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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 20

New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

20 THE NE YORIv TIMES. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1 914. PAY ALL HI, GOLD, IS BANKERS' PLEA i jr. try's Maturing Obligations with British Dele- -Ctas at Conference. LACED AT 5200,000,000 and Reserve Board Named to Davis PI an with Sir George Palsh.

COTTON CRISIS CONS-IOERED Proposed Pool Reiiod on Rm'Uvi tuition That Europe Boycotts Our Cotton Denied. -serial fe Ta Xrm Tars Timtm, tv a -1 1 Of. thsro r.o definite Immediate result of the ji i il rutifrrwK held at the Treasury I curt meat trxlar lth regard exchange and the cotton crtaia, tn H- fir (iejrge ralsa and llaaltU. "-tt. r-pr--ntln the British Chan-ii of the participated, the ttu of distinct advantitX te lh in the tntercnango or in as io coodiuoea proe- u.i il the apvlntroct of a Joint lor Ijrther eonferenec, 4ho i took tta positive action, aad i ho ronaal deetaraUoa ettber i to apply to the situation, cr i any particular plan of action.

Tha liu-n hiuiikI Messrs, WiMin. as a committee to represent and the Federal Reeerre Board i' Gut. Hamlin and Paul confer with this commlttta a tiucuaaion of the attnatloa and the fir niui.ition of whatever method of niy be agreed upon. Sir Georce I nd Mr. Jttackett wfU meet this jo -1 committee at IO o'clock tomorrow i li adaitioa te the BrtUsh lleWatea.

thre bo participakted In the coofar-r TTtre Secretary McAdoo, Gov. and the wt her nembera of the J'- il Reserve Board: Aitxrt II. Wl. rir. rhalrnuH' the New Tyrk Clear-in; liuuM; IP-nJtnla Strans, Jr and hitrlt-s tuvk of the Federal Rcsrre ri'k New Tors: If.

P. Pnvleon, if. rW hlff. U. II.

Irlca. Samuel lie- JioWerta. F. U- flroan. Wlulam Wood wr I.

ami J. 8. Alexander of New Torfc tntereata: Jamea Brown; of u. I- ina of Hton. Te-tu J.

Wade of ft- Loo la. the Iradrr the tiioverm-at to orsaniso a lallk.t vt'tton pool. Ilieeeieeltssk Very T.i, etat-menta of tAoee who dtscuaaed tv lAtinn la the conference were by extreroe caution and It wu. apparent that body cared to a-! any tlcfinlte propossl. It waa He Uin.

hoeever, that the New Tork b-rKrs too a more optlmUUo view of financial attuatlon l.t-rctofore broufht for a i. Tii'i undratuel that a aonai4 r- of American oMla-atlone 1 been liqut lated by private nrnt, and In their Opinion the Kold fund which la to bo I ff-e takin cure ef these oh. I Mivta abroad wlQ be sufficient to 'A debt faHlna; duo between tsi. time and the beaiatdajr of tha new They Inclined to believe that tlm( period baawSxrlred the ex. rrt the LnHH Ftatee to tha British villi hava reduced the balance of axalust tMa ceuntrj- to a larso and acrhapa have It left Brtil debtor in- it-.

ef the creditor. Tn l.rl'ifh deleaatcs are rot Inclined 1 il -at with theoriee, however. They wrttild nmrh prefer that any arrangement rf the rxlctinc difficulties woojd Include an e.trreement that If tha baianca la still era the United ftatee when the fund baa been exhausted In carina ttr maturing- obtla-attona, tha payment ef tl.xt balanrw will bo provided for through rurulebina' some form of aecuri tis. That is. tho Biitlsk oelega wunt an advance) undsretasxilna' that if It shniid turn' out that a balance) to doe 3 id when tho oid fund haa boon a method ef payment shall have te-rt provided.

They da not care. It is t. to assume that there win be i lo haiane In favor of their country. thiM I-vln; -urtdecided What method of t.ivm.r.t shall be followed If there la a lin.e ufaine the United mention waa made In today's" on f. of snort-term aotea aa a method cf pnvment of any ultimata balance) or Hn method.

in onfrti which lasted three ir. the disriieelon naturally took and hrouaht out many i iut.r.11 and ouinktn. It a ln.vwnl that fir sorgo Palsh 4 I I ut h.H MMd (Of IhMl. e. i very -U-t flood eatlmale of it roflti'n and tneir nueeion la tnts eiurirv.

They diaavawed havlnar any r- nr any claim oci behalf of mm a tmlllof nation I i. i oiik the United Htat. They strU'Hr tUm attitude or irtieni I. I Va nMM end dlaeoa (m a fiinoiv ntanner the poaaibta means i r-- i-rtiu: intemallntial rrhanae, and toe intUrii blavkade, wim botn 'i. rrt asrewt hvUd be i atiredily ae prscth-alile t.t.1 er.ry rvasrd for the In teres la ii i oiocerned.

Oar arreat Lla Hilt lea. Il Ms remarks Hr Oeorga Palsh gavo a tt estimate of what might bo called current liabilities OS) the part Of the I r.t.-l States to Great Britain and i the a were gate at about tiurtog-the conference varloua!- were given of this Indebted s.4 mimI in placed tho total aa high Hut ft waa explained mih. lain forma tioa and mlsap-I r. eui-d as to the nature of i i.agUuu entering UlW. the eeti- o.rsio.ono astlBiatad by Sir iUQ embraced a largo amount rf maturing In tha course of 1-1.

it tnre nioetha. some of them as Jan. l.V It was pointed out i in ire interval named at the) rate I iln-at llrltaln was now buying I M.r. lether. meata.

various saunlUons cf sr. and other staples there would le -ret1 a halnce of trade la thw. rouutry whe-a would take if a '-w-isilerable proportloo of the tulk ef debt. t.orfrn l'xlh took SB Optimistic the sliution and contended re- I 1 tHnal.ina Mr I'litiv tne grand total of due to Brltlah creditors, i-. save the most Utatiart and i itwuranow that In any 4an the sntiHion of the tHe hanlilnff element In both 1 the lirttmu Uovwreinwmt and mi.

