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The Galveston Daily News from Galveston, Texas • Page 3

Galveston, Texas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Only Vegetable Compound that acts directly upon the Liver, and cures Liver Complaints, Jaundice, Biliousness, Malaria, Cos- tivcness, Headache. Itassistsdi- gestion, strengthens the system, rcgulai'esthc bowels.purifiesthe A Book sent free. Dr. SANTCRD, 162 Broadway, N. Y.

rOB KA.M. BY ALL PJlDGQIITa, nwol CcjppWnU, And Tartoiw IchrlJc and dUionlrra liflt Ira- Swlturr Hpa. and thwwi ftro now tJiroiiifhoiit Uin worl't t-yTarrant'" tu! AUniruU anl producing nil the liappy ro- mtltn tlif Oaiiniin Thirty to forty d'jMM Hpurtf In.ff AprriflBlt to tfuch bottle. THE 11 sum IE Railway FOR FREIGHT lfo WILL NKMS CALDWELL, BUKL3i3O5 COUNTY, 0V 1, 1880, 'ro MILANO JUNCTION, KHtA2f COFXTY, QX SKTTL'aiBER 10m, IfcSG, wo CAMEKOX, UTLAM COUrTY, ONI BEPTEMBEK Sim, 1880. All fcuataw to or from thine puinUl.

or tbd terrl- torr roiiohrai 'JiroilKh utatlonii.wUI IM rioilvod forwarded. notli of thy opimijiif of theMo for will li: cffeet Wednesday, 1, ItH). ljuvx DAILY. Aim, AT HOUSTON, Xxcopt Sunday. hn Union Depot T.3!i A.

K. x. -jn. CJoriwot wah M. and T.

C. and G. H. and S. A.

K'yu. DAILY. lUnlonDepot S.JS A- H. T. 1 .04 A.

x. dmiHut T. N. O. R'y and S.

mi O. N. K. S. DAILY.

-n (Union Depot S.40 P. K. -j Ti 0 o.oo p. M. Corjiert wM: H.

and T. and H. and S. A. R'j-s.

tjun DAILY. AKK. i I ju M. H. A T.

C. Dflpot. I 1 0 45 i lOO Union Depot OojSSt wit, II. and T. H.

and S. I. and Q. and T. nnd N.


C. Dcoot. I 0 4.OO r. Ulilen Drpot Accomaiodatlon Tj'uin. DAILY.

(t.30 P. x. H. T. C.

Uojiot. 1 11.40 M. F. Villon Depot ii.aui. Couiwl vlth B.

and C. and 6., H. S. A. R'y.


Paw. A 't. Htreet, AJ1P South'ern E'y. LW YOU AJtHS GOINO FKOlf Texas to St. Louis Oil ANY POrXT NORTH OB EAST, and Onr Bortlu Ortff ikA and Great Northern, Mid PoctBc and St, Louis, Iron Mountain Aitd Southern Hailwaya, Tho Oreat Texas and St.

Louis SBCOBT It 1JO tbe Shortest antl 12 Honrn Iloutc. Pul'raOD Houston to St. Loala 'S10 cities! Vitiiout change For particular information, cull upon or S. ii. ami 3, BoJBton, J.

Itt. JTlr. Houston, 'fax ROYAL MIL SIEiffllPS. BOSTON IOTW YORK. Kct of Sftlcon pwsigc, SSO and $100 gold, nc- to Hcosrnmodatloiu.

Pteerago paKsago to ctiilveiiton hy nil rail or atoamer to Now Tork, Liwei-pool, OueunstowTj, Belfast, Deny, Brln- lol, CurdUt fir.o' all other partH of Kurope at low N. 54 Strand. 4 Bcwiing Qrettn, New York: ill STEAMSHIP LINE, of ihc- followir(g jioraecl trtcjunera: cn-fi i r. Capt. CITY OF AXTOls'IO BurrowR.

Penniiigton. OAKONDKLKT i OOLOUADO Bolpfl. Ynvurjiurn nt Mjcwent.lln.tew Oce of tto aixTM aamfxl will leavu Toric SATUiWAVrund Oalveston for York every" and oit Saturdny, tno trrulv 1 'requires. fallen tnuislt TVcaU'm Tuias Ct "Will sail for Yofk via FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER For ftvight or pasKigt to J. ti.

SAWl'JiK, Icvllt, SLrand, Cliilvi't'tUD. C-H. MXL.LORT Tier Kvst River, Now York. "MORGAN'S J1V Iftim AIIU i UAr AMP Now bv Str-uiirri Iwivc every SUNDAY. TBOS8Di.Y iwd KEiDAY, at 1C with MttiU and FM in OPKBATTION BKTWEKW OALVESTON AND HOUSTON, GALYESTOX AND BKENJJAX.

No. "I-In -rfToot ml i. 1 A. x. I Iturm fiuniluy, at KOWITJ- InTii Jun.Ttl.,!) with H.

uiui H. A. Havl Hw) all on that un'l ftt wltli CVntrnl lallwuj- for U'HwUitr. (il'llllnxn. Mtfaju und Aujitln.

Ixaivo GiilrMtOH Arrlv 1.W I 1 Omnnctlnic ill with till I. awl O. N. 'or nil polite tlat line and NORTH, EAST fe WEST. l--ivfr JffruHton I Arrive OalviwVjo A.

x. 1 i. x. Train ruiiH DAILY, with an'l N. Hull at and with irain from ban An- tunJo at I'eircr QB A.

M. Arrive MX) p. H. 1 f. CnnniKiInx Kownbtrx Junction with H.

B. A. Kallvrnr. Throuicli TIckeU and to all nolnn and Berth" In Hlvrpinu Cam lre a TICKKT OFFICE, Corner Trtjmout and Market ijui. Oral UMON DKPOT, Fool, of Trenont St.


I I N. A. CH. Al'bert Tjo'ii'iT School for BoyH, A CKVTKU EIGHTH ASSFAL SKICS, WEIlSESDAK, SEPT. l'INS ami tor fvr TT'iOUX 1 K.i»t MJ pMiimw hu of Httujy lA'ljtrtnwnit for Muriufotl of Livingston's School Will Thltil AnnuiJ Kcwlaa, with a corpn on 1, ol 1'itli KDWAICD J.IVTVOSTOX.

A UHnmruca Ajuiujll Hwulon Sfp- On bftirMn 14tb and 1Mb. For circular 0. D. BBIOCS, Principal. No DALTnlOKE, KKM.

H. P. IJSfEVKB. Jottrdinj Iknd Day bc-hool lor Ywuntf will reopen AvEkVJwTii" REOPEN UKR SCHOOL, on H. hrtwwi irtth ami rtreeu, Momlay.

