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San Francisco Chronicle from San Francisco, California • Page 18

San Francisco, California
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

iXt ftfc kv ti zmxtwvmmr7QmV3 fmTifWimmmd Wifflw 0 vr a Wiirciu rri Qll fujfjtc 1 48 fe FOR USELESS WORK nn nSy CDMMnSSUIGIDR HFRimGIRil I FHlMMLfl wr mi ii imi imia bi ii cm i rir rt i sLsT UBBBtBBsitlfl UIHIVBHI IM i TfJTl 1 JfJi IrHtV nwinwiM li VJji HI KT 1 XT UM it rw su sb saj sh a i sa at i ii iip ti Vk i i i ji 1 1 i a aa a a a iii ta aaa i vr i JprJ tfifJ Hi i i ISR ht 6 Li i 1 snv in 1M i 11 i fflv If It ft i flfcf I itf i fa It i Interest of the City Engineers Office in the Harbor View Site Causes Comment REAL ESTATE PROPOSITION Extraordinary Request Made to a Contractor Related in Full Detail Th whole city In discussing the wonderful and extraordinary phase tht the situation In regard to the exposition site hftH taken and the air Is filled with 11 kinds of rumors particularly In connection with the report which has hfn procured from the enfflneertnt de partment of the Board of Works It Is a ell known fact that two or throe real estate concern are Interested In pushing before the people the ltp dfRlfrnnted aS Harbor View one third of which la under water This part of the rfty has been dead and no progress has been made there for 3 ears In the wav of improvements or devel ipment It has two enormous gaso ncters numerous oil tanks a defunct distiller but no Improved streets it In it nnflnes Rut the qu tlon that th people are nuking In Why should the rltv grov ernmont tnke such a violent Interest Jn thts sltand aRalnst the wishes of BlmoM the entire city for th use of bolden Onte Park Alt i mikIi the report whlrh has rt en pro ure I for 1 he Clt Hnffineer kpi i ret it 1 alen out that It Ih pri nc tpnIH ile ot el an attempt I i at tlio umi nf oldPii rate Uik fr litis exploit will st the iih millions nil mill Ion iloilar IIMHUlflH nRO 11 ID Tlmt th rppi hhh i om piled with Infinite purpose nine llRht i in ii ron i Hitton had hv a Ohrnni le rrporter with a well ii rontrirtnr In the inurse fif ht the rmiPHitor remarked that he i i 1 In pii a5kd thf entclneerlnff de irt icnt of the Hoard of AVorka to Ke a bid for rernov Infj the trees from lie prorodil uMp pst of Twentieth a en up lire fnr them for six ir a put hem lm at the end ri tiMt tlm His repl to the offltlal wl npproachei him was that he did noi know of sn tre In that portion of the Park that were worth the expense of renn in eplng and tp la Inp the treea In fjuestlon tnmht liiic ptimlpally of lot of eucHljptus rul pines and a few small akfl He tbhd that while there mljcht be a I ee here and there which would be worth keeping there wa i no reason win the shoull he tut the buildings that would be ei ei td would oc ti onh about 0 jer i ent of that linn the Jnrk hi in plated in nil iMalllles as the buffalo paddock where tliere are no roes Ho said I told the pnrty tht apprnm he I ne Mint 1 could remoe thee trees for about JS to 12 but he laughed and ai 1 We want bids hlfher than that he estimates running from 80 to 10 for each liee from four or fle of cur contrartois and we want to icet a few more VMKD HIT II KTIMTK liat is jour objett I asked him Are mu golnpr to award lonrracM for this kind of work No he said This is onlj a baals for a report we are making to show what an extraordlnarj expense it will be to the people for the restoration of the Prirk If they hold the exposition there Th narration of this conversation natu a 1 caused a laugh and the reporter asked What about the trees at Harbor Mew There la not a single tree at Harbor View the contra tor snswered nor an ornnmental shrub nt any vnriet but the proposition as I understand It Is If the Harbor lw site Is selected to lake up a lot of trees and shrubs from the Park and tiansplant them to ornament the grounli at Harbor View But Is It really true the rpporter aaked that It would ost so much money If the exposition should be held In the unimproved part of the Park West of Twentieth aenue This Is all nonsense was the reply It will develop open up and benefit approximately 500 acres of the Paik that today have no Improvements of