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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 17

New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE NEW YORK TIMES. SATURDAY. OCTOBER 24. 1914. ORA11ZA WILLING en nn inmn i ruma luuuir Yiiiiiiiiiuro EMPLOYES SHARE PROFITS.

Youngatown Concern Divide 1200V 000 Among Worker. Ohio, Oct 2S-Th Toung.towo Sheet tnd Tub Company distributed today to flipiuyM under-a proriC-ehartfa- arrangement. SHIPOWNERS TIGHT MARCONI CO. RATES Department Told i First represent, a Merritt A Chapman and Stand 4 I the pay roll for the put year and ail I BUSINESS WORLD C.iaf Will Combat Ascend cney of Northern Leader. employe participated TROOPS NORTHWARD JUDGMENTS.

Theae hxliwinu war med yesterday In Kaw Karlc ruaur. la flnat li.i Ulu that iot aaa tor: lAHea. Uerfeert ft leor-h A Aaaariaaa MarepoHs Realty Corp. New Re-1 i etvuie uu ana Lwnhtr mnuL van jam! JiiuoaW COMMERCIAL PIPER ard Oil Co. Say Undue Rent for Yeaterday.

.917 par cant, for ta ThnrU HmT Apparatus Is Demanded. SUIT CROWS OUT OF PATENT mt N. 4524. Larod. Stroaath.

r. rm Pvu wlrM, Cenc.rn 8Mk, t0 V'. wlUi Tha quotation, la for six months' paper. Demand for Cheaper Balmacaans In cotapaj-Ujon with past heavyweiKht seasons, the business being don this year In overcoatings le far below ucr- mal. Thar some slight demand for nd fee rear af aa Attack Villa' For.

hkgu Mm. kM.T rw.Man.ltb Bennett, i'mon 11 Oenaaala Beak of City of. Berne game, LJ. Krmn. Milan.

Alt. till. Ralnhaid It, Neppeahelmer, 943. tavmurwi, eriii ana mis tMiimni Brewing tin, Uta of Devlo Provided by Da Forest Co. cooler wathr this Inquiry ebo'ld The good desired ar moa 11 of th low-price variety selling below 91 a yard.

The color erf act ar not a striata an thoee which held sway last MHS k.aMM le MlwAlaiBt A char that th Marconi I being tnoee-most sought, after. In some Telerrapb Company asks an undu In-lineUnoe Bprine- plT ereaao In. rent and an undue exteoaion r'iZS' '-r. ndtttons or the period of It oontracta for wlr. Ibut whole vary little le beirg Leaa annaralua far shin was mad yea- I aone lor tni cominr, season.

a I m. A 4k. I I I iiak I tor-fay in univa 'ww' rt iim rt.e Kar ika NiiuiaM i in tT. Vi aH'''l 7iaT, ar ara ft Ml bbb I 1 a. a Crawn Karatoa Cu.

iao. JtlUua I xr. T- Tk. Kharn niDDorted bV Order ff.r Blanket clorTS: FaMaate. Hotal aad Bb affidavit from th.

M.rritt A Chap- Th men a weru tnaric.t. was a mu Wrerklns: Company, ana ia mum auw Mwrur Arthur -i aiw aia. 1 1 it; i.i,intiim unit I i Company llsed thav the Standard I however, and tv. seUr Hsuruig new wu uiuna on us voaaaia i OD oo.w. ira aisa ia oy iirai" ratus furnished by the raoranlxi 1i i and In some eases HO by WO.

and soma- vrmmt u4Ui.Tl.iihoM and Taiecrapll i thin In nrla halwum 2yQ and 2.10 Company, and th court waa asked to I aaked frr tham. Inasmuch as ch Clarpu-k. Krank tfc aoa C. AlKwrira, fiST. dark J.

atalcalaa Vea Charae. ties. Cvocn Oet. Car- ran I wiuin to reUr from th port I rw i'. LIT cf ExecuUv ta alaxlco City pro-1 Bhia.

LetiUw.ii 3l. Gan. Villa I tntrmmntat la irfwurlrc bla rtalyBsOow. also to assured that bla retirement aot aa in aeoeadener Oaa. This explanatioa of Gen.

Carraaxa'a lo.ition. mad Informally at Mexico wea racetred by th American Cor.mrnart her today. Geo. hi wflllna-ne bar th enavantto req'jet that bath be and ru vm a-iv way to a aoatral for th roTUional PreaiiJancy. In Vim maaaUni.

bowevar. official I ErKkaou, j' porta th Ktat ZaprUnent told th advaae north ward of evrJ Danptun. William Art Matal in. Ur. Ee ad Bamtnt i Uck.

tl.aa. tmmnal. Bdward 4 -altUaaa. S1C3. CctnaUnf enata.

Dlckaraaa. Jaiua Kami al. adinlalatirsler-radly enjoin this a km tl taria. Irrank V. tn Mahate.

tto. P. Labs. h. M.

ia us pendlna' the eetUement I ay4 Item 0oa not fiaur i Infrfneemant suit In Innntly In th so nroitil" of a patant Infrfneemant suit in wnwii innntly In th of blankets the De roreet uotapanr, u. II ooe in making clout, afants are Oil Company, ana I not lml Im MlAWIn. im this touaand of Carraaaa troop. Tula Si.i.- a rv. namao a eo-'innw.

or nuaineaa. ic ia not inougni prooaoie Answering; af IdavlU wer presentml tht lhe foreign Government, will take wae exTUtned by Cmrrani. repreeenta- ,18, to the court by Capt. R. Darby of J) much ln the way of uniforms or over, t.rra a tntendad amt toe purpose of HJSii tuSTT -Katate of D.

Hanaaaey Hroedway on behalf of the defendants. coatSi )nc, th. jbor cost comas attack, but precautionary defense la VTat.eTV-T-: tbe was aUaaed that alnceJue- much higher hw than It doe brooC eohvantion am. to area Elactrle Nevalty tlce Van Vechten- Vejder uphehi an4 th- aavlna: to be mad in havtna ejM tno eouvantlon cam to no re of. th Lode patent In th ault brouaht lh- good, manufactured at home is C14.

klorrta tuooklya Hl6ta n. r. caata. Viue. Oold.

