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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 1

New York, New York
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I H-crted Release of the Abys-fj einian Captive. XXar Fenians Arretted in Soutn Wales. XUsrficizitlon tf the Austrian Conn-" ell of MLnistf rs. ABTBSX2TXA. Tkdr Reported ta kT( Ae-1 leaeeel English Captive.

Lohdow; Tuesday, Dec, 11 Soon. Later advice have been received from the expedition now marching into the heart of Abys-atni. It ia reported that King Theodobe, on ascer-tainirrr; he extent and power of the measures taken by this Government to effect the liberation af the English capture, voluntarily released them himself. GREAT BRITAIN. AftmI af Ftalaat la aeath Wali.

LorDO, Tuesday. Dee SI Midnight. Two Head Centre and five Captains of the Fenian organization been arrested at Jjtferthyr in South Wale. The Government has determined to proceed with the prosecutions against Mr. Sclltvas, of the Dublin Aafton, and other persons who have taken a conspicuous part in the recent funeral processions in honor of theFeniana executed at Manchester.

It ia reported that the men who stormed the Martello Tower, near Cork, and broke into the yam-Shop in that city, all came from the United Bute, having been sent over by the Fenian Brotherhood in that coon try. AUSTRIA. tlae Ceaaell mt Hla-tsters. VixmiA, Twsaday, Dee. SL To Austrian Conned of Ministere as rearrang-ed, it composed of the following members rilnee Von Auersperg, President of the Conn-tp; Baron Ton Benst, Minister of Foreign Affairs with the rank of Prime Minister; Count Ton TaaXe, Deputy President of the Council Baron Ton John, Minister of War Baron Ton Becke, Minister of Commerce Herr Giskra, Minister Of Interior Herr Her bat, Minister of Justice; Cmi Erestd, Mimeter of Finance.

rBANCE' Apnarttaaiaaca Meaatner ef the Corps Paxus, Tuesday. Dee. SI. By a decree of the Emperor, published in the Xontimr of this morning, the. Corps Legislatif lot the next fire years ia to consist of a total of tws hundred and ninety-two members.

In the apportionment of seats among the different Departments of the Empire, the City of I aria is entitled to send nine representatives, the same saber which she has in the present Corps UpalatiL KUe. Asbxiha Pirn is to be mimed to the Marquis de Cavx, an officer of the Imperial household. BELGIUM. Mif rgaalaatlea ml the Belgian Mta- i. Bavaarxs, Tuesday, Dee.

3L The Behjiaa Ministry ia; about to bs i The Lawlalaaa Coawntln. Kxw-Obuaxs. Tuesday, Dec. M. In lbs Convention to-day the following was adopted as article lvu of th Ko araLShsIl passed regulating labor and Axis the Hce thereof.

Article twelve declares religion lib-srty. and aays no taugions test shall be required as a Waaliflcation jor emce. The followiag olutioa. oflared by afrl 'Fxxca)- Baox, (coloNd.) was adopted as th thirteenth article St the Constitiitiaau. nnna, TkalUaria-htaf all sawasa to traval amtbe Iwaaicanun mad be talwUiw ataJt plama of bua aaraaiar aaU aol be abniisaS is aar hi tt The foUowlag aabetitaie, offered by Mr.

Wtce- pm, was subeeqoeaily reoogaised: Mmml4, That all pareoas aball Bja a risbto sad KikM while Iravalinc in taisiwt ui ail paana ol aaiaaaaMst, r'abiaat. ratortalaaicat, or aay pabiio iMwt utmi, aball be oea ail par pae alika. Ka cooipanjr, mauicipal. BTb or cbar-brd earperatioe aball aaaka aar rala rasaUtioBa araatiac any dwtinottsa wnm ea aaooaat vt aviof pravtoa eadiUaa. Tba reaveatioa a4Jomsad without eosAisg to ea tb subatltuu.

fftiS Casaaa CktM-Bwrailaiai Case Th Prisoner1 CeaamHted fer Trial. ji Hcnsoa, JI. Tuss4ay. Dec. 31.

The examination ot Mr. and Mrs. Bnowy, the cbarcad with tbe horrible murder and araoa StCaaaaa four Coraara, was bad yesterday before 1 feorder Miuaa. There ware nine witnesses ex. Maine d.

namely 'Vt. Asariah Judaon, Barrtat 8tV eeraad. Martin Z. Williams, Walter Gardner, Xjmtj Gardiner. CaroUnr.

Cross, Sidney Beale. A. Towaaead. and John W. Hurl-wast.

Tba etroartwl points ia the ease tttdtrd from Dr. Jcoaoa aad Mr. Bkals. aba formrr gaoUemaa awaars tbat aooa afur break a aul of tba fire be want to tba houaa. aa4 was extiaruiaaad baaaw some one olAiog Isnuru evw aomntblog, which proved to be and which turned out to be tbe body Asaia Baows.

Bar left U-g waa whole, exeapt tb a. Mch waa badly baread. The flaah and akin a th kt wsa aol darfcaaad much, but bad th ap-. Cf5 kf acaidao. Tb kn aad lower por.

noa of right le waa mutely goo. Tb Um wss fB kbont tb lower third el the thigh, aad tbe ae viixr44 about tbrM lacbea beyond ib flash. sppraao ol having boon brokaa by tZZZJii. 11 plain Beth haada, wrV tJf? born ad. Tb rib-boar VVr4 "ai taay were ta a erumbiiag 1 eilsJISi the bowel were exposed rh'-Pwas gone aad part ot brain ton eaaaoed tree h.

rvt ehareoal. white tb lowr la ak. il. as uite. but much btockoaod.

a "ilT! aaraad a to be erwaably. Skcay, ai eorroboratod tbe above toeu-waii tb arprion" fal'y eoaamtited to ey Oraad iaryr Dutnct-Attor-Jekto. nJ? Skorntag to work up nadt.K,, yyomal tbat nothins shall toil Skysatry, clear up Una borribl A Atti.hBg Brenkt Jail I. Kill I Biin camtd Johjt covcijad ta the 1 i w- 0 4 Smairao ru SbarlC want into ya te loc Ja ivr swt ajwth-r pnaoa. re.Vta.

btTi rUi b'm look tit bay t. wm.ied to algi tt, fMiTfg Sheriff warned Rxdmab a aeoond ttm to let ge of hm bat not being obeyed, sad seeing tb prisoner about te escape, a drew hts rvlvr and shot Bsn-aua through the heart, killing bias tnataaUy. Affairs Iw. Canada Arrest wf is lares-eHary sVwrai Mahi Hcaaala la Caaaa. ToaojtTO.

Tuesday. Deo. 81. A man giving his nam as William Jojtes baa been arraatad for taoradlartstn. It Is anpposod his real nam te Gee.

Bnv. who abot Sberiff Calcctt. of Kalamasoe, Micbigaa, on tb Sd insu Tb pri. onr was held for further loqairr. Tb xteneire fooadi juat completed, owned by Meaar.

Bbakb A 8oxa, was daairoyod by Ar this rveniag. Loss not sscartaiaod. Horatui, Tuoadky.Dee. St. Lt CKfvm (newspipar) sara tbat Lor i Kokck ass rrcatvnd order to rems a in Canada aooiber rar.

