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The Atlanta Constitution from Atlanta, Georgia • Page 1

Atlanta, Georgia
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

ir Brass 1 c2ZNT8 FOB leiue ive rr 7 Si props itiltkefas v- mt amanofj re concliwiSlil silSSiiiffK lm Lplw rai VgfZ tfJAw- Ft DEAD Chieftain Passes River. fsc jpi Jackson Under ade of the Trees. jarts of a Great and oving People by the Death of Their Great Leader. of Hard-Fought in Mexico. m- Peerless Statesman in Federal Councils.

fender of a Nations Honor. DAVIS IS NO MORES U45 o'clock this morulng a great heart JJobwt a stainless life was closed tosDKpDatis first and 4ast president ifitti' swtneni confederacy is dead we write these words a Sei Uld ziIei away the body of the pn1s. froni which the breath lies eljearted lice mute and motionless be- toachot reverential hands while fttregions of the blest the greet soul tb fretting hindrances of the flesh friends and comrades gone before now has passed away the last of the BJgLty leaders of the lost cause Cobb Kephens the kingly Tooinba and the steadiest EtillTancey the impetuous gentleman Lee tie paladin of ba and Jackson wLo tll 4 its storm gone all gone Gone to 1 tribunal before which all things are and to Him who searcheth all hearts cl measnreth to victor and beaten in in- and infinite justice. Closed amid which they fought or plead mil toes the sword furled thaban- TVc JO sailed the record and their dear names tetfaofl but a memory and a heritage to With Rim who doeth allthinps thy rest at last efferson Davis wilt be mourned in millions jof hearts thg day Government will not to blithe pomp and circumstance of put death but hi ple wfll give a tribute of love and tears government could do and I fata memory as earthly parade could Idol He is our dead I And from Maryland i. wherever in other states or in other ijjf people may have wan- rever dauntless courage is or iJ 1Mhonor made wherever they jbve suffered are loved and superb forti- Taay touch the heart or dim the eye r3eere Jefferson Davis God bless his name as write will Lo honored sod mourned to- If amid the winds of the new morning- hich his soul has enteredthe grief this 4may come he will be content to know his couple love him and loving mourn i honor than is his thfs people Lath afid can give no uef THE DAT1ISC1f Vli December 2 0 A.

Jefferson Davis died suddin- this morning. He hid been steadt Tlag for tb past four days and his announced that they were entirely his condition. His appetite had rated somewhat and he was free from sad those ho had access to the sick Jttjoiced over the favorable change. Ire quietly throughout day and ln the. was to the effect that' ctooition continued favorable.

ftortly before midnight he hail a coughing jMchseemed to exhaust hlslittlremain- Irtrjttgthmj at t243 lii tly in fact watcheri fe 7 knew when death came. hod Man was born laChristlan conntyA kWU wltb tbo H3 Ui glory. well knewn to' fsme 4nd others From boyhood' JoireoaDa ayJ8iad Strong soldierly bias amourjtfns almost to pa Ion. A aif and bugles stirred rtlieifeTer in its bond and caused hl pulse. Ieap into impetuous action When he at West Points nd plunged into the thick of the Indian warfare tin the north western frontier.

tl 7 ol afmy OiCer3nht5ntiy rec ljed him iborn ol dier Ire was aproJhtedaitaff oflkerVndmada suchj brilliant record at short time he was promoted io tba rank if first lien tenant and adjutant of a ncJr cavalry JZVYsRsOi DAVIS DViUNG THE WAR. regiment. By this time the famous Indian chief. Black Hawk. banded several tribes together.

and made the frontier too hot fur the whites. Hawk combined the sagacity- of King Philip with the military us of Tecumseb. Time avid again he led. plumed warriors to victory. scattering the regulea troops before him or baffling- them' by his wily strategy.

The cool judgment quick' deidon and unflinching. courage of Lieutenant Davis rnoJe him a central fiptre. Finally BLACK HAWK WAS CATTUBBO and held for somft time as a hostage. The proud captive chafed under the confinement. He felt a contempfc fbf the whites lid them.

He was tutfien and reserved end would neither hear nor answer the captains and men among the pale faces' Only one man had any infld nca with bin The red chief lain knew a soldier wTren. lie saw one and Davis attracted an eagles wt1kedW of an Indian brave on the warpath frank bold. magnetic man the' prisonef felt Irresistibly drawn Darts was not long in finding out his power over his savage foeman and he ns it in interests of peace. Black Hawk. said young when they were afaouH to part You know me.

You hays called me the pate face with the straight tongue and red mans heart. I like you be cause you are brave and true to your people. Hear my words lid take them home. Cu you count the stars or the leaves of the forest or the sands of the bed lands You know that you ctrusot. Yet thee.

countless hosts do not outnumber the pale faces Since you were strong enough to bend a bow yon have fought us. You have seen your braves cut down like grass. You have teen driven back year by year. Can you hope at this. late day to overcome the bayonet with the.

tomahawk Will the shouts ypnr warriors- oroTfh' ui hilt guns Black Hawk is a titan with 4 head. lie sees those things. Wfiea lie goes homo" to his people will he pot ten them that Is better to diyjdithia bVoad land with the white men and dwelt in. peace with them- than to be driven into the sea These plainwordf sunk deep into Black Hawks heart fie seized Da viss sand and gave it a cordial grip Then he turned and marched away without a word WhenhejWasreleas igaTh ar roundedbybU savage UKionsrhf told them what he had heard and counseled themaerer again to raise their hands against the men in blue with the. bljrfiuns.

