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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 1

New York, New York
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rytOLLMENT OF THEOZINIBUS BILL. egf TjttVAL DELAY AXD BOW THE BOt8C XIIXK THt TWl-FlBTICIOCfi trrtCT Of A LOE8TITB WI LCJtCH DROKC3T vUBLU AD CLE OXt SEBIOCB XtXOB isTICTtI. a T' Jaw i JTrr TWw. Jane 20. The last bean af th session of CoigTe which closed tbia while ttendeu' with, eonsider- disorder, wkr set' marked by tbe rif of eriy disraputabl Job end arbemes.

be been the esse at tbe miration ef many previous eeeeion Except tin Sundry Civil bill, nothing of importance wn tin-H npon by tbe two boose at tbe e- ilne of yesterday. Alter mmaignt tn mem bers ef tbe Bouee did nothing of fiy conse- se to tbe rsy of legislation. As It wee ep- ssrest that to session wouia onunn uul daylight, member devoted themselves making tbe time pee pleasantly possible. After several unsuccessful t- paptsssrly in the night to pee measure for purposes, all effort to introduce new busis were abandoned. end only ueh bill passed upon as were received from tbe feasts, and about tbe character-of which there doubt Tbe two-tbirda rale orrtt-d ee upon all doubtf ol measures, end aa tbe best ember of the House were obliged to re- fjtiM fa order to prevent a final adjournment ttfat tbe enrolment of tbe Sundry Civil bill.

tbers was prfrt security gainsf)he passage of sjlacklevouslegislation. There was nodisposttlon slVated. however, to transact public busi-lltr. and the session after midnight waa de-ytmi almoat entirely to fun. The el ark a were para eat from constant employment at the imk.

aad when members would volunteer to act (or them they would be greeted with applause, cat-rails, aad erica of loader." Tbe service at the 6ergent-t-Arme were invoked aeveral list, bat his psre le through the ball earring usee of office, a very ponderous affair, waa regarded a ke up-n that officer, and in-nitatil rather than dimlnlabed the diaorder. Dariag tbe night recesses were taken in order jelleve the Speaker frm bia fruitl efforte stares order. After one of theae reeeasee pages, aoma of whom bave baen rebeareing at flee club, awmbleJ ou tbe east aide of tbe Ul r.c!6rt:i( tbt memWi with lonsi, vfcioa wmr marl with erood Tba aaasioa of lma night waa a Ta mlstak. io4 lu continuance until 7 o'clock this morn-tali formal extension in hourly periods, aovs a lack of ardiaar udtrment that -is inex-laasbla It waa known to tbe Conference Com-glues vhsc thsT reported the Sundry Civil aJl la tbair raapetiva boasea tbat it could not anroUed aad earn pared before and isrtasd of asking every two hoars for an exten-eftaef time, they aheuld bave postponed tbe ksar for adjoornmaot until boob to-iey, and (tat given full time for lbs proper of the bill, and saved members of Congress aud those who were bliged to attend upon 'them a night of unne-senary labor and fatiarue. It was not known istfl this morolnt that tbe principal eauae of ths delay in enrolling tbe bill arose from tbe (act that those who were charged with this datr breams lntcxieatad, and were, in conse-fasoca, nnabl to be trusted with such important daties until they bed recovered from tbelr istbrlety.

One of tbe persons was intrusted eitkmach of tbe data and memoranda upon ekich tbe agreement of tbe conferees was based, u4 at these bad been kept by hlmaelf, nothing sold be done until he oould recover his neuhiaa. Xone of tboae charged with tbe en-KQiaBt of the bill, in consequence of lmpru-itaet or overwork, were in eondition to go on eitb tbe work, and hd the two Committees on Appropriations insisted on postponement till a srspcr hour to-day. tbe scandal that now ftmtens tbe find i rsparmtion of the Sundry QvQ bin would have been avoided. already one serious mistake has been dlaeov-fed la emlraion of tbat portion of tbe bill hka relates to tbe Hot Springs pro; erty in Ar-asajes. A paragraph in relation to the lease of Ba) Hot Springs property was inserted bv the fccBate.

aad waa cnb of tbe pointe of difference nftned to tbe conferees. The difference was ar-tsgd by adopting a substitute prepared by Mr. Bvltt; but examination of the enrolled bill, sew oa file at tbe State Department, saowa tbat paragraph had been omltted.and tbe evidence (vsiahed by the parchment itself leada to the atlief that it waa omitted purposely. How many additional errors there may be cannot be aseer-used until a careful comparison baa been made ef parrhment with the bill as reported by seaterees. Tk Hoes Committee on Enrolled Bills was sl enable to perform ita dutioa.

with tbe ex-Jo ef Mr. ttaincy, of South Carolina, wno rtd taiibfully all nigbt to secure the prooer wttWhnent and eompariron of tbe bilL Mr. kainev's evndurt ie in strong contract 'sat of tbe two Democratic members of It wwnitase, and his faithfu neaa ia wamtlT JmBd4 by tbe Democratic members. Mr sey i tbe member whom the Democrat, tbe report of the Committee on Elc ar Hewitt ia very indignant at tbe conduct woe official who failed to attend to proper enrollment of tbe hill, and it is fa' tbat a thorough investigation of the jerwili made immediarely upon tbe ae-jMiax of tbe Committee on Appropriations a Aovvmber next. to current reports, the conferees entirely biameleee in connection w.tb of tbe bill.

It: is eaid tbat a tobbriitt. in accordance with a trac eUewwi for rears past, provided a chera- lunch at the Capitol last night, wsfial proviaion being made for the in the committee room in Web thev performed their Ubora. That hiaebeoa was fully appreciated by at ene of the Democratic conferees is evinced fact tbat while his eolieagues were themselves be removed his shoe and and sat in their midst bathing his basin of water. The foot-bath was not rtrr. br th ether, who abandoned the tor a time and fled to the corridor.

GZlVE SESATOES LOSJXG DIGyiTT. THE KSATt WAITK FOH THE SCXDUT cTni BILL LIVITX IS OPKX SKaSIOX AX1 rEACErXL XSPPISO WITH cwsed 'OOkS EXTESSIOf OT THE 6XSSI0X TtX BT THE tXOBKlR. I a las JTsw-rerS TUms. Bisgtox, June 2a Tbe last hour "Senate were attended by a moderate 'tee from it customary During proceedings especially the levity and fjy indulged In seemed the more amusing the gray bairs of the performers, tbe exception ef tbe passage of half a important MHs no bualneee was trans-Aer the Sundry Civil bill bad been J4- The interval between 3 aad 3 o'clock wtiBw consumed la interposing ob-a of all sort to the consideration of Ajtoeng these waa the Poet Bout biek the Roaee had divested of the BeodmeaU contained -ia tb tin by tie Senate, and tbe LetUr-earHert Mtar waJek demanded any ef tbe qnestionsvput it was rarely tbat a quorum responded, and tbe next tioo wae a eall of tbe Senate. This aeeea-serily caused tne awakeaiag of the Senator wno were aeleeu oa tbe lounges in tbe cloakroom.

