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San Francisco Chronicle from San Francisco, California • Page 9

San Francisco, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

US i 9 SRAGIjSGO CffllONICI OT at ROfMIStTOtETm Hjov MJKjon at Fourth Si Af ptrrnlcktsft BOWjperiweakt 5rrtltJ wnvtniiH4iect and central itadlp roora ana ladle parlor aiit floor 1 A rCHESTER Bottt Third nr Mar i110 convenient andreitwctttl TOO XMl isjM V6tti a weei i A HALL bedroom furnished lultabie or ttntlMmuU 826 Bma i it i tAl lXf or gentleman Ursa furnished front roonvrilh Oct via aw cor RaJsht i A THE W4UXRr 2iFlfh or JUrW XXjkw many corneri pecll rater traveler A 21714 Grant aveii eleaaaqy furnUihed rfX rooma thoroughly renovated transient TQHEMIA 239 Pnst Ktrnnv rorner aitkt ltlcl9n3oiiis ij conrenlencej gentlemen au xanmna lerator rate to traveling men UKNfiTT J28 Market old number 136t jvunjisaea roonii ull tnl auo aorta IJFORNIA 142 Riwn for ctntlnnan In One PTlTate houae breakfMt dettred URROLTOJ 1200 Market Sncny oonifr furnished and unfornlabed rooms and offkr CLIFFORD 204 Eliif cor Maaon Elecantly KJ furnished sunny rooms price reasonable EDDr 123 cJltedstaterHotel Clcan peat rooms from II 50 week up ELLIS 08 The Touralne ew house new furniture most comfortable beds strictly first class private baths electric elevator ItXIS 639 cor Larkln Sunny bay window mantel folding bed for two persons ELLIS 18 From suits and single 50c day up weejn up transient GRANT EXCELSIOR 39 Turk Sonny comer house lt and Jioffle SOc up transient OEAH 405 The Nararro Eleeantly furnished rooms suits or single bath free jlEARr 336 Elegant sunny suits piano K3f phone other rooms light housekeeping EART 742 old number 7X2 Nice eunny front suit bath also single rooms GENTLEMAN desiring large sunny room can And conifertable hoine private Hush near 3enee reference box 8 Chronic ITi IRARD HOUSE 102 Sevenih Hand Va some sunny rooms day or week aflOLDEN GATE ave 612 Sunny rooms VT newly furnished suits single conveniences ilRAND SOUTHERN Newly renovated Seventh and Mission rooms en suite or alngle ladles parior readlng ropra elevator HOTEL RANXISC0ETfgantsulu slnjle transient MRS KING Turk arid Taylor HOCSESkTO I2ETV ti eiegapf ccmer flat In Sti Helens building IX southwest corner ot Sutter tad Folk sta to let 10 rooms and bath all modern Improve meirtiOent very reasonanlevFor further parr titulars apply tv JOHN DEANE agent room 101 Chrpnlcta building1 KX A-432 SO lmodern tome ighttlarn aunny XX rooms alcove bathj JI18 Baker itvlnir California A 120 fine hooeserenroama and bath ix Stockton at NATHAN JOSEPH C41 Clay ITER hnntlnemde ar with tberrtnted lilt you get from BALDWIN HOWELL 1 MontrrmetT at ji IK FCRJUSHEDHOOSESTO LET A COJIPLETELT furnishedH roora house en XX California stVbet Leguna and Buchanan modern taproreiuenta rlll rent for one or more yeara JHr GILMORE 821 Mctgomeryt AN elegant sunny furnished Cat seven rooms JTX and bath 241V Buchanan I to 5 Apply toFORTESCU 300 Front at A SjStT furnlahedupper flat piano 1780 XX Halght fWnear Park CLEGAIlj corner residence finely furnished XJ Western Addition a month 13 rooms October 1st If desired KObox30 Chronicle FURNISHED hbnser nine rooina pear all car llnes rnartneTlew 1584 Jackson st HANDSOM ELY furnished uppeT flat of seven reorpai rent reasonable la desirable ten ant Call from 0 to 3 1441 McAllister at JACKSQN 2S37A completely furnished houseof rooms and bath 2 to Sociock PACIFIC Veni4 Flarc51oOT rooms7fur nUhed lot housekeeping including plana PLAIXTturBisheihcwse 24iurWebster 8ticsar Pacific av 7 rooms rent 150 FLOATS TO LET A elegant corner tttt in St Helen building XX souhwest corner of Suiter and Jolk ets tolet 10 rooms and hath all modern improve meats rent verr re4onable For turther par tteulars apply jio JOHN Js DEANE agent rwm 102 Chronicle building COIUfER flat sunny wjneows rt 813 Callfcrnla el modern four bay A 8 ahd 7 JCAVI1 HOTEf GHOSVENOR 310 Sutter Sunny suits or single elevator central freebalhs HUGHES HOUSE21r5lri Newiy nK vated 2NJ to 3uc per night 1 50 to 3 wk EARNY 104 Front suit unfurnished 810 front suit and back kitchen S15 AGUNA jSlO bet Ellis and OFarreUr large nanny rooms furnished prlv family IARK1N 1K3 near Clay Lady having nice runny upper flat rooms and bath Kould like to rent two or three furnished roonjj to party with reference jT EAVENWORTH 1125 cor Sacramento XJ Ntoely furnished room reasonable private fALFORD HJTtu lor and7 104Turk Beau U4tlful sunny suits for dentists other rooms ItpALLISTER 723 Nicely furnished room UX bath and telephone private family a 1SSION 1520 Large tunnr suitable for a lawyer running water 8 FARRELL 730 Two sunny room 12 nicely furnished connecting FARRELL 427 Handaomely 1 front bay window room running FARRELL 20 Sunny furnished room ele vator and electric lights iinfurnd offices fpOST C22 Lovel sunny front suit single LIT rooms running waterclosets grates KEXO House C3T Sacramento below Kearny 150 elngla and family rooms 25c to 30c per night 1 to S3 per week open all night fpOSEDALE 321 Ellis nr Taylor100 rooms IL iV a night SI a week transient rpOTAL House 120 Ellis Incandescent lights LEV reading room smoking room and ladies parlor rooms per night 33c to 1 50 week 2 to S3 month 8 to J30 elevator on office flocr hot and cold waur baths UTTER 544 3egantly furnished front suit1 all conveniences UTTER 702 oor Taylor The San Rem Sunny furniehed rooms suits or single UTTER 703 Pleasant sunny room nicely tarnished modern conveniences TWO elegantly furnished connecting rooms large closets running water private residence l3l2Cailfornla HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS A 525 Masotf new management suriny cor UX ner rooms housekeeping transient A 1S three furnished front rooms etove XX 18 Lewis place of Taylor St nr Post jTARTLETT SI Three fine sunny rooms LO small private family