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The Edwardsville Intelligencer du lieu suivant : Edwardsville, Illinois • Page 7

Edwardsville, Illinois
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Genoa Italian Hen Turkeys U. S. D. A. Grade 12 'o ov.

Ib 49 Sliced Bacon Hunters 'Thrifty" 1ST HAM BUY OF 1956! -to-Eat Buy a Whole Ham for less than $4 00' -Lean WHOLE 8 to 12 Ib. avg. Ib. of Beef Premium Baby Beef Arm Roast 39 PLATE BOILING BEEF Swift Premium Baby Beef Ib. Ground Beef HOME LOW PRICES FOR OVER 42 YEARS.

Hunter iABY BilEF FORiOUARTERS All Center Cuts 45 Ib. av. 60lfc.av. Ib Ib. 39- 4 i BEEF RIB STEAKS Swift Premium Baby Beef Ib.

These meats will be Processed Cut Up and Wrapped FREE next Monday-Tuesday- Wednesday TASTA" Born Made SIRLOIN STEAKS Swift Premium Baby Beef Ib. Dark Rich Cnocolate Graham 8oz 11 cello Flavor-Kisf Chocolate Chip Cookies 2 7 49c Nabisc" ennum 1 Ib pk Nabisco Orso Creme Cookies" 39c Colonial Pure Cane Swift Premium Broohfield Pork Sausage Natural casing FREE Plastic $115 Tray wiih Purchase of Ibs, Special Notice Please notice foods thru- out this page which are starred They can be used in Italian recipes. FRESH FROM OUR BAKERY Special 6 in pk FROZEN FOODS Orange Juice Old 6-oz. South cans Fro Siip.drt.d Stt'wberries 3 59c In I a all macaroni products are "pasta and it is f'e item in their diet. Not bad either' They know how to prepate it in a million different ways, each one better than the other.

We've tried quite a Few, and all were delightful. October 18 to 27 has been proclaimed National Macaroni Week. McCall Magazine, in the Oct. issue, contains a timely food editorial, and recipes for Tetrazzim, Lasagne, Ravioli, Baked Noodles, and many more Thruout our stores, on our recipe boards, will be pasta recipes this week. Elsewheie on tnis page, we list many ite-rjs lo be used in the preparation of Italian recipes Richard Roderick Food Buyer Crackers 25c sunsnine Crumbs Sunshine Graham Cracker 1 Ib bag Sunshine Cheezits lutc NibSers' Miracle Whip at 49c PimJente Kraut" I Pe ip Cr i 2 31c SpaghefH Nescafe Green Giant 2 03 Tyncs I id i tr API le Cider Popcorn Pe ct or cc Preserves bb Ton to Ju 69c Juice 1 1 i Cue ber 46 33c Pickles 16 23c 29c Uacle Ben a 28 pk Be i Peanut 35c Butter Del Monle Fruit 11 49c Cocktail Sorghum 49c Flour 2 Great Northern Yankee Log Cabin 29c Beans in Cimp Pork ind Beans 2 10c Cleansing Tissues 55c Kleenex box 25c 3 rc 39' Pcicock Gallic Juice Ke stone Button Mushrooms Swan son Chicken Broth DELSEY TOILET TISSUE PINK YELLOW WHITE 4th Roll FREE When You Buy PUMPKIN C.

W. New Low Price! 2 3 i 2 9 use in orange cello and cranberry bag salad MAZOLA Salad and Cooking Oil 35 69 Karo Syrup Green tabel for Waffles Use these foods in Italian Cooking Recipes Durkee Garlic Realemon Unsweetened Rolled or Flat Powder 'L" 33c Lemon 29c Anchovies 2 3 3 Durkee Spice Pompemn A Beauly Itahan Slyl. -A Spaghetti 25c 10 19c Oregano 5 Olive Oil Lindsay Medium LT23C Ripe Olives Contadna Pear Shape Tomatoes A Beiuty 33c Mostaccioli Binquet Boned Chicken 5 oz 29c Contalina Tom'toPaste3 Underwood DevilcH 2 9 Horn 2 33c Spaghetti OR MACARONM C. Brand pks. Carrots l-lb cello Fresh from ag Yellow Onions No.

1 Grade Medium Size Jonathan oo APPLES 4 lbs A 7 Cabbage Green Beans Spinach Tomatoes resh Lucky Cat Northern Washed Red Oranges No. 1 from Michigan Home Grown Solid Green Heads Ib 2 lb! 33c CHILI With Beans or Tamales Paramount Brand Corned Beef No. 300 Cans Bn id 1 2 43c Beef Stew can 39c UNGRADED EGGS 37 Fresh Stnngless Home Grown No I Grada Calif Sunkist 2 35e etna 1 ft Ibs OE- O3C doz Brookfield Cheese Spread Aged Cheddar Cheese Longhorn or Otd Fashioned Brick Cheese, sliced Grated Parmesan Scarmorze Mo7Zarella Kraft's Cheer Whiz Borden's Philadelphia Eeeo pk 19c 59c Cream Cheese Cottage Cheese 2 3pk VELVEETA Cheese Spread 2-lb. loaf 79 Kraft's American Cream Cheese Deluxe Vi-lb. Slices i 33' Pillsbury Cinnamon Rolls 8'A-oz.

pk 23 KRAFT'S 46-OZ. cans Grapeade or Orangeade New Low Price! uwh 4c HawaMan PuncH CLOROX 25c Sole and Span SPAPFRf.

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