The appearance upon tbe floor of a aoxext or more drowsy- Senators, with half- eloeed disheveled hair, answering to their names with yawn, produced the greatest merriment among their 10 ore wakeful eoUeacuea, who purposely Insiatod upon frequent repetitions of the calls la order to enjoy the ludicrous spectacle. To ward 3 o'clock Jude DavU decUred- that it would be useless to; attempt to obtain the consideration of any more bills, becauee, ungracious as it might seem, be felt compelled to in-terjioee an obiection. At this declaration Senator Thurmaa moved an executive session. Tbe door bavin been closed. Senators arranged themselves on tbe sofas and lounges as best tbey could and enjoyed a comfortable nap.

At ttiAO clock information was received tbat the Sundry Civil bill waa duly engrossed and signed by the Speaker of the Hons. Tbe public waa immediately admitted. Tbe bill having been signed by Ac tin: Vice President Kerry, it waa forthwith taken to the President, who, with all tbe Cabinet, bed remained In bis room since 8 P. and waa at once approved. Tbe usual committee was then appointed to wait upon tbe Preaident.

and inform biro that tbe Senate was about to adjourn. Hardly bad tbe committee returned, when tbe Clerk of tbe House arrived, half out of breath, with three engrossed bills. One of these waa tbe bill appointing three Commissioners to select a new site for the Naval Observatory. It Jacked but three or four minutes of 7. 'Senator Sargent speedily ran to tbe President's room, and instantly returned accompanied by one of tbe private secretaries, with a communication from tbe President containing tbe nomination for tbe members of tbexe commissions.

Another brief executive aesaion followed, during which tbe nomineea were confirmed, all in gnod season, since tbe minute band of tbe clock had been aet bacjc lO minutea by the cautioua Doorkeeper. When the doors were opened tbe acting Vice-President delivered bis parting address, and the Senate adjourned sine die. XOTES FROM THE CAPITAL. WasauxtiTOx, Jane 20. IS" 8.

The receipts from internal revenue to-day were 02- and from Customs 3.V) 335 04. Senator Mattbewaleft Washington for Princeton, X. J- last nUbt. He ia expected to return tomorrow. The Potter Investigating Committee waa not in eeaaion to-dy.

and will probably sot meet again until Saturday. tbnuh actina' Chairman MarrUoa may endeavor to gt tue committee together To-roor rw. Tht member! nnrh wearied wttn thr long work in the House during tbe last hour of the session. The Superintendent of the Life-sio? Service will take immediate measures to Increase the lite-saving station along th North Carolina roast, with a view ot vetting them in complete read. ueaa fur tirk by twit Winter.

Tbe main eiihcultT to contend with will be aeeurina; proper titla to location. Other portion of tbe Atlantic coast and the lake coasts will receive attention as rapidly at pos-sible. Just before tbe final adjournment thia morning the President snt to tbe Senate tbe nomination of Bear-Admiral Ammen. Col. John G.

Bar nsrd. end Leonard Wnitnrjr, of the Iistriet of Columbia, to be Commissioner to aacertala tbe coat of re-moving- the Naval ubaervatorr in Washington. V. O. On motion of Mr.

Sargent tue Senate immediately went into executive session, snd th nomicetions were confirmed without discussion. In the Criminal Court of this District to-day the ease of George C. Eiliaon. formerly Chief Engineer of the honse of Representatives, cba-rired with killing Isvid Small on tbe 7th of March. 1 877.

waa called fur the second time, th jury baring failed to agree on the first trial. Ellison counsel are ex Juttire Msvham. of or Kenreaenta- tirM tavv VoaiiK. of Tenressee: Ellis, of Lroais- sna, and A- Cook, of thia District. A Treasury circular addressed to Collectors of Customs, and relating to newapapers imnorted throncb the mails, state that in view of the diffi culty of collecting small amount of dnties accruing on newspapers forwarded in packages to the united btate bv post from foreign countries, and of tbe de lay attending their delivery by the Customs authorities, it is directed that unsealed packages of newspapers from foreign con nine, not exceeding in weight 1,000 grammes (two pounds three ounces) may be delivered to the persons to whom thev are addressed at tne Pnat Offices without detention by the officers of the Customs, provided the postal autoonties at tbe nlteo otates exenance offices where such packagea are received from abroad declare tbat tbe papers consist of newspapers or periodicals entitled to vaas in the mails as XA TT A.VD ARXT MATTERS.

Washixqto2, June 20. Naval advices re port the Teunessee. Cant. Young commanding, arrived at Funchal, Madeira, May 30, and intended to tail Jane 1 for New-York, expecting to reach tbat port by July 1. The Constellation, Capt.

Green commanding, waa at Funchal May 30. also on bar way to New-York. Officers and erewe of both veese! well. Commander Frederick J. McNan ia detached from command of tbe Portsmouth at Havre.

Franee, on tbe reporting of bia relief, and ordered to return borne and report for duty at the Naval Academy Lieut--Commander A. P. Crowningshield la detached from duty as an Inspector of Ordnance at the Washington Navy-yard, and ordered to command the Portsmouth; LJeat. J. Artnur is aetacura irom the Haratoca and placed on sick leave: Passed As sistant Engineer George H.

Kearney is detached frnm the Minnesota, and ordered to the Naval Acad emy Passed Assistant Engineer Tbeophllua Cook is ordered to tne aorroix jvy-yara; num anuunii Engineer L. T. baSord la ordered to the rensaeoia Navv-vard i Assistant Engineer William Eaton ia ordered to the Minnesota Cant. J. K.

Melrinnta Is relieved from duty aa Chlet Ordnance Officer, Ltopartmeut of the bouth. anJ ordered to assume command of the tit. Louis posrder depot. Capt- w. Is relieved from tu at the National Armory, bpr.ngneio.

ana ordered to command the Washington Arsenal. adtsxtisixg. Washington. June 20. Tbe proviaion finally fixed in the Sundry Civil Appropriation bill concern-in Government advertising, is as follows: Here after all advertisements, notices, proposals for contract, and all form of advertising required by law for the aeveral departments of tbe Government, may be paid for at a price not to exceed the commercial nrivftt iitrilvwinal w4th the Banal discounts, aucb rates to be ascertained from sworn statements to be furnished by tbe proprietors or of tbe newspapers proposing ao to ad Ter rs ptolMrU I nat au auveniaing in niwpaprn linee tne ltlm day ot April, 1877.

shall be au uted naul at like rates, hut the beada of the several may lecnre lower terms at special rate h. never tne re ll interest requires it." TBOTIJXO At LEXIS OTOX. Lkxinotos. June 20. Tbe trotting meeting under tbe management of the Kentucky TrotUa horse Breeders Associatioa was continued The following are summaries of the events Ftbst ICsCS- Purse, 300; for 4-year-old colt aad nliiee.

Tip Braes' MambH-ie inpv, bv Garrard Chief 111 Isaac ttfnita St BnHbera' Humboldt, by bcockisg a Chief 2 V. M. CCa Mickey iswtr D. in. 2:37 Hi fcJ6.

Sxco-m B-C Purse, gOOi; for bone tbat have never beaten tt.HX. 1. A. rsrean's a. a Bushwhacker, by Je Hooker .........2 111 Jimn LeaaT gr- israoss Ooodmsa.

by 1 9 8 1 Vacy Brothers' a. (. Cleveland, bv Ved Fer- rsat 3 a 9 H. Siaseea' eh. g.

