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New York Herald from New York, New York • Page 12

New York Heraldi
New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

NEW YUKK HERALD. TUESDAY, FEJSKUAEY 14, SHEET. Congress Loojsirg After Saiiroad Interests. the iVttSuiutcil IHsarCw; tlio Senator JEk-cl IVora The Wuj- Itoabifiil Bills arc tho Mlffffourl XtQftUlftturo agaltuit further land grntitj to fall- Ujr Mr. WocmwAtU', MPUI.) of To rosulnto tho lur, ivnilduujiiiotilou of Jurors lu too United WlBtrlu ii'itl (Mi cult Courlfl.

Ky Mr. Uox, (rtem.) of N. To provide for fMldltlonal mnih-civlcc to Itrnrft. RcteiTwl. Uo nild the objovt wf tho bill was to Hdinily chonff colic" without nddltlouiU ciwl i WMS HV Bnuslt'y la On- VVTTKK, (doin-j of N.

In relation to ffOOtlB In bund, Kefcned. TUB ftTEAMEn TrNNKHIJEr. Mr. of CAL. prctruto'i ccmmunlpfttion tuna ilio of the Nnw in to (lie Toimessco, luliuaUng liittt (Ug Jnpnrlinoi't byt cnturtadi anv ai to tier cafety.

no'l thai tiO Intel mav rjcoivcd of Iior before ice or'iruigf tlio 'iyooo at I A of Ifn James K. CMgood Mr. ixvAT)jKO 's, to a question Fcb, IS, 1G71. oKS or run 01110 LroiSLATtmc. Mr.

TDDIUIAK, fdcin) or OLlo, iircBcnlcd rcsoluiionn of Oltlo LegiBlftture, Congress to pass no mors land grants for railroad or other corporotluas. JOIST B-bOLUTIOK. Mr. FEXTOii, or N. from the Commutee on Finance, reported udcl: the Houco joint resolution author- ising tho Farmers' BaiiiS of Tort Edward, tf, to change its location iind name.

Parsed. OduIXXAXI AM' SOCTHEEK EAILSOAE. Mr. of OLlo, presented a memorial asSinc utiiorltT from Congress for the Cincinnati and Spntnera Kailroid Compauy to construct ifceir road throuidi the Staca of Kentucky, permission to do which Is now withheld br -d- Terse action of tha Senate. in railroad matters ti TTM when a State obsltcateH- nlacei It- jell tne way ot the construction of a road desired alike by Jlorthern anct Southern people SB a means of communtcatiool I'ho memorial was occered junnted.

H)S SOLBIZHS. Mr. POHEEOY. (rep.) of from the Committee on i'ub- lio lands, reported tie Houeebiuto enable hoaorablr cnarged soldieia and nallora, their widows and orphan cijil- area, to acquire Lomesteaas on the public lands of lae united (states, witii amenomenti sir.cmg out the prortaion allowlas the asstpunent of hoosestead certlncatet, and Tit omutlu! the section pllowiag the entry of the land by an aged or attorney, the committee also recommend that the Commissioner of the Sensral Land Office hare authority to make ail oeeJful rayulatlona to carry the act tnto effect, especially regarding the declarations and proofs required. OA ri FO GEOSGtA BSSATO too! bs! Qeorgt- Mr.

frep of Chilrman of tho Judiciary Committeo, proceetled to shoB- that received Seren more votes for Senator than his ccUea" ue, Mr H11L who ha-j been admitted; that he bait boen e'ected by persona cot and that ths adralnlstratlon of BiiauSed oaia, jn coiiseyuenco of Mr. Miller's semce Jn the re rl el armyasaBarieoc.ivasin accordance with the practice to toe admleslon of ileasra, Snober and Butler to ssaig is 1 11 he aa no: whom could tike ullfiod iCBOluilon, iccJlItJK tllttt a number of certain womeu--(UuKiiici)--Imd taken teu (lavs alnuc, of room of lite ComrnlUvo on ami ltaboi autl Uio Speaker lo tako a tops The did not sec that tlitrd wiuj any question Jn- roSvcd in the rcsQliiUou, did not krow tbnt tie bft-J nny BtUhMiiy ID thu matter. If ho Inul ho would cheerJutty dclo. gate It to tho aentiemnn from Arkansas. (Loud Ittujrljter.) THE POLITICAL INB11TUT1OKB OF A Mr.

JONFS, (dcm.) of moved to ispeotl tUe rulea end pafisajp remuUatlnz the ideas coiitaiuotl in a July infiiaga from tlio JYesiUeiit RG to the supposed thai- larlty between ibo pollUcJil Institutions jij 0 gmpiio of Germany and tbe L'nited States. CIKflTS OF VSAKOUIOE. jrr. BDSGHAM morsd to suspend tlio rules nnfl brine; before tho House tbo hill to amend tha act of May 3J, 1570, lo cnforw tho rights of citizens of the United Stales to role in the screml States, Agreed to, and tfao bill was made tbe opociM order for Wednesday, after tbe rea-llnx of the Journal, tbe vote to be taken at four o'clock, without any dilatorr motioiiB. VKXSIOBB TOTALLY PISA1H.TO SOLDIFBB.

Mr. UAT, (rep.) of HL inorsd to suspend the rules and to pass a lnJ ibcrcslng by forty per cont tho pensions ot all pensioners who had lust tha slsht of both eyes or wno had otherwise beea totally disabled la service. Mr. BEICJAIUN, (rep.) of sal-i that the subject waa fore the CoanmVttee on tensions, wliicn woiilct r-oon report therefore hoped the motion would bo rejected, motion was rejectee. PBESENCE OF TEWPB AT ELECTIONS.