4aakera would ce-oerat moat a rt'lv. A moi't n.f ef th bankers there- were two rorstdt'ratioa manifest in the discussion. A -majority Alood sqUaroty fur tho payment of all utilisations In old at the date of maturity without any debate or concern aa to the maintenance of the volume -of gold in thi country, Tula attitude, was based on the- t-onfldenra entertained generally that the new Federal llewerve hank ova. 1em would be Inaugurated purely liv the last of Kovefnbcr. antl with that event thve would be a release of such a iarm volime of gold now held in bank rH eertea that no difficulty would, asain be I felt is to the availability of the void of the cauntry tor loana or for foreign "I took at this whole matter." auld one New fork banker.

In a subjective way. and maintain that it' ta our duty to nay every dollar at maturity In sold without any equlvoca- When the conference sot Into the dla- cum ton or the cotton situation. However, a somewhat different view was einreaaea. Thla came in connection with the augteatlon that Ureat llrltaln would bur lier share of the esnort or cotton If a plan could be advanced that mnui agree upon, me project or rising price of tl rente on cotton In wareltousea. and buying with short-time notes or loaning on warehouse recetnts at the-aame price, brought out a pro-teat from, two or three uresent against any idea, of financing the adveralty of the cotton nroduoer in a speculative way thai would ultimately sacrifice the cot- Cop to tho advantase of tha lender or too inroiRn m-yer, i Sara Oar Cwttem la rewttedU The statement waa made.

by one speaker that there existed a well-or- ranized agreement In Europe not to buy our cotton. The effect of thla had been to throw the Southern cotton planter Into dlatreaa and take away tua power of the United rltatea to meets Its cur rnt international obllitatlona. This Mr. Biankett met with a firm -denial, lie sal tli at, In hta opinion, no such ssree-ment had tieen made or thought of In Knsland or anywhere elae, and ha felt pr-iim tly sute tliat. no su-ti aaret'nteot existed.

1' The restriction was due( ho said, entirely to the- moat obvious and natural causes. The Mencheatrr Kxchance araa closed Just after the New York rUock Knchamce aril the Htock Kxchaaaea of the various ritleM in this country wera rioaed because the members could not deal In futures. At the same time, he added, there was a rood deal of eol cotton belna- bought from day to Uay The remarks- of the bankers also brought out that reliance for the. relief of the cotton situation waa bUna baaed on tha OTKantaatiaa of cotton pool which will be able; to take care ot a larne proportion of the export crop and Htrse proportion or in, xpvr( wv nu servo -banks aro In -operation. Tbesei lif It waTsaW would Conress with respoct to tho Utno of ud of tai'iuiuo fcotttiiintt, he the President) rait upward tlem to auch tlmo aa he shall two elements of make available of sold.

The fact that the cotton pool plan waa to be taken up for consideration by' the Federal Reosrve Board tomorrow had Its effect on the conference and made it appear adviuable before reaching anything like a pertnite plan of action to provide for further1 conferences and await whatever action might result as to the-pool plan. In fact, during the whole conference there were few efforts to bring out any particular Plan, of relief for the Exchange Those who spoke were, a- a rule, so Intent on -estimating the favorable factora in restoring former conditions that no particular proposition appeared frvBt any quarter. Home question waa made, by the banK-era prenent of tho rnuch-talked-of impending effort to dump 7 American aecurltiea to raise money during the stress of war. conditions in Ku rope- Sir (Jeer re Palsh. in a reaasuring way with a reinforcement of his statement by recourse to recent financial sUUo-menta of the British Treasury, showed that Great Britain -waa evbundantr able, so far aa money went, to carry on her part of tho war from current would not be compelled to tiMko a war loan or produce condl- lions where her people would have to realise on tneir securities.

Daaaptaar fctkelr. Itrge sates of securities, he said. wer hot to be expected now -or at any tlmo, even If the wsr should 'be, of extended duration, far ae the military en-duranct of the belligerents could at thla time be estimated, furthermore, when -the time came, as it -to sell securities, it would then also happen that Great Britain would be forced to buy foodstuffs and many manufactured products from this country. This would at once and most positively turn the balance of trade -our way and set st rest all fears for the immediate future aa to causing financial disturbance In the United titatra by the dumping of ecuriUes held in Europe. When the conference closed at a o'clock the bankers went to their apodal car to return to New Tork.

As a rule, they spoke of the meetings as being hlchly satisfactory and likely to accompiien mucn gooo. jso preuiciions were ventured aa to bow long it would take to set In motion any definite Dla a of Improvement In foreign Uscbange. It was tho understanding that the committee of hankers to moot with -tho com mil tee from the Federal Reserve Hoard would, as soon aa any conclusion waa reached In tha further eerlea of conferences, which will be begun tomorrow, morning-, report to the bankers participating in today's conference. Members or the erterai rteserva Hoard: expressed the opinion that the discussion Hid today would go very rar to -clear the situation of all apprehension and to make If fewtlMa to accomplish the res toration of the ordinary machlnerr of foreign exchange without serious delay. Secretary ileAdoo, sharing thla view.