0. 1WO. COMMKliciA'L SCI.IOOL- Knclisli. Oerman. Fwnroanjihip, MuthcmaticH.

The fourteenth annual vrlU commence Hoptembor 1. 1H80. Strict attention will bo puld to nK and correct clpherlnn. DalCailtChurch'trnet. 58i, niau-13th- KAILKOAD.

New York, New Orleans and Texas Through Line. THROUGH TO NEW OELEANS WITHOUT CHANGE. On anQ After Monday, Angnsi 30, TwInM will loiwa Houirton dully and run to Orloanil without cliaoftu of tarn. I'MiKngttr train li-avM Bouillon to. ia o'uloclc noon and arrives at Orleiun o'clook JL.

a. next day, making eloso conntxition wltli traluB of tho Loiinvillo and Nunhvillo, ond Ohiongo, St. Loulf and Sew Orleanu railroadu, For all Points in tho North, Northeast and Southeast. Through tlaketa oti oalo to all principal points, RATES as LOW aa VIA OTHER LINES. t3T For further Information apply to J.

F. CROSBY, Vice C. A. BCHTON, Superintendent, W. H.

WASTERS, Fraltckt and PRM. Agent. RAILROAD. THE DIRECT LI3E FROM AND TO ATTENTIOJf OF PASSEJfOEIIS Id luvlttid to Tlmo of Arrival and Departure of at ttw Cities named In the following New Time cNoanil DAILY Lv. U5 r.

M.jSlin Antonio 11.00 A. 0,45 A. M. Aufltin -Ar 10.40 Rock 11.89 Taylor 2.10P. M.

Heome 7.30 9.33 2.10.L. 3.M ilanihoJl 7.3ii (Texftrlcjuia M.ILittloKoclc (Dinner) H.1S rWulnut KJco (Supper). I BluIT 2.M A. sc 1 Arcadia(DLnnor) 2.53 8.5,1 Louiw 5.JJ."r. H.UO 7,00 M.

Ar. A. n. I I 2,45 I 10.4.1 p. M.

7.06 5.11 12.33 Lv. 10.Ki.lL p. Baitimorw Washington, D. K.E5 1.25 u.45 1UI9 INewYork. li.OO iMftmpliix (U5A.

u. Naslivllle 3.J p. 3.00 'CUatumoocs 11.00 4.4S l.ns 12.30 0.00 A. 11.00 P.M. 8.30 6.MI A.

M. 12.53 fl.lOp. H. O.OT 0.10 4.30 3.SOA.M. 12.80 I 8.40P.

n. I 8.00 CONNECTIONS LITTLE ROCK.AKKANSAS, Colnmbns, via Poplar Bluff, TICK SOUTHEAST, ui THI: UNION DEPOT, ST. LOUIS, MORNING EXPRESS TRAINS ALL BIKKCTZOMS. Pullman Vftlnco SiropiiiK Cars between Houston and St LonlB without change. St.

Louis 071(1 Texas Fast I'relyht Through Care! No Trniishipmcrit: QuickTime! Special Inducjrarntn to Thny will find it to their to we the country nlonft this Line before dtcidinR to settle olnewhei-c. For ThroiiKri Ttckota and Information, apply to jr. U. ITIILLEJB, corner Treraont and Market Galveston. J.

S. LAN'DKY, Clk.Unlon A. A. GALLAGHER, Ticket Cerk, Hcunie. r.

J. 1.ATVLESS, Ticket dark, Aurfin. J. M. BOIEN, SoiicitinK Freight and Pas- BCnfjer Aprent.

llousUiIj. B. S. HAYIW, Preiiuent. Ifl.

IIOXIK, Viou Pres. Kud Gen'l Sup't. A McCOV, Jcu'l Frolght and Pass. Ay't. GESEUL OFFICES: PALESTINE, TEX.

v. mil lorn-anlcd and Cuero, Wdsuyn and to Corpus rlnrlstt, BocH- ulton 1 by voiweU. ir tvronMH oonnwjUon at (mllanollt. For Hrowimvllle, orcry iflOHT 'JAYS, or as rt CH.tS. FOWI.EB, ftonoral ARfnt.

STAKK S. JONES, TiclMn Agrnt, offlcu, Tivmuat ATTORNEYS. CALVHSTON'. Ballinger, Jack Mott, No. I I PontoBlcc OALVESTON.

TCXAS. S. W. JoNtt (iresham Jones, Jio. PontoOTrc Street, GALVESTON', TEXAS.

E. P. Turner, Mrcot, flouvton. State at iloupton. Supreme, federal at (jiUvcciToii.

PALKJITINE. cl. irrwK i'c; HT, TEXAS- rfimptlv nttendgd to. TEXAS. -f cr county.

S.iN ATOMO. H. Mo LEAKY, AND CONNECTIONS. Tho Only Line ruxmliiR throiiRli rho csntal imd best portions of the Suite Qt Texas. Tratnn and Dally um Froiiclit ISctweou TEXAS KANSAS C1TUT.

IWftCllilM Palace Each Wiiv. Wltliout brtwccu AND HOUSTON, VIA SEDALiA AND MISSOCR1 PACIFIC RAIlffAY. The Short Line! Palace Slooplny: Carw fl-XY, Wltlnoal Dallas St. Louis. VIMTA, AM ST.

LOCISiSAS FR.WCISCO R'Y. EUROPE THBOUGH TICKETS From or to any point tn Grout Britain or Continent of Europe, via tiie f-TEYK' PFVTRII P'Y nlJCMUn 4 I a A a And ali-nvU to Now York, rla North-German Lloyd, Whitft Star, Anchor, lomtn mJ Cunard Stecjeuihtp LInw, on Calvert, McKlnncy, Houston. Waco, IlctupMtuAe. Special Inducements to and ptiople desiring to in the Stetw, informaiioii to rates 01 itna fruiicct. niuti's, npplr iu or by lottor, to liOG.VX.

General Immigration Ajent, or to A. H. HOUSTON, TEXAS. ilUf THIS IJKE OF TUGS ANI BARG-ES will rectflva and forirrd promptly ALL FREIGHT FOR HOUSTON, and poinU on the HOUSTON A TEXAS CENTRAL, TEXAS AND FACIPIC, and TUXAS AND NEW OHLEASS for loss or damages promptly All goods insured by ttis compajy "hUe in transit on Uieir barges. After lamoruj MJU4 the rit of tht, iLri( I.


J. E. U. HTtMllT. I'rincipal.

Full corpi of Ujachcm. The wmion tieitinii S-pt. 10. end continues 0 mox. The e.Tpcmu; of bowd, Intlud- the wailninli: course, SfflO: nani't with anil elocution, SllOO.

