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The Daily Mail from Hagerstown, Maryland • Page 16

The Daily Maili
Hagerstown, Maryland
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SIXTEEN THE DAILY MAIt, HAUJUKSTUWJN, FKlUAlT, 3U, IWtt BRITISH HILL SECURES LOAN OFUBAI Others May Be Forced To Get American Credit Because Of Depression OLDHAM, England. July 30. A sensation has been caused thru- out Lancashire by the announcement that, for the first time in its history, the cotton trade is obliged to resort to foreign sources i credit. A local spinning company has ob- tained an advance of 50,000 pounds sterling from an American trust com- pany 10 avoid making a cail on its stockholders. It is rumored that other companies contemplate similar steps to meet the situation, whiih results from the prolonged depression.

In 1803 Bare Elbows Were Scandalized While Today Its "Nothing" According to a copy of the Eliza beth-Town Weekly, printed in 1S03 and now owned by Lynn Hoover Route 2, Williamsport, the girls ol that day were just as much of at enigraa to their manners as are the flappers of 192C. The paper contains a lengthy dis cussion on the impropriety of young girls exposing their bare elbows go Ing on to say that the lack of modes ty was little short of being shocking Can you imagine what that editor scy if he could return and look over the nude knee display on thr streets today. The old paper also contains thb schedule for the stage coach which operated between Hagerstown and Baltimore, stopping at Frederick One of these old coaches was recent iy purchased by Henry.Ford. Italian Princess To Be Bride Of Ruler ST. AUGUSTINE, July 30- (IP --The Ansaldo San Girogio Second' Italian steamer crippled "by the trop leal storm off Jupiter and taken in tow by the steamer West Harshan was reported today by the Unitei Slates Kadio station at Amastasi: to be off Mayport waiting for higl tide to enter the St.

John's river. DUAL MURDER MAY SOON BE CLEARED UP (Continued from Page 1) go came his divorce suit. Iu his papers lor divorce, he harged that his bride had loosed lany long-hidden secrets; secrets of he Hall-Mills crime. Toilay Mrs. Frances Hall, widow lie murdered pastor and a reputed millionairess, stands definitely hargeii with the double killing.

Time, which sifts confusion into rder, has reasserted the many char- cters in the celebrated mystery and irought new figures into the picture. Four years have passed since New Brunswick and Somerville were a haos of clews, charges and counter- harges, private detectives, furtive King Boris, 32 years old and tin only bachelor sovereign in Europe left Bulgaria early this month ostens ibly for a holiday, but it was late intimated by Premier tha he was seeking a bride. There have been insistent rumor that Boris would seek an allianc Princess Giovanna, who is i her nineteenth year, not withstam ing the difference in their religion The Princess, as a member of th iiouse of Savoy, is a Catholic, whil Boris is of the Orthodox" faith. Summer-Heat Depresses Vitality SCOTT'S EMULSION Rich in Cod-liVer Oil Vitamins Builds Strength, Scott Btneat, KooniSdd, N. J.

00 DROWN IN JAPAN FLOOD TOK10, Jul' 30 meager ews that trickles iu from the flood i Ntiglta province reveals a terrific '11 in death and destruction. Latest e-ports fixed the dead, injured and lisslng at about 300 and the damage i property at 3,000,000 yen. The vil- of Tochio was hardest hit of all ic communities. At this place 1500 ouses were demolished and many rowned. In the entire flooded area ome SOOO houses were submerged, everal thousands acres rice fields ere destroyed.

SENATORAND JUDGEKIUB DURING DUEL Long Standing Political Feud And Not Religious Situa- tion Is Blamed Mexican Catholics Offer Last Prayers Under Priest Leaders MEXICO CITY, July 30 ator Manuel Hernandez Galvan and Judge Jesus Suluedo, both prominent politically, were shot and killed last night during a pistol fight in a saloon between Galvaii and Deputy Enrique Hernandez Alvarez. The religious situation had nothing to do with the affray. It was the out- come of a long standing political grudge between Galvan and Alvarez. EXPORT LEAD; TEXAS NEXT Maryland For First Quarter Shows Decline In Amount Shipped Out OKLAHOMA TO HAVE PRIMARY TUESDAY fflTH MANY TICKETS nnuendoes and baffling contradic- ions. In the new panorama there is, first Mrs.