references required ifumtshed 14 iT ARKIN 326 Threo elegant sunny house UU keeping apartments central location bAth cpmplee tor housekeeping other rooms IVFARRELL 314B The 13alasSunny suit CTAV1A1410 near Geary Sunny furnished room tor nouseaeepmg flats of three or four rooms tctor rt off Bryaht beti Seventh and Eighth key af grocery A BRIGHT eunny modern eeven rocm flat 1141 Golden Gate are near Webster A 25 new modern five rooms bath water XX free 9 ecor Sacramento and Plercsts BRIGHT cozy flats four rooms bath and 30 Hanorer place off Sacramento St above PowelU Apply 42 Montgomery st CALIFORNIA 2526 Middle flat four sunny rooms and bath rent 18 Apply at lower flat 2524 California st GOR of Van Nesa and Fell Eight room sunny flat also 3 nlee rooms ELEGANT flat air sunny rooms bath fine view1 rent reasonable 1203 Golden Gate ave IJ1LAT huntng made asy with the printed list you get from BALDWIN HQWELL 1U Montgomery st MORERElNl OANDOWHASS 5 PtEMHNl SITIEET SWPEniFTEKDEXT OXCE MOliEs iJaTTKEDf Bl SCHAFPEIU Ko Trace of Collectloha That Shonlil Have Bcn Sladei No Fnnfl or Tettins blerts WelU Ktid sslde at th entrriic bl ihr tiali thef KnnthV win hs arranced as follows SL Koses candy tootbr 8U lomlntc8 charf ur Dootnaii33ionupiore ow Aninony St Josephs Unlod St Patrtcfc St Criarlesv League of tbe Cross hospital St Mary aacrea nearr ouAnn Tne following commute Tin pnnnnfr wasabDolnted GeorBe GallaVherv A DerhamHepry Fishert hree bunV area tnree sneet poster nare DfientaQ natei amt willpedlstrlbutedby the committee at once The following persona were appointed is committee on special nights uGiEGaUagherWBlMeIntyre Captain Harry Meagher and FV IV ConH iinVv Tne general committee naa aeciaea not tbrdJsband until the entlft debt of 35XXr against the directory haa beenllqutdatedr A larse sum Is expected to ne realized upon the sale 4fc votes Inra contest for two echoIaTshipa In two business eoHejjes of this cltyt Avaliiablfr greyhound donated bj HiHosslter of Oakland will alaa be sold Thegeneralcommlttee wlll meef In Armory If all next Wednesday nlghtthe eight precedlnetheopenlngr or the fafc EW mo3ern sunny flat eight rooms bath XI atorerooms Cor Golden Gate avei and Laguna at opp Jefferson Park reasonable PAGE near Buchanan New modern sunny upper flat 7 roomsk magnificent vlewr sun allaround house rent 35 Apply at 340 Page PEfiRT 117Bay wlndow upper rooms andbath sun all day 17 flat sU PIERCE 247 Four room flat ground floor 19 rent fresh painted center two car lines healthy neighborhood Oakland Branch Ofllcaof th Chronlcie 050 Proadway cornervNIntK street ttAKLAND ptenber 20The City Cpuncll met to night ani finally passed the tax levy at Jl 17 CpurfcllmeffKbwei and Stetsbn madja last eebleeffort to reopen the fightliiutJfinaUy yotedvvittf imc majority iunaer protest juo ana Taylor were absents The Council must ribvr pndme raethodj of raising additlphal reyenile for thecltyipr tiinunicjpalttylhje bankrupt before the yearhaa much more thafr half Turt its coursej The rStreef Departrneht wilt suffer rnost keenly ThusfvtHisugsestio1aotthe Mayor for raising additional revenues have been Ignored ThS committee Of theAthole rjietaf ter the Council hadadjournedandSchaffer renewed his attack on Superintendent of Streets Ulller by calling up his resb Jutlon which demands an accounting from MUler as street numbererl Schaffer declared that Miller had collected or ought to have collected 26 under the ordinance but that the Auditors booka failed to show that themoney had been turned Into the Treasurer Rowe Je fended Miller intimating that if there was any irregularity in his accounts It ought to be charged to the Board of Works as that body had control of the street superintendent The matter was referred to the Board The Cuvellier ordinance aDDroDrl ating J1500 to test the Roberts wells was knocked out by the City Attorney who Instructed the Council that it had no jurisdiction in the matter The initio atlve he said should be taken by the Boam or works which should make a recommendation to the Council The matter was finally referred to theCltv Attorney the City Engineer and the chairman of the Fire and WaterComr rnittee with directions to draft a proper ordinance BERKELEY ME 1ST CIIEVA mm mm of iifii OFFICES AND STORES TO LET A IF you are looking for an excellent location dont fall to inspect thos stores in St Helens building cor Sutter and Poll sts viz 1137 1130 1147 and 1149 this is the finest location for retail business In the Western Addition low rent Full particulars of DEANE room 102 Chronicle building office telephone Main 1953 residence telephone Scott 194 STORE rf OS Sutter nr Taylor Inquire Wit HENDRICKSON CO 614 Claus SpTeck es building STORAGE XALA Storage Warehouse SMITH Prop 722 Mission goeds guaranteed tel Clay 23 GOEDEN TVEST Storage Warehouse 840 MIs eibn tel Mint 1821 Zehfusa prop PACIFIC Stor and foing CoTT244 Stoclcton warehouse 2320 Fillmore tet ilaln 8464 PIERCE RODOLPH Storage and Moving Co Office cor Pest and Powell tel Main 571 CJTRIKGER SHEPHERD Storage Warehouse S3 212218 McAllister St tel Jessie 361 MUSICAL IXSTKU5IEXTS JARTLY furnished sunny suits with gas range 202 Orove at cor Van Nees ave TWO nicely furnished rooms for housekeeping use of piano telephone bath private Xarolly 913 Pierce St bet McAllister and Golden Gate ve TWO neat sunny furnished floors four rooms each cheap UMBSEST 14 Montgomery at T7ANTEI 13 20 23 housekeeping rooms iYV PACIFIC ROOM RENTING CO 426 Kearny sti UOOMS VXD DOAIUJING A LADY having ber own homea refined el gant and commodious on will accommodate a few persons having references table and 11 the appointments first class in every particular convenient to business center and car lnea telephone etc A box 00 Chronicle A NEW private family hotel Orst class in XV detail under Eastern management new and artistic decorations and furnishings throuchout