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The Galveston Daily News from Galveston, Texas • Page 1

Galveston, Texas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)



II. NICHOLS. O. B. LEE AISTD COMTPANY, A A I I Corner of olnirch and Tinny-Second A I A I I A i KNLAKUBU WUttUS added HBW A 1MP1WVBD TOOUH, Steam "orKr i C.cur- Slianinc, I'lilley-, Iron IIraw Outline ami Ware- l.nnw HulMliiii of all kind-, we art- for 1 best Holier in ihc 1

-Slf-nm listen anil Vaivc Krtl rar.k!iifr; A. U-nibie nlop-Hl Witt-Ie Ibiilroiul Fifip. I 10 A 1 1 I UKO. E. NIOUOI.S, 10 I'rcal- of U.

11. 11. 1C. KitpcriiiU-nilciit. CAROLINA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, .11 I'll 1 Capital, $200,000.


KDXOVUSOiV, fltofral Agful. or i i i a i i nn all tho Improved ri.ii* insurance. i take Note for one-half tlic rromniin, nn the PartMpa.1iw; plan. 1,0 infliction on nr Travel within the peltled limits of the United States or Kini.ii America. All I'u-u-les non-far reliable.


Ifl. nil Wwi Factor aid General I I A STRANII, OAT.VKSTOH. A nilv.iiiccB mndc on ronsipnmenla cotton, ool, for wilw IUTU or for iiK'iil. lu Nt-w York, Jluslon and ports, ntllT diwly At Tf'CTXUC. BHAttPY, WIIIHKY (UN, UUM 11 UILL OF EXFMPTIOSS.

on Wliiclk It TH to (lie Iiitcriiul ItcveM Tlic fullowiiip tlic )ill in fall to cxcippt cer- t.ilii lurus iroin ititorunl tns, pesentcrl in tin; HniiPii -f nupri.BcnUtlvua by-Mr. Schcnck. from thu Oi'inmltlco of ami Means, and which lii.B. that body by voto.ofontf hnmlrctrni-fl uvinty-lvo yeas to two 'Tho bill yet, to the Senate; hut Hie almost unanimous i-olo In fc-vor in thu Ilon-c proha- lid early passage there. Following Ihc i ia im nlylmUitlcal ciwaiflcatlon of tlie rtrtl- ctas which it Is to ex-jinpt from tasa- lion; A HILL TO EX'TCrr CBItTAIN MANLT-VCTURUa rSTETWAL TAX.

it liv tin. Him iloiiec of Hep- ri-fChtnt'-vus of Uiu'l nltii. Simon of America in Cuii.TL'Hs nacen Thiit ntncty-rrtiir finl ninety live of Hit! act A act to pro- viilc ttitornr.1 rm unite to support tlic'SnTcrnroont, In juiy interest nn the public tiuht and Tor other iippi-uvui! 30, l.SC-t, Mid all acU mid pjirts ol' acts iinion.lntory thereof, IMS and the HHxni: art; hereby repeated, except only much ol I6e surnu ecctioiirt And iimentlmente thereto ae re! la ten (he taxes impoecil.thurchy on made of ico Tvnin i ccml, wbollv in part, or of nny otliur material; A A SHhURV, A I A (1I lul-rltatlns or other mineral oila IM- ihii product, of ilie difUUntlon, i i i i or of crude prctrple-IP, or of a siijiln of roa', thal peat, or I'llier siilidtuucc'S on wined thcre- in iles-crti'iuil rtud on smtUf and the oilser mntiii- f-icnii-ci urion.iccu- including cigftfj lllill clHTOnt." SIT. And lie it further cnactcO, Tluit nothing I 'hid r.ct cniilalnnrl sball be cotirtiaiitxl to ropuai or niiy OT provision lor or collection of nny nnil.T tuny have nuiy accrue or In; ossobflinl liurwifter 1111 fine lat ilay of May. A.

D. istH Stc. And In; it lull her unacted, Thiit net sliall tiiku ofl'ucLnnd be in ftirci. on aLd after the dny cf May, A. D.

ISOS. The unyiiig the annexed or duty, arc exempted from all Uis by the above i POUT, CLA11ET. In AnenrLttl rju.l-Mfpfv. I BOND OR FREE. 700 DOZRN A ALE.

STOUJMItT A UUltK, --MISCELLANEOUS. NEW OWLEAJSS, Jackson Crfat NtrlSfrn Jt. Hiss. Central ai ONLY UIKBUT KOUTE NORTH AM) EAST A dully Erprcss Train Calliope etreut at P. siring fjicllilica to pus Ht-'iiirerti by any oihu'r route.

Time lo NHW i'ork SI himrs. Tliwe KojiUrt airry to I Wubtiinyton, iiiiltimorc, Piiilncluiiibm, and New Vorlr. New, Spacimis and EluffniiL rnn- lu L'liutnn, Grui.iulii. Uraitd Junction, Jack- Ht.mbolt.i-id Columbus, "wiUi- A-H-nlnya, iiifide cfcotlon, liax hemp, viii Books pr.nted, all kluda except vnl exceC'Mugn a Inch In (nanuiUT, per ton ItoikTr' prall kiiul-, nd vnl Ura-s and ri ml val lltiirH. llu IB -uid ivd v.r, val Unnc m-inurtictiires of, ml vnl Bristles.

of, ad val in IURQI, Uac or oihtr- irite, ltd vn' iiudcof cotton. HAS orhi-tnp "dval t-f whatever miUetial made, ad -at rait. per ct Coll'iiC, ound. per CnilVu. hi: ground uli imsronntl mbsilUiU-B and all imitations, ptr ironeh.

aa ow us by unv oUicr Hontc. Pir lb -Fur Lhrnuirh tickets and informmlon apply nl I ground, aod all per Ticket Ullicc N. O. G. ICalhuttd, Iron tiiilldi.

Central Wharf, Oalvuatou. Texas; under Chocolate, prepared, per ro tn 5 dolls 5 ct 3 per ct a per ct 5 per ct 5 per ct fi per ct per ct per ct 5 per ct Sullfvtniide oC cotton, flax or hemp, ad. vaiorom 5 pcf SliaUen, imido of cotton, ilax or hemp, nd Ta'orem per ct Btovee. Iron, per tou dolls wrunxbtiroo. rallraid, ship, ion dolls Steer, In ingots, hare, sheets or wire not loss than i of an ir.cli in tblchnesB.

valunl at 7 ceutB pur pound or loss, par ton 5 dulls valued at above 7 and nut 11 cents per pound, per 10 dotlfl HteuCrio valiu-d at above 11 cunte per pound, per ton 12V Steel, of, ad vuloruw per ct machines, nd valorem--, fi per cl Sha'tliwj and gear)up, nd vaorcm Qporet Statuary, iron, nd valon-ra 5 per ct ypelter, ad va'oiem 3 per ct metal, jcllow, In rods or aliceta, ad valorem 3 pet ct Skiaa, "oat, calf, kid, obctjp, lioree, hog and tanntd or dmeud in thu rough, ad valorem, per ct "kins, do curried or dull-hoc. perct Silk, raamilMtures of, Ad valorem 5 perct Sll t-er, mnimhLtura of, ad 5 et Sugar, clatem TjottoniR of, of fii'-wcuDo, not made from or Itnphue, per pound cl notalHiveJa Dutch siaudurd lit color, produced from sugar cane and not teom tonjhnm or ot.ticr t. an tliOBC productxl by the rufluir, per pound 3 ct Sugar, above No. 33, acd not above No. is, i)ntch itatidard in color.

iroduced rugarcaic, and rot from sorghum or imptiec, per poimu cl 3n2-ir, above No. IS Dutch standard in color, produced directly from the nu- ar ciini 1 and not from Borjrbiita or nphce per pound 3). ct I'ulcs of ad valorem tjujltr candy, value not SO cents per pMind. perpound 2 ct Susar exceeding 510 and cot eiccedics cents, per ioniid, per rt Suiar candy, valne eaceolinR 40 eentu pound, or told by ooxor THE GALVKSTON DULY NEWS, City Hotel, New Orleans G.

