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The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana • Page 1

New Orleans, Louisiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

a 'k 1 Ot 7 a. VOLUME NEW FRIDAY MORNING, AUGUST. 26, 1842 CARDS. ANDREWS, Portrait and Miniature Painter, jV vp sUirs. nUtf i 1 fL I I Qensral Broker, 24.Pydra street, comer of SCHOOL'S, IOMVICOTT.

T. B. J. BADLXT. SCOTT HADLEY, Atorneyiat Law, Housf W.

OOHEN, Surgeon Dentitt.Cnpp'- bleeder, Letcker, has removed to 5, Car-olet etreet, meo Canal and Common street a3 If TiX- SNOWDEN'S Office corner of Lafayette residence is at the oq St. Charles at, thrse doors above Poydr JreeU- 18 tf LONG A. 8MIT" Worker f7 Orleans. Copper, Tin and Sheet-Iron 19 Tchoupitoulas stre, New feU28 Tt COLLEGE OF LOUISIANA. -V HE College of Louisiana, iu the Tillage of Jack- SOD.

Eat Fliciana. will ninnu it A litis ah the 14th of July n.ext.' AH who wh ttf enter the ensuing session, aro desired to present themselves for examination, with suitable tesUmoniaU of good character, by the (the second day of the session,) pr as soon' thereafter as possible. WM. B.LACEY. President of the College Jackson, June ill, 1842.

a3 2mdfcw liOARDIING AND DAY SCHOOL, x- FOR YOUNQ LADIES. ISSES STRONG St SHOWN successors MussesM. AI. Smith. Th vmp viii hA divided' into two terms or five months enfh i the first commencing on the 1st of September and ending with the 31st of January.

The second commencing on the 1st of February and ebding with the Wtnoi june. Terms and other information respecting the school can be obuined at Hyde Goodrich's, 15 WOODALL Co.a-Book Store, 49 Camp street, and at the office of the" al3 M1 J'. R.JC 1'NAU, Surgeon DentUt, No. 58 Bourbon sueet, between Canal and Cuotomaoase streets, rear of the Episcopsl Church,) NewX)rls. fy216m ILUAM RIDDLE, 1U o.luwl, Ky?) Commission and Forwtrdwg Merchant, 59 Camp street, New Orleans.

mayo mevv4 ORLEANS LITERARY DiirOT, 18 Excautsa Pucb, InusSl dfcWly 4 J. C. MORGAN. GEfX C. RICE, "Attorney and Count Uor at Law New Orleans, La.

Office No. 21 Royal street, Bey Canal strset. mar 30ltd Wtf JAMES DUNLAP, Ajtobjiet At Law, '4. VidaUa. Louisiana.

IITTLL raetlee'in the Courts of Concordia, Madi-' If -son and Carroll, and in the Circuit Court of tbs United States at New Orleans. julyl7 daW3m PORTRAIT AND MINIATURE PAINTING BY, THOMAS J. JACKSON. Hf R. navinff returned to the city, ond removed 111 to rooms No.

8. St. Charles, near Caaal street. sow prepared to wait upon all who may be pleased ta e.11 irr A fine Madonna may be seen at liis ii23 tf 14 rooms. SOUTHERN BANK NOTE ENGRAVING CO.

BANK NOTES, Bonds, Stock Certificates, Certificates, of Deposite, Checks, Bills of Exchange, sad til other Iftportant papers engraved and printed with csre and promptitude. CLARK Sc. CO. Office eorner of St. Charles and Common streets, ssaoaito the Verandah and Exchange Hotels.

ni FELIX HUSTON S. 8. PRENTISS, AUonteyn and Counsellor a Law, MR. HUSTON has-Temoved to New Orlcans-Mr. PRENTISS will remain for (he present at Vkksburg.

Ia addition to the Courts iu New Orlesns and these heretofore attended by Mr. Prentisst they will receive business in Concordia, Madison and Carroll Irishes, and in the Supreme Court at Alexandria. THOS. H. ENGRAVER SHIELDS, ON WOOD.

ALL orders Is the above line of business, exo-. a a .1 a 1 ww iv cuted witn neatness ana aespaicn, nv i a No. 5 Camp street. july 14 tf TYLER JACKS, TEALERS in Watches, lick Jewelery, Silver Wart aad Fancy Goods. "Diamonds re-set Jewelery manufactured to order; Csnfls mounted at short notice.

tOT Watches, Clocks 'and Masie Boxes carefully repaired and warranted. nl7 is tf H. W. CHANDLER, CUSTOMHOUSE BROKER, Corner of Front Levee and Customhouse Si (Over Tirreil uoinoon's esnoe tore.) ALL kinds of Customhouse Blanks for sale Customhouse Business arranged for Strangers and Masters of Vessels Baggage and Merchandize Entries furnished Export snd import Manifests made sat) all requisite information imparted on form of transacting Customhouse business. fyltf WASHINGTON JACKSON Commission and Fordwarding Merchants, No.

90 Comma street, New Orleans. JACKSON. TODD Sc. CO, Commission and For-vardinfMerchrnts. Philadelphia.

TODD, JACKSON et COn Commission and For-Wtrding Merchants, JaverpooL tT Liberal advances will be made on Cotton or titer produce which. may be sent to us for sale, or to be forwarded to either our Philadelphiaor Liverpool hausaw WASHINGTON JACKSON CO. slUyd F. N. B1SSELL CO.

Forwarding and Commission Merchant, i Plaodemink. La. FNB. St Co. beg leave to iaform the owners and 'shippers of freight for Opelousas, Attakapas, and Bayou Grosse Tete, that in connection with their house at Plaquemine, they have established an other louse at the lndtan Village, where one of the firm 1 1 will reside and pay particular attention to the sbip- tiag of aU freight on the low-water boats, which may consigned to them, at Plaquemine; Owners and shippers will at once see the advantage w'e possess aver anv other concern.

