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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 3

New York, New York
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C5rUf0-itali tZmtaxt, gtimxivn) 10, 1878.J LAW REPORTS. sextzxcixq a wirr-xrznxzxs. sotxra. r. wall zxr to rate mumov fob IS tuu ox a nu or m.n cath- 10 LAxaCAQE mOJC THl BUTCH A SAX ST TKG2K WHO SOLO LIO.COB TO THl PBI9- oseb relief foe ma csiuexx OCT.

Tb tBtncln of Wall who wax wdleted for murder la the second tp for hsvtng kicked bit wjfe to death, tii tbe occasion, before Chief Just leev-Davia, tbe Coart of Oyer sad Terminer. jwUrjar, of a imfhwr aaaaaal imi. 'Wall ia autrr-oook. aboat 32 year of eg. On the eveu-Sb( ef fan.

9. 1878. he returned la the ataxrtaveota errupWd by aim pad his family, at So. 403 East Twentleth-etTaes, Ha wee drank at the tiro, and aaia Ua wtfa Elisabeth lyleg oa a taattreea aa tba Boor, kicked bar violently aad la a vary brutal ner, 1ft tba presence of their children. Tba died shortly afterward, aod the Coroeer a Jury which impaneled listened to moat revolting details of, tba Injuries which had been lnCieted oa har.

srrBSg-meut with tba District Xltoramj, Wall permitted to pat la a plea of manslaughter la tba am dagTaa. Tba facte vara stated to Chief-Jsxtieq Dsvia la court yesterday, aad tba testimony taken aa tba Coroaar'a latiaest wat handed p. AL geraofl S. SuWvaa, who appeared for Wall, made a few remark la mitigation, stating tbat tba prisoner had had tntentioa of killing bis wife or evea of injur-ng her. bat bad belltvei bar to? la draak, aod had ased bU foot to rouse bar from what ba bad imagined to be a druken stupor.

Tha prisoner waa tbaa called aa. and. la saawer to a question by tba court, aaid bad nothing ta tar except tbat nobody regretted taa lues of bi wife mora than ba 4i4- aba vat a rood wife," he added. with tba tmptura of tbat 4at tiling. meaning bar tendency to una liquor Cnief uatice Davis then questioned the man minutely Wall, la wpoow.

said aa waa bora ta Iralaad and baa five ehiuirva living, tbo eltlest being lO years old aad tba youngest i month Ha hau been, ba said, at work all day, aad had met a friend ar two oa tha way bsaaa. He etraaa lO or 1 glasaaa of lar aaar ana fimr glaaaea of woiaky on tba war- Ua bad U-taiaed thra of tlia glaaaa nf whtaky. he aaid; at tha corner el THinS-arenoe aa Tenta-acrert. or Cieventlacrvea. did not kow who ko tne Uce.

After tate be eniiea ia at a atore in Pmir. strrti to lor iriwfl, tn4 net Hki to 'eave wilboat catllna or aimethlti. ni an ttinL an took uMhr mimm of wnUkf tlr a Ckivf-Jostir Mid wi till IH Itilw Trull Ue trttuuooy bror tba Corontr without tear of pit for tha pour wdtiun vho bad Tbe taatlmonT- of the fcaraeoa examined bar." "OMcnbfi the woo rl ba hmrd on bar per-. MB, end ataows tHmx yg Matt kia. areel aota'xr of eiy rioleut- kick.

Tba Brat wound ia 9a tht rVbt tnr, thowlng that yon kicked btr in the bead. There are several abraaiuna oa the left aide of I he aveek tnere are Mrtimiii aa on her forearm, eeraaiona oa the risht aiUe of the cbeet. tnotktr on the ieft bio, aeveral other wtmwli near tbe aame part of bar and tba Cbief-Juatiee want on to en-nmarata the other iujnriea tullieted. "Tba teoti moor abowa." ba aaid. tbat Too repeated)? kicked urr mm aae iay oa tbe boot.

yoo bai too aiiahteat aflectton for that woman, von can hare hui no realization of the lojarire yoa were wmmittiuir. Hat that In law. no cxroaa, and tbe Jurjr would bardlr bare allowed yoa to ea cape from the penalty of tbe biirher rrima for which yxia were raUtctoJ, for they would bare rand erbienee of intention ia tbe peraUtrnxbioWa. iTOiltyaa ron are. uowerer.

i cannot fail to aee that the real fault raata apoa tba condition In which yoa were mbvau ur yaar indatgenca In Intoxicating liuon. Yon wuld not bare been otherwise than Intoxicated when roa went to thoae place where yoa rot wiiiaky, and aim who aold yoa whiaky la yoar eooditiou are, aioraliy at least, a guilty as yon of tha eonaeaaenret it your rrtma. Tbe re ia a law, unfortunately not ftea larokad. tbat would Imnoaa oa tha in favor jt yoar unhappy children aarere dsnujm. and that won id enable the chlldrea to bring aa action aninat tbeae nra who eold that whiaky and recover alt tba limagee they sastatned by tha losa of a mother who aa doubtleaa kind and good to them, and of a fatner wboee luaa baa made them doubly orphan.

Now adriae yoa bera. to have atepa taken on behalf of your children to brlna and maintain an action acainst tba persona who furnished you witb wbisky. to enforce tba remedy tbo statute give and to recover damairra. that thrre may ba some means of sakins eare of tbem. for ia tbat way.

alone, anfortu-uately, can tboee tuea ba pan shed. advise yoa to have these atepa taken Immediately, to en force tbe protection, aa far as It goes, of yoar children. I siiuuld rejoice to ace such aa example maul, for in my judaaieBt, and I believe in tbe eve of iod aa well aa humanity, the consequences whicn fati so terribly oa you, and vastly mora on your children; are trace-ab'e to tha miaroaduct of tha oven who, for tbe paltry rain on a few glasses of liquor, deal it out to men whom they muat know It will make atiil more drunk and expose to tenible eoneeqnences. Tbe court ran-aot iatooee upon tou the lightest sentence. Your sentence la tot prison men! al bard labot for 15 years." CJIAItOrV WITH IALS Thomas A.

R. Webster, aa aftacba of tha Sunday Courier, living at Holbrock, Long Island, waa arrested In tba Owner office yesterday, by Detectives Field aad O'Connor, of the District Attorney's oBea, oa an Indictment charging bint witb obtaining a signature by falsa pretenses. Webster, it Is alleged, repraaeated to lira. Catherine Uurphy. of lSlt Staubeaateeet, Jersey City, that a certain farm In Suffolk County, Long Island, belonged to 'tint and waa free from incumbrance.

On these rep-reavntatiooa. airs. Murphy signed a contract for the Torvhaae of tha land, tha price beinar 91.300. llH of which waa paid at taa time of purchase, tha remainder to be paid la installments of lUO each. After payiaat tiTOO klra.

klurpby beeama oaraaaed, and waa naable to couttnue tba payment of tha iaetallnaenta, wherewpoa Webster iatomaed her that aba might pay tba remainder by working with her family oa the land. This offer waa accepted, aad tbe purchaser, witb ber family, moved tba farm. Arter a abort time, however, she discovered that tbe farm wa held in tbe name of Webster wifa. and was snbject to a aiortvage of JJOO, which was eubeeoueutly foreclosed. Oa this atata of facts the lirend Jury Webster for obtaining Mrs.

Murphy a sitrnatnre to the purchase contract be falsely preteadiaaT that be waa tbe owner and tuat it was uniueum tMtred. The detecttvee wrought tha accused to the Distract Attorney office, whence be was aonuniUad ta tba Tombs ia uf bail, UASizm otbx tk vstezx Judge Van Brunt. In Part IIL of tha supra ma Court, yesterday rendered a decision In tha case of Iseaa V. French, aa Re-eivr of tba People's Savings Bank, against George Ingram, one of tbe Trustees of tba institution. Is reams tbat tba Fiaacae Committee of tba bast la purchased 930.000 of Houtb Car Ovine basis at 6u, and afterward S30.0J0 mere a 67 and subsequently $10,000 mors at The Board of Trust aes of tba bank subsequently approved and adopted the purchase.

The nrst two batches of iKmda were sold in If 73 at a lues of 9.330. while the laat, for glU.OOO. remain on hand aad are aa-salable Tba pi sasnt was brouirht arsinst InaTsm. as Trustea, ta recover tha amount, of tba 'lose suffered by tbe bank, and also to recover $3. OIK) oa a bund given by the defendant to enable tbe bank tide over its financial diflcaltiee.

Ingram, ia defense to tba first cause of aatiou, claimed that the Trustees were authorised to raake tha investment; and that, as ta tbe second, tbe bond was wit bout eorj-atderatioa. A-e. Jalre Van klrnnt, boar ever, overrated taa dorr ease, and decided tbat tbe Traateee of the bank are liable fur tbe loees Ua therefore gave for tha plaintiff. J.XA6XKKXCXrAOVTPA.IXTrXCS. Tba trial of the suit of W.

Myers against A. Buldar PallcgTini. waa begun before Judgu Law. renee sad a jury, ta Part IL of the Supreme Coart, yesterday. Taa plaintiff 1 story la, tbat 1a Jnne last tha defendant agreed to aire him a one-half Interest la a lot of oil-Delating, and that ba gave tha defeadaat $1,000 la cash aad notes for $7,000 aa a consideration, llyers also took a bouse ia West founeeath-atreet ta exhibit aad sell them.

.11 seeks to recover bis share of tbe U-palnungs. In defease, Pellecrini says ba tuada aa se-rvemeat with blyen for the exhibition and sale of about 73 nainttnars and ftO diawinars. Are. Tha baraaia waa, bowses, ta eeasa aakraa the notes were paid. They were aae paid, lie puts la a eouaver-, claim for E3 VOO.

ishi tba aointtnes was one said ta ba by Titian, entitled lesda and the hwaa." the value of which was set down at 9l2j.tHH 1 aa of Teaier's for ulO OUU, a Kembrandt for a Troyoa for $rVOMV a traiaaboroncb for fC.CHHi. a Tjs torsi to for C2.0ln. a gueatin Mauys for OtMi. a tanaWtte for ae.OOO. a Traaard forhtj.OOQ, and a Psswa foe sOOU Tbe ease aaiU ea.

STEALIXO SILTEK COtX. Joseph Ootthch, of x. 179 Daane-strcet, ap-peared hafora Jaaiiea Llxby at tbe Toxubs Polica Cawrt yesterday, aad made affidavit that Patrick Crania. John C-lUrs, aad Baard Milea bad forei-hly aa tar bia premists by braaking a lock, and bad faoaioaaly takes, stolen, and carried away Coed and lawful snoaey of the United States, cossaiav lie of silver and atekeJ coin of the value of tf bi." Tb pi asonea a havtag been seen eoaaing eat of tha Mare wita the plunder ta their puses as ion. Judge Bixbv cuaaaaitted theva for trial wuhoat Taataring upon tha aaawtiaa wkslber silver sum is property.

