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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 6

New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

0 iNsnmcnon WJVA to see)r Boa bfcr facasins-. i WesaeSWs SB aaadBrhssbssais-allr dears tsrrrfcid teas" el thejr. lw. The Bw4 s-ssfo-, trill stow. A TnM k.

.1 4. DAVID A. FRAMA. IsSvlJV. AlerTiTlTAt.TAKstl Th I via I MM WMMManMo, tlrrvleni, with M.

r--m. L-aet kUrwoa, Me. hWmml Wum Kt CtUmmU st, Cunta A tmJnf Bnoi Ma. At ebillmidiag D. A.

ItOWK, lrbtsa. (Ju II. era. lvM4nr, or br iiiiwim PJJCOTT SEMINARY, TAKRYTOWN. hoardl ng Day tZZmf tor Yjjdc LaW Tha Vhtar wiM win -pen aa JJl ianfo-4 I A Sw-wda, Nc 437, Arplrtoa.

Bjs44 Jin. JOUAt. SHAW, Tarrytowe n.Tort,n4MMMMl by aa e-eanpled practi- 1 eat M4m WmW able Wmi, gives hi mv I I inuu to student to pswmenshipt urfimru toat to treta all stla jsswnieiauupt BBdt-ambliafeetaf every hen Bad groata "M.ASHICAL. FKENCH ENOLJSH Sjes fear A iac vtst )Hir-, alitor, English U. Ceves Mist i Mlitot tm i lit and a teacher of Onn- sVastfcc Cliveden to ihescao-e "7" GEO.

C. ANTHON. M4 ftu, MidtDf within atks of tbil t.itr, 4struua Uklu lato hi unity limito number of lmtfl mu 4 bar II of M. VnwVbm nmrtiUn iwr4 to forma, rfrrt, mar Uaiiwd of JOJIK B. OAKDTNEtt, Ea.No.Ml JantlemoB-aC.

cor. 2rO. fl.f ARKKRm rU HO T'B, n. P. Iiin'il will mm VvL 1 TWi am frvreo Dtitmaaa Senior, aUdOl n4 IHmarr, vttH OrBMCt Apnarataa for parmal MnliHb CtiWan mar kri LOCrwortD-g ik Hi let nmia Ka.

Ml lmin. MIM4 ftKAMAN BDCCATBf A L.I.niTBO naabrraf kmila to naaia. 4raa4aa! la rrarjr My Is, ih, wrilW aa4 ariLhnMOc as4 tirh Dtanrarap aarvaa. A ft rnnt Ia41aa baar44 wlta taltwo, Ear braaca lanh aparalalr, pr vaek. ta4 rWai raaaaa.

Anj4r. BMratoc, at No. Weat IMa-M Art LADIES i dia aUOoaarr f1, tM aallnitwl All WRITOiO-CLAE. IS-'I Bakkaiita far geatlcaifin, pebra, Arttkaiaile, Raa41nt. Ac PAIKfTIL as hMrtn.

rnma raauiaa at nr. Tarfc, am4 Ka. raltoB-aC, Hrooklrn. Opes 4ar and FAMILY UATEMMWOOD INBTITUTK ON THEKArT Uw, anmaita wllf raauaaa Mor. I.

ApiH-oaa'i f.a? a4afaaloa aaaaowoaaleatljr oall on lira. WM. or oroMinf ta ttroonaoint at wimtwo ara bnarlr amriav uramian ara tea va xr. biows. o.

Mi Brtxwlvar. ILArisicAE. ruisnvu. AMD BNOLMH Prnadwar, eoriMr of tSUMi WIU LIAM U. VKXHi BOARD1NO ffCHOOli FOR YOUNG LA-dira, at iVdar Sinf, Waatchftrtw N.

Mba rOSTKE, Prioolpal, wUI rova Nov. RKrsa-BWt-Diira, ArrLBcoa, Mo. Sat Broad war, nod Hamas, MA JU Faltoar. Fit ENCH TN8TITUTB FOR TOCNO OEN-TLEMFji Mo. 4l Kaai aaar Madbwa Park- Boardiaa aad day acaoot, Uiaaaw HI and alaaairal aaad aaalah Uacnacaa.

Wat nanoa. aabOMa, a bobad. CHASLIKR. W. BKCKWlTII'fl BOARDING SCHOOL, AawMMdMowa, wiU opea ita next anrlon Mot.

A Twain aano arr aanom. Ctmlan and inormarloa can lo obtatoad at th AJi RRICAN C'HOOLOSTITUTK, Anaabw'i BuOdiac, Mo. M4 Broad a jr. K. U.

CHAPMAN A SMITH. GBR MAN LAUGPAGB AND UTERATUKK. -FALL DYM8K.NooatoMtodTolnatratinnlohia aMrtabUfcrataobootoor nrrmMr, at oil norUa and kai own raMdaaoa, APTUeatioaa ra. Wad a r.W. CHilBTKBW bookaVjra, TK Braadwar.

jajBLrrr classical. French and njtATHKMATICAL ttCHOOL-Prcparatorr to tho fTakhmaa Claa of Colnmbia Colleca andcr tba charm of HotDRInXUtaadWM. H.WILSOM. Fortornu.Ao-haauir ml H. DRIilLEB.

No. la Went 2nd Jt THB nKITKKMTYOBAMMAEWHOOI-knbraatec a Primary C'nat Lai aad (jlaaaVaal Do. now to fuU aad aaananrf at ioratioa, aadar hWonaarrUloaof la faeully VmUultr. taAAU riUUUB, CAaaeaOof. nitNIt nil.l.'Uwnilnv BAO nn.n WM.

BALL hotrn UaoW Btora, flyTUwJr' B. WHITE, rTiixrfpai! nPITB KIW4KI MOI FSPBCTFCLXr bafcrm lawir frlrnda and laa nublie that thair board- 'y Want 14th at. atoadar.afd. 1A THB Jtf lHaiKH WALKRR OPENED A DAY aa-ronaaiadWa, 8opt. la, at Ka 1 Eaat AWt.

CXrriar.naj ba rrlilail at LOCK WOO ITS IT? WACArLAY'M JIOAAOINO AMD AT plooVKa. tt Laat IlrL, yrUl nova, oa Rondar, VKf Mat 112, JatWaatatak) 171a AlUnVTTlanf UmflAn Dtirrn TvT TIf LTE tbrra mils froaa llodaua. at H. Y. H.

OAKONEB. A ait. JPrinelnaV Rf ihf.b. fri HwrwKcn ool-x a east JR1 00 rBR AwNlMr-I5T PLAIN 8RM1SA. WiWri robwjrV rfcle frran Aftaar.

Tna opoua lToa.4 J. K. PrtoelJS IrYaat Hvb-aV, twa aoaw froaa Hh-a. EAST anderlaalaatruotloBof J. H.


M.BROAUWAY,NKW-YyRl Na, ntKTarTtacii, BBOuaxTX 'T-Yor ri.M.a en WEDM.3UAY3 and SATCTU rAYK -Jttrookir, aiM. oa TUESDAYS and FHI-JJAYR, at 1 aad 4 P. M. for ladW and aaii.lrra, at i p. t4k) can aunt mBta at any lima 4 arlny Ue x-ajioii.

c'rru. taaaOMMOaiBftarBM, Ac, ar.ay bo bad at MtVr UK Aaadatla TKo Mnal autnwa wfll ba drai aia wipwoktn wontd tak ooemaoa to awnra hb laaiaaaxcraoavw omitted that TI be of ad- Kavtatlna av iwaw-4 by hi AauUtiK WatUilwt, Nw York, aad Na lia 1 T.r "ri iaa ranawa Of pupua. Dora bi York. Wodaaadaraaad Saturday Mondan aad Tkuradaya, at 13 P. XL 4kaUoiaaa'a Claaa, Mowlava bjidara, at n.

aaooI aad PriraU ClaaaaaCod- wm MW PltB BlUaaaa MBrMM R1 Caraatauaalani, Ac Coaatay BMrebaata farrMd lo RLANV BOOK AT WllOLEfiALE IN Aatadia aao- bouca, aaaaioraadnnia. cwy books bill aooka.axatWa.jVa. KLUsi'LOTfcl 4JTKKLJ IATKNT FBATHJRR DrSTERS. v5. 6TCELB A CX, ilanoacrarara -v aa waaaaa v.

aoaaoor oerrw MaBvlaoa. POWER. Sl'OWKnTTIJ A rk. ioot af KaMtS aa4 16th at. Tamw baUdhan.

f'N asnrWy Asr BMcaanloal parpoaoa, nol bo loond kfr aavt4 ibrWry or work tbaa aay otavar ao aaboaatia thin CUr. Jfar ktma, daa, aa am Ti UiuroWitbrr-a. MOORT. Ba, Weat 1 6th at. aaar Xh.a.

