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Fort Wayne Daily News from Fort Wayne, Indiana • Page 15

Fort Wayne, Indiana
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liWVV TOTFWWfV5 iB jfatt1 swS QW 1 I I i ltfiateeee vfiTSi lr i Vvwift i I i I Losses i JL TtMai ni ih a Lno i jk wm JjVmu uniuiufiwfiBflMBnrjrVr ua am miii i iBrai i iiwh Arti awteTaE MWii dStaiM Njsa tf i n4 tin mtwdism mi mm vrssmr flul Uitrtn during lbv fntfti du mDadyn Uar lNu rUrmlng or iha tailtirrli aiA fgtum iWUlp Ml it iixft picnic Jf ukrlniiiMd it a inplcU mifl Jot 14 lii tii my mini in Joul umr tut iiti Tlurc Jli an uraraiura ijpkiiiii lli CmjiLrl tl tn il iinl 1iiihcf Tlirra Win rii botllc ulcvliM well ai ft iilifr nwtnt rvMtii Mmer In tot witlif oonvenlifiit tot tlt ftfrsihlm cap of leu Sml hiitn prncetut loner Hen ae4 Umrr 1m4 ahh of VeMinn Btfidm ticing wMfultor wmt tiiy dti Itlmi1t iuch gliwwd lu Wiifdl toMi rt diBijf tor do rrwm IIS fruit Jut i ifr any other fane IUi Wili lh carpful hiw Ji tpp rr 4n Mrallent dtinr Tin mtvry kitin picture Hie lfr tto ff mffy prtpuJar TIU WflluifMr old trnt itill potmlar Mwy jlngi Hey dUdle dlddle lie ol Mil th flddld xii cw don Jr Did ih d6gl UuKlie end lie Jilni plait and tKmn ar all qu a JJU groBtiupa wer Mi and rvelcd In be ttgrmrry JtnilM Iiul look at tin nifty mil hin Wcw tnuHlod and iarnfed wUhin ililnlnu Rftto txaded nalls Kftd mlndf llltla aprpn for fenllve craatrttn taf a you riii luni tarka on tll artiilocrittic jnr of ddujri tiothrtiK bC pir gold aud Ma ml timzl nHo tltiuhd wllh tin antua priJ lntn metal Wa imr nothlnic heaadnja on our rcdi tort of Ma mly Utti jf iUa llMT fW Wlcnt leather ituddrd with I At tho lOBln re tt rw a thie HVI TKlS FOR YOUR tjOMEMAKv1 JTT bmwtot a a hualnraa tplr ti tt aclenu oultur and jIPw ralher thao the njtlDna father than Icllrhea an tva member of a homo wr Mtnnlrallati ifwn tod aliiHr omicai tnarMlnt and wholaaoma i rnUIJljilit fMltitf dlsi area tt her room tor th vS Ttila djlrily oprori In deviojid lit aheereat bHtlat Itistl wltlv Val Itmerllun atidicdKrl Ult vaL A natly Htlla bow tit ritlion co ijuetllihly cirdnnienla Mie corner and loni timmd atrlnya lla In th tuV At it tHKm fit ha lluxirallop a amiilier llahH dhh afrtn ahuflTed dovin Mt fit the convenUm tit tJia arllst iUme TMa aproft la of fine liri Hjili tt botinr of ftnltrotdered liUft In the very center Of lh IHtia tralloiV 1 tt fi vlU of honor aa ltr la a sow I PC batket equipped wiih all th appuftenanM tor awn Rrerythinir that mfladf needs fur elnir darnlnir or embroldi ry ork 4a packed Id thla bnkt flankinn tlia basket art a pair of rorheted badrooih aandala They are tnada of rone atlk and ara embroidered lth tfny roacbtida Ctotlieted itrapa or tlik encircle the aolile id Irnlrm al the li1 At the lower left pt th eM aanlat la ahnwn a prett ehoe Lrce It mad of ood and tel rink aattn tlblnon lilrrcd xvr tba ateel jurt vrhlta Jtva wtiin part that ahovea don Into llie ah yamp la covred with black valytt ai ie wrtai iiHJU vi i i i a inv hi Jlttt i I 1 I I i ftl In jt lil iil iii tn urn ny i i I ui i jtlaw ilfl Trpi i up I i hi tU iTIe tifrfWrn yn i accl irr niwin kft iiiimi1i fi tlidlnn j7H if iry 1 ttilped