Two other eomplstnta of burglary were made as-aia'st the piisuncia, who are boys, aad they ware also eaza-asttsd apoa theea chargea. a sold maawAT robbek. AaCharle Houston, ot Nx 61 Rooasralt-ttreet, waa walking through Centre-street oa tha tdcht ef the 9th laat be was (attacked by a hlchway other named Richard T. Ryan, who (track bins, Ikrew h'nt to tbe groaad. aad then proceeded ta strip 1 ia of his eve roue v.

with which he raa off. Mr. lioaaeoa raiaed aa a larva, wharh. fortnaaserr. waa Vaard by Qfttaec asi, wao gave ansae aad captured tha tbrct' Whew tba ease was called for trial b-r As-atataBt Matrirt Attorney Ivon in the Court of Gew oral Bseaioas yes-terdny.

tha priaoner, hv advice of cwaaael. btr. Jebn l. Mott. aVeded railtv Jadsw Glldatslesva said tba crime waa a most aodacioua owe.

end aentencsd tba prtsoaar to aiatht years ia taa i years 1 cuaia rnaoa at tvara labor. 1TAEY LL12J. BTXES' CLjIAf. KHZ IS TWICE BtCALCD AM A HE KAKElAOta aKO TBE KXQIST RATIOS OF BITS CBTLOBsdr A VOTIOK TO DISMISS TBS COMPLAINT TO BZ BADE, Another heart eg aras had bafora Judga J. F.

Daly aad a jury la Paft IL ef the Court jof Common Plena yesterday ta tjia ejectme-nt suit brouaht by ra. Mary CUsa Syusa. aa tha aUagad widow of tha lata William B. Hears, ta obtain possession ef taa Madiaoa Avenue tlotajl, saw bald by Mrs. McCreery and Mrs.

Gay, tba sisters of tba dee eased, lira. Hyaae waa recalled hi tha defense and waa examined at some lanxta. (he jdeaied that aha bad reariatared ber children ia Imidpa, England, as tba ehUdren of Eluabeth aad William Saunders. Sheialso denied baring slgnad bar name as Elizabeth Saunders to a lease which was poi in evidence of be house at No. S5 Levertoa-Trek, Eentiahtown, London, where aha bad Uved daring 1872.

Sba admitud having used taa name df KUxabath Kaundera daring Mr. Hysea' lifetime writing tha asms oa a bank check. Tba reason Cbr this was, howe jar, tbat aba bad kept bar account In tba nama of Saandcrs. Sba bad bees married ta bar first husband. Charles Saunders.

ln ScptemtT, Ha died inj leb9. bba is, in religion, a Her maiden name was Mary Eliza Dot! Mulls. Her first husband had a brother named William baundcra. Her children were aamed after Mr. Hyqes and bia father.

witness trica retold the storrt of the renewing pf her msr-riage aatreemeat Witni Mr. Hynes on their crossing the Channel in Jane; 1871. Certificates were put in evidence, ahowtnj; tbat two children had beea reatistered as William aad Andrew about tbe timejhmt Mrs. Ka nes' cbilarea should have been so registered. Tbesd were not admitted until after a little tilt on tba points of law involved between Joseph H.

Choais. of counsel for Mrs. IHynee. and Stepnen W. Fnl tenon, of counsel for it he defend-ants.

Mrs MCceiy ai Mrs. Gay. who are resisting the clilma of Mi Hynes. were called aa wtt rieesea, bat rave ajo nformstiu of intcreet. Mrs.

Hynes. oa bet 11 arafW recalled, denied lost poaitive-Ir havtna atamed taetissm on tbe esrtiilcaiea tint in evidence, and said ih knew snthins about them she had known a vTiiliam tsaundera Ftn lini nf uitrT tw indera. ahe said, wno ib cenciuQtu id 1 tesrlmonv. A n-ati'Sh for the diamtsaal lof the coni- liluo In Che 1 a i fcoad- t. day.

and will bat -arovi-o tii puipu t' TEiS qantl i wfacthrr r- If vne li a hown sits wa leTMllr' HihrrirdlO Mr, liynjcs Cndcr this wjll come tha Question to traat orfthntct Wl tnrriiie on the part of perona aitnated as the nanies were. VoIdbhm Lnirbab law sod the FiewS Codes, aa wsll aur tbe prov vmas of tha eomnon will Tbs resorted to ia onjcr settle the ijuestjon. Should tha rnotUin to dlrais tb eom-liint tei denied, the iodement as to the facta will be submitted ta tha Jury after tbe customary snaimiuf up. It I KfXQ AlFQXS(7S GOLD tjOIX. HOW A KEW jSPf SISH PItCE I SAID TO HAVE BEEsT ta)r3rrERFErTEl--TWO SIEIT OS: TRIAL JFOR H4VUTO jlif THEIE POSSESSIOX i DIE ELBILAb TO THE Klf COIxi.

Slaasao and Assetnas, tha two Spaniards who were arrested a few days ago on a charge of having In their possession a Jplsta for tha counterfeiting of gold coin, wore sgainj brought before United States Commtstioner Dauel'ycsterday. and tbo testimony of the pi kte-mskcr Bender, developed soma interesting facts, which 4een to bear stroogly dn tha intentions of the prUaustis. From the whole ease, so far a tt has been to light, appears that the plata was origtnslly made by an eugTaver nsmcd Not ton, diir.j basinets in Houston-street. SImmo Assenas employed him, and directed him to jjengrave for them a faoMinue of the new small Spanfch Uonbloon, or 25 peseta piece, a coin recently Minted uudar the reljq of tana Alfonso, and beariiiiif on Its obverse siJe: in relief tha bust portrait of the Kin. The prisoners claim that they ordered tha ists for the purpose of stamping gentlemen's cult-huftona from it.

In; niakinic the piste, however, Nof ton merely enerarcd the deeUn ordered, withouf ciittiiia; down the surface of tba plate around it. I Wben it waa finiahed. Mssisj snd Aasenaa roquenred shim to cut away the flush sun ace surroundinis the deaign, but Kurton said be could not do this. iamach as the plate had already Leen tctnpeted ImrUj and to soften it. cut it away, and retemper it.

wgsihb be very likely to destroy or injure the deaisn af the die- Tbe prisoners then took tua plats to Bender and asked him to cat it sway so as to lea; "shoulder." of, in other wonia. to leave the die itself embossed. Bender did this a required, and they -then not him to make a coiikr" or ring of steel in three equal sections which wonll surround the die. and on the inner or concave) edge of these srt.ona to cat a number of small stars. Jt ao that tbe new Spanish coin alluded lo it ornamented on its edit, where the "miilinit'' surrounds any ordinary cold or silver ctun.

with similar I'sn. Thus no die has been discovered for tae stampiar of the reverse side of the coin- if coin-making was the object of tie prisoners. The examination baa been further adjourned to tha USth inataat. i TBS ATTokykr-CSXERAL AXD ERIE. In the old sirit broueht by tbe people of the State against tba Efia Railwsy Company, which waa recently revivified iji a rather startling manner by a demand for a reaccxfuntlng from Mr.

Jswett, tba Receiver, Ac, Attdraejr-Gencral Sehoonmaker haa writ-tea a latter ta bk representatives tn this City. Messrs, Barlow ant Olney, telling them tbst tha people, th Attorney-General, "should intervene la tbe siTaita of corporations only for public reasons, or whes a citizen has a rUht to invoke the power af the State land has no other adequate remedy, bat not to promote personal interests, to acgrs-vata td embarrass lecitteiate eflorta. by those moat directly interested ia corporate property, i to conserve their rights, and brinic order stability oof of disorder and weakness. This office should aet for purposes of pre-ervation when nat can properly be done, or to t-xtiurU'Sh a corporate existence, when ithnt becomes necessary or On these principles. Mr.

bchoonmaker says, a re-examination of tha Receiver's acrounts-iwhich will necessarily occupy several inonthe--affer they have been cxauiued and approved by the Supreme Court, muat 1 be ahown to be important aod IneceasarT aad tbat there is no other sufficient tragedy, ttefnre a re-arcountina can ba demanded hdtreaaires proof by atdavit to show 1. Tha purpose which it is sought, and what good it is expected tn Accomplish or harm to prevent; SC. By whom tha accounting ia required, what risht anrh persons hr, and when acquired; 3- What transatltions of th Receiver's are claimed to have bean. nt mere arrpra of judgment ar miatakea, but fraudulent. hew the claimants were injured thereby, and 4- Whether there ts or i not any other remedy for tba ipeyeous ar rights claimed ta have been injured, i 1 1 THE tfOHK i-V TUT1S0 A CASE.

George F. Foote brought cult in the Superior Court to recover $1 0.463 SO from the. State Home-opathio Asylum? of the Insane at MiJdlciown, for senloea rendered la organizing the institution, and actinc aa Gederal Agent, Medioal and Managing Superintendent at different periods between Oct. 1. 1 Mi9, and Jane 1 tj.

1 873. The action was begun on Oct. 31, 1873. I Af first a demurrer was interposed to tbe eomplaind, hut such demurrer was set aside after argument The asylum then put in an answer and tha case was tent for trial before Henry Kieoll as Kefetee oa Jsni 2. 1S71.

Tha Lcariurs wers continued for overj three years, and the testimony taken covers abiu 1. 6OO paces. At tke close of tbe testimony a atKtiiuh for a non-suit was amued for three while the final summing up continued during more thait a dozen beannga. Voluminous briefs, covering auot psgra of closely printed matter, were thcn handed up. Numerous exhibits were also put is.

fThe Keferee gave 'judgment for S3. 175 33 tor $hj plaintiff, and tha Utter counsel yesterday moved, before Judge Sanforu. in the Superior Coart, Special Term, tor an extra allowance, which, on cotuuataiVtion of the labor performed, waa granted. -Pi OXE Or JT. jti BARRETTS TRAXSACTIOXS.

A suit which! grows out of this fraudulent practices of WUlfua Barrett, was tried before Judga oanford, luj the Special Term Of the Superior Court, yesterday. The action Is brought by Messrs. Thomson Kamtay against the Bank of British North America. Ik seems tbat la 1S70 tha plaintiffs agTeed to mate a ka to Mrs. Marsact G.

Hal pine, toe widow of Cftarjea G. Hal pine, the post, oa a bond secured by a i'SuertsTare oa her property la Forty-eeveatb-etreet. The plain tiffs drew their check for tba amount on h. Bank of Br.tlah North America, which i In tort rave out a check on the Merchants' Bonn for 17.3K, and in eaaivj This snoaey. aad the emeHsnt of tbe check.

it ta auDposed. went bo further than to William C. Barrett- Mrs. lialpine aevar feceived the taooey. Messrs.

Thomson at Kamaay interest on their mortgaga baul taa tuavav ot barrett disappears are, Taey tiswa dlscwvsrsd tisht Mrs. Halpiae bad not obtaiaod tbe avaaey. bat that ber ladorsement ef the check oa taa Bamk of British North Amansea had beea forged, la the. their account with that bauk tbe had ba-ea charged acsuasA thens. They mow seek ta set aside tha eettkraaent oa the geouad tbat the parse has) sever indorsed that afcvck.

The deteaee ia that UN Barrett waa taa Maoraey both fur Mrs. lialpine aad; for Ms sat a. Thomson BVsanaay. tbat they are besiad by his acta, aad that either Barrett or Mrs. Helpae received the ananey.

