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San Francisco Chronicle from San Francisco, California • Page 9

San Francisco, California
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

tit rsr President Anti Vivisection Congress Denounces ot the Experimenters Mr GRILLING OF SOCIETIES iSetonV Makes ai iplea for the mm miimcua aim uaiimycu for DbmestictPetsi ii WASHINGTON December i cruelty le animus tr vmsectore ana neeaiees Infliction peln in any other form werelorouelr denounced at the open Sna session here today ot the Interna tlonal Ajitl VlvlsecUon and AnlrosJ pro tecUonfwonrrese The speeches ransrefl from a hitter attack by Edward Clment bt Boston president JoC ithe ocrreee upon the Rockefeller Institute erperltnenters to denunciation by Xrneat Thompson Seton aa alnet cruel methods of trapping animals -Imagine it proved Clement declared that yourv healthier scalp or sounder liver 1 Indicated aa the phy Iclasa aay for air Rockefellers bald i ifc jiaoa no aypepeia Are you wining take you or one of your sons and set tlnar up your survivors In an ef fluence they never dreamed of pro oeed to scalp you painlessly of course perhaps with rayersT Here In thai United States a the largest mesa In the world of tainted wealth and1 the whole i top ptr tnaaa stands crowned with the Rockefeller Institute There la an throned mergr superior ounnlne and power wreaking Itself on animals as erstwhile humanity Clement declared that the hardest battle waa agalnet the corruptlnr appeal of vlvlaeotlonto the aelfleh feara of manT Itoctor Justify themselves Tie added hy savins that any poor kaby of the slums Is worth II 00 But In certain childrens hospitals expert mentation does not sunset excessive tenderness for Infanta of the alums he asserted ItOCKEFKMBRS DOCTOIl TALKS Dr Hamilton FBIgear of Cleveland personalphyslclan of Johns Rooke feller spoke In favor of the restriction ef vivisection to the Smallest possible proportions Stores of do ho said are slaughtered In laboratories of medical colleges for no other object than grandstand exhibition with no bene tlsclal results to medical science Vivisection should be limited and under strict surveillance To open the doors ef all vivisection laboratories is absolutely essential to give assurances that humane methods will prevail there Ulss l4nd ap Hagebr of London a famouiKngllah workerin the move ment declared that antl vlvlseotlon Ists were not sentimentalists or enemies of science or of medicine but that they wished to cleanse science and medicine of some of their mistakes vaIodlcal history she declared la do vast structure of mistakes We believe that what la morally wrong cannot be scientifically rightThere muat be other waya besides vivisection of Belting at the facta Ernest Thompson Seton said there waawno good reason why skins of animals should not be worn but there bould be ndt unnecessary suffering for the animals He deplored the use of the eteei trapv In which he said animals are ometlmes held for days or weeks before they elowly starve or freese to death A good economic reason why tfur bearlng animals should not be made to suffer he said was the fact that the skins would be better He expressed the opinion that some day tnoet of the furs worn would come from animal farms where eaay death waa Inflicted Frederick Bellamy of Brooklyn attacked the American Humane As oclatlon and many of the smaller hu jnane societies of the country declaring that they were neglecting their greatest opportunity lm declining to take a stand against vivisection Bellamy declared that no1 Investigation could bo forced of reports that at certain hospitals children were Inoculated with serums tif loathsome diseases by experimenters and dangerous testa were of ten performed on healthy Ignorant people He said that one physician Had acknowledged In a recant Issue of amedlcal Journal that he bad sprayed the poison of smallpox scarlet fever and diphtheria Into the throats and longs of seventeen healthy people whom he waa treating as they supposed for