Hall! She has aged consider- ably. She had been ten years older han her preacher-husband and this disparity in ages was given as a rea- for his romance with the pretty choir singer. She went abroad soon after the murder tangle had seemed unsolv- able. For a couple of years she ived quietly in Italy. The Hall mansion was renovated, edecorated and partially refurnish- when she returned and she lived seclusion for some time.

Then the mystery-haunted house gradually re- uriied to life. Mrs. Hall entertained riends now and then. Music was heard of evenings. "Pig Woman" Still Figure Next--Jane Gibson, the "old pig woman." No more picturesque cliar- acter ever walked into a mystery tale.

A. recluse, an eccentric, she was "ridin' her mule huntin' pigs" when she saw four figures under the crab apple tree--two women and two leu. One of the women, she thought, was Mrs. Hall. But "a cloud blew over the moon." Well, four years lave brought changes to her, too.

She has sold most of her farm and tves on a little corner of it. She still has a few pigs. Nellie Lo Russell, negro mammy 'blew up" the pig woman's story by announcing that Mrs. Gibson bad been calling on her at the time she said she was at the crime scene. Since then she has met Mrs.

Gibson and wrangling with her, "fought it out." She emerged victor. ''Crazy Willie" Stevens, brother ot Mrs. Hall, and looked upon as simple minded, remains the same "Crazy Willie." Peter Tumulty in the original in- vestigation was pointed out as the 'family gardener." He now may he pictured in another role--not as a newly hired hand, but as a man who had seen service with the Hall kin for some 20 years and was a "trusted WASHINGTON, July though stowing a decline of nearly from the figures for the same period last year, New York with $195,510,071 In exports, regained the leadership from Texas in the out- going merchandise shipments during the first quarter of 1926, the com- merce department today announced. Texas exports declined nearly 000,000 to a. total of $128,873,613 for the quarter, due chiefly to decreased shipment of cotton and lower prices for that commodity.

The exports of Maryland for the first quarter of 192G were $16,373,196 compared with for the some peripd of 1925. Delaware, 911 for first three montli'e of this year compared with $1,177,935 for the cor- responding period last year. HIGH HUMIDITY GRIPS COUNTY "Stickiness" Due To Water Vapor In The Air And Not Excessive Heat The high humidity and not the temperature should be blamed for the "stickiness" of yesterday and to day, it was reported by weather ob servers. The temperature has been normal for the past several days while the humidity has been hover ing around 90 per cent, it was said. At noon today the mercury was tip ping 87.

VANCOUVER, July are to exclude women from theii 3eer parlors after August 15, because male patrons object, not to mention prohibitionists. family man." James Mills, mild-mannered hus- band the murdered cUoir singer and sexton of the church, was in- jected into the case only as a hus- band seeking vengeance. Since the crime be has been a janitor and worked-about garages. He always has maintained that the HalUortune was "used to silence justice." Charlotte Mills, daughter, was 8 poiguant figure in the tragedy. Ther but a child crying that her mother's murder be avenged, she now is a grown girl working as typist in the office of a motor company.

The new evidence as thus far re- DEATHS Jacob Wesley Teach died at hii home at Pinesburg at 1 o'clock thii morning from complications, after an illness of 2 mouths, aged 56 years He was a. member oE the Mennoniti Ch'irch. Besides his wife, three son, and two daughters, Jacob Georgi E. Clarence Mrs. Anna Ma: Hook and Edith all of Pinesburg two brothers, John A.

and Williair and a sister, Mrs. Ella May Nave survive. Funeral on Sunday, service at the house at 2 o'clock, Rev. Job F. Grove officiating.

