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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 8

New York, New York
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

to-ioik (Txttita, Sutag: gtomtef 311867 8 LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. SOAKD Or EDUCATION. lMimilif IpKlal aMtUf-TMlaa- tv PakIM aVcttBele Keytar of tike CaemBatttee. board of IMnvafjoo bead it final mmoi IwUNrui atle-si laat avanAtwt. Prieai kto-Iu la iba chair.

A ecau.meajeats'ai was recetv-l trwm Ik Mayor Ebatti Lmuntu a Inspector, T. Ui. ix, resigned. It wee referred. a ruaumaM waa iseelvcd free the cancer of a lectie Medical ciy la relatloa to veectne-toa tn K-D'la.

Tbe commuakatloa aata rorta that at held by th Rocietv, Ttae. 11, resolution ware lotod to th eATed taat ta thalr apiiuoB iimm aaeetit tb fweiu or guaroleaa a children Lav im im dUrct tnr turinaloa, and that ae ova tbould ba allowed ta rater Ua acbool and wsr itiiIc eaiidree without th kn'rwVd or eonacat tb pai cauiinu; that tbe sutject of ob-as'iisai para ewe clrue, direct trom tar klar. ta ease at great importance, aa matter Uaa o.iued will prevent the aprcad- of a variety of diaraaes, jrh aa croAtM. which alutoa: aatvsraeliy follow aba aaa at impure auaUer, aad that iba aoctetv re-aMBnU to Ut board of Health that they eetablieh eye-ewc tut t-Oiainlaa pure vrrw cUrc-ct irotu tbe tktaa. utf aa each, -jusuiiy a tu eappiy every po- aabie deniaawl.

brh wee referred. rue frienre i ouitait'ri it annual re-Bsxrt, '1 ba saiartea aad all cAal ae aad Incurred, pexi a ar aa Jsortxed. aaa boas promptly mat, and linn will remain, af'er prowtiatr f'jr all obligationa a tba Board end tba euan ot fSO.OM appropriated IT act ot tit lrietotur of SKo April, lo67, "tor tba tmikuof im erection of a cht4 l'r coiorsd chll-tra." a be-aoec of about lAO.iKw. Included ia I lis above ceMmaiarl balance la Uw Bom ot tn.Zoo, which was paid by tha hroadway Bnk on fcaNoMeeonwA. Tub Prmdrnt, CUairznas of tha Viaattoe Commute, and Crk at tba Board wn aataervred to coineel, and tbev did aptar am mm X.

baaoT aad Vu. t. Ccktu, ta Mara tba luatlar to tba roana. abrra it ia uuw Maxim; Uannjt tba eontfuwnj the City Chamber-lauatfacUuaa la Kira tba Moard credit lor amoaar. It at propar to and it-at the ruoiuel ara ol upiuioa that tba act.oa of the bank ia uiiwarraniad and illegal, aad tLat tba dcaion of tbe oourta will aadoab aily ba to lavur ot tbla Board.

Taa rtcclpia tor Uieyaar amounted to $1.02 1,1432 tfcc rapcuiUturaa to ti.7Gi.IM9 16; la ipk a tnlnci to tbt crrititof tba IJuard wi tli Cbamtx-rtain '4 gabthiat daducung Ire ui thim nona Imbibo aw atirovnauaua aiuoauuna" to I JU 1,40 H3, tbara rauiaa a bc-aacaot tbo tunc, n.byci to p) mania, he-, aa tba Slat mataai of VI. 1 ba report a laid ovar and onlarcd lo be prinad. A aommniiMTattun waa omraJ toom CM4a. 1. tUa, Tar, ai.aiat;' ot tba fat.iu Kail way Conipany, rUf iv ta Iba comi-laaoB of uui wurk in front ot Oreiu-il Hcrxjul Mu.

'X. 1'bc comuiunlcatKiB (vlataa tbat aba Wfikiaau Oi uua t'oaipauy arara torciLiy drirea an ui iba rult ia Iruut oi una acuool uuikliUK in tmaaiui-auat, wbila thry wara in coar-U aauia in a proper luaonar. It aaa piONel aa ctmuvm laa atiuraa), aud ata Duarly utapiaUHt, mi tae Jantor. nndrr tba dirac-Uua ut ua iraateaa, by tbrrata of mratnal k-late, ianaJ tua aaoa to daaial tba bniaaiim ol tba wfc. aa atiova ataMMl, aud tba -inuu ware not per-auut-d ia rmivN tba urOnM from -in truil of tbo pre at ia a butore named.

1 acintnnaisaiiuB furtber act forth tbat tba ualaaa Ibat tho t-ouatrucuou of tba railway roiu4 La autm ly nuoLJticUonabla, and tbay there-ura aakad thai tlia boaru auail caua ibe work to ba buB uuuar tba ciwics of tas nupej mteuuent ol febiHi.bca. anl tbay ami roraish ba workmen and pay all taiMenaea. It waa rrlerroO to iba C'ouiiuiuee kmiuiimp. In eonnaotioa wiita tuo aova iba aiuktl ot HCbool no. aani in a cuipiuaui- aain ii.

la wfeuea (bay uaaira to uiiona tad oru abat in Jaly biM a uoia waa received irurn Jamkb L- tUAUk ptiiii perauJMioa otba Meat bule aud Kuu bera aaiiway companr la maaa an uxesjtauou fca irom ot tout acnout, tua Uoa.Htny ava.u.41 taeiu- aaol tb pnvueao tuna irtea tbem byjrauite mm ma a nriiu." and aa engine, and tbay behaved tba! iba Cvni nr musndod la pat a nuiiir in to drive tb ami ruf Lac i tba ruounuy tuey had warnoa tbat Mr. allLXXa aau ba rm to ulve lao penniaon be-aura nanwul to uie Coaiaur. Uiey increicre nave put Mop ta lurtuar cncruacbuienta by tna Cunipauy. and to tPiiBimata thi ai. (tna iruaiaea.) tae Uotupaiiy pro- ffival a warrant agama! tbaan Mr uiaorlery oouauct, wbicb ctutre-a uiey arara afiorward atqiuued by imty i-otruaa; thai Ibe Company uirau prouead with tba wove noiaituatunawg.

It waa relorred. A eoikAanicaUt Waarauotvadlronil'incaCoui'EB. Ctauaiau ot tba Cliit ma' AaaMMrtauoii, lat relauou bat ainonnt will km nqiijd ny tbe Uoaru lor tbe npoiR of educauoo Ku tba year Itlba. It waa ra-Krrvd tu Iha Ftnaaue ComtniUee. I be Cotnmil ae praaan i a njtin apon tba aab-Jaat ui vara i tauon in tba pablio aubuota.

Tba report ULitMita wilb a rerotunicnuatuM Kir the aoopuoo I tna autaOWiug a ii up 4. That tbia raport be printe aad tbat tba br-. aaa aaaad 't'ii a no ftiaeauv ao aa to raau aa tu- ftuw aw aaaH anu ae aiMjwml to auaad any aaati aav taaiinur ae aataioyaa 10 ite aca pUAfil or laanmr aa baaa averv nriaetiaai of a aeiioui eijuue liiectry eviuaaua of aoeb vawuuuoti aa a eatiMte ia a a. aiOfi9raint ar avauauauee 2i a a-tcacowr. aaa ana rru.ciMU sball tiwi vtiier vne vaiTMaara ai laa actoaata tba aataa ai tae rapaottva aa a uie pefe ana laatiitaia.

1 am aaa taMi on A raotatifn waa adopted cinfirnhic Eaaaaoa aa Inapecior ol tbe Hum Dtalrwa, nee 1. J. UaUtiaa-cBoU. A raaoltiuon to talauitau a colorcU aruuary eteoiit aa ko, lAo Uumtou-etraet arhicu waa auuH4 Itvaclutiuua eumplimontary tu la Preai-aarait, ila teuiiaig nmbra. tbe cleraa and reporte-re ai ant pard, and tie Hoard ot aUuicai-ou lur tha year loll aujvanal aa? a a.

1 rteIalpB) Palaaai fx t'aae Tcatt- ananla.1 la Mr. Joel U. Plr. Hr. Jut.

D. Paicr, tL draial.or Wliittlial atrati, as wi.cia rtusb patnlul aaspicion atiaaof-d tlcr- taay ba lata ibqueat over tba bodice of tha poieoned BtukLcr abd tDiUl ia lrtx but who waa bcnurably aotialltad ot all blatue by tba VHI IUV W4VWIUt KMCf tM avatpatby and aateeai, wbich. it will ba eeen, ta tnfiMa ty ntany of oar tuoat reaouiabla down-town avervbajita. to whom be ia wellkaown: ntciai tub ruxx or toss, ik ratcE. Trr.

31. akin. IX. Hurt: It la with ueop mtereat bave Aailv waTr.bed th uniuat iMsratasittiufia with yea have httelv laarn to contend (vour lipa, anaaawbiia, rloaed.) and aa bow con greialaa yoa on ita terniinatiun aud your honorable aoaaittaL Ba aaanred yoa have bad, throtifuout. awr naartiakt aynpatby in your aOVction, aud tuat at tM time have we entertained bat one opinion ot you, emd lal waa ot yoar enure innocence, aud that vonr clear eonactance baa auained you during ihia or ateai.

In aa leuuer on our kmaeal re- (Tarda, and in tbia publio nianner teatify our eater m. utm yon a poacelul and proaperone iu arc Voura. reepecltnVy Taoa. W. urtfbn So.

Moora-atreet, New. York; Jecntaou Turtle. So. In ltridtre-e'rect. New.

Totk; Henry r. Kobe, So. IV bitebaU-alraet, Naw Vork; Ueunta Mu.tu. Nj. 67J Hmadway.

New Yufc! Walter II. Tiiomam, No. 14 Wbilehali-eiraet, Xrw-iwi; rfoan wr. aioera, o. ni.anall-areei.

yew-Hark; H. W. Moore, So. is Wb.M bail alraei. iaw-i4r; nt.