Too SVEAKEB presented a comcntiuleatlon from tho President In reply to arcEiQlutloa ott'ered some days ago by Sargent, and stowing that the aid of the military of the Umted States had been given, by order of President Jolm- fion, In aid of the civil authorities of at an election there in is5S, on the reouest of ihe Gorernor of that State. The snsgestlon Trai mads by 3Fr. Broois, of New Torfe, tind Wood sod CPJC, thai troops had been scat to New York to interfere tfitn tho election there without any requisition frora the Governor of XQW York, and a lisa observation in regard to PeaimylYftala was tnadfl by JHr. Ban- daU. Tao Hcuse, ui half-past foar adjourned.

cated its adoption by tfcra The dispogitfon fctses was then referred to Mr. TruisbiDl! it on-, tentJetTbj some that ilr. Milier TVOB not obliged to-tain fas catho. thstthat oath was not intended to be applicable to Oc-isressmen. He would not Clscws that fius- ticn.

tmi hs believed the test oath repeal bffl now the hinds of the trcalocHi covered ue cuss. He cad brought torward this bill to a of tie question, the datenot Sir. asiiier. argued KM me aci ol Georgia Legialature la eiocting a Seoaior disqiuliflsa by law was a and oremingo: law, tba; Congress wss bound in salf- defense and to preserve ihe of its to efet tfiess attempts The tiecesaitr for tiiis -yras apparent in view of the fee: that for whom tne aemeacyofCon-reuwas asted had, as a clasa, secured tt 9 fca(i nadfl war their ilr. TfiCHAffu.

replied that It confined to tlie csss of Sir. Hr- tnent to show that 111 er was ofajecaonabic to everVa-Bii-Biit 01 the test oath legislation, anci In cemal the Itzaiitr of" ins section. ol Cos. to clalmlag seals from tadSad removed, iliiler tad, saver beld a federal oee prior to the rebellion, but had only served as a snrceon a rebel regiment. His offence, thererore.

wsa simply treason easeraraiIn crImB of iernTfor Whlcb. Sillier was electee! only one month the raags of doing. of tbe act In other respects. ifr, iULt, (repo of on 5d ttttcoosiJtiafoaaalf sfated fLsi Jiad fceea elected by me Uic vmamar dates, smcng W29a were ttro eeceraU was ngtobnoilous to tie to be-rrore acceptible to Herdezled that rp-fl an a si3 1 to whuueietwl- tis fcncwiedgB, 3 cams beta ta a bll with raany others; he UBlcbored under dia-ibffllj, tat raacdsred to to chridrea in relcl cerrtctiutaiS? with anyiateaUoaof usisuns that caus- Eiscoi.ea^ce Dr MIHcr, bad opposed secession; among the flrsfo i reconstraetisa, and could ao: hare eea df-tcd Seas blicnn -jtes. osTOir.

(rep.) of ifcat tne election of MC- isr was Toid. became ne was invisible at umo of Ills clBction. It Lad been said durlne tbe debate vhat the oatn had repeaJed. Bniwas it repesJeil? Tho bill had passed tbe Senate ftt tlie last session ths fcso of three memberH the body, ncd It could nc: ret eftasbeato lo-day. lie passage tfcrongh ths HOGS-had bean procured upoe tee that it hs tne Tmaaimous Jirproral lie It not E0 but la feed it a CM been paiMd rcmlorlv ito sarprisa to hsw iSS as fraud.

Snqoircd Trhctbcr JJr. tbatlicdM oct be bad naderstoovi that the had sot lion of a of tbal comniltlce. Hr.n:ciiKCu7{ec:pbs.UcaiIy}--I heard acy eati thing ii- a-ardl Hr. liosros--1 it froia s- ta 1 ilr. TatraoHTLt.

relicrated teal the meaber had aaseneC ea w- rft -Mr. proceeded to detail ictises- tbe tabl not era to A CAPITAL CAEUIVAL. The Cotnlusr Paeeant nt TTosUinBtoa--A JHaa- cuerade Procession, A Tenrnaiacct; Knees, Balls, ArrangeicecEs of tlio Oomstlttco--Tho Bizsest. Thing of tho Tear. 'WiSHISGTOK, Feb.

IS. 1371. The all-absorMnz topic in tills city jnst noii- la tae SSte or carnival wlucl) is to be held on tlis 20lii ana 21st of the month. Tlie laea orlginatca In tiie fertile brain ol Sir. A.

H. SUeppard, or tins city, wlio en- JisteS tlie sjinpatlues of seyeral promlneat business men In tae project. A pnwio meeting irasjieM, te matter fllscossea, and voted feasible, an organization effected, committees appointed, aaa all irent to with, a will. A room TTOS chosen for the liead- of tno Esecmlve Comiulttev, the services of aa energetic and responslSlo citizen secures ral secretarj, ana tasn tiis arrartgexnects for the details Tns time oliossn "was before tlie of Congress, in crfier taai visitors Irom abroad mlgSl have a chaaca bodies In session, as KS Arises. Xbe next point to be ma-ie was to secure fare on all the railroads.

In tUls t'ae committee nave sncceeaea even bsyoad tbelr espectatton, naarlj every one or tte railroad companies connecting with routes iead- inff to tae city BaTing agreed to Issue HAIF PiSE TICKETS, good for ten days. By tais raeans citizens from tne West, Kortii and South will nave good opportunity of Tlslttog ttte capital, Having secured ttie reduction la rates, tiie committee determined, as far as possible, to protecs strangers Irom exorbitant cnarges, and sent circulars to me principal flotels and boarding nouses asMng tliat a statement of the Enmoer of persocs tiey conld accommodate and tiie cittarges per day be sect tsera. A record of tliis is now In tne possession or tiie coin- mittse, and oa application to headquarters will be suotrn strangers, in order that taey rcay Know erectly Tfhat tae caarges of tiie different places are and govern tnemseives accordingly. Tlie Committee oa iecorations at once fent to in a bns'- manner. They propose mat oa fcotu nights of tne jste tbe entire from ttte Treasury to tae Capirol snail be iiiuminateU.

TSey have Jxaa a braactt baraer TTith seyec jets made for eacil or the lamps on 'he avenue: ten thousand line" caiaese lanterns mil sSruiig along tne distauce, baiiBers, flags ana emblems will be srretcaed tree to tree, calcmm and eleciric ligatg -will be used, ana on tae secosd mg'-it a general illumlnaiion of ffle business liooses and dwellings sioujr Pencsrl- vania avenue tvjii coicplete tne lancr scene. riis corner of Sirtcstrset and avenua i A3CE DOTT IE process of erection. 16 la a single span of 120 feet, tae centre being ninety feet clear from tiie grotiad. It wiil be festooned with. aDpropnate designs, surmounted wita an American nag anj lilami- naied wita taonsaads of gas jets.

A brilliant pyro- teccic display nas also been arranged for eacn mgaf and tne articles are now being manniactored a Sew TorK firm. Tney comprise a nuuicer of new. Original aaa appropriate eoaclsdisK oae grand representation ot Washington on aorsesact, and tha Jier a temole or liberty, witu a fan-sizes or the immortal faiiier ol couatry. Tlie Committee oa Masquerade nave determined tbac then- portion of the celebration shall escead anv similar affair ever given to tae United States. Taey nave lured aneS aad manofactnrea over toree tlioa- sand C03oanc3, and are sore taat eacli oas of them bs used.

