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Alton, Illinois
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AtTOM JBVENtNO By VICTOR BRIDGES the Wo life, and By George Clark Chapter 11. -When things were settled up, visitor went on, "I found that 11 Lid have quite a lot of money- iSi to travel where I liked ind for any help or Information I i wanted to get. felt almost sure that.Osborne uff cult business to find him, but I had Mt one tta llttle luef ihich gave me ft certain amount of one Twice, when he had been at LThouse, I had heard him a Dlace called Aubrey's. He aW both times that it was tlie i best and cheeriest restaurant In London, I nd I guessed that if he ever found himself back home, he would be certain to look In there If only for the sake of old times. "Well, I came over as soon as I ld get away, and I took a bed- wm at a small private hotel ITh.was almost next door to this Zee.

Every day I used to lunch Cd dine on the chance of seeing him, and at lari-at last one evening I did. cams In with someone a tall, good-looking man with' white. hah- They sat at a table In the other end of the room, and although I kept my back to them so mat he shouldn't recognize me, I was able to watch them In look- ine elass. They seemed to be talk- in! ver7 seriously as if they were xussing business. they got up to leave I tallowed them out.

The tall man had a car waiting for him and went on It. then I saw Osborne call a taxi and give some address which I ouldn't hear. I got Into another and told the man to stick as cose to the one In front as he could, and when it pulled up to drive on pi the most careful mother wllH times entrust her omia. Seemingly Ideas, or why they are so K' mothers turn their dren over to the care of servanw for houls every day dur ng the most impressionable years. not make a Woman a mother In i uSS quantity, and may seem If she has been well-trained lathing that to desirable whUe underneath the veneer of hr man- underneath the veneer of her manners she may be crue careless, Even if the child la able to speak he will probably never tell.

He knows no better in any event, and probably takes it for granted that "iifB is like that." He may even be threatened or bribed Into holding be affected is a mistaken theory. The Impression made on him during early years will endure even though it be overlaid with years of corrective training. The choice of any servant In a home where there are children Is very important, and should not be lightly made, especially if servants are to live In the house. Eyen If they are not directly entrusted with the child's care they are bound to come in contact with it and so to influence It. Contract Bridge as the BY WM.

E. McKENNEY Secretary, American Bridge League Here's the second of those fourth down nnd one to go" hands by Malcolm O. Thompson. 1 neglected to tell you, In my previous article, that Mr. Thomp son did not, claim to make both these hands.

He said he missed th pi- on the previous hand, but A 8 I Today's Contract Problem How do you tmnK the bid' ding of hand Of course, you can roudlly nee ihKt tliere grand in hfiaris Norih South South Is dealer. vul. Mouth West North KHSI 1 Pass 1 POTS 2 I Pass 3N 1 Pass Pass 04 Pass 7 Pass Pass Pass Opening J. id 8 8 6 A A 5 i 5 A'K 4 None Solution In next issue. discarding the ten of clubs and the declarer the three of spades, A small spade was relumed and won by declarer with the aee.

The declarer now led that triple squeeze card, his last diamond. West had to hold the ten of hearts, or ummy'B eight would be good. He iscardcd a spade, declarer dropped he eight of hearts from dummy and East was helpless. II he discarded the queen of clubs, declarer's three would be good and If he let go the nine of bpades the last two tricks would be won In dummy with the king and six of spades. Federal tests have revealed that fungus disease Is useful in combating Insect pests.

NT iniiMii" An afternoon newspaper in fit. rsburit free 8 'th sun dew not show itself before the paper ffoen to press. An expedition in the waters near the Aleutian Islands Is taking sample's of sea water from various depths and will make records of sub-surface temperatures through tests of these samples. THE RIESS STUDIO Wishes Everyone THE BEST SEASON'S WISHES 2Z(! E. Broadway However, a small trump wa played and won In dummy with the king and another small heai returned.

But East showed out, j41s larding a spade, and South had to ruff. Declarer then took two rounds 01 trump. West had to let go a spade or club. He elected to drop the eight of clubs, so dummy also discarded a club and then the ace of clubs was led. A small club was won in dummy with king and now the queen of hearts was cashed, East.

London at all well, and I had no Idea where we were until we came to Osborne's honse. MV man put me down at the next fornS Then I walked back and made a note of the number and the i looked at her admiringly. -Women are wonderful," I remarked. "I've always thought they mak. much better detectives than part was easy enough: the difficult thing to decide was.what I should do next.

