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San Francisco Chronicle from San Francisco, California • Page 3

San Francisco, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

UH couwrr TICKET Wa tk. Dlatriet OUDERBACy UNION ran 4 Judge JJDERBAC I OSDU or THI rriff ftk atttnN UatB. tM I Glovesl INTS VIN i unless one iarsthoTIK ye of OrlgiBwil id Patentee patent 1834. JODYIN C3 QILEOflL. ST COo CENT tO COflJET uco.

lit IwaeoXUBo far 55 aarrao ilB aa4 ID for S65 KZSXZti 80TZU Sf u. Old Orraatltw tt Sehool MTMaboilaTK in tk ftAxetftarjof Xeirm- dfbal AattgaBV ban oxeott r. Bo if prtatat. Traeot Offlcw ra ttod II tnuau. ArpBcttleal far poeitlon a teaekeri won re ceived fmtn Mats karpeKtH BalttAmlU UlcrLintoK itg and dltd.

Mealaadoa TrrBch frrid BUM LDy a kh Mrt. X. Btctoa teadertd their SijMO7J toaeain. Ae- CBrpeator sad It. ft.

OarttOB upU. tn iOllt lit Created. Oeerge II. JEkherdtM pptod for a pwtL1. tatchar of pb rpty la tt retac and lMre TBdday ct.

2femd totteOom- mltue OUMloeedoa. Jotepb JtttoI0t of tt Boetk P0S0 pBlaB Osai kciot reajleded tt Beard tM kta daUM bed bee tacroMOd by IB atVtUioa af tw new mi to tt buflilag eM atkod far ea tecmoo ii pay. tsns4 to tt BF jantoa pre atoda detnatdfor 7jafor MTTltMMtauredta tk TataUMf ickoole ad paper a ikvro otk a ptpfl and aMi that warrant tut IBM Moat tt WB la hi 11704 Jtotoma to the Oomaittlae SE SaW Th Oaimlttoea UeMIcI0t rwaommeedcd tkat tte VepertMcMeat ataerlud cm. awe4 to id ediitiiaal wMtbq lor Us Ti th Oratawich Frtmtry fl lch la a very aver. crew oUItb Thry reported that tt retwraatory d.

la tb olt O' mmr Chew we-e lMk4 to exn toJorMnt tolBeao a he wt beh v0e by eMeetatrog with them sod ta Ckwmdtoo rcsesd lid tollable room be pr trd for tk soce5L.04h- tioa 1 tb tle e-e wker tky auy et BM kfT tohrVMt Boy ho odaLloo wrB iht. The tr veow madatloa woe tdop aad tt atcead woe lolA over far we Tog rvpryvaaa. J. Ptlawr Us pt rwatod oommonl Boa to Irgiro to i hew oeoej. O4 price ctezgtd ferfitnkLltg tut Here ia ectuut Crperv Tbtr tlplSSthd t.

la aabe aac a. toliowr Ttt cot tfr 4aod 4 cofli Ibr a wIc. lot i1o SOd chair. MV WhICI Uey aam tonal. m.

They ow cot sir. to py dock 1 ii. price aad a chair at another wrtrtm it for rbir nx I7S tor dettt order dtrpen rlytB 62 for chair ordered oepareulr ttt toM that hit ritht to rc In. tk. or both tk preeeat oelzct pt itb gk et tae time we received theee rdar we bed n- traa boo Tltbl to charge what tb good worth aetthrr mere er lee Tae jBMCtoa I kot whether ftt or dk a4 chair whea oeM.

epar fly I too mcb too little tot year IoIaribo body tn ptt bot It mor Ut Jb market pro. ere wtlHar to to k7 ib drcieina of say thr. oompetent cMBta keti cor hcoftol body may soloed We have isi Urn maay yean zpfloco btl. mwotof Ib r45 eel to boa U. value of tt fITtftTv.

eapptod cc on thick. wwH ere at Omptlag chest tt Board EOw UM. 1 corde. oc Pimr at OX admit cttrlctl error of IC 11 for ca tln i ujptted cc dMkt. wkvt thou rPTt mtfuwk or rutip ftreUbed er ry Tick ICBM fr thu tt brtkta tt cod1o of UW eider Tb coowcotcotio WM received aM placed ou Bio.

a tvirrz or uvutzXi F00171W. Mr nokMt tailed aB vtfe a to tt report to tte nt io vvgoM tic eoore af the CoasaiUiceiB rpt er 4 Mppoe to dealing with Palmer A a tkeofet chargct allowed BBdr tte coatrtct lth that fret. On hit mo- owe toe uuer iooer uopwg or IB rote relerred to a pdol Ueaimtttoe of three be p4ed by ti Ubtr tetedlntetbe charge aa Upwt lethe tcottee Mr Mo greve of It. ouicolltc. Os faruttaFo mad Bep.

pllB aiad the a. TbChelreper lafed Director Ploakttt. Doer tog sod Oarrert et lbs twto Bxroar or IMO ZVII1aTiI ooKBrma Director kcoeilsHabl7114 end Joocrovt tke Committee to whew WM yeT4 tt Mill 1 Palmer A Co. for nhwre reported a. follewi-aj la teleeeaot to the let Gi et yoarOem Mk tad three lira wwloh thee believe to be eineMoe Tke ant turn 1 4 Bo.

gd kit die Th Item I fto. 1 ttauttni Tbetttaduemlt le tkalzs. 1174 Atthlrtt tt puce per eel of to. two ant itoco. wwaU MM wfc tk ttUFlmerAOearbeand by toocoBlractaf Loossi U.

Ul. ta fUrbish each famltar at tte ue et a It pit ML Tb. ttlrdt yoor OnmrnlUee think tbooldbttlSS Ittteed i Tier. la. therefore a.

ttoM three Iteoia La ovticaarre Sf wIci year walIcoe wnvid ToecoeOd to be dodo idd freai ib eo ot or bill Thu will redact tt scored the bill to 171 14 if which torn year Usuieditco rraeameod tie payment. Uretonoce totae Mil tic 117 TS the OomtlU- toe ted ttcern ct id re aimd It payateat. irvfrrtc to th WI 7W be. which ta clad sic scsi kea4cairM par i ttOa mtua 510251 the order far tbedeex ibstro woe ttva en the llth of Joy ton fur the oi ua nil- kd xptra. Bat tbawture emed it ecetry to be.

the for Lb. ttrett 117217 fat BUked wit del to a. Mon so tk building WM tiiebcd. AI lb WM cc coetcect la force hte ntbe ftatrdof K4actkwodth ttU Fal aer Co. it the tmo wkea tt rdr see lblfsrbiu we given YOU Uommtuee divided a.

le tto erlee to be far este tuniC tare and recaeiBivBd hock to tt Heart a Tb report WM referred to tt Ipeclel Com- niBTit tnx grrrkirruttrri xtrott A raomr HBacvt A Ot pr ai proUtt IIIIIItk wtd lb. ooiroo tor ptiaUag th UcetIa toaarat1 kwol port to UtrrUon kiM ih i ir led WM lower I. tt oeju 551 10 shot of ilries A Go. The Mole wi llad br tte Pvbedluc Oommftte to lb cila 1 Ik lIcoel Tb csiczbooGQ WM teferrvd to thai a BtU kuicixa. N.

BoyMBita a notice fa tlgamtat a ted osbllructhrf a hrkk walloatbt I wtt Mae ti tb arhaol Mea tb corset of MMB ad Watbiagton ttru. wtitaod to him by Boae a A Ib MB Mr Busca wbo did lbs work woe before tb tsaN sad It WM act BMd dvi wi to py II Iwloa tt mnd Mr. Bay WM rojeoted SOW um or vMOOi irrrtng. Xnnetor Mtubf coiled Ueatloo to I Mil ta ttt kade af tt Vocoettls noses. sod At nag.

It woe pr a rd floffatn Ureec ea tie llt5b Utltat II It qolto lu51117 ll of rticW. raraukid tt curios. caol stace OOP- Uaber Cal oUUl ircbebed tt Com. mhto atbn tte tint ea tk bill wiaamberaf ebtrgMltr eritcU fastibd tke Dthtt otreet Grammar cdcaI oepttmbtr Id. llMMfoUcwtl OMorek tof tU Tkre skto.

aa tlUw olir seebosI to OB bourv eetritMw I 7 TwbntaB mtoi Mplad uttntar TeL 10 Mr Mettber MM WM a watrag stib. porrgteat fUrs to be pue0rd la ttl mBBr Bder Ik pri BM that cock urticlus woe. achool nrpo sad aid sot vaderstoed how ta ten me twald utbcrze toch lrcbeeea or oadtt thvai wlvH eew toe rteeesid to cDd ehowl eappflet or tt what toe they were tetaKBwlaiet it WM tfc InuadmtoBM ti tehoet iota. a Cbtre leasdry or teller hoarojt beat art SCbOOlbGVni. VrBhte a 4b had toopoMdttat lb.

Wrt Ix porektttag ib urticice tit ttt Khool WM to tarry to practice th vorpeiof tt Merle tel lielibecedve IeedEbLy af which Mr KM they WM icrtbr by taCilo tk fml POM eraaveaul Vat tOrgottot Isle of libtf tetfleci kea so WOM apeak dI Btabw to tt coahlag- ov kd ttt Uhpaa. bat wkea coo to tUWUh- fel a teapot lath etboel a frared it wosid hwd to tt aeeeMiy Trnot lupclcc aid Ii sstuIt7 VS bt dutorbtd by sooth. ttrog- gltllktlhet Of 1511 Wlatar Sc tt sieMee Thlka a pMbblytay tathektndtaf tt OoBimluee tsr seas 115 biters It wm is a. dtredpaM. AI cu CUt or couvttertvi rezcoe urtvkD.

Director bleed. Puce end Garrett. conttl- tattaf Phedul Usoewatlel to whom kid been referred lb. dUt of 00101 MeOtihaugi. fer dtmag BrrBto report.

The etatai I to ooe. It bM has. reiecud by tt Board bat dw hard cud after al mbrtac for year tOW it WM orpVeed to bve Beta lbcro toawi Mala tract hi lorword with pra pctaf bU wad. Tk OoB BtUe reported ttat. ran tt voBM Ufer ttemtty 104 tkat a tt ckf ttt- cJBkcr.

IkTt. lcOescgk saluted tato contract Ucea rct a tOddiug oaaparUOBOfHamllioa nrre rtlmnl be Ii. BiuiLth belLluuUb aBowBoata oaiauwaaaooi TB oatraot prto WM fCJoa I Btr appear. At. hit hoes edveuli Oil 1.

tb ad MeCuDeegk wt Tr put to Maaiiaa. it t. tmBd moo. Btvtr dU urck work OB tt bafictxcv Btr bid 507 itrlilaatagrvBB4. lie owpot ta tedtougM ictun nt of bid toolbar arckl- uctx to prove ides If Bed tOlIOM bit wort aktbtveaial tLBj pielle artoapareeal aa caautct pet.

Tke Ommtsue tkwtw. TB ee a eBdrdihtk awd at tbpsaups bald ss05Mp5050 or tt mlgbt hav mtd kM oomplMU It Tkratagf ttlt report broatht ttr. Fmn- to kl feet vsbeMflilJ dBOBBCdta and attempt to ii. MeOal- xh i tbt acheot BMaey 05 S2 tataaaaM. grtOicM ud vii.

raooerraad saeec4 tttt reepeattatodiv hi wwrd where facht is called opsa hi MCOoUOtSb. U. sell VIBB. BtUTBat MJkwnBnApT Te ost Xartetorg Magk oa4 Wanreokelm nek Waet tba ahawuro or tM oUlai tajaaro tB UrmtttaaMr Ftaaiettaeed. DM vr.

wt tood ka i rt le the Tho mon olttoe aad wot a than aid axeoiue ooJIOeOM lj laoh ate lbs Oox oei huae wtu wa A late. abr of pyopo a 55 551 tb Oepert Word M1thl tar tt ties. sudar tb adrerot a tv rrMto tb lssa. aatll Tla aad. tta rt nacd WMUd klei.

A. ftannit1 atm Vu wttosat lbs ataUytrdy Boning Tic TbatM kn ilckt woe dilloibe ad th poor mta dttktlr 4ertdtl a noit doetly Tktxpl Mt eaf ttoaaptraUmbM Uo is Bttirom oVloei yifiKeyne te vr aDBWIIoClb rtoe--erew ttvV uite Mctaot tbpua rk or lbs UolMd Raw ESIIbel offlr scO JVrWy Jlt Hal rrer to wart tb troo tk tU kt is Jo- trei Oeort A tbo Dp we shoot to fe tk a spfledce with ib rtriMt Manbal Macrig bob4kard fcatbapa 4 tarntd oal ta aBaMrytMBi araa4a tdiajal I BrtBi II lois doaW Irod1 tar bet aau dj Car euessd saoad dtaltarBrlacd aad bcattaUd wha tbo Kerausi oVm d. fla 04 tt or jroat with Mr wa y. AaM ta Maraaal tkn. Too br kaard erdtu Ukorlraa wkhyBM Aieurn new.

Carver cokr hoi to obey V45E sod tt coca wu. btOBgbt COWB tc Ik Coon tn Bd ran lewrtng. When taw Mr. Toroer he lit. tier.

sod wak BS to him satin eat na i 0055 that 7 hetiS be broasbt tnrotiH ta atr broaad UM crtmJnair Tb Ktl of Ib MIYIL5S created tb greaUtt tBrprla The fiimrfa ma kT btb4 well 11505 tk tr dcseblSt Ibeytrt oleernit. tool. otarod robw atdwer mr Mtelytoat. tt-mpt to rta away thea lb. Oo ty at rkal vu.

MJ UatTllxpact dtoilB Tb BtlI inki 4 OB tb Qfb of Seet OtUot biters Psoot. a dftnrty of Called StaUt Merebsi Menu at. est. ta amtt Corg HcCavaU nut of Hi thlp Oneldf ta lb. OolaniM Bw pa jscaoa lUetkl an gaa dw a clag a tttma Me- Deao resisted.

threw tho offletr partially lbr a wtaow a med. kb secepe. tie wag arreftrd thce dcc. trurward Tester Urday is wa tried oa an Indictment tbergtu Lta with reetettot sad seathig tb offloer Us wee leojid. guilty with a recoouneadaUM to mercy.

The Vatkt aw 4 VaU tb Tp- 4I Ml Arrested. taa Gratis ht Phillip tt ibip Toport- tmttft JoBat 8515. tt flrtt set. wtra retted yesterday 50 watrssts iwora ott by Xd. ardLarklntteMoadme w1itwai iatid Uondey lor VeUoc sod wvssdtug oaoof lb.

nflortBMDOdCMken Beckarge. the Oeptaia Uh btTtcr eettoa sod woakded Wiliest Sailin oa too ZCia of Aajra Tho mat accoMl titt keetra and wotadi4 totis 515150. a boy OB board tt 70515 tt 1515 8 pim ft were rrlet ed OB tvia isO Lb lb. rm of 000 ib psTenr or the sue sea I MO to ib Cr of the Gapisto wild Ueary Willis. scd Join i Mark a.

toratlta. TUB gziz usc anix cue HI ir Tb arm klctitrd Bogaa. OboeS. Pony. Will tm Cmtlk and Jeba ftUrt bo strived.

oa tb lip pUw4 05 to4ay with at. tub eoaaeed a ibo lorotattie of the eL lb. us hr of lbs vessel vidscUy Usolsa to ck tor tbIr rscscerp. Tko set or la ta weed tutoof orarvy sad lea they are eooo at- 0060 I torn Eledirel sea will holding pott norum xammaUea cc their bodies. tb flab.

Jftka WrUtt tt gctaadjaau of tk ship Rico- rite wbs vu couotcisI la tt U. 8 Olttrlct Cvort cc Wrdzstdy of Watlng sad woundlog elton sod eT a two ullort oa board lbs tel wat toateoood yoeterday afuraooaoy Jade. Buffs. Wright told lb. JUgs tub bid ttratk tk men bob tied so unascoecary eratlty An ik moist hid itT trod th toyecs xopt 20 wa rpeat lo defeating tatittaiu a ked tbt Lii uobcDcs ulgai ke a.

iUbt a poeelUo. Jodge Hoffmaa taldtht tldencfaUod show tied tbo IhoC1as4M Vu of a cruel or brutal Cope. tluoav Slid wu bnlc My LItilt aoaait Ml he wokt AM htoi ia OB each char with tkoatwrBUe of tea day IvprUoaneat. rtf kt tkaakfaUr ckawk ied lie lealeacy tk Oout pill tt Ba and departed. Tb Mae" Civil Tk ttBiUagalat ta Oaptala of lbs wart 51 for yottorday moralng to Jssdc.

TowBerndeaoortkat LA. office woe lacked and Osbidu so lbs or Meted tbMoll ni. fc i aeeai I sl000ed Bam Titredey. Wctbo05srtns. Clark uid fur iftwO XriMt Xtjod a teamia so board tt ship Aewit bat oommencod tali In th fourth Pt.

trtct Oovt agalutt tt Captain. B. A. dark for OiDtgca BeaUcgetthatoo tkt day Jana 82. on tc rd tb TttteUtk Oaptala without roTocauss.

attacked sad seildoasit. boat United kicked and stbereles ondtratd his eustog him great pstn On day to Jaly tt Cap uinatainlettiLd tl id tk ptaUtiff abort Ik lead aad arm leebrutol maaacr sad repeated Ui ur uutLt la September. He ala char tkat OB tb day of Jaly IB diet officer ttt mUi tBiaa Dante la ii. ptsstho. of tbeOap- 1 ta tid Ii.