Lord Samm, who was lo succeea bim, remaining ia Ireland. Cap. Inu, Inanector of tba Imperial Board of Trade, reports tbe Grand Trunk Riilroed in belter condition tban Is has been tor years. Aa Important meeting of me abareholder of tbe Commercial Bank took place, at which It waa aated tbat tbe nejtotiatione lor tba proposed amalgsmotion were nearly completed. A reaolutioo waa paaaed deprecating precipitate action at tba meetinz to be held at Kin gatoii next week.

XJ Aaswla Dttaitrr-Caaie or tbe At- i -eldeat. BvrrAto, Dec. JL Tb Coroner's inquest into the cause of the lat railroad diaaster at Angola, after eleven dare' investigation, concluded their labors this evening. Tbe Jury waa composed of some of the moat intelligent bnaineva men of th city. A thorough and aearchlng tnveatlaation waa made.

Forty-two witneaaea were examined, and the reault of their inquiries, ta that the accident was caused by a bent axle of Cleveland and Toledo 'car Ko. 21, tbe car that was burned, causing tbe wheel on tbat truck to drop into the wins: rail, thus throwing tbe wheels off that track, and eubeeqnent-ly tbe whole car off tiie track, and tbat there were forty persons In ail killed thereby. The jury also recommended the adoption and enforcement of a more thoroosh eyateni of gauging wheels of can ao aa to prevent an Imperfect axle or wheel being made ta tbe furore. i lltaaibaat Utsmster at ev -Or leant Twenty Persons Killed, Srw-Osxaijie, Tuesday, Dee. SL Ths steamer Henry Ames, arrived here this morning witb S.800 bates of cotton; white being unloaded, tbe guarda on both aide of the boat gave way, precipitating a large portion of "the carro overboard.

About twenty men, white and black, were either drowned or crushed. Brevet A. kf cD. McCooa baa been ordered te relieve Brevet R. 8.

McKexzic In command of tba Bub-Distrlot of tbe Rio Grande. Gen. kfcKx-Nxra is ths officer who suppreased the Brownsville Kamckero. i Mr. and Mrs, JrjrrfXWH Datis arrived in thU city at o'clock this evening.

HeaapaU teaaaer Bwrnh; Political. Maitrais, Tuesday, Dec. SL The little steamer Lady Manning, running between here and Haila' Point, struck a snag near that place yesterday, and Tne boat and her cargo of abingtes are a total loss. 8bs was owned by Capt. Ward, her commander.

lion. J. W. Lurnci was nominated last night aa Conservative candidate for Mayer. The election, wbicb eomes off on Tuesday, promiees to bo an ax-citing one.

i Th heaviest snow ever seen here fell test night and to-day. i teaaabaat Casaaltles aai Wettera j. Rlwers. St. Loins, Tuesday, Dee.

SL The Republican to-day pabliehes a list of the casualties to steamboats on Western and Southwestern rivers during the past year, which shows 123 accidents of all kinds, 83 of which resulted in the total destruction of the boats, involving a' loss of $645,000. on which there waa insurance to the amount of (612,100. The other casual. iei reaulted in only a partial destruction ol the boata. i Seventy-seven Uvea are known to bave been lost by these aocidents, and rt te behaved that about 30 more might be added to tba list.

Liyht snow baa fallen here since noon, with a pros, pact of its continuance ail night. I Tbe temperature te above freezing point. Delaware, haekawaaa1 and Westers Railroad Kaaplwpes. BcxAjrron. Tuesday, Dee.

SL The Delaware, Lackawana and Westorn Railroad Company, wboss shops bave for some 'weeks been running on eight hours' yesterday notified it employee, of wham there are nearly one thousand at thie point, that a reduction of tan per cent, in wagee would be mad, commencing to-morrow. lb a Dixon Works, which employ aaven hundred men, gave similar notice this morning, and will tonight discbarge a bug number of single men and of (boa -for th shortest tun In th employ ol th Company. Tbe Laekaweoa lion Company recently discharged thirty carpenters, and a coaeiderebto number of laborers and ether workmen. Bepnallcan Caacai Jfoaalaatlena la ttassachnsctts. BosToa, laesdsy.

Dec 81. At a cancui of the Republican members-elect of ths House of Bepresentativos. held at the Stats Houaa this evening, Hakvst Jrwatx, of Boston, waa nominated for Speaker, receiving 76 vote out of and Wat 8. RoBrxaow, of htaiden, waa unanimously nominated for Clerk. Th Liberal members of the Hons bad a esuens at Horticultural Hall, but oniy about thirty-five member were present, snd tbs meeting adjourned without making any nominations.

Tb Legislature assembles to-morrow forenoon. birder of a Railroad Ceadaetor ta -aglraala. 1 PTTtaspaou. Tuesday, Dee. Caua.

H. Paseejl th conductor of the Jobaatowa aceommodatloa train, which lett here yesterday afternoon, was murdered near Klnevah Station. Pasikb bad demanded far from a passenger named SAktcci. Hull, who retussd to produce it, aud In endeavoring to put bim oil tba train he stabbed Paaaaa lu the abdomen, killing biin aim oat instantly. Hcix wss arrested tbia morning, I -Th Lawrestr aad Oal veatoa Railroad.

4 I' LAwamca, Kansas. Tuesday, Dae. SL The first teection of thirty miles of the Lawrence and Galveston Railroad will be opened for bualneea to-morrow. Th road te baing rapioly pushed forward under ths energetic direction ot President Srraera, of Chicago. Advices from th Indian Territory state that the American flag was raised en old Fort Cobb on the SOtb mat.

by Major 8aAaxxx. lor tbe first time since it vsas torn down by tbs rebeia, under Gen. Paica, in ISt 1. Vort Cobb ia now the headquarters ot tbe Witchitew Agency. Loala, Kir Department.

St. Locta, Dee, SL The report of tbe Fire Department of this city for tb past year ahowa th number of nrs to bar bato SIS, sctaiticg a loss of I1777.SC0. Cp-ward of 11000,000 of this loss occurred la th month of March, when tb Lindsll Hotel wss burned. Tbe fire Department of this city consists o( lea staaao-aginos, on book-end ladder truck, tw fuel wagons, igbty-alx men and DnyWour Tb total ex-pne of tb department during tbe peat year was 1M.S7, wmm paaaaylraala Stat Caaratla ef ,1 Boy 1m la. PxaLknxLraUA, Tnesdav, Dec SL A State Convention of the Boys in Bine composed of ex-eokuer and aallora, ia to be bald bar Jan.

S. Tb object te said to tb nominaaoa of Gen. GaAwr for to Presidency. Oa thousand dstegato are expected to be present Th railroad a leading to thte city have leaned sxeurslon tick for lb baa eAt of those wishing attend. Arrival mf Staaar Cntna a Sua Fran.

Eta rxAScisoo, CaL. Tuesday, Dec IL The steamer CUna, from Boor Kong and Yokohama, wss telegrapbad off the Reads at 140 a. M. aas Arrival rStvaBslkip Caaa at nallrag. Hautax.