catarrh of the throat WILSON lit SYMPATHY Itev Dr Ernest Smith told the convention that President Wilson waa In sympathy with the antl vlvlseotlon movement and would do what he oould to further It although the President aid ho found It impossible to address the meeting Secretary Bryan spoke today for the President Senator Oalllnger of Now Hampshire it physician sent a letter to the eon entlun saying there was every reason to believe that In some hospluls pauper children were Inoculated with loathsome diseases to see the results that will follow He expressed himself sa utterly opposed to vivisection except under strictest regulations and aid he hoped to see a law pasted on i Jthe subject The dog which turned and lapped the Ttvleotors hand after a red hot Iron had been run Into hlaoys added the Senator standa a better chance to reach paradise than the brutal human being who ao needleaaly tortured the dumb animal JTJST COMPLETED TO TBY 6CHM11JT COSTESSED 8LAYER KJrWTOBK December tThe aged father and1 the alater of Hans flnhmirft confessed slayer ef Anna Aumuller are en their war from uerrneny to New jtork to save Schmidt from the electrlo enatr If poralbla Thar will offer testimony that he has been Insane for Tears The announcement to thla effect was made by Schmidts attorney at the opening of the second day of Schmidts trial for murder The Jury wee completed late thle afternoon i llt nraajrvrxxjE axrm pax mrrox A siaooxxDnrro vlB ralsaaai stetphujl car teSoMsrllte st afldtrSoslaeraPioSralale7rsvl rTVtotne 40 If Oiklled SIxtMSUl street etailsaT1 Meters WMiudljl 4 Fridays wilt be dlserlBiid Denember lata pnrai SuaeSTllle ea WtoelyL rrldsrs aas ssSuav wlllvee alaeeaUaeed Oeeesieer 1 I llS Wx 11 wet pi Jewefe Bi Bt fcil Ooiitijete 1st Eel laLLLLLLLLBIlLLLLLLLLLB i I esssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss LaLsLaLaLaLaLaHaisasasasasasasasasasasasasasasasasasasasasasI LflWsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssH IBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHeHiawMa BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbI lllllllllllllllHBIilSliifntiiiil 1 illlllllllllHnnBiBHZ lHilsllllllllllllllH iasasasasasasasasaBnraeaaVaKaWsjnRBBaaaaa ajJBBKJaeAJSHjHHKlHBSjV lQlMaaHV sssssssssssssKaBBgraWlwasV tsisK1ltsflssUeaHBiaBaBBBsssssssssssssl sssssBiasssssssssssssBsssMlrxeEVKM TaHSilSBBBSSSSSSSsK iaBssssssemsssssssssssssssssssssssssssB I i 2SHBRHaassssssssBtl iMisssasasasasasasWiLt jg 5 ISBiaBaQHHMaVaWSffisasasasasasaasMl laasBi fcssssssssaiassfciaii3aaiaBitsssp tjv wrt sasasasasasasw auxsasaasMssiaas KjnsassalllUBBSn9IRIsBnslaWejaMajasja lBSHiflCSUtlHflcSMfBeWFMtMBSBBeBBBBBBS LHHBHHIXlHlBlliHi JsssssssssHHHssaVaBsssssTHBaVlaasssssssssimasH HiyiisWsBflHHslHHlliH IsHIIh BWtvflHlrvff lJillB sHHss aKaasasHeasHMBeNiHslsassssHi lsllefllsslw lllBllllHrB9 rKmlSgBjMiBi mmMmiimmiSmmm Offer0BenfitSmentin State university is Mad itoBbartl Regents DEPARTMElft oRESTRY 1 wini naiasa Appdintnrentsi ot professors i RecopnieridedrHpgarth F6lo if library war pat roner of Jewels which is lo rise 430 feet at the main enhance of the expotilioh Exposition Enters Into One of Last of Larg Pieces of Constructive Work ITH the awardlnr of the oon traot for the tee to be used In the Tower of Jeweli tna mag nlflcent entrance structure to the exposition grounds the exposition officials have started on the way one of ithelaat of the big pleoee of oonstruo tlve work wliich speaks for Itsslt 01 the advano of the work at Harbor View The buildings and groundi committee has awarded the oontrsotito Dyer BrotherSi amount being I1J8B8 Dm Thursday bldii wllV be opened nr the general work The tire tower is locosi iw mo neisnoyon hood of MllO0 and will be completed within eight monthat of the prosenv jtltnei Rising to tjle height of 4S0 feet at the Soott streetf or main entranoe to the exposition grounds the Tower of Jewels will without doubt be one of the striking structural features of the great 1915 celebration Fronting It will be the beautiful South Garden which McLaren