the. statestreasurywag empty. 0ute. a dandy little presentment Isn't It for.

thja great democratic principlepjt ecpnpmylh public jftttwr' In tiiJsConnection Jtla i ortr while to remembcf that every year that a republican-governor sat la the state hpuge froni. 1897' tplJ09 the public bt wa radically redftcedi' Before 1897 It waa every year Increasing. And how the old story of a deplete treasury and a raid on tha sinking fund hag begunagaln cpifFEE TDa prfcpe orcoffeaXhas frlzl. Of cpurse it tywf. JThit.

gpldarned rthK bfn Paynei dVlcKf Hf la- VW'- Jli i. Vnff tloWro old tt ftjmlnute he Payh' iMWc iUrJtfiiiif ijppmaitfdotyfVefl pthe tariff a canjhiiir Ifip. jitlamed. Tp layp jtpfafy hail rljif' implV becauM tne tirjizilV 1argp rWe iace an upon It- Tbef Brazilian offlcialj saw lt Jhi rica uiB ty utyYjimaye4' Av TWTifc 4' 1 if a iV Wid cp Iwvtrfwa taat the fl. jf- tiit the KT fric i i sreas that pay if foHow nJT rliiir JLnijsrlcaiv public wduld rjitini fjptaa xtot t.

lacked IDI- ffhalrUth ft Cpffee gbef ck pitiibld lma iunderihft Amerlcaafarif treTh i jth pi eac iowe ijvjlief ijlS llStiieT ri 1 mone inimpdrt' uty tpn Ipj J5r 1 be. xpefnsef5of. tb9 ipYermue. Bf4il iet it 4' 6j jTiViBrazI jblWiiigwUivcq 1' asbflnada 1 6li yppdpuliiistSat promptlyVfo etihe uctipn a iwopdpiiiip pr duty iythepanV Ailrlch lM i Th re sVa ene dlijla np ile rda wl ii. nViprtc yeniiu thexpeopieiirab utjisan 9 f.

jpJMtotu illai bo giiCilnai tKey Vllise. spluift i it Wflppted thlCcbuntrywpui ipi ultih ijie reductlpo pfc6mni yhlle olfo oVerrimejil8 can i ihee iipprj plan i' lTi farldua uitii iijci5rner eworj butmt for ipipltatiJph i pepi3 lThisillin8ipi nww ourarjfa goa1f 0 1 bUt pes sfth teaiiwi cMr Ji4c i VPi-li 4 iiM Mmii i tti WilSl afford Mpfrr nfr worldt ig to pll 3eyi' Igpglc' ck attlr li- WSftoii aa a 8kWil fefti iiA ji' i fitriisjbii doeSat vy toBeii nypPcrjte nrruL n1 liaLJ Egpeciallyi truj euf afi iirself jui iiiljrr je iti1ifj like StnatofBeveridSfc GaDg Darnhaiiit tfaefiTh fenipyndfjn liti-lct is' rpf lizln Jj jMay a lie' luKubrlpU li' ubs ih bumps tiJ' brulscB- pn hiirodiHaIf political 1) Fpr pbij sw an Darnhart pilloried before iii wJible country. as a sfijtile liian vlio Jacking the courage true. cohvictions cast principle upon tiie pagan altar of A short time agoJlrBarnhart went to Senator putting botli jiands upon lUs shouldero looked Into tjlseyes and Jn ijtyoiiceijJiiiUng wjJX emotiplj expressed his. love andad mjratlciri for fienatpraTcauwge iiy' fofJth adYaiiced BtandV fla Bales' for flie- eternat right ecjargd htnvseif.

In learty sympalhy pW' feet accordwlthialjiiiat SeiiatwIBej Bridge' ad iWainicpriiv ci 6h with the. greatissues now before thepeojileof thl country I And thetf Avhat. did tevtlptDlJI gq Tprtli' adfep djfcjar hiiftself la uiiicj pt i tt the Benator nd whetr next lieard. frort lbe yag attacIns eT dgaifeB an ejiftmy of the people a and pne whose ieiecilpu ouid Itre ja detrimehl tplhiapiiplic iterest That is what CpngresBman Bamhart did and' most' poetically dd Senator Beverifge mete ili. Fpr hewaited until bevSRpke Con- gresiman Parnharts hordfego ilcchestert and ihen he tpfd theywaole gprdldBtpryoC Mr Barilliartslperfldy i ocrsy I payrto nest and uprighteyen In Itttilana rAjtllUcs.