rooms may be selected after Sep teraber 15th The old Stevenson mansion opp Grace Church with annex 807 California st IV LADT having a refined and newly fur UT nlshed home will accommodate a few Army efflcera and ibelr families references exchanged box 64 Chronicle ft NEW finely fumlahed parlor suit private XX bath single rooms beat board phone all modenu 803 Van New ave I A LARGE sunny alcove single rooms new Ui ly jtimlahed good board treasonable 6u9 Polk at lA A NEWLY furnished first class private uoarung vUK mercmej ittu an Ness A SUNNY iront suit with excellent board LcA 615 Taylor at references single rooms first class board SaSTELLEJA cor Fell st boulevard and Central ave Delightfully sunny rooms fronting panhandle best of board T1PPT 312 The Heath Elegantty fur J2i nlshed sunny rooms board unexcelled EDDY 826 Irvlngdaie Snnny front hay wtndow suits beard 4S up single 20 up f7itLI5i 573 6unny auUand elnjle rooms cellent boaid alsotable board FKCVSO IjBtoB iquare the Waldorf Powell central well fnrn suits and single a i caxvXl ii naiwwBir rcsiatnce sunnv KX rooms private family beard optional ref SJEARYl 93S Elegant suit and bath fraist VX garden separate entrance gents preferred GEARY 532 The Longworth Elegantly furnished front suit single best board ENTLEUAX can And room and good board fVT at 232 Halcnt stflne location gaaaaduss ef tath JM TTTEt i FAIRMQUNT HlMarket Elegact IX A new furniture nret elass In every reipcct table unsurpassed hot and cold water le atort aulta yjtt board for 2 50 a month up nr EAENW0RTH lir Beautiful sunny JU roonii hot yfaterteocd uble reasonable CST TH large sunny room geod board pa rlor anrpanoi TJOWELL 8ISPoubl8 room and board 43 XT alng 20 newfurnlture referenoea fpniS KELTItUJBlrstclaas family hoards inguuusei oiuc4iv vvuituriaDie ana eiev ganti faahtoaabla location 1714 yan Nessavi THE BR VDBCRY First class family hotett 1604 CaltforniaJ changed hands 31 new rooms jevator added 0 sunny rooms ref nc trAN NESS 9152Sunn rooms axoelleot i table couple 47 50 single 22 50 OAKLAND ROOMS AD nOARDy frungrard WlU lgtrodueemSCHELLWAAS furniture dealer EleventstOaldaad TYPEWttrrEns DEMDiaTON 20 Smith 45 Hammond i 23 get sampla wortf SCOTT 333 Montgy AS we are selling new upright pianos for 6 cash and 6 per month we ask you to investigate and approve this method prices are the same as if purchased for all cash bargains in good second hand uprights upon same easy payments and seme geod plants lor 3 4 and 3 per month SHERMAN CLAY CO Stelnway dealers cor Kearny and Sutter sts San Fran Cisco and Thirteenth and Broadway Oakland BATCH of bargains pianos Erard i 75 Cornish 185 Smith Barnes 190 One StecK 1 Chickerlng 1 Weber BENJ CUKTAZ SON 18 UFarrell st BSOLUTELT the oldest and largest house ii west of Chicago is Kohler Chases 26 28 and 30 OFarrell St pianos end organs and ail other musical instruments of all grades and prices terms easy prices lowest everything possible done fo satisfy ana piease tne customer A SPECIALorisan sale of the following staid ard makes forthis weekonly Bstey Matoa Hamilton Beatty Moore and others and great bargains In pianos SPENCER PIANO WAREROOMS 1818 Market st A BEAUTIFUL walnut Hazelton upright al XV most new a SON 23 Filth st sacrifice BOWERS A FINE French dpright good condition for cash 45 325 Devisadero st A SACRIFICE to day fine upright for bal anee due KEEFFE 1010 Van Neks ave A LL makss pianos cheap new second hand i upright square SCHMITg 16 McAllister A UCTION prices second hand pianos on sale cheap for casn wnspn atorage itu Jiat A 25 good piano cheap 1355 Folsom iLARK WISE CO cor Geary and Grant KJ ave agts Weber pianos largest stock mur sic write or call or second hand plajio bargains GELEBRATETJ FUcher the musicians piano KOHLER CHASE Agents 2S OFarrell st LEGANT upright Sd 3 months 142 Handsome sample upright 16S Uood upright forpraetlce 117 SAN FRANCISCO MUSIC CO 225 Sutter at Positions JOfferetf to State tnlTeralty Stadenta Abroad BERKELEY September 20 Anothef evidence of the Influence whicb the UniversityUniversity of California isjacquirlrig in the Far East came to day In a letter to the appointment secretary Mrs ill IX Cheney asking that men be recommended for four educational positions In China Thie letter came from George Miner of Foo chow China who is superintendent or a number of schools conducted by the Methodist Missionary Society He asked that Berkeley men be recommended fOr fonr places one in the Anglo Chinese College at Foochow one supervisor and two for the evangelistic afield The salaries offered are riot large but compare favorably with those paid for the same grade of worlc here Miner spokei highly of A GoodceJl who was sent out by the UnlversItytSst Christmas to take the position of assistant principal of the English School at Shanghai and stated particularly that for the position in the Anglo Chinese College he wishes a man as much like Goodcell as possible WILL GREET THE PRESIDENT Professor Vheeler Expected to Arrive Next Week BERKELEY September 20Mresldent Wheeler will notbe given a formal re ceptlon by the students on his immediate arrival In Berkeley but two or three days later a simple meeting bet ween president and studenta will be held on the campus The committee on the reception decided that a reception and demonstration at the railway station ojt the presidents arrival would be inexpedient on account of the necessarily fatigued condition of himself end party According to the present Intention the cadet battalions will be drawn up before the library and addressed by the president The principal feature of the students welcome will be a reception to be given later either in the Mark Hopkins Institute or in the Harmon gymna niim President and Mrs Wheeler leave Ithaca eft Saturday andare expected in Berkeley before September 30th They will reside In ex President Kellogga residence en Bushnell