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Las Vegas Daily Optic from East Las Vegas, New Mexico • Page 3

East Las Vegas, New Mexico
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE DAILY OPTIC. CAB lim orrxo im not for or tiirooitb written from office. by proprietor ana cbonl LAS VEGAS- TERRITORIAL TOPICS From our JJ. X. Warner and son, Milt, of Sil ver City, are in Phoanix, Arizona; MCI.

A. Brnbn left Santa Fe for a thiea weeks' trip (o friends la Bqstea. Si F. Logghboroagh ii aaaisling ID of "Weiler Stern, at! Cer- ball far craning of April! 21st if the coming great social at Coj-rilloi. Williams, ef Cerrillosj will soon again depart for England, ior a thai Tisit.

llanuel Valdes, county assessor, hai bet taking the auesaiDent of taxes, in Cerrillos. ohn Doyle opened out in the saloen bu: at Cerrillos, occupying his 7 atone building, Keporu of rich mineral strikes are requent occurrence tbioaghout New of Me ctco this season. Thomas S. Hsflin left SUVer Cly for Sta union, Virginia, where hi will wed MLii Maggie Spitler. Fannie Rutland, of Dealing, wa; i.

united la marriage to Jamcp A. Daiis, of Silrer City, Hew Mexico bat the most perfect liri stock sanitary law any staie or Teirito'ry in tbe west. '1 lie Clark bouse, at bai been minted, re-papered and re-fitud throughout with new furniture. 'J be school district of haT sold their bonds for ninety-tire cents on he dollar, to Chicago parties. Block 37, which is in the soulhwes par.

of Darning, baa been selected the site for the new schoel homo, Noel May, mining engineer, lef Socorro for San Roaalio, Mexico, examine some valuable mining prop crtj Some Facts About Our Pity, Its Faror- Sulubrloui Climatr, Railroad Trade, Euzgeatcd by Letters ot in. qulry, Received Daily From In "tbe SUitee." Ve iBtho oounty scat of San Miguel rom present Indications, the commercial club, at operation within the next inow ill be twi Widmaier Fries liare closed Sown their restaurant, at 8aa Pedro, to pu in the bakery and make.other isapr ore meats. Uncle Billy Milligan, one of the olc Toxis land marks of Denting, Is Ifack to stay, after an absence at severs, mouths. Several tramps Ipok atalfonsj a various in Socorro, and sac ceedod in frighten! ng women children. Same of San la Fe'e merchants are getting a more on themselTes anc are doing their ajdvsrtiBinf already.

i- Kearly 100.000 pounds of rich siirar hare been shipped' from Iteming to lUenver and El Paso within jthe past Ifewjdays. i I The new Masonic ball, at completed, and the dedica- 'tioQiwill probably take place' during week. I The "Lincoln-Lucky" is going right -along at Sao Pedro, -deHrerihg ore for -shipbient at the rate of about twenty- iive lions per day. Harry Scranlon, of bought Conway's ten-pin alley; at Santa" Fe and will remore the to the Liltto 1'ittsburg. works in Deming, and the 'country around antler oaltireUen by irriy aijon ditches, will soake an aid storms aad dust.

It is staled, upon excellent lintharity, 'that' operations will at onte be, resumed upon the Mimbrffe canal and water works, The. building at Sllrer Cilyi.ifain erly beloiiging to tie estate -ot Ailman, is being fitted up manner. DC Thomas Harwood baa ratarned to Socorro from a trip to Ar zena: on .3 vlijit. to of the Mitbodist near 1 Th' beard of education, it i-wd bought the Union school building It wUl cost 13,500 to comelele it, and when it ts dice will be Wurth 110,000. The yaucg ladies' class of the bjterian Sunday at Socoi ill give a sooial ac rtsidaaci of Dr.

for ths twaeiit of tbt Sunday Tbere a bmU in tbat beat and abuied hU wife in a most i shameful manner, and finally wotind PP by baiTipg lent to jail Son plaint of a Duffy. i The socotro tire-clay atarlcd work in earnMt; grounds! art with oiiytol all kinds and Thtf fire-brick, bulldiDg brick, irrigating and sewer pipe. Tho barn of. H. B.