Twesday, Dec SL Tbe steamship Cuba, which Wt Liverpool IW. 1L arrived bar at o'clock Ute altornoua, aud ss'e asai) fvi ev'vatga si 0 o'clock tbis ortnU. FOREIGN NEWS Bf 31A1L. -t ARRIVAL OF THE STEAMSHIP CITY Of. LONDON.

The Isman steamer City London, Capt. Baooxa. which left Liverpool at about aooa on in 18'b, and Qu sen st own on. tbe alternoon ot the 19th of December, arrived bar yesterday alternoon. Her advieee are two days later than those previously at hand by the Drulxklamd.

The Fenian outrage at Clerkenwell aad Us attendant eoneequeneee continued to sbeorb sttennou. Ths inquest on the bodies of tb persons killed by tbe explosion wss In progress, snd ths three persons in custody had been completely Identified as concerned tn the outrage with another man who had escaped arrest. A plan for proposed simultaaeoua Fenian attack on certain armories in Enctend waa found tn Dar-liOTtoa-street, Wolverhampton, Dec. 17. A conference was held here on tbe subject beween the Lord-Lieutenant of Staffordshire, the 'Chief Constable of Staffordshire and the Chief Conatabte of Wolverhampton.

The prosecution of Joan iltr.Tix, JohkC. Waxes, Jakei Scaklos and J. J. Lazob. ss the leaders In the reci nt funeral demonstration in Dublin, waa nroarressing amid considerable excitement.

Mastct admitted that he waa in tbe procession, and waa willing, to take upon hlm-elf tbe responsibility for the procession, legal and moral. He admitted that he made an addresa. bnt denied thathia words were seditious or tcflammatory. the alternoon of Dec. 17.

terrific explosion occurred on the Town-moor, Newcastle, csuainff tbe instant death of four men and severe injury to several others. The Police bad seized some carboys of a bighry-explosire compound nitro-glycerine and' were about to let it run to waste on tbe Town-moor, when tbe liquid exploded, killing four men, including a policeman. Mr. Job Maw ww. 'Sheriff of Newcastle, was injured aad rendered insensible, as was alao Mr.

Exxon, tbe town surveyor. Several other persons were seriously" wounded. The shock of tbe explosion was felt for distance ot three mite around. Gabibaldi has written lrt'-era to two of the representative a of those people in Glasgow who sympathise with his views snd obiects. In his letters to tbe Chairman ot tbe Orange Association ia the following passage 8 peaking of the Pope be eays: Ton will bs told tbat bis rule ia mild, that tbe people are contented, and that it has ever been so.

If ow. If ibis be true, how te It tbat they who claim to be tbe representative of Christ upon earth of Him who said. My kingdom te not of tbia world' have, aince the commencement of the temporal power, requested Frenca intervention sixteen times, German intervention times, Austrian intervention seven times, snd Spaniah intervention three times." On Dec 13 a disastrous explosion of fire-damp occurred in a coal-pit at Burner, in tbe department of Baone-et-Loirc Tbe latest dispatches set forth tbat eighty bodies bsd been recorered. Advice from Brussels," says th Franee, state that th condition of th Empress Chaxlottx continues to improve. 8he goes out every dav, when the weather permits, for a long drive or walk.

She visits their Majesties regularly twice a week at Brussels, and tbe rest of ber time ia divided between music and painting, for wbicb tetter art she bss a great aptitude" A letter from Borne published in the Imfcpendrmc Btlgt, says tbat tbe corps ol Pontifical Zouave, which consisted of two battalions only, baa been increased by two others. Tbe greatest numbers have arrived from Belgium, (800,) France and Holland. Some nave also come from bcotiand, Ireland and England, and ven from tne United States, which recently sent a considerable contingent. Fifty Scotch nave siso sr-rrved. and are to form the nucleus of legion ot Highlanders in the Pope's service During tbe teat two months 3,000,000 froucs bave been received from different towns ot France tor the Pontifical army, and Ireland haa sent 40,000.

i The Involute, of its issue of Dec 17 publishes an article" on the diplomatic corre-apondence which has appeared on the general policy of Europe in a ser es of notes dating irom Feb. 24, 1800, to Oct. 9, 186T. Tbe MnvatuU points out tbat tbe Yellow Book does not contain any document showing tbe approximation wbicb bsd taken place between Bussia and France leading to a collective declaration of the Four Great Powers to too Porte, i Tbe Invalide then dwells upon tho oscillations of the policy of France and Austria. Tb French Government baa completely adopted the policy of Austria in the question of tbe East, Germany, and Italy.

Such an alliance in principle condemned the Chriatiana to return to their former position of slavery to the Turks, and was intended to prevent tbe development of the North German Confederation, tbe nnity ot Italy, and the independent development ot tbe Slavonian populations, and to effect tbe artificial revival of tbe pretensions ot the Poles. Should this present policy not be abandoned, it will convert tbe armed peace now existing into a serious war. By the arrival of the overland mail, with news from Hong Kong to Nov. 1, it has been learned tbat Intelligence bad arrived at Hankow of a revolt es uuee ot th peoule of a prelect uid not far from Pekin, and ot their having marched upon th capital. it nad not, nowevcr, oeen oonnnnea.

QENLRAIj summary. Thte lrp)ed Coalereaee Tn Anay Bill Sapprsssloa wf Porelcn Jai mala Kdaeatlaa lat Fraaci Th Hcxlcaa Loam Literary, Tneatrical asd Maalcal I From Our Own Correspondent. PAXia, Tuesday, Dec 17. 1867. The French Government is stiD making efforts to get th great Powers to join her in aom form of Conference, but these are being kept up, I apprehend, merely to save appearanoes.

Ko one believes that after M. Bouubu's declaratioas the scheme te practicable Th European Governments would be exhibiting but very little respect for their own dignity, if, after the humiliating rvfe which was assigned them, Ibsy were to listen to any further proposals pn tbs subject, i It is said that tbs English Government, out ol friendly feeling toward th Emperor, has suggested a plan by which tb various tntsrsate lnvolred in this question way be reconoited, aad that Lord Claxxk-box, wko recently via. ted Hie Majesty at St. Cloud, is now oa his way to Flore dc and Borne for th purpose of vressing it upon ths considsration of tbe Italian sad Pontifical Governments. -1 very much douot th accuracy ot this surmise His Holiness is now master of the situation and he will listen to no proposition which would be likely to involve aa abandonment of the advantages secured for him by tbe recent pledges ot tbs French Government, TEX bEBATX Oil THE AAKT BILL.

i The approaching debate on th bin for tb reorganisation of tb army te likely to be a very bitter and envenomed oae The Opposition, undteldsd by th religious seniiaient which pre railed in tbs discussion on th Soman queaUon, will put forth all their efforts to' damage tbs Government. A bill which calls under arms either in the quality of soldier or of Cards ffationali Mlni4 svsry Frenchman turned of twenty, will certainly afford them aa opportunity of making a ess against a policy which renders such sacrifice nseessary. It is plain that if Francs wers to give up Intermeddling in tb domestic concern of other nationalities, she would not be com pelted to make such drafts on her abU bodied population. I am afraid, however, that ta teglalativs body is not yet sufficiently advanced la the consciousness of its new-found strength, to ratuy this view by Ita rote. exFPSESBXOS QT FOKXiaS Ths stoppage in th Post-omc of foreign newspaper containing article obnoxious to tb Government haa been largely indulged in of lata.