Tae costumes camprise every conceivable comic er grotesque idea vrtuca could be suggested. There wui tie -masters on loot, carriages aud masSsrs on horseback. All me Carman societies have been Invited, and will give a presentation of tiie inauguration of tfcs female Pre- sideni ai 1ST3. Toere wai ne guard of honor, con- sistiaeof Infantry, cavalry and aniilerr. au attired in female and ths President, supposed, course, to bs tas ambitious ym.

WooahniL be moaatsd In a triumphal car, surrounded by aay number of counterfeit sixteenth amendments, THB rEOCESSION win be preceded by a battalion of amateur ijfl in number, rigged out la luil uniiorm. with "a uaflgc, batoB, ffiC. Xness impromptu guardians will Da-peKOflsted by laos ranging in age trom ten to flitCBQ years, aad In height from taree to fonr then there trill be 3Iotacr Goose's ruelodiea, the old woinan who lived in a shoe, Jiother Hnbbarfl and lairy spectacles, with which, the iraaginaUon of eecii citizen Has beea lamiilar since tne nevday of yoatii. Taere will bs carpet-baggers, Sherman's bummers, Capitol movers ana aa endicss vanelv of sincie masKs. Stic eiiKestnaa exercises will bs between tiie aours 01 two and four cacti iav, and will censlsi of trotting matches, a show of Cue siocK and equlpajes and suca otter esercises as may be suggested, for these it was thoajht- best not to oSer purses, bnt litsTsad a ncmosr or prtws.

snca as fine bucgics, sine sliver harness robes, blanseis, wnips, c. Anoiner reamra wiu be In yonng men calilog themselves inlcafs from Yaglma, Maryland aaJ ths District participate. It will differ Iro-n tho ordinarv touna- raeat in that, instead of tiiftBg fora single'nas. tho rtasrs -srsi! iavo '-to "go for" ihree of tacai- Tcis will te iollo-ed. of course, by tne orthodox custom of croTTBjijj tiifl Queen of JXJVQ aad Beeaty tho whole coaclaaintt wiUi a select Bnrtog tac two days tns entire city wlii bc-calivcaed a grand or- ccestra.

Ail tie baads In tiie viclaiiy Have bcea engaged lor tiie occasion, and such aa not In tIe proccsaon will be stationed at gtyea points aad cUs- coarse chcics rc3Sic. There will oe WOTKN or MANY llostou, 167 Tlio flint publication of a now old lirrn, lionorablo In years and still boiiornblu In reputation, lUul, boip okt, tike TJni LlnUan-pter, Is gradually oomlnsdowtttoBll tho energy of flvc-nnd-twenty. When Carter Jloudce cstuWislicd a book stoio on tho "old corner" in Boston tliey bulHled fnr bettor thaa they knew. Baptized as Tlcknor, Reed Fields, transformed later into Tlctnor cS; Fields, changes by lUo wheel of time Into Fluids, and Dually, by tuo retirement; ol its senior pari- ror, asnnrulng Its present uume, the flrm of Jarata n. Osgood Co.

inherits rnoro binluR tnan almost any otlior pubUshors lu tlis woiiaj for li is to them that we look for ttie English poets, even as far back as Chaucer; ror De Quincey, for Tennyson, Tor thoBrowiilngi, for Scott, Tlmcltc- rny aad Dickens; for many auotUer English author; for Hawthorne and the majority of America's cleverest writeie. TThy, with BH anuouucciacat new books which are lo ue represented Emerson, Lowell, "Whlttler, Bryant, Doirnes, Mrg. Stowo, Parton, Bayard Taylor, Whippio, Elizabeth Stuart Phelps, Kate Field, l)lcKeu3, Havrthorno, Trow- brjdge and otliors, Jamos U. Osgood Co. should BiaKe their first appearance In the modest garb of yellow-covered literature can only be acconntetl for by tho Scriptural -dogma of the last being first and the first last, ia "a novel by a lady well known in art circles in Oils country, and for many years resident In Italy." Ic la always good to Lear of an American novel, for novel writing doea not seem to be indigenous to cm-soil.

While England actually spawns fiction, much of which Is good; wnlle Trollopes people tho circnlatirjj: libanes aud furnish small talK for all tho spinsters in tno United Kingdom, England's own couBin, America, brings forth little romance with infinite labor. "There's a destiny in these things, gentlemen," and it is not our destiny to give birth to a Thack- erey or a Dickens so long as ire ara busy making history, until tho good time coming we most be contented wltu what the gods, or at least the publishers, provide. Ihat is, contented it we be not book reviewers. Dad we not become entangled ia "Many Threads" we should be content, Sidney Smith being quite ligMm ciaratalnlng that 1C prejudices a writer to read a book before reviewing it, and wo are not content because it is one of those boofis which it is impossible to thoroughly condemn. Ic stands upon that border line between good and indifferent which 13 the despair or conscientious critics.

You are Inclined to say to ths author, Baring it somewhat fearfully, "Go and sin no more," rmd you are lisewise inclined to amiably whisper, "If you feel writing to be your mission persevere, and the future mav produce desiranle fruit." We are inclined to be amiable becacse "Woven of Many Threads'; is evidently the work ot a cultivated woman, writing satisfactory English artd appreciating tae TVe are more inclined to be severe, because we see no evidence of a greater motive Dower than, culture, appreciation and a certain facility bora or mock absorption of other people's ideas. It is a boos written by an "American laay -I (is it noE better to be an American woman even in an bnt it is not an American novel. It is English of the English. The characters, when cotromantic and Italian, belong to the English aristocracy and gentry, and Americans only figure a tae garb or several vulgar varienus. This in itself is no crime against art, although there is uo reason frhy Americans should not employ acme material even in far distant Korne; but what strlKes ns most forcibly is thaaatcor artistic insincerlty- Toii may praise, yon rasj lather Shut book If roc wffi Bat tlie seem of irienii via iian round It stffi.

It is the old, old storr, of wnich Bag-lisa publishers stand in such moita! fear as to condemn unread romances the sceaea of which are laid in Italy. First, there are Paris, the Louvre, Foataineblean, TersaOies and Fere la Chaise, with, appropriate dlsiinlsmons on pictures, I0uis Marie Antoinette, Bacael and Abelard and Hetoise: thence we are taken to Marseilles aad treated to a few of Hnrray'a tidbits; and thea we are launched upon tae eternal ciry. santo Spirito, San Villa CaneUa del Coro, the Pmclo, Pents. Molie, tha fountain, of Egeria, San" Ctaofno, with Tasso for a moral; tlie Coliseum, St. Peter's, Gaido, Guer- clno.

