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The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana • Page 1

New Orleans, Louisiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

0 7 i 1 .1 li i IK I A 1 i 7 a NEW ORLEANS, TUESDAY MORNINGS APRIL. -6, f'tilM 'Jilt Uii I fWf.f- 9U 71 a 1. rr i 3 I) BT. pHA.KX.SS BntC.TIMIL.DENB COMIO OMiA COMPAHT. ta4ay.

Mmm.y mm KTanlanl icwcq' on tsuaoeMtul Oper. ri vi n'nu Mkn tUUlUK. XXXJ.Y In her sreat Impana, 11 Of K'LLS ItAJSO- -TXDITFBIJat; By" groa-rU rmiQa Uss Ume. UJEJS4JCVIKVK K-BKiBAMT. i 8ATUBJDA.T 12GranA Bolden KUnt'.

la rrhearaal taa nlnun Pwlaiao Oflbch' UtMt eaeeoM. MADtHR IRCHiDUCUd 14. i OS TBB4 BIZOHDX. I 7 OB BUttdKAt MATINB8 D'ADIKU Wemtmy. April T.

at l'J AT OBUSXWAIiO HALL, rerrivKLY x.abt apteibanck ot; THS HUMOAKIAN QDSEH OF BONO, AU7It6KA, Wha naa aaehantad bar tnonaaada of adtolrara aiooa aar debat.hara. wiu her phaaoaiaoal oteit aad hit axtrMrAlnaryNpawera ot aaliaaUoD. saver beard betura la Hew Or-laana by any ataar iagr. JTlla MTJH8KA. byneneral reqneat, wUl atan aain Ue aatabrated Ma4 Haaaa." (rem Tbemae'e HaMLKI', wnlah created olte a anna aa laat atfrbt'a eonoert.

M'ita Ae SCortka, MAcy BeareW -irt. Mmor Brair. fclgnor Maaa Uvaln, aolo flu tuts, aad Mr. Ubaa. K.

rtt wlJi appear ui a Xaaerrad aaatatl toaadfi. Vor aaUt at umaa-i waid a aaw Maale Stota. 2 Beroae atraet. Xaebe A Oo 'a pUaoa era ael. aps it Taeaday.

April 6. 1873. Benefit of a De JOi-T. LUFKIGAINE. Oora a- acta iui uv.

ChallL; Merle, rattan er, Xtagriat, M'mes Veroaen THDBSDAY, prlf Mtlnie. lurBHUAT--BeaeBtot M'me LIOQIKR. aiait TJftrrrrra mpo rt at tu ujcmiaano; back couass, Tilla Dny'iu sVclaek. a TWO BACXB. TIBHTBACK- twaMUaHeata to Haraeaa' W.

B. I aaard cntaxa brown raara A.TTIK TACSETT. J. A. Burdnm antara bay elrtln 8TEASOK R.

8XCOK BafWr-MU three bet la t. to Baraeee. W. B. Leonard antara brown gelding CKIS DOYLK.

XXj entera" alack mara JBNN PAT. ap It ye or-i Will be heard tor tbe- Iab Time, under the Plot J. K. BKASDBLSI, At Ya Bonae f-Aaaambly called BT. PATRICK'S HALL.

Wfm aac aowa on Camp atreat. oppoalta ya' greana called Laf ayette Square, in ya i r. i. 1 Tmi of Kew Orlaana, Oa ye Evening- at ye lSth day af ye aaaath mi April. la ya Yere of oar Lord.

1S73. PKOOBAMMB OF YB OR1ND COIMCEBTB For the benefit ef ye CBHTXITABY COLLEGE of JACKS03T, LA. TB PTR8T PARTE. Maraellaiee Hyian. Aald Lang Byae All ye men and women X.

Bew'Snrbam AUyemen and womea sing-em. X. 'Worlcllye two parte Bongo wenaon and Dr. 4. iDTitBtlon All ye men and women elngera.

i a. orldJye two pel te aonge- Mebaobadnezser Bercolea end Katrine Van Taeael. Btrtke ye Cymbei Ail ya men aa4 women alDaera. I. WorlolyeoDO part aonce "Mr Grandma' 4 iATKf-PrtaolUCacaatoae.

eeme, let nt bIbk onto tbe Lord All ye aea end women elnftera. oae parte eong Penelope Wult- tlely. 1. berbnraa All ye men and woman "in II. The Dying Cnnattan All ya men and woman lA WerioTyetwo parte eoage Mlnate Ona at Cee 5rwa men lnara.