Consignments respectfully Carriages' always ready for the accommodation of Travellers maye6m F. N. BISSELL. TRANSYLVANIA UNIVERSITY. MEDICAL DEPARTMENT.

THE filth session will open on the first Monday of November, and close ou the last day of February, under the direction of the following faculty, viz i- Bemj. W. Dudlsy, M. Professor of Anatomy aud James C. CnossyH.D., Professor of and Medical Jurisprudence.

Elisha Bartlett, M. Professor of Theory and Practice. Wm. H. RicHAabsoN, M.

Professor of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children. Titos. D. Mitchell, M. IK, Professor of Therapeutics and Materia Meidice, and Dean of the Facnlty.

Robert Peter, M. Professor of Chemistry and Pharmacy. 4i James M. Bush, M. Dn Adjunct Professor of i tomy and Surgery.

1 The cost of a fall course is hundred and uouars, payaDio iu auvauce, in notes of solvent DanKs or the Slates wneuce the pupiuomc The matriculation and library ticket, is five mi 1 i i 4.. pur iiiuuey. a no uisseciuig iicKct is len aoiiars Boarding and lodging (fuel and lights incfuded) at from $2 00 to $3 50 per week. THOS. D.

MITCHELtf. M. Dean ofAo ivl9 IL7Tbe publishers of following papers will copy the above to the value of $5 each. Payment will be punctually made to all publishers by the 15th from whom. a paper containing the advertisement shall be received before that date: New Orleans Piciyune, Nations, Intelligencer, Washington Globe, Lexington Intelligencer -Louisville Journal, Wheeling Times, Va.

Cincinnati Gazette, Ohio; Indianapolis Journalylnd. Shawneetown Republican, 111. St. Lonis.Repnblican, Mo. Natcuez Courier, Nashville Banner, Memphis Inquirer, Knoxvilto PostTean.

Tuscaleosa Intelligencer, Huntsville Advocate, Ala. Milledgeville Recorder, Columbus lnqnirer, Geo. South Carolinian, (st Co- lumpia,) ureenviiie Mountaineer, at Ureenville, g.C. CoYlngton Female Seminary. -DMDEftTHE SOPER1NTENDEMCE OP REVEREND WILLIAM ORR AND LADY.

THIS SEMINARY has been lately opened ia Cotingtch Kentucky, with the view of making it a permanent aud extensive institution for the education ef Young Ladies. The location of this Institution is one of peculiar It is in the immediate vicinity of a young and enterprising city; a full; view of Cincinnati; has every facility of access and the buildings are new and commodious, surrounded by an extensive garden and pleasure grounds -affording ample room for exercise and recreation. The assisted by competent Teachers. give their entire time to the government and instruction of their pupils. The system of instruction in intended to embrace a regular and extended Acade mic course, comprising all the important principles of a sound andpolite education.

The diligent student, after entering the regular classes, can complete the whole course in three years and upon all such a Diploma of Graduation" will be conferred. The year is divided into two 'sessions of five months each. The winter session commencing always on the first of November, and the summer session on the first Monday of May. Each session includes two quarters. No pupil, except in peculiar cases, will be received for a shorter time than one session and ni deduction, either in board or tuition, will be made for absence.

All bills to be paid, one-barf at the commencement and tho othor half at the end oi each session. 1 TERMS, PER SESSION OF FIVE MONTHS. Boarding, and Tuition in all the solid bran-- ches, $60 00 JOHN K. RAYBURN, Cotton and- Tobacco Factor Receiving and Forwarding Merchant, fEv ORLEANS. I Respectfully inform iny friends, and theiriends Of Price, Johnson St of New Orleans, and Johnson, Ray burn St ef Nashville, that the business of those houses will be speedily closed, and that it is my intention to continue, in my own nnte, a le gitimate Commission and Factorage business in this city, from and after the It day of September next, I respectfully solicit a share of the business from tho old patrons of the above houses.

Being acclimated, I shall reside in tho city erwuuuitfly, and will give all business confidod to my management strict aad personal attention. i jnlSMm d.w JOHN K. RAYBURN; i A CARD, f- A the copartnorsbiptermof thehouseof PRICE, lun. juiiinsun (of which' 1 have been a partner for the last six years,) will expire on the 11 bt of next month and as speedy exertions will be used to bring their affairs to a close by that period, I take this medium of returning to my friends, and to tho patrons of the present house generally, my sincere thanks for their liberal support. At the ssme timo, 1 would adviso them that I shall continue the Commission BustxEss in this city, and have for thnt purpose associated with me Mr.

GEO. W. WEST, who has been employed as corresponding clerk in txe house of Price, Johnson St for the last two years. I solicit from the friends of the present house and from taepublic a portion of their patronage, and believe that an experience of twenty years in the Cotton and Tobacco business win wasrrant my saying, that those who ship to us shall have full justice done them iu every respect. I The.

style of our firm will be TUOS. K. PRICE k. CO. THOMAS K.

PRICE. Orleans, July 30, 1842. 1 jv23d.VCm JOHN OOCKERY CO. HE undersigned respectfully informs the public that they have this day associated themselves together, under the above usme and style, ror the purpose of transacting a GENERAL FACTORAGE AND COMMISSION BUSINESS, in UO City or New Orleans. '1 In presenting ourselves for the patronage of the public, it is proper to atate that our course will be the.

same as that pursued (for the last three years) by tho senior partner of the firm to incur no responsibility until. we nra furnished with the means to meet it. This courso will protect both Factor and Planter. i I Those who may favor us with tbeir patronage, shall receive our untiring efforts far the furtherance of their best interests. Office 51 Magazine street.