Tllllc Oaarca Dortor Co. VJ. a. Trust Oa ff lewi theae contract cover w.u paaa I Uie day depoalt waa cloaa to ll.O0O.0OO. Tor.

OraattaTMaa, anawered before no nearo bib i not inabtdness. Th opinion waa th aJlefred inmnemani. -a espreeeea yeateroay arternoon or I It Increased rents. It I oraanJsaUon continued to pour Into th wUl oo offtc of the committee'. Secretary ye run out.

the minimum period wW terday. and it waa said last tha iant and VU1 moved his force south-1 Gimiwf! Marar-a, It at L. llSa, I by the Marconi Company" aaalnst IK I aomeLhln to considered. eoUanharc. Jdsepl--Caeey lalaa l0 I National Klectrio Blanal company jne carramm-.

attitoda toward th frTor; Vv ir nw mrr. I I Claflln Now S27.000.000. U' baa kept th olarte ra aua-iooui. Jaaua haa aakins new onee at lara; Notholdr' claim la th Claflln r- Ovna.

Obrasoa and SUaac want 0- Ant-M. tut. atexieaa oapwai two aay aao pereuad Carraaaa at tha futility af th wlsaea th eawaattoaw -v. AJsreie baa ccna to Cuer- i(i a tavita Co.

Zapata aad rte. II ia reported bar rir.d th aromi of th floutbwra lif aand twenty. four reprenta- e. Th convention I waltlac tha it jfl ef the eolaaioaa before tran actlmf lmportaat buai report aaow that th Mexico I Hajwai neasraper ar atlaeklnc th purpoa and acta Lithauar. Lao R.

Abba. te caUMrtnaTv LATEST CUSTOMS RULINGS. Daolslona on Tapa. Bottla Cover. Papar, and Bandlnga.

Th Board of General Appraiser ban settled a controversy btwn th Oov ernmnt and Sol Levy of Philadelphia recardina the elasslflcatloa of snap fasteners attached to tape, adversely to the importer. The foods were entered under the Tariff act of 1000, and returned by the custom official at th rat of 60 per cant, ad valorem, as tape. Th goods wer claimed dutiable at only 4o par cent, either a. manufacture of metal or cotton. At the trial the Importer testified that the articles are not commercially known as tapea, but failed lo ahow that tape le not the component of chief value In the food.

The Max Franket Company waa sus tained In contentions for lower duty on bottl rover, and caps composed of palm leaf. Th food war erroneously returned aa manufacture of straw under Paraarapb aU8 of th preaent law, and wer claimed properly dutlabl at 13 par rent, ad valorem under th aam paragraph as manufactures of palm leaf. xne ooara upneia proleat riled by Walther A Co. relatlva to tha rata duly accruing under the preeent tariff SOUTHERN CONDITIONS. Propoaad Cotton Loan and tha Effect Aimed at by It.

Cotton prices will not be forced up or artlflnally maintained at any fixed rate by the loan proposed by 8t Louis bankers and. while savins- the cotton ardwer. from ruin th loan would be the mean of vitalising; business federally throughout the whole country, said A. W. Douglas or St.

Louts, Chairman of the Committee of Htatletlca and Standards of the Cnlted State Chamber of Commerce and Vice President of tho Simmon Hardware Company of St. Louis and New York. of the matter yesterday, he said: Tha money will be loaned for a aiieclflad time on tha basis of tha mar kt price as It may be determined by renditions. It do not contemplate any undue boosting of price at ail. but simply the establishment of a stable market by taking all of the surplus hitherto exported, ana wnicn now our-dens th entire situation.

The natural reault of the success of this Plan will be the establishment of a orlce at which li V.W lU ww. via. aomeetio, can arrora to ouy. Ana, wnat la equally aa important. It will mean the startlna of the wheels of commerc throughout the entire country, aa wall aa in the Mouth, and th Preeent paralysis or trade on- I nary business depression, affecting- so 5SSi? oT-vi'a "ia of th patent.

Wlwn iudW hri wt-A. BanA. I k. A a.a.e manta Mill 1 wuh mnmi. "a ii.

OUW auw. iiiu. v- i twmiMiA mm iMwn a Aatheayl u.L( T. bnr lift. Haran.

Bertha Rosbury. eoata. $111. tiyr-ia CaaatreeHeai a4 tm A' iilMtnta Surety Cl WllUara Horn f. Hayees and Mania IbaneyF.

i. da rereier te.Tdi. -ladae. Juim P. H.

WilU at SloT. Edward suuk( O. llalenberk. Aestatant Manager I man In a poeltlon to know that, when I Federal court here today by Ouetv O. the Lie hte rage Departinenl of th btaml- I closing time came on Monday.

It would 1 tfenklng hotel keener of Springfield, ard oft Company of Naar fork. nto ounf thai at least e30.0t.u,0 worth ViaDhlSeswere scheduled aftl6 cially provided for. ie revereed. K.nautn. isachod Kuhne were eue- talned in claima relating to cotton banding.

Assessment waa made under the preaent law at tha rata of mi Mr rant. ad Valorem aa manufactures of cotton. The Importers Insisted that the goods ar bandings within th mean! ng of Paragraph 2V. and therefore urooar dutiable at 23 par cent. The board agreed and reversed the Collector.

Inventories Will Show Mark-ffe. What the inventories taken month by the silk manufacturers will disclose Is something thoae Intereated In the trade are awaiting with some anxiety. There I certain to a large mark-oft on the stocks both of raw and manufactured materials carried. On raw silk the decline amounts to about 2a per with th tendency at preaent to still lower prices. This mesne that on a yard of goods the depreciation on th a versa la about IS cents.