4 owrx TO LET rx UBT AWn CWlTLLAaON. lie Ha cutZJ. EOCNTY "HINDS. A atataa. V.

War. vita. 4B pafafcaaft Orf WARRANTS WlNrjDBV altRifC A 3 A CO. BartU ra. Vvl.X mi.

ai anaik a.J nVaMTt Ut.taa? (OibO. a) AtnLAN hali-i-a jioAWfwa cifoot tor htiWw btA44. N. two ntsaW IIhwMmM Utatatiii LnMim arhooi ssvsr of 1 B-ttrnoai lor oon ai iiaapaa, waateDaaMr Cooatr, I A. IkJIOJAJIO.N.

A. Mart iWod wiii oca ilov. A Ciroalara awr ba had of I. Bnrlna, CITI BWUUOLrVl'l raomned oa MgaAar, Bpt A Clrenlan at LOCH WOOD' 8, No. 411 BiaoAwart CEOWEN'S, No.

Broad araj, or at too I af Uta ITidcrpaLNa. Tit lOtkL STATIONERY. Hau. 1T4 at lM raiU, Kar.Terk, Innm aadttaaMfacaamra. fW fr, aab at bra aaah jrlcaa, arnry aiay ol won baoaa, aaaar.

laawy aad aBtaloriadoa-ry, arltlaa aaaaaj, aMaa, drafta, aaaaay aad anipntn ra iMOaada, aiaaaoraadaa. aad iMbtakTS raola. atab-a, andturraa, cbaa aad aarkaaaaoabomrdr, and aa anir-ira aanally km by ti trada. J(H 8 KOTSES AND LOTS FOR SALE. PiH HALK OK TCCHANB FOR CTTY MtOfUTT-OX of tka awat dirablo aad ana.

pUoca la Una Btaabaraaod af Nw-Yrk. baAa gtf tuaj hoa WOJiaanibarr aad la froai foath Forry, aad I aaila tman tho viuaaa Jaaaalaa. Tba hoaaa i two i mm larnrtar at aatira'jr bow, aad aaar an aad with taa iaaaa of aVtera aad a vail af awra aoft aad aratar. ataaJo, ajnttaaw far mnrrutr. Tba aroaad ara wall wall fnc lam ahada tm af aaaayyaar srowta, aaaa aa abaadaaaoof frait trraaaf tho di I rarlatiav Tha mnwrty inaaVt of 14 lota, froattan (act aaeaoa Vaa WxrArraa by farfaern, ao4 abovt yarla aarth raaa raa WyckMia aoaM.

(vaara foar train toy daily aaah war aad laa aaano diaanaoo oooth (roam hoateBkaaadtotVaatn. A porttaaof tacBarchaaa moaar aaay maaia oa band aad atort-aaa. For arthcr narooar Kn an4 at tha deak at No. Ltbnrtyc, or by loUor aadrcU. i la JAMA 1CA, rwWIta, Box ac H.

S6.000. -FOR HALE rN ncUMN, N. Y. m.mmmmmvm i.nuiy panaoaea. A tWOtOTT aadatttofraaM at, ia wanaatata ardor, with aa tetrad atad, aad wry Bnaraali aa aa drat annr a lana aardra attaraid whkA aoanrUM aaarly tha half af aanaaa.

iManaJatMM akmiau. i. r' fJ aao of tha moot ellrHat otraoU in tb city and wttlio two aaaiataa waik of the hn.ia.a. P0" A afcMti retired. Al Hadaoa ac kaowloaad to be oao af tho naaat healthy aiacea la tha kaown a eartbrrchw rrahaahai a eonatry reei-4rp! wtotd do wefl to eranlao tho arrmioov.

Addraa) (J II AS. E. BL'TUEii, Undoo. Kaw-Vort orai antho maaL and to leUinc far atoamMnrar, haTtr a tnt-ciaa Tatory baildiD thnreoa. Aan, aoV on aretniara, aad ronntna, bnl two raan old.

a thirty. bene anciao and boflarm, oanabh) af drrrioa aa tmrUtm of an nowar, la fold ardor and of oekrhrated aaakc a aeararau-a aua ror aenonnMoa of nroperty arid I particoUra, apply la WILLIAM P. LtXlOETTL li-a fin I nam a iim aailia ii i lib nbj' nw p7 otaer Brool FOR MA LK. A LARGE FACTORY AND VALU-nolo wmMrower. auitablo for a paper aaiH, or any nianiifacioriif parpoaa.

Oa tha Bronx klTwr, 18 mliea from tha C1t Hah, at Taekahoa Daaflt, oa tho Harkm lunroad, wHh 40 acre, of land, thrW aZaea, eurktfn.naken' ahon, barn. Ac Tao factory 1 foor STT' la perfect order. Tha factory aadparl of tha land, with tho water-power, would ba notd aeparate. 'T' "Mil DO' pnpertr wooM ba exehancod for tixt-ehieiapropaity. laqjlra of D.

HODG1LAN. No. FOR CALE OR RXC'HANOB-A VALUABLE null aeat, bether with a boat aera of fint-rate laad a laraa frame baildinir aoitaMe far putting in naohiaery aiao. a eoauortabl. dweijin aooaa, artaated aboot 1 mhi from a aoariahia viihuni aad eaaal aayiaatioa aad rail.

Ul Oeeold cheap far caah or exchaawad far CltyVop. err, oa reaaonable tanac If deairod a Raaonable amotrat of each can be pot with thie property. Apply to DBlt ANClsT Wontera iILd pOH.SAr.Fj-A TEN YXAKr LEA8E OF PREM- thJae aoanand haartaaat laxlu fawUh exeelloot aide. vmwmnm wimmriMMwm mmm.aim Mmm, flu axoeuOQt Olda. front aad war light, roton water aad water cloarte In the bandlnc.

Aiao, a la-heraa power engine with boiler aad nnireat tha United State Patent Marble Company, No." ria Broadway. WEST WA8IIINOTON-A FLAf Lot run throagh to 4th at, amall ubUoa jrai-s nua, water -ctom can. range, ate Mo lacora-Lrnc oa mortgage. IikiiiItw ZmTm-mZ VZ --T TT' raaVaX.A or UAKJEaH a a aiwjna-BJBa dbWW aajj nag aVOn V.nB-,,- Oreea Point, with imrawraaMiiaj anltable fat nailery. Jnoaanry Qraadt, WBliam.bure.

For arrfna. aanlr to O. NrWOOWR i iuii. FOR HALE BANKS OP THE HUDSON. YON-km raidanea on Warttartoa-aT.

Hooas oootalna hot aad oold water, ra, faraaoa aad range, and la within PPR fALB-4S YBAReV LRAftB-PREUI8ES HOUSES TO JUZT. TO UST IS" BROOKLYrSBYERAL NEW thjaetory brick dwriliiigjio, with bentTaab. eellar. rae, bath range, aitaatad be-twera Uanaoalaoe and Atlantis-ay. Said imwm a-iil ba let to a good tenant, at a reaarmaMe rent Fdt particoUra.

apply to WILLIAM RACKAY, No, "nhon-aT Brooklyn. Aiao, eereral part. ofhmaea to let. TO J'KT-A VERY DESIRABLE THREE-STORY and aWe fornbhod dwelliBgonra. in Aothc.

near orory eonrealeBoa. Will ba lot for lx tocger. Rent rwaaonabl. to a good tenant. r-ren Inunediatriy.

For parti en lan, inraire of IIKNSY A. KERB, Nc .44 BnadVar, corner oi Ator- TH LKT- IN JERNKY CITY-THREE Ml N-A nte. walk from tha f.rrv. a p.rt of a thrra-rtory briok hooactoaacDaiL iqectabto faiiiily. The room eoatUt Eu T.1T110? back "a oa tho nt ttoar.

a baaemant tcben, aad largo room oa the third Door. The addreoa lLappUeUon tot FBI- LON, Offica Dtnlv IVtaea. 'pOLET TH EW REE-8TOR AND HIGH A baaeineat hooae, with aader eeDar, Nc 171 aOhC. two door from th-av toward 7th It haa all the modera GOOD TENANT. OS FOE iW-ftorrbrowB atone and brirk froat 4 wnh atabto, Eaat PthA Apnlr to WM.

