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Morning Oregonian from Portland, Oregon • Page 1

Morning Oregoniani
Portland, Oregon
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

1 CilSn -MJ KOOM9. OX UMiMEtiT lUn I rhn.nii am uiy of nil ell ajiX ni in, ml tlu if I liavr fi ur 0 ftll coriim iti i uid, turc of a piruitiuii nllOWttI to tiff treitiw nt -f ttrt uflfcdng f-om I Bladder PI Drt nentt fUMrwni I i i Cfinf out A liif in In Lfillnr mLQJttruiU.on 1 LUr to the wx ran tin JC ItEGULATOK I i of All commnni hoof 01 A-s llBU RBMEDIBBI A dTFTT NEAR OOKVILRI IAL '-frVO. EMoolUhwl rlbc iKUmrnt of Htxua' IKntftKw. an MM, Gleet. Mrklurr sh fbrou unpotencT Skin Heading) and 'da, and Uaw i i tlUM nor money I hu rammed wit Mb an3 iml fton ud their JotllfyiMt lh 1 'or MmlMcntoflife AJM Iifchn- 1 1 (boM) who.

fcvi who -anti 1 to ata alnon. nx plrJI hh eua- ftli IALIAMt rbsv III. I ilPllISHIK- tfOtoet it ud BlxUt- HUht Emte- I 4 Mn. wlU kiry. 1M bom oU.r JTATIOJT Irst Streets, Vols.

i-M'SPAPFRl VOL. Xrw tbot a PORTLAND, I A 21, i i 11 I i i I I I nil iiini. i ill mile mil i i i i i I i i i i i I i ht it i in I PROCEEDIKOS OF THE IDAHO GRAND EN CAMPMENT I OF WATCHES AND JEWKLRY. IIU, an I i i i un i 1 rcsulint il fur Btriin, i i nt.iirn in I I ursilij i i 1 i OrtlVr foi Motlof Munlrirrn. IU i i 11 tn (it loth rhi KM mdniL i i i i i I IT! I i i lit! i i If .1.1 t.

Us Iron tl BI mil) i I in tn I I lulu i i i ni I litrninir. i i in 1 I i rl n- ri 1 1 ik tin. u1i in I i ill II 1 4 npUli in I tottd 1 utur. 1 Hint i I i ulilui hit uiul i lu churn I mid in i ilk i lut inn.k lidthfiillj Tht Trlbunr on tlic 1 mldrnt. unlit nn under bondt Court 11 luis the the Duty His su argt part of Sunday 1 .1 i i n-i I xlul ti i ut llu hivtn I i IV ill I lit I i til i in 1 I I I I I i a(iK- tnu niinl-t(r ii 1 tli ui 1 i that i ntltii nnd (11 UK i inruitw reside on Pell vii tt iys his thigh nvtr a tret anil I Mr Al kit kcil 1 brokin bii at lo( i tl i i i i irm-t IM i (ontliti.

Hi. Mn in I (o i i i i I i i in" i lit-t i -n trt mti rinissiuii int IMIIIII iml rt rtitl tlit ktllitvving 'i i i i st its in tlit i i i i I l-ii Ni 1 f-llir A Unbuilt I VIistnir ulii! link, 1 IK inirmiint Tl Six I vv I II fttmliitt i II II Mi unity 1 II It I Itli it I I'-l VI Ll Ji Irl iiiin a i i nl i llukir (in motion mum and tin draiiil oniimtttt un us I urlaml, (irnntl " irv tons in (in I onus ne-evnl 011 1 lot Indian 1 vv itli i IV, si nt In i nl unrl irt I i i Ijntunl i i tn Vi ll tin I iitvutn i i I lu A hut ilnv Tin ul tlu gtxl bj i i i i Ml in li il KI anv is I ist i i htin hen ther IV und (rowd i the id tht iRowd 1 ran omiinlte-e I i i i i ti un inn IIJLS bun Tb( iml linllltijineiils old 111 i of (a Jirtiuout. lor tb ii Miir hiicmilpnient No 18--ThtQG tit IwatcH Mrs.J It lH.lti»t**l 3 1) Farluuil Organizing OHlix On motion tin was adopted and tl rdly bt siilhduu for ft lat) To duy running fo Sept 22--It report id thnt the ui tlic district August 1st 1H 1 that have ni in tin-it, pun horse $2.) He JU1 ni Home GOT eminent has onkrcd a or gone 11 nice null ngs in connection will tirst liorsi. $7o ton won both J.