Dual, nw, it untouKiimi, nw York; J. A. Imrkea, So. 13 TV hllkbaU-eireat. Sea York; oba w.

btaBord. Saa-Vrki Wbllwell Itra.a, II WbtlatiaMHiiraal, Sew-Vort I bprati ravtll. Mi. WHileliall-etrret, Sew-York; rae c. cowan, no.

90 niteaautieat. Kew York; I baric b. Uim, So. aa earl.atraet. Sea.

Torbi baapa miter, sot. aa aou uridaie-atraai. jew-iori: 4. 11. aimunaon, Aoa.

9a ana 93 Bridge ecrec. ffew-Iork; V. klaugais. Sue. Vi aud teaad-etreat, iew-Tork; Iian witt.

So. tW Hroao-. atrwr. Mew-Inrk; Darbna. Albertaon Roee, So.

eari-atreet Maw-York; Job a Lowe. So. raarl- aireet. Sew -Tort; Benj. r.

Dominirk-atraat, wrm-Mormi b. Biaimona. jto. 12 Briuite-airaet, Sew, York; Tnoa. A.

Brown, So, Waier-c tract. Kew- York; tf. D. WaVfe-idce, So. 13 Bridge-etrvet.

Sew- York; bar lea Hoemer, So. a ew-Tora; 8. Ho.auna, So. ti Prvaidenttraat. Vrtx-klya; B.

O. Tbooiaou, Su- 6 Bitebail-etrevt. XeavTork; Miad. aamann Jalorpby, So. tl Bar ciaa-atreat.

-i jra; a. a. Aiien. So. el bamar aarvet.

Sew-York: Xaoa. W. Maun, S'u. a) WeaiBal- aUaUecl, Bro-ikdrn. U7TDI XmO MB.

IUCL Soe, jlid 0 nrrr at ix-e ra rrr, 1 Saw-Tuna. Iac. 34. Lna7. i Jtawea.

paacaat W. 6rfu ct Ce yeaanaaa at artic, atad am a tlimayri: Yonr letur c( c0B.Tariuaticat.a7m ftby and retard La baturtt tna. For Uua voluntary eapracainw el aaleem and triaalabip I tnaaa on aeuec aiaeiy. whim nil apna ui parcaea earin. It inea traah ufa to the bLiaaoma of feopa lb tba aaxt.

Tkrouk tanaa of aaDrtauata avaaiadunDf tha pat (aw taara, caimihatibk' ta tb recent Ib'eeu-paitoa aa ta tb eauae of laa ntaieacbeiy daeika la At. name bm beaa given aa mm', anvktbia bubUotiy. Xbrongbinit all I bave been leal, kopibg thai Im legal tataniraiioa, nigbi ba rniitia4 la tint im tala.iypt vary aaaaruoa Bik la agaibtt Bk t4 Ua atalaioaa nttivaa aclaatiag thoae niaklsg them. Ii rxftiirea, 1 and, ronaiderabla lorHlnda to aiiclly bear with wneeeelBg rrreacfiUon. but a clear eoaeeteaea ha avar eatutiaed tae.

lb toqainuoa baloee tha (Veo-tvar kaTing keally terminated la my at qaittal by aba a aaa ivit ii to any lauui eaw masauaf ao well aa Byeelf, to a late a tow tratba, aad aak aha "reaa to give tbena aa Bach peduinenoa aa Sad bean aady given wicked huaahadav 1 will item herein, it ekBg roar with thai tbat letter ba Fthhafced. I raarrfed tixa A Toner Torrr with the pnraat aad dee peel faaiiag bbai aaeva Iba heart- a 4 ff itmi. a fcerwiib kindncaa. nndar tba moat aggrseatmg toriiTnuacii, and bee towed noon bar a libfralii Jeynnd any peenniary ability. Iroaa aad axpartonca, 1 waa tot tba treat urjned gt kar ataMDiant batora aba jury; tadead.

abona aot have baant arprlaaU at aytbieg. That ataiemant I nnkaaitaungiy pao Bwuncw tnO of tba groaeeea ao4 cay. pabla ot batag proven in any court of law. Dag rapaai4 inrabl) I at lat Boaaba paeMarw tmm, leaa of good bane proaeaa of rapid radUTtnaek Slay Ood torglva Ver tor what aba baa a. wroacbl.

ly rekatioM with dcataaid War au-ie. koaorabla. I bauevad kar a good wo. kiaaj, naedtag aud rt curving at bay handa acantanra aad araiaauwn Iroaa tba peraaeautma id ay anal aao. kaowiaw be to be a bw uuportant witucwa aa taVlf tfrtwa-gwlj aw milling at caw tataacm na.

I aa additaonal eoliettnda tor her aoeataj aad bodtiy bamtb and avength, and aver carad tor her aa I would an boa- areola auaa aboold lor my a later under aimitar cir- inutaneea. From these suentiona. erroneonely roua trued, area tha anaDtcaoa that involved ma la thia aad affair. Again, gaaitlnwian. aiaearery 'hTivr-g yoa for that Clyreeeinn of catcain.

1 raanaia Tcmra, raapecUcUly, JOEL V. I'EJCX. Swatrcl CwtaaaellaacBi. The Board ot Cocncilnvcn met at 2 o'clock P. yeaterday.

Mr. Bniacuian tn tb abair. Tba tavern and aaxiee onllnanre. whack glvoa tba pflwer of crantlng ncenaea (fur tha aula of liquors to tha Mayor, waa called np. Mr.

STrrnxa Rnxara amid that thia waa evidestly a ob to part cawnael loea into omabodya pocke'. Tha "Court or Appeala bad already decided that the Hi tae Commlaatonera ara acting nnder a law arnica la vud acd conatttuUona. No povlale g-Kd could raauit from 1 taxing the qceation anew. Meaara. Bxaconacd t'Lrxs oand that there waa any anch lutaat a Mr.

bVjBUT aaeerted. tn paang tbia ordinance. It waa trained on tbe old ordiunctra wbkb exiated nnder tha Duncan charier. Mr. TxoJus yioanax aaitl tna Commiaion-era were carryuul out tbe law In a nviet otjectiouaola tuaucer.

Xuer wruK from luoae tcok out 11-cauaea all their eara.nja, and treqiienily cancelled the licence and mineJ tba balder 01 them on the lutjet trivial pretencea. Mr. Qaaull pileoia-i to the ordinance. Tbe oruinauoa waa Unajy oonenrred an by a vote Of 14 to 9. beaolutlun to r-ve with Stcholann pavement tbe foliowng atreta aud placoe were coucunvd iu: R3C tor-etreat, weahingtra-place, Mnmr-cirecl, Sew-treat.

Ltoexty-arreet. Bri ge-atreat, Pearl-asreet trom Wal-treet aa Twentyourtb-airael trom Broadway to tbe tiuus-aveaoe. Iba klayor'a communication, with. tha resolution troui tbe other Board, calling on tbe Mtste and City to protect narnmlized cl uena abroad, waa called up. klx.

W. B. BoBUTa acid it aaa high time eouie ae-tion aioull ba uaeo in tbu matter. Tbia country invited loreignera over bare, and comerred 00 thetu tue ridbta ot ciilzena. tturcly, it la only proper that when thoae right are menaced tbe country eliouid delend tbexn.

Xuooaanda of loreignera arrive here every year, take tbe oath of citizenship, and aeeunie all tbe dutiee and rasponaibfeitue ot cuixitia, yet the Ooverniuent declluae to interfere when tbe live or likw-rtiee 01 aucti peraon are in danger. Tbia waa on-fair, aud could loud only to bring the Government and country into dlarepute. Mr. fi-xaa aaid it waa nnneceaaary to make a long aruuiiw-ut 011 tba question, ae be bad no uuubt the 13 jar i hla tbe aame opiniou aa Mr. Kobekts.

'1 be reeoliition waa tuou concurret in. Tbe Board adjourned to Tnuraday next, at 3 P. M. Bottrel of r.apervteora. Thia Board met at noon veeterlny, Mr.

Smith in the chair. KuaoluUona to pay tba widow of Cokbad 8waci- umu, lata tievnly Tax Commiajuoner, hla aalary lor tbe month ol Kovmbrr, to pa the clerk and maakeuiccra In tne Mayor' a rCW trom ioO to $500 for extra enrvlcea, were ailvptoii. Ike oula of Meaara. 4 Kax. for printing luul hUih ni ry lor tba roouiy amounting to over lR.i'UO, were ordered lo Do paid.

Tba Board then adjourned to thia afternoon. Mediate; ot L.lcjwor-lea.ler A Hew El-ciae Propoied. Yesterday a Committeo of Liqnor-DeaJers and Brewera held a meeting at tba Aator Uouae, with a view of conferring with merabera elect of the Legislature on tbe working ol tbe Exciae law. Among tbe member of the egialatnre prevent were senator Tweed. Norton, Murphy, Bradley and Creamer, and aaemblvmeii Col.

Murphy. Jobomon, Freer, Jcmea Keilty, Bergrn, Andrewn, Jacob, Smith and othom. Phiut jioa oorapled tbe chair. Ha explained the object of ibe meeting, and waa followed bv Mr. ohm H.

WnojiM. who advocated a total repeal of tbe preeent Exeise law. Mr. Jor McKkos. eonnae for tba liqnor-ealera, in referring to the la said be believed the nineteenth and twentieth eert.ou 10 be nr.conatitnl:ona', and ba bad applied to JucUe Cakdoxa to get out injunction.