Springfield Hotel Koapar a Bankrupt, BOSTON, Oct. 23. A voluntary Petition In bankruptcy waa filed In th publishing w'rrhar. lct no. VII VMiMI' --m iL.k vnu wis, ana, irva I.

fuutAiu, wr affidavit. ld that on -Aug. 17 Johit I of these claima bad been deposited, aa pviwmi.i tm w.wa ueim.ii. wwu. I .1 Ht r.AMnanv.

nOtiCS Of I 1.. the termination on Oct. 1 ot the contract I Monday. A meeting of the Notchold- covering the vessels I ers' Committee will bald today at ttniiiani. naiii.

itn tsang or commerce, at wnich all the The new coniran Bii.TOKr. 1 members ar expected to be present. 581 and the assets at fluii.KMi. of the rest of the nation. There la a mistakeo Impreaalon a I to th amount of tb food products raised In the South.

For yeara th South ha been gradually developing a diveraltv of nroducta. As a matter of fact, it I Ch greatest fruit raising I section In the Union. It raises more I garden product than all th rest tn country." DRY GOODS TRADE IMPROVES Warm Weather During Early Part ef Waak Retarded Sale. Sport lo Xew VorH Tim. CHICAGO, Oct.

23. Marshall Field Co. In their weekly review of the dry good trad, say: Continued warm weather Is still re tarding retail dry good business and. In turn, affecting wholesale buslnee. The clearing weather and slightly lower temperature at the end of last week stimulated retail trad to some extent I and whole.

order, on Monday and Tueeday wer consequently considerably larger. Mora merchants hav been in the market than during the same week a I year ago.1 li.Hl-.ZXX Texas. Oet. 2. Oa thu- xni new troop arrlvsd ta Kaevt Lar.

ie last aigbt from Moatery arlng-l-r the garrteoa to about LOUO man. Kumora that Tula had ot foecea to re-luce to ptac ciaaed tb Increase ef t.e rT'-on, Clip tc ha front Eagl T.taa. today said that two ipa- I. WJW WIT. I -Mnf Pledra Kerrae nd Kuevo at.jwra.

Bertha Rethbamn IIS. jr. m- peek saia, waa vm I I nil it waa not aaiddnnitiy w- i-fca-a- hr what business would come be V.a 1 Cut thT ror meeting, it was intimated that li Joaeeh at Wllaen. list. I Company 1M a month, but that a rt of the ooideratlon txa.

th oomproml. eettlement plan ra. i nmww -r I arawn an recently in connection with able and extortionate. in the twenty-three subsidiary companlee K.rT liid.r5and fu one b' rpnmnttlve of th Vot.hold.r.' I tuie.lM. being a.

I ondrstana it. one i fommntea and the wT. HnMln Malt tWtlof the principal patanta rai eo on in ni M. a F. Keaity It.

Uaaauer. .16. I suit, expire on 15, 1BU. na VWM I fe oCua. Maru I.

u. umw, mi. I men oecoroa upvu I a- eann aaa MnAmmm.n 134. 1 An nnt aaa why should I AS eOOO.OOO MaieV. ieaa itkn 0 I forced to mak a contract for three year 1 1 x.

S. ltalght A Co. ARRIVAL OF BUYERS Arriving Buyer, may register ia this column by telephoning 1000 Bryaat. Miller. Bernard M.

La waaatela, 3TO, Melnkea. Olnia U. atoCora. W-FaiL Aaclaide A. Im Jseroeosi from Mexico City.

aa a minimum, where th former con- Mas. sa4 A. ataalar arusaal K. I Th affidavit from Merritt 1 A Chanmnn was made by Its Treasurer, lit the latter nlara all Anvtn.

van.bam. i r. swuona enaer bum mi a I a I'hinmnn was maoe ny its ireuvni. nae ivaa i ecus sea oy or- I i John I. Merritt.

ana reotea a iirnr ler and t-Towbataa lUal-j im-rioM op tor eiiploved bv the I far th bet tea i I Phillips. Eawln Ith Altaa. ta. in. Lii.iii neaiiv la v.m.

jepniia iwaya tii -4- 8ln the Standard dlrput with the toonhiZnliU Marconi people began. Capt. Darby al. iiiiT. yesterday.

It ha endeavored to get the fZtunm lno Foreat Company to ftirnlsh wireless War Ordar. of thla city hav aocepted merchandise contract offered by the Kngllsh Oovernmeot which total about In value. Theae con tracts, whidi call for woolen under were accepted for ry Company, th and the Muperlor AKRON. Ohio M. A W.

T. I Tobla. rleeka, suite; ST West anth. BAL.TMOKiCloal Out man 1 Uutinan. diaaa gon5a.

alike 2 ta at. HAITI MOHR H. Omaa. tnllllneryj Oraa. tMMTUMWllllaai Miena'a Mens Koaalgathai.

anen'a. bora' clothing: lie west X34. BJ6TON A. H. Miller, fura.

goods; wal-IWa BRIhTOtr B. W. King C.j H. F. KMg.

ary goo la: nanonra. CHIC AGO- HothcMId A lbolt lewalrr, eeUoai geoas. cutlery, eirrerwara. its An. Phllllpao H.

atorrle, linen, mualla nrd.l wear, aklrta: urena. CH1CAOO Morrla Maan a Kolllr: H. alor- tie. ladlcer nackwaar. Jewelry: iw nwy, CH ICAOO-A l.xaaaer Revall Ce.s A.