place The new presldentH household goods arrived several days ago SAW AXSEL3IO SEMIXARY OPENS JDriWalterN Sherman and Miss Mlirna de Witt EsWemari were niarried at noon yesterday at the Hotell Baltimore 1013 Yari Ness avenue The bride was glyen away by her father Pn Isaac Eshle man and thVgroorAsbrotfieS Rev Warren Sherman of Sacramento officiated There were ro attendantsV On account of pr Eshlemans feeble health but twenty guests joined the family for ttilscelebra lion Thedecoratioris were ekqulsltei and it the conclusionof the ceremony a delicious wedding breakfast wak served Later iff ther day Dfv anft Mrsr Sherniaii loft for a short honeymboa1rIp pnJWes day next they will bef at thV Eshlernari ranch near Fresno where a large reception wlllbe given1 Mrs Eleanor Martin gave a luncheon yesterdar afternoon at the University Club In honor of Miss Genevieve Goao who on Tuesday next will become the bride of her son Andrew Martini Three tableswere exquisitely appointed and artistically deeorated with quantities of cut flowers At thertable ofhonor whltebuda and blossoms were used as a compliment to the fair young maiden At this table Mrs Martin presided with Miss Goad at one side and Miss Hattle Bell Goad who will officiate as bridesmaid at Tues days weddingw at tneotner jura usgooa Hooker matronlaed another board whlcfe was bright with clusters of rose pink flowers At the third tabhr Mrs Maus occupied the presiding chair The flowers here set among the crystal and china were varied Jn tone It was essentlalljra gathering of young friends many of whom were presented if winler Miss Goad made her debut and there was one Miss Mary Crocker who wllL make her debut this season In the party were Mrs Martin Miss Goad Miss Hattle Bell Goad Miss Hopkins Miss Edna Hopkins Miss Terry Miss Caro Crockett Miss Scott Miss Mary Crockerf MlssHary Jollffe Miss Hortehse Chllds Miss enevieVe Carolan Misses Salisbury Miss McBean Miss Carroll Miss McKlnstry Miss Helen Thomas MIssVThoraas Miss Follts Miss Keeny Miss Schneely Miss LoughboroughMlss Josephine Loughborough Miss Beatrice Tobln Miss Celia Tobln MissTaylor Mlss Jackson Miss Ames Miss Rutherford Miss Birdie Rutherford Mr Osgood Hooker and Mrs Maus A pretty wedding took place yesterday at high noon at the residence of Mr and Mrs Mason 308 Grove street the contracting parties being John Lawrence Geary Jr a young attorney of this city and Miss Alice Mackall The bride was attended by Miss Mabel Gillia daughter of Lu Gillls State Librarian aiid the groom by John Mackall brother of the bride After many well wishes for their future happiness the happy couple left for an extended honeymoon through the southern part of theState EUREKA SOCIETY CHANGES TOREStAUU KdVAE iw srffiorii rimoiiGHEEp HOSPITAl aadfootlHshHOTwleOTBriHi jnred i TRvataa areuB KecMiCKrmg fields Mo engiheen trelghU pharieav KMer 8prlngfleM yittti flremanj of pas Deyona laenuncaticrn The- trains met at a sharp xunrei The freight iTraqrunhlrnj at ashlgh rate of gpeeaoownaOfireacntngr8woperftrKto await the Dassencer Preiieht Conductor Browns watch was tbifteeir intntrtes qw aa It developed later The engineer of the passenger traliit saw th otter train only two or three seconds3 bef or the crash Neither ennr taZ time to jumpi i 1 i STRlkE AT THET CSAMPSi Wards tilthef Iuatltntipii wiii dc SnccevCWaedB8niil SteTlUaatloBis ly FIKE Chickerlng upright piano 225 HOCK ETT BROS CO 230 Pest st HAINES BROS and other standard makes second hand pianos 35 up prices below competition HAMILTON 324 Post at HORNTJNG BROS pianos the most perfect small Installmenta 216 McAllister st XTEwughtr150 new parlor organ J35 JX NATIONAL MUSIC CO 1S08 Market kL STEINWAT uptight cheap see It STAT HAM 100 McAllister st CJOHMER Byron Maoiy and other pianos 308 rl Post st UrRlQHTS from f60 rents 3 up Installments 5 73 up HEINE 136 EUjs st WANTEIX Two square pianos aid three cabinet crgausi BYKON MAE2Y 308 Post St OAKLAND A 250 cash 12 60 monthly will buy alovely 1 hew 4 rocml cottage efootbasement halt batb pantry closeU vetr complete large cor ner lot all fenced outhouse ftnerwell otwate delightrnl climate close to 3 electric car lines near a fine KSoolhouae and 90 foCt wide boulevard In rapldlr building npeectlonin Erult vale price all tod 1200V Call or send for circular 4M Seventh at near Bfoadway Oak land carriage tree Zi JONES owner Intereatlhs Addreaa Delivered President Kerr SAN RAFAEL September 0 The opening of the San Francisco TheologjcaL Seminary near San Anselmo was celebrated to day with appropriate ceremonyv The number of students has largely increased and very Indication points to a successful year for the institutions Professor Hi Kerr the president of the faculty delivered aiwell consldered ad dresson the Advantages and Dangers of Eemlnary Life The advantages pointed out by the learned divine were daily contact with the divine truth and daily contact with men engaged In the Investigation of sacred subjects The dangers of such a life were classified under three heads First a tendency to lnteilectuat lsm second separatism or a1 tendency to cloister life and third the fostering of a i spirit of dependence which is a hindrance to manliness Jn connection with the opening of the iBcmlnary a meeting of the alumni was held At this meeting the Revi David James led In prayer and ProfessorC Buck was In charge of the music1 At the I annual dinnner served at noon a num ber or toasts were onered Kach speaker was allowed twelve minutes for the presentation of his ideas and eighteen minutes for a general discussion Among tha toasts were Looking Backward by PeY Langdon The Man Behind the Guiu Rev Bevleri Devotion to the Masters Service Rev CLG Patterson The Church In General Rev Ve 11 Robinson The committee of arrangements was composed of the followtnEf members Rev Currj Rev Doane Rev Keynolds drieted from satjs alitor