Colonel Davis returned from the Mexican war. at the Lead otti Teallant. MLc sissIpplKlfleslthe hole1 nation hailed him as' witnessed on any battl were cofiipl as the drops escaped At ter battle of Inkermin by drawing hlsi men uprlnj the shape of a and repulsed a charge Of Etii-- slans. But Campbell had heard' Davis's success and mereiy foUowedsla1 footst pa On this side of the water Generals Taylor- Qnitmani we. and other re ff thwlUttaVter Davit.

and in the old country the dukerof Wellington the victor of Waterloo expressed admiration In growing words. Indorsed by such Ytterane ci the Viron old Zach Taylor as a leader of brtit. lent military genius it goes without yinjt that' the feople of this tx and south accepted the verdict. ll career vof Davis had endSd' wiHr thV Mexican war he jirpnld-fsttlif hail glory enough for any onejnant th Mexican war Mr. pa Sy was appointed" unC1 In the United States senate In.

the senate Mr. Davis at once stepped Into. the front rank. Re was setudent a well as a manj affairs. He was not only well.

yened in political science. lint thoroughly well equipped for debate. Contrary to tie opthI- entertained by many oh tho present genera. the senator from. Mississippi was.

ex tremlat. He was fully committed to the doctrine of states rights but except when inured by bitter opposition he was notably- Him. moderate and methodical In speech and inaction. The election of President Pierce brought Senator Davit Into the cabinet as see- rotary of war. For the first time in the history of the republic the war department had a man at its lined who was capable of managing it.

Even the enemies of the new adminlstra yypynffffAi ff VfifflSSK jiflfditdm i 4i ic Mso9. uAuy6e-Taz HOW or JUIIUO DAYIS. hon could find no laultorlfh the na secretary. A tr Soldier J1lsCelI. he knew just how tolwIdle the military in.

terests of the nation. The secretary give much of his time to testing new improvements in arms and equipments. lie had tile' rritorfeJexplored. jWteritbb Crimean wax came on ha. sent VnuQber of officers to the scan of the trouble to" studfihe discipline and methods of the European armies.

The federal government never hid a wore able or efficient war cr Ury Returned by. his state to the senate with the beginning of President Buchanan's administration Mr. Davis plunged into the exciting debates leading up to the tremendous campaign of 1860. This brings us to part of history almost as fanill- tar to our readers as the current matters of the day and it unnecessary to reproduce it here. All the world knogs that Mr.

Davis was ready to follow isdoctrint of state overelgnty to its logical consequences. lie insisted upon the right of secJlon but' lie fought with all hUenerjry against such satete of affairs Is- would is judfDlen" render the exercise otirieHihtftecessary A the lectl6n Lincoln a ter the repsbl1- Ie gbyaTBnr olution of hediffl- tad pissed of essiontMrvD vIs Embraced onorrej iiiK his seat i5thefede unite co' explato qd Jos of his. ic1ti 8 imposslbleto read it nvw with. rxDavU Went to his plan tilion MisslaslppL' Ire hoped that secession A was tayihlnj but of tastes and lncllnationLlve he looked forwurd ftf II. deeply coicen aboitlhe fate of hi.

Monroe Yn a jar. fris desired books toresdrthey ered ed hlmv Bib Jasi B0pafig pttonV Liter BeJBt lie u1dn0t Vxewise was pcttnted out to him end every line tfl Cted. Uis letters i wej red Everypircel that game comfortable if he hMin abundant supply of the offlciaU kri1te hM to this respect The of 81 Hudson Lowe towar413ir po3l pd at St Helena was surpassed Ijfthwfl iljon- minions. An order was passed to allow MjJavis three shirts a week. The ptiv0prot matter wit laid before General MpeSvand expressed the oplnlonlth rQy gentlemen ought to satisfied wltbr Krie shirts a week.

The prisoner jtti nantljr' complained that the generals ideas of jesitlemcna wants did not fit hit case. If he had plenty of shirts he WI entitled to their custody and had right to puton a welt One every day. The authorities remained obdarate They had decided on three shlttritreek and the theptlsoner" surplus linen was pt under guard as something treasonable and dangerous to the interests of the country. Me. Da vis was not even allowed to sleep in peaK' A sentinel half soldier half py was detailed dsy and night to watch him' Under inch scrutiny the captive was pthoiis and restless.

lie complained that the conwitrat- ed gaze of human made him wakeful but protests were. of no avail. The persecution was keeps up for a long time. Occasionally Mr. Dcvii converseditreely with.

Dr. Craven. lie made no secret of his deep conviction that The Sword lied Not Settled the principles for which the coufederatse had lie predicted that attome other time andpethaps in soothes shape thepea principle of state sovereignty was bound to reassen liseif. Naturally he had. veryHttle to sayinpratseof his Enemies their principles andtfielr methods.

One day some thi wu said about neamln Franklin as- the typical nounced JjimM man clinrdlnatf meanness. III said that his hy' viraJAsordld and selfish- It was devoted to the imaUeconomtM of dplesvlt ro ndthlgh ththInteflIgept psganlsm. andbid the yxnkeesiisef or hucksters Sneb utterances mad into the theiorthsrn papers cod did' not tend then imindK ifiWs saulted him end loaded htfo with meni oird I larnvAH 5iud ajahort address sndthee neither the right nor the ttto iSnedol- lax thobon tythitpnghi find its way to singularly tinsucMsfnl MraEpec few dons research in wh based consumed several years Ire wajcoro sawysatox nay-is is polled to. ask advances from Messrs. Appleton while engaged in the work and" it is doubtful if the amount paid him after' Issue.

if the work amounted It standshoffeTflr an uniniwerabLu defense of the soothirn cause a monument loathesouthirn iQr constitutional liberty anoxia this merits utmost ambition of its author MrVDsris went north bnlyo8e atteVti wit. He went to Canada sass before his boot was publishedj that he- mlgb register ttihere in season and thus secure the English' copyright Hi trlplJiroujtb the nrthowas quiet and almostuaeventful althoughj4om gmail tlonstinchangad and' unmodited. In defeat as In vie ry bb peat nature and I golden heart were to all demands to peace or in war he stood unchallenged and beloved chief among his people. DAVIS 1 DEAD. Davis Is dead The message red The night was wining fwj On lightning wings the.