In ful valley of Va. For uarliculiinjipply to the 1'rl'p'L MISS THERESA MOELLER AXD MISS LOULA JOCKUSCII Vf'jII Open School September 6, At their resid-nce, cor. Avenue It and Twentieth street. Daily fjermnn Inxtructlon if desired. occ.l nml InKiruineutal inuHle taught by JOCKUSCH.

GALYESTON HIGH SCHOOL. Prepare! Enys and YounK Men for the collejen nnd uniVMvitlei of the South. Will open SLPTEfl- HER H. 1KHO. RxpeiiHert per nionth: EleinenUry Hlchcr Einrllsh and Latin aramraar.

J6; Complete EnjrlMi, anil Clamlcal OourBU, ilO. K. BOYALU (Univ. Va.) Prln. RmKxzsoz: Col.

W. L. Moody. For further par- tlculnm and for Circular, odilmKH the Principal, caro 3teann). Moody JuiniHon, GalveMton, Terna.

Tins IEWCII AW HOSPITAL, CALVKSTON, TEXAS. Roculur Courae Oouinieitcvn Oct. For circular or othur infomiatipn, oddresi J. F. Y.

PAIXE. M. Dean. No. of'dtuaenW, 111.

Chartarod Baylor University Next. neMlon opens September 0 (Thumiav). Clasnicol, Ncientinc and HuHlnew course!" of atuily paruilel Hli the beat American Kx for bo.ird, li(tlitn and f.Mtlon, ac- oonlbiB to grnde. vary from Sl3" SiOi. for 40 woeka.

Hacll dally at Breuhnm; SO to Htudents Send for catalOKUO or (jlrciilar WM. CABF-V CKANlS Independence Texga. Galyeston Female Institute, MISS E. H. NORTON, Principal.

SESSION BEGINS MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 8. For particulars, apply to Principal, durlnp school houri at iOBtituto, corner Avenue II and utriMit; at other times at residence, comer 13th and innle. Lunguagefl, Dni'ving and Music at Professors' rates. BEULEVUE HIGH SCHOOL BKDFOIIJO COUNTY, VA. On Vircioia nud Tynneswew railroad, Jlftuon miles west of LyncliburR.

A flohooi in which yoimc (UL-II and bo-w urt proparftd for a or for buwi- IIPSH. iiigli and healthy location, full corns of tt-uch- ern thorough InHtructKm. liburai for thu acoomifiOdutlon and comfort of Foi 1 catalogues, couLalniiiK Information, midrib W. K. ABBOT.

Principal, Bellevue P. O. Avo. bcnvct'ii lOtli and 20th OPENS S2PTEMBERO. Diplomas, under a charter, glvcu pnpflri who Jin- fah thti whold courrib.

At tho aolititiitiou of patroni, a few ttmtill boys will ru'juiveJ in tbe Pri- MRS. E. A. HUFM1ASTER. TEXAS LAW SCHOOL.

UW DEPARTHSST OF BAYLOR Bh'IVERSlTY. ThB anmml term for lf80-18Sl ivUl cotrmicnco at Bronlmm on MONDAY, OCTOBEIt 4, 1880, and ooa- tiuuu for eight months. Address, J. SHEPARP. T.4.YLOB COLLEGE, For tlio Ediirntlou or Women.

The thirty -fourth unnua! sefJJiOn vill commenca MONDAY. SF.PTI'JiMBERO'. Tlie miMfc and art depArtmcnts aw under the cu- rect'on of pt-atlemoTi widely known as eminent teacLerH Lcciuiui arid wxtrclaes tlie normal school thy yuar. i-or cutu- locuea oddrpKj; J. H.

I.UTH£U. Indepen'iencL-. Toxoa. 01" Cure of Chronic Disease, or STOMACH, I or COJREPTflGTHI SOLIiM 1.W THE FLODS. Chronic Rhauinatlwa.

Scro-fnJa, Injf. Dry Cowrfa, HyphUltl'; CumplAUiU. at, VlmiKf llriua. Tic DiilOTW, llropny. Kbouni.

BrongWOl, a LIVER COMPLAINT, Etc. only lw Is u( Mrulu- CoiutilulJuluU Siln bul in Uw onlv oottltlve cure far mil Bladder nu'vou. and Womb Uvtaet, bulii. Dropur, KvypHVl nt Inoontlaoioi. rf Dlieiuw.

Altiumliiurii, to umn wtwr. tbore or this thkk, clotuly. with ntbtiinniji IJw th o( or Uko white or thiro i morbW. duri, boco tfuit tad Qlnv pncn- Ine, btiraJiig pwnInK tjln In tho mnull of tbo btck tad tbo lolm. Sold bjr all druiafrjl.

Ovarian Tuoior of Tram Orovrfn Cured by Dr. Onu botUo c'jiitalm mure ol tha in-tivo prijicipUf of mtdtcimi thnn 003- other preporntion. Tulurn in Ti-iutlxxjiiMl while require or ft much. PulLni Per Buttle. E.

E. CIIOLKHA AND ACITB C0HE1) AXD PBEYENTED NEUHAGTA, DIPHTHERIA, I i A SOBE. THROAT, DIFFICULT BREATHING, Believe'! Jn a Few Minutes BOWEL COMPLAINTS. TM, Diarrhea, Cholera llorbiw, or painful KCH from the bowels art: snoppud in aftcen or twenty by takioK Jfculvay'ii Riady fie- liaf. No contention or no woaknens or lassitude, ivm fullotr tbe use of the R.

Belief. AM FA1IMS. For Hendachc, whothur lick or Nervoua- nuott and Kheuma'Iiiut, Lumbago, TainR and In thp Buclf. Spliio or Kld4ltiyfc, uruiiiid thtt Pleuriby, ywc-liinp: of the Joints Pidnv In. tho liowels, Heartburn, and I'alus of all kltiilx, KaOwny'n Iteidy Keliol n-111 afford im- nii'l coutinued for r.

few effect a ponnaueiit cure. Kadvay's Regulating Pills 3 Perfect FuraratlroK, Soothlmnf Act Wltliout I'alu, AlwnymlRella- blaaud Natural Operation. A Vegetable Substitute for CalomeJ- Perfectly tuBteietw, eleffantty codiod with sweet fmm.purjrt^rwulute, purify, ivud vtmiiEthen. Kaclway's Pills. Tor euro of nil DlsorJunoC tho fitoraach, IJver.

Bowels. Kidneys, Bladder, Nervpun DlneoiieH. Hcudnohe, CVH- tivenuw. IndJijiiiitlon. Dj-Hpwpflla, Biliouitnuni.