.1 JOHN DOCKERY, july24 dW3m! HENRY DOCKERY. Br The Natchez Courier will pleace copy the above once' a week for three months, and forward account to the firm. I I DISSOLUTION. FTUIE conartnerahiu exiotinr between the suhscri- -I. bers, under the firm of JENKINS St BONNER, in New Orleans, and that of J.

BONNER at Clinton, Lan is this day dissolved by mutual consci.t. The business oi both houses will be cloed by J. Ron- ner, who is alone authorized to use the name of the late firm in liquidation. I Now Orleans, August 5, 1842. -1 1 E., I WHITE SULPHUR WATER. THIS WATER, no lour celebrated for It valuable alterelivt add iriir no. mA -particularly for the euro of Liver 'OoiartJu, Dyi pepmas, Rheumatums, Diseases of the Kidneys and Skin, Mercurial Diseases, Female Affections, Ac. Ac; and espeoialiy Biliary Derangements has preveot- unuu iDciaeni inereapon--win be constantly kept for sale, iu prepared barrels aad half barrels, by J. II.

FIELD, Commission Merchant, No. 38 Old ncrcjireci, new urieans or whom the public aa rely on getting the pure and grannie article. Liberal discount made to dealers, who boy to ell again. WM. B.

CALWELL A CO. White Sulphur Springs Greenbrier county, VfV mar .2 ouxUW I MEDICAL OFFICE. TOCTOR WATSON, member of the Royal Col -ar lego or Eurreoos, London, gradaal of the Medical College New York, formerly Surgeon the General Hospital, Liverpool, and many years a successful practitioner in several parti of tho United Stales, coatinuea. lo be consulted, confidentially, at his office, i NO. 122 CANAL STREET.

where he gasrantees a perfect cure in all those complaints commonly called otcrst wtstates. Doctor Watson, who has received a regular eda- tsiivu, ireais an dis eass sueeossruiiy WITHOUT MERCURY. and without restricting the patient in diet or exorcise. Those who have suffered from imbrofx tri. meet, or who labor andev aUKUty froai csbm, are more parttcaUriy requested tat call.

Racoai eases cured in a few days, sod tboa ef Lobs' staadiB rsrooved eompletety frees the body, by a method of ireaiineni enureiy new, lately talrodwced into this country irom trance. mercury, ana ail the diseases It occasions, sore taroat, pains in the bones, eruptions, ulcers, etc effectually removed from the i Those at a disunce. who address, iot Dsid. and enclose a fee, on describint tbeir symDtoms. can have advice and medicine sent to them sufficient for their cure.

i Office 122 Ca'aal street, between Bourbon and Dan pnm streets i fyXIOai HOTELS, BOARDING fcc ln TB.S. LT.ixr -l'WUW luntn 1M at hA Mrnrn r.tha she ow.pWs the ZmmZ lies sad siniU Her wsis aA r-rr attentive. -nad the uble iH variety tho arha afrorda. l.Z, tDt acrabie at to theao who will favor bar wUktaoir patrOMgoV jswew. fMJMBER aw PLANTERS' HOTEL.

ixsecsMtfts, "It TCLOAa." 1ai (Uliowaig rxtrarO 4 from "Lock ban's Llls of Sir XT aim fLrot I sbocld forftto tntm'ioa ru pt Ioq Lrt a tvtule which, Urer lav Us, bar Walts rr in. my beans to tia isogbaso Anoe. bbt lsppoJ to My moamihg, I forget bat, that abo coo 14 ot abide ii ft was tWw. Wy loo, mm! bor JitWsr, yoo rpn liken vrrjpocj Uiyj 09701 ko, tjf all, tbe netoicg cf Tbn word rula1 "Ta raraaaj tkothiBf tbal roffxsoa cr; wictrcam, can tfeawrra to bo mpokru A stnn Ammmrvm a miUrs mM aai ai ff. havacr fvrtkaaad aa I too of eontcsrpt nod when too tare lrd so 1 lB, basiaa wa jcara, yea w.U be dtpo4 arroe tan bO coeeBcird in the mmsT tUa iiwrwj I ,1 k.

..1.. 1. I I wiuirr ithit 'vrva kivwr cr caxbar ibottt ll tLi world, as travatlara. F. N.

RlKflEEE. msy29 em S. V. IX eCHLATRE. rocrptieo ft oader i MississirnciTY.

hotel. pr7 This Uotsl now open fer 1 boardere for tbs itnnr aenaoev aadrr-tba anpetiatoadcaco of W. A. Cuhujo. as m.

daced prices for board, ta keeping wuh the Uaaoo mmj uoara jrr mocis, fKI Board Pr week, 8 Do. per day, I 50 This tletol is sMostod directly aa tVa a ibnr. betareou Psm Christ a aad lUWxi, aad ia not oar- f1 rieasaaiaoM ef iUsiUm by any watarUg wiU rndesvor, by asadeUy Is kis atirs-tioei to tboa who may favor bins, mmttho pstioo- paoitc mpM If PAH8 CUR.18TIA lliirri I PTI "aiTl "o.aneai, im wsurtag I Uomtoect otco tout vf C.nC bat St. nation. Nentaae.oaJ rossuatof ikK.i..iiM lbapwyl tas a7 3tdaW J.

BONNER. I NOTICE. I THE undersigned will continue tho Commission Business, in his own name and for bis own account. Office No. 11 St.