I id thet the aeneroaa attitude shown br the representatives of both countries had decidedly advanced tho prospect of a better urnlerstandlng among txistness men on both sides the' Atlantic, and made It certain that mutual aeoommo- datlon would be the watchword of those I to whom the problem had been commit I ted. Am a laat word before tho. confer- I ence. the rtecrrtary declared that no- has passed. If they ever had one, to force where, ia the Inlted titatea waa there cotton legislation, and they are now will-any dlepoeltlon to.

avoid the full pay- ig to permit final gdX'trnment. without ment of American Indebrednesa. i fuKber -points of no quorum. -The feeling is erenaral that Repreaenta- PROPOSED, TO MISS WILSON, jsaftj- I Man Arrstttd Chicago Aw'tsl ninnktaf I Writing to Pre-aldant uaugn'er. Oct.

23A man giving ttht name aa David A. Wilson-, was held under arrest by Federal authorities here toiler on charge of bavins written to Mflsa arcaret Wnodrow yilaon, the I .1 IMMiiiit I Wilson, proposing, marriage. 'He wlU be aa to hla aanlty. i I Wilson admitted having written tho I letter, but refused to answer any ques- I lions concerning I Ills homo waa said to bo in turrjr-1 vllle. Ma Bar' Association Honors Ambaoaa- dor Naon.

WASHINGTON, Oct. 2X Klectlon of Bomulo 8. Naon, Ambassador to the United Biateo from Argentina, to hon orary membership In'the American Iter Assueiatlon was announced tniav. inn bonor ia conferred upon some prominent International Jurist at the close of each annual session of the association. IN NCW JERSEY.

atlas Iw Kester of New rtruaswlck felt yestsntay morning from an autetnoblla Jrtren br Michael Jslsen. to the tracka ef the Pennsylvania Hallroal at Klle- anatfe Arenas. Dha was taken to St. Perna- baa Hoepltsl, auffartng from a fraoturen shun, but at her own request was taken Bonis, NRWARK. The tattera etorehmiaa of the W-stta-Campt-ell Company, raanufaturera of tnachlnary.

I'laca anj faaaae street. newer, waa eeatroyao jresteroay ey tire, with a toss ef avouo. It was cause by an electric cable, whlru earrtas eurreat acra. a the Paaaale River, rem In in contact wltb tne wutxl.n wall ef the storahouas. PaTRRDON.

Ka-Ceunty Court Judr. Fran. cW Soett baa baea appointee United Rtatea omtmisstoaer la place el too late wuilam aetsen. PATKrtttOW. Trrina to escape Patrolman faeries Crns, thrvo firtaen-yeacolil bora.

mm BfeOerthy of as Oreee Street, Joaspa Hnsewekl af 139 Matlork rwt. sad Oeorsa restr of 22a Hlstar Street. Jumped vratvntar Into the Paasale Hirer arnt Malbarry Ptraeta Ryres pianeed In. too, aad arrested taws In mklstreera for ifebb otachlnea. Friday baa beev named br tlm acate Hureaw o( Shell aa -Oyter lr." Tba New Jaraer eror- thla rear la larse and tba.

quality oarer bt)r. TRBMTOJf. Po msoy horsedrawa vehicles fail te carry st nlaht that htate Cm- miealeoer ef Maine Vehtries has wmiea to saerr Hnllce Cbntf In New Jersey, aeklaa ee-eperatlrtn In breaking wp the p-ftetk'S, lla pleOcra the rtiyert of hla da. lartmeBt, snd haa Iaau-wta4 bit tgapsctars to aid la toe work.

An tmidenttfled alien dlad yea-tenlar In SI. mum HoanltaJ sa the rwentt of awallowlng Urht beedaehe villa that ha had receive as a aample of patent medicine, tla-bavt twen -fne a "-eek on a Wlndaor farrai a Ilea lie UK the uoe aad bscaiue snconacleus. PRESIDENT IGNORES CONGRESS TIE-UP Not Likely tO Ud HlS Power to End Session by Ex ecutive Order." I wse- vn "imi Prtvent Adjournment as Mimbrn Start Homa Rebuked In 6nats Clark for Compromise. 'MmtrUl to A'MS Tork Tlm. rWASHIXOTON.

Oct 23. While to all Intents and rjurDoee Concreas has ad- i a i. in eeasien jwhihvui' eea is wa nvtpn Eyer 0UtKolnK trtln carrl.d I lla quota. of senators and Kepresenta- I Uvea and tomorrow there will be tew I ft. except the rapidly dwindling- coa- I Ungcnt of statesmen who are flghtliiK for financial relief for tho cotton pro- dueera of tha South.

When formal adjournment wftl come la problematical. The Senate saya It Is ready to quit the minute the Iloute fives tho wofd. Hut President Wilson left 'W'ashlnaton tonight and deollaed lo see a committee; that wanted to talk over the legislative deadlock. The departure of tho President fur Pittsburgh, where ha will address a Young Men's Christian Association cele bration tomorrow, brought to an end talk which developed during the day that the, extraordinary conditions under which Congress found Itself might lo met oy no fresiacnt a proroguing won-srress. The President's Dover for such a edeat breaklns; action is found In Sec tion 3 of Article ill.

or the consutu- z. i. mMH a tiu, tim think nroDef." Aa the situation atands. It is problem atical whether Conarens will adjoui tomorrow or bo comielled to wait over until Monday or beyond that data fur tho quorum tnat win not appear, im Hanai. an, I House leaders intend to make a supreme effort in the morning to arrange for a final adjournment b- fore- nightfall.