HomUtoB took Socorra, from to hive come storr, and tolally destroyed, bnningnpja talu- ablc and several niiodrad worih of property. Fireman Dame) rvporta Ibe uncbTcriug ef a pretty atreai; the "KBUrpriae, 11 oi the mining group the "CeDtnu. 11 The -aboijt fiTe feet thick. i be another meeting of the at to -appsbpriation for on wtter bonds, which was ovcrlooieja at the last meeticg OD account of i the la all of llie old clerk. The Kiton mercantile oompray Was iaeorpormlcd, by George A.

BnahBell, Wai er C. Baraoger. William fl. Ax, istdi Michael J. Keating, J.

J. Marphy, George B. Beringer.E.Eiaeminn, Beaben is. capital slock, priocjjgal at Katon. Aalhony Chacon, charged with cftnr- WM anxtoos to go at Springer, but the district attorney was not ready.

The witneseos UTSJ and oue of them a man of An affidavit war presented to "thai on account of snow newes could not crees tfcs A continuance was brought to San Mig-eJ ihe taUs. county, the larfiest. tho richest, the county bJ New Mexico. Thti largoit wholh sale houses En the Southwest are located here, while Iiavintf branches at Albuquerque, Socorro and other poluts. The marketi the best and cheapest la Territory, fng tvvi-lVe hours ad vantage from the Eait and gulf.

Tlie opportunities offered for Investment aru numerous, The Liupregnahle location and the commercial supremacy secured In main- talnt-d aUeadfastly ever since, can leave no doubt fis to the a.n<l sreat- ness of this ctiy. The trade comes from the counties ar Col- Tax, Taos, Mora, Sunta Chavez, Lincoln. Valencia and Socorro. the line or rnllrouO from Trinidad to Socorro, Las Vegas Is mistress of-the situation. This is larger tlmri tLu'Xtfw Eng- and states.

It takes Ja dlETxrunt llnus to supp)y thu rade. which Is dully lucrt-ustng. If of a magtiincwut el par ml ill ng out -door work all thw round an unlimited supply of water, pL-oxlmtty to Inuzhaustlulw fiwldn of aathra- bituminous coal, accessibility oa'stand othur wxxxls, uiouutaluvof tliw Uawat and sandstouw lu Cultwd at our cheap labor, caa ttttm autBufaatorlws, thwu wxjuwrur Intur Lnu UMSllniMl to UiComo tliw luanufuctu njf euatwr of thw Las Vftitus la wfeiwcliilly fortunate Iti th usiesiilou of a Ivadinif poslt(uu in all uiattwr. Certain to wduciitlou tinU culturw. Ilwry vru slablishiKl nrat iiou-fcacttirlnu schou TMirltory.

mid during tliw prvsan jear- wrwcted! tho am public sclux. bulldtni built by dlrwot luxation In Xi llettl udtaty lu loisi mi iy HVit Tt pncesi of Improved t-statu lu Las navw always bvwn rfimlau-d by thw lucon of the property, rtiiiuimivvtl real tititatw Bold at- prift-s wurnint buy tin ttoldliiif. Thu pru-f for have bet ttnd are advancing. Tlu-r- IEJ. uu actlvo mand for ilwciniitf Kvury built Is rwiut'U couiiileU'it, aiul occu jiloil us ug tli.Ufittd.

utn on thu invL'stmi-ni. Tiiu assi-Skt valuation for was as follows- Mli uel comity. it, property bvMiiif reiuniL-d ut abuut of full valuw. LoiiX bt'lorn tUu comliitfof tho A. T.