T. 11BAU N. -B U.W. K. it.

A WEST, President, Central Hailroaii. J.T.M1LLGK, Ticket Accent, Wulvc-tton, TCXHP. Great Soullicrn From to all Fututs Xorth and East Ronte, Importers and Jobbers in Foreign noil Fancy NUT1GNS, Hosiery, Watches, Jcweliy, dc. atW Broadway, (comer Leor.ard Street, New York. Via llcrivlclc Hay Line aiit N.

O. O. G. to OrlCNiiK, tlieiicu vln loii, J'niiciloiif Cliat- I aud I Tliroush to i BA.LTIMORtt, MIILUJKLPIUA AN NEW Two throngh Express Trains leave New Orleans daily, carrying tho grunt Northern through mull. i 1'AOU JjATHHOP, une Luthrop WHkiiiacm DOLPIIE Kixa, Of Texas.

Win oe wild low. Apriy at office. myiu citwti OF Tne ct.partnc.rehip of Klcliards. Hawkins A townTM eii'irt-9 this day by limiuitiou, UnpL (I.MJ. witbdnivrs Trom the llrra.

iu)S T. K. A i A HUN A I t. Jli It CJAI.VKSTON, TKXAS i-ndjc-wtr STOtlK-- A-Titl I'or iSnlc-- Manilla I.oj.e, forbalins Col ton; dalt-9 for Corn Sackn; if.iiB Alligator liockle Iron Tien; A-sorted Crockery; tit caws of Ulaa. ware; tDLH Assorted liar, Band and l-'iow Irons: rjj Naila, assortedeizea; I'aat and Wrought I'lows.

onrrcfjulnrline, hnve removed toftfU Uroa.lw.-y oiiu dour liulowonr olilrtund, todectue Additional rtom fur ollica and Witli thuae and a turijoly iiiLrcnucd stuck, we lioiMJ to i.dd much to the comfort and interests ol Iriendrf. inir Ollictj will be Bupplic-d with the SoulbL-ni iiiimea of all vusscl- up for rau-u uf freights, and fiit-h infunnation ltd will to Tuxiaua at home i a We invite all to do so. jissi-rinij uf sincere welcome. l-ATliliOf. BUitTlS.

A CET.ERAL COJIJIISSIOit A 52 Ilroad SIt'fft, New York. Advances made on COTTON, WOOL U1JKS. i'or tlie ptirclinac of all kinds ol mcrcUaiidiBC promptly GiconuE B. HHIDI.E, i IIoiucx Cf'NJt, T. li.

CLATWOHTHV, I WB. UI.ATWOHTIIT. llixrltiK associated myfclf with tlJi! llotisc ol -IcorKii E. Ulddlu Ji 1 nolicit the patronage rifiiiy IrteiidH ill Tuxaa. 11OJCACK (JOJNE.

sprlfi I I I (BfeTABL.dUBD 1810,) IK3 and 05 Bcukmar. etrtct, New Vork HIS uld cuncum conaiantly on baud, oiid prepared Lu 1111 tit short. uuUcc, tfKWSrAPKB AMD I'ltJtVTMIiiT FUltNITUJtM ALL jL'JiVJJS, HA XL) JUit A Ni) JOL PO 1'ttKtiSES, Job OlHcta nirniHhcrt tbu cost uf olllcee of various lur- lelicd on FA1LVKK, MTTl.a A oc-'Mwl Proiir.oL-.r8 low to close them I'. I I A 74 and 73 Strand Strert, 7l.tSO.MC UIMlKS FOR SAI.K AT "NEWS-' OVKIC'K have on hand fifty copies ol th Proteetltags ol (Irwid uf a liutorrof the Urdw it thlR Utajd Hum lu-orxaniaation In in 1S37 A. U.

nciUie CommunEcuUon vrom tl-itc to tte Grand Annual Communica- at 1'aiestine, January, 1ST.7,--a period ol twenty by A. S. KulUven, ira; Secretary and Put Oraiid Master, and pub- In two large octavo by authority WED. stedinan, Grand JUeter, by Kicbardson Price specie, or cqnlvalcul In ccrrenry, for the iwovolames, each volume between COO" and TOO pages 1 snpcrlor Irtptrand yot apin tee bestntylc. laCdtwAWtf naderelinicd is prepared to Uike" 3oba of Hla-iwiiiB.

Plain awi Ornamwita Job Work siikiwlPtloW. KepairlDK, VladterliiL', Mntia- Butting Marble done at short notice on reiwoi-able riL-. i'lain and Knriched Cornicw, Panntled HI i-iain and Ornamental I lalij Kicb Centres, of all Sizes Bii Mia ut low n-Tfoaf work don'c will atotc for Trt-w at Theudore Uoldman's, 163 Tremont st. KIIAll KKYS Btrod between Uroadvray A Avenno call the aMeritiOB of Lumber Unycra to our stock of and well aseorted Icllow L.uait»t;r. Minuracturlitg as we do at beys, Florida, we are em-bled to keep our well PwppUud with every variety of laraber mariwt CftlU for.

Our Umber letDj oJ leaf Vcllow fiats Is eolt to work and very lu. It itunda unrivalled in all markets the world when: known. Uivc an a "CctUrKejB LaiaW Compamy, H1CHARDS, Agcnt. Vl f'Ti 4KB Uue IUIQ Vort, snch ai'VOTTfi t.l£M. differed brands; Kreuch and AmcriCM ZINC, UNSBK1 raw and boiled; TURPENTINE, Atnoi-lcau and 'Prtnch GLASS.

BlngH ibicc, and double thick; BRUSHES, of toswther with PfKB, ud AhTJSTSt' CO TOOLS, reared fcto otk e-teculed or--' K. Oalvoatun. T. CAHIIAUT, New C. K.

BttOUSHARD FasIilouUlc itrfind, between Trumont Tweuly-Bccoud flUi OATS, Pants, Cravats, Shlrti, Coilarf, tiiovcti. SockuJIate, Trunks, Validea, Travdiiiff Umbre rocon, prL'part ID 1-4 ct Clcckf, clock inovunicnta and timc- pk-ce- 1 not ctistd. Etl val per ct rrortiiLiJon-. not otherwise provided for, ad val-- per ct Cars, oi, valuu is it) per ct. or over per ct.

on inc. val. 1 rvpaii.) ol', when valuu is in- crt'-isud 3' 1 IH.TCI. or per ct. on inc.

Cement nnti, lime, Homatt or wjitcr, nd val per CoppiT, iii-TOia. ud vnl :) per Grp.jcr, roi (1 rot 3 fltloct3 ail val -'I per ct msninfacmres of, iid val 5 perct Cloui, and nil textile or knitted, or ud articles, or fiiYrlcs of cotlon, wool or other before-tlie cnmc" hr.sbccn dyed, prinlol or bleached, irr.d on iiU clutli, p-'inicd, enameled, s-liirrcil, vamVahetl or oiled, ail 5 ready-made, art ral Cotton." upo'i which no duty has IMJOII levied, Her ted or jwiid, and wliich id not cscmiiU'd by law, per Ib 2 ct Cot: on, manufjcliirea of, ad va! 5 per ct Druiiilnc Ltlea, earllicm aud pit val 3 per ct Kiiirmvers, prodnraions of, ad val 2 per ct ijlo-'ivc substances, all lor inin- iiiL' artillorj- or sportincr, pur Ib or val perct Explosive as -above, vjduod P.I upw.irds ol' per ft, pur Ib miles shorter tlnui via ttie Indianapolis and Nuw York SS-1 milea shorter Vhivsi vis and Cnlcago Uoulc. Baggage Checked Turongh to all Points. Klcyaut Slceplnc; Conches on all Night Trains. Pnuseniiere by tnls ruac'r.