A concurrent resolution providing ior adjournment of both houses at .3 o'clock will bo presented in the and the JJemocratlo leaders tnere reej assuroa mat it win on W'heiv thla resolution tho House the leaders will make a la at ap-neal to ReDreaentative Henry and lus followers to-abandon their obstructive tactics and let their weary aaeoclatee--thoee that are left go home to look after their political fences. But Mr. llrnrr'r frarne of mind tonight -was fart tm i Jfm my Ol nope, nuwerrri itnm.wi the nut that snrteara through I a nlan outlined today by Hneaker lis railed in. venous crowus in busters about him and told them that It would he -futile In ine ctmimsinnces to keep Conaress here In the eapenta- tim iT i.i.iniinn of anv character muld be aecotnplUhed. and suggeste-i ih.i riiibuaiera wouia rtermit i adjournment, he would recognise Chair mmm m.u th lanklnar and Cur renoy Committee to call up the hill now before tha House on lie first da; of the uecember session, with the parliamentary situation then to be Just aa was at the minute or sojournment.

Thla would nennlt a vote, with a. full attendance of the House, upon Mr. Henry's proposition to issue 2TiO.0io,-. uu In Kedera ton nlanters. a.

i. i tt Uml ta the t-ot notes, to Jena to tne cot- Xfr. Olaea accented this proposition although he was anxious to push through the bills offered by his com-nltleai for the issue or federal Reservii notea, which he -considered Imperative at thla time. Mr. however.

determined to fight and make points si (, iiuDrunii i rtepMasntatlvs" Henaley of Missouri asked Mr, mdarwood today wltet.ief ha ax pact ad to be able to get a quorum bare between now and election Lion, Mr. ITn- derwnod replied that it was apparent that there would be no quorum in thar. tlmo. Then Mr. tiensiey- wanten tti know If the atiaent members would bo aent for." which is to say.

would warrants bo Issued for thrlr arrest In order to bring them back to Washington? To which Mr. tTnderwond renlted Of course thaits-atroposltlon for tho House to deternilnoTtseJf. Ho fsr ss I am concerned personally, or so far aa I am able to aay as floor leader, I would not seek to bring members from their district within these few days of the election." Speaker Clark tonight ssld he confidently expected an adjournment of the session lomorrow. The Speaker Went to the While House tod a to snygood-bye to the President, Clark will leave Immediately on adjournment, for bis home at Bowling Green. Mo.

Se suite Aaaat Ready ta 4.11. In tho fionato there ia no real obaUcle ui patn, point of no quorum, raised almost sen-1 brought tho day's session to quick end with nothing accomplished- The Mouth (rn Henators feel that their opportunity tton ana tor nis party tenners in tne Houae. la. now making for hla own aeotion oy prereimng auon troron as would have a chance of A.8.?"!?, JTAL om, kind, said this afternoon that he and hla associates had confidently ex- peoted that the amendments lo tho banking and currency S'-t and possibly Ih. rminn hill would luiu both houses by unanimous conaeBt.

but that Mr. Henry's insistence of radical amendments had made that tmpoaalble. When tlie Henate convened at noon It was eviaent tnat neimer aiue couiu lores Through tts programme toqay. a rou ran aiscioseo inn prmnrn oi oniy iiny. three Benatora, with only three othera known to be In aanlngtim.

while rorty-nine Henators were necessary to a quorum. With the call for- a quorum pending," no business) was In order and the departure of many other Henators tonight makes It absolutely impoealble for a quorum to be found tomorrow. Trouble began thla afternoon when on the reading of The Journal, Mr. Jones, a Republican from Washington, made the point that The Kerord had been clianaed so aa not to show that Mr. Hmlth of Oeorgla had objected yesterday to the signing of tha War Tax bill hy President pro tempore Clarke In absence of a nuurum.

Mr. Clarke replied at some but, finally told Mr. Jones ha must put hla objections In the form of a motion. "Then," ssld Mr. Jones.

I suggest the absence or a quorum. Clarke Reawkee Ftlibaaterers. When It became evident that no AsIc Your Dealer For D0TW00D The Latest Style in Fancy Madras Collars, it's an RED MAN Mad ia America 2 for 25 cants EARL, Jr WILSON MAKERS Or TROT'S BEAT PRODUCT. cm quorum could be found, Mr. Clarke took Uie unuauaj course of claiming a right to dlacuaa the etate of the Union." Under that head, though he bad been a leader In the movement Hie cotton Henators to force cotton amendment Into the war tax measure, he vsstlgatod Hotithern a for further dnlMrlug adjournment.

The time had passed, he aid. when they could accomplish any thing, and tneir continued errorta smacked both of vaudeville and willful I deception. i ,1, The whole proceedlnr." said Mr. Clarke. with which we are oosfronted today aasunws the proportion of a farce.

It is nominally for the purpose of compelling sort of legislation for the relief of the cotton growers of tho Houtb. That proposition, ao far aa this Congress Is concerned, became ancient history several days ago. The present shmn battle that la gviug on. has in It all the elements of a deliberate deception. There ta no orosneot of this Congress doing anything with that question.

"'Ihe matter has been tried out ta the satisfaction of those of us who were willing to risk our political futures In an attempt to help those people. We feel that if the Democratic rarty couia not respond to the demand of that sec tion and people at thla time, there never would be created a condition that could lay upon the conscience and honor of that great party an obligation to them. Tho House of Representatives, 1 may say, to tha ettent that 1 ani permitted to comment uoon It. tried out to the finality of repeated roll-calla an attempt to do onwUiIni short of what should have been done, but in a way 01 suo-ftanttal relief. That was denied.