any kind excepting the lakes the footpaths and the beautiful carriage drives Behind the trees lining the drives there Is nothing but a lot of rolling and unimproved sand dunes filled with ecrub trees which would be better out of the Park than In it aeafaaaaaaaMaaaaKeS ifcfalV ftatatsBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsfSiNiji BaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBiaflBKi i 3 WMKL fiW Vn IbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbHI lftl I wW CsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbB3Pm rseS tttPffis 1 15 laaiBiBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBKKtKlitTliL rfrNkwVilBSBBBaBbK i it iii JSBBBBIBFIIBPBBBKJ4bJBF jj JBBnFr TsassssssssP aSBBak lafSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBKiF Vvl JSBBBBBBBBBBl alBK IPaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHBBBlBBBBBBn aw CBaBBBBBnaBBBBBBBBBBBBlBBufJb BearJaKJBBBBBa af iBBBBBBBkiWiBBBBBBBBBBBB fl bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV ibbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbi BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBF ABbBBBBBBbPBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBrlBk VT eLBP9BaBBBrJBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl tBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBRSaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBa KE WrV 4diBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBIB laBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBW ljVffV rVBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBaBBBlBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBVxVr KT I IBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBIBBBBBBBBBBI IP liTlL aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl Willis Polk the vcU fnon architect Technical Publication Tells oi Work oi Willis Polk in Five Years HE Arrhltn sni Englnrr ot California for April 1911 han just Dfn puhllflned an an anni ersar number belnit the fifth annl ernn of the memnrahle fire of 1906 Hhlch left a vast and Importaot section of hdn Krancl0 In ruins The annlernar number Is detilratefl to Willis Polk the well known local arihltert anil to the part he plaveil In the rebuilding of San 1 ranclsco greater ami helter than the city hail been be fore the Are In enumerating the hulMlnKS Polk of the world Architects builders hulness and professional men and men I all walks of life have Klven un st nted praise to the people of San tranclsco for their energy courage snd abiding faith In Its future In rebuilding San rnnclsco In a manner which Is a reiilt to the designer builder and owner Among the notable buildings In the designing or rehabilitation of which folic has plaved an Important part niuy be mentioned the rirst National Tank of San I rani 1st the building fur the legem of the Lnherslty of California san rram Urn Marys Hospital Pacific 1 nlon Club house has designed an I auperlntended It 1 Men lianta lxi hange building Mills computed that during that period the work he has I Rndled represenls an expenditure aggregating about J8 100 000 in round figures or prol at twice as much as accomplished 1 any other architect In this Lily during the same period I lie inlumi of the woi which has passed through his office Is a sort of a revelation to most persons In this cltv and a surprise to his most Intimate frlen and associates In local clubdom as most of the men comprising the Inner clrtle of hla atqualntanca re gard him as an easy going good na tured companionable fellow rather than as a man handling so vast an amount of construction work In ao brief a period and among It some of the most Important structures of the rebuilt cltv Those of hla friends and acquaintances who have been absent from San Francisco at Intervals during the period of reconstructing and rebuilding the city have been amazed at the Improvements they found upon their return and they assert that It la necessary for a resident to absent himself from the cltv for a time In order to realize how much has been accomplished during their absence The rapid rebuilding of San Francisco during the five years since April 190B has challenged the admiration ullillng the