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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 12

New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

LOCAL MISCELLANY. TREVESTIOS OF CBCELTT TO ANIMALS. or the xtit com mittkb of TOT AMECAN SOCIETT THX WORK OF the lat new months bjkticwcd. A meeting of tba Executive Committee of tb America Bonisey tor th Prevention of Cruelty to Ants, held yosierdsy. at it knJ-qurtn, Tina.

TtiKn4 Harris la the chair. Tbfn war aja present Jtoyal Fhelpe, Jobs M. lilxb. Esq i A. P.Koosacs, Tji EJnridre T.

Gerry, Esq.t Heart xVrga, Esq, sad eihre. TJubImUh of th prevtotie meeUar fiArlng been road, it res tvported that lis frffirerseftheeoclett had receetle broken Bp several pireon-shoo'tiog ssstcbrs la different port of r' tfco State. Two officers kd also rlsited Stamford, Coil, ape th eecee of th caste Wweo Fates sad BesTerdas, bal owtac to the inefficiency of tbe cfiwi of th law there, they waro aaabla to etna taeabeeUag of tbo birds. At tbo laat session of tbo Legislature of Coaaeoticut, stringent law fnr tbo nrevetitiou of cruelty to animals trer passed, -which covered efrectoalry tba cruel aad demorallxtag paattiao, called "aBort," of patting tame birds late trapesed afterward matllatrng sad hilling them for befaaof theibtBE." Tbeeotbor1Ueat8tamford and Hartford bad alnc declared tbat ma -move- ajwemblacae ef m(ka would be allowed. The evwoael of the eeelety reported tbat tbo nil instituted by tbe ve-ious star lino coin panic la th CI'T (OliiM bad been aoellv abandoned.

Jt waa reported that tho rfScers lad visited a saloon. htt so Sent at Fort Hamilton, tho 1st Ids1 and had broken op and pre. nH a dor flfht bttittna dop beiooxfue to WU-lism Kelly aad Harry Jauninre of York. Ona of tbo doc, called Danf rr," waa captured bv tbo efSears, and bad tbo honor yesterday of being intro- rtuced to the Committee. By hla playful cam bo Is and tail war eine be evidently knew bo waa anion friends.

Thia dee. whirh of the genuine bull" timd, waa seised by Marshal HuUivsn oa a writ of replerin, freia the bead-quartets of tho society, bni waa reclaimed again yeeterday and bond liven by the ooriety. In whose charco be astmal new remained Tbe derision of tbo 'Court of Nnecisl Hessairos la tha Clder-pree Dog rtM ta flamog the prisoner, Cberlo Walker. guilty. Mod flaina biaa fti, waa next read and omnmeoted pa.

Tba Praaident reportad tbat bla Honor, Ko-aordor Haekett. and Es-ilayor Hall bad very kindly rome forward In tha caaaa of bananity and given their teetiraooT In behalf of tha proaeootion. It was iao reported that Mr. Jamea IL Jonaa. of Pelbmn.

dad preaented tba anetety with a very flao bone for eat of Ins light vehlclea. and a vota of thanks waa eiaaaed that aentlemaa fur bia cenenras fitt. A letter waa read from tbo Right' the BiahoD of Manchester. Kn gland, npoa tbo abject of oennoaa being proaabed by the clergy la rartherasoa at tni nnsuaa worn, ana railing ai-itestlnB to aaertuw on tha aubect wbtch ba had re-, eaotly prearhed la WeetaiiBster Abbey. A mum-, er of the Coaamlttea aaked if tbo clerfrmea of America took any In Urea la tho subject by preach-" ins; aorsaona ut otborwiao aiding too rood work; it was atatod that with hardly a am, (la oxoeptioB tho elergy ia tbia eoontry aeawted to treat tha matter aa beneath their aotloo aad with total indifference.

Iieslcna were preaented from Mr. Parry, of Klnth aToooo, for a monument to be erected ever tbo re-naina of tbat jrreat benefactor of the dnmb rune, lata Lbnia Conard. It waa reported that the reward of f-00 bad failed ta produce aaylue to tho -perpetrator of tho geodiah aot of stabbing and killing the nine horses in tha stable of P. Dwyer, in Ancnat Uat, Tho committee expressed tho great- est indlroation ia regard to this ease, and it waa re-onlred that a reward of V1.9U0 bo offered for enrb in-forwiatkn aa would lead to tba arrest and oanriorloif of tb offender. A long diaemseionrthea took place ejpoa vivteertina, and tba action taken by tbo Piesi-drnt waa highly approved of.

Home minor business wss then uisposed of, after which tba meeting ad-ooraed. TRIAL OF REV. JOJIN 8. GLEXDKS- CBABGM rRCTKBRED AOAJX8T HIM BT THE rTtgKBTTXRY THK ACCUSED IB DM OW MFIKSK. Tba Jraey City Prrebftery resumed its sea-.

aioafyorterday ia tba Praabytertaa Charch oa Third street, sad reeeieed tha report of tbo committee ap--' poietod to inrreatiaato tba charges preferred againat Bar. Joha 8. Glaadaaaingi Pastor of tbo Prospect Aveaaa Church. The committee submitted a report to tho effect tbat they found sufficient eridenoo to warrant tha investigation ef charges of immoral roadaet agaistt Mr. OlendeBninc.

After tha reading of the report, Mr. Glendennlsg waa arraigned to aanwor the cbarcesv lis pleaded "not guilty. The Presbytery appointed Ber. C. K.

Tmbrie. ef Jersey City, and Bar. H. C. Kigea, of Tintberford Park, to oondnct tho proeecntioa.

Ml. Clssdonnlni aelocted 8. B. Dodd and Ed-, ward Wall, both of TJnbokrn, i to defend him. "Mr.

Duda movosl that tba place of the alleged eounetiAa inserted in the first specification nnder tba first rharce, and bo objected to tho seof the word "naderstood" ia tha last specific-rioa nadec the fourth charge, on the groun'l that it was not. auBicieatly explicit. Ttr. Imbrlo replied that oa to thonbjerUoa to the fourth charge, he bad no ob-tectiea to striking out the word" Hs was willing, too, he said, to insert tba place of tbo e.ioc.ti.e, but ho did not think it material. I Mr.

Booth called el tea tins to a nils preclnding the PresbTterv from proceediag with tha trial in leas than tea daye, aaleea the defendant waived hia right under the rule. Mr. Dodd made the waiver ia writ. lag. aad aaked tbat Mr.

Gleadeeaing be allowed to seeke a state ate os that both anioa of tbo case mirht ae to the pablie at eooe. Sereral members protested tbat it waa aet' proper for the drfenae to pea their ease until the prosecution bad closed theirs. Moderator Ed wards waa among. those who sbjected to Mr. Glen denning being allowed to make a statement.

Tho Presbytery, he said, could not ex Send tar eoartesiea to Mr. Glendeuning. Mr. Gleudeamag then addressed the Presbytery. Be said that be asked bo courtesies from bo Pres.

tytorJea only Justice. Ha bad not originated tbo idea ot anbauttlug a statement. In fact, ne thought the proper time to submit it wsa when the defense opened. The. public had prejudged him, but, according to tha adrloe of hia counsel, ho had not said a word ia Kit ewa behalf.