Revall. rxrty (JOe tO ArvaocaHeSteS tOiOIh. U. by Daalala. 1cct Other Military Chiefs.

er -'mi i Two Nr Toasi Ttataa. KXIOl CITT. Oct SXOen. Angela ail the other Commiasioner from th Ceaveatloe. rettsmed this errering frona Morete.

reompaald by twfr'y-elgM ealagatea waoca Zapata ia apparatus which would not mrrlnge tn I ln" caJcvETJLlftWoMD jaaaph. Mama patent. Apparatus without in- "no' Mn.isMT Ar ductlon coll waa devised and Installed, out ofa rumor which had Ibeen around CL1SVkLNI-R Brea. A J. Bailor. iii Cnmnuit I the local market for several dava thaAT I am Tbmu R- H. 1 Paaua. Hurak Wr McUerwatt 12. W. Beadle.

tTJO. mniHirfi tha afarconl Comoanr ha no I a contract calling for mora than I Ohla Oraen-Joroa Ca. R. ta obiaet. tm injunction auil wwvn v.

iwwj iwkh naa oean I ttanaar. yonaiaterv seaoa. rv i sal tie thla matter. I offered to the firm by the RriUsh I ar. kM John Bottomiey, uenerai nwwiw oi i pu.ri.wii r.

nwni, wno I iiAPi.wwtiua, vm. mm Paaaa. rraariek L. I- Hlti i. I tha American Marconi Company, sail In London.

This rumor waa confirmed I LH.inuli... plailwi! Hretnere-MMUi i-ea, i r--. k. K. nn axtartlon yesterday, but it waa aelrl that I FAYK1TEHV II.L.E, K.

U. PVikmaa A 1 Inc. f3l. SH38. Sl.

i.rViea'.'Csareaa. A. Tbake. In th new chargea for wlreleea service whole i offer wa not accepted beceuae lrrM inue au a. -maaa.

the firm has reserved the norniaJ 1T( ichv well. el AH. B-i-e -J running abmrt.l v. rapacity of it. th- domjsUo ia'cir ervrrg to th eeavearJew a result of I Roral Theatre fNt-Oreeter New York Fthaaaid Mr.

Bottomiey, rreantatloria mad by th Commla- Rental Ca. t10x. ana-P. Office Attraction iiT. land etatlone on th Atlantic I trad, aid Mr.

Bottomiey. "at a dead loe. I will All of th mill mentioned above run night ana day until th 6mmmmm tait.vA- kb Ivi a Xtoarkaeat.

ttXt. "mm I niwii. ibui e. tfawn v.w., iiiia.ii, Amy, a ijavtee, I hitherto, and It was decided rnr j' tat let I contracts ar completed.

Ftli Reata! I lo th tockholder to mak a moderate Draaa Ooodo Moving Bottar. avkaa. raadv- te-wear; Herald gqesre. en. JC.

u. tncaaver, general ma-Broatell. CITY. Ma. EaaiT-Blr-Tkarae u.

O. Oe.1 C. B. Hubaall. aloUvnag, rare.

LOtl ANOELB A. Hamburger A Boa; Q. Hart let), rarneta: tl 4th A atllrLBTiWN. Cona. J.

H. Buace, ary '-rale aad rwntyftv fricere af greda. Th whole party tfaparta fu AruaaoaiUente la a special t'QUIDI SAYS HITS CONSUL. Takra H2 Order from tha Caavn tJon, Not fle. CaiTSfiia.

rranriara Lrtddt. Meibaa Consul C'eral bar far sum tlrna. whoa of- we claimed ywsterdar by Igrvado tV. JWZaT XrleeaT tit. aama Mr.

ftrafllav, met. III. eilbervteln, Nathan W. W. Aetor, flsO.

je.aker Pre, Ce, ef It. T-W. McLean. geartwoBt. K.

Walde at eeata, vn.efar. Ms Hotel V. Oartlandt Ce, t'u Berne tv IS. Woedwen, f1fa. mm i la1'l- an4 Chan.

W. Upchlts Dlliler. kzm ftrharaTnlth, John TS. Ird A Taylor, B28S. muH.i Tit Nnrlna.

Buslnaaa ha been better wlUi seotm- I Win va nd.hw nroibars; B. Increase in the rate. Instead of ehara ina l.til a month, the Maroonl Comoanr now chargea 4 1 JO a month. 1th regard wHVeo.ct'rVHh" rhhitAtBahl2 ffy HEW "Kavsle-W Wi-W with our contract witn the steamship i (WA n. a.v- I -i- san rSiurrh.

comnanlg. for eervlc. On or thel ll Barrett general mdea.1 Idie patents expires next year, but Not have road VjMnUK 1 "0, ir. Marram patent nav anoinir li r5r IIU PRI.rHIA-KirP wuon; swp, ala-ht or nine year to run. I well In View ef th general condition of I hat.

nmaiiwae Central T' Heretofore we have been granting thing, but the house demand has been I pmuADKI JH1A A. Ilyman. ear pete; Bree- early rontrarta. and ln ceneeqaene I larger ana pruwipeiiv or gooaa tor ine Hn have Van at the morey of certain llnea, I new season, ln one Instance it wa IpitTHBHROH Araotknot-atepheneea Ca I fl, VI in. larger retail tP- I winm, rarj.

na.i -m rioa.a, suite. aa It nM nn new A anuln veaaeta fur I Said that Om th wireless eervlco for such a brief ratora have been buying In thla rnnr- tlma. in addition th company be lost I aet tor nprtng, ni tnat a great oeai or money ninun. linn, wee mw. -iika II.

Rartel Co which hav Infringed It patents. rrges mm to oe moat wanted for the lart. rMi 5 antrd The Standard OH Company has only I new aeaeon juet now, rine rrtncK wn. timm. gav out th fot wlng state.

I waiter scoear av imnjer mM tnis announcement in ina iroirii vmi in urinaria. hover, reerir-te-wear: an White. i.r ti-ht. I KM. I Court a a eiwle of defenae.

We do I Poplin. Koman stripe, gran I tea. satin ROCHBSTEIW stale-Hloch a. waiiaoe. aim-i.

ww. a'w. I not care wnetner mey sign a contract I we. ST. LOCIB Hargadlna-McKlttrlek Dry Oeede r.

r. laliloa. ginsnama, earpela, ta BT. LOCIS Trortlcht'Dnncker Carpet C.

H. Dunrker, rarpeta; J. he hag. man, oar- pats: it a. win.

HT. IxtUIH Rly A Walker D. O. Tehen, upbol.terv gende. ruse: ttl Chnrrb.

TORONTO, Canada T. Eaton Ca. Mr. Ba. melt.

