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San Francisco Chronicle du lieu suivant : San Francisco, California • Page 1

San Francisco, California
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REGTI I ft teraerot COMPilT. I OBptaia OooBelly Lrem UVIIS fklDArFrbJltt TVZDLY1 frt. VLJAT rek8. nrttaadaUaaaam LtttZ hmL BTATXS KAU Liverpool any place la CJoBtlaajt LINE. UETH iai I El LVYU.

IT. I Bin ISXILI aid MT. jfSSL loo I. thiwagkpea gSSM nalUo 2Sf Bf and 0 5 wr rcisoot. i Jee atiBg eMpatar goLrAT AND BBOOXB jipcrt cf the Jndiciary Committee.

10 rOITZB TO EXPEL JIEOOKS. ii vduaeztt of the Viee- Preaidatnt. DWELL CASE. WUIOTOW February Uth. a Ml aaendtag Let of March II 1IW grant te IB right ef ay to the.

Will. Win. and 0. ktatbas rallrsa4Co ajar watpeaaed. va t-1ic LLIII.

XI. Marrffl Termont called ip the AgrtcnL taal CWkn rtzrte4 7 the Hooae with Wla4 of Mmoot moved to refer the Mi I the thDttI on Public Lands with la ycdoSI UxTBln lato the expediency of MK the equalization ef ol4Ier. Ybi. bfl a It came flee. the flee.

be aald. to mapoae of forseet half r. Mr WtodoBt aala he eedrntod the Mil to dlt Jy blf tt on that bed ii would tfrci the pledge of Governnent to these as4Wf es for th is. oMM000000. rod he did wt tMSk the eotmtry twaid awd that Iftowever OeOMatalUMtawUlcti wished to have this 1 nierred beI4 Had that lbs Treelury wu mlHbonc this Ull weald tadtcate th surplus wkMi tt I.

ved I. dealing Joatloa to ka ridlerr by equefletni boontiea. At tb SB VUUB if Mr Ferry of Connecticut at Mr Outline of Kew I ork Mr. Wtmoon rd hi mks to refer by striking the tostnctl 0. to ecualitatloa of twenties hot said that.

a. St the members of the Committee It PbiC Laixls. he wueid keep that object to vw Mr mil ef Ttrmoat said Mr. Sherman we. WTM a ic tke qutetity ef public Uixb that the kill wvckl take It was one half not three- TWS riLBWXU.

CalL Xr. Morton of Indiana cone on a question of prlv Irpe aid mutd to lay pending bill on the Sable. to' it jmrpoae of considering the report ike hiemliter on Privilege end Lectioo. In Ike Oak ril case. Mr Loaaa moved to pompon the OaMwelJ aaar utl mono.

Mr. MotilU Vermont irked Mr Morton wbetherlt sr Donemery consider the CaM- well rae it tbv session. He theorM It had bet tee go over until fterth toorth lurch. Mr Pctt of PenniTfvanl Mid his colleague Cameron ked Un Wwavagtoa with the an Oretsndlng that ttl core wsqsIl not be brooghl CU Tneaday awl bad tleerph4 to him soy- tej that be very deelroet of mg present bea the cm. hi token up botcouUnot hire Ut to-morrow.

Mr Muifn I rave notice last week that I wrbd set the Smite to proceed to the coo Mention of this molter on lotordoy but so ap- Cal wu made tue by Senators who devlred to rM aot re toot day siel therefore rka aiMVse for Tnedoy Fl 4teg however that that wovld be too late I at UC I ld ran the reoIsUon or 4ay o4 load Mr. thnr. I would do to but seat I would SUM Cave the vote token aatl leedr whom. he would present. I tbooU very t1d ii mp ae tht motion I.

silt the attB ec4eec or Senators bet to the discharge uf sii. I taxaaot a It ttlt he ptrmlUsd to vT tutu the executive session After March It wTh te signed ri It ha. been before that kgre baa zpired od that the report of the OBBilttrt aa loil. fth the I pi ratios of Coo- mw ai sit tne labors of the Committee In this teMiratinn wta hare been In vain. Mr.

Trtmtmi of Inino4 said he bad no froliczj wtatever la reapect this rabject Tbe nbjecr was ln naat to Ib Senator affected and tt borer rod character the Senate of toe Visited flat Th Committee on Privilege and Itedten. bad had lapeerd pe a 0 4)a sa4thankle duty whkb it bad performed to a Wetof ability and row It the labor of th CkstsOlaa ali aid be lot by send ng the motor tee fcerond i if end of the cession the responsl- MUM with tb hetoate. After farther dtscuivlon th qGeatlnn we. taken Mr Mortun motion to lay tb tending Ull the table fi ir porpo taking op the Cold- anx was decided In th negative ayes EL Does m. A mutlur li refer to the Committee on Public lArd.

the AtrlcuIturai College bill we. then ijes 1" nsTf 311. Mr ii eat moved to lay the tffl on the table in Tdrr 11 lake ap the Army Appropriation bliu A naji30 hamerour amendment to the bill were offered a i1 a Mr 11 rtoo said the poe of the District of Culuml la re xcluled front the benefit of the ktU 1 would be of no benefit to them give the Smirhsoclan Instltau. Pradlig the nen the hour of o'clock ant t4aid tha Senate took a receaa till at. At 11 was found that no qnerem wa pi andUitSenati was competed to adjourn upaci ViOl Tax riaami.

The' i atrr old before the Moose a message fur the I rrttd LI rrnatodircg Conjrea. of that rtloD of his sanoal mewagt which reoom Oded legislation tu bring In operation eTude. the Treaty of Waohlnrton of May 8 W71 ttv to fisheries and other matters touching the relations of tbe totted State. with British Mactb American pooesstocs and calling attention or pertly to the importance of that legislation in ad- Cuba to the ut of national good faith involved. Tbe President a that it la Important that the rigBts of American fishermen a.

provided for In tb treat' shall determined before the open. hg of the approaching tiling season toot son- ok oedlco1Ue. to the fishing Interests sod grave questions between the two lovemmentu rlt therefrom. may be averted. Mr.

Banks of Massirtraftetti Chairman of the Oonrmtttre on Foreign Afiair taked to the meisoge considered now tad the Fishery btfl taken P. Mr Saw of Wlsconala. who has charge of the beer and Harbor Appropriation bill declined to yild and Insisted on glng tm with toll 1110. The House proceeded with via aivn ar UABBOB morllAnow rut. OB motto.

of Mr. Lynch of Maine an Item of HDOO a Inserted for U. harbor of uhlngtoo sad U. I C. On motion of Mr.

Hereford of. west Ylrzlnla a Men of ta000 was Inserted for tbt Great laavfca river. Wsot Virginia. roLraX ABB BMOU. Mr.

Butler of Msssachosett interrupted the OBstdrratl of the Mil sod. as a vacation of prim l- presented tb report of th Jdlelary Ooniantuee to the rattan of Impeachment arising eon of the report of th Credit MobUler Corn- It tee TV CVrk proceeded to road th report In fun. Th only Impeachable officers Involved In the LatteT tht report says are tb tee of lb Caked iutea and James Brooks In the qae1tp of aCo trcment titrector of the floe PectftcsUltnod. Tbe loiter hoeing since ceased socb officer th tS against him had bee rotokier no further. The report then cite.

farts and circam taaca in the we of Oolfax Seaflig th facts as alleged to be all proved. ran Impeached except for aria. The Commute had not bsa 14. II red. aa Instance of trnpnechmeht when the vo atkm was not In re tstioo to an act dose or alleged to have er done wan taeefflccr wat in office lLbadaiayalrnetu soaidred that the article should allege ta aab- toace that btU tech al ooac and while In to.

xercla of U-e duties of bJi office the re- uted connaitted ado of alleged loc It appeared tdnt to Use Committee that prooredingi tIf lrnpchuoont were Intended the Oonatltntioa to be wholly ru4U. a4 not preventive. Lecept a. far a the pnaty deprivation of office toe. ta remedial pr wtdlurs of lnathmen tnouM only be applied to hick clinic.

and muadeeneanon auBBUteii while in odes n4 which aged officer to the discharge of al doty a tech whatever might be th tlfcct of these act on the officer go a man A proceeding of impeachment touched the office BIT end not the soon himself The report criti olae ta view. enumerated by the Poland then- aolttee drawing an analogy between proceed on of Impeachment and that of expulsion and aavma the. atbnaty aa tswl for ca a doculBe. An expelled member may be re-elected bat an terponthed oOetr ran leery be restored to omen. But eve.

the power of expolaton for an act committed berort the election of a member was not within the coo tdtaUonal power of the flee. less 110 todd in octt be. impeached for soune4birg done by him or we. ii mon Th Enrtoh a of Jim. Wlikea died by the Credit MoMUer thin- BKtocot an onltj the Uoii that a mrabey could be expelled tor act.

done before waa a nurentan could not property dt for toe. pwpii for If aaythtng wan a Uled In Uke case Ii we. that such act ef expalstoo waamatnrvto th Ubortie of the Common. of Zaiiti.d. Th oObnolr worts were tfterward aBgtd from the Journal of the floe.

hkmai Betide the several acts fcr aica Wtttet we. expelled wers done t-ctin. to that tame teuton if ParUtaenC Th COM of a B. llattlran of Atw lork. died by the Poland Committee In tb tun ononectisoo faraHhcd no precedent vhaUTcrbtcaaa tb reaolutioa of txjrtOfiou ton mm 4ua taCU racedu ar Caagr had been laid tliavaMe.

TawOoaoaiauate of optatoo. that to. right of repnacotaOoa Is to. rtbtot BO toBotHaaueyTBOt Ue teproteate- nv7 aadwa toacn notbtag a6 4erly or whlrh reBdend him unfit to be a Beaiber of tb JUejDw the had no ugh leral oafctKriHopai JutivdkIMB ac fiowr to xMi. The UoBmtttee agreed therefore that both the impeaching power and the power of expulsion are remedial only and primitive and com to tb MndDatoa tbace ftro el vtnr and ttoluot aa tatcret toe Credn KoMBer mccemdThrri as Dehlng la tha testimony sebenitaed which WOOM wumit tboMmpeachmtrt wf th Tic.

retdoet Th Commltte therefore eel to dtonkarged from the farther ceitai4ratio of Lb. Mbm TO. report UB at ranUainraibers of the OraiBtrte except potter Aew Jork WlUon ladtaaa out 43edTicfc of How Vert oU who. however CMCBT ta tA taoomaeadattoa that ta thrnmm. dlachaqrod.

asp romB1 vuwa. Lila Okartport it- the Jdlciary Oonnhtoe 4 beea read Mr. Potter ef Sew Tork preonatad hi view said It would be maalfeetry mjoat outtneoit ib tesUBMSty Uo refereed wttaoat hear. tfg hint to further to ettgsrw tt. At this of ttttsluBerta Hoyeef epiisentatlve.

to peact OoUsl wwaM to Impeach hlnwWt- the p10ait7 of mL wtthia ave darvdor- to iiipujrtnmnl and removal elnc Ho oodrtc aiiotner taenoer it thi Gbct fnncaidtaaexiutroei the Wwtof the majority. mast emphatically duaeat ftoa Ut urtloa ajf so Cattod Statce er llabl to trnpeoch-BMBt at xpat- I. tarry oet Ma corrupt brgsla end a ha on 4o thataai ac rooMbexptled4 fihatef aad ett OM BOeaae womld tfv4 fnUjfel ta- peecImauf in txpelaioB. Referring to the fad th Otminitte. pig Urn 1 a.

precedent Mr. Goodrich said a pre- redcat taeally tabOt ole tem Vail State. ttvrae eih tB eac Bt A Jedga of the mi Ooort but whether i her prtusdnti or aaty far we. wining to eatahBab A Mr. Butler moved thI dtackargeof th Core.

wilson from farther 6i eooierato of to. ab ject. bet Oft. farther dlacaaaon it warn pot- pued untfl Wedneidag. Tb.

Boat then reoumed th WMlderatloa if the Elver and Harbor Mr Sawyer moved to nspend the ruin. ant pas all of the amdaebt 1. third end sectioa which we. agreod te Ayo 10 DOSI 44. Mr Bank.

of Memadinaeua moved to serpent the rules and onnabder the neraa of th Preal den' tad the bin I. carry a effect the Treaty of Weaalorta In lt on to PaheTiso. So ordered. Mr BftnItIt tcncaeUt odtired en amendment to taB. pTortding that tb Act than not go Into efthc uot4 July I Id.

Mr Garfield of Ohio meved that tbe Hone. take a recess until 7 8 which was agreed to and Uo receaa we. taken. THE HOODLUM CREED. ma Weekly fan ct mm fc a-A Ileavtbcsf View of a Man rrsoaesae.

ItsotltttUost. To CA. Editor ef the ti Certain disciples bold their weekly seance en Sunday. In the afternoon at Dahaway Hill. To a spectator they stem to be political.

social and rbglooug tab. maeUtei made up of vtrtooj nationalities mostly hum beyond the tea. Then teems to be but one clause In their creed on which all au. united and that la Whatever It it wrong and a ways has beta. Chronic soreheads who seem to went to rob mankind of an they poeaese be it wealth talent religion or common tense but par.

tlrnlsTlT all syitmes of religion and their toned- err Ctirict Mohammed Confodtu he Pope of Rome Brigham Young and Cder Grant. They attempt to sweep away an of three WHh A tuoiraiDt or O1IORICAL HOT SHOT. They dlscusa a variety of topics but chiefly those they know least about. matter what the cu jetS of delete may be each exborter seems I hai a tot speech on tome tpeclalAobby and cannot get off' It consequently ride. to to death.