The Italian and German Jowmala ar the chief sufiarera from this practloa, from which fact it ia inferred that what they bav to say te not vary sate to hear. From nottes of sa tnterpeUatloa given tn tbe Corps Legialatif yesterday by kf. Ensrssx PicAnn, I aee -that the matter te about to Drought under the attention of th Cham-bar. Th debate upoa tt will, I hep, lead to some reform in th regulations applied to the foreign mas. It is absurd te stop aawspaper which ar printed la a tengaag which hut Sew Frenchman can read, and which but few French Journals dare copy, with the tear of a Government prosecution baior near mAxrAjrr.

Tea bav doubtless seen tbe aoneunto of the iwtaW iAtorj measures which th Poauflcal 0vrniaut sdopting against tbos landed proprietor wbe were supposed to sympathiM with th Oerlbaldiaa movement. Confiscation te tb order of the day. Following aloes apoa It ws bar another decree of toe Con-gregaaoa of the neVs, proeertbing three Italian, on Pern visa and three French works. Thee test ar Tie Jnuit aad Mtdltatumt by M. Mbxax, and the Ktlatitmt with (Ae Svptmatwral World.

by be Abb Tuobxt. Another evil sign te ths euford submission of Cardinal Axdeka. the friend of Italy and of religion progress. Such ar tb first results' of M. Bovsrca's Sostdui To what further excesses of lanxt-Ictem and pereeeu'ion it may lead only Heaven and the Emperor Nafoueok knows.

ajcxbjcav EDtrcATiox nox i nrves rosrr or TIEW. Ths Opinion AttionmU ot this sfternoon, in aa article on tb recent letter of M. DcTiCLOtrr. pays ths following bsndsomo tributs to the American syetam of education: "Tbe Americans," it says who bave been lo re-ilizc in their Sta'e a degree of liberty to abirb no other nation baa aa yet surcesdoid tn attaining, have based their whole politicii system on tbe national educition. In tbe Cn'ted Ktatca all citix lac without distinction ot either rank or sex.

have passed at first through1 the primary school, whers they havs received, with ths inttruc ion neceatAry to the mechanic, the trader or the termor, ideas which are indispensable to tho citizen. Voting g.ris and young bovs sro reared in the 1 vi ot the laws the country, and in the confi jeace tbat these law are auperior to thos-: ot other pevpte'e. Every American ts therefore iniincibiy-atucljetl to bis inststubona snd is ready io-crjfi'ce everything to defend them. Tuis wa seen during the war of sjecsafn. Speak, then, to Americans of their permuting to be established among them, under be pfe'ence libTtr, a aTHtem ot schools in which the ns'i-m are ti be decried 1 But the have a policy, and we have not." THE MEXICAN I.OAX.

The meeting of Mexican bondholutrs, which took place in tbe Champs Ely sees the other day, succeeded in temporarily galvanising the value of the bonds on the market; but tbe eloquent assurances of tbe Chairman, the Viscount ox la Gokbboniebx, are not for tbat" any more likely to be realised. Tbe only way In which, the sufferers can ever recover their money is by tbe Gov. rntucnt becoming responsible tor it, and it will have enougn to do to procure frcah loans for other foreign expeditions, for it to dream of listening to tbe Just complaints of those who advanced their money on ita assurances. UTZRABX. I had an opportunity yesterday ot over the proof-aheeta of new work In French by Gen.

sa TaoBniAxn of tbe United States Army, which is shortly to make i's appearance from the of Lacboix, Tebboeceboveh A Co. is entitled Souvenir Quaire out it CsstMfM a FArmie dm 'Prttmae (RecollcctionSfFour Years' Cunpaigns in tbs Army of tbe Tho atbj.ct has been so exhausted by writers, military md civil, that it would seem almost imposrible to rroduce snytning further in connection witb it tbat would enlist the attention of reader at your aide This appears to have been tbe impression ol; Gen. ct Tbobbxaxd himself, for be baa made no arrangement tor Ibe publication of tbe work in America. In this, however, he has done himself a great injustice. To those who recollect the literary and artistic feuilUtont of this cultivated writer in the Ctmrriar eVt EUxU Unit, it is unnecessary to sy that whatever be touchoe he invests with a fresh interest.

We have bad books on tb war in plenty, but not on ot thi character. It give na the sentimental and humorous side ot tbe picture, and resembles tbe works ot seme of those soldier-poets of Germany, who, long Biter tbe scenes which they describe bave lost their political interest, ar read with ss much aridity a ever lor the charme of their ideas and style POLITICAL BBOCBXTRES. In a recent letter I noticed a pamphlet pnbliahed by tbe Government, foreshadowing its course on the Since then" two other political flyers of tbe same character have made their appear-snce Tbe one is entitled. Xapoleon Decant la CataoUquet," snd the other, La PUi-ttque Exteriture tt Jnterieure." In that which is confined to the religious question we find reproduction of the sophistries which constituted tbe staple of M. Botma'a now celebrated finality speech, amplified by efforts to rouse the tears and Jealousies of tbe more moderate portion of tbe jCalhoiics by sbsurd allusions to the religious rivalry of Englan 1 and Rural.

I Even were ws io lose the consciousness of our r-nx at the bead ot civiLxed na'ious; even were we, unnatural children that we alioultl be, to ignore tbe tact that the Church te our mother and the mother of our progress, would it not be sufficient for us to consider tbe Jealousies with which England bas surrounded this ancient fnflucuce 1 Would it not be sufticient tor us to note all tbe agencies tbat so boa set st work io slevsto her Protestant Primacy in ths lac of our Catholic Primacy, in or Jer to measure th depth ol our tall and the extent of our tliaaauir 1 'lo that one around have to add tbe schismatic In. trigues of Boss. snd her incessant ilestre to substitute berseU for us in tho protectors)" of the Clitts-tiacs of the East, 'these ambitious policies, covered wita a religious cloak, are not tbe least peril oi our situation iu the Southeast ot Europe It te in our interior and by us that these grave questions are to be decided. Xbe Caibohca bave to liiinll in France tbe aaiue roieas France in the world; tb cx ernxl difflcultie and th internal difilcultiea are strictly analyzed the aamc The ambit 02 ol era-pirea or the atruggles ot parties mean always disunion, Utesenaion and tbe oblivion 01 Justice end truth. France will sooner or later give to the nations tbe union and cou.ord that tbe Catholics will bsve procured them." seen is on work." To all this the reply is simple Abolish tb temporal power of the Pope and yea at once dea roy all pretext for the tnaratesance ot a Church establishment tn Greet Britain, and you equally kill tbe pretensions o.