He then read a bill wbich ha had prepared to ba eubmlttnd to tba, which providea that tha of the City 01 New-York aball have power 10 grant liceuars annually to all tavern-ken pere, innkeeper, victualcra, keapere of reatanranta, and all public eeliere of win en, atrang waiere, cldara, beer, or any eort of intoxicating beveragea or liquora. by ratail, and preacribea tbe manner in bcanaea may be obtained, and Ones lor violating the law ahall be collected and appropriate! to City naea. In answer to a question by Mr. Jacobs, wby Kings County waa not taken into con lderauon, Mr. licKxua saifl tbat tbe for that waa diflrfreut.

In New York tbe people wanted to stand on their cbar.ered right, and. bv Including Brooklyn, he' thought he would have done wrong. Col. MrnPHT moved that tle bill be referred to the' Joint Committee from Sea-York scdUrouklyn. Mr.

Ivixi oflered an amenoment tbat tbe matter be referred to a committee ot fire to be appointed by the Chairman. Mr. JicoLe aaad what waa the meaning of the twelf.b etction ot ibe act, in which it area eurted tbat persons now bavin license seed nol take cut any until their present hcensca expired. That, he aaid. would be requiring partiea in Brooklyn 10 take out been sea from tne Mayor of New-York, which would be aim ply ridicnlous.

A Mr. McKxox explained that tbia waa done to permit all persons now having hecnees and bad paid IMtO ahoiild hold on and ao be earned over till May, June or July. Mr. Emus hoped that eomeihms would be done fnr Brooklyn, aud he thought that a aectiun might be added in relation to that city. Alter at) me further discussion the amendment waa paeaed, and the uriciual resolution fur Jier amended an aa to refer tbe 0:11 to the joint delegation Irom the Metropiitan Police 1 siricr.

By request of Mr. Cbhabikb, tbe Uqnor-deaiera retired to 100m No. Uu, him leave tbe wetter in tne handa ol tue rcpreKentalivea ol tbe people. Tbe leudatora then appolnied a eonimiitce ot erven lo comer wltb tlie ctiuuiit'ee of aeveu ot Uiu liUoriia-cr. aud tLe xuceiii.g ai.juurtied till Ibura-day at a P.

U. Ian porta aat flevcatue brlsttreby Collector Mr. E. T. Wood, Uie newly-appointetl Collector of tba Third District, Brooklyn, baa already commenced bia raid npon tbe Illicit dittillarle of hi telnet.

Yesterday ha directed tbe aeixore of a large place in Hudaon-avenue, aaid to bare defied all tbe detective force of the Revenue Department for two ruontba past. Deputy Irxii, at tha head of a small force, entered tbe place and found .14 hogsheads of mouse ea juat being deposited in mash, entirely ouiivioua or tne leani tax ana license, ibe men otiersting the etlll made tsacka." but aoon returned with a crowd ot two hundred men and women, wbo commenced a brutal aault upon Deputy Tikkxt anu nis men, lor me avoarea purnoa of regaining possession of the d.stlUery mi removing it. Word waa sect to the Uarsbal'e omca, and aoon Marshal rltooixa appeared on the ground with reinton-e-mautsi but not until Air. Tismt bad been brutal! eiruck with a bluJgeoa; Insoector Hkbkt pr-cumed wuu a biuuk-cuot; Apuiy lllTluLOC nail Billed by Ibe mob. aud tba kruiera litswtee badly baudlad.

All iba weuuilaa were conveys 1 to tb baaraaidrtui ator. where tbeir wound wt-r urrscad, atw wbicb lb were remove tu tbeir bomea, lb Mill we turn raxsed by Ins A reward will, bodotibt, be odeced by ibe leowrumeut lor tbe apyrrbsnaiuu 01 in guuiy paruv Tho Mleaau Tow boot Boiler Eiplotlow. Tbo Coroner inquest on tho body of Sax CXX CaAMSSaXl. who loot hi life by tbe txploaion of the boiler od board the a 14am tow boat rait, on Thursday a week ago. while lying al tha Keren ton Dock, la Jersey City, aaa concluded before Coroner Wabbkii laat evening.

ac Mccasm. a practical boiler-maker, testified tbat ha bad examined tbe rectal boat which waa raised yesterday, and found tha boiler literally blown to fragments, aad waa to ear what bad caused tbe expsoeion. From what he could see, be waa of opinion mat tna oouer waa wen braced. 1 her being no further evidence to offer, the case waa given to the Jury, wbo rendered a verdict mat tha deceased came 10 hi oeatb by tb txploaion of tba oouer on board ua tow boat aa from (ome un known caaee. GENERAL CITY ITEWS.

rutrs. About 3 clock rettcra- morning a fir occurred im tb liqaoT-etor So. tus WMbtugtoo. itrt, ocenpttJ by og Aivill. Both No.

ul 1st war footl4rhly damagsd. Sir. Anrtu. also ecaie lb appar lunti lodging-bou. DuitoMOB farsitur 1 liooo, inaurad ktr 12,100, od bad 1,4 la greenback aad (old watch burnt up.

No. ill occnpiad by Dabikl KiLLt a lodglag-boua. sal suaiaiaed a laa of Mtl, iu. ared. Soa.

til tal tT were unoccupied, aud war damagalto tha rxlaal of 11.000. XcMI ia oocu- pted by ike Americas aoap loaipany. who auatain a loa of 1300. Ail of tae beioag to tb Stewart rattle, aad ar Insured. Tsomaa McCaBraT.

of a-ia Compaay So. 3a, waa tnjnraa by laiLng trocn ladder. Ixtkmax. BzTYxrc AyTAiaA. No aeirore War reported by Iba inapactor yeetarday.

Mr. fiaoos ofSoa la CeJ ar-atreet, waa wall filled doricf bnaiaaea bour with person desirous of aettling up thair aaootaiy tax aocoonta. It la aaid ao tur liver step will ba take in the mattar of tna domeatio Wine eaaea till eoma a4nita mamtcbOB ara re ferred by official bow Is, Washing toa. iiim ot A Dzfatltzb. Bctmlps Krv- ant aged 33, dark, waa yesterday brought to tbia by rtsctivo Yacokx tad Ixvrsa, of tb OsAtra Offio.

OB A Cbarew of being a oefacuter. It appear fuai XtrrxLU waa tba agaal at Newark. X. for tba German la rtre Insurance Company. In, llf Iiroaday.

aad aome weak ago abaevoded with a amonnl of tba fubda lauraataU to hay a. baang aoapeaia4 la bla Aigbt by a eronaan. Mr. luuuuii itiaawva, president of Uva Uusvaar. auado rwesblau.1 a Mr.

duata A. AaaaaaT, wbo da taMiMl tb sbt)T-iaa lrtewvt tw aitu4 tal tr-f-l long aad tediowa psrrsaK Bbrongb tb Western rt-atea taey aueceeded tn eaacbing tba rngi-trv at Bpringseid. and broBcat biaa back to ta City. IM accused waa yeeterday arternooat takes over to Sew-Jereey lor tral. It ia alleged that be bad engaged in eeveral eoBfloeaca opera Uoua be lore ba abaeunded.

AsaryAxa ut Crrr. Oen. C. H. Potter, of the Called PUtea Army; Boa.

W. M. arraher, of 'Washington; Hon. B. D.

Corveil. of Buffalo; Gen. -fa. By. of tba United Btatee Army; Bon.

O. Birgina, of Montana, and Hun. W. L. Avery, of GuiltoaJ, ara at tba MarropoUUn Hotel.

Gen. O. W. MuCook. Ohio; Hon.

ii. F. Ocouuk, ot Syraeaae. and Gen. Porsytn.

ot tba Uniied butea Army, are at tbe Fittb-aveane Hotel. Coraniiaeioner Be-Uin. of Nrw Bamp-shire, and Boo. J. F.

blokes, of WahingioB. are at tba Aatur Hooce. Hoc Cheeier Grtsaold. of Troy, ia at tbe New-York Hotei. Gen.

P. Danlay. ot Uiuo: Hon. C. H.

Sberrill. of WLanlnaton. snd Hon. Asa, Paulkner. of Tecn- we, are at tbe St.

Sicroti Hotel. The Stitk of Kew-Yobe Baxk Boabeet. Tbe mesaengrr of tbe Paxut of the State of NVw. York, who was robbed of $3,600,000 In checks and cash on the 1SJ waa yeetarday confronted with TwnaiAa McEtoM, WasBmeToa GooDXT and britbr Eiiviid, who were arrested on Rarurday on auspicion ot being concerned In tbe robbery. Tb ruersengrr couid not positively Identify any of tae men.

though he thought they looked rerv like the thieve. Lpwabd Uocdbt. who fired at the offlcera making the arrest, will be held ou that charge. Tba otbera are detained for the orceent. Skattno.

Tbo cold woaUier haa placed nearly all tba ponds in ewal condition for skating, and yesterday they were TUtted by large number of people. There has been very little good skatiner yet. and the proprietors of ponds ara looking eagerly for extreme cold weather. Nrw-YEaVs Day at thz Cm Haix. Mayor BnirMAS will receive hia lrienda in tha Governor'a Boom.

Ctty Hall, between the hours of 11 A. M. and 1 P. on New-Year's Day. ITio newly-elected Motrin" aud County Clerk will also receive caller at their respective office in tbe City Hall.

Eeleased mow Qtjabastike. Tho Btatee steamer Sacowtkjasia. bavimr been declared free of contagfon. and relcaeed from q-iarantine, came np to tbe Citv yesterday alternoou, and anchored in the North Kiver. Tamm-axi Sexxral CoMatrrixr.

Laat evening the Tammany Geueral Committee met at their temporary headquarter in Thirteenth-street, and ap-pointi lnapecuire fur the primary ceciious wUicb take place this eveninp. EKOOKLYN NEWS. Board or The final mooting of tbo Board ol Aldermen of 1847 was bald yesterday afternoon. Alderman ABMrrtxD offared an ordinance Imposing a fin on tbe city Ilailroad Companie for throwing aalt on tb rai'rood tricks. It waa referred to the Railroad Committee.