Vndhniu and OBrien Go Ont and pthens Are Elected The Eureka Society for the Protection of Children permitted Li yadham andD OBrien to resign yesterday with no mention of the muddle inwhlchthese men have figured and which has kept the so ciety unpleasantly before the public for the past month Irvine resigned saying that his business interests would not permit hira to continue on the board The three vacancies were filled by th election of Dodson A Abora and Ratto Dr Dalzell who has been one of the most efficient workers In the society made a stir by refusing to serve on any or the committees He said that he had not been consulted In regard to the selection of new directors a courtesy which he thought was his due in moiiuying mm president Montgomery remarked that there would be no further trouble In the board now that the disturbing elements have been gotten out of the way Secretary Beanston said tnat ur uaizen was tne only man who tookanv active interest In the soci ety and If he was not given better support una co operation ne wouia nave xo giye up The bolters are at work organizing a new societv for which they have called a meeting next Friday eveningin room 209 of the Emma Sm eckelsbutldlne Wadham asks that the name of Telgler be put forwara as tne man wno is engineering its organization It would be possible for the California Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children to take action against them but they will not to call his new society the San Francisco Society for the Protection of cnnaren ANOTHER RAILROAD tVRECIC A 5800 elegant new houae sven rooms XX modern up to dater every Toom unnjr lot 40x140 for salfti ati a bargain Address owner Et BUNCE 08 Broadway Oakland aEWTNO arACHIXESi AvLI klnda rented bought sold exchanged repairing at lowest rates S05 rourthsp A LZi kinds rented bought soldi exchanged ix repalnngl 145 Sixth str piQne Mint 43 PROPERTY WO LEASE EACTORTv wnhSpowervi neafmrtrpadianii 1arf7oko MAT COBerkeley LEGAI ASP OFFIP1AL 1 TNITED iBTATES Englneera Offlce flopd Li bulldlnjt San iFrgnclscrt Cal fceptenjbjr 1X 189a Sealed proposals 7 for erecting double draw span bridge approaches theretoand Here therefor aerosa tidal canal at FrultvaV ave nucv near Alameda Cal rslIS nutn 12 oclock noon November 14 1899 In formation rurpUhed oai appncatloa VW IIETjERMalor EagineariC Flaherman Found Dazed in Small Dbnt at San Mateo SAN MATEO September St A smalt boat contaifilng a half cOnsclQus man drifted into the bay here late thurafter noon The occupant when revived ref used to gtye his name or any Inforniatlori about lurnself other than fhatheVasan Italian and a fisherman and had left Sausallto three days ago Heis heavy set about43 years of age ana wears a Dionae mustache Hlsboat is In good order andhe has been supplied wlthiproviBjonsS Wherrasked to tril Whera his relatives lived in order that Ihey might beTtinforraed to hlB wherfir anouts ne remained as ii aumD pretending not to hear Hewas offered shelter for the nightj butrefused to come ashore saying he would Temaln In his boat all nightand startjforjiomeassoonasfhelfogra Ruths biRECTORiCjpAiiLr Arrangementii Almost Completed for a therSpeninev jameetfnU8ingi committee uot the jfalrandT bazar Itoi be glyen Iniaitt jf iheYouthsDlrectory the assignment of booths madevtoSthe various churches and organlaattons which aref to participate Beglnnlngon theief Southern Pacific Passenger Train Derailed at BIIHbrne A broken flange orrthe forward truck of the baggage ear caused the derailment of Southern Pacific passenger train 1 at Mlll brae yesterday morning The trajh was due to arrive in this city iat 9 oclock Three passenger carslef ttherallsarid the baggage car was overturned The train was coming to a standstill when the accident occurred and this fact alone prevented loss of life Although the passengers were badly frightened and shaken up no one was hurt Another train wa put on after a delay of two hours Conductor EngWlcht and EngineerAlger werein charge of the derailed train TrtriTile Over a Parrot JDr El Ci Rostwlcklof S02 Johesstreet swore out a warrant yesterday in Police Judge Conlahs court for the arrest ot a neighbor on a charge of disturbing his peace The neighbor proved to be Mrs PaUltrie Alexander Wheni arrested she furnished ball and was released Dr Bostwlck alleges that he was disturbed by the Incessant noise of a naturally de praved parrot owned by the defendant Mrs Alexander saja the parrot As the rtnfpst sweet st ouletest bird of Its kind Lin the worldi aid theCourtwlllThave to decide which is rignt AriExpeniilTe OPInte of Soap justice of the Peace Dunn laid down tlife rule yesterday that patrons of restaurants fiayerredress in liwragainstitherproprle tnWwhinse waiters snlll sounonthe cloth Jnffof the guests On July 9th two waiters In the restaurant of Loupyon Geary streetcollldedi and the silk dress of MrK Kathcrlne Millar received a baptism of bouillon She sued for 40 damages and obtained judgmentfor2 La et jCrmy Ord era VASHINGTOJ September Th latest Army drders arei as follows Re xrult FrankAi Boderiirwelfthilniantry Presidium discharged Corporal Beverly WJlllarns Colony Mv Twenty fourth In antry FortWyrlght Washlngtonrto San Francisco i ormedlcal treatment Private Rossj Barton CompanjTH Seventh Infantry Fort Wayne Mich i transferred to HosDltal Coros and ordered to Anrel tilandrPrivate Jesse Gardner Company Twenty seventb Infantry 8an Fran ctcdlscharged or havingrenllsted un tier false pretenses rergeani ueorge Zen thee and Private Wllllani DColeBat tery Third ArtUleryordered from this city to Presjdjo5 lleavje Jot ATbiencte tor Dtaa CITTFME3tlCOrSeptejnber The Senate andCbamber of Deputies Jn olp fessioo law morning py a unanimous vote pranted tot President Dia tirentyHpne days JeayeKOf absence to visit Chicago rfcr ILt I Admnces on IfrjatinVr pofwitKarwtth out remorak Noonan Wl to 10K