Tha statement waa not read, and the Presbytery took a recess aptil Wednesday afteraooa at 1 o'clock. A JtOLD FOROEB XRRESItD. Detective Jo Francta, of Jersey City, ye-v terday arrested a au named Jamas Cook, ia One Hundred aad Thirtieth street, near Third avenue, Kew-Tork. oa a charge of forgery aad fraud, last Saturday Cook went to Cbediater ft Col, corner of 8 ten bee aad Waahlitgtou street, Jersey City, and asked them to need a man to a block oa One Hna-tred aad Sixty second street to snake estimates oa thirty fonr oases ho had ia process of erection there. On Moaday- ha made his appear ance sgaln, aad ordered a quantity of yellow aak and black walnut wood to tha "valoo ef flOO.

Ia payment he gare them a rbeck atzaed B. Tooker, and draws ea the Har-, seat Bank. Ta eherk was returned from the bank marked a forgery. Tho swindled firm had a warrant Issued Cook's arrest, aad it was placed ta the hands of Detective Francis. He, after ninch trouble, succeeded ta finding the man ia tba place where be yeaterdsy arrested bias.

Cook, some dara ace. perpetrated a similar fraud on J. L. fchofleld, of First avenue and Twenty aorenth street, Xsw-Tork, paaaing a' forged check fog A ea him. Us is supposed to keve beea the partr who eadeavored so defraud TDodge Meigs, of Jersey Oitr, br a cleror derice, aosss titao ago.

Under pretence that he had. four tiouase building on Warns street, Jersey City, Dodge tk Meigs dslirersd a load of lumber to him. aad were about to deli a second when they dis-'seTered that their first load had beea spirited away to aa auction reoca ia Xew-Tark. The firm recoe- erod the load, bur ap to Yoetarday had got ae olue to the swindler. After hia arrest ta New-York, Cook 1 was dehTered to the JeraoT City authorities aad oatasBitled to await exaaaiuatioav ACCZDXXTS.

ClirUtVpber J. SohuUle, aged fifty -two, of first aveaue and Seveaty-alxth street, fall from tbo reef of hia residence yesterday morning, aad was arioctJy Louis aged twentT-twe, et lo. 109 Cast Broadway, waa engaged yesterday asoraiag in lowering a furnace ea tha etorator at Ka. Broadway, bo waa preci pirn ted tress the sidewalk as tbo subeeUar by the aud-ea tlexceat of the elevater aad the furnace mil ea hL-e, breakiac and arveraly larerariag bis right leg Iielewtsekuee. He was eared fur at BeHerue Hanpltal Clare, aged thirty-eewa, ef Ka 9o9 East Teurth street, while at work oa a steam -sain at the foot ef Eight street.

East Biver, into the hold ef the and waa aertoaslT tutored Joh ago 1 sixLT-oae. ef No. tM Mnettsremery trtt, bile etoxlrted. red oa the sidewalk at the corner ef Yultava aa Froat street, and sustained joerero AlLEQtb LAXCZST OT OAi. ThooM B.

Crotty, tquorealer, lately ia Vaslaessat Ke. 76 Sseoad STenae, a short tm age faiied, aad hla store was aetaed by hh creditors. The MetrepoIItaa Oas-hgbt Cemnoay, seoa after the fiXlnr. remavsd tbear meter from the pramiaos. A few daya afterward aa employe of the oompaay visited the store, aad faaad the mafia readncUng the' saaia mzTBlag the gas, fpoai ersmiaatioa was disooveisd that tbs servico aad supply pipe hid bees eonBsctsd with aa Iadla-rubbsr tuba, as tha aartoadar aHered.

by Crotty biaieslt Crotty was Testers a arraigoeu maat ousts. aiwzray. mm taw Varkwlia Police Coart, So asawer a charge of tag gas. Crotty seaUliad that he had aet beea ta the sture rose bews rata bankruptey. aad daaisd all kaowrada of th theft.

The entases who toid tbs coapaBJ a satpioTO Uat Crotty waa the sera wbeaaad th alVrod. was caOod to the Motnify the Crotty soswneal. Mr. Kosbttt, thereapea morsd for the eUaialaaal of Mo eUeat, a raqaeat which tho eourt The for trial fat aotwithstaadtag hia tar sets ta arev oar a writ of certiorari ia hla favor. POLICE MATTERS.

i fi pRorodEO gAjJt or th poucs boat oXXECA DISMISSAL AJCD APPOIXT-! MT-f-DE3JXQCB3rT IXgPBCTOKS OF rxitcnojf. 4 i At tlie meettngsof tba Boafd of Police ye terday, Commisskmer Juryee effefed a resolution reo-oatmeadiag that la cxmaeqseaci sf the small serrice rendered by the police steam-boat Seneca," and tho great expossTS attendant upon naatag air. thai she ba sold pad two steam la uec be sabstitatod ia her place. The msiter waa referre to th Committee oa Bepaira and Snoplie. 8ergt Patrick Pawdicaa, of ah Fourteenth reel net, waa dlsmlased the deparament for bavtag left bla poe while ia commas of the SUtwn bouoa, aad remained absent for over two hours.

The complaint against I Patrolman Fox of the jsame precinct, who left hla jjtoet at the eommaad ot the Sergeant, aad was placed ia charge jof the- Station house furing the absence of the latter, Was dismissed. Comjnlssioner Toorbla. although I votiog to dtsmlai the complaint remarked that viola ion of tho rale of tbs department even by tbo orders of a superior officer should not at ail times ba held ex coat bla. Commissioner Duryeej differed with Mr. Toorhia.

sad contended tbat aa inferior should oTiey. no matter what orders are giTsni him by bis scperior officer, and tbs 1 after should' be bold responsible. Commissioner Dla-becker Agreed with the views of Mr. Lmryee, and President Matsell auggsstod that tte reasons for tbo dismissal; ot the complaint against Patrolman Fox abould be promulgated to the fnree. 8errt.

Buckley and Bdundanran Byraea. of the Fourtesath Precinct, wore fined tea dara' pay each for coming In. from patrol two hours before tnefr tours ef dnty expired. Patrolmen Brady and jFiispatrtek. of the Thirteenth Precinct, who were found in a lager-beer saloon when tbey should asvej been on poet, were fined tea dors each.

Aa applicatioa to hare a patrolman who sneaks Italian detailed for datr aa interpreter at tba Tombs Police Court waa referred ta the Committee on Kales and Discipline. i Mr. H. P. Spsulding, of Kinbridge, sent to the board a check for distributed among six ofticera of tbs Thirty-fifth Prechict, for then-coorr toons behavior while on dutr at the wedding of hia daughteri Tba board refused allow the officers to receive the money, and the cheek -was returned to Mr.

Spsulding. I The matter of string the contract for getting np of polling-places for election day waa referred to th Committee oa KeBairs and Supplies. i Orders were issued summoning a number of Inspectors of Klection who were; absent I from their poet on the first day of registntUon, to sppear before tba board and show cause why they should not be removed- I Patrolinan Leonard, of tbo' Twenty second Precinct, suspended from dutr by Cspt. Killalea. who reported the officer as being of unsound mind, and who was reported by the Board- of Examining Burgeons aa being perfectly sane, wsa transferred to the Twentieth Precinct.

Officer Leonard haa preferred charges, said to be of a serious Satare, against Capt. Killalea, and these cbargea are) being iureatigated by the board. i John 1 Blake was appointed on motion of ConiBiisaioner Lhiryee. I A oommunication was received from John Crouch, of the Marine Court, requesting that the Property Clerk be instructed to deliver ap certain property supposed; to belong to a prisoner, Albert Garrett, agamstwhom a judgment had beea found in that court. The Propertr Clerk bad! hitherto declined to deliver the articles in queatioa, pntll ba waa satisfied of its legality.