atiiired il tltc tia nf WHitt IfMtMr HifHfH vi arvi ntien itnir wven drf liij le nxide uKJet tK of a ti tiraio aliiWa and la emiiHifd wtth laenjder ina a deeper atiadt tt bi Alld wltt llnnJrt and I a pplendld aitdttlun to mllx dft drcmer drawar lijTUaWln cookltl hnt your family fnay enjoy aboundiMtf health To work for legal maaore Inaiirlni purity tionaty and atnltiitlon 1n ha nmnufitrtnrij unit la of at home prod uct To study literature KlviriK the newest thought Idcua and help on udmo prob Ionia Thla la rodtv ctven brMta Chris tine Kredrlk Jn the Aifrln Club Women unnv Gastep favors 03l ato N32i SaTTnBliaaaK mil HI lv i ml 1 IfiirB aSH E22a I lllllIIIillilH I HaalHladBSMalBBaaattH iiiiiisfiiiiii filsPsiillli 9VHaafSaflaSHHDn aSBHWHaalMaHMIaBalffTS llllllaslIlISIP te iV lllllllllllll 3 HaaBBaaaaaaaaaaattiaW aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBaaaaWmaJw a flf aaaaJ During Lent Consider the Omelet IN nilklnic an omelet the pan ahould pinrh of llt three teaipopnful of be dry yerv hot and amopai In ica ahd two tableapoonfula auar and fold IMo the omelet mliture Cook making additions to th plain omelet ih flllltiK ahould be folded In Jmt forelt la rciidyto aerva Plain franch Ormlet Melt a tubifiipoonfiil of butter ih ortielet pna Jleat three ea and add a imall mltpoohful of ial and Utile ptpper Have butter hot and pour In rtK ahiklnK the pan conjiautl Mjtte 1k1i In the top of tfan mixture that the halt ran penetrate a nn rKk It evenly While It li tlll 19ft mil oter lth knife let It remain a mo ment to brown and aery immeaiateiy Chicken Omalat Chop ort cup of chtckeiw Mak a white aauca pf one cup of mllK ne tiWeupmvnfiil of butter and one tablet aooonful of flour Add the chicken to tho vthlt eaucit MaVe a plain omelet cook end told In the creamed chicken and old over omelet Lantan OrnaUt One half cup of milk and oae table iipoonful of butter brought to the warding point AdA on cup of any kind of finked Aah pepper and aalt to tite Make a plain omelet and apread on th Huh Jmt befora tha omelet folded and aarye Immediately Cocoa Omalil To the melt beaten yolk of Bve fggl add three tJepoonful oillk a until it In the omelet pan brown la tfc oven and Immediately Chtet Omalat Th Is a delightful breaRfait dlh but It rriuet ba lerved Immediately afier bflng cwkd Beat three egg Adding Mill and perper two teaspoon tula of njlnced paraley two tableipoon fula of grated cneeae Mil into omelet pan In which been melled in latleitpnonful of butter and cook tn he uaul nar Spanlih Omlt Chop on tomato a green pepper mall onlnn attck of celery two iprlgi of paraley and 10 mnahroomi Him mr oer the fire for two mlnutea Ucat ilx egga put In omelet pan with on liblrapiinful of nielted butter Cook lightly add tfce chepped vegetable ant fold over In th usual manner Omelet With Muahraoma Male a plain omelet tn th uaual way and lit before folding It pread oyer lt the folfoivlng mixture To on cupful of munhroom cut fine add on taWeIKMinnu or putter and one half cupful of milk aeiannlng ith aalt and pepper M8k a thlrk aauc by adding one tilleaporfiil of flour boll teri mln utea Jour oer omelet fold and brown In otn FOR LENTEN MEDITATION IROM that Sixteen