Now. why make grandstand play about trying to do something when you know you cannot do it Aa the Henator from Mississippi wild yesterday, those people know exactly what la going; on here, and why it is goinc on. and they have tho capacity to distinguish between the bogus and tho genuine, "When permitted the war i hill lo naaw and could net rally eiwitiKli of the Representatives from the cotton- growing Ktatna to defeat It, tr neeeeaary, so far aa thla question was concerned, we abandoned all hone of definite and adequate relief. Having done that un der otir system or government, we nave to mn back to the nconle. or we have to submit to what the majority aaw fit to do.

Now. there la not any reason why we slvruld attempt to put a different face on the situation, we have made every effort that wa can make. Senators hre know what they want to do. we have annealed to them, we pre sented oar case as earnestly as we knew bow. i do not Intend to protract my at- renounce- on tnts session wen loneer.

VU Tlninr Uir what to do. I am going take care of mvself. My train leave a ta evening at nut i tning.tnis vandevtlle oucht to and I thlrk this Congress ought to get away from here." MERRfTT RIMG SING. Ex-3upsrviaor of East Cheotor Osts 3 1-2 Years for Embezzlement. PpHl to Th Tor flsM.

WHITK PLAINS. Oct. 28. Henry i Merrltt. former Supervisor of the Town of Kaat Chester and a Democratic boas.

was sentenced today by Supreme Court Justice' Morsehauser at White Plains to not less than three and one-half years nor more than six years at hard laoor In Sirur Slmc Prison on one Indictment charging him with grand larceny, lo I which he Bleaded cuiltv. I ii H. i i-. Attorney Wneka.

Merrltt emhessled I ftinds of Kast Cheater te the amount of 1 Indictments pending against the former nniwrriiw, The vourtnmm aa crowded wl I frlonds of Merrltt. and poll- unans. nanaers. ana nro- rniwi unuui i trani clemereTf to Merritc Henry It Barrett, who lpneared for the prisoner. read a large number of petltiona atgned I by prominent taxpayer of the loan ashing for ler lency.

In the rear of tho courtroom sat Mer rltt mother, who is years-old: his wile. eon. uatignter. and other relatives. Merrltt.

went while bis friends were pleading In his behalf. nenas or i.rnu I OKI u(ik wnr- hu-r M-rrttt. who had a tx contract to build a section ot the Barso Canal at one time, was now penniless, as he gave up ail nls prop- ertv to settle with the town. Efforts were maae to secure a suspension ot sentence, but Justice Morechauaer, In pronouncing sentence, an Id: Thla man has done what other men have rione--thrtt la. taken money which he had no right to take.

It -almost seems that many want this man to go on suspended sentence, but- I must pro nounce sentence so that It will be warnlns? ta olners." Merrltt is HI veers af aare. Three hours alter naa neen sentenceu pnrnu loylo had him behind the bars In Sing Bing. RIVER STEAMER SINKS. PatStngsra 6avd from thO BsllO Of Calhoun Before She Gooa to Bottom. ALTON, Oct, steamer a IV.

a. a I River four mile, north of hero today. tne ininv passenacrs on ri. landed safelv on an Island. The steamboat waa on Ua war to M.

ixiuls from Calhoun Covnty. with a conela-nment of 4.i Arreln of auples. As the veeseh nenred Illipl Island water waa dlsrverel pouring into tne no'fl. Kellef boat a from Alton took the pns- neavy load caused the seams or tne vessel to part. W.

GHANTLAND HURT. Automobile of Special Attornoy Qsn- ral Collldsa with a Carriage. WILMINGTON. ML, OCL 23. In a I collision between an and carriage near hero laat nlght William (lhantland and wife of Washington.

I). were seriously hurt. Uhantland is Bpedal Assistsnt to the- Attorney General of the t'nited States, and was motoring from New York to Washing ton. Tljs onantlarias aero 'jL71r2. tZj1' l2T2r Injuries haa not yet Tho nhantlands were taken to a near own unrrinmm.

Special Values At $20 SUITS and overcoats at this price, made by Hart, Schaffner Marx, that bring the biggest possible return for you I money. All sorts of models; all sorts of fabrics, and the best of good tailoring and materials that the greatest tailors in the world can produce. Wallach Bros. Rroatlwav at 9th 4-ff48 West HMh Third Ave. corner Hid and the New Store Broadway, below Chambers WII.I-lAil A.


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Mbi a Todaj. JOHN MASON is "Bia itm BASNITV." Haaerve tickets thla -roomrosrt CHRISTABEL PANKHURST peaks en "The Great War" Thla Afleraeoa at e'rleek. CARNEGIE HALL i 1 tTII AVK. 1TM lT, Tteheta. wasaSersd aad reaered.

$1.00. sis aeward. 7" .77, 7 r.n.i. vv nonae rir. wrai Vv a er 2 ttXT.

PAWTil FR Wet il St. Kienlngs WiLLXJ MtlK Top AY A Wru. ONTftlAL BltBttT MIT IN ti YtAWs. A TOR BrlH. 43tnHt.

I oJIW, Mat. TODAT A 2. 19. MTltr fitO. St.

COHAN'S 1 Miracle 1V1 an LONClAC THEATBK. W. ft m. I M.t.. Top AT WL KICK IN A n.r at York f-f by Wlllard Mar with JOHN BAItKTMtlHE AIX-HTAII t'AST.

WAL LACK'S KStIrtt MONDAY. OCT. 26 THE HIGHWAY OF LIFE I ti. Parker. ffr.nuiTlii.tlon nf Ch.rlai DAVID COPrCRFICLO 8tAThOW0N SALt.

PARItW.7coluBibu.Clr K. IS I Phoe. rrrw M4lt today a l. Lw, CoL Mrs. PATRICK CAMPBELL "PYGMALION" SHAWM DDflNIY OVER.t Horstt.

tiath 3.1 Ae. DIU1'IA r-'AMMir YtADr Mat. Tmlay. Nt I iU miLf Ff aa xa PRCSint NT" THK HTuKY or TtlV. HllHAHY." Roe Garden Theatre The World'.