U. The Slngtna Hkt wt-Prof. Tewkiberry, from Puddlotown. YE BECOW PARTE. Grand Jfarcn Wetch oa the Bbine.

WoMlje aU parte aooga Ye woie earn, panle. Raia All ya men aad women etagare. 3, -WorlAly aonge Tl'ero'a moony a all Bel ebassar Jnnea and other. 4. Ode oe (Science All ya man and women teaera.

A "Worldly one par aonira Tymlat. 1 bom of Ziom All ye men and women 7. VoASjto foaf part aea Towr aaan alngara. ni polka at Home Experience Dim mock. John Anderson, my Jo-Poraereranae An He a ii Lm man woman alarora.

11. Wot Idly four parte aonge Pro Phando Unto two men ma Onia Jaddedlan. AU ya man and woman U. Taaacnie. Old Haedrad AUye alngara I-c peep Je.

vnokata va tiaA at Hera'a. Oriawold'a. Oieeham'a. Jtynelt' and KUto'i atoraa. ap4-10t CUtABOCBAIR A Aad- GLOBAL EXHIBITION.

Tke Beeond Annnal Pair of the Agrlenltnral. Machaaleai aadi Hortloaltnral Aaeeclatton et Mebflewin behald TUESDAY, AprU 17. UTS. j. 1 1 fa I and coatane are daya.

The moat oeaatUal groanda tn tke Boats moat deUgatfol driTee In the world. Xrery arrangement made for the aajayaaent at -rlaUora. r2te entry fee ehaxgad axnlbttora. Baoea each day ef the Pair. Bail.

raada and eteemboeta carry paaaangara and artlelea for exhlbltton at half rata. Bend to aatttary for Preamlam Liat, Boy an exeoratom ticket and come to the Fall. mh3 it f. 9. MOKAISOIf fc PA TEH MEDICINE AGXJfOT.

Be. i HuidM aareet. earacr ef CauaaL Kew Orleana. AgeaU for llaffirire't CTrDUBAWOO BITTEB8. fMUAT, 1MDDC Are offered at HEATH A LARA'S, thoae in need af TJPBOLSTEBY GOODS.

wiiwe chadea. WaU Paper, Matting. Mtr ara. Tclul Praaaca, eta- 9 i.aaiptrcet. mha-lmJdp AMWJm-ETM BlDWELIi8 ACADEMY OP.

MUSIC. f-t. Kt A WEEK OP UIKTH AND JOUTT. Cammenclag Uaaday. Iprll S.

1M73. BREMOUD'S SPEOfALTY COMBINATION Of Fifty Star ArtiaU from Erery Branch of the Amoaemeat Profeeicn. presenting A CHABTk AND KLEOAHT OLIO ENTER. AIHMJCBT. Laolet Hattn6fa Wedneaday and Batorday.

MONDAY. April 12 J. J. WALLACE, aa The Manfrom Amanea," with fall dramatic company ana apeolalty artleta. a4 SPELLING MATCH.

-j PATK1CK.B Taeadavy E-ealng, April 6, 1873. Ear the henefit ef the I CANAL BTRXKT PRESBYTERIAN Mr. JKO. je. OWENS haa, by general reqaeet.

kindly eonaeated to act aa Hon LUSHER. E. HANCOCK, Referees. jwjta, R. LYMAN, captaine.

w. o. Raymond The following boya will oonatitate the Spell lug Cieaaee, and tbey are reqoeatad report at the Hcnoolroom. at 7 o'clock. TOESDaY EVENIMU.

6th laat. SPELLERS: Raymond aaac Marka Col Hill Jaa A Granam Lnaber oo Keunard Dr 8 Ci.pea Converae Keep Ham'l Maiien Arohte Wood Lyman Jno a a Walker Cl Rivera Rcitniaer GToanaeDd John Geodea JC Hane ck Manon ABaker Wm Mettle Beaohaoi 0o A Hhertaaa Montgom. BonEMPllibory Col fvbartea ery Hon A Barke Mcuewn I IrrtBgCraboe POZeebarie MBmlord jc Rareamae ti raraer RobtS BowardH Ve RRtey OA Weed Trier Bead 8 Rom Jno Bowman A Olrdaor EH Le-y A White Haly Boddecke A Bo4enborgCoi Bar- a ix meiaon OG'Pcrhy Matthewe wU Jk wyn (4 Heat McMlUan Baain Walker Wm Gor4oa JH DeOrana-a Bdw Toby Alnnworth Doatael RoberUon Carter A KnanSoa 1 Mellon Selxaa Geo Lord Knaene May Chad Weaooat Van Norden Altxrt Baldwin Geo Laaa Prof JE earn an Ordrn A JGonila Htnman Jno Wheeler Kd Marka Pk Wilson Jo Armntronr I Hodgson J-a KUlaon Robt Maora. The trouble will begin at 8 o'clock. Jo local, geogiapoical nor proper name to he onu Willnen'a Lart-er Speller will ba used dnrlnr i he leaaen bnt la all cases ot coatai Woreeetet'a Dictionary will be taken aa the atacdartl.