The sea. tiatoay was all put yesterday, Mrs, Halpiae herself Banna ease 'of 'the sntasss n. Tha toabeal were grvaa hU days 1 aa taa rsl 0,1 grvaa HO days wtthhn which ta head ta thetr one fa Hin and Tbosaaa 6. Stisaraiaa apaearad fa tba Slatatiffa aad John Paraoua. Match 1.

Coaa. aad 00a, P. taprssaatad tha bank. I C0CLT "IvoICi Charlaa Spire, a lawyer, who insisted on putrlag qaeatloos to a wltaeea after they bad been ex-eluded, was debarred by Jadge McAdam. ta Part IL.

tbe Mariae Coart. yesterday, from practicing before hint until further notice. Darius) R. Man gam and John C. Cruikshank, respectively ex Preaidcat aad az-Saeretary of the Katloaal Trust Company, were arraigned ia Court of Oyer aad Terminer yesterday, to plead to the indictments for perjury which have beea found against them.

Both pleaded not guilty. Xicboms Weiaa ia seeking the custody of hia danghter 2ettle, who ia 22 months old, and who. be aara. ia detained by Francis WtttHoff. The ehiVd mother died two weeka aato.

Jadge Danooue yesterday granted a writ ef habeas corpus to bring the child into the Supreme Court to-day. Matt Sullivan, who, an tha night cf the 8th abandoned her' three-wee he-old babe oa the stoop of Ko. 233 Water-street, pleaded guilty ia the Court of i General Sessions, Part 1 1., yesterday, on being called up by Assistant District Attorney Herring. Beoorder Hackett sentenced ber to throe years' imprisonment ia tbe Penitentiary. The case of William Marston, Indieted for itv ducixut Thomas Meal eon.

of Ko. 38 Burliag-alip, to enter a gambling-bouse at Ko. 1.222 Broadway, where ba was fleeced out of 41-500, waa called in the Court of General Sessions yesterday by Assistant Iristrict Attorney Herring. In the beanos of counsel for taa defease a postponement was granted. Annie Farrtsll was committed to the House of Refuge by Justice htilbretb, on complaint of her parents, who accused ber of disobedience.

81ie is 16 years old, A petition' for a writ of habeas eorpus ia her ease was presented to Jodie Donobne, ia Supreme Coart, Chambers, yesterday. In it the statement ts made that the girl parents desire ber return. The writ sought for was issued. Casper at. Dora, who is a wood -carver, living ia Grand-street, Williamsburg, was arraigned before Judge Bixby, at the Tombs Polica Court, yesterday, en a chares of passing upon Georve J.

Hartuntr. of Kow 106 bevenfh-strert, a -fat-a and fraudulent check for tbe asm of 912. The a censed admitted his guilt, aaying he bad been forced to the act because he had been out of employment since laat July. He waa committed in default of bail for trial at the General Sessions. Jailgv Lawrence, ill Supreme Court.

Special Term, yesterday rendered a decision in the ease of U'eLL c'ompsny ICalusl bawhor aTit othrr 7Vvzstvw ot tba t4 i.e. 1-K ComsMkn-. 1 li wss broochc to RroTar Mbaat tor a sic, furnished to the publvhinr comTNany. On six of the cnunti in the the plaintiff five co reason why the defendants should ba held individually liable for tse ssiblishiTig eompany's dolts. and as to these.

Therefore, she defendants dtnomr is sustained. The seventh count in the complaint al- however, thnt the ti Trotteet. failed, in 1475, to fll the annual statement required by law. Aa to this count, consequently, the complaint ia sustained 1 VXITED STATES SUFLEXE COVET. WaaaisoTox.

18. The following decisions were rendered in the Supreme Court to-day Ka 7A5 Th Kniektrboclur Lift ruuraacs Company Error to the Circuit Court for the Northern District of Illinois In this ease it is held that; where the agent of tbe company had on previuua oecasionf extended the tune on premium notes before they matured with the consent of the company, it was proper for the question to be left to the jury to say whether such an extension msde by tbe sgent lifter the maturity of a note was competent under tbe practice of the eompsuy of whether the fact that the extension waa made after forfeiture rendered it nugatory. The jury finding that the extenaion of time was authorized, notwitbstsnding the note had matured, the court is of tbe opinion tbst the verdict ia within the reason of the authorities showing the readiness of the courts to seize bold of any circumstances that indicate an election or intent to waive a forfeiture, and that the objection tbat the note was already past due wkea the agreement to extend it was msdo was sufficient to prevent the airreenient from operation as a waiver of the forfeiture. Affirmed. Mr.

Juatioe Bradley delivered tbs opinion. Diaacnttre. Mr. Just ire Strong. Ko.

213 fvfciisue. The SUam-hoat XorthJUld, efe. Appeal from tha Circuit Court for tbe Southern District of New-York. Thia waa sn affirmance of a decree in a case of collision in New York Harbor between the NorthBald. a Statin Island furry-boat, and a schooner in tow of tbs stesm-tuz Hunter, tbe court bring of opinion thst the Hunter wss at faull, and caused the accident by nut krepinff her course, when eoil.siou wss issminent.

as required by the rules of navigation. The Northfieid properly continued her course, and was entitled to rely upon the Hunter doing tbe same taixi. Mr. Justice Strong delivered the opinion. No.

15 The Steam boat City ef artor i. aft. rs. uL, and two other cases. Appeals from the Circuit Court for the southern District of New-York.

Pn these cases it is held that freedom from fault ia a good defense in a clause of collision, even whea the suit is promoted to recover compensation for injuries received by an unoffending party: but the innocent party, if the collision was occasioned by the fault of other vessel or vessels, is always entitled to full compensation, unless the loss exceeds tl.s smount of interest which the owners have in the offending ship or ships and the freight pending st the time of the collision. Affirmed. Justice Clifford delivered the opinion. THREE CASES OF STAEBIXG. Joseph Arnold, gas fitter, 'of No.

327 East Thirty-seventh-street, who, in a quarrel in a lscer-beer aaloon on Christmas night, stabbed James Duffy, inflicting a wound which kept tl.s latter confined in a hospital for five weeks, was called np for sentence by Assistant District Attorney Herring, in Fart II, of General Sessions yeatcrday. Recorder Hsckctt said it wss only sn interposition of Providence which prevented toe prisoner from being tried fur murder, aud sentenced him to seven years In the State Prison. John McCarthy, a barber, of No. 45 Washinoton-street, wno stabbed, Charles Ott. of No.

Zto Greeu-wich street, in the arm. pleaded guilty. The Recorder 'sentenced him to two years in the State la Judge Gtldersleeve'e coart. Assistant District Attorney Herring uvk a pies of guilty from Hermann En-iebert, a peddler, who stabbed John Geyer untnellth inst inflicting a slight wound oa the arm. The prisoner was seut to tiie Penitentiary for 15 months.

A CPXTICTED PERJURERS LETTERS. Cadwmllader Lvjas, alias Charles Edwards, who was convicted on Friday of perjary. Was brought Up for sentence before Chief -Justice Davis, in the Court of Oyer aad Terminer, yesterday. His crime consisted of swearing, in an examination on dispossession proceedings in a District Court, that be had never been in State Prison. A number of persons swore to having seen him at Sins; Sing, and commit mem were produced showing he had been sentenced twice ander the name of Edwsrds.

He elnimed, however, tbat it was a raaa of miatakea identity, and on being eailed up for acu-tenee yesterday produced a number of letters, which were handed: up to the court. Chief Justice Davis said the letters tended to show that the prisoner bad been ia Virginia daring a portion of the time the witnesses 'positively awore be was in Sin bin. If these letters vers properly authenticated, tbe ChieY-Justice said he would have his eoaenrrence In presenting the case to the Governor for pardon. He ba)a however, tt pass sentence on the jury's verdict. The sentence waa five years in State Prison.

OXE OF THE SHERIFFS DE2TAXDS. George Carr, at present tn inmate of Lud low-Street Jail, applied to Jude Donohne, in Supreme Court. Chambers, yesterday, aad obtained a writ of habeas corpus. Carr say. ia his petition that he was incarcerated oa an execution in the suit of Alfred P.

Solomons, brought in the Court of Common Flaws. Me-sri. Board man and Boardman, tbe attorneys for Solum oa have consented to Carr 'a discharge from ruatody on his paying the 'Sheriff a fees, fealinc convinced that Carr is without property te saxisfy the judgment on which the execution was; issued. The feneriff. however, pat In a demand for 9177 44, which he asks to have Skid before permitting Carr to leave Ludlow-Street ail.

Carr claims that the Sheriff demand is sn illegal osia, and tbe question will be raised oa the habeas eorpus prooreuings. 4 COVET OF A PEALS. AtKAKT, Feb. lathe Court of Appeals to-day the following business was transacted: Ko. 378 Blake vs.

Tbe People argued by Peter Mitchell for plaintiff in error and B. K. Phelps for the People. No. Lesser vs.

Tbe People argued by William F. Kinging for plaintiff in error and B. X. Phelps for the People. No.

1J Field va. Field argued by Calvin Frost for appellant and A. J. Parker for respondent. No.

-4-1 Hastings vs. The Westchester Fire Jaamr.wnee Company argued by Caivta Frost fur appellant and L. li. Rowan toy rvspond-enta. No.

ltl The Madison-Avenue Baptist Church vs. The Baptist Church ia Oliver-street argued by William aad feamaetl Hand for appellant and George F. Coaistock aad A Brown for respondent case still as. Following ia the dav calendar for Tuesday. Feb.

IS 1 Kos. 1U3, 104, 111, t6. lOs. tii. aad IDECJJSIOXX rraxtca com cazvatarxs.

Orders sTWJscwf Matt how va Wahtkhsm, Dalter Plawax. Jfiacaaa as, CVerkB Ord as settled. 1 Vhstoe ii 11 'i is. ladd as 2r Aav The report of EariVree esema ta tna ta be imiMt, acd ins merlon sa ittrnnBfnatst, tn thetr aetine of motion. It ts wfthia the aowee ef the enact as aaake aa order 1 sot 1 at stag tbe defmdaats ttoaa swaseylag taa psmbsiij dwrwig rbe ties asm cy of tha av-rloo.

Aa tbe prorarrty te not perisbaUat siAl ts empty "BWal ia valaeae wast tha pislnitas' elaiaa. I aot tins kliuus HscaMvsesavaal beaptsnnted. Bhonid the tnal ef tae eanae be smissaisislil dataved bv the Arfssaissta. leava will 1 iTTfit 'm-Tirt tse a avsost vsc Ordered aeeoeuiagiy. i as.

bvb. The want ion far leave va flea savpas. aaental answer sooears to hae beess we at peonsrty es tae asaraed Jim ties who heard ft aa hota at tbe rated. 1 da wss. therefore, feel that ia a eaee ss sntnral aa this.