Charles street. aug7 3tdhW I I J. BONNER. Indian Vegetable PILLS, I Or, IMD1AN TUkUATlVL. Manufactured under the immediate superintendence ei wn.

wnicRT, ice resident er the NORTH AMERICAN COLLEGE OF HEALTH Established at Washington, D.Cn Jan. 8, 1838, POIl THX CURE OF DISEASE In the form of intermittent, remittent, nervous. Inflammatory, and pntrid Fevers; Measles, mall i Pox and Erysipelas; Itrilanmations of the braio, throat, stomach, lungs, liver, Intestiues, kidneys I and bladder ps ios in the stomach, back a nd side; Consumption; Dropsy of the head, of the chest, of the abdomen, and of the liml-sf Scrofula, Scurvy aud Syphilis Cancer, Gravel, Loss of Appetite; Sick Hesd-sche; Rheumatism, both I acute and chronic; Spitliug and Vomiting of I Blood; Dyscutery and Colics; Syncope, Apoplexy and Paralysis; Dyspepsia, Ily- pothondrimis, Telsuus, Epilepsy, Whooping I Cough, Palpiution of the Heart; Ulcers and Sores of every description Hysterica. Weak Nerves and Lowness of Spirits, Suppression and 1 etner aeiirate I emale Complaints. uTke Art of lltaling had its origin in tks Woods, and the Forest is still ths best Medical mJI S.

EXTRA CHAXCKS. 25 00 25 00 12 50 12 50 10 00 8 .50 371 IHAYE again commenced the practice of my profession, and will tralefuHv oervifl my friends and the public upon terms that shall be satisfactory gentleman will find It much to his interest to have plans aid specifications of the intended build-tag made by a disinterested person, before shv at tempt is made to procure proposals for the execution of the works 4 because, when contractors or builders are required, as they very often are, to estimate and Make their calculations from verbal explanations aid nde sketches, many difficulties and misunderstandings ilseinvolvinf hundreds of dollars in the differences, and much that is troublesome and disagree able to all parties. A few dollars paid in the commencement to some architect, who understands his oujuneMjWiU tare hundreds in the end. AS. H.

DARIN, AncRiTECT, r0 48 Canal street, between Chortles street aayasw 1 1 ah $1 ii Tuition On nseof the Instrument, Do on Guitar and use of do Do in tho French Language, in the German" do Do in Drawinx and Paintinr. Do in Latin. Greek or Hebrew Language, 12 50 For unending Eoctures on Anatomy and 's Each pupil will be charged, during the winter session, for fuel, Washing per dozen, FACULTY OF THE 8IMIITAKT. Rer. Wm.

Ore, Governor and Teacher of Sciences, Mathematics, Ancient Languages, Sit. Mrs. E. A. Oak, Governess and Teacher of Grammar, History, Rhetoric, etc Miss Jame Simonsok, Assistant JupiU Dr.

T. J. Oxa, Lecturer on Anatomy, PliysioWy.Ac Mr. J. H.

Sofftje. Professor of Instrumental Music. Mr. Cr. Bvrghal1ek, Professor of the French and German REFEKENCEt-Dr.

P. Harrison, Rev. A. G. Rich ardson, Mr.

John F. Keys, Cincinnati Hon. Char'i Dewey, Charleetown. Iai, Mr. Wm, Dewey, Rlea-moond, la; Mr.

James Keigwin, Jeffersonville, Mr. J. Adams, Louisville, Ky; Cel. W. Daerson, 01d4iamcoMKy; A.II.

Pierson, Esq. Natchitoches, La Mr Wm. Orr, Augusta, Ky. jan2 8mW lieaersPntcBt rNEoftbe Managers of tho Loitdon and Ameri-can Company, Mr. Tt B.

ROGERS, wHl leave New York for New Orl.n. i October, to lay before the public of that city, one of uwt iuiuuouio lUTCDuom inai nas tor many sears come before their notice it is one bv which jeloths of linen, woollen and eanvass-also, made up impervious 10 wet, snow or uamp 01 any Kind, at the same time with 1 free escape of perspiration, making use vi uw inuuurouiwr ur giuuaous mauerin tneir The cloth, retaining the same. feeling and appearance as previous to tneir under earn the vroofine. above facts in every instance lully and sauslscteniy prnvea ueiore them, by tho most sojere tests, snts company was ostaniunea and patented la the year ibJS, anaior tno first time, this process was laid before, the citizeus of New York, in June, 1841. Any information required, pleaso ap ply to GRFFITHS, at the National Hotel, the Company's Ageniwho will give, due notice when tneir laciory comes into opernuon.

i Manager for the United States head office -106 Fulton street; Factories 32 Gold street and 5 21st Boston No. 3 Doane street. Edw.U.TucKeraraen "Vr Salem Ho. 273 Essex sc, Davtd Baviiie, A genu Rhode IsUnd-Wm. J.

pence; Agent', In the above mentioned places' the Company Tav esublishod Factories nl PLANTS AND I The subscribers beg leave to in form the ladies and gentlemen visit 'ing this city, and the public general ly, that he has a large collection of superb Roses, of 100 varieties WO varieties of the finest Double Uah, 'lias a great of Camellia, Geraniums, and other green-house plants, which he is determined to sell on lower terms than any other persou in the city or suburbs. WM. DIMM, 11 Common street, fy22 i corner of Tchoupitoulas. I TO THE LADIES MRS. P.

F. WEYMOUTH respectfully informs the Ladies that she has opened a rich and splendid assortment of MIL LINERY, of the latest Parisian stvle. Also, 1 fine stock of French Fancy Goods, and solicits an examination of them by those who wish to purchase. 1 Ladies' Dresses, of every description, made in the latest fashion and best style, at short notice. Leghorn and Tuscan Braid Bonnets cleaned and altered to the fashionable shape.

I tThose disposed to be economical, will 'find it to their interest to call and examino before purchasing elsewhom, as they will always find prices to suit the times. 67 Canal street. nar St. Charles. jt2 wf hiff.