and aa elegantly boind copyof th Cnbn4rl adltlon, to he ereeented to ihano-eralnl epelle. can be Been in GrtawoldV window. No kltea. tor a. marbles or trnmpeta will tx a'lopd in the schoolroom.

NopiBch'Dg or prompt lnr will be prml'ted la th clae Moela by the Band ot the Id Infantry. U. A Tirkeia 50 cents to be had at the book and ewelry tres and at taa aot tl GAIETY. THEATRE. Corner ef Baraaa end sew Screece.

(Afl. PLTNNE CHAS. O. WHITE Manager fHX ONLY VARIETY THEATRE IN THS CITY. Open Erery Night with a Monster Oombinatlon Of VARIETY.

DRAMATIC, BURLESQUE AND ETHIOPIAN ARTISTS. AaaaLsetea eaUy 33 Ceate. STew Star appear each week. JANUARY. 1873.

GLOBE fflCTl'AL LIPB INsDBANCB COMPANY OF NEW YORK. 14.143.337 73 397.94 44 GLBNDY BDKKE, GENERAL AOBNT, 71 Carendelet street. JOHN B. RAINBY, Man aver. ap4 lm KSJIOVAL.

I hare remoTOd from 149 Canal atreet to ray extensive warerooma at the GRUNEWALD HALL, IS, '2U aad a Baroane Ktreet, near Canal. my entire stock of MU8IO. MTJ8IOAL IN BTBDIIKNTd, PIANOS and ORGANS. In extending my warmest thanka to the public for their liberal patronage whoa at the old atan I beg for the kind eontunafaon ef the same at my preeent leoation. aaanrlag my patrons that the same liberal aplrlt, polite aa tendance aad the heat aad largest selection of all gooda la nr Una.

with the most possible lowest prioee. wkich made the Bruaewald Store so popular, will be continued at the ORUNE. WALD HALL. The aaie of CHEAP MUSIC at so. a piece, which mat with aa great pnhUe approral, win atiU be in force for a abort time, aad should be taken advantage of.

General Agency tor the eeiebrated Btelnway, Enebe, PleyeL Haines, Waetarmayar. Biathnar and Rape Plana; Mason A Hamlta. Tray aar nd Cloogh Warren Organs Wholesale aad BetaU. jxmim RUNE WALD, Grunewald Hall. ap4 iwSdp Baronae atreet, aear CaaaL BA88 As i BEST ALE Bottled by IHLERS fc BELL, CoanoUaeara drtak It ia the beat.

For sale by grocer generally. iapt lmtatp S1A.VBR riATIO WARES Maaufactarad by SIMPSON, HALL, MTLLER A CO WaJUaaferd. Cb Birrer Plated Wares of the manufacture of SIMPbON. HALL, MILLER A CO. are Bold by all first class dealers, and comprise a full Una of Tea Seta.

Coffee Urna lee Pitchera, Oab-eta. SalTara, Cape, Cake Basket. Castors, Bat. tor Diane. Vasea.

Card 8taada. Toilet Seta and Taney Artlelea generally. Also the most appro, ad styles of Oaammonloa Ware for Cborcnee. Their gooda are made from the beat quality ef Whlaa Metal, aad are hearUy plated with Pore eUrer They ere beaatifnl. sex tloesblo and not expenarre.

Send for fDaatrated catalogna. SaleaToota 079 Bread war. Factory wal-Hirrard. C. aitanTdTalgtplmAWlai gSAIMlRB tUKYI.

fwlf tae araaa mt Int Kan Oeerga 9. WaU a Len. la 1 A. rXMXB CO, J4- Maa-aatee lift mM 1 M-rr blMmr. Oroakary.

China, Catlery. Haa aaxniabing eooda, ete. Original pMt" i lua a a i sr 'u-ir THIS HVEX2XQ. ACADEMY OP MUSIC Bremond's Specialty Combination or Firty Star Artit4 ST. CHARLES THE ATKE M'uio Ann got's Iansrliter." Emily Solileue.