ssntsnos sped A storm of up tem unshed Came I forth at last Bavlsls deadt" The memage read WI thought days pot by And him whota dsnnilesg courage oil Tie Attar fires when hope had Osi And darknea veiled the ikyf Ood keep his noble nimet The deeds of those who fought and bled TorDlx ar sternal wed Wlth is undying fume Tbs message read Dough lowly treIhtt Uolft11eu had flu memory lives. anti la hi. stead KoothsrUnit shall reign MOXTOOMMT If. A. December The Constancy of theConfed rat Saldlerj some interesting articles on thedavotlon.

the southern sot- dlersto their commander Lee and he hasmentlonedlns4ance ofcon picuoa cant- legt con tent with whieim they bore hunger most to starvationfand bardihipstljat. could not te whilo theT'-knesr that their ewwftBa tog rtIrsBnertet Towards the close of the wax it was the one- tonV tot tia Jederal ldl rtwh Jheyitapi ztUria confederate to examine. Ws haversack. Cn this way btterthaa' any other they were able tnrncone1evsteus respecting thecondi lion bilhe coafederaterwmmlsslryi depart-- tteat sgSSS rAfig Jfnmttst1ive7 and as theWldlcr carries lj" raUons1f his any the con tents of. his hsver- seek will be likely to tells tale Oat his tongue dCOBiforttJlu jle.

le ratloaibajnaybttll according toca tan explored big havewack bllmfon' retfldW tttftc bVinncntay qw be desertey jto wouU rnake it notworthjil of government they twenty. haw eH working nar fora Uj Sbnt wouIdiTath go tetpy yit Il old It is related that at one time a govembr wa i almosVpersuadedto pardon- 6entm nt in his favor seem whelming As a last sentfor3 his private telfcpvets case withthe prisoner himself. The t. toiahls story forciblyrbut so glibly as v- gale that he had carefully prepared it and muted it to memory. A his row photograph at beat man from hU pocket.

TbeO2SttfiingI shall leaud will bat6 marry this rWhplssher asfcedthetis SheJsMiss M- i1 repH. daughter of the richest jsMy tamtliesntheclty of 6h metheininutetims tree. 4i iHpirdD you happentd knowhefK that's airright. flh Tisited-tfe3 again. The face shown there wasiftU refined and everylinejndicated the coofidl trustfulness oftnnocenf gjrlhood iHalooI tth prisoner.

loiiseye- was Srlckedl of triumph. Evil and sin were stamped ufarl every feature. When thesecretary made i port tojhegoternor told the photograph. The chief vp5nd8r over It awhile then bringing his fist xl upon his desk with a force that set all itt 1 inmitnretorottllnjrh sald fen jgi Thephotoeranlt tUe jlt That sweet dj agdthbhapplnas of her Jwineandfrieod most not beivabjected to ruin misery any acre saliva. The prisoner toast serve his A Simple Method From It may not generally exposed to severs Jaan lnaltaiisslowlruie iirenti longer and tntntxplrt It i mouth.

AfUiMpsaUBfltaei chilly fe llflgof warmth win 4 ntlr body and even in thV tnahkndi Important tp practice this exercUe many time dy ad upooLily wh in th' open air. If th beooBBMnaivtrsii cM many tierdlsesseswlU rarely. If ev only while practicing the breathinf nets wtlr denrtU l5 neinbej cJotMnjntt dtq allow faith. pnaan ate of on two and a- three- toeneswalo4 Builders and Ifidms" tatioff ascribed tethe moundsbujideth1 nted because they have eh' earry 4rth only in baskets or sktes and left no Indication Of having poss written language Domestic anim Against the a tunptlon hat they' a great populitinnli it is shown that whifel construction of all their vorks In Ohioa1dJ require an amount of labor equal to jh in the excavation of certain modern- there is nothing Jh the way of their hav an indefinite time la which ttf perfor While there ii sum enVFfec cases to nuke one wonder could bare done as well uthey sighting and measuring possibl The supposed eyJdenceYpf time great of the mounds and of theexteuaitrco of. the butldet art aSsumed distance from which the earth want In 1 the moundi had to imp brought cpncer peculiarities of tbelrt etl tf rt1sIlc excellence of their aad tnu" questlonb thete is Inlhet warkthat the Indians could Cttl 3ind jrhetLtSf the InSllans had 1 wl A artn- The chronicles of Da ditlondescriiewthehdnses theCl tom built upon wconayndtheF it similar descriptlon the hU3e I stir Jiew YorkOWornd PenWy conceded to bavelbeen.

built liy and adjacent triBfcCS TJb tabject because recent arrival It objected that could not ha ebuIJt tae mounds builders roust 1i been cnltutalJpeoplaiWMletlie ttfnflnn nd SahinjC Bftt that Irtfore they wsredlstttrbedi theIndlahs ajsawex In fb1iiJ 1 1 1 yare if 01IDI tf8flOb" earliest. 111 ht4J' i oi toi du ip i 4 a1I Pl1 ti 1 B. if1i tbU bo ii 1o 1I14. "tji qr2iI mto 1I4j1jte t1 fi 1t mIiLt4ry tm1 Ye tot t. 1to 1t i pf Eo i1A Leonidu po1k o1o BMAGrud i tb ra tUr l1 mD.

Ut1 1 a i htr tet blit flnf ii4 tl i1i Mhit- D. Pi 4- 1 ra jr JS kBwk a 4I. Fr bo adtroDi 801dle Jr QU tf aJlIl toj1 bl1it lllel ie net rp sed jl lS aP imP8luoulnctlQD Yh a Np plunt9dlntothft fth wnrfare" thnollb St m. trontlerI otnC rnatWly hirifb rAIo1 dlerr Hcaa aPront jtiff ftk ri and ch rt a tim promotedtoitbira tie a otint' JEFnRsmDAYIS wu re meut. llloUi th 811o.

tb bat L1 GteDnt bi 11 fX AI JW rm a felt. tb hated c1 tal sand among On 1 ith rec10hJeltalu sol T1i1UIl sayonerid at his rs IIo13 Ni Irv I iRl1cat an d1anbta bo.wai th. ro notlgngin QutJ1ta po a 1 usd the ace. 4 youn80ldler boulito be- ca se ar mtworch em I la ds1 CifWO hOltdo thepal lce. bow100 bt ve.

rw. trlven Ja a nabawk th 1fJpu warfloilro 1. ou he 4 bin Mg0 8Jiomo pot div de this oad dw tbemithaif a a plalnW rd lto Jr Davis's cotdJaljrlV i tji hi le ih ij rounded 11 aaT ie toldb beAraiand them T6r 1n ralaeth alo ll1. a blue1lltJj th tlli 1bor whencOlon J5 1J re edm D. tth a1 tfi i alaJppf1tift thewh lii tiO iJa I.

dhbr. AfI Dte lonelJa tt I. t9i fi Jj grape. PP cl a- 0 Ii1hjfen.e1l11tOrtlflca 1ilfffjtih lIg 2i i 1. 9 1 t1i fltljf tr iwas 1k" i iiAI T1i Me t1 t.