On motion, the matt or waa referred to the Corporation Counsel for an opinion. Tbo board then adjourned. I 1 i i i AJIEST OP XOTED SHOP-LIFTERS. Yesterday afternoon, Bounlisaiaii Thompson, of tbo nineteenth Sub-precinetj while passing down Fourth, avenue ia citiien's clothes, noticed three noted shop-lifters and pick-pqekst. earned Mary Ann Ttjlor, LUris Smith, and foha UTilnon, lounging sbous th ea trance to th? church at Fourth are-nus and Twenty-second street, during the funeral of Rer.

Thomas M. Eddr. After Searing tho church the trio walked down Tweoty.feurth street and entered a lager beer saloon near Thlnd arenue, where they remained about fifteen minute j. Tbey then went Third arenne, and got on board a Lexington avenue The officer got en the tame car, and observed them prepatiag to pick fis pocket of on ef npanenrera. Ha then placed them under arret When the oar arrived tat Thirty-seventh street Wilson attempted fo get out.

hot waa prevented by the officer. A i acufHe which created considerable excitement among the passengers ensued, but Wilson wss finally and Roundsman Thompson took him off the ear and gave him in ehargsiof a policeman on post. laring the contusion and excitement, the female priaonera, taking adrantagn of the Bounda-Bian'a dliemna, left the car by I the front platform and hurried off down Thirty-eighth street toward Third a vacua. Leaving Wilson ia charge ot tbo patrol ma Tbompsoa pursncd tbo women and overtook tbeni aa tbey were in the act of bailing a Fifth arena car. The three prisoners were brought to tho Central Office, and on being searched a number of pairs of now kid gloves were foand op the -persons of the women, who gare their names aa Belle Philips and Sarah Williams.

Thai accused, whose portrait already adorn the rogue's gallery at Police Xied-q Barters, were locked np and will be ttken to eourt today. The women are two nf the cleverest ahop-lii'tera ia the City. i I 'i i AX -ATROCIOV8BI GB 1KAT ROBBERY. James 1 O'Brien was placed on trial In tbe Court of General Sessions yeaterdsy charged with highway robbery. The eompbouant, a widow lady named Mrs.

SaHie Dnncan Elliott, residing at ilor-rUtowa, Of. tseUfled that While ab was oa Forty-serenth street, I between Fifth; aad Sixth avenue, on' the' 15th of Au-ruat, tbs prisooer approached her from behind, and attempted to snatch her pooket-bnuk. but did succeed. He then placed himself in front of her. seised her, and noshed her violently againat an area railing, and by pra tally twisting tbe lady's arm possessed himself inf her pocket-book, containing 130 ia currency, a gold pencil, and a gold watch-key.

Her assailant then tun oft, sad tbe prisoner who was subsequently arrested waa positivelv identified by the ladr aa the man who had assaulted and robbed her. Mrs. Elliott wss terribly shaken by tbo assault, aad suffered for ttx weeks from the injury her arm. After an able eumming-uo argument ST District Attorney Kollisa, and a charge of much clearness by Ileoorrier Harkett, the tury found tbe prisoner guilty, and in tbe absence of counsel he was remaaded for sentence. i ill j- ATTEMPT TO BXSTBAtAX ACTRESS.

A inotion'was argued befora Judge Robinson, ta Common Pleas, Chambers, yeeterday, for an order restraining Mario Wolf, 4a actress, from performing at oa of th Jfew-Tsrk theatre. It appeared, iavfaror of tha application, that Miss Wolf, oa the 15th of AprB last, entered into aa engagement with the Concordia Society, of Baltimore, to act In Baltimore or else where iaj th Cnited Sutea. Before 'entering tbe performance of this contract, she entered into! a contract marry, aaaouneed her intention to break her contract with th society, sad sooa thereafter, was aaaouneed to iappear in thl City under third contract a th entile 1 one. To restrain her frees tbe performance sf tbia last contract was tba object at tbe present motion. It ia claimed ea her behalf, among other things, that the contract had interpolation inserted in it- varying tbe terms, after she bad executed it, and that it bad been waived by toe parties complaining, they baring ea- faged and announced another actress ia her place, be matter was argued at length by Mr.

J. B. Boot for.tb motion, aad Mr. Henry Wehle opposed, after which Judge Robinson seat tbe ease to a reference to ascertain if the aocietr had aathorissil tha tisement of a notice of a lady to take ta place of de- JCSWlj jfntijfo.vr PREFERRED TO MPRISOX ill UEXT. Fran Pospichels.

proprietor of a hotel in Barclay street, was brought before the Court of Oyer aad Terminer yesterday, charged with having committed a felonious assault ea tbs person of a young; girl named Hannah Aadersoa, wh had beea employed by him. Tbs ess had beea once tried ia tha Court ef General Session resulted ia a disagreement of the Jury, aad waa thea traaaferred to the Court of Oyer aad Terminer. Whoa tho ease waa called on lor trial yeeterday, the dsfeadaat expressed his willing, aeaa to marry his rictiia rather than take tbe caaacse of going to prison tor a term of years. The Court assenting to this, and the eonplaiaant evincing ae ebjectien, tne-perttee srent before the Mayor, and reteniinc eoort with a eertiaeateof asarriace. Judge Brady diseherged the accused with aa appropriate lecture what bad eeew his past, and what abould he hia fa tars eoaduet toward tbe complainant ta the case, and suss ana wife ttamnnoa Wt th roan company.

ill AJT IXCIDXXT IX TBE LITE OP TBM LATE B. JL LAW AW. Tbe deceased Oasawav B. Lsunar, Uto of tbia City, whose dseth a Saw days since was aoticed i Tbb Ttltaa. was sne ef the aarrirera fresa tba wreck of th IB-fa ted steamer Pulaski, which saak off the eoast of JTorth Caroliaa! Jaaa, 1638.

Oa th night ef tbe wreck ha aaanaged to get hia wife aad eight of his eailaren lat ea sf Ik steaaser'aboata, with tbs mteauoa of tolWwiac la wsaipaiiywUh hi sea. afterward CoL A- L. I amir, waea a ware sweet la boat aad its precious tretght set of their reach. Tbe rather and sea sncceaiian, after almost incredible hardships, ia reaching tba share ia safety. nut ta asotoor aa aer eigni utu ansrwaru asara s.

(if CITY and; suburban news. XEW'YORK. QTha Board of Education propoee to rigVUr aaferes tho Ceespaisory Edacatto) taw aner ta ut of January aext. Two hundred and twenty-one criminal are reseat awatdng trial in tha loaahu. Eight I mki sMeharred with SBUldef.

Mayor Havwneyer new rbaxges against Mr. i-1. John Kelly nave not yet pees, eompieieu, aor ViVl tkat thew will be readr before Moaday. Tba Fire Department report eighty-nine fires for (ha month of nepteraber. involving ms, oa which there was insurance of KWa.MQ.

rjamuel Burbrug was committed for trial at tha Towiha reaterdsr for stealing t0 worth of el gars 'from Henry Btlassy. of Xo. 130 Water etreet, Tbe bodr of Frank Williams, a boatman, w' rho fell overboard at the foot of Franklin street on Fri day sight and wss drowned, waa recovered Tester- Jacob Kbarrick was fully committed for trial at tbe Tombs yesterday for breaking rate tho premises of James Persons, boot -maker. Jffo. 49 Warren street, sad stealing JU wcrta oi noota.