Ad. Ijis Vegas imd beruiiiu tbu tfrual supply an distributing -center of Lai I urn from Uiu luuln raiitfu tinil from thw 1 ram to to tJ.w Texas Hiif. Kvery ono of th old "trulls" fruiii the Missouri river to thl country, through for occupies could not avoided Tills inclutlei tlitt t'feat 1'ocos valley the Canadian river and thy famous Whit Oaks richest mineral district 1 tho Southwest. In a country of inoiuiiul: raniffs ttnd slupt-nikms bit-sas, that olistruc transportation, tlu- mpograplty dictates an detertnlat-s thu. hx-atltm or lines of roatls oitd railroads.

The physical mlvant low jfradlonts ami easy SUe Committed Suicide. MM. F. C. at Waldos, left latter: "My me if I cause you trouble, but I auffsr so.

You' do not know what these IQDJJ, wakeful, wretehcd nights are TO me, and I tired, pain wUl nercr be better. It is not rasy to taktt uiy own life, but i have besu sick Iso long 1 my huibund, I lora wife." This ia out of the thousands that giTes up, instead of using Dr. Miles 1 Keslftralivo Nerviaa. and bei-ug speedily cured of their nrelclietlupd-. Uo 'to K.

I). Goodall, Druggist, aiid get au book and Trial Hottlc freo. i L. M. Urown, depuly L'uiled States inlneral at bai-beea ia Kelly surveying claims for patent.

Piiea. Piles, A sure euro for lilecd inj and Itchiug Piles. Dr. German Pile Ointment has! cured tbt worat of teii years 1 standing bv three or appiicationi. Jvo oat- need suffer ten minuted ufter usiuy Dr.

German Pile! Ointment. Our ageut, Mr. (ioodall, Will every buff. Price Sold lit Depot drug store Laa Vcpas; All mininy; 'hilt-restd appear to be progressnig 1 in -mid around i San Pedro. A Remurknble Curo of Rueuniatlttiu.

Cage and of Alexander, Texas, write us rnarkablti cure of 'ollows: wife of uuther with of construction ant tlie uialnteaaiiL-u anil o.H'ratkm ol rail roads, can nover he sujtorst'tltHi, nor nored uy railroad coraiMmles. Is this po sitlun with refenmcw to this vast arua ifjforrtMl to, thai JJHS ylvtii and wiU contlnuu to (flvu Ijis Vt-gus Its coin ma ml of this ure-at tnnlv. by roads so lucom parubljl superior to reaching any otln-r consUlt-rublt' town, Umt tiiw cost liaul Is much less, ovi-u when tlie (Usiu.nct.-1« much Bn-iittT. Ijus the A. T.

s. F. iuakt-5 a fll reel turn to thu wi-it. IVUVIHK 1'eros vnl lay, Whltu oaks and muinii-uMt-rn Suw Mei co, by far thu umst purl Territory, except tlu- country imtiuniiatelT north ol Las Vegas, on the eustL-rn fclopu range, open to IKJ occupied by lines frou tbe antt the straight now belli surveyed from Trtuldad tc cullvtl the "Denver A Kl bhort which will IK- 1UO miles shorter from Denver Ut Kl 1'uso Ilmu the T. A 8 and with much iwore fuvoml.le built at Little more tlmn The Panhandle i-loii of soutliorn It.

U. ami locattnl to a connection with the T. AS. near Veicas. The Uulf llnu uf the ASF will extend from t'oU-mnn, Texiis.

to a connect Sou with this uxtt'nsiun, tlu-n-Uy affortl ng-tliie Fa syvtftu a tlln-cl Him, Las from the Gulf to Coloruiiu nnO via Itsx'oloraUo Midland to Salt« I'lty aaU ttlfeo give It a inoru route, via thu Ine the A. and to thu I'ucUlc coast, rom Kansas City and Tha Ft. Worth the lu to buim from Trlnhiud to Lau gas, and part of tlit; ISni' built, lunvlnu ito build from rattikin. S. M.