I oagbt to grant a stay ef prasedlngs twadzag aa appeal front this order. srrry Asaissasi asa vs. ajscpcav Taa asntiow ta vacate the order of arrest ia thai ease as based apoa the rieadmaa aa well aa epoa the e-lavita. 1 do ant find be eamplaiat aad answer aaneag the pafwrs. aad dual re eaunasM ta aappiy thaaa a Boon aa ha onaventeattr can da ao.

ea xvrf aiIf the plaintis aw airs ta eubetl-tate another attorney for bar press nt attorney, site assy have aa order that each substitution be snade. aa psr-asent of the anaml saorBey-s anil. Tbe bill deea aot appear to be animisms, if she wisaes te so See ss eruev for Use auvsnnasaaesof thia action, it will be eraared apoa farmers; of her attorneys hill aad the taxable costs of tae othar paruas who have appeared aad answered la tbe actioo. Ja-aaa sa. Answaai ia.

Motion donied, with 910 aee BtJuAgt ram zwwat. 'ese. as. CosrosL Itotioa denied, with costs. Bsmo-raadum.

i A imam fen Ferat, Jfaraal fMsrsse Ccmpaat aa, Csasta at at Motion of Dostsrick denied, wtthoet eesta. Stmtmal Lim usnaw Costpswb ra finis st at Tlaia-tUTa motion granted, but with costs. scrmxus covax craociT vakt zxl. Bf Jsdtx Faa Ursst Orarnc va Jlcpaoise Ftr issaraww Cesapaaa. Complaint dismissed.

Opiauoa. reaA sa fayraw Jndgment for plaintiff. Opinion. aCPAKUB COCBT SPXCIAL TXazC Bt Jndet JfarsAea sa JfoSrrtsos. I am andsvthe imwreaeioa that there was aome memerandum in the bondie of papers snowing- the value of the promises No.

IS CarroU-plaee, hut I do aot find it. Counsel will oblige me by tarnaah-ing me with proof of Bach value and also with a memorandum ef tne amonata to whioh they conceive they are er tit led for sliowsaces. JossirtU ea irastL The findings are signed. This being aa equitable action, and the plaintiff an Admiuts-traini. I ao not think, tbe point beiug new, that soass ahould be imposed on a dismissal of ths complaint.

Tae rsrauer sirs. atL. Afamaartvrwea t'oaspeaa ea Bsscavtr aU. See opiauoa. aupxAios coraT-PECial.

txkk. By Vvdev famjor. LmAncig ss. F'arisrr. Ths aSdavtt and order for the examination of tteieonants should be hsniled ap.

truly tbe pointa of connasl havs been sutnnittsd. olswaos sa. IfatAtmm ai. dsnisd, with glO eosts, imt with liberty tariuss the same on psymsat of sacb mmis aftsr aefendaut sbsU bars lisi UlscaaravMt from BtlscSment tor tbe contbmpt aljeaed. oU jfta rs.

AcKCtina.OrdcT:extcoding time to answer cm, ij urn ti mid SO hi wa wins wifsaanr Oira Jtfortta, iiouon denied, with 10 costs. ft al rt xVgdrU rt et-llution to Tote withla order granteti, with gill coats. as sa. li lauiirs. Lsc sn order bs entered appofntiBs' ddandant Bwjvr of tne i-ra9rhip saaul a pasdvala Ute.

upon giving bond in within nve days. Botb parties are enjoined from removing, selling, or disposing of toy of the psrtnerthip property hi tha mrantime. In case such boud be Sot given tbe plaintiff may he ap-polntsd ach kerdveron giving; bond in TWrics sa. aCanal el si Motion denisd. without COata.

ZVassasrr a ii. ea. urisuotd. Motion denied. With 9LO Costa.

i Juadta vs. Jcrrtam. Order denying defendant's motion to file security for costa. Ltrrtrr Coaar-ssrs? ztaereys lieport. Langs va GCbs et INo.

1 1st her va (No. 2.) 7Vsaris vflwutM.tMUo i-rc at Remittitur fllad judgment reversed. catcreuus a Jiamgton, (Sa L) Order denying tin- Utmtrrma vs. Xesiiavtea, fXo. 2.) Order dismissing pu.lnlltT' com pls.Q t.

tatc ra Homcnpatklc fayians. Order grantlug plaintiff glOO extra ailowanos. Ac. Cior ns, btwun-jrr. OrUer settlisl.

Orders utresied. Dursnt Vn. Abendroth; Hand vs. Uoydecker vs. Ilcrta) et Badway vs.

Umber et aL; Thompsoa va tly. By Jmiae )Ssfoicicr. Buekir.gkam, ct, 1iXoli Reference ordered. C0MM0X PUIS By Jmdgt J. T.

Dly. Bam vs. MTaeUrr. Judgment for plaintiff: see opinion. Order oettltd.

Randall rs. Canrlon south vs. r-mith. mold sa. MtrrU.

if the defendant, the Assignee, give the security required by section l.iiJti, the undertaking or deposit, and deposit a haierer balance bis hands aa aocurity, the motion will be granted. By JuUt Bfobinaat Era Sckmktt vs. George Schmidt. Report of Referee eon-firmed and divorce granted piaii-tiff. HeOMTiey va.

VtaUil Statrm Jije liuvranet Company. Proposed caae aot marked as required by rule 34. utrrAiid ra oVsu. Order must be drawn aa a Special Term order. katlXI COUBT-rfPtCIAX, TXtUC By Jmiat oVWrwioa.

Kakn ra, SptidaL Motion to strike out answer denied Opinion. uK ss. Motion judgment on demurrer granted, with 10 coats. ra. Te AcadoU BinU Company.

The facts stated in Kendall's affidavrt would sustain the defense if mved. The motion ia therefona denied, with 10 costs to abide event the caae may be -t down for 1 eh. XL. defeudant to accept short aotice of trial. bviis ra Zistc.

Motion to dismiss action with coats $10 costs of motion. Jtrvmmonti a. CVkIms. Motion to vscsta order of arrest denied. ttoia ra SmUh ateceivcf appointed.

WetMet Ba Jforteaa Motion trranted oa condition that security be filed and glo costs be paid, aud caae aet down for Monday. March 4. 1S78-: 'laser sa xVoctasva, Reforred to Henry X. Hewland, EsH. A doss ra Wtitt.

Motion to ooen default granted on payment of SIS. i Hytut ea. asura Motion ta vacate arraat deuiad, with 910 costs. Xovssbsibs va, lwo. I think undertaking should he aereraL A new tiadertaku4 may be tUeu, nune pra tunc No cos: a Morioas wroalrd.

Cyrus vs. Portman MeXwen vs. Sump Andeuton va (irtswold Donnelly va rVllson liyatt va bears. 1 Piupvainy aa JiicAarda Motion granted action revived and continued. By Jdga McAdam.

Btaly ra Black. Case settled flied. COVTZT CAL EX OARS THIS DAT. UPaxMB COUBT CtlaJiBEBa. BtUL eg ttmeh-t, J.

Calendar eared at 10 o'clock A. 31. Xos. 40. 61, 70.

73. o2. Hi. ltW, ll, 121, 12a. 194.

1:5. 1-44, 15B. loi loX lfl, loti, 1UO, lUi. aid, 1'17, iild. 1 scpktafi coraT spcciai, tbbm.

HU Van roraf. Ji Nov. 139. 125. 12.

10O. 153. 162, 63, 170. 173, 6:1 10. 1-tS.

19. 192. lb. AH.VVi. 1 5, SI 4, 216, 1.14.

1W. -i-ii. 27, ale, 2d3, 2J4. 3a do. 37.

supbbmb cocst ciacciT TAB X. Adjourned ains dia CPKXMB COCBT ClgCTIT PA.XT II. UcUt by lmrmee. J. Case on No.

29.47. No dav calendar. supkxms corny iCiBOtrtT tabt lit. BM ry Van Brunt. J.

Case on Ko. 15- Ko dsf calendar. SCPIEI0B COCXt OXXEBAL TXKM. Adjourned sins die. UPXKIOB COrBT SriCIAL TXBM.

Utkl by kanord, J. Demurrer No. u. lasaea of Fact h'os. C2, 10, 69, Gd, 6s.

scpzkiob cocar Tsiat. tsbm pabt Adjourned for the term. SUPtBlOB COCBT TRIAL TXBM PAST XX Utld. by JVvntasan, J. Nos.

41. 442. 7631 354, 200a 719. 599, 697, 64, V. 077.

4J'A o- SUPEK10B COURT TRIAL TERM PART lit. Itrld Ini Cartss. C. J. Koa.

1071. 70V. 72, 193. 268. 617, 157, 103.

4o'i llld. 701. COMMOX PLEAS GEyXRAL TXBM. Adjourned for the term. comkon ri.KAfi squirt raaM.

HrUt by VOrn Huasns. J. Nos. A 6, 17, 37, 5. 22.

30, 36, 1. 35. COMMOX CBAMBKBa. Ucld by ftobinmom. J.

No. 2. COMMOX Pt-XAS TBIAL XXX at PABT f. UrUi by iarrwmort. J.

Xos. 929, 5a 1176 2321. 2176. 3466. 259.

2080. lioO, 157, 1436. 434. 267b. 143a.

1940, 147. COMMOX PLXAS TUlt, TXBM PAAT XX. iM ay T. Italy. Case on No.

664. Ko day calsadar. HAXUtl COVKT 1KIAL. TXBM PABT X. JUU bsj Oeepv.

J. Xoe. 2043, 24fl. RO.12. 32113.

3301. 235. 3949, 2698, 4oe, 319, 24u3, 2olo. S-'irO. 272, 303d.

KABXXX COCTtT TttAi, TXBM PAAT XX. Hrid by JtcAOam. J. wos. S36S.

tl0. 4031. 3304. 3398. 9412, ITWti, li 30 adoO.

3376, iStti. MABJXX COCBT TBIAL TXBM PAJtT IU. BcUl by' JHautotX. J. Xos.

2103. 2051.T4SS. 3445. 3IC25. 2027.

1420. 9119. 2o0, 4U. 309, 32 lO. 2i4.

343i, 3153. COCBT OF GXXXBAL StSSlOX PABT I. Bld by Ceiatscrsteee. J. Adam 6elg.

felonious as-iPeter Sehwidx, grand Xar-sault and ba t-ry. i -uy. Joseph ulavin. felonioa as-' Eu ward Thompson. Mtchsel aauit and battery.

Ma-tiota. laroea)' frons taa Georg Coorwr. burglary. person. Ernat banita.

grand latxsray. jJoaapa hslly. lawwsny frwas Eugene B. Newhau. grand, tbe person.

iaseeny. I IFerdinaad rStetahossv aav Boaaana Ayrea, graad lar-l aaait aad battery. COCBT Of 6KXXBAL SX1SIQXS PAXT XX. Jfsid by pl WlawiC J. Tsi issM-eBrsdy felotAoosaa-.

Michssi Mssibea. Tt BaUlag ana and bartsry. atmaa roods. Joseph F. Eherhard.

faLsnS- Cashes Btnsvd. aaaaajtaad eas aseanlt aad kwrteey. i I hatterv. fissk uaffevry. fnlnniona.Jooa Moth, assanhl aad hat aisaaat aad uailerv.

Trlsaa. taavta Justia, Bswry R. Lewn, Bagh Boyd, lareaay frol Philip aery asses St aaid hatterv. I basterr. Fssee 9 awer.

fill elms sa-i Henry zsaagaL ailaltarariag a-ait sad awrtery. a usi sssl mVaMMBi baa. arlWkfl aWaykflOarw BesAu. laraaarfrosBi BSaaaW FOHnr-riFrn congress. is.