Interment i the cemetery at Williamsport. Pleas omit flowers. TOOTHSOME MORSELS are tender, juicy beefsteaks, the kind we always serve to appreci- ative customers, who favor this succulent and deliciously tempting dish. You will like the flavor of our steaks, chops, cutlets, in- deed the high Quality of our meats iu general is common talk among our numerous patrons. FOCKLERS MEAT MARKET 109 N.

Locust St. Phone 2265 The a of 9-year-old Cliarle Moats, who was fatally hurt severa days ago when struck by an aul truck, was held this morning frol his late home, 235 Harmon's avenu with services by Rev. G. C. Carpe ter.

Interment was made in tl Manor Cemetery at Tilghmanton. vealed largely is what might be ten ed "negative." That is, negation past claims of those suspected knowledge of the murders is i volved. Much of the information the a thorities obtained from Rielll was unsworn form prior to Mrs. Hal arrest. His sworn statements gardinB revelations to him by wife--the pretty girl he met in most casual fashion--are for tl grand jury.

YOU CAN'T SPEND MORE THAN 25c And you are given chances at thousands of dollars worth of wonderful prizes in addition to being given many souvenirs and FREE DANCING FROM 10.00 to 11.00 CHARLESTON CONTEST TONIGHT at 10.15 Toniuht and Tomorrow Night, 7.30 to 11.00. 57 East Washington Street MEXICO CITY, July 30 cs throughout Mexico today of- red up devotions for the last time der the leadership of their priests fore the government's new rellg- us regulations go into effect to- orrow. Under instructions from Arch- shop Mora Del Rio, priests will thdraw from the churches tomor- in protest against the govern- ent's religious measures. The thdrawal was originally planned Sunday. President Calles in a speech last de'clared that the hour was ap- oaching for a final fight to deter- iue the triumph of revolution or rc- tion.

The struggle was between ght and darkness, and the govern- ent would win, he said. All Catholics in the country are to be disarmed in accordance with an order issued by Attorney General Or- tega. Senor Ortega said this, move was a consequence of reports that Catholic groups were meeting secret- ly at night and that the authorities were fearful the gatherings were for the purpose of offering opposition to the religious laws. After more than a fortnight at- tendance upon masses, the faithful again today crowded churches, Ca- thedrals and shrines throughout the republic. It was feared that when the services ended at 10 o'clock to- night there would be thousands who had WSen unable to enter the church- es and shrines to worship for the last time in the presence of priests.

talian Steamer Is Taken In Tow LONDON, July 30. tfP)--Ileuter's Geneva correspondent says he earns from Solla that the betrothal King Boris of Bulgaria to Princess Hovannf, third daughter of the Ital- an sovereigns is "considered an ac- fact. NINE STRIKE NEARINGEND waders Of Mine Union Ready To Accept Peace Proposals Of Church Leaders OKLAHOMA CITY, July 313 than 1,100 candidates On tickets are entered in next Tues- y's Oklahoma primary in wfcich the ck of a major issae will not be issed because of the turbulent and lorful careers of some of the con- stants. The host of candidates for nomina- on will carry Democratic, Republi- Socialist, Farmer-Laborer and dependent colors. Evolution, the KIux Klan and prohibition are mong tiie questions that have heen jected into eome of the races.

J. C. (Jack) Walton, deposed gov- nor and defeated Democratic nom- ee for the United States Senate in '24 again is seeking the Democratic matorial nomination. Manual Her- ck, former aviator congressman, hose exploits in diplomacy, flying nd romance kept Washington poli- tical circles amazed several years ago, is entered for the Republican nomination in the eighth district con- gressional race, and "Big Jim" Harris, former Republican national commltteeman, is one of the con- testants for the Republican guberna- torial nomination. On the Republican side Senator J.