Keaolutioo to appoint a committee to receive donation and c-oiierate wt'b exisUnf charitable aasociationa for providing food for the many peoele out of employment, anil giving the uee ol room in the basement ot tbe Citv 11 all lor soup-bouse and other neceeeary pur-p ees, were offered bv Alderman O'Kxxrrx. After considerable discussion the reeolation were laid npon the table for two weeka. Keeolntiona were unanimously adopted expreeaing the appreciation Icl: by tbe Board ot tba official acta and lolly in tea of Mayor Booth, and action waa taken to prew nt a suitable testimonial to the Mayer. The Williams-burgh and Greenpolnt Railroad Company waa ao-tnorixed to lay a new track along Grand-eireet, between First and Filth Joels, the track already laid there beiDg occupied by tbe Grand-street Railroad Company. After parsing a huge number of bills aad tranaacting other business the Board adjourned.

Kinoh County Board of Supxavwobs. Tho laat meeting ot tb Board for tha year 18G7 waa held yesterday. A letter waa read from Mr. G. W.

Yal-EMTiitK, tendering bis resignation aa engineer of tbe County Court-house, which waa accepted. A vote ol thank to Mr. Yaucktikb waa unanimously carried. Mr. Job xbj waa appointed to fill tbe vacancy.

A communication from tbe County Judge was read, asking to have Jab. E. Dtjtty appointed an officer in the Connty Court, which waa done. Tbe aalary of J. J.

Soott. Superintendent of tbe Poor, waa fixed at 1.200 per annum. The annual leport of tha IS tor e-koeper and tne Keeper of the Penitentiary waa aub-mitiod and ordered to be filed. Votes of thank a were tendered to the President, Clerk aud Messenger of the Bosrd. The annual meeting waa fixed for Friday, tbo 3d of January.

A report in reference to alleged miamanagemenl of tbe Superintendent ot the Poor, or tneir officers. In the disirioution of tbe moneys nnder their charge, waa ordered on file. A resolution directing tbat tbe Committee be discharged from further consideration ol the subject was adopted, and the Board adjourned. Democratic Gknerax, Committee. A meeting of the Committee waa held yeeterday evening.

Mr. Fbxd. KiLurLtiwH in tbe chair. Ibe object of tbe meeting waa to take action on aeruring tbe appointment ot a Democrat to tbe v-oaition of naval officer. Having disposed ol tne object ot tbe meeung the body went into executive session.

Kings Coustt Beftjiujca Petmahy Mejet- XMoa. be Republican Primary elections were held lat evening in all tbe wards of Erooklyn. Local officers of tbe organization and delegate to tbe Ward auo Ueneral Couimiilcea were cboaen in each. Mortaijty. There were 1C8 death in Brooklyn kial wee.

Operation er the YV rat sky The lollowiiig ia pnbliabed in the New-Orleans papexa aa the sworn statement of a duliHer in that city. If it ia true tbare will prubably be roma cbangea ia tbe Revenue officers in that vicinity: Ntw-OULXAKS, Dec- It. 18C7. Joux Xf. Elpeb, being du.y sworn, autud aa folios "Ttat I am a member of what ta called tba wbuky ring:" tbat tbe amount required to be paid (to-ait, $1,000,) on entering thia association was pud by mv partner, Mr.

Pxauc, to Mr. Inwnf, Deputy Collector ol tna First District of Louisiana, iu tba month of July. 1RG7; that after asid waa paid. I aaa further required to pay $1,000 monthly there after, witj the privilege ot running mv diatiUery upon tbe further conoition of my tnrnina over one barrel out of every fifteen to be placed iu bond. I further state that Mr.

Corxux. Assistant Aasea-sor ot my division, waa to have $800 per month in addition to tne amount paid by me monthly to tha wui.kv rint-." Mr. Cobictt i. further atated to ma that $.100 was the leaat amount tbat any dia.iller in bia envision aid him, and be told me that Mr. Lossx, a distill st No.

8 Commerce street, paid him $160 per month when ba waa not running. Ua told me tnat klr. Caooas paid bun $300 a moo til. 1 refnaed to pay the amount, lo wit. $30u claimed by Mr.

Cob-keix, v. hereupon ba afterward informed tue tbat I could not run the still without paying the tax on every gallon manufactured by me, stating tbat if 1 could not pay him I ahould pay the Goverumaut; tuat my distillery was tbe only oue that bad ever beat him. I turUier eiate tbat I bad to pay Mr. Bow. lad.

United btatee Inapecior, $1 tor every barrel branded by him. wbicb amount waa paid by my c.ark. Mr. onus, tw Mr. Bowlaxd.

Aud 1 turiber slate that this is Iba plan of working II ibe distilleries In ibis district that pay tbeir $1,000 loto tb "WL'sky that 1 conversed who a great many otiuem. aud tbay all state thai this is tbe plan upon whlcn may work, neter paying Buy lax lo the Government on whisky mauutac urd by tlirui. Most all ol lbs distiller! bar recUlviug establish-meots near by so as to get tbeir whisky irom the stilts lo tbeir rectifying ealablialmisuis, wuicu isdobu by means of leiee plpee pat down into tbe receiving cieterua with a pump attached fbereto. la tbie way they can run whlaky into tbeaeV racuryina' eetablleb-tuenta without trouble. I lumber state that a three hundred gallon still anil make from eight to tea Lar-reta of spirits ta twenty-lour hours, ana I don't think.

bat any smaller than eight-barrel still can pay tbe $1,000 to be paid by tbia ring," (whisky.) ano make any money and pay no tax. In tact, 1 don't know anv small stii.s that have license. I turUier etate tbat this '-ring whisky" can ba identified by the rectiner'a brand, as IA ail caaee placed on the bead of each barrel by tha recufier. There ia uj tax paid on a lucky manufactured and rec.iaed tnthia City. J.

W. U.TifcK. 8wora to before JAstxa Exabx, Aaaeeaor, Dee. 14. XSCT.

FOREIGN MARKETS. Lrtnno, Moadsy. Dae. $0 hveoing. Caaanls eloaad at RSI lor aaooey.

Aanariraa aseoritMS mused at the lotlowiag ratae: tnitao btals kiv-twaty Hues liiaiic I antral Railway abaree m- Ll)Uilaay (iharas aau BArosr, Mvadar, Dva, ku F.vemag. Vailed Mate ttuad ar quated at ttSaliii tut lb leave af llsl. Ijvtaroot, Mufi1ar. Ds. K-tvaie-.

tvTTi' Tn anu aaa Arm at ta ivuvwuia aa lh.i'4 anu dithag cp.aana. atnldlin 'riaas r.J. The aa- at lbs day eteaed tb Bee setlmat by bale Inotiag np U.i bewa. "Tae antal luk af Cottoa at aaa. daaigned fir thia port, at aatiaaated afuHiaiy bale, af whiea basse ae Aoierieae." HaaAt-errrrawTbe aaarke I aaebaagad.

an i intaHae rvaaaia Baaitared. fa.ivi.ioxa Baaa baa advaaevd to ris. VI cwt. for ruaaberiaeil Cat. Beef.

Ll. lor VTlalar-carsd; pork, C7c Lard, ka.1 I baas. Ac PBobcca a-ar ataadv, 'Aba. (d. for No.

Dwteh StaaUara; Raain. Coaamoa dea-iced to Medium caaay at II. Tallow, s. M. TarpeatiBa.

37. tn.chaa boirit. Ranaed. la. Id.

Cvereeed. Lowdok. Meeoay, Dee. 30 Eveaiag. Wbale Oil baa daeliad to 3 si MiC sailoua.

aad (a Oil lo 1 10 toa. LiBcaad. AU lbs. fur Crada Caleaua. Liaaeed Oti.

XJ7. HaTabta, Moadav. Dee 38. Sugar I qnoted to-day a reals fae Ha. 11 Dutch taaaard.

W. (13 bbL Peaatoaa, sa La-abaoar Om Laadaa, UiwtiV 1 eeat, vaauaam; aa Sea-York, ramaey. cboet cujQt, al eaat. die. coqbs.

Gold, saag gba, wl It eaat. areaaaaaa; saart aigos, aval, prscaiaas. DoeweeU Market. CaraCAAO. Moadav.

BO. PiovadaU: fipeiag Ettraa, 7aw10 IA. No. Wbsav at adsraaatv aettva aavaea sa.t aalc at bi acHsri as: wusat as qaa ana aeeneageil. um aaaaarinasa i-l aa-ve at S- awe.

Oat I a east at aaaaalAa. rtaaiav dull aad aaiksunA. Usa ciaiataad trfvssead UtaVv.i saase $1 aaSi as. Msaal. ft latiHMVLiauit tasaailVa.

kaa. 1 1 aaai ttij9trt artivei litasi'aabs aa-rl bv 1 BMca. tSa.t Baasb Male, aa.1 Clear Hi Ana. MSe. Uaaara hain crall: hasaa.

sOe.tlie. DaxaaKD Heat Area and aicvaaead aaiea at $7 I $, dindiaar aw Sba, Ixvb Uone Urs ac BA aoccfT for Ooaaaaoa to Kxtra Cbaaea. ttaxr CaTTLB asul aad nasstaal. Ra-rtnn Awe) bbca. Flowr, tewbala Waaaa, ao.uwo bwaheaa Cara.

LAM bacnala Octa. I.US B'vc r-mr-aULDTe law. bbbv kau. (2. sua baahate n'baat, boshei Can.

rJUTTALO. Mowdar. Dee. S9L Fv-ocja daD: aaiea 60 bbes. Wbua Msen-gaa at $13; 4 bbla.

Wast am fiaswrs' st $1. aao IM bbla. at 73 tin for Mannar: BlXgll id for Amber: 50a)U for Whita. BTtl'Lneacbaarat $1 Whs at laaetiva and Boearnai st for So. 8pe.BC- tl IS for So.