New York sixteen tiours quicker than via Mobile and Urea 1 Northern Line. I'lisiMiriijers by this Line make close cnnnections at Uecainr fur Lonidvlllu, and at Cliattauoona with trains Ibr Atlanta. Savauuuh and aK points in Georgia and tho Ocroliiifla. KM re an Loiv an (lie FonthrOUijli tickets and lulormation apply at the Otllceaof theUi JI. Jfcil.

It. and Hulchinfi HOIIDU, Houston Union office N. 3. G. S.

liailroad, Central Wharf, Galvealon, aLd comer Camp anit Common streets, under City Hctc 1 New Orleans. J. 11. FEGEH, mchSfidcw tf Southern NEAV 5 perct 5 pcr'ct per ct ct 5 porct 5 pec Ct 5 per ct ad valorem Susor tanks, nd valorem made of cotton, Has or hemp, I'd valorem Tit 1 niiinufiic of, ad vniorem Tools, id valorem Turpentine, spirits of, per gallon Uma.iIUd ah kbit Is, ad alor Viiriitah or Jupan, HU valorem Vessels, repnirj of, when value if in- ccvascd per cunt OT over. cu on inc.

LHHc.B,tuni 1 kind, of water craft, not incliiolnj: unginua or as finished or bcruaficr built, ail Waters, artificial mineral, told in or from fountains, ail ct Waters, sodn, or Irom foi.nta\n., aii valorem W.itcrs, sarsaparlllrt find nil ln.yera"C.« for like solt) or from fimnttUns, od valorem mineral or pprings, each lxttlc containing not more'ihan 1 pint mine nil or tn tn each bottle coutninit.gj pint and notmoii! than 1 quart mineral or ni.vlir.lnal, from springs, ia-ch hotllu more man 1 quart, onch tiddltlotial Water tAn Ka, ad vdloix-m White lead, per hundred Wiidhcre, iron, exccedini; ol 1 an Inch in diameter, not teas than two ounces ch In weight, Wool. mannfictniM of. ad valorem Worsted, manufactures of. ad Wood, mannfacturea ad Willow, manufactures of, nd Xlnc. of.

a-l va orem The nlnety-ilfth section of tbu Internal Kcvcnnc laws, the whole of which will be repealed by ihc of the bill mentioned, reads ad follows: Scc.Sfi. And be it fiirUier enacted. That whenever auy macuractiircd nrliciou, wares or on wbich an tisclsc or impost duty han been paid, and which are not provided for, are increased in by bcinjr polisnctl, vnrnished, oiled, ffild-til, e.ectro- plated, framud, yrouud prcssod, coKirccJ, dyed, trimmed, ornuiuenied or oilierwluc mo'e coinuletely finlslicil or fluted use or witttout chanpinf the original chimctcr or purposes tor vrLich thu iamc nre intended to be, there shall be levied, nod paid a tax of five per cent nd valorem ur-on the amount of such increased value, tn.bc by CcdncUng from the value ot the article when or lirm or compiny to the duty impoaud upon the increased rnltic Ihercof. Tue Increasing of valuu.1 In the manner r'" 1 11 per ct 5 jjer ct pcrut 5 per cc 5 ct 30 ct Ti perct 5 2 per ct 5 per ct per ct 1CI 5 per ct dolls 5 per cc 6 per ct 5 per cc 5 ct 6 por ct TIIK B. V.

B. fc KAlUVAif COMPAXV, A ltK now nuinlnir Trains between Hnrrisbiirj; and Columbia cvury 1 I 1 1 fuVolVc Columbia every HL 7 ndviiiccd Lbavln Iron il11 o'clock; nrrlviiittatlJarrldburg at 12:15. LbavlnR Jlc-rrisburi: at arrlviny at L'oUimbus same cvuiilug at 8. tnilii connccLs with the (iatvcslon train lM)th wnyj, leaving Gfllvcstonat'J A. Al.

arrive at Cotmnbud same evmiitii, al8. Tor Ausiin and San Antonio lenvpColnjr btiK on arrival cnra, making thiti fur the bus and ijnickust route Lo uilhur of thoso placed. Thlrf Company arc also i i i i i a Krcight Train tsvtry Muiiiiivy, ami Kriday, with a attached. Sitliur train nrrivcftc train or atuira- tin 1 hollers and all their parts utlval i-'i! rniliirc, tola ronyh and uiiilnlshed, fid previously aaseaecd on vuluo, ftd val iron, iid vnl iron, ad vnl Flux, of, atlval all wher. made or ail vnl Gunpow.lL-r.

valued at eta. per B), or ad val per ct GiM.pow.icr. valued ti'JOveSScts. pcrlb, per It- IOC'. stO'd, pur 3b 1 ct r-ilueiind c-rmerj, limr.d, per sal Gclutliiii.

rolid. per 1 ct tilnss, m.iuiifactiire!» of. ad val 5 pur ct Onltta perchsi, inannfAcMtrcH of. ad val. pur ct Oliver, ground, and all per jt 1 ct Golu lesif, cuntAlning not more than 21) book' Icavui cdch, per pack-- 13 ct Gold foft.

per ou cetroy 3doll3 Ciold. miuiufacluros of, nd a 5 per.ct Gate-, iron, ad val 5 per ct filovcs, liilLtcns nud moccasins, ail 5 pur ct llo low vf are, iron, per dolls llnia and caps, nd val per ct Hemp, mannruciurus of. nd 5 per ct llorti. rni'Tnifiictiirea of. nd 5 )er ct plu.pcr ton 3 dolls Iron, blooms, -labs or loops, made directly from the ore, ton Iron, laiiroad, i slabs nr anil not bcyfiiid btira nnd iron, nor.

thin- dolls 3 dolls band, i i cliGcr i 3 i than of an inch I cot No. "3 1 and plate In tuick- per J. W. WcILIJAKY, iiiip t. decS.ltwAWlf Prcslaent.

rr uiFLEs, TWO SHOTS A SKCONU AH A KBI-J2ATKK IffRMV SHOTS A B1N11K AS A BREECII-LOADER. These powerful, accuiale and wonderfully ofTcc- livc wcf-pona, carrjlnfj eighteen cbarge.i, which be fired In ninacecondB, are now ready for the market, and are for enle by all the responsible Qun caleru throiifihont tho conntry. For full Information, eund for circulars and pamphlets, to the felil3-3m New llaren. Conn. UNITED STATES LAND TAX.

The OMIM, lllucftlly aBflcsBCtl and collected in 1SW, 'oy thu Di- rxt Tai Commissioners in tho Slate under the Act. of approved June 7th, ia-J, WILL BE IlEFUNDKD, or lie Internal Revenue liurean thereof, at Washincton City, upon tho.proper application bring made by any tax raver. I have procured Ihc services of compcuint and attorneys at CUy, uiid Uie nccewary forms for thiit purpose. 1 offer services to all persons who have those Jf Uiey will, send liiuir to me by muil or oitiorwluc, I will remit to them thu propvr tbnuB withlnuiniclions. and take Lliu IM; cunifary atcps to luivo tbu amonnu auc rufundL-d.

urtie.i rcfidlns in this vicinity will pleast! call In person witli tlieir receipts ut, my omcu on the Avtmiic, Austin UltOIS. A J. M. UntrNBwrcic, UnunswrcK, A. MBRUTAK 48 St.