Molts I'lctar i. The World'. Molls I'lctar nrsaatlon. UNDER THE SEA SOt.K MAN'ACJKMKNT KH. K.

I'lDHKnN way Roie Garden. JTiT Uinrliit. Plllll rMl. ,1. l.uft..

P. St. m.ium rstt till JATOP KWW TORK TnKATnK, 3'M In I A.M. ARD IN Uk DANSh F.VRLYN NHS BIT bviii gu a 'irum wb- JJTT1 W. of Aft.

71.0- tt i ti i if, 3 r.w i -vv IRELAND A NATION Robert Emmt ami inner nrron. Ii. a Koul-Sttrrtnc Mln. iluanxt ann imiK-'Ui. IT AG ii17 "TMf TANfitt" "TMC L0CKID 0OtR." Next Moodar t'orapll.

Cbaoo of Plctuna. S. Vlarklrn Arburkla. "Tha Nooala rouiity Chairman." II P. 10 StraiKi tlirti.

a g'rutla. to M. N'ett Work, "n-hlml th. NVwtM. I Palace I Dall Mat.

tl KEITH a llou.llnl. Knulka Dolly A war Martin Krfwn. tihii Ht. A o. Kami? Kl.

A Mat. tie. 111. Ilnll W.kU-.l SrBSORIPTin.X Heata In all arta of Metrfl-Daillnn Oim llm.xf fr rrand orr ia- un Norn- on al It I I.L.M A M. lit IIKOAUWAV.

Telephone. M17 Hector. To keep THK NEW YuRlv TIMKH Mill. WKKK rtt-roltlAl. A It KXTIIA In bo-h! condition st a binir.

Kant mall for II, It.M, or arrvor-llna- to inuba. Full cloth, full Imitation leather, Imlf 1-aOier, s-old ilnimed. Hubwrlptloa for tba-WAH KXTKA. a year.

Tha moat suinpttlou. arathla iti'ttirr lil.u,i-y nf th. war. THK NKW YORK TlSlbal. Ti Suuara, loik.

Asvt. 4TM ST E. OF B'WAT. KVK MATS. TOP AT What would the modern, fashionable woman do if the art of the Modiste were lost? Anne, the beautiful woman of fashion, will tell you what she would do, in the brilliant play, Seats Selling 8 Weeks Ahead.




TODAY a Wet. J-tV IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE tr a a a mm ti tl Tl TON Mat. TOD AT aM Wetnlar 1 1. I NISMTLV Igxerpt Snadul Sa Ata Me Asaaernasi Theatra. fnans aOM Bnaot.

DC ef Bnawtw.f. Kta. I DtJrJJ a Thma. IK. DAVID DITRICHSTEIN II The Phantom Rival WKBES-B ADIDIA INTiBK ont h.

'ajt. ars. M-A Sal am S-B 1 vnumin Mlshta Grand On Ha Km- vtranu jp. no.,i.iia.i SICHASO BENNETT'S "OA SI AS fO I) 00 OS." Mnndy PEP 0' WV MEAST." PI DRP Broartwar at Mth St.

Km. al tili. M.ta. TODAT MONTGOMERY fic STONE Tyson Co. ANNOUNCE Removal of Opera Subscription Department FROM 1122 BROADWAY TO UPTOWN OFFICE.

LONGACRE BLDG. 1472 BROADWAY, at 42d St. l'HONE 40SO BRTANT. Opera Heats In all parte of tha llouae br Hubecrlptlon or I Vrfornia aro at BOX OFFICE RATES. SYMPHONY Korlety of New Terk WAITER tl.tMHOHCH. TintiiHsim tst at- iiA VT. AT a ZIMBALIST Violin N. R. Receipt, from thla concert will ba donated to tha Aaaeriraa Med Crase Noeletr.

Haata at Box Office. Ar.OI.IAN CENTURY ttZuX. Today Madaaa Battcrfly." with Slanley, lenaka. Oauiicnal, Cb.lm.ri. Kaufman.

Jaechla. Tonlsht. Jewels of the Ma-daaaa," with Kreidler. Howard. Kwell.

Tllllamaon, Kaach, kno'h. Papular t'lierert Keisr Nlaht. Week, "Jewels ef the Madonna and I -A lleheaie." SPALDING ACrOMPAMEP TIT ANDRE BKNOIwT. Vlollll ALL. TMUSS.

Aff, OCT. tttk. al J. fSLInau I Tk. twf.

or Mat. Anlonla S.wrrr. IKi p'war. CARS filt MALU iatrAnOatl'Ii'atr st" fM. ONLY HU.SU KXCITAl.

THIS SKASU.V Alma Gluck (KNAHK PIANO Seat, Sow st Her OfHea. MANAOKUKXT Wl.rsOHN BI REAU. sraesle Hall. bat. Oct.

II, .1 Hi'MI HKi'lTAt, JOHN McCORMACK to 1. new at PO IT A OPtKA MOUSI Nov. s.i. 1 i r. PAVLOWA SYVrittINT n.t InwrniM The Kneisel Quartet CI btork.

front lth St. Rulraar St.uua.) Tnnktlit at I. Hmuon tlrk.t. mnnru, raUured lo II. 0W.

T.lihon. X.1U Midkhm. Aenilan Hall. Wed. Oct.

S. at Hll.l NM IT.M. BLOCH IWH at Iox llfflr. Met. Foster David.

COLUMBIA -J, Burle.que THE PRIZE WINNERS l.f. I (IIKVKI.I. va. HKOIVX. rn'KKTn I jai-omm tii'KMT okkii'K.