Buasia to a religions auprsmacy and protectorate over tbe Christians in tbe East. Then toleration for all sects will be insisted upon by tbe European Governments sa cardinal principle, and each creed will be teJLlO fight it way in tb old apostolic slyi. Has tffCstholie Church anything to fear from such competition 1 Tbs world would almost be led fo think so irom lb importance attached by ths TJultramontaalsts to its poisession of a little shred of territory, sod from their usapostollc mods of aassrU lug Ita ngbt to it by th shedding of human bfcoJ. Tbs whols drift of ths pamphlet is, however, contained in tbe sentence It is In our interior and by us tbat thee grave questions are to be decided." Ibis means simply, that ths pretext of tbs malntalnanee of th Temporal Power (lor ao one know better than tbe Emperor the impracticability of the system In tbs future) is to be th primutm asebttf of tb next We aball sae whether the rural population ot France continues to be so hoodwinked by clerical influences a to tnlfiU thte calculation. 1 Ths sreeaare on tb internal, and policy of the Emperor, although pretending to differ in some unimMMtant respects Irom bolbi and although dated from Dieppe, the better to conceal its origin, evidently emanstes from ons Of tbe ministerial bureaux.

Let me Just quots ths' concluding passags to ahow you with wbat artifice the Government endear or a to back up positions wulch l-ar login mat discussion 1 1 Ofheiai esndiUlure ar Bcarssery, and ought to maintained, but would it not be possu hi to find In tbs pretets sad Bsus-Prsiets mora tact aud Bosses! In tb case, ahica hsp pso dally, of two csnuidates, both Conservatives, resenting tbem-elvs at an tection, wby does not tb AlminlstraUvn altew th vol to declare itself llbout trying to tunucur it in on sense or ths other 1 This nsu rxhty would be a sails taction given to liberty ol sunrsge an would coiupre-mis nothing tb cause of tb Government. On In contrary. It would confirm the opinion that tea govsrnmsnt of th Emperor is a liberal Power, which pursue a work ot liberty, not altar th fashion of th torrents, which in their rapid course sweep away everything in Hi sir passage but ha great river which traverse peaceably a country, aud bear with them abundance and prosperity." Th image grt nvers," te good: but unfortunately there la mors poetry thaa truth ta it. THE HEW PIECES AT TUX THIATXES. The new spectacular piece, Gulliver," which has been preparation at the Chatelel lor upward of a ear, and for which everything kaa been done that could atunulate public curiosity, basal test been pro.

duoed. and haa. I regret to asy, disappointed public expectation. Tber bas bean a lavish cxpendltura of money oa scenery, costume and pyrotechnic effect, but the Ingenious tableaux and cos treats suggested by the aecentrle mind of Bwurr ar eternally rendered, and lad to aaUaty th admirers oi this admirable autre M. HoeTtaji xoads a miaiak ta lectin each a subject, a greet ta aoenie eombinatauaa, but It te on tain- to daaxl the eye and another to daaxle hoth eye and understanding.

I other words, the ahraleal difflcuitlas that off. thssaseiva te th uo It. Sfttl Ml SOS II ta www mwmim -r-- ot rcauir a gniua to surmount thesa about as giwal a that of th asihof bioiseli. ktV Homo aulur might, therefore bave been predicted beforaBand. but It certxlniy might bave been less striking, had he bedeved less in ths power of mouev, snd more in tbe power of his text.

In the bands of a director of aom literary Judgment tbe piece might bave been rendered infinitely more attractive As tt ta, theatrically speaking, Gulliver" may be set down ia th hat of ambitious conceptions snd small perl arm an ces. Of the tm theatrical renews which bav already Inaugurated the eeeeoa. thai at the Foue Mangny fa lacomparablyh best. It is called La Aamut Drew far and ie effarvescrnt wiLh humor. From first to last it sustains this character of hveUoe, aad th spectator quit the theatre after ita performance with a sense ot havmg passed an evening ot unqualified enjoyment.

The review at the Theatre Do-just te alao amnstng. but it drags st times, and would be much benefited by curtailment. OFKBAnc. The new opera, Car 1 iliac," produced on Wednesday last st the Theatre Lyrique has proved suet cese I The subject taken from a melodrame in which Fbbdebick LxiCArrnx made sensation at the Ambigu in 1814. was well adapted for trnpoeitioa ko the lyrical stage.

Tbe story te tbat of diamond-setter who waa so much tn love with his own work tbat he lay tn wait for and murdered tbe persona whose order hs executed, to repossess bimaelf of tbe crf d'mttrrt ot his art. Of all the characters in the unfortunately this, the I principal one, is the I aat vigor3usl developed by the arre. In spite of a defect ao obvious in the piece, (he effect produced by the originality, clearness and beauty of its meiodtes snd its perfect orchestration, was of so tatisfketory a character thst the composer, M. Dactkasme. may henceforth be caeeed among toe best meloolsta ot our time.

I find in tbe Milan Goatttt the following tribute to the talent 01 Sirs. Van Zandt. now ainging at La Seal: Mme. Yazim poaeajee tbe treasure of a magnificent and real soprano voice, freau, mellow, aweet. aud in intonation irreproachable sue surprised every one by tbe perieciion 01 her singing.

Her success waa decided from the first note. The public applauded her wita unanimous tavor and enthusiasm." 1 ilomeoi snd GingUctta was to be nroduoed at the bcala on tbe lStb, but double were entertained ot ks success on tccount oil. being French work. In tact, CrorjNOO a as to nave gone to Milan to superintend tbe production ol the opera, but owing to me late LiiBculties between Italy and France, on the Bomau question, be declined to fulfill bia promise, alleging that be atrald too popular feeling hgainst France would insure iu failure. ITALY AND HOME Contlmwanee of the Debatee la taie Italia Parllanaeat Speech sf Minister Mtnabrea, I In the Chamber of Deputies at Florence, on Dec IT, Gen.

Mm abeka commenced a speech in reference to tbe position of tbe Italian Government the recent Garibaldian movement against Borne He comn.enced by alluding to tbe unrrcpared state of the army, and stating tbat when tbe Cabinet assumed office the array was not in a condition to' take the field. Passing to tbe Garibaldian movement, pointed out that the proclamation of Gabibaldi mad no mention of tbe morarcby of the King. It waa true that plebiscites bad been proclaimed, but even giving these certsln value OtxnutDi'i proclamation had declared tbe wish 10 overthrow the Papacy. Tbe Government could not follow under such colore Gen. Mehabbba contlu-uedti We are accused of using tbe phrsas ot Rome for tho Romans," but since Italy bra been lorded by plebiscites, cat you wish to prevent the Boman people from also freely exercising their will 1 With reference to closing tbe insurrectional rommi.teee and the arrest of Gasibaldi already explained by the Minister of Justice, Ujc.

said the Ministry have been secused of being alarmed by scars-crows; but I aak if tbe seizure of murketa, bomb and powder are scare-crows Dtng-r existed, and it waa necessary to adopt prompt andenerget-e measures to avert it. The Mmiater reverted to hia previous declare 'ion of tbe in ten tion of Government to bring forward, 11 necessary, legislative mcaauxe 10 prevent rep itions of these ueplorsblancV. Respecting the passag into and return it tne Italian trooj a from the Pontifical territory, theuireen Book sufficiently showed tne reasons lor thst tVaeaje taken olece. This, said toe speaker, itaa a fact of ritht which we fulfilled, notwithstanding Vbe opposition of ir, but ano hur raouve was Uie tact of our being invited by tbe populalione Gen. Mescabbba here read several telegram and document proving, tbat tbe populations maniiestly requested the presence of the Italian troops to prevent disorder sud ciosstcn.