For Instance If the QueLIoO shall we do with our boys sT" one will tell what heor toe knovsabuBtliuat Island another will read ax essay on the resurrection of Christ the next will pr babry give hit views the Demo. cTptic party as It existed forty years ago it Is generally favorable as like as not the next man will claim to be Head Center of all labor organza- tlonn and he tells stat he knew In 1ST also what be knows about God. and Fanny Wright and thing The female members tell us that all the aches and Ills that humanity Is heir 11. atlecs from want of th ballot. Some think a tittle free love It very nice.

Some of them If th cannot think of any thing ela to say generally say tofnelhlng aaaty nd all tid. time th buy. are LOIT OTT iv yns into. II' the question should be on the Immortality of the Son I the deacon. tders and high priests of the tinder usually give vent to their idea.

on railroads. Comment. Uoodlams proetltates fr trade the Milky Way or rat of Interest pertain Bnt no matter whether to. subject beaver etrth or bell. they all get back to the creed that Whatever Is It wrong and always he.

been" except themselves loins of them rosy be honest lunatlct probably are no reference to tnperor Norton who It a turning light in the LInden with ton vreg talent and being greatly It tea to meat play their little true and churn. In and cut Mason. as might be expected. Some appear to talk for political effect tome for notoriety tome oat of sheer ceedne Alto. 0 appears to be a sweet stOod.

especially fur the jroung Some fight the Inevitable in na lure. They cant realize that in rag smroczz roe xiirrtucx The mentally a wen ea th physically weak Usually to the wan when brought to contact with 0. strong end repudiate Darwin's theory that Nature ever strives for a survival of th bleat. They don't accept tlta situation. tome people are too ridiculous to be amusing nd ought to be upprrsaed as mental and moral vagabonds It would seem many persons never cometo years of discretion area la tOt age never get bejood Hoodlum phllo o4 hy and cannot com prehend a harp with mote than a tingle string end It oat of tone.

Some men are born fools tome arhtev foolishness and mm ore foul. Bat of all Ui ituuloencet on earth. tb babbling fool It the greatest bore. Thlt may be a stupid of the matter bat then I never roald appreciate some kind of talent There are some things no fellow eon uodeestan4 ppnact are deceitful arid this may be only en Imaginary view of tlj legs after 11 and totally absurd and all for the lack I sufficient culture A HEATHEV PACIFIC SLOPE BRLYITIES. Rot meat pies In Salt Lake OKy for ten eentt Brother of fop.

have filed iradamark for soda water. The rebuilding of the Oregon Oily oolen Factory Lao d. iltaaboldt county woo gently caressed by an earthquake on the 11111. Oregon In going to print a pamphlet and send It East to Induce Immigration. sr Forest Grove Oregon they have found earth whichaBaweri every per of paint.

Portland lovers hug to public st the stating rink. and the other uregoBden stand around and langb at them. Obi Alezander we. shot through the rhert at Grizzly sod tfattgeronsly wounded by a Corolob miner rtonucd A new and protntoUut ledge loss been discovered near VIrgInia Oty and they are getting up a fee- Me exdument ibost to. AnOr OtynuptW mtnlrter Is accnurt of making mutton of to.

female lambs of his nock an the ungodly sow talking sheet tar and feather Stockton yeatarday wprteocif rere harf- storm which In less than ten mlnntes covered the ground over an inch deep with big hailstones. The Tlsalla Timet says that the stock of thq sallow-pug. yMIpoad la belne taken In' dly. tkjoa. it oittald ra that the uoona of the road It certain.

Two Oregon Indiana had a fight In which one watkilled The Webfeet are mjesctasies. ml are tyyleg to Indice in the other Indiana toklD each other. AV ork baa been osmmeBeed on the Sanee It. narro gauge road. The lieraid think.

that la all months time trtlnt win be running regularly between tocellto and San Rafael. i It La dangerous to go nisftla4 to Oregon. A rerrtlrmtn named Rains went to visit Mr DTTIer of Forest Grove and Wileys dogs nearly ate up the caller before they could be driven off The annual report of the San Eafai and Pan Quientln Railroad Oonpaay was lied to the office 01 the Secretary of State yesterday Indebted neat of the oompaoy. UJZ74 last jut 1SS xp nMai IU3 At Oregon town got on a landslide recently and dnlosltrul Haelf Ii. another scanty AM now the dUbonert residents of that peripatetic vIBage coo If retire to pay their taxes on the round that they don Belong to that eo aty In San Grcgorto on Sondty morning four men went down to oh.

a ar to flak. and one of them. named Jerry- KMiel was washed from the rock by a wave. lie got hold of a small plank blcb prevented him from sinking bat there tre no boat. to the.

vicinity with which toyeacaa klm. lie 4rtn 4 Bearlr am8 ont to when tr- plant si wTebCbeffPozfl turn by the waver sod he sank to rUe no more. lie we. a native of Aberdeen Scotland. OAKUND NEWS.

MOOItriTiX SiLB. t1ALILve February 4 This mOrTing the prop. city In the late town- of Brooklyn upon which Oakland taxes have been levied and not paid woo sc-ld for delinquent taxes. It we. til bid tnf bnt aft tevc of cotapeatlon was noticed MMrtLLAJIIOrB.

Six hundred and twelve vote were polled at the Republican primary Extra trains were run on the local railroad yroterday there being an unusual Influx of vis itors. At I Sandsy Itcheol concert at the Congrega- tiona Church toot slirnt Pretdeitt Olrmto made very pleasing and appropriate address. Mary hoosdimig of ajrBatare ajveihcca fb- abed to the protest against the tpotlatioa of Lake Merritt. Toe the he following Peoples ticket is advertised la pen Mavvr II. Deraiti thImen tpanIdIny.

6 no w1 a Israel W. Knox m. It. Snook Qty Clerk. 1L Hlllebrand SOX.

Dillon. School Directors. Hover A Swell Wrn-K. Rowel srae Asses Charles II. and John tSMLer Mb Knowli aJetM aa wtthdrawa Two elder uteri cf the.

would-be bride broke up wedding ceremony in Onslow county Xortb Caroline. by Zu4hibg into the room and attacking the bridegroom end ottoiaUEg olargyraan with bromatonka AU this notwithstanding CO. father of the bride was present and joyfully consented to the mairiaj ofjii daughter. In ew Tort so Satorday night H. Mason a popular actor was elKdwnh Btmorrht eof the loiigi In the street and died sttly after king coDvetsdtehltrttldtBct JQSCELLANEOD8.

HAIBWOBX AND COMBINGS MADE VP tar style cheap. 30 Washington street near Stockton. WRITING ACADEMY MECHANICS' IN- stltote Building 7 Poet street. Th pub- hi are mvlted to can aid iximlae the large coUeo- floe of penmanthtp. Success warranted to attentive pupils.

Itattaea and corresponding band a specialty Terms In advance one month EB. txAts' PATENT FLEA AD MOTH ExtorniliMss flesattbtotfiDew. A few Crops wiu dean tor hqoto. Yoc Bale wnotetale by JOHN NEVMAM 411 Wathlngton ttreet. CELEB BATED LOOS LZTS iRTE1t3A3n 8ao blanket.

U. 1 taren and uoperten of GenCamens To EUpie dotting ncrth we4t cerner IMPQKTEB3 AND Gent Far. tTHQLE BJnr' f1- oolbu rcCAUr IXOOD- MeCLTJBE IMPORT- en tad Jobber Tonka and pomonue A4dvX otUt OBta' AratoalBtflood a5ury7Mu lw aad 111 JnaTtSnet 6aa umna im ABYEaniara UTIL BtaatloM Waated MatotX Bootna to Let Bearding. Hocae aad Store to LetM emu a drtt tnaerttca leaaUeeeh Nbaaqveat Female Weutlnp taattoaa fcr not ererlTe floe. 11 onit.

Preh teaerUoa ef the fire Baeav HV Wanted. KleoeUaaeeae Want. sack ee AW Partner etej. Leat. Toaad.

Baatnee OpBortaaitle aad ForSale Ui eeato aer Bae Pr the ire. tnaenxn pag C4 cools per bus eaca NhZTINI NOTICES. tSO Hea oTe ntiac wm Wiiu at the MmSW en WZDNINIiAr El February to 1171. Twerp member MUST I. present a biIne oZ-lwpertaitc.

require. your action. By order. UOIIWUR Commanding. A.

X. 8 reUrT-- a It om. rtk Mirer Peak set. 4 Ownpw Tb anica meet. Hut tockbolden of UM Ml Peak Muting I oVIoct at oflce if the JCe 11 JTayward.

BolWln 419 O- A MuI HeelB rlM ty Water OoTajmf LocUtou of rk arta county. 110. of CallZjrnia. The anneal meeting the tockboldar of tlte above. tamed Company.

for the election of Treat. for the eopalHf year and the traniaeiloD of auto other bortnM as may be presented. will be held at the offlcaof the Company. thweat eern of thIIfoinu Front ttreela. ao Fraiuiaoe.

CaL 8 randco February 21 1572. tI Oompany Nmtc A meeting' of to toareholdera of the South Mn Francisco fleet Goinpeny hereby called to lot. place on FRI DATU Zhit ay of Muck W3. paMT ectork iLat II. Foortb Mutrlct thertroom City Hal to take Into consideration 04 decide upon the qoeatlon of Increasing the capital Mock of raM company from fl hwudred thouaand dud.

tar. to one onlIflon dollar. divided Into ten thot. Mud share. of the par ralne of one hundred dot- Uriper than BROOKS THuMAb WILLUU LADI It.

GRANT. 1. BAKER. j. M.

MCDONALD. nCKRT WILLI1K3 Prottent WILLIAM STrAB Secretory 1 LU dorff treeL fell td Office tbpneau Mill ud Mining Company sao Francisco lebsu- ary IS 172. The annual meeting of the totk boldert of the Chapman Mill and Mining Gain. pony win be held at the orne. of the moupuv No.

41S MonUomerr ttreet San FraDcl Call- focal. on MONDAY. March 1 1873 at 2 o'clock Br the election of flee Trustee. to serve for the ensuing 7 an and for the traniactlon of any lunalneaa thai may properly corn. before the meeting.

Transer books cloed on and after March Jab. JBANK SWIFT Secretary. om. cupi Tiger ftllTer Mlntni Company Location of worte ipal District. Arizona Territory gan dco February IS 1872 Notice The Antual ettDr of the 8 ockholden of the Capel end Tlffer 81fr Mlninf OomptayfortBe Xlectto of Tnuteet to utrrt for the ensuIng year will be dd MOHDAYMtrth I Ut71at I otdck r.

at the office of the Company Boom Mo 12 Kxpre Building. lw C. xiTOK Secretary. Putro Tunnel Uompany for the election Tnut to pgr. for the en te ye 4 for mch other bnttneMM may come before the meet- ln will he held on MONDAY the Lay of March 181 at 1 clock at the office of the Company.

xtl California ttreet td PKLHAM W. AMES Secretary. Alavmedaw tOakijiad ad Pled. mont Kallroad Company Notice Pnr- A resohittue adopted hr the Jioani ef ThrdrI thai eb nam 4. Company mock.

tog of the rtockholdtri it hereby called io take place at the office of Bate A walee Broedwi ART. A fl 3 for the pnrpoM of adopting by the trans. action of inch other bulneu may properly conic before said meeting fell td THAt a. PITCH. Secretary.

SPECIAL NOTICES. to the dlia tr termination of tb law- ialt mtitirtH against toe by Ju k. D. Wheebef to obtain 12600 I am compelled by my extreme poverty In consequence thereof. to solicIt any re- teipiqyment from th public.

the Mouth FFKB- Cisco Dock Company No. 4 IS California street. San TTandecc-rLocatlon of Property City and Coy of SanTraaclsoo. Ktlc an delinquent upon the following described stock the several mount set opposite the names of the respective shareholders and the certificates and there. as follows Nasu.

No. Cxxv. No. Pus. A.

Alexander Waddell 468 1 11000 Joseph Wlnsna. 159 1 10 00 Mary Tompklus tel. 283 2M SO Ml I snlel McLaren 132 348 349 30 00 Freeman Lrle 160 1 10 00 S. Lesrltt 81 87 20 00 Telate of Knight 136. I 10 00 BeUr E.

Bradley 8 1 10 00 Bradley 1 00 John IL Keith. XM 1 10 00 And In accordance with law and an order duly passed by the ard of Trustees there win he sold at pnbjlc 4netlon at th. section rooms of MAURICE PORE A CO No. 7 Montgomery street onTuCBJDAY the sixth day March A iST at ti or of one o'clock r. of that day somanftharea of raid stock as way be necessary to pay the aforesaid delinquent assessment thereon fertthef with the cotta advertising and exposes of sale WUilAM STUART Secretary.

418 Cattfonrt street KOTICE. On Tebtiiaryl7 1872 the office of NOTICES. Jekes old and Mllrrr Mining Company Location of principal place tVat1to. 22 Montgomery street Ian Tranciaco. Callf rnla LocaUon of work Gold 11111 District Storey County Nevada.

Shot all penuas wtttn- stock Of aJSed lattevQald and llTtfMlnlac Company which were sold on the Zlst day of cb- rnaryJSTtttTapntU the Uth day of March UT to redeem te sates by y1M th a ee neni 10 cents per share together with costs and charges payable at the oms tt Cempeny. 333 Mont gomery street td H. a HOWARD Secretary. Old Prorl4 HOI mm Mining Company. Location of principal place of ulBes aa rraadsco California.

Ix ca- tk of works laydeli Hill Mining let Laasen County California. Notice There are delinquent upon Lb. following decitoed ed stock on eccuOni of Assessment No. 2 levied en the eleventh day of January 18 theseTeralamoaBta let orposlte the names of the respective share. holders at foUowK tm.

on. ant. agia i rnrr Tbe R. Dean 4 11350 50 Van Senten TrastaaCO. 3 7O- 892 SO Tho.