Morris McGoniule, of Vo. 135 Baxter street, a laborer, and Henry Fordbam. aged six years, both injured by Texaa steers on last 5unday evening. uie noopii jnw. niarl Barton, of 'o.

247 West Houston street, was held for trial at the Tombs yesterday for embezzling fll from hia employers, i YouSg at Oo of So. 0 Worth street. A solemn requiem mass was celebrated -in St. Ann's Boman Catholic Church yesterday morning for the repose of those who fell in the defense of Kmne sgain.t the invasion, of tbs Italian forces in September. Io70.

Keiv. M. A. Conyncham. late of Kfflenaule, la the County Tipperary, Ireland, died at the residence of hia brother.

Major X. P. Conyngham. in tbia City, on Friday morning last. Beceased was in hia thirtieth year.

Eight Rev. Alexander Gregg, Protestant Episcopal Bishop of Texaa, and Rer. Henry Saneom. Bec-. f.

i will nreachlthe anniversary sermon at St. Luke's Free Episoopa unurcn, ersey iiij ueixnio, in The preliminary arrangements, of the New-York! Cnivereity for tbe Intercollegiate Convention which is ts Uke place on the 8th ef January were eomnteted yesterday br the appointment of J. K. Tomlinaon, Of "75. aa orator, and Alrord and Thompson, of 1ft, as essay writers.

Bernard Goets was brought np for trial in, the Conr4 of Oyer and Terminer yeeterday, charged with the crime of arson, in having, as alleged set fire ts bis dwelling, Ko. 233 Stanton street, in this City, on tbe 18th of August last, with intent to defraud the Rut errs Fire Insurance Company. The trial tha case waa adjourned to Monday uex, to which time the court also adjourned. I An! adjourned meeting of the new Police Justices waa held yesterday, at tbe office ef the Clerk of the Court of Special Sessions, st the Tombs. Tba full board was present, and passed a resolution ap-nointiug Justices Kilbreth, Fiammer.

WandelL and Otterbourg a committee to prepare tbe annual Pe-cenibcr report required by law. So other business of Importance waa transacted. The next regular meeting will be held on the last Tuesday of the month. The suit of Frederics- Greer against "Vp1-liam M. Tweed, was yesterday called in the Court of Common Pleas, befora Jndee Joseph' F.

Dalyj and dismissed, for want of prosecution by the plaintiff. The suit, tbe particulars of which have already appeared in TuB Tint, wss based oa rery peculiar contract to subscribe to a book, entitled Men of Mark." in which toe subscribers inadvertently bound themselves to par enormous fines for delay in sending in their pictures to th publisher. I Jn the long litigated ease of B. Alexander against Ellas H. Alexander fur limited divorce, a motion waa argued yeeterday in Supreme Court, Chamoera, before Judge Barrett, for an order directing Ex-Judge MitcbeU, tbe Beieree, to make a return of the testimony in the case without his opinion thereon.

The object ef tbo motion waa stated to be to bring testimony before the court in order to punish the plaintiff for contempt in having taken the children of the paniee oat ef the jurisdiction of the oetirt ia violation of it order. Decision waa reserved. 1 BROOKLTy. On Saturday, 0cH7, the last concert for the season will be given at Prospect Park. PJAjnew steam launch is being bailt at the nary-yard under the supervision of Admiral I I About five weeks from the present day the engiaeers in charge of the work say that the Brooklyn tower ef the East Eiver Bridge will be completed.

Coroner Whitehill was. notified yesterday to hold an. inquest on James Dicks, who committed suicide' at Xo. 94 Manger street by taking Paris green. Dicks wss a con tinned drunkard.

In tbe matter of the injunction obtained by the Atlantic Dock Company restraining offal contractor Swift from using' their docks, Jndge Pratt yeeterday filed a dociaiou continuing the injunction. The jury in the case of Officer Burns, of the Ttnth Prec inct, who has beea oa trial for the past two daya, on an indictment charging him with assaulting a woman named Margaret McGuire, disagreed at a late hour last night, and were discharged. 'Adam Franks, a laborer, employed at the Jshnaea avenue slaughter-bouse, wa before Justice Emea yesterday on a charge of stealing 1300 worth) of fU Franks denied tbe charts, but was required to give bail to appear for examination. Tbcj examination into the cases of Michael Carontento, San Felipo, and Mendalla, charged with being Implicated in the Terrino murder, was to have taken Jplave yeeterday but wss adjourned for one week in eonaequenue of a death ia toe tamily of Justice Morse. Heretofore it has been the custom to bury fire or six hundred paupers in os large pit in Potter's In future graves will be male large enough to hold four coOtus.

and over the grave will be placed boards bearing in plain bUck letters the names ef those interred beneath. The! Fifth Brigade, Second Division, Gen. Dakinj paraded for inspection in Prospect Park Farad Ground, yesterday. The men preaented a fine appearance, and were complimented tor the precision with which they executed the different military evolutions by Brigade Inspector Col. J.

B. Denalew. XEW-JERSEY. A six-oared gig race between tbe Oneida and the Basonne Boat Cluba will Contested on tbs Kill Vpa Kull to-day. i At the meeting of the Jersey City Board of Final) held Thursday night.

City Controller Carman reported receipts during the proceeding week at l.le8 13. A day nursery, in which mothers who are obliged to work fur a living may leave their children fev care during their absence, is soon to be opened, in Jersey City. Owing to a collision between trains at Stockport, oil tbe Delaware Division of tha Erl Koed, th Cincinnati express train did not reach Jersey City yesterday until twelve hours after time. Edward Keely, who is charged with the killing of Domlnick Flyun, ia Kewark, ea the night ot Sept by pushing him off the stoop of a saloon oa Union street. Kewark, pleaded not guilty to a charge of manslaughter, in tha Essex County Court, yeeterday, and waa remanded for trial an the 16th inet.

A SILVER TIsW PLVSVEBED. During th past six months tbe silver manufacturing firm of B. D. Beiderhase ts. Cot, Kos.

1 and Bond ftreet, bay miased large quantities of silver aust, amounting ta value to abxit 6,000. Testerday evening Capt. Byraea aad Detectives Slaria and Henderson, the FUteeath Precinct, an sated Alexander Passat, ea ef th workmen, residing ta Hoboken, and ia hia poiaassion found ftj worth of stolen silver dust, Peanut, on being locked up, made a full eeafeasioa ef the robbery, aad said he bad sold his plunder for half it vain to Hlreea Wendell, keener of a small ailrersmith'a place at Xo. 49 Bow. ery.

WardeUwaa arrested by Capt, Byraea for re-eeiving atuiea goods, aad wsa locked up in toe Mereer Street Statioau Both th prisoners will be take to court to-day. COCBT Or GEHERAL SESSIOXS. In the Court of General Session, yesterday, BordexEackettprei(LBe. District Attorney BJ. Hae prosecuting.