The return of tbe troops, said the waa counseled by tbe commonest prudence; immediately tne Imperial threatening the Pomincil territory cased, we cocld no. long -r afiord the French Government a pretext tor recoenng tue occupation permanent, anu UicreiOi-e epontaueously withdrew. Ilolativo 10 he September Oonvcn'uon, Gen. Mb-abbxa ssid: We are si-kea recent events, tbs Convention exist or no; until notice ot 11s termination is given a treaty alwaya exists, unless some provision is made in the treaty i-cit. Jo such cuuse is the September Convt-ntion, whico tberetore exists but in po at of tact, or materially it docs not exist wnile tne Pontifical territory is occupied by France.

One contracting Power has nut lulfllled ita k-a-raetneats we are also in tbe same case, siuce we have auspen led payment of our quota of tb pontifical cebu As to wbat shall uo wito tne Convention, we shall act as tnay bj in our interest. But; first ot all the: object ot th Government I that the French troops will leave the Boman territory; uttcrwurd ws can consider further. 'I be September Convention has prejudiced no question or right. It te true that one rTcnca Minister has sects red that tbe Conveninn waa the rule and conduct ol Franco white it exlR.ed; and another has said tbut we shall be obliged to give fresn guaran-leee We ahall Meanwhile we must not compromise ourselves in eny wsy, but let the French evacuate tbe Pontifical ter.itoiy, we may consider whether lt may be our interest to confirm our engagementa or aunul them, or establian other a new, so aa to guard our interests. Tbe General was to re same his teeech the follow-ingjUy.

SOUTH AND CXHTRAIi AMERICA. Arrival of the Steaaashlp Hcary Chaaa. ccr AO la Trtatare. 1 steamshrp Henry Chauncey, from Arp in- The wall Dec. 33, arrived at thia port yesterday.

We give below her SPECIE LIST, WalACo. SI.ITl Lees Waller $337. Welle, Fargo A Ce S7.4U Fred. Probst A Lie Uarguaa A AO moon A SO Molwsasti A hsob aiu 404 Panama Baiiroad Couipaar Duncan, bberaaa AC Dsboer, Morgaa A Coi. Eugene Ksily A Co A.

belmoat A I tea. to 3,171 T4.SN, Mlseellaaeaa latalllfcea front Pis. ana. Pra, Chill, Kcaader and the Caatral btat. From Our Own Oorrsspondsnt.

Pabama. Monday. Dee 13, 18C7. We hare nothing new from eny portion of the Interior of tb Republic. Th British steamer which arrived here on tho 30th, met Gen.

Mosqtteba at Fails. On the 14th, on his way to Lime Hip by Bcbubxs 4 BaoTaxns fin little teamer Monty, built for the coasting trade, went to sea on her jarst voyage a day or two aince She ia a aid wheel veaael of about 350 tone, built by Exhobsox, of NewvTork, and ia an elegant crelt, Ws havs in port tbe Cm ted Slates war vessels JtV kfes. fToXcree and Aansawaea. In Pans me ws bav tb trailed State transport -Vewterm, which arrived therl on tb 18th. with 360 sailors for ths Pacific fleJ Most of them ar sail on board tb AVwW.

On tracafer, tba veaael will iroceed to Xew. Tors, Th gunboat MrblAt4d went to Porto Bello iMtilgbt. CoL kt cssat, of Kw-Tork, Caitd Itate Special Inspector of Customs for this dry, died at ths Grand Hotel to-day at about P. leaves a wile, wbe I bow her. Our new from Santiago Call aad Valparaiso la to tb Sd, aad from Celiac and Lima to th 11th of December.

Atj the teat account, on th Sth lat. th army of PresMenl Pbaso, consisting of about 3,000 man, wer till inactive la tb suburb of th city of Araqulpa. awaiting tbe arrival and the subsequent mounting i of their heavy guns in order to bom-hard it, if necessary. A 68-pounder had ba brought up. after tmwiene toil, and waa beteg mounted, and a 900-pounder waa oa it way.

Tb City of Arequipe tn th Provinc of that name, la about SO mite dastaat from th ss roast, and nntfl now tt waa thought to a matter of utter impossibility to get area a eS-pounder wp to tt. Bat the SOOpoundar I already twenty league on Ita way, and 1 progressing at the rate of about en Isagu a day. It haa now, doubt wary aoarly mabifl tmation. It as worked along the aauteHtrack, aad the by 300 tb. with oa potent eaginear and tbejpareswiid ejee aad le Tb rebele with Gee Caxwbco at their her about 3.000, hut have not single pteea of a.

non. The two tore ar not fifty yard from each other, out th boaleged partta bav heavy waUs and fortified houaa htwn them aad their nsay. If ether revolutionary districts at th north do not come ta the aid of Coxaxeo fas suAclent fore to beat off Pbaoo. the rebate, it would seem, must surrender ss soon a th besieger ar ready to operate, a they cannot fight with any hope of success; besides, the city would he doomed to utter destruction. Outbreak against th Government of Pbado tUV continued in th north ot Peru, but without any material sueorse la Huancayo.

Jauja, Tarma, Cajamarcah and An each, conflicts had taken place between the revolutiooiata aad Government troop, after the former had killed several of their Prefects proceeding which generally resulted in the restoration of order. CoL Baxxa, in the north, was at th head of about S00 men, and Intended to have Mixed the British steamer Quit oa hsr arrival st Trujillo, proposing to embark there tor th southern coast to assist Cacskco. However when th mail 'boat left Callao for Havane be met tbe Quit go'ng in to tb tetter port, so tt appear that tbe scbem tailed. In Canetd, Pisco and Ica, the rebels, havs been defeated, i An attempt to escape mads by tbe convicts of th Penitentiary tn Luna bad alarmed tbe people im-r meneely. The attempt, however, waa happily frustrated by Ui vigilance of the guard.

Mauy persona in Lima apprehended an attack on the city by CoL Balta or some other leader of rebel bands. As tbe city is entirely unprotected by troops. Its capture would be an easy tiling, and aubaequently, perhaps, Pbado mot find it bard lo gain possession of his own Capital, after taking that ot tb rebate. Don Doxnoo, a man ot not in Peru, and the great wine-grower of tbat country, te dead. A run on tbe Bank ot Lonia failed to break lt, and confidence in ita stability was restored.

CHILE. From Chile there te nothing new of interest except tb tact that Don Mabcial Mabtikex ia to go to Washington as Minister in pUce of Hen or Gaba. BCD In Ecuador. Dr. Javieb Espiboba ha been presented ss a candidate for tbe Presidency, made vacant by tbe leaignation ot President Cabbmob.

CENTBAL STATES. We have later date from Central Ameriee but no newa ot importance Tne building of the new iron wharf at San ae Guatemala, was progressing finely. The cholera had entirely disappeared from Nicaragua. The people ol the latter State, Judgiag from their rtiawtiisliction, aeem to have but little bope of the Improvement of tbe San Juan River and lbs Port ol San Juan del Norte MEXICO. Th Assasstaatlwa wt Cat.