1 rtpnac: foe Wbita Canada: r-t Ai fnr Amoer fana- rta. In sjuiee; val-s eRht ears Western 15 aew. Pxaa 1.S bushel Canada at SI ul. free. Oats a-miaai at le.

for 'WaaterB. Mva wumiaal at fl i West eta. BitUTdah: au'e I.smi bosbeie lia-ada on pnvaia terns: qnnted at ft aajl to. a lo qu -it. DnxaaKD Bta Bonsiwal at Mxaa Pons nominal.

Labd llVe. Hiiiuwra ntire aomitiai. IIbaIsi in aaars tit.a-0 buauis Waeat. Is lorn, TS.OOU bnaaels Oats, lcau ouahals Kjra. aVi.JiM basbaaj atartay.

S. bwsneia Paaa. Saa-OKXrAXB, Mondas. Dee. 30.

ottos stiff Ildulini.a. ltc; aalra, fl.oxd bales; receipts sine Haturday, COA ba.a: ports. IM bale. M'b At bra; Coiaiaon. liLe.

Pnut to Choice, 13-e. s-tiv; Common. Cnusee. Tie. FlvurB dull sul Soperans.

iu; Trebi aire. Vl; Cbmoa til JU 'a fsw aa 1 ot'aal I Oats dull st euc. pt.aa veer iuli no wnoie. ( only a y.bbinc tauswees: Anulder.

esr rii.taa, 1-vbd hiss. Tisron. Ice. Meriiiig 14 147.

aad ahiaaL Sew-Tork bight Lxchaaga, eaat. discount, ooiu. Oawroo, S. Monday, Dae. 30.

Flora steady and unchanged; sale-. 6o0 at tin -J for So. 1 kurtBar: til SU far Rel Winter: fl) foe wbita: AI37VaAV for D.aoia avxrra. Wheat qsiet: bld at 2 lot -No. I Milwaukee Ciab.

Iiim quiet; nemiBaiiv tl ltl for I. Oats and otber Grata aomioai. c-oBM Ml'L. p7 tw ba) 3c Mill 1UD acarce and n.m; 8harts, (35: Kbipatufft. lu; Miudlins-s.

$U6 1 ton. RAixnoAti iKni.HT flour tj Beaton. $1 1L; toSaw-Yoia. $1: to Albany. CTu.

FBASotaco, Saturdar. Dee. SB. FloCB and What are uuenanged. Tbe following ara tba quotation for mininaratoeka: Haie A Nor-roec.

gni.ei.ow Jacir-C $77 Orisa Poinr, $7ffc: boiler. Beieher. $l'it: Opnir. $Mi: K-n-uckr. ta-; m-panaL bavage, $11 Ovensuin.

flu. LeCal-tanoera, 74c Prillaelphla storki Board. PHILADkLPKIA, MnndcT. Dec Rtocke ateady. Punsiania Sutto Fives.

BUS; Philadelphia and Erta Railmao. 7S': Kail-rt-ad. Psnnayaaaia Kaiiroad. tl Uold. laavtunwiiici The Pbbf.moiaoicai.

Jocbmai. and Lire iLLrs-tbated is a handsome monthly, davoted to the Science of Man. inolodi ny Phrenology. Physiology, Pbysiog-aomy, Psycholoej. Ethnology, Sociology.

It is tha only Journal of tbe kud in the world. Tsrtna only $3 a year in advance. Sample numbers. 3D cents. Address HAM-UEL R.

WELL-, He. Broa-lway. New-York. A4.arllcesuat: A Knox War. Rhox.

tba flatter, of S'oa. 217 and. 633 Hroadway. is determined not to allow tha Losw Hnle to lona-ar abridge the com fort of bia nsurhbor-bnod. sad doulsra war acainat it.

boon Kjtox'a Loew. rrnm elouds will appear. Ua bopeatoiadiet tha bridire. The Grand Jury will kiodlv listen lo hira. for do we out all know that ta boor of the Cilr and county ol Sew-Yors" wear the Blnox hat Kvery Grand Juror priaes the Knox bat.

ki pressuting bills, the Grand Jun.ra buuor Knox's bat bills, snd preaant" Ll ui selves wita fc But bat. tAa.itlc.scsH Ktroamon UivrRnrt.i.. Prize medal aaarded HxBJtntrl'a Patkxt CflAMrtON Baflh at Haria. Also, at ilia World's Fair, Lokimim, and WoHLD'a rttra, Skw-Yobb. roraalaonly aa No.

Broadway, toroer Murray rtew-aork. Depattatre of Korelgaa Malls. TTJESDAT. Mails for South Pacific. Central America, California.

by the Ariana, cloae at the General Poet-omoe at 1030 A. M. Mai for Earope. a boston and Liverpool, by th Afriea, c'4e at P. M.

MaiU for Havana, by the Lord Lovil, doae at 3 P. M. WEDNESDAY. All mail cloaeat 10 A. M.

PkeseaiAera Arrived. DEC. a saassaktp DrmfrUar.i, from Brtmn Mr. Cacili Feldmaa, A. C.

Lamolt. A. Hoe Mm. K. Hoeler.

UeidUacTarer, B. Barns, Camilla Kiaanhnt. W. Cornell Jewstt aad fantiy. Ansa Gran', lsatnilla Grant, Geo.

Bernesr, Alb. taavemeyer and wife. Meyer Hecht and wife. Julie Damn, Alexander Koatc, H. Goeta, John C.

Kim me. W. (. Blumbers, John A. Tillman, Elina Kriciu and chid.

Anna Knoina. Fred. Korn, O. Pfeffer, M. Carritio.

G. Anuerson, a. Forahauner, H. Schmidt and wife. ia sflst-Ata axa Frmkfitm, from Grtnttn.

S'te. J. O. Mott. F.

hrai. TJ. b. Mrs. Or.

Hubbard H. Kr-lly. Col. B. B.

Willston. IT. Major J. 11. Walker, V.

S. A. Caps. J. Wiliame.

TJ. A- Ur. b. IL Garvin. W.

n. Ibomaa, G. J. Lewi. J.

A. Fry, A. IL Craen. A. H.

Itorr. F. H. hnfth. G.

hall and wife, Mrs. L. A. Foster, J. D.

Whipple, Mrs. 8. A. Johnson. Mrs.

E. Marvll. Mass J. Davx J. Davy.

S. P. kin-. Ii. Knodes, 8 perry.

J. has. S. C'ranrlell. E.

E. I'nt-ter. Thomas rider. J. K.

Watson, G. W. bohneiiler, J. w. Corrnan, Mr.

M. Williams, J. witt and two children, J. H. Long.

J. 1 borne. J. B. Keed.

M.t. Short, J. B. Laurie, At. iioon, Jamea UtcLnca.

C. S. H. Weti-oarne, wu and tour cinfdren.

McSwoenr, B. F- Iivettl J. W. Graves, W. Dnrbraw, G.

F. Yoring. Mr. Giil.irii. ii.

B. Jounsoa. 1. E. Kid imr, George Fredri Its.

A. Walker. B. Taekar. Tbomaa MeMoan.

J. H. F. Croweli. C.

Han-atiaa. H. at. Hawea. Capt.

A. boatnern and wife, W. Pitta, it. Pepper, G. ii.

Lmerson. G. H. hitch. S.

Allen. B. F. Martin, ii. T.

J. Adatue, J. Ii. Celia, and 162 in tha tbirj oatHa. im attnwuhip Aiakuflna.

eaat fari-m0Um J. A. Bribted, A. bedswica. Mis.

G. F. Olnv. Mica J. hi tremor.

Jonn 1. Wales. Knsa I eon N. Federlin. Mary A.

War-beck. K. Baartaaa. L. Bearman and 11 in tha steerac-9.

The Maahattaa also brinaa, of tne pasaenjrer. officer ami crew of tie H. b. rlaieigb. aa follows: Capt.

Sa-tuaniei K. sill a. Win. Welsh. Jobn oane, paseenirera: C.

W. Bar tie tt, ls onu-er; Goraoa Young, id otticer: N. hoyo, John McDonald. Patrirk liarringtca. smes Penfieid, Kuireiie Ellis, Miohael Gibbon.

'1 boa. Brown. Macbael Larkia Sc ataoscaWtf if--rstta from Charle Geei'n. Master Euward Hopkins, A- Benton, A. T.

Tnompsun. C. a. Emmarton. Uao.

Foster, Capt. J. Peck, J. C. Aluen, J.

Mara, wile ana bay. K.l. Green, Gilbert Green. Mrs. union.

Lacy Greeu. Mary ilmca ana nurae, A. I- Aucl.n. tia Elba Hussvy, Masx U. Laary, J.

,1. KoLb, W. Vincent, Juo. Williamson. Vir-amia iiliaiusnu, Kamuel K- iile, Jno.

Airs. Frank C.ark. Mica I liaie rtobinaun, Jno. Gl c'so, Jaiuaa Htetan. Win.

Uuccan, V. ta. a itapatrick. Arthur Douiddstai. 4.r.

Lureuau Mutt, Wm. C. avdaarua. anu-20 in the akeraca. am-'lATTniB ALAfAXAT THIS PAT.

I Hon seta 4 tl I Muoa 10 an hick WAa-ran bii saoy A 11 1 Gov. laiaaa.U uu I lleU 1 23 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. MONDAY. Dec 30. Cleared.

Steamship Hitterae. Cooeb, Norfolk. N. L. McCready t- o.

Kb ipa Msrmicn. Henry, San Francisco, Win. T. Coleman at Washington, Ungbee, Liverpool, Chae. L.

Wright A Heeointe. Freeman, Liverpool, Williams A uion. Bsrka faeraajento, La arson, Rio Janeiro. N. L.

Me-Craady Joaebine. Mitchell, Caraenaa. Moss A Ward: Abo-el-KaOcr, Sickarson, Saplsa, Psabody, Wit-Ii A Co. Bris Grorgt F. Wright Bear River.