1-1 Udf if 1iealI took bel i i filMYu nilz rlt ottt gJ kh 1fllhuz IL i ct1 5tC 1. Co1A tr. tiro Jr1 1u II I Da hI' itYTh6Bied the nims 4it ii l6 i en' er 10 WUbc' t1 fi. QeI 'rot Ben Je ti i ta1U D' Jt AT t-n7 riluuou rariA Ill 1iT I dliuNoll J1" erI 4J'- trttr1iJ fut tiiiht ID rm 3UC I AUeM wmtlu hI u' i Jift i thouu attObt 1I lt a fca Uit tD 1' i1 i to. I it tr 1J f.

JQt 1hn m- bti jt b' 1" it i 1ot Jar eaWIe N8XicaM' w. u. i nlp dg j1 tr CfOU fWh 1 ir1 f3t blaZ i1ai. Thejvb fI t. j' ri.

CO. UJUn ver 1Ia QDOJwI aB1I a n4 wert. cotu PetetV lt Jfi. TheiI 11. uthed um It.

O' MCa li pUQlpltat 1JO thO ilOJ ftb fm9t OO fii tlio' 1tt 1it iBq Oae8lmUar Example focler Jt t1 Sir Colin PQ i ltfte Ink 1 jrr ii up. i 1i Pe pf n. spl1t JCllpbellha 9. IOl1l. yls" rell nQ" JfA in.

oetatpiJ Qllthla wterG ner Qul nj oth wire lf' Id itr Iodmlratlol1bi lu terani- rcm1 lead roJ.tr11l- ianmtutarr goewtth t' jqi ple thls1) t1t11 1ort yerd dil 11 career' DalJhad' eDd Yexl nar he. a tlt. fo gl ry inaQ BI. blicJJl Belor. 1 rt Ci1 war lfrbitIlhldi etv ctp fi i rJx.

in ugress ii tOt i 16 the Mis1l JJ YOlaii J7i Dl1h" tJie oht S' s' tiU' if. i iU1IJ te4-Bta pa he Da Ja onQe' Pped ude h. wtllafa manofffaira otonIrelt i tbol 9g111t 811 ilJ pd dl til 1) pJpJo bymanT oIUlop l8 1atodromJfsailalpp1. ho coctlinot exC wl me hodlcal rCe a th letu I inana tn th DewadmlDlstra. fi lp rif t1 De 1i UnInt JQ cJ 11 if 4w.

ii 0 onr1J ir jf UQbJI i J6dti tU 7 it ai.tX- ti iL. p7. i 1 g1f. J1iJi trit i riJ 1t. j1lfr or tl tXWi.

i Ua 7 q2cii. t.I."Z- I uJJIi 4J 1 J. tJirfJ lrrWI jt1 t. I' Jiml f' a. tdl hl5IC treaIOD.

tB Bt tol sod hfaen tI ii fitij i hi1 tofI iId lItt ttr tC me tQr ah Ii b' oa i jo i i 7 itJ i aPttT Th brl Ut rr1 WtJ 7.t- fjn N7r iJ to i I. I Iac ury 1 DJv eou fa 1 1 raliad 1I fn jl1ltbo1l' tb8 na to1. Ihcne retrf eSt lbin fpm ntlIt rtt6tf recL. tbbtirluiean nt iQuw atudtlbdtaeipUne meth ofbeE iml Tbe nenrb f8 or' cre atattO tib bedn mol Id. ent adD1IntJl atlo Ir.

DivJa iUnl' 11 camp ftil 011860. brl lose ufamU ti UJin sUJ' aee he lJhe Jf' HrJ I8 fo 1 1l' nn1 tat i Italogical con uJi Jle1n l1t IO biubfo u' te alfalrl. IIweJu1d his jt Cddi jheel Lf i qiDiito ubJt wl 7 fgbe ei1 1iP 1' pl to I oI. ec1 tf iffe Jtt lPIl hf i Mt to pl 1 t1tJAh. 1 eapt1lU 1fe 1UihteJ chCh atJl1I' i ta il bIr.

r1 bl sr a 1 pjS lbli au ii iWl1f cUD rp 1 ii pJOdt1Mlta Ihtm OtittdeUvofi Yroni 1thJ t11rD TJhi i pt D' ihtra2JoutlW tddi Iili t1 if1 fi ii tibiI u1L irit1ti1iV Tli il faf pqm ffi. 1 ti fJ i f-- ifJcti rn tNftIIYI fe a Uii1fO cil' hli. Wii1d. thj i udii itP Jdi i W' v. iW II h- 1 di i1W' tf' Jrw1IU tc lilt i a L' ttt a iUJil lll i- 1 fi i1 ra.

Ul. lrr1tabl li t-- LtmI ol aw I O' Thtbir do i1 tei1ro ia. i ai be Weri il i1 i1' oiti oOb4 ft. SS 10 ii1t 4 ttlOD hi. Mu i iii 18 Jifl 1Jehu46 on.

6fi ctiob1lU bh ij' i r1d 1 Iii. i1i i' ll i Onoe fl 1 IJo to they felt For JODI' tim6 ibt i La I' Dct1 tri 4. boo. wer aDd i rQhfbW Ii. J1 qn1.

fe h. 6 Q. f' a UDte4 tr 8J' by h. Everyp lib Xi' llp r4p JI' iouldbe' eOmf i ble b1IJ 4-- upp1Y4fcl Udng the I' ofIJ 1 nf t' Ol l1 wu mi. ONU1I' I arilthna Ihlrtaa ca Jlro U.