has promised will be one of the moat beautiful landscape approaches to be aoen anywhere The base of the towor alone covers am aore of land All of the framework will be of steel thle being one of the few steer structures at ine exposi tlon The tower win rise terraoea each with Its soulpturai deeorations At the top a group of hure figures will be seen supporting the world The tower derlveii Ui namefrenv the fact that It is to be studdedi with great jewels diamonds rubles emeralds sapphires and other precious stones whloh at night will aparklei and scintillatescintillate under the play of masked batteries of Hints It is the design of Carrere Hastings architects In chief of the Pan Amerloan Exposition at Buffalo Two oarloadi of Monterey oypreaa trees arrlvedyeaterday morning at the exposition grounds from Mlflbrae for use In the ornamestatlon of South Garden The trees are from fifteen to twenty feet higH and are boxed The New York Exposition Commission has readvertlsed for bids for the construction of Its building on that ex position grounds The bid are to be opened at noon December SOthi In the offlcejof the oommlsslon 14W Wait Forty seoond strset New Torkioltyl i The landscape division has 40000 pottedV geraniums of all varletlss at the exposltton nuriery whlohi are belnr fmatured fop deoort ve work on the exposiuon ground in mo This department Is at present busy boxing sixtv orange trees at Cloverdale which arsito be removed here In about a year The trees are twelve years old and will be seen at the exposition In full bearing showing the visitors to the exposition who will not have the ohanoe to visit the citrus fruit distrlots of the State trees laden with oranges Judklns ohalfman of the Mariposa County Exposition Commlnlon vlsltod the exposition headquarters yesterday and also took a trip over the site Mariposa oounty has taken 2000 feet In the California building and will exhibit Jointly wlthi Merced oounty the two taking a total of 4100 feet I The Transoontlnental Freight Bur reau has announoed speolal rates on all live stock to be exhibited at the exposition These rates provide that all exhibits ssnt to San Franolsco shall be returned free of charge provided they are returned over the same route and within ninety days of the elose of the exposition The rates also provide I for the refund of per cent of the irviSJivonej aen iwp any bkook exoiDlls sold here This Is said toi bei the most liberal freight ohargeoonoeBslon made tor any exposition AlbftheineetlnrYofiihe1BoaillofTte gents of the UnlverirtyiofCatlfornla yesterday afternoon was announoed thatfFiWi Bradleyi arformer member otrth olasi ofmoirftheTJivlTersHy had offered to flnanoe the establish mentVof av mining atudent loan fund for the benelltof the students mln Ingand metallurgy of the State UM vsrsltyv pradlsy offera to pay 1000 a year for ton yeriInoraer to put the fundi oft apermanent bails The oondHionsiuponviWhlhhUdonatlonv1s madeinpart are asfoHowsi vprratThatth loan fuiv shall be a vtllable tostudentsofmlnln and metallurgy ln the College of i MtnlngatBerkelywhomtyneed pecuniary uurng vneir oolleae eareerJi and1 who ahoW tHroMghfthelTpast reoord and our ent University rsoords promlsejof luturefueruineBto tne oiate Second That the fund shalVbe handled by theBoard Of Regents and that loans be granted to tu dentiiln the College of Mlntng upon the reoommendatlon of the professor of mining and metal lurgyivwlthi the1 approval of the president ofthe Uhlversityi IV be Int underitood that the professor of minings and metallurgy and the president of the University shslV have full ohargsCofi awarding the loans and the selection of the benenolarles thereoft and shall have thvrlghfc to Impoaesuohi oon Ulons on the loaning of the fund and the awarding of the same max seem toithenvrfht and proper In any particular casei Third That other thlngf helng equal preference should be given to1 studenti who have not pre vlously redeived1 asslstanoel and ithatas ageneralt ml nof atu dent shaivborrowfromvthli of any other fundi