Lout! Nciv Orleans. Billiard A 1 manufactory, AND WAKB KOOMS. TJ stock comprises the ol Billiard Materials thai haw ever lcen ofl'urud in this market, such aa nnd small si nud Carom, KonraiidSis JUwkut Tiible.J, furniatitid with the Jalisst Improved lirunswich Cushion, which ttLaudu approved by the most C''k brutud pluycra in the coantry as ithu bust mid iuoritaccunil.u cushion In UPC. In addition lo the alwvu, vru have a coiu- plc-tu atocb of Jeuny 'J'ablea, liallH, Cloths, CUDS, Cue Lcatnera, Chalk, Ivory L'hccks, Coloring Dyeu, and overytbinn portuiu- to the biiainuHB. All ordci-H for Uupnlrlnt: or Altering Tahlen will surornijtly aUnndiid Mi.

inchlJWLwly UFK1CK IN OKAY, 8MALLWOOU A PKINT1KU OFFICE, O. DAVIS atbori7.ett Ap nt HotiBton. AH ordcra for A i i i SiibwirlptJous, Job Work, or any other buoineet baudttd In bim by J-. M. at iiia oiHce, will be sent to OalveaUm earne dmy, wid receive prompt attention.

He will deliver our. paper to IIonBtonB mai-M-diwAwUedp and General Com- ne! In Diy Goods, Ofoctflea Ilftril. ware--Bryan, Texas. attention given to ftele anT Hbipfient of iliiiiftikf Produce aod Merchandize. Fnurr vroiiK KSTA31LT8UED FOR 3C YEAKS.

A. TO RUE CO-, WboU'salc Dealers and ImportGTB ia FOREIGN" A DOMESTIC FRUITS TVo. 3 Caual Mtrect, Nciv Orlcnun. Halea made on the Levee or. commission all kinds of FrultB, Vegetables, Poultry, Ac.


Hare on band a full assortment of SPIUN'Q Iron, blind, hoop and sh-ii-t, thinner thnn No. iHiviru plate iron lusslhun of mi Inch' in thicl-iieac, cat nails and fptkuM. not imiN tacks, brads nr til.ishint; mils, usually put and sold in whether in pa- jiapers or othurwijc, nor horseshoe rails, wrought by iniicbincry. per ton Iron, cus'in-rt for or oilier pur- per ton Iron uxc.uling 30 Iba. in fur each owling, per toa Iron, mat.uiacturua of, nd vnl IntLiii rnDhcr.

marnifactnrL'S of, ad Ivory, til, val Jewciry of nil or imitations i her cot', nd val mannfjrtnres of, ad val productions of, tvd J.athcs, nt'. vai Lead, inyotf, sbcut, and shot nnd it-ud pipes, ail vai Lewi, ntonnrnrtlircs of, nd Leather, all ami iid or par- tiiilly tannwl, In tlic rou-jh, nd kciiihur, all dea.ripiion?, curried or ifliL-ii, nd val and jupanued. oil dretftud, and' nnd all otlicr or Err-okcd. ad Leal her, mnnulacl tirofl of. iia val Droned and all imitation9) per u.

Jlolaases, produced from sucar cane and. nut Ironi sorghum or iir.jjhee. jer Ib coticunirBtcd or inclado, not nitt-le from soryhutn or inipnce, per Ib Jlnaw, ship and rctsel val. i luiviihicte, all ad va! Iron, CACutKlIiiEfX of Inch in diameter, not it ss tiian two ounces each In weight, per Oil, lard, per gai Oil, itnsucd, wil 1 Oil, rhnsataiti per 1 Oii, animal or veyutablu, per ffnl Oils, ys-cniinl, all tions, ad Oil stills, ad val Oxide of zinc, per WO Ibs Picl.ics, iii bralf Linhtpaclt- nd v.ilTa Prwcrvcrt rrults, lu cams, Itegu, or air packages, PruiervcJ fiah, iu cans, kegs, or air IIijht ad val Pre-crved mcati, ir. ains, kegs, or aLr I package nd v-i) Prcservu'l veyctabl-iB, in cans, kegc, or air 'Jgh- ft3 val Printca matter, "billheads, cards, clrcn 1 a'nd'al 1 iniitaticnX per Poi)p ri Pi nun to, and all imitations, iiuiL-i hDfl painters 1 colors, ad inrf, ad i doll a 3 dolls .1 dolls per fi per ct SpcrcL Spcrct fl cc 5 perct ct 3 perct 5 jer ct 5 per ct 0 perct per ct 5 per ct 2 perct 5 perct set BCt Set rct 5 per ct per ct SSCt 5 perct 5 perct perct Bpeict 5 per ct 5 per ct 0 per ct let fiper ct 6 perct Written for the Oalvnalon Sunilay Newt.

Halh Jiriacd." BT MOrO-IB K. MOORM. Out I'roin Bis hnaviHi God leaned, and from ills grand right hand Uc caM soul upon earlh'n doublfnl land Anl to Miia soul etrltfa common lot was tgtdn from heaven FTe leaned and fi-om Ills left hand (-hod soul earth 1 a doubtful ways to tread; To weep nud strive as other sou Id have striven. Awhile with eye Of kind concern lie walched them--years and Unseen or each olhur, Uiro' And i-iglilnf? loucly slfihs, unknowing why 1 And then unheard Unseen, but frit throng)! all the press of thingi 3 There comes Ills glorious sympathy winch brings TlicMBOuhi together, ag by 5jo)(cn wonl 1 And Love came down And bleat the tnarrlmjte, and thas wrought The old, Bwect raintclu all itnlwaouprht 1 For lo life's coinniou bitter drink waa gone. And in ltd place, Joy's pure unwasyngivine thfitllowcd Kid blest Tlic feast, and blessed each murrlugc guctt, And over all things shed a tender of llwet IB I nc Animal It is snd, at least to the naturalist, to contemplate the phenomenon uf animal extinction.

From the clays of the plcsio- saurus and megatherium, a mag- nilicent variety of xoological specimens has been lost to the world! Imagine our Evuuii.u Jidftlon uf Yesterday. A retaliatory bill, introduced by Gen. Banks, loyrer House of Congress a few days ago. The bill requires the President to seize and ira- priaon British subjects in retaliation for the iinprisonmcntof Americans in Great Britain. Blinks foolishly stated Hint two thousand Americana -were at present in British prisons.

A few members pointed cut the danger of war as the result of the act, but their cautions were unheeded. It can hardly. supposed that the l.ill will pass the Senate. 3 We learn from fcliuKansasCity -Advevtiscr that Col. Coatcs.

President of tltc Kansas City and Galvcston UailrootV Company, is i tlic Ensfc proscouting 'for the con-. structibn of the road, Thcro sconis to have been some dispute as to his cllieicucy. The Advertiser suys We want, the put through. We have suspected that, this was not luiing done. But if Col.

Coates lias at tlic'tuutlt hour in this diructiou, we will give Him iili credit. 1 Tho Now Haven (Conn.JKcgis- istev says Gen. Grant will lc beaten Jor President, in the nexli Xovembor clecUun. by 5fHK) votes. tlie late election for Governor tho radicals worc so coufidentof GnuiL's popularity that thuy attempted make capita! of it, by having his portrait the feelings of an enthusiastic naturalist I printed on all their tickets in tlic at- wbo, having yentnned to Mauritius in titudc slinking bauds with Jewell, the early part of the last century on the! i foi Governor.