Sichroom Donets A NT vortian can do a certain klhd of nurilng at Aa time ln 4t4aJini rarla cohiea fba alidrtunt a great many or in uiioro gown are to abonn thla Kprlng and to a areil eitent ihey will Uaed on tl nreet lp plac of ttia coat aiilta rndiubttjilly the tatemnt and that condition if they prtiv axlav dli to th abnenci pf many men tailora and fr lb conaeiueul neeeaHy td well pourldepend upon Woman work li probable that wU htr the gou nnJ lu the aulla and sine th tailored gowni for tret wear ara latlsfactoty with ahoulder wtapa they wljl be ac cetJtable aa they always ar In th apring Th bolero fown or lb gown that la mad with bolero Ilk bodice opened over a waistcoat or blouM front la exceedingly attractive and Is being met with a ready welcome and Is so genrtlr becoming hat It will undoubtedly tk a definite place Vor dinner and for evening wear ami fnr th dancea that occiif at aU beur the skirts ar alder aqd awlnglng and th high moderately high or genuine pnMllte trf hav a trained nura or when a train mine I pot nertaaary Soma practlAl auggealkina called Sickroom Dont ar gfrcn by Mary Hrott In ije last numbr uf ttl Nuraa tg niska lb nurilnj enlrr and belter Ikmt allow tb ehect to tflCum wrinkled Dobtjar tlieted py Icahlnr or alitlrg upon It I 1 in I NIFTY SPORTS COAT EXIT THE LARGE KITCHEN JiNTpitf NuBuHT terlni that Caster wlU aoon be wltfi ui and thla time of JVM bunnle tt fvor for E1 dlnnr tbl nllly tn vldnt1 havlnr a tur of war over a Pall tt dellclotl bM rtrh buBt 7nMld 10 upon a atrtcia accendlon 1 not fr liijnu AKtJ kltcjiena ar nO longer In fa vor the amitllcr and more comjiiut tfuvleller provided the neceiary artl clp are plucod cunenlntly and thore la1 room fur mnhaglnjj a irK dinner njrty with ease No matter If noreiY inli ijre kept and ontm lery little 1 rrmpany artoner or later there fume llhivihen auch accominndiillpim are neteasury tlenty or light i easentmi by day and by filftht and therm should li a fttctiire on the alnk for dahwak Inn nd ttir throw a direct light on the ttov and If Polbl on In th renter of th yiMKnfnr feneial Use Tim sink and Move llifbtniay be turped on and off required TliK Of course la Wliere eierinniy is liacit Walla ahrtiild Mverpd with a mn terlat that pormite of wathlng or by Ihre Ar fotir Coats of crearti on pal wMt enarueled paint br a varnlalt tin ht ellifrallvtleanlng wlh water A lour coVfed wilh urood gfade pf linoleum la a Plying lnvcVrtntt for with proper far It Dill taut foj jra It doei not pay tobu iuIIuHi or a eWni grtde UMcuni One tfitt inlaid irUh Wall MI covfMl iti tfrn Kiii hit la lld Vtii1h the IcaVn father 1Ck til lualifr tfwjtci it ftn liXir weara well a ul a mit so i ivU a 4 tie Uniiletirn with the blb UUrcij Thbt varm fiutelf by ittldent lb grattUa Omius In brown tin 4nfinlitr Cor rett ptaclnfeo tha alnk add greatly tn orjwa lomfurt Hav It Jitat th rlglit height th aw InJow over It If possU bid A uiedium priced crlm make the best AtirUm tor kltcliea bee aa It wears and washe wall fluy tho cru mplre line sr the rrefernKl one but there I almeat Inflnlt Trle tn ba found In the way ther fealurea treated A tery lovely evening gown designed for a debutant I ml with a straight full