6UM31ART. jAxtvoDw tha biHa iatro4aeed is the Senate wwretbe fotkjwing: Te provide tot tbe sleatloa af a Territorial Governor, Secretary, aad ether Terrl. terial officers ia tbe several TerrUorWa af tbe Lniied States, to protrbie for tba orgshbmtioa tbe Torrt-tory af Oklehama to encourage the organization of free uhlis libiarJca. Tbe Beasts, at 1. e'cloek, prsv eeeded te theeuldaratkia of bills ea the ealeadar, aad diseuasad tha td ta eaable Iadiaaa ta baroma citixens of tba Caited States; durtna! the snornrng hour; Mr.

EastJa, af luiaiaav lntiediaoed a btH ta defray the expenses of the Mint and Assay OSes at Ksw -Orleans, aad making aa appropriation therefor. The Senate rssumed eotssidarratloa at biHi aa tba calendar aot objected to, aad aeveral wwrs psasad. At an executive iiiilas was bald, aad then the; Senate adjonraed. The SUver bin waa reeeived la the House, but tva! effort was tnada ta force a vote ea it. Several blQa sad feaolutioua were lntrodiseed.

aauoag the. latter joint resolalious ef the Ohio Legislature declaring; that President Hayes and Secretary Shermaaia their opposition to the silvsr dollar do not represent tba views of the people of Ohio, If oat of the session wss devoted to bnshisas ef tha District af Columbia. A bill prov id lag for a permaaaat form of got at nans at for the District was reported. A bill was introduced to grant tha privilege of the floor to arte rcpressata-tivejof every aevrapaper baying1 dally telegraphic communication witb Washington. At 4:42 the House adjourBed.

BETTATTl Various petitions favoring the repeat of tha) Bankrupt law. aad remonstrating against the lwdoc ticm of tariff dalles en numerous articles were pre seated by aeveral Senators and referred ta the appropriate committees. 1 NEW DILLS. Bills were introduced and referred as follows By Mr. CHArrrx.

of Colorado, by request, to provide for tna election of Territorial Cmsiaer. Caere; itary) aad otaes- Territorial ofOeera tn tha awsisl Tsr-kitotiea of tha CTnited States. Bef erred to tba Com- hilllid on UlofU Ins mllisatrw iiM9l Corr Ccaea fraatievr rf Montana. Rt ntjd to the ConBttw Military Affiin Alio, to provide lor tLe orDlza- tlon of the Territory of Oklohama. and for the better protax-taiB or Uw Znolan srtbos ra jPBOPOSED RESTORATION TO THE ABMT.

i iTr. Camirox of PentuylvsnlA intrtxlaeed a bit! to aeiaatate certain (Beers of tha United Htatea Annr. lteferred to the Oommittas on AliUtary Affaira- It provides that all officers of the United States Army, wbo served there ia more than 20 years eontlnuoutly, and served also; daring tbe late rebel, lion; and who were wounded and brevetted for gallant; service in the netd and ia action, and who were honorably mustered out of the seislce nnder Section) 12, aet of July IS, 170, be reinstated and ro tired as of the date they were respectively stuttered out-j I IXPIAX9 A9 Tbe remainder of tha morning hour was devoted to tbe consideration of the bill to enable Indians to be-eom citizens of the Carted States, made tha special order for to-day on the 10th of December last. Mr. Whytk, of Maryland, spoke in opppoaition to the hill, and said it was something entirely at variance with the uniform system of naturalization adopted by Congress.

Under previous laws of Oon-gress, Indians had been naturalized who terminated their tribal relations. Between tt.OOO and 10,000 Indians bad been admitted to American citizenship. Tbe appropriation for tbe care of the Indians in 1-Hll was 92.h35.4cS1 17: in 1872 it amounted I to 1,724 82. and in 1877 to $5.277. 007 22.

Ia view of this Urea appropriation, he thought Congress should settle ba some wall-defined policy for the future treatment of these people. Ho would vote against the bill conferring citizenship noon them because of tbe evils which bad ensued from former sets conferring such citizenship. He would do all in his power for tbe advaneepaent of tbe civilization of the Indian, but some system should be provided for the proper government of tbem. Tbe morning hour having expired, the further consideration of the bill was postponed until Wednesday next. COMPEXSATTOW OF PXX8IOK AGEXT9 Mr.

With xbs, of Virginia, from the Committee aa Pensions, reported back the resolution instructing tbe committee to consider as to tbe expediency of reducing and readjusting thn compensation of pension agents, and. also, as to the practicability of hav. ing-pensioners paid directly from the Treasury of the L'nited States, together with the views, ia writing, of various public officers to whom tbe matter bad beau submitted, and moved that they be printed aad recommitted so ordered. Mr. WrTHKBA also gave notice that to-morrow be would call up, for eonsideiatiow.

the Senate bill amending the taws granting pensions to soldiers aad sailors of tbe war of Is lit, and their widows. i IXMAX TKKMITOBir LOBBTIXO. I Mr. DoBtET, of Arkansas, submitted aa amend ment to tbe resolution recently submitted by Mr. Voorhees, instructing the Committee oa tbe Judiciary to procure information ia relation to tne Issue ox bonds of rertsia railroad com panics on certain contingent land grants of lands of the Indian Territory.

Tbe amendment instructs tbe committee to ascertain whatamonntof money had been exnended hv the several tribes of the Indiaa Territory in support of delegates ta ashtngton during the past nve years, and In opposing the organization of a civil Government over said Territory, aad whether any of such money has been taken from the school funds of any such tribes, and if so. what legislation Is necessary to prevent in future the diversion of a neb school funds from their legitimate purpose, it runner instructs the committee to ascertain whether a civil form of government cannot be organized over the In dian Territory for the better trrotecttoa of life and property, and whether tbe lands aow held ia com mon oy said inaian tnoea cannot oe uiviaeu in severalty among tne Indians without confirming the eon dttioaal grants of lands to certain railroad corporations- Ordered printed. BILLS PASSED. Senate then proceeded to tbe consideration of bills oa tne calendar, and the following were paasaa Senate bill for the relief of Edwra Rogers. Senate bill tor tba relief of settlers oa tha public lands under thy fre-enirtion isws.

(Mr. fASLnoca. in explanation of this bill, said it was to allow a settler who haul occupied a tract ef land a year ar more t- change his settlement aad take np one under the Homestead law, and tuat the time spent oa the former tract be counted as part of the five years required under the Homestead law. Senate bills for the relief of Charles B. Karuey and grantins a pension to James Keweombe.

e-enate bill to amend the aet of March 2. to provide for the preparation and publication of a new edition of the Revised Statutes of the United States. MATT LAXDS IX FLORIDA. Mr. EDMCXDa.

of Vermont, submitted a resolution instructing the Secretary of tae Navy to report to tne Senate the extent and condition of tbe lands of tba United States in the State of Florida reserved for naval purposes, or for the timber thereon for the use of the Nary. to. The Senate then, at 3:20 o'clock, oa motion af Mr Mo nit ill, went into executive session, and whan tba doors were reopened adjourned until to-morrow. HOUSE OF EEP KZSENTAvTIVES. tbi siLvra siu.

paring: the reading of tha Journal a roeaMga from the Sonata announced the passage of the Bland bilser bill, with aanendments. i i AM AXTB-WAB MAIL COXTUACT. The Bpxakxb UBoaaeed the regular order te be the consideration of the unfinished buainaaaof Friday last, nansely, a bill eompeaaatiag George H. Gtd- riings for mail service rendered prior to tba war. Faaaed yeaa 152, naya 1H).

BLLLa IXTBODCCXD. Tha Rpbakxb then called the statee for billa. nnder which call the following bLUa and resolaUona were introduced and referred By Mr. MtLLxa. of New-Turk, to anivaat the adulteration of spices.

By Mr. Mcldbow. af Mlasiasiprd, relative to the retara of tha net proceeds of option aetaed after Jane SO. By Mr. SOCTMAXO, ef Ohio, the Joint rsaolntion af the Ohio LepaUatura, declaring la favor of the pavmcnt of the Caited Statee bonds, principal and interest, in silver at the option of the Government, aad declaring further that President Hayes and Secretary Sherman, ia their opposition to the silver dollar, do wot represent the views of tha aeopie ef Ohio.

By Mr. Wmitthobxe, of Tennessee, to regulate the method ef purchases made for the naval Berrien. Also, to dense the duties of: eosnanaadaala of navy-yards. Also, for the saie of the small arma ia ass in tza naval semis, aad tbe purchase of arau ef the same calibre as axe ia use in the Army. I Ks- Mr.

Riddle, of Tennessee, -to neohibit the eruanixation ef national hen Stag assoriafiima aadarr existing laws, azva taa rs-sy arvssr eg mas a new in aisai'Stlaan. i By Mr. BCKCXARS. of to promota the ia. posit of sasiiiwS aad tbe refunding of the nit ion si debt.

i i jjtaTKicT ararxxaa. i The hour ef 2 o'clock having arrived, the fioor was awarded ta tbe Chairman of the Cosnmittee eat tbe District af Columbia for IMstrict fiealwaos 3Ar. William of Michigan. Chairman af tkaOom-fzztttee ea the Daaarirt Coin haa. reported a ball rrrowling for a new ssssasrssnt of property fat the Distnrt.

and for a reeisaa ef tha rnhalVilaata Phased, lir. Hrinut. ef Virginia, freea the seme eeakanrt- taa, reported a bill BataawiTixig the District Caatnaniav a towers to press rate Bans and take appaal wrtoows bond. Pswsed. Alaa, a bill for the tweordinsj of it.

a its aaongacea. and asher iiiaeeyewese affasauna- jssl setatr ia tst I mass a. wr. Ii Xanax, af Veraaowt. fiwax the aai tae.

reported asssk the bill providing a paieisasut form ef auiaisnisal fog the Distneti aiiis as aria I Her fr March 4. Tba, Haass then went into CaMuaatttee at the Wholax. heilsasi. tl TlilairH the omUm taint tug ta the Dlstrtet bat wttaout say actloa the eoas- The tViliowlgsy WTla were tatre -raced aad refetied By Mr. GAarraLD.

of Oaie, neawtde for -the ore tnorous-h reveetlgwtaaa of imllroad aeaHdeeita. By Mr- Basxa at if sssaahaastia grantrag tha irrtvilego af the tVser to eaa repreaaBtallve ef every ewnpawae- aavtng dally UlegraphaS wita WashtaaTtaa, Tha Haraaa tiaea. at A 45 e'cloek, adj tiaras A COMMERCIAL AFFAIES. Hsw-Toaa. Monday Fen.

19, The T-cslpss ef the p-tadoaj kladse Prsdase Si aee ear last have besw as tuUews: Aanea, pks 1. Leather, aadaa 11.117 B. ts. Pioarv 07 a oss. baiss 9 443 M.lssms.

hhte 9,921 4 nptnta Tnrp bMa. i 4.1 11 Rsasa. Bbas. ..5 7.2 VS Tea, S74 ou. bois I hxi ihl esks.