KNIOHT NT(1 Broadwar.PV K- Pramlong exoouted on tba lowant term. TO LET, A GENTLEMAN AND WIFE. OCCU-pvina a threetory bonae In Brooklyn, ire mlnotea dedronaof ktUmjaBbat tha ITrTef rKnirJ- Addreaa, B. fTH) LET PART f)P A THREES TORY HOUSE A to a amU family from bow to tha Irt of May next, fonskrtinc of two larro room, twa bed room aad back baarment Qa all tbroogii the hotuc To bo at No. tSoGraad at toat lpcr nthT o.

TO WT-1 HOUSE IN BROOKLYN, No. 41 arcond brhnr Hlcka, aad within throe Haa three atorie aad Eng. Ilaka laVaiWmniaa a.a.4laa a.tJ. a 9 fpOLET-A ROOM JS BY 74 FEET, ON FOURTH A lbor of building, Nc SaS Broadway, Sited with ra, irl wlelot. Apul to WILLLAM TAYLOR, In the rttnaof the bnHdlng noc to let-the $.

A atory brlok bomn and furaitnr Nc 40 Tth-H. Tha flWWy rituatod la a good neighborhood, nr and tho furnitnre alugnnt and reetiort raitahl for a genteel (amity. tWra Imavwaatalr. Inquire on tho premhw. PRTVATB FAMILY HOTEL TO LE4.ME.

A nearly new hruwntoae front btiildina pleatantly itualed ia Brooklj-n, now occupied kad doiog a rood bum. Pto family hotel, will ba leaaed low ton nnd tenant for a term of yean. Tha bonae ha all the Iioorr mnrnijeiiw newly farnWied in Die best man-(-r, acdiaa detlrable npronanity for tha rirht kind of 2 FronWat, New-York, from 10 to TO RENT A GARDEN FAK-M OF 11 ACRES, adVulnc city of Brooklyn, with dweUiivr-honee, oern, Ac. AWo, to rent, or for axle, rood fann of Macro, wlthtoek, Kluoa, NwJer--. Annlrto C.

R. nlLI.ER A AnctioDeera, Nc 1 limij rFFICES TO LET-IN THE BIBLE HOUSE, oemoK ipoagon. Apply at toa Traaaurarg Entranra oa 4th-aw. HOUSES AND ROOMS WANTED NTKD -IMM EDIATELY, grown jieiwooa. a thrextory hooae, twa -w.

7 nifmi voawetMenee. Mjwt be airnated between lmb and 9d Ma. aud 4th aad 1.0W. aay one grring up hoarkTng the roherrlbur woold be willing to mrchaae lal'pcetc XMI WANTED-FROM THE FIRST OF DECEMBER till the let of April, by a family of fdx pernoua, the wboan nf the eeeond floor, and twa room oa tha third ia aa entirely nrtlae private boarding honM or family, where an excelien! toblc ia kept Kituation mt be with-taa block of between 8tb -at and J. 14th -at ad Uh-aT.

ptvferrrd. Addrea H. office of tfaia paper. HOUtsB GENTLEMAN WISHES to porchMi a Beat thooirh rmrr aood I neighharboed. within abont hi.

If a mUe of thecorner efj Ithy. and S4ta-t Prteo from ri.04 to aWwtt A. Hadaoa Hirer, not over it mile from -Hy Hail; would J1 hft9 acraa, with rood imnrovemeub: aaawayalrfl If It A fcem aa Ta aiai a aa-a ia a fl a A AtVJaUaaP AaVetTJaf 4P4 TVAKTED A HOUSE IN BROOKLYN, BIT- road order, aad haTin, the modarm hnptvramejMa for a xuat-eraa tenant, withoat iMardera, Addroaa, wiih fail 1 TMS TOR SALJL COI71WRY aLKI DalCat FO MyV aadT BAHmad. Conaa af 40 aerea af ohoaot land, in ta htgiitataUta af coib ration, bj ibat wifh a epien-Ud aianana tnd aatoeaai ana rW wa of taa 4 mile rnaB nenAt. Vtm hnW 1 r-ftr ot.

J. HALL. So. Eaat lA-an ta A.M. aad to 4 P.

M. OILS AND PAINTS. AUCTION SALES. "ilHir 4tf Bina bald VwraittMav anlid uivi-WMv iW- i Work af Ark, Ubrarr. 'rBar hy Heater witWn a fcw nwotk HENRY R.

LEEDS A CO. will aril, by wrdar nf2t tOA'IWDAY. Oct. JaTat UH at arar LxiatoBT the tUlowia aia- rant ramitnra RBcnrxioac Kooa Tarert earnrto. trocatW curtain.

yy toera, raeeijrBacraalaala roawwoad. o.rr- taawatry, trery cbaioa vaaca, parlaaa, a -little rvnxa ehatiacliera, aaary arvola aiortu, Ac aiEVJ M-TapeaUT aarpat, richly -earrrd oak W. JManthBowera and arana, eoaeh aad chair, of oak with BMwotrw. awal pier gjaaa, eaperb awrbia yaaea, dmiac-roaan lab, with laawea la aaaa aad aaar jle wp, torra foaaflrnr aaf gaada br UeTrioa. aaaerb aiaaar.

ton and breakfaat art, painted Mae aad fold with Sowar. Hf1 chandelier, aoatly painted raaa. latga ainaj otl-raizrnags and encranaaB, anperb rlmnt i irr it v- and dlaser atta. tea kettle, viae ooulen, covered came dlabaa, Tvrtabia ac, batter borla. Twh tureen, lee bowl, eaxtor, largo and Ptaai wmrtrra, aoiid; pUtea, fraitpla'ea, mry toraea, karrea, farka, epoow.

acta in eaaea, Ac, dec The abore are ail aoiid aUver of the taart atocant Paaxora Rich new Tel vet enrpeta, eterant eanr'd eta. cvrea, lined with eaMawood eaatohriieur. roeewoed oit oaeaiwork, carved Btedautoa back, cuwered in brocade and rich crimaun and gold 41k brocaieila; eUboratelj--earred eeatre tabic real ta taa ry marbl top; real brmxa chaadellm, masnlncent painted raaoa fntn tho roi-al manufactory at Berlin, very birhfaua oll-paiaUnei. gilt and marble-top tahlea, raperblrarred piana-foiv. 7 oeuvca, cwat MkiS mnaie ataad, pier aad rich cuTtainr.

covered rpaewood teiohcaaa. fined with aatia-wood aboot 9U0 volumea ttf Hrraatlr hoand boakaof tha auw ranaa groapa, antiana perfect wnrka of art: amatol ornametita, aad other 1 beaa- faM aU oU Ml BBKBOoata Breaarl aad t-p oarpoav raarwoadarrM twdatcad aad canopea, drawiiic gia.iea, agaoarlace, roarwood furnitara, covered in inarooa wiarrat; real orma-lo vaara, ptor glaeea, brocatol eartaise, chain la lapeatry, lroa aafc oUnaUntlnga aad aacravlaca, farnitara la black walnut badiad, bureaa, cabinet Ac The aale will commence with kitchen warn aad baaa. moot fnrnitnrc Tba above aaa ba examined ono day prerton to tho aalc A H. Witaon, AorUoneer. V7CTION 8ALPLENDID HOUSEHOLD Furniture, rich Wilton and Ttivet carpeta, eoatly French plate paw aad mantel mirror, three eult of rich parlor furniture, roaewool pianoforte, valuable oil paint.

Inga. pearl and aDTer eatlery, dec, at No. tan Wert lthrt. Wedneaoay, Oct. at lUJ, o'clock, the entire furniture of tlM above bo oar, which ia of the heat daeniption and ha been ia nee lix nwntlia, eowaicting of largo and eoatly pier and mantel mirror, euparior rorewood pianoforte, el Kant suit of raaewood parlor furniture In ru-h crimaMi aad aroon broeade one dc, la green and gold ooaily roaewood aaeretary book caeen.

aoiid carred raaewood eea. tz. eofa, and pier table: three anperlor roaewuod eta. Pw, BiarMe tope, with mirror door and back: alegaat roaewood reorptioa chain, in rich aatin and tapertrr; ruaaaeod anraor with mirror back i rich lace window tnrtain. and ahadea; bronze and ormla clock; ctietly m-vre and Dreadea yaata and rich parlor ornaments, ate, ith a number of Ik oil paintinga. room aad chamber furniture Elegant oak extension table, oak chain, china dinner ant, rich gold band decorated tea and coOe aeta, decant ruby and cut giw ware, pearl and silver cutlery, cake baaaeta, cairlera. fcc. elegant carved roaewood and maheganv bedtoada, do. ba. rraur warbatanda with marble eoatly decorated china toilet tcU, beat hair matrjoeaca, feaUu bed aud bedding, Kn-ncb oal riirror, mahogui' uita of furui-Inre In hair cloth eottage and maboeanr prns ctaln, roaewood kail eland.

oilroih, atair carpet Ac CatalorneaontbamoratacoftbeeeJc H. T. Ltme, Aacttonerr. LEG ANT IIOUHEHOLD FURNITURE Carpeta of all dearriptiona, parlor, dinine-rooru, bedroom and basement, gas chandHliera, China, Ac. Ac T.