Kn I I 'HONK 4INU XUHMANDIK ill VV A A 8HTII WT. IRVING PLACE THEATRE Today Wllh. Tail: Toutsht. Drr Mueil.Thro.lar MMtROTIIN'S Oallf Matlaaw OtCR RUOOLSN A MAMS O0WDV TIM i imiui 11. mi oil lt.ti-ry.

mivt 1.1 Ul. Acta. EDEN MUSCC. VOKU1 WAX 5S lad St. Kl NMMJF.H.

Wondrrfol MuW-taa. Trni-nirnary flroup. Ktneuia-olor. BROOKLYN AMI HKMENTS. THE RatiOUl INSTITITE 01' ARTS AMI WIIM'ES.

today; jociery or new lorn. Matinee at P. WA tlAM IlLlftfl t'oniluoior. ZIMBALIST, SOlTit ST. i IIRIMIKI VX Af.tDEMY OF Ml Sir.

DF" Mala. in' le. rvAUJ tveo. A. OS, l.V SI.

imi. "I'Kti IV Ml IIKAKT," -iih Ht.n Ksal h-'-lllll. Hit I.AIV.-' Pill. Maw. I Hcata ft.

WARS OF THE WORLD IUUU gsivai. 25c 50c "Xew Tork' Saisrust Thtrs." Milliter Taiar t0. (Pup.) 13. Five Wonderful One-Act Plays. "T.iitl- Tv.

a tiare-lwsstd srtiwia." Herald. MIMITI. TdM'W LYRIC 43,1 W- II Mt. Tilx. Rmilna.

EVIDENCE lfiK thiiihpat TiJir attic ruv CM TOP I ii.ii i ml, uni tu, viw Th, tlipiwl Opera Cofnlqu. To Ttir in ao rr iMr i ric uit- uvjmiiw ROOTrl Tliea 4-Hh. nf -v in BUUIM M.tlne To.l.r TKe Monev Makers wUt r- ine ivioncy iviaacrs 4 AI.ian.lraCarll.le, (tn Tiialay avenlns, IVtriier 27th. at tho Hootb theatra KXPtKIKNfK." iu.lern pluy In thrw act. hy tioors.

ItotHirt Snir now. nherrM. i'lrnt Llttlcui, .91. 2QTH CT r.r. wir.

En. I (AM 3 I Work. The THIRn PARTY T' a a sea a ae) a a a a J. CORT M.L.. 1 brvut tIij a wet.

i 1 unaer VOVer ku a at. APARTMIi.NTS NOW READY FOR OCCUPANCY IN TUB; ANDON APARTMENT HOTEL 33 West 51st Street Suited ranje from One or More Rooms, each with Bath, to Five Rooms and Four Baths. Each Room has Exceptional Light, Distinctive Finish and Modern Equipment' RESTAURANT A LA CARTE The location is the most exclusive In Superior service maintained night and day.V Rental are moderate, and include electric UfhL Write, call or 'phone manager for booklet and further information. TELEPHONE NUMBER, 8264 PLAZA 7 WALUCK'S RESTAURANT BROADWAY and FORTY-THIRD STREET 'Q, Aflmr Extonii Alterations WILL OPEN WITH A NEW SENSATION Thursday Evening, Oct. 29th, at Six o'Clock Increased Portions and Decreased Prices Big Show Including: Several European Entertainers' Dancing in thm Bt Afuoie in Poppy Room Nmta York REISENWEBER'S COLUMBUS CIRCLE Table D'Hote Dinner (6 to 9) $1.00.

Beefsteak Dianer Mr. iSloane aixl MIm Morgan In Pa 1 1 room Dawes Klrhtry beg. at 10'SO. Aflarnooo Tea Uancea lo 1. Complimentary Tea aad twtm-lag pATUMCa, Dsn 'Caslar's Orchestra.

Now Booking Banquets, Dinners, Beefsteak Parties, Etc SPECIAL SUNDAY DINNER t. Nm. m. $1.00 BAIONADKH FK.tTl RK tht'KS JI N4.LK ROOM ItHI C'ANIN C-3 Iteefaaaak IMi DBOADVTAT AT SHANLEir RECTOR'S 14th Street near Fourth At. HOTEL CECIL USth at.

aad (t. Nleholaa Av. AltHtiLITKCV KIHKPIM'IOK MOHEnV. Cnnvilt to t'ara. Hubway, kllavsted.

and Mtsse. Brlabt. Ontalde Hooana. gl with Haiti, Excellent Reelaaraat at Popular Prices. Psrlor, Iwdruora and hath all fin.

Sia in SIS ter week. Itiiom wtib lath. SS ui. Hlnsla room, SS up. 13 .1 TM.

A.l.lrm MKANS Sombina MODERN nACES TAl fillT IN MNR I rHMONH, 93. Itntlrur sonrt ranim ft rrtvat Iia-Tn, wltirh ran I ti! anv tlm wlihtsuf frucn 10 A. until 11 tlallv. i pert lady arvd vntciuen tacbrTi alwaya In ai-tsmdaiirr. All Ball fltxiru ranro guJjUaUJteMM 4 rlasw t.

3U HOUR5 DANCING, 25c 1 nut ruriurs will an" with yn wtthtnit extra rharf e-per aft(msnit, lrMlmitit HaitirtU) mn Huittlarm. f'tun 2 (. ti 1' bihI miv ssit. ttitr eit-fpt HaiurtJajra and Huodait. from 7 no to IV IT The REiVlEY SIS RTH AV.

al ftlth Ht.) I'linii. oluinbii. SeiHl fur PUCK llliertt.ief Mr. Oscar Duryea nnourtfi hla rturn frotn Kurnf tin'1 th rttllrfrf n'-. mmi Adult linN Iftrt4br rlrmt.

lultUa In AMikf-llr. tb New lnrrs ttncl I export OSCAR DURYEA SCHOOLS. 47 Meat ltd Ht. SSS West 1 1 Id M. Cstalns.

ant. MansfieldS? 27 W. 42d. it 4I7. Km.