Th will hutlil imrthwest ho fclnlty of to Las Vegac dl- rectljr across the plains, lo "connect with f. for a dlreci llhv from the toi all I'tali mid New Mexico 1 point a. Ills lino will muko the distance from the Gulf to TJIS Vt'tas about SOU thu It In from Las Vegas to Kansas City. This will be the shortest possible Jlnw and with pasiest ifrades, from tide-water to locky mountains and ihe Northwest. Thu most) eitcuslve coal nolds In tho AVest 11 ust nortliof Lac Vutras, on tbu liouc It U.

by reason of the suriuce of thacnun- ry, impossible for Texas to reach this coal any other ttutu through tbw ass at this point, extension of the IVcos Valley Ital I AX Vegas is a certainly us soon as (t ulld. Other systems, such us the aland, are destined, io uxtemt very soon into his marvelously rich territory for coal and vast business that can not much inner iKnoretl. Las Vepas is the most Important wool market of 3toMr Mexico and the Hochy lountaln Then- In the Territory bout nnU over one-halt of hem are teraieil in thw counties directly Ijis Thus, It ran be afely estimated, tliat of wool grown In the Territory, nt are hiiiulletl aiitl itiarketed In IAS efra.i, where prices rule higher than any ther place In the Turrltary. Las Vtmas Is unquestionably la the lent! In he cattle business, to the superior nd extensive ran ires, are unequaled any of the Territory. These rangei re also exx-elleut for horses.

In whlchTn- HStry Las Vegas 1 has nu equal In The valleys ana uplands, to assure a cer- atntyof crop, have to depoud UIHHI Irrlgn- on. The land susceptible uch itrreater ihnn ono supjxjsp ie Canadian. Pecos. Sapello and ecolote rivers ami tributaries which traT- rse the county, with a storage would furnish, water to trrlir.itt* lousauds of acres for funtiiiiK nese all; tiave sourtv In the The prvclpltatitm nf the etuifm tlape ot the mountains by nttn nd snow Is greater than In any otlUT on of Territory. This Is cial to all kinds of vegetation-, and Klves MljTuel county advantuKes for aKrlcul- ure other portions of New Mexico.

Las Is unusually well sltuutetl for ol IrrlKatluii. Its proximity to be mountains Insurvs coiiveiilent tvser- the storage of water. cUiunto that' the very finest crops can roducytl to perfection. Work 1s 10 round. lu-at 1s never nd neither Is tho cold.

It Is the Weal dim- le for out-door life. soil Is of extrabr- Inary fertility. Fruit raising is an industry which Is Its, hut some day will become ery larpe, as the- expotlaients already hkve demonstrated that fruit can be Aided. only to perfection, but that lore Is-no more profttablD business to been- agvKl ib. Those- who have maJe cllinatolojrr a study ave difference of opinion as to the vastly upertor advantages of Las In thti It is chosen as the most dcslr- ble point for residence, as possessing the jest all year round belnff absolutely tree from niatarlaf and mosiiultoeil containing the oest social and educational and oh account of accessibility.

AS Vegas tanas' nt an elevation uf twt above sea level, between the foot-hitli na mt-sa, with no low or marshy iiulsnaartt. The cool, dry air of hijju al- itudes the climatic condition uf the xfeost distinguished uimlical men. i fmmediate ana relief In this altitude. in are .101 abdominal 1 among so prevalent and, the Atlantic states and in the Jley, while In. wlntyreuual Immunity as to The rate in Uitlnz invalids) 6 pur thousand.

In tout region so cwnt. or thoonuual rnly fan occurs In July August, aotis MT WWKI: In winter. Tba ftkltia Fruitt, tbe rostmasler a re- there us Mr. Wai. hud been bed-ridden with rheumalUin for several years.

She could get nothing to do her any good. sold her a bottle of Chamberlain's Tain Balm And shu was completely curuil -by hs usi'l rvlur any one to her vonfy; thU slale- 50 ci'iit fur halo by K. D. Gooduli, J. of t'niutlin Grove, died'iu Socorro.