LEEDS win wTu THIS Oct at 1W o'clock, in arth-st, between th and 7th he entire furniture of tlie large fonr-etnry hooae eompriain In part rnpertor parlor furniture of every deaeriptton, all made to order acd ia rood condilion aiao, a ven1 superior tot of bed aad bedding, hair maMruaau. dining and ex. tension table, marbl -top furniture, tuto-a-aete, aofaa, dreasing bureau, marble-top centre and aota Ublec waah-tend, hall and other curtain and cornice, tapestry, three-ply acd Ingrain carpet, oil-doth. China tea and dinner aeta. idlver -plated ware, ormolu dock, vaaea, dtver-pUted waie, table entlery, kitchen furniture, oailu.

rrre are new. spread, blanket, toweling, Ac, Ac Abo. all the aaa fixture throughout the hooae, several Urge ebandeifercAcAc -atakue early on the morning of aale, and no poapoDoment One 7 -octave tow wood piano-forte, a fine instrument auto, eeveral ail-naintingc E. B. Kxaximh, Ancttoneer.

'ft ALE OF NEW AND MECOND-HAND FUR-pNIlURE. PIANOS, Ac TO-MORROW, Wednea-day. J9th inat, at WH o'clock, at aalaaroom Nc Hi Naa-au-t, will be sold a quantity of eecond-haad furniture carpet, etc aiao, large and rplendld stock of nnt-claa. cabinet-made furniture, cousiUng of aoiid earred rosewood, anabogaay aad oak parlor anitea, eorered la French aatin brocatol, silk plush, hair cloth, dac; aofaa, loonxea, parlor, arm, rocking, aide and Turkiah reclining chair, teeretary and library bookcase, etaMcrea, sideboards, bedsteads, dresaiug and plain arcana and waebatanda. diningnoni Ublea aad chain, chamber fnr.

nitre in auite. of oak, roaewood, mahssan, walnut and enameled hair malUiaaia aad paiUaaaea, Cfitoa and rlaa ware Mlver-plated ware, tabic oatlary, splendid Froach-plato ct -frame mirrors, and oil-painting, docke fancy dS ace. Ac; aiao, four (aprrior rueewood and mahor-ny pUnn-forwa the whole to be sold without reserve. N. Packing for shipment deoeaecurely on the pretiiim.

7i wwnwi eaiamauea u. v. A. 8 wry i. Oaaoon A Anrtioneare r2IONEEH 8ALB CONTINUKDv-HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, Aa SAMUEL OS GOOD A ta.

Anctioaean. atore Nc 1 Naaan-et. wlllcontinne the sale by order of the assignee, THIS (Tuesday) MORNING, Oct 38, aad following days, tfll the whole 1 eold, each day at 101 o'clock A. M.7pra-deejy, the immenao atock of hotiae-furmahing roods, in atorea No. 444 and 446 Broadway, earner Blneeker-si.

Thb laone of the large aad best aelectod stock of houae-rurniahing rood in the City, eooaiating In part of rnperior English silver-plated ware, a large assortment of the finest table and othi cutlery; Britannia metal warn. Japanned rood, of every deeeription, hardware, wooden and willow ware, ia great variety inangles, quilting ma-chinec Also, bras, copper, tin and enameled ware, eelf-ealing preserve cane nrigeraton, meat aafea, Ac Full particular ia catalogue. Term caah, la City fund. Caen deposits required from ail purchasers, (at the option of the Auctioneers,) In proportion to the amount of purchase. Hamrr H.

I-XFlm, Auctioneer. COLLKCTION OF OIL-PA IN T-IN GS at the of 1. P. Beaumont, E. No.

511 PfV, oppoaito St Nicbola Hole! Hef.VRY H. aiU anetioc, at the above place, on TUESDAY, Oct SA, at 11 o'clock, the oolleetWof au-patoting-, being the Mth annual aale of paintings and work, of art belonging to 4. P. Beaumont e-Tapri. tot about 16 choice gems of art, of varioqa European acnookvaiicient and modern, imported and aeleeted by ktm from various foreign atndios aad cabin eu also, of the American school, a arasJI landMape by Huntington, and the original portrait of Fita G.

Halleck, ET, by ttie late Henry Iniuan. The aale will be found particularly worthy the attention of lover, of the arts, and all desirous of possessing fine paintings. Ladiea and genttoiacn are respectfully invited to view them at any time aad catalogues may ba obtained at onr store, Nc 33 one week prevtons to the sale A Jamhi W. SotrntAKn. Anetionear.


HI valuable building Ion, situate on the aouthwnat corner of Washington and Court tti lhJ 'TlC', eUfi'ily located In the Can. tral part of tho city, fronting on two of the most detir-able streets In the city, making it worthy the attention of persons wishing to purchase eitlier for improvement or Information and lerma of rale which will be liberal, apply to DUNN A THOMPSON. outh-eaat corner of Market aad Mulberry at. 8xm Osgood A AncbonnKra. ENTLEJIEJPS FURNfSHLMl GOODS.

GLASS CASES, COUNTERS, aic-S AMLkX GOOD A CO. win aalL (posidvety without re. -rve,) TO-MORROW, (Wedneaday,) at WH' o'clock at ttieh dearonm. Nc 81 Naatau-et, the eoatents of a gen-fltouan furnwhier store, (removed tor convenience of eocnpriing rilk. hvmb's-wool, and other nndershiru and d-awn gluw, scarfs, handkerchiefs, neckiea, aoaicrr, silk and rot ton ambreJlae brushes, eombe per.

ftimery. truoke valiaee portmaatesue about 100 waiklog. eanee Also, glss eases, eounters, icaa-fixturea. Ac Catalogaei will be ready early morning of aalc M. B.

Bprxra, ATCTION SALE OF SPLENDID HOUKB. A HOLD FURNITURE. Ac-Ob WEDNESDAY, Oct S9, st 10H e'etork, at Nc Daane-st, mltiH of aaut parlor ruaewosd furniture eovered with Mnu and wimaasi aatin brooatol and aaoquet; pier aad mantel French mirrors brocateL damask aud bee eurtaina Anbkama, WBtoa and Bruawl eanU rich bedroom roaewood furnitnre; French plato-gbtsi mir-ra-a, without frames oa roaewood piano; mattr4r, liUv. SBtinjievajda, Ac I ahn, kitchen utensilr, crock' err, etc Dajjptiva eatalogue on saarning of sale W- iTrnts, Auctioneer. TEA ENGINE AT PUBLIC aUCTION dock, at the Machine Arcade in the Crystal Pec crUader and lg This Engine Is msnrjtartnred to uai steam more, ecoao- rnn ore nniform morion la prf.irni-iag irrernlar work, than aay engine at the present Fair.

Term made kaewn ai aale Office No. 454, formerly Nc IM Ol'JJ688' IBBLEE, BA44LEY KAYAGE 'L4TE BAtil.EY A RAVllil'i will JI Nc TUESDAY, Oct at lu A. sogare teas. Governukeat Java enAa. ji apiece salmon, herring, rnrrante nats, brandy In cask! case aad dtnioac ate.

S. At salesroom Nc Odart. on THURSDAY Oct att atjM A. rwM stock of fane? V2i, drV anode fancy Chiaeas faruiUire, Ac 17 W. it Mn.i oe Aiwi er.

TEA SERVICES nfviS.TJ TRAYS, Ac At aaetloB.THl5 HAYJJ aalearrwrnNael and fli Part. "T.L lall -wc-jbiw, gntav tUkd ANDCROCK ER tS 'n-li-M inlota ta amt--it aarf fully tor shippjag. TTr Vfip" TwiJkauia, nresv-aialed aare. Ac 4W- TJLKOANT XJ Svfy-- aHawBitnaa, Ac, at aacttos, HIS DA Xpeasasraa, at w) NaT and Park ow, saaaasciac af the entire staokwsiaassa. altisMB.