Peaspey. by bha Tad 4 4 0 U. Treraor a. a. Faaaie, by Msanhriae Fmbhea 4 ft 4 KeV-er Taoesas' be, as.

Lulu Xoorat, by boa of Tom Hal dia. George a- BewyeVe e. John by ABMit- caa Clay 7 dia. O. H.

BrssitWl-Ti Belle ef Long Island, by fce- dia. Time ifcSIj 3-Se 34 ltL swi BALL JX AID OT TBS LBS MOXClfSXT. FoBTmass Moxaox, Jane 20. The Hygei Hotel was formally opened for tbe ssaeoa by a grand bell la aid of the Lee Monument fund, to-night, which wee la every way a urrsse. Over 600 ladle ind fenUfUfO troati Klohinond, rlrsburg.


Londox, Jane 20. The Jimce Berlin dispatch says tbe consideration of tbe Bulgarian Question in the Congress was again postponed yesterday, because the Plenipotentiary wbo was to open the discussion was not ready with his proposals. A Renter telegram from Berlin says tbe congress has derided to admit Greece with a consultative in questions affecting Greek interests. The Vienna Political Corrpndt says: The powers continue to act in gronpa at Berlin, but not necessarily in a hostile senses Austria and England from one point of view, and Turkey frcm another, oppose Russia's claim. Germany.

France and Italy adopt a mediatory attitude, but this will not hinder any of them from voting in favor of one or other group when the questions become cltsrly defined. Tnere ran be little doubt of a thorough understanding between England and Austria, or of the likelihood of its continuance during tbe entire deliberation. Tbe document recently pub-lis bed in tbe London 67o relating to an agreement between England and Russia baa not affected this understanding. Tbe London correspondent of tbe Edinburgh ftcntchmam says that rumors of a dissolution of Parliament are not only actively circulating, but that tbey obtain credence in influential quarters. Tbe war party are still very angry with tbe Government for making such fsvorable lerms with Russia as are disclosed in tbe Scbouvaloff-Salisbury memorandum, but tbe steady supporters of tbe Ministry profess to believe that when Lord Beaconsfleld'a Asiatie scheme becomes known it will placate those now offended and excite general enthusiasm.

Tbe moment will then be opprrtuEe for an appeal to tbe country. On tbe whole, the belief of weH-informed politicians is tbat rimer a general election will occur next month, or that tbe idea of tbe dissolution of Parliament will be abandoned. London, June CI. Tbe Times' correspondent at Berlin says tbe compliance of Rnasia with tbe demand of England and Austria for tbe evacuation of Bulgaria by the Russians on or shortly after tbe conclusion of peace, and tbe carrUoning ef the Balkan line by tbe Turks, ii deemed tbe tine qna non oa which the success of the congress depend. The private conference of the Russian.

Austrian, and Enarlijcli fU.viipotentiaries. on Thursday afternoon. lasted two hours witnout arriving at any serions result relative to tbe Bulgarian question, though accord was effected on several minor points. It is probable that, in order not to alarm the public by continual abortive sittings of the the next sitting will be postponed until Monday or Tuesday, so that tbe above mentioned three powers may come before the congress with an agreement. Turkey will accept whatever England decides on relative to Bulgaria.

The correspondent say it is believed Russia will ultimately give way. Priuce Bismarck continues his system of preventing all animated discussion at tne public sitting: thus, after the congress had accepted tbe principle of admitting Oreece, further discussion was adjourned on Count Scbouvaloff proposing some important restriction likely to be unpalatable to Lord Salisbury. It will he settled at the next sitting; what particular subjects Greece is to be permitted to discuss. Tbe organization of Southern Bulgaria is probably one. Other accounts state that Prince Hismart-k has bcin authorized to select tbe questions on which the Greeks are to be consulted.

The Vienna correspondent of tbe Coloene Ga- trttt announces tbat tbe Austrian Minister of Finance, Baron von Hof maun, has authorized tbe use of bia name as authority for the statement that Er gland would support to the end in the congress all of Austria's capital demands. THE SITUATION IN THE EAST. A BATTLE 127 PROGRESS BETWEEU THE CRETANS AJTD TURKS. Lovdok. Jane 20.

Renter's Telegram Company have the following dispatch from Athens A battle is in progress on tbe outskirts of Canea between the Cretan insurgents and Turks. There is great excitement in tbe town. Hostilities bave also been resumed in various other Cretan districts. The insurgents have attacked and injured a Turkish ship." Londox, June 21. The Daily Telegraph' Berliu dispatch says a private telegram just received states that a revolution against the Sultan is imminent in Constantinople.

A Vienna dispatch to tbe Daily Telsgrapk says that Geo. Skobeleff goes to Adrianople to organize a vast camp tbere. Other accounta show tbat tbe Russians are doing all possible to strengthen their hold on Bulgaria. THE ASCOT HACES IN ENGLAND. TEE GOLD CUP WOX BT VERXECIL, ASD THE ST.

JAMES' PALACE STAKES BT BOJOflE SCOTLAND. London, June 20. At tbe Ascot Heath meeting today tbe most important events were the race tor the Gold Cup, valued at 1,000 sovereigns. which was open to 3-year old and upward, and the St. James' Palace Stake for 3-year olds alone.

In the nrit of these, the Oold Cup, there were only four contestants, the winner being Count Lagrange' Verneull, wbo won the Gold Vaae oa Tuesday last beating Lady Goligbtly, his only opponent Lord Falmouth Silvio coming in second. Count Lag-range' St. Christopbe. third, and Lord Elleamere' Hamp ton, last. Verneull took up the running at the start and made the pace throughout, winning easily by aix lengths, and doing the two miles and a half in 4:50.

In tbe betting Silvio was a warm favorite, and waa regarded as such a certain winner thst the book-makers would only give four to seven against bun, while Hampton waa rated at five against one. St. Christopbe at six acainat one, and the winner, Verneuil. also at aix against on. Tbe conditions of th race were as follows THX tiOLO Crr.

value l.OOO sovereigna. given from the fund, with "OO sovereigns for the second and 1UO sovereigns for the third, added to a subscription of HO sovereigns each 3-year olda to carry IU3 pounds 4-year olds, 1-2 pounds year olds. 129 pounds 6 year olds aad aged. 131 pound; mares and gelding allowed 3 pound to start at the Cue post and go ones round, about two miles and a hall 24 subscriber. Count P.

de Lagrange' ch. a Verneull. 4 year, by Si or-" trawr, dam kegada. 1'iJ 1 Lord h. e.

ttUvlo. years, by Blair Athod. dam Biiverhair. 3 Count F. oe Lasreuge ch.

e. aM. ChtisUiphe. 4 years. bv Mortemer.

dam Isoiine, 12. postnae. 8 Hampton. years, by Lord CUf- den. dam Lady Laaguea.

131 4 Tbe St. James Palace Stakes brought oat enhr four starters. Lord Falmouth Childertc. wbo raa second to Glengarry in the Prince ot Walee' Stake oa Tuesday, being the favorite. Mr.