In struneth of a sailors yani, to catcti. or at least behold, the last living dodo, this ft slight mistake, for arrived only iii time io lincl a solitary skeleton in bad repair, and two eggs, on counting out the tickets, it was found that many who had voted the both uddled. Ic that entire radical ticket had cut out wo are now thruatcncd with Another, portrait, and dn. result was and, in many senses, a more serious case of extinction. There is reason to tippre- hend, Mt no great distance of time, the total disappearance from the animal c.rc:ition of the elephant.

This is owing, to the enormous destruction of these grand old beasts, which hiis been and is still going OP. year after year, i'or purpo- sesjof commerce, for self-protection, and for mere sport. In a single province oi Ceylon over three thousand five hundred elephants were killed three years by the natives for the sake of a few shillings- bounty per head. Many tliousands are annually destroyed in India and Africa for the sake of the ivory, the demand for which is so great that to supply the manufactures of Sheffield alone pcquires the slaughter of over twenty and elephants every year. The elephant is not prolifiic, its rates of increase being less than that of man.

The race cannot, therefore, hold out much longer against such wholesale destruc- rej.tun^ 10 nianninciuruni as ui licenses, rt Hirna, ptiyinuni of taxes, lions, fines, pena.ttes that the child 13 now tn epn tip limt to feC lns born Tvlio may JOr this pachyderm, though the noblest that they bcatcu twice badly iis last yctvr. Si'OT COTTON'," often lately the cable dispatches have quoted cotton to arrive at Ligher figures tJifin spot" cotton, or cotton ou hand. This is not clour to everybody; but is accounted for by two reasons. Oue is, that buyers pay more iu expectation that i i ces will rule soon and tlse other, aud perhaps the tnie one, is the great facilities for ope rating--no cash or even credit required before tlie arrival of the cotton hence the same parcels are not m. frequently turned over many times befoie reaching the warehouse: SSPSont.icru papers exhaust their eloquence in praise of Gen.

John Morgan, and Southern poets sing Iris fame, ivhile Northern radical papers say lie was a brigand and a butcher. and one of the most valuable, by any There is no excuse for this yreat dil- means the only valuable animal slowly fereucCt Xortheru" editors bu surely dying out. The whale and chased entirely for cash, and arc prepared to gjpjr a execute aa low nny her house. New York, January 2, ISfiB. CLOTHING, wliich wa-j pnr- Sperct '-ttonF, ad vai.

3 per ct pica of engraving 1 or art old. at at a pdcu not ten each, or used for the il nntrttlon of booi.9, ad Yal 5 per ct Phot.osrrav."a?, cc- small that emmps cnn- nut bo ad 5 per ct, ftd 5 per Ct dlnmonda, em'eialds, and all Imitations thereof, nd ral per ct' Pottery woro, niannfiwtnrefl of, ad ral '5 perct Planing: machlni0, 5 per ct Quick-Silver, proOuccd from Ihc ore, act Till 9 per RaUroiul cliairs, wrotigntiron, per 6 dolli liivcta, iron, c-rctiitlinii, not ICUB, weight'per ton. PJ: iron, ail vaJ per ct, FRJSNCH, IMFOHTBKS AND JO1IUBKS OF Crockery, China art class Wrre, No. BARCLAY ST1EEKT, Two aoora below tUc Avtor fcbll dAlwSm WKSTKBN HOTEL, Noa. 0 11.

23 and Conlandt etrcct, Nerw York. D. n. Ipropriotora. IIJH JLARQK AST) HICELLTTNT J1OTBLI9 Sc raiJroStoiad atcamer landing going Soath, Bad a home well known rcbil GKKERAL ASSIOKBE IN BAHKRUPTCr, For tho' of at Office with FwrAnw FtrtTOir, SWreet.

Oenerrf Information giTjm to parties ol for fi per Ib Htxltf, bicarljor.ntc of, per Starch, taaileof ranOc of corn or wheat, por 3 Starch, of rice or any olier mate-' .1: -rial, per Sulphate of bnryres, per IUO II Ct Screws, wood, JOperet Soar. while 'or coloreiiC valued totatXJVcSota. Soap, all cta.por per Soap, all rcented; 5et- SO.IP, 5 Ships, cdlQ per ct. on tec. nl.

StcamboQtf', THE BANKHUFT ACT. We have been requested to puhtlsh the BaDk- rupt This Is imposBiblu. It mukca a re- fpectablo volnme. In order, hoiveTcr, that oar readers may uuiiuratancl it, ttntl mny thurefore not be liable to be imposed upon by parties, who are Indifferent to tlie intercuts of oihera, we hare 1 taken tome pains to compile from several source the following pcncral principles of Act, for the licnf-lt of all wQo contemplate Becking lla benefit-. But, first of all, we advise oar IVionda not to determine hastily wbat they will do, until they have bud the counsel or rcspeetolilc and in- tcllifitnt upon whom they am ruly.

I. The manlfeHt design of the Bankrupt Law is to benefit: honcel, bnt nnfortniuite, duhtnrs, whose liabilities are greater than they can pay. 2 To become a TOltmtmry bankrupt under this Act. the debtor must owe at least $300, which, ol course, lie is notable to pay hi hill. 3.

Petitioners nnrtcr ihc Eankrnpt Act mre re- qnired to render a schedule of all ihei debts find Itnhliities, of evory kind and whatever, and also an inventory of nil their eetflte, both real and personal, including all property tind effects of which they arc possessed, or which they may have an intiircpt, (ihotuh not in poaeca- aSon) in coffocmity wltn certain tforrau" pre- scribed in the General Orde'ra the Supreme Conrt of the United States. These I vjTiflcd Uy the oath of the petitioner before a 0is- Liict Court Judtfe, HeKidter in Cunkrnptcy, or LJ. Comraisalouer, mnrt accompany the peti- lion, and, when Hied, Is thn commencement of procecdiiss In BanbrMpicy, it should bu fonnd ont, the proccwliiiija nt nny time before ihebnnloiiptis diech-irgcd, liiat be by any phift or made alulae or partial aclied- iile, this would be evidence of frand and would deloai hia 4. ben tlic petition in by a firm or copartner- nhip, a lull net of schctlalcs oi the lasjioctive vt- IAIKS of Uie members uf the liim should be addud.

5. When the petit.on ia filed, the case is immc- diutely referred to a register, who esamines the petition and scbodnlca anncml thuruto, and If are correct in form, makes a certiflci.U: to that to be fllccl with tne clerlt, then nd- Uie debtor a bankrupt and to tire to anrnmon all the crulitors named in tjo- petitioner's scheiliilea to meet at the ofllce, at certain two and place, to prove their claims and elect one or more HS- aijiuces to tafco charge ol the estate, C. A creditor can, however, prove his claim at any pnivioau lo the inat dend. which will generally l)e months snbaeqnent to ndjudl- ctttion ot bankruptcy. 7.