THIS sari wuea I tti property af aaa af ear Bsoat popukar mrm. raaowee la taa aaloareaan, aad eeld to ckwa a eopijnacrabJsi, aM ht warthy the atarattoa af pur-cha-er. abarrt refamLedB their realoeac-a. Meat the "Tkai are rarnuai to atasa tha test at fnnsaaaheat, having be-a well maad aad made aoma asoaths: eoaewtiag of several beautiful styles of carved row weed, rahtwir. wale nt aad aak parke- milea, tormi twaj IVtacu satin broeade; ptosai aad aairelc4h aoll 1 roaewwod aravoira, value i at roaewood, mahogany aad oak chamber arte wit marble top la auitaa to aaateh: fats rosewood, mshoawny, aak and walnal iruaaliiii dlninc taM-a, 11.

14 aad 14 feet laoit valaed at wi aacbtmaAe staada, carved etagerae arcritum, buSata. working aah-Inels aad seereUrVa, aJiacanr wardrobee bookeasea, Ac Abw, about aa) tots I taraitnre, ntttabie fnr tha Bade and country nvr.iaanlsi toto-a-tetee Voltaire, epring seat parlor aad rec Tlu seat eaae arat, dc, and Urge i ariety of arti'lcs hoi enumeralad, and eaa only be aoreclaed by viewing the strn-k. which will hs on et-hibiiK-c dAypreviuaa e-aalovue lerued isriy on the nKWuiag 4 aalc Purtiaaer caa have thrir gooda packed on the for sbipoinz. Ivaitlc and gentlenien will find Bo lacnavenicace ia att-ading alas at tha above vpactoos ostablb-hmrat t-4ac the lare-et In New-York aad in arrancing the sale every rnVurt haa been mad so as to allow free accea. to g-xxln oOared for rale Joawpit Haunt a Aoeitoneer.

TORE FUCTCREH A ACCTI0N-Br JOS. HEGEMAN. AncUoneer, on WEDNESDAY, Oct at o'clock A. preciaelK, at the stores No. 1H, 1M aad HOCourt-rt.

opposito Wykofl, Broosjya. The entire nrritre of a fancy dry mods store, corairising a large luantity of first-class ahefring, with ooruiom, sevan coun-tera, French plate mirror, eight bronzed aad gilt ehande-Uere pendaate braokete cans-seat stooU, tlirae awnlage Ac, la use bat a few weeke To be removed immediately. W. 8. Mbxlob, Auctioneer.

PIANO-FORTES AT AUCTION. THIS DAY, at 11 o'clock at sJerooia, Nc IS and IS Park -row. consisting of twelve superior toned, sew aad eeeoad-head upright aad square Instruments, from vaxtoua Nsw.Yark and Boston nianufackiran, vis: Liademan, Hood man. Mess re Taylor A Torrer, McDonald, Briggs, Cullman and other celebrated makrre The inetremenu are now on ladies aad gentlemen are iavited to view them previous to sale W. 8.

Miunit, Auctioneer. TVEWHOYAL WILTON TAPESTRY, 3-PLY aud Ingrain eartietc hearth ruga, do-ir mats, Ac, at auction THIS DAY. Oct at liH oHock, at salesroom, Noe 13 and la Park.row, directly opposite the Astor House Also, several fine gold watches; one diamond pin, valued at MOO rinn, lock. chalus, and one beau-tiful jtrari Inlaid box, atrvioealile nhawls, twa hum, nHe, pij-toli. Ivory -handled cutler', dec Catalogue i ua mjru-ing of aalc A.

S. KicnASPe Auctioneer. DAMAGED BOOTS AND SHOKS-POR Account of whom it may eimsra. RICHARDd A WHITING will aril, oa WEDNESDAY, lieu at MX o'clock, at Nc 44 Cortlndt-t, a lares lot of biota ajl ahoee damaged by water at the late 4 re (Sale with Kit reserve.) W. C.

AuiTjKTie AactionetT. V1XX' HBLL ON WEDNENDA OCT. -its 4 At 1M o'clock. No. 19 onrt-st, oppo.itu 1IU, Brooklyn, fine gold jewelry of every deacriirfion, hy order of the assignee.

Abo diver-plated warn, Britannia ware, second -baud furniture, Ac Sale positive ANCIAL. Duncan, hotumVncv "company. Bankers, roxnyg nxi bamau wbw-toxk. Issue Circular Letters of Credit for Travelers, avsllabaB in all the PRINCIPAL CITIES OF THE WORLD. ALSO, Mercantile (fredlts for Europe, Ac.

on Mesare GEORGE PEABODY A of Ixmdoa and far India, China. Ac, on GEO. PEABODY A or on theORIENl TAL BANK CORPORATION, of London, havtn. BRAltfCHBS AND AGENCIES At Canton, Wtanghal, Caloatta, Hong Kong Bomber, Madras, Blnspore. Credita far Aastrmila tha Bank af New Heath Wavlea af LobAsmu BRANCHES AND AGENCIES AT MA1TLAND and NEWCASTLE.


REMITTANCES TO ENGLAND, IRELAND, SCOTLAND AND WALES. We tame sight bills oa tba UNION BANK OF LONDON-NATIONAL BANK OF SCOTLAND BELFAST BANKING COhVPANY, Ireland. Is sum from Ci apwarda, at Aa par at AddrWAYLOR, BROTHERS, Banksn, Nc 74 WaU-st, New-York. MEW-YORK-NriwA WJ" fWsxIl BrT A vw-TE7tal PBDIlaMwl aTt Alt maT an a -saj mr tiA-riTAl. o-tts MILLION DOLLARS.

Hit COMPANY IS A LEGAL DEPOSITORY OF MONrr PAID INTO COURT, and ataatbotdxad to act a guardian or r-eerver of rata tec INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS, oaoaa or awt ootibt ta twa statb, ftneludlrig Btarrogata'e) per osat Frora Individ uai or eorBeratioea, for a period of six toenthe or to be paid en thirty days' notice i per cent For a less period, or on shorter notice 4 war cent TkUSTRES lT TTCBe' Br.aoa, Watt aermaa, Edwto D. Taorgan, Daniel 8. MlBer, B. F. WaeeawrtghL Krastoi i Caarnsng, Caleb O.

Halsttd. Edianod Coaa ttSlj7 I W- llBaU, Thosnas aioeotoa, Thrd KnaTi, Mar Cooper CUutoa OUbart, T' Toaf.Viron- Coraeliwa SatiA, i J-Iholpe i t. John J. Clsee, Wlbos O. Host, R.

H. Walworth, Jacob Harsen, D. H. Arnold, laaialD. LoraL James S.

Sorniotir, Chaiiea E. Bui, a JOSEPH LAWRENCE, Preaidaat Jovw A. Stsviit, Secretary. Phxwix But Oct ltA HE BOARD OF DI EC TiiRHO PTHIS Bank, having unanimously reaol'ed to in crease aapttal stock from one nilllion two hundred thousand (fel ,100 to one minton eight hundred (aoasac the prrwrnt stoekJK-flers are heTvbrtXi bat an instalment of fifty jr cent win be required to be paid on the sixth day of January, 1857 and the balance of fifty per cent on the sixth day of Febmary 18S7 with interest from the sixth day of Jvmmrr, 1W Book, of suhecriptlon will be opened at the Bank oa tha tenth day of November next TILESTON, President Pmx M. Bxtbom, Cashier.

THB UNDERMGNED OFFER FOR SALC in loU to suit porchssere aud at very low prices AO.ow Eart Tennessee and Georgia Railroad 6 per rec' Coupon bonds, indorsed and gtmrantned by thcStato of T.rneasee. Intercut and prladpal payabbi In Ner-1 ork. tOOO Milwaukee CHr 7 percent Conpoi Bond. 2 y.arii to run. Interest and principal payable in Now York isrued for muiudfal purpose.

15.t 0 Oliio State i i-er sent stock, payable la 1t. HUte of Gecnrls 4 per eent Coupon Bond. lute rest and principal payable in New-York. MEIGS as GREEN LEAF, No. a WUUamtt TY ANpVCOUNTY BONDS FOR MALE.

Cleveland Ctty 7 per cent bondc Water Loan. Detroit I -RyT per oent bdc MUaaokee dry 7 per cent bond. Chicago City 4 par cent bona. Nsw-OrVaas 4 per cant, bonds. Cincinnati 4 per cent bonde San Francisee 10 pereeat bond.