Bonnie Scotland, be ran fourth in that race, came home a winner, with Mr. Crasrfurd'a Bed Archer, see end, and the favorite. Chiiderie, third. The betting before the start was seven to tour oa Chiiderie, eleven to two against Bed Archer, aad six to oae against Boaaie Scotland. Tbe uliowing ia a summary of the race Tax ST.

Taxxs' ALA fx Stars ef 100 sovereigns each, half forfeit, with 300 sovereigns added for 3-year old, eoh to carry 12J pound, fillies. 119 pound i maiden allowed aevea rounds the owner the as send horse to receive OO sovereigns, and the third to aave bia stake old mile i ita subscribers- Kr. R. Perk's eh. e.

Beauts Seotlaad. by Thia inaaby. dam blue BU 1 lax. W. a CresrtexTs ch.

e. Ked Archer, by Teaephe- lite. dam naaaen Lrftrd PaliBoath's b. e. Chiiderie.

by eooctiaa Chief, 4am CUMBENT FOREIGN TOPICS. Lox-dox, June 20. A Renter, telegram from Berlin say aa official bulletin issued this comir tkit the roalitioa ot tti Emperor is satisfactory. He taow walks about Barnley, AurtnrtoB, and Preston have generally resumed work. Only tbe spinners at Black-bum continue to bold out.

Loxook. June 21. One thou sand cotton operative have struck work at Bury. ONE OF TILDEys HA PPJ THOUGHTS. EMU X.

APGAB APPOINTED TO I ESTlOATa THE AFP AIM OP STATE lySTlTUTlOyg. oec1 fsaissn tV JTeav Per taw ALBAjry. Jane 20. In the Supply bill passed at tbe last session of tbe Legudature is the foQowlsg item: The Controller is hereby authorised and empewsgea, whenever he shall deem it necessary, se examine, or eaaae to be examined, the financial aiTasrs and bonnes of any eayium tor the lnaaos. btete prison, reformatory, house ot refuge, or other ehaxue-bie or penal institution receiving appropriattoue fc.m the State Treasury, and for that purpose the Controller, or the arent designated by him to conduct such examination, shall have lower administer eei hs and to sub-poua witnesses, and a hall have free access te all ao-count-books vouchers, and records of any institution which shall be iavesticaied la pursuance of this authority, aad the sum of SVOiMt.

or so much thereof as may be necessary, la hereby ajjpropnatsd to carry thia previ-sme into effect." For the purpose of making these Investigations. Controller Olcott has just appointed, at a salary of 20 a day and expense. Mr. Edgar K- Apgar. Under th provisions of the Supply bill be is authorised to investigate the affair of th three State Prisons, th Eimlr Reformatory, the Auburn Asylum, the Soldiers' Home at Bath.

Homeopathic Asylum at Middietown. Poughkeepsl Insane Asylum. I'tlca Lunatic Asylum, Willard Insane Asylum. Buffalo Insane Asylum, where aa alleged steal of S71.0U0 la already reported to have been made by one ef the moat prominent of tbe "reformers," Linus Jone Peck. Assistant Superintendent ef Public Work under tbe new canal management: the Western House of Refuse at Rochester, the institution for deaf rente at Rochester and Rome, th Inebriate Asylum at Blnghamton, and.

to come nearer bew-York City, the Juvenile Delinquents institution oa Randall Island, th Sew-York Stat Asylum for Idiots, St. Joseph Institute at Fordham. the Seamen's Retreat on Staten Island, and the Catholic Protectory in VVestrbester. It will De seen that these give him an unbounded area within which the anti-Tilden Iemocrta claim, he will have full play to pursue hi uvevioua and most congenial occupation of fixing delegates for the next State Convention against th anti-Tilden faction. Nobody seems to imagine taat his main business ia to investigate.

Even tbe Tilden people here coolly intimate that It ia one of "Sammy a happy thoughts, and that no investigation will be performed, except a it may be desirable in tne progress of th main business te mak some starring report of corruption, or else to intimidate the respectable old gentlemen wbo serve aa Trustees of theae institutions into a more complacent view of Sammy a great qualification. Heretofore, such tnveetigatione bave been intrusted to th State Board of Charities, which receives a fearful snnb. TUX DBITE-WELL PA TEXT A CSTA IX ED. St. Pacl.

June 20 Judge Kelson, in th United State District Court to-day. ren dered a decision la the suit of William B. lulrsei, (reon H. Andrwt, sod KeUoa Green, aeainst George B. Wriarbt.

to recover damages for iafringement of toe patent upon drive-wells, and for an injunction to reitraia him from using th process without tbs payment of a royalty. Tba following defense waa made First, the reissue was obtained bv fraud, and was not for the same invention as the original second, want of novelty, prior discovery snd us third, th slieged invention was for a result or effect. and was not patentable: fourth, dedication to tne public aad abandon ment. All tne points were overruieu in the decision, which ordered a decree for the plaintiffs and reference to a Master to as certain dsDsiu. Circuit Judge Dillon concurs.

Tbe decieion ia regarded aa very important. tVella are very abundant in tbe soare, tnere l.OOO in one county Hennepin all of which mot pav royalty under this decision. Probably $100,000 are involved in Minnesota alone. HOMEOPATHIC XATIOXAL IXST1TVTK. Prr-ne-BAT, Ohio, June 20.

The Homeo pathic Xationl Institute continue its sessions, and additionaal members are constantly arriving. A. report was presented from th Committee ou Legislation, which referred especially to the establishment of State Boards of Hsalth, and the regulation of the practice of medicine The discus sion showed that, while the homeopathic school was in favor of such legislation as would guard human health and protect the people from disease producing causes, and the prae- tles of medicine by ignorant and incompetent persons, they were unwilling to submit to any legislation which discriminated in favor of one school as against others, and bad thus far succeeded in t.e'eating such legislation whenever attempted. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year President. Wesselhoeft, of ztoitoa Vice N.

F. Cook, of Chicago General Secretary, K.J. MoClatehey. of Philadelphia: Provisional Secretary. Joseph K.

Guernsey, of Philadelphia Treasurer. E- M. Keliogg. of Kew-Yorx. The Institute will meet next June at Lake Gaorse, N.

Y. if A BIX ACCIDEXTS. Xaw-OatLXAKS, June 0- A Key West "dispatch announces th arrival, leaking badly, of th Norwegian ship Maria Frederieka, bene June 5, for Liverpool, with 3. 600 bales of cotton. The cargo, which is slightly damaged, will be reshlpped.

In going out she was stuck on a jetty bar for (era's! day. This vessct, formerly th Almora, has cleared from this mrt three times in tbe past two years with cargoes for Liverpool, and each time ah has it-ached Key West leaking, and been obliged to rvshiP cargo, t)n the trip before her last one ah waa loaded with lumber. The vessel waa con-fiemtied. sold, brought here, repaired, and classed A 2." KixftSTOX. Jun 13.

An American steamer, tbe Dons, rame into aud is lying tn th port of Kingston. "leaking and waiting for orders." She is encaged tn the cattle traoe ietwen Cartbageaa and the Southern Stales at America. WIFE ifCKVEU ASI tCICIDE. hpteiul Vimpairh le (a -Vcs ork Ttawa, 1 AFGfSTA. June 20.