I had na.actual, proof that Osborne had taken the paper, and although the police at home had tried to help me, I dldn believe for a moment that would go so far as to ask for his "Beswes, it was the formula I wanted, and I knew that dh-ecUy thought he we- In anyreal danger his first idea would be to hide It or destroy, it. I spent all the next day thinking things over. "At last I decided that there was only one plan which would be any good at all. I should have to get somebody to help me. I should have to find some man whom I could trust, and who at the same time would have enough pluck to taice the law Into his own hands.

"If, between us, we couldn force Osborne to give it up She broke off with a queer mirthless lit: tie laugh. "When I opened my newspaper in the morning I found that he had been murdered. "And as soon as they arrested me 'you quite naturally jumped to the conclusion that I'd got your for'" She nodded. "What else could I believe? I thought that he'd prob- taken you into his confidence, and that you'd- killed him in order to steal it. It was only when I went to the trial that I began to have my In the first place you didn't look a bit like a murderer.

"Thanks," I said gratefully. I was under that Impression myself. but it's nice to have it confirmed. theie was the way you gave your evidence. I don't know whether I am really a good judge of people, but it seemed to me all along as though you were speaking the truth.

I couldn't make up my mind at first whether I oughtn to come forward and tell them my story. I knew if I did It would be bad for because then they a oe able to suggest that you had a much stronger reason for killing "I should have been hanged for a certainty," I said. "The weakness of the motive was what saved me. After a fairly successful sculptor doesn't go about battering out for a few hundred pounds." "That's what I felt and so I kept quiet. You see, whether you'd done it or not, I wanted you to be let off.

If you had, it only served Osborne right, and besides, in that case, there was still a chance that I might be able to get back the formula. If you she paused I had an idea that you were exactly the sort of man who might be ready to help me." I threw away the cigaret I had been smoking, and sat down on the sofa. "Tell me," I said, "how did you get in here, and what did you intend to do if those chaps hadnt turned up?" meant to-'find the-truth one way or the other." I was determined to see you as soon as the trial was over, and I thought tnat the best chance would be to wait for you at your own studio. I knew where it was because there had been such a lot about you In the newspapers, so one morning, a few days ago, I came along to have a look at it. "Then I discovered that the place next door was to let.

I went to the agents straight away, and as I had a good reference from my bank in New Orleans, they didn't make the least difficulty about giving me I took It for a year and paid them six months in advance. "You certainly do things pretty thoroughly while you're about them," I said. "But I still don't understand how you came to be in my bedrcom." "It was Just a bit, of good luck, As it happens the same key fits the front door of both studios. I found that out directly I got here." "Go on," I said encouragingly. "I'm learning all sorts of interesting things tonight." "It isn't the only time I've been inside.

I've searched the whole place thoroughly twice. I dldnt find anything, of course, but I still thought it possible that you might have hidden the paper under a loose board or somewhere like that, and if you had I felt sure that the first thing you would do would be to go and look for it. That was the rea- Talks jyt parent Choosing Maids One of the surprising watching the rearing of children see the kind of maid to whom -I'd got She slipped her hand down Inside her dress and Bulled out a miniature revoWerK -very-dangerous, tdded "but it would kill a man all right at close range." "That's comforting news, any- ho I observed. "If our vteitors happen to call again we shall be ableto give it a good tort." She restored the little ivory- handled weapon to its formed hld- came in as you did," the door when those two men rang the bell." "Bather an unpleasant surprise! "It was," she said Quietly. You see, I rei gnlzcd one of them at "You recognized one of them!" I repeated stupidly.

"Which?" "The clean-shaven one in the soft hat. His name's Dimitri and he comes from New Orleans." There was a long pause. "And who and what," I inquired, "is Mr. Dimitri when he happens to be at home?" She' shook her head. "I dont know exactly.

I can only tell you that he has a very bad name out there. He Is mixed up with all the worst people lr- the who run gambling saloons and that kind Copyright 1934, Penn Publishing Co. Tomorrow, Nicholas and Molly' form a "syndicate." TURKEY FOR CHRISTMAS The Menu Cranberry Juice Cocktail Roast Turkey Oyster stuffing Mashed Potatoes Oiblet Gravy Buttered Brussels SPJout 8 Celery Spiced Peaches Christmas Salad Plum Pudding Hard Sauce Coffee Assorted Nuts Cranberry Juice Cocktail (Serving Eight) 4 cups berries 4 cups water 1-8 teaspoon salt 1 cup sugar 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1-4 cup orange juice Wash berries, add water. Cover and simmer until berries are soft. Pour through coarse strainer and let drip.