1 1 Kiict Only one on ikpos in of tu Thu may ATLANTIC CABL LATEST IfiJlS ic editor of tlit t. hcltci Phihulclphia on the 7t and Hiisvlcstt and the editor ful to President (tram for not He has nianfiillv to in the mftrest of brokers Th tin right of the Government ti brokers and bankun on toll without law, In ordir to rtln the talk of recklcKt nun mud suit of their imn msiim sjiociil that the Prcsidint bus right the interest of niUtni in sto theory as was i i iidvunc(sl Red in tbt storm i uistlnu this tiiiiilncss tlu their thanks Itnprovnl nmlltlim tht I Olirth Nutiomil Jin had Item stiady run tn div thtrt Mas unlj tht uxuu tht ootinters tonlav jf sit.unty Irx4imi innnaneiu, down town began toslovvly dm bankers incrthonts and caiiiu from tins point "f-lrs will Dividend-paying stocks were and sought after by Investors XCT Sept 22 --It is ed tliat the Union Trust Co vv resume business in a few di trustee of the bank has mom? the institution, and with tbc or three, they own but little sti. account for the bod manageine) Jay Cooke Co publish tu-d giving the names of bonking pay drafts of their draffs against deposits made In sion will be paid on prcsen Ato, Sept. 22 --H rt Co pn Tfttc bankers and broken, closed Strike of YORK, Sept B2--A gc imminent Two afternoon cral strike of undrod struck ftilml to keep to tlie term tt the hut strike, and It Is expect sd that will strike Owr MapdEr, IUKXCI.UO., Sept 2 affray occurred hero ster lay. J.

Chiles got into a street fight (with 1 whtdh i a dangerous wound. the elder through i i 8r. Locns, Sept Imtnteht at his train the city, aod Tom Alia wot arrested thismomnW several mita Ctty. Bof i wen brought hen i bonds ,000 uji to keep fh ---n, rnldng msti- HEW "BOM, Sept. 23 tntfam Brooklyn, with a linj btcdat the meeting yi-t diy.

It was deUfiuined nmonranyof th oth TOW sold tojte It iMkv if new vtv, pf thethOrty Hmr Ymk YORK, Sept. 3H-10 A mg of the Rtoot tcl ong 3 deoj3ed v4Ular' 'r being mn -i IM tl Clews The firm say they In.v to that It has the flrm to stupenc 1 A YoMt, Sept. 25 -Two of wen bought at sh raid take their to-day Oen. Hlllb the names of f- 'fcaring ff mUht bring dlsctra It uponl the (yvH which the facts do not wa rani. Exchange 2 P.

haxe been completed, am be paid in as 1 The has teutved in Washington, and Is ready to bn millions of dollar i of the 000,000 loan ocrtiflcotei, Issued been taken up, and it is ex wcted th will be ink and In additional cert l-ued. Sept 23--Genera dent Van! Horn sends to Wm dent of Western I man Tele the following dispatth daU ,1 f-ouisi Ule Ky There were twtnty dmtl at Shrtvi'- The discos 1 is sprea luig occlin ated pel sons port. yesterday ID the suburbs, and blacks, who are generally ex Intendeni L. Hommedien repo titotlnn to Ing nearly as per dcs- the UfOlom of Rt. IAO f'Hec.

ST. LOOTS, Sept 23 --Special the Postofflco Deportment, Mvoral days, investigating matte office relating to the alleged clerks by Fillcy foi other purposes The result of tion Is not known, nor will It mikes his report to ihc Dopaxti ington, whither he has gone Out of PATERSOK Sept 23 --Ii of the depression of tlie new tics an order for locomotives fo ahead at locomotivi wo lias been canceled and five eighty workmen dlsthurged feared that five hundred more charged ftom tlie same orks, an drecls froito Danforth and Cirant ffl Im Washlu jrton. WASITOIOTOS, Sejtt 22 --The another interview of more than Secretary Bicliardson ut the Wh rooming, at winch becreury I)e muster-General Crcsswill been decided to send 000 tloiial TVnuury here to aMist hpuse at York to-nighf, to buy all bonds that mav bt ollert dent fecN cncoumu'd at the ne "will bo Kllidc 1 bv (iruiliivtancc'S he mil leave to-n Ihc SMxreUiry dinttlj contrad, that tlit tucotint Inn iroin tlie house J-u ooki Co in lx)nliin to I us tltat tlicrt no intuit i liaikffrM. Shasta lolimv i ul llauilk 1 JI Pustnuwlcrs npjx intol Till IIIMH i ml'. I inn i i Hartr I'ii mix a 1 in i'liiilu Wingiml vk i i I I fountv i ui etcvcnv 1 I walla Wall i iiiinm 1 Appointment i Of Idah lnis Usu ui mini 1 utBdisif JoclB Vosbcrg of i i Indian at, I ik In IV YQBJC, Sept 23--, llict on ic trial of the 'I icbhoi mil threat bun i imprison is gloated llarnett winstrvutivc has been 'arliamtiii from Dover ihe bpiiush steamer low the 'migrant sbijt Aorthtler iv at l)i vtr bus bctn dttrLiued lers from he Admiralty Nine 01 the Bury St l-ii: lave been sentenced to from tin nontlia ira msonmcnt or UM Polaris ExiJcdlllou on Jd f.