Mlssiott 45W i vif Vi Dr X5I EL Sud6ritst6iemarori thrBoaribtHesUhi yesterday and an titlpatectr hismOYaJjln the evening by Jianding his resignatlbnfasupcr intendentVoff tfieCityarid jCdiintyVHos pltaV to PrS BarbLy Thi reslgnatldri was acceptedKb ifbuiJvyttsiMayor Phelan iaissentinarM Iater jn the evening Dr Ai HDaghead wasajp poih4 ttheyaiahcygfchir resignatjoh Dr Sussdprwslgnetl yili health as thel reasbrilfof klairesigtiaV tldo which is to fake effettbnXlctObef lsti alia7 expresseil hfijareelatlordf the courtesies exteifteditohlnvpy tile Bbiartaiilts5eniDlbywTnW the merabera had no persbnal feeling against the retiring snperinteiident resolutions presented bDtjBaJhat Averer aaopteaf regretting5 fhatthelialtU of Dr Sussdorif compelled theXerr ance of bis ofllcial relations wltn the Board and commending hlraifprhisad ministration which as described a3 the most efficient in the history ofthe Instltullon Under the head of ifaew business the matter of appointing aJrnew superlnteHy denV was brought up by Dr PayiiCif who riomlriated Dr Hodgheadi Fora few minutes a deadlock waat threats ehedV Dn Barbat ha4slippeaf away and ther fight YfWcohfirieCta the tnre memlwrs the Mayor belnK excusea at his request from parttclpatifigifP the contest On thr first voteur jrayne and JDr Keenly auppbrtedHodghead Dr Coffey dissenting TbeniDr Cof Lfev nlaced in nomination Dr TCi Maner resiaeni jjnysicianaxme uny and County rtbspitaland the second ballot resulted in Maher receiving th4 single vote of Coffey As three volts were necessarjf to elect there appeared to be no rpe ot a choice being made unless Dr Coffey surrendered After a prolonged whlspered copsulta tion vjttt Dr Keeney wnicn arroroea mucu amusement to theMaiyor and the spec tators Dr Coffey arose and said that Dr Maher had reluctantly allowed nisr name to be presented He thought however4hat the actIottVpfthe Board should be unahlmbtis and said that Dr Barbat ought to have been present Je was informed howerer thatDr Barbat favored Dr Hbdghead and with that understanding he decided tb change his vote With Dr Coffeys vote Dr Hodg head was declared elected as the newr superintendent During the meeting Dr Sussdorff was called upbn to make suggestions as to needed improvements ati the hospital He said that it would be a greatinjus tlcep to the indigent poor tb closer the hospital as had been proposed In view of the fact hovf ever that the irimates at the hospital we re Inconstant danger of ctMitraetingr tuberculosis in thein fected rooms he recommended that all of the buildings be made gradually habitable by closing two wards at a tlmeand disinfectingthem Under this plan the entire institution need hot be closed At the request of the Board Dr Sussdorff agreed to prepare speclfleai ttons for the sterlllEation of thewards with regard to the1 convenience of the rnanagementiand upon motion of Dr Coffey two male wards were ordered closed The problem of disposing of the inmates of these wards was solved by directing that twenty flve of the Incurable cases be transferred to the Almshouse Dr Paynef athered arefbrm of abuses in the Receiving Hospitals He Introduced ft resolution limiting the star privilege to the police surgeons and elght assistants It appears that the street railway companies allow free transportation to police surgebns who display their stars The internes In the ReceivlhgHospltars took advantage of the privilege and hadstars made few themselves although tney are not appointees of the Board The railroads complained and hence the resolution which was adopted Itrwasalso ordered upbri Dr Paynes motion that thV police surgeons have full control of the ReceiiMng Hospitals and thatnooutsldersbe allowed admission except by consent ofthe surgeon ori dut OnlypeTsbns appointed by the Board will be allowed tpVact as In ternes The Board ordered condemned the tannery in the rear of 610 Guerrero streeL because It was an offensive nulsanceno the residentsiof the nelghr borhood The rookeries at mb1 Eighth street were also ordered con demned upon the recommendation of the Healthi Officer the buildings containing no sanitary appliances and having no sewer connections The report ot yetenuarlan ORourke callljig attentlohHothe fact that several newrslaughtervhouses have been established in San Mateo coUnty for the purposeof surreptitiously placing diseased beef on the San Franclsco market was ref erred to the State Board of Health withTthe presumption that that body hadfjurlsdictlon over San Mateo county Joiners Deniaiiq Higher Pay and Shorter lionr PHIllADELPHlk September f26 Ata other striker waslhaugurated rat Cratnps shipbuilding yards to day jf hen J5 shIp Jolnerslalddbwn their tools Thesemen had preaentedVdemands tntheHrnr ask Ing that nine hours constitute a days wontana tne pay di cents an qouriin stead of af ten hour day at 27cents per hour The Cramps were given until 10 Oclock this1 morning tbtreplyi and no an5 swer having beenreceiveas at tnai nour by the Joiners the 8trwkeTe8Ultelv Tho ttm phinlifta and blacksmiths who on September 1st strnckforanlnieihoBr wnrir dv still out and the Pattern makers AssocIatlbn of this city his served notice on thsj Cramps making a similar demands A reply froni the firm Isexpected to morroy UNDER OlSCUSSid The Couventlan of the American iitnsrnitt AaaresieidTf by 3in PromlBeatilttPuDlicft Jt SYRACUSE rtNl ift September L3rr Delegatestdtheconvlbntionofthe rjeague Of American Muhlclrklltles werej late In assemblmgltb K3ay Prlbr tSHhe session rtpTeseritatives of fCbarlestoViSiC Ati lanta Gij and Pebrlaill ibusledthemr selveslnsOHcltingjpuppori of the claims of their respecUveltiesforithejcbnyentiOn neityear Secretary Gllklson announces tnat rortyi mayors nave regisiereu auu ill cities have representation at the con i ventlort The openlngsesston to day was taken up with papers and aidlscusslonon uiunldpal charity1 delh