OPERA HOUSE L'Africaina." 1 BT. PATRICK'S HALL Spelling Match for the Benefit of tiie Canal Street Presby-i lerian Church. GAIETY THEATRE Variety Combine tion. j- V- i ti.f JS Thanks. To the Southern Express for avore.

Memorial Day. t.tT'-i To-day is a day in memoriam it is the day of Shiloh, and the dead of our Southern armies call to us from the past with the soft voice of recollection. As an expression of esteem, and a testimonial of remembrance; ftdwers will' be strewn 'upon' thej graves of the fallen Boldiers of deces-? sion. A committee from the Ladies' Benevolent Association will attend at the Confederate Monument, Green-1 wood Cemetery, to receive floral offer uige. Senatorial Excursion Notes.

Senator Morton and wife left for Indianapolis lost -even log, at i o'clock, by way ot the Jackson ail road and the Louisville route. Tlie -took passage ia Col. Thoinas A Scott's private cr to Iodiauapolis. Col. Scott, wife, private Becretar I and servant will return to this city oi one of the Mexican mail teiuerh 1 and will then take passage by th Morgan Line to Galvesto and thi to Iloaston, where he will inr, hi- private car, which will lave ndiau-a poll's for St.

Loais, thence to Sousuh via Dallas, Texas and Paciiic and ta International Railways. Major Ben. Perley Piore an daughter will return here with Co' Scott's party, and proceed at once Bob ton. Sunday while the City of iTavant was waiting at the levee, foot of i1- i liope street, for tlio mail, thn Unite. State 8 steamer Dispatch, with Sen tor Cameron and party on board passed np the river and the civility dipping the the colors took plac-About ten minutes afterwards th.

City of Havana hauled out and th. Dispatch turned and passed down th-river, preceded by the United SUte. revenue cutter John Dix, the Cit of Havana in full chase behind, then being some rivalry in regard to th speed of the Dispatch and City o1 Havana. For an hour after the departure these vessels, heavy black smok could be seen away to the southward, indicating that all three were doio their best to reach the bar first. Th captain of the mail steamer stated t- bis passengers that he did not havt a pound of extra lard or side bacon, or rosin on board, but he had goo coal and he was going to give th Dispatch a very heavy shake.

Thr mail steamer left the wharf at 10 mio utespast l.the Mexican Consul having delayed them. It subsequently transpired that the Havana passed th Dispatoh about twenty-five miles be low the city, and beat her. to seu nearly an hour. The River Stage. The Mississippi at this point rjosr 2 inches yesterday, and now stands 4 feet 10 inches below the high water maik of 1874, and 2 inches only below the high water mark of 1871.

At Cairo (here was a rise of 10 inches. At Lacrosse it fell 7 inches. At St. Louis the river rose 11 inches. At Keokuk and Leavenworth the river was stationary.

At Omaha it rose 2 feet. At Memphis there was a rise of 1 iach, and the same at Vicksburg. At Pittsburg the Ohio fell 2 feet and 4 inches. At Oift City (Pa.) it fell 8 inches. 'At Marietta (0.) the river stands 25 feet and 3 inches above low watermark.

At Cincinnati the river rose 2 feet and 9 inches. At Louisville there was a rise of 5 inches. At Nashville, a rue of 1 foot and 8 Inches. At Pado cah the river stands 26 feet and 6 inches above low water mark. At Evans rille the river stands 24 feet aad 2 inches above low water mark.

At Littlo Rock there was a rise of 1 foot uid 6 inches. The' weather was do idy at Leavenworth, Lacroese, Littl Rock, Nashville, Omaha, St. Loui i and Vicksburg. It was fair and clear at the other points above mentioned. Orleans Grange No.

53, Patrons of Husbandry, meet every Tuesday evening, at 74 o'clock, at the corner ot and Perdido streets. Fckmhcee. etc. This day, at 11 o'clock, at 80 Camp street, general household xorniture, by lleaara- Montgomery. PirrtiDg'e patent mop or acrnbbing machine-, for sale by Jr Utoton, 47 Royal street.