Cantaltreet. Or-. if-to, Chr" PRrc KNCASS CO. hava full and -jreneral inrtninit for i 0 3, and Lie- Iwt' Ike'- ,4 PP" 1 lr 9 neatness cannot oell at prices to the-pur-ost every Saddlsru Pur. atock us -to ppror -5ly 1 maud.

IU be A -BARGAINS THE subscriber wishing to settle up his business, 'will of, all or oart of his COTTON FACTORY, with; or without the, englnc-ihving everything ready to attach the 'same to wafer power. 'Thomacbfnery jis all new, of tbe most approved modern patterns, and capable' of turnings out eight hundred yards of cloth per day The depVeciatcd notes of the different Banks jof this city will be taken ia paymehfc, further particulars address the subscriber, in New Orleans. aug5o.W 6t BENJAMIN WHITNEY. TATTER RALLS, The subscribers, proprietors of the Tat- tersalls Stables, No. 08 St.

Charles street, have on baud and for sale 30 pairs fins, well broke Coach Horses; 170 fine gig, buggy, saddle and plantation Horses which they will sell lew for cash or good paper, Those in want will please call and examine for From this date tbeir prices for Horse and Buggy for the afternoon will be $4, I wtU keep a portion of their hacks and cabs In front of their stables, to accommodate 'persons wishing to go to any part of the City, Lake, Battle Ground, or Carroliton. I a7 tf diW 1 DUBOIS St KENHIfl. NOTICE. ALL persons are hereby cautioned not to trade for or in any way' receive a note of hand drawn by Messrs. Taylor, Gardiner St Co in my favor, da- ted new Urieans, April 10m, ana aue iom ana 18th February, 1643, for six hundred- and 51-100 dollars ($623 51.) Said note I endorsed and transferred to 8mter.

The consideration for which the transfer was made having entirely failed, I am determined not to pay said note, ncr allow it to be paid to any one except myself, unless compelled so to do, i JAMES BROWN; Sen'r, It d3tW Amite county. Miss' THE 'STATE- OF MISSISSIPPI In Cir- cuit Court op Claiborne Cocnty May "TeaMt 1842. 1 In Attachment, i JAMES H. MAURY and WILLIAM D. SAYER, Plaintiffs, I i RIO HARD NUGENT and ALFRED HOP- irriVSTU.fendamlM.i-- I The.

attachment herein issued from the office of Richard Parkinson, Esquire, 1 Justice of the Peace in and 'for too County of Claiborne and State of Mississippi, at the suit of thejplainiiflV in this case, gainst the estate of said Richard Nugent and Alfred Hopkins, for the sum of Eight Huudred Dollars, having been returned into the Circuit Cenrt of said County ond State, and it appearing 10 me sauuac-tion of the Court that the defendants, Richard Nu- and Alfred' Hopkins, aro not residents of tho tate of Mississippi, but now, and at the time of issuing said attachments, were residents of lo State of Louisiana: Therefore, it is ordered hy-tbe Court that the proceedings in- this behalf against said defendants, be stayed until the next Term of this Coirt; And it is. farther ordered, that said defendants be notified ofotfae-pendency-ef this. attachment, by publication-thereof for six weeks by successive weekly publications in the 'Picayune, public newspsper published and printed in the City or New Orleans, in tbe -State of Louisiana; and that unless 'the defendants appear, put in special bail and piea, on or uerore'tno nrst tne nexi novemuer Termof.the Circuit! Court of Claiborne County, judgmenj will be rendered as to and against, and the eatatft attached will be sold. I A tree copy from the minutes trnrsaid Coart. jTeott 4DAN'L McDOOGALL.

C)e-k. rZ-. by GEO. W. POLINJJEA ixtt, ing 1S-w6wJ i'-'- THE Author of our existence has provided certain outleu or channels, viz: the lungs, skin, kidneys and bowcU.

throurh which all useless ond cor rupt humors ore expelled from the system these are the natural drains of the body; aud so' loog as they are all kept open, and discbarge freely their allotted portions of impurity, tho body will continue in health. But when, from eating improper food, breathing im pure air, over exhaustion, or any other cause, these outlets become closed 1 the humors will continue to accumulate until tbe body ia literally overflowing with disease. 1 If the channels of our mighty rivers should become choked up, would not tho acenmutaled waters fiad new outlets, or the country be inundated Just 00 with the bumsn body if the natural drains become closed, the accumulated impurities will most assu-" redly find vent ta some form of disease, or death will be the certain consequence. The Red Men of the Wilderness have been taught by Nature true modical knowledge, and bare been led, by instinct, to select ouch herbs aa possess tbe greatest healing propertied, because they possess the greatest powers in opening and keepiug opra, all the natural drains of the body. The Indian Vegetable Pills" are composed of the same plants by aid ef which the untutored savage is enabled to obtain auch a complete triumph over disease one of which is a diuretic, aad promotes a proper dischsrge of urine; another is an expectorant, and carries off tho phlsgmy humors from the lungs by copious spuds a third is a sudorific, and epeus tho pores of the skin and the fourth io a cathartic, and carries off tho resi duum or the natural food aad coarser particles of Im purity 1 by the stomach aud bowels; and it is by the peculiar combination of the above four properties, that a purgative, medicine is formed, possessing the most astonishing and wonderful powers, that baa ever been offered to the public.