R. Dean 8 1430 S7 SO ro TO- 00 13506 And In accordance with law and an order of th Board wf Director uraie in the- ete veata day of Jenuarye1113 ecmanyaOresef eacH parcel of inch stock as may Lu ucceasary will be sold at public auction at tbe office of the Company. No. 416 Montgomery street. San Fretcieco OaLHi UXbDATibe fourth day Df March 1272 at th hovref one ovdock of nch dVito wo1 llnquent aueumenta thereon together with costs of cfaytrt1iiiig and expenses or the sale FRANK SWIFT Secretary.

Office 41ft Msatcomcry pLrpe Ban Fran- cteco Calrforala. fei td Aa ea HUee Cederbera First Northerly Extension Gold Mining tupany Location prtndpal place of business ft MoDtcomery street. 8 Francisco location of works. Greenwood TD Dorado epnaty Call for Notice la hereby given that at a meeting of the Directors held on the third day of February 127259 assessment No tof ten cents pet shore was lad pon UI. SellIteb stott of the Corporation.

payable Immediately In United States gold ootn to the Bacretaryat the office of the Company ly Montgomery street. San Fxandaco Canter- ala. A stack BOOB wax this assessment shad reasaiiL zpaJd on tte-eEVENTKIHTU DAY OP A Cer rtll to 4eUn jenVand ad w- Osedfor sale at rahUo anetbon. and unless pay meat la Bade kefere will 034 a TBU1W- BAY. the 17th day of April Id.

at 12 o'clock to pay the detSnqntnt aaeesaraent. together with th mate BdTtrunln end CXP I MM saja v. WZBTELecZW1 ar7 Offlca B0 seonigomary ttreeVBan Francisco paxy First Southerly Extension located srwood Dorado comity Oaltmsla it hereby tfv that at meeting of th of sold Company- held on thetrthof December an assessment of five 5 cents per share was levtod vpoa 40. capital tckof aald OmnanypayaN to to Becntary at aij ffiee ItoeUoawiT street Saa FTaaeteoo Imme diately. Any toc upos wkick taldawej- ment shall remain oivpald the TWTNTI BGQXU pAX OF rXBRDAXT ahaU deexced deUnqntat and wttl duly- adrer- 4led for atio a MI mTLfmt Bad.

axu Jay- meat ehall Bad betoro wlU told ea TMURSDAT xOtb. ar olock to BT the oVilaejMitit aaajjasmeuU tog tT wUk br givea that the firm of OXSTUt berotsiate nWlsi nTtn a the mntTEr jruar or js. flUN1XtT fTtH COPABTHEBSHIP HXETO 1. existing ander thdlra item. of PAGE ABOTBJCB3 ttli ay orve4 by mttsl ano tfep i HENBT PAGaV4 i WIL gaa Feurmary I.

ua. fTQDC trHliESIGSatD HATX TI11S1A 1. foTTjedc rjrtaerihipnnd flZNXXT A PAGEVto th ndOogBAlaik Baa Traacbev IT aUKGOar JOtPOBTXJta Wtoe brand a IfilTDATWSS WAHffEB A FIRST COOL TUOR- ougtly uderatandleg all ktods of cooking tad so excellent breed and jMttry biker wishes stttlo OaD-Bt CJ1nro otrtet eppaotto BnntbctweB Sixth cod Seventh tta. te 4t Ting man In a private family a coortraaa la also a good gardwr can milk ii cite or cotntry Address COACHMAN tht nce. It A SITUATION BY A YsLTNO IV Ba who I aot afraiaof wnrk.

A WORK this one OLTUATIaIi WANTED BTATOOXO toewadtBtract la pttao made taaro siJ Ubl fatally wavesBI de trabk4i coBfrrtable home. Call at Tl Market street ear Third. falUt" WISBES. A CHILD- TO WET BunatI44 LavnhttneC a. ATOUNO GIRL WISHES A SITOATION to do rbtaiberwoik nd wtlOng woaid take are ef UDdre rCaB ft 14 Anthony itret be- wea Tirot and SeenndVeff Xlsaioa.

teti St A WZJARLK Who. DE ree sHoettoa I a conk washer id troner or would do general hoatewerk. Call at Unrts Pt betwrjea Third and Fvarth. It-It QAM KUaUUPSAriBrrtLAsacmifBic 3 IntellIgence Office at 11 Bush street. near GOOD WWE SERVANTS AND LABOB- en of all kinds ftTnIhd at th shortest notice at th Pioneer Employment OHos.

Pte Mroet. M-JmV WOLT 00. HELP WANTED. WILLOW WASTED FIRST class. Apply to Institution for af and Thumb and tb Blind Oakland.

fe2 Si WANTED IMMEDIATELY-A WET Norse with a fresh bretttof milk none bet tyonng end healthy woman need apply with good refeyoaaeg. Apply at It7 Moatgomerv street roota Bul to siP to I r. 2120 FIBST-CI A SBOE-P1TTEB WANTtD at LIN8TEINL BRO. corner of Oar and San seme streets. feSUfc IN AR otroB A BOT.

AO thee st oioe Box No. Ulliv 011104 age ted Tealdence. In handwriting. It WANTED-A COMMERCIAL who can lore. well re plytoTFCOaFpo remmmeaded Atti A NKAT INTELLIGENT OF.

VS flee boy 52 30 per week to start with American or German referred. Apply to Von RIIKIN UTLAND 13 Montgomery street up stairs. tf GIRL WANTED COLORED prtfcrreJ good wtget steady eai loyinent mutt be a good cook washer and Ironer. Apply to CRAb. SUTTON IL 4 tOliterluis 1.

tf ANTED MISCELLANEOUS. PERSONS' WISHING TO SEND MEMEN. toe or messages to friends Last by a esponsthl lady will take charge of a lajror children adduce. TRAVELER noowirga office lt WANTED A MIDDLE GR1. Uemsli board and lodging in a private family where there are few or no ether hears err.

Price Oper month. Address VINDEX. San lace Voetomca. 2VU WANTED-TO BENT I1EFORE THE Islof Match. boam containing from IQl von to eight rooms with aaa both room etc.

located Powell Geary Stockton or bush sts. Address staling teat A it fob tine. te2 St HO 1 WANTED TO RENT A AtV nicry4nrn1tbed house of Tom litojVjf rooBj. central locality. ILUCSGER4llJ Montgomery street.

fell FURNISHED HOUSE WANTED- ak Wanted to rest. fUrDIb4 BOBS for ti3l Ore gentlemen. Address Lack Box tell stating price location and particulars. lm PUPILS WANTED FOR THE PIANO AND Singing by a lady thoroughly competent win receive pupils at rlM nce or will visit terms 5 for eight 100. for eight singing lessons.

nouire sI44 SU sU. Room 4. fell TTICRNISnXD TTOTJ5E WANTED TN i 2. good location. Address E.

L. thltl oeee URNIILED OOMS WANT1P. TJOOMS WANTED-BY TWO tner Two bseroounx stud parlor adjoining tocktoe Kearny Post and California a hour. where people mind thelyown business. Address H.

ttrfs office. As25-2t i juutia VTAKTIUJ. TURTI7 rvitaisiitu LV apartments ft oootekeeplrig by a gentle man and wife no children the no. of plane desired. Address Post office Box Poet.

22 PARTNEES WANTED. WANTED-A PARTNER IN A Wi-LL- ettaMlshed whotesais house Xt bare from 0001 110000U pt la a needed. Only principals need eider. A. P.

COREY. feZI- SALE-HALF INTEREST IN A VERY JL troOtable manufacturing business an unne. opportunity ten a man with capital. SKEL. LENGER4SS Montgomery street.

fell-Ct whonDdentands th bakery lB and ti able to Itrileli a capital of 300 ta lMR Foi parttctilirs apply at this office. If FUBiBTUBE TT1CRNITDBX WANTED-THE HIGH JD sit price past tor Uouseheki rurnit tlso. Groceries Stox sad Naioos Patti. eir eflhctawooM dwaho glee xo a call hater. dog elsewhere.

flea can at KINO'S STORE IMToarU street corner of JOaalea. AGENTS WASTED. GOOD AND IiKRQ TJO MEN JL who are good caavaiaenTlotelLtbaNtw Ptieot Weotuptand Attachment five floe. nom bleed In soc all Guard. ToUet Shelf.

weV. rack Match Safe very ornamental Uberal In- docemeni. to the right knd of men. Apply be tween2 and 4 o'clock only at S28 Montgomery Street. A GOOD SOLICITOR.

APPLY at ftl Sacramento at. up stain 2 TWO GOOD ADVERTISING tsllctton. Apply second floor 833 Snob street between and 9 a a. and and a. on Monday atid Tneiday or from ttetr.

a. at 044 Howard street TTTANTSD AGENTS TO CAf YAS TOE the fret plus system of fitting dresses on this court. MADAME BItO0E gives lessons in a half hour when ladles can fit their dresses With eel. and grace. 1 3 Montgomery st felt Mt AGENTS WASTED WOE A NEW ENTEB- pr'-e quick returns and Urge profit.

At. ply at once to F. DEWING 1311. 4 Oallfornl TM San rrsndsco. tf WOMEN CANVASSERS WANTED 1 city and country at the Wmene Publish tat Company AU Sacramento attest liberal MONET- TO LOLN.

TERCANTlLE PAPER DISOODNTED ttnt-clMt todors business paper wanted. WIt. LXFFlNGWKUi. Boom 1ft. Btovenaea Hoaae oar.

OaOfcraia and Moodgoreace AN8 NEGOTIATED BY IRA LI at. fmrrr i MOIIZTa5V M15ISO NOTICES. Klalstsj At. Eln1ag m- pany JUeomttati of worts Msv4a tinily ia. Wotfce Then la delinquent upon the tonowtBtaeacrlbed stock on acceiflt of assess menu I levied on th 19th day of January 1172 the several amounts set opposite til names of the rerpectlve iharehotdert a fotlowsi XAKxa.

Pt. OBBT. BO tm. ax's nra. M.

BurfiattoD TrutUe. 9 tt7 lt OS fl JIaiflngtna. Tnntee 100. OK A. at.

Buflritoa TrnsteeJ7SZlM 40 BuMlngton. Trust 100 IS 00 N. Boffins ton Trn tu 77 100 to St. Buinopton Trusteen 100 IS 00 J. MBofllngtD iTrnstee 7a100 1500 M.

LtOufluton Trt teJ AlOO IS no It itufinaton. Trustee. 140 Ii 00 J. U. ZDngtoe TrnUeJ80 CI.

so at S. B. Bennn5 iw 130 is HB Bemtnan 183 100. IS 00 II B. Jerryaum i.

18 i l- 461 B. Berryman. JM. SO 7 SO B. Btrrymtn.

Peter nncn. 172 Samnel Marks 71 SO 7 SO famne Marki 30. a 4 50 W. B. MamrkeTTrutte J31 7 TU a Boaenfltl l.

8 J100 150 00 XJ 6. Btrtnflf irTT And la sate with Is. pod an order of th board Directors made on tie ISthdayetJaa. nary 1X3 to many share of pacl parcel pt uld stock a may he necessary wQ be sold stpnbUc sue atth oMlc. ti 0oaipny STjrew tercbantaf Exchange.

California street San FTadMOrjUlforataoBftATDRDAT the eighth day of' March. 3572 atth hour of 11 clock of ulT 4Uy. to peg aM 4 lh tieatee tt iit Uereoei together wlt ett ef edveMlidog ad U7J wJIei haito KxrWm jtMri floor Canforala Qtet San Francisco. QatftStid. IK mm mmm Location worts v-Lander eoonty.

Nevada. Notice given tha metta tL BoarderD1ictora held on the twenfy-thlrd day of Janoary MUIt Bntssmrrt Kt of tea eat per levied ipe. ta ci talBtock of the tsimedIrneli ounty.Wevda.-Kotlc It 05017 eB ftB meetfng ef thBoard Touteed BaMOom. JanybeIdTn th th day of February Is7Ja Cwtnaent OX r-P rt tll. A TOPAZ BrjTTOS WITH Ittb T.

tXfov Uf 1 wardef 10 Is pektirrctiraed tothUeCMej S5 a tOST rn. Tabbe Bo el ro Bmntlvmg AJJr TANDO ui a. a maclOs old had a Sense- with W. R- Brlggaon nti BB Bojae of Tig The g4e- win plea leave the tame at Tub Metal Brookba. or VIb50aL wia Salooa Moat- OBcrj sireet oppoeite the OcBdcaUlHoteLaad rewtrd.

feSMt 4 Bottl. a Sebe WALKING CAKE. Tae Dalef win rcctlv a liberal ward by leaving we-M ttalo Dx li DND IWO SETS OF SHIRT StUlH. Tbeowijerrwi the seine by applying 1 T. THOMPSON.

What Ch House. It 5 OU CalKbmi Taeetor on Sat nrdav rVbraary 121. MJ POCKET BUOK In which r. diamond- ring saud tome silver change. To 1erwwi receive the abov nward by leavta tbla office.

Sl OST- JLJ noon fRIDAY. FEbRUARY Jin. ABOUT Jewelry toreBgimGOLD GILtI BKAOELET. with peslipeulag A literal reward IU be paid or ha ntnra to PULTZOZR YERDENAL. Stack Broken 400 Callfornl Mreet rERONAI renoBaUnxeeBUperlla first temrlloe.

cents each abe aeat lartloa nothing Inserted YS. If A Parent" win toad hi name nd the uf the leather he charges with bruunty. the Cnaoxcun will poNlh kit eommunication. P1131 Jew SOLOMON Ma MACRET KT. Ill pleat cell immediately it this office II F.