Salter. dlrectien beat his wiik 150 cr r. cui tiroUUif suet msewig him MTrtl ttat one day In Aogoat Barriato la ib pmrac of tb Copula ttrack tk plain Ur with lit riatidked flt sad host him severely with bscy opo i Optst mad no fort to TTat tit BM chtrget tkttal- trf 057 In Jont Jory An ta4 un berwnh bknowlede IlipiOrib rtb laptalBtadoftealotbo laiurt pseucs rrtt beet tke pi. ILMD with hi. cieucbMl lot sod with ration nt at its oa the head add body.

ttuiiBg him mid paia and steering. It riots. that lb. Oapialn Is rasposeibs for dl Ii. lijarte teflicted ht Ib mate SI well a it itMbStt and iks for tamagt la tk mm WOUO YOUHD RUCALS.

rl a or xtrMir la ry Babb rl by a Vai tralll 4 lastosrea af Bl llci ataea rortaaala Ar' test. With tt hut I vests dember kMiti ta tt tkltjy settled portions of tb dty ho' test broken tat Ii th Uydms. la tt oflhe OOCB ptata sod rotbod Oewpselaae St ttl tiaecIsr fairly peered tot tk Peels ethos but week. Thtreobenti bed TUtaUy a us iaU tr tk Bkotl mandovf got Uot ptrtUt that had TU rtd it aay oMamaatty Tkty bed tat beta iUBt with what lisp to Jd carry I twty Lorn tb bstu whlth tkiy bad tUagod tnr Nosrisg tt postebl. ptasdstoa of tbeer Mesdeecoole had OSeirSped lookmg Itamet Tt sod deck destroyed pletorsi and mad a etmpUt wreck af tk Blues thty be attd.

is tkelr tearch for BtMet tkty bee kei open iiuau seturtag th COB tee of tt diavtrt shoot tb boot or ntrDd ward. r1betcrotcg tk pockUof the dotklag tntldt oat polkd lie spradi and uattruse rrct bed SM 5114 rorything tpsytsl7. TbatIrBo ctr faces ossascbed wttt lb. Iturs tories woe sect ooi a A toontiHi kxrcpinoi ipprebtod tt torstert On Saturday after oil-a a. ttlectlf Qoir tbd Jooet wart drirlag pelt tbt corntrof Twtailtttktd Valencia drool Inatmrgywub shelf peeled rot replace thty MW three bets peedag sloog TwoaUein tucet.

They bad pteriuol coil. op tad Btn rtkat the tptvdsthaOO bed blat eommlttad it hoi I soc regarding tt mTm au of the. psezigUsri a nuplcwotty droTearoaodlh conker tad OoCty leapad troth the huge aad sparoochad tt yn ruca i By partial et imti ttiaacf ttrtr poctttt mm to ootatdt ttt oOOn wors sedated ttlt lbs buy. were bed down wl pttactr. Tb took that lute roraer trocrry nl opec warcbtna lies octd a large nt ty St Jewelry end a codItdi abtaex oat Of mooeyBpaa tkem They re toco lodged to tt Be City rrisos and tte affl cenwect to with iearriisgtar remainder tt 610100 property tin rocx taunt Tb boy.

laud ar Archie Qiyaor Ooorre WUllau sod Jabs belied. Ogelset tkt flrtt naa ed ire chargeS of OSeWtsIIO to 1 d.r- lies bars toes setsr4 eeIoei th MoaadL fjor charge eM eslut the third two charge Tt alt been ta tt laeaMrUl Scboul. sad ttir rbabcr for rtraralac 15 tttlr ma Jfaur tt fldjap' Oolioa ar grad. Lessor tb 5005. which thus yslkM Jet 8hppardhkTbBrc1an ed ar thai.

of Henry a. IM IMI cvtn SI cehotwet tR twulj Br etreeta fonla J. tr. Usciter. near Twsdiihtb Mzsst out Kr 4iev xwoaty ant Street.

All ttreo 1 these boo were seWn. lilt Irltey. The ttectlTe aay tt la all their expert taty Ca's nertr ore sorb a coo MO wreck madt af a kouo la rliltlfk to tt nidi of abase esd tt Ktttortng of dethtnc torciloc. tbyonBgracaltbadholpodtteo peIrti to chaapef a cake sag seiohbe of all I ma sad bed etjswg lb. fracnw at eli ever II boot On the following day they catered 11 brat or tin.

MtBtnry inn ro4wy SIi lB lf tbtyhad sld lbs hocus sit Macro Ooperanar. A Hr oa lleAUtter aa klrDBBWoB ea Poturso attest. Atattttt place 557 111 tt urns MSIU of halt tuU Tb riiiaB arcentetder twUy kind. thiiaebIs. root costly wedMed to telekeu of Incas a lb wt fo list they isO dtpe eCt of large puctla their booty to Joka ali watchmaker and Jtwekr.

Mc. ill Moot. gentry lull. WM arrt ao4 two Charge St xsc.b.lng- ttttea a i 515 eastod bias. OfflJert Jew end Oofley exrvo reater ttt tor lb.

Iboroagh esgegeri Os which 157 hate workea B04hi a e4 tk large recovery of lb. uUa arual which they bar mad Tk total puosrty tt lrn by the boy cxeteda IZOOdL Ty be. loe tthenkeaiaf ttuyairctl which prsds. mr-7omag Udir ttaa aay dUr pert St town tfo canoe bee on at ideA ratoly stowed away be ib ladaatel Icisol ttaat coIboz tptmc ap to tak lie plao kMT tB v521705 OkB Tk txr Va of tt 1ag lb. frost dour boll IfBy rrepoeoo hmke pas.

sues. lot kl sppesrsc a so tb loaf. If botoB tkeattoottott rear eM Utl xQ- blocked irtajg tkroagk a viadow cad tart kl coxfrdtnlM tattrevfk a froat door Jt hat bta notlctinl la HI of tie VBmBroiii robbrtet utltM ty thlai idle at lat ttat pa king0 ppr noe4 of lbs arty and gratrallylh leadtr. ho bees taatt id gradoai from the ladaatrlat 8cb0cIr Thal ptao huttkd of ptOTteg reform wry kt Bi to scicoll. train th your bay hew to tneetatfolly erack Bcrtn.

Thffl ay they hire wets tnnMwnh tk poytwn corn. of tk ladoetriat School jigs wl A tt PABLO3 taop. JBQB JX9 KUS09. TM ea ywr room vales ay aad to Mtel QcBotneutba by- IIHBC TOOT 1001 wttt placard. 4517 nta th JBt ggkt II aal TB Octthj OBrt JoJpUaoi art toUj tt tyMmytotaa IhVtxn AgMCyatOram t.

i The Colt Stlt6- vt Petluia i Tba Oakd RaiamlBo A t-4fnanjoc meeUeg wa is glraaat Ik Xatl 4 Trotttof Park thu wek. Tk flrtt re ffl tok nUo on 1 konday It It mil bow ttftf lrr for at or parMbf IJOO toikflr borMadtUO tott sscoed Tier. are tic. nMat tar Chip taoC prkM tk best boroso Is tk Stat. tan ttl kind of rat Tk or a fallow 1.

a SMrt rtatmar Tnor km. by WOOSbOTO dam. Bally Ann. by Bolsuat rDanoliUr fume kChOcota. by Macibis damBUckMam.

it Bfa MntJ. kt Dtckargta IBM br. n. TfeB rtakirtyoyBUtaan 401 jebyBkHby Belmeat IkltwJU bBJxal4- ctBtcMtott It will rtcalkcMa tkat Tieso- but KM tk ta eaatwxrtrr mQ ball corded Jo iii Tor at any hot ta tt United eulas 1421.12 whUeJfaH flaaartyWM at hiflukmchhtaU 0oUIilM score to lha Or at raatrvHllatkay Ia ia at Ilia Jtxarel Oh Ositurdaj tt treat fonivmU tad repeat ron. Blnt race vs lobe place.

This no wee projcctod boot thrt mcatta goM tt Cberalptrte ttMOO eectrs4 ot of Ii. bat hrt tliloeOI0 aad' en Cotton belie kid sleds tk irtt rank aaonx tae heroes. Thez. I a Jnost deal of Intend ttt a all vr tt State Ii regard to till. coattAlaBdtt UaaUdpaUd thatatlar eAcrowd wu at Oakland Perk so Satorday seat Is wit- 5105 It there WM it the no idodsea tt Euieramtret 54 Otddse loctyeer Optatoa I slots qu11j dlrMcd to ret to the two fa vorite sobered lb.

Mat of aloe list ar MTerticea Jo Peatale Tied 0 eten hr sebsietip been oebccd a. tt hers. tht eve to carry off Ores sod sscood moaty. ellbotgb thor. Ii lb.

rees that ore not tboghi tightly of by say meeta Tb Ooeeozsa tportlng reporter ye pldvilitotta celebrated Joe Danlela byUf tltatlonofj AtBlworth whohMhlmlacherge Joe aomcll ot IA. Otklan Trotting PeeL WM shoot twelve dais to jguktat the trip from 545155. eM ta 4 ii. tnp reotartaMy weu. This celebrated bert it a ry an slug animal sad It every tact a raosbr a good- tUed brs cootUeraUy larger then Thou.

SMTOBO and hi general sskeap is scoot Otof prtaclioo a. on wool wltb to both for tpeed end oseth qoeliUa Pactole WM likes Mirer a gallop wall tt reporter WM at tk trtck WM given a mil or two of now ntreiMoadtkenukea to tie tubu cooled 550 taoajbt beck gia fMrwail foratlitl fatter Cult II WM MB couple of mile with his blanket on. croonS the loser or- trotalag leech ml a talerabty tidy gait. ai not with soy We liming his. Je ka ttreeg ay ofttrMUg ndw atb admlratioa of Ubono- men wbo wtiiieiMd tie grlopuig.

lb WM thought by tome bid kl tti moTlog WM mock like Uatc4Tbd8t to Lieltveelehlss that dead srI to best It is bed had se5dsot week be Is tb eplnlo of torn ta tkort Urn bbMben bervwia tnierff with BUitaytog qaaHilea wku ber tkmk un beat our specs toy wy. 11 old Tbsd corn. cue In lod firm end toll-lee did 05 he ran kl ntewh against Bra Weld ease Mcdi. Hoc bwlil is herd not i elect sod Joe Daniel wllihivtok ck otff htaUnrelt Tbeopttlua baa guiseS ireaad' however tbat tb old favoflo. be.

been body blend uric. tt But rlr rtre but Outiltog knows ta regard to tt matter potlttTety. A OLD puL On lbs am trteraoa tiers will be loll eun Utcpatrt. Cores. wll Slut attr icon TkondtyaBdat on gatBMay itaee wul ho governed by 155 roi of the State gvlcuIluratlodMy.

in Tburdey boattwlii leave at regolerachednle time Oe8eiartyboU rid lcvtll tod A a. 1 1 JO end I p. a. Ample ed mmndath wIll be BMOe IDT carnage od tt TftorvtahJOrt will is reedy to Ming vehicle to th dcy i th cot. tin 01 tk rtc 8tr et infflel at earn Tba Yelsluee 3 lt Blaba TraUlagr for Pe Special Plepetri to tt OKBOCICUL Pzvotveo October 11 The trot forpotltloai In the Pctsitii colt rice cent off to-day.

Thsre wtre thirteen coin ptjlng third and loot money bnt twalT wtrt all ttat ram to tt ICON for po- ttloa Th trial were us toll. sod. upset each colt Ut1bj by klmtalf Or wlh a teax rn it so. tlred. sod each on limed teparatcly Toe name ef each toll woo place la a bat under al sod oravn oat by one man latae following order and made tt egpegei tm beers appended.

nan CLAM Id Howe by nmWtonUn. Jf Bt Pttcben 57 Al xat dr. siti Iiedjer by hut. tnetonlaa Li M. sbolsley Uwprg hose CLAM Crews Pointby Iltm 4etonlan CMi Blood.

Mc by hsobsle Ssleebsa 0 1 Jemue Man roe by PIenbuck luhi PIIOIO by ftimsi IB timer- wtr Mean. Leek. Straight Hoff of LieMedI aa W. Leugse of Petojasu Th indgf a cur. Join nil or Alameda MorM of Veurama sod U.

Illokl In cooled to lbs nrt will very rise. is Mehof tbtte aiu wer veientlj trettod greatly tarMrv of tbrlrcipeotty lot speed. To there will be trotting nee sod a running race by borttt now oa lb. Vent. Tbareday tic sceleN coils win trot sad OB riley mule ran.

win come off tot mtla price. la tt pool last Bight on the rare WM very intel Is IA. luUowtag prices Baits. kzo. ice.

171 Manree. i letctsn lt Klag Vvillem 11 Beoger 7UrowB IVlalfr dells keel e. Asia IS Brown Med. i Kilt is. vtef do Politician do.

0 nacu ro-aokaow. A October Th ret. for lo-morrow fu III both running end trouing au Lot an. OVERLAND PASSENGER Special Dtipetch to. tt Ouovaa UAA0 October IabWwtos sftvsV tad ptMtDgtn paatd Otrtia Octobtr lltk to rrive ta las rraaolgoo Ootobir huh Sits.

a TtnpklBt TortS Utti A. tutity da Site dciii Tompklat Mrs. 0 B. tsrooos Mesh 111tTtsnt Mitt LUll. Ztr130s.

do. JUiiMary Ttmpklai Sow York A. U. Simpscaac Irsa cloe kilos B. B.

dlnipeo do. A. W. OampbeU sod wits Mew yent Size M. Uartt Israts Wes hopbsrd tad ton Pt.

jH. a flow wlft ik4 duuktuHow Yell Sirs. U. Ortttluygad ecibtar So- Mill A. Btrtmak doJ Wm.

Lab. sod wlf OUroy Cat W. B. Johuoc. Baa rinhercI Sirs.

A W. Dvyu. flisboldb Boy Miii AMUyOonn Or Nelsen Sassascw Wm. Wenatyl Btvadt I BUwart Baa Iran cleat Ploatr Ball LakaMn WS dpsarZiei Yolk. O.

too Baa rrmcuco Iliitytr Hit U. 1 Barney- McoUaBd I. lvlaD Chicago A. Jonot tiid wile 001 ii. B.

Borna do 8. tIller BtocxtoajF. Jeralt Blofik. Ililnoli ONol tta recbeu V. Gaunt td tool is.

Wiles lid wile iuh tbaIaubll Mt. l. OtpUno.Oa- tulef WSOIOI. rra clJ MJM Veecobl lnolanaMUiA McOlreBaa Yvanctes dill Cbicoj a. A.

SMith and family. In Wm. Werdue aad MB. trotarl lola LOrgeIbsCb end family MiaeaaaiBtMii Purge Baatincltoo4ita tIl UlchAXOvartrdoU A. L.

Toltta. 08. A Ubert UndiD. do. Wm Orson.

Baa lnaactaco A B. BarntainaiaBO Mr rt waadi Ste Jsis Tebere W. Baraett J. Opp alt La W. Bus.

WMhmgtoa Ternary. D. Manioc end WV. Sea Iresrisu. Mi.

tictrtg torbemoath. hl lil Mm Whitney tun rraneitco 5. U. otara Bottoa Sri Jbett5g. Boo Frtadate Whiting aad wire red Wsthsroby Mueechs cute Siza U.

do. bites A Neil Sri a 0. Tsrbcz. New Tort Sri Bryaktm. Mary UM Ufcwe Galcooo IXOBtever Wrepri Id i 4 ratbr lea kVncioo.

a B. Oeiaoaa ad wileMlMiMlpplBkiUmaaa ftew rk p. Cula Lao reddest Bv. B. U.

LsavhlJ MsaeeciusstI W. B. Dean and wits It. Paid Minn. J.

M. Siontey wits two children aid mtl lfita Trtnctoaot Still f. PIbayst do A UtrU. wife oat twe childrenOooocU Miadat PeuoTttt Baa TraBcUco SIlas Cost St. Isid W.

II. GneawoodBaa Fran tco sloe Greet oot da S. MMtn MuiUo Wm tUmli- ton. hic tei MnsA i a iRr. 8aa rotarians A.

UU luly T. we eber deuce. STATE PRISON LABOR. Tba Ceebladi flak. A Maea Ufttlmg I.

nl Tha Oafclaat MakenVFretocUraUalta kal yeIay mtUac last Meas7 evening Pete A. Wy man rrethttot Is tt chair sod W. 1. WaIl Cecrtttry. Failing vrttaoclty Sailuu ii ccvlctiator qesitlos WMaanoatlydUcoMaa.

Tk Preidsci reed arllsles from tk Oenowtai ood ott iMwiatpen ta favor tt lb Th ohacvctos tostliad ta a TOM of thank to Pepsi. fat ot leg their measure of reform. Ihecjtteitlen to to I. ranker dltcaatod BUM a be cadet lb. manttmtnt laOkcmlttottppolaUdferihttpiirpoo WMa tiing tr rtadj au notie wlU be gtitn ttrouih tt prtav Th oBdaataaIbUwnem fftaatbart time.

ad Oeaimttua woe pp latod be asks all aee tary rratem Bta for tte occMien. The Society la cow doing well end rugIaij fMiag sew mbn to tt roil. All th a m- tore ar nn4jed ULIICCtOZ7C prloa said iarWsuy tad good reeling prevails ta lb. tkapt And amoag tko mb rv CROWD THEM OUT. stIletr75 ft KT9tm aftba WkU lAbrdc CaBBPBJiy.

Alsot wcuiJ suabers of tt Qroeon tn tectlv PaUa' ttttnbUd KaBgay syulng ta tt oMno of PatIos- BakUrt. IM KaraytrMi. and proc dd tattx trthlrstpe lbs form- UOB of tk Grocer JTkitoLabw Ogrnr Oonv ptay. Tk company prop to tacorparatoj placed it fSaakarko that any Vaeteam leg aa ordinary bottottt can aflord to breech in lb. atorariea which todlrectad tottaaaaaad.

driving Cam taller frtn tt dgaxsbOP5 Tkeajnonst et lOIA nbtcrtbed last eight wu. fiO rvrsnf 711 there. Til. liobbawitid nemefl eftiests wrf etectod PrseiSeet Jehax Gtibrettk Tie Irtukiant A. Mbeck dscne.

lift. Bntlert Trrassrst 2. A. SeIdsi M0er sDIIta0te40 Wescu W. A.

ACSUMa. B. on. W. jrkNaireg.

Xmil Laog i. V. rUcbodA DObenneler AfUrrecerrtogtt tbcri4Jof tar itoor th BaattBf sdjedruedtO on- UI Bat MeMsy TCBtBg at tCdost 1 I i i behadbynacoB appOctttaa it eoatrat eeeskbodo koehoteco fit JUanr ftroat. B. Ffwraaort BgwC Mess Wt rwpeottble per on epely.