1ote ceeu. salts. Oreeaee: 40 ri. ITth. A I PUN W.

sehlmma. clthln union nquare. WIlkae-BaiTS. D. O.

ca. HJolbertr. glii.ea. naalery. iae.a.

rtDoona: cnarun: rnno AUCTION SALES. MiaCKfuLAN BOO. It la r-erfertv tea that en "1 I i.i.frta mun Mr, mw nn wil-H faa1 "ftellver to Lieut. lanaclo 1 ran why I baver not th.a le for fear hat It nert1 Into th earner kind of an a aa tnat la Washington, to of Ur. fael Per- -J ef Vniitfano- i.

nis; tht ef th Mtcn HureaU information, at a4 Whitehall n. whirt. ta a of the im rbarg ef 'aria 4e! in eaa Aatonjo and LI 1 ra man In chartra of thee eftic rate twen spraaeUdg a prep.iaaa.ia. 1 cf to mum impartial Jtidg-f one els of fa la reports against Vii.a and other lesd- ef ii. Military Divtatoa of the whoee wnrk tn the overthrow liuert recime, to my mind.

tnrii fair hearing of thalr grtev- rrm hfnre the Na(irnaJ CeajvenHo a r-immi ailentaa. Tb propaganda is retardlna; peeu-e oaeotla TI. br mjlltfying that work of th i. iMC4M.riiat a leenit ry. 'i cnventloo, even against the: pf such of Iet.

Carrajixa'. rters aa ar seeking only per- hart fit a. 1 believe will soon reft i ine pacification aad th rui and order In our country. I any attitude la mot Ana rf vi i'r ef revveUion. aa It In e' accord with the National 'iviiHnn at Aguasualterite.

which, tie 1 ef October, voted that th -v-ni on mild be the supreme po-1. raj In Mexico, and that a i 'her offlclala. civil air military. 1- Ovn. Carre nsa.

abould ate to Its wrdeca. I recelv. urt her orders from 4tl i A uaaca i ten ee to ra from my poeltion tha merchants '1 continue to roeelder as in.i.l erteral ef Metilco. with ef- tn the Whitehall Bulldiag. Suit rrt Jtyuiui.

Cienerai. weaves, (es(eclally satin suede.) and I clothing; mo Mh N'ethertaad. W.lch. tra. Prende Rnea, aa4ltsy.

with tha Marconi Company or not. If broadciothe are also moving well, Ths I a ALT LAKE CITT-Walker Bros. D. O. Mh glandard Oil Conipany Wnls the! beat selling colors ar Russian gretin, I Mrs.

J. MCann, luaaa, eulla, walatsi rVanmnrr -uirrar-aog-. rare nnir- av. I a.alaa la aa, 1 1 1 wa.aa a I av l.iat larrt liltia eta sla e.a.a.a. i.

I I riTn ll'aai s.1 litter I. ai ern. Ad-tph-aj. Wn et ea-ta. IOf.

ZA Z. I mu. and ia" th Kill OA A TlKJ A. N. I.

Btarboeh A Ca. and nav the rataa. Th stockholder of movement of corporation dreaa a-oeda I E. D. etarbuck.

dry K. M. Starbuck. Wfoer A Ed.Wetn Amtkae.naot Ce-K. T.

I I IZ'iljr lmT Dn apftiMHPlBMi. Albert Rt.lrer Tel-enane I "AT, I C. A. bulger. dry geod: lOO Oraad; Her- Mexioaa Coaui THUCC IS DOgDCR BATTLE.

VmeJ by U. S. Army Officer, Withdraw Soathward. ACQ. Aria.

Oet. 23 A tra waa da- trmi late today between tb Carransa 4 rnion at Naoo. Boaora and th Villa "cker. r.nding th final aotutloa af tha peace t'cblrm bv th convention at Aguaa--n'ea. Gn.

Benjamin 1 i ill and Oov. ur-a will auapaad boattlltie. ri lmon R.jea. sent by the coa- rihta'ned tha caseation ef hte-t -a thre day parleying with i a atlna in admonition from Cnlted Army tifficere ef the border are reported ta have been th Uiat cajvlnced May torsos, withdraw kilometer to au-1. I I pantaana fear that tb an-.

Yaqai Ind.ana will disr. 1 a tac teem and attack when eirvev-teri. Nevertaalaee th Hill l.v. lei the tcaehae aad regard as ended foe tha preeent at tTTDAT TIMES. The -r.

tor the Wsr. argued by I fk and baaed opoa the evt- u.t la tha papers ef in aa i mt ineer. the fareae. -md. aa t-.

rar ee Urnm A con rate e'lmaitms up ef tha se4 irvg tea raapenaiMllty for TU -T-a, Xjm ledsy 14vt. Wallear Saa.u.1 H. KtaRtOn. U4. Wm.nrutan, Anam A IfT.n MaiaanL en-i x.

Haarer ureuria ew ar atunata. Tohn Venae A Boa City af 343, c. Wella I no. Ha ma 4190. Weetfleld Del-y Ltiru-h Co $tiX Van rarl city ef w.

flSO, Vanont. Frederick L- ama, 41 VV. Van Tray. Pt-eaarlck iSanoe. Varher.

Hormldae Batna, 41 SO, White. Arthur 9SH4. AlesaaAer F. ma, Roee Heme, t. Ileary E.

Same. 1S0. -Weathemae. OaniMel Same. 4IW.

Wetnetala A Mabea Clatlilag Cv ffame. 13L eat Eleetrl" Hair Curling Co. bum, Siao. Ia liresi Cy. holder ln th Standard Oil BUSINESS TROUBLES.

nTTRlAW. A eatltlea tn benktupUty baa been filed e.alnet the Ourtaa. njea'4 rurnl.hlnea. BUn firaadWB. br M.

Lew A Bon, ilia: Law, ft Bachever, 1M; M. Pree. man Boa. 430. and w.

r. raeney. sstnj. t.lablllUea are aald to ba 3tv.OfiO and aaert. 410,000.