N. Brett, bun Mereidec. Kohl. Cisnfuvgo-, Fowler A Jovs: Fay, Williauia, Vuesnatown or Falmouth, U. k.

liulist; lisnriutM, ifiua.i Muga. km. uao v.a baranukb. Hiiimia A I irrie A. Clark.

Hbo. Nt, Pierre, L. rt. lieynulrt: Mary Ixiuics, Ga.Aell. vt asljlnston, N.

Z. Ml, is: t. M. nruokiugc, DUalas, Kingston, A. it.

Ituii'iniia; M. H. brauiuaU, lluay, Ctiarivsiun, S. Atsi iaatly A i u. Arrived.

V. U. frigate Wampanoag, Mehnlc, from a em las at tea on a trial tr.p. lias anchored at W'icrstitlne, aau anl proceed lo aaa awaia to-murrow murmng for fur. taier t'isl Mssmship Helvetia, I Catt lag, Liverpool Dae.

It, and Queenslosm litta, with musa. aal tl paaaencere to National eteam Savisatioa Co. Has had trocar galea tne entire paaaaaa, Hlaamship Manhattan, WoodhulL Charleston, 8. Dec. 'at.

with aitiaa. ami paaeanger to Henry R. ator-gaa A Co. Ha had strong northerly winds since passing Halt eras. Dec.

29, off Hatters, axcbaneeil signals Willi brie ilsvana, bound N. sama day, 7 mile north of Hatteraa, passed staamabip Gtrore Cromwell, hence lor Sew-Orieana; asm time, peteed ateamship Mont gomery, neac lor e-avannaa. Steamship Deatacbiand. Weasel. Bremen Dec.

Ii, via Beuthampton 17th, with mdae. and pas aaaawrB to Oearicbs A Co Has had atrong northerly and wectarty raiaa ana bad head aa during the wuole passage. Dec. a f. lat.

4U il. Ion. as at. paaaed Am, bark Holnroot. bound W.

Steamship Kapidan. 1 verso a. Kew-Orleane Dea. 30, aad Havana Tun. with mdae.

and paaaena-er so Liw-ngatoa. box A Co. Deo. lat. SI M.

low. 74 aasssd st ii ccs aip baa Salvador, tor bavaanah; at 10 A lat. 3h ioa ft It. igaai with staamabip Gaoreis. bseea for Vara eras.

btaamabip baa rartoisoo, Howe. Greytown. 10 with ni aad paaaaasrer to 0. S. Carringioa.

Dae- 2. at! ism lonua. pasaed slsamctiip Maripoaa. tur Meeterv.i b-maa B. Mtaaanabip Liv-stos, Hslsr, bavaanah ar) oars, with anise, sail ltseeugra to Ltviegaia, Fog A i.

io A. lat. ki lut, 14 S. etebangad sigaa with eteaiaahiB George Croatsrall, lieaea tar Sctt-iir ssaaai nas. ctscasciiius aaa aaivaLr aad aiusiv-goBiev, bsec lur baceaash, Ktesat.ip AluiurM, tfaarae.

Seefjlb sad Krb Bvtid, witk aatlcs, gad paces ag to A. MrCreatiy A lo. ataamahlB "sptas, Htf, Iteatca, aith aid, aaa' peceengereU VV. citd. Bar a krewasad.

iherw.j (rvsscsa, fcfittrT Ufa, with taiiiaadiraa la aaaster. Meue tbe rnidd-e oaessg. aad al 6a waathar. Baaa Bdsesvid. Kaadaea.

rlrrdsaai at wuu mdae. ta order. Had etawag ti. gaiae lor tae let li dara. hark Liaa.

i t'mnuaa. A a twerp IS with mdae. to Funh, Muscke A Weadu liaa keea Al dare west el the Baaka. Brui Mary Cans, (of Parr bora.) Maerera. Aneeibo, P.

Dae. la, aith auger ta Gtaadau, Umpbray A Ce. Brig Geo. Laetieaav. king, king, lor Baitiaauta, aaired Leo.

IL. Lett ao veeee s. Brig Edwin Kowa, Molier. GabooB. W.

C. fit-with mdse. to Uollner A I'ovfar. Lett ao vsccnc bear. K.

J. Faimer, (of beaoot. Damerare 1 with sagas to A. A Baal a. Old.

ia co. wiaa brig beaapcak. far Haluaaare. bear. Loyal ears a to a.

Lswriea. favannah with aot Uua aad timber to S. I- McCready A Co. rVfar. Msrr IX Cranmar, Cr a a rear.

Phuadalpbia, for ea tmry port, Sebr. Joba Nortban, San it ford. Corawallia. M. aw with potatoes to H.

J. 1 Waif A Co. babe. Tbaaaaa T. i aaaar, Aisc bosisa.

lee Paired! phia, boat. MoaUavBia, Goadaa, residence, for Pbiledel. phi A aebr. Harper. Parry, Baagtw with lass bar ta Hxyik A kiurta.

baor. etas, bvraag. BrawB. Xhaabattlpart, with seal foe MridgeuurV beb. Alaia rail.

K.botV Kuaabalhswrt. with aaal bebr. A.iaia Fell, ElhotA, Pllaabelkport, with Iu HncnuirL aw Drtogepurt. rebr. It iae.

Kcenald. Xlisabatti pert, with area, bear, kiatabaab, UiU, Baw-UeesB. y-lisvea. rtehr. "rga.

Deaaia. Newllavea. ssHear. bt. Lac sr.

SateoB. Boa land, with lima, Kehr. Helaa M. Coarli.a, CoadaB. Belfaau ftebr.

Jabes U. White. Davra. PraviOawea. Sebr.

Grge A Albert, MeDoaald. HatlaatV Scar. Royal AreH, Oasvaoa, tiorwwabaa. S. BV, saps.

Bcaur. CUarlaaM. Uaaara. Elart. ttruigepott.

bebr. Evalva. Harger, Saw-tlavaa. Sbr. Merger.

Waaoa. ttrolgeport. Sehr. Bobart aavapp, klarpav. Greenwich.

Scbr. Joaapbin. Ball. Brittgeport. bebr.

Mott Badau, Badt Haiti atora bebr. Yoaag Teaaer. Bemar. Baitt store, bebr. Only Dang-hler.

Baker. Serf oik. bchr. G. B.

Smith. Walker. Viranaia. bMop Joeut Adaaaa, ataliock, KtiaabetkaoH. with area.

KAILKD Steanabtp Hatteraa. for Norfolk. By Telegraph. BOSTON. Dee.

Are, etesmere Glaacne. frosa Nw- vora; novssan, rrnm t'buadelpbia; scare. Gotdnnder. aasaaa: ja'ta r. mil, aartimore.

Below Hnr Margneritta. irom St. Donicco. HAHLlTO, liee. 30 Arr.

staauahip Emily B. bonder, nm Sew-York. FOKtKtm MOSKOE. Dec 3D Arr. bnar P.M.

Tinker, from Demerara; Omer, from Rodoada lor oruer. Also arr. briga Romance, from Navaaaa: J. McGwire, from Ks'timnre: hra. feerlees, Irom Porto Rion for Baltimore; Valeria, trom Weat Indies: J.

B. Myers, Ms asm Smita aad Jamea Haut. from Sjw-Yora. Saueroua vasaels have amvad. storm-ooand.

1 piiot-boat coqaette reports tbe arrrvai for Bahi-mors of tha brig hesauaase. from Damerara, wnich na.ced np ia tow of tba ateciaer bomereet; oars D--1-aare. from Demerara; achr. Island tiuaia, from Prince krJvari't Iaiand. T-e brig I bespeaks, fr im Dimerara, reports left ia port, brigcS.

8 tower snd Favorite, from Sw-iork: sour. Aw J. Pa mir sailed on tbe Uth ibst. for Sw-J ork. fhs spok yaaterdaor, off Gape Henry, brig Plover, front Ijvcmool.

bAVASN AH. Dec SI Arr aehrs. Lewis Chester, trom Philatlalpnia: Uisha Brooks, from Soriolk. Kenorted heavy gale at sea. tvlLMfNGTO S.

C. Dee. 30 Arr. steamship Fair-baaks, from Sew-York. Bllacellaaaeoaas.

Sax FRAKCnx-(, Dec 28. The caiiingof the etsatner MontanA with the mail and passenger tor New-York, ba been postponed aa aceount of the noo-arnva1 of tba steamer from China and Japan, now overdue. hid. ahipe Platlbrek. lor Falmoath, aad St.

Marks, tor Liverpool. KtT Wist. Dee. 30. Tha vebr.

Grace Clifton. Capt. Oris, from Rocalsnd, for Sew-orleAna, loaded with lima, wbtch baa been sa hre four dais, has arrived, and will be ecuttled. Havana, Dec So The Eaa-hnb ehio War Cloud, from Liveruooi. with a cargo of coal, ta acaure at the eutraaoe of tbe harbor.

Her cargo ta oeinsr iahtered away, and it is expected that she will be pavtrd. fcld. steanit-rs Juniata, for New-Orleans; btarot the Union, for Philadelphia. Notice to Marlnere. D.

S. LionTHorsk Depot. TOMPXimrviLLX, ctatbm Island, Sew-York. Doc 3L bK7. The nun and can baoye have been removed from the ehacnele through the lower Sew York Bar.

and their place supplied, with spare for the Winter. Bv order of the Lighthouse Board. A. LUDLOW CAME, Lightnoase Inspector Third Diatnet. Spoken, eke.

Annie Fuller from Hampton Roads for Kenne-bnuk. Deo. 19. Harnegat bearing N. W.

20 miles. J. Melntyre brig, from Malaga for Baltimore. Dec 2ft, lat. 33 Ion.