At Beech Island, S. 15 from here, last night, David Crawford shot his wife in bed and then himself. Both have oiel. Quarrel and general miserr were the causes. The settlement of Beech Itland Is composed of a mongrel race of men.

which sprang from generations of white and Mack parents intermarrying. Miscegenation baa been openy eouiinuiug for SO years. TBE OHIO BODT CASES. ClxcnntATl, Juno 20. It is claimed by the relative of Mr.

Patrick Kinney that amngthe bodies found in tbe medical coge at Ann Arbor, by the Cincinnati detective was the body of that lady, wbo died and was baried in January last in the graveyard at Reading, a suburb of this city. Dr. lierd man. of the Ann Arbor College. -puMishea a card deuving that the body reeovred by the detective was that of Devin.

as alleged. LA SOB TROUBLES AT BUFFALO. Bcttalo, June 20. The extra hour men along the dock and where have struck for 20 cent an hour. They have beea rereivinsi 13 cent per hour.

Th grain abovelers' rike is ever. The demands ot the men were acceded to, and tbey are at work. TBS DEXPSET-COUSiXET RACE. Arrxx, June 20. Referee Grant returned from Geneva to-day.

He says that Dempaey refuse to row tbe race again with Cour ry. No further action ha been taken, and a compromise will be effected between the oarsmen. PRIZE FIQHT SEAR BOSTOX. BoeTOX. June 20.

A prise fight, between jajoe Kiac of New-York, aad John F. Qplieu, of Boston, came off to-day. about 13 mile from tbe city, on th Old Colony Railroad. Cullen was declared the victor; after 19 round of bard gating, in minute. SBOCXiyO DEATH OF A CHILD.

June 20. Mr. Werkheieer went out yesterday, leaving her 2-year -aid sea alone ia th boose. The infant got hold of a bottle of tar-pea tine and drank it, aad aa eiaea died ia great geF- TBM BTCRQEB BAXER UPTCT IX CHICA OO. CxtCAOO, June 20.

W. K. Sturgee to-day valid off all hi indebtedness except tbat ea margin contract, aad filed a request with th court te he allowed te srttadiaw hi petition tn bankruptcy, filed a few weeks ago. age MURDERERS TO BR BIX CUTE D. CmCASO, June 20.

The Governor tu ateaduy rafasei te reprieve the murderers. Sherry I Oasdr, aasS tav will ea eaweeseat ssssise a initaJtaJtavJg.an1 Yi eiocfc, CONTEST OF THE PARTIES. rEEMONTDEMOCBA TIC CONVENTION. W. H.

H. BBTGHAX X0XIXATED FOR OOV- IRJfORTJJE POTTER DfTXSTIOATIO APPROVED. Mostpelier, Vt, Jane 20. Tb Vp. inont Democratic Stat Convention atsembled thia morning, some 300 delegates being present.

The convention was called to order by Hiram Atkins, Chairman of the Democrats State Committee. A temporary organization was effected by the election of Eon. Georxe L. Waterman, of Hyde Park, as Chairman, who took the platform amid applause, and made a speech- J. O.

Livingston, of Montpelier, and George Dickey were chosen Secretaries. It waa moved and carried to make the temporary organization permanent, with the addition of one Vice-President from each county. The nomination of Hon. W. H.

H. Bingham, of Stowe, aa the candidate for Governor, was moved by G. L. Fletcher, of Chester, and seconded by John Cain, and others. Mr.

Bingham was nominated by a unanimous rising vote. Jerome W. Pierce, of Springfield, was unaniraoualy nominated for Lieutenant-Governor, and George Keyce, of Kutland. for Treasurer. Mr.

Bingham mad a speech in accepting tbe nomination. The resolution adopted congratulate th conn try on tbe restoration of home rule in th South and the overthrow of military domination, brought about in response to the demanda of the National Democracy, and demand retrenchment and economy in Federal and Stat administration, atrict accountability of all officials, honest payment of the public debt, home rule, no Federal interference in municipal or State elections, just and equitable revenue tariff, one currency for all. and tbe gradual substitution of greenbacks for national bank bills. The resolutions further state that, la view of the overwhelming majority for tbe late Democratic candidate for the Preaidencar, the Democracy of Vermont resolve that the thanks of tbe people of tbe United States are due to the men who originated th present investigation of the Electoral frauds and tbat the revelation already made before tbe committee, criminating the Secretary of the Treasury and tbe Republican Senator from Ohio, leave no room to doubt tne wisdom of the in re titration and that while tbey would sanction no aaeault upon the official title of Preaident Haye, tbey urge the prosecution and punishment of all who aided the frauds by which tbe Presidency was wrested from tbe Democracy. THE LABOE-GREENBACK PARTY.

PLATTORat ADOPTED BT TBE MISSOURI COX-EKTIOSr XOaUXATIOXS 70 STATE St. Lot'is, June 20. The Committee on Platform of the Greenback State Convention, in session at Sedslis, after eight hours' labor reported a declaration of principles this morning, embracing; 19 resolutions. It provide that the psrty shall be called the National Labor-Greenback Party." It demands the repeal of tne Specie Resumption act and tbe issue of absolute money in greenbacks equal to gold and silver that all bonds now subject to redemption be immediately redeeme i in absolute money, equivalent to coin that the Federal Constitution be amended so as to limit anl restrain Congress from exempting any property, stocks, bonds, or credit from taxation, and from granting any subsidies; the repeal of the Election law passed by tbe last Legislature the reduction of all State and municipal official salaries, and the enforcement of the Shaw law. It deprecates tbe exemption of United States bonds from taxation, and all double taxation on debt eeured by mortgages or otherwise, bv a system of internal revenue taxation tbe license upon merchants, traders, or manufacturers for goods or stocks on band, that operates as a double and extra tax; denounces the present system of convict labor favors such changes in tbe public school system as will establish mechanical and commercial school in connection with tbe present schools favor the improvement of all Western navigable waters, and urge tbat the General Government build, own.

and control tbe St. Louis and San Francisco Railway. It demands that each sex shall receive equal pay for equal work, and the abrogation of all law that do not Dear equally upon labor ana capital, and urges the adoption of measures insuring health and safety to those engaged in mining, manufacturing, or building pursuits. It opposes the introduction of Chinese labor, and pronounces against strikes, revolutions, and all violent measures for tbe relief of labor. It favors tbe enactment of law giving mechanics and laborers a first lien on all descriptions of their work for their full wages, and, finally, invites the co-operation of all honest citizeus, in the following We cordially invite ail patriotic and free citizens of this State, who may subscribe to tbe foregoing resolutions, to abandon all old parties and unite with us in establishing a new party of the people, to deliver them from the money and corporate despotism to secure to labor ita just reward trade, commerce, and credit, solidity and security to reform all abuses in the administration of public affairs to remove the burdens of excessive taxation, licenses, and impositions to inaugurate a system of American absolute money, and secure to tbe people and their posterity tbe blessings ef civil and religious liberty for all generations." A.