W. Harreld, is contesting for re-nom- ination against a field of six compara- tively unknowns. One of these, B. O. Bingham.

a farmer, is an avowed "wet" while Senator Harreld is a pro- nounced "dry." The Democratic gubernatorial race became a "free for all" when the state supreme court ruled out the favorite, Governor M. B. Trapp, who aesumed the chair when Walton was impeached In 1923, on the ground he was ineligible to succeed himself. FIRST STORY OF BIG LOSS BROUGHT I HIRD WALL STREET TRIUMPH SCORED BY DARING SPECULATOR NEW YORK, July 30. lectacular Wall Street operator, 'illiam C.

Durant has scored his big financial triumph and made third fortune out of the same ock, and another, Josnua S. Cosden, as come out retirement seeking repeat victories in the street. Mr. Durant is credited with having lade a $1,500,000 paper profit yes- erday when stock of General Motors orporatiou, whicit he funded, soar- to a record of $191. He is also redited with having profited 00,000 in the past year through his mlsnntcc 1 faith in the company.

General Motors made a net gain 12 1-8 points yesterday, 373,000 lares being sdld. Mr. Durant made his first fortune after funding General Motors but was removed from its presidency in 1910. General Motors stock he made second fortune that was estimated at before the 1920 de sion, in which hi with disas. ter.

Duoonts Sit Pretty. Wan Street today described the General Motor stock as a gold niinn il.o E. I. Dupont Do Nemours Company, because it owns 1, 330,829 shares carried ou its books at $70 a share with General Motors at $191, this would mean a paper profit of $161,000,000. YORK CENTRAL SEEKING CONTROL OF fflO RAILROADS NEW YROK, July.

30 New York Central applied to the Commerce Commission to- ay for authority to acquire coa- by 99 years the Cleveland, Cin- lati, Chicago and St. Louis, known the Big Four Railroad. Permission also was asked to ac- by lease the Michigan Central nd the Chicago, Kalamazoo and iaginaw Railroad. In another application the Big Four requested permission to ac quire by lease the Cincinnati North ern and the Evansvllle, Indianapolis and Terre Haute. These roads nov arc operated as part of the Big Fou System.

The arrangement proposed, th applications said, would result in op erating economies, increased elf ciency, and improved service. The Big jFour has a mileage 2 398 in Ohio, Illinois, Indiana an Michigan and Missouri. LONDON, July 30. (ff)--The cou- erence of miners delegates has de to recommend acceptance of he peace suggested by Churchmen of the anglican and Churches in the present coal ieup. The proposals will he sent jack to the directors to be voted pon.

Wales At Work POTOMAC CLUB TO ENTERTAINv Over 200 Democrats Are Ex-j pected At Supper Tonight At Clubrooms Over 200 Democrats are expected turn out tonight lor tho supper 1 icing tendered by the Potomac Club its members and guests. The club iresideut, Dr. J. Hubert Wade, will ireslde, and is expected by friends make some definite announcement as to his intention to seek re-elcc- ion to (he State Senate this fall. Laying cornerstones is one of the Prince of Wales' job.

This is for the maternity ward of a hospital near London. A I Long-Brechbill who operate a canning factory at Boonsboro, have contracted for only about half of the usual acreage of tomatoes this year the pack, it is stated, will be much less than last year. While the acreage will be less, the crop is re- ported good and the product may be more than half of last season. TO I A CHICAGO, July SO F. Moore, campaign manager for Frank L.

Smith, successful candidate in tho Illinois senatorial primary, de- cided toda yto furnish the Senate campaign funds committee names of all contributors to the Smith politi- cal fund. SAYS A A TOPEKA, July Bie- ber, Moliue lawyer, disbarred for moral turpitude because a jug of whisky was found on his hack porch is petitioning for reinstatement on the ground that Noah drank wine and that shaving lotions, presumably to be found in Kansas judge's homes contain alcohol. A BOSTON, July danger in these eycshades for Helen Wills and all her male and female imita- tors. They shut off light that is a necessary and healthy stimulus for the eyes, in the opinion of the presi- dent "of the State Society of Opto- metrists. BROTHERS ACCUSED Hussell Phillips was fined $10 and ils brother was dismissed on a charge of assaulting Harry Nelson of andy Hook, by Justice L.