7 With money in your pocket yon will never need a friend. Yaa bare a ebano to win a for tone in the Loaieiaoa State Lottery Grand single scheme. The capital prize is $23,000,.: and the drawing takea place on Saturday, AprU 10th. 4 Thar runeral Obseciirf0aWy1lor disii tiMii At 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon thfe frieuds and acquaintances of the late Taylor Denegre as8emilrd at the wdence of the family, on DryadeA st let-t, to escort the of the Lnifnted dead to its laat resting placi iu the Cemetery of Louis. Uni veisally loved and; admired all ho knew him, the sudden death of Taylor Denegre cast over the heart! of his friends and acquaintances th4 shadow of a great sorrow, Dying at i be early age of twenty-six, when he had already won, by his superior attributes, a foremost place in thi i ranks of the younger members of th bar, and begun a career which gav: every indication of a brilliant utum his lamentable end was the mor kenly tit by these who had been hu associates in the' past and who-Bad learned to love the young man forth attrling qualities which he possessed io so eminent.

a degree. Then thi iu.nnr of his death tended; to in-ciease the mi.uTnfoluess! 'of the event. Sailing with three ins upon the waters of Conway BayL Florida, in a small pleasure boat, a of wind sprang up which cap siz the frail craft and precipitated he yonng men into the water, causj ug the almost instantaneous death te named Smiley, who was struck -n the head by the roast; the tinfor-Minate Denegre, chilled by the water, xhausted by long continued exer ions, was unable to maintain hte rafp opon the wreck, and was Irnwned. TLese circumstances excited the tvmpaibies of all to whom they were nown. On the occasion of the iuneral a Jong line of carriages wao in attendance.

Many members of he bar, and of the various associa-lions with which the deceased connected, were present. The pall-bearers -vere Messrs. Du- pre, A. K. Brown, Henry Denegre, (ieo.

Denegre, Walter Denegre, Jos Peniston. Henry and Geo i'eriallat. i i Father Jordan, of the Jesuits! Church, conducted the burial cere monies. The funeral cortege proceeded t4: he St. Louis Cemetery on Eaolanad street, near Bayou St.

John, where the body was interred in the tomb of the Denegres just as the sun's lingering rays were glancing through the budding oaks that wave their green branches over the homes of the dead. The sunshine of a young life had faded out the rays of his bright disposition and amiable character stilt tested BOfily, yet unfadingly, on the hearts of the mourners beneath the trembling boughs, who decked the cold mai ble of the tomb with the floral tributes of their love, until the place grew odorous with the sweet perfumes of flowers, dewy with af fection's tears. Thus were the solemn rites performed over the mortal remains of Taylor Denegre'. The Funding Board. A full meeting of the board occurred yesterday, at which the following State securities were funded C.

Enstis, bond, relief of State Treasurer, 1853 11,000 0 A. Luria. North Louisiana aud Texas Railroad Company 85,000 J. Garr, 33.O0O 0 AIko levee bond 0t And 6 per cent, bond, floating debt, March, 1870 7,000 0: Lesassier A Binder, free school, March, 1837 85,000 oo J. Garr, warrants 45,008 33 K.

J. Forstall Hons, levee bond, 1867 7,000 00 Tnoa. H. Hunt, bonds, red back, act February, 1866. 65,000 00 Una a.

Kllahaw, same 15,000 00 a. i-una, iminaj a. en. ana K. act February, 1870 oo L.

Ueneree, act 65, March, 186. 10,000 oo J. M. ftetxaa, relief State Treaa- orer.1853.... 9,500 00 lawiuu'na ac jyman, uonus n.u., O.

and O. W. R. R. Company, and of N.

J. and G. N. R. R.

10,000 00 Daniel Scully, warrants, act 60, 1N73 250 IXi L. H. Terry, N. and T. R.

R. fi.ono oo J. W. Km lriire, N. J.

and O. X.KaiiiHMtdi 1,000 00 Robert Ricbardaon. New Orleans aud Naaorille Railroad, 1837.. 1,000 or Grand 30858 Si The River and me Eevees. Gen.

Jeff. Thompson returned on Sunday from his voyage up the river. He came from Vicksburg to Rodney in a skiff, then went oa the Lee to Red River Landing and came thence by skifi to New Orleans. He reports that only three levees remain un-tinished. The following important ones have been recently completed Bourbon, Belmont, St.

James parish White Castle, Bayou Goula; Hope and Conrad, East Baton Rouge. The water running through Grand Levee is not as swift as the current of the river, and is about 3 feet deep. At Bonnet Carre the stream is comparatively alow slower than the river current. The water ia still running up Red Kiver, filling AtchafaUya basin. When the floods from the Arkansas rivers descend, there will be a sudden and high rise in the Mississippi.