Outian baa had bargain Bale atorei I practically all goods of this construc ts yanaws pane ar in. civx vri. i. Gray Good Vary Active. Yenterday was tha bualaet day In some time in tb local gray goods mar ket, prlntcloth sale being particularly good, and some price higher, lilg as were made of 39-Inch fH-Tl at 4U cents, and large bid for them were made at tnia llgure for 1915 delivery.

mltage. Buyers Wants 41 Cent per eyat Mae eaeb fneerttsn Ceeml et teorde traf It. WILL-KNOWN HOrWH DRESfl MANtT-PACTVRKR WISHKB LOFT AT LEAST THxUW. FKTWKEN BOTH AND MTH W1THT RK I II1HT Avr niRAP. WHAT tlon that were available at the above! havr you TO OFFER BOxj 2xe tiibi rntunBin rinuiu ana, at in close, tne miua were sas end elertrte flrtlastwei Ea.t Houstoti saklng 4 cent for 1014 deliveries of WILL BUY for bPOT Cf hasMlgned te Slorrla -alpeter.

A I them. Mor than lOO.ttO piece of 84- ef piuah. Mho are. Md peOtlon beakrantey Inch M-W wero sold for deli very dur- VelveYed KaUn Dreesaa. figure were cleaned uo early In the TIMES ANNEX.

day, and, at th cloee. the mlUa were A John ana Mannfaoturlng a.VJ0; ItHatal fcraee 11.000. end M. tteeeaber. ARranaa.

Irvn. Caitad Metal Cevereal tVaor Ju5- Heuga sppeiaie carieei. pe title fttaele Rreokhalm receiver, with a bead of 4800. Vtalble aeaete are about 41.800, ITUNCAX C. McKWLAY ef MS West 144th Bt.

haa filed a petition In bankrupter, with liabilities of 4.a-' and no easels. CHARLES OERBIM of l.tM t. Nleholan ha. filed a eetltlan la bankrunlcV.

with ef 4I.TV1 end nonjlnal aaarta (Saab 4I4.V Atesaadar. Artkor J. Boatao et aL, SISX. Broeks. Laele Boa Pheptooflng gash A rioer IIM.

Bloomer, William Asertoaa Free As. rial i IIT2, -rn. Taerart baatal Ce A. Ntaleae. Itaa.

Da via. Ueoree A. W. Ollenderf. 44.007.

Oibnae. Minnie, and Hamael Roblaana Braeketaae Iba, $1B. 1 Ham. aama, 4 la. Oarrlain.

B-muekI. A. MeTkftart e. gt OM. Mlebaal X.I petHlen In haakrviplr-r.

Individually and a I a partner, witn liabilities oi and aa rvauimatf. wwim m. I nwmh eatS or eL iS BROTHER JEWELRY If A NTT B.VrTSlt lmTproonn. 1 I.Tl.- FACTURINO COMPANY, too Nua Htraat raira CASH any quantity Collega ceate; aiao i. etc, write ta W.

Cor. 4th aad rket ar 'paene Market ment of KU-inch MV-Mka waa good at I rents. rractlcally all tha aMW-lnoh I COAT HUlTa WAKTFHJ. Ions, well made. vMVaNs available at 3 1-ltt cents were seed styles: broadcloth, eon) In.

gabardines, cleaned UD during the day. ami at thai all eelore: eoata. black and eolare: good clue sale for November and Decin-1 make and striae only: reduad prices; euot Ing the balance of this year and a good I Benjamin MoakovMa, N. part of next at na rent, and the mor- Mar bar delivery were being made at I raalt er gllldge aocouats. John Ilenle.

Lisa rents. i ner was aiao a good move I ment of III tn tha arlH.h a. MU I a-ttw TDluuiwn. r. Ii 1- r-i I cents for 1I4 and 113 delivery.

No I Cloelna ant a ner la I lew i-rlres on Pur in uv a waa mh hi hi. otner ronilruc- I nwavr i nrnwinn. w- a. tlona and the other gray fabrics. The Weat 84th nX.

Oppenhelm Conine Huliding. closing quotauons on standard con- I OPEN POR JOBh la pile fabrtca for oaah. St ructions: RuMn Itea, 134 We.t llh BC XH-lnch, no-Una 1914 Automobiles Csdillscs, CsaJmera, Sazos, OrerUscL 1914 ladiaa Motor cycJaa. Automobile Supplies, New LsjBp. Honu.Gaa Tanks, Go( Large Quantity of Brass LUMBER Af(( laVl of Ssstonsd tUUU 1CCI Ash 25 Automobile Bodies.

10 Brand New Auto Tops, CCS Hotm Motor Tws Bowitr Gu Task. MACHINERY Prentis Turret Lathe 618 8 Singer 8. Coverly Machines Frank E. Gore, Aactiaaaar, SELLS TODAY 10:30 162 164 West 56th St. Ta be old to thm aJghoet hitteW.

aua t'earh Co, for neraorval tnjurtea. FRIEDRICH GMTt, MII.I.KR, 1.1B4 Bryant Avenue, formerly af Muller A Polllnrer. liquor saloon, 4MH Eighth Avenoa, baa filed PROpoaaiA. in Jdormey Schrelhar awt, tad Bchrelber J. 8ATISFIED JUDGMENTS.

The flrat aama Is fast af the debtor, the haa filed schedule, liabilities of 414.433 and aaa. la af 47.H4. ABRAHAM RACHLIK. hats, t.lia Third Avenae, has filed ea.tgnm.nt aahedulea ing liabilities of 13,144 and aasata ef 150. EMANUEL niNOER.

drees trimmings. 18l aaeead that ef the credit or and the date that rUdae Street, has filed ae.lmment acheduleH I abl fair; moderate n. e. and a. wind.

a hen judgment was filed Brooklyn Realty sellers and Anthony M. CUaa H. L. Bahrena. July T.

1914. 1-A. Chkua, Book laUnd A Padria kaJlroad Co. L. Brand.