Raschei How Blexieaa Arantea art Massacre hy dlaae Jttlel-laaeeae late lllgeaee Prospects mt at Rerolallea. Front Our Own Correspondent. ao wy tills, Texas, Saturday, Dec. 31. We are in receipt of late elates Irom all parts of the Bepublic, via San Luis and Monterey.

Tbe assassination of CoL Platoh Baxcrsx, th Mexican Liberal, who waa President of th Court Martial which triad Msxramjaa. on tho road from Catorce to Ban Lute, fn the 18th of test month, was but a token, and a significant one ot tb insvi'sbis revolution ia Mexico. His executioner was Do-xmioo Pxxxx. an ex-Sergeant ot Maxrarn.laB's body-guard a well educated Mexican and long notorious lor personsl exploits et daring bravery. PxBza at the time stepped out from his post, snd calling to CoL Sakcbkx, said.

I am under tbe necessity of svenglng 'be death my Emperor, and you who pronounced hi death sentence, and ordered hi speedy execution, must be the first to fan." He then fired at Bahchix, the ball from his Spenoer rifli passing through the Colonel's heed, and causing instant death. Tbe Sergeant then called upon the troope wbo had all been under Imps rial Sergeants and Corporals, telling them, All who desire to do so may now' retire to their homee, white those who wish to follow me to tbe Pacific Coast will take a few ateps forward." Ot tbe 180 men, fifteen signified their "intention of going home and left with their arme The remaining 163 followed Pkbkb lowcrd tbe State of Jalisco. They were armed with pbbcbb'b eight and Hebbts twelve-shooier rifles, sad were splendidly mounted. They opened the safe containing the army funds, which Saschex bad 'in hia possession, and took therefrom Ita content, 1,100 in ao. At each town tbey levied a contribution of bread, aud compelled tbe people to provide food tor tbeir borate Mabti-ici'i command at Zteatccaa was ordered lo follow Fkbjcx andtto give no quarter.

They started 578 strong, and mutinied at toe. little town of OJo Calient, twelve leagues froth Zecale-c. Pxarx Joined Cmavex's revolutionary party on tbe lat at the small loan of Santa Ana. twelve leaguea to the southwest of Guadalajara, and routed tba Eleventh Regiment of that Stale, which had been sent tn pursuit pi thorn Jby order of urn. Eamos Coboba.

Sanchez, Porroe, CiiAvrx and Pxxxx. then united their commands, which umber -d om 1.70O men. Tbey ar now in the heavy mountain landa between the Camino Real of Tepic and Colt ma. They stay there In obedience to order from and Placio on Tboa. There has been current here for several day a rumor tbat tba Indian from th Mexican etda had mad a night attack on th town of Laredo, aituated 180 five muea above here, and had assassinated all to people of tbe town, among whom waa Gen.

Qctbooa. of tbs Ex-Impertsl army. Neither confirmation nor contradiction haa yet reached ae bailer tbat an extraordinary expree was sent up the river by Gen. UcKxxxix, yesterday, to obtain ccrrocl tnior-niation. 1b Matamora there la newa of an outbreak of Indian disturbances tn Mexico, In tb district by tbe eastern part of Durango, southern Chi Qua.

hue, th western parte of Kusvo Leou sad Coahuila and JCorihem Zicateca. Oa the 3d InsiaoL at Aoroyo Pri to, a pass ia th highway between La Vent and Jalo, on ths aa-tioual road btwn Msxloo and Guadalajara, battalion of th Light Guard of the 8 tale of Jalisco, stationed tber to prelect tks commercial trains bound tor ths National Fair at San Juan lo Lagoe be John of th Lake, mutinied and killed their office re Tbey aubaequently captured merchanta and canted them off to tbe mountains to obtain ransom anoney. Tn JBrstetsreetea of Moatorey coatains th follow-ing: hav beard with profound horror of a crime recently committed in th vicinity of th City of Pstxoauro. A short Urn sine two infant girls wer stolt-n from their parent. Th moat careful search waa mads hy both parnta and authentic, but so trees could be found of tb missing children.

Week be for last, torn neighbor of ths Berrle Faerte noticed singular stnsll which cam from an unoccupied building, and resembled that of bodies in putrefaction. Th authorities being informed of th occurrence, the sou waa searched, and is th pri vie war found th bodtes of the tost children. Aa sxAmidalion was mads, th rult of which proved that tbe children had ba violated previous to being murdered, and had evidently been gag red white, tb horrible deed wss being oommirted. The criminate bav not been apprehended." Lm Jfrvut Msrokaaia of Ben Luis Potosi. of th 7th mat, under the head ot Bo bo an to te Republic," says: "la th State of It euvo Leon, near the tsnaWs ef Msdsroe, Setter Dow Maxcaoa Tn 1 was assaulted by eight bandit wbo rushed upon him from th aid ot th road.

Thi gentleman waa then tied, has ire, robbed and tea a early naked. Ta robber took tb road for Monterey, where sons of their horee wax seen oa tb following day. Thy are supposed to concealed in that city." Lm Prtmm mt Geodalqjara, ef ths 30th nit. gtve most doleful scats mt affaire It saye te now a plague Dor T. fit ant mt Eamrs, waa carried off tea weak.

There te no eisgutaing th fact that a revolution te upoa ae" add th Venas, for ao thinking aatnd eaa longer doeb thai with the- rvU the national Guard, the pronoun lug ef the Stat end rural troop. the rtWaaie aUtesriind te ettsia fmad ssdj the general and 'nlTvidnt dtesffsonoa ef wur army foreshadow another of one of tho horrible wars which half a oratury ago began our sen of revolutione The JetaWa AfrsaMic of th eaplul, of th tth tnL, aanouaoos th Uduancsng ef Don tvM A. Laboa. the proprietor of tba Hotel Ilartrtda. who return was mad oonditlooal upoa the pay-mentor as.ooe.

aVosAa. district ta quiet. Is prepxring for out mora, and all calm thinker believe a win etrike with the Ooaserv alive when the opportunity wire fight, Th feeling prevail that Cabalas will support with his troop Gee Gabcia. who claim te have been elected Governor of ismaulipae, th derision of th Legislature notwithstanding- There la rsper-t her teat the Tuxpsn eotoatet who teft bar for Tuxpaa sons dara sine hav been, warned to leave that neighborhood within twenty daye Thi is a all of us expected. A man who tne to indue American place their Mve In th power of nation of brigand willfully ls guilty ot crime Ex-Gov.

Tost-BxTBOLoe the tea laapeeuw-Gen. oral of the railroads of ths Empire bad taken hia place by Juabbx permiauoa, aa "nrrmnteaidont of the Tera Crus and City of Mexico aUilway. Esconxno demands ths discharge of Poatnaift Diab from the aervloe. Corona demands the baoiatuatent of Maxttxex. AjrraxoaT remain Governor ot Guanajuato, sad Cobttba and ax ales are in open rebellion against tb Juares Cabinet.