Gl1et f. jhhuap op li rii tieu em boaat tiedWt. ihlitlawe kTh prilo i 14 afJMltlemannraDtadld 11 e. It to put on 1e a tI rltiea' urate decl ed shirti 8ekand 1Ia lpS udepatd cl dul oUha coun J. ifwu e1lul101led fz AauUnelhaU" baltipy d.

and1itgb' uch the ompl 1n i 4trat. l. AD e7m blmflteful bu of1o Thtpenecll- t6 P' I Occaaioi llJiHr rit conversed 11 ithDr cionrl nalOM ptln" ef t. II contend pf8d1c a ter and perhaps anotheuhapatl cIpr te dio I rwsent Tert little to1 uyin-praf of lSui pnn fple an4Jt oned tMit wdal Dnejanain' u' fJpl I 1. erJ1peopl 4r alI pUt do- ounCedhbzfas a' mm f1n r41n me Diiti jlhU lopb11 14l R4eofea bikt4 1 ti e4) pO 1ift lr ctpI Ii I aJi rtt fI 1t61Ug parWamantbchl1ad.hJI1 blCka eJr lntcithe11o hU4tfpe ji if the 1 ht i da i ttf i hlm.

fA li Taking un tI i 1rk ij decl' AI 1t c1 hl 1.thr iitJii flttm TI ataW 8I iJ" 1Y' Sl itt lr 3 Ji i ciJ etl' e. S. 9U art AV wrifi fj i iJt rM xf tl 1' Mw m-'J rf. 4' 1' 11 j. 1r 1 am tt' eh.d 181I JI0 iiW 1ariai Jt d.

rf to. hit" 1t tJ" ii 1. 1Iilt. iAii nj l. Ui1 t.

71111' iOirJfIl 1. l1tf i4 iliiir Jid ii i di i. i tt f- Jl for 1e t. e. aitdaOtb mUs ioolf be iare tb tild D.

J1e 81ct. thififtQ Uj ft 1 I4' rphiia the 4 lird it i1i d' erU18 oft1 ejria take oue dote ii1 hb1 lbO fir- tfe17 lf ihtt tfi to r1C1ew'- 1. a 1 I c. .6. it B.

i a i tny ttiJ tijI ed COt1IumehewJ8Irt DAmnc tOa hbanCMfrom eD k. iI. ubtful. U1 1' ed wi Jiin4Jll eT 1 6 ih t1i m. cause-a DlOj1gX1 toJbe thiD t.Ddl ttn tmb1cioDoftt thor Mr.

Davis tit ttr01S newelltt hi vup 1sh 1tJ ert maeuonana Ua1i triPthroutbhen an a1moi t. th Om small l. indignities erelIU Mm. fiDIIa if re 4 in tIremen JJin-01h1n a. I lba thnh ejM4h PJs Accepting 1I1T r.

OU with iP tiilil tOi1t J4 fa- icOTfo. Uooi uwanga4. IDdef a a In. vt r1 bt blhll de heutwtrHqual tltaU In petor tht1u tballeilkecland bel nd DA VIS IS de rThe nlgbt1I 0I1It1a1ntn rtS nkup a aTtata dad Thl of 41 UUtItSI Att 4r i p. 1Ii kJi mI th pastels Thell1" ea4.

Oo mor orih08 whofp 1Ihhud tll lofDlrl reeterlla 1 1. Cb11 1 Vll iadeacir metllipuad Laat of a ps1al811lralD. melD llT I ia Nojthr onooXUTY1IOts JI. 23va. 4.

i. eJ 9p. tcii ra. j1 Ptl. 2Bt.

lND KjUlIr 1IIer mJUb. 41m1OU1 1tJft1 S1COmn aD. erw cthe. l. baa ia tCeJ10 cnIplo co are blte to tA lJt.

rll. hemoIf emRtabl Uainp1e ty tf011w bVto1I1idlntho per I1tJmf. hteh. hey. JiU atUtatIoD d1hlrd.

bijt tiumthi1 1J e1' lttfUs ei- 1 Tow as Jheelj5fof ih rat It. th th. eder L. toW ft 1i. oW cher oae4 toU1Dti1eJ t1bI rt hai itioth t1ie1w 1 1 tD ol e1a lo sc the Qnd1.

GttcilL thiiC Jl1 1 ifl J. ai il 1kctloii ti xiFihec nttlJ1t Qt. h1 h' belJk hl oi Oytcl JD 1. re 1b1t. ar I tb YUII11a.

aUitelorblJI Qt. fLei Uarrea4er OG tId1e it 4 itL 1itDci. :1 Aa4 e1.W1- a theold 1 i JIi1tia 8H' t'- Ja i 1W jl JtI IIft C- I cs. i FW S. er ILL LOTI Orrect Js afld1ajf ehall WooaI ON IJPpLY COMPA turer i4 itachilly IT IRON I G' AU NTA GA.