uylir Lee hulldlng Tred r1 ks building the chronicle building a number of large business and office buildings and realdencpa while he designed and superintended the construc ton of numerous public and private buildings In different parts of California during the same period The Architect and Engineer In complimenting Polk upon his genlim and exceptional ability as an architect re fiis to him In one pa In the follow lng words A to the credit of Mr Polk with the eagerness and adven turousness of his gifts that he has not experimented that he has maintained a reverence for the sound traditions of architecture It is this steadiness and respect for what has been accomplished In the past and his a ert Intelligence In adapting the tra dtlnn to modern usage that gives his vork Its alue In the present and Its possible challenge to the future This compliment coming from that source la very much appreciated by Polk while his friends say that It Is amply deserved by him and la fair and Just Polk Is generous in refusing to claim all th credit but gives praise to his associates for the part they have had In the work He makes special mention of those who had anything tu do or were In any manner connected with the work or with any part of if AGED CAPITALIST VANISHES FROM HOME IN BESXELEY Disappears Mysteriously Without Leaving Trace of Whereabouts Eclatives Fear Accident Robert Thompson an aged rapltallst residing at 2U MIMa street Berkeley la missing from his home since Thursday April 0th and his relatives fear that he has met with an accident and Is niahle to i ommunlcate with them The prlloe of Berkeley Oakland nd ban Francisco have reen notified of the mysterious disappearance of the missing man Thompson Is f5 years of age five feet six Inches in height and wore a dark blue serge suit and a soft hat and Is not known to have had either money or valuables about his person at the time of his disappearance He was living with a married daughter Mrs Kdward A Ftevenson 2412 Mllvla street ouni considerable property Ln Berkeley and was In a cheerful frame of mind on leaving his home last Thursday THEFTS REPORTED TO POLICE Gor Duddy of 8T Filbert street was robbed at the Kerry depot by a pickpocket of his purse containing 52 Prank Branard ot Berkeley reported that be was robbed by a pickpocket of 123 on a Market street ear A pickpocket stole 149 frem John Piters ot 72 Howard street while he was on a Third street car i Peter Meet reported that a thief stole tiV from his satooo at 2HA East street cx Or Inl Mle for Bemtnoua Mac eees nr4ail it tf fr WOMAN ALLEGES SHE IS On Complaint of Mrs Kramer Detectives Search for Roy Reynolds The police are looking for Roy Reynolds who Is alleged to have swindled Mrs Anna Kramer residing at the Manhattan Hotel Taylor and Eddy streets out of 11200 Mrs Kramer reported to the police that sxie met Reynolds about a month ago and he represented to her that he was a hotel man He Interested her In a proposition to buy the St James Hojel on Van Ness avenue and told her that It could be got at a bargain Mrs Kramer alleges that he went with her to a young man named God dard who represented that he was the agent of the hotel and that the first payment would he J120O She alleges she paid this amfunt and that Immediately thereafte Reynolds departed from the city saving he was going to the Tosemlte to meet a man named Moore who he said wasthe manager This was three months sgo and Mrs Kramer has seen neither Reynolds nor Ooddard since and believes they were confederates In a plot to swindle her Detective Tom Maloney who was detailed on the case ascertained that Moore never saw Reynolds or Ooddard and knew nothing whatever about the alleged transai tlon Mrs Kramer save she will get a war rant for the arrest of Reynolds EASTKIl At ITION OVER The taster vacation of two weeks duration being over the pupils of the various public schools of Han Francisco resumed their studies yesterday morning The next vacation will be the summer and ss yet the date has not been decided upon by the Board 6C Edncation It Is probable that the summer vacation will commence the letter part of June FORTY TO TAKE UIAJII 1T10JJ On Thursday morning forty law students will