eklrl of gold net that I richly embroidered with gnld threada to form a deep border At th ed of tU eklrt I a blue rllbiwi bund the fcodVe ronilsm Pf Uny Itltl WnVr blue sifla oer a bWU cream wlh Very hrt drared tfiV There la a vlrik gird of th blue with a slngl beautiful fink roe pUte to lY left of frp nt Within dnurs are to see a great 1 fe mM on allvrr hulh In the fprm nf bnwradei la such tn Wit on already rnentlnnd and In the furm of braid mnklng applled trlrtmtttg At mbut attractive MY avanawe wr ninny lonciwlnna and we thatll fWy typical a nif light br poplin iim MnetT with a peth tlnk i iiiHon iafid sliver tare The rlrcfilar nklrt 1 of the pnplln ami npen at lti frnr reveal a uanel of the clittron Veiled altb stlur foce fnd tb edges of jW panel are flnWiea with llvr limbl Th hodlce of blue rhlffun Is IliiliiHcd elow pitib Th woodworl nay bn lnrd 0 Pfl whit aVrroflJk eV if 1 kp 1 7 1 I i ill i tjM Ikifil ow at flowers to run In la ItefiHim Dont appear nxlouriSiitir who ar III are my enim Dont rattle paper Notrifig get on a patient a nerfes more thnn 1 la Wl ua carpet tt th krfmm If It tan ayoJdd mining ei tt rnay tept flean by ibnw Iftg damp tea taie pyet a pmf IH room a a limn and uieif MttablPg them Dp with a hnd ttnom I Hint shot out Itsht rum lh strk rwnn when thp patient able tolet ate tt Mak the nK ltnom the mrt rheerful and bei veutHatiiid rM in Ui bouso ont let bad air remain tn th alck monk rut alt a tmtieraltie Avotd afe from tha bltrben tt tUnhit cUanta I Outside air i lel but heft tool 1nrf almuia a nr in th tiwm to Ink 01T th Chilt Dotit neglect a rreen If shad lb light from th yp of tk paljent Ifcjntforgejt a nursery lamp to heat water twf tea Txint neglect th ynean to tempt an Lnriltfa appelit tHInly aenrW and delicate chtna will often ihU IViaJ forget to vary ttb ea4nln pf food according li condUn fit Ui patient Ikiirt give the patient toast that lla oof fceefi put tn lb open oven firm and thi tijed Jt Improve last and diteitflbtMjv limit let th pattant miftVr foracojl lag drlrk whet cam gHi aavty This i a rtxM way Jnk orir lliur ln cupful of tfin bto water tM bo 1 one hour arraln nnJ luld euthr And lomim JuKI It la fH fuf th1 valient iin leme A flaaant tat in th miwlti int alway brln fiowent to In Vnllda Ty dattjIMy rrparrfl eiJbV wlfl reimM tin yu hw pewf he jrn wtll ur IwhJh litftlia and erin wtftv Jkiia ceamwl IWikfn tt riiet ijir tn it decan iT tinienl tm wtlf Ang 3y ttielr jearta ii tnwtfwT thi si rwa ht tvnt lip wtnjiy at tb butpm only pT at Hn ln tw ONE THOUGHT OUT OF THE PA8T UKUK ni thorva nl I csuit th jtil ftTJ TTO wry mrt tag Ian nrU 1 iai tn ifi od faaht nfd wth a low round nck and wtth tiny pepper suit wnoVn material It little kietilea ticket of lh Vwulln 1 loo ani roomr afld suilsbla for ma Around th armholea therm Is folded toting or ny utber utdow sjiort hery rouniMt And thaa vehr band of th pink pattn tnd on Hi left Dlack relvet button forpi a auUbllUy I And aomethtrg which gladden aid bunch of floe era trimming lm Tloetri nnwll Ji If the dixf Is ow I ioyp dtwn I cah remv the rton Wt TWy way I An an It It too mi ms I Wl ii telSiltiAisJ KPNffifeA.

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