1WM. Iata.Kt mst1ern 1mim tnuicht mi cIh-n Kitih pupil hmm noni with I nut rwlor tlurliisx prl Ate Issattiin mi- to IhukIi your fiilMMkraj. i'ln ulsrs niallroi. H'e tinuUtutf for tmr carit it i and pnnrjsti rrninl ttinic ifjHing our MISS BENA HOFFMAN, I. UTM ST.

urrar Hill 7HJ3 Ijrt ttt Irmli nti th l'Wsi tlniv. lulu Ku Ho Troi, l'trlsi ilgvutts, nf1 uthrra I'rlvatte irtTsonitl Innt ru-thn in Usrtit. at I ry atutllo astajuroHl Mak todaiy Junt wwt of Hotel Vandrhllt CE0RCE W. WALLACE'S SCHOOL FOR DANCING. Brettoo llall Hotel.

86th Broadway. Children. Claaa and Private. Catalogue. Lu Lu Fado TANGO Heallatlon.

Maxlie. I'olka Tanae tansht prl.alrly or rls. A. Al.lltKT NA.tru. llrtMMlnaj.

SSIh la "7th M. Trl. t.l.V. rl. hu y.

aad MoelsJ imn. Umiklet. ROTH STUDIO Modern an1 St M. Ilatlr.a I'rlvste fMaena, lni rut lora. -It Waal ftah St.

I'boa. Iirsnt SiilO WILMA-CILMORE WIST TM ST. Brrant I Has. Sortety Oanrei. ra.ll.

Iloua. Mnhod and Ikfmtm MISS BOBBY BURNS, i Kaat 41at St. Murrsr nut MM All Modern riwnras. AlfStlaa, FRANCES MORGAN. 1 ili.u lua.iwtuuu ui AU lela.1 Uaaav Brasses I CMulnaa t.

Mats. Today, Tn.aliy a Tauta. a hl Cn. ot Ii-lixlln Bjamcnf neuMttla lilHtjr 1.1111 I4steeri 'AH'tae Wl'l MANHATTAN JTaui a-TONIGHT LI 8 SHARP, COME EARLY. latUs Tl Tbaia.

THE LAW 1 LAND 1 THK lU JrtJA pyjAl, irnKtrnVTim.lia.iif g.i:l.i Ual v-uiiut Mtlu Tod.T Twa. 1:15. 1 We. H1; t-VJ, CONSEQUENCES Hl K-wilsaa Mats. Tasay Fritzi Scheff in Pretty Mrs.

Smith I Tomorrow Iwryi NsMtoH Tb-nr hi MAXINC ELLIOTT'S THSATttC. Ognrngi jtet, WMTCIOK JdLATfVTCK MR. WU SMUStST Tkea. n. 1:11.

alala. Tsday a aad, MR FAVERSHAM H'AfLEK Ml.l.i;. IMiHIATta I HMT At.TINW BKST TTAT. MME. IETR0VA in -PANTHEA- Ntxr wirs tpo bunt coosa si fOfTOfXXXXXVVYYrXTffXJU WliithroB 1 I TnEATSC Asm' LI 1 1 LtU W.

4IUl hi. CI 0 K'ej. IS. Mu. TIr a a'aa.

SM. lrll Hae'nurt'i Cms ad. CI 8A Pair of Silk StocJdngsS ail slut. Stat ccocxxxxxxxjofjbb0fxxxxx THOMAS OlMNKKH MKN Ea II al Moderate JLX main n. MEN'S trwcH Prlees rt.ooM lUMIS.

MTU hT. rbeae Sllee taiaaabaa. 5DROADWAT-43-44 St ft. MUSIC eT Bd pa Fifth Ave. at 45th SU New York a Apartments and Rooms with Bath, Unfurnished and Furnished, by the Year or Transiently.

SAME MANAGEMENT APARTMENTS OP ANY SUB? Restaurant Is Carts EQUINOX HOUSE. iMini nun mi iiiiiii nm jiiiii 5 DANSE D'AUTOMNEl Another big time iTONIGHtll Exceptional dancing corns in en- lircly new and original "Dante des FeuiDes Mortes" BUSTANOBY'S! ( B'way. Saaaa 7s SraalsvJ "win niiii ine nit mi nm nun Aotc iiretton Jf BROADWAY," 85 1.8SSL I IT'S I. I lreeat ma4 Mast yjl'r ftoosaa, arlta Sata, aultaa, transient or par maiMinc rasloecs. All the eoamforts ef New Verb, Itr'a WKwT Hotel4 st ene-thlrtt lea, arlre.

"Che- Msorics gJFtttSSZL Nlaliily. HuiKlar. until lssln. Tha li.itaanta. Tie-Mly, THunday a Saturday, 4 I.

IS rre. ItcaraiMratlna Ir. Mssraaa MAURICE riumm WALTON, Till. KINU'S rAMlRITta. rise bano ExauiaiTt cuisine.

JOAN SAWyr.K'S rrtnalAW OAItr-Trf. Sroa.l.u A at. ttrn. Mtbl. rbaoa Ilia Inrl.

Saafay. Irasi I. sa ssIM atetlaf tie MISS JOAN SAWYER Alau aildar. Uaud Culala laursatlsaat, mil.

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