L. Gilstran. of Macon, was nominated for Judge of the Supreme Court O. Hayden. of St.

Louis, for Railroad Commissioner; and J. 3L Greenwood, of Kansas City, for Superintendent of Public Instruction. A State Executive Committee composed of one member from each Congressional district, with Britton A. Hill, of St. Louis, as Chairman, was elected.

CONGRESSIONAL NOMINATIONS. Fairbcbt, 11L, Jane 20. The Democratic Congressional Convention of tbe Eighth District yesterday nominated T. M. Shaw, of Laeon.

Ixdiakapolis, June 20. Tbe Third Congressional District Democratic Convention, at Columbus, to-day nominated George A- Bick-nell by acclamation. KEARXETS BTREXGIH IX CALIFORXIA. Saw Fbaxcisco, Jun 20. Returns from th city precincts, as far a eoanted, indicate tbat in tbe election yesterday for delegate to a Constitutional Convention, th Kearoeyites" elected nearly all their candidate.

Th return from th Interior of th fetat show that th non-partisan bav elected moat of their men, and it is probable tbat the non-' partisan majorities la tbe interior -will be ramcient to elect nearly all their delegate at large, even if thia city should give th Kearoeyite a fair majority. Latest Returns of the Constitutional Convention Election are still incomplete, bat it Is probable that the complexion of the convention a regard county delegate will be about a follows i on partisan. 52, Working Men. 48 i Republican. 10 1 Democrat.

8. Th full retain may varv the aijov te th extent of half a doses, it is still a matter of doubt aa te th 32 delegates from the Stat Large. Th City will give probably roga 1.500 to 3,000 majority for the Working Men, but tbe large Counties of Aisfneds. baa Joeenin bec raawnie. Sonoma.

Butte, and other, have gone heavily non partisan, whether Bumetent te overcome toe city vote will, per ha pa require complete returns, bevada County gives the Working Idea a large ma-iortty. TWO MZS LTSCHEDTS TEX3ESSEE. Nasxvillx. Jus 20. Pearson and Sadler, aeeesed ef oatraging Krs.

Groves, near MHeaeO viBe, -oa May 18, were taken from Jail at 1 o'clock this moraine by about 100 armed but unmasked men. The jailor, sot apprehending each a visit, was unprepared, and consequently delivered un the ksys. Tae accused were taken free miles trout the town aad banged. A doubt existed aa se the guilt of th men, aad both protested their la-voeoac te the last. SOUTBERX RAILROAD MRU IN COUXCTL.

Balttvoxx, June 20. A larg meeting of Presidents, Buperiateadenta, Freight Agent. Bad ether official ef Souther railroads met at Bar-Bum's Hotel to-day foe pnrpea of lonslileilug freight schedule for read leading frees St. Loeia. LoaisvUl.

aad Chicago tae ttoexa. The meeting organ tied with W. Cole. xreaident Of ttt KiieTiUe, Ctatuaoogi isd Louii a Chairman, aad Charle A- Blade 1. ef tbe Seat a- awe ItsUssr ss tT as sale c- bring about ssaiateasnee of freight rates West te the Boat.

A eosnmltiee eg 15 frees the wee sa notnted te eoe. elder aad reeeet ea area taken. Oa the reeeaesahUng ef the tne the committee or 13 repenee. that Virgil Pew, Oocaasisaioaev ef the Bewta- eru BAsireeda, be appointed te eeafer with th agents ex manager ef tae ateenvehlp lias ruaaiag New Yerk. Philadelphia, aad Bel Boo there port aad ascertain their views ta regaid.

to freights, aad report te a future masting. The report waa adopted, aad the meeting adjourned te meet at the 8t. Sir boles Hotel tu aj 10 o'clock ea Saturday next to bear the report ef ktr. Power as to the result ef his eoBfre wit the steauv-ahtp line BENJAMIN HUNTER'S DEFENSE. AX- XrrOBT TO BB.XAC DOWJT GKAHAX'g TOT FEOTntO A ALIBI.

4BieI iusn SW Jftw-Tor rtstsa, Castdk. N. Jun 20. Th evldenc la the Hunter ease So-day, while net partaking ef the startling nature ef tbe testimony sllottsd yesterday, was enough to awaken doubt in the xulad ef th jurymen aa to whether Hanter was really at the seen ef th assault ea tbe night ef the 23d ef last January, er whether the persona wbe are doing se much sweating new are telling tbe truth. Banter is in better burner new tea a has bee.

He is very Impress! on sbl new. aad when people are berating him and speaking ill agatnst him he feels It keenly. It ij trang that aotwithetaading hi wife arts in in tbe xeernlag, wbe Hunter come from his sag te take his seat at th side ef his eowasei, he never exchange Soke ef recognition with her. She sits tbere all day heavily veiled, yet tbere Is ao alga mad to ahew that the woman la ao closely rekOed lo th prisoner. It Is th same with his eldest daughter.

When they aall at th cage, however. Be rctve tbeta very cordially. Tbe main work of tbe defense to-dey was devoted to an attempt te break down Graham's statement, aad te confuse the minds of the jury aa te the SrsS statement tbe man made. Wbe Graham wae arrested, mad what purported to be a eoufuseion. Whew tb District Attorney cornered him.

Graham eriedeqts Tear tbat ap. I've been lying. Now, tell tbe truth," and then be mad clear aad dia-passion at confession, wbieh waa ased by the pro eutloa when Graham waa on the stead. The ids ef th defense was to make the jury believe tbat tb first statement was genuine, and ike Isst the teiuit of fright. Tbe plan ride no waa so bring forth th testimony for good eneraeter first, and there waa a host of reputable ettlaeu ef Philadelphia who told what tbey they thought of Hunter, aad that they bad regarded him aa a reputable eitiaen before this berg waa sued against him.

Mr. Thome A. Barlow who baa stables and cart for buekaters. testified that kaw Graham, and would no believe him under oath. Tbe next move waa to snow tbat oa the Bandar before the aaaault Hanter did no have aa Interview with Graham, wsa stated tbe accomplices ee.

fetilon. Hunter wAi leconnud for hooi thi entire day. having attended ehuteh In tbe snorulnc, visited bis sister le the sttsrasos, eeo. being as sosm moat of tike time. Tnere waa no time allowed him for tb interview which Graham eaid he had with him.

Th moat Important testimony of the dsy wss thst of 'W eahtngton Yonna-. the eoedaeter ef a horee-eer ou the Tenth aud Eleventh streets Uae. This waa the initiatory of th movement to prove aa alibi for Hanter. Tbs conductor trstified tbst on tbe night of the U3d of January his car left the depot In tbe npner section of the city at P. hf Benjeanla liunter took passage oa hi ear at either Jefferaem or Columbia avenue, and stood ou th beck plat, form, talking with bimi th defendant inquired attar Youngs health, when the latter replied, "Why, halloo aren't you toat away up here Oh, ao.

replied Hanter, "I had some business, up this wsy." Do you know Hunter was th query. ee. Sir I pas his bouse every dsy, and I know him well be rides on my ear frequently." How do you rember that thia was ou tb evening of the 23d of January Because my lodge met that sight and I waa kept from attending tbe meeting 1 How else can you fix It "Because a drunken woman was put la th ear at Girard-avuue by two men. On the cross examination th prosecution endeavored to show that tbe witness had been paid for tb purpose of testifying to this story, and made an effort to bav the Jury obtain this Impression. Th point at which liunter took passage ia tbe horse car ia about three mile from hi home, and near the upper end of the thoroughfare oa which be resides.