Ht I -outs Coroty 7 per eextt bonde Mobile Coantr 7 per eent bond. For aak br DUNCAN, SHERMAN A Ccrnrr of Nassau and Pin- ste, New-York. THE SEMI-ANNUAL INTEREST DUE IN this City the 1st Nov. next, on the following nam. I secaritiee vis: it of Milwaukee bends issued to the Milwaukee and WaU rtown R.

Cc 7 par cent La Crosse and Milwaukee R. K. It Mortgage Bonus 8 per eent 1j Crosse and Milwaukee R. R. Cc, 1st Mortgsgii Sinking Fund Bonds 8 per eent Will be paid oa pruientation of the proper coupons at onr, Nc Wall-st, on and after 1st proximo.

ATWOOD A CO. Ornca or xtut t-ACKx-rr'a Hakboe amu! Sabatuua Rail so id oariar, No. 34 Oct. 17, 1V OTlf'E IS HEREBY GIVEN TO THE ubacribvni for one million dollars of the bonds of thU Comay. that the first installment thereon of four per l)'mbl the first day of November next CHARLES A.

MACY, Treasurer, the Park Ha.k. I'er order of the Board, E. D. SAXT)X, Secre'ary. I -ETHER llilVt tlAsnAD SJA svnv v.

AM OKNIA WAR BMNDS. The holder of Cal- swwiy innoT aonneu that me lmtsstonera will cotitisne to ketbolromeeopea in the city of Wasbinctoa until the first day of November next wntil whtoh time they wUl be ready to receive aa direct the payment of the same J. W. DENVER, Commissioner. Cat SAMUEL B.

BMITH.t War Departoient V'EW-OR LEANS COUPONS-FISCAL 1 cy of tha City of New erluanc4 uz Bank of Lou-buana, Oct 15, 1X5. Notice-li ldr llooJs of the Cur New-Orloau. bvtK-d to 'h KJlroiul ConfwLnie: at of the Consolidated Bonds bUM.i on the lut -f' M- are heyby aotifled that the t3tert no iiarx 4 in New-T ork on tlw. 1st Novcub-r mux -nl be rrWiw 1 bv the Bank of America, Ncw-Yo-k. f.n anil Per that Jatc LEON SEEK.

tig tetter. IA fROSHE AND MILWACKEB RAIL. ROAD BONDS. The United states Tra-t Company of New-Y ork, Trastoa for the Fund at the La Crosse and Milwaukee Railroad Cunesuiv, offer to leveet j.a4 ia the Sinking Fund Botcds of said Company, and will raeeree iwo.als to seO antC'l o'clock P. oa theAst daw of Nnvnnher aext tfornia War Boadi are hereby forth.

4-notified thai the JOHN A. STEWART, SecrcUry. Nc 40 WaU-st rTBW-' '-YORK CENTRAL RATT.POA ry i PER CENT. BONDB. Tba nnderaleTw 7T.

jale the per cent Coanoa Bonds of tUs Loin pa ay (lata Wwe) havtogweryean to rea bvrert paabfc'arrol-' aaanslly. oa the tVat days af Fshroajry aad'Aurjsr- at oCaAtyBAj)aucrla Oii-c-i? SHEsT'sTAS aU stVBirB AB WtTV Vitrtan a I I rTf f-tliB KAIL. I AB eds-rjoft for thirea iwctrjrs of 1lu4 Amm Fsilroad CaaTany1. wCT Vn heU a Kif EAT, the Jay-isf a 111 Ixi 11 JL 1 P. jL "ai ins bub Heartier, 1PIN A NfTT 1 T.rtTTi.

iirr- -i filPSI cr Twa Tium' Iais sm. rv No. Nsw-Yoxa. (et tw. W4Li TPHB COCFON OF TH KTATILLB 1 aad Oawrordaville Railroad Comaaaiu, ealhw Ist Itovemaar, will be paid at thi aflV 7v GaXXP.FiICH,atoaTAary.

TkTOTICETO HOLDERS OP SAN FRANCIS. ICISCO PER CENT. SCHOOL BON DA Raw-Yobb, Oet at, 18UL Coapoa N. an Use above aVwidc was aa tha 1st Nov. aext will be raid en aad aftor tea date, ea atuwarattoa at tha office of the nmli riiga.d.

MORQAX A Cit, I Bowilaw-dyaaa, THKlTNITKn STATES PATENT Me BROADWAY The books tha aswve avpaay are arsis fnrthe transfer of sTyoroer, juat-rtt LABI It BANK NOTICES. STATE OF NBW-YO at A DEPART. MENT ALBAN Y. Oct to, Mate Bank at Saekett a Harbor. (Sackavt's Harbor.

JaoVraoa CeaatrJ aaviag failed to redeesa the eirm hiring notes delrvered to dreadatton by taeaaM by tha entitled "Aa act ta saah.rlas the waetaess of banc aassed April IS, 14M. aad the several acts larpple. BsBBtery Auu4 amaadatoiT rhereaf-Nottot there-for. "TT lSTelJk nd mertsages As-fS5feASrnf aad held by theSwper-intrnowut af thrlank lng Itrartasrwt of tha Wale of New- tr far the drculatJug Botes of said Bank, wiU sold st publie auction, at tha rotunda of tha Merchani' Filr In the city of Albany, on THURSDAY, taa 13th day of November, laifi. at tl s'dock kL, SCHEDULE.

sESlSw I 8 as mm mnmm SwVSS S2S32SwB3 mtki ulnlttm Si! a a aaf Saioo 11 IIS BgoaSSj mt a 1 fiT 331 hi -2s sasassssaa And that the following described cerrJneates of New-York Staia Stock, aiao held by the said Snpevink-ndVat as part heenrlty as aforesaid, win be sold at public auction st the Merchants Exchange, in the City of New-York, on TUESDAY, ta 11th day of November, 184, at o'clock, noun, vie: Certificate Nc 643, for $1,000 per eent redeemable in 187A Certificate Nc MS, for per cent redeenubia la Certificate Nc S67, for 4100 5 per cent redeemable la 1B74. Oartincata Nc S48, for per cant redeemable in Certlncata Nc MB, for per cent redeemable In isle Certifieate Nc 470, for tf.flOO-a per eent redeemable In 1K74. Carttfieata Nc for $10001 per cent redeemable in 1874 Certifieate Nc ITS, for 3 per cant redeemable in 18T4. Certificate Nc STi, for Al.OOfl per cent rdeenahle ia 1874. Certificate Nc 7,11, for -li per cent rediemaJble in less.

Certificate Nc 8,345, for gO.OTO per cent redeemahls inlSfte. Certificate Nc 67, for $4,000 pur cent redeemable In 187S. And further, that all the circulating notes registered In this Department, and issued by the aforesaid Bank, will be redeemed out of the trust fund in the hand of th Superintendent for that purpose, a aooa a the said funds can be converted Intomoanri ami if ths proceeds of the said funds shall not be sufficient to redeem all of said circulating notoe then they will be redeemed pro rata, as required in and by tha act afon uid. The said mortgagee eertifieate of title aad other papers pertaining thereto. Bar be rxsi-iined at the Bank Department, at any time previous to the day of talc JAB.

M. COOK. Superintendent BANK DEPARTMENT 8TATE OF NEW-YORK. Albabt, Oct 33, 16. The FARMERS BANK, of Waahineton County, (Port Edward,) ha this day filed.

In this office, a notice of tha appointment of the NATIONAL BANK of Albany, in the dty of Albany, as agent for the redemption of its circulating notee agreeable to the act entitled "An act to amend the severtl arts relating to Incorporated Bsnke Ranking Association and Individual Banker," pacd April 17. JAMES U. COOK, Superintendent CITIZENS' BANK NEW-YORK-OCT 10, I'M. -Tie annual election for 1 lirectora of this Bank, and fir Inspector of tba next ensuing election will be held at the Bankiog-Housr on TUESDAY, the 4th day of November next, from IS o'clock M. ill 1 o'clock P.

M. 8. K. COMSTOCK, Caahlar. A RINERS "HAVINGS BANK comer of vth-st, open daily from 9 till and Wei- nesdar and Saturday ovenings from to A Interest tin deposit of o0u aud under, er cent T.

It STILLMAN, President DIVIlitlNDS. Ottiob Clabb-'s Patctt Stkax abb Firb Pinn 1 WAT. iiw. KBeOLATor. No.