tofc thelj the United LONDON, 23--fl A --The leJWnru expedition left Dundee compair with an American Vic take UM steamer foi largo crowd witnessed thUr departure and i Peered than as they stepped or Mckot. The whole party signed to apt A Jama of the steal al Uxi DMrbouud LokDOit, Sept. 23--Colonel Btd Exception, of FitdUents int trt cage, of it open, and 8 ib-Treas- hw, de- exs oiocindB, nt Treasurer ibarks from all bonds of- elieve Icatoiw Siiperin'ten Jrton, ifci nipt Si that the ing gent Wilson, is been icre in the post- ssessmciit of lohticai land lie invesiiga- uiitil Wilson ml at Wash cousequcnee Iroad ceituri lireemofitlis unbred and It is iay he (dis- evcrai bun orkf, IIB of Captain was done chant, to re duction of Hunter In Tire ton liour. ith oiise thn 10 mid 1'ost Itlios iiii the Nil OHiircr Hill able hull to The 1'resi hiul tu licChcr stnrv trm-ifLrrtd till li 1 board the letter 01 er Arctic her irt, owner of the Biitlsh steam yacht ule- rraplied fix San Sebrotum to A fr ciid this Jty, tlmt ift vessel ant! crew badb releaset UTc Spi nish authorttics, and liat he will tate command oftlw Dccrhomtd An mt SMU DiBpntch tram Gibraltar ray terrible ex- ilojoon occ irretl on tlie Broomhaugh Then nhe as one hundred mile, from that Foi persons were ntly killeti and many folded. Firmer IB Ixudan.

lias olati vc to New ic market LOKDOK, Sept 23--130 Just been rcclved from America Uiecondlti' of financial affairs i City Thei Is a better feeling in here Am grican Recunties CAUFOR.IVKA. FBAI Cisco. Sept. 23 Shcnr modt apiillcation ipmicot Sitlioiiel Ocn Stlioiield 1: ---order to nn vent the mutilation of of the Mod prisoners after execu I od an cm the body issued an he bodies At midnight last night a special Hcer found streets in told bun lier sister ear- by each of make any wito a young man andcnng about the vicinit of Uic Mission Slie that nbjle: eturnina from viitu: home she as attacked by five ried to a loi lely spot and ravished the ftcouitdi cJs tihe declined to oomplalbt i nd could not identify tute of fines teen Chines gamblers to-diiy was I SAK FEAJ 8ept 23 --Tlic tween this wrt and Guaymas Iji Colomdo irer, ith the steamen) and Mwttait be inaugurated the 5th ofCctober Captain I npidge remains with tl the ca It lit alongside tl in addition hold with awks, and, if nowlblc the cnscof the with the on bmml SAN tiu Bull a fit of jcal lua nifc nhot nil; wounded I). was cunvicb eanlt witl i a deadtv utaiton Riukwll ml IIIIK stml cover $10,000 damogai ilaintifTs wlft Defi'in tint, in his answer, av rs that the woman was compelled to leave he husband on account adultert and brutal reatment.