TO PLEASE ADDliESS v. TWO 10011441 MEN JUST ABRIVBD JROJt the Last and being total strangers wUh I ina the acquaIntance of a few young loll. Object toprewnxat and. p-erb 4 U1- mony. Addreee GEORGE and tEAT UAB.

TIER San FrancUeo PoeCttffloe. fell at YOtTlIO WOMAN OF ONEXCJCITION- akl character ae onpHshe4 bat penniless desires in of marriage rum gwieI tempered miB of culture ml capital. MARGARET" E. OUTPUAi Than Fraacl oo It JILL THE TALL AND STYLISH TOUX4 TV lady on the tUQs. train from Oaklaudoa BDd who excited the admiration of two ota" gentlemen near the paddle box and afterward went np hi the same car with one of them ad- drew a Una to NORTH BEACH and SOOTH PA RK rare th la office felV GEORGE P.

WHY IS TillS UUIILY ky this uddei change I am tnxtooa to htar from you. It' RO9A M. INFORMATION WANTED-IF THIS sbo meet the ere of JAMES ROGERS wh left Sydney September 1. 1870 per City of Metboone la company with his staler. it.

wtl confer a faysr ii suttng his whereaboota by ad dressing U. U. Postofflce box No. 131. ao- nlu IL I It AGENTLEMA 28 YEARS OF AGE.

TN A good position would like to form the txv qualntance of respectable lady or wMow of iboot the tame age and small flnire. Address Lot IS WARMER cars Box 510 Puttodlee San ran. it TORN AMBROSE MrOARTHT FROM LIV) TpOOI Eng. and afterward from Pottsvllle Pa. win hear something to his advantage by 1.

dressing EDWARD CUMMINS San Mateo Cat feJO-7t HOKSE8 A5D WAGONS FOR SALE PARTIta IS WANT OF wagons are requested to call and examine our stock tt 4 4 Jsekeon tnet J. COS N. B. OU wagon ttkeala exchaage tIle FOR SALE FOR WANT OF USE flee span of black herpes both gentle sonn 1 and kind good roadeteia an excellent faintly teem also a doebto set ef harness and Brewster bat will be sold together ep orate. Apply at 4 Montgomery street.

Room 4 snd t. 71 FOR SALE-A HORSE and Expresa Wagon doing a rood buelurli trade also a Fruit Store. Apply aT fe2l-4t BASKET PHAETON TINE. BAR- ness and gentle fine-blooded borne for sale an elegant turn-oat for a lady SKILL GER 4S Montgomery street. WAGOIU FOB SALE New and second-band.

hay. lot of wagons Air uli cheap tome are gait-ed for Dakener 1 being top wagons MOBSHXAD Sfte Row. art street lust below Fifth. tf FUEXITUIIE FOB SALE. FOR SALE THE TIJENI- tar and house let.

seven Tao. wit all th modern Improvements end desirably located nraltare can be bought In whole si In 36. VON 2115221 A UTLAXD1O3 erv street FOB SALE AKD TO LET. ER-8 UPRIGHT PIANO for sale at EB A SITTERS' I street near WEEXR PIANO WAUOOMS 1 Ksazev. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS.

FOR SALE-4 GROVER A BAKER CABI. net SewIng Machine. Nearly new best make. SLELLENGER 411 Montgomery ttreet lf TOE WOO BUSINESS erUkfroa at at Clay etreet. pOB SALE-A MILL WITH A 100 power Eoglne lot tNxiio feet building lox Ml feet a desirable location for building and let ting power.

Apply to E. R. THOMASON No. Ill Montgomery ttreet cocntr Cuixumeroll pOB XUI TATEST RIGHT TOB Pacific Onset of a California Invention which pays a large profit Apply to J. E.

Di ha MON. TAGNTE Boom 10 Stevenson BntMlng. SPA 1700TX FOB BALE OS A MQENIG PA. LV per. Apply at this office.

jilt OmCES-AXD STOBES 10 LET. rrtni BEST WINDw OS MEARNY 1. street spetuin Into thigh c1a talobn to tent for a dgtr stand. Address P. 0239 ZS zt A 81 IT Or ROOMS.

FIRST FLOOR ON ontgomery furnished suitable a phys- lan dentist or lawyer central near Bosh street SKELLUOGLR411 Montgomery. feZItf TO ON PACIFIC STREETUE- tweenKesrny aneV Papon store Koajvl 4X 644 and 4 with their correspokflng rooms. Inquire at Franks Building. Brenhsm Place Boom S3 or at 40 Battery street up stain lt rpO LET A HALL SUITABLE FOR A JL school of dancicg academy til MxlOO tUoatedon Post street opposite the Plaza. Ap.

ply at the National Guard Armory No. SIS Pout street. FINE DAGUVtJLZAN ROOMS QYEB THE Wheeler A Wilson Sewing Machine office to let TO PROPERTY TO LEASE. mo moo ACRES OF LAND WITH 1. rchrd gox dwelling barn shds.

twenty acrst taltaM for garden and the re. iiainder good for ptituraie. well watered and within fact milee of Oakland will ketettow to a good tenantApply to ALPHECS STAPLES Room No. Express Building or on th premises adtotntag Cot. Hays' ranch to foil MEDIUAL.

MBS. DR. AIKJS LADltSpHTStciAli Union Square Stockton near Post street AUeatJoei 15 an 4leate ef young or mar. rOod ladles. Skilful treatment.

Medicines found. Accouchement by previous engagement. If TILIXIE OF LIFE OR MEDICINAL WINE Blood TTie.tcl toveflent teef DMMty Rh maU Uvf Complaints Fever Dysentery and Female Dl. eases. I' YLAUTIN Proprietor Terry llama.

had. airett beiveaaVsreadway end VoIle Wine bottle 7 cotta fel tf DOCTBES8 A. It. HOFFMAN VOL soul streetbetween Tenth and Eleventh thirty year. experience ha her diploma of the hlf best school of Germany will thoroughly treat all Disuse of Women and Children.

She would mtimst to Ladle ring from Uterine Dta. eeaa that she ha a sure specific for female lireg' ularitlea. All TOnrmunt intBi strictly conflden. 111. She haa lately added first-class Lying-la- ive the lest of OMlee eBAffiIirCtmE3 CATASXIlt DEAF- Ear DlachaTKtC.

Cooga Mght Sweats DropyPlles1Iy pep2aandaflETEarThrojtI LuiignrtBlo Chr lcrt4gtfrtfaalDteaet. or tn te. eared fay Ill health Irreg JartU a SuppressIon. Wttknett Pun. tc PatliW Brortied Oea od isiS S.

SatIres Con dentll hae Certain curs where 1V hen fail el special eases or debtflty wearing on body or of young or otdTvoTrt ce dley50ema. No ilaov na ae raft eaockery LOIS or wrlU- rree Counsel If Medlctn Supplied Qma. 117 Montgomery ttn 8. T. BEGAC PHTXtCUXr OXTKEUXMt umptlon and many toppoaed tnrnnbld dIses 1 tbo tystenv Partiauhtr alien- Uonto throat- so4 Iungd1iasta.

ContaHatlea 5TISTSl i luJ rp vji. spiik DKHTIST HAS i JL movdto40 Buth street betweel Xaarar rtnet cod Ut flehIfonle Theater. 1CV. BOWJTEL1V DKNTUTt BAS 114. jraMved from Ol aayatreet to reeC JjLCAl Keoray no CEAKTlST TO LETiftCELX FOI lUbrd large Bqaai frontroota.

teem. for awaaad wvet error peneatr AM ad teen an A a rep eiaN fc I IC MINNA A. LADT UAH JL kJ BfreaiBmleloit wttk beard ad score la privt famEy. 4 attKHA A susirr XlO fro room to prtriU JaniQr uiltaN to pat orjweesatlainea tHtep rpo VA HANDSOMELY FURNI4ULD' front roMwhhoat board ea Boat treaty awecMsMsa. Adtfrtwatateoac 1111 HANWJOMELT UAS1SHED ROOKS.

IH salt tBglv1a geutet private fatally. adjacent to th bonIness center IM. bath. te fflc STWKTOJI ST- FURHI3UEIT rnnfora Bedr oJBto let. Appy JORDAN.

nttpreiafUi TfeMMi 940 1 A J. Tt PILVER HT TO LET TWO BAUM tooma BBfornlahed. sultabl tat os a small family onttlde entrance felt 010 JESSIE STRUT. COB. FOOBTH- OUO Handsomely furnished onto 1 mama fronting on FoeTub street a per month also single nrnmt at moderate prVea.

1141 I THIRD OT.4JNE IIANLINOKKLY LrtO furnished tnU rooms also dngh us. Tt 36 GRIMY TR T. ABOVE RECENT- NV ly IitZOIbed rooms to let. 833 HOWARD ST. TO LET FROST parlor for gentleman only tf TTH1ON SUILDINO737 7 UOWAED STREET.

To let suite frost rooms hay wmdowa bMthraa water grate etc. Ilooaa Ont Can peat UM door lm I LOMBA RD ELEOAKT BOOMS. A. with without hood gentlemen who can par Uberal terms wilt bad all the comforts St an English home plaao bath hotaad coU water. Apply between land n.

ttl44n SIXTH SUSHI BOOMS la lulu or tingle with or without boaroj also a few day hoarier accommodated. 51 STOCKTON ST. FROST 7 J. rooms to let to gentlemen' terms mod- If WADSWOBTH HOUSE. 13 BUSH street To let Ult.

if enema and amgle rooms. This loose has Icon entirely refurnished sod remodeled and will oarHe4 eajtaaflrtv claw style. XABKXT STREET. CORNER OF Second booms Shrelibss or Bnfur. aiihed single or to suits.

fall 589 CTM TWBD ST HLTWAD ROOSS- I OO New and elegantly famished sells tad plod. rnmna hay wtod Brat floor tm 113 EDDY STREET LARGE ROOMS with board prtvate Itaally fe tBi Ql 1 BUSS STUET-ELIQANT FORO 1. 7 pisbed slit. single rooms islet. 17 S.

ALHAMBRA BUILDING. toO-ti 1 ft OTAfiREL STREET NEW PROPEL TOB Sunny single rooms and room for gentlemen and wife where the comforts of a home 107 FIFTH SUNNY BOOKS. WITO or without board reference requhr. frt- 4t GEARY ST. YOSEMITE HOUdE'- trwa Tarnlahed room single or ulM days week or month hot and cold betha.

0t TPAE TO LEASE-FOE PER- Lb tons wishing to keep furnisheS rooms the Broadway Block. northwest tinier of Broadway and Me streets la for rent cheap It contains 44 rooms. Inquire of O. BIGER Room northeast corner of nr sad. Monte-amity streets from I to 1 lm CLiFOBNIA B0H- 3JO ny front suit and twe stogie roewjs-afl fornished nd gas at moderate prtcea.

Jal tf WITHIN lIVE MINUTES WALK or Montgomery ttreet A nice room to let to gentleman la a private family board If desired. Address L. this office. tf BUSES ST. SECOND FLOOR SUNNY grat a.

ltn MRS. ELMER. CITY AN1 COUNTRY. BOARD ITU SUMNT BOOMS OAK BR had at corner of Austin and Franklin sU on Sutler street rout 71 207 TAYLOR STREET 23 STOCKTON ST Sr TABLE boardIng by the day week or mouth. 4 TWO OX THREE GENTLEMEN ON FIND room sod board In a private house select sod central locality on Bush ttrtet Address S.

B. W. this office. tf A RUBGTuN HOUSE 7 LEARNT fTe- XV. To rent with board one suit of torte large sod nicely furnished rooms single rooms Stow 530 to 40 per month.

If REVERE HOUSE NORTHWEST CORNER Fourth and Mission street Havtea leased the shove Oa ry located hen and refurnished entirely. It 1 now pen arVca a boerdlg house. Single rooms end boardU40. Re fore required. Mrs.

H. M. SlURS FAMILIES OR SINGLE PERSONS- forts of a horns centrally located frame budding with porch and gssns neasonshi. term CM aad O7 Pine strceC Ut MUNTGOMERZV HOTEL SECOND Board per week 1 to or six meal Ucktta br JL Board and lodging from 1W i per week a MOHTOOMIBTVProprletoT ST BOOM.4 AND BOARD- Salt. of room.

elegantly furnIshed. with privet table gsa bath etc. ccrpet and furniture throughout th hove 11 new also tha as of a piano. Apply at TM Piae street miser Powell. tf AN BE AOOOMMODAT.

Pd with board tq Private firefly reslleOcd tanuafly located. Address BOABD til efflce. CLIJRVOYNTS ASTROLOGY. R. COHEN THE OMIT LI VINO Ltbe atBef adTlceuatto Astrlo r.

leJlSLtb tvaata of. nr whole life give gl en here in Ban Francisco tt 1 not 1 ce iary to give your tg i fee ft by late. ft. Dr. Cohen It a physician hat been very success- near Pine.

Gusranteri uUafeIoD fl tf PROFESSOR DAHM THE GREATEST Astrologer tathl dty gives civic. lnC matters ef LOT fiostB sa TravelIng Sick. net Losses Speculation etc. Otbce No. Ml CaZIItrDIa tn treat I A at.

to r. X. Con. snttstton fee feU In KR8. UUBBAED MEDICAL AMDyt Buslus.

isigroyant JW Perry SL street between Tbim and tIrdes every Monday and Thuraday evening telMat MMK. CLARA TON I A B. Medical and BattnettH ClalrToyant and. InJentudent Trance 7 ilnm. Consultation la Earllth French or QT- man.