M8 BBOAD1 You. Oct IS. lHTsl THE DIRECTORS OF CLARK'S PATENT a Fleam ana rnw Kegriistor Company have this diy dedarsd their rscnlar miinnnal cash dividend of 4 per cent ont of the earning of the Company for the last tlx moo the payable oa an I after Nov. 1. The traaster books will be closed on tho iito inat to Nov.

1. E. K. PRATT, Secretary aud Treasurer. ClacuiaATT, in Dattob.R.

R. Co. I -i CiaiTKWATI.Oet 14, ldA THE BOARD OF DIKLCTOKS OF THIS A Cnmpany havathis day uedarod a dividend of cent oat af tha current btisinens of the past six month ending 1st tost, payable in this City on the Nth inst. and in New-York on Nov. 1.

at the office of Ohio Lifo Insurance and Trust Company. HENRY O. AMES, Sorretary. Orrtra or tbb Cobmok wrxj-Ta Fiaa Ip-sfkavox C-OBrtirr. No.

4 Wall-et, Vew-Yobjc, Oet is. 1VA DIVIDEND THE BOARD OF DIUECT'illd have this day declared i. semi-aanual dividend of 4 per ceau nn the rtpital stock of the Compauy, nayaM oa and after the first day of Tinber, proclmc TneTnna-fer bocks will be clssed far day cv.utnepclng on th athtoat TUPS. L. CHESTER, rUc'y.

OFFICE CENTRAL UATLROAD COMPANY OF NEW -JERSEY, Nc 4B SK.W. YORK, OCT. tt lstTbe Board of Directors haw thb day declared a dividend uf per cent, out of the earnings of tha six months, eulmg Oct 1, pa) able ti tho etockbolders in stork on the Ixt of November next The iraiwfer bocks will bs dosed front Oet. 17 to Nov. G.

M. MILUGAN, Treaur r. NOTICE TOLEDO AND ILUNOI3, AND LAKE Erie. Wabash and 6t 1-oub Railroad fnow Toledo, Wabash and Western Railroad.) The Intest Coupoas oa the saeoBd saortsnae bonds of these Orip. oiee due the firvtof November next will be paid at No.

SA corner of Prne. hv WHTTEIIOUSE SON A MORISON. HSSURANCE. I AFAYETTK F1KK INSFthTnTbCoV L. Pa NY BROOK t.Y N-The books of witsvrtvtiU Bte5k compaar wiU be opened oa MONDA theftltb at 9 o'clock A.

attheorooa 7' AI DN S. CROWrLL, Nc 141 FuouT ALDEN 8. OBOW TXL, StMULL W. KTtS, ComniiaaioBere EDWARD T. i.KHOUSR,' FyRlTLTRE.

SCUOOl. FCRKITrHK. cracuLAfca supplied APPucATicir. By R. PATON, Ka 14 ENAMELED COTTAGE FfTRXITTRIV Ktecai't weilnade s-iI -h fnr i-v: jku Iu-nrj-ve-- N-x 84 BmaJwar, bsttsw BKeck-rt 6av! eauvfiil packed to (oeit of the -j.

-t QPJLKNDIDSUITr PJ4 A1M FUst- s- i nnlii waeisaalefcs-. rsenvt W.k.M WAJtD fRtA I a' Afi; ri earnare urn Ciet WJ if MADS, I ill i li Hill gS.efl Eg SS3 id is ifi- 3a :53 i iiilMlHllii eaiavuv. stotAA. nr MAN FRAILTY.

OR HYBI OLOGI PAaU fll Wrtsftltw tastratea, aad 1 ta-iaaavn tvn. TTT0' awaiasss af aachcass atstarei at atlasaaw4ai af I SISI Tl 111 tUn oh itsJ aew4r aalsSj sited t'rta-' nl ls s- maM ataaa aad aT TrlewiatavT Dr. BaOAF rWsa rasa ll A J-. 1 1 BARROW, Nc VM aaaaaaweatar 1L- ttta.kbwt aA.MW8AR8APABliifr a nut se rave It sajraslas. a testable evidence of kiad af crofula, aalt raeasa, frrar sorse ntrTlivar.

kioaJD. ana im riBMBTst riiir i are daily reeerved from all aeatrteea, snareae. toaarLail tuda of sufferers who are sururbod to fiad th lai i 1 1 Kc 10m Fnltop-st. N.w-York. TrT "4snw- lJAl ft tit mmimm U.X.mA ttm4 y-Hry TtrU' sr.

iiiiB.liuadSrsr. aad all ta distwsati'g aorasqueuoss arlslag frarn early ah aa. phyt4cabxnt, rtSTiSTmlLLJZ it. aaa mvaiuama as TKIESEMAR Nc 1-Eshialv aswJi a those disorders which eotatvia iva assents. Tft mm tl.Li .1 j.

TRIESEMAR Nc a Is the great EX pspissm rsaasarylaa. thatdaasef disorders which, tussortaaaselr, the aasttsta asiiiarv so ane iiib.di aestras v. wm siin.i a uutsoa, aaa sn rtuchall lha paruia in toe wona eannm i TRIESEMAR Niw. 1, aad A srs prepared ta the of a hiaettaa, devoid ar state or smsiL aaid csa be cant the waistcoat BmU i laa ssusa aad slawisbdia. rpovvuaosrsas VHHmvtmrmm hy ValpaaiL If lliai.a.

Roux. Riwd Ac Price 44 t-lOT tier ea li one for (, which saves fg, aad fa 17 tamvtarhr'' "f.0' had sraotosale aad tttealL' hA 5- UI Prtoea tw Broadway, Nw-York. 8daJ arrangement havtng se mads wtth lha nrt- ous Kj muiis tao alsr-ao eases ef tha Trleasaar, east eeaa.siasa ay ir. ttarrow, earratsw rv ii. reaiittaaaa.

to aay parw ad addivssaad acemaUaa a iaa a ring to the puMts aad otjaetoallr Jl iliTlsj asalai 4-. u. worn, a ireiy paccea, aaa) the hiaren.Tns of aba writer, taas genuine ixiropeaa ar them from spurloas and oouar eases sent as Consultatlnn and I bat not ra of enrriare. laa-ia from UAK. Bill F.C.U ana front 4 tin.

tV)ie 1A7 Pill ir. at ffnw liliaik sraaS a a New-York. HELMBOLIVS GENUINE PREPA RATIOS HIGHLY CONCENTRATED COM POIND- FLUID EXTRACT BUCUC-JOY TO THC A FFUCTED 1 1 1 It cares dlarassa of the bladder, klsV ueys, gravel, dropsy, ofastraetsoBa, famala 1iar'alitu chronic gonorrboaa. strict ores, slewte aad aU ifliatius arnang i a siawssrs aaa tmiiaiau la life, and deVilUated mSeran, aad rtaii i a aR iawl charges from tba bladder, Udneva or saxual briber existing ta MALE OR FEMALE, fhoaa wi case thev aaar hava oriri sated, aad aa matter at hoar A kb ataaonif. ri-rinsj Braita aaa vtror a toe -at bloom tu the palhd aheek.

Iieoiitt, broarht oa by aasaa, -a Btnat terrlois Atoeaa. which aaa brought thousand af" the humaa famfly to trnttmei graves, aaa be oared be that -us of this INFALLIBLE REMEDY, Bad a aaaadletaa which must beaeat everybody, frwta lha simply eMuoaw- to the confined and drapairbag Invalid, no equal it to ba found. Bew art of qaark Bortruat. and attack doetnrv HELMBOLD'S HIGHLY CONCENTRATED COM. POUND FLUID EXTRACT OP BUCUU la Pijv4 directly acasnling to tha rales af pharmacy aad ehent.f try, with th rraateat aacurac aad cheroaeal khswto4aar-aad ear devoted hi its snsabisatsoav Tha taaas of votaa.

tary testimony in pos esoa at ute nrofwietor is tmnjisase embracing naraea well kao to SCIENCE AND FAME celebrated Dvaician and dlstilMruishaJ elervvmea. i iTotiaaor Dews e'l vahiabis week oa tha PTsAint af -Physic and most of the lata standard awteejf Moawiaa. It ia a tntxHcine whlrh te perfectly pssaaant ht Ha tasteaad odor, but Imawdiato in its act low, and It take, by ass. sons of either sex, without hindrance froaa bqaiaeai or Biedlral advice, a expHcU dtrecttaas for asa aad aa asneto nuwintw of rdiabie and nsspossdbla aartlfii.alas to eewviass- ths most akevtical will aecom paar aaeh bottle Price 1 per bottle, or lx bottle tor sjA Delivered to any addnes- Prepared aad told by H. T.