take the semi annual bar examination conducted by the Justices of th First Appellate Court The ex amination will continue until Saturday DID CAT SEND IN A BURGLAR ALARM Harbor Police Surround Seaboard Bank A burglar alarm was sent Into the Harbor Police Station at I oclock yesterday mornlnr from the Seaboard National Bank at Hpear and Market streets Instantly a posse of policemen were rushed to the bank to surround lt They quickly Invested the building with a blue coat at every exit All was still Inside and dark The front door was finally forced and three policemen entered Flaahlnr their night lamps they saw a huge tortoise shell cat sitting beside the time clock staring at them with wide curious eyes The time clock had run down at oclock but whether this or the cat had sent In the burglar alarm Is unknown The police think the cat had something to do with It WILLIAMS PLEADS GUILTY OF FALSE IMPERSONATION Eailroad Promoter Averys Bond Is Seduced to 3000 but He Fails to Get Sureties Williams pleaded guilty yesterday ln the United Slates District Court to an Indictment cljarglng him with having obtained from II Dor rls a saloon man of Chlco 113 on the false representation that Williams was an ofllcer of the Internal Revenue department He was ordered to appear this morning for sentence The ball bond of hrank Arery was reduced from 110009 to 13000 on motion of Bert Schleelnrsr th prisoners attorney Averyawas unabls to find bondsmen at the closing of the United States Marshal office and was taken to th Alameda County Jail He la wanted ln Kansas City Mo on sn Indictment charging him with having used the malls for the purpose of furthering a fraudulent scheme of alleged railway promotion Frank Rellly Indicted a Reflly for smuggling six tins of opium I on th steamship Korea pleaded not awiv EdgirHawkfnsootsYSeIf a He Stands Before Mirror in Rm Fstntft Offce MOTIVE BAFFLES POLICE Friends Declare He Was Free Fnpm Both Financial and Family Troubles Edgar Hawkins for thirty year on of th best known real estat operators In and around San i Francisco was found dead In hit otBc at 170 Bush street early yesterday mora lng with a bullet wound through the right temple Inflicted It Is believed by his own hand a ha gaiedlnto a mirror John Francis janitor of the building made the discovery when he came to sweep up and a few moments later the police and Deputy Coroner Dennis Qulalan took charge of the re mains Nothing could be found to point to The cause of Hawkins aet He Is knowrrto have had no financial trouble or affair of the heart and con siderable mystery surrounds the suicide When found by the janitor the dead man was lylng on the floor of the washroom adjoining his offlce A heavy revolver lay beside him and ap parently he had been dead for more than twelve hours A search of Hawkins effects at the Morgue showed nothing but 6 cents ln coin It developed later that the dead man had placed a valuable watch and some Jewelry In a package and left It In his safe He left a will In which he Is said to have expressed a desire to be cremated NO MOTIE IJ DISCOVERED Hawkins was one of the best known figures In the city during hrs active career He handled many large estates and hi land deals and is believed to have died worth more than 15000 No motive of any kind yesterday could ne assigned by his closest Irlends or acquaintances John Kussell of 202SH Bush street at whose home Hawkins has been living for almost a year said that the real estate operator was not the kind of man who would brood over his troubles even If he had any of any Import I knew Hawkins for twenty years sajd Russell yesterday and never have 1 found him anything but careful He always was regular In his habits spent his evenings quietly at home and retired early Last night he telephoned that he was going to dinner with friends who had Just arrived in the cltv and would not be home for dinner That was the last we heard of him WARYED BY HI rHYSICIAt It Is not Impossible that Hawkins was worrled about his health as he had been Informed by a physician that ho might sometimes have an apoplectic stroke but 1 can say that he seemed to worry any about that Boody occuplng offices next door to those of Hawkins