Fra Angelico, Saa Sonet, near Naples: tha Bine Grotto, a little Savor of revolution wlla Gart- baldi aad battles of Castel Fidardo ana Ancona, and behol the threads upon whlca tlie writer lias strung her characters. Aad the people are as well Known as the various interesting localities which, they visit, guide booK in hand. There is one brunette aeroine, bora for suffering, "a Carlo Dolce type and another heroine, ail Uoade nod saasoine, who commits suicide, as such natures--never" do. are einc.i!r beautiful, bota are foils, and both dnvo Roman so- too many times, A Do Stttol, a George KHol, Hans Chrlatliiu Aiulcweu miiy claim It aa Inolr right. Tlioinna Adolphua Trollopo lion, by lonw years of in- tliuuoy with tho Italian people mid tlioroiwlily truthful dulincotlon of tliclr characteristics, shown Himself master of ttio Hlluailoii.

Even tno author of "Mademoiselle Wort" wrote with considerable authority and uo little interest, but in "Woven of Many Threads" we see nothing more than a conventional lay flguro, upon whtcu tho author has hung swmo very nice clothca and sentimental sj.eochca. lojeijd of true local coloiliifr, sucli as renders "Eo- mola" iltllo less tban marvellous, wo aro treated to to; old peppering of ''Ootcejttr nterte," "ma'iro." "eaUlva "powfa "oranae passion," 'MUt don- na," "ccrtamenle," as though the substitution of ft Tew foreign words for good Anglo-Saxon constituted the difference between Eugibli and Ilaliau romance. li Is all fae and coiifleiiueutly not to be endured, "Hast titoa suffered?" "A "Then this book is not for thco," Is the quotation borrowed for her title page by the author or "Woven oS Many Threads." Wo have suilered, yet this book la not ror vis. Tho "lady" must first put asiiie tho allocation's of the atletantlc before she can look for tho respect or common sense. The publishers shea lustre upon tho boos, not tho book upon the publishers, and If wo cannot this firstborn of James II.

Osp-ood fc Company at least we can hearlily admire the iieat and artistic monogram In which the new old linu. mates its flfbflt before the English reading world. MOBSIEBS THE DEEP. Tho Atrocious Conduct on Board tho Neptune. More Particulars tho Case-Suffering; and Cruelty-- Str.tcaiont of Captain Pealjody-- Tha Cwo in Ccnrto.

TDE AHEBICAN EAOIKG RECORD GUIDE roit 1871, edited by IV. 0. DorllDK, 13 a vain- able wont for racing men, and should be lathe nanfls ot all patrons aud lovers of the tnrr. It is a complete record or (he racing in tao Unite! States during the year 38JO, with an index. It also contains the entries for stakes lu 1S71 and 1372, laws of facing used by the different Joclccy clubs, o.

MUSIC AND THE DSAIL. 6Iz bands or remale minstrels aro warbling through the country. Hew Orleans is perplexed about the new Varieties theatre, as to its most suitaole site. Lucy Eushton has taken Her "Red Hands" to Troy, and there is no Cassandra there to warn the Trojans. The Sooty City on the Ailesuany nas lost Fecuter and gained Adams, who has uot yet sown his "Wild oats." The heataen Chinee Is oa the war path In with mnstoal lastrnments of the most earsplitting fcmd.

Theodore Thomas and Miss Anna Mehllg will treat Philadelphia to some rare classical music on Wednesday and Thursday. ConwocK and his daughter are aharmir? the peo- pie of Denver, and 4 deputation from the- town or Greeley has waited apon him. Kate Field's lecture oa "Charles D'cKens" proved highly remunerative in Indianapolis last week, and there arc demands for It everywhere out West. ilrae. Seebacb.

played Adrienue Lecoavrear last night at the stadt for tne last time, aad this evening the 2ne play ol "Uriel Acosta" will be presented, John Murray having Killed off Is now committing "Treason 1 in the country. Ko one bnt "A Man TTIthoat a Country" (the second title of the play) could do such a thing. Davenport has atven up tae legitimate the Quaker City aad treats the broadbrims to specta cie. -by way ol paving the road to the "BiacK Crook." Slayor Flanders has ordered a careful enrveyof tae theatres and amusement halls Orieans to see if sufflcient facilities are afforded for egress in cac-e ot fire or panic from any cause. "HAMLET" AYITHOBT OBly PaTtlBS benefited by the failure the concert at Terre Haute aro the newsnapcrs tfle Opera House Company.

The latter has alreaflv thies nights' rent, with a good prospect of fourth night. Henry Dravtcn, as tiie flying Marcel, In "The Huguenots," at Boston, a few since. dying- strains ana laughter together, because a cat sprang across the stage aud friftateued a lady In a private box so that she dropped Her opera glass npou the shining bald patr. of the leading trombone who rose to his feet qnicSer thaa. some men nay their debts, and disorganized oae of the second violins, mating altogether a roirtMal scone or operatic deaih.

Echoes from Abroad. Tom Thumb and Ins better rnito are In Spain. Jladams Sasse, of tho Paris Grand Opcrs, cas been singing in the nnd taa "-ATrloalne' 1 ia Italian, as St. Petersburg, with signal success. Phelps, the English tragedian, at one time very prominent on the London boaras.

is reported to be BO broken in health that ne cannot live long. Lortzlng's opera, the "BeideScantzen," has Deea revived at the Berlin Opera House, as also Giacfe's "Iphterua ia with Frau llaliinger as the heroine. The lilustrlrie Zeiiung annouaces tiie success of George Hand's drama, "Le iiarouis de Tillemer," at ''Tlioro Is nothlnc that runs on tho land In tlio certainly is would appear from recent developments tliat some of tho brutality which Is Held In check on land, enter by a deep-seated awe or sctiety's dreadful scowl' or a mortal dread of the Iron iinnd or tho law, gives freo reins to Its possnefs on tlie deep and becomes a Indeons monster; Its unbridled passions encepInK all before tlicm; no barrier to Btop the wny they give lull rent to all their fury. The polished mask of urbanity and politeness worn on shore Ifl rudely flung aside at. sea, aud tho OLAltING SF.a.ETOS OP THE BEAST in all Its deformity stands forth in bold outline, s'nkintf terror Into the hearts of its crouching victims.