I The Doctors ure Givilty. miilakos arc uia-Jo by pliysiclaad ileatt Diaease. The rate of isudden deaihs ii daily increasing. Hundreds beculnm victims of- the ignorance of iu the treaUiietit of this i)ne in four persons has a diseased hpuit. Shortness of ami Kliitior- ing, Lrrejjulur I'uUoj Choking Sousa- tiou, AsLhmuliu Pniu or Tenderness in Side, ShmiMir or Arm, weak or.Hungry of Heart Disiiusc.

On. Miles' New Heart Curo is the only reliublo remedy. Thousands testify to iis curea. Hooks Freo. KolU by K.

IK Goodall, Druggist. dramatic club is tulked of iu Cured IB MlitatOV. ilr. J. S.

Sturferant. editor of Wikupaca Jroti. iftjs: Pain Buvlin caret wife of ticuralgift of tha face toqtb io flfteeia minpteo. We coulc noi be without 50 cent bottles forisalc by K. Goodall, Droggiit.

Bail's family, of Silver City, aref viifitlug LAS Bucklen'a AruicA Salve. Best Balre In world for CuU, Brdises, gores, UlcSVi. Ebvam. Fesfer Teijtw, Uhapfied Handi. Curni, and all Hkln iSrup- tioiis, and positively curvs Piloi, or no ptijj required.

It to giva perfect satisfactlloh, or rafuadsd. 'J5 cents per For Mia by K. Q. MurpUsy Co. I Julin Itrockiiian baa purchased the Abraham Lu.

Grippe Successfully Treated. i have, just, recovered Iromn second ntiiick of tiie grip this says Mr. p. publisher of Leader? i ln ihe latter cue I used Chaiiiberlain'a Cough and 1 tliiak with considerub' uuly beiug in bed A little Hemedy, Buoceai, over two against ub daya for thfl firit attack. The second attack I am liedi would have been equally! as bad as but use of thu remedy as I to go.

to ted ia about six after being 'struck 1 with it, while in llie first case 1 was to business about two before getting 1 50 cent bottles ipc aala by K. D. Goodall, druggist. Julia Black, of Silver now in Cliicngq, will sail for Ireland- about 1 1 I 1 the jlOlh. Guaranteed Cure.

We Authorize our advertised drug- gist'to sell Dr. King's New 'or Consumption, tind Colds, ipon this condition. If you 'are iHlicted with a Cough, Colil or iinv '-uug, or Cheat trouble, and will use this remedy as directed, giving a fair trial, aid experiencu no btmeiit, you may return tho boltle hud have the money ninko this offer did iiot know that Dr. King's njew Discovery could be relied on. It never disap- otnls.

Trial bottles froo kt 10. G. Murphoy i Co's Large ize 50c Aiid Col. T. K.

Moore Cerrillofl. oirtlie sick list, Uuppy Hooslers. i i Wm. Tiiumons, PostmasUJr ville, writes: "Kluctric filters as doue mo re -for me than jail (other medicines combined, lor bad feeing from Kidney ttiul rouble." Julm fat me it and tockmau, of aamq phice, Electric Bitters to Ua thoj buat Kiduuy ad Lirer medicine, mu fuel like hard- says FALSE ASSERTIONS i are made by uiiscru nialtufacturiTsnuU In porous pliurtera Inir their curative. iKiwura.

BENKOK'S 1'LABTEKS are the only by orer 5,000 phyalcUuu atul pharmiw-Utfl. Bewaro of iiultulluM and (ules. Mi. Liutz, of sometime ng" a dork-puUer, now com en to tUe front with a patent extensio broom lia.ndle. i A Smart Man will nol hobble around on crutches whui! lie nan cure '113 Rheumatism will out: l)nttle of l)r.

Light cop ling only! bu worth $IUO. KniL-rpriamg Druggiali kt-'cji it, or it wjll be sent to I any ad resit on receipt of pi-ice, by the Drum monjd AledicinQ iB-oO Maiden New York. Agents wanted. The St. Louis mining and mi company's aluff, ait Dolores, is.

adrer" liacii io be sold uuder alttchmeut. Nervo und Liver Pills. Aitt on a uuw the-lSver, stomach and -through the ften-es. A new discovery. MilejO Tills speedily cure bilioo9Dess.

bad torpid liver, piles, eonstipa- tiim.i L'noqunllod fur men, women children. 1 mildest, surest. 5U dii.sfii, ct'iita. K. CioodalPs.