R. Your- tee yesterday evening. Nelson al- leged that the Phillips brothers at- tacked him following an argument over a garage bill. Russell Phillips admitted that he struck Nelson. J.

C. Grice represented the accused. (Continued from Page 1) east 75 vessels were destroyed at Nassau and other islands, not count- ng the sponge boats some of whicl 'ound shelter on isolated baiike 01 lear uninhabited islands. Nassau had meager warning of the advance the hurricane. The Tropical Radio Station near Miami radioed weather reports Sunday when brisk winds and a rapidly fall- ng barometer indicated the ap- proach of storms.

The wind stead- ly increased in velocity throughout the day and at midnight a gale lash- ed the island, tearing houses from their foundations and uprooting trees. Wires were blown down and the public utility plants damaged to such an extent that the city was plunged into darkness. The govern- nent record showed the wind reach- ed its Telocity peak at 130 miles an lour at 6 o'clock Monday morning. Churning the harbor into seeth- ing mass of waves, the hurricane piled water high over the wharves nto Bay street, a block into the city. Soon a gale swept down from the northwest, meeting tho onrush from the Caribbean, and ships were lifted high from their moorings and sent onto the wharves.

Several were blown to sea. Among the vessels known to have sunk in the harbor here was the 80- ton yacht Isoceles, formerly the Shamrock IV, Sir Thomas Liptou's famous American cup challenger. It lies under 40 feet of water beside numerous small craft varying from sail boats to small yachts. At tho island of Gun Key, eight large rum running boats, heavily laden with liquor were dashed to pieces by the waves. The crews es- caped rowing ashore in small boats at the first approach of the hurri- cane.

Nothing was known of the fate of the government mail boat Brontes, which proceeded for San Salvador shortly before the inrush of the storm. The Albertine Adou with 40 persons aboard, sailed for the island of Inaugua, a few hours before the hurricane struck. It was also class- ed among the missing craft. The mail boat carried 20 persons. The liquor trade, one of the chief sources of income of the islands has been dealt a crushing blow and he probable loss of the sponge fleet will curtail for some time the group's oldest and chief industry of fishing for some time.

Strewn I bits like shattered playthings by the temperamental hur- ricane a mass of broken wreckage clutters the water front from the eastern parade, one of tho several government prominades, far to the westSrn edge of the island. The old Ward liner Bulgaria was lifted on the rocks as were other ships and small fishing boats. Hal I. Leyshon of the Miami Daily News, and R. P.

Mitchell, Miami cor respondent of The Associated Press were the newspapermen who plercec the wall of silence between Nassau ind the outer world. Their flight by airplane was nol without adventure. Forced down 01 a deserted island when fuel gavo ou 'hey were rescued Ijy a chance sea plan in search of a missing yach which supplied sufficient fuel to re sume tho flight to Nassau. The correspondent's plane suhse queutly flew through the outer is amis of the group, several of whicl evealed evidence of the severe storm. Great Isaac Light, Britain's north nniost isle of the group, was hi full force.

Tho role of tho only two wooden houses were stripped off while the light house showed large cracks in its sides. The promou lory was stripped of all foliage anc was hardly more than a donudcc rock. North and South Bimini directly tast of Milmi sutfcred likewise, tin wreckage on tho small islands offe: ing ample proof of the storm, while to the south lay the famous GUI Key, formed tho rendezvous of the bootlegger--new hardly more thai waste. The northern edg of Andros was deserted except a Morgan's Bluff, it appeared. The hurricane played many pranks as it twisted its path tortous ly through New Providence, leaving In its wake a tale of woe.

Tho slooi Mystery J. which plies between Mia mi and Nassau was lifted high up 01 the shore and far Into the rum ware house, where cases were piled wit. the choicest liquors. I I I A. H.