Lafyaad raaUamut. U. BVTTOOT too eodcis. fcaBdkreklr IkMlry I dlssaa4 ctDSrti Bdrwoar. KU gtere bad' icreadJ ad ukl Ilsess et tt BOOMWIMI JS feri4Uk i 0 llklr4it a.

ktnt SwaBjkBlyMM ctmtgBe peaB Bte dyrtlMBi nt Ii wa a YIrgIaia Is fba A re BtBB t. a scalbet ItwtH recollected tka pet ad kop St tk Oseisste tiered up to IISS. lies took dswtwevd Bight be. 4 t0a Mnday Melting Bark Jaomaty blotted a ptrtkBlat mwvemtat. Moods after- BOOBho Trtk tGclfrot IU8QISO said ytturdty t0tDj.

tk ban bating at tttlr ifcptldart JitM the fuxrthanj i pMdorattn sqisi toartaa from BttartAtof Pet ther WkaiaheWtatt operation fr tka toBil If tk Berl mrtet weald sly BOB wIth OoosoSdib4 Tkgbbv what splendid Bme tter woald esGa11elcto gtnot. laiBgi would oomttt tt i rt voaVT wtvi tsiienie ttjiu sod gt ittetr otoloser. vim tkiko wkorsi nhygikt Swab Boa triutka tenacace end rattotday brad nedy eloM UM tat SMes r4tr Tk 7 beer la tteW prsgusstlcdot ut Ojklr rotai td tey tket lb wiumak tue Mutt JS i im amrteaariai end Blitlinor. OMMrtdeted brad the Ittt. the memevalta UM stack.

haTtor oeta exceed lagiyfhtn Uvd ramitBiia uuf florleBraacttTUy uidBVfee aMatU expected or no Urn com. Mont B. iibi gbnt the price which 2 S2 tmrmea edvecesa adr Bole a MorrroM not loomed to ckaog tit aUbeoik It clarmed that tfte a great deal ittia groaad wkK wwiooab spread. todlf CLT Bat spot tk strensti ef hvlr tnliywbynetHt ANrrroMt Grown Palat fiaaoafea fram fUO Se IU. which after ad pretty TSUDS psbca A tisg werd UM is In tk dry todtycn ro tto UU potaibl Crow Pent stay advance tked Tt Ber Urr des ac Stock Ii- cb PIOuS THi i iTeQ UM tolwvlac hatter from- Bourn kf tkr of Jeki.

to poet ItVM 4 to tb UK bweesl. m4 to the Commute ratl ril Of Vhklk Site The October 1 7877 StttttargtfSim frmtc9 Otot and Jteeftme 001 lt BIB IKia boot see as lm- koroo bfcr rkuB cottlo. I a Tom tfco low obD itock IB jonr coinlj of tho orTIOM Hf thrt to-d you tutod tl itoo bail Alabeegh some of or toekkol4 srrslbor St on oiacki and tile. eves io bolt. wo4 to owt oooo b.

still. II or otti would Us yo clock ma tkot event 0117 beof stack woald leo bish boatk new jusped oter tb aioon Jkipoctno 51114 bp PBH. cordUUf loporUr of Xrainctr Durham Bun imriut hf There i eoBtldmbto ucttomoatoa the drool. tbs sldewsi. wttirtiod tbo MOO Mddtac.

builB Md selling IB BC the Dolls end Mora. tmnac lbs scleroses tko eizaei trustees set ida I a outMincal tie. of 1 put bar TIer. eons. atitloa so to whether the MCMtDeet chesS.

is It or do. Sara byd Serubeci votod of lbs tarter uniiux while Oubwtltrood McDonald tool by tie posy ttockkoUcn a4 10114 only poo pUMr or i. At tko- fti nioM Board Bobaiool otood up bt lr wltboat tlockMc Socks ten orally wars wltbub notortol ctoag REV. HUGH SMITH CARPENTER. Ml.

Pjsp 4 Riara tb Moat- lB ai Bt by lb. iur Cfcurrhu The ntmbon or tie Reward Presbyterian Church bold seating on. Monday troalac Ion lbs porpota or canalleilog the- declmatlan of lbs can sitandad Bv Bach Besith Ccrpetr 1 D. when ibo erected prtaaibM end rsctellona were adopted iiuuj Oat MUM potter BOT Haft Sailtk Oariwiwr tt kartkc oipUcUlj eso psethity tot lonk his 1500. for doclia Lbs CM him ua charts to ly two JOOTI ago.

sod tag sense this people wttb trooi roiuiTalatM and ocopfanco dorlet ins ttanvrilg Umoraad wholes. said rtauaf after toll sod cartful doJlbtratloa appear to him to to yellS and con clo He. Uareioro Xttolvtd thou ws lbs membon of bile ebirtb ounirtiatlon fotltof a end irato ni to- prrcUiivD bla InralaaMo poatoral 4 Uflcatlaa laro aocUl exnellaccssod oyrtor psipil mints. ireile. sod lurlii boM greatly snetcbed cad edlflM thsrby1 do forroaUr destre toreulatbt ana.

TUt wt iBoeld renrl kl dapirtnit ffitBt and 5 rbbou SWertuoe to lb. Onarc wftbwbk be hi Uborad. but aUo atanlocil- colablo Joa to the can of the Muter opoo ibu coait. wboaeoMTantb afd whe bollei baa Mat urn bti Ib aiuwtr to rsrsnt end pro- tracUd tappltcauo. to Bcoompll a reat od tiua work lot tko Medswrs klflgdoi soegob to.

Tbat in view of tboa Solemn md 7701 eont fcnoo wt Se ftrrtnUy reqkt Btr lsiPeBIertO hid lb. suttar oiiil op tot riessent la wear that oro-doflnltt sad COD crrltf action may ii. tiled looking to a sse and IA0lr7 atf ntiotai of teoaoarco toadtar to UobtebttlBtoroouo aUeoMMnod BiicAvt That we Se Up- roooKBiM sod ap- prna tko ruts UIo of mind tool sod btart wttbwulcb bo la toncfcty endowed bltdo paad Ttbraat ompoJky with bBaiaa toflWlag and wot bit conipeoslea with Immaa WsaCa. anlla- MIIYI hi all a cfcarityand tnd raoii bt gntp eel rigor of utoogbt bits ftmnty aal rlcbnwt of BtauU eadorminti hi. keen eeiy leal era.

hisailhly to cope aifolly wita ibodoaHaaadduaeoBlBt list ka aU lb. heanla Itt tOward struggle a Lnpward cerer aod above all kl icreut. iwbbe sod beretc allot ace to toe MMt aad that la view of all ibla. ha our Oral cod moot IB phtUc choice for patter. and are on willing regard as deal hi.

dectIc tion of tie call jDoaalmooaly oxtoaded hi tai twoplo until evy cited shill bars beta tx baatudto remove any oMUcla ta Urn cape ent. be tbt way on kit ffal ministry. Jt olo t. That we do seesedit sad reaper faUy rt jo tboBeotlea of sets Uhorcb to a wuj T. Dr.

Csrpsstr at as early day. opoa the subject la QOMtlon. sod. If potalblo. to menu- bUxrvlcto torlke peipid peodmng the float do- cUloa tad edJlstssst of seller psrtsloing tb putorat THE POLICE COURT.

tb Pollee Oaon yseturdap. Wlfflka Villa drneltb who pemmlu4 brnul aad okprrrokod sessaib opos Amos Ooaala wu WBTrctod of esoesll Sad bsltry tai of twt ctartti of TftUar luiBag II. admitted ball la the nm 130 avail esateocs ok Tbondar seeThing. Jotopb Bon. John Dilly uS Jtba ourttht thrt boys choriod wUk gtnotlar tlsbm Uit rrldar troBtoi wtriatU be intent re tai UraM Jar with ball sit at tMO tack.

Petikk Qmlslaa bad is tximtsatloa as tb eharit of UebOlb to murder Lot rodlgin and Ibtrbirr Vf aall tO mirdtrMalart Pr' 4. orkk MaU wu ooaUioed oattl beet ooa4ay th lag UMH Ml yet being abi to p- prtr ODort. Btrnard ruugersiid. yooth of osriotan wu oeilcud tb ertm orearryieg bra koockb PscoIs IItr lai sod Soiph Xmtraoa were or. rS to ipptar tar seoteacs tar bartaruod TBliar laogttg Tb rollawlng sentence.

were tmpoitd KyaBi Uiyofaoonaiaroaing SO and rait ar luioue wa. fined HaggU BOM baMtJ rrBknno ed Impetuous. TkovM Pay leeS drt lng eesanft and battery and vuiget Uatflig 80 John McCarthy await ad buusny. 30. Ab Jiang psddlIiig wttboat a Itetaot.

8 OetTt Mottle. vilier laagatgtttO Tboataa entity end Lb Oil. ftbttac. 7 oocb Mary Jeos Leafs and Whiles II. lag the peace.

toctu JOTTINGS ABOUT TOWN. 0. BenroabaiprtMBtod aflat cow to th Pro t- Iaot Orphan miss. Tb wooden pavement on Zearey betwera raclBo sod Broodwar ttreeta ha bilged and broken la all direction TOe Democratic Oooaty Committee set lut nlgbt and transacted Osal busomesi prep. Tk will of Hargarct Tonng wat Alod for pro pat yesterday.

Tbo toatatrlc be aelka all her aUutbrbBbaiidJoBJiIi. Tooac sad nonU aatti his rotator HTho Brlcad tn Metal we for lb. aoeoad time by tie Third EagIMeaI. wee Monday vesiag placed In thtUndaof Ootontl Waton wiud tloroullty. An teaeewat morntng csntstipaeory Itttss that JUT UK ranhall of uailaad tent In bit rttltDaUen TtBntanly.

vu recreated to oad it la aad did uboat a awrac latboKanlclpei rt ywkrrdap Mary Marray sIlas eyed io wit. we. re- naUycBTtctrdof graod lareeny vu granted a tw trial on tb tronai of Btwty dltoyerod Ttt riUyaftmenthB4ard of fotle Oota- ilseicoaca rttcoved seaclit polie officer Qiao for urpoiog opat a woman St Ill fame on OTar- Wll OilCU was JBy iBatatd three wetiaMO. Jctn Bum. a aaUv of Ireland wbo bai boa caa 4 tm tb lasses' Ay in en- ttaea wai yeturoay agula eamotUted to ta laatltatiea it la very vIolrBL Jest rr.

a sensician who bat boon la tb lily and Goody tioepnal for emf tls pait waa alo Gommltnd to tat latan Aunusv. Margaret Brow was wetrv divoned from farot fur oiebftbs comsoes propertywLh OBMaoMd to 300tn Moomeyo-baak. Teet tb Veil. Stalls District Own cleared the bits. tto is btakropU7 of tt boa to pay tb many toMit-prown.

Towooecd to tscosr ISO ties so. DtTWoa of tb LOdult Order St BtDaralaaj wa yttrday mpro I4 it- kid poyoteat of Vovghortyt i lmih rty eoiod tttAU IL sd bstux take tick Order a loct4 to pay him bttproratatroa tb mint load aad be toed to lecortr Ik Par October I fl I4eB a4ttt08X declined I U34. sod doted 1 4 Qorern' mnt sectrill wars doll cad irregular. la tk fiuck 555 thors wa eh UllsSst at Uses. Patl0dMsltD WfloPergsQo QvtatllTcr.

11 Central Faetoe IT. At tk U. Aetor idles eh receipt lga KUllea he seataO to fUO 000. At UM watt tt BnU sad rntoor streets boodlnnUa rages 5 each an silent club then Ii itroBcuaofiontttBfB TUiiaac Oenuain amaimrfafety. Tk tpeclal oftisy on tt btatpyiBattBtloB to tbocntrajecoj proceed- lug that bale plat aUbtly.

Cad tt BeeteUr1 xltta tb rtiidau think. of tb eppotatmoet el tome other oa In fcl place that RtpoctaM pcopt Buy protected UM7 MM aioaxtb Kltg aimed afioerawora elected for tka aniag term a heeldenti Charles T. Metanertooelsdsd TtcovTrotUeat Hwy A. lmsa Xteeardinf lwutaiy Waul fetpotvUB tttnton. Joha W.

Nwwa reelected Treatver. Jaoka Treat Arm rrdi ad Widnesi Hoard el rIUur lcud Wok frank i. alella. J. WU a 0 ktctaJ ad TkotBU WLadqnsa i Attbargataadoaof tt- taIloring dameS officer sir.

tloctod tk Urn of BOBtbt TUI IaaMAB MdvrntM io Barry JBamm TkMPSalSni Obarie JOB tlaaaeltl tatawuill abortO. Bo rpoBdttr gociotory Oeene W. U. E. ttomrt gerweaa Bwm and a n.

Jr. Foot. BOBIB. Jy otata per pndt odr rtJ mBtl tad th HndiII SM Tata YtoB i4 UXT AftaUltia na Ben Peyvly Ctmcr Jt IS ktM A Oorpoerstplcap eepamsae4 aalaovMt jMt iy ifienooa a tbtjhody Hear ABa wb roe killed by tt we tko Cent 1 Pasiu. Salt.

roal OompMry oa tt Oakland whart latt Batw. A nrwsawBrr. T. U. Ames WM swore end 5514 I Ur la Shot- wH street ptvB Elxtatb.

aad jSereoUetttk I WM OB tt Ovenlantts1 wiici met vim tt Mddeat lest BttaMay. I wat taadl av tk Stahl pIMform tt etr Tktra wa a jhort tloat Wsi onth roar platform of tkn xtcat. oppooH to MO. taadlaTattl wr tUpwttkcltliaodtOB tknt wseIaclng northward. I MW as east coming a tram lb.

4 of tt wharf aa lt pted so a parallel trtclrj ItcoIUodwltt tbactfUadraaeoaf enlwM nn tt Mrtk Id Tk eonitla tkrw Mbtw a. tile ear Ittt biw atk twctgtnklBcaBoBByjtomack. lwMbliy lajnrtd. Tk Irate woe-sinning try alowiy I cools bats walked at Ike Bam tpeed. A1 lb tottMni I i Cede the wheel.

I sbeidjQdebswesssd 1 ttlM Bees ta 00,1000 of tb maa that aeald Bet br ea tt pproachlag sejbs wltboat leasing forwnt Jo a Suibsy wb cu tobetn aext Drpmy Otroan. WM oa tb 1017 Ht asked tt ABOTBXk WlTSDg. Adtrpka Wbr WMtwman talt IUT tt UO ole ttreet. WM Os hoar ta Tonal uate-lMtBTday. WMB theewtdMthMtar Aawo 0554 ttadftaa pior I woes ot tk platform sad 10154 tothrtabL I MW a kxuBOtlTeaiht and that butant heard a erich I taw tk npo nun sd Alt tk car lifted p.

Ilompt4fh catkplat traiatotBwbarc I MW Uiat tka car WM tanotog slid. Isawsiat ljlt en in whir' sesi- totog tot tb ottarald th deceased lylot Uodet the nor. 3. MrMket. wbo sapecta to tt a PtpBty-Oorxoer.

madtklrtyt laqalrl sq boTwraMMbaidk not Inert theses finliresetbu. BB Tptottiadt yertmatter attic a of lbs wkrr daring tic tgbit Jo rrral WM niiBr of the eogtao list ran Into the train. Tk agtn WM to roa-dwa as totH 1540 Vera wit a car end couple lb no to the u. a aid lobs the Vain tthor Mr Messier tt seut Ooreaer. pot tw ty- Uht qneMloB to sbOv wltaat Tat 52015711 Jrppk Petrol.

Utlfled- Am engineer of tt lo- ssoblTe Wills Zl Was la chugs of her on ltdst suit Wt Pot a charge tt tlm tb coliuion. had left her Atlees or 5217 mlonte prTk at tk acrtdeat. 1 get my order Iteto tt yardiattter or his twrtckmaa. I WM In lb. tsIITIPb teSt.

with tt ysrdnssaioc at tb time of ib accident. Th earing we. movtd. wtthtot my order. Ultajtcaatomary rtb cDgtn to move without ngler aboard.

I left tt OXmln flni Oreea ea lb. eagln ror I oar tb encu Msg towards tie tin sod yea coo tried to get 01 be IWMOO- twr tteoctloo sod the car when tboyttraek I called to tk flrma be throw her over. pat tt WM too Ul Th flremta tea tb tnglat bed oor Ito sled tt tt odmt Ik Deputy Uoreaeroalymadttr to- obl of tt stars wltoet twa matte Uah Green tettlfled I has bean flr ma on cnio e. for rcatien month. Se betel lefi tb tngln I WM tttUn en my wa ef Bime Ws Welt wcibsg for the overland isle cam.

In. Biter. lie US bed psed ltsgether Mr. Zutsan the owtbchaao. cam to nd eaSed where ftrral WM I told him i bad loft a ew ntlnsiee before.

Ha Midi Come ahead I weal to tb nctaosr tide 1 Ir scale. Sir. Sialman wilted sIi0 chest OB ibo seas trout I wa to cones on with a laatra la kl band I tkont eer or ear od a half leMth trtod to etop. I that off the lum td threw th lerer er decor. I could ret her topped I Ta.

kilo the lacaslog train. Then Jtecied owa Into ttcitaed tiereD. la tb bebliot tiepptngtid tttrtlictnglntifor the pact mix month. Believe have oly a It nc line were on chit dnty I take eider from tt yantmatUr wlteboiaaaBtB- lir I hate rpreiertly also order. from tte aidma trr wltbeot welting to hear from us so- a I ran proto.

Join 7 Mother wh. SalaMi to tb next ty CoroBrjn Ibtny tU qiettloai to tb thot wtiaeit Bfild a Information list th wticeca bud net already ursa. 75 TD571 taorrs B. Boatmen ia l. I tm yardman on tk okiad wkrf Mr Tepl I my superior officer I did not give tt arenas Oreardert to mote tbe engine BP I gave him so order.