Alexander Anderson, Indicted fur breaking tat th promises ef Frederick Leachhora, X. 951 East Fortr-eighta etreet, ea the xTth of Sep-tesaner, aad steeling therefreaa property yslwe st gtOfi. pleaded guilty, aad waa seat to State Prmoa for seven years Aa audacious young ruOan. asmed John Burns, of So. 17S Hat street, wsa placed an.

trial, charged with larceny from th per-so. It appeared that ea the afternoon of th 19th September, as Mrs. Adeline Sbeok was walking wita a anas jurnssey. sa Stoaaway, near Twenty-seccsid au set, th prisoner snaiehed her awii. beak, eeatsramg Ala, aad rsa off.

Mm. Shook 1 raised sa alarm, aad Ban rm arrested by Officer Wilson, to whoa mxt kUdgedkisgsilv Thaks-beokwVstoW mm mm, i lUy focsd wbere ft had boon thrown by the pnaoaer la him night. The aeeuaea wau. awaittng trial ia tha Tomb wraes Mra. Snook a latter adaut-lag hia guilt aad ba pterins cleaseaey.

Mrs. Sbeok aad Mies Merries snsttivaly idooti- Bora as th thief. baft ia the face of an overwhelming aeeumularioa avid once th prisoner persisted ta dee ring hia guilt and demanding a trial. Th Jury-rmwiediately found the impudent young scoundrel guilty, aad tbe Be. eorder, after a severe reprimand, sentenced hint te th maximum punishment 0r year in Stat Prison Alonx Struck guilty to sa attempt at petit Larceny front the person, and was sent to the Penitentiary for eighteen months A lad named James Hit-key pleaded guilty to a similar suenae.

aad waa seat to the House of Eugene Fox pleaded aniltr to an attempt at bur- clary, and ws reeaanded fcf senteae Daniel MeXsmee pleaded guilty ta an attempt at burglary and waa sent to State prison for two years and six months Giovanni Marin, sa Italian. pleaded guilty to aaaaalt aad battery, aad was seat ts th Penitentiary for one year. BASE BALL. AXOTHEB GREAT VICTORY FOR THE MCTUALS. 'Between foar and five thousand persons witnessed th tenth sail last championship game be tween th Boston Bed Stockings and th Mutual, played.

an th fnion Grounds yesterday. Tha ground, after th recent rami was in a sloppy condition, which tin account for a great many of th errors committed by players ea both sides daring the game. Play waa called at 125 P. M. by ilr.

ClappJ of th Athletic, with th Bed Stockings st tbe bat Neither aide scored ia the first inning. In tbs second inning, with two hands out, and after giving Wright" and Sehafer each aa easy chance to retire tbe third, the Mutuala made two runs on a terrific drive br Betnsen clean over Harry Wright's bead, for three bases. I Tula proved a winniag lead, the Mutuals keeoiag it throughout the rest of th game.i as tbe seer shows. Sehafer st third base seems to the only weak point in the Bostons play, aa nearly all of tho rune scored bv the Motoala in yeeterday game were made on errors ef that player. Nor did George Wright do mach better at abort stop aa he 1st in two runs on a badly-thrown ball to Sehafer.

and failed to bold an easr-throwa ball trem White. which would have retired runner. Tbe playing ef tbe rest of tbe team was almost perfect. or in Mutual. Hatfield and Start played their positions fairly well, and- Kelson was all tbat could be desired at second bsse.

Burdock at third never played better than bo did ia yesterday's game; but nis bat-ting, for some unaccountable reason, waa unusually weak for so hard a hitter. Mr. Clapo proved a very satisfactory umpire. In tbe pools before tbe game tbe Mutnala bad the call at alight odds. Appended is tbe score: i aorrost.

-1 mrroAi. O. Wright, s. 3 3 1 rlirbsm, 3 Barnes. 2d MeVey, r.

Leonard, I H. Wright, c. CRorLe. lat Sehafer, 3d 0 3 Allison, r. f.

1 0 1 1 Mtert, lat b. 1 9 It 0 Carey, r.a. 0 0 0 Hsttfeld.l. 1. 1 .3 Kelaon.

Sd 1 0 Burdock, 1 3 Kemaen. e. 1 3 Matthews, A 9 27 6 6 2715 titautos. 1st 2d. 3d.

5th. 6tb. 7th. 8th. Pth Bostoa 0 1 Ot 1 MntuaL 0 3 0 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 04 anna Raraed BestAn- 1 Mutual.

O- I Pirst Bsse by Errors of Opponent! Boston, 4 Mu tnal.4. i Time ot Game Two hours. t' t'mpire Mr. John Clspn, of the Athletic Club. -Wides pitched bv bpslJing.

8 by Matthews, 23. Fielding Krrors 9 nch. The Boston and Atlantic Clubs play oa th TJnlon Grounds to-day, when a rery close game may be ex pected. i ARRIVALS AT THE MOTELS. Major O.

B. Cocke, of the British Navy, is at the Clarendon Hotel. Assistant Bishop William Pinckney, of Mary land, is at the Grand Central Hotel Ex-Congressman Boswell Hart, of Bocheeter, and H. A. Richmond, of Buffalo, are at the Gilsey House.

Capt. J. R. Selwyn, of the British Navy Major G. G.

Huntt, and Msior George Gibson, Unit ed States Army, are at the Brevoort House. Chief Judge Sanford E. Cbnrch. of tbe Court of Appeals, and State Senator William Johnson, of Benec raua, m. are at tae jaetropoataa uotei.

Hon. Geotge M. Bobesen, Secretary of tbe jitjj Dmwor urn Dm roDWD, ox uhqbww Prof Spencer F. Balrd, of Washington i Lieut. Col.

Dowling, of the British Army; aad ilea. Harvey G. Eastman, of Pougbkeepsie, are at the Fifth Avenue xtotei. i I WE STOVE FAltrBB. Weston did not resume his walk yesterday morning until ten o'clock, having retired on Thursday evening xa very bad condition front, th effects of Mood blisters oa hia feet, His Dr.

Robert Taylor, who has been In attendance upon him since he commenced wslkingj recommended that be should not taks the track before tbs hour named. After a abort time he' appealed to be in excellent condition for the walk, and acoomnlished several miles ia good tints. 1 o'clock he rested for a few minato for: refreshments. and returned to his work with fresh vigor and remained upon the track until o'clock, when be again rested for a short time; In tbe evening tbe Hippodrome waa via. ted by large number oi persons, anu esion oompietea nin dun in twelve and thirteen minutes up to 10 o'clock, when ne naa waiaea mile, jrrom tne am he started lath morning up tbat hour walked thirty-eight miles.

He proposed to walk until 3 o'clock this morning, and hopes to accomplish seventy-five miles to-day, so aa to. bring hia score up to 31i miles. j' ZETA PSL On the lith inet. the twenty-ninth annual convention of the Zeta Pal Fraternity win', meet with th Delta Chapter, Bulgers College, Iw-Bronswick, X. J.

Delegates ara to be present from each of tbe twenty-one chapters, and important business ia to be transacted. i AdveTStaeraeot. Tbosb who rnrocusTAND aiwsvs buy their hat at tbe popular Kxox'a, h'e. 213 Broadway and in the Fifth Avenns Hotel, thereby securing tbe luandaomest fancies rosnuactured In tha workL This is an lndiamilanlo 1Kb i fAdrertisementl Drowning fitrultiea of mind and bodr. Catarrh ia tbe enemy, i WotcoTT's CaTsana AirnniuTOt drives out the invader.

raiXT la tbe great pain destroyer. XE ORLEANS MARKET. Karw-OBZXASS. Oct 9. Fkmr dull: 'TJonMe Krlra 4 7S; Treble Bxtra.