The above-named Indian Vegetable Pills' not only thoroughly cleanse tbe stomach ond bowels of all bilious humors, and other imuurities, bat they also open the pores of tbe skin, and induce proper discharge by the laogs and kidneys. Thus it will bo seen, thst by a single operation of this extraordinary medicine, all the natural drains are opened tbe blood and other fluids are completely purified, and disease of every kind is literally driven from the body. From, tbe above. It will bo apparent to every reflecting mind, thot too Indian Vegetable Pills' ore a purgative in tbe true sense ef the word thst ia, thsy purge every kind of impurity from the body. And as they act ia direct accordance with tho laws which govern tho animal ecenomy, and ia perfect harmony wKh the homan constitution, it will be absolutely impossible for them to injure oven tbe most delicate and, at tho ssme, time, it win be equally impossible for thorn to be used (even in a single dose) without benefit.

Owiog to the measure of tka tlssoo wo ara liiu loreceivt bosrders st the foUovlsg rilMi Board per 00 Do per 00 Children aad srrvamU htlf pre. Every exertioa eo the part or l0 Mbeeribers wiQ bo mode to accommodate and please (heir goals tho Bar will be famished wuh every luxury for that department. Music, Ten-pin Alley, BJlurJs.sod oiler easae meats, are attached lo the ertsklxhiaraL. -CIIAULIJ SHirat AN, ProprWuw. JAMES Those who wish to cog sgi rooms win please, oa-qatre of E.

King, at Ue American. Sc' CbarUo otreet. msySg tf MONUNUAIIELA HOUtixT, FirrsBcno. Finn. This new oa4 splendid Hotel, reeled lo the spring of 1811, is bow Incomplete aad roconaa.

ful ojveretioii. ll is-eltgibly located, froetief on Wkter, Smiibfietd ond Front oueers.commaadMg a full view of tbe Monoogshels and Oh io Rivera ia tbe immediate vicinity of the steamboat taadiar, sbippiog aad coomsuoxHi merchaota, aad mOst ptawaa of busiocas of tho city affordinr oqasl Isolates to mei of bosisess and tboee trovellieg for pleosaro. The building coo la Ids two hundred oad ton apart-meets, 000 hundred of which ore aisglo.chsssbora, together with a Urge number designed expeoosl Cor the aeeoeimodalioa of Families. Tbe Proprietor. 0te of the Esckasf Hou!) rc spectfully annooncee to the travelling eoarmanhy, that expense has not boon spared la foraohtaf the Monoogahela House, for the occoaasodstiooet" ho guests.aod ii point of comfort ood style It as sot sir passed by any Hotel In the United Siatca.

BU VI a JANES CiiLraA.X, rroyrirV B. Offices for the Express Canal Pocket Line to Philsdelphia, aad Eastern aad Stage Linos, are ll the basement story of tbe HoteL 1 St AIO awajr vu iuo Mnii pru ISS1, JIM bout 5 loet 8 inches high, 23 years old, very black also; FRANK, about 8 feet 3 'inches high, 30 years old, and has d. yellow roir rlexion for a nesro A liberal reward old reasonable charges will paid" to whoever will dsliver the aaid.negroos to the undersigned, -mt Rose Hill, Amite county, Mississippi, 'or lodge thBnt jail so that I get thea. "2. 1 16Itd3tW i JJAME3.

EROWN, Sen'r. i JOB PRINTINO, all lu'iarions. branches, ireatly iml expeditiously ttTMnti(i. i ma 01- SO, litwr STXAMBO AT BILLS, BILLS OF LADinO, i. -V CARDV 4 jLiSBSlLLS, IUIKLO aiLL HEADS DRAY RECEIFTS, COMMBRCLCL M-AIUI, Y0KERAB WOTlCtS, PAMTHLXTS IrOSTBRi VICUTS, OO One happy ctrcu mats see connected with osing the Indian VereUble Pills," is.

they are not only always tho right medicine, always safe, and are always sure 'to do rood, but It absolutely Impossible for them to do loiury or harm. bo doe should be lost in listening to eootrsdictory advice the only-inquiry shnold be, ls the person sickP If so, the sooner a few doses of tbe Indian Pills are administered the sooner will the patient be restored to health and usefulness. New Orleans Agency for the oole or Wrights Indian Vegetable Pills, No. 4 Old Levee street, opposite the Customhouse. A.

KNEASS, AgenL CT Ask for "Wright'a Indian Vegetable rilla." -Price 25 ecatspcrbox. febl lyd MEDICAL BTO. 126 CAHAL DR. O'RILEY, meaber of the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinborg, graduate of the Medical College' of Philadelphia, and physician for many years tout Lock Hospital or for the cure of namenlionabJa difeases, continues to bn consul tad confidentially. Dr.O'R.

would respect fully announce to the public, that from a is elaborate chemical and botanical analvsisi and. from there. searches of modern pathologists and is in nauviuad or thcraoentlo oceuta oy wnico those secret and delicate dweoseo cow be thoroughly eradicated, without particle 01 ma jrircU, mineral, mercury. Those who might feel dcbeaie to let their case be knows, and would rather cure themselves privately, may obuin ot his offiee ta's Box, being a package of medicine with fall directions, warranted to cure, otherwise their money will bo refunded. Patients in asy port of th Union can be treats KiceessfuUy.Jdbinrjoinutely their hymptoms, per letter, Pt remittance for sdviee and medictne, which will bo forwarded, with run uirecuona.

cunor able sscreey ohwrved. Those who have suffered, from improper tresU menu the abu' of mercury, del.ility, pains in the loins, sore throat, eruptions, ulcers-, dp welltocslU norJ ly "TOR SALE LOW for eaA, ai tbe Plcaynne Book bixJery, N' 72 Psmp street I'S-Ajeru, RECaPT-BOOKS, and AANK-EOOKflof' iB TANK-BOOKS, aDTTON-BOOZS, printed, ruled and bound to any pattern tT" Orders irom planters and couBtry merchants kttended to promptly, aid 01 reaaoaxbU terms. feblSd4wtfj FLORIDA HOUSE, Kexsacola. Tbmv Hotel la ettoeted dirorUro the Boy, and Is not sarpeased ia pleaseataeos by lay house in the southern cosairy. The prenri.

lor resprctfully oaaouacos to tho puhlio, that es pease hsa lotbeci spared la foraiabtag the Florida House, in pout ef conWbrt and alt Is end, at the following reduced prices for board, bopoa by ees duty In his aUSDtioa, to theee who may favor kia, to Bierit the patrooage of the pubises Board per WO u. 10 Do day 1 50 Arranremcnte hare been made to famish- tbe hoaae constanfly with turtle from Key Wsot; end will be soppliod with fish of every doacripueoi it aU times. There lo also attached to tho proauseo extensive Bath Houses, that will be kept rsiotsiiTy ta ood order. tnsygl eewStd MICHAEL CARRCXE. MADlbO.NVlLLE HOTEL.