The conductor could not remember any other person wbo was la bis car oa that night. Martin Roy sr. a young man wbo is acquainted with Hunter, and who got in the same ear at Tenth and Market streets, according to hia statement, met Hanter in the car. He waa sitting at th upper end of th ear. andab did not see him wbea be first embarked because the ear was crowded.

Saw Hunter get off at bia own bouse. With thia evidence the defense closed until to-morrow. THE HANLAN-M0RRIS BOAT RACE. THE riTX-XILK BACK AT PITTSBdta WOW BT HAKLAX. PrrrsBtTBvo, June 20.

The five-mile single scull race between Evan orris, ef thia city, and Edward Hsnlsn. of Toronto, for a pur of 2,000 aad tb championship of America, waa rowed on the niton coarse thia afternoon and wen by tb Canadian by nearly four lengths. Aa immense crowd of people, estimated at 15,000, witness tb race, tbe banks and hilltidse on both side ef tbe river being lined wiih spectators, among whom were many ladies. Aa xcureioa train raa up ea both idee of tb Allegheny all tb afternoon, and toward 5 o'clock was vary great i pool-selling at th eo ore was lively, but not much money wae invested, tb odds being slightly ia favor of tti. Tbe start, which was advertised for 5 o'clock, was not made until 6:05.

Both men appeared la exeel-lent eoirits, and were greeted with lead cheering as they came in sight. Morris, for hi colors, wore whit, and Banian red aad blue. It was some minutes before they got into position, but at 6:10 all was ready, tb word gives, and the uvea got down to their work in good style. Hanlan took the lead at the start, and half a mil from th starting point waa still ahead aad pulling 34 strokes per minute. Isorria bow mad a vigorous spurt, and, a th men passed out of eight around the bend ot tbe river, was gradual dosing upon hia adversary.

When the men cam in light of th buoy Hanlaa was seven lengths ahead i but before reaching th turning point Morris had gained two length, and tb excitement among th spectators was intense. Morris was the pulling 35 strokse te the minute. Hanlaa turned the buoy four length ahead, and despite th effort of the Pittaburger, maintained that distance oa tb bom pull, crossing the winning hue about Tour lengths ahad. Time 36 minute. A TEXERABLE ASD PIOUS SW1XDLER.

KmosTOit. Jamaica. Jun 13. Th venerable ArVhdeaoou Bow ha swindled his ee-werkers 1 the Church here aad some confiding merchant te the extent ef 960,000, selling bills ef exchange te mm of thee against mythical firms bt Inglaad. Criminal proceeding are threatened by soma of hi creditors, and he haa take up hi residence ia Madeira, where it ia so noosed ha la beyond the reach ef British law.

atill draws $4,000 per annum aa Archdeacon, although be has beea absent from th Island two 7 A DISBOXEST POST OFFICE CLE RE. Ckicaoo. Jun 20. Hugh Cooper, aa m-ploye in the Post Office, was arrested this afternoon by Special Agents Stuart aad Haashaw, charged with robbing the' mails, btele maQ ttt-t was found oa bis person at tb time ef hie am, aad a larg amount was aiao found at hia residence. Coasmie-, aioner Boyae held the prisoner 1 gLOOO ball.

STRIIR OF COOPERS. Cbjcaoo, June 20. Four hundred ef tb 000 coo pei in thia city went a strife te-day for ad vase est wage. Tb rate fixed last Fafaraavy aag prevailing seas the la BO cease per barrel The Coopers' Uahou to-night veto to a it them to the strike. MEXICAN BORDER TROUBLES.

GaxvzbTO, Texas, Job 20. A San Antonio special ta tbe Xme says "A dispatch te headquarters from Tort Ceaeae states that the Iadiaae are raiding Bear Line Seringa. Troops eve tu par-eoit. Geo. Ord left see Chicago to-day te nmtsll with Gee.

Shride esgardlag border aflatra." JT AJTTI SRCRRT SOCIXTT. Chicaoo. June 20. The ninth annual meet lag of the KeXteaal Christian Aseocistioa. (a aatt-seeret society,) was held te-day.

aad a bow building. veined at about S40.000, was press afd Se the asesv eiatica by Hoe. Puile Carpenter. Bee. J.

B. Walker. D. IX, ta aa dress, aet forth th ob)ct ef th Msocistloa. te ssstssr.

aad a THE WeiR-PADJTED SAVAGES AFT UTILISING IN THE NORTH-WEST tes wuconor currriirAg alsxaot ox THg WAB-PATH flaMAT A1AKX AatOKO TSB Umial THE BOOKS OF tut! KTTVTXES rOUTO YgBBAeXAj 1 Jyassf fsaysait SsawXsw-rer rteisa, Xadisobv Jun 20, Tb report that serious trouble we aztprehaaded with the Chippewa Indian in Burnett Cewaty. telecraphed last eight, la fairy eon firmed by telegram reeeived at th xeeetsre effls te-day. Judge Oreltux. of Buraeta County, telegraph tbat active bostilltie have aL ready eoatmeaeed i that ladisu are already ea the! war-path, aad that the people are firing for thele Uvea, aad arre that troop be Mat so their relief Sheriff Aaderaoa alee ealla for troop, aad efirm the reports that settlers ar fleeing for thenrUves Oe. Sbaridaa ha beea telegraphed-to by Gov' Smith for troops te protect th people.

There la nut longer any doubt that a ecus poet aa beea formed he' twee the Chippewa aad Sioux, aad gr appre-beasioa ai felt by th Stat effleer for th saf ary ef the ltieeaa la that sparsely-settled portioa ot to th Stat. Th Beavetery ef the Iaterior 9.SOO Indiana ta thi State ta 177. Of 4.8SO are Chippewa ef th Lepoiate Agency, aad ar distributed ever that seetioa ef tbe Stat I aad ear Burnett County. The reanaladee are MeaaW Bvsas. Oaeldas, Wlaaebagass, and Ittewatosaie ad ta Greea Bay Agencies.

I Farther news frees th seen, of th ladle' troubles ia acxioualy looked for by the State atbee itiea. Tae h'ate Militia I 1 a very poor enadltiea. No over 400 eg 5O0 uvea oould oe aUed lute vice. Gov. Smith re salved telegram from Gen.

Sheet, daa to-Bight dlasredttlag tbe report that th CaJpp waa aave formed a eouipeot with tb hioux, bet ay fog that it may be so. A company ef United btatea? troop I at Fort Roe HI rig, which will be ordered ta th scene ef the troubles should a session require. Go. Sbaridaa will aead OoL Forsyth, of hi staff, Burnett County at oae te Investigate the matter, A general order waa issued to-aigbt directing Brig.4 Gen. Edward Bryant te proceed forthwith Burnett County aad ascertain the facta ta regard te the reported prising ef tbe Indians la thst section ei the States and te co-operate with Cel.