No4p btvMr Barriiartig gerlpusly chewihg ttpon hfs cud today. FISH OF- ONC FLE8H PF AN- qtftEft The bill was n6t tp tny liking but Idpenied Jt- betv' ter tp llgn Jit thai tp ail' cial. session pf the leglslatiirp at a great expense tptbepeoiile So. sppkeOovernor Marshal fa. bis keynOte speech and asanecho to the nobje Sentiment the sympathetic audf- burst into jpud applaus jGopd level-headed fejlow that- man' iiaj.

Blull. An aye to business and the pub lic' Interest' The sort of a chap to trust business to Doesn't let senti ment get way wUh jCommon seasc Kiiew that flpprppriatipai bl as' passed waarotteni but he scratched hli head fljured a jittle whllf on the bacjt of an old envelope and saw that If would be a1 good deal cjhca rto ielgn the darned old thing thari to veto Jt and precipitate a costliigp ciai gsipn It was. sinlplif a case of choosihgthelfess irtrt v. jwf of two evils accj tln one wrpng Its order to escape a1 grealetlone And possibly Ibittiridpf irgUmettfa- tire'- reasoning iscprre yety often exccutiye oflicers are obliged is si. matter eipedienby jo ranciipn jthat which theyjcnpwU dtyto allresp ct Tl ht Tliey fwspri however ig did Governor Marshalli the ajtiernar tve wpuid be- wprsei go accept the mixed good with the' st grace pos sible.

And. gpmetlmeB they' are ap- plaudedI fp as a Malrt shaii Jt joie lpwfiye these same. jnen Up cheered' Ooy ernpr Marshall' nare freerifijenouiiclng PrjBsldntT att Tor iihe gan hia ipp enil pn lejrng tnefaej ih presidfni iiwagifn fln ejyr ore iusiine lh lwa tiii BQTehiqr i arttf wa iresfenti8dSi biB aJ4J feiii i 7 kfatf fy pmitied land pmt man fotjjeij tng Jf wpu fe ipcorp raje BlgjaiJti to be eflB ytli Wfa' wmMm uiisir BACKACHE AbDR pRY AW tprtYRi8irVi rJierk' Jugt fe pB f' i nii SeVtr BackichfVandi siibl Jff your- kldney SriS digprd0r tf ypa euffJr' itll aclalcha bladder Iser a few OBM4pap9a DJuretlc Epw lUfeffectftJre i Pntitti jBinl itpj ldn itrouDlaf blje' lla bBly beforei Ud velop tp Dropsy flrayel pr prlghtg WSS ift 4rr- The pecliny aeyi madderj 6r- iiirtniry i dWbrder pr feel Idutli cbnstantr' IJackflchs br thtf Wne IgJ thick iclpud j3ffengly or tujl sediment IrfeguJar pt jjasiag or' attended by a gcaldlng Bensatloni e- fln takirir papif WartHeagdlwcted withvthknpw dg tbatrlh evli no othe jMedlclnei it prceraade4 tany whereclsXJnvthe MrttJ tod-prbniptftHcu're. Papes puretl6aacW drec y' uppn he kldn b. ladae Vand urlnaryi yi- temjcle n8' heals iniirfegulateg thege andficom pleteshercurd tthjiii fewdayBi-- CPaTngiitith rloing wlDgeBj PBtRtlp trpublej debilitating headacJeftnerVousneBsi dlzzlnegg vyeakiiest bllidas Btomachi BleeJrteisDessjnflame orpuff eyej ds ort efttiis and many other symptpmj caused' by clogged inactive kldneyi prpmpUjfiyanlh Freijuent jpalnful and DCpntrollable.

iihlnatlpn Jue1tP iKeak6r Irritable. iyercpm pharmacisl baftk9r Mifny mercantileagency will Vouch 70 jth resijonslbility pffapeThOtiin iCfacinuait who parfr papeg Diuretlc Cff Cent treat raentT-gpld by eyeriy drugglgt Jn' the world congress as thejframerjt Is pbsslblf to get a' betterlawpassed and even Jf weri I i lnkshouldpf JilHtlnVd a sviihlipjdinsmy signature 1 Tiie vast uslnefig' Wterest of th cPuritry are JiSftteifvendlng the pal- sage of a iariftfbili and th ivetplnjf thig moa8ur wpMd iriflc ti Cpiintlry a tremeni bua loss entailirig the rutnbf th i89nd pf tpnestmen 8pjlrea8oneisPre den up jsigpep th bjijv 3inatpf Seyerldge entertaining Vinillar iewg TPte agalhgMiibeciuie e. v6jicfl laj roest against what he dtd ol llkXyithou Jeopardliing the welfar pf the untryUt ijt ithe presiden JwaS Miffcntlf rcimStahcfed jile fl situated exactlyn' ai was OpvernoT tehWviiegard. to tUe apprpjiiipla tlpn biilan MM pointof exi ediency foildwingihe dic tttes of common sense and busineai ludgment V' Yet flndloda Indlana the very men whp iire 5pmniendn- Ooy npf' MarBfcallJyTlolilly pn emning Prefiident Tai' and denouncjnf hiin as the i iand heijnteri eiitg. JJy the a Mj.