E. R. BURLINCAMB'S KetablUhed IflH luD will protnpl iU.t2.Ni, 17M US VEGAS BiETO, Lager Baer the Keg or Carload. for the of ft Ixmit; iral Wfttur tind Oinos G. A.

KOTHGEB, Sec'y. Las Las Vegas, Under tho antpi THE NEW N.M. of WEST THE LARGEST Samples' froa ai new oittu." J. W. GaWluer, rare merchant, same Bitters just llio thing an who all run Uowik and are whether ho hvt'9 or dies; he ew strength, apposite ust like ho had a new I oly.SOc a bottle, at K.

Co'a Store. Quite a large amount of ookei auled over io tiic snjeltiT from Cernllos. Pronounced: Hopelcsfi, Yet Si From a Irtler Kurd, of Grolon, S. Was taken a bad ettled ou my Lungs, co nally te'riumated our doctors I gave in ould live but.n short yself up to my Savior could nut i 51.13-with arth, bovo. I would meet riy absent out-s My et Dr.

King's New Coughs it ottlos; wsis advised Io a took it has ciireU od I am notv a oman. 1 Trial bottles lurpliey Go's Drug xza 50fl ami $1.00 for; doa't found ftll rphey being Sim Ada whith and del Coubun i saying I I gayu Jf my un Duebvory nd Colds. tor eight AU-s. Allen, who bus been working- at thb "Turquoise mine, 1 near. rillod, hud hand nearly cut Drunimond'a Uemedy lor Kheamatiam baa rece'iTed the uinequaled endoriemeut of tbe medical faculty as being 1 a 'safe and remarkably lefliciert preparation for tho relief anH ipcinJy cure KheumatUm.

Its workj is so speedy jand miraculoue that benejit is full frou tbe first dose, and oncUolllK is warranted to cure any ordi- uuryicase. Sold by. Price, 'iur large bottle, or Beat by prepircd express jon receipt of by JJrummund Medicine 48-40 Maidjon Lauo, Xew York. BRICK are tjbo only partin who a I of the brick baftinMS, A First-Class Brick Yard and tire prepared to' do nil kiodj me, and ihank 1 ell hcarjy roe tit ST1 MATES ON MOIT SOTfCE People. J.

V4 8. Is only BATBt-pfcrilU that old ixopla .0100111 take, tho ml vhUh ts ia CTurr otherEaraAparllljr woknoW certain to ia J. Y. S. oa tho coatrdrr It purely and and digest blood, tho Tery (Muff for Cld, dovn people.

It delicate up Eeldtn an estimable and loldterly Ufir 6i 10 Maaoa 8. F. ma tor monthji tleclioing pSd2y to Kiioailj alarm bcrjUiklly. badttttU Bha iru afflicted nmh, fating wrltcar In tbAt dangejoM I mw aoma oi tho tettiriionUJa toratog point. regained mf- Icat flesU and not felt BO -irell la wu two and Dd heaitr to-day, and still taUnf J.

V. B. i 21 700 an old er feeble td bo i Aflk (or 'f Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilia mcikledn. ilfecUTtf, me price, S1.CO. six For by K.

D. Go.tdall, Eiepot Drag Store. nnrl filrin A feertain core or Chranlo Son Tottar, Salt Bhenm, Scold fiend. Old Chroaio Sores, Forcr Sorea, £camt, Itchi Prairie ScToicbea, SOTS KlppltJ -Piles. It oooline and soothing.