SAN EA tcisro, 8opt 23 --Char! Bush won a Tested fora on the Tjtu ComiMUiv tor $300 Tlic body) of Wm Conji foun I to-dtn at Tested to-nijflit ng a check tint in the Ba No und on his to it ed the nuui was in Hcarchofthcfivci joung noinan near lout nights tlutsl the mn Stpt I (Ins jftcrnoon tona The Otst Rtnt 18 nttirK i i Today tin steaiturs JwtiH and tug TUoimts ere sent dun iKM-dthut he i be Hi taken to Hunter Point for mi Mtn i and Story has beui fill vncanry Win 1' PtiUluml, fonucrl of Hotel died ut that place this of UJM ploxs A i IH ntnde at noon haul tht "(ti oil the An unknmui initn tlnv i cmlunkmtilt at the i i ol Monthonur) d-4-u dist mu --and rcpnVed i rumi detth two luiiiiN mis jliitrrlor Caltforiiln. SONORV, i inuti njinel Jolinnv i i un man luutu-d i i i Uikdmg ditch iorJud I of years llu um putt tbuut tlie pOHtmurk un i i i i i i llu i i I iirrfited IjO-r i pi i le in tins i ii i 1 IM tsti rd I IK r- It i I II i in 1 MI) MM vi i i I I)K 1 I i- ml i i i fl Ihnr-l i ill i I illilu ntic Ki been It li li I Idi i I I in toe juot pronimuit dtpcte tor 1 i i il, ill i I' in i 1 ink u. ru i in i i ir 1 I tn- I i i won (J HIM vtniitrht lie I a 1 an 1 trotting mile Jit i all thrw A i 1 I i 1 thn ,11 tlirtt purst tH' ictrt-ss won tlit rate ami mom el umanl icnt if tin Uurnctl rni iinj, nr by or ycstcnlu) Consul for New ork hien the four ,040 line be az ami tlie Aciu JScrnt i or before wreck of nk uarpes tillniKtt ise Iu Inch Mm to-iliiy of for the se rks of vio catc foul urderxd lians who Mission can idcn In iiiyo I I I oil anil I Ins re he Grand ll Mill inoirow .11 mil i i I I tl ng the Del ton, the, IIIK from inulcn. Snmutl jHorl dutr jumped into the He restued i trouble tho lit inted to coiuni il i N'pt Icrril dint omirrod to fht iroin Nitun idrul was i rctuiit ttixl i the brld, 1 1 I i injured Tl; ior lar Hit pussengc MiKile milroid ace at ian i tlic timber MUM wtre kilJtsl ind tnuif LS almost rendered a Theiv is a little I Mo, in ple think wrxx! lure toutm to beconi tlu Saratoga Within a radius ol a fe rod tlu re are no less tlmii a uindred black sulphur white sulphur and fresh "wnl Sjneoft(ie sulphur i tmc turcd with salt As enormous snakes and Aaron Rurrs di nts are becoming scarce coimtrvucws arescaixhing their for deriul beingM The hUe-st Dernlott, aged 7t of the Wuahuigtoi who up Davis' ifpeeUi one error proof persons who had( mndei pilgrin near feeinar brouglit an action agaimut th Echo rAiu-errots for mentiohmg Uieir because tlic French law forb jonrflals to of aflGiirs pertaining to prival life of hulmdimN Tlic sentences to jwy eocli ofLlic pilgrims 50 frincs daniuge" Ho)Hackirg in Manic Itns begun rath rher tlmn usual, ovriiiK to (lie recent tros earlier than uiMual, OWIIIK to (he recent trosts and heavier winds breaking tlie vines Th number of poles to Ihe acre One acre will produce XW rounds of driet hops hops is considereil poor one ft The pnescnt market price is tivuity-hv cents per pound The cultivation of broom corn has beer checked iu the West, the dieapnctu of th article, BO tliat fanners scarce! obtained prices snrlicicnt to pay the expense rtHng It Th lute storms have also caused lerious mjury to the coniparativelv tmutel crop ruined tins year resulting in an advance of ntarlv one hundret per cent on the old stock on band A Sin Irancjsco company has offered build the proposed Olympm Railroad Ui inter lie Northern at or near tht con banks in Tlmraton umnt bv July 1 1874 proMded the people traiutfer to them th lands the 1 conditionally pave to tlie Jsorthen J'aciik Kailruiul, und $150,000 iu county. beanng ten per cent mtcrest and miming twontj live years A "ingular natural curiosity is mentioned in AV Hittniuliam Vermont of IV) acres of laud on tht Hiirfiice of the watir, with LnmlHrnes and even sustaining trees fcet Ingh Whei the water is raised or lowered at the dam tin UUnd nses and falls i it ant arc caught boring a holt in the rust and tislurig down through, as through tlie ice in winter The Miulns Atheiuiuin says tlmt a notorious man eating at a place culktl S.ittiaiuum uiluni i for tiit last hawbeti urror of tlie and is -mid liavc destrojttl human i a the rate one week, how recenth been dt-stroj-wl and Ke; tkwin hapluni ite, and to In a dusL u1 tlie Mad nts Itailwaj 1 ing the whtreaboiiU of the bn managed to administer The Went is now literally pouring its new into the market 1 OU cur louds of gnu: laving passed oxer the Oad bridge at and uppi rail Koek Nlund for or the Kust, 1st and Al flic itv is being IkxHled with grum i i nn nnd canal, but it net crtheie-ss to hr uirpriees Ihegmm it the November 1 utri 1 liTi car ImuK and of th i.lJJ were i In udditiDii to tints by were MOO buMieN jirii Mifl of corn A di-pau from Johns that the i i i i uf wlomi Il.uid in ilW Ilu i Mion I i ix I i i I the 1 ill I I I DJH irst-- Tin i i i rt J- i UM! ind 4: tuiu i to i fmiidti IIIMM rijjit I a i foiindliind ond-- 1 In he itiMriiiui lit of its llnnl--Hit i ion and all other eomp a inff on all mcvJagcs sei A woman a ane-idi IK li irgt of heinx ueommoi a a innkc i slunt.nt of siuh un (ifh use rit I tin tin old 1 his dclim-.