Choice Rio coffee, parched or srrouad, 90 eenta per pound, at the Tea Depot, Camp street. ill HOTEL ROBBEhY:" 1 i llJ.JC. It '4i 1 art Chlaforforms ka au Hixiuamiajica aim Robs Him of v' i 4tP.fl Vi 7." 'I i ji-. It in, -i A Lock-up Hi A robbery of the boldest nature was committed 4tt oae of i our (leading hotels yesterday, by which Mr. H.

W. Rogers, a large trader in stock, from was despoiled of currency to. the amount of $150. It appears that about two weeks since a party, giving his name as H. P.

Richmond, arrived at ttae hotel! and bv liia cour eous and affable manher won the cbn- tidrnce o.t aerveral parties, i i At times he made himself sociable and fomiBtied' the wine One of- the clei ks was a little suepiuious of the fel-t low at first, but so gentlemanly wa his demeanor that alt suspicions were soon dieptlled Ytsterday morning, it appear'pj ho managed to effect au entradce into Mr. Rogers rootn and giving him some chlotoFoim, succeeded during the; time i that Mr, Rogers was under the influence of thv aiia'Bthetic in robbing himcof'. thf amount above mentioned, and theri passing quietly by the office, slipped -ut into the street. ai Mr Rogers, though he was undei thr influence of the chloroform, saa Uicbinond' take the money, but wa ai able to. stop him.

He accordingly notified the clerk of the fact as soon AsJbe had recovered from his stupor; About two hours later, Richmond, 'who evidently thought that he would not be suspected of the robbery, re4 urned tbe hotel, and Rogers, he, went with him asfhoiigl, uothing had happened to hisroomi On arriving there, however," Mr lingers drew 'his revolver and de his but Richmoorf ould only pan out $25. The alarn. a as immediately given, when Rich nond was arrested, and subseqaentbj locked up in the' First Precinct Station. It appears that the fellow, who for several days past had worn the same suit, appeared at the hotel newly fitted up, and it was af tar wards discovered that he had been to a clothing store on Qauphine street, where he had purchased some clothes, and given a check for eighty dollars on one of the banks of the city. Ob the check being presented, the tellet of the bank informed the bearer of it that Richmond had no money ii the bank, and it is thought that pei -baps the robbery was committed make the amount of this check good in bank.

The detectives who took Rich mood's measure pronounced him a bad egg. We learn that Richmond has repre sen ted himself as a steamboat captain. The General Appropriation BilL The position taken by Assistant 'Attorney General Steele with regard to the appropriation bill is not coin ided in by Col. Field. latte hinks that the second promulgatioi should never have been made tha' the Governor exhausted his fanction-m signing the first bill.

If any irregularity was observable in the first bill, he thinks it was a matter for judicial rectification only, and the Governor had no righto assume the authority of promulgating a second one. Judge Steele position is decidedly opposed to this. He thinks that if such a precedent were established it would give great power over a bill to every ingeuioue forger who might think proper to interpolate new items or expunge others! CoL Field is now preparing a petition, which he will offer to-day, praying that both bills be enjoined. All the appropriations made np to this time, including that to the metropolitan police the General Assembly the Returning Board the census and the Assistant 8ergeanta-at-Arms amount to $1,558,856 23. Deducting about $100,000 from this, being various sources of revenue to the Charity Hospital, et aL, leaves 23, which is $558,856 in excess of the revenue.

A musical soiree will be given by Master Gustavo Daussin, a pianist eleven years of age. at Grunewald Hall, on Friday, the th inst, at 7 P. M. This talented youth will be assisted by some accomplished artists and amateurs of thiadty. The soiree will no doubt be a gieat aucoese.

We tender thanka for courteous invitations to attend the How is jour blood Are you trou-bled with pimples, eruptions, bods, or srorbntio anectKraaf It aa, remember there ie infallible radon's aarsaparilla, combined witu idodida of potask. It never fail and is faaran-teed in every case. For sale by all 1 rn ggiats. 1L B. Morrison dc Co-, eorner Magazine and Canal streets, are general agents for it.

or I. The TMTOr Granrl la' Arimrwaix? ill r. of excellent material, tu io The -Cham hnr of PommerrA hold, a special meeting i on Moadav evening, at half -past 7 o'clock; -Business of, vreat importance will come and; a. full, attendance, is earnestly desired. i vti The grizzled veterans of the- Mexi- can war; 4tret beginning to recall once more thoaa atirnnsr tint am nn thn Rin Grande, and at Monteiey and Bueoa Viata.

wtton 44 DM Rnnoh and TlamAw" tWM and CapU Bragg, were familiar as household words. No money int the strong-box ot the Chamber of Commerce. Col. Seisa ays it's. hard times.