HE JtBOLD, Praetleal aaZ 1 Analytical Chemist, Nc 0 Botrth ltKh-st, bel Chea-nut, (A mblr Brdtdlnge) PhllMdehvile Ta be had v. vut acsut vx, Ha TS isarolav. aad Nc mi Greenwich-ai New. York, aad of fraesila and deah throughont the Kiuiea bua, vaciiii aaa tsrttssB iTovincea DR. MAGNIN'H LUCTNA tpORDLAL.

OB ELIXIR OF LOVE-Als dslbrhUul aad fcaUiva tevtgoraat of ths human systawi It fast prss.Uns aS ether remedies in fact, whea Ra vtrtose bssssns fullr known It will ba lha atuy rata tilr ta ac Its aattaa aa. the nervoos aysttas and letsn iaattve araan ia stoat extra. ordinary Oa ilag all awst-siclbssisat, aad tafajsmf aBw the nervous organise ttoa that arsa-a of toiiatoa wtikh av tvwusita to glva the hutaaa sialsm the atynj tiial of lit ruu powers, oota Biewtaur aaa an powers, both axrtally aad piivaicaily. Aaaa appall atr 1 eqs )nie of inauy ratuaruMa aasia mating mis ana asatra). tocvtoniaMbaithesa ta saore ivstduy ais-11 aatritloua substaaeee -t t.

and wholesosna stood nhas the tigiiSiiabiss-. sslviue ail Into isore ai proved and the whole frajsework more vigorous and hanteasniis 3 per bottle, or tws bottles for Bjannar fecrebr. BkS? taiaea-ianc IMPORTANT TO FEMALBB DB. -DE. CMXEdaW aT the tagw tl si ibb I ad oxwasisa araa- 1 1 and cwtalaass API PI LLC TBeanaiBtnatisas af in these mis are the result of a sobs! as tice They ara mild fat their enwitdoi orvrectmg all ImsTnlaaHttee aainfnl a movilic aU ormructsotia.

he thee from anlsl mm headache pais ia the side palpCtatiia af th heart aav. turDwa sieep, wmea always ansa troaa iiimisstaiB or nauire Warranted purely via ban, and free froas aay- thing inhirloos ta Ufa or keaith. lpUeit iHmUiai, wUck bould be read, acenm pan each box. Prist ror sale gTUUAKLU UlriU. rlc lal stivaviwtr; City, Di.

LA KM OMTH FARM AND LONDON ED1CAL ADVISER AJiDMAKSIAOEGITIDaV-e i Stth edition, 4u0 ptrm, Its) elatuutips pietalve soth, 1- ana kkxt atsnna. atauoa tree Ms i names a taa anatomy af the sexual srsans af tha aaale aad stilt, aaV their diseases and wesiutasaes latoat dii ssatrin la ra- procucuen! quacAA, tnetr and speelatsj at anthor'a uuequaled Palis aad Leojdoa btihIbiibI flsnis rbflea. Gleet, Blrictm Sjrphilia.iiaarr aad Qnastila I Uoasd, Imbsions, impotewcy, Vc Gftteo Nc 11 lin st, eoraer tiring- oppostt 8t Nlchoia Hotel. Haart-. 14 A.

M. tofevening, Sundays 1 to I P. hL Bbbsaa) is slso sold at Nc S3 Braadwar. Ws anwrsAead Dtv LARMQNT to the eiffletod. CourrUr dmmAttmUCm.

I Im, Drnmmtrmt, Jwy Smoi, ae WAT801 hae-for a long series of yean, esnrtned hie atseatioa to 4bi a of a eertara i etssa, -a waien na aa i 1ms thaa twf3tr tnonaard failure. ThfariiriiiHra aillil aad dssslksoiiikai taitiial- from bosfastsa, er expos bin to dttosstsa. Aa laias4lstt AftJlOAOan anoald always at msds; boAUUts i bv toradiasB tain cooceaieq ta nas trcatrnesit, tha annsriiaid i aaasen sipanniir eom petent ta treat sues Assaac pvssvtoadaAaaeamfeoaetw and etSeaetsaa. Dr. WATSON Bila aBtaatsWaf iils t- I la toe saoraliig sam.

at mgtit, a aaa msaslllai i aaa uai isiaie se ivaiaar-s, a aeora mimmw. is. I W. WATSON, a to las Lack of Broadway. kC D-, Fomertr gujgsia TrlCORlVH PRACTICE DR.

C. D. HAM BW-tAs MOWTt rinsrttlfts n4 Oi.a.ll.a flia. ma. a pupil with RICORD, Parb, aad with the Baiwea or Lots ijnv, ure tisrasshtsi sat Mott, aaar be coiisald, eaafidaaually.for tha tri iliaiat aad sore as diewa, at hh eo-vesirnUy ineaiad ruuue 414 Broast-.

way. onasxUe the St Nlcholaa UoteL His axtmAid ea- aervatincja ta tba famous Hearital Aa Miiti, ta parb, -under RiCORD lilmaeli, (whs i aaaneatk)Jy the ftaaV-. tiding en oa ia deraagem acts tLe auaal aystssi- V-rether with hit many new aad eflVxscit msneAisa, read-w i faih impoasitle Also, Imlaint wy totter aad tha-rttaBediea, securely ealtxl, forwarded. Ow-tahatisa la-- FjxlUnor FreocX D. HAMMOND M.

ft 1 nnfi FORmiTED and no tm A.WVJU UNLESS CUaXlX-Dr. UUNTEii. sj- when tha treatment of ether phySeians and aU otoat- fwiedies fad. Hit Red Drop it roar oar aaiisaaa fcr 5 thoroash enra In sar-aln dbossee Nc CrwJaoa tho otilr plae aaew so well kss a fas ths isif s.aasrtlnaiT cures It baa perforated, witbnejt diet or biiidraasa frora txieiivwe when all feinedieaocly 4rra va sa Oa blood. $1 only.

This secure ti-w ratieat freta esoodery atiacke and it toa atuy tesasdr at i tsarta that does it Try all otjer aad aa. tthaseva spa beware of a hsadliill aBP DC UauhT ha anjsvwA t. it is a villaiaoas hop bug. Arf HEWARDs CRO'SMAWS WPECTFIO' tSOUU MIXTURE FOR THE RHlEA Of all the i-eateds rat issivsri aWtsns saaa-v plalat, thb to ths avost sertaisi atakes a awaady aad I pRrwisBeat care wltfcawl the toast reatnctioai ta diet sr- drink. axpoeare rcwaela 4PPf4toa tokaidBeaa.

Ta prjpnetor eoanwifv. to os ts Mt of I te bs tAs suxssresriu a case, ttader tor. aoue Many are wans ta cww aaya, aota at taa Dragstrsw Nc tiroMwar eornev ef Chasntan stA.t slsQjSXiJ Aator as-scyuu A-nna js. DR. RALPH, AtfTHOB OP "THB PRACTI-esl Frivato Treatwe" ec, efaeos Na.

448 Tlsast-a al, nrarWtesterr hoersfrom I te 1 A. ML, aad to F. M- ipandar exeepfed. i Those who apply fa Usaarry star mill be surprised at tha rapid rty aad Rnle taeeawamisiea altesxlieg thetr carre. Ta tCrietare, from ita first or to, djaeut te Its meet advxaced and d.rr-veing stasis tleo- is -'J" mm -wai -gaaramre a serrec una y- radienl ee- withw.

Mia. effrrtsiv. mM Sr ee ee n- tk freta toimtt Coos-JtaAon Uk2,, PriTatoMatB law eaitiaav- i DW AJ4iN7V EW WO K-TTrB CAB XV-, AND '-s ew-'l nmM ea iBaVw-bcaa sad rtsscv.tca txaa-ciuA, euhloesl aUMT-. sxeeM mKt cviaa, wa'ci tA an.1 rTs-M cf lhisiasUtno wi tja ww-t rafi-irAi'naMewsT cm aTii' iJeM i- was iwaasaa amsaij. wtth JJRL H- A.

BARROW-Meraherof tltalarMile Oh ID 7 rrilaaTall aal ffaaaa- ff bj C. v. I JCa tN EK at No.81 Barehvy-st i A PARK. No. lot Bmadway, and Druiitris St by mafl by sncleeiu.

ci to Dr. CORNEUUS CHEE.4F.sf AN. Boa A ATI fnjTHf si I iV, i ftTJI AiiAAXLi? a -v UJ i r4uf nf "4lC4 'it at 7iJmam aa-i vi 1 iJuadaaf..

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