su an lh 11 ind its UK of i I'-I IIIK lit IHIIUM 1" If tin II i i eiiv mill i Ml 1 I 1 I 1 i I 1 11 1 a 1 Im i i i i i i imp i tlu i ui II kr In nn IIILM II1 U.d IH hubjes nnd reel it I 1 iltmmri on t.oM i i f.r HH pun slu is to I I I I I iu KI 1 irn IU III It 1 ivhim i tl i i ir i i i i i i Ii i- in I hi 1 i Ul til i 11 i n-, 11 nt. to In i (In I i ith if 1 I liiv-t I ndgt in tl i i i tn hcjJit HI i i 1 1 I i I i i i i I i i ll 1 1 III, I till I i ro Iilld I -tnut an i 1 Kl In 1 Ih, i din i 111 i I i il I i i I I I i 1 tl Ur tl i 1 -I th 1 It I ir I ti rn I tlu nut i in i 1 i 11 i i i i i i nt I tl i I 1 ii 11 i dill'- ui in i in i nl c.i i diilO It ni i i in nr iui ilit i i 1 1 1 I I I I il lit i 1 1 ll i and ill I1 I i 1 i i dl it lit i i i lit i I tl M'dJ itl il i tl lur tt gnm In MI jn husl.ind and in luid au one to a jrRat i i I j.r.111 I i in 1 IK it tl j.r it f.n The Supreme Counselor then made the fo low ing Tiro tfifi appointment becrtUirv, AtwiHMl iranH If Melarlim.l II MIHL I MeUameK He offered a resolution fining the tcrntor of this Ixxl After a spirited dist uision, it was feferretl to iiinnttt-c ixinsistuiK ol Mistiitrand Mikklesou I Ihe (oincntton pnxeeilcd to the clot tion of oflktrs with the lonowmgre-sult irand A Jluiil (ttand Cou: stlor II Mixntr I (tram! Jru-wurer A i Gran honor i i 1- 1' McDaimls (rnui Junior hiiintiUHi 7 mulner (fraud I) McFmiiuid i i a i II II Me i Of (. llendt iraml Vntinel, On IIM tion the Coiuention adjnurnod tint I 1' ATUOOl) I i fe jtrv tern XFTHtAOON The Convention tnot as adjournmcn and tin having been itiKtulia the Orund Ilncumpjiieiit was dcclarwl 11 ititutctl and ready for tlie transaction of bug less The appointment of standing being next in order the Grand Command, announces! tlic following i On Constitution and IJy Kaw94Mlkklcson cls and MeKinniy On Finance--Gardner; Atnood and Miienc On CoiicKpondeuce--On motion, two mem Icr9 were added to lthw Inland, bhcpucrd. Qriinn and A iC Holder On Appeals--McFarland, Uphatai and Baker 1 On Petitions--Mullanicy Roberts and Me Daniclit The Committee! on Good of the Order, was on motion mcruwcd to one member from each Sub Enearupniint-Mni Hcndenliott Alder "On Thatcher, Uolibms, IIuiitniKdon, GriBUb UuliKhcrt), Mollct boldtrap and Sliiionds Adjourned to 0 A Thursday August 7th, 1873k Aug 7 1873, A Tut: Ooelock Grand Kncniupment met pantUant to lonmment On motion, twenty recess taken i On motion, a committee of three were ap to dnift an 1 order of business Com iiiittee-- Mikkk-on, SlieplH-rxl and McFarlan ixunmitteo on Constitution for an tx of time Granted the Grand Commander an mafic remarks on th ud tomjwumm loot! of tlie Order, i nude suggestions to the Coiiimi A fur remarks ilikkleson and Hen adjourned mm 11 '2 Grand uent Committee on Ore which wasi Committee on loth, rth. I ftMA-ed That, uli jn this Orund liat th iow on ncamtt a.