No creditor line any ttnnding in a bankrupt court until he proves tiia claim. 8. -have no- right to compel the bankrupt to answer questions concern.n_r tiie tUppoaal of property by him acquired subsequent to fliiny a petition in btinkryprcy. "Da other wordt. datuol the ol the petition by or a debtor the date at which, if adjudication ot hnnlirnpicy tbeo'donlorof things pastes nou a new leof Is turned over." On thlfl i point decisions have been variant.

eafe ni'c nppcara to that the applicnnt in bunkrupicy haa a perfect right to claim whatever he lias nmdc after his application by his personal exertions; but any protits he may liavcs mtUe from investmcni oc crcdls may to liable to tbe claim of tlia tecelvur up to nlniOBt the period of his discharge. The tlic court at any time after the expiration nr Bis: monttis nnd within one yei.r from luljatlicatiou for the in bantntptcy, and In case no asset.) come into thu hnnclit of ihc assignee, or no ilchts be proved nnaiiiBi. bis cataXc, any Ume after the cxmrUon days. 10. As BOOII as an is elected or appoint- the Judge or Itegicter will convey to him, by deed of all Uic property, except- whut ia citiropitd, "IlouB-iliold and kitchen furniture and otner ncceussriwi notes- cccdlnc in value ($500) flvo alac his wwirintf apparel and that of his wife and drcu, and sncli other property tot included iu the foregoing as ia cxempr.

irom levy ana sale upon exception or other process by tho tiuva of the timte In which thcbftnkrnpt resides, to nn amount not ozceedtni'-ttuit allowed by titate exemption Jaws in force In 13C4. 11 A siiggcste, tinder this bend, that the common imprwislou t.bat pciaone-icay lo tbetr houses and lands, orother of considerable value, in a gnat II. His the duty of theass.cneti, witliin twenty days after the to him is dc, to ollet to the bankrupt snch articles as are exempted, and flic an Invemory of U.u same with the value of each article so allotted, and cretllLonj may. make objections to the report of the at any time within twenty days after it is filed. 12.

AO'to cwts in uaokrnpicy procccdinijs, section -tti of Uie Bankrupt Act dc Uw petitioner, btfore a warrant iadutfl, shall deposit Slff dollars with the Bcplrtcr, or with the Clerk, deliYered to-the Reirlatcr a Bccurity ftr hiafcee. Genenl Order No. sB provides that Uie of the Register, JCarshal and shall be prepaid or aecuretl before they.cir, be compelled to la also provided by General Order Wo. 30 that when, the debtor bos no means. md can orove the fiict to Ibe miafitctlon of tbe Court, upon an order wilt be made reqniring afi the costs IB the cue to be paid oat of te fifty dollara 4epoeitcd with the Regiater Jl, however, there are aaeta.

bDt mt ononph to pay the Messenger aacr the Bankrupt's exempted property, that nothins into the hands ot Uie assignee, tho few w3. have to be pnid by thti b-nkrupt; bat If the receiyo isieta, fees of the win be paid by him befoni any dividend Is made among creditors. 13 ttonw that tie KoslBter Is entitled to fee; The fees ol the CJerk, ma of publication of in Bank- rapttrr, are flzed by law, aod tf they demand high- erltei they are liable; in other caws of maia- eance Inofflce. ID or. inary cases of bankmp-cy the fite mar amonnt to $100.

in laore. In tome lesW-tlie cosu depeuatog on tho amount of labor ud Miigatlon inrolTea in owh CMC. i 11.. riffertEceB among attoram harecxirtedM to the limit which the attraafcea, as to tho tine to make application U) bankruptcy. have Koppeced ibat no debtor will be per- milted apytr after MMM wriy day ha.U^e crat.orhu(At«.

We an aisured tkac net Uw The taw dM not Into for tbe pnrpoKa wkltk it 7 It twelve moatto from that tfnfcto all whatever be tbo exteittot IME ImHfctaJnaM wbtck they pay, ia wMcfc to pvcwkt ihrir-appteatteM. After Mi IndebfxAMH onto they uu- v-iyiuy vjiii. A iiu TJJHIU utiLi seal, the buffalo, moose, elk and deer are tlo yearly growiog and more raru. If the world, as it is not probable, according to Dr. Cummings, sbould last a thousand years longer, and the same unequal combat between man and brtite ov miglit il, tl.afc Movgau was a laut soldier and a higli-toned gentleman and they might what they please about thuir opinion of the right continues, it is safe to predict that tbe or Yrrong 1 of tlic side on whicli lie former will have the universe nnlircty to I J'ouglit witli mi seeking to bcsmutch himself, or that it will be shared only his momory Indeed, ought to between him and such of tbe annual be a wire tliu extreme to which creation as are cither too insigmficaot to excite his anger or covetousness, or too intimately associated'with his daily needs and labor to be included in the general destruction.

Paris letter says " a prodiffioiiB sap of life is contained in tbe iudividimlity of old Mtchelet. His physiognomy has acquired none of that calm serenity, the attribute of old aye--tlie sharp profile is just as expressive as ever of the fll.Rhtcst emotion which excites 'nia sensibility; tbe long white hair floats in undimiu'mher. masses over his still unbent aho.ilders, and his powerful forehead is still as smooth as ever. Neither is the moral of the man a whit altered. He bosta of the obscurity of his birth with as much pride as other men vaunt the aristocracy of their origin, and says in loud, imperious tone, 'I am tho son of barbarians.

1 He has maintained H)! through bis life the right to be classed among the people by incessant labor, by faith, by the lessons learned when he followed his Father to tho printing-office to afford whnt help his little Rogers could, and ease the burden of the day's toil of the journeyman printfir whose'life was a sacrifico to his family. Lave grown often says. Tike a blado of gruss between two stones, bat the blade of grass hns preserved its sap gruen and virile as if it hail taken root upon the mer- But SHAKSPEAJIB or correspondent of the Cincinnati Commerciiil relates the following anecdote of the late Count do 3Iorny That smooth- spoken little- gentleman grided himself on his-English. You recollect I told you, some years since, how he and John Mason once undertook to converse. The Count went off iu French, and observing the Judge's blank look of (lis- may, asked him "cf" he did not speak French.

Oh, we," responded the great Ai ican diplomat, ua poo. your Excellency speaks English." "Oh! A smalt, a small!" was the happy response. At a state dinner, ojice, the Count wishing to show off his knowledge of English classics, asked a friend of mine which passage he admired most in the great poet. Jly friend, somewhat aback, could think, for the moment, of only one passage, and that was where Othello, about to murder Desdc- mona, says, "Put out the light, put nut the light;" and this he repeated with due emphasis, and good expression. Ah, yea," cried the Count, great enthusiasm, Zat is I remember him very well! He says Put out zc light, and zen put ne light out.

Ah, ze grand Shakspeare." NEW DISCOVERY FOH LIGHTING novel aa well as valuable discovery was made some time since, by c. French chemist, who waa experimenting with the view ol being able to take photographs at night. In the course of his experiments, he bit upon a new and brilliant ILaht of immense luminosity. Tbe light produced is of a clear white, somewhat similar to that produced by the beras, and of such brilliancy that, in. the open air a person can read distinctly by its aid.

The glare, however, is visry strong, and it is thought it will be difficult to modifiy it sufficiently to use in dwellings, assembly halls, or theaters; but for the purpose of lighting streets and public thoroughfares it will be a considerable improvement on the present system of lighting by gas. The combustion of ordinary gas by oxygen is the principal secret of the process. Becent experiments in Paris have been tried with great success, and its economy of expense in burning is considerably leas than that of coal Stevens, French Sterna recently arrived in thia city from France, and propose making experiments, with, a view to its introduction York Herald. they go in tfiisdiroclioii defeats it nud helps to convince all diced people that in their notices of Confederate otHcers, radical journnls have no regitrd. whatever i'or 1:1 le.

truth. no doubt Uiat the recklessness or' the Northern radical press on this while it may have misled sonic of the ignorant in other countries, lias added to Uie the Confederate side of the war, or at least detracted from the other, among the tliscrJniinating and intelligent. C3?" The Now Orleans Picayune pvoathc testimony of Dr. R. 1C.