I Mid too so tile trU gett 55 wilt get rovnd lb Seme eaglaear put their Bremen in chr daring their eee Trier buys taco idr trem tt company rerouting 171. formerly bnt there art nowtmce aetartfai alibi Tb nut Deputy Coroner Neither tb tbovowliawt tweaty-eevea QUPaCiSDI. Br bed rely told ill knew or lb. sodded Tie UqaetwM KUttned caW Thartdiy at 10 o'clock A THE REFORMER. A notfcl lattractar far VnwesaI1 4 a Tba Way lot Wtaicie Tw pre gi bios.

Scene ef tt boy ta tt pnbHo cboU trt con tldrd to tar IncorrUlbl need teparttlon from theis teflon and tubjuction to a severer count of diiclUne than It ordloart penned In th School Department. Bach cUtt his boss portion St ft. Department tar ssceeel month tnd ha. beta la tt chart of W. B.

Me trtmara. the tappeood. by precept elecipline tnd tximplt tolmpreiithtm wuk ttt I rUoM tnd iaftldialrbuity of an orderly end Tina 01 Ufa compared with tt wlckdai and general tnpltaaantnei of a contrary coerce. Whether tt preceptor ton lack CAM BM been wt ly cbtten and likely to sad tt desired lorpase seat Se Inferred by tt OUOBIOLBI rtadtrt hi tt following end hay say alto obtain jllnipse Into a rwtola seethed aa- tirtiilvg unpleoeol setters chick may atlas la a method whkk oat Ukily ttt el with much favor of Ub allowed to sac. tiao much longer to penoibssl on tt pond' ICfTKll coavratzxnr icrr Ttittrday OMOOVICU reporter nailed the efticeoftbeBeerd XiuCslioD sod sidiseslag Ib OecrtsI7 sold do sir vr den.

to fll fros Urp nra yon received soy from JUT ad. dleattd to tb Board of KdaoaUoat fceV Til. Shire S. In th office Xtl UM it been preseetok do Board Ktii Why. met I ttk cy WU tot tetTlt wee oat txtcUy of pi i cLiricttr to be prtnated to Ib Board.

i Wbo defltdtt upoa tt trtprtity or la. prbrl of docemsotu sddreessid to board tycy ill coamaalcaUoaaoad Sr I uytlag to ties that mi to be ttccbscbatectr Uat lb tboold not be rtad be. for the BoutS I show It to the President. sod tf he chinks it Improper ttlt not bib to lb. BoutS.

ip Ties I am 10 isdsrslasd ttat tt Pre.l- 6tnt trrogtu hrm tt right to oselds who tte PIearu-esrelber tb pnblc-lbooid hoer and chit tter skoebe not beat WMt not txactly that but too know tlit there moat a tome OMui in to ib Board that woolS not do for tie paper to potilok. Sip Tb pepers would be the best leSsee. of thai. Did lb. Prokttnt tappreM Ms.

Cite woW' eMtxcatiOn re and th Bot rtateBdnt rat I be llt voe of tb Dlrtctori itw It I dons To susbar who It WM tnd they decided not to bring it bet. tb CosTS. TBk BUOBKIB tee is. ureouttlili. Etp Bav yet tk letter la year potmilon Kip Will yea let me sea opeilng a drawer aid UMag oat a pa- ptr I dent thlak I btv asy right to nrc.

on. iltrvlllt. Tb reporter took and read fellows BAH FkABnaoo. September 21117 fbfjke fionoraoie Hoard qf fueaKoni The memorial Sr s. 7.

Oflwuid retpecUnUyikowt Obeb eormee ortlt wtatinxl womaala Ik year lew 004 that In ttat year Wunam O. McHaoiara ho la and bee been rat a lost Us pMt a toecber 11 tte Lincoln inCest sod alto la tt Jtvitlrg School held to tt corner of Mb- mgtoa sad Sluecu stresu. wRk a promises Biarrlag tadaced year momertelltt to dv with bile so kl wit Still steel tn mostha ate MOM whea he Berried Mr Uolmea. who WM then I teacher I. lb.

Ltocols Grammar School aad let year memortartttndottltato ctrcamttaBc That yost mmortant has saw two children two yesr. and tta month. itS lbt mot thl old rer iTtiT wOkS. WlUAia Sichiusorat tb btter. Xliii af tr if last child WM born and tfttr A.

ilc Iamara bad married Sire. Malcosi. be by. a wrttteBcoBinci. agreed to Uw year memorial kI20 Pr- Would rer tt sapper.

sod mslobs her two ebUdrU. TbatMU Mc tm rt hM failed pay MM per month for lbs beet thre santa. and year memenaUM ad lee tw cklidr ar a ta ct- butte and jtsilng pei4IUOD. Whrefore year lit pray. thu yes Uecsisbl Board will ordr that.

teld W. tt Ho- CsWe. Sit St tt in per month wtljh re esivee tram year UononMe 851 for hu tcrvtcet momotlAitsi its awessi Wit 20peT th her tack ra tt ye jDy Milled to. BJ dBISWOLOv BattmtntlartarofKo 12U8acramcatoitrt. tt ho tgrd to Mr her nd that you wm grant ysut Jatfonit eh OUR LETTER BOX.

treat ObtmHiai. Ms MUU OF OkrMeto-Bl lvWk thus mock rtforau wklck har iatety ba nwt 4actBAOr aocaTr sod tk koatu ir vnQulf aambertd. tad tk struts Mtnd on' tt lo pot Sc wkre. and Lb. police fora sbCl or Uereabovti perbap on as tw ttegaardtaa till is tatlaBed as Menigomary.

auMt. corner Cebifiba to clear lbs auevalk hue. geslofuwa WB to much rMmbl lUiee at bile Ad' ta ins iipct In that tkty toaaot Hot put to fl point op nltf' by oro ficiiaaca tkey obetnct the lat Cwaaty ravraaar. QntXatAa Ik letter of Select cOOlly tsrtnsx yoar Uto that being of Baadey. October Sib I write to bein practical wood imuj weoM Itk to hew fro kfa.

I flOBSOaUBKB. rue BAB of tk LMB county aboro rrf Tyler. Hltjk bar keastka bit vabtlM or who Steve htawin Bd thaarabaa ItMrnblymtaTInala of Xrtatty tl tttacttadty. 4 tundlal the Moesnie Grand lodge aaw ta Mealea Prisedest Fotttr afik Ormd Tm Za1iray UonaTiaUtottiicoott. Tn etEAmr Bra or wx tito rTtedword' MOB Vlsi wffl appear wain Sotaiaay aM1U4u7 utomea4wfau.

WATon ixwro lor tt gun Idea rtc It A ta i jk i i. CaBt rac of ArieiUar Aiia yj Hvaamrca sC rrataaMaa ct lb bla SitCIbil af PaatatjW CaWael At It o'clock yrttoetfty Barahu ConftrMc tt fannr wg id to DUMtDrt BMOI tt ttktmclmttitiit pttUatagonf4 tob Tier. wra yte toMaprM at bet that wer omoag UM Bnwt rralhoat tk Iwinwrt ADD teot wr1IoaAwEUm i Ooatra Ootta BxV7oavFrMbl ai lb. Parsert' Oakor Ooalra OM oVIVrtor. Wm.

B. rhl a. L0 thlfr ThOmaS Th BMttp WM tailed la fetuses by ajOkaitiifMW of Alameda WM ppoltUd Seowtory vat sStsed ttV rytccrr4tu4 farmer hn a tyatt8t wh4kBl dIeM dartaatk tiuiugt of tt Ooa rnc aboald enMUed to a MtndTtoIa4ksracMdla The ebject of ta OMafjt acarar to bliss peso Viaag to bt tk iIrtil tfiin in tt titmtog fOt- lMv av 4 coaiUtef Beaton lee prooortM legIslehle adios fox tk xtrmlaatlaa of lao AX CfTf. fttttr of Ooatr Cost. e4dxeese4 tk Uor k4xpUlaed tk parpMaftk tM i frae vBtrpek thr MUioala ttptt to ib.

th tqutml RedjeatAS MM ttaa niig J1 tt xttrnrmaaca egotnala bed urtod nrjtr roatra vwtaa4 ie a MTBMtly aaruted tai be- erl rear At ne natt ha paid tk ituttgf qolnol batttl bed aa Sand as I A CUT SelOsO. several UleL ttfarm raa 1 oMrtl8 al a Maiaaea bwa wkkb wf ia rnl year goeiUl rsasbn0 reposdi Jiwow appeared Mr. Portr aadthataraii ttdlw1et od wttfc him that tt onlr retWf prtettekU WM to tocar a kgUiattv nctn et which woabt eTeale' a 50015 and omMfl wee spas tt ojalrr lJiwB an nunt 5 ctdte aa la Try 4l tnctlaJtttod by th MOOT At ttl otot ft Esmesits. ef Otntra OMU r4 tk STall of a Sqw- but to preetatod th coming Lelalsturs fbt lu eohtldtrailoa Httald. ttattbokiatbtllUld betare bectelatorw WM defect tad bad been rejected iwo.

of saoy oojecUoaabl qoslitieL ilooapetodla4w toextermtnatctoatrrtaaBder severe peneitu Tkldeaef th new all. BO preeennd to the a rac WM to portde Pit tt xtrmlaa UeBtrtontrreJabyaatttd it ttlodarg iwUedtodo It WM ptopae4 to is's Visuice ppolnted. by tt coaaty Boirtt of Uptctor snprmeore sod the dety of ta latpwur tballbototUa alt Bdral tup see tk tt sitnallea sqttrreli. they are pall by Mtttta Bt seds apott tbo taadvtsve Tb UtTcror ere iba ciradyrad BioatotB bees woos of delrOytag th ealesala. They abs espoesed to late SMPIeI chsrg.

tt ll ococcapled bade and that tt peal dttryd them. Wait A tQCTBBU cow DO. Lcccn6g to tk lsrsere la Goats Costs tr It a tng10M ef 1 per. acr train 011. etad by thrMe of aqolir U.

Mr. Usssut pycsctod ttateaiwt to Oaarraohw. totbsIoers of tbo Control School DU let of Ount VoltS rontty tram blo br I. 1817 to October 11871. Ta detail.

were fsrniobed by BlneU a lsrmre of lb. IrUtrlet be' tbe Item of wm. lcl a ttrz. Bpl Ketsbtler' Bowed 00 cr whoM karret4 00 acres tiresbod 100 cental i. tetlmattd to 50 tw cre 14 esotala et 00 Pall set tar poMoa tndndlag wb SO 00 Labor In patui at polo.

seys. so te uiiAl so too ere 3000 ng to 00ertifattar land tlOs 7WCO Gait to cot SM thresh great ideetraysd. ideal Tk loMet of tb ataototh ftrmtn OD keM tielitnony tb tlaUment WM haled tmoonUd to 19 188. Hot only according to Mr. Boast do the eqalrrelt doetroy stein Dna vW vines tr tertnady injured by them.

The census. tb seed bettr lb mtanaand if It Co. betpsp to set sieve tt groand they tusi. ma Mto ware it btfer as Uteroot It tOB tbt tot donla xtrmliato tttM so. tsub.

they win Ttotaalty destroy the trove of tk moot yartabl gra Mt that grow in OallfiunU. A BUotonoa ox iqvakkU. QAftorlhiM remtrk alit torn more ta whleh It wee staled that so tflbn 1 belag mad to eecaroeomatotoretara Ib loses. tn triad tbr a th deitroyto mflaencea on tt tqoirrel in all lid iatrcta of Contra Oo ta Mr. Haoualtt oe red a reolatloa Is tt that aotalog ikort of a eompolory law would tear to top prtitteaaf tt sqclrrsi BBlt ae He tat 1 lid the total out of tratln thsso wsiA Uu tbBUatef protectlBgono crop or gram front ibtlr resge The itaolatiOB WM adopted ttnan- Imcotry utepwctra tTBTCBBim AID tqVIXMSA Mr.

Xtc nm aa Joaqala ald tkat tt ftnner of his outrtct wen In giver of oa Bol. bry law-end contlnoisc tt taUtly ty atom eleo Ho thought list pkMMpborog WM laptrtor to uycbBtne la dltpttchtng uqaitrola. tie kdi Ifttpr tIcs a ranner In Sin Jotqotn In which the writer declared that ld Mta th Statoot Oaltttral qol tn MM month th metal wert fanlebtd bine Hsseidb. had prepared BTr trTetpoton which wag tor ao4 ipody la I teffrcU. i Mr Potter belated that th lovely syoteos WM entirely loprtcUcabl a.

5 lomeat fn woold be teqohred uS Tn bios this mulled of ptucnjlng the dtatrncUoB of sclgreIs WM Ilk ponrtog wet In tt Tka xprl aca of th lemtrt si Oonira OoO hat beea saScienily a Oilpa that tt tqalrrel ald readily a4 to. tally destroyed by a general pslaostoj crM end roapotwy law WM sbaltely ucroovy to btsg 551 sate oatamaxiiea Ta proper time trey WM is October. nr tbo Brat talus when th antoMi were hungry ard rtedlly dt roared tk bait pet la their way Dr Lockwood of Nape islisyst photoooroj wt the ScsI eflrctlr poises I mpk yed on tdtknlt. Tb snimels not dettioyed by lb. tnbtUkC wer drleiswey from lands sad tb neighbor of one who tm ployed to poleoa weald be compelled to operate in the sauraheallug proctia.

At clock the CoBf rBOadJarBd aotni to lb rteraoon. Lb lb. sttsreoa tenloa tt U1 Ltd idIot. th Confer war loUy dltca potBicu tartt launttottMttanUa remedlel la tt sorolug isreleped. Sir Porter thonikt that awr farmer.

014 attend tb next Oopteroeos this ware prettal peeler. day and finUy on' djoamm at WM made tub next Toetday morulig. LOCAL MELANGE. Tba ZIUsu lay. In slather rolomo wm foood 5 list of th pofliBg plac Tk polli wm epta tt I A.

tnd will tIles u. Ttn wbo wire reglttr belwta Aogoil lit deptenibs 0h tu Ond their cam. pa uppUnveatal lIst hint will to rooad ad tech powsi predact. As VMMJOWM Cwrpa A body WM wasted ukor a heath. kalt i Bit south flk Ottan Ueoio so malay leg.

Ten tf dty tb OeroorwMB tlfldind lat body wu rtmovtd to tht Mtm Itwtiry mock ampo the fee boring bee atfrif ttlta twty by Soles Tk isdy WM dr wd be red ibid end drawer Irtpsd psais Bad hoary Tk deceased ptsbsbby waited board from sos. ocean l. A Llltla noxlBC HaUku Tk monotony Mooltomory stress wt vened ytttordiy by 5 pereoaal ooialoaw B. Gongdoa i dil ret solute treat sod Wtrreo COllate an irascIbLe wood nsniefi Afir a few taM sad karmlMxebaDgMtk combauai were praid. much to tt dttgaM a lrgt crowd of tpecutor who wanted to tk fan go or.

BottpinlMtrtmamberiofaee. reb pelilical SrgooluUoL end qtsrretgreu eol of dltput so to. who WM ike men Med Ikly to itrv tt tnttrttUof tttlr society At Polio. Jpdge y. Bcaatiaa oC Lit.

la. la the eses of Utaoth LM Tk Ooardlaa Life Ipseysece Company Jnai Haffnta of till Celt id Btitti Otralt OoartcrikUdtntw trial a tt motion of the oVendaate. JCnLMiad cy 110 th tmoaat ef tanrases OB tt lit. her oCMM4 kastiesds4 ehielae a tu tt motion nor new trial tt company t000ab 01514 that si tt Km St hi toonrasus Lt WM otlitlieg tram ben mtild ib tgenVwbo loie4 Aim Thl I tea tkta. at 11 spplante fat lanrane Hart tl pass Ucrooth lIsdiesI examination A flablresd fight.

Suit WM commenced in tta- Jeerti PIstilS Court yrtterdty tk die rrtnettoo end PIortl Paclfle Msflresd Company against TTIdrInt A. Be sod Latest. ASSet a year ago B. ob WoeS' odgment in tk Twelfth Dlttrfct Oscar igainit tk Sal rrancltxo ami HomboUt Bay JUnrotdConjpenytor 514871 XxciIon WM ocUS thereon. tke roadbed for a distance of.

a MUss 1515 Pitiless. woe osiusd by esbanaae Lelapis. whwJBhrtT6eaeai oeaatyaad I dwrtuedtoba tola Sheriff Mi to tlry ibji dgmBfoa tte2 tt St ibis wesin. Tee pbeiitlg cttlBM to. hit porcIceed tt roadbed prbr both.

rendering at the- jdgmni. aad BBW to tsr ea tunctioe igelatt Sbs.1M- telapbe to prtvtnt hi 51107 tt property ant fir oere wtltit daatitiqaMtla UUtott prop. erty ta SIWois TWO MORE. The PSIeeuPd fldres flrpptsr a Oae by Uaa-JHtia. Scalds la AU Aaalitea aftba Fatal reaaV.

The hocus in David' iawerte stabis on Beventh sliest. which wsrs potao1 by saw ntna soet rnatr nigkb Nut canton to atop so oae. Two bars Sled taca lMt To. port BokiafBtaota elk- Of lisle eo bslongsd to John CTBrten ant to tktr to tknla AB. Whets tt Ononcta nporUf Tkltodi ttttahlUtttrealagktoandtwmorrtt BofMeBppBreatlyat 115 pelts death.

They wtr on tkelr tide cad tbdssby aS r1ng Ooeof tbem lea tolX Porter ead the 5111 to NJ. Dllkiaw Th usselei sasby. lie ot tte atomack tt ttr nil ef the feed brd WM ora Itod a BOOB yseturda ay Ur. OborlM Imboorg. oruorBM aMy Itoaa4 tiot Small qnenttti stbtleoobo corrsolve kad.

bess dB tBMT to tt istesee ta ttetrtted. tnderaeed coagMtleaar th hntaaal earvoaisodeaeeMeer Ii. bsg sad tiUbtmim. It I Itke that an tt boric. will dla I not shared' hytkogtAoiozM TkrUtkttalaaabror tbbnes hive patted tt arid aod arowri SSJSSSAJgfS AINBULAR SUICIDE.