or combination of Ifundafi more thahi IJOOlnt any one year Fourth At th tlm of the re Oelpt of anyloanu each borrower shall exeoute a promleeory note payable oh on beforellve years from the date thereof to thes order of the Board of Regents with Interest from the date at wMoh the borrower graduates or withdraws from the University tuoh Interest to be at the rate of six 6 per oent per annum until paid Interest payable quarterly DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY Th followln reoommendatlons were made to the Board of Regent by the nresldentl That a departmeht of forestry established of whloh Walter MUlford be appointed professor at a salary of 14500 per year oeginmng a ujusi Tills department It was held hat been1 a long felt want in the University and Its establishment will oome as a godsend to the many students who desire to take up this line of work but have heretofore been oroed to look to various Eastern universities for this branohi of training i In connection with this resommendo tlon It was broughtout that California wouldvaftord art unlimited field for tire study of forestry 89000000 aorest of tlmbsr land being available tor this branohof researoh it was further reoommehded that Df i Patrick Beverldge Kennedy be appoint ed assistant proiessor or astronomy be ginning tisnuurr itfi win salary at the rats of 2500 per annum that the resignation or Alfred Whitman as assistant ln mineralogy and geology be aooepted as of date December 31 1I1S and that Frederick QeorgeTlokell be appointed assistant In mineralogy and geology for the period of January 1st to June no ij4 witn alary at the rate of too per annum to nil the vacancy caused by the resignation of Alfred Whitman APPOINTED AS BIOLOGIST Calvin Utterly was reoommended for the appointment as biologist lu the Sorippi Institution for Biological Research beginning July 1 1914 with salary at tie rate pi ist so per month payable from the office of the Sorlpps i Institution for Bioioglcaii Researoh mh a ah MB llVUIUltlViV niue snu suitable action taken to acknowledge EGBOICOIIS GOING ON MERRILY Chicago Women May Substitute Beans for Hen Product Egg Trust In Court CHICAOO Debember rThs lowlr bean was Injected into the egg boycott here today when women leading the fight were supplied with a chart prepared by the State Food Commission giving a oost oomparlson of the nutritive valuo of eggs as against other foods For I cents says the chart the housewife can buy beans containing as much nutrition as there is In a dosen eggs Twenty live cents Invested in lamb chops or beef will attain the same object It Is said Other Interesting earn parlsons are given Attorneys for the Chloago Butter and Egg Board appeared before Speolal Examiner Morrison today to est forth their objeotlone to Morrisons report that the board hasflxed prices Inx violation ofr the anti trust law The Butter and Egg Board submitted a list ef nineteen objeotlonste the report In substance they asserted that no matter what action the Board took iirrdid norflirtheriorofvh eggs lnxthevopen market It Uvexpeoted that JidgeJJUndlln theiJFederal Court Thursday fljj a date fori trial of thoseaaeft WASHINGTON DeoemDer i Rsllef Fram to Sail Through Strait of Magellan Amnnditn Deeidei jfot to Takei Any Chance of Delay in tie Opening ot Caual SpMlal MsetCBtOUieChrealile PANAMA Deoember I The Arotlo exploration ship Fram whloh washers with the objeot of being able to go through the canal on her way to Sao Francisco will make the voyage via the Straits of Magellan as Captain Amundsen does not want to take any ohanoe on the oinal not being open In time for his expedition to the north TheFramwHlgo Into Gatun lake on Thursday where the barnaoles will be eleaned oft her hull I Isw Cellepe Sedlested UNOOUI Neb Deninber Tie new lew eolleit balldlos tbi UslTtrsItT of Nebrttks was Snll eeted Iwe todir br Prefeneer RosceePeaed of Hsrtard Uslrenltr ana Proreiear Oeorst CMtltsaJn ef UeNertaWMtera Uslrertlty Qmui ii iiMlnitinQ fromv tbeprohlbrtiv egg 1 prloes Is In sight