ONS GIA. I AR i it A ST PRTCES. DTT. At1antg kie er" bogje4 bcowi' PIneTySec Gall ed by I gpofled 1 constqt4.1 iflCOmetflet eli. knoth ruotbiugS enie wheteby.

give binrco. it1 there is conclusiOl ait1c1eJ1a 1ern ori tage iiipr1 hfearziszw dccor4j hi6nipr reMANtJr TJNPpk erqfc a iiiili ii4eJ1 githI s3c 1- HRT M4t 1t rT 1 2c r' w. f- juliE 9 4 1 a 1" ft- i 4 i7 t' 5 4 r1- ANTAGQItGLIXR1DA. DEOEMBDR 1889 PflIE FIV. OENTs jDEAD it Over the i jjeiade w- 1jIearts VLoving ed bytbeDeath fHero tFje1ds hDefender 4Gtiai- i eszh bach ot whle the S- 4ed jhty BiiI Vancey txse ieot storm-gone--all agrees 4lteDercy zma ehent1ied tsesword the ban- record-and a all things JC1Jeemon th Qpvernment reudee hjte 1reatdeath liii people ptiag all that oeodag 0 Isour liafld3.

ida red 1hIitee hs eye- flayj-4J A 1fltOVhIch gr1eft orl4 thh mourni 0rtten1lonor this 9iath RT5I55d cangiveno 2WOaLaaes 2:30 IL-- il7al243 I91pOYiag tbepast Y5dfl3 LiIed wltt hi dPrOyed fyr iOOIIeJolced the andin gocn the bulltln th that O1dition 1bortly bIch aee hielittle. remain- lIg tr5flg and passed quitIy qufetiy that th wat lier JEr7ERSos DAvIssuy. of a Great inCbdaUAnouity on the 34 dy of June1803. Georgli uiay- liflI kinship withth mu i twelus Oth1sglory father SueD V5Osorgia pleater. In the eoltlti0nuy 5Wa an oecorjn a eaTli71regirn t1lij biIbQbOedoketsv wit yenng effersons titougitta wereenterod up jus cad all thi panoplyol war1fly IIdtLme bows.

piztenbo bduiadjtInjtot his jcadmo' andusslrerslt7 sdyan sfde4.U aec4omyat WeP Porfel1owgtOdenhei4d suchcotnrades R0b4rt eJocpiLk 7nson PoIkJohaBManruduad this ilrcl liIs lofty comtnhIldedIh.liigbstregaederil.- IXatk UawkIdeal Soidlar. bad a aluuiat 11 patsion. 3rnmsandbng1e. th foyer tq2eap ncti end northwestern the pldarmy rcceuIjed at a barneoi- made such a i1ia eothe of new 3 contewpfotb4 infiipe him. chieftain whultlle attz eted wkedItflThkFfny atel IndInbrcve ath hodbI.

Datiswu fo men theywere theleaves Qu tbe8bonlsf yon warIorroisenr wltft goeomo sot Thenhe AJM' I Whin heyaa reIeasedrahdagathnr" his legioa hteld never Tb. auioes Slovirnint. When atthe oL siesippi itifles I. es the hero qi Buena isle. AUlonterey coIiuielpaii a1sthn fough itb horoiq yelorBravlng frxous ad petate charg on the enemy's Zifi tiaiso4ntulhiternUythreW1bemZe1M pabe tbfi5tarc1ithbthZ els'ltkanava1aici'o TbeMezIcans.

flea sd took ahelt rln stzsgbuildlegftom which tbe' lionred bbeyfirsofninsketry ThiswesdaPtnrsd andtheliaxt fightuahbtbnaen1fltzth tbestreetoI Monter 7ibeiieayY2frOm tbs housetops soldlerspenotrated street eftistvtdIslodg' ing thefoe ituaUnbontrOY fol1ovedntihoea- tico isiMthth Dr piicU I The BecS Vil expioit claMed fDavIaamond thesntt4novne4n1iliry. inenotodernUmes i rAVeI tTIrrIeOds beied the aitny a yxheUy yea thbM- 4 l4 OtPera1aIorriitCobat5l Dayfsan4 othtrarode ipBcvera retreiIivt reImeIltl teOrSa4YanCOvntdoahJ quioktirInjsUhs tmOTheMeicns irs two thousaud. atrQflgJm4ejfl5 5 a' ghibpwIth ieudJng bvescn9Iut lerhig tenon- Into tha form oil V1hgab14e9tingini ravioes waning ridge thusuosug thelaiuto crosfirWhenfrIth-ange4this1JesI bazeday. The wboIepdt the fsai column fell. 1erir.

onauy T1iej I ver completely ahatteredThejiell I of who lied 1mm Atter this battotiv Vmoyeintntqastbe tslko thoday. Ii 1 said that there i- But Ose Simuar In Moderpflhsiory Campbell mad. a repuational the- up. in shapeof Bni- had bearifof CoIoul followed- In QuttmanLsiieand wbreeji thiIrdn coantrynorth and of endodi1th tle would itllI bSTo one mn- fits Public Life Ref. teWar Befor MOxican Davis hd servoif part er reigniIgto ccceptUeonmacidf UlssIslpnl I tt rs.

Upon liIsret front tbslandof I 1Montezdma ii. to till a ye- th as a. manof oq ivped the then no alzu. 7 a Lnte clemOrre bed ottlie Ies4are the last the cdli Ioi4jiMo thecIosedwlthicang on Iwisnotete ten by1d1ovnbwoh entire 1ooktu whoto ktScinasrIsFuppUedbyDrOtUen oonphdtgthetaskfaubsboz space of tan' days dmyn be1IeIO4 chat IIeI1 ptionetwI des- lined hizhtreuoa. Si etaty StIto publiosen- t1men4ot4b tydi bolbesllate to tleLa-ejfdopth and injury4oMfleviithey.erereTenging theto5aIMlspos theiouthern eople.

barest neeasarles ot JUn ware allowed the 1Iedaoyath. lrs3laTx UIIn. A4 I I d. I 3 14 4. i- I- Tn a 4 I a ner to handle in- ereltorJdi explored.