Add sugar to juice and boil 2 minutes. Cool, add fruit juices and serve chilled. Oyster Stuffing Pint small oysters 6 cups bread crumbs 1-2 cup butter, melted 1 teaspoon salt 1-4 teaspoon- papriKa 2 tablespoons chopped onions 2 tablespoons chopped celery 1 tablespoon chopped parsley 1 teaspoon poultry seasonings Carefully l6ok over oysters and remove any shell particles. Add rest of ingredients to oysters and lightly stuff fowl. Christmas Salad 1 package lemon flavored gelatin mixture 2 cups boiling water 1 cup dicey cooked beets 1-2 cup cooked peas 1 tablespoon "hopped onion 2 tablespoons chopped sweet, pickles 1-4 cup chopped celery 1-2 teaspoon salt 1-4 teaspoon paprika Pour water over gelatin mixture fool and allow to thicken a little Add rest of ingredients.

Pour tat moM and chill until stiff. UnnuJ on lettuce and serve with mayon nalse or salad dressing. taught him the lesson which help- him to make today's hand. North's Jump to three no trump was a mild slam try. South's response of five diamonds was highly constructive.

After North's bid of six diamonds, South was certain that North held the ace of hearts and a fit in diamonds. It's our happiness to wish you happiness for the Christmas and New Year aheacT. Holidays and every day, it is our wish to serve you well. Here's to your happiest Christmas! J. R.

Motor Supply Go. Ill Dnlle St. Belle St. The Play West's opening lead was the jack of hearts. Of course the declarer couldn't take the finesse, but had to go up with the ace.

He could see that he had two losing tricks, a spade and a club. If the hearts were divided 4-3, and ho could drop the king of hearts, two good tricks could be established. So the declarer played a small heart from dummy. East went to with the king and South trumped with the three of diamonds. Now.

of course, it looked as if the distribution in hearts was bad. DAN MILLER COMPANY, inc. WE WISH ALL OUR FRIENDS AND PATRONS A Merry Christmas AND A Happy New Year 510 Belle St. Phone 934- Alton, III. We'd like to send Christmas Carolers to sing under the window of each of our that would be a little too much vocalizing for one we'll say CHRISTMAS.

HERMAN J. RECK 207 E. Broadway nr A A Allen of Cornell is us ing bantam hens to hatch ptarml gan eggs We'd like to see the whole family get together once more, and sing out those sweet old Christmas And our voice, louder than them all would MERRY CHRISTMAS, ONE AND ALL. W. T.

Grant Co. 3rd. It has made our Christmas merrier tp have your patronage for for this Yuletide we wish you all that is joyous and eay. To you and yours, from and our-CHRISTMAS GREETINGS. ALTON SHOE MARKET I HlVU New System Dentists AID K.

Broadway BEST WISHES FROM THE KARMEL KORN SHOP 16 E. Broadway Phone 3544 snot' polflt live? I in li on HAPPY NEW YEAR To Our Many Friends and Customers ARMSTRONG SERVICE STATION 616 Central Ave. Phone 2980.W To our friends and patrons, we wish to take this opportunity to wish them a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year. May 1935 Bring You Good Luck and Success from the Alton Officers and Employees GOODYEAR TIRES EXIDE BATTERIES WELLS TIRE SALES A 1 4" OH '833 E. Broadway, Alton.

Phone 3001 WELLS-SCHMIDT 7.f<riiBnn. Wood River 101 E. Ferguson, Wood Phone 111 Elizabeth Bassett Marjorie Betts Jane E. Black Fay A. Brewer Ida L.

Brown J. W. Buckingham W. N. Cassella Forrest E.

Cook Hazel Cresswell James I. Denny Mrs. Pearl Denny Gretchen Dorner J. J. Droste Florence Dunlap F.

L. Eccles Bernice Frey Susana Gerard Lola Gilliland J. H. Gissal Mildred Goudie Louise Goulding Melba Hale Nelle D. Harlow H.

J. Harms H. I. Hawlick Myrtle Hellrung Edna M. Howard Thomas P.

Keeney C. D. Kellenberger David E. Little J. Ellis Mann Harry S.

Mathews Ralph E. Matthey Nelson K. McBrien Eunic'e L. McFetridge G. A.

McKinney Suzanne McKinney Eugene Montgomery B. W. Morwood C. A. Murphy F.

D. Neumann Walter Nitsche Mary Evelyn O'Toole Ada May Patton Marie Parker Rosena Raith Wm. H. Raith C. B.

Rippley Wm. H. Rogers Rose Schulz Jas. L. Seago Virginia Shepler Ethel Smith H.

B. Sparks Emily Stanton Frances J. Stebbins C. D. Tompkins Gerold H.

Turner Ben C. Vine Jas. Vine E. A. Vogelpohl Maurice E.

Wade H. A. Watkins Mildred Zerwas Earl E. Zimmermann of the MILLERS' MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE ASSOCIATION Incorporated 1877 An Alton Institution Operating in 41 States A.

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