A Itrup. a ad- a aa l' i flawt A mtBBtmt Xn rt Itlefetrl-eonrmltUd ntdSel at tkat JUnt BBary itr Lsduloz4 hatse fj Mflttlim rr was. sees. tiaMdximc' MoadayBlgbi ssppltsS there for tedgtarea1 load. 51015 524' want wty tt axt oeost' leg Ms yeleynsd Midnight of MoBOyiad detUf4aogjBrooajrfta Ioeespioiltt pro 1005 ilzbt Hi wag given it.

room is oectred. At o'clock ytrdy the yctprUtor tat sahing rets eellec Bf totlod btddmo-Biti WMklBgpMdtt dose of tt jaont and BOX Uced Belcbart pparBtly titling ta Boor at tt foot or tte bed A aoee tavettlgattoa. BwJ laborer tad anxaewa ta tkUdty gu mm nu BABBV' Oratm at provenr Rkr rCha otty 01 na UtaB ttp 4r war toioradWlai ta ttoOraoBMu Tbacottof fevBMAart. VMatdhi oodl labtntiakltMrUiie Aarr bag af by eveeustg olrg WwaaUga- wbtok Iba WweUkarotopay to a sheds aBBlwMW Th Board of toperfUora tatt Meeday TeBla decUed jCuptng tt ptol iTrJng of sot. ireblUctifx tt Uaa of Oorrectloa llck Is tolls tk ptedI IsdostrIal Sated tit colts Oeeta Beat tadnABta pfOaB af tbKhlthBk wl tkatck reblteou bore aaly esspvebeuded ttn kr BU gocb a UUtothiaad anihraat ta heir ealcmUUaa stisbdleny a wllM aMBIi4f MOM high wu id4 tt kwta eBtor kkkw lndUto VtrMwiagiMr tt ore an rotor the prisoners rnrssXtbs.

I WIS brMrrABgd fwltt rMUeaeea tt Warden. Deputy Wardeaaal their fom5ue4 ttrearwtratrtteetIlr tlMar Muter- UI TB rlad tr1kfai vp raacadtt grtat1uaad IrreialtftkAp win greatly attltt tto rorpotrtg spsoe XXMB noreltt koxooat tBUrtt VaDdiag. UctoriT af tk wtoa-t wffl wf Bllwnb klghl Tka Treat wuc ka a BMwataa ttw lSu il se etr fleer drrlatuB wul aly eult as. AI IL to preoo e4 to a td slab. ysac win plain tad aabetaaUal.

depeadta tta AU tU HAM WAUi caitorewttl bZ In II. roof SE tlete tb mou nlttoB brIu. th whto watt totomwtotewtoam-dMBuaar rtyx tt roauetiea sq Ua tk fcwM qoatily 51 MerMl tad wrka anahi bUgT agk All tk wtBd-w a doer wU btTlr a laUaga TIs'- boMta lateadM to a. ibcr ropesta eeeatrb mdta wee meteor 02 leek be 101 awttfda tie' wells toe free wt tBM eiwjae By tog fee to and ttc wlag 4 Sy 117 feat- To give on Me of lbs snbelanlhe. msInitu which tb bollibag will ha we5redcll any Is tttUit UM ta bell gim mala walla WM I.

tUrted wfh tb block to I. netlrMlbta twa sad a hall feel wits every eltirusbe- iteea ta awe. ta conr af the wall 5. reel Isag ana other tobethrteead tonyceesleagi' Tee sesk sass. wilt sac Met high and tour feet wVto.

wit. through scones to break tt jatata wtth tae Abo tt bMmat win bout of tka hot oneltty fr uoa Qooltg will at all ttotBIetibyMlB BMar aad Ji laeb Sn bight. stewing tech sad a he lasbel man to and picked fee this wm Hi vie neie or usnIca Setlug picked fat ill other atone work willki teal ec lab i la ret. a- tar eanros the 301510 psisls4 ep with wait tun Atitoould tup wnf grislie ass buluess fro MOB with Ik to vt tabtrfacaiQwettcaL. Th door cilia will ales of ian i end the lesCaj at the heal the rftp of OB fail width Mock Tker win.

a Urea eatreneee with tup ieeh la treei eudni oataee teajl Ik other twe tnlereenuuse lb Iteal win The soleacrel wilt kT rcalw kedi end th window which will be wiBttaB will have streets and Mg top The lie. thfrt well her lb mdi tranc Jt I lecod will ore oraur prvtocHoBwbkbwttk the stibflbe doorway will kt rattrr en sliracairs appearance to tk ftced pelsfly the gmaat of th larg meDian wtatfow tt prtndptl floor will bats kjIones sod tUihtly oresmrnlst Uoeu. IB i IBTXBIOB. la tfc besuseas tiers will a roams not th Vio Bvi elt 10555. jetulty ialary wd kluaegw tht win eccopy the front wiag Tee iliseoliol taut.

wilt dTtrd to dlalae- ixmadtt tw wloge will wltt e. Ut OB tt lrl pnndpel floor a roomy Ttttlbol wiacoadaettoawli hU oaeh of which tiers will be pertor By test ectodryalVliagdaorowlth two slWug4ssme II byl7tei raci Atotby wuieeoje exieaec ill. of wkica i ro 111 bo prtvave rwaai by II Behind the 01. 55 er ekk5 OreMtat tt ttda airaac ielLwibeC will coma a tib BMia cester tk boudiag Tkl roa will eMlMIrtm wklcfe wilt thciwatwUwtng On this dose arc 111 hadtottectoraa' ee Cram Uber kid ib froat wlag. oe by It prlTat utraac bar Warden Thee efflee win cumsisekeis directly atth the gvwl tess Tb tk tr wltg as been taowa.

wU ewuia cella. which wild stresseS a tb ASsure pUn. Or ch ltd tttre will flM ii oar tlen blgbrtwkadrdeUiaMoh log. 1 bet ctll ar dttgod AT feet by bt test ad average nine kuk a fadac uwara and opesbug lasso guIana hums pec lea feet sr. tmd eater welt with narrow passage at lbs Sect between the Mil to tlowof teem Bperrl ion bythJ Uert.

Xck ea 01 hat mpl vtBUiaUoa tiS Ufbt tug BOO WD arranged thai tt officer oa duty wia btte compete tnperrttton cello la each dl. rectlon. eterj cell door ad tt ire. being la toll we. from Ill room.

KAchcell wlac wtUk tepratd front tt center. cy. lien picket wnirb will. II wRI Impede the rtew ea- UreJy cots off acctti by tt ptttoaer to tt room. A doorway In Ibis picket will open to ttalrt by which tbe cent above ar reached nd whet.

there wilt a main eaator toffl ually large lay chapel aiei or tor a room. fur wi men. Tk room will twrighud from tt top sod provided with smpis TtnouOia. Us tb upper floor thtie wtu insets. rreaickkm ben rooms.

audsbsspnelseysafst alt la lie bildM spsrtmaia toy series and stall lliliss tb an lbs wait- ptrmie be front wtoe wn beboDt ofhnctwbb bibs 1 stisa Tlr will twafrant cbmtaati lng ttrfli cb built betel Ill th framing fttatlr stdig will dose with lbs 0 UTerus BIB th ptnlttoB a tb nianclrd of tt eniamal ormaa the xirM wUtt tt el wtllh all el itht tub qar peila oV aMed at th diOs. AU tb wlMow wilt gaitktd wtta wx framl golly pub coil ail reUar TB trt mm a wlodewt of or koUdlac 55 wbtgblb here moMiogt UtUaaad ataat dooblfrcbd Deeds with circular HgktitatiJt bead. Th frtae of th wu wg Is tttfroot in- wilt is flalahed with panel ketklawt toe bluiodlui4rlBgtoawaU III. ipeud MlttBUrbolMIlola tlnlb will be pltlo plaitortd. Tiet Ih bll4lgwni kak tinllilt coseltIcted nd pines a vilsobls ddt lioo to.

Is pebble latUMUaa tf tea rraaoio trlw point catch cseaol Tn woll oqee- sesd The IVpolatod pool 121100. Xlo tricit for th secusery wort to deal wm Itt wltboat ui seedless ly. MALICIOUS ACTIOH. Tea Zpjaeties lull AtraJBtt Lbs La Hataal Lit. fa rai a Otrtaln Ulogrtmi which ktr reotiUy bsai tmtOihtd ta tu ettr rtftrtae to tk It Ixmlt Untnal LU lawnac Otmptoy art eel IIIteB4I kUawtd to PMI wttbt uotsaitbseIc 15015 tt welts reompaay which kMa along deservedly tnjijtd tie klghetl rpatett bk ire taetrsecs dtclea and eooflltaet the Moatry.

When tt facts aft ttatod. 01 le MiJy lees tkat tt ItolS tUta. ikM tk av uny catting sons thiS ptea of dtttrmlaed pit tt part lta4D a4 Sialsea pSyss Thflrt tatlmaitoaef saycilbag Bgwreo WM la restpi by tb geelaftt 5554514 rrM la thl th7 i the fall riag tM isal tr Lets October WHiss Ilby Btato sveytsbeedsnl St Inrartao to dty sled pe- tnkralaih Urcoli jantilnt ta lamacttoa rfUta tt flttetJt SisIsal LUwlManaca Oompaay them tresescilos farther ba Beit lor tb pMatmat a relrr. ad tor deet diewrieiatj th OOmpsa M4 so the rsiad of ftoad to nuntgtmnt and sauces 51 itUUee er MMto A Boon Ib solUte. retorted to WM tk efflcen tt company to St.

tool made search ig Inquiry Into tk metier tai qolckry Silos red blab tt procsdcagl wars laiut by tt attaint fD of ih tr rormr tgenu lalBdlta bo. pro vine to a defonlist. wtturattodud pvosateted. I ability at that esall4stM wlllberetdlly nledwh kawattt Mrtktlawor MUeeort an aSSortS By aay two policy kol4eraofaIaiarBaceUompayMi 1 Genii to Urtulgtt tfc alegtOont ade. Wy ik Injunction Vie granted there.

Icy Is qiftkII OLderUteOdi bit ion ttotly on- uniOnS tk tbtmt atd proved It sipialas. by tb HxllowlBf. tetof rta retTd I thlt dlr a DlTtrUii Ucal agent of tto 81. Lotn OeUtef B. A Dtr Ages It Loia tad Life Lctrascs Oospsay la- jaactieadlalred.

Otart SerUM. kr pUIaUT WB taewlac. that tk Uompaay I tolrttt. Ml Bw deBrgywtll cbatsctrtis tt Ort Of all tte afBcart. th OompaayB eoort fr ttl prcy fntan Itwffl afflctoadd that tki ia UbOhd 41 haute.

Qmpmay WM sc more ko- eeUy coodoctod or is mire trproo ottesu uace his at pusesI A eer Uag to tott utfDMBt it bed a rt 00055 in XOM 11 BablUo led a tt I7taai BPOB It operate aa tk surest knew. Utolapoaetkto tied tba ateretU 1 Its policy bcldert eta ttrwu tkB protottodaBtlla cradle Irmly IaPta BratUaery. eitott a4 moot bthlenaM READ ESO3CS ATxTIOTTD WtTfl. AlTT VT5 prUenlarly lads oJMppelktod lt- wb rt trylnf suer doctor tav ta- honiln JaU to consult Dr AIKItf. wk prtarms to uk Me Idle ptetsselcss or Impostors hollering et.

ipSrtmeeta 20 WsIbnu draco barthB tortare a esattig sIck to max at sofnl oxtmtaalVia- tnif etideol treat. tmeI remefki teproved by kdeaco end pnie et wkck mty flre 1011. hooch die. coj4tBdboptlu. Bat gnjOSrt of dUy TM Jtr Scifattfl plrtAtiear Gth 17 DR.

AIKIN 4. Cara All Cla a fbMdaltt fpttetMl of tk1TB 4 14 TUBUAT LUNGS mad Oil KT. UVO0S M. BLOOa LIV Obrvale aad 8argtel DIMM MroralgU Bk cmt tki. ta tt emamManoM of all.

Cenna Ma rsssaabs. aotud Marrl nit the Doctor am say draamtt of kttJta with. jcohfldtbeo a4carU2ar BjUa. awl ssss ssss nis aK vyi immeou er Def ta Uatarrh. sad Lots BMIBBM.

AnjncttfcyuaiudjoBMT TawBKMl WBtUTvrTMd 0 v5iAleriBStnN AUBe gB edloalorBatealawtp rac 0. BortaBl or tpedal taB. wkooU csunll wctactretaiat J. AIKEK. BW OWWI ABWW w4 HAWTI Jf.

E- cr CaJtfa wia. atfaac. ong Mr tt Baj ood Wb oH Ifit btocke Delis la Baa af oeeci Wa atag 0B atrwtt tf Mui iwiiry to OtV ry. to tka Arawry. JTW baAffJarat1 dweat je a thay ktRtf rrry ktoillBf.

U. Oodti wore TMooatfr ck. r4 oraoctker laa of tMrckTMtdVa ttey pMfBo thtwOfk XaarBvureil B. gaaajT Makf BU a oi bi sesoag them ka. rm tlbajiqai MM they radnmpoailMetokew rorouVbK.

aBT tt 0dt a atr dopebs PP bMr vhftBMD Whoa Ue Armary way raB a wk- twwoonrpanlMnnwckHta. tk mBM crowd woe kt book. IB 55:7 115515 wr rt a by lid MMiifceor tka Cadets sad rjnrWlf ih-f is tar ttyla. Tko Mpstoebas tt4-marm 1 betr Armory awl tt bori ifacaed fcerar tbr A maencia' te5asle sMs 1 kt at to taw tb greet cispastir ucDossid. Bakahi 9 heed wd coa riwtBt him aafta coav Mr TTBrttBT attar.

It AftOoMU I bat wa deat at ttdt they dBetgtvan Mwaaach ai ea. dc waota usuesreus Twana awv A todokat taBaMaattr woes br moever WnmiaiUoa lefaer haear Vhs pnaot TTaa wero waab 4 ta Saw Jfefle Ml4 CloBICItrkrtte8evetJkS i most- btUme yew that. TV kaew what a taaUeoua It deal yea vCrz r- Oa yia ikv aaU MsLiisedd-A5d hi aMa U-BB hraortar LBMrka Tk Wage' U. Blew fert reviewed BB BtacpTeeeveeeeaaoapeegi Tee' papers eat ere MM I 000 hat lbs ttey hover eaa Id tta trnth. IwtathwwtbeeeioiaatDkect 51 rrpvt rt wis cot Uoieltti op ib ertwe wkV ppss to ta te ry bttad 57011 TIt esoests zates hwBOPB.

Do eKr- therm. Tflt tk dWH of BeeteBCampeayMdlaVreatr ta tk art of tb eeusrlalia lbs suttbeid 0 4ata trtaataU recaneatoiaa faotttat testes kea aet VB sospie a Siam ea leavinc ttt city. wd twoce wtta greet Ma teneM-agoa the. muury ad are of thU rro eoaTrMf1oaw ktadvidaalBM b4r tba useay 1 apperwal taey aj yeC theft tesbovl tr0-hagty Tk Sets erutcUat 111 ptM MBMwfcM. They Mlis shoe wtta pr per siseessossab a mach larger tan St at CMM kevo kata mod.

Tieeasasie one-4 to auk a hew dtbebe uu tee Mesh itusebt The toot weal wthB ettaa AK 115 ip ee ef tee ana wera distal by lbs xhlMtiev The tadtrldtalmee hers tpeak in kteB terms tt trta aat ttF received UlktJCMt. AMUSEMENTS. Auukkll Ta fa Doctor afUIaaaiaya Hrt. Ji1I MtlvBla plyg lbs leJy tesU wvodetfellt wB KIm Bleratiar mtkei iMbeDaf that 51 Carl mtgtt a oucsssd' for faBag te IT wltt. Bad vies Salter wha le thsrstajiy eottaasei.

crtttM as such UagkUr by bet acting tt tht geu BO by Per alactog Tka beet tae In piece tt tta es. isa tke Ma. ha a 1 d. where Ue tg ckarurv aria coo- toaer Jota Is sesseollool ntu. 54 slut aar SeZtbeeeO but the wisbe 5955 I helot rat 1 tapilblekel rliM sad 51154 eeis.

A Urge sediesss wekneid ta aaV ttare lUoBdat4BTbeHyeoataae MopU41t bag a ttey Jkv cbaaoo 4olac ea. GoAilg OTXBA Born. JTotoU tatlii1 To-morrow Sir tad Mr trrtt tak lisle fr wtHbrBiiwbB tktr wffl sppetapsftlael we tkeM bas el epportesU of tc tkea be ometkiag bettor Ikaa Freaob metedrvaia. ITA UX OrtBA. Tke aaotoary ThoSeaIS of CU rr have reveeled oertala pcseieS snosepeded dltleBBl wfckk.

oaoiaat 55551 aaewel to rr bed prdoetles wool rrtd eveatacj Tie mWtlttr tharu I the eremmL akMB tarchd.adtfclyttre Bartaaa ts amgq rwiaela 4 CAtrromaU TatATia. Th bssldl of tk CO. nBlaTheUrBeMah wta UUMaoeUt betC pan or Ukceoiapeayla tt sel of fmttn Jitir la wklctt Xlas Bewared wlU aappentka naractrf Lady Ga- 8 ar. Aum wIll bo tt atltrplec Au old la 4ltM ty retttod to Sits PutiuSM Dvltg at May01 Berets. writ.

that Belting pamcawr I ttlinag is lid ttirrl- St pies- M. MeT MB a ita bad a 0014 eat hi ra tiIto bettor wow 0. tke brvBckltl trades Bt ttomea la rnard ca bit ripeness that plus aha ajK tb lawyer. tat nTtheyee seevirt fc lacknmaM wretch bet tlwy us sIb. wtltttncMry keftr tt fact BCBUX Uywawont pmrar to ls0ssi yi rkolMMikckapt OBdaaiekwK way is Iwwby to pat but aadT rtl a stta l.