Smith, and Capt. Lewis, of tlic steamship Jlor- gan, in the case now before the court in New Orleans, brought by Goo. T. Jluby, colored, against tlic owners of the Morgan, for refusing said Ruby a first cabin passage, wlicu tendered the price for such passage as advertised. The following is the testimony of Dr., through whom the suit appears to have been brought. The testimony of Cant. Lewis and the purser of Uie steamer is to the same effect, except thal-Cnpfc. Lewis testified that though the sea TVIIS rough, there waa no danger. We shall look for the result of this trial with some interest.

The strcnj-Lh of clfiim will be found in the fact that the Morgan's advertisement offers cabin sage for $18 00, without any express exception ot negroes. "Whether such exception will be presumed to be sufficiently understood by universal usage, is the question for the court to deciuu Robert K. Bmllu, editor of tho (ialveaton "Republican, testified for the liWUain: that he had known. Oeo. T.

Kuby about two years, and that lie is a mulatto knows the steamship Morgan and Ctipt. J. Lewis the Morgan is a regular Hner between Galveaton, Texns, and Brash ear City, carrying freight and passengers ho took passage on the Morgan on April 14th, nt GaJveston. for Orleans, in company W. Ilornu and Geo.

T. Ruby thera waa a large number of passengers on board, but they were not crowded he waa willing to accept Mr. Huby as a roommate, and knowB that Mr. Iforue waa willing to associate with, him as a room-mate went to the purser wiih Mr. Huby, and saw him oflbr a twenty dollar greenback in payment of liis plsBage---he fare boing eighteen dollars; the purser refused i and also refuaod to give him a firet-class passage, saying hu wouJd cot uatablish such a precedent, and referring witness to the Captain witocaswent wiiliMr.

Ruby to the Captain and mftde complaint; the Captain said thu purser liad done right, and ttiaUie had uo other than a deck passage for Mr. Ruby if they had further, complaints tu make them to the owners, as he had acted under their instructions; the voyage waa ternpeetuoug aad boiateroua, mnd -he feared the sbip would.e:o Mr. Ruby waa on deck all.the time a deck passage ia the privilege of remaining on deck all the time, and below in the bold with the cattle. Witness arrived in Texas from Ohio in 18Co, and there ever since is the editor of the Qalveston Republican, and is now on IU'P way to "Washington Mr. Ruby caine to the city in llie same car with witnett; he got, a suppei: in the city, while here boarded in the same hotel with witness--in the Orleans Hotel, in street--and sat at the nine table with tho oilier boardera it is the opinion of the''witness -that Qeo.

Huby (mulatto) a rery LntelHgentand highly educated yoangmap. It baa Wn decided by one of tbo New Polfeis that WM hMno to whip Ua 'eitbov for mentor Gen. Tlios. Harrison, and Gen. J.

Speight. were, put in jiomiuation tor Agent, at the; naccting of. the subscribers to the Boad, at'Waco, on the 2-tJj. luach $25 or kw vote. Speight 30 and Ocn.

Harrison 47 whereapori, on mo4ibn of a wpporter the election The Norfolk Journal bas a timely article on the careful cultivation ofcottoni This will pay. It will also do well to be careful in the selection of seed for wheat, corn, and everything else, and to improve the methods of culture. lost for wont of thU sort of attention. The Journal says: There is nothing that does not improve by careful culture. Tbia is proved by all our fruits and floweret We were once riding with friend through his magnificent eatate, aud he allowed us some Indian corn with grains three the aize of the ordinary grains.

asked liim bow he obtained such a product, lie answered, "by careful selection and cultivation, I selected the very, largest grains out of a crop, a ltd planting them by themselves in my very richest- land, I cultivate them with the very grealrst care." Up to the time of the war very little cure had been bestowed on the growing ot cbUm; but we believe the timu hws come for change, and that this is one of the ways for recuperating the South. If without any care the ndnptatiou of out climate and soil to "cotton nvuie our product so desirable, what uiigbt not be done by a truly scientific cultuiVf" the great staple Now AND.THEN.--At tbe annual quct of the State Rights Society of the ctiy of New York, held ou the return of the birfchdny of Thomas Jefferson, Hoc. Thomas II. Seymour, ot Connecticut, made spirited Bpculi, in the course of wliich he said In those days ivhen the Southern country was iu. no danger from Great Britain, but when tbe North sclect- nd by the Uritislrministry and the King for the first exercise of his Jefferson and tho men of his day in Vir- ginir made the cause of Massachusetts and Bhodc Islnud thu ol tlie.entire South, and came to the rescue of the North, (cries of Yes, that's reversing the condition of things at the present And now tell me what is tlic duby of the people of tlic North toward the South, and what is the fact What liatt brought this grcut change about In the year 1773, in the midst ot that dciid calm, Jclierson, Dobney, R.

H. Lee. Francis Lee and Patrick Henry got to- gel.her in the old Raleigh tavern, in Willinmsburg, and there inaugurated the celebrated committee of correspondence with the legislatures of the different colonies, which, under Providence, led to the first colonial Congress in. British America, and this produced that first germ of independence which freed us from the British yoke, and gave us that admirable bill of rights and that Constitution which is now menaced by the monarchists who arc endeavoring to destroy all that was bequeathed to us. by our conscript fathers, 5 TJJC bistorictil truth of the above will hardly be questioned.

"We may add that of the sympathy expressed by the people of the South, and of the liberal contributions in provisions and otherwise, made to Boston in its distress, in various parts of Virginia, Maryland and other portions oi the South, we have evidence before us all in an old volume of sin English newcpaper, Lloyd's Evening Post, published in which concilia letters from America, giving accounts of th a substantial relief extended tc Boston in her calamity by those ivlio surrendered the safety whica they might easily have purchased for themselves, to relievo and rescue that section which is now called upon to crush out of the South the last spark of liberty, mid to reduce them to a lower condition than the slaves whom the King of Old England and the slavetradcrs of New brought to their shores. Sun, BSr" From the following, which we find in the New Orleans Times, it would seem that some members of the party of moral Ideas, either do not know how to read or have peculiar views ou the subject of breastpins: Wo have received a letter from Baton Rouge, stating that a radicni candidate for the State Senate from the parish of East Baton Rouge, and a member of the Constitutional Convention, was arrested on the lirst day of the recent election, lor spotting in bis shirt front the breastpin of Judge Buckncr. Upon being interrogated us to how the pin en me ir.ta his possession, he replied that lie had purchased it of a little negro boy some months ago. The pin is well known and valuable, and was stolen from the premises of Judge Buckner hi November last. As tlic name ol' tlc owner is engraved in full on the pin, it is considered rather strange thai it, was not returned some months ago.

11 TUBES AND correspondent of the New York Critic, writing from Mobile, says Oue reduuming feature of the houses is, that tiiuy ytanJ in-lots' to themselves, and yon step from the crwl porches in ihn midst of protty parterres of turf and shrublwry. 1 could duam: nothing liner t.bnn this miperb Hlryet if tho trnes on it were of good long-livnd vjirietiea, that did not taroish and lose all ilieir glory beneath the first glaoct; of a July suu, and were planted at diwUuiCHH from the curbstone and in straight and if tho lots were enclosed with welJ trimmed htdgeB of cresHian, that moat perfect Iisdge plant of the whole world. Of courne, yooci granite curbing on each aide, with a flag; pavement, aad shelled be twettn, would make of it a plorioua boulevard, hut it, would do with even less. A letter from Koine, referring to the visit of Admiral Farragut, says: The principal private attention paid him here was at Gen. and Sirs.