the experts of the Department of Agrloultureiannounoe ln a speolal report on the Subjeotibeoauee the pullets all over the oountry have begun to lay Information reaching the department Is that alreay joultryownJ ere are reporting a 50 per cent egg production The experts say this Qhangof heart on the parlrOf th arls toerataofth barnyard Is net due to the threatened egg boycott but to natural oauees Kxplapatlijn of the short age oflastfUpthay say dates Aaok to oflia weatffbf Conditions last spring and summers Speak of Blood Meslolne and that whloh Instant ly oemeato mind Is the rsllable HOOiy tARSAPARILUA Br Its benefit In thousands of oases It has eome te be recognised all over I the world as the standard remedy for ell ailments and diseases originating In or fostered by Impure or low state ofthohloed Sef efulo and all humors lores and emptUns eexema and other ikln dls eases rteujnatism catarrh even ln 4llgesUott and dyspepsia whloh are often caused by ImpoYerlihed blood as well as that tired feeling nervous prostration snd loss of appetite are aU wonderfollyrelleved In a majority ef eases byHeods Borsaparllla It It th tnedlolne for yotu Be gar ge HOODS eiiAVsiMC4SCpwomen S1 ohoethebest 4reaeranaths Vt most sPBallln eaters of any rgeoltyjiatheUnitedlStatsV This VMi the startling observation made yeitsrday at fmeetlafofJth Housewives League by Mrs William Palmer Lutas author of The Woman WhoiSpendi Mrs Lucas offered no defeneyttoi statement others than declaring that it waamode In the most friendly of ipirltsv Thl local femlnlaii taste lt ap parsli eontlnued the authoress persists In spite of the carloatur by wh16h the female elemsnt of the soolal laorioi is now bandloapped It Is a quallScatlon whloh the bulk of vour ylltorswllladmlti But SanFranolsoo jwomebi do not spena au tnet tltnethlnklng of dress and we must also consider women as spsnaers Tne suooessful spender is the suooeBsf ul i housewife and she should proceed to hold down the expenses by Intelligent elimination of wanu from needs Soatterlngr sunshine In settlement speotaoulari but It should not miugatet inepursuitottneJess dra matlowork of providing a comfortable home tor those depending on the woman who spends i i i ChauffeuRespbnsible for Death of Dunans PrenoJi Court Sendi Briter to Prlioa forXllling Children ofAmeri can Dancer PARIS Ceoember ti Morverandthe ariver Of the automobile whloh plunged from the roadway near Neullly sur Seine into the river carrying rwlth It the two children of Iiadora Duncan the American danoer and their governess was sent tothe Correotlonal1 Court to day on a obarge of homicide through Imorudena The examinlnr mads trateM Kastler doncludedhls Inves i Ham A 1iv iilrini tA The tragedy ooourredoniAprll 18th WANTS BANKURf IMDICTE0 NEWARK Jl Deoember 1 OB cers and directors of the Rosevine Trust Companywreoked toi theextent of 1300000 ana event aepositors wno knowingly and persistently overdrew their aooounts may be Indicted by the Essex oounty Grand Jury under the ruling today by Chief Justice dummere of the Supreme Court Juetlee Summers Instructed the Grand Jury that It laieo might be Inoumbent on them to mdlot all the employes of the bank The company suspended last August 0MHIIIItllimtlllMO the reoelpt by the University Library nf a folio Hocarth published In ton don 1n 2i from the original plates as retouohed by James Heath A This folio whlolf is an extensive ooi lentlnn of Hos arths works and contains his portrait and 1H pages of plates Is the gift of Mrs Phoebe A Hearst Resolutlone adopted by the olergy men of the State assembled for ministers week at the University Farm Du vis Deoember 1st to Bth inoluslvo were reoelved as ollowij Resolved That we extend a most hearty vote of thanks to the president of the University of California and Dean Hunt of the College of Agriculture for ther wisdom and breadth of vision In Initiating this gathering and to Professor BH CrocheronDean Van Norman and all of the members of the faculty VResolved Thatlnvlew ofthSUnlon oharaoter of this