Hunldrods of coses hare been cored bj it oficr all other treatment: had Dp ia S3 and CO oent boxM. UTS ithoct the tw or pubUeitr a doctor. Nbn-poiaoDaaa and to ctrfctun. nu Caistrail THJE NEW ENGLAND BAKERY, Gran C.U clou iMlL To3 Aveoae, next to Bed Corner. EOi.

tfUNNICH, Prop. BaUa, CraUan, Ma, IN NEW MKX complete Classical, 8h Wl AH coonea Uioruuxh imd-pijactieaK Attendance during tho paat WilJ tetter jiropared Normal, and Ar! I nearly 800. ever tor naxt BPUVN OPENS MONDAY, 21.1892. For oaUiojfne and lnformatibn o. s.

RAMSAY, A. Princip.1. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. rbcr ADAJ1 I Ojil.r SlrMt. ATTORMSV In courts or tha Territory.) to bpanlah an-jf Uexlc and mlnlutflHig-atloiu 1 Prac- and Agent.

fajibts WU'es, Lir-fi, Clan ufi Billiard and Cla Booms Attached. N'6s. i03 WEST SIDE I'LAZA jOftT, A rTOKNETS-AT-l-lA- cian'i block, las 1 OFFIQS, WV LasVeijU. M. De JLa SALLE 1-A8 If.

I CombliiiHl bpimiih BKO.ii>AVIDJ JT. I. i I i I Physicians JB.QT CLUB PfiUUr Proptiptor. A Qulot far I lu EAST LAS VEGAS AJfD SALK STABLE. Good StTMt, KA8T LAS VEGAS, MRS.

s. M' ISCCUT rpN, SANTA FE LOCAL IcjLttD. o. 4. Jfew York lixpruas ui Bteilco a o.

3. Soutliorn 3-31) pi in Atlantic Tort Kipr o.l. Mexico A t'aclllCi m. ipross o. 9.

southern Califoiiijia Kx i 0.3, Kxpresfi S5mii liu' HOT SPRINGS arrives i o. 701. JOloo a. 0.706. Ulzed.

5 it) O. 707. Express. 'rnj SAN airttllSI. NATION alL.

ii street an 5 Tl: M. AHD SJCHOOL me, ne'er Sixth NEW HEZICOJn.ANlNljl MILL, 8. A. CLimairas, tropr. Lumber sad lluildifig Material, 0.

DX KOM.EEO, M. Romero, I South MI88C.E. M11.L10AN, as Avenue, Opji Opera PROF. A. F.

SMITH, First door east of Seoitaary, Bllccfaard Btroei. SOCIETIES. eommanicBCiona Mooad andmy Man J. MnuT. Malm, o.

L. nsfboBr. Worihr at Hall K. of P. rpL DOBADO IJODGE Uiting numbers ot the JOHN 8.

c. (X A. Horr, K. of K. eacuft, mvotj fna and 4ih TnesOar la ncu month, at now-G.

A. B. nail H. J. CIOWLET.

O.w. Bux, i A. O. D. W.

IAMOND l.OLHiK No; l. meets Erst and Tuwdajr montb In W. ball, Kollroadavcnaa. VlftlBUag cordially II. SronuDim, si.

W.I tiio. W. A. F. RXHKXIICT, J'tnancleri.

A. W. M. Chapman No. on tbe bird Thursday or month, fin Kfaconic hail, 1 cornor And Jackson street.

VUttiaf Cratamail; tnvltod. I- GEO, II. MAJKIQAU. w. M.

F. U. JAXDjavKT, Las Chapter, No. 3l Bex-alar iKcacttUoc first ifonOar in nuuttk. O.

L. tifeatOKT. flL P. L. B.

HaraxuvrvB, sjec. Veraj Conuiuuiflery, Sto. 2. ommcnlcaUon, month TUttiAc conUalU 1 ruAire FonrmB, 'C. BOC.

1 W. B. BUHKSCR, TTOeWTBT-AT-tAW. lacBtoflKaEftslfeeuVi 0.710. Mixed i'4 Dopartj 7os" re a.701.

Ulxea CAK 1 ana 2 have tiiiUiUKii wwn Chicago and San S'rahclsc'j, SC. Louis and Mexico. and 4 throush sleepers ijetw. ago. San Ulego and l.os dally.