ered by Horner Folks secretary of the New York State Charltlesr Ata Association Henry Johnson Mayor of Denver argnecs or municipal iownershlPijA -K Robert Porter formerDlreetor of the United States cerrsus was imabtetfibe Present but sent a paperiLwbich was readj orter prophesied that theistate constltu tlonaii limitation of debt which slopped the debt creajlnrmanladuringthe seventies4 andearly eighties would agaftl came1 Into forced to hold in check the latter day movement toward socialism and pater hallsm until practical men in municlpal affairs were enabled to fully examine not only the many complex questions Involved In munlclpalownefshln of all public utilities but also to realizes the stupendous change suchv absorption of private Center prise wouiaiDring aDoui nn ine innoa mental principle of the governmntof the KepUDUC forter tnougnt tnat snouiqiuir swing be KtVenmunicipal ownerhipxperiment the American taxpayer wpuldsimply Jn vue llUdULidUtaiasuuuur A general discussion followed the read ing of papers Mayor i aicuuirerAiaerman Tell of liOs Angeles and MayorYoung of Akron speaking in favon of municipal pwnersntp GQLtf REPtORT ECK ENGAGED LONDON mMM MATERIAL F0HNE0RK JOURfiAL jyfORl CiDlffiH BASTa 8UJIMBRS drought Giy AAABJBSbFOll THEsf SlARtaBbsADVAJfCf fiyl hi Scarclfy ot rialtleaa Compare Wth he Demand jBcreaMi thePriee of Foot toyr erlnKtGVetttl BpeeialbiatfoJheiwia NEW TORIC September MewSv rperhaagbne upiaarte jpfa tenv a poundr withln thelast three weeKSii The newspapersbf New Yorkacltyac cording toan official of the company whichupplies all but twtt of iheiJ8P5tff printed in thl cityVuse406 tons of paper dail at a cot bt2 penf tfepdu recent sliarp Jjadyance rnearis29P0 is My more to the newspapers pr 7oowa yeai over theprice which has heretCH foreiobtaihed gThe cost cof ithe consumptionisn0 iliiOOQ a day Thejehdeney is torraisej the price still Tdgherv Th advance i due parUtoihe drought of Jastsuin merhicW seriously Impaired theater iMwerof the paper nUsv Book paper has lscrgonup quarter ot a centsaj Tnifriii fariddetter paper from three quarters of a cent to one cerjt iwundVi Thenrice of shoe leather has goneip ffonr tb 5 Per cent rithin thlasr weekcowlng tQ the scarcity of cow ntqa material Shofc rnapufacturers hya signed contracts with wholesale and re tall shoe house which wjlt not erfj for months to come and so the patronsV of retill houses will not feel the advance-until December In the meantime the manufacturers who have bound themselves by contract wlllr be the sufferers from the rise 4ne price Asharperadncestilthas been raadfrin the price of crudesole leather Fortwo months the cost has been stead Hy going up and yestefday it hadadf vahced 6 cents per pound above thfff market price paid im August Still higher prices are looked for by manu facturera The Increased cost is due to the scarcity of cattle as cornpareirwlth the demand BIG BOOSi IXPIG 1BOS Be National City Panic Said to Ready Xo Import Frpni a ilialf to JfiveMIH ItofnaV NEv YORK September 20 It was Tepprtedvin Wall street to day that gold liad been engaged by the National Clly Bank In London for Importation gabled dispatches were quotedsjcbriflrmatlon cf the reports The amount off engagements were variously put ratJ50o0Osand J5O0O00O At the National City4BankVthe story was denied uneqai yroeally and none of th foreign houses kiew of any engagements Talk of probable goldlmports was more general yesterday than i heretofore and soriier exchange authorities wero predicting shipments at an early dateIt was stated In exchange circles that a prom nent foreign house gaveinotlce Just after the close otthe market thai itwill import gold If the demand exchange gets down to LM The general opinion was that If this flrmls willingtoimport at that fig ure the National City Bankor otherjnsti ty tlons can make ImportsS with the demand at485i Demand exchange was offered at485at the close of the markets VEXEZUELAJr TPILIBCSTER GREAT STRIKE IN MAVAJfA TTrelvef Thouaarid Laborers IforirLon the Idle Iilt HAVANA SeptemherMTh stHke bas assumed serldus proportions It is now estimatedjthatiithere arel20Xstrik ir gf masonsj painters catpnteraeartf men andilaundryr workers Jahdif sli threateneuthehackmen stevedores and cigarmakers strike within the next few Hays there will br another 4800 The cart men went out to dayi thereby paralyzing the wholesale business houses jTher srlve as a reasontf or their actlonithe unfair treatment they have been receiving at thehands of the police a majority of the cartmenbelneSpaniardsr Many reliable buslnesrroehBay that tmsstruce orjine carimenwineoniy legitlmateistrlke ItJs assertediJthatitKef police shamef uliy abuse their authority over cartmenrt endeavortnif ti get them to talk backrsoiaf to have a pretext to takef tnemtopnson ana ra accuse tneminfxt day oflnsultlngthgpollcev HARllISOX FOtti goverkobE ChlcaTurprWlit geel fheTfomt natlpnTK CHICAGO Septenjbert 20The Tfrnea Herald to moiTbwrtIlsayUayorHarH rlson wlllrun for GoVernbrbf Illinois next year HiS decision was supposed tore malnsecetuntn later In the aeasori The Mayor himself gave thenews toiWllllam Bryanlaat Saturday Mr Dryanwas aoeager to express his satisfaction 6 three or four Illinois Democrats that he tartedthe leak bjJiOTtpCPji iWRECH ConetoUlJireHMi iSie1SloTT nndJCollUlon Results K3Acrr SepteraberjA nas sengertrain northbound onf the St Louis orSanjPTanelscocoludexLwlthar freight trInf ilf iea mllei aoutheaat orthe city Udsf mdrnlroi Four pebplotwere killed Yeiset Loaded With Firearma SaiU From Trinidad NEW YORK September20 A dispatch to the Herald from Port of Spalrf Trthi dad says The Yeheiuelan schooner Jo seflte heavily loaded wlthVfireafms ammunition and other iwar materfal has evaded the vigilance of the local customs authorities and sailed away presumably for the Venezuelan cbasti The scheme to sendoutl the filibuster