BLN13. PKW LAND AH8 LOAN AJHOGIATZ9X. Msoa5emiai thereby at telerees MrBadTll oharg5 to a tt teoka. Mush pea freea OaBtanlArTBlagaatila. WtroksIeo a rirei a Morgiar Prcaa YsIim bays eoatrct4 tor tt oat.

oiP ailtMmr8cii Depeelia Tr. ruulA7Boa ia. lvrrute and Ur Tataabt i Ot BexMreotvedaBUlgi tlL CLHA XJ BJir JLTKOTASr LAND MWT8A8E UNION And Savings link or cuiroajm mcx IM ro r. BJTXKRZ. GCABABTa CiPTTlL.

eoctj per sbsru FartnUki MBtopergkAr Loniatij OPBOB daLbzdys and pan Uy stiscripiloes pot sent pet UABIl-C eUVIIBSMIA4l IAJIK 6FOBT P551W MABOMlO TCMFIAt. P. Qmaraate Capm xaaa. MeaeVirwT pall tml- BaaUy. LOOM sad.

am owortty. Tkl bank oanctto tt BortoB LeontdM Frett FraaVtoBtT Oatrer Tfc fre Tt U. rOrTe Osy CHICIEILW PjoMt CNKKEXIIMS WRITTEN GUARANTEE S475toSlM. i. Via CXAT Alto the toaw and naaajmrt i tSna M.

fSSf. lahtatTathlaaad Bt rMMa vfTWi ItlM wBtUilOBMiMbj gwwNMB Baart8Ba viiro3lMti1awlMTTLew tha ataiiiBunii meetl5 iti" ZJ9DUB1 XMBtf CMWaewk OtBbMbtrearalr tkeeei wMck BM In fo rt BM aty at katt eentorya atrUao UUTUMTt tMOfX UBaKraVe1 Uf THOMAg KBAXOwV MMBjffBK BOBTarrafflAOOUBamFraad iclhectaalL- USSNIMT1 RUPTUR2I OTTRBD I lT Ci ri ErzaT bs1a a Ocok lTb 4d2a4 AI 4. 555L tutv TTI ttId cao gb. ap gu Ju R1h l. IL Jo fmfll I JsUCr.el.U 1 I NBaUxsoL a E1sekIh Jiij WKEILtu ki 4 P11 pw LEBACL i cr.

ZD th. ty. tfl n. AKD PEtIPLE' 4o oea olo oed. B.

pvoe zuag. rc gt 7 4 thu c14 8' II oe Ii. woo Boa ii to QRDilorTuIxL t4 stthattlsvoakL 1 I. 71TU. gss4 to cha lT ptk SUPremeiOourt ti kw I MCKINSTY rol I Ppli Part7.

cbal tke uo' 1 i antE J5 tS2 ar tAlr isit ibl C. fT. the I. da ci. cud TFJvTi01 sf1 Ii.

EI NTS cu 141 dv lur thc Mil ft ars thoflIC co sea St 0 jOUVINLCii 0 lb ie 0 Lt Th 0 Tb p. t. tb co I. be ic Is A Pt frr TWS I. 2 co I de 4So5 vsrisaI td re dl hc be eta co I.

ed 20 I pe oj I le cc 1OPUTLJ CTVU OV SACKi i I Ercu S. 5eSH 1 a LU JW s5 0 CE dd 4 I 1 5- V-- akN-4RkNckSc3o 0. th 7 eh1e aIiiiCLear1ng at' EFI' IflyesU. itcI 1 tTl i.Itt01rwCtsi 4 ti cuiIu. fks otkII IEIt Ii 1bIZ rd uirt0T Fr OeE1tEt tS IkS co Ri.

sd aisat wNrS ZtfW V1M4 I UcE a. tu 7 or' Utps. Keti. Llni. N.

Boots I vct. fti i aft LI 1 ku1 ass. n. 5 pbOs1t07 a. STh737 4 fcTTs4 to iks S.

Idas5 5 ipLiuI tbBo7t a ts besi 7 ho w. ji r. tr pDWd a ed or 70 fct veMM a 1. 1 purbvso doa a 140I dtawa So L1as 0. ad tM 1 Ike Gresalcl4I x7 IO4P w1ck er r.

te a the ry the Gsoies Ie bhg4 itt tO. tkikt. ai e. pI44 fs tie tb. the a7 Io lie lh.

ocmeedatioe pM 4 1k. tso cc. 0 a coos- oo1 SoeolLIO tooLlie the pfl Tt tt lbac or coet' tot sod 4001 oem. a 0 bCE tj iOJ rbojO7 1 7 dtctdoe4 iepracty sod farcociro I4 psntc iM a. as hIve I thorn tias Is Soc kti.

al pfl.1tbooeb lvd lb. pocet coo- 1 5b4 a parcel kd lb. d. ace w.alb-cotirr IS ii 4 hO sMCbf a pattcI or bodytopit or W. er th eieboo oeekcIZ eM of Ii.

1 aid cc. we ll I. rd cvOdooO co desk kt teroteb 1. I. ike oIn b.

JcciM kctioc t. sewesoPer. 1 Ic aonco. 1 TOtiber us. sd tb.

wtbargs TthcTct silk e. Lu or woe. ie 1 14 IUYeeUZIIc lb. iSes all Moo aoov4is1 I i. lt eptok fltZeClOfl 1VtT erve adtt.

Ike Ri cot roW I Teseecoto bfl oe 5b. o. 2dkIsI 4co 1booodttlaI4bl t. 54 12 0 The tbtrd lteoe Ii I 2 7h 44 it ibis rat. I be a.

wireu dl. said olicov C. are booM to. Irsct DI 12 11717. I cllereutM II dles oerckcooehdreljclsk 71 I cod 2 ii I ee Ii.

lie s0000t cold of 1 rebreoc to lip II D43 it rem rceateed Its ar1701 dee od arels eM ciutre us CaaIsi or the doeli I ci' iitkoJuttlTh I 1 0u51sth Ie 5 4aM cosai I bed with 101 Ii. I re I 74 0 tb Idccetbeo slid the Id alr 11k. wbtbrd vs. toed tiepric. psid I e.

Ike te tr osueiOrsflou b. the Oo led xThIe Ifl DQI A Eecel pfteskid a oed 1 lb. I Bed. Lepeft Ga tMled ibM bolt lb. 1 5 0tleMeI Wollus ii.

The 0 oe oloer 1 QMMtIeS sijic U. w. inSoeiIIseUceofIaiaalgcoi I Resd wall ccli sI the lbs a I eIee. I 0 7rauIs A. toe di Ike di Coeoeed sivilebi.

Ike Ocies prcnm a lus I I. the cc pPsuPd offasc be a 1101 I ll. Ike ecoocts dci C. I. wr a Icculdiluce tie 05 21 iles 14 SethofilOd 50 these irt lb.

hi 1 EdEbO 1 tksfea. 57 ii 0 I. btb I iebeUows1 coesk 555 10 ree 0cc 11 dl it wwcooee 0u idle 4 Ii.b-eeL. Is VdkflaIaISMSaSIISeDSIe4 I M. r.

cc tni. I 5. tho procse ecke at pph. be Ice 0 tt eOle. se.

I r. dcdoedcolscpvllce Lb. V. 5 lIe esOus I asdesi 1 lie loleclith I. a or a0 Theee Seth stCcebsc aftol ci rVutse oel4b.

sbje lbs trytctoprcftcolbe 5. 5- i I. the is. Ii. I skbee sad Vblts.

Er Wo Ptblm tOIcTIPdcIi sos Vu Intl I. s. dik cbs a ho are II. dWa1 011tt lbs Ilci MLkdlabpsc balubea tosalebilsI hi I. th Is ha.

Is lbs ser eKp St sIre It like that lbs. he II aeecitss a rid peW. 5. 0 tiotti Ii' coo. Ic lli bce en alsl I IUl.

a Ii 1 dess. thu rikscldb1550 omrdb lRsbscTh oe rrotttb si. It 4. oogbLlorwvI WkWOIPSskObOtOS Pliedi IS ThIsfleeTpocftd ihetfoeo ii. eoldsc 0 ibre this tic ed lie Iii et d1 Mber 1i71 cadre twct 0 poelloast RemUi aa Buth ii.

teulldi to he oo aoo soowu a. 55 ns5 IVC uqO. 7ld b5tO. Terre hscs liii. lb.

M. se lhaA fly er 4 115 li 5 si lT 4111111 co lbs grvsct 7w potitn kuog eM less. Uhs Wattle M' asi SL OI 0 50t 0501 a TbASM acoocoscdrd liii ho be tdci aut co. OSe lbs Mightiave Ike thIrpcrtbreetI luo- i hi. 5 sootofed 555 5aItcofsleea4 lb.

Ii pcatl Ick.oI..y beLier. rubon sa. 55ssal. tar bI wbsccce C. ilbI i bvso ied psti eMIT the Gvarcmec bat bcc to.

bee peBuM lsdaoocs. SPISdIbS O' report eberved lb. ccdiy Ilel to ICOouiil ohs CssrS sleet u-Cia hi. deim Vu ers tCsMIws p. relsa lcd 050.

besot 111551 lie lb. Jsdic at Gas. iiTtli jetOpecco hu dais. ibtta0 tg icc PJ14 SI at x- cl. IC he coaIZVtSWUeOt tOi irstasdlas B.

the wes be b. 55 eat spsatt caltod two. 1 lb. caatc abecid aiaOd 50t ices I. bMio bs pIT caedrcMi4 Ike M0oed atoiyvty OooesIao rpottoo ts ibew dcei hew rOsllosXbbsIcq a.

atcitsict coolt ev adpoc I ooWit iii dals54 tt4 hltll his tt eagbsr MWOUAI ss rel hapsg Mr. PS. t. Goeoetreo o0 lbs t0sttosuolui lbs V. Cd kM raleed by IC.

repsil. esbe4 Ilk. thlb MSSIthltSoe oe ts GbILM05 LbCDMM1Oee 5 be poei ta. belava. t.

Tppe uses Xb4twoetWeslJi5MMover. Vc50LA7t I 5u cael4 lkMIbAority 4 0 vooo si. ki lgoars4 ies ii tb.ti- pat. sozatauce aM w4lC01s baa. Ibte led to wordy ezseei.

5 Mr. Gorrob eM Mr. Wesi MLbivb. It Mel they hM rol tMcbr is Ike Xcctag cksI tk Goewouir. being tmpst aadIStotMaiSesaL lr Gerrtusu4 I.

rj ebsflb50tb. top Ike Zysslag aeel 0 WetMVu 05 s50ta1 Vu rooMi ss bT V55 oed4o- luck ps sepal eo4osoo weer. sustor 1 p-opeoele tie Ei 1011k. Mvtk Seethe rect a esla reeeS es vfsrcIVPdlt tide e4rreset be7wag. 111 oee tic Llksl4eetIdoctlb.

ordaljooredsszg sTsi3z. eud4b5 4z ealtd4ahak I 7THEZ1LUL 5 I sr. lullo 5 Board ieewpgMIasWTs 150 0 0 eseUjsolArde7aStttO4e SUM. era. sobers Selag iperbsd siosg 5 twit Tb.

bi the cit IbIIrdeTedSUOII MO445I0tZS ouse ttbs sppsrdt I. siiIlodU esi 11VrSeed Ti vesseoet b. 7 lartu 05lId t5tfl a Drrvt7MrIIual In I tOlls. ltV LI Gaptt1eI ledes tbs ross 1 lie rltOetMeebsl kabatpaaesd tsreedpescltu ssrisesaora4udeuvMste Less dORI dte ber caner iet orEllIedeed besljledktth ses0ed1Ue IOU 51 iOUIIZOSe testY 1eI bewoeellerjoe Lbs rflyMid tie srobl Tee bev5 7907 MS with LIflL 9p5 costs. 55 Iho the SraM 0tkedldg.

b. beret waited U. I Si WT05 Vra 05YS lb. Misele UasdUs Tb. ellis.

tho lb. rprls. alela4 cc be's IbiS they cc. cad dee. co set.

to ii- Depaty denIM M4M50TieleUPdldIrSsed ezsle. The gitsta NM tic a nu IMjO McDaael4IoatoeIk. h1p0aclde 1 ttrsst. kailug esd wtClaa Doad Ibrsck 54 u4 wutri.4 lbs aodflais Iko slIet Citate ci thu ike tiN Lertththocoudmdowbewse 0P ccdsy ore 0 pillar. twM tbSsri Be eserge.

O1Ih Otto. 2toA504 niatete hevlug lbs cc lbs ci dptco icr. 1Pv sod 2 or lb. It lb. coos lienr I.

gnu tug eat Tbs eeea. Perr Wtm strriubs b. M4. bs eoe SetievI tact oc see Its of oem teise 1. be Sestoc.

lb. Iwises JbnWlgbt the lbs lbs g. blelicE touvet 0 coed roe- selves hi use 71 lb. tis lived lbs was IbIS. CellO M.

asked Igbb. so Pt7 Said lb. elde0c tilted ho lcbolcIt St oedbwoW 050 LOee.chCbars.- a srIybe clsewlslsd lbs thu Us Ybo Iurls dulls. Thectell ligaelssk lb. Rise iser.

7aarda7esorsthg wsscade Ootrt. but dc IbM coo. bet he IpMa 10005. the se4 lb. sid lid eluol lb.

co ewedla tsy 5 st btard lb. reset lb. 0l 5 da Jci the ag ogst hit u4 kicked p1alsttaboct the deadezss bs cosiorsaunsctle els. ietunid. efisly Ohs BCorble ass.

i ii. dsp- 510 casper coiiug lic a. nil. disi Bern. be lbs ISOtC5 lbs It.

1ff bt 701155 slld tIe st- jo ortbo cease Us ctsrs.s-bislsb. cet CrlF JuieJslybcoolaodp reber. with Sb. I 50545 515 1 lbs ca splola fLe to iCe Butts b51 ettisplslbtiOVlthblsCisuba4 wssibo ScsI ri Lb u. ro a ha so to lbs SC YOUNGRCALS tu I Zxtaaoerdbaery flsbbrlu a.

Vuparll.l.d r.rtuel. lbs Iws it the lbs Lots Ii. 4ke ebaec Cf lb. scspedls foltt lets the Tb roDbrSi Wc cotUadbytbsmostssZtcIoii stulpirote I a psrMsd 7 Tks 11 CooM corn eta lb. the I 15 I ross mi sdscscophaIcvreck stilts I Is sitChia I a biutea lbs cootccbe lb.

lbs hDosit overitroed 0 thopoctetlof I Tb. soUr. Oeoctle I solea To Ike Ouitol I 0 rolOerotTwesdulba4YIteflcis 0 a bogey tub ee i 1 a i sltUtbst 0 lb. essYtOloll as so. that drove lOasdtb a aD is lbs 75001 fiLbO 55 uttiit1cf rrvintusooieidetk 0 wit They el Q7thtip 1.

ibIs scoUt 500e7 apes II. tbs wr a oatiboedth thocew endibsod I. era WILL the Ike Tb. iTS i1nea. Is dri II dci lb.

oosja 7 The bees lb. 7 ID lielrAZsa Moist-IA ol Coltuos-ars tug tittoote toceu. lb. I tppsrda bays btTgtor2ztd are IIssi S. beehesstncosar drek Volt it lieeSZVut7Srl hoes.

dsbeclveeoogthetbaehhkel experteics the poewrscCsdeefsbooss IOSddIOoIcIC lbs lbs 70001 PlecIli ksdkel Ibsa lb Ste 5 frgcoeto bout -50. S- 0 rr. rtutlv thy bed TcNeprsitdeA zir5oa llcLtlisiszud If 4 hire. Dasaidot. Li ed thu 1 lbs deaaOsu.

Tbttr tscdee oeuiaredaf bt feted 1 a of elt BU gas. MS IflOete 50 geMs Jds erad eesooi5tor wdkSC-tDth1 esessed lb. snlielasrhlck lb. lisvs4s Tis. psbust 551e thseiayirzesede Ta.

beg to lbs corti lid ii tie dty a sccU MeTs bbaIn7 sos esag lbs lke 5k5 ptecs. tat Wooa Tiry operols a. MOwdi Sec the geug flute Uscyoes is Metre ito lbs pat a. af them goas to lbs deed throcgbswlc10waad tireegit- tb1 epea pprebaMd esess tT. IA.

5 a rem 5adoltxlid 5 BchoGLTbat sees. is a sJas bays a fly lb. breehis with tie pay. wOo ccl 0 lbs with svUI who aie releusd treess ajuec5- 5 fleif a DO50M1Jd1aE Vaast tA4 PAILOOlIStS beaks tIhiir ret 4 cclscb 115 sfttr0easeoactlak iv. drsfll befli50-50blPI teboP a PebssO5M 5idC LCn4UM.

JsIbsVI5CS. OOUELLDINiT TTessscceoeI edoeaMt. LeMbr1MeTag yoct dySrdieseM 1 thl tp305051 th50 Three Poesee. pSe. 54 wm M5esata lbs DUl2PtttOo5taMiA15.

aooess 4wol bacot ee.4 The k1 Ct Y0tn511jerIoe rnuIeI3 tvt- r13rr j-i. Mor seoeest St Wt thifrPiIui La 5 t. i bodtftflaObstassdotwlXI lbs Osktudtrottog Brat recapS eke olecees Oboradsy1ttu fees. tees pr St X5 to iCe drb hares aM to lbs at zise rw lbs Lb. tilt tindets veco.