ipken ybjr 1 i not ppvernorMar hililtne tpol6f the men TVhp wpifec4' thatpnro tlirpUgn. ature iwjn jsbmf bue' kindly elucidate KEARBr The Trust cpmpany building at Auburn will be elaborately remodeled i iiatikiejvpf Auburnhas been chosen pastor of the Columbia City Churcbpf Opd. Harry Stump of Marlon who Is declared to have drlventa hbrge to death has hee arrestedj Mrs. Sarah lltigfeesi tbf Biufftpn a pioneer resident of Wells ccnhty 1s dead at the agfrpf eighty-eight Jn a raid on thir parlors la Au burn last evening the" officers lelzed LGOt bettlp4vPf3i tempewricedrink lleidhbm6 isr The Annualc iiveiitionof the Whit- Jc County SundaySfhPol aBSpciitton sill be heW next Mpuday- ind Tiies1 aay lnColumla y. g'- i ybung man Lloyd Aft living near slipt In the died yestei" During the.

death ratft ha" siiccl lehtly Wednesdayand ft wpl inbnthB the ujiijisually large1 Thpre were eifhe4 deaths" In that period while Mh Syarly average la bnfr thje' Si5 Tlie autb nQbiieilllch is Acting a pathfinder i3rship race from Chicago to Nwi XotfarriTed in Ken- dallyllld YestdayiYand trfaniBementg JTBir' tP slight iKjieKl'- 1 While BalejVlmeridga wag In'- KendallylllerT rg trgelmlley of that city pregented. the. penator with a birthday cake. Beverldge celebrated hlgfprty ghthbirthdayannlyergaryr sterijflyft iffesldef 1ocai maritrasrpUiei' eveiitg pAslderibly dami ened byrthe rafit' errih bbpster JebratlDtrW Wareaw the Jn burn afid theiCprn how BOOKS SiwiEWED lfi iS" viirsv iHl lOj OR Hlpf 6 DROME 'rByb rp.thyChari6tte Pafnei inida- lhe rippb rpmV15 i a gtiry5 forislirUf nevertbejeis llf VlH be ointerttt Iti thetffmotWrgi W- jtbgri' and ftftimttfySbt ttofy- i an- eitraortlniry peeiylilto 118Bohemia of fgragei and itti' gutitle touch whldileavclilastin tn reBsicnvpt theJthQraaionir patbwajjeadJnff ili jfai J. VAntf" i v.

Ear siio lSfllb seiiiei itpmlie 10 Iftp WKaldQne Coret ilLe ith Icn Qi tirae inruiig i Iti--- iV. g'- V' i tjij W-- Monday3 October Tenth Mi Hpfeofe UwJn6n a Jnlfe ei it iii c6w 5 i foea a' pnfbrm. with resieni ifaahibris Appbintmehiu" lv :1 i-F or fittings may 10 adevwitK6otv vu I Ajt1 wt .1 i- iihcurHn yiCbMati Dhs puri Tv fcs11' tj- IN V- A' i' j- 'Vs 4V Are superior from eyerygoint fS viewi Redfeni models are n' cbrrefst Base ibr fte foalubnablfv wpinan gowningi They boned witlt wSalebojie the only bonijig ackhowjeclgcld by isfc autlwrities OIL wbmehiv bly considering theirm vjrtix vw a f- i tl'B. li djoiiUi it. i rrjrw Jfi v- tim WMi Uu a B1 lfS iMi wWWrgi te I- ll if feMS Wa ftm i il Vjr lS that not1 make.

any theiegg iloyable jBrl jWrelWIifto h66eidang9rliaimenyp 8th8ir i cpverypf herlepeeQh igllheJplendld tyW ipfv ywag Aniaai tliat i. wlnaS ieartgfof llf readers The' escrlp- live portiotij pf this book aref.egpec- lallycpjnmcndabl i iheMcene of i the forxpttett. garden with tbe i Jntrpduo- tlbn of fKllmenyswlnfiwell tfortby bfanartUti rusli lbicM Montgom ery la already well In i lh world of Action throughih rbobkgi ffAnna otiCfreeii OabIe9and Anna Zyonlea. and Jagt nprelprpmlaes tptakptheleal In jpopttlarlty YOUES ATOOUES 1 tu' TCV Blinkr ant bedidnt know Abraham Uncoln WMrddal JlnkT Ho ho. that's gbodi But a singer her4 wonderfulwfplc0 riiL iye her' step fprwardibut ad yerie ttcflsytyk makeg her an acrobat JSveiry jirl will sympathise wltb HIMaWl j3Mii Is fkBttlntrpducedj la far wher Jthe pennlegj bestowed i by tpur latg are much needed In her home.