Wd be nurber cene atud the cretary. adniIniration exciiizi 1 fo1lowisdoctrIn aec toton his energy udIiuen of the right necessary. ii2iis lIpwovas the CrIsIi Cant. aftatheelectIon iftar anitid opposed with all. their might every pesceatj and honorable dim- m1t after Mississippi hey d1nanco seceu1onMr Dayia 1a occalon ofresignlng usenet In the lederal ezIainiid cows.

people. ie sptrIo enlighteled' Christian- tatasmansiipanlmateathisemarkable ad- ra aed It impossIble to qtit understaadlng tb profound hnpreulon pruduc at the Iline of lii delirery. the ste Mr. DeyiIwentt4 In hopedthat ouIdbeeacefehIIecCoxnpllzlied5 bdt fhv could not Lvgu1se. the fact tht the outlook paclflcFoUowtng tie bait in the eTcnIotA tensppolntment in Ih lriiil7 inch- snener nhikseiv thisthaaontk.woufdrequlre.- t1iesenl dof Tetrpa officiaisi ndbnhadovery.

behthatbebal4 be upon toaetv thh repukjdwtth wordThatthta' lntictpuaqsaishntedw a1ikimw Tbrehdneyoi theeAnfoderscywlsthruI ponbfntmnsonghL4twaiunexpctedbul lht na inothew Jlaha beedrdthvpicf lhispeopialndsdcepted the bde pd1-bls jhoudrsu Chapterof tee14eutafte bii csptuo redeoti diSis. graceuponlil Goft bllUnc lasun un msiyltowthscohtrolofth fedatal eriithentIatotsIM. ofbps4pei 5a3rlUnip5fldered 6t peisleg LthTm4lLpr cIamMioaverIe a yeId fortbe CII5ISOfMe- Dials te Sigh' tlyocVleftiSvwM thMwIthoieLssrja thaasinstioaof lM iosM Ire wak iidangeoflosthgb1sayesfghL Concerned about famiIytndbi1eop1eutnaiuraUy cme iritab1es nuous. ATht1ile wesJl9thlnw 10 tej If theyouI 1orc bitter words sndeoplainmhtniupubIfsb that to th.wor1dksepbtaa11vinntIltheycoui4 aatlsfie4 Dr Crjtw. tie onlyJnnist of tbdcvrt- rasswhoaitoirnintoinUmate sdtion with pndnA1i coursof tbxie prejteiblelted awsyi Re isfi roat tto tiiegritneu in nobility hfipe1e4.

Dr. theiworld ssrned4fi1tows the presidents ijonrfl9rtre8M lvbombfr Pails reid etedeps4bim. Pots long Umathe ithauIiex5ptloa. yen could riqt elerctse books erehrO1bedknd exercise was Whel hsted toMite only fessbetts of paperiootznte4 hi wrotas Ipapeted. were tbedflT1el is.

tobia wM-lnpcted Fer1njhM be would be more baet an clothing ii Meies Sir toyudsNspoIoA atS piiotimIntooe. csptivd prolited. 3fUes and that satrap optnloithatdny be it1ivx 1btgnant' hi ase tirsiek kept Davis peao a eye keful of no freely at some was ver say in praise end their somethidg is pbltoaopher of the VflOtQ3. era Diviss ptonsvt1j a inenol inOrdinate hisphilosophy WSE uordid Lint Idonoml It ice based tipimb Christian jiritr- hfgbsr I yankees a dldnotendtlten losoothe thpubusmlnd. y' ThCrewnlagtndfgnlty of frDsvisa1thrisoumenatbfcrse seuonota- 14.

ptUa hithfn Ironslike scommoufeIoa. adventage of the ezcit4I utterasscei of a stcknnn acaded odespersPouby uTeeinbuzxiin1tyth retchea wbobidcharge1imdeaijys. saultedhim his feuWt limbs nowskfpathii ebiptsi cbi nIolerSee1dispose4 toddibrjiathet 1 eotap1ossazikthIn td wn ys.riee.------- krlnnhTe1 Wa Jefferson tis admItted bailandzsioMtoliiE fasUysndirends OnsOfbisbeadsasw EdracGroelyhb gyeatediteroftbeTytbnrd bade amagesiii I mentofbttostfeiin4inbis bonnet mu- Iortn. loiS oaiy sympsxhy- Lot' burn. iiie thetedteaited tr esooIt could dissqocI4ladasfMweaMbT6 iacd hintabsuoItheereaeiewgg lad et.

sbeIiejst was Miset aol wq'- 41. 1 iWiMss' e- ii- 4 tI 1 athit city wiIhgreateittbnaIastnandintmdnced1i an immense urord by ibeliUouryWWiL uarntlUmed asliortddrees Ril dinobscr1tyitnd1ifsgt lI1yfO be 1eareinoyry7hle1aitisicayfeIdlegbut UbeTneoeThddM1cisZeietoktbhw by fa. seipefdUtb tberents that thegtoah onfederstiIesds btor8tepewjnotce takoto7iimi fpnd kimjut Iaektndlyjmulmniy ayerteithe ndsotthosengsg dinIl as soonasbe be- cemeiware of vhdl wabeig done5Ir held that asioxig the widows and of confederate eoidierswei inwant lie had Ui wish to thi bounty that ouht to fl theui e. IrliRise and Fallof thonfederscywu iuisn tesfnl as a zconlary yen. tlire.

Fublishedfne ery axponilceelvapt 11 found purchatere. Tbe-eIaborstocar with which it wia prepared and thetreciei- dongreieareh Inwbi 1aaliestactsyere wit com. 1 I. i. i- 11 1 audit stands bow iar defoneif 10th southern lore of In merits limb etmost oiviy- once after live betghtriterftther nglis1s ills trip through north was.

although some were put npqn ft DCTI eferrtd lute retirement. In nothlngthitivo hi Xh 4igIlf utgb ppsitton5 tb hverses ofiife uncomplalithil fortitude imeld iia vieery the as Dvtslsdeidl hlinwhose 4ead Tksmeiiread nmO For Dxhe are Withitu Dlvii isdeafir' Lastofaprlncel7 train lies his Wo other kfnit Formic. 1 ynaniis lAvis. i1i CoaitafthConfedat8ehdir From the ahImoru San Woleoley bu ixitton Ltesnd mnentione4 instances. of conspicuous ane in referrthg tbemt' Bvzt perhaps the cat emaxab1eexamp1e theuidevotlonwas tebo oundlntheper- content aI- anti hardships that tlieyknew' tbatthelr liade was abasing hut aneg- I' tomotthW sotdisrfwhon ihey cap- a Lihig raybeterthsnany vend of vissiryfdepart a--fan host Ijveanvi the snldi bl contenteed belikelyto seflatslethatliia wovldtThesidandcomfoxvthus ce rIted Stem lb.

tofl-iule raUoiz bag pay be ii- Inatrtaed sxperIenceei Virginia ioldle- who was captured ci Five Forks about a oath befcn Lees surrenderjeJ. ws cut o1' while foraging sad on be. igteeaint1 iedrslcaespbua captors to cusooi atich eyed es tkey gpgL aejd ioldiswin efalrsoeu heOIt day-be liygimt would- bays tb Iweu seeMvtouasi Ibed ajr baeseu. seaieadtM sbssbe Jp1Wq spe4il-s 1 xowth Ilvaffladf and I had beenv1is. bl1noflthniaxnc thed4 JohnnTaatd cObol theyankeuU ri2i beekyoii da deserted two years Af111fttworthmncbanybowbustqIivsMt a toowould not vortblLvi- legMdti e5 I was kept aplsondr fes a mouTh after Jsoo uhsudef.