Uunnell, the Terrace, house 45x33; rear building, 22x22. BALTO. GRAIN BALTIMORE, July 30 ing: Wheat No. 2 red spot 151 1-4; do garlicky domestic, 141 3-4. Corn, No.

2 spot, SB; No. 3 spot, 83. Oats, No. 2 white, 62 1-2; No. 3 do, 51 1-2.

Rye. none. LOCAL QUOTATIONS Hagerstown, July 30. Wheat Corn 51-20 HASSETT FOR I I Thomas II. Hassett, Four Locks, filed his papers yesterday for Coun- ty Commissioner, subject lo the Re- publican primaries.

Mr. Hassett nerved a term as Commissioner sev- eral years apo. He Is the fourth Re- publican lo file for i Commissioner offico. A EVERY DAY. That's why Bowser's homo-made ice cream IB so good.

Best Ingred ients, all flavors. Bowser, Williams port. Adv. FRESH SHIPMENT Soft shell crabs and crab meat fish nnrt steak fish. Favorite Fisl Market.

Phone 1501. Adv PRIZE FESTIVAL Don't forget our fi stivnl tonigh and tomorrow nigh', on tho Firs Christian Church lawn, South 1'nlo mac street. Attendance prizes givei to lucky ticket holders. Festival wil be held Infildo if It rains. Your pn tronagc appreciated.

Young Hen's Bible Clnss. Severe Quake ST. HELljER, Jersey, Channel Is- acids, July 30. of the argest buildings here were rocked or several seconds by the most vio- out earth shock today ever felt among the Channel Islands. Several chimneys collapsed.

Thus far no 'j casualties have been reported. THEY MAY WED NOW. William R. Shaw and Louise Manious, both of Hagerstown, ed a marriage license in Frederick i yesterday. REAL ESTATE Sriitt-limiKnloiv HitpMrincr Are.

Spml-lniiiKiilow Idnenlit Avc. DmtKiiluvt I.cxlnvrlnn Avc. (t room MliiKlo JVm-Ui 12ml. Terms. roimiM, lnrgc lut, Virginia 93200.

roonvs, 2 hiithn, liot irMcr hent. Ccnlrtil locution. INSURANCE Iff Al.I, ntlANCIIES W. Murray Baechtel Agency 304-3 Firnt IVnt'l Ilniik HlllR. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS For Johnston's Candy Delivery Service to Your Door Phone Us Your Wants MacKenzie's Pharmacy 37-39 S.

Potomac St. Phone 1177 SPECIAL AT KRATZ CUT RATE STORE 21 E. Franklin St. Tomatoes to- Nice large sweet Potatoes 10c tb 3 tbs. 25o.

Choicest Bananas, 20c, 25c. 30o Dozen. Lemons Nice Big Cantalopes 10o 3 for 25o. Oranges 35c Dozen Large California Barton Pears 6 for 20c. Grapes It.

2 tbs. for 25c. WatermeUons 60c Delivered. All Other Fruits At Reduced Prices. J.

PAULADINO. DR. ROBERT C. SNAVELY Osteopathic Physician Announces the opening of his offices, Monday, August 2, at Rooms 207 8-9 In the F. W.

Grand Building, 78 West i WashlnQtonStrett-(Second Floor) Office Hours: 9 to 12 and 1 to 4. phon! 23B Hear Dr. Henry Stougn AT THE COMMUNITY TABERNACLE FRIDAY EVENING, JULY 30,7.45 O'CLOCK It God's Will To Heal Everyone The Sick Will Be Prayed for and Annointed at the Close of the Meeting BRING THE SICK Dr. Stough's Second Lecture to WOMEN ONLY Saturday Afternoon, July 30, 2.30--Subject: "Is Marriage a Failure" Mass Meeting for Everybody AT THE COMMUNITY TABERNACLE Sunday Afternoon Aug. 1, at p.

in. Dr. Henry W. Stough's AMAZING ADDRESS "Is Another World War Impending? Is Civilization Crumbling? Is The Second Coming of Christ Near? A THRILLING DISCUSSION! DONT MISS IT!.

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