Correct QlagaoaU jrlvea. alLJQitetae Clalrroy exajnlna Ooa MMlnerala Ore kiln Lock of Hair etc. O1BCW Mearay otreet between Bush end vQfflce hours from 10 a. to and 7 to 10 r. H.

lm TB3aMsTOWEMEDICALCLAIK JjJ. vayantand UeailB Madlo ican btfj contnltedon Bnsines and Disease of aH7 ktadt at 7O Mission street. Sea Freactaco. Ur. de Sunday Wednesday end Frtdey-eTealater fell ANT JOfJBrtlOABT can tell of the put th future xpiinlj myiterie penetrate aecreta.

Impart Imtot- mattoa In regard to marriage eta Bh eta seneatoed at Ms. Jobs street Wt' CONSULT MMJL SCESMIWU. TM. great medical. Mineral end buafateata' ialrvoranU JFe 0 otnta UK the Seventh and Volseat' ttneti ever th Fruit Wore.

MRS. It J. UPHAX HERDER. B' voyantMa rneUeaod lectropatnle PhytV ties No. 114 Bush sit Room tt 1Ulngi for Boat ness Cttc1eij1ldsyi 404 ThBWUymvf Jg 30t OYSTER SALOONS ETU VT lj4DupontstreetoothofPoatV Private mama eteginhip furnished for Dinner.

Wedding Parfle ie ParSes frnlabed and provided at private hoosespron andwtt djjpatch. Meal at all aoorv GEOBG1 MAY52 DEALER IN OyiUnClam ajxlaJl kliidi Of Shell Flbt8tall Noel 4V 41 se's 4 California Marketentrance on California street PubHo or xBrniUo supplied from xtazM LIletnd rendeillen' OyoteTJtootttBopemnoin vattaxfn toatly OB Tovk Oyttarrta 7 at tf BU Orta thelhetV i ootnaerdel otreet. eela at all loen stain tot dinner fcartl A Ota gtladB DvH 4 Crab wae- place ia7Ba SADDLB BOCKOTSTEB HOCS rCaotantly on band Ceflfornla TeTkOritan ta tttll sod iT dta every at hour Sal end STOCK A5D M05EY JBBQJIEB HTJSSETrrOOMMISiIOa NTOC Brolse. Maaafoautrcueet. zc cotmo 41 OanfcaleeS eC4JU iI ffth8F.

Eichaag BTOCXAND COM. MaiigCTBary j4 tf QO1lfl OawUytkyBKaraaiil pewtng machine- ivthtiOtww kn Owaor MtaxBavv A eJtIAME. QCvUaQB A HALF. UJTCaV- IB a aoT WWmWborta rm ax i Boat tZr aaat 131 LMVXMTUBT UBUCUtr JlTUat FOE a a very great bargain mast he dlsroad of onto toed wU tavotot Bad sold at' octsa hMaad eay KBvof pajimul mpt reoabed rrosa 7W to ttfOK' this I tao very best Unsla ever offered ta tin of grocery. Apply at eat BARSARI ma MootV BARB CHASCXFOB A BMALi reetBoat to thztvle mantop town-A toe A VVEReLM71I1TSO aeaMato ever sls5eas of lb.

preprt or th stand 1 now aa on of the best la thtr dty 902111'S a large trade I tat instructed nil tb 4a a ttTibrrteital aoai a UM be la towa seer Montgomery street end the Ing prune tela and placet of amusement. Inquire of D. BABNAHP. KM Xoctgucer fc 4 XANUJAONy UdFrnlt Store Mtlr KM wa od ittodfln tt stands tatludty doing a very hut and Droop root trader pay sissy I. the beats tprBoith win cult.

inc party detlriDt legitimate pytng bqab ess ipptv to D. BARNARDMOtontgomV OAB ITORE FOB SALE OS MxiNiY tree Oaeof thUMaiidbMatwaa hdty lfKthwaetowUI tw ol I a Maftlv bargain oa account of departure fr the tug a fl wanted the plot doing I tub mosey making trod. wilt sultap wUhtag Ul Uno of tieiilnu Apply to A. A NARNANDe- m4. Montgomery street.

A- BKWEBT FOB WCATRD IN ONI ef the mot thrivta oouatry town In th State. dolag a lei business and theroeghig op. taMlahad veluabt. real estate and flxMfoa ef the finest description tea 13 00. part of ta put.

Usa BOB so remain at a reaonsble tat. It deylred. IBM for particular of Dj.BAA- 5 ARD street. 1 onf VricK evaxEfs rua JL twenty yean iatULed wen adapted for ooa or two U' wm per masr MXawathly. VOMaULUM AUTL1 3 Monlgomery ttreet.

lyUOB 8A10ON WUO WANTS LJ firs tolas talooaT sale one off be brat HlnntMrn tbe city Apply to a CUSNEON. A Mont onMcy street. I TO ID AND GOAL YARD FOB SALE AN ositatuiot good stand' ha a well-elected ceab custom trade dilly cash tale are from MSlo p007 rrtht ce for any man. Apply to J. D.

CUSUEOV UcatsoBMry et GKOCEBT 705 SALE--A QUOD CORNER grocery and 1110 aloe- tell at invoice coat. Apply to J. CL7SURON Montgomery street. Uf RXSTATT RANT FOR SALE GOOD i party 15 ctSUzvf 214 stand no aMney repaired work and I. tatltaad Apply to A GOOD BOOT AND SHOE SHOP CAN BE purchissd very rrtscaabt at Albany Ore- AlbnyOtegonfjlee U- 1 9 OH ORSALE- LN OLD RSTAb- a tithed profitable and genteel office business inoporadon for yean a rod op- wrtnnlty to step Into iterative boatnesa Toe iUEI AND.

ft Meat a ry at. QQnnn FORSALE-ACUOrUjOSE UvJecafl stand sU. centrally to. cateJOpen day and eight and paying handsomely. Ten liEIfl fill-AND 103 Xoatgoiaerr street IS LARCE HOTEL BUIIXEIB FOB CALM AT- a bargain good toeatton cheap rent lots ase.

Inquire of RICHARD OOLBOORK. CU MerchaBtetreet A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY IS OFFERED. to a party with small capital Ueagage ii the hotel taulaaea era country store Enquire room 7 8UvtntoaHou from 1UI ti A TINE VlEZTI3J IN of Anaheim of forty acrw house eto. all to tae order MdebuS aesoi for sal xeIlaae fee- pastoral lanxts a gyto FITZHCGH. TilOMPSOM 00.

Montgomery street. SALOON BUSINESS FOBJSALE-Ai Tar. opportuiitT' foe tout with aaaacsBKal Apply at KIRKPATRJCUtt CUR. 604 Think ttreet. FOB SALE AT A BARGAIN BAT View Dlatinery a complete stntetoreJ as any In the Vetted States eon produce 7.

gallons of spirits dally. Address or BAT VIEW DLSTILLEEYOO. CO. SIS Battery st. 14' PARTIES WISHING TO SEP INTO GOOD basinets will de well to call at Clay street profit large imaB capitol imuliedtuo better paying hesiee.

la Ue State p. J. PHIU Ii's A 00. CJHEl Dene- HEXP A WAN WTlR BEST REFEB- enctstnderttanjjng fitly the butineuind awing lG- good wewanu eotne on to Jots him In purchasing a good sangs end more sheep now offered rot sale. Inquire of JITEBUGU THOM P8ON Wk CO.

S4 MWissary it. 357 1 the sill' doing a lalge paying bostnessthonea dray. etc. complete. Apply to FITZHTJOH.

THOMPSON COfsM Montgomery street oil TO TIBST-OLASS BUTCHEM id produce dealers Great bvtieeBect jlva to tneeawtownr to start toto botta in the Grand Canted Markt tt Is located vra the heart of the city oc Market street near Sixth nearth NrwCnyHaD and United Staten Mint this market I doing a teed bealnele sd In a than Urn win the lakxtnc markt of th Uy. Parties wlsh1g to array. stalls before they an all taken Trfll apply at ours to If. DODGE. guperiB- Undent.

HOUSES TO LET. roameerforaboardlBg-htaae Furnished be full mama earth Powell street reaaeolytil SLELLERGEB 42 ManUoawry at. iir rpo LET NO I UAIQHT J. street six rooms good basement and large yard. Applr st No 14 Hai ht street tlte San Jot BaTo Depot reZ TO LKT-FURNISHKD Hi Doff arenue cheap real.

OHU 4S9 Montgomery ttrvek HOCSE TO LET ANDFURSITUREOF eight rooms for pale. House centrally totaled en car route. RentlMi Jarntinr nearly ew costMOO wUlbesoU st. a banalatfdta- posed of Immediately. F7RNITUBEr P.

0. Box 1319. mo DRAYNEN AND HACKMEN FUS Tent onJTlist ttxwt near loisom a house of six rooms gel and Water WlU attchedforfcrtenhort s. RtntverymoJfrrate. Apple to HOLT' 4 BLXNCHAUD BcaTS and house Agent a Montgomery street.

rent and faraltuT for on th HOUSES ON- BUSH JLLI3 IDE ML. OearySntter Poeteaeramante. ViVCiiT tngton Hyd Seventh Howard. Mtnna Mlauout Rarrteoe and verlois other utreeti some a4c localttletl vTItate for tale. KELLESGER Msatgoinerey itreeW HO room hot and cold wtten rat lart yard No 4S4 BettainsiBto street aear FUlmor Svtteixtnet cars wUhlnoti Mecki rod 12.

IB vare At a. Poat uU JUETai a at th batcher shop. Cell conans irUGH TnOM FURNISHED AND- UNFUUISERD houses room aad apattmeoto for JCg. keeptngetc ln part otfi city fujntTS bought andtoUL tomery all rpO LET PAST OF JL No. saDeBoom street fborro mt exit three large cloceUi Vat ceaveaUntBOOMU every way mi party wanting a hoot convenient to tt maU.

can o4 wUrti via Had tbl Jutt tb aotu ts UOUSES FOR SALE. OAXLAND-JBOABDINO-HOCU FOBABv i lrst-da. esiabliakmot io. Jg. at4nd very beet tethecrtyt win be eo very nnnrk 0110101 LODOTOI tpOUUU house for talecoaaUdac' ofM beentlfut ktrj room eeatraBria- ottodwithinfew steps of Koatp rr aaadMBietrfnri mgiarg proat Brdte4ta ns vp wr aivuiauBier foredahed thrvaghoatr' root menthtyy naat te Md rW ha et tne' BASHAJLDxt4 Mont AX BOOM AND HO for tptBndVI WcattaO ftr maklnj moneytu aH' penlnir to the ettylbra men sod hi wir wining tbuttnetsefthia.

deserbIlon bones eon taint 28 fine tlecptnx rooms fBralahedtUnt bercene Inpe room rOBi and kiUaeaj onacroant Ill hea LD BBi D. XO4 ltbj price tWOH JJ8S5 I lale OonUihinc tearoom ulr ry eeBtrtny Jocattdonly fw door Ml itreetj' ueatty fanUaaedlTI trosf hent sad olIrod very to nuke an fm diato uMi parties trtn a neat sman boo ta central builnea locantrwO fist thUBbar can. Inquire ot LD. fjfofLfp A Mout- om ryatree furnlahad throufbeut ii th beat mtaneri central locating. peat MooUeroary stryit and he principal hoUl terms- i cth7 Silence on money making Oral fiAJWAJlP JX toe towm ef fan Mate eJMt oA- a H6rrTv tr age iMfBMB i fJ a ef ttr fMHas tVtitM laaicfrifL Ofla.

VK BO WMLLV Potto I04lw O- Myf I VM. v. vwx ww tvaWEW lest ytan lecalioa Twenty-am stet a Telegraph ovine. Apply to T. Broadway and Twelfth street.

Oalln IpB SALE PEtALCVA-M ACE i land. rBarefcanJi tow mil tnaoo almond treeaJOtt appto 551 Mfr tnet ill cbolct fratt good IGOISOtIG 10 ocoiti mm aU MI ieeNsrJ ooVkMea to Mid at boa awl hua Jni of-all kJndai pMis garden land. Aln HVf lere tiref Swtttnj on aaabuBdaajc mit r- Alto acre splendid hea and taroi Mtz. rMTOV rj vJTYTl On lrmV tram town we. 4.

vwvudtanimliaM trait iplenilU i AU th 4t Dealer ThOR SALE-A BP1KHOIO MTM Ha Wen n4 irTwurtt Wma- ifiwd nchr well watered prepare- eel ttw IncrtMtiw WJf. K. SOWXLL. P. W.

MKHLO PASS- FOB SALE US WILLOfe tzdwan tar dIp'- pnpartrBt ptoek fg- dtp n4 rn aa Ut TO A TVO oea bad 15 reclaimed by a good tataUottal love. cm plowed u3 xiwlbr tt Mxt art Apply to' H. T. HOLMES A HOTEL FOB SALE AT. lp rmneaWdn Price Apply to TITZRUGII.

TUOMPIOB AOCXM Mool onW7 trt t. BUM tooOMMttf the town Xntaray ranch mpr1 nCQ Mki nt i tarn nnfcf end rTMln land In 14 UH 1 tt e4 ud Oreherol- Tb to HABUEI. WOL. or to OOJf KZ BRC01. P.

tit luaeterej la' HOTEL' AND FARM KM AT1 AS AtV th TenUa Hov en the SaataCraijlM rctdie total UM hotel wtt sotd alaaMe whhUto Ue of ladr tha waoto bra of i moue botcioovbeua barn to lor IMMD 000. rartartaari apply en the prinlaea LIB SALE-A IBM 14 A wtustoadnoaoa bam arohardv located near Hank Creak. lgkt Antioch rl cn towtaaq Steuert street tOR SALE 11U lN' lABIA dart eettag e. ontMin at. moms the whole pate IB Spteved4 w1lH sold very- lows terms easy.