They do not see the gratified smile with which the owner's hand grasped; butttey reel the infuriate lash upon tlielr br.cks or tne brutal club that Knocks them senseless. tao tcrilblo Inquisition was in foreo and men were tortured to reveal tlie Knowledge they were supposed to posses those which seemed the most Insignificant punishments were ths severest. Tho most refined and exquisite cruelties are those that from a pm's point ellucelate throughout the body, mating a man to wince and groan from tue sharp needle pains that Gnoot through every nerve and artery. Ths whack or a marling spike, the dull, heavy thud or a belaying pin, though they leave a bruised or discolored mark, a man scarcely feels them in a moment or excitement. Bat the POIOKAKT TWISGINO OP A PBOST-BITB could goid a man to raaaaess by its prolonged acnteness.

Out upon, the broad expanse or aea the satire re- sponsiblllty--tha whole control--is centred In the commander. He guides the insensate desilniesof tho ship, the safety of all the sows on board depend on him. To his care is confided enormous wealth, and in has men place unbouaded fattn. Wnen tills man so trusted, so implied in, mates or the narrow precincts ol his vessel a pandemonium for those most inferior under his command (for It Is well understood tae immediate subordinate officers enthusiastically emulate the conduct of the captain) and transforms himself into an arch- devil, standing on the quarter deck making tae men danco to the fire or their own suffering, and, heedless of their agony, drives them oa to labor they aro unfit lor. It is time such ao-agB had the broad light or day let upon taeia with a force: aad II these tnnnman 'urmea cannot be "wliipped naked throng-i she werid," they must at- least, meet the scorn of every honest roan lor their AT30CIOCS COXDCCI.

It is not alone the caj.rain of the gooi Si'p Kep- tune that has a'oomlsabiy used his laea. Tne and second mate, relishing his delightful example, cave fione their ntmosfc to carry oat tue amiable disposition ol tao skipper. According to the story of the mea who are now laid up in hospital tae severest or their tnaa begaa ons morning eorae three week ago. On the previous evenin? it commenced to Enow aad freeze at about six or sevea o'clccK thick particles of frozen siiow failing last over tne ship throughout tae mgat In the morning the yards, foot ropes and rigging were covered witu rough, liaitt Ice, and about eight or Blue o'clock tho cpialn O3DEEED THEM ALOE 1 Ti'ls ths men say was entirely unnecessary, as the Ship was ia good saiilne order at the time, and if ho had only wailed antil tue atternooa tne sun at raid- day would hove melted an the ice whlcn had gathered, and they could nave gone aloit aud done their duty without upon themselves all the misery they have sneered since: besides, they allege they were only ordered into, the jrijKttBg paj tjig vessel into ISiipshape, frnicii could well navs waited, oiie man (Johnson) was sent out ou tue jibbdonT aiid though ho cemplained his footing was insecure and he coulil take no hold with hi3 hands, which were by the frost, they Kept him there unai his wore was done. The mea ail complained to the captain that thej were frostbitten, but he Took no noElce and kept them steadily at worR.

Jolmsoa, then bent lain, there boliiR no wiinosauiotho except tlio anmuler nud tho namlloil. WlUiuni Drown, whlto mat), wlio had bo Bailor on tlio mili, iniit made ttdouo-It'uu tin was bvnlfti la cruel manner i i a i rtl1 ullll Hiej liaviuif Htruclc him i tucir urns and on ilio liwjil with bolnvlUK upou Uieao dciioaltlona UoiniiiKilnuur bill Crowley and Koblniioif. Tlmv liiiiiwiinn ro nut rtlduotilmi tho cnptdui TUov succeeded in arresting tho watoi, wlio on I tnfMi iwlWM, floie Breetod by cries rrom a 1 crown pf tno sou or About five o'clock last c-vealnz tho mates i broujrht boforo Co.uinUslonor suiwcll (in tin sence or OummlSfloacr faliieldn, who had I I I I I home), iind held Oerault or ball in tlio BUI $5,000 each to mvalt an examination to-dav Tlie flrst mate suued that lie never utruck the men, and that he had jriveu his owa clutn. sonic of thorn, who had gone ashore with tnei thoir backs. lie wauled to have au exuinlnatlt soon as possible, us he did not like to llo ia mil.

Tlie Commissioner--H Commissioner bbleKB hold an examination to-rnorrow (Tucailayi VUQ, benotllled. Street too CoKity a. ILaxnry--A ducrioa Kocnuimrnfloil--An Appropria for tbo JioaTd--XJonors lo tho 3 Exiles. At tho stated session of the Brooklyn Boa; Aldermen, held yesterday afternoon, a comniu. tlon was received Irom Mayor Kalbflolsch, 03 the attention or that body to the urgent neccss: speedy action relative to curtailing the expenf lighting the streets.

At the expiration or the ceding year there was a deficiency of nearly $2C on this account, which had to be raised lu tho get, To defray tho expenses of the cnrrent $550,000 has beea raised ia the taxes, and unlee Babjeot receives immediate attention the ilayor "we may loot for another deficiency or This amount will swell tho aruoni moLey to be raised to pay for uanTwo TUB STEEETH, i to bo pnt lu the next annual audgec, to noarlv. million of Krom 1849, the tlruo gas tioduced Into tne city, up to I85i a srstem ui tial lighting of the streets prevailed. "A rcto iarthe expense made, it is set forth, liKhtmg ail the lumps on streets where they a too close projUinity, of wiierS they are sea needed at all, on Third and Mreets." principal business streets ths lighting ooul' delayed until the time or closing the si and tuns a considerable saving oe made, reduction of the size of me burners prove sufficient to accomplish the object, compcteuc person, it Is sugcested, should oe ployed by the city to satisfy the Board tha quantity of gaepaid lor is really consumed also tttat the quality comes up to the req standard. The city pavs si annuml: pairing lamps. This sum, his Honor Dei.

would DO reduced one-hail, nos milter was thrown open to competition. Tlie coiumumcatioa was referred to tlie Com: ou Lamps aud Gas 10 report some plan to fee expenditures wisLlu tho limit of tho apnropi lion, At a previous meeting or tae Board the and Suwerege Commission sent IE a commt tioa asKing an appropriation of foi purpose of completing the wort on some sel coustrtictina 8 pond, repairing engines, c. teiday tue aaproprlatloa was planted. 3'HB I EJilAN Alderman SOLAS oilered a resolutioa, whlcf afloaied, direstlng tue ofllcers iu charge of spective public Buildings to display the flag banners irom tne starts oa Thursday aexc in i oft'aerocuuUoatobe given on that dav by th. to irisn patriots.

Alderman CiAXor, clialraau of the Commit! Feniaa Reception, stated that it was arrangements had beea made to give a banqnl the exiles of Erin at the Pierrepoat HoutJ Thursdav evening, after the crocessioa. Tliree thoiisiud dollars has oeea suDscnbedj fund for the latter purpose. Ofthissuiu donated bv the Bamncratic General Committi Eings couniy aad by the Board of Aldermen. UlOllttijI XaE WAXES glvc-a tEader ae otrecaon or ae EsorabTO oae a rull dress dvicanfl toeotntrama-qc' 1 rade. Tfic tickets to eaca or tccse arc 10 by sold only sabscrtatloa, anj boHi proniis; CSCCM- lagjy In addition so tnese a nmnber or otaer win wxc place, ths 31051 ol wnlcb.

will l5 at tbe Corcoran Gallery, tss proceeds lo te devoted to ta-i TTasaiza-oa moaanienl lead. Jlmoajiotncrtocidcats-wanje las miitsrr ptocesshia aaa review fcy Gsacral beA dnllea aad egaipped orgaalzaKoa So recezvo stand or coisra, Titeoa at or Uiat anonnt la saoaey, as ihsy may elect. TJie Jiterrais will bs Tool races, games of Tantras ciety more or less mad. There Is heroine number three, a lovely Italian girl, with the customary woaderfcl eyes, TTIIO is betrayed-as tisnal. Tnere is ft Lady Dinsroore, with "hiddea, corroding grief." who binds her aching brc-w wita aromatic vlaegar," as saonid: there aro several nans, a governess, ot perfect deportment, e.

There are three corresponding heroes, one EagUsn and Heir to large estates, handsome orcoarso, wiiom we "taowfor our osm" even to the forcneau, whicii a premature baldness aaa isft. a little barej the second Is a liber- tme, Prince Contl, belored of the blondes; the third a supposed Komaa roandling, looking lite Cim- abne; Bapaael and Parmrglano aU In ons, and possessing a marvellous voice, that slags In the Pope's choir aa voice never sang within oar recollections of Borne; all tae angels ia heaven seemed to sing with elm. Tcere are a noble French villain and an Intellectual Scotchman, who on all necessary occasions does the cicerone and tae heavy Srioa-Srac basiaess to perfection, et voilH tovt. Given romantic situations, lactures peocle that will at into them. Tie situations ara dramatic, consequently the people must be broaght to grleL And this 13 wiiat we mean in accusing tie aattor of insincerity.

The boos is not a natural ontgrowih, aaa tre contend that no booK should be wrmca caiess it be to lell some new tningortotci! some old tniag better than it has been loM before. P.smove tae charactera tinder ulscassioa from their loved and'well-wont frames, and taa interest would in great part vanish- Tole rabie ES they are taey tora not sufficient bouy to' siEn! aJone; on-! a novsl depenaing upon Vienna. The German translation bv Sonnemnal has been most stilfnllv written. KabmEteln, haviag- been deprived of his coai- mission to aa opera for the L-nperlal Lyceum Theatre ia Paris, Is touring ia the East. At Odessa this great artist realized the enoriaons sum of 2,400 roubles at two concerts.

The sura total of the receipts at ths late TIenna Beetnoven centenary festival ataounted to 82 ooo' florins, exclusive of 5.000 aortas contributed by the municipal corporation. The net proflts to be devoted to the erection of a Beethoven monament. At Brussels M. Faare has beea singing In "Gafl- laumoTeil." "Borneo" was announced, with Mile, illolan as Jallet. KoSbmg more is said et present about the revival of Herr Wagner's "Lohengrin." wane the production of nis "Mesender Is postponed sine ale.

j. speaking for lumscif and tlie otbers vesterdiir in tiie first ward of tiie Centre Streat Hospital, stated ivaen lie went afr to show tiie captain Ms haads ne put some Kind of salve on tiieai tnai; KADB THE CAW FLESH BCBS and etlali to such aa estent that wliee ue weat be- Istf tne was nabearabie, auu he was ooliged to leave the foiecastle and come on dect again, aad lioldmg his hands esteoded from ilia resting on whatever hapceuea. to bs aear, irj and BSATCH A IITTLE SLEEP lor its tuecis Is at? se literature iiiaa tho point nasofl inUodrama. Eeoanse a vroraaa Sravels an3 a iiitie aoout music and palatingit does pot follow that she siioa-d wrllc a aovet Kay, we cratsad iiat th: tendency of ins isaas Jo one of worst species of cant, Trincn is art Soonefcss a Hgil lo tonch art Jn never so WISHES; a crltldnn wno canaoi speaS witji pro'es- Scnwmeatal ovsriia old laaslers, rhapsodies over Latoar- Uac ama Uslz--fflconziag aoH in i false ideas taTwlaWy rreaomlaaic--arc ao nor acss Jliaa lo TSI pasls ol iQss are Irrt5S mtirtr lo cover a 9 cost wjB 09 cha-rcea. A ol u- angiflshEfl Ttsltors isTfl tosa'anvatefl she pests c.f tte atjinrJag io two days, and many of iEcmiw: signaled acceptance ol Kon.

Xdeoostor affair lis abont Siimio jraa Siiere Is ao drobt Mil 1-nat n-ntu tie a nil treat ler all who attend. TBe aricrnoon -ol both -aaTM -snn bs obssrvsa a hoUflay, 3cpanm'-nts jrad sclools bang and mnaliar or atroiss, toclaolaRall ins Kanta, sigrtcfl 10 aelr j'laces or Snstntiss at Citizen-: Preparing for Crsa trjis loia la laoaertranz HiO, roaria SI.TOSI, Jo mats jiTcUtalDary la s.nt3capaSra«r a i-S9afiy tsnntat.ioa of toe Snropean war, lor fcolfl- TM 3 anfl Jcatirai la tids A Saiart Odccr and o. Clever Cnpture-- A Burclar with Ssrvcral of i'ams On-- A Gent Vfho DOCK Jfot Seek Xotorietj-. As Roundsman CroSer, of tha Tweaty-atntn precinct, waa -walKiag down West Sinetsenth street at two o'clock yesterday inorniag, the satr a suspicious looidna character standing oa the stoop of So. with Wg bundle under his erm.

CroSer thocght there might bo something wroag, aad qaestloaed tao man, wlio said his name was Joan Znrus, that he resided In that noise, ana assured tee officer that the parcel only coatalaed old clothing belonging to himself. CroKer dldn believe tho tale, and arrested Ennls and tooi Mm to tae statioa nonse. iir. Enais' parcel wa? cxamlaaa and found to contain a quantity of new clothing, ilr. Enais was Wmoeir examined, searched, and was (guarding clmseir against the rigor of the weather) found to DO wcartnjf ronr palra or "pants," one paw on top orsnoiterpalr.