MATcmua Oaracr of EJAeotajii ftVMRBM. CA8TLAS VK6AS. KB oa All Kinds ol Work on i AT.UU<». Lu Vexu. N.

u. up iU Ira, back of the Ironclad tmlM- Ing, oppozite tha Bin Mignet bank. H.SHUPP, MANUFACTURES OF Wagons.Garriages^tc The mauiilacture of Buck-boards and Spring Wagons a specialty. Having tweoty experionco in b'uilding liicles for the roads and climate of Xow -and Arizona, I can build the b'oss, Also, dealer in iKCLrurao IRON. STEEL and ffOOD.

WORK. si 10 m. IDi10 a ljuup. rs be- Iso bu- Trulns MILLION Wonld goE boBO', brnicy: Aiacncan to part hrilll 'tha tnraaaru' of health, Vktiicii can yiiiu dad'pr(j- Lho lisa tjf IhotH- CMISE YeptaWe REMEDISS wit which Um VI 1 as intormatlon on tfie win do won to obtain a copy of. "BpoK tor ita pages, prtcd dollar, tlalled Dojtn ro paid, on recetptof pries.

CoSims rul coiurillauon rrom tlio American Kiwi paper Directory tlie Sfmrs aT clasf.Journals; give, tlie circulation ratlni on ana a eooa Informs? f.T. ROGERS, fLATE OF ROGEBS Practical Horseshoer. JOensral Bltuksmithing, Wagon andB Hepairing Qeatlj and promptly done. Ftallroael 9 Brovrna Hanaanarai E.IST LAS VEGAS, NEW MKXICO. Jesus M.

Rivera, LAS VEGAS, N. M. Real Estate and Stock Dealer. I havi always on hand all Idndt of Real Estate, Cattle end Sheep for on commission. OHlca wltn K.

W. nepeo. north Placa. I Cliaffin LlTOlffl SMI STABLE A carload of fine driring horses, and doable, fresh from th-s steUs, (or sale, a carload of WKgaDM, buggteb, backboards, just received and foe single and double harness. Th? ttvrtiuuumtlf Friruto ajad Lort ffemlnal W.jbkno***, Errura loaOi.

Orlimrj, Kidney aual! Uvor QiroublM. DiM.ft.MMur uiti Uc-art, l)iL MB aiul BoweLa, liliootQotiHing and at orin.n tbp j' i I I.K I rt remedies froro whaw ill thnr unjroiJimiiiaUpn Rntiuply far or symptoms, LEE WING Mentezoma IstaiW -1 i Center East lias Vcgai, I of CHARLES inauagoment; 1 UNEQUALLED IN SB conti. with the- best the msxiiit aCordaj P. J. MARTI IN, I 1.

DXAXJCfii: IV BOURBON California Wines and ii Agerit for Balk4-Col- lender Comparand tjie Cleveland FaJcet Cji Also, Naturalist anif, Tidfilefinut. Bridge Strest, N. M. 1 i UNDER IRRIGATING JoilalD TifllF ail Laiis lar i Foot Eilli Fof the'lrrlgatlon of (he and vfcUrj'e Ratcn and fi-rlnge one hundred miles of large Irrigatlnc have Ucn I allt, nr are IB oourJe of oonstructlon, with water for 73.OOO acres faf -anil. Tbeoe lands water rights, will be sold cheap and on the easy terms of ten annual payments, wltbjjy

Ia addititlon to the above of land for tale consisting mainly of agricnltural be ollmatc ia npsarpaued, and alfhlfa, grain and of all kinds grow (o perfection and io abundance. The T. i 8. F. railroad and U.e T.

A Worth railroad cron thl properly, and other roads will sopa follow. wishing Io view tbe lands can eecure tprcisl refes on Ihe rallroadi will have a rebate also en tbe same If they tuy leo or ot land GIVEN. For loll partkalara apply to TiE MAXWELL LAND GRANT CO.

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