Apply to ALEX. OOOK. MImbII Oarrtace Maautectory Ut nnn ACRES OF GOOD taf or tmS long payau15 en la exchange Apply to CHAi MCLAUGHLIN. Railroad Land OUts TM Mont upaisIt. tmSatat tor dty Western Pactll Montgomery rtre 300000 ln Lends la teLitiea to suit norcBBten Oguree and reasenabl tanaa.

Apply to lIT liUCUTMOMPOON OOSM fauiil i ttnaa. A BOC AHDLOT In OakkuA. aear th Olry Hallfoiai Impinged total or nniincror 4 forming land. pry to a PHELPS ii Marchantof 1 nance. T7URMS FO SALE-PARTIES teg te ymnhaee choice owed or unimproved farming land.

will ttndaUrje wf Qflfin SOBER Or LARD WXLfc LOGATJ tpuUu in Keedosin. ssanty BbenJ 0 acre. anal land th raunelader using aai woof for tale lev fez H. OONGDOa Motr erytr aU PBOPEBTT ar Twenty eeond. MmUeraerr Kreet ILL PLENDID YQR sale th handaoeqe itrettur.

ofltroose. a neat iMueaesr Mart. utrct fan and tug money mt Urtala. ACBlyJa JDCCS XONSS4Monigomery2ree ttO4 CJAlf DIEGOJLcHAPLOTSwTt lota. by lSOfeaeamocipAwonty Bln a walk from In.

ba lB tt part of the dry. at SO each casbkbalance IO per Boat slat lotSfelabty rod from the railroad lsaIsatSil all well located hail an eertafnly th chttpon property In th Stale Or 1 tatnnenl the arB ent time offend at th stove price. tor thirty daytealy. IRA a ROITT tW Maat ea rr Cnoncavi Occ r-Aftr. modern sill.

ShIrkIng door mtntel. JR. water and a 1ce7 Urge hall. eJosexaaod CrgV bataiBeataahJfckea heoac. baraUv Oml ant htalthr location.

In4uatr. en the premese WBiTI4R1S itr tMtVMa Jqn sad Lui Yenwoth 1 CUB SALE ACOOOai OX PCPAKTmua for Europe Two water lota Dinnuan. Pt. strilo and but. en rrad wlH be cheap enS.

eycmaif Ocular Igtat dl strait. TTOCn J9J SALE Ii. Lushto tn betweenroUoni sad Newaiot1iqutr. Pj FKAWK. Oomnse SOITIITMTSTORM TOM SALI gethor wta building.

wa lag war haeau and- large anS- wall nrltd located within ISO Jet a railroad dp yean taNlaaed. To RUTIO TYOMISTElD TOR- 9A1X Jtf 1 BIB- JQ. gafB A wo-sury4wents aadlM. tetUglUy la atodbi a northera pan city alt of lfxU7M. hot's.

contains hto roora tatk tad wash-room- end- 3 modern prv f.b amattaVrwtrgar den and beck yard planted the owner wUl sell' th forulture pun and complete ontat of beoa kt TiiifTn ttTtl 54 arrtt Tlf llsT risrw an prefer to keen preaal a mntfl Aaril sent price of boon. and lot OO. AAtreatT. U. Poetofflce-BexftT zrIlMROrllztT- anUbieoBinvxe.

vsra lot Br ofCaltferBlat aad Dove street. knows a the OrtenaTVar a Alas tha property Ir1a Is- tk gon-belweea CallfnIMarit andDavU ttrtttaj tli pr eTty. Eli xrantawaof OXaald Inches on ttnt117 i feet ea Part mfee a Mtrk ItS contain. an arw 60sonar ftt UanUatet a W-vara lot. On the TuTor March.

IMt pToptrtvwaaleawdfcr fwntyyn ni Operaaaan roe the In ton years and f- all taxes Mieseutents me. anl to. not tofaryfnefrotaaadedwtloii laaae contain all T7 OB SALTt-'ATA. A TTtntBEV et In betIding lota DV th Oa aa fiato FOB LOT CzU7X ON PINI STREET. tw a Webster nil Buctensa tn taw ODUtVJ iy REAJJWELl OrX.

IMPORTERS Or JU hardware and MachjMrTAgrUaittBrsIlioV plenmtl JlDfl Wagon tad MD. KIs-Ing Good. etov OUtaad Market hea' Itgsjt etreet. 8ttTra cic4. r- TJLBCTS a nwui A coJ JXL of HtrawarvtxdAgrMiItanflivoUBMBU NoaaMandm Froat tnot Pla Sato AgtBtll BfflBMagaflggB wrtBBa toiT t.

aBitr i jj Jat4t 1 krau7 4evt 4 MULL wuu7 p1ro IVp IaaTeat P. aod SHIP CU. CHINA TOLO. rfy 314 It PAXLA It 7th. bt id vflItSS LLLt Ilb Iti dAcPgIIn tOA BreIt.

Ere. SIIIt. It Pnti w2 r. asd 1DA1. 7tJU Wt aa LVI.

bz ad flifta a. dLras It nj gneI RzIIaIa 7AT STOWN. th. Li Deck Ot7 4 mrt of 5ttIt La iZL TkUT. If tIn.

aUt4L TU uIo1 Ivy TttL Pe rIWdIu ve4. Xi 3 It7 UT 1ri 3MJ It 1 Q. at I 4 SE tS 4. It tIt IC wIqt. IIct Ikzssg WLCKLTL 4 P.

W. IULV 12 I p. ii 1:11 p. tIag LpfiItL I3I7. CISCO I Tr I.

frc wttk r2It 1 IOItIM PI BzIw WbarO. LItt I J.P.s.w pIi SI sU Ps w. DJItkI i 1iIf I w- tttT xa-'i om oam 3M A F142 I6 qA PgSDLC11rtJB 2t181 J- Ka Z4i ji Co PO1T EXIEiBEOOK j4 thLng t. W2Tt tb. I 1K gB TILRGLTI oTWI OEIOXTcLL S.

A 11pth the wu im tajchuttsbtfl btheUout RI. th OI 1 tbt i bste c. sp4I hnfl of Thr. ui p. c1y e4a11 le ct the litlt.

the of tr7 tbeL if however. th titRrlUs t. whIch he id the bkt stbt be st a. the rUJPeUO r. hr Tort.

did4 LI. ret smctin rI wrele S. i ii. 4Urer n1v- I the e4io it. jW po4 ifibe of ir.

iep It in in of 1 lur. anree pCUTedrMhd whe. rbeeld but coal. not I. peel ib I.

pre eo let iOd I. here on tInted the mdi. Cs' Dtlc wonid op luobday. 4 sib Os art be I to tMponeIbl aiHtee driJ. ale ml OFiTeu it.

with ripiratlor aid to itoitcatue t. very twprrtoet lb. II. of tateo. Tt.

area thibedf4 tuoabuilLjr to. tndlztg I the weeld to. the a. the kr the weiicaeaxol wudecided to. negative-aye.

loot- Aril r. Lonl-Aeo I 11ai 11. 011 Trctoq ton Coiimlto are luiIatI wouidtofno tothemtoglve diecOrsion aritveAadth r. 31ight Ra1. 11:45 p.

I and the enatc 11a. i. tt. pinion belfl 1 ofMay tire otto or- polni rays to. hi ntithgunterets thetwo a1re hove CIT avO to 10010 wom to.

tott ol otWestYirginia aa 211It 10 I the reportof the 0. to. ahte eTk lb. lb. a Government Isddc Eallra I.

be ocertho ctrcetataoona the meatat uttooa. rd tow pr.ionle4 thamsotnea to the 4toIttr I amser them wttb be eice a bere acftoatIOu re- ben vkfletMsll1cerwuInocc. afle mont- belog iJ. eldrZut by arad a. 110.

pro- ap somm and to. bit it. te. es lb. prooodnei yta I.

noel I. Tb. Ii tee. Owdltmobtuer solue. so I.

be cited fo 17tht reIfied ct to to. 4Zpegd sI mabde. wkkh Itler oet the the em pnierding Congress itlu. Te. Comwe to ths of t.ho-.U..lae.

fit. IJu tiegat owr etp CO. II eeI1vt eeitotiicgon ieret edlt oifl1eY h. wayeetthijrnpeacbrnont the Tb. tue bifl tleneinbezs lOS Lbargpc aM tewXort hi.

eI. H. monufrUovoat I. topeack oeymoe a' ea Lt. gte- Iag tb.s..gOu to.

levatigatloe thic aga CO. ee Io tbtmwsM ha hic. with. O0 ala UliLwltho ivadayec4m. beg hlch Uwm Lbs lanai.

witi bran- pcsed ItT preming 4arm mUt tiptoe aM be- wI oby eaiaI bsEaluI a. Mll oodflthothezmmbar toleoitNeOtJ' icwa of th 11. lAo Oed eacapg totItIt soemer if so. lleaae I. 3 eee apa when cmm3111edS1ec1ahOI4.

tOrns arindea of tapearb. weci lach a docteb. would r.d to. iiid D. rgtsI.

so 110 Lb sn1Utaou Oc. a. 4t eaoi tOp eichodde Gead than oeoea. g- kia I. woe the gaeeotit iap.sctmaM lIens yea a dthaig if Lb.

ani imz an the at third leeS t.7M 0 4 tO. Isto nalaflon if to. GarfleldaflhletmovedthaLbe Twh3ct a A Ii. a- tlTiot HO No ma be. a hare et be What it.

or In. a ibuat Gut probably ofell ailtioeaches the llttlefre. they afanjthlngIa eaey oh. fine rats nt ha tIcePt Ive of theyoang. a.

the po tvefona tha The come to pltihotby5 4-4 the plea 117 aeThmettor TIre Department will cod 1to for 107's. Pfaaa a Woolen sear CoIneI I An TmtntrteuIsccueel an a ovsr all atasinace waa lined. In esctsier. tndacesfltheotherjndtang tot Work eommea ane. Ia i11t3 ipmuae aoohercognty.

cooty ground Aint ceinaty. tosahoge Jenyhdte which were Ile-driUci ueartyamloat the was byttte AberdeenScotland. OAKLANQNEWS. LL 4. Id in a bjeeebeea b- neneld W.

Knowles ttm. and W. A. W. Wni.

K. aloesbu ijeterrif a Nort the ofho andjoyfully rnarxhxeoVa4auAw. I' New latarnaynight ILluason seized with hemorrhage of goirvaypd I. h4i roiace TI AIEWOX Ll P.1141- XTTEITlN0 I inca aa4szamloe peamaj thre. manthe sl4e1Pq JL F1NAj aL 1LZAAND 1Jr ZItermiaeardathItti new.

a7readeei t----- ARMIM VE 0iY1IOLESALE 1T1IfZfl tLTZ3 YLflItgINflgPozITs Aof 14 deelega UsthingBtae sotPtM ot.iItaaic1 TZPtTADTE iZOTEZL1fUhO. arc Wo5al DeIrp to flth icIng Oeag God aortha meat 1 Isneem. sei kanh alU ct a a iPo 1k ic. cynthnV' rwrnrn Imp Jmadc rt ITT lTZINNA.IT- Q2. IZQBTZ Met4ihe4 IADTT1IU ho.

tb ya thsrt I tint. saab 17 Itnetsaa ever lvi Inreafth ea. 21. g3 pt RaFraEiIZneair uar9xqUz43x0NTHLt tUT- 13Gw7heb1eaniuag zY1TI as a. BCtLUlvetaZy 1 llm the lull.

Ing thnipany-htotjceTbe at lb. Uliver cmparywct bed on MONDAY rrbJQ izThatlIocip wgat the hlP Cmi. paagZoqs uiInt foreud strd1 81 Trgaciaco5 cislitorula. fadd4d C- 18131. fl flonIagarIa Caaty theP Oomp.ny.-LecatIon works Mario yeazamd omcsofth.

corner ad ion a WMDNZbDAT- the ltt JAy htejtO. 110 th ockock toot. JOHN CL31hC1QtT Secretary. San th raela. Dek uc A Lb.

I. Dl te day at- paa a. It flee ofthe vlu tars per TITWRT a- ItICARANS LNDLftION H. w. 1.

PraiteeL P. Preeident. 111 dorifatreet. td llZw Company it. trancFeto 1.

clock p. a. die earI flsn a4 V. alinpaI Territory-Ion Notice tetlng SockhoIdqnaof Nilveg held on MONDAY efttt I. 172 at 1.

t' No12 fl' Ome. Rate. ThnCeI euayan7f u. baa Irouclaur 7tn 13 Notice. be Meetingof the Ptockhobdere the Truatrea 5 enseing year and a.

tite lug Marth1872at loclochwaat tite oflceotthe 1 Per. s0004 tia it ofthe I. caileddo alee Block InthacityifOatland thWENT PKV ITII DAT' OF T31BtTART In THAftP cr. g1s bile t1. dionabue the Judge pefiaPde the ttt LTOTj Lu TENEB.

same. 1 Cs. Fr. 413 Th.rsara 00 Tompkln202. 1143.

McLarenZ1ll Zi91. B. No B. 81 2. 2000 S.

1000 08--------- 1--------II. tt. Bradley 1000 Keith1M1 Iei pablic-daction oct. UT if AD1272githetnrof odackperofthaj so many ihares Ingeth. if Clliornuuratreet on tbetterpsueywIfl be tPmTorv1T-TPmovceIn US LEIDYISIiOILTF STREET tti MLNThI Sled 01 Ni ban California.