Easls was loosed cp. mlaas ihrcs Early yesterday sorziinE croScr dacoreroil taat a tenor's shop, by Angcsi. at xb. 40 East Etsntseath street, bad becnbroKea intocnd a qsantiry ordotUnsai-stracted. Crotccr paid a Tjsit to So.

1-93 Sattecnth street, found a man auinc-l jToeoaore Jotnsca asieep Baals' oedroom, and a quantity of tta stolen propcrsy lying oa ins bed- CroXer sjrestsd Johason and bronrht tho iagto-tSe MarSeV where with the irisoaers were arralsneil- 5Tic taHor ideattaed tte coals ana sevczat pairs or jatKs, itt, and Judeo Cos com- mltlcd tie prisoners. The affldaTit of OCloer Croter was cnlture encontiBs Jeeang SBicrJorlty Jjecates ter j-eare' xcsidcncs la So lapy t-rcr Tflcaa lie lines of Hjcjpoet TO jrcal SI liafi JIMS' to tkme ti lis iiaj rajca Itrao. -efflrnatiMinj away with scca aantaflrttJCS, when they air raar scaitnzcaialitles In book form, tao tipois. yo ono flares lo to- CIJB carpCTlry -srio 3oes not possess the tto So -one -dares lo toaca Mol solve Its proWsms. Es- caws art not JSB saotics Shall it utea la tassn lor- -Joausoa exprsssKj a wlsn HSHAID reporter.

Tie reprsscntaijve or that paper guile wmius to mrtrvJswed, ami licister- Jrococdod 35 ilr. Jvsssoy--Ss? icrc; ara'l jca a i. Joasssos--Tes, ut ihat ain't I nasaa. Ain't jvz a reporter lor ttie arr-Aiu RETcsrcK--i es short this UrncJ. Joassos--Wen, Tiers, of coaras JOTI rm Innocent? Weil, tan.

any way, and I jon pntary narae ihe paper, 33 it me. leanlEg against Hie windlass or tae bulfrarfcs. On going below tne heat maddened them, because of tlie quick transition irom tlie extreme cola to tne heavy, conOned atmosphere of tkelr Derths, and tney were uaswe to sleep a moment. Suit the cap- tata made them take their reaular watca and turn at the wheel, although with, every ol it they left a portion or the SRlri and raw flssli npoa the handles as tney passed awav from them. One poor wretch, more unfortunate than the rest called ifrancis Alboy aaa a native of Bermuda! whose FJEET WEEE HOBBIBLT JfCTKATED.

was obllssd to get up on. deck at midnight Ia bad weather, nlercmgiy cold, and hobble ins way aloag the decK, auKIe deep la soltv.ater. without shoes, forced to grssp the stancaeans and rigging to eup- port Himself from the agony of his feet. Aao.herman, named Willisjns, who wassnfferine so severely wiUi nis arms that he could not leave his berth, the captain came and puliea out of bed, fore- lag htm to stand oa the poop lor four hours, as he was entirely lacanacUated for work. Maeles states that a fortnight before the ship enterea port they, were on tne main vardann one night stowlag the mainsail, ana becaus'e he coulda't grasp me canvas quick enoajtb the second mate KicKed hiBi.

This officer Is described bv taa eight men now in Hospital as being only second to tae captala la nis brutal treatment of tUeoi. He has KICKED AXD ESOCKED BOWS several of them daring the voyage. As another In- stanceof inhumanily they were subjecied to. William Oliver says last Taursday night the snip was last pnltiDg about and as they couldn't get Iu tas slacs of the Braces rast enoagutfce yards swnngbact WBeatcs second mate got in a tuwering paaswa. aad, he being the nearest, got KnocKed dorra.

Another, man complained that ths captaia beat Wai severely lor using some scrapea uotatoes as a poultice to his wounds when the cantata had ordered linseed meol for him, AH tbe men insist there was no necesslly for rorc- Inetherato work la taelr conciuoa, as shin the passage out wiUi elgateea men and had bands coining homo. William Brown and another ieaman bays catered civil Bulls la toe iSarina Court lo recover 3or croelties inflicted en l-y Copiaui I'eabodr and hi5 mates, 6a board tacSeptaas. Browa has dteo made aSldavit OoramiaMoner Shicids that ths mate boat him iho caplatnssverfii times thrcatcccl 10 ttirow hlai fcTtie aen vrf re all removed last everuoz at JIvs o'clocK lo Bellevne HoSDitai. STATTMEKI OF IBS CATTAIX. Teabody, master of the ship Xepronc, called at ths Us3AU otnoa artemoon to eiplain Ms conduct towards ibe crsw on isc votaea oat Irom Liverpool.

He draics all Jio Ste'cmons inde by tiic men, aad declares is didn't alnrs" to any way wtatever. Tno raca, fce says, got fro'a- bitwn wmie sianding tae silp. Ho Jiad BO dlfflcnlty witn any of tiera except one wso wta to gst escasefl from becansa ne HAD A SOIL OK H3S ASK. InJa HKW ic corapciiea by roroe to go on ln- 3ro- Ho greater a-oaioEr jjje men got injures throngs ffldr owa Tault arjd jy cBacavoiing tS sWr3c Uicrr "jnicrtt were bntasves I l- fl Mm Sfi-o a was sJwsjs a snl- A Scarcity of TVste? An to It-- Ociy Tvrei-8 fvft of in the lEcservoir. There is at the presentfime a depth or only feet of water la tue llidgewoed Seservclr.

ins: twenty feet, the ordinary measure, has been a caustanc How of water Iro. Lsffg Island ijjriass a si-eady decrease has Jjee: parentforsome time past, whicn has e.vea anitsty oa tha part or the authoriaes, who that the reserve snpply is only sufficient lor flvel cousumptioa at tne rate uov carrem. TUe En or tho Water JJepurtinent yesterday submitt subjoined coniuiuuicaUoa at a meetiEfr 01 the In vie-- of I6e coailnncd loyn'si epnngs on Long Island, and tbe scsrciiy of raia tbia and winter, it 13 necessary we saou.d nsc all mea; Elble for the prevention waste In tee city. I beg leave, therefore, to surest that the Board r.ot public that on and after the 15tn aad until such 1 1 tcey may bs notified to tbe contrary, tbe witer wiU b( off at tiie lieiervou: at Isa P. JL and let oo at sli day, anJ that inEpectors appointed therefor la eacb shall examine all fixtures In tte respecting hoc tbejr district and report all defects or Isaks in tbe soai any unnecessary vraslo of wrater.