Fever. InfbjnmJiuon of tho and all cle- ranff'JnicnLfl of the Vincem. Warrdntod to a iHjrfMCt fibrv. Purely uOntaJnEng no meiTuryi or delctertourt Urug PW" Ohwrve tho foJlowlns resuHini; from Dlwamw of the UJecHtive Onronrt: ConHtlpa- tiou. Inward WUisi, of Blood In tho Hfftd, Acidity of tin? Stom.ach.

NaiiHua, Henrtbum, Disff'jst of Fooil. FulJnuss or lit In tbe Stom- aiih Sour Eructationa, SlnkinK or at the Heart. Cbolrtoc ur Suffcrtoc ScnsUons whvn a Pain In tbp Side, Chesr. den of Hunt, ByrnUift in tlit a A. few doui-K of Baa way 'a Fills will frue tlio torn from ttlt tho abovo named Price, a5 CcntM Per Box.

We the realtor must t-onsnlt our ftiicl oti thu subject of rllsotiHOH aod their" curt-, ftriioog which may tit; munad: and True," find way on Irrluable 1 "Itadwjiy'in Serofuln, 111 11 relating to different cluMses of "Sold by tlrucffiuts. TO PUBIrc. There be no better garanue of the valneof Bodtvay'tt ol'l cHUxbllsfjcd K. K. Et-int-dleB than the buvc ami worthier imitations of thf as there ftilms ivsolvwits, imd "suru and I iLsl: for llad way's, and that the juime Rtulwny Is on what you buy.

ISS ClVAKI.KS'S SCHOOL, SELECT Private 17th botu-i'oii Winnie and Churcli. ai.VTiiEMATICS A SPECIALTY. SAM HOUSTON mrmTTmii September Applicants must be familiar with thf common tirftnchi'H of udiication. To receive fivt; 1 uition they miitJt bi willing to wac-h; and. Indii'tt, iSyeiUU of cirO' UO All f'lqutrics (-'f'eer- fully answered by" WH SMIT3I, L.Ij.D., SPRING HILL COLLEGE, NEAR MOBILE, ALABAMA.

The Fifty-First An nual Session 1. Tliis pleasantly situated in a most heall.hy locality, is under tliti direction of tbe Jt-niiit Fatheni, and affords wary for the best classical ami ooinmrrelat elucation. lerms-- Bonnliuwl Tiiliii.a iieryoar, S300. For further pcx- ticulars address ItEV. JOHN A.

DQAVN'EY, S. J. President. Th.e Medical Department 'osjjwsffl unpivuled atlv.iat(i?rt's for Tench- Tho Charity Hospital lnw im annual ad mliuion than SIX THOUSAND Patients, and is vjstt- wl daily by tlio Protawore, mxompinmyl by the Tliu annual circular will br sent to nil who may T. W- 31.

Dunn. ppp'rL. NASHVH.I.K, Com ofG-ounda, HnUdlniri and Appn- Hudoivincllt (ut 7 $800,000. NIIIII- 485, rom The SiiMioa! nnd I. 1 1 opunSEPTEMIlKEl: the Phirmacyutlcal, Madloal end Dentil DelwrtmMits opm iCTOBhP.

1. FEES (np.vnlil« ii' mlraiiLV--III thl- Arailemio DC- nrtmfjii; Uililical. Sl-1: Urn-. S100; Medical. iOJ; hiirraftWUlicol.

IVutnl. JOO. fumlriied lodging, from Sl to S20 Six (each arenanually awordeJ to successful Tliriw Onulunte tvliowihipa, nt SiltV) each, amt Olio Poiit Oraduato at $M), aimuaily awarded. For wMresa L. (.:.

GARLjVNT), Chancellor. GltLHilffli COLLEGE OF TEXAS. RAILWAY DEPOT AND POSTOFFICE, COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS. Faculty: JOHN President and Prof. MtaUd :ir.d Moral Philosophy.

J. K. COLE, A. Profeasor English Lvijiuaye And Literature. C.

P. ESTXLL, A. Proressor Ancieut;nta^t'S- H. JU. DINWIDDIE, G.

CABTNEB Professor Modern D. f. SMITH, M. Prof. Biology, and Veterinary Sciunce.

C. C. GKORCESOX, professor Horticulture and Affricidture. Ii. WINMS, A.

ProffcSdor Hathematiot. FH.ASKLIN VAM WIMCLKi OT. B-, ProfesKir MKhonics anil and of Shops. OAPT-CEO. T.O LASTED, U.S.A., Cocunandunt of EltllL KEI.LNVR, Farm Fifth Annual Session Begins Oct.

1. '80. Tho plan of instruction emorftces two courses of four vfars wch: 1. Airriculture. 2.

and Mechanics. Tn Mddition to which are full courses in ths Francli, Spanish, Gwtnia, 'k and lonpuaces. without fljctra charge. BUftl mdlities are thui suppliKl for literary culture, OH well ait tor practical and iustruc- Uoord, tuition, fueL wopuin? and medical attendance onlv for the academic year, payable quarterly in advance. Applicants for admission reust ho at least IS years old.

and should be fAiriy proficient in elt- neutary English branches. Manual labor not compulsory, but who donire to reduce their ei-'penses-bv workiiig the farm or in shops, be employed at loir as their services may be needed. Miss Nellie Owen ILL OPEX SCHOOL 'FMI! Ul September, corner of Avi'nue aiul struer. It encouraged by lisp 'patronane of the vicinity I offer my Heo'icen for tbe buiJJinK up of a PEThlANKIIT SCHOOL, and M'iJl add the lan- luiil other special branches to suit tlie de- umiids of my patrons. Conaiiciod by llioSISTEUH OP IVKHCV Will open on tho IfctDay or September, 1880.

On Market and motherly nnd firm. Pupils of oil admitted. brttJichtfit and modern ImproV'Tint'niK In fancy work thiwoughly tnuRtiL A spumiU COUTHC for uajf receive tho moifi careful attention. iV-KrouiulK bt-autiful. and all tliB huilrtlnjpi to be ruubvaiod.

Prices inOdcrtiK 1 Apply to the SttSTKHS OF PJCEHCY, Cornor Market and Sixteenth Ktreets, Texas. ThU ivdl iustltution resiling its uauaJ cholastic dtitiew ou Ittoiiday, Sopuuiber 1SSO. For catAlOjjiK's iiorticulure, nfldretiii Jlother PATRICK'S PAROCHIAL SCBflfllS, Irvrs address Itev. J. L.