0 abszea4atb. Bed 3scke Qid Shear MinIon Feb. mary. 1272. bar.

untIl paging the seemen of kite Provldseae fl1 aad il. ofboaioeaa. bait hon Nouce 1872ihe several amounts P0. PIta. CItes' Thee.

400013110 Truotas4O3Z70. 89150 Dean---------- 68143t 157 31. Ojizeuwe Treata49000. 121090 K. 0.

Boowiu TmoteeI0mi. iLl 50 rderof the Boardif eloveuth parcel 4 IC let ice Joint the tIocka. af ouch di poyds itd Ot0ce-N In rI aouaeaeat M.tima-C.d.rh.rg 1. Location piaceof Oi4hlontgomery Sen DoraIowutj Oilfof Notice No1oftencent. men able theSeexetszgaL eceot wjcl wIU alcoa.

toed for moattethadi be on TB ci a. the sdvsztlnIDe eipcvaenfaaia I- 3N berg 01d tPIag tin Notic. gtventhd CO. ruteIt the 17th of lektdepon 1d Izt 41MM Aoy0toct said sseaa it 0J2 ci on. 1 p.

aaassineu together Mvtfolng aMnapeaaeata1 7 at. I hTO7IC7tJ7 211130VUT20 NflTICI Ii 1. bereby flr SITYSOM siiadlattenytngoth blsckantIthtng bvsInei-ak- 11 Miaaio street. I. 4Mday diaatlvd 8yMlItu coessitt.

All bIlls OIILbePaId tO and b7CllLELOIT3Ljt UUle Plato. rttuafT202li7K 1- P11 L'- U1rTfTTEb IIE I4 xitoi atusa te exietit datuns p1a' VV1U1t4tXltA1tT1flDS1UP I EZIXTOICU haaiz kt ncflNDnxGisIuiTITthiic1IAT formod pndethe Arm em AGEIO the transactiornofa 1cVLTz TO2tk3RGXP0RTZU 3- sad Dehrs in 1.n ina 7actl111Jt DQme5tlaZ4lZU0rL Agunta fog zTVlse-Ci onseov 3biPORU MD Ap Whose. Dv to PlueWlase oni W'1 Q00XoA 1143411r7 5 Bryant betwesa at 1 WELL UUIJLWUK StYIIATION wnts4 I. 4. genera hasoewert.

Apply cv LBvM 11ed. Wi1as a eivape aMMssrnyP MKINI4TIIATW1haWUTEDLUF A 1 young 501 inanwbIsnotafrelaofwwk MT LADX euectahlo wecos 18 so 5 ce. etable TIC xearTbld. A LADYW18HJ20. C1oune 4 145 LaVItHb street.

A Y3JUBO end waltlngW0u14 h0drgi. at- Senad. oF A I I' soe i Is eod 1 LEE WIN A rLm3rcLAon Cauf 0E CII Dtpett. ITUUD San Lb. Lb.

si XTTILLOWWORKLR lIES VT Deaf the BlInd. it ANTED braatofmilk NaTfruit TIiRST 2. crnerof Patient IN PeateCce A TRAVELER I bF. ERVANT employment TE1tNOW ieee gee astble en 14 or TLTANTXD-BT DDA IV 21 per TO ST Is of gas. room an beary A.

It. T1 0 J1 to noog. oK1LLNGRR. LtUEN20HED I. a fo ag TUP1LS 1.

barreeldenee. 12 SlCb tMoum1. OUSXWANTED I thu PS ltltM GENThI I bctweenPiocttoe and In AddreasffPOtlMcdlce WANTZD. FTYRNLt lIED for Potoffice f22 A ho. moat 54000 to 010050 C.

sr 1IOB nal LINGER. 412 TPAIITNEB WANTED A 8INGLEMAN whe the buaineaand Is ror Ted-If RICH I Furniture aiaoGrocsrtu dlurostngsf th.Ir-sthctswoeld me pathos 8TOUZOSTaoUki12esnorne TI7ANTZX0 NEW AND SECOND-HAND TV furnflu7p. ItC. It 11 Setter 5k 415 HRKE MEN ho caevaued tdaeiLthe New I Wail bhIIfTows3- afe 22 itoatgomegy 1 1S YJANTED I 5 a. utotsyor to 5 P.

641Hortlitreet. roil-It CANVAS halfhour ion A CENTS mu to CII cOvet Foand TTTOMZN FOE I term. 0Pr4. laD-c k4zEGANT2Li 15 B. eta- WANS iii so.

151W rim Vat. hfot pany-LotOicm CMlornlaee Thmi atockon aorexdiofaeeeee. NIL 1 the. ths afthe as om 3. 1.

ruatee 50RIIi 0 7. Trintee7L Tca.te.loo. 1290 II. 100 Bnffington Truetoe3fli00. I.

100. 1550 N. 7rnstee271900 50 J. Trnatee1t0i40 TmMgaECDL nBirryman.isSi3S 50 Brriuianl88100. L.

esIto. in no iisitL 150 nel Markaai Zt0o 3134 v. Slairic. TruiateDL730fl2 Audji the of DirqttoramadI inth dapif Jan. urihSiI 0 Ml5U as at kS Lii NT New stre FraSciaco thilfacuila.

oaAATUEDAY. at the a. aastedy d6GIttaS55eIt wIih male 1 Ocl7JMe.Mssehap4v Zickscee Thlyu st OaI. Id aNed oIls. at- tlP cdtMsttotif- serperee Sea payable UnIteS StaN.

geld Maarel to tbe Iecrtery at tO. oMlep if the thmpBoom 23. HIPWIraB1IId1mIg. Ms. tie th89orlla itrest- I.

Any slack epee whichthis asaeeimeflt shall remel. oe TWENTT4L2Tfl DLTOt XRR1UAEY 1111 eplOe be 4sItSWi Mvartt4 505. donode. Itctloosnd els meat is is eold iii toi NarPO. 1273.

t. pay the dilInqiect a- getharwtIh ctJ ZMYZM1gPO4 expenses II 5eth. Dtreptre Nobc. gIves tOIL' at ineeting 1 tb Board of if sell Case. panybeld in the sib 117 ah besemmeni xa.

I if per ahare was bevieS epoc tO. mnttaL PintO 1 54 Ceaupslg 4imXgemory.treet San Jranclaco Calitbi. Cu. Any stock ups. whIch said ses5t shall yemaIISts4 It thi TWZI3TR DAY 0 NIKON.

IMI. akol1lie aemi dalinqislIf seA will bOdaSyadYSrilsad foe iM. pebMs APRIL dsIn Iteaeets ic A ibI' Vatb4 All. ward of a Ucot1ztok this iMlSe2 IeES.7 sMLWAZo-fflFT en Brine on 11. ewttRhtbwa Ii I Table' 54vW 00 I I thjOnddgnZitflotts I receive the dora rtw Td.

TELEtbATTO1ETWTEMIe LJ WALthGA01L 7b reward samesthIses. 3' uUNDWo 1. Tb. owper ran ls to Cheer A RZWhEDLoSA7UE trayj CeflftrtosThar Sat' 111 MatIne a PUCKXTBtJOH wb wore four' Tire. pbovprewsrdbyteavn5 UNT-IRIDAY iJ goIng from 0.

Arflagtoa Hoose 17 keener street. Sawn Setter sleet to Tucker. doras gluT. GOLD lIt for entW. fl mats petIte.

S3 eubequsettassroies dotZ1te eon flma BusIness per- IFVICLE us tTL 15 his T' 59 STREET. fI wIll Ii' La it. I1WO MENJU8TAKRIVJDNISAJM I. fria Object-Fun. perhaps astri.

moo 00 h. TOERPanFranclaolosto50oe. feEt3t A liftEXCZL rtON. L1. able a mm OtTPHIMTban raaciioo.

11 TETILL I Silo a a. trelzt-tnorn icklassi on Podiy cen paddle-hex SOkiTI PARKearethio4ce. SeES-H. I DRGL Why 51 TNFORIIATION I shoudmeettheeyef wOe MelboacaeIncoaipanywlth J. ifoito- I.

A GENTLEMAN 0 1 is 1tSESAJr1 DARTITS 44 tRISTEGAE 5BIOJ Old a taken In LIOR 0 USE-A sound 1 asp- aO4on treet1toone landI. TOR 1 0 0 ton ii. TASKET I her SKRIANGEE. 412 iselptf UTAGOIIS VT I ofweons erg en OESIIXCD80 etreetjllst 14f FlOE SALE I tar. Os let with to.

pert rent 10 Montrom- tf PIANOS SALEAND flIER SORMEB PIANO AND WEB- 1. atflf5 Na 5 171CR 1. I5tk WStthfrOIIOOtO IlOperjnontb SOT Its tOfl SALE A strcetcorner fell CM i ou 1 1 TO a blgi chic. 0. 250.

21 A SUIT LS 5 for ro 2. atoreoNoaL 542 U. I TSHOTOGRAPH GALLERY TO no 1. Third street. fell tf 1 ofdanclng 11g.

31 1NE VM idiLtor yncet scrIiIuItsZde jardeAaiIdtIi 0k1en Is tow tenant. Apply I2. Lb. R4 DRA1Kl iLh1IS' iitysict jvi 1 itrewt-Attestlos dleaaaafrycong Prleerrei luvlguraingjeouci lnwsaeof RbemaUliaL5v1 afreetetioeui Braadway fsiet 145 boa highest haa cotUnunlssIIe. Sliehu floitlia Where pallents wto receIve thaheat medical attendanc.

Terms moderate DR CAI127RflDEAV Dhacbargegthagh lurgmirpebrlty ptkoMnraitoEitoumt Ellerrar ThtWia Rapture Loll. mstftesseongus r4ofny lnregnmariouea etc. Sievided bed Afl Cauddettlil fbaerflthtoilyAended PU ethers ws.rtng snd p.L..nsnsaaes.s.ngu..reqksry. writ. is stInt iuL UGAflTtWAMcmiUCo Uo Is innS diasaSSL free Btegenceg1ep NoaJtnckiouuteet OmceOouralomtosp laESnim mJt wrthau' eI nzovadto4QBuaI treetbetveen the TheseaaTetZjl icUtLzDUTIs A oevd SilLier steest RIO ssrny isoaAbo os oa ye BrAflDVSTRAizz LJa Moved I3a ODes aM Laboratory teem rernsr ofNrkat aaGearyg Ia MO.

A y0s. gytj a1 eOthins Qc- alas. TeetNisi so sad Yulre. lass. 7pachwatjuttwit.

TO LET XLLX7I71 tu0to. fwihed stan' wiser er for tnt1. AIeMHINA rL nt a i 715 Stoat pr1Yaumftmfly foouePUoIqnma0. Id43 I Li I TAYLOR PYJLEET-LABUE SUNN I I wtt1Rsad etreet rena ps th4oe 111141- fleet Bash 01zet aeag Moses. Address tkiarnc AN080XELTVvuIEHED Ift a otagI0aa 0 CO.

A40e. II. 0. 11115 eMlce. Se 1 Qflfl 3 ITE.

U3tIE c7JT ar ome I. It. IL. en Lb. premISes.

ilt 0 4 11 MIEakUW ST. A JU1tNtS0IKD tJroineeich fnIIt. I TO 1. 2 nia onlt4ls hsoae. pleg Pr temtlyI-oetsldl 10052114 PU pIrmenthI A I J11.

cef room. 0 47 UTR1ET. I Nicely 8 LET1 sp ti JJIIION if IbSdOOiP. I ELEGANT I. a addwater.

I and p. I I 5 1. LJ tsnitsordagiwItborItthovtbord t1 sp IP crete. UT A I 0 It TV To 3 on be a bras. ctsssstyls.

I l7 chaStes 1 I windows 1 I 5 STREET-LABOR 2. 1 Om 0 1 43 or 0 Sunny fore ots can be bedleerences rqutcsS 2415 I r7 BOOM3WIT1I I ti boerdrefsrences ff5 MONTOOMERT STRUT OPPOSITE LIck Raodaoma suites 11 pee single rooms. loweat latea. 3.2 A 1 en Slaltfornia tretafromttolaa 95fl Ip reams all stud Sr TITITUIN A a 1 I0i 1 i 4I 1yoemE grelea. lm DuAEjI WITH U2il4' street 01k P7 STREET-LARGE SUNNY a roomwlthhosrd streetcar.

par. thedoor. 0 oJ fed IWO I nicely DETEEZ Ib streets Osely house Is ma a board 550 La OB 1 Comfort. pore-he. ma 65aL6O7 MONTOOMRYB 4TL fort Boartlandlodgthgftom40oSperweak.

MONTGOMERY. PTOPTIStOT. ho P7 17 flZ BOO8 0 I pti the also. U. 74 A CENTLEMAILCAM dtlOAaDs this LOOHZ2I.TILXOIILTLLYINO- Atnsleger tells your advic.

on Ut. be henifited ovezdlH9 onoultatlons given I Ii toceMry apt feflu curmrafludMeas.s.- OMlce4SAKeTnyio.5 tf dThRRkT SUCORSS IN' YORTUN sg- Telling at Madam DiBARS by look- CMlciU TRNOFJItSOi25AUM 10 thIs In atatterpif LoyeKutneea a atrstfram o. ultattonfeL Im MZDICALI- AND a 1yl birdsod a TONIA Easiness tleusL iamtnaiou11uftheraM0ru1inu Omceiuzl a ato6oandltol3px. cEsa 51 STOWS iIEDICALCLAIR o.A- TOO Wedaed7ndfrlday uijtizi the Sb. be TAB Pt if vez CO P7 ERR JVJ voysat Magnetic end 41eIUInJI lhOsI ja28-IOt' ETC i US Dupont streetS south of No5.

hoes. prom elbA w01 hnr JeZi4t- II RORGI OystIrIQal7iaAl Itoh Plane 41 Market entrants I Meals Ss' Lrv onbvtm1" Li acinc Yer the ed bolaot jitidesi brwbnry Tronted OyatrCeshSaIM DonUed ADDLE SOC-B" QYITER I inS Rev-loot Ogitmi 11 served In stvlatak ob night- N. 415 Pln res Moitiemery. EZEESOIF COETILLZ CO. YzeVrag 11011 RtET COMMJXOll0 5 ISA rl I tDVMCN MUILDIll 1I.