Thsy Sr. fellOwsi biflbt 4MSU17A0bT To bi iOessals dues Jiect Swie. Bebseat P. tsin. aes Jecsy JIeIII7 his will be moguls- is tecoflos4tkst tbebeat5rsoeeeesatks'-5fle levee wAoisIDibeUaliad 7iAety vu Lb Setbi tuschAet Cereals Ii 11Js Des- indioAIUa Zxeretec.

lbs tatr. lle tieg tires e1 sea lbs Bbrsl pars. soalba. es sad' lbs 55ODtICo. e.

beCt. tie Lhetsejsreantwd be rsus lbs Lutera wars. led yser I. regsd UI St ers Js Sal dssvsO. is lbs curl sass 5r5 SsVeel ethers Ti.

told deli 14 lb. to. rfletloc sri. boaweflhwbekss him Is chorge I. 450RItk4 1 OeklmsTstiicg tie tee trs tag heresies vsry do.

tie goodslsod big 5e on. 5. 501 fec lbs haunch5 Ms 5lieorltsow roernies sed Ibrb bakes eel 5(1st wDlb fir a lIttle He saul a on utDtbool Jes iu cur way oflrldlsgeod woo lbs bo ite 071. Cf blobs Tbodluweao sates be lb. tie ho ha.

best ben clii iatrfr his staybat ibrs dead bs sod ti is rs I he l1b to will is's I. beak oni by it. laurel. Tb. spiel.

iretMbrrerths lbs lbs Vu teresa macohs Ike 5 mfledeIA be ten tyeiz eld. tar pots. Cbcooo iv 5attod. Jw.i.saa.jei.b ImpeTus itclIpoe LPupAster oesue sc BC Boseb IlorboIL U. Witch tonics s.

a by PIer. at 2 r. s. on al 24 aus taleS IS 0 boats wilbur. rtelu srhsdnle 11 II.

Betuitsy bust. halve IIOpDd Us. s-S 1:5 ecusoendaMss betledsVoVsTtlajee eel lbs Thooow jtacs lb. ci lbs lb. For.

dLrebcsra ItSctenb to I tO priMa. wu wan mesowsy 511500 MT 505 ick open the snivel on reck Vein. ri ct Ce b. Coil Tr.ttbag is Psbila ir lb. en the or poittlous 05 li ere ud ahtwelys vsrssllbbstcatnbotb oorstonpo co ioud.

oa lt li ied. ons pr see 5t0 staulstts 1 lbs ise hi Flu cil OT Ida I11 PIefh. i airbot. AitzeLdfI ri hi)4 Ic O)1. ii sl ileniksLonlefl.

OO6 sa ec. iO7 en ti lt were D. 504 1. XIs ke dife en sisItlise 1. ILltJe.

Tde ret bess be each lb. fo lls tb lb. a hi tu pa I the tOe ete lb. iuUoWt 15 bliWtll Bder171 1rowo bud 1 1 0 Co Tbs so So std oIBlI. to Ch the th I le th 1 trsoalauOcladcf I Mew del di Tint I 404 lie.

Mcii 1 i ice J. I U. UavswUe Id do. I elf. I A.

SillIly Ga01 I WmWrsojSMsvsd BbewcrtBan ticiJ. IiotyBshLehoSirs I Ilysos it. I i 1) A li totttoaJetsL a 50 iloibdi M. i 11. I.

Sal rresc. odide. Silas A. 5blco ssdfsmhIyilia. Mill Be.

iesctsao J. itooll ToretUA 1 5 Belt' inllaa tePeldan 4. 1 Taisr Os da it Like J- I sail Veeeciesr W. T4 1te4 Neil Not do. li Scr P.

0 Crc hArsh. 0 eel vu. MIMIUIPPtI B. Itemeasdsw left ti j. I I.

52 Baa I' A A I a Greenwood Sea trtscies I. wedj 0. gear. MsaotUWM I. tonaAlcoest 7geores A a Tta Is e.

a OolI.el-M.kets'trstocUVe Cab. 4 I. Wy. IA. I oesrtbs oscisty 5 wee seii1y discus.

I. I' Xi. lbs 5 slut SB 1 0 re Ce iid with lii. tree talon Sr MeCIsSU it privess saspe. Ohs 1 aitheMi Its tavoalztgtbslr msiunsOtrefetm lie eselte0 at a Dsltut bald otatboiltIo sppois4 tar ikitptrpeee.

are read patios theft. Ti. eeccsdwoled bell wE ooe sf In sheet sad eppelnIeC seMeerl aflsStaLsOie usesbete hstolL the mis- ore 1 1 iueStbe Memisil. 1 reoefIb isbr lsrcesPsa1. thsOrscera' zo ti.

Bob1ar1i4 Msarny sliest procsded Is tube In 5 bits Labet ps27w Tis props. $0ii1 a thars 55 do 5 to St Ghitsee lbs Tb. aSout 1SS sese Vf5 Jsh Gtidbect LLIntUe W. JW fitech aMA 0 Liii reuIYIOZ lbs stckb MesL it I JJnauLIz Moeutaneee-lasqnareds ScIell 0Th SM ii PtOglt thsCSOVI LPbaIMWL I sods 051 1001 I iBUT triece I wadsrveertiS vsdg sastsbi May52 TheePtos gV. edosetbasesool i 5 tS I i 5 I arJ1LoIrr YI iW 4 CUIdMO4 Ik La.

GatOobdalid Ttrgha5 Jekta ip ti. sadhop. tile l5 1105e4O his etiTMi totac7 co Ioasbvsrth tie suls pet pbs Mural Vay posed of at lii. to 5 ylac of 55 What a briStol teethe tie pcerl surteiwsold kesp Tkstiavwbat tlsPeTweM otrestftE Ihin boo ThstIsls1tVna11 wu' tf ssitla ylrstthrl 5 Mes lu allieS' roepSidIsitllt. I oeriit 4 B.

reetsedeytaosd reed eels 51 13 a. esetast 5sMey both axe very ztoru Opair dat. cad tub rUb set. 551 lbs repa sloths smssicss Stab list recent ScM Is IJ5iU5evejSlssaIosis ebertous Inectinty. iou a.

SteleSeci ii etha to ieagsg esse itldib5botDgat5tltb5ptjo5 hotter. ste VlIJlsg 55 sod no. cr415 t.s day ciermbs jgisay taoStbwhtLJicUMM0u1 PwiVMesa fltitdtaIsT rirpis arOdblcb rId soafli. sod C. Yfls lb.

Ms rIrsinht why net Hal. A tdrcvuee freesSUi 112 wblckeftesfl 5 4i lie' wsr totbe to do en reek. is Boo Estee. hat. I etht5sy 1 5 aowiiee apiA a tAa1.

Xii diaetery 1 lbs I 150cJcS Cielibs yuIrdsy Secotrea 51. brltist tee IS wee riM- lbe SeerS sod 0101 Ve14 isfoered sa Morel Ibscbpliso cAelrmIn. I bettor reeSe uLllowi Wtszatno 10 1wSiouam lIhoi heiDg pelbar ci sCcotogbbrsd tiJ5 us I lTomThehawebbdsicc joucorraljotths belief day et list on. it' yser sisctbobdsre fl Iht 5 Trzu gooc snGs sc lItstiaveot. tebici toot tos inItiate you cell let se mdii.

pow 55 peruSe. if so a 5 thoeesgbacs tbereoghtesds 501 tresS beck sod a brdlats 1 Mn its 0 ehise Is ui. I tin" your 10 coil be me rico lie li tie soa ppUfM eU Sixi1 Cola. ioaabe va cOd wttsmdthsonel owag 1 50 Ii chars was qeestlos a 1 asS tars sed span a 5 1. tb5fteotoes 05 bravely srsIl I I 0 sd toe Ibo Idreesest CssgrgeUes or SLb flftrd tebyborIes 1 a I P.

I I Vtaazos. Es il4 5511150. elves ii iii. ueiy be. pscpIewflb scccpinzecsdcxisg tIme aol 1 u.o- i haUte oil deep reliC oe quollllcallono I ifs ha.

to retal Ii. laedTtrssb ldregIt kisdeportore ent A ch whICh ie ilasa en lore i- leble Ice. I. coos. lb a Cil.

whoa. enveni ice 35. i4 ws a bete. thenower pit 5- Lesuowpillb as Id a it kesiltadTtut ci I cuabbiiooo. S.

C. epot Ii p. rbel so sijutmeot eesrse I bljbeol tobaroebo 0s sIt eoourasd Reoltwd ci e. aises bee itbwtkbbsbesotioblyen4cwed hIedsapet inesatsysipolby buMauloPellag we and Ii iii 50 Curly end taibdlrnee S. at i oflss8 Ied cesstnLiy wib A sdballe esd dicoenklee keseil heati I Is eo eeve sit his csboihedestr UdlhiiIu vlewst ibi 5 Is sraphstlcciotcs pub C.

ws onsilhlog on ople a c. aetd I. suyodleclssls r. a s. cceceeeisb Riolsed.

lly uqbt cool Ith is. srI toe 10 rs OTtICeI Sr lb. 1 :1. bs toil iborse rIals ead Sibeoass Ip Losdutbee is Tatsrdsy Ii lbs a rswSj a tact tel re 0 I' arlie was ell 51 onsil be res UM1Oflthta en st wets held bela Jtry I It I' he a- PSI e. hold to nswr herons the tiotsIp Von nt ibhlmllLisdettnbtO Tb.

rbutge uaclt SiNS atslnot nn Stellar Msdi IT sale I srsGaprt es a ellis Iscee Pt Uaretnu eel beTtor I. Tb. tIllIsmO Ce eMvlituInIousws. CnedSSyMoggtelbo ebltsab dat. II.

enses Silting belts ny ssae dl lOtAb I cense. 1505105i. to. ht Qit 1 see ary Lyan. Cite rb ugtbspssnelech 1.

Tie betwe I atiOs sac i bit in ra ion tar today's Ciii. Tis otMo2geretTocngwelCtedtarp a sts beuestbs I to 1151. IO her htsbend Job. L. ni ii.

7b 1 wes 5w cud ns. so Mooe lay lbs kaadaoloolotsl Was 00 hutihoflsy. atusuiaad Cs scditlaMdlds lthoetawarmax the Kenocipel Curt 7sadTds St. ap Tbs essayed Pso-biher sully oraricted cc grsadjeresny 4 lb. t55 ldsos Yesterday afsmolfths MoatS' Or IS- Cii ins oe 01 sr.

ell ooZeppotaoes thi tse i Itelasdwbsbobi otafiae4 lb. asyasci leer Ce lbs Lrciy lbs emeilycepselWaeliOcaoeslUedIotileinii IItOS IfsrrereBrewi fr bLOn Teeordy lbs ess alIAs the Sits. rown. lThe islet Zryan. Pecutitty.

blurs Jodbes ue woe Thpcoled MSutrboopierW bcbS0sed 55 lisA. U. tie pegiicta4 lbs fuMand rerevorbi. Tau October-id Gold ousted it l5j 3O93 Oeners I a lbs woe msIA 0 1 tee S. tie vesi Ueiissun MeIQO.

i I 5 of PIu I lirargilS of PormIag a as a meastre e1mfsly. lbs beat pets sestientloB lbs COUj50U lushes the ssl0i 0 the shi. St otd' its I 7lmi7 Atiotgsaiiesttegfh 1SZIrerI o- oily the lellewleg sdesfa wee. I li cecdIfli i eopdipa w. 01014t lTsMerrJ000bU.

Netaseri 5wsesI- dArms5 PsiStoaM lit. se 7s2ecbd N. tIl Watoes ud I Lithe wgealasllos 1 thsicM. sedsi ash ti. thu I50tbebes IwaLNtbeldore5l I dotuiU1V 1 esweoe.

flJmioJ5 t2aSevt IkSwa S. 5' Xberoo theQUuro akXoM1ebdncst Ga uBtMeLsL1y 3cestapsr Bowsa Bcass lids i00et ISSSIiUSmiUstta ooeesr Tiiv wIk uIcCeB'-thS YmWogiMe Si1ITaOSdSnU stt i ic5b 00l ii 5BL1ireMAcdideat. P-j ta TC5IMepSUPI57yLfljggj its 4it1rssUOThS3e1LDeprt1C5rRWt i5S45floy S' S'S VS pt M' pcBun ssJeqssdJistert dysitenas Uear8lteswh. lbs of IC Ostlel wSPe Iltatn SI VI71E71pCI5T. I fly 1n PitteernteM sv ntati.

Os' lbs lbs ws5etaSugst lbs IdtamoIauslTbsrewSsaihact toO opbhs 7oaQplctfrm sttbs 55 VU 01551150 eS lbs Lwer MwitbthsbaDdaoths 11511. ifs ugtoe uS otbilswberfsa1sagpe4 lb coDI4 with tils ccil advanes of ens 1 vu on. so ie side. se. bitrese beows lbs Tb.

retyslewly. kbosAmo Lftot I ser- OwoosS Sublet lbs tbSM50 Is 5514 ha sean the JoIn Vie eupects to be tie zt Garusywu. lbs Re the inistnra er bwd wag sworn. sod I tii di seize ti. Vu I.

lb. ied ia the Jteer' 5w5 lb. no o0 lbs C. I saws otoUTs Ilbat tietaotanl lbs the I iu. fromibe pilranett lb.

wiott. sowthaliiscsnwuoiaaoteg sti 0 bbs the aW 114. aw lbs I lIabwto be the Sect I 5 abuTs wbeeSi bti did tnreue I B. Tplse tistideC I as 05 Jas I e. lbs esgtfls roe.

dews to lbs i It sa the wetby-algbl lbs 5 the is el Ike ime sr the peertoost. lbs lbs the the lb. Tb. moiedrltheet ibis Ditenebsnart baths ri ns tie Its Xe a Juror-I lbs nlns 5 bc I wee I. woet tbsp sttc the late.

Tb. Ike stir Ii. 1 be east meSs tbnes ehies lbs ftrsueee cvnceelee ur lie era side. 15 5517 Sb on. puS Penaiwe.

Itoidhim fir beta. the I tis wes his wst ebeodaosrorecsr sad elt sd ebebof sid lie cyst. el Thatlibected oswnlnbothesid 1 tie 5i0pflt elI doss edt. we dot uk mm lbs wllcbm aol s. eadniutrv tOtf 55 be lb.

Pptit Carve. yot tbCZlyeig Ibo Us iliclId e. the Dotaiready I. th teotISpri lm Ie whsrl is gi the lOfssa cr15 omovtbeenjtnatp fa eeoc we et Si It hardurthi cheeses. ei orders the ir tow hoc.

Tb. J. tie is ii quect wee N. la leeslguetorfor fled Mote ic Ooeyelwn DOWusie ore Sup- Sl poeseod Is lb. Bees el Sidsel.

lb lb stheboysisbbsputba cteoeleateton a utQIOUIiJ he a nd lbs 0 issie. eeasoletoimpreuthemwithtlelovsliose lo geaarel dootrsbWtj we lbs the a bee rieiycbwansndbe lbs the the a 51 sep to eet Is ens a the I rOts 1 Ii. Bosid it ie Sin. Csaoeicn bays yet a ccmmtslcsllan as I 115 item Sri. S.

J. Gtlwobdi Ws bate 15 bet. I lItp-flave ou toas baths a os Tes' ole lbs P- io the 5 Wby Iet2 I s11. sod II stacilyof. iuDsr tie Who lb.

i prtrIip lie I lI see seems me is sbonldeotbsradbs furs I It be Pp IC. Ob bs hIsseil the I bbs ani I 05 IGWSUtOeLIOaS some I Oh. I Tb5 It. the Ileysoas the Vlnactorasw It-I wee Ii lbs I Says lbs lsttstis er ItT sets i per-I de. hove I 4frs ills.

Tic 10 lAs 5 I 7erMe5oi1a1iSt woman Ii lb. Ii 05 Mvetrgbool the canteen Waib live I Sb 5 5 the so I- ll semariiiist 10 deOtlifli. I siskt moelbo a repectryljr A. 1 eT bet endster N. Itcdussre 0 etitton otesisci lbs jeutesS VS Tl sell W.

N. liclomsis 179 thr so twe chute. arensw I I. WI. Mi the tu with I.

tsvhlj baa sgeee4iope 20 peT itosibl add er a ether renal je tersot she me A J. GLIB WULO Mesenientla roarofIa. I538scraaut. dresS. I Tb ti.

wOich hssiMetj eesoeindadeeteodr eater lbs cnmbcteSandlhs oe he Isn5rpeets aareaM forue- one two en 15 naittlane veetcrLsflt beclear itienelti wi. the i lIt. 1 tbeTi 0JotIapatsodeepobntnpemlldi are' a' IUthe ibSs Lea ClII505rj 7 aatasetcru MSdciOL hlottsl 55 unz 0853. sty bslngl somiet tie tenser tSiboTels JrTyTyk flhi edIted we bar. ser ess' send OnfacmaJ Zz. I PERBOHALNoTu AwmmsTiicaluetTrtaItissstijs ela SMug lbs cli I gsnwt WAXbeleo sfdtedths. Ii Sm uris I slteZletbba Trpnk a Fetrs essof tb4 Paz VhSsktogIIl1tb5ltt7f TiGteT Wiedwsrdi GLTkaroaaMIthrim Me. Wyezfl5eg1ropislthiMadrfS rio--M UI--- i i it. Cesfrrae The' AsIsi Pr.pss yretasdnesanbas f1escs SItu fsVSrIIId iehl on tie al wore aMy wrt tissoweru msetsme1 of lbs Ameep wuellue. sits 1 GastamPI7ateePreeiset Uci sn CeMa SSeSIWI Xcbe end 01 fl Drto Tb.

ti sets pZ Gus. eooacbseaveas U. RDWbeIIIe waseppoletid 8ecpsoopJ4w PlTtl1trst ftceasi eetstyto the bels who slit the Ooobarsszce id bdn3lle4to sd sod edo laibsjrceedlage ibs Guscsosctse. us abel lbs silo 1s. trbcssM 4.

tkosztezeslaallesot these Wdl1 i I isoqmMe IJefla the 5et1tj seC szpboiel tkspsypeee of lie list. UesorV5ppsl5 51 ti sea. tis the is thtuztutsmcsiiee sI MutMeesng thetaswseTs tOiatrate sad esea ttaoede7 svecal sea wall. seen p40011. lilIes 1 aqatrvehatbaltills boss I.

551. Strr sear. 01 lbs naimpra sed esssrtleutoset oc-beseime whkhowese 150054 asv.rat 1 culls es limtertaud the dorset. et tie dbeealct agreed tie oo1yreflf ust. eauctnle.t.

wIlciwseid 115 alryiaIrs allotesea. ddnsPs bsvsry Ill' lb. Szererns 51 N5W Litilepeintla GactreOsitsysok bs be toils 1k 11 110 suIt Ost lb. Mi lilt laId tIe Csgtelatorwnu dcfectlvs lecospsllsd band wesrs euieeinads eqsirres Cdt lbs 14 soerpreesesed bib. Ubaresce.

lb. so en sqdirteb. bytessIdere ths land sesrt felled to Ss es by the cotaty-Boerds tsesIeopsctere tie sole toO. esesuosoto 550th. lbs srw e.