From rwotheripnce anpted elnger1 she jnheTlted ft rare yplce A wealthy woman wag gp delighted by that heiwia moved to the parents for a chance to make Anyar tcftbe IttlftilrLAftl much nfgotUtlnj the arrangement was com pleted then came the ocean trip on a bl liher and a hew world open for little The voyage brings about the main spring of the story by theIntroduction Of yoiing jltaMan I gymnast' and a Tvorld-farnouj cpatralto the latter being none pther than Madame Bcbu- man llelnk slenderly disguised as liadame yoBArnim Bpth were at- traded to Hilda andbothgave a large' part In ghaplns her career. Madame yonArnlmvAfterbearlng her voice pledged bereelf In Hilda's interest while Sihlo the gymnast promised rJinm6dlate ald should' sha i Ver turn from nuistc to. thei' work pf an aCrtbat- Then-come ichbpldaygfprHilda ipl- lowed by misfprtiinp anda braye at iemptron bet part" tb do f6V htrself ag her benefactress iad loSt both bus- bandandfprtuneInbedarkest hour of trialWrcmployhientijn a large city she1 came upon Silvio. whose troupe tg playlngf there Silvio talces herto hb fatheTi She la lvenatrla jBhp isifoundtphaveWonderful talentand for weeks is a gensatlon upoix the sUjeBlie I taken to the Hippodrome In New Where dlencea are wild in their enthusiasm. AH' tionce thebIlbparasanndunceY Ihe5 engagement of the greatirWame VpnArnlni la grand operaV arid the two jendehiberlns' Jier prphilse to JliV flageekithe pprinoand tellijier thelr trpijljleg At thls prtntHnda bonefactresBvappearjat bnis Hildas peTonjiaflc g.

jjihd' recpgnlzea hefr er ja a jcene the show when HHda and Sllylogffatherrefuzeato give heriip aajneVpnArhm Is appealed tband tbrpug the Bubtlety Sf AetfdIplPm cy all itlie Iroulleg arpjitralghtenel our anj Hildas futur ls again' assured. Thebobk ig attractivelygottcniup aulditheitexti8aidedvbyjavserie of epjendid illustratkns in black and whlt ah frpntiipi luTcplorgibyv Peprhyhfitianlawg Price lj nt2The Kdiiy BrlttoaCpJCbicagpp i fJCIlitriennrof drcMrdSlsfSe1 tl4e-ot LtMi Mohtgpmcrysi Utest hovel a deUjhtful gtprjr wUhi the plot lati- la PrfaceEdrard lglandithefa- Vorltpiippt 6f tnh weU-knowtj anthioR Kilmeny the heroine promises to be aggreat i favbrlteas Anna of Oreen Cnbleg ithe dearfigtiand ni6stmoy- liijradclellghtful childslnca the.Jm- tn cff irt aijr' e' to FrancisVvWilEbni The plot wvna- i JI l' i Vi i T6' read' ppstca ptheri ff i cheattbe1iste tCarlconjpjnyV putptyourfar i i BlckT mesiag ii th v' pfficewhenthi ibe4feeliiWftnnonlbe 47 i' i Tp- Bpanki the' aelghborfs Iddii To lw lbtn ptethsLlnsUllm nt plan c' 1 V- MojTaliraJtairAh8a 1Aiifallpw9d toiayei VptibUcdrlakinii5iupi pji nftrtrif 11 board. i1 TRy THE MEWS WANT AD8 fs ii 5 Materials Only i jfe Aiitp BayebyJbuyin SuicliMda crfcetioli" ari ds Qualip vf jB ai 6u f' i' Wpuld ebd nr ou ald fal VrV. rfV i. t.

jit f' ilwr ifal 1s tuor 3s iliai Iji brpa i titi et rieaji iisjiis ig0bda8 v'f ss- iiilfet py efcii EMfpli0if iiseTOitjj fi I1 i. 1. eUi. I. i v.

i is Bw Vi v. jA tji'- i Vii 4 llfe A' 31 ikv- Jt1 i Sl8B lit ia ti WMBBWITW1. Jlll lif..

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