Is believed to be the lajt person who saw Hawkins Boody convsrsed with his neighbor and friend Just before oclock Sunday afternoon in Hawkins office I noticed nothing unusual about his manner said Boody yesterday unless perhaps It was that he seemed despondent about the Illness of a friend named Smith who Is 111 In a local hospital It is an awful thing to think that Smith may go off at any moment said Hawkins and then he relapaed Into a moody strain SPKKS HIOHL1 OV HIWKIIS Cathie merchandise broker of 116 California street also was a friend of the dead man and he was greatly shocked on hearing of the suicide Why I can reallie that Hawkins Is dead said Cathie He did not seem like a man who would commit suicide and I cant Imagine any trouble that he could have had I always thought he was comfortably off financially and know of no legal entanglement Among all of Hawkins friends the sentiment is that he was a good man charitably Inclined and the soul of honor He made no enemies and always was ready to help any one whom he thought deserved It Hawkins was unmarried He has a brother living In Los Angeles and other brothers and sisters living In Bayonne Immediately after the big lire Hawkins made his home In Sausallto returning to this citv about seven months ago He was Gl years of age and looked younger Lack of a tangible motive has lad to the belief that the Illness of his friend became an obsession and that rather than undergo the possibility of a similar experience following the warning of his physician that hs must take care he shot himself i Mrs Elizabeth rtennisori Finds QaughternJ Oakland lAfter Chaseoft40doMies SEEKS AmOFTHrC0URTS 1 iJi i Ml SaysSeparatedtHusband Kidnaped Child varid Placed Her inv a Convent A chase across thcentnat by a mother to Intercept bsr separated hue bapd who he claims kidnaped their tbliteen yerold daughter flever bits of shadowln and detective work which finally resulted In the locating of the child inan Oakland convent was an brougnt out in a petition for a writ ot habeas oerpu lied terday ln the StaieiSunreme Court by Mra Elisa beth th Jennlion the mother The writ wfftt tta Maul Vml Tll Beatty and made returnable before the Superior Court ot Alameda county 1 directed against the Convent of the Sacred Heart ln which Institution thirteenthirteen year old Alice Jennlson was placed by her father Frank Jennl 1 son upon his arrival here on Febru nry 28th The fight for the possession of th viiiiq nu oeen a sensational op in Jeanlsons were married ln New York In J89S and llvedtogether until l0r when Mrs Jennlson sued for a aepa ratlon which was granted At that time the child was awarded to her custody she claims TOOK HER TO DUTGOR Mrs Jennlson took Alice to lve with her relatives In Bangor Me Jennlson followed the mother and child and threatened to take Alice from the mother To prevent this Mia Jennlson brought the oase Into the Probate Court of Bangor snd notice was served on Jennlson telling him of the proceedings which were about to be Instituted by the wife to be awarded the custody of the child a second time Two dava before the trlsl ln coort Jennlson Is accused of having kidnaped the girl and hurriedly left for New Tork From trfere he took a steamer for Galveston Tex and then left for San Francisco arriving her en February 28th of this year Two days later he placed the child in th convent across th bay Meantime Mrs Jennlson learning that th former husband left for New York traced hi movements and finally landed In Galveston five days too late Inquiries resulted In her finding out thst the pair had left for San Francisco and she Immediately followed Alone and without friends Mrs Jennlson performed a remarkable piece ot detective work and followed her meager clew to Oakland A days search finally resulted ln her seeing the little girl playing In the convent She spoke a few hurried words to her telling her not to tnention the occurrence and then came to this city Mrs Jennlson engaged Attorney Smith Jr1 of the firm of Morrison Dunne Brobeok and legal steps were uken yesterday to have the child returned to hei i jt vfirv 136 I44J Grant Aveaiic AW rim i i sssssassasasssBBBaBsssssaississssieaess fA AriftziP vir ssTJ ssWssTJ assa saam aagesa i IHs A safJsaat All tJieIttModeli Bought ata Saving of Atwuti One Half Dresses fotSirSet Afternoon anaEvemng Wear tSergearidfhatlie Dresses 21t 75 and 19130 OrJgWjiyilue V6m325p to IttMlY Wliite NavyiorBIact Serge Shepherd Checio Chaltfes la Light or Dari Colors Our sale of black satin Suits at 2950 and tailored and fancy Siiits at 1950 and 2175 will continueall this week TELLS POLICE HE KILLED HIS WIFE IN SACRAMENTO Lawrence Whitney Surrenders Himself bnt Investigation Show No Murder Was Done Lawrence Whitney 38 years of age who claims to be a locomotive engineer walked Into the Central Police Station yesterday morning and sild he had slain his wife In Sacra mento and wanted to give himself up lie said he had found his wife In company with another mam at 183 Corretb street Sacramento the day before and shot her three times killing her Whitney was placed ln custody and Inquiries were made of Sacramento The police there replied that there had been no such murder committed and that there was no street of that name In that city It was also found that Whitney Is not ln the employ of the Southern Pacific Company The local police believe he Is demented BANKRUPTS FILK SCHKUVLKS Milton Levy an involuntary bankrupt filed his schedule ln Insolvency vesterday He owes 8035 and has I130S assets which about S120O represents stock and fixtures In his saloon at 145 47 Eddy street Oeorge Mundegl of Westlev Stanislaus county filed a petition In Insolvency He owes 18783 and lias 15000 assets CONSIL AT ACAPWLCO VISITS Clement Edwards the newly appointedappointed American Consul at Acapulco Mexico visited the Custom house ln this city yesterday He will sail for Acapulco this morning AKIIICi POWDER absolutely Pure The official Government tests showRoyal Baking Powder to be an absolutely pure and healthful grape cream of tartar baking powder and care should be taken to prevent the substitution of any other brand in its place With no other agent can biscuit cake and hot breads be made so pure healthful and delicious Royal Baking Powder coats only a fair price per pound and is cheaper and better tt its price than any other baking powder ia the world It makes pure dean healthful food Royal Cm Book 800 Receipts Fne Send Name and AUrea OTM gAKIWdl powpen CO NSW vow KREISS SQNSA SUTTER ANt STOCKTON STREETS SPECIAL OFFERING SUNDOURDRAPERJES yVyard The English and Original Sun fast Fabric Fifty Inches Wide Pf HROUGHOUT the week we shall offer yjj this popular fabric in its plain weave 1 and colore at tfie startling low price of 90 cents per yard fifty inches wide Each yard carries with it the positive guarantee of the English weaver that it will not fade This is indeed a rare opportunity to decorate your windows at a nominal cost The oolors are Golden Yellow Golden Brown Light Brown Nut Brown Pink Light Blue Light Greert 1uc ie Mohtebello Champaghe Distinguished in France as the Pro mier of all champagnes costliest made same price to you AW VIGXIER IW Pacific Coast Agats SOS Battery Street rJ ClmT4artt il 01am Id Km III ympd6T fT aaTatJlY VJ t3trrJSitJiy vAl tti i iV Cheap Rates EAST Personally Conducted EXCURSIONS RednCfd Roand Tlp Rates May 16 A 18 1 22 23 21 2J 27 28 29 81 And many dates In Jane July Anst and September God Until October 51st Choice of Routes The Rock Island has made arrangements to conduct special parties to Chicago and the East leaving San Francisco and Oakland on Tuesday and Wednesday May 6th and 17th passing through the Sierra Nevada Salt Lake City Royal Gorge and famous scenery ot the Rocky Mountains making stop of several hours at Colorado Springs or Denver Llveral stopover privileges Standard and Tourist Sleepers RE8ERTE BERTHS NOW If you are contemplating only a one way trip It will pay you to Join one of these excursions For detailed Information call at our offlceB or nil out coupon below and mall to me A Rutherford A 882 Market St Sao iVancNco Cl Send me circular ln regard to above Excursion and quote lowest rate to ay Round trip rriame a Address RocK Island Ticket Offices 882 MABXET STBEET 1120 BE0ADWAY n4Bl1ajv Saa FrlBa Cal OaUasa JT i mt fohM 4j 3 Vr rU.

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