9536 70 i Cneice, 60 Family, $7. Cora scarce none in first hands advanced to $1 05 for White. Oets dull at 63e.65. Bran ia ksht supply sod dull at CI 20. Bay dull and scare choice, 28 SO.

Pork held at 923 sales. Dry-salted nil vww-ii, urowuu neiu, enouiuerK- lower at 13e.l3e. Lard quiet; Tierce, 1644. leg. 16 So.

Sut ar Nothing done stock, 43 bhda. Molasses Nothing doing. Whisky lower, on aeeount of Western advices; Loulaiana, Si O4owl 0j Western, 1 Oft. Coffee quiet; Ordinary to Prime, 169 xuc vorn jaoai in oeiier oemaaa at- a au. bold, 109 Exchange, Ksw Tork sight, par.

Sterling, ti 9. CHICAGO CATTLE MARKET. Chicago, Oct. 9. Cattle very doll.

-Matnta 2,000. Sales generally at reduced fl cures, elosing dull and weak: dtockera, S3 26S3 75; Texaa Steers. 2 601 92 62 ae eootatlons ef better grades, shipments, lSoa i tiv hogs active and firm sales choice to extra at 96 76 1 inferior, 94 70-5 15 1 eommon to fair. Co 10 good to choice. 6 25ttS M.

Receipts, 8.0UO; shipment, Sheep dull sod declined lOcStloc Bales st $339 30. Beoaipta, liiWi i PASSEXOEBS BAtLEp. Pa atisw CTeeeerr. Mr AovmsoA am w. 1 erson, Mrs.

H. at. Branch. E. Jr-.

htra. Wb-ster. Mrs. Bain, la B. Harrisou.

F. H. Diabrow, if. Day. apt K.

A. armstrong, and asvea seame ef Briisa bng Etna. a atesfri OissJa. fr tsadas. B.

K. Crumbsucb. Him H. Miller, Mra. Mary Lad wig, 0.

BaUey, Master Lodwig. Mr. and Mrs. A. JoeL PASSEXOEBS ARBTTED.

In f.tmm ilu CaiObreto. fl am rrraaimiil n- v. M. Glflea, John Patau, ladr, and family. Miss AbsCleve-UuA, aiexander Black, Ueprge Gobi.

Oeorge W. Goble. Mrs. X. M.

Frederxks, F. 8. Fredericks, M'ss sat Wearer, J. L. Deris an lady.

Gideon B. Powell, sleroia isiss tunnM 1 Dorsum. Samuel Demnster. aara GusBour. John Gpsirea aad led v.

1m. Mias Wiseman. Mrs. John kannie, Bohort Usrdle, faaw Balfour. Beube Law.

John: Keoertsoa end lady. K. K. Bovle aad lad v. JafTm Dwl.

Boyle. Daniel bow, John 'Da Vinson. Kooert Tuilis, ladr. and family, august Herman, James tavit, M. M.

Patter- so, esmnei 0. jeuersoa. tape. Perry, Mr. Huttoa.

In fltam Mm Htrmann. tram niun If Joaeah T. Jeackes. George f. Jeaekea, Hugo Punke Ede-tu F.G.

Enaall. Master WtUie unr. nr. ene aars. a an tspouia sua cnlidren.

Mr. and Mra. Karl Fehmev. Alias Mary B. Crane.

C. De Braehkaa? Mrs. T. P. Baldwin and eblldnu JTL.

thoM Welta Hearten Fsllmeaa. Dostsv Oorrhalser. Mias Lisa Hewpe. Mr. aad Mrs.

G. Lev as children! neary a-ivingsio. Mrs. A- Ueariehs sad child. Mis Phihnnin Wsatrb-JL a.

H.ri. 1 on. 1 ltlJUTURX ALuAZACmiS DAT. aVm rise. 6:06 1 Baa acta I Moo risesr05 am wiTImriu mt.i aaady I Geo.


a- V. Bmrst; Stsiepa. Crig. Wlaagew. iieodersea Brothers Aaa EI fx.

Riebarda, PhilapoisTXHaadT Annie. Steea. ST.lairiirtna tw.1 -mmJt r-VZT' 2- Abbott suose. iBrrpertes. Ksaastea.

aaal aavaliJtZ" rim. Ferwosd aoe; Mediator. Maroo. Feraaadtn and j'San. Mvemm Pev.

rasee? taraltC. Bark aSmaea. (V Brhta Hat ma, ratfrwrn. usawtowa. Parbadea.

at Treehrtdce Harry sod Aarev. (Br Brier. BrMgesewa, kW Pwight st Ptatt Pearl. Brigg ror Boa ia- Tna, Dl TTwwridge tC aehra. tol F.

Brd, Wall, feoaassls. Fla. 9. C. tVeud a C.

i spaoulatar Jaaraenaea, aaa Bias, Mexico, USchepo. teaneshlp Wfornta.TBr.,! Oveastou. Glasgow Sept. and Merille 27th, with saoee. a i nMeeogers te HdnssaVfTutfi.

BrAwb Oct, a. lav urn. vs. ear aa a sxr ts. let.

40 4,7. loi. 67 49. a Oua steem-ehtp, bouad tU Sam date. lat.

AO 44. 6fl 20, atooirahip Ahvssinie, henoo for Urerooeit sa Bip otasa renesyi rani, ee. lor Glasaow. Seam-sbtp Chatlrstea, Berry, Cnarteste Oct. evwita mdae.

aad naseencers tl James W. QninSard It Co. Sceauvshia asbiand. Wbltoaarst. Charlesto Oct with mdao.

sa sssaers toJsmes W. Quiatard Co. -weas-ahtp Isabella. (I Solaria, ess to Aug. 0.

vts Iti Janeiro Bept, 3. with mdae. and paaseagers ta Baimagi a. Co. vessel to fileeerieb Oct.

8, tot. 33. a saw a vessel ef about 150 tons, bottom ap, keel, i steameliip deoretrv, Cbaphi. Rayanab Oe. 6, wttb "asdsa.

end essannsrs toMerray. Ferris a Cov bteaaa-ship Vindicator, Dosne, PailaCelpbia, i with md LoriTiard Btss.o ahip Co. -ffhtp Jenry. Braais 33 -da. wttb mdae.

to Henry H. Co. Bad rarisble weather. Bark BerkelaoOfrom 27 and anehered in Grave sod Bar for orders, wss towed up to th City this morning (9th. 1 Bsrk Courier, (Oer Clans, Bremen da In ballast to Fuaea, Sdy Co, Anchored at Baadyi Book tor orders.

I Bark Ortea. Bewok. Ksweestle, with coal to order vessel to Funeb. Sdye a Co. Bark alfsrio, T)erses.

liatertek; 43 es-, tn ball. to Fanch. gdye a Co. Bark Boa Bortteher. Peters, Dublin 53 da, tat ballast to a Teniae a Co.

Brig Ifuara AchtUta, (Ital.l Farrari. Cots 68 wits wine to Funeb, Bdy Co. i Brie: Made wss it, (of Boston.) Smith, frov Bremen, which err. 9th and anchored st Bsady Book lor orders, towd up to the Ctt this forenoon. ochr.

Matilda (of raraooro, X. Merrism, Windsor. S. 8., 6 da with 230 tons plaster. toD.

aV Pe Wolf Cw i offer. B. Ssrrent. Sargent, with lumber to Goram Boards. at.