MTho proprietor of tbe aboo Hoes! tekas tih) eoraswn to iuUrm tho paUtc, thst every thing win be ready ei the 1 lib Juno for the trcrpUon of visitors. Th erub)tbmet wta be oelsr txa supenatendsoce of Thomas W. Tnontreoa, wrB kcown to. the comaaeaity of ftew Orleaao os tho manager of the boose of Tbeiroe St Karoos, Wis ol the corner 01 innomnonoa ooj rtoyaf ouso ll order to auit the times, board will be ot Uo fcUew. log row rates 1 oord per ween, Do fcr dsy, IM Children ond ovrvsots hslf prlro.

-for bealth lad pleasure no pia ran be osoro io-eitiog lo tbe tsiim for aa ecrasioaaJ waho rei donee lhaa MadniaAUo, ood ike prorsor fesis great pleasure re aaueiog4W Cneocs that aothia on bis part will bo oeuleiUd to make (be retreat ogToeahto ood Walthy te those who farer him with a taWt, as ell vlaitoro will bo sore on moot with the moat unremitted attention. Boots will teste the Lake end of the Poaiehsrtrshi Railroad every day." A letter-bag wiU always be found at tho Mexchsats F.ichsara. SAMUEL C. TIIObTPBOV joarglsn Pwyrtator. DARDAMLLLES CUEKELT trRINUO, TILL COCWTY SaXASSAA, THIS WATERLVO PLACE lo sUaaiod ll tbe Petit Leah, eat (be oooth hide of the Arkansas' River, eleven mike from tho DardaaoUce, petal mt netariety on that peaarogera frwas alaaja boxu may disembark end tmi eoy irsnswiiaoieei to tbe Spring.

Tne Uardaeriiee a onoet 0 asaoo abero EittWsKocK, tbe seat ei uwvorooseat too rtta. Tho McaLty of the tfppure lo tewUBg ao4 pvt. liar tbe groves of the Yalley oroool Lobo r.DrroBiAEv Wbefl tbe rWUrxuo of-Inirpexsoco mo firot puLLobed lb PeenalvaxtM Evmijf Post, cm tbe tf July, 1778, tbe editor ixooaipaxiod Kwitb tVcr lion tf feioorisl ooAStriL tirwmpaporn Itvlrr-ratioc oily for tbeir varirty obocld bae trrrj Uutf; cotxJt-nerd irtd eiprowxrre, Loar tsJli Lt Cocrrtoi Lava led lo too otorWU. aBSBaBaBBBaBaBaaaaBaaSBBHaaBBaaaaHaaaaawiBBWMBBaSBBB MCTRB DOST tXTIC Mt ttt- tykruloov rxnoaoos! VeyeE eM cbooo trrorai dsns edos tyt I Atrrsfx to rro ei cortBstc. Nn row: Wmmt lagoeofact which knowo 001 rrcpro prre, Jo pa Mk4 pit rtocajo poor 'tbrtn'o 00 poor loop I Leo srorrn cant, nl run setrr.ur eel tot odis ti vu ootie 6tj noli terct reus r-seno.

bockbooo. Upubi ma 'si 1 but cell 1 Yotro rBByv Li ow qci te pss pt curve sp tout le brofV. Vwus t-ocrrx t-ao" Uao nu-WHlh -ouraw eft eooV emlis. tH Jnt oot trod Too )toan coaae ott 6m 'eb. distil ill ooo be bosux ot lccuo jec on Irj do tooatoa.

COBhlCT GgOCRtfBT ABP KTATtmtt-" Tbe follow locolitooi ef tS UnrrosT, ft. froa dm ia correct, lijl 5oulUoJ ihe jsipCtt dfiia" work rniot Earo broa roUikioi tfKsk LonrbowrV figrjierloo, 0 city of tbo'CWaoJ I of' rsrutaic Jsrwry, a 4,14 partly on an islxtvl ia tbe nrrr LWs wira, c-p-pooite rbiUdelphto, and pan oa tbe tr.niu shore. Il was fcxitxJesl ia tbe yrar has Lent improving rvrr sloco-. llUrcgnJriy built; its airreie an wtdr, aaod bes larjo town doum, ia rxoeiirot eichsrge Ir chania, aavl two vrry food Usfss, ibt ea coiled London and tbe oihrr Tbo rrrri torv ironnd iboocdi la rr cry tf (rii nxta pror)ioBa, ana 11 csmea tm 1 rrrml cost, toerce ia bides, wbalo-bono, oH is4 txb. tT A recce Yinkeo lot tuter, ta ro.