it, Treasurer Bar well hints amiably at injudicious appropriations.r iTwo' New gentlemen whrt arrived berel a short time ago, a brief and visit to the Crescents City, oa, being asked how they liked the town as Jar as they had seen it, explained, seriously, that they had not been, able to make such an inj spection as they desired, as they had been, warned not to i venture -too far from their hotel Btrangers being apt to disappear suddenly. The wag are set all dead yet. vf i Dnst plenty in the streets, already; despite the long continued and abundant rains. .1 is. i At.

the reqnest of several prominent members of the Legislatore. the Chamber of Commerce will lay before that body, for condensation int. laws, such measures as the mercantile community consider necessary for oar commercial interests. Ta-MerchantV, Exchange and the Cotton Exchange' will be requested to lend their aid to the preparation of thi-measme. If the city administration desire Aot to considered as neglecting Aheir doty to' the people," they' had better take aetive steps in the SixtU District--draining, matter.

i-omething that cannot be pigeonholed. i La Fine de Madame An with the Soldene as JU'll-Lange, is crowd-' ing the Old DrUry like Lotta used t-j in das gone by. The Conservatives met Jast sight, again, but themselves ui (liscuHsinsr and' perfecting city billt. for the extra session. It-is likely, now.

that. the ancient Cliamber of Commerce and the youth- Inl Merchants' Exchange wilt merge by joint consent, into the new con sol lasted and vigorous Board of Trade The Academv of Sciences will meet! to-night. Interesting lecture prom-! teed. I Senator Morton dined with GqV. Kelleggyesterday.

Alio ieiuucrnuu cwio woro nn crowing in Connecticut last night. Increased majorities in all the towns as far as hard irom. 1 Senor Escondon and other Meaican crentlemen accompanying him left the citv last nisht for New York. Judge Braugbn desired to hold a couple of Post Office attaches for jury service, but was confronted with the XXVth chapter, section 11, or the postal laws, which exempts ail rust OfHce employees from jury duty. George Drurv's bail was reduced from $10,000 to $7500.

Administrator Burke's prompt attention to the improvement on Bank Place is not lost by this appreciative community. AU that now is wanted is that he completes the improvement alluded to by daily having the carts take away the dirt barrels, which number many. Gen. J. Hale Sypher arrived in the city last night from his home in St.

Mary. Gov. Kellogg feels confident that Mr. Wheeler will be present before the time for the assembling of the Legislature. The many friends of our esteemed fellow-citizen.

Forester Dolbonde, greet bim back to our eity once more. After a long sojourn in St. Louis lie has returned to his native vine and fig tree, and -swings his the breeze once more On Magazine street, in the Western produce trade. The City Board of School Directors are to meet to-morrow evening, the 7th at o'clock. The Crescent Mutual Insurance Company entertained their friend yesterday in the most sumptuous msnner.

The Governor yesterday caused commissions to issue to L. 8. Allain, notary public, Terrebonne; John E. Staee, aesistsnt cleik. Second Municipal Court, and A.

Barbell, messenger, George W. Cable has written another charming New Orleans story, entitled Jean-ah Poquelin." It will be out in the May number of Scribner. The spelling class mania has not reached Cincinnati. We may -fudge Mat least seeing that the Price Current, of tbe 2d has the following head line: "The Preventative of ,1 Tbe towboat Grand Lake, front Pittsburg, arrived yesterday with fourteen coal boats in tow, containing 300.000 bushels coaL The Board of Audit propose to test the value of Judge Woods's injunction to-morrow Wednesday. Five hours and a halt was the time of the Havana from the city to Pilot Town.

At this rate she will land oaf good people in Vera Cruz in a iiffy. Dr. W. 1L Holcombe, the brilliant poet and polished prose writer, has returned to New Orleans from Cincinnati and proposes, we understand, to again make his home in this city. Judge Woods will be back from Mobile in time to bold court to-day.

Some one joined CoL Jack Wharton aa he and some friends were taking a smile at the St, Charles, yesterday, and would take sugar in his. Col. Jack, with his usual blindness of manner, remarked he believed the Ssntleman had tbe better 1 1 beg your pardon, said the stranger. I wzb told it was Adjutant General Street. J.M-.