72 0. Forelcai Ports. At DemsrsrA Dec 13, brig Favorite, for New-York ia 3 d. Haiti Fat-in, for Baltimore ia us. btowara, for Sew-Vork iu aa.

eehr. J. P. Auger, for New-York in 2 ua. At Greytown.

Dea. 20. brig Rewertrtina, Riviet. from Aapinwail, disciig. and will load lor Mimtitlan.

ETJROPEAN MAKITiE NSWa Arrival! Oat. QOEras-rowit. Dec 3011:10 A. M. The eleamahip Minnesota.

Capt. Fries, Irom New-York, amvad here yesterday cn route to Liverpool. FOR THE NEW-YEAR'S TABLE. THE GREAT AMERICAN TEA COMPANY ARE SOW SUPPLYING THEIR CUSTOMERS FROM THE BEST CARGOES OF EVER IMPORTED IXTO THIS COU.l-TKY, AS THEY HAVE 8 ELECTED BOME OF THE VERY CHOICEST FOR THE NEW-YEAR'S TABLE. The Company aea putting ap this Coffee la nice five-pound paokasTee, which they will deliver ia any part of the City of New-York, free of charge, on the receipt of $3, or will eollcct on delivery, if desired.

Tbia COFFEE can be obtained in one-pound packages, or larger, at any of the Company's Store mentioned below, at 40 cents per ponnd. THE CHEAT AMERICAN" TEA COMFIW. HEADQUARTERS aJOS. 31 AMU 33 VKBKY-STs BRANCHES: No. 640 BROADWAY, corner of Bleeckcr-et.

Ha. 4A1 E10HTH-AV N. corner of Stth-et. Ho. 990 between Hudson and Greenwich eta.

Ko. 305 Brooklyn, corner of Conoord-st. Ho. 133 CH1CKER1NG A SONS, AMERICAN PIANOS. FIRST PREMIUMS DURING THE PAbl At I EAKo.


MAIDa.lcANiC, HEAR MTILLIAM-ST. Oar large laanrtraaat ef goeda, f.aiBrtsiag every aril, la ia tbat department tf hoUday trade, la af tapertor workasaaahip aad oasis" n. plated aa whit metal, of ear tn aaaka, aad ia now RETAILED at wholesale price. K. B.

Fall weight of aitver ana ran lead. flOLTDAY HKETT AM. CU1XDBETS DESK0 BTCIlY CUL'KCa AND LKCTUstk; ROOM HETYKEA. aubiKr renin. Maaafaetarer at Behnul and Orbaa karaita iTy.

Ha. Urofs-ct, aj. (TO TO Klin'HLAcri rl04)Klr6UMt aauraar af tt-et. aad Acwedeay. aad ge A baa el baaatilal FreeO vt apes.

rvataar aa Ctf a. Jn7vv. 2 MAKING ANT) TABLES FOR HOUR Aa JEW-TKAK'I aiT COUNTRY FRIENDS. A CAPITAL PRE8KNT. aad a vary apprepriats aaa far a aoaabry Inaad, aa wad aa for feaiactf aad faauly.

ia a year's sabeeriptaoa to tbat rpbBdidlv-iUaatratad aad vwrv valaabka ioaraal. the) AMERICAN AGRICUL TURIST, raet eateriag tts ZTth aasaal valaaaa. It to fall at Bret rata, wteawatiag aad valaabse aaformatiaa tor tba FARM, tba GARDEN aad tha HOUSEHOLD, ta efty. villa- aad eoaatry. taelaalBg a moat pleaeraw aad iaatrweuva departmeat for CHILDREN aad YOUTH.

Owing to ita tmmetiea circa latiosv, (ItOJAO,) it aa eaTerad at the haw prtee ef $1 a year, bach a gift testa all thresagh tbe year: every aamber as it eoma to a aaw ra- saindar ef the anver. ORANGE JUDD A CO Pab- bsbera, office at No. 3ei Broadway and Na. 41 Park-row. KW-T EAR'S GIFT-COUNTRY FRIES DS.

A CAPITAL PRESENT, and a very appropriate one for a country fnend. as welLaa for yourself aad family. as a year's ubaeriotioa that splendidly-Illustrated and vary valuable Journal, tbe AMERICAN AGRICUL TURIST, rust entering it Thb anaaal vol a ace. It at fad of Ant-vat. tntrtiBT aad valuable Information for tba FARM, tbe GARDEN aad tha HOUSEHOLD.

city, vltlatta aad country, including a moat pleasing sa iB'tructive department for CHILDREN and YOUTH, Owing to its immense circulation, UD, 003,1 it is offered at the low price of at tn a year. Such a gift lasts all thro nab tba rear: every number as it comas is a aaw re minder of the aiver. ORANGE JUDD A Pnb- lisbers, oifices at No. 3tt Broadway aad No. tl Park-row VElV.YEAR'l GIFT COUNTRY FRIEJiDB.

it A CAPITAL PRESENT, aad a very appropriate cme tor a country fnend. aa wall as for yourself and family, ia a year's subscription ta tbat splendidly-illustrated and very valuable journal, tbe AMERICAN AGRICUL TURIST, jturt entering its ZTth annual volume. It ia full of first-rate, interesting and valuable information for tba FARM, the GARDEN and tbe HOUSEHOLD, ia city, village and country, including a moat pleaaing and instructive department for CHILDREN and YOUTH. Owing to ita immense circulation. it ia offered at the low price of tl SO a year.

Such a git last all through the year; every number aa it comes is a new re minder of the giver. ORANGE JUDD A Publisher, office at No. 346 Broadway and No. tl Park-row. JKW-TKAR'S GIFT COUNTRY FRIENDS.

A CAPITAL PRESENT, aad a very appropriate aaa for a eoaatry iriead, as well aa for yourself aad family, la a year's subscription to that plndidly-illotrateO aad very valuable Journal, the AMERICAN AGRICULTURIST, lost entering iu 2rtb annual volume. It is full of first-rale. Interesting and valuable information for tb FARM, th GARDEN and the HOUSEHOLD. In city, vblage aad country, including a most pleeaiBg and ituru-eetivs departmeat tor CHILDREN aad YOUTH. Owing to ita Immense circulation OAXOOUJ it as oflsrad at the low price ot SI so a year.

Bach a gift lasts all through the year; every number a it onma ia a new reminder of tbe a-iver. ORANGE JUDD A Pab- hshera, offices at No. 243 Broadway and No. 41 Park-row. EW-YEAR'S GIFT COUNTRY FRIENDS.

A CAPITAL PRESENT, and a very appropriate one for a country friend, aa well aa lor yourself aad family, la a year' anbacrrption to that apleaaidly-iUnvtrated and ry valuable Journal, tha AMERICAN AGRICUL TURIST, just entering ita 2Tth annual volume. It ia full of first-eat, interest ting and valuable information for the FARM, tha GARDEN and tha HOUSEHOLD, ia oitj, village and country, including a moat pleasing and instructive department, for CHILDREN and YOU1H." Owing to its Immense circulation. (160,000.) it is offared at tba low price of $1 SO a year, buch a gift last all through tba year; every number aa it comes as a new reminder of tbe giver. ORANGE JUDD A CO, Pnb-bebere, offices at No. 26 Brsadway aad No.

41 Park-row. JaKW-Y EAR'S GIFT COUNTRY FRIENDS. A CAPITAL PRESENT, aad a vary appropriate one for a eoaatry friend, aa as for yourself and family, ia a year's subscription to tbstsplendidiy-Uhastrsted sad ry valuable Journal, the AMERICAN AGRICUL TURIST, Just entering its 27th annual volume. It to ra.1 of firet-rate. interesting and valuable information for tna FARM, tha GARDEN and tha HOUSEHOLD, in city, village and conn try, including a most pleasing snd instructive department for CHILDREN and YOUTH.

Owing to ita Immense circulation, 160,000 it is offered at the low price of (1 a year. Saen a gift lasts all thmagh tbe year; every aamber aa it cornea ia a new reminder of tha giver. ORANGE. JUDD A Publisher, offices at No. 243 Broadway and No.

41 Park-row. JEW-YEAR'S GIFT COUN1BT FRIENDS. A CAPITAL PRESENT, aad a vary appropriate one for a country friend, aa well as for youraeif and family, la a year's sabeerrptioa to that a pi end idly-illustrated and very valuable Journal, the AMERICAN AGRICULTURIST, Juat entering Ita 27th annual volume. It 1 full at urst-rate, interesting and valuable information for the FARM, the GARDEN and the HOUSEHOLD, in caty, village and country, including a moat pleaaing and instructivs department for CHILDREN and YOUTH. Owing to ita immense circulation, (160,000,) rt is offered at tha low price of 1H I year, bach a gift last all through tbe year: every samber as it comes is a new reminder of the giver.

ORANGE JUDD A Publishers, omees at No. 241 Broaowsy aad No. 41 Park-row. KW.TEAH't GIFT COUNTRY FRIENDS. A CAPITAL PRESENT, aad a very appropriate one for a eouBtry friend, aa well as for yourself and fain -IT.

la a yaar'e eabeeriptioa to that eplsndidly-illaetrstsd aad very valuable Journal, the AMERICAN AGRICULTURIST. Juat entering ita 77th annual volume. It at full of first-rate, interesting and valuable information for tna FARM, th GARDEN and tha HOUSEHOLD, ia city, vitlace and country, including a most plaaainar and instructive department tor CHILDREN and YOUTH. Owing to its immense circulation, ,160.000.) it to offered at the low price of tl 50 a year. Such a gift laat all through tbe rear; every number as it comae is a new re-Bunoerof the giver.

ORANGE JUKD A Publishers, etnees at No. 243 Broadway and No. 4t Park-row. JBW-TISAR'S GIFT COUNTRY FRIENDS. A CAPITAL PRESENT, and a very appropriate one fot a eoaatry fnend, as well aa tor yourself and family, I a year's aubscriptioa to tbat pleuoi'ily-iJIaatrated and very valuable Journal, the AMERICAN AGRICULTURIST, Just catering Ita annual vol urn.