K. 61 Lard, bbss. 1 iM4 its tags Corson. Omosva'aV-oU. CertsBvta.

Uaka. hags. Copper. Ixied rVsut, sAa. rgrs, Fkaar.

hota S.oir rssas 17.B73 PorB. li9 1 Cnru aiasL bbla. Wheat, bnshsss 1 Cwa-axeeta. aha, li7n Corn, bushsia-. 7.

t-aM, tl OsU, bash sis kss. lt Kya, a.7 Butlas, Malt, a as a a Is. 13 ikvo.i hesse. Bsriey, bosheia 4L VM-IVrasBsd Bogs, reaat, OUSOStS OBt-eienl. Oat maai, bags.

Ricsx 1mi fnaltsr. pea ElilK sltBS, bates nu ssail. 171 iWareh. 9il btsarina. pas AX tt i siiow.

pas 19 Tea. pks I 4 "5 Tobaaco, hh.U 445 970 Tooaeejo, pks 1,871 452' Wnisky. fidl lahtWeuk badaw 119 hldas, Hieaa, balsa. Hons, basse, Lead, COFFEE Mas haa Warn tn less demand at uesrtora urea, with aslea reported ef l.lw bars ZOO, per Ulsnio. raa.

ea private terms, and 9.000 haga das, per lahea from stock. sod. at New-Orleans. S4v Siags. per Rhcpasrdeaa, at and 6M bagsi oa private terms klnda dull and trrectilar.

The asovsnie ut in Brazil CotTse haa beea renorted aa fnl-lows. Reealpts for week. 1 1 .393 bags a aalse for weak. 22,304 bags. Stocks to-night ia first beads aa follows At Usaivsstoa.

litl bats: at New-Orleans. 27-ea? hags: at savannah, 2. OOu bags: at Mobile, 3. KM) bags at Bsitissors. 47.734 bags at New-York, 15 kaurm, msk'ngatotalof 17 M.i bag.

Moeka ta aacoad bands At Sot OtWm. 4.000 sags i at Baltimore. 69. 1 1 1 mn at New-York. 62.919 hags total.

122.030 bagsi total In Brat aad aeooad handa. bags afloat and. load. ing for the l'nited eaatee te Jan. 17, 6M.42A bagsi porebaaed for United atates to free.

15, 57.WOO hB: total visible snppltse. 416.2H9 hags. Llealvered froaa wnrehowae during tbe weak New -Orleans. H.91 baaTS Bsltisnors. 16,14 bsst KoW-York.

basB! baas, i COTTON-RasbarsinMlasI-iae. nfgfcerSrfk. rorsarly dslrrsry- on saocb lighter offea-nsgs. aalhas buss omasa Kales were reported, for prompt dauvery. of alii halssL lag rsUes to snippers and 319 balse to spiaaera nave bssn reportaai ainco any lass ot till.loo balsa, IjC w-hirh 6.7W Ulre were on baturdnj end eU(K) balm tn-dsv.) with HiQ balsa oa tba ealik.

ths baasa of Middling, fehraai-r eioslng as 10.9oe.'a laSlw Xsassb. lULaV7s.aIU.Wnsvs April. liltu Mar. Jans. 1 1.

1 Oras. Jaty. lL45c. aTH.46c Aognss, lLhOe. 1 Mepsenv ber.

IL2oAwU.3ie.; o-tober, ll.l'.'c.lLI4c.): hv vember. lU.Dflc.9 1 UWc. ahowtngaa advanee of ifl2 points. closing strong -Ths isoslpte sa this pork so-day were 7.35a balss. and as tjse ship Ding ports HO.a-tO baUa.

against 26.965 bales same day last week i aad thus far this week, i.i.iiJ bales, against 4i.0i bales ssma time last week. The receipts at all ths shipping ports' sine I-cot. 1. 1.477. have been 3.403,730 hales, agaiaat 3.

bales tn ths preceding Cotton ysar. exports (save day) for tarsal Britain, frons ail tne snipping porta. bales; to the Continent, 6.0H 1 haws to France, 8.625 hales to the hannel. 6.114 bales: eonsoliilstcd stock at the porta. -ibtook la hew-yerk to-day.

143.63U bales. Oaaisg iriass er Octo ta zVcar-Fer. Upland Alabama. M. Ordiaarr 9-16 a S-ld a ft-18 Strict Ordinary 8 13-16 8 13-16 8 15-16 Good Ordinary fl 9s 9 Lt-18 91314 9 15-16 8 ft-id 15-16 9s 918-18 Low Middling 19 9-16 10 8 16 1 6-1 19 tt Strict Low 816 10 9-16 10 1116 1011-16 Middling 10 10T, 11 Ik OoodMU.llln..ll' 11 11S li Ktrtct0oodMid.ll 9-1 11 9-18 II IMS 1111-18 Middling 1 18 12 1-1 12 t-lS i 9-16 :...19 9-16 19 9-16 1211-16 1911-18 Wawait Good Ordinary 9-16 Lew Middling 16 Strict Oood Ordinary.o l-IO.

UKlullng I-IO FLOUR AND A Export deattage ka Pradaea, esnecially tn Breadstuffs and Provision ware aatrt-strietsd aosln, ehecsed by tbe decidedly adverse tenor of the cable advtoea. which led ts freer aad more atrgeat offerings and a general decline In Mate sad Western Flour waa in limited demand for ahlpmen as well as home use. aad prices fnnerrlly f-vorsd havers, the sfltual business as ra ported trtdiaaHng, In assae instance a slight reuuetion. C'osing weak, mnueueed la good part by tha as-rare fall in Hales have beea report ad since our last of 13.264) So ail grade (part to arrival including uawnnd Flour ef aU elsssa very poor ta aboiee, st 92 6i9i it vary Inferior ft faaey No. 9 at 93 75394, mainly at 83 10ai3 79 foe ordinary to choice Winter.

and 92 VS for Kprmg: inferior to very fancy paper tine State and Western at 94 2695. saeezfy at 9a very inferior tn good Extra Mlate at 9595 mainly at 96 15a95 25i good toehoicedo. at 95 90s 95 60: CHy Mills Extra, shipping grade for West ladies, li)St 4i for fair to fancy for Sooth Aaaertca. 6 6WO-97 36 for ralr to fancy: dav, for Eagliah Baaav Beta. 95 25'oa3 35, as to brands: do.

Family klxtraa, 94 60, the latter for enotsej fSOO bbis, City Mill Pstent Estra sold at 97 26:) poor to good shipping Extra western. 95995 MO. mainly a g5 15da 25: aosd to holes do. at 95 30a6 60: poor to 'choice Western Trsds aad Family Extras, Miring Wheat) stock, at 96 159 96 60. mainly st 95 35dgd 10: very inferior to very choice dew.

Red and Amber Winter stock. IS So 60. chiefly st A5 fOa S6 60: poor te choice White Wheat at 95 50ag7 VS. chiefly at 9ds6 90; brands running sa high as 97 76 1 fair to choice Extra Oenesee st 95 bOi mainly at 9od6 25 inferior to atrtntly fanev Mmaeenta dear Extrae at S5-CSH 23; ehteflvst 95 13s 95 40 for export, (ot which f50 bbl sold St 95 16Sj 40:) sad 9 40M lO for home use poor to arictiv choice do, straight Extras at 95 75 9 96 73. rosin ly at from 95 9096 SO for falrte choice, (with fancy do.

quoted as high aa 96 85r9tt 90, Minnesota Patent Extra very in fan or ta tehcy, at 96 ait8'. matnly fair to choice st 96 7iae); iWiater Wheat Patent F-xtnas, 96 25 $9 for poor to strictly fancy, mainly at 94 6U96 IaelaCad la the reported sales wars 2.10O bbba, shipping Extras, mostly at 95 14r95 40: l.MtlO bbla City M.lls Extra, mainly for tbe West ladles, at 94 10294 4O11.650 btls. Minnesota CPsar, l.UOO bbl do. straight xtras. bbi do.

Patent. 3,4641 bbla. Wlntar Wheat Eztraa. lof which 1.94BJ bbl for export at 9de99 h6. Including 6IIO hbi ehoies Miohlgaa.

to arrive, as 96 8.1 Is. 74 hbi Patent Extra 65i bbl Bapsrflivs. 60 boisi No. 2. ahd small lots of sour and aasoaad FVoar.

la lota, at quoted -southern Flour has beea ta ease demand and generally quoted rather easier In pries aas have been reported ef 1.35 bbl. in lot at 95 757 26 for fair to etrtetlv choice shipping Extra and 9797 75 for very good to fancy Trsde and family hi Irs wita patent Extras np to 97 Kts Floor has been in limited request. wUhin the raage of from -43 15 a 94 for poor to fancy Superfine Ktater 93993 65 for auperflne Western and Fennsylvania. aad 93 25e2 65 for poor te 1 ehoiee fine hales have beea reported ef SOO bbi. In lota.

chiefly at g-J tOd-t-3 94i for tmperune State. haa been rnodaarately active wtihtu the range of from 92 6093 for ordinary to verv fancy Yellow Wearvrni 2 64w2 90 for Yellow sersey. and 93 15l 25 for brs aily wins hslss have beea repeated ef 1.0.14) bbl, including Yellow Western, in lot eblauy st 92 66 9 60 Cora-wal, In hag has been lightly eeatt la withta the range of 5c 1 1 3 for coarse to very; choice lsu fiw. with ths main dssdingsfversirtedmeoarss Iota on the beaue of 92 Sa, a 1 for Cuy Mill and HOe.9t)e. for country dull within the raage of 94 60 aM 60 for about lair to very choice bbl: a few fancy noted st higher figures Buckwheat Flour Inset-re, with and Pennsylvania quoted, as to quality, at from 91 16stA2 for very poor to strictly fsaey, sclliaa sisstly as trons 1 4091 76 for aeons good te eaoioey 1IM)9 Hues wheat dall, footed ea tree at bir.

asksti er ananea. i RAIN Wheat was mach depress down 2s. w4c. 4 bnsael on snore liberal (d. and quoted and argent of tarings and a very alaen demand, espaciallv foe psompS dailrery.

Tne export oall was esueuioty light, the cap la sdrvcos aavtng been against tae outwani Sales have been reported to-day of 2OO.00O bushel (of which aoout 97 OiMI kosUcls for early sail very. lildading 24.04MJhashels Extra White, to arrive, at 91 46: 2tM)0 hushsds Wnlts State st gl 46: 'anabsas Kew-York Mo. 2 Red. March options, at 91 85. (closing at 91 341? asked sad Wd 85.000 bushels anzraded Red at 91 SOef 1 85.

(with New-Yotk No. 2 Red qinted here at 91 96 ashed and 91 S3 aid:) 46.UUW bsurusle No. 2 Chicaago hum Kg. tn a ore. at 91 25 for export 1 bo-hsla New-Yors No.

Sbpringat91 25s, wttb Me. 1 MUwsakss nnsxad at 91 31. and Ma. 2 do. at 91 24;) H.OOO bnahaie Kew-York No.