Oct. 114, Kaha. bSBjuai Land Harry, gad Jacob Lewis Peeole. Oct. XX.

VTOO. K.nne.lT. David Jt Lord ft Taylor. May 14. 107.

34a. Kevace v'oojrtractloa Co. Robert Orlfflq nronx ttrancn. ttrt. szit.

gam-Same. Oct. A 1014. ST. 34.

atearr, Minnie iv, u. uoaa at oet. i. looi.

Parlfkeata. oalvater aad higanla at. Bena. swr. v.ii.

B. hottrn, airmund Bald Xnai) Paralture Cav, pi. 7 ia, ivifj. etaa. Thomas.

Amanda Ce-M. Barflett. AprO ST. IvlA 41TO. U.

a. rideltty aad Ouarenty On. North A mar. loan ptore ane ornce rixture ce Oct. T.

114. 81.BR.X Bevare. Paapla, Oot, 114, ioaaowea.1 tuoo. hewing lUblllUae of 44.25S and asaeta of Siao. NATHAN BCHLEIPKRMAN.

ehoea. S2H yiasb rwventh Street, has assigned ta Louiil ttabinewita. Oat af Tovra. Sneoial is Ta Jfm York Ptmas. CniCAOO.

111. The Doarat-aermanla Man afaoturing Company; voluntary petition; liabilities, fls.oaoi aassta 10,000. SO-lnch. SP-lnrh. 0.4iai.

8Vech, 4Wa. I ST. A LED HIPS WILL BE RECEIVED BY sn-inen. oo-ae. I the Boar or water euppijr.

at us orrioea. i I twenty-aecond naor, atunlelpal funding, pare Weather In Cotton and Grain Stat. w- Centre and Chamber, New I Torfc City, until 11 A. M. ea Tueedar.

No- Specie! lo fa yne Tar Tiaiea. vembar 10. lmi, for Contract lo for the eon. traction of the Moodna elphon nuppla- nientarr bhaft and Tunnel ef the Cataklll Ariueduct. The abaft will be about iet deep, and will be sunk from aa exlsung tunnel 370 feet from the surface ot tho around.

The tunnel will be about Pm feet long, ttoth will be la solid rock, will be lined with con crete, and will have a finished diameter of about 14 feet. The work la near the weet shore ef tha Hudson Hirer, la the Iowa of WASHINGTON. D. C. Oct.

yvreraata: N. Car aad A Car. Rale bat. prob Oa. Rain except fair la a.

w. c.ouar. senna i. mtxieraie a. a.

win Kla. Ilaln Sat. and probably except fair Sat. la n. todrrate a.

a. wlada. Ala. aad Mlaa Pair ebawara near eoaat rain and cooler: gentle te moeerate a. wtaoa.

van. bla. aTJBNrrCSfcCOeVAJsT. rreyaeea-aeae-erevareeae'k) ei.eee ef THIS AFTE1RNOON AT 2:30 SILO'S Fiftk Avw. Art CalLariee, a Mr.

Jamee P. SUo. Aeetiaaeer. 44d riftb A N. Y.

maim rnvniMra 44' A 1. A A Waa AAtk aa Household Funuture Decoration Including attractive equlpmentB far din- Ing room, salon, end chamber: Baby 1 ursne nnoninger riaae, nrneaiooa t'laa ela Plana. Ry order af Rxeeutare. Ketatea, aad ladlviduaia Weekly Pallor Report. Bradstreet's reporta aM fatluree In m.

the I rnrn.l 1 1 fcrenea Cnuntv. K.w Tm. La. naia aac: eoeier ia w. nui I a.

in in. pwivrrmano. v. vnia wnirani limt KmlT TaliZl an aS- be deemed ef the eeeence thereof, and the rTr in th7 i.rior raMd otoler'nlir P'" "n4 WiDlm' At the above plBM sad time tha bids will i Ttsw m. aaA anala 4B.

a I pWHiny Af9rtyf4 Jiq rrJ. mil i-eXai o-Ur 84Vt, mu, XM.ttMig InfoFmii kii for btrttjora And contrmct P. WmrwlST. I A i a. tw.

a a Ik. a I tarot 1111 vjaiga atiiaiinaa aai inw Bimwoj 4a a Vailed autae durtag the against IKKi for the previous wee an see, X3. Raw 811k Import Drop. FTaure complied by tha SQk Associa tion of America ahow a decline of 320 for the eorreapondlng weeks of 11113 te 110. The Middle States had lift; New England.

8S: n.outtarn. IK: Weatera, 47; North-western, SO. aad Fr WeHera, t. Canada bad 44. agalnat tar the preeadlng week.

A bout a ner nt. of the total number at concerns falling bad capital af leas thai IVoiio and a per eent. had from i.OOO te 42Q.VUO capital The Advonturo of a Salesman. A dreaa a-oda salesman ln one das POHM4 impont oi raw twenty-six houses and. If h4 auk lata this country last month, asl miht have ahown bla Una eom pared with tb Imports tn Septam-I to on firm.

He didn't, and thla is be. IMS. Strangely aouah. th only I why: After being unceremoniously gain shown wer peaa raw silk, but Th bclk of th loe waa an th Japan I room. He went around tha back way and Shanghai varieties.

Importa of to tho shipping department. The part- Cantoa Silks also oecuneov a dia re- ners in tne ousiness were seaieq around ceipt of tuasaha and dopplonia. -Th a packing ea with two retail buyer, total for September. 1PU and 113. having their coat off.

Industriously war, respectively. Xl4ti2 and J.lfc!2.- playing pinochle, lie asked if Jie might fciyt Receipts of rsw silk here ahow his line, Hure. trot out the in the. flrt three months of the current aald one of the partnere; fiscal year, however, show a gain of but you might make more for your-about potmd over the total for I eelf by sitting in the game." The sales- tha Mm month la- the rear ended I man laid aald hi amol case and juao flu, sat ut. ely mougru th only wny: a ner oeing unceremoniously waved away from twenty-five concern.