A penalty or Bne to be Impoed in eacn caso to b3 la tlie notics to tne public. I J. w. ADAJiS.

Chief Engitj A resolution embodying the suggestions coal tnoreln was adopted. JESSE5 Sere, atlTss if tis press, arc to give tUann JOT aB of ihTa- IBS ftatiTiajat. connaiitee will ne jisjiiauiBl roaancc il "Tho JiarMe- TOilss of iae iron: of ocrwin artists -with ttrms or Intimacy. Ha-mtorDB's 3-Tt ITiS TOOdSSt $lg "(nyi llagcnins CMlfl uw perceive tno ttras 3oss. In HiwfhtiniE tils -was fcat 3 cpon Jho ran.

In WicamiwofWcvon of Many Js no seam. Italy la ajisKorons gronzfl, ana none It Is ncedifss to say mat Mr. JoHasoa'siria or 3o- msiid waa owoplJca with, It Is slso lair lo stais that toe -cuoy UW tlcalre uotonstyi as tne Toot ils tusmss room mate of Enait. ana. the last or SCTCTSLI articles or cloUmjE oaiiK rouna on 013 tod, -wacn sasir IcntJznats Jic tailor's shop So.

ast Jadce Ooz cotamltied both ths taoc'-at ffl Mr Johnsan ana loc Mr. EnaJs for tnalT lua aireaaj as tatertw staso Shortly wloro two ycsitsrtay, Josa Eyan, a iDs.ii lorry jcars or ago, ors ins saw- zauiof -winiftm Forty-fonnh atrsst, yorti rlT 3 5 lc 3O)lefl ti? bslaE struct wth piece of Troofl irtnai flew Irom'tso saw witn groat Tiolsnoo. Dstsassd was cwnoa to therest- or injuroa lisa JJitur His very lE3t care tifctn of tSem. any or JiB mea were ill on Wwrd too SciKin9 --hoa tie "went aslwre oa Saturday ie vrouW "hava taKcn cars jT2u ol tljo 4a Tbs cTiarss cr cnKflry iUecsa acaast captala Peabofly, of tho anip ScptaDB, wWcn 3mi stanlod cams np tiKfors CsaioJaslMseT Shiclflg, the Heifflltal anfi topi tto of two of Nss ssanicn of an Doctor of Troateei bjr Hi Neivarl Ipvito Hiin to Speak tuid Tlisn ST Ua Xs an Xmpoctoc--Salt aa The clergymen of Sewart are great sticH etlQaette, but tha etiquette Is of a very pei cnaracwr, a type that the ITench woald pro' terra outri. Yesterdar, in accordaace vloas invitation, Kev.

Dr. Gather, an era English divine, and aseat or tae Christian Moral Science Association, met clergymen of Keware in toe lecture roo: the First jPresbyterian charca for the pnrpi giving them Bis views on tho associatiea he seated, and the test way or advancing tna ol thereof. Besides tae clergymen there was pres sprialiagr of promlaeat laymea. Scarcely Tfa meeting organized when Eev. Dr.

Findlcy, we several weela past, aloag wita Dr. Rgh, has bs A SSXESr JPA5XS2B In the movercent, arose aafl Bested that the correspondent of reiijrloas to Belfast, Irelaad, Sad stated that Dr. Gather not wcat he represented himself--lie arent EagUsh association. Dr. Fish then jumped np said that it seemed to Mm very wrong to visitor ia suca aa nnpleasant position HE isocgnt tae thlag to uo woald be 11 a coaraUttee to oxamino tns Doctors To this Dr.

Gather responded that warto elated the Mndiy moUve of Dr. Fisa, aa? lag to Eiest any iavistlgatioa of ins mauEly prelerrcd, at aay proper lirno and citstr feefor-; individoals or oeforo a cnala not regard OOa assembly a court or tcrc, wlln antnorjg- to rasj upon lilm, aat. thought that taa cbarzca cot sirs alinaodtojuhls absence when ne coaid Just as Savdl-ccosccijoranfl aa cxplaaation astcfl He did las aatlioriiy or ths mei to mass A MA77E3 o'Trtiat not a personal manor, and saw i even if 11)5 cnarccs trcro -srwci afl -Jenlea, tie principle? is advoeaiaa were apae MIC Jess aMc. AtersoajsfcrUicr ClscnssJon Mie Docloji drojea tte asscrnKajfe. He ftopaa liat moss Jiad not lost faMh la a Jollow wouJd uia- lilm.

HJioUjesct Jras. i9 said, lo bring C3iH? moral sdsnce ITJIO Xew Tbo war jij done Jn Bagsawl trine poopJc 'SALT TOE3TTHE3I Jiaa Imniroizliic itcd it roaacWm Sappy if laliaa -catsn sat -sntu 41001 Sis aaflicncc. so Shut he orold IVHTC Icrond himis: some son -ander i.hs rrotowSOTi or thslr iiomi This ttmeny wag ty onhosc pr'sent, ana od 3a Srat JOT She pants. After 3he DacKiT lad ci.piaiiio.-l inScoTtlic assotfliillpn tn Enelttnd, iva-l Hl-mself of address that plB'ascd all, Dr. forward affliUvJt tiat Sbsy wore crnelly captaia on tnsTcocntvoyaES to Mils yon, OMVCT, anogro.

tJoposissthiitatsiit the rsarj ona of niates rtrucK ij 15s fists wois to yTKtiD. Efl-wara Kclos, oa ths 1st Fstraarj and flwt awe, Barasw a. seat him with Mioir flaw Mia threw tin too csttan. Beioe ttn tspsatsdi the forum to KO to jsa tiat ttc accosefl siiou'l-fl Tio it! to -attend Dlmsar. "STne Powor WQ! slier 0131 era hsa Asattst Minfilng The ter BJI.

aalil lis Toulil not TjDlnuil 157 amlsomianJ roocniic, titrt flonriniui OT MuaiofllstOhi 3JS ccrajd alcras wed 5y JiW was, amatol; laa woalfl jnillacly submit. Mrs. Tn, JCTO.I Sfitfl oUecwresoa "rityrJolosr, Health and DISBMO, St. Fa-Blli 2aeHjoaul Lr-tecopal clrnrcn, yestc ail rnoon. In jircscn PO of a largo iTifflOTna.

locwro ran Jntcrcsung aaa sail c. CfJisnt KrA 3Jr. Jouts Jsaa cua of flnsKt appw-tttna la the csmntu-- Won of manltlns japinr TnocJit- IN EV SPA PERI NEWSPAPER!.

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