Joboa, It; ociir. AjSks, Hoaxers, warren, k. a. 1 ehr. J.

Bsheock, TTarrea, X. Bchr. H. 8. Collins, Tribhle, HSrtfrd.

ftcbr. Peter Bitter, Arnold, ortbtnd. Cnan. fichr. Ocean Belle.

Mills, Windsor, 3. 10 with plaster, for Rtcbmeod. V. Bchr. Ida Bella, Owena, -Pembroke, with lumber, for rert Morris, ehr.

Alnomak. Flye, Rockland with Boa to.Csndee a. chr. Job F. Chandler, ef Porrsboro, 'ni.

rettta, Windsor, N. 8-, 8 with plaster to VVotherspoen Brosi i i Rchr. Eicebnor, BlydenboTg. Pi evidence. ehr.

M. P. Jsrvest, Providence. Bchr. Elisabeth, rarker.

Provideuee for Ellsebethport. Bchr. J. M. Bajles, arsold.

ProvUenc, for Mluttt h- Sarah Purvis, Ltrle. Prerideae, fur Etsabeth- portc chr. B. O. WUMai, Jrichols, ProviAence.

Sv-hr. Luelan- KalL PmTiJfeacfc Bchr. John Bandelph, Robine. Hew-Bedfbrd. ectir.

rrlmmer, Bridgeport. Sv-hr. Garland. Lindsley. BrMiceport.

Scbr. C. fc John, Parsons. Bridgeport fiehr. M.

F. Webb. Gsrlick, Pawtmiket Bohr. B. H.

Willwes. Russell. Pawtnrke. Bchr. Horisoa.

Lest, Paw tucket, tor Bondout, Bchr. Bells. Taylor. Dennis. .1 Scbr.

Julia Ann, Smith. Stonevbreok. 1 Bchr. Laura Bobinson. Robinson.

Salem. -f SAILED. stearo-sliip Andes, from Jamaica shins Edward Perry and Gitana. for Liverpool berks Asteg and Orono.fhc Rotterdam Veritssjor davaaa es-eaor Bremen Sc. Olsftnd Alert, rr Liabon A-J-Pooe, for Queenatown Agil, far.

Bermuda; briza -Max, for Montevideo; Favorite, for Drserara HaUle baton, for Port Spent Cbss. A. Hoerd, for St. John's. P.

R-i IsnW Trowbridge, fnr Barbeoos; Bxeelsior sad Mat-tie B. Ruasell. for Bermuda; schr. Mott Bedell, for Kingston, Jamaica. BELOW.

ehie David Crockett. Anderson, from Liver pool "eps. 12, w.ta muse. 10 Lawrence, biles a o- wpi sunset, nght 4 clear. Jr TELEOBA PB.

BAXTTX ORB, Oct, Arr, stsamers Wm. lew-ranee, from Boston Wm. Kennedy, from Proraleace IT HI -i 1 jOur Stock of OotJiingf for unequaled in Quality, Variety, and Style, every Garment being: made for City Ketail i extremely low. These facts are specially 'I 1 i presents time, when large; quantities of garments, I 1. "i i i i I the refuse of wholesale stocks, are being pressed upon the retail trade at prices equal to gCHXLs.

BROADWAY AVJ GRAND ST 1 1Fb have no other i 1 1 WITH AX9J WITHOUT 0LASS PB05T4. i BKOlJGMAIiIS, ABD ATJUBOMB, i PiyiSHED vi vabe SHADES OF i i 1 I BLUE. BROWif, AND MABOO.f FRENCH 3TOKOCCOS. I exernslvsly of our wa maqnfaosure, aad aneeualedia BTTLf AXI.QCAX.rrT." 1 naanBiaa, OS xrooaxe Btm, Pactery, Brstlway aad 4Tth DOVrt TOWW WABEBOOX8. 6TH AV.

AXT HTH BT. FOMTf DIFFERENT STVLES iaj A 0 sijitiSM. MADE OS TO OKDEE, EAIT GDIO IS PEIOE FEOU BEADY i AUTUMN joiERCOAfS: S10, S12, $14, $18, ntAOi-iyiADE OR i TO ORDER; fIRSI-ClASS IN EVERY PaRTICIOAR 236 BROADWAjl. t-'i il iv. HJLVE l'h'r CATJTION 'i Tf t1" rwaas lieeaaas for ths mssa.

lkctnrf rutter tn ittt sat. 4 i Tnwaees amy concern: Tea notie. tW the Varied jaaate -Batry Com pony is ta sola owner of ta riant to maaafsctare kutser aad aieomanaiiim wita eU several paeoct. axbia Vrrssrs patent issued Vr ran Cnited states, aad xnsy nereby forbid aB ysrttcs aajtilwat seOsa artinelal Sutter or predects eawereaV Vy taeir pateaV rartie tafrtajlng wm a vttwlih proseeubed. Oentawiaicatlous arass addressed a ta company, Beoat e.

Bi. Ke. Tl Broad. way. Besr-Tark Ctty.

j. stE3nCT 'a. MOTT, rrssddeat. Bew-Tork rest OAe Bex X. Ula, trem Bw-Tort uri.niiB Sraaa Philadeioasst sen re.

B. weerr 9. TsrbsU, aad AdeJ. Stassasoa. ZLkjZZZZ.

rFiaejr- atoest for Pierldeae; Martha Store. Ssr a riw.i Richer Wulnsg. toe rUe-telpwlat abif. ascnw acv seeTrcrCtimketoai bark P'W Cork, roe drl VJXr aJaaot-e. lil ary KLUaia, Bar St.

Msry-s. 64 sebv. W. Deerbera. a Inha a- gnaw, for HoWsea 1 jAatse a.

tZji lin OU Bcbodeld. for w- I Tj BoSroif. Oct 9 Arr. stsasaar Oaorgs Appold, Lore- lend, frosa Baltimore. Sid.

barks Ssxah, Captata Edward May.Bassi B. Hal. Attila, and Florrt M. Halbert. A.w 1 RarM.

frsn arr.Tvk Cli John BoeW BaUem. rka Agelia, (Br-,) FVminc.j"r Saat Afrtc Uuone. (ItaL.) Cafisro, for th MeUbrr- 1 n.iUhhit Sarah BiweU, clTT-T- aZ.V nHn44- Rally, for Hsyti, Siaespeo. Dow. tn Chaxlesto.

11 AeJ Pol. i c. fiaraheL Xieaaraoa. for r.ui a v. sm.j 1 Pbt'lehia.

via sace; L. ft. Barnes, Sturgos, WxAm- Und. trnr FrVri DeadoU. bod Beffnongi barkenLtoe Ttte Srig Welmnd.