Ls lbs lire optatsa. 5 0 lbs lb. er. all ass the are thea uotil RIO 1k. Itens en 1 ecte qutcrla a lb.

Osatereecs sUn. of Vlarlelet Olpts Nossher I. 1373. Tie be lceiefetlzespls 400 wee Ittocanisli. bass Ie ecree wieoL.

ptltlpgel 00 ci beeeatb stabIle sen. Demege l. ecres pesters lb lot till 00 aIth 51400 I 00 loss- Thsloseeeftbsebootsc fermsrsspca lbs 9572 to. lbs ob are They lb. the mares.

to Defoe. tad. root ewsiitnr dons to lbs greseas flAtter the IWhIeb Is eaceze coapteas retorts ef lbs wasleed lbfVh lbs ti. theta ousted th5 koriofecospoiarylaw tie preie of lbs stisuacs salt ha Isotrenbea Ibis 1001 cc procciog one uat eir wusdopled sS cIOoPy. vD LStCtM Us J.seulseId2bet tie rmer.

wsrein acepub ce the sjsta p1 os isd. ibly 01015 ilt. is cosid the dial. at 5 oqatneis ii Lbs Sp reftrelb4hts. a 5W yvirrel poIson 5875 ipsody al 5.

ce lbS a. ooid eres i ru wales a tes eaperbesce the to rDer. as. s. lb.

sealS is enS ily closed. id 5 Ts. S. to aVis so lb. rd directed lb.

putto to mc be employed Tb. rers lbs at atos employed ie loowsiid i rLtCbok Conftrecaadjsnnsd lbs bills bs lbs Gantarsecs race dleesst ot Cs lads sf blend other thea thus lbs were 0flrlbetIIhIIbilMer. he fa at- djoutmaat a la To-day. be lbs a01nplsrso. 5rb.

polhwCspesstCs Dd et sonist-itli. eb tl ib wfl a 5 lb le te Ci lbs ile 5 the etes. Yesterday lbs betIded inS It wsercmotettetbe och derompoesd bess sndrsi il. Tie drused thee. Tie wee star.

eceetsaI The o1 vu en. 5 3. a oedats rest I I isecols. szebsagsetb. I lie org.

eat b. en ov Both parties are sambari ef a eo 1 I 5 a I Serve the St I le 0 ye Tb. I Uodtoinof I I i Uefl4d Court resInS a new bhssotloc Mn. Ij. sted I 56 Ike tie 51 ot the a lbs I lbs Uta his I LI.

hoar I beegroteha Thisialoelkisac I il i I I tie 1 A 0 Bee lb. I tbs sn itoflioud tilarent for tisreadbsd Idldaisrs I ci I o.sacreoB Metritsed to is bs jCdIMene on Ii. liii Ta is's the i etoheJeiirneot andes. once I hIs lbS dtaadan lIes quietIng tills baths 1 TWOlaiD. I SI I 1 U.

Aaa13 cia' if tbMott 4. ii uit us ipous. sluce.set- beet pafl5mikhpg nine Sn en. lob2OCilesnd thsstk gtitAm. the oztins tepoxtsfTWIed ti.

alibis iat scesini. be on4tws was Wits bos. apparesily us et btsi sides. seMlng iteal eenyi 505 ci beSta is ft :1 ViibeesTie laOl theabeniecief esvnOlsttbsdIeibereslI umpleaed Lb site If 115 reeliS he aye I taou 1 4' a5ia1a5ITe is. lb.

he' 504 esteed the bests eel' raridsitad as. side of atI tie wee. lisle. be likely list sit bates thai eta et hl ot ss witIsrp-Tb. lisceess impreMoo bbs di to by tils slab.

ass. Tbsy ilisk tiale comber s1 pessdthe arWesodstenswze. cotezlnt. lichens his beet tacoS subs VII. iahnvbdlskjboedlbspqteoe AtLNRULARU1CIDE.

Al c4pa sdi t- Cers mad 1ntXeLIgemaryot2e4 14 N0515sMe17 alms duxthg theroMSSwS 1 lbs sOar tMemda7 mod doilieS tile sass rooSiU bud occageled the lbs reends MIseilIg essiatAedBiog wubbui. psssd the lbs aes 1 svo ebswed lb. aalcIsbs4 be1it0Aeeeee pzlotot that Lekialt tad tied a etrsp laths I To cIlbuWs watlr 54 speidy lbs The cadoa SMMe. eese msstIea1yeesti tthsiMandfl sooatbi mttnue CnsthS Pb sWgepeelentmes- Watt hays ssj meuaaWS 5s5 MtswtIklba pstsbte 4 btl JHE JOt.IM.$11 Sls lb 4' Is 1 IB ntuis 17 5 ai1jji. sM cuimlis A Tot a svlug Secatedse lbs beSogis.

be tie sit. lu us. eaMtAia4bcusMiet 5V1 Sued the Vs MSntsst MidsMIa IbslrcajecleIjesa as wssesoU4 palate. Tie oeM1WildIngwtt Will be Iris blabwiit beeelso55ecee5sageaos bII yilcbwZ1 raslst tres piagssuq fW5ks and Ire tar lbri ef tic rsr4ea eat the loaf wsei. bribe Ct ailj lie bulidiM WIB bar.

a sued and fti oud tie geed else eM ttrbgelan shops- greatlyIesiaelIs ii. neteLliehsiagosateaetsr ii. adulteWti. vhetidI beofetntbarb TbJrose vlngwfls sbeseoo olssliwl oboes istthe13 clogs 5 is's emS theIr flsrdryiebeas ssly osailsk-ef lelierise as Oreoasl avelid be dsesiuin. srtlrel so 115 wealve alienate eso poepotleoe Is ilvs b.

charade. 54 tict. Iset etbIsS So tie pet- Pa5oS i07ThNAflwAUg WifliebaliseS tbISeebqselctysf IS4p5 Ms. Xi. geslurs wilt be irs.

4b 554 lbs pertitbasa sq is Is is ouskead I. a Oteldass Messes. reedy toe lSecOseoitatie' olla lbs wsrtMedihb. b1I seed biroegh. sot.

AUth. e4 isv ifv bending be is seot--esoses It. paelhIs tiers bebsgs weoewoel alissud IS te. swIll. exosot lb.

dmi5 sal a. istits held. as luseibls sod sery peic5b wit-be boles I. 51st. 115 Ore TIeS 55 Tb 05n00 balOdiag te wise bybeS fsdkaan5lhssIb ides 5 I me tea I fesilsgsilisSatwstowm wpb.

I cesroescotsus a 1 wide amid ass SeehbaI lb. 151 bass bat I be II. lee coelsesef tUrd- I be hlgbaeS NelwiIs. I IS. jodabewllil I re ala Abe's the bolt bell I free-ale.

he see I I OmieattbaI4tIsbeesteee audiO lucia. see I Mirlin face. besUi. be 5 a faea. will show tees ruse wieti soela 411 see 0514.

Ut be St tOs 1 lies wll lb. boi sod babe fats emecib itt. The be eteIs. I ass TberewIlLb I IS 55005S I belles as 51. 115 ella et Ii.

wtog. Thsss I wIllisscrciteebadoeod Ins wlmtawswhlcl I bsv cegesasi I cope of he frslwsll hees I eLtrance be hi is broils lyaescai 5tvs lii I rcass agmsnts tislatgs oe tie Tea lbs is ti. 0 ames Oct-ale' asS tbuewlldsapythefraotuiug I be 5 s. COO lb. 1w.

ieee is 114 uS witileebla bis5rsteanindpsLIeorsrsss Wt4foadaclleswliahel1os each 11 I a lb II us sorted 7 0115105 doe wIth tw I I 17 test A tebby will ss neiL. 55 Sw I bier. 5 5 sit these. lists i. to.

tile susrsace I leal. its el tie CIII i. reatbod. roowbicbwilt is Is I nUt ho 57 lt In 1sa tic sloa s. 11412 ieL V51 IS 115 iwosbl 0055 se uses b.

bed bulbs elsa. esa lii bbs 504 Is ill b. ether bee pa be em sa cc serb aids it ste 55 twentyB' dh ti tact bbiier Ie bsadrdslIa isseci 85 Obuecellaardeelgssdbobeivenetbj tebt aol eel all. ecs 51 cello pa rrow stwesn ea bjw Ut eupryisloo7tilejctlsri es ll clii ample asS li ttbsoeanmsedbhusLhso00ursn dntpwin ai cy. St 1s dl cibco evelJctdoor aMlis Ib ll Luck cell wId ls the en A dbrh.

sot impdetbsvtenea. sca tile lbs vi the otsiroby thacflaabvsarsrscbd be esar to bi women Tbs frn lbs pa be se be be ra op. 51 thu ioollisJen 0ucibulaoue yconie Its 0cC elparte i toil of bslcp ebb isbs cbboastebotng three lea. I arl IS ci th satIre I I be pies Sre tie tte bb sztrosSwausf theebsesi wW 50 515015 doSdad III 415th. be lalelsidwIlO ozltssus eels- te.

SIlls 115 5aCi5 and suit sob lIgtli to eaA Tie lbs wtndsws lbs Irnel lieds 54 lciIid noebege us wall. ii Se pst Ike sOUts boib45sbsIilna tbsosli laid lbs bsllIlhsg dll is oeb edileli and o24 a CC is quo lee eds tbe se 4oo is ea dolsy. MALICIOUACflON. b. II ISri.

taesrnmu be Iheeepaa7- MZpindSSd. 1 1 lbs MStflhIL15' elowedto pesawitbeet I i 1 the of a eespesy iou ii I lbs St ee ty. the II I oil title lbS som 5 I pi5 5 Its of a dllpatus sod Tis sees of Si wreag las oh. agesi of lii So silewiug Isle air- Innraueidep so ube 1 tiserl. seblug beltscl lb.

55 Lsel. Liii Iaasrasa lie 51 551 lb. St to dieMia 52. 5504 tIe lntlesneaeaatai the so it. a ig iCe the Insilsels4by el coo eflOel a ladles I who.

provIng be wee ertuetud am ills is Sd win be ruShy perveld wOoS skaows lbs underlie Iawssf ws psflqipi4r5 otethosorsacs isspsyus I. 515 It. 155 al suedes 5 wads. the I. cD et I.

Ike medoptsPd I tie dorm telegram is edto I 5 5eStoyhe7 PItertkslcaligenleftt pooyz 8r DIver Mstnal Li sede dleslve wa bbs Is newid sr7 will tO. Ccrti ta The Ooupaoyacoorss from LWiPresldoL lb will sudre is dd bhieJusestahlIobe LI. bat esancee Acceding 1 tim 11 pesrlp zosis 5 IabtlliIie tieeyetasapoa.wetcll- ibs thsiatoreata psljrybej4sre 5 sthirrthospeetale4aMimerodioii esw Sows A Ga 5 ItSiettiousry 5 ZOUA7LtCT1D 8713" easpsrliosihuly tfllne in vain 4P0W4 net 1511 vhs itt aotoulibtos cuss. HovIsM therssi quslt. allas lorgs expetiiOO5 a sagrsiaa sk ii sthnewjadgeC to be moos rdflenis and its.

5 A arsis5 Cf as mobs 1. boB sn meii1 bylctoecs eu urists bckmoi Deeetscaq4e1iys. rlr2i a DRMK1N Cr Cl ses Of filesaso. Ppedaitte.t PlutuIofthsMTI stdMR RIBS iTo sto- W5SLaIlluL 1n4a4 CstarriDsl05s ZbIOmItiIh crorola rueiDrspe7 l2s ste. cores.

siIdae000 wzag 7se at lbs Onccuitlaa AP e4Idns sod aesleil article. firnioked. LASiSS flarplig oMaiscsdceo I I led of I erellc eti4 SICkbSsdOcbs IBsaSMIP Mew iniprated Edinedlissol re railed Lflf5ntgsysi BlMdJG woVe 504 leeS nelliel. I Tsug1ddlu5d fips. I 5.

docteTs1PV ttt sq amy t4li 55 esateg 5 hod so Qsea ecysT4eu. I eseCol d1cal Of Swle1 5 perSon. laity Is aI ce. aaig VL LE beSts 5055105 lIttoral eLacokdreaXiAIEILfl Offllt1 1 a 500 a3 AatMWi 1dIM s050dryrs irApeh. Tb.

Sat I Mo BOtfeecPI4s eosotagW tbI arso- I Same IaoJI drta Thaof SM Wmh55Wtei W'T' l51111 75yfl0I5bs PPbSW. MotIps. b. tbAse b5PW5dw 1sssss Mdlflf1 p14nlsstPtC hi. ltnsSofSslaliCSa1d.

ssItaiI PSwbISuOh sa- oeiadlhej55M Ieaksus fooS it aposalbss Is Soap thsii' lbeidStlt0nyS tuofr sUe WhIiAmiiy wrokctadwa Ire cusplOIu Scbd Is. gthsl dlsI bbs Immense kiflct. 1 1ds caPe eltoa rprivmed by is IsleT a wa. tef'-aajbs. bc lie e7eieaderItm.

rrdlPAI1L SoW tb. siise it 115 usarseane. spa' the ee us atbissm st bbs 3w. MeOsaidXa wSdesb toegel gteeuauescb ccergnAM Y.e ewesoow or iou isss4 Ia beSs 155 bites 151 sue McDmStd-Celenal thee efIbevetf Sd be 5 yse mebiSel St en PSUt' Cerise lie r.gbseao-ia'es sail to. The etlew 7oresrieuodes lo ii.

pvem es pse 5. here tie ee 1 cii sbw tie smelt Oie. vs lb dliptsf be ye' I Setsitsait SotlleM eisusu. lbs ices doilokeoespauptoawsisjgths hessiunmery Osad ad 00sJ57wu ti4 heMauedd-ds Ihot ete--1tt thedztlt 15515 uspsuy is dititeeS. lbs sssssf tile Gupiete wacesdea tie- tom lisa slsvs iae sf5 win 5 sd lbselltsaIyosl grees u5iosawOhb4itesis iibati 5b to.

sajoyst TI Osla1a 5f set- he' me aM lbs Swoop OeUS sMe us sbqel 5515. lpeasstsl eisVue ladbrldesl sees. bid of lbs tnatoaslbU rcels45bihiMet. T22OsD4ouiAleuiIoroIui elk 4. Me105t weli 1esa ske5 at usie 5 frflflXpgb tout wtIsWI laagbtarby hsjeeo speos.

etuls cue. bc bbs 5005s4 the- lsMbtg stse. isusru qsadele. elite Ia Itassooad. sad sib pretebly osalda.

so tateys 5 e4otoao CutieOnA Xoaisd Wfd isis fpts. bistrO 5 HusUg IA ace TSs Lady r' Lyeeaa. us lIst baw105 SiIISIbSOPusCS TkS vaa lIMu5aswiia Sicrual defsv PriSsy umeosso oouoerewereuasusrn bee bins oterisS eel ehiy bLiss wove laze. bevsatsgarsmaiu. Thd lbs rIeTbester duet ash wthiatibdsoslbs rt its coapaayisaa Lus cs Is.

tlLa.peeotthe eractot L54 5esokso. tloobse4 1101 itb oltaAy tistoesty aite etog' rticelar is sims t. rnLiu be. bad5 vescbbg t. iii Wacoiw5 t.

Ct. se bale et er t1. sure theyles set lb. sowo yea si Issat nwusry WtoS1C55S IITUTIOLIOTWSIIthI Kzewhe Si. san Baee by tis ol.

Mat dt VSM50 5SekIIO1NS5155 ate rodoced the edvedllatol rats tat se soaisilssoiabetress lsoebis.ththe rtite. Tile II lb. sail wetba sausrstiMS pialwont. Swsnt ptserSoolabe ce IoU lbs cbeepsst us qskhedwsy deWbepel BpsedrerUesusnts tsnecra which 11I cad IS caste be lbs iz I us awi 5 sarI maeu W1EEI APILQAM I Bank Sayings ant. i1t N.cAwoR1rIAT1- I 5 7 ZXceao1T 31555 Guarant eIII Irer sod rrqp reuel us ar wall 15 uso.

OeiitIsoe St Dsqsdr psysbis sa this. day. 55115 seeri 55 er seas. psi us peysibs Ip scsi 155 deTectofi Its sssi eM sus saatel sewing lb. useIs awed So ales tees ru Lil0PNUsktstdapeMia5s5 Smet 55 issues sppipv4 susrittes esat issaconetritisd tactic CrC eeruve4tuaclIaec- II.

ktaziioat abLheUe PrwS00L OmebuS. And' 0 OiCAL7OutA0 I miizrowtuv rl UAJLMTU cFue. issi. Metrs.Ioe VOXtOIZ41ly sate per store Ideas at I a Opea se pszmsauhez cmrru. LIAN 11 TNNPLI I.

AnbCL 555555 etme. calved ci Trmin4tury uso. psie. serially 110 osseous St I. rr Priea Woe.

tMiseTles Preaserat w. Ciaua CIKER1IW4 5t ELeXL i1iiI. cgtyii55j. AtTENNI PiSTWt a MZWJ ORIU Al L7IMa urca 5. roSa.

sd les ises uses Msss us. ewIe Bellurd azp ee ae and coad ceesolelo awusw ad ssMra Is 155 mx 1 5 i VIATflClvii 5LaIN. Is 5 uus. Sstoe 1sSpSM5 r5 St tiaars4 VIis Is tng ass a. hew ey thus acsp whiebba.

isis PeTS4 Sl15MSr O0UI OlIa551pTisse1MTMOMA1 T1ISs 15 esId iS 4 Dnm2hUDfMg1 BOB1 Sis fresdese Si UHI Z54mya. fliadidi- p3 Mro sd Ig p5pc p- kDWN15171 wwi i1.

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