Hll ha dropped In at hi twenty-sixth cue- unw fwYr ut they wars amalL fun.r. There waa bo one In tha ahow- fai lltaa Fair Bat and nun. Ofcla. Rata aad eeaiar Bat. Sua.

aeol aad rottenly rair. Ark. viouay nav. ram an eeoiar at aleht ar Sua. Tatrn.

and Kr. Pair Sat. Sua, cloudy and cooler, prooaaiy rain. Ohio Cloudy rain aad cooler at night or run. I moaerate a.

winna, enuting te n. by Bun. Ind. Cloudy rain and cooler at Bight er aua. mooarate winvw, oaooming n.

and a. III. Rain Sat. ee Sat, night, cooler. nronaniy rair: nmtrau n.

w. ta a wtaoa, L. Mich. Itala and cooler Sat. In a.

aad Sat. er Sat. alght In a cloudy; mod erate, una winoe. neeomiag n. w.

V. Mich. Pair preceded by rain In cooler la a. rair; ellgauy warmer: Baoorrate an a. w.

winoe. Wis. Fair in rai a and cooler In a Bat. warmer in w. moderate to train winda, becoming variable.

Fair Sat-: cooler la a a. Nun. fair. warmer' moderate a. w.

te a. wlada. becom ing variable. Iowa Kalr la rain and cooler ln e. Sat.

Sun. fair: warmer. Me. Unsettled and cooler probably rain In a. and ar.

Sundny rair and cool, N. Dak. Kalr, warmer Pat. and Mun. M.

Imk. Fair slightly warairr la w. Sua. fair; warmer. Neb.

Cloudy In a. and e. rain la a. w. Sat.

Sun. fair; elightly warmer. Kan. Rain and cooler Set. gun, fair; allgbtly warmer.

Inge can a. ebtalned et tha above ad' dreee. at the efflee af the nonrotary, by de poalt Ing tha sum ef tea dollars (410) la cash er lie eeulvalent for each pamphlet. For further particulars apply te the efflee of the Principal sal stent Pnglaear at the above address. CHARLFJ nnt A una,

CHABLKS N. CHADW1CK, JOHN P. OALVIN. Cammlssloaere ef the board ef Water Sup- W. BRl'CB COBB, flecreiary.

OFPtCK OF THE COMMISSIONERS, D. OCTObER XI. FHOPOSAIJI III be received at thla ofnee. Ream DOti. District Bulldlns.

untU 3 o'clock P. en October Ho. 11)14. for th construction of sewers In the Dt.tiict of Columbia, Involving the cnnetruotlen of R.SOO linear feet of aver. IS Inckea to a feet la diameter.

Porma of propoeala. end neceeaary Information may ba obtained from tha Chief Clerk. Engineer Department. Ranra 42T, Die- irict nun line, wa.ntngton, D. oltvkr P.

NFWMAN. niEDEKtOK L. MhnnNM CH ESTER IfARDtNO, D. PKOPOHALM FOR Depot Ouartermaater'e Office. Stlth St.

and Orav. Perry Road. Philadelphia. October Si). 11114.

Sealed proposal, will ha reoelved here until 11 no A. M. Nnvmber in 1014. firr furnishing at thla Depot: BED4TRA DS, CHA1R.H. barrack: itrTM.


Information on aptillratloa. COLONEL THOMAS CKL'BH. V. V. M- xaxMARp i aa.

THE ENTIRE SALVAGE STOCK. Fixtures Plant of tha Empire Infants Wesr Ce-. ef West 171k St, New Terk City. Inventorted at aver 413.600. constating of a large Block of LACES, Embroideries, Ribbon euid Notion.

which are all In perfect condition. Also all lhe manufactured etork. consisting er INFANTS'. CHILDREN'S. A MUSES' Dreaae, Petticoats, eitx, will be sold ea tha above premises MONDAY.

OCT. 261k, 1914. By D. HartmAnri, Auctioneer. Far Information tejepkene 48 aarleg.

CONTINUATION BALK OP ORIENTAL RUGS RAMI' EL H. RICHMOND will sail at Pnhllc. Auction, by order of Aimer B. Werblln. IB Cedar N.

thla day, Saturday. Oct. 84. 1M14. at 10 DO A.

on the premleee. No. 27 Oraene Street, near Orand Street. New York, by WM. Auctioneer, a magnificent atocb onneietlag ef balance of fine Oriental Rug and CaUpet.

Auct Offlca. gT Oreene St. Tel. turn Spring. STOCK AND BONO.

ANDREW J. UcCORMACK. Auetteaaer. ADRIAN H. MrLLER HON will eeil at on Wednesday.

Oct. lath. 1B14. at o'clock, st tha Exchange Saleareetn. Nos.

and 111 Veeey Street. New York. BY ORDER Or THE KQUITARLE TRUST CO. OF KKW YORK ehe. Hammeretetn muMtnent Ce.


p. c. leb. SAMUEL OOLDSTICKER. Auctioneer.

Office 140 Broadway, will sell en We'tneeday. Oct. Mtb. 1014. si 12:90 P.

st the Krai Katate Saleeroom. 14 Veeey for the account of whom It may concern, the following eecurttie. SO Sharea of the Cult. I Mtock of atallarv A Taylor lrea Works, Macon, Oeergla, ef iiav Five Important That every one should read and discuss: Before the Supreme Court of Civilization The case of the Double Alliance vs. the Triple Entente argued by JAMES M.

BECK former Assistant Attorney General of the United States, n. Letters of Baron de Constant on the War The noted peace advocate discusses many phases of the conflict and foresees grave difficulties in the way of peace. in. Prof F. H.

Giddings Says A New Europe Is Burlding in the Battle Trenches IV. A Japanese Statesman Sounds a Warning Against International x-Mischief -Makers Prince von Bulow Talks frankly On the War These are part of the Magazine Section of TOMORROW'S In addition to the News Section, the best Picture Section published by any newspaper, the Review of Books, and many other features. Order The Sunday Times Today. The Times Is Always Sold Out Early..

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