2 epriag. February option, (ia or as gl 6, sub-seqnently autrrd at 91 26 4M.OIM) bnsnsia Naw-Tork No. 2 Spring. Marrh option, at 91 2491 94 ai ssoatng st 91 21 asksd. and lM.toOO twn reels nsaiaitad rtprtag at 91 2021 25 4 bushel The elonsqunsationa at tae afternoon eaB were for ka 2 aWaV WTiateej Feorn-arv, al 91 30 bia and $1 35aasksd: aa.

March. 91 9:1 .91 31 Va: da, April, seminal May. noaaiaaU hew-korh No. 2 Spring. February option, at SI 2.1 91 2 IS: do.

Mama. 91 24: April. 1 24 ftl 26 May. 91 2291 27. No.

2 Nortn-wsst Hpring. February option, at 91 26tfl x8j; March, at 1 2eal 27: i April, nominal: do. Msy. 91 221 2 s. has heaa very anoderaaely dealt ia.

for early eauirery, as rednctlea of lava Jr. bosael. ciosinr wsaa. New. York So.

2 attracted moat aatavnttoa, and sBrnard as mat flrmneaa. New-York Bataat Mixed mneh dsn ass si i. New-York ha. 9 partially Beg! acted. Ia the epttoa Una, the dsalltigs were to a liberal airgrcgaia, ehtefrrxn tne (rads of New York stasiwar Miasd.

but at a docliaa at a Boot 2a. fiaihsl saussag wsafe. oa frse saTertags. Pales nave been reported of 19U.fMH bnsbana. lof walch 61,000 hash els for aarty delivery.) lacsadisg New-Yorx No.

2. qsxMed at New-York Nu. 2. Marca aorioa. saxsavsi at 9as.i saw Tart ateamev Mixed as B4.d64Su.

siosing st ao Febrnnry. 92.AOO nabs la. at alosiag st 6i. (asagsins ftac en osanrdsy;) Maavb, Mi boaheia, at 6364 hr. eioslntt st bX'vc Vd.

aad 64 ashed: April. 16.l bnshat as New-York Ma. 3 st 47 4ie, ehWay at AS Ian. at PSac-t ctostas; as 4HWtav4MM Mixed WsaSsrn. Brawled, new, 43 at 50c as to quality: New-1 era Low Misad at 47s: Yeiasw Wsetern a 91e taa afvsrnooa rail af Cora.

New-York steamer Mixed. Fee. ranry optioe, cleeed at 63Sas.54V-: Marsh, 6 A ApriL 64 sr. 56 -sci dav. May.

94c1a55Se. New-York No. Fisrasry. at 6e)e. March.

57c; aVa, April. 6'--j May. 67 Rre and fmtmi qaoted aaadoreen a anil auarkes Of Barley, amiss Bo, owed or bushels rhco two-rowsd atata at 70c, aad Oul Bwahada Fssd Barley at 4sau aasrxst Malt saarttve as fonaer rsus; 9 sBM fisst -is aid Wane-em sold mm private Uibii Oass feti off Asnttle. hnshal an as ml man saorsanent. Bartiy fVar teewssd Ba- Bvegy.

eioatng heavy rtferiRge more liberali have beea wportsmi ef 41. MOO bashsl tnrtndiag New York No. 1 WBitcqnotrd nt 4 1 e. New-Yerk No. 2 WaM.

l.auo sssaasH af MSfci New-Yerh Mo. 9 White awoted at 36c: New-Yerk luxtrs asssfsil as 9deki New-Ysvk Mo. 1. 13.600 kasbiis. as Uw t4ej March cartloa.

SO.OtMl assails as 36.: Maw-York Ns. 2, 7a) hushsss. a 95.i iMw-York Me. 9 eswsad as 4wa4 Missd Western, 3 VB) tsiti's, at 3.V 374 White Western. 9.64JO hwsbaa.

as- tuie. 4at Va hies art an sea A SJbast, aS 951 'k3d4 White Pi sss. loo bspbei at iTfSaat 4ya4 Misad these. 1.4 iS swihats. sa has.

fix's ied ia mail seals as hbi aa ssissseil 1 amrss, though elsassg arrss-nlar dss-B. anas ad a 9 la 99a-AWi bO as CO ts. at 9l9eAt; loO-tV. at pan active quasi 4 sbsal aseedy, basis 1 lag CWreer aa fast' Sr. 1st lair to abases tor IBS! So chads bta-s l.Uut) Tas.B;ta.sad haJbawS So ran aaa-e 1 t-wav Baca atasa aui st asad as ft asrf erraw as last ewntsd.

stock ef Oram In eroe at this pert to-day eaebvaoe I.ttrii.hij pa-itsta 764.199 hnshew Csm. 915.141 baa as is li's tiashala Tlartry 91Al43haahcla Matt. 1.350.&dz awsael Oac aasd I AS44 baaheia Fes The awrmr-M Grata ta aSeresa4.960.45n Vnahem. aasgstnst V0 haaivels laat Mosadar. 1 en.haaa Feb.

19, laTt. Bad 7 1 tfi.41 BsaaBsla Fsb, 1. 176. I HI Dad Have beam in limited psqas-st at wreg-iUi prVws aiaa tavsis-ie 2.74- Bsesoa A vres as onus st 17 S. gel 4 xnswtSBi a Mogoiai 1 OtMi Iceland lrv-aaitad Teaa aaal 4 SO fcenador oa prlvste tariBd Ml LA Tbe eoutravt pnee paid te dsiran-B trv eaee ply ef sailk until the mid.

I is of March U. onarf. eseetvees paxlag the rairvad trsaaht, whieh is 1 St. 'VaVOYrajOil Mass Pork has been Iras srragut kftsv foe sarlr deli very, snd anted weaker la prl-e Pmnaj rs? 43tt bU anissoeotso withia tha am ol 911 20911 oO. aa te brand (Kase kinds diU hn) qaotsd aa Bsfsi inrlaaing fc.Sra Frtms at a 75H 2l Aad for forward daiivery here, Westera Mass lyevj nute-t, with Fata nary option qtsnted al the dose 1 1 1 W91I SOt Mar.

a. 9ll5hltoOi AfarU. Ill tf'l 911 63 I May. all 4V with sales r-orwJ vol, Mas. a 911 441..

i an I haas la unalaislsrs wna CI tv aaesia at VtV. fas- hsssv-v te ibrhti faaey Figs as Western aean ual iUf 6e4 ta asfrigsmtas at fi a Cat maats have beea ha penary fair Awannd Bl sl-out stewdr rslss. ux-ltvla lo.OlMI Pi fpuaied rVntiioa. 10 se 9 at. average, in balk, af IIV.4IV, si 4 sun--n ads loss af avnee City asdk stock wl'hln aurrsncv Al 1M hs i si si ii tn aslts-i tnoaa.erre as 0 ewadeOtynoaied hnlk.

af 4 6u Pi Ik let fiaassat 7VateS I bs-lisd st 6 V- a. Pmobsat Itsnaa at 6S lianas, hi tea sr9i mi a iMv-aaltad ia at aahed Of tlasaa. 16' haa. Waxes Lone leer isi.4 at 95 70 (ty Lang Uw kdJ at hi, and lesug; sad bhort Clsar at 96 91 Waatim ateam ard baa hewn mere art Irs for savrty deiirerv, radnlag isi iinasa. bast elasnng ssaWr ss to artcs 3..1 Wascarn kteam, for early eeltverv, aalaa have e-aea reported ef a.4O0 to a 97 a'7 tCJ.

Cueing here at 97 a6atg7 67Sl tcav. te arrive, at 97 6wS, ad tea. off grade at 97 for tbisaea, dalu-err. BOO March sptioa. at 97 35..

Aad for forwe ds Rrwryhera. Wasters HI as as Lard baa is monsfatelf Bret re, wit a February opuod ewotsd bass, at tho sloa at 97 65-M7 67S: 97 ah April si 97 67Sf7 7U May at 97 bars ter ts peered of Weetsea Ktna to the exaent of MJ Frh ruscv option, as 97 97S: 1.25iles., Wsc-h. s' 7 97 d3Si t.OOwtes April, at 97 707 72S: ",1 Mav. as 97 H7 nteam a K-f la Xulnti notes at tbe close at 7 6697 67 antes. tee.

Tat 97 6597 67S Aad ka 1 qu at S71r7 25 Refined Lar I In fair request, sitd the Cwtinent, ssotsd for early delivery, at tbe close, at 9-1 lit" tni snetee tor the West I suites, at 95 a 94. wtlh asiss rswoeteit of l.wiM) tcs. foe Bps smesit oa private Isnati (other tmpoctaitt Units raanored hat aet eonnranad aad 4M! trs, foa tbe Wse Indies, at 97 il.te1 baa been in fsis raqnset, aad qnotsd Btsavlyar 17 6" tor Family, C-M rsrtet. 913 60el4 foe Fiain Mssa Bead wanted atsovad ta sa I Pailadslphla Extra ladia Vessel 9'2d. and City Mesf Hasna qutev wMh Wcsa ernqaotsdat 916 AO for choice BaUai and ChseM anadsrstsly scasgat artae withta tns pesvtona rsnge, -k-xgs aamai asahif aa rather freer offcrinaa aad a ptol-raia Su an sad bss anaras mt Wiillin aad snats ouott-4 al Tallow has been roln "previous rates anotsd ea the basis ef 7 for, wTakfAiity.

tt murine tMti. fpl ttuiv. with $fln eiV.t Wlstsi sa- tarn ertfitdfl mm. WnM. -t" Bnwd Yalluw aadTiUl.

atlas repurted saC 4al rtis mm ry asaxtttuvx. taa-l--- rNlav. b-T-lx. at a lyOittv, JaT, at datfAajjr, 4 iUM IrWtb, JutUk, tU 4tf -C blUltir-Utve ptra In mcreuntnial til Wtf tm tm tk Wit af fair Re ltiitif (m, tnil So. tor gsod da.

isposiad of 64M bhds. Cenrrif. I mars, oa I aw mom 1,9 nnoa. sa Oiry liass Stan ItDnlasTo as 6so.i Ul bbata. Mow- 1 1 a 1 a ua aa 9Savi 177 hhd t.VntrUugal at rs'i 134 hh.i Muac Thdo hi tn Isirdeinand st former fates.

WlIlbKY-Iield st 1 11), with 1 O'J reported bll jtarket saieA. ruxItlllTK A fair daman provallsd ta-dav for aa tmrii---tirr tor Ctrsln. on berth aad charter, esvecaaiiy en charter, at sssiinti nily wnehawgad rata Kooea toe Pfrrriatoua waa alas la good rvquaat, ianr-iy en through i freiffht aeeount. at previous Ogarea, The oiTsrug of Cottvsx and Fleer on through xrelgbt eevuant to a fair agrees. ate.

at asussaf4 quota, Vaisala for fwok-sa vats la lihs oa and buia ruled low. una isnoodtnr neTtitiaflort i tula for the West lacies were moderately sought' after, aad quoted about steady. Market otherwise coaw parattvely dull For lit erporil, the engsgftnents portsd ainoe ear last have bssn. by sail, equal to 2iW i tona Brovisiosta and Tallow reported' at HO aad small lots st Masssrrnest Gosat at Ios.17a. lid.

4 sn isauL by stsnm. l.KOO bales Cotta twearry mil through frrigb'V I at 9 lrt.Ooti busnch. wrain at 9Si ri atandard bushel i 22,000 40.000 bushes do. off through freight) reported ea private terms i bh's.