Forsyth aad keep tbe executive department ally advised of affair ia that vicinity, hhoald there be general uprising of the Indiana, volaateer will be called toe. aestrVyaAsteWyeavyerS Tuue Owaha. Jane 20. A letter received from Va SvekW ranch, ee Diasaal River, dated June Bays teas a party gaiag as the Loam si found boats supposed te be those ef Hseataa Alio aad Jaeo Kuttoa i alee that of aa eld man. name unknewa.

Th bodies were found about 90 mile north et where tb bodies ef Mold, Book, aad feet tea were fouad several week ago. AU were doubtless mur-l dared by tbe same party. Gov. Garber haa offered a reward fay the arrest of th murderers. A searching party will go out soon.

Th pleee where the mardes waa eosamlttodss almost l6o nils aorta-was 4 Kearney, in aa unsettled part of Nebraska. All Uaa murdered men win trtrptri io4 fcui)U! n. THE WAR IM THE FAB WEST. Saw Kbahoiboo, June 20l A Silver City die. patch ssyt i Major Egbert, with five eompaale o( the Twelfth lafaatry, numbering 8 ofiiears sad msn.

arrived her a lO o'clock thia asorning. havlag made a forced snarea acroes tbe country from Coral) eopte, avarsging 30 miles day. He remained br twe hours, aad the departed for Camp Lyea. about 20 miles distant, oa the Or roe and Idaho line. Aa outbreak of Indians a back Valley Beservatloa feared, At Paradise Valley aad Wuina's kiver truey ble is also feared among tbe I ndians.

Wubisotos, June 20. The following official telegreau wae received at the War liepartmeas that morning Saw rEAxasoo, Jane 19. rek Adjttmnt-GtnrL WhigUii Th following haa been reeeived from Oe. Howard at Kalnebart' Crossing, tbe Malheur "Barnard' report of the Indian leesiug Stela Mountain reached sue at Kearny's Mills this aoorning I immediately ordered Urever. with his three eocnne, nie of cavalry aad aompaay ef volaateer, to push lot Old retry aad watch for hostile going northwards No other substantial ahang of troop waa needed, Bernard, with tare companies of cavalry and hews itaera.

to be increased by Meiregor wnea be Bear array, is moving in direet pursuit along th trail. The hostile threaten to go along tbe ridge from Stela Mountain to Uaadilltf. butl think still they will aim towards tbe Salmon River McPOWELU Major General. POLO 'PONIES AS RACERS. iicrrnro spobt at tbb.htjmok xrrxw DBJTTNO PABg.

asisirsyssil ssuVt jreuvrer Tletas, PorJSKXxirsrx, Jun 20. There waa rar sport at tb track ef th Hudson River Driving Park: this afternoon, when four exalting race between, solo ponies owned by gentlemen ou the Hyde ParW road took place. The race were not tor tbe public' tb young gentlemen who had arranged them pre fernng to have the affair aa privet a possihle. The at tendance was therefor not very large. Tbe first race was a match between J.

B. Boo. velt's White Dick and Jam Joae' black atanioa Darby i ownars te ride i dash half all. The riders were attired la polo uniforms end aad black. Th pools were led around to the half-mile pole by grooms, where their riders mounted.

Dick kept ahead to the three-quarter poet, when Derby made spurt, aad a they swung Into the botn stretch he snowed considerable speed. Dick's driver switched the llttl animal, but Darby kept gaining, aad rushed under tbe wire six length ahead, wtaalng tb race i The next event waa kalf-mQ between. Jam H. Joe' Msri Victoria, f. R.

Vewbold' Lazy Boots, and George H. Beck' Joskei best twe ia three. I th first beet Laxv Boots had th bet ef th start, bat Jocko sooa eollared aad r(t then Victoria psssd Laxy Boot. Ia that poeitioa thsy swung inte ta home atteteh. down which It was a lively Jocko held hia own wall, and, though Victoria made a strong effort second place, Lexr Boot bee her by a length.

Jocko won the heat by five lengths la 5. Ia the second beat Jocko took the lead, with Vie. toria aad Laxy Boota seek aad neck tare laagtht behind. Victoria, however, sooa shot ahead of Lax Boots aad began to crowd Joeke, bat the latter aaade a spurt and whirled mto the home stretch five lesrvhs ahead. Joeke we by half a length, ta with Lacy Boots 10 lengths te the rear.

Thia gave, the race to Joeke Tbe next race era quarts of a mile dash be. twee J. tL. Beossvslt's white poay Dtek aad Osorga A. Beeb' r.

a. Pansy, the latter wtaamg ia A hurdle raee of a quarter ef a mile, wit two bur. die, cam next. The entries were James Jones blk. a Darby.

F. R. Kawbeld Leather Boot, aad J. R. Koosevelt Dick.

The boraearot away well together. Die I din a tbe start, with Darby second and close up, aad Leethr Boot good third. AU jumped the firs hurdle safely aaeTeioa together, with Dlefe etui aaeed. Tbe latter kept the lead ever tbe aeeesd bardie, aad hurried la a winner ta 0.34, with Darby twe lengths eehiad. aad Leather Boot' flv lengths behiad him.

DEPRRDA TIOXS OF AMD Alt TOURISTS. easel fUgaw JTeav rsrt last CbtiCaoo, Jun 20. 0n- Brisbiu, ef th Usee i Cavalry, write from For CUa, Moutaua, a )oeg eomplalat, which win be bewaght aader tbe tio of the Secretary of War. la regard to th depre-1 datleua eemmltted th NaUoaal Park by vaadal' turtat. He says that every year mack.

Is doae by taeaa the V. Park to Motas. aad te a toa the de. the perk will mot lone- be werth i The Oiairal rseommse lis that tmmedmse ee. take te preveet deveedaUeaa by the tour' The game aad she terraced beraaia ot tiva.

pool, he thlaka, ahowid be pselsstia. The eaw traaee easily guarded, aad wrgaati aad four men should be placed there, oej the Virginia City aide, aad aa equal, number the Hunan aide. Is ts ale reoons- soldier be Beat with eh Item sntsri and report, by Oe. Tel enmedattoa Is seed that all practical ployed to put aa 4 te the dsstmc-oea ef thi nuUies' pswFr-. A MOT ASD SIM TUTOR DROWMXLX PaammtKM.

Jun 30l At Newport thiei svuutaa, Oeeege ThTaar. of Xew-Tork. It yeas eidj aad Wilhau Smith, hi tator. wee aahiag ee the! roes at Farty Step, foot ef gvssttl sisuui, wbea Tiff aay slipped off th reeks inte the Smith at oee sprang la Se save him, aad beta were drown, fcenita body waa reanesrs, aad efforte ar as beta asade to tueoeer Tiffany a Smua. wbe we formerly Friaeinei of the Devtcm iml.

pciooL tu beta fciciJrj i crinu liooJ at Vewpert. Mrs. Seaitk, wae lg a Sianbie a the sarWnursa apt sewB tnat agta Park to tea aote ef damage doav The rep rt of Gee- kriabtues in domed' rry san j.isiii.-wvu. eneviaaa. aa a ree.

1 The ejpentlvee ae lat vasir.

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