3USSANT. Pastor St, Patrick's OhtircD. (i- tht3 Mother Huperigr, at the I I A.VOTZIKH HOUSE THAT HAS BY yeftis of patiiriit illnl ffforUi to please. Lmilt'nn it most magliifU'uQl Itusiii, ss. Hui'; nay be round ui jjaiv sold nnd pi-edoijs ntor.i.*s I ETC.

ALL T11E MODEK.S' Sn'LES OF 1 JEWELET known to tba dresy and fashionable Trortd. Time Pieces, of kindji, umy found dome Erom tuy tlu; artwaij: mjuiy the wonder-creating sliopB our own oounUT': while alJ aad clock pioauouip the world over are mnoiijr stock. Tbe tAstetul can nvre fittd delicate! CHCfA DEOfEB; SETS, Hoss Rose Tea Sets, BRONZES, VIMft 1PR RPIflftliF PfilVl lAiiio, Imo ELuHlufi IflliU, XAJOLICA WAEK, CUT flLASS. of oJl Irinii, 30 much ilclfebt. tho weU Talile and Pyctet Cutlery, SCISS033S, UKOltltyltMVuipAttenut.

Mema Vdr.alrwJ.crrn by mgut futidkxu. IE ocr npTt shiii ctmtinuc to puUiKh oualocue o' pricvs of thfc stock. Uu nwlar alwart infortn of parlirt In thi 1 country who may TOU to O. D. ia a a of lUta.

anA Jfiirvlry fully Kf nmlrrd, lT BxeA bjr trxjult. Corner Trcmont and Market Sts. York wait- more erupt. tve Violent in Eorton hnd wmt out $90.000, HUD tony wwS Up to but thus Ur thix ait more than 10 per ccnl. that ouwttnt gntt to itir up the Chinn about to to tiw California to her propto at h'mw: by in tho carrying trade Lutwoeo her nrn and It would of pot-tic justice Kfaould the Asiatic teach a iro The treasury tuthurtitai that wdi aji silver, how become a nuixanow in buxf- n.rt», and that hav? from various quartern that bo fued In tixctiAcgw for It, upvn the principle that ffavc-nw lame of silvrr 1 The ail vw do not circulate to any now, but it that If exchange could be arnujgi-d, Uwy would circulate readily ttvery whero.

Tho in do- of $10 only, and an not a legul tender. The of Europe held In gold at thy clone of July, which Is aotnr 000,000 lean than, at the correftpoDdiug date lut whioh Hhorm tliat the luxva bwu to replaco thu gold tht United Statfo. drew them last -year. It Is evident they aro goinjf to an effort to prevent a further deletion. Tbe first movement to retain tho gold is noted in the advance of the rate of discount by the Btaik of Germany, mid tho probability of altnilar action on the part of tho Bank of England.

This ia In tho nature of defensive action, which will have a tendency to jnake money worth more in thowe countries than hvre. When this IB the cow tho United Btates raiwt either take ita securities huJd thi-ru for baJiince or the poods inajmfuc- tured there at low pricee. Thin beinjf thy cast- it is not safe to expect that the present flow of gold to tills country from Europe will tong continue. COMMERCIAL. NIWB OrnCK, September 1, 1880.

The jobbing trade has been fairly active today, with a largo representation of buyom in person, and purchaswi of staples In all lines largo. Dry goods show special animation, and groceries aro moving briskly, The demand by the trade for bacon was fair, but a further advance in west checked businefiH, and ((recent huvo adopted a lumd-to- jnoutb policy in ordering supplies. Tku local stock is much reduced, however, and at the cloBe packers' uyouta advance the prices fic on clear and long clear, Lard at St. Louin was up SOc, but showed very little chanso Bt Chicago. The St.

Louis figure!) tw dry salt are unchanged but stronger, bacon had advanced to IQc tor clear and Cio for clear rib, which is ftn improvement of Vc on the furnuir and on the latter, Porlc at Chlcairo ia Sac higher for September, and 35, October-November unchanged, but December and January quoted at $18. Lord closed bid for September and 8c for Octobor; November advanced from T.85c to T.ttiJ^c. The local grain movement has been very light at St. Louis, cash lost yesterday's advance and fell to or wltbin of tho price of Septembers, viz SOJ, Octobera which H' decline; nnd for Noverubors, an advance of There was no change at Kansas City, but Chicago put No i tairiug for Septsmber aelivury down Xo, October up and November down Ji'c to Flour at St Louis uull, but not lower. Corn has ad- on and tho near The year ta now quoted up to conuiieal is unchanged.

"VVliLnlcy at Cincinnati has ud- vanoed to )L 13 and closed linn. Coffee is steady, stock. 1 llcht and the better qualities hard to find. IS'ew York ia quieter at 15JiailOc for fair cargoes. Saturday's New York Shipping List, says: Private cablo advices from Rio, dated the ot interest aro the ivkh'h liave now reached maximum avei 1 season, tbo doclino of Xd ox- change, which brings tho lay-down cort prime pood fiTMt to about or below the parity ot tills marltet.

however, dispatcbei dtityd one day later advise the market there uctivo and higher, tho amounting to 73,000 bags, aud the price advunwul por "Whether, hoivevyi'j made for this counti-y or for Europe hiu not traiuplnxl. If for Europe it imut linvc o. Bti-oasthenuiB effect upou tliis market, but if for this country it remains to be yeon what the revolt will be. It wa.v this inU'UiKeuix 1 caused the market loMtillen so m.iU'rially yesterday. Cable filial Soatus roport a lower'market thoro.

Thorn been uo niate- riiil cbaxtge in the lociil jobbing ddumiid. Deul- aa nilo, report a uuiet, steady ti'ftde, but lai'g'w movement or htoclc to thf interior atili continue, although cousiderubly liw.i than last week. Sugars are active and higher, and quotations liavo becm revised nccorrfingly. Under dnte of Schwabacher Uireeh, of New Or- lemiu, write: The crop of supar and In very prv mising and much linger thai 1 last year, and without accident to the sugitr caiir tlie yield will bo fully hotheads loiTels mokuties. Tin; of cnno in tbln state will brgin earlv in October and end aiwut 1st of Jinuary.

Market uonu- and fr atlr Vrwn- tirmtv tluji Ihr "-n by rulwf THJ: I.VTT-J!" of at t'7 WOFUJX. io IM 1 ri W. i.H'-.K/J, Jrmanv 4 WIO.V. unworkcL viiuuitrration reboiled molasMW auO-iOe. sulioa Concerning rice, tho sauio authority' The new Louisiana crop icuch larger than Inxt year, imd wjjl vieid, without accidont, i'lillv barrolK.