Igtpreti3sickot rIii theygavecsfnYirgiuiauec4 sevbrslyearjafter ha wualzd LcamItere lvi gtjpie decent one. I've becit her0sItasih iii- wenty eqs and L. be imaXd' fceiiiiieg butLwould theihaktomy eacofeordand cabbageatalkthan pbackkv r4 thebleckpad4sn days ofi7O Yir. t4- tnIe. 1.

vj. AYED BY TE fOTZittiOILi bVhy a Tile and Uardeoed CrimInal lIeS Cet fli. iadosv In one of th Xndiint prlsene Is a convict who is LervIni Uf. ientence for the cemmie- Indianapolis News. I su II Lu been said tat no man is bad IhMbe baiivot Mtnds The friendsof thin man frose the iegtnntng of his sentence have never ceuedtowqrkforbis prdoInflusnt- henuaodpnbuinoffielaIhivebeen induce4ee4u write personl leti vs bee Ithe wbG have held omce iinc hlsterw of confln6ment Petition after ipetltlonlvasbeen pto-i.

pared and hundreds of signatureaocured almost persuaded Ip the ientmnt seemed slut precaution' ho stnt.for- privateeecretary to Ikover1thewbhiu.n with the The toivbIsLoryfDrctblybut sugliblyas As recitalIosad a a beastlful. 4 froinhisnocket. Z' be to thisgtrllie said I. Who I. abe 1" askevl the visitor.

4z She Is Miss M- he and is thd daugtherefone i ShewiItoztry me the minui am set fred Iow do happen to know hert' thatsalIright he Tisidtbepriea onetlmaud Ios sequ4ltcd withberb' fell in Love with inc it first sghtiDoncwrery about me. I'm olld wjtlv her. le The secretary looked it the photograok. was deligeseAnd Udlooket it lit Inivie eye the secretary dovas ligha furniture to rattling he The photographsettle It. gist cad thbhappioasa home.

and friend. b1r tlmn. CJ51l. 1ow TO ItSEP WAflL at Preserving lb. 1tod Varmtb.

tb2 orthwut Magazine. lijeaeraily kn wn thwoa gold a feelthgofwrwtli. redtyicestedbyups4tdLg. filling thalunpt jhsi ntasLpxtsnlsJhaIolinTing tuovlbsibonkiarsvsp tockai bo4hea. weltup.

tlbIatoibI LujsuIoWly tie aIrJntatsi intiuily throogkihr nOat. at5bIIZ the lungs comptsseIyltevi haiti the tirikik ten iecon Thii expirk qedelir tbrougt i' AftenshsatlsS th. exerte yhil. ifte a feelieg of hi Zetti nr entire the Iketund bknils 44 Um dayand when tile Ifibs ever becomeS DalTeresT thsn eonsumpt1on 01101 dlseisee ll tfever be hdd Itnt breathi gu jet live eloibtog be loo oyer the cbeutbut nerswhihdowlL torsembuuin tb1OI siothtng flIttdIQ perraseaniex one IVOIud even. fnche wbl follow 3' 31uaa5at1dr.

anaiaraes From thC opoir Science MeotbiyJLi Papulai rorslegard to Bulld rg I are eylewev aid Fowk 1ntheQho and RistorlcalQuarterly The to the be ause hayeleft no dviden they- could use dressing tdos carryurih possese4 oy knimals asaumptlontbii 1' whito Obto did eqnalto that. wa ofthelr haying ii is nflitlen aeevraq9n casestOmake wonder coulduavedone wellutheduiino appears of any calculatiOn beypnth. oesibiettny evidence of Id be or fallacious minor arrest cchee earib broughtonce size of lhe bniidens the aouudueu ibelr.teetb.and-gie andtb hetber.thexeis- exeeukJa4vethethtIndIni bud ttbi takee.p.- ditinnr1oxist. imong. he Iichganged WMconsin oftribe.

built nonnds ajid deflnJt heei. mocederebutIce werdcaedivy tlrotuvd1l glans ecane. tbeyflved in honsol wltb rth ditton descrtbethe houses pith. builttphn asfmibrde5cr1pt1oncfthohue of oftbelfatebez. Certefn eartiworku NewYork Oiio dud renuaytvs bavebeenbuils sbe trWeaZThe Indhani ysUey m4 base 1seei ign9roiul 4d theywere a cam re ent bairoibullithe betsgsd bulidersmuslavo aeettleLa1 cu1tnvalpeopla.

wki1ethe 1ndianp- bvintt and tiththgiint ii a lv thatbefore tbsyvsre distvirbedb abe the Indiahs sgricaittiris good crupe- an4- stored thelt they were able to silpplytheex came cannot of whst tbeTibehJ5ftOit they having 1en rubiad cootesta witbilve mid their race List pseducevf Logn a Core lIed IseketcTdcuntseb tand-oei a iaegeniivspiIght elan. liavti-developsd coenpetsml to constructbfl the wosbe pit Sonief JdrSokes I I aretxyersetiindahownto t4e admits thtt thejndians-b thea' these were other afid nio. pg bofose theas. eseal andsobbaoaaaheL itanspip vi. buidadb iid tb3eadanitothAtliata 1eudsdbocdIae ot L-.

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