Coflfatci stceefai mliat sill. 8. Zcbanieoar. ICITIN LITUXTT ETOGI AND relael c. ASS stre.S- ot a 4 t.

4. DVZLINQ CALTYONYt1 WAGOSIABESLDLLS Al2r WiCMAiUSAUYUB co xso ai. mpozt A1e 5p tectnrer. aDS Pealars In every a I A 0 DRESSMAKING BUIINEsS ouyttroItor sad lorokAloS pee wekn dwa Alden lemi eADMs' tKIANEQtJNhQR4Cff i yweg pm. pei ont eer0.

psrnes sold itlj en ecenit aickness' p5TtOfetIt5flbegtV5ItA35MttQfltNlV 4I' Le BUYA SYLII no LeJtPIe0ers. 4pui shSHJXsatjooo LPe1 i i us enht I IMVZBTURYCIZtJCMT saIe itea cods be ant so 01leaacpayssens te3 neqakadfgeep 7t bestbereeleverefuredlu Obeflneolageocery Ii LD ry sIreld. cl 3 A IVOMJASHAW 1N' LB ae Jewthg More doin a end bedneze sisfertorj Iee on dccl fortoflin. P' tartlonlar. West MerJsv11Id CoLt to- i GlOAM BIYSIN7 TOE ULB-J jj 111 enkwi prpror tbe.t-anI knowizas one thsdtr IaigstndeI a' tI the IsssLio to hot 1 being Os mazy hotels litt BAENtDmi4 It onn- CANDY eeUUV.

ml 1TUS1OrPt Koewa ens ot tbe ebdeet and el In Lit. dIg Drtoproas psgi bealatep ssen. 525 per reoithvi1l- atPl7Lox. tUUAR IV ia 0 Of CO. hipt and best atatd.

tIs ally eUgtb whole be sell. pssIv. freon an shIn see wIsbIngthidIIne 4 UBEWERY LA fthoma.ttbftvtiie-c.atry lewnitnthe resleatate cUbe 30ma the reaop deeired particulars It SAB- NAEDMxontgomezgetreet. Ills eLJlJja1e tbroii. men VON HELNabUTL LOt 1 tf WII0 A44 Orstctu Yef AppyheJ.

I 34 Montgomery TETSAID SALE-AN icmio. baa cask re-re chance Ibe cusuomis MOCERT eIl 235 FAYNTAVRANT SALE-GOOD 1 into workosod Applyhe 2 Montgomery A BOOT-AND SUORSTIOP CA L1 cop bib heaith tIe cats. fee- HLltsg. VALIPOIIIdR WZLNKI. Oh P0 AN 2.

BJIZlB 10 Montgomery OOO A CdOPUuiUSl pu cnb sated' 0 MIll ARC L4 t-aal MOre-hanS atreit. A Orr Th he engage en a 7I8i4vsziaochIoaefromIt6S pa. A TUE TOWN diddle 5 sate. op. ply 1.

05 IALOON it a email capItal. LbS at I Yiowfliaolflergaecoiapletsptracture asanyth gIIionofapi4s1ly TIARViER 1. beats. 40 urns requIted' no A Inca. anderatending business gel ewe.

wants someone THOMPSON 14 1QR WOOD AND COAL TARDiO2IZ 2- ofthe beatitanda I. th bustnew bone. A 00. US TOTICX to flRST CLAa 3UTCH sod I CO. wialung bamli 3 5uce1o4ts th near the New CIty Han 15 wasp' be lcs1itg the will 1tURN21UErKO1 OR TEN OOli3 i on Geary altec heap rent fhraItoralll fog sale at 5 reasonable price good place to reiit rooms en fot a boandlapheue bee.

5 au rent only IL ti riLzT DOUSE 1 loLt1llohtetree to JIOUSE ON. 1 IIobiveuaelcheapreat 1 41 lU ETOUoZ AND TUBMITCER 0 1i. Rett near ass" coat5tAlBslllbecoId Addre" VI7RNITUL OBox JO A pi It tserteeo bcspes Slut YCi7 Iitodcraie. Real Estate h1i' UO d2r04a jilrefl4furture OfOaIe. OUS 1115 llesry SntterPost facrameni.

Wash' ivgtotuydsevento Xlsatuu nlti 41 tTOTSX OTSUENROOMSAN11BATI 1L large I 24SCacTesseaeetreeetfliixnore be 1 EB PoatatseII KES. B. Hal VitYftyfArftxtd SOOS WITif ALt TftM 5. reader. hevlag view of the Bag lay lot very healthy Imitlan to let-contains sIghS room.

AppIvtPLTZ TUQRU5R it COs 04 VIUINISIIXD 1. hauaesroomasdapagtmutateg hat. keeplngetc4ln ill the furs ore sod attI. siLxNqxR eu 1012 U. Io HOVER I 5.

5 DBoo 90ir rooms I Iafge-ClOsetil CSBYtOIIDI hoen. bouea tothepisllcrsiMwbsrfslllflndUmisjustIO FOot. It OAZLL1IDa ROAEDIRO-HO0E' FOR cabot- taloing 891 Toe. flt15e4 tarbItt every" thing elsuopt ass' the lecattea to Lb. meet 1111 Iosahli end bestl.

tb IwIB soIl low an account of 111 Maithi sole. Livo erexl dange bye I.dgIIt-hcose In this toy Apply to DBARNABD 14 Montgomery at. Is onfke QUU tJ Je sale coesiming a of 4 mtsdwlthln few Montgomery handpee kr.eEbeetr- anil paying. tw Se seam' Is be reclates thoitosideefratie Ieee. Is TPARBOOM- WDOIllG kctbucfor nuoneyl9tpsnin the hi.

a business of this routstne ed lo toom.card-gIem etst a sacrtecm on etcoent bealthl liQIjApisli5e BARNARD. iogdjoagy see- fi3t r11f IOX1OXROHQUSX JOZgt Uto-thntethlng verlJeatcsltJlncited ttnly aewdocre trm Kty- streets furotshsd thronjbout les' heAtake inedista sale desiring a benae Iaicentralboialnsalccshlty wll5 4000. locations In thi cttfl conIsllnt 7oomJ tbe enn. a. 2mi Cash Inss tostalimsnlsi lsas L' 0 WDQIMO tOZt- laluRS 24 gooms very hsdaotl fop.

rousho' and. fUll at Aratda. tenants' an eT wanted' must be dlepose if one-el prpt cash obre beyo It iatiie. dosirtog a boese at Clew Igurs ehoelul examung- too above LlCe booseised tbt5Inlfre S. 5 towseiPan en.

oOF00 ir iitntr i OAMLMU CAM 1 CD fof321Oc4nletingefabt50xl90geq I.e. rpe WH WAN7 VHS cO.p atokiel Ieee. be haitet em tsItiss e.mtMat v1 dip' woOfl MS. 11ii50 potts. ealy 5LE4 dawn nun y.emhesflsswenug-typt near LXUEPUY 4 11OB Liflend MeelnerxMnh h0 Utes5lQappte peat alleiiclngfrilt- 5.

1 jboai. Ooand balimfle. fr go11 sad ItS posse a pleudI plate. fur ackicton of the aboee piopeftyfet I. thea b1 82duV 1 251 ataI0DexbytBlsck4 Pete ajudlaSenomstgonly0tloI SPLEYDID3ANUII 0 I Iacres SU beassanit gruondolat wutI ixos bemdllacMltlaIlguad passes th00ag0 It an.

teat Incresal Ia va' LELLZNQZR. 43 EeoeyvtD U1 IOkLLI IRSEAP 151 OAJUA21I5 A 1 boa tOjlfO-easd aw 71s by- Betiding 515 LuJt3t FOB sALZ lARK A Mast West 1 KaIheed Ptatiochc Sea esonty bosee roams barn an's all oeessaasi nibulhitnga good mad eon vIneyard in fad bsr peed feucas p5551700 tIseki sod sevep- 9010ns weherl a per- tlo Lu rich bottacil Iandeiid all Is gaol laiZgIa lend this I. bargaIn- price 3OSR0.W ZKELJB14 atlivlastoEigbas fell 3124W TOM W1LL sgk et 11 ecrea. Situates near the 4In4 fOoCUn sltDtTrood. A5DtS4RI.

NOLVS INS. en. Moelgeei7 i344I P110 TWIY TROCS1ND L. at 5 so amy wvma Tii I as4 be saws Li- the months. 01 psetheMS mo net of MOrsel iM hiM oeesrnee yamia 5 to WH.

GwTllLlmoatuents. MS IWtNU BOlIlatini lpetmanant bsszdere atuchoess then cotef tBebsi1Itleruo I Montgomery etrptt. TpAnIllL TOM THE' OlD Lb signed cMOs for sole the callus Valor. otto. Rancbeitmeksd on Cartel' lIver.

about at of at RIdS. eetvt 21 HOwee. sad slOtaIZa ofthe beit grsing ihi StMe' masusily v5 MatT5 Theam who wish to obtaIn flf1t-CIsee-1aD4 at reeoaabI igeronhe51dplysteoce MANUELWOL. a TRI ore. EUTITAND XJIaWil A thTeeMUi Boess theIsMs Cmi I fey pas beauS ale.

of whole lit r4JlO atthe wLsi. Cr511550 1w faithuepasOcebea spptyonthprswiiee feI1a IltuR 14 MM 01 lea ACEl mibeloenl eIt110 pmee epws- to WtMS Ut Ma4 wilbesoidcheeplfepplie4 fazIaa. llLXNN 4 00. 11131300 lasso- 5 plees towel wIll be 000 IOISthACREROFGOODFAB UUetJt gradag land lv ChICs factO sOul 43.20(11'S f4tfl ACRER OP riai oJJuJuJsJ d. enS ing a rTh i 1 0akianSoear Es zniucproved p.

PUWB. Xe. Jza shon TOE l- 8 Seino Cod a large Tvhntsextko 4 ISA too Is Mosogay atneet. R' EM etiIilS Tt1770E RL 0I 1) 50. tmws side of Jeit ias.fir-elg at Twenty-second.

0. IIOJYT 4-22- MrotanmeryPreet 4t the 1 nsatbouat sear aim. cfANDIEQDIdUUPLLOT3iOR NILI41 IotatOby utinet. imtassa 50 50 balance 00 roSe' e5021 llcash 5 Cia pe month. fleas lot.

ai areertatn5y tO. tO. fotisemensal prolo a the 10 Q. 411 stPett. sEGI LOT WANTED THLXXSSIOX L4 or Westsrg tddltlonI meet be cpe.p- tat cash bnyot no brokers.

bCStNJ1lu' lorcaiaMlcet tlOMlELgry lsxnatMOloi N101g 1 bate gas drama beasmeat. loeeaa b. uete. alru indOcaitOg I I struwIwaen Iqnaa Lent It' W1COOUNTOZ DErAITI1Ni Iws hmtaon grajey wISh. stilt pplledtfee tssnss5aMSgJ list tJculriecv BABKT ab.

URZEYeM Ageiot41s 1oagumurs P50 4 tIOVSE4WLQTe10U lJ atroft between 7plaoun of Il Thor IHAenaet That sitS Psoens P1171 rM a dwel1ag IrI. heesea eta. welbeemosad atock te Toe 4 HTLAND 105 Moery stiie. ie I ttOIfuTzI1ri xustLML 1M iA gda-Awo-etsrgdwsfltne-bsas. ant hoated1t erthevoparefth iii.

bit tIzl2Tj me reotee a It- I prureguents is- frolk St lees. small Sewer gar. backgsxt thnowner the titunlsnci boone. bei421utatsilal pattoaser If ePtTsblewt4 at psedIwean00 Apri iB0. AdHeus re u' tuRS10Lat 1 bar as 14 ebbeki diviMe betweatee The vats novel caitferita as Oritans Weflhsati lying gore- belpsea Vallferda az it ant DellA tPOPettJ MS Pt4 street.

Illit ilPSAoftMlrtti aieef sleet- 00050 square 4sLbsteI1gl eee thee 50vare3ot TiE 01 MalvhI5SS0215 prupastpwas Isase4 03 Iwelty m.ast-.t SIIJEOp.ranaum 01' 102Mlpel tea. tsr CO. o.zt-hee. Isisse lutely flue froail dedecona I. necessary atdesavanIent covinsili for curityi of s.ore.

Apply to PKACUT BILLIIGS. or OWOBA3bjM4MoctgsmeiyBect fo5f ttORSALKIATA NXBz me meat to. 9012a te TEOMPION 1312. tOe Meotgewy 5. 413 VWRBALZLOT 1Hl SUER I tetwe.

stiwts Apply to TXTERUGU VLuPeON- It 05 Moeoseary at WOEARDWAEE. rnIzADWzLfr1 lhardsat Kachlnni Agolasaltaral Ions I TLMz iuAmtT 3ibf tJ i LlJlat Mlatt5se Fianenen4 Mem 12 and IRJ mIeeOJisnams1o ware tarmhse Implement. end EkElnes. tt cxit xxroiua b4ctay Mm end liepez jeld JpItpedP4zilebed enS Stamped TInmo R' t'L wars 15 JelIsry elte ltItCSriskif ii' eshlo 5 end US Imierlimiest apoBrLiL A MO3.

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