"It is arriving frtvily into market and meeting with gotxl demand tor the lot'ul trnde, mid also for thu northern ami wtstorii inai'ki'ts. Pric(M "re eaxy at presunt UK Prime to fboicy, Hti'iotly "ood to ordinary to ooninum, 45X4 No. 2 brcwura 1 ricft, iu duality. The 2f. Y.

Chronclc of Saturday summarizes itm weekly weathur reports by tolegruph us follows Thy -vvcaihor during; the twist week lias bevn fuirlv favorablo. Catci-piliars done tiarni within Jiinitod wirtionu. but UHJ injury us yet quLLo local, and, should jnd-e, not vt'ry material iu its effect on total crop. Riwt and (Jieddiny ai'O romplaiued i some Of the market for gunny bogs, eta, thu Nt-w York Chroiiicli. 1 of Sutunlay, says; has not taken in a bul tbe inquiry ia frr jobbing parceLs, ana tho traiiaaetions lire about 100(J rolls.

Thort is a stronger market, and though liave Kot chunked as yet, holders ore loolang for an advance in sfcti near future. There is moderate inquiiy the close, is being supplied at ISs for He and 11 for atamlanl grades. 'Butts hnvo not moved, and the market is i-ather cJulJ. There has no change in priw, ana lichlent are quoting tbe Inttc-r for prime Tlio cotton market fairly active and cluocd tlnn under advices of l-llj32d. advance on di'liveries at LivurpooL Nt- York pnt futures up 4o points.

Spot at Liverpool quiot, and docliuod a-lfic. at Xcw York in adjustment with the figures quoted for Sep- 000, iruin ItoEand 71 it ii tc. br tout tiv4? Ontroi-nt" nro nut of or falling off of thu uuhutry K-J- tbr to nbow StabM Sun made (eJt in Uvr U-u, of wurkL Still uiotixh can ifeaiu-l Iruiu tbe tn -wiirrani ipn that, wilii ay unforwtoeu at-cicUml jfruw- Inj; conditkinii. tho Um- rwatte counlrv will tlm We ftt cultoo production by vnxl- Lig the raw material thruUjh prv- IJOjrawrj- to the tljcurvn Ti nww onlv EnjjlAiid in extent wi cotton SinTM annual ii tiie number of Aniwwon nijiridloi half miUiou, poT'l. huwyver, Uanllr a fair critoriou, LU- cIuilinK.

it thoxr of oV- mills wvrw tiwiw yuan fixvt UM eoimniiii it a ix-mxl uf emal uuutlitiotu of ir.dortr%- ami capital. an uuiuaJ iiw of bOU.u 1 rniuidlcH. Takiiu? into conriuJeration tfap aiuiunl iatTviw: a mtio tit progrwk coin- ini-iuumtv with o' capital. roncMui'm t.y no taping Inat vithui tbe next of a ceilturj'. thu I'nit'-d will xtond pre-vroiuuiit in tho cotton manufacturing of tlu A very salient fmturo of tho rrorth of inuiistry In tiie SlaVw that.

In the three ywint procwling collution of the BUtLitim, acceleration betn almost wholly coullniil to the itouth. It Would uppear that, with the energetic and emr.lovment uf the three gratf iu manufacturing--skilled tlbor, capital and mucbaci- cftl power--the portion of the globe which funiisboi mojrt largely the material bi dwtrntid to niont largely Ui the to be reaped in faahionuig'it for tbe of maa as we may awcuuie, that the southern outlou in addition to abundant mippjy of tbe mw will have tn active deA-elopinent all other sontial conditions of successful manufacturing, it may be confidently that will ut no distant day be in full ponvfv wion of that factor material prosperity which did so mucli to raise England i'jjd then New England to heights of. opulence. SOUTUIK.V COTTO" Utt.I.H. The and Industrial (razotto.

of sons the houtiieru cotton though small and rather poorly equippod, lire abl. to ettJTi a larger percentage of pronta r.han the inv nieniie luills of the- north. They nave the advantage of better locution, and wiieu they have 1 necuml new and improved machinery will do an unrivaled business. They con save freight, buy cheaper and lore cheaper labor. Thev save Hie buyer's commission, warehouse delivery and cartage, sampling, classing, pressing, shipping, discount on loss of in for mixed lire insurance before snippinjf, risks, KJid height and cartage to towns, whk'h -imounts in oil CO aomf ST per bale.

The northern TMnia also lose from rectMvuig cotton ix)orly ginned, contafniiig a gxxl lecd of leaf aild whicb ia computed at per cent, of tho eutiru cotton crop. The difference Iwtwecn the cost of bale sent to Fiill River, and a bole sent to Columbus, Go-, is JS Oii the former costing $51 and toe Io.rt«- S48 Tliis roota! a tax of. 18 per cent, which Fall Kiver pays in competing with Columbus. It Is that, if liio planters could nmuufacturc their cotton near home, they would save 490,000,000 to transportation. A prominent matnifacturer in JHiHissippi snyn that tbat state can manufarturu conxn at a cost af from 15 to 20 cent, caeaper than it can be made in Now England, in Georgia, now mills are exempt iroro taxation for ten years, and this exemption is extended into other suites.

water power of tbe manu- fucturiHK at tliu south is very Sjie, and the houra of labor are in the course of a year, wkile the saving of and light is considerable. As yet the south manufactures only courser goods, yarns, ducbs, muslins, sheetings, uhirtings, osnaburgs, JO-LIIS, but the time is not distant it will come to make also, cambrics, laces, and all the liner qualities of staple goods. TKE COLUlIBLi RALitOS ILEKIIIT T11XD1C. Oream is now free supplies of Columbiit river salmon. The Oregon Commer- cinl Reporter of Aujrust has this to say about it: We in receipt of Utter advices from tlio various canneries, wui.Th, ploce tiu tu- tnl pack at about 540,000 Inrsc liack has a tendency to make buytcs ofhsb, but many sellers chum thnt mxrket is er pjsition than last year nt of the seasnn.

ThU they the toliowinft; Last year there were largo stocks: in KnnUnd, nil klnils fif business very dull and heavy, Ktoclts in AuitnUia, i-une also at the while in California there was n. stock ot the previous, season of about coswi. This year oxxltx in England are light, wixh businens wvrving; stocks at tho east, notbimj: while in California thero was nono ot' the. season of 17!) to speak of Exporters olter SI IB, while we hear of another firm cabling an offer from lilasgow TIUE 1C1C T1IADE. The New York Shipping List nays: In the spring and early summer there was soine appre- heisJon, sedulously cultivulwl by t.ho ice companies, of an ice 'famine before the return of tho when the article is not as iudispensablo to the masses, and the price was artidcially advanced at one tune to 10 per ton in ituu'ne.