Fkmr. of which, by direct shipment htxt bbi, at 3 9iL.) and, of throng freight. 4,000 bbl oa pnrate terYns; eov pas. seed ea private term quoted at van, tud 1.300bxs Bseoa and 1.5O0 to Lard (ia fl partj through freight) at 4012 3.600 kxs, liocee sni 65D pka Batter, tuaialy at 4 jt 300 twtgs i off so- ea wrlvate bernast 20 tons Lest hoc. at- tJOBrf eqaat to 7 Ions Maas-I it tiood ia lot at 22 d.97.' sfi toa; 960 pk Merchandise, sa pr.vete terms BOO Oysters, at 4 bd 2nj bbl Apple at 4 CtO: tea aad bbla, Prwvisioaa.

frasweted.) at 7 ML. aad 9 Sdj (with mosn for Ketlnsd ougsr report sl as Ut Btune! desnand. qaotad at 37 and 4us. aaksd.) Also, BritUh stsam-ship. 1,470 tons, with Cotton anil goa-rsj -cargo, from New-tirleana.

en nrivste term (queued tn Col too, at 13-32A ss the beat bid aad for tiraitt, aixmt 10Sd-i) and a Brttiah bark. L.130 tua with Cotfra and Ksrs! aai so, frors (contrasts made theea.) on i as' is ef Sad. For Laituton. bv ainaia. ln.iK.O bvahels Cora, at SSd.

bushel 4lO te aad bbla. Prs-i vMoas. at 7 aad 6i LtOO Vn, tihoeae. at 4n.f 96 tons Orgeat, and either Mesarareatent Oood in snd aonai to 160 tons llesty fanada, tn lot mainly at aO ton. O'aagxw.

by steam, 600 pk fioalatone, re and bMa. at It m. nn-t 4 5I.00 hbi Floor, (of through trelghi.) reoorted at 3 94.94 bbLi 400 to 6u tons Fruvkuon sndt Tallow, mostly of through freight sad tor forw.d ship, ment, reported at 40i small bte ef Chaea st 45-m sndi 960 pka Msswurasnent trood tn lot at 2.ais27 Mristel, by steam, ssndry asaall las of nt oral eergo, at aaehaagsd For the sst coast of Ireland, a foreign hark, with shout 4,000 qar-i ers Uenra. from Baitiraors. at 6 ISd.

4 quarter log Cora aad order a h'orweglaa bark, 400 ton ha ore. t'l'H aboat J4.4AIO enartera Orsin at 6 fexLi snot her, 674 tons, henee, with about 9.6O0 quarters at 5 an Italian hark. 434 tona, henen, with about S.KOvl Juarters dA, at 6 6d. quarter a Morwrgtaa larkv 92 teas, henen, with about 8 OOO bbl Rediied Felon ban, at 4 3d. bbL: and sa Aaarrtcaa suln.

1.4U4 tons, with Wheat, from haa Franetaco (enartott-d tliera.j at the advonesd fates ef 66 4VL, option wf Lleerpe st 91 6L, (with toBiisgs for Grain quoted as In light snp. ply, sad wanted la tne Man Francisco market Vug, Havre. sFrsav-h bark, 626 son and sn American ship. 1.919 tens, with Csstow. tram New-Orsaan fconCntrid snade there.) on ths basis of ac art AsterrK by stssa 400 pk Frevlaiom at 42 IM.

So. i Bremen by stsaavshlp Nsckar DIM) bales ot too af 1 l-lc B.t B.OOO bnshala Rre. and H.OOt) bnalu sua l-orn as x-PQ reiehmsrss i i.umj tut cwBt-a aa do.t l.OOO ba Bason sad l.SOOtc Lard at 22.16 10 hhd Tobaeeees 43 sai 9tiO balsa do. at 14 3d bales do. st 6 aad lta) tons Measurement Ouud lq lota at gOatlUO de For Mean bars, by steam, l.OOtj ka rro vision a.

reported la part aa the bans of A 11 1.20O te 1.64M Bk teal aa prlvatt terms For Berven. a Nurwssrtaa bark. Bhsj tern beacat i wish equal to about 2. BOO qiasrsera Uralu. la ahlp'a bagi, reported at 9 2d.

quartar or Rsryal. aa Aastriaa aarx, ox sots wita vtmaa, zrom asensuts, rw ported (aa chsrterad thsrs ea private turpi eaotsd at sd. hid. Ol oral tar. by aaii.

rnrthsr shipmaats ef Kenracky Tobaaco, ta hhd, af 32a, lid. Aieanta, an Ainaricaa hark. 617 tons, hewee, with Kentuoky Tobseeo. at 3oa For Vapls S4) Itsliaa barL 460 ton heaea, with about 3 OOO quarters rraia at 6 6d. 4 For Fort Eiliausth, a ttsrj Bis hark, 227 tons, henee, with general sarao.

ma-alt fawa aihSilt Hi BtM Vow If Ur (. avhoaaor, 2 jb tons, with Coal, fruea Soetn Ambvy. 1 91 26 ton. aad aa Amsrtcaa schooaar, 956 tea I gsneral fruaa 91.401) and i Port charrss Fug alatsrTas, aa Avisrt can seaooosr, A74 toa wtth Boa tWt frao) 9c John, at 21a For liaytl. an Asnsrioaa acksonsg 170 teas, henee.

wtth gwteral cargo, ea priratt -For Jamais sa Amstiasa suhnnae 254 toaaj I hsncs, wtta gvasrsi ssiwo, rs ported oa private I For 1 almas aad back, aa Amsrlcsn schuener, 166 tona with gsaerai sargo. reported at 91.00 rorht, Piarra Marttniane, an taawliaii acheutter. 1 3d ton hena witA.gwnaral sarro at Trinidad. Fort of Spain, aa Amervjaa achooner, 19 tons, hsnae, wit general enrgo, a 4 ff pui.CsatBise tnae Vi 1 yutss gwaerally. THE COTTOy MARKETS, RATAxmAM.

Feb. 18. Cotton flrm VidJllnn lOBsc: Low Middling, 91 Oood Ordinary. Oct net: tweaapt 1,666 balsa; gross, LoeX) bataat erttorTs to! Urant brltaia, 6.7tM sales so the Chasssi, 1,3.10 bsuoa-l eneatarise, 2.094 batasi saiss, 1.6O0 asUas; atock, 94,04 baUee. i Kgw-OxLtAXg.

Feb. 1 Cotton active aad higher MUtdiiag lii'sc: Low Mlddttnc 9SaB- Uood 9i4 avat reeaipt 14.6s7 baUet gros 17.917 expoa-as te uraaa ttmain. a.IOO awiaa to tli oar! neat, 17 balesi aaiea, 1A30U bales stock, 395,910 balsa, ChaBLXbtow, Feb. IS. Cotton steadier Mid'Hing, 10i Law Middmsg.

lOBas.1 treed Ordinary. 9. net ni saints, totd ssuss: exports, to Orast IsrUain, A 41 Bales: roiatsnaa, aotf bsusei salsa, aow basis; luck! do.614 bale Mobilb. Feb. 18.

Cotton firm i Middling. 103-! Low Middling. Pae-i Ostsd Ordinary. KVi aei raesaplai 9.403 ha ass sxports sassvsris. 3.B12 balsa: as is d.Ol i aao aai as.

roiGy alakkezs. Lowwoif. raa, 1 1X.30 p. M.Coneola. OS fl.fft far bote asotasy aad tbe aeaount.

Csltod sHetae 4 eentt bonds, 103St loa-V Ens Malta aharws. Illinois ueaieai. fat waanjng aallfoad. 15. Me" Js-rsey I Antral Osxaula.

96S- LAOF.B, Ceannai 93 11-19 for both money aad tas aeexaSBt. a 99U P. X. Consol 95 11-11 foe hath mesvey and thai sasraint. The aaaenat ef hulibin gone late tae Sank of Anrisea aa aaisnasto-aay Is, Iwh F.

M. a rts Railway shares, la 4 P. L'nited Stats 4S awat. honda. "103.

1167 197; ltl-4" eowpon. loat now as. loA Ksisi avail way ahaese. 9t, So. preferred.

St. Pane ndtiH quoss 6 esal. RawJes 1 lot. 46a, tn lb Ber oust -Baaija, Tru, la. The wsesiy statsmsat of the LsvJ perns! Bank ef (1 iiamaay gases aa is its i is la spscis uS ll.Buu.vwBsns I Lrmsroot, Feb.

1" Fork stead Tl Eaateea at 6t: wsatera at Ob Maeua duili caann u-aa-l Cnt at) 32i Short Rib at 92au Long vloar at U9 bd hlwe-t' Cissw at 3Ua ad, Baans Long Cat dall at 43 lutmli tUrsdull at 23 fcaaf steady: India Mass at U8- Ea tm ataaa SuU as 1 1 eav; Fttnse stssa wAI at na I ant Frlsae Wssssm dull as 39a. tidL silo Itism fltt 44,1. at 4fav ad. TBrptsstlss Si Is its aasady at 25 -A SU-tSsi dull Uaan at 6 kLi Fuse at low. Chacss AmsrieaB C'hetea atsaity at 99 Lar4-oil daH at 4rjj FlosjeAstan atate dall at 29 d.

Wtatftnl'l kad! 9ptng at 11 No. 3 Hocsf at 10 Winter at 1174. Com sail; Miasd auts aa ss. d. taw old, aad 27 (Wt.

foe new. sitae aasd oil Yslsirw tmarime, tvuwe lathe aaarasC t. i 1 hi) F. M. FreeasoaawCa, SB.

70s, esri, forth 4 F. Uorton raa aalss te-day laulnde Il.IOO baU AasarlisB FBaasss Lsiaaea. lav MMtdllug etaasoi May aasd Jests SWlrsry. wlaads. Low Mtddiia bis ass.

Jaae aa July dattvsry. 9 6-32d. plan-la, iqj MKidiiag sans as, shippsd Mag aad Juas, sail. b'sd. i i 9 M.

Cottsst rotwrva 9 raa, I plaad Low Vkb dllasr elssss. Frimary e-ltvsry. sd.i Lpsaads. Leas Mbiallingcisasn. Maeea and April Jslivsw.

i4 1 Cptaaada, Lear MaWtiana cans stay aad daaaa dadvsry, 6 Ppland Lew Midduag Jane aad July dot nets, 4 3-laaLi pks ads. Low Mtdstitag iiiaiasn sly sad Aawnag dalissry. 9 7-3U tp sails, AsgasS aad tifisnitaa da Rvsry. 9S4V i i ArsaiBg Tbli nl atl. 97 rat i Leamoa.

Fee. 1 nm.ft F. M- fseaeea- ngfined FWrui 1 a luisllh4 pa I law. TaOew, A4 3d. Sua, d.eearw hieirita TWpserlaa, 25 64.WV5 Md, ErsniBt CaVsataa Iliinl.

49a. cxartaa. fML tL'Jtk 10a. a taav. I Fee.

1 1 ratwnaata. fSoC for ana 35; I JUlei1 rt 2.19221 ha iss; stock. i I I i- i i i.

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