1 Liiizatlou of i i. rand See-rcu tiniztd in a tJlaeuiuiU neiilK (Icsiri I the 0 itteil 01 IUlG -lit U'l The On omtt 1 Irs Sli iittca on Const i Shepherd lentliott, the I clock, HKSHION 1 as per adjourn cr of Iliumcss submitted Loustitution asked fur- iompaiiion IfcFirianA ofllred the follow ofllrcni Rinl incmh l.lulmGntiKlEiKiLinj.tiKiit I i for a ou th eadnpUon of A ConMl uumpmiiit nnd the jrlnnu Mime, It in lit ordeixi iivUiy tho FixTttuijimLiio atilla Uneoii ami i of fact iLiul if fhall UJMHI ppplkatton tliL(raud Encampment of iulonllnates of this bran In cone application Uij ro utriKfd lx ftmhitriKL-d noiif mid ibtoftlu. muplwnte- of thtir unsmit i cnnj of the tomtilutluii jiwsiif thin Dilutions wt're ulopti-d i i i a om i Kepilm was ap ntusfstmi; Mel arland, and A itionof (.01 tlirei id.n^ i of St Itttt- Mix 01 1 nt id plad on lili On mutton, two union Mi ti i i i i i cm i i i and Kc kton thfi mm Mikkk-Mn ami i fr A eoil Kill li I 111 n) Mi i i On in 1 n. ication uiunhnlion iveent I ri'-olutiun i i ild UK in nnd my li 1 otmMun luf 1 ui nil i i i Vn i i 1 nu nl nit 1 in il i 1 In i i i ii ni i in in as It IL i I i i 1 1 1 Ii I UK I I i th i I I. M.

in 1 oimmttio No 1 in the from i i il rtiuf oflered tttm in n)u In hi ill I i tli intinsl ikt 1 IK. I i un in tills n- i rts iirinh ir 1 I. it IIIK il 4 mr im tut Iln I i i i iriin 1 i in 1 1 A tlu un! in i i i Inih i it II Also to MeIKiiRtilI Hull (uid jMimpiiKiiaJlA A bill of JMiviin Counselor, fori KituaN furniil and for (be IT njj Ith flcwloi the -e of the Encampment A warrant foi ordered drawn i The Grand was in tr ictotl to not itsoftbcOmn ortkers elect, to desipnntt the Sfos of I the sul onllnate Kiicanipnients and ittnno tions until tliarttra could be ri ted A ote of tluiiiks tcndti xl the (Jrand 14 Hllll 1 man 0 Ikungry anxiety Jury, with the i asistaoce of tlit torncy, more bus! new, dently too ntuc which will be tl uonUi, Nosmit! Hi Smith with still hopeful ill givin I'twoct i absorbed in ic ic bitterest pill to i witli Ills ct tlie odor of tie ntj ate 'perturbatioiu" clinging to hiii much The following is synopsis posed of up to noon to-day--! on lay, Oregon Central Railroad Co ill Waite and R. Balaton, cxeo ito Harvey, of tlie e), deceased, case contim regular term of this Court, i thd prescm erm, agreement. Frunk Sehluit vnWiHiani Gumbcinor ib-rcc for plaintil' Wm Mullliis and Hcimlt and Holmes.