But it soon became apparent that there was no possibility of an icv famine, and tho had i-raduolry fallen to per ton in M-aiiie and Novn Scotia, and to $TV 50 delivered in tlds eitv, through an accumulation supply here. Tfiu consequence is, thasliip- mcnts from the east in this direction have become very light, and the rate of freight, whwh at one time reochret SI iOotl 75 pel- ton. ha.t now fallen to tlift ai per ton, with very little dmnaml. Most of the veseel.i which have during the been coal and brina-- ing ico Kick, are no- rertiniing in ballast. The season for carryinc: has not been so profltA- ble as wus anticipited.

Latterly bwn delavpd in loftduip ami aiul as rates aro low they are looking for other txisi- fc T'rf- BX 4 1 4 i 1 i 1C. 1. xi, Ov lowur t'j dujl fc ci 1 1 Suf. i i i '''S 'I-'' 1 I- 1 A f- 1 1 I I 1 4 ir 1 1 -X, COLD VI li-uik I VTWK. tir the lr liirli-a i 1 M-ir 1 M.T.

liftl.u- Thin c'Ay 11 Tllin o7 II LAtions: eommcn. iwiJ'- ftt low pru-e-t. THE A 3TAKKRT. norm 1st onlci uljjhrr u- in- vrvitt'-rn iu it fftivi' at 'inn sUuul.tnl 1 1 lit. bilfbttr.

luW At for hJmtt ultw BJd fur luiljf. MocliA lit; 111. J'jbbrrn Hull brokrn lutv 1 thi-uj tiyiix-s. Bn-aJtfiutf. bacon 1'Jc.

Cured ranrueil -il KUd --HUIM-K 'IrV, V) tun, oti hlyhur; and citron. or 7c, cow Brun--In full uupt'ly ia TUc. IfMTV fcum Uii' yf choice Itirht. Trxim IK 1 at 2ic; (IHriliH vfc. ill tofr dwmttJiJ fJc.

1 Nr N-jit, I i.j 'rft Jwf -4' flrui aiw! ni --7V-'a 1 S-t-li-rm fUt 1 l.lkT^T ul Ij 1 i iuu! nit i -r -T in fc'' 'ft 10; puitfM, S3 (W: Si ii: $1 75ftJ (Jo. hlitcttburrfck $1 '-40: rrvl cJiitrnfs 1 $1 MSIH, 13; i-lnm IH-HII. fctriUK 51 cwnh from tni iunl PORT UK i A I tc-ni, 1-B 1. 7 hue 1 firm wl tJlt: Kk: Hat: njct mixiil n-uHtfxa Iiictoo 1 ntuifceil, ou. truck.

ami in rouuii Iixjiri frijiu df- from 'I5c; buUc at i-i pvr oarcvl for do. niy pnntnd J- ami uiiL'niiogvJ; 10 fui ctiJ) lor onrluiwi Joix Mnrrnjv fnv IVr St. M-srj- a hraixlv. iri i i ''i 1 1 TTJ 21 VtWjviifVTy, libllV hKJZCk 'it UjixuXo, TO Uliln iMUUrr. 3 ICJ-ifC: fiUr, lOc; urdiiuiry rnnip-.

Ptl Pn hl1 bfuv thJm bo.xfH. ApplftH AJfei2 SO JKT buy OARIXZ STATISTICS. The sale of oleomargarine ha.s iucreascd vi'ry rapidly din-ing tho past thref- or four mon-ihs, UMiial it affords occasion for much discussion, more especially among butter pro- dueftrs and dealers. TTKI'iLir PRODUCT 07 ITT THE tTSlTTD i. quuWJ follows; iixLra Jji 00; funrv patent -J3.

lisiy-Nuulf at for jHirji frotn inrth do. i-hokv prairie in-ikiii; Ou. PCI- UOZL-B, Sin I. 5c; bar tc win- italic flint. tu tliey run.

ilrj- in thry run, wet ai run, lioucy-- Clloicu, Iti UiLkrtS, ic4fur iU pi-r pound. PulwortM-- I'aris London purple. HV. Paris purpk-, ur-ciiu-, fiv-Jc; worm Lnj-d-- Is ftt f( aii UI.TWJ rvum! i 1 1 JXoIuwftOR-QiiK-t andMtt'ady: fnir. 7c; uorthrrn sinip-i, fair supply at harn-i Firm; Mackvtl wttttfm.

-iAfclBe: balk i wiclati Friuni n-U i-uiit-jiro-jf YOHJ; P'-r J(i rwl'-n lli XEI'KMTS ov-fh ittMt i-, -IfHi-i. hbl: tjwt'i-t it 17c per in banvlM, aod coios. PuuUry-CWckf7iH--yoiim: $3 full (rruu-n, $4 pvf "jO; tioiiilnal al Sti IWT do2fti. LrmistuLa fair choliv market lull. We.

to tlhf priw lotw for Liverpool 3i ii Aint-iicftn Jo. Svrup Iron -Fli-iu: scrap $LJ'X) hi-uw Siw 00: strotuf. For choice io, oil yfll.v\ fictl, IOiO; to -I-KU k-'Ule, uncrA in We higiirr. rfflnvd lirni: rut K.if, ci-Usht-U, Il'ic: hiainlard and K.POnt--Tn half S3 UO. ii- 4 iy II- 1 Mr.irrtUir Kirtl-r.

KrU. v. 11 I S' 11 isj. i i i i YvlJi'V, In i-i TM -jup N. il'i-Ji-r.

f.i;. 1 -o i I I i i I V-n i Urt irtji ".1 Tfr. b-irk 'JTl lif. -il WK.M»:rn, Wynu- -W 11 i H. Tobacco-- dviuoni! for aru Wfii tlj'- perfect.