was organlted at this point and the Vessel was equipped hereS1 A large number of Venezuerans Include ing political leaders and ref ugeees left port on a barge and Joined the schooner outside the limits of local authority PORT OP SPAING September 21 The filibustering schooner Josefltalandediher passengers arms afid ammunition Wat LaGuajrraYenexuelaand has returned here It 1st re ported that PresldentAn drade meditates escaping fromthe country PRiBSIDEKPS TVESTTERJr TRIPi Will Vlalt Illlnolasanaj low Next Mbnth WASHINGTON September iM The arrangementstfor thePresidenisWest i erntrip are being perfected The Presi dent will go West even If the present dlffi culties In connection with1 the Chicago celebration are hot adjusted He will be lnIGalesburgUIson October 8th andat St Paul to receive the soldiers returning from the Philippines on the J2th From tliiMh until theUth he will be lnChicag unless thecelebratlon there which is set for the 12th is abandoned It is probable that the Presidents arrangements Will be adjusted to accept an invitation to visit iowa ii 1 i REMd OF PROFESSOR ADllEBi Priced IIIsher Than for Twenty Yearr Past BIRiHNGHXir Aliu Septemher 20 Pigirori has advanced a ton No 1 foundry now selling at 113 55 the highest In twenty years This Is the seebndad Vancebf 1 within ten days A prominent Iron authority said to daylhattherelsnot exceeding5 twenty four hours supply of iron in the district as comparediWltha 7 months supplyon the 1st of September Oil Paaaea the Dollar 3Iark LIMA OSeptember20 The Lima oil market passed thedbllarinark this after noon North Lima oil passed the dollar mark last week and bytbe advance to day Is Jl OS South LimjL oil Is nOland In dlanaJlOl Eastern oil was advanced 3 cents Theshlnments still exceed the runs about 20000 barrels daily Sheet Metal Trice Advancedi PI TTSBUR Pa September Ttoi The Asspctatloiiof Ironaijd Bheet Metal Manr ufacturers to day advanced the price of sheetfrom J3 J5 to 1125atoni to takeeffeet aitonce -PRYING INTO NEW7 YORK CORRUPTION i Evidence ThatfcOfflclaUj Were Ajs proachedneWardinjc the Water Supply of the ciif NEW YORK September jMi TheAs sembly committee investlgatlngrtlie management of the departments Of the munlc Ipal government devoted Itself to day to further inquiry regarding ithe sfatus of the Ramapo Water Company which had proposed to enter into a t20Q000000 water contract with the city Mi ingra hamof counsel fOrthe icompany wasthe first witness He had drawn the contract for submission to the Bard of Public Im prbvement but he pointed out several material differences between that paper and the contract which was placed before theBbard by Corporation Counsel Allen Witnesscbuld not give the names of stockholders In the Ramapo Company That company witness said could fil all the conditions of Itsproposed contract and begin the delivering of water in 1SBS He was isked to produce MTiNostrand the companys engineer hut replied He la notirt my pocket He la not where 1 can produce him To introduce any of my friends here to Mr Mdss would be llkeln troduclngthem to anassassln Mr Moss counsel for the committee took possession otthecontraefs and other documents which Ingraham had brought with him Genral Collins tor merly Commissioner of Public Works of New York dtyV said he had been approached while in office regarding the subject of thetJltys water supplyi The man Who came to him on this errand urged that ithe Ramapo Company controlled the only available supply but the witness had replied that at that very time there Vas stored In New York reservoirs 3600040000 gallons of water General Collins also testified that during the Strong administration the asphalt paving contracts had been so altered as to do away with the monopoly whlchonecOncernhad enjoyedi 1 Sober3 up oh JackMtfa Napa Sodat Anchor and Bnoy Picked Up on ICing Charles Island STOCKHOLM Sweden September 20 The Af tenbladet to day received a telegram frbra thfrmaster jofthNorW wf gianTcuttrMartha Larszalc saying that hehad7 found on Septembfr 9th on the nortn coast or lung cnaries isl undian anchor and a buoy marked jAndree PolarExpedltlon Indiana Said Jfot to Be Absent WASHINGTONt September 20 The agent of the Southern Ute Asency ete graphed the Ihterior JJepartment that nnnV of tha Indians of his reservatlonwn 1 absent to bis knowledge and that if any were awayine nurooer was smau ana tney were merely huhtlngvCommissIoner Jones Of the Jnaiaq umce ro aay expresses the opinion that no depredations had been committed by Indians In Colorado and addedthatif any of them had left the reservation they were Southern Utesnd the number was very gmjuu M1SCELLAX KO US B0Dy BUltDIN 17 matebials in Bprm If you ouidllye welfe eatwelUpiai Ib makeaerDlerselectiorofurf Thei jbody must have aUf the seventeen ingredients required buldlpgTjaibdjKf braiseasepetrhi Grape Nnts are madefront wheiat and Trial of the Krarnarge EWORSeptemberMt eb ship Keariarge will leave thr Brooklyn Navy Yaro to morrow ror Boston The WKtwlilhe taKeh durJ of the arv dock to day andLls cow In flrsficlasstrlm for her omciai trsai wnicoijnu was juace over the Cape Ann courjsei on Monday nn FrldaV or Saturday a nrlvata test of theJahlpa powers wiitjbel made over the course oy ner uuijurru one men betaKenjtoBostoni where shewjir fake on the Government Board Tof Inspection for herofnciatxtriat esses of manufacture iaa to change the starch Into jgrape sugar hehcethcnril partofihe names They contain all the peeded elements to combine with Oxygen Water and Alb mirn7 torfconstruet indj maintain thcy Jn perfect health Grape Nuts food isthe niost scientillyaatlelefor buaMHi censumptloa everprodncedi and will smH cieair Itslhealtbf utlalBar to in jviia tt iiTrSTftii nMr fcSr iv2i yr wtife rlt frh wpTiji jV fr fc JSMiu yg fekj iS iKiMm SSS WwsmfMxfimjii MmsBsM 0a.

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