undo alien tPv atde, decree for )e se-t aside JohnC Trull jigcrn isned without prcjudiJce, at co it IhumaH Chin man VM Klnur xxnianl Cha -man am! Mar 0. ShuUuck guon tlic minors, Mi ur in Charnmn anicr Teter Patiuct nnd Joel iioncv that eincnt, and ami Samdol ion for to issue notion allow Dickwm Mai UK nt for plff by Arthur VH Willia to answer Mistolnwl by tlu endunt given until to morrow mended unswc Hrtrduu! Wm nnd ef ii 1 suit had I oei was orall di mi rci iild lio i to that i Cl anuan Cbarman ad item for Cliur- mo- fcr $110 23J1873 icholas U) recover demur rt, mi; to lilc net let! by acd The Pendleton and Walla ilia EI remunerative enterprise. i i ho had his nnJi by the accid tlic Monltoe ul btiirc few weeks: 1 a rtflt dow i Mr Guo ill I Selu miitj li bet a toiintv Itiehi ol 11 hur in Jv ilai Tin art ides of ailroitd Compfi part ml coin nbr iied in (h naniiUec At (lie list me llama a tl I nNon tt i rat ion of betn mi i ret to tl etmg of tht th it ti i i I i weH. tro I lun i MIS i i IM iv i i i iii- On PI 1 1 i in I itl i I if -i, IH I I 1 (I i i 1 i 1 il II 1 I iv Tim 11 i 1 In ri I rt i IUH Ml I In 1 I- Mi i i liis oun i ll be uaillULll 110 i Mli I I ilou kvl ii riMU i I ni ir i I Ir 'I isi mil i i nn rtul vv tun! nt in did hi 1 i (ar lu" eu 1 tin i I': i i nnl ami il i tht uiinilv vvtrt a mil i i i i i nl nl tin Ails tin ran h-t 111 it il 11 Us I il i 1 iij-1 it i i il 1 I IHH! HIM shut II tin In id i inir i 1 and i i ilu iljlc lit hy of (', for uttuiilance (ItimiK tli Kn A for tMei linn HI tlu s-ucci tlnidnuul 1 flit next session lix 1 at Bi use City I The journal was rend and Adjuurned ittc A HEAI (jim.Ormd'^crclai matter Whllo on it ftmunK UIL iiiaUft, tht; ruuw It not appear in CXSCilii COUKT FOB CLACKJA1 OREGON CITY To rut PDITOR or TUB OBIKONIA CircuitCourt was opened In th ilay morning by Judge Upt tra of the legal profe sic noticed Judge Sliattuck, Judg; Sjtrolig, H. Durham, 1'rostcutlng Atlom cy ati( Doljili and Oatbn, of your citi tgather viith Messrs Johnson, UcCown, In Int, Warren and Bonn, of Oregon City Hi re i ecms tc but pnupeot for busii ca: as the docket very The Grand; Jury bare not ye hod time to return any The with tin i Gram he Snpran Umn lupensa Li jester long th tingAt- a Httl (3 CV1 liHIU, Albany quaire 22d.

A and Elvi Of Daalc ntOocoonr of injureil lincly it pros ou Iit7 Seattle so an en ,11 Walla aiinoil of ollur was i ihiua it Ui from In tr-lils 1 i i triiv llu I ir lin in lit 11 .1 jl 1 I i I i I I I I i i i iju lit ki I -kin I Uklll I by the from eight Lnornioiu Who caiijbcu The I i ft prcinill and trot (pan of Kacnflcin The Li lot? of honca being trained for the coming Union products cannot be tlic Suite Fai Tlie PresW nt of the Wellington Count liml Uu Agncn rented year an yloyed The iiation i Iji bat ltd under, ness in in an Bays the State Boi n) of Equal ed Saturday to meet Mo'v'iy In't gKjcjpiUi worth a Mr. i drt-ined at b)mebydck Ingalon In raent for the At that bate Trouur Life for OS, $36 Mr. J. Bdublern, of spring two ai els A erag value cror acre, net in the I rivci other Chilian A Km i of then ty- mbci ightful, and loll tradi fore Mr citizens, rocei a iloof st wing nhich I ban nd i rocure lumk leretofi re, tli upon our It new ba ikitif ready occ null, ut der tl that Hit) and Cart Joel EllOWS mine Whiti itli th Mr Jcf Ai of RAH tl: til vnrlil afi all a Imlrou oundlv 11 hou 'ould ell, an er, Ihu train uunil 01 hert t. lonimni oh un xv linn i hour llrsln nc tint) IK III un is i now ier rCKiilnr last Sunday iigc pot ill the lieu! He was badly hurt but ljntn ht fur repairs ISixthwn Ix-on holding for wjiuc daj part at Price land The meeting i 1 ropojt ondant to be attended with me connoctcd with the Land Of gton, Is on a tour of mepcctio government land offices on tl He went UiroDgb the La Grande 'rairie, near St Paul, a farmer of Smith hag tills ear one-fourth acres of tli ount of OSO bushels of oat.

ounty Agricultural Society offc $100 each for the best runnln torses, and only to for the beet hones Tliats what ty to ornament ide txntintl says? "We hair Fair A grand display be made--and a display that Ulcd by tlie great Wdlamet at Society Mr Hubert more stnnds and loi hare been the lattt week a large force of mei is now em nngihe Socicty'l grounds. Ily, and GOT. Carry in an wea nice. was llko the ost rose of summer. Imbrie, in anv former falledto pat Col left bloom jnlojice with law a Afftf Uun of couot; hool $73 bere was depotrtttd In the County ichool parposet from iron) fines.