In I upon old fetloolrr; as Vii hau ideal of that Interroiiof clao tf oorirfy At nlxtv, afci hadn't (Irn up tba uc( tnirrird anJ obra bor bslr eru os tsy ai aa old rat, aoj bnt ooo dart yoUew ttood a lolirtrj orfiuorj at tbo fallmf doorwty of bor CAvernoas taouib, ibe eraj boorj to oxy, io rrp to aa 4quiry to bor xf Welt, I'm rvtUnr 1 liuU oid ooav but I bar irra (La time wbea I w-j food ever 1 nt'." We koew a maa dcrwa txsX, wboo Wsrltf vu 00 bird tbt kt vf tUl a lor jaa flieiAvCAra, TeU ThoTgrBilrtaan nasi V.tra bro Lr( rwuWa to tbe Lodiviiaal wbo bad locb a. berj trrvpor thai bo srii poo rot oa pr uUicm to ibef. coda tba tf leooloco tpatcb rryoyor. Or, ferbspe, bo woo a diauat coario of tba man bo bvd sacb 1 qtirk prrrria, bUst bo abiro bi.MVJ owl to tarrj oa 4 "oew ia iRnco cf trij. Did tbo mirr erer Letr of tSe mi a wbo wss 10 ooA that La aoli' If fjt hninrt, bed lb, No! but wo know a boy wbo wm aac bardcajo ihttbii fstber lock bios la fnkiA rails with-.

A od kaow man 00 gmm' tb4 tLi fruit ift Lie orchard rer grta rip-" ptewr Or 1 rami ft oil ArrmarKrvtn fsoai -Atiocvo 1, 1 Id. Caste Mail, via MoUls, a CaMNa, Bi MMa Suat. Umm-- WI.WMWr sod handsome. A situation. iar fho ba mt Uo Miraxioa llMaotaii.

rJvcs the rpedator fail riw ef the variegated and besoAifal areeory os the atder aad summit ef monotam. im waurs arw im wbiu and bUck salpbar, tho rprisrs asory fast part. ThO good affect of these waters an aboa-dantly ample know a to all those wbooxoorq.niiot-ed wKh their epo3eetio tho troerml. wo may say. tho aoifona offecu of the use of these watere on lo increase tbe ippeute, purify the blood, aid renovate the system.

Taeoe wsters hove been peculiarly eAcaciooa in confirm od ood alarming easeo ef dropay. la tgtO, LiouEtiere, of tki omr, ststloned ai ort G.baow, wss so afflicted by this complaint, that tho Medical faculty and all his -friends thought his death inevitable and all efforts for bio recovery bopeUss sod idle uklsg counsel from devpair, as a last. dete nte aJlerssuve. without Che power of kocomobAa. he was removed to the 6 priors, and in sit' or vea weeks a radical aad thoroogh can was of- teKima no Bnwiaoomd nod heeUby man, doing service whh Mo come is Florida.

II wl'l kr Img testiiaeoy to tho trwth of the farts ben let forth, Jessrsjoiirmesid lloetgomerr wen as amicnre os that of Kr.uora, and they won afof- lecmauy cured. The hadersigaed have Iwcomo owsen of tbe Epnncsj- one ef then has tbe prrnriseo aodcr bio rpeciot maBtgeineBE They have made and they will continue to make odea note and ample orreegemeat ivi'vcanuunwissiia genteel accommooauowe so see then YbdUnUL Kuquirors, whether rovalidoer thosowhowWh to pass tnair summer months sgrooaWy, an tiicu iu Tv referred ta utr citiaeno vt to gsaUrsMoi Of ether Butea. who, at ptwco4ioraUsosow.nsoy hsv Yisitrd die Watering Aod they orosproaSy Kferrrl to Goo. MauUw ArboHO ef the orwy. ew sutloMd oi Batoo Reoge, wbo kos ikoowledge of the wows.

n- Tkoae pnf an nutmm r- s- bo ooorleroto, aad ml k. Onahita. ri. PmmIi ilsssss wan mm -wtishla. aaade teeooaavwi with tho tka llavaa.

E. ft. CLA pall iw a iaa from I na JO. If It. LonsYTCLt Msit Crtrs PvpflM fisuhoa, VaUis- I To Vary, MoacpEis oad Us- Tictucse UU, ar.asurs i.j'tg ryiuf turn 1 Niumm oaTABotssti Kai kA VkajOcrg ao imru't oa, fettaaMsrfpi, Ate.

Ao FaoO lis 0V0.A0. I ifrvO .1 t. rusnmut MstE- Syf 1 1 ait I'Oi ymrn i- 1 mma HiiiI mn Uim nn 1 is aiili rlHaV.iMMU4ltriOcsK 7 CoriBOTOW AS3 Musowruxa Maju DiacoouowH (m i scoWiy 1 Is otwt vis Boloa kevro.1! t-OAdsr. I Lafsvitto hfifi If Janh of JtSeryoa, Ttaaa sta Dcscrs Tnmmief. Br tho Rod Rood.

Rnui. Horn Rep Kivi a Mail, otoaascra, wo 1 week. lmrkr. DUE Ksrritn Uirul a r.os. Loasvqxa LocirriLLR Ems TeocLUg si atrarf-oj.

icRsoorg SaJ rtotcWa, Lisa's wra 1 bs-'WrfmLlM3 gy. ria-arntia MaaV- HiT' ConsToa.n MtjMom-j Mbyl.Am vtixt V' xl mm lirvun Will -Torteo a Moosy. Kail Weda4.bftl (IriSty, TttM vt- yJ. UyPlAai gjT Ofico epea daily frod 7, A. BE oauf C.

t. U. ndsv froea It eetil 9es'(krk. P. M.

iciiicia MstE ItAAamLLi Mail Oa WM. V.a Wa m.r STm tTAt tho oooasl eUctUaw heU eo tho Ad ir7' LOO IOliOlS-g ObtCETV ww tho eoseJag yrsr Wrroa, TrmSt CSARLOO a J. I 4 A IUU IX, c. CAa-o CJ-rr AmaHi SSm 0.

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