AimLLon haa all lb ODpowuoa editor tn prison, hence toer ar no newspaper published la that State JCABXX te tn th test triatesrr of his power, aad though it is an apparently wild allegation to Beaks, I venture to asy It, tbat if the American nation doe not save luelt by soon taking undur ita control that rao of assassins across the Rio Grande Europe will see to it herself. CHAPCL2 LPEC AFFAIRS IN TEXAS. The lapprcutea mt the Brswaavllls Weataer-9Itecallav ateai latelllareaee. From Our Own Oorrapoadnt BaowitsviiiB, Saturday. Dee 31, 1867.

1 Now that tbe suppression of the Brownsville McAr te positive, it may not bo untotereotiag to review tbe cli cum stance attending las deeua Ia critique upon a recent publication ti sating with the subject of miscegenation, the editor ofjthe Aoackere. of thte diy, remarked: "It te eta sd that ths reason which prompted the Meeare Habtkb Bbotbxbs to try and aask nua-oegenation reapectabte ia to protect New-Bag tead spinsters from disgrace Wo didn't suppose the tmng had got so ntr along as that. Charity, however, aboul i begin at home. It is said that had ths northern ladle been allowed to vote at th laie elect ione negro suffrage would have been carried by overwhelming naajorrue ta all tbe Konueru States. From tbte it te perfectly clear that they must keep the women out or let th nigger in.

It would doubt lese be matter of economy for th New-England spuaers to eaiac-, genet it would be such a saving of part uaae" Ths above appeared la the Jlowcacrw's issue ef Sun. day. tb 8th lost. On th fo lowing Thursday twe Colonels of ths reenter army of lb United States. Cote.

Raxdol and who bad been oVelibe atln lor five day lo tb expediency of drasan cling or comptUinf th writer of th eritur, Mr. Maltbt. to make a retraction, proceeded to the office of' th ataaokera, snd after staling that they called onry a gentlemen, and not In any official capacity whatever:" verbally demanded of the editor a retraction. Mr. Maltbt bluntly refused to any retraction.

Tb two Colonels then guard of negro soldisrs of tbs Forty-first regular to tbe office Mr. Maltbt waa seised, aad ssuortod to Ib headquarters of Gen. McErxxra, where he wan informed thst a retraction nana, be made, or that the uppreaaion of tbe ATa ackers and personal las prison-ment would be th alternative. A council waa thereupon held by the two editors, Krsare Maltbt snd Kixkt. wbo decided to accept parole from Gen.

McKbxztb. Thi was granted, on tbe condition that If no retraction wer mad in the Sunday morning issue they ahould again be placed under arrest and tbe paper be auspenJed. Last Saturday Mr. Maltbt proceeded to Brazos, and thenee to' Kew-Orleana, on the teamer Tartar, which tell port teat Sunday morning. Mr.

Kunrr, th othae editor, has recently had bis teg broken, and no commander could have arrested aa invalid in his condition. The result of aha eaa ia that th Mandtero ia a suppressed organ, with one of lt editor a fugitive from military oppression, and th other aste from a cell tn a guardhouse, thanks to a broken leg, which prevents hie escaping. Th yellow-fever1 continue to rage though tt to not so sever as tn sturack pub he attention. Tea deaths occurred yesterday on thia aid and tare ow. the Mexican a.

deal tne river. Th weather te no yet Butfictently cold to entirely kill tbe malar ie and northers are holding off wouderlulty. Aner a tow strong brecae we ahall be rclivod of thai meet dangerous and fatal of coast pk-guee It is reported that Mr. C. CAnaow," Begfjtar at Totera ot the Depar 'Stent of the alio Uraude, who waa banished to atexican soil, made yesterday portion to return to th United Statee but Gsn, Mo Euxxa, who banished hun, refuses to allow bus to return.

Mr. CABata te in a penniless sat safferinf condition. CHAPULThPEtL ATJSTKAT.AHTA. Lat Intelligence rrwca the Brltlah vmhm nice. By the arrival of the orcrland mail in London, late advice from all parte of Austrateete had com to hand.

In Victoria, th dispute between the Ivclatettv Assembly snd th Legislative Council with respect to th prop oeed great to Sir Daairwe still continued. Artlvs preparation were being mad tor th reception of Hia Boys! Highness th Duke of Edinburgh, of whose movements a tne leaving the Cap of Good Hope, however, re esrtar tauorxaauoa had reached th color y. In Xew South Wales a rich reef had been found la asw diggings near Braid wood. Twenty-five osnese of gold wer obtained from five ewt, ef qoare At new digging near Pigeon Hone a 3S-ounr aagge bad be a found, aad a SU-ouae aogget had awan louad at sew discing on Clyd River. la Honta Aertralia.

a bill authorising tb botroww leg of ll.ono for in const ructvi ot railways bsd bee read third time in th Hon of Aenbly. Complain- hat ba mad already in lb Uooe of Assembly of th carcity of labor, tbe distress which axteted abort Urn ago having peeved away. Assisted immigration was 10 be speedily reaumee In Qaeeasiaud term war pre pari ag large area ot treeh land, as far a th weather would allow, to cotton and sugar, tbe planting of cane bring especially general. In New-Zealand tb Parliamentary oeaaloo bad terminated, lb Otego Ttmtt says that tb Srt year of the new arrangement under which tt pastoral taaaate hav entered, yielded th actendid revenue of close upon AM tb land re venae tocradina; that sum, bas amounted, since the 1st ef April (. 110,000.

"Of all tbe Province ia hew-Zealand tit continu) Otago ie caraainiy by far tn moot praspcroue It oarrie on a bur aasouat of public work out ot Its revenue alone wbU it continue to pud eoaatderabte eums oa aseietnl laams-grauoa, Ita gold held yield ateadiiy targe tenaaera. tton to tbe population employed. aad the asstteWMnS of th population progrsasee ComparaUvcly with other provinces, Otago very prosperous; aad it largsr a hare of the revenues irom aiag lie people or, ia otba words, war it lea burdened with La bui use oa aeoouat tt expend 1 tare ss ties north, 1: uid be much more pruspero" ZXAWAXIAN ZSZaAiroa Health ef th Klas Tracdy AbeardJ aa Aaasrleaa Wkalnhlp. The Commercial AfcerUser ot Kot. has the) milowlag Items ef nswst Els Majesty, who te staying on Molokal.

was very weU ap to th and ef hat aoea. On Wed need ay. the SO of October, oa th occasion of tb eomptettoa ex the resideoc which he haa recently erected ca hke raoeb, ha gave a feast, which was attended by at least five hundred native aad a tow foreigner. Everything went off pleasantly, and no oa ojord bimaelf nur than did the royal wbo wa the livelieeh happiest and most cheerful among' the av exnblage I A humbte tragedy wa aommltted on board tba, American whaling bark JTopls. at Honolulu, New.

llv A i'orrugusse boy named aIaxuai. Dajx about 1 years ct are, wbo waa sleeping in th main batch, was 4.od by ths cutt ng 01 hi throat by a nerna eats au camel alt. lb tetter, a(tf eonauuui 1 tii ot-ti, eeul to the iwrbol4 aad eat hie uroki" Ebootqio Attbai. TfcaUirJxy Aflcrnooo SollTVab and Mabb of Xe J'arkrwtg 2uarrld fa tb Sixth Ward, near tb omr of, earl and Park streets, sthea kouirti drew a ear and abot hie ahtegOBial thrvujb tb hied ifira tossed..

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