of dt 55. from St'e from State Reboot Inju (vuiEvucy rented a half acres of er bottom, and on the 15th April, orolc. the tract to onions. p-thered the iron and sold It, with the follow lit i of seed and labor, and labor, ling, and l-iillng to wo and a half acres, 2.000 both rice per bushel, Wcenta. Total at the rate of roflt being Soma Chin men put a of giant po wd ear Pendleton UU fish, and i oailstcd in up the fish, utioe of the Peace Moore also in poking them up TheJusttoe for two days wilted for a prosecuting witness at last his bo; turned what is called Stato'sevi lence The Sheriff 1 arrested thirteen of the Chilian tn it the boy cauld not Identify any 1 1 sli ore convicted, laid In prison nra, paid $30 and dis- Thinamen talk of complaining 81: Th tin'I nitric Attorney about the illfwcd mprlso ndcnt at Baker Gty, under date Sth, says "Our weather is de- tht incchanics hete are btwy as good as ever be- McCord one of our olc returned from Chicago with steam portable sawmilL 1,000 feet of lumber In 12houn xotedat Marble our cltiiciis will be enabled to any time of the year, ice king has laid an embargo her J.

Wi Vlrtuijs nice will soon be finished anc lation The 'vlrtne mine anc careful umKxgcment of Mr aymg, and your cornspondent man has this ibilit) of Air Jackson (rtjiin arc doing well gold lode near Gem is htra looking after old busting tliat may turn up in the mil in hngland anil that the re ichwl on tin, Ortal Westcru --the) sjiroi on the latter be iiiilcian hour Instancca are of li vt und seventy miles I I of irni 111. ikr I ut. it lain he mt A. P. HOTlLnc lt.

I II dm 31dBOUH.BON WHISKY, 'ROM kn.ii rortlan 1 Sept AM) II IIS til i i Tht London Fnnmrrr the the that it ble to lav way so ainlaln it in such excellent or mipht travel on it with perfect milnsl nnlra an- hour--InJeixl of Miiji tracks ore now to of the urcat main luics, but no- 'nindnsl '0usjcutivt nulcs of in bcfound nnd rongirthmitsnettkestlmk nls if Imtl tnit ould spoil for a at OIK liuniln'd iuilis It IIIK 1 IK ruilly ibo fnini4ffr is- pvt'ii tlic r- lit for it v. Ii it shall the tn I is it jHisMblt tti tjonstnut an i i i niotlcniulv heavy i urn un a vilocitv of i ur on a lint with no i i nut iu tliifo lunulrcil li i i iliou of the question tin hpiivs iniiKissihl). 0 oiitum a niilnsl hour i rail- i i i is iiiMhnig one I I 1 I rt rs, I I.lltl OltS. STOK K.E. THE BCIIDlVG i tic thruwuopcn for Ktoract JiAKNAKl i M. I TO Patent 1 CT ccruJnly and ah nlnldr nf the Opcle Nem ora tieprmlon of (to il.tncm They give t.l il. the EAR, and'' to tb (otto Tube iMlontrof Tl, Jf WKLIII, j. nldpuxon. uxltbi 1 1OO FBOI- Wherebewfllte lM.a,T Ott Of jcwtiii, 8ILVKK 1 1 i- -Ji--, Itr ALZ LXAVI. i- to allbw la ola and the But at I POW wffl be 4 -i oat IB.

PORTLAND TO JOMFII necUng at Oomellii i with 4 8LJ oe, vista a id LEAVE. 7 JO A KJl Jowph --12351- can go on 1 LlUVJJtO rtland .134 Ifji 610 A.M. I RKen received al IncUuitnrn 1 'it OABTON.FreliStanir 1 i he ChlcAgo, "lock The ereu Cei lows Short OVERI Al ROUTt. lib la fat and West. tli.

I'aoIUo A 1IIEOMA ROITHTA OVERLAND Lffl-TI a nllable (s)nn sTlim, Jtlring frum thu Wi4t bj Ut Central and AM) a I i ic nl (ksrsnll i UMX! isl I nil run by Ili jn jl Dl ID PxMHc HICAW). 52 581 fur liihal Parlor Jui Kauro.vl ore now i (ompuijr between 0 ITB nun. jour Tickets nj via Rork Inland Atlantic. and CM st OMAHA wltfi cn A. M.

8MITB nt Chl A tan 1 Tit tle to lJ ABOUT Tktoma and I RX16HED Addict 1 1 Otrmpls, 'nib 1EWSP4PERS.

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