Anuuxe'J of fill- intuit is tiunM; (P niydiuiii 'lu ajul U'lnch fliw- I iiuil li-iatM twiairitra 1 du niL.V.r.;m U) frtti Pounds Pounds NVwYork Boston i u.iil! a i Smaller nverajEK aw.ooa mooo 300,000 I roo.awj LAST CIRCULAJI o.v OF THE COTTON 1L1B.KET. Ellison Liverpool usonthly cotton circular, dated August 10. says: pnwcnt -what artificial tdtuation tho roudei-s it very difficult to forecast tlio probable future course of prices, is uot onlv higher than new crop deliveries, hut it is also higher than tho parity of the low-r Annies that is to sav, altlioagh measoired by th value of niiddiiiij? we ore at IMCd, mca- b-ured by the value of good ordinary aro at, the margin between tiic prices of middling and gocd ordinary whereas' laat year it was ouly Sf)tiithovr or other this will be befort the dose of the year, eitner bv a fall in tiie present spot price or a rise in 1 of futures. or a combination of both moverr.fnts. The natuTAl effect of this anonndous coiuiitioE things is the adoption of a strictly style business ou part of all classes of Bear" cbarv about near deliTeries, Uxrause they are'airaid of bcinp 1 owing to tbe'fcwrcity of tenderablc and "buU" don 1 cart oboct buying near cotton.

because of tho low prices accepted for October to January deliveries. In the same in Manchester are doing as little aa for near delivery, and as much AM possible for distant tleliverv This styie of bosinem. while obviously weaieninj? tbotnAr- Icet for the prwani, is just obrioosly lax-ing up for the fuicre; and if those who are lookup for rtry high prices before the clnw of tlto present in thoir jarncipations. will ba vfioare looking foi 1 kw pneoi Iwforc tha end of the peopk' think Uiat wfll dorxMul upoc size of tbe from their stand-point tbo mew rtatemeat that yield likely to reach 6.000,000 or more, uoumcd tosetilo die qoefitfoa; but thcw who think KI iraort experience ot the pftii. MM of the season just lljej- forget that demand has as much to do as supply with the SoaoX price; and that price, Ireqoenily a i men dapeadent upon humor of public 1 opinion for the time being.

An American crop or 0.000.000 kxiks formidable, but it is only SOO 000 to 350.000 bales more than that just market, and with an homo trade, and a continueu fair demaLiii for fabrics for export. I bate will be wanied. Of eonne if the track not improve and the export damantt fiiUs off, 0,006.000 bales would be too much, and we thoold see first a congestion of imd then aron down in prieetifbnt, with I The shows A pro-tact of 9150 for each of the KJJC working days of week. PORT CHANGES. IFrora tlie llaritimt- Messrs.

of Waiver-ton. iw a note, which. apixjud. of tiw -protuiUo chargtw upon shipping at their port for tho corning por foot, in or out, for crossing the bur. rt- bv on arrival, arc inibjcct to hnlf 1 Towaco--Pmm roads to wharf, or back, to -40 cenu 1 1 per ton; 10 per sack.

W) ovjits i bale. sail. ocnte per citw's B'jar'lin men 7 ecntn jxir bal 10 cents per pooctL Harbor Depth of water oa bar at 15 Kt -JO feeL THE TIDE OK D-urins the month ot Juiy immigrants arrival i i United States, of whom li.uft frfm 1,275 from fi-om TiM from Scotland, over the CLIPPED COINS. A nuisftnoi that needs to be aba.te*l tt the circulation silver com. It is scanx 1 ly TKHsible fc chang'e five-dollar bill withuut two or three quarters or with punched through them or the rims shaved away.

If people refused to accept such coin eitwpt at discount it would soon be ilriron out of circulation, and profltaule but iniquitous tntLU; be effectually ilv- kind have to be done preity soon. demwid continuet srood and to-ftaj to 750 hoies. Tbe Litcrpool and Nerr Yort juortrts wert and found djtflcuhv in Tbe market nlaifcl ftrrn i k' STATE5TCT. Thia TJiLi Thfc rcnother ports Grooi" 31 to Britain ToFniTice To CootiiKiiL To Channel Porijrii 1 i ErporwtO 1,773 1.779 To cuiier U. S.

byrail J- 77 Totaloxporw 1,719 1.773 Stock thu hipt jtar. SET EECEIPT3 AT AUL U. TWs dir. New navy 'Is suitl urj'it Kf. in Lfcl A lea ai S5 pvr huiMlrttl wvKttrm, Slji, 31 1 50 Tijtutl' wcrtffti, Jl litishL'l.

'kra, h.isht-1. Butter TV jw-r li'islit-i. b- ti'iniifiJi), miiltTK art- it« ID tm fiiv i U) I Nor iwirk Eimaa I i Ur H.tvu-i"i.-'^U wu 'r St. A i i 1 i 0 vJiiiUi.w Ii.ii X- JV.IVL*. Sluj N' Ji-'cJ lir 1 i 'Wjiin-p-.

Aujf Nor Vlo i 1 l- h.ij-k N'T l-ork Vti. I' 1 N-r 1lT vM i 'a thx 1 -rf till- Sfclli, nthi clip. -Cj3c I CAROLINE JWKS, of Culacibiri. 'Send me Olio of f'i inil tUeio to V' tho for u. jav- i-orilV of sufff mi clc-an: to huvf pf-nt blessing I niLt-H frf JV-ETH' YORK LLTIflR, Stock incut and Vl'oaiE-- fofl'e m.ui-- HiJr Kir.

YOF.K. Tlie doTrn to alioni P. 3T. steady ou a part, of Uie Between 1.30 uiid P. v.

a tlu; an i Central wholft was still at nrA to Ohio to to Inn Mountain rn C. and I. to and C.Wida SuulV 3W. Houston CVmial ilrrw-n dull The marktt off at at by Erift against and riw wir.v appears able i of rntich 'T to V'CA Tf-txs -jf latf but it rtrong. with 110 hid Hx5toa Central a per rental to 11') on fnr LocKJon-iA Srrr'j at a to thiiii: of UIAK.

aiui 4140,000 C. C- aci I. C. ni 5-t, y9'J-t: tnat '--i'j BaJtisnoro Ohio 10U bid--noac offdnxl Strtrtiris clo-wd the on 4.S7^ for Al 5CV for deirutrxi. kit off strcag hitter; fair Hio, 15S'SlSc- Wool still j.knrly, bnt the be all tbe morV rstr in whicii li' 1 anrf art! -71 ty nc.tri-»-t.

ol suVn-rw.) for'-- atui r-rtiriy il: --f is. anJ fCi'i-iiT. I'wio-viy ot burton A 'ic- be KUVI nifxt Al! u-n fcr pni 1 to mryA Ukcil 1 uwxicM x-vl -wrth tc- r.vf-.h 1 1 tkvwr nrixv but ttoi latw utt-'lrf? -iAv TH.XI. -c CvurntT at Alias y. tbe ctghtb tiwtirct Liv 24CC waiter, be 'Hi with tht coirvd adjust in arLii has lhat -o- ixisirew in fonr.

it LriLii tc tiiit York Boston WO bo a steady tbiuKb rxKSiblv ai a 5 iijqb prvtensioos ct hirers. 45 not at praem ia a T. The bosk xh.t7 loofasd for Minis teilirijj taw OJwr Ports Total Last year 1,431 on idfa close TOTJ i has aa loot. Salei tor week were 109,000. cbieAi Jor- I Lbt "ajid -J Krf soulA four I-'-wrt wfc; ft-Jj" -iH rsona vbi).

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