It ia full of flret-rale. Interesting and valuable information for tbe FARM, Iha GARDEN and tba HOUSEHOLD, in ily, vllltc and country. Including a ami plaalng sad matractiv dpartaint lur CHILDREN aad YOUTH. Gala to it iinuianc circulation, Itd.ora,) It offered at tba low price of 1 AO a rear. Such a gift last all thro aak tha year) every aambwr aa it comes is a new reminder af tbe giver.

ORANGE JUDD A Tab-lieber, office at No. 244 Broadway aad No. 41 Park-row. KH-1 BAR'S GIFT COUNTRY FRIENDS. A CAPITAL PRESENT, aad a very appropriate one for a eoaatry friend, as well aa for yoarself and family, is a year's subscriptioa to tbat aplendid y-illuat rated and very valuable Journal, tha AMERICAN AGRICULTURIST, Jast entering its ZTth annual volume.

It ia lull of first-rate, interesting aad valuable information for the FARM, the GARDEN aad tha HOUSEHOLD, ia city, villeg aad eoaatry, including a moat pleasing aad instructive department for CHILDREN and YOUTH. Owing to ita immeaae circulation. (160. 000.) it to offered at tha low price of tl a year, buch a gilt lasts ail through tne year; every aamber aa it eomea ia a aew reminder ef the giver. ORANGE JUDD Pop.

bakers, affioe st Ko. 149 Broadway aad Na. 41 Park-row, EAR'I OI rT-COl'STltr IBII.SD. A CAPITAL PRKMEMT, Bad a vary appropriate aaa for a sous trv frifnd. a wall as fur year if aad family to a year sabeertplioa ltt id sad very vslsabis leuraal.

Iba AMI.UlCAN AlahtCUL-Tl'RtllT, ai taring it fltk knaual temtat, Ii ia'vil ef Aral-rat, latere! inar ted valuable Information fug th ARM. th OARDtN aad ta HOUSEHOLD, la ait, villeg aaa country, iscludisg a most pleaaing aad inatruetive dspartmaat I ar CHILDREN aad YOUTH. Owiag to iu iaBsBae aireuUUoa, (10.090,1 it is effcred at the low arise of tl a year. Bock a gift laat all through the rear; every aamber aa it acrscc as a new re-mladar of the giver. ORANGE JUDD A Publishers, offices at No.

143 Broadway aad No. 41 Park-row. tEW'TEAR't GIFT COUNTBY FRIENDS. A CAPITAL PRESENT, aad a vary appranriate oae for a ceaatry fnend. aa well as for yourself aad fatally, to a year subacnptioa tbat aplaadidly-iilastraacd aad varyvaiaable jaaraaL tb AMERICAN AGRJCUlo TURI8T.

Juat eateriag it 17th annual volasae. It at felt af brev-eata, mtevwstiauy aad varaabce aafnrmatlna tor the FARM, tbe GARDEN aad the HOUSEHOLD, 1 city, village aad eewalry. laeladiag a mast plaaatag aad iMtraaUva daparUnaat (or CHILDREN aad YOUTH. Oaiag I Iu imecCBM anealatlua. iMCOOIJ to offered ba tbe low pne af fl aOayear.


The largest assortment aad tha PRICES REDUCES: LOW kB than any other astablashmeat ia the City. P. B. BAIaDWIN, NOS. TO AND BOWERY.

WXNIj'S. PURE, GENUINE AND PLIABLE, AT BO. 43 BROADWAY, Win that makatb glad tba heart of man." P.J. PORT. P.

J.lIIERIlir. P.J. BRASDV. J. POST ia fermented with tbe a-rane ekine which givee it the dark color, rtcb flavor and heavy body eo aa eellent for oonsumpuvea and the weak.

-T anrnav The mtllcv vrnitineee of tbiaBwre- iuice wine baa rained for it tbe preeminence aranne tbe-. winea oi California, ano ia is laat taaimj sua pum imported article. It re tbe wine ntet soagjt srter for WEDDUiGS. PARTIES. D1NNE1UI.

CALiA HaCEP. TIU and other like occasions. A ARAN nv ia mrt aa distilled from the rranea. aad is the brand ao highly esteemed by the medical profession. Gat the P.

J. WINK and BRANDY from the vtnsw yards formerly owneo nv tne oia suanun ami oo.v PKDKO jess aa Los Ancelea, and ba sur ol a OKNUINK OBAPK JUICE. V.A TIT will Unit this Wines admlrabtv adaoterl for the RECEPTION iit THEIR PhUiiNDd O-M NiiVT EAR DAY. Ituinwl nssaa fnr ta HnT.IT AYS Bent ta BHV BBrt of New-York, Jersey City or Brooklyn free of coarge. 1 be c.

J. Wlnae and Xiranny lee sale or ine caaa. i. Ion aad bottt by A. srcfcH I1KJ.

ju unusf tt A (Opposite City Hail Park.) i SUPERB HOLIDAY GIFT. A TABLE POS THE HOME CIECLE- Combining tbe Library Table, tba Diaiag Tak aa4 tne Billiard Table. 'either of which can. with a mine'" notice. be converted into Its appropriate aea.

k'or deeoriptioa and pnee address PHKLAN A CULLENDER, Sola Patentees and Manufacturers. Ko. 5, 7 aad CO Cmsby-et, New. York. KK.A1 KM HK1TKI SKATK8 KKATE9 SKATES FOR MEN I POR WOMEN I FOR CHILDREN AT RKTAIL1 AT llOLKSALEI VAf Im s.l hll.h fmsat a KlUUI rtmaal fer' Iha eels af ft A ONI where we ntfer a VrTY vr.ri pftoa.

I liVlPl.iTK AHHllHTMtHT at raaannsble 1. i 11 a Hill I.IC I IM A a 1 1 1 ATT at RbO BKOTHKIlt, IMPORTER" Or IIARDW A BP. fAHK.KUW. L0G0TE0PE. Reading by machlnerv.

A pretty and iastruetive tor tor cbidren. AmifMaul nd inatructtea combiaed. 1 sentence en be made with It. por aele by a.k tov dealers. Manaiacturea oy iiun.v a.

noiois L'nioanll. Coca. rAp-ctmea copy seat posinaio oa receipt aa au cavjca. EJOIl'K fC orFtrKRIrnr! HIS It TB AA BED 1.1 DDE. rBJPt'Lavb: dh.

tobias' vr.v ITIlH USIMEXTut ba now rrncurd. It to war- ranted a speedy euro l-rr Lbroaic Rsaamattsm. OoIkv Croup. Cuts. Pains of all kind, or ao pay.

paaeiiai- fee whan roa can instaativ tie relieved. Price fca real Depot i bold by ail draggfle- orr-KIAL OMAWIAte. PADUCAH Extba CLasa. e.lfT. Da 3.

Wl 73, 63, 7. 12, 71, 40, 23, 83, 17, 19, 86, SO. PAD UC A Clam Ma lit. Dee. ID.

IMI 25, 85, 3, 10, iS, 23, 41, 49, IS, 12, 13, 3, CO, 39, 7. TATE LOTTERY Eitba Las be. ft, Dae. at Awl. CS, 85, 8 1, 17, 80.

73, 78, 85, 40, 9, 2, 4, 15, 43, 41 TATE IITTERY ClJtaa af. Dea, Mv, bvaf. 84, 31, 30, 11, 73, 21,27, 49. 13, 41. 89.

16, fti, 7, Pries ascHsd la fWl ttsvaae aad tb am, lav Urtcs. C'lreuiar sent ft, I nlnrtii.UM eivsn. JiiaKPII Rt lKH, il HroaJ. OVA Is If A VA fries paid ia est rasas i ail fnr aea I tirter, TAILOR A OVAL If A Ai A MrTTKHV Of ft' ft A ia go-d, larnnastivB ivretsaea bib aeaplooae, aad ail kinds af gold aad A UU. aaa sera.

Na. to peet-yera. C'lHCt'LAMM ANO IS KO MM AT JON Kt H-I MHki ia all legaiiaed lotteriee. J. CLUlaV Hanker.

Ne. 1T Breed way, aad Na. tM wHei-et KlZKS CABlIfLU IN ALL bRUAblZED io'Itm. and infnrmatioa given. OALLAOUkJA A BkUIUkK, Na.

xul Cbeaiaavat Philadelphia. TCOUTE FOU aiSSLFlCATIOJ. MR. CIlARIcES DICKKll' READIIOke LAAT RFADINO but PaJUB fa New-Yerb arevaeaa ta Mr. DlCKENd tour la tha Catted Mate, lttora-f, specs ally an boob eed that Mr.

CHARLfca DICE will read o'clock, ia the Me I a way lU'l, bis DAVID CxiPPEHI'IKLU aad 'UK. I.oL KAWTEU's PAUTY." ttrom Piekwtckn aa THUata DAY, Jaa. km -DOC loa A MitU" 0 tb Br! time ta Amanea aad "Ilia TRIAL I Bum PicKWiCK:" ea i'KLDAY. Jaa, J. UHhli'l-MAB CAKOl' and "ToOTa ftiB tlulXY.

1KEB tS-r lUrRhpAY. Ja. i h.s TOrt MARIOOLD4 and 115 TMALjUoM flvk; rVU Kicilai PRlliAY.sfaa. 1 bia 'Mi'iiu Ai All Kf.HHV" iat ttr. a.iaaar'arhuJ.laad AI IA.

kv'd sl at r. p-iaear liroi BAW rAkrr, drom Piaawiaa.) ItMarved eel to aavef ta abeee read la, at ua far aavet ta aawve raiiB, A ai aasb, ees ae she ed at tne tWa-arfta. suneu Lail Aauf i'aat 5nv, r. -vwx A- i. I i A- a I II .1 i hi.

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