CHARLK-VTOir, S. Oca. tV Arr. sveewers Cbaaa- aton, from Bow-TorR. aao riec.

trout aesau. FORTRESS MOXROE, Oet, Arr. bsrk Fato A He. from Riebmewd. for Riei brigs Becker, from Ports mouth, for Baroeuoa 1 ionarq xT'am-.

nT, mend, for Braxtl J. Bukmore, from Sortolk. for Ber- bedosi- ecbra. Brightmsn. from Sorfols.

tor aejnerara; 1 taajwr rfuna a. neraiey mns vTa. pa fart ia, for Baltunore, steamer Braunschweig, trout BGALVESTOir, Oct. 9. are.

berk SaMs. from Bew-Torkt brHrs Brockleabr ana Ansa, from Rl r.liiA emmtmX tmmm RaltlmOeO- fc W-CATLB. DeL, Oet. 9. Pasaed up.

etener Marr, frja Providence Ucbt-buee sseamer Violet with the threes Led ire nxht-enip ia tow: steamers Saxoa and rrctoaseu, from Boston 1 bsrk Maria Rose. rrosa ki. v.ii. 1mm 1 fnrt. 1 fron Lishea: sehrs.

jVhT Wsmwrlxbt. from Providence; also, thro dsep- ladea unknewn. ej Am. trk Reek. fur Bremen 1 bark Boratio.

for Genoa; aehra. Jacob J. Hoosemsn, for Bor Slki Crisaie Weight, for oevaaoahi Bdith B. Erermaa, for Boatna. m.

1. a Wmm. fa aA Kooq Passed up. au Ital brk, probablr tbe Proepero sere, from Liverpool dismasted schr. in tow, with fore an mala tooutaat gone scar, amis, bvmb, uv aorieJk.

Ma.mrm, avhre. Jcli BroombaTi for Fvo denser ft. B. Wneeler. Horace Moody, B.

Wood. Sallle Jt. bteelman, Georrte Clvk. Matr Creamer. J.

B. all nr Unaine; Fla villa, foe WeQfleet I Corde- Ha for PievUeuos Mary A. Ivans, for bor folk Martha Ivans, for Lynn and St John, S. B. oor-ra.

iui rvj. a 1.. TrafmJear. rron-Liver pool, la 'ballast. The steam-ship Ohio, for Liverpool, psesed out this evening.

KkW-ORLBABS, L-. Oet B. Cld. steamers Cortee, far Kew-Tork Juniata, fur Philadelphia. a at Ik.

Paaaaa ahln Ttaaka. from AntwerB. FOB ROTAL. S. Oct.

6. Sid. a tea mar Vfejbos-sst Cant. Chester, for FeraaiMlina. 1 SATAXIfAH, Oct 9- Arr.

bark Alamo, Breder-bsuseni front Brenserfasreo steem-ship Leo. from oehrs. HarW-one, McXairn, from Havre Baaey Sielth, Boyd, from Montevideo. Cld. bria Victoria.

Cora, for Palma MVoree schrs. L's Rlrtiardaon, fox ait. mot Benjamin Gartridge, for PtillaiUlnhta- viXTARD ATX v. Oct. 6V Arc aehx.

BDen Parkins Gloucester, for Uew Tork. Sid. scbr. Clara Btwell. jWiudB.

fresh etoody. 1 LATEST SmPPLXO SEWS BT CABLE. Losnev, Oct. 9. 814.

for the Cnited States: Autocrat, Silver llouo, jacooy rneuianfier. anatruroec. aso wk- Arr. out On the 7th Inst: Amykos, Argonaut, and Albatross. i Arr.

out on tbe 8th Xlrpah. Jenny Quetrolo. aad -'Arr. out ea the 9th Inst: Bladods, Palawan, and oooas. 'Alan arr.

ant Tubal Cain and Xieol Anrelo. OuKaxarow. Oct. 9 The Canard steam shin Algeria. Capt.

Le Messurier, from Kew-Toi Sept, 80, for Liver pool, arr. oere as odoe iuis eiterooon. The Canard steam-bip Hecla, from Boston, arr. ta nsy anit aid. for Livernoot Aarwaar, Oct.

P. Tbs steem-ehlp Vaderland, Capt, jao-son, rrom rniinoeipois eepv, n. nas arr. nere. i I Men and Boys is entirely new IE BEST.

Trade, while the Prices are fixed important to consumers at the 1 what we ask for our superior I -j BROAD WAT AJTD WAREEf ST. 1 stores in BROOKS BROTHERS, BROADWAT. CORXER OF DOXD ST. Ready-Made arid Custom Kew Fall Styles, Fancy Checks, Engiish and French Suitings, I GENTLEMEN'S FTBXISnCtG GOODS I. .) OF AUTUMN SViTS.

S20. and $25. 9 Ovpotlte CITY HALL. NO OLD STOCK. Co I SUGAR a 1 i i Vm.

Ort TTT Sm i preaAOarae 1 1t aavj 1 sl nrixnmm aad phAUSary War av, eee door evuu as aaa. iM VC-SI 13tki ZOUlb "ST-tXAa COOCt 35 ii' II HIU Kim. il YTlKar Saadwd market tJiZnm xa LZ tnlTS. Sflyer-PIatGfl T7ar sLanrracrraaa sv raa Meriden Britannia Ms. fM Brstewv, Nsu.Tsrs fiest piarTni awarded bt thi ixrii ICA5 IXSTITCTE.

I rwst JnAfttt Bapsrt, "We ussHsrta tTih nnsjutat i i' Vy fax toe beat mode Is tots country, sad, ws SaillJ? la tbs war id. Tsey are faultless la eoostracttoey STJEKlLirxjCr SILPR-KREI TIFFANY CO. CnOlf rHcVAJLB, narenow ea exnfbitioa th noreltiee tat tnis I prerared during toe past Samaier, at tbett Ptiao street works. "i Tbseoneotioa contaisa aew farms aad styUs 'ornamentation in ehaatntv wgraviagi tiatiai, flnlsUng, aad sesna articles "ae befora aud ii 1 I TOe assortment of useful sad aaey srttoles teita bl for WEDDX3TO FBXSXXIS Is freshac to sty) aad larger tiaa avar before. Particular! stteatiot has been paid to arrancinic tbeas ta norel aada traetrr eases, tba product of their own shop, tons issurtnf sxclusrveueaa.

Their Forks, Spoons, aad Tabla-war ara Vt richest ia designs and Bseet la finish ta tbw eoa try, aad ara sold at tbs sam prices per euaos ordinary trad patxerna. CoxopleU eatfita, pat up to stroac plsU chests, ai way to stock. II NO. 637 BROADWAY, Are now in Receipt of The Very Latest 1 i SEASONABLE NECKWEAR AID MeMsl i -M CORXER rCIiTON AND MASSAO STSw CLOTHIERS; h- OVERCOATS FOB FALL, STYLES NEAT, GOODS NEW, Tmcrsrzorr. i i ADTEETlfltM mSBTHO TO ATaTX, jOT TEX UiRQX KOKDATS ISSUK WILL TlXASS BZTO IS THK FAVOSA ZAXXT All POSaTSLB TO -OAT, At OS LAST stOTOAT EZVXKAL COLCXXt WXU LtfT OTIB TOE WA3T OT SfACS.



3 Teney f. 1 Over $100,000 worth of for si Lure ef eerr deserja-pe aainsr off at ot a less, closs retail smiarrt of ever SO. 1M Ota arises iwee; AHA CO.NQLEROR OF KHrjIATic asd seuralcia. aad ear tor serofu-, aJj ass anaina from impurity of Wood, tha 4 aadieaa. ieeamilr Medieioe, UTATT'S LI BAXAAa stsads amsweaiie.

a arorsa by it iaaumereoat rass ana tae asi twenry-aU years. A. DAAIULA. M. i Fe.IddlMfsrt.

miiLe-afia. Beasaf Hurt dies avsited ioc lYBMS 1 I REPUBLIC 3 i awer.

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