Hookers evening reception, which conducted ivith almost regal splendor, their apartments in the Bonaparte Place never having been more elegantly decorated or crowded wilh moredistinguished guests. The suit of reception rooms were already full yrlicv the Admiral arrived and took uis positicu in Sirs. Hooker's a charming room, full of exquisite works of art and he waa provided with an arm-chair between Madame do Castro, of Spain, and" the Duchesa fraldanha, cmbassa- dress Portugal. All the foreign dipio- were presented to the Admiral, and afterwards a number of Roman nobility and distinguished strangers made his acquaintance. EcSf 1 A "large and enthusiastic'' democratic meeting of frecdmen was held at Slireveport en the 20th for the purpose of orguiizing Democratic Club No.

2. Fifty-eight persona joined the club. One of the resolutions adopted waa: That the club be 1 open for the reception of the unconverted, who will be required to undergo a. probation of six weeks, when they will be admitted as full members. Cheyenne is fast place.

In one building there they six billiard and sixteen faro and roulette tables and one keno bank. Greenbacks fly around like paper. The polite officers of the steamship Crescent have ur thanks for parsers from New Orlw us. lev than eight new and different bfatfraphieii of General Grant are rapid by ibf penoiM: CbarlccA, A. 0, Biebwd- BOB, Iferor C.

PeofiHff, D. Jotm' 8. Abbott, J. T. Heidley, P.

C. tbe Unknown. This beautiful city, jastlyatvfod the metropolis of Toxas, hu a population of over twenty thonsandsoula. prior to the battle of 5n.ii we' iwJcA on the Island, then a barren waatc" there beiog but one buildicg, or ntber shantr called Ihc CuatomuoaW, in the whole place. Thuty-tvro yetnhsre since ttiat eventful period, ami what do we bthoid a splendid com: mcrcial city, witU ita beautiful dwellings, churches, gardens, building; magnificent warehouses and wharves, shipping from quarters of the globe, whicb, together with its enterprising citizens, at once impres- ujrnn ihc mind of the casual yiaitnr tli at Galvcdten, in tire course of another half century, will cover Ihc part i.f the Island, and vie in comineKe and trade, with any other city in the South.

Texas, which is justly styled the Empire State, is as yet but sparsely inhabited, but its vast resources and fertile lands arc begin ing- to engross rhe alien- lion of Europe and the Western Cisiled. States. The oM Tcxians had very littkT 1 appreciation of the gem they live easy and die rich, without any elfort on their part, rendered them indolent and non-enterprising; but matters have, changed, and nothing but political quiet is required to perfectly inundate the country with a thrifty and iuduatriouR population nf small whose united energies i make the State prosper beyond our present, conceptions. Ltt ilium come, they will find 'a hearty' welcome fiom a hospitable and kind whose social status has been maligned. by set of cilice-seekers lor selfish purposes.

Truth is mighty and 1 will pre- vail, 11 and ere long Texas will become the happy home to millions who arc now waiting an abatement ol our political wrongs, and the restoration of thu Union. under the Constitution of our common country. jludianola Bulletin. April 27. Still later ad rices were TV cui ved from Sydney to-day, Farrel I who attcmjrtcd to nssnssiuale Prince Alfred, was duly indicted, tried, found guilty and sentenced 1n death.

Iu the trial of the Fenian prisoners, this forenoon, the Attorney General, who did not finish yesterday, continued hia argument, lle'sifted the evidence designed to prove an. alibi in the CMC of the prisoner Barrett, and asserted, that all tbe witnesses who had sworn tn bis presence in Glasgow on tbe 13th of Decumber were either avowed, uienalx-rs of the Fimian organization, or -sympathizers of it. The judge in charging tbe jury sUlcd the evidence. The jury were given both sides, which was commented on in part Bur.kc and Murphy were in the plot. He cautioned the jury in regard to the evidence of witnesses of jlnllany and Sloughir, ami on the otuer hand said lie was compelled to admit that proof of alibi ia the case of Barret.

was open, to grave doubt, 1C there had been no doubt, why was not uvineucc to that eflect averred in the first exauu- nt.iion. The charged rather favorably in casu of Timotiiy Desmond. The very latest rcnovta from Miigtlali represent that 14,000 native troops bid down their arms. The interior of the Fortress of Magclala presented an extraordinary tud splendid sight, tlie place glowing alnjoet witk barbarous splendor. Tlic British troops plundered it at ouce.

Tho men jund lour i-oyal crowns made of solid gold and $20,000 in silver. Thousands of silver platen and very rich jewels. SOClAl, IN There CUD be no blinking the fact that society in New York is not so safe a place for a man or woman lo move alwwt in as it was several years many tricks of Puris and follies of fashion have been introduced in what is called 11 good society," that ifc ia no longer endurable to quiet, modest people. Nay, more the Urger parties and receptions that arc given are hut little more than regc- titions ot the Black Crook and White Fawn. In every part of our social life this of Purisian thia demoralization of the stage, has crr-pl.

Wo can no longer take our wives and sisters to fashionable parlies with auy sense of security orrespect. fiucb tlie utter slmmck'sEucss displayed, such ia tho mantle of freedom tlirown over the veriest loalers and Ulrertiaes, tbat a rightrinincleil person is ritegmtcd. It is certainly astonishing that any father should 1x3 wilting to leave bU daughter for an hour at the mercy of what is known as fashionable society. Me miglit well condemn her to a life of unliappincss to begin wilh. Such tricking out i paint and jwirdcr, such half-naked displays ol! the ahanie- Icss and immodest, such metallic ornamentations, such artitices aud deceit, such namby-pamby conversation it is all one great hollow sham.

It makes nobody happier, and adds to iralKwJy'ri Beiier foe 'is all to sUty in our homes, cultivate thone iiiehcr graces which arc thu charm of a true society. Pity it is that such is the present condition of Utings iu this but that it is true sadly, terribly tme, we Ibink will not be questioned. York World. A NOVEL The relative powers of endurance nf the white color- cil races has lostg been a question, and though, perhaps, notliifinitely settled, was mude the subject oC quite un amusing tost, last Saturday evening. On that occasion a darkey, well known as Frank LumbtmTs Old Shady," an enthusiastic devotee of tbe Turpaiclior- ean art, andayorcgmaa of tbe opposite color met in the House when their relative cipaljtHties in that line became the subject of quite an animated controversy.

A crowd noon collected, and the caosc of either of the contestants -was at once warmly espoused. At last it took: a definite of a wager of a smuji moneyed eoDsiderntion, aiul drinks all round," nn ex-Congressman being tbe backer of "Shady." The juusic commenced, and so did the feet of the contestants. Tbe while boy danced for full two Hours and fifty- tire minutes, and long before that "SJwdj" bad succumbed, rious defeat. As au tntvre domi nancy of ttic white race in thu country, tlic matter passed oti" with great satisfaction, and. tourcc of much murriincat.

Times. GEN. GORDONS. SPKBCK. The meeting last nighi was a router." Hall was fillerl to ite atmcst capacitj, and the cnthusUim of the Urge attested a thorough appreciation of the iinporthiice of the contest.

The coloDDci population was stroogly Gen. Gordon 1 high of our people. It 'was thrillinglj eloquent, convincingly logical, and characterized by much tact and ability. It prodaced the happiest effect, and aroused cor cilineab to highesfpitch of ontlinaioam in support of the gallant Democratic stAadanl- Enq; Hotel-keepers never more proa- perous than at present The both. fashionable and otherwinc, areatproMrt crowded with jruoU, a- ber of proprietors are im i facing- pacity of their estublaihm'eiiU.

It said to the JDeMocnUc KatioaaT win rbtoatiUd fort ud bare 'I Hunt: IlltaoU, Ay a of.

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