Th fir.t. TArrI of Education metyesteiday. They will, during this. 1 i Cl A session, fill vacancies rn the city Doard. and propose measures: zor tae reduction of expenses, 1 ConsTessman Frank Morey is busily engaged setting testimony to snraoil his contest with Major SpenceTtd-i ue olnraka dkl a landomoe ness in Galveston and Houstoov 1 col.

uuiesDle. ot (ien.iheruiana staff; ia an old campaigner in Louisi- Mr. L. Placide Canon ga la going to try the opera again next aeaaea. 1 -The ahadine and ocean trout controversy ia still being waged with great fury.

5S 1 Prof. Fontaine preached at Christ's Chnrch.Sanday. -tt Gen. beadqaArtrrs: are at the Custom-House, i- No yellow fever at Kev Gen. AUgur is still rin the city, No diepatcrieeconcerniaMrxieanaffarra have been received at beadquartera.

Major Burke is expected back to- T'l-': tiii y- The City Surveyor haa ap pointed a certain number of watchmen to watch the thirty miles? of city leveesu The break opposite Carroll toa ia closed -i i i-'H on: win 1 City- Sntveyor, haa commenced operations on 'the canal ordered by the city; which 'connects the upper line protection levee with the: Claiborne4 Canal, along oTenth strret. tvit ai lr Both appropriation bills will be enjoined to-day. Cltatou ihaa already issued warrant zander-, the forged XAIV as it ia oalleef. nra The Crescent HtoaA IhsuTance Company held their am.tfrleetisn yesterday, fit i'-" Mr.GeoKnapp, of the BtnLouia lett with' MisfWifA yes-tei ay for via the Looiaville route. Geo L.

I Drury, indicted the Grand Jury during their inquest over the appropriation bill, surrsndered himself at the Superiof Criminal Court and waa released under $10,000 bond, until the. day is fixed for trial. The city bills being prepared for tbe consideration of the Legtslature are, as soon as shaped by thw City Attorney and 'other over to Mr. Wiltz, the ehaimaan of the Conservative committee on city afiairs, who present them- to the caueus -for 'diseustioo? A few (bills have already been prepared.) The Mechanic a and "Worklnitnan '-In Hi xixcTioK of orricEits. rt -y f.

1 i The; delegates to the 4 General Council from the district branches of the Mechanics 'Association 'met in council last night in Deutsche Hall, corner of Exchange Alley and Bienville They proceeded to form a preliminary organization, and elected the following officers pro to 'serve until the seven districts are fully repT. resented in the House of Del egates, to wit: Benjamin President i Saml Martin, First Vice President J. Jennings, Second Vice President; P. Granzin, Secretary F. Zinser, Treasurer T.

E. Smith, Doorkeeper. Committees were appointed to organize branches in Algiers and Carroll ton. The Fifth District was represented by delegation. The Council adjourned to meet on Monday, 19th at Butchers' Hall.

201 Poydraa street. 1 Charity Hospital. ELECTION OF OFFICERS, YISITIN'J SURGEONS AND PHYSICIANS. A regular monthly meeting of the Board of Administrators of the Charity Hospital was held last night at which the following gentlemen were re-elected as officers of the institution: Dr. Andrew.

Smyth House Surgeon Dr. Geo. W. Lewis, Afsistant House Surgeon J.j D. Liehtenberger, Secretary and Treas-snrer; John Johnson, Druggist; Orick Johnson, Clerk John Ponder, Chief r-r- c--i ft The following gentlemen of the medical profession were also elected as visiting surgeons and physicians for the ensuing sli months: Surgeons Edmond Sonchon Dr.

G. Deveron, Dr. Grima, Dr. F. H.

Dennis, Dr. J. F. Newman, John J. Phyaiciana Alexander Hart, II.

James Jones, M. Lonia liurges. M. Y. E.

Le Monnier, M. E. L. McGehee, M. G.

K. Pratt, M. Montgomery Brown, M. R. H.

Bay-ley. M. D.t W. H. Carson, M.

Henry Bezon. M. D. riacide J. Spear, auctioneer, will 00-tinne tbe sale of -forfeited pled of fine diamonds, gold asuver watcbesr and fioa jewelry.

2 TooJonae and Koyal a-reeta. daya lid wgSiara At no po not negleet ths golden opportunity oi buying a whole tieke ii the Loniaiana State Lottery. "To oravm April 10th. It eosta only ten dollars. i mere are $75,000 in prizes, wnieh will be paid without any redaetton.

The capital prize is 11 11.11 A petition to abolish vaeeraation. aigned by lSO pmoc waa recentlx presented to the British Parliament. The Boston Journal dernrea ti withdraw any imat it ntv made atwut the advance of spr I- if A i '41. i. r-M its ir iv'T P.

'41 is i. 1 4- if ir tl.

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