gathering and Its unqualified suooen we express ouf hope that the University authorities will arrange for the publication of an offlolal pamphlet reporting the same for information and1 suggestion to other universities Guy Earl acted as chairman of the meeting and those present were Young Livingston Jenks Philip Bowles John A Britton Wlljlam Crocker 10 A Dickson A Foster Mr Phoebe A Hearst Hellman James Moffatt Rev A Ramm Ralph Taussig and Charles Wheelen Qrahdmotheris Deadend tyvo 1 1 vr Iflil nl ti a uij ncruidiiuuiiuy liters hi NearlJjAsphyxiated pXcLUM8VS tObeoetnberH Mrs TV1 Ua mJ ef trAtV4eliaH at t4Y faesr tmVt I We MJ irvrwiJIiivn suburb is dead Miss Rachel Hart aged iH ofCarruthersvUleMo Is In adylngoondltlonNandthe letters els ter Mies Barbara Hart aged 24ValBo of Carruthersvllleii It 1nj a orltlcal con ditlon asl the result of being iaoclden tallyroverrome by gas fumes in Mrsi Harta heme early thle morning JChe vounr women are aranddaushters of tMrs Hartr andhadcomeeW Worthing lvii iuv vuai ui iia tin I Rachel tov DriiEdgaV AllenJ of this oity yilVAvueiiiwvr a bit vnm nvv oredlted the Misses Hart with being nleoe of the late United States Senator Fair of Wevoda who the reports also sald left Mrs Hart and her two granddaughters a legacy of 800000 Relatives Here denied this tonight and said a large sum of money had beemileftVthejroung women by their grandfather a Mr Mason of Los Angeles Cal Physicians tonight said they are hopeful of the Recovery of Miss Barbara who has regained oon solousnees Her sister howver is still unconscious and her reoovery is doubtful Barty Men Organize in Wah ingtonf to Capture the Nexl HpMpifPeprtAtife 1 Ui WASINaTONiDeoemberRepub liearicampalgn5mahlner0 wlH hev putji In motion lnWashlngtori li 4feWday openingnhetbattlefor the capture of the House of Representatives In the eleotlons of next JJovember Headquarters have been engaged and will be opened this week under the dlTeo tlom of SeoretaryJohn Evermani Conferences of Republican vrepreen tatlvea of several states are now in progress here When the National Con greselonal Committee meets Friday the details of the oampalgn toi be waged ln olose states will have been fairly well determined It lsproposed toconeentrate thetlte publloani fight In 1 Congressional districts and estimates by Republican leaders indicate that they exjeot to carry fully one half of these Thei campaign to bo directed from the Washington hadduartersfltO be largely of an eduoatlonalV kind at first Early next summer It Is proposed tot put well organised campaign forces out to aid candidates In the districts where there Is the strongest probability of suocess 1 ij 1 jI Lamps Make Excellent Gifts i0a the right is one of this years new Electric Portables The stand is Co lonial ivory finished1 while the art class shade1 has a wonderful opalesque tone with a green panel design 2 lights chain sockets This is a very jgpod valueif6f 1000 eacb Imported Bisque Eloctrlo Stand with fls ur of woman sltUntt atbaso 2 lights i 120 each Largs Frencti Crotonn Tlciwer Pattern Shade to fit T50 fOOO 10 ea You should certainly see our new Electric Lamps with Landscape Glass Shades If you contemplate giving a lamp for Chrlts rnas They are most pleasing to the eye when lit The prices are fOOO 1850 3750 3230 I THE HdUSEOF BbUSEVVARESVJ GEARY ecvSTOCktON STS UNION SQUARES II I I No 2608 1000 Each Gifts for Men JV At a Mans Store Most men appreciate a gift from a Mans Store asi meris tastes are Better understood there we suggest Neckwear jeweliysetsu gloves Kosieryiriandlterchiefs dress mufflers leather1 goodi traveling bags lounging robes smoking jackets umbrellas etc Aitrchandu Orders Hastings Clothing Co Post and Grant Avenue mHBHBsBSLiSS GrofundCliocolaie I additoanymesii by every member of Aoar I the yrbole tv perfect homo beverage Yet it i a inexpensive fi a anything of iU kind you can buy Thirty cup to every pound i YoiSyMofjhftqu 4 ji tf you faUt upon iffettinf I 1 I TBesS IL 1 e1.

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