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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 18

New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE NEW YORK MONDAY, FEBRUARY C. 1899. iff To-Day at O'Nelirs. JDEFlflAllCESOFCOLUHBIA MMM.M.,,,,,,,,,.B.,J,,M,i.,f,j,aMaMgoMSjpSjss j- I To-Day at O'NeJWs. To-Day at O'NeMs.

To-Day at O'NeilVs. University Will Make an Attempt to Cut Expenses This Year. THE DEBT'HAS BEEN REFUNDED Bond Issued Bearing Tfcxt and Thi mad a Half Per Cent. Interest Trustee Confident of Tatar. The subject of the finance of Columbia University has been one of especial public Intent since the university took up Its home at tbe new- site on Morning-side Heights, and besides the purchase of the valuable real estate It occupies there erected several BuUdinas so costly and handsome as to add a notable feature to the city's architecture.

The question as to whether the step was a wise one is now being; broached In some quarters, and a fresh stimulus to the Inquiry la the report that lbs university is now blla-ed to reduce expenses and that some of its professors must suffer a serious cut. The -chief Item la the expenses which proves' a eame of worr? la the Interest on the debt of the university, a debt now amounting- to about (3.730,000. The Interest this has hitherto amounted to about a year. It was learned yesterday that the Trustees had succeeded la mate rially reducing this yearly sum by adopting the plan which President Seth Low set forth In tlx annual report last year, namely, refunding the debt by an Issue of per cent, and 3 per cent, university These bonds President Low hoped might be taken up at 2 per cenU and while not quite that measure of success ias been attained, nearly cne-half of them bear 3 per cent. Interest, while the rest bear tta per cent.

The bonds are amply secured by real estate owned by the university. While this has been a considerable help, however, the problem of making both ends meet" In the university's business management la still a knotty one. The fact that a ntimoer of prominent New Yorkers have pledged themselves to defray whatever yreny deficits there may be. both la payment of curent expenses and meet. the Interest on the debt for the next years relieves the minds of the Trustees for that period.

In President Low's la yearly report tha university's financial status was clearly set forth. In the last six years, said. he. the income from fees had Increased at the rate of flH.Suu per annum, and with the advantage of a new site it waa natural to expect an 'increase of fJO.Ouu per annum in future, one-half of which would be needed for additional instructors for the new "tu-den's, and the other halt of which could be applied to payment of interest on the debt. The interest of the debt has now been decreased by about a year by the refunding scheme.

President Low thought that In Ave years the university might be tie to overtake Its obligations. The payment of what deficits might appear 'from year to year was not provided lor In bis report, but the offer of the ctti-- sens aforesaid takes care of that problem for five years. The deficit for the year ending last June. In the current expenses account, eras about and it la feared that it will be as large this year. A prominent member of the Board of Trustees, who Is thoroughly in touch with the finances of the university, spoke confidently or the outlook yesterday, although be admitted that there would be a certain attempt to rut expenses this college year.

We are simply trying to save a little where we said he. getting down expenses as in all similar Institutions. Tha lesson Is that in some quarters the expenditures hare been Will there be any cut in salaries? he was asked. There wttl be no general cut in aalarles at all. he replied.

and what cutting there may be in special Instancee will not be important. The Idea that the university Is on the verge of bankruptcy is all rot. Columbia, University owns worth of property over and above Its debts. If you include the Momlngslde Heights property. We nave refunded our debt, the bonda being taken t.y banks and trust companies who do not do thoie things from philanthropy, and all we Ky Is a I and 3, per cent- Interest.

I should to know how many corporations do as well." What about meeting the current expenses deficit and Interest after the next five years are upT well, we expect to have materially reduced the principal by then. We have certain real estate whlrt! we have been holding to sell simply for this purpose, when terms are -favorable. One such up-towa piece of property is worth Then we will 7 1 property worth s.VJO.000 from the will of Charles Bathgate Beck, who died about three years ago. whose estate has Dot teen divided yet. From the sale of the Forty-ninth -Street property, the site we left to go to our prvs- vT.rt cash.

anf the Street property, now occupied by the Berkeley School, and which we applied directly to the principal of the debt, reducing It to about and these other sums will reduce it more. Then h'P from Public gifts. President Low's gift, we bavenot 5 K.ttf PP'y nr of it to the Interest of the Jebt vet. and I think It will simply be used 1r purpose for which It was intended--the library building." "W0XAX SZATX2T AXD Mra. OeaUep la the Hoaattal aad Her Allesre4 Aeeallaat la Jail.

Cries of distress which were heard by Policeman Troy of the West Thirtieth Street Folic Station at an early hour yesterday morning proved to bo those of woman who was being beaten because sne resisted being' robbed. The woman la Mrs. Rachel Ooulder. who Uvea on the Brst Boor of. 100 West Twenty-eeveath Street.

8 he bow at tha New Turk Hospital, with three broken ribs and a badly bruised face. The snaa who la accused of being responsible for ber Injuries Is Edward Sehornan, who says be Uvea at SS3 Bowery. Policeman Troy was standing near, the corner Strath Avenue and Twenty-seventh Street, when be heard the woman's trie. He found a crowd of men la front I the house when ho reached there. He was directed to Mrs.

Ooulders room, where tne woman with difficulty told him that she had been beaten and robbed by a burglar. Troy thought tho maa who waa responsible, tor Mrs. Uouldefs condition waa still in the buildUig and found him hiding la a closet on the third floor, lira. OoolJer tdentinea the man as the one who had assaulted ner. Mrs.

Ooulder said she wss awakened by some on walking In ner room. A second later she felt the man grab hold of her hand aad begin to poll the rings from her flrmra. She grappled with the Intruder, but waa no match for the man, who not only succeeded in retting the rings, but also knocked ber down. He then kicked her in the face, aad after taking fit from the bitreaa. left the room.

Schuman waa taken to tho Jefferson Market Polico Court after his photograph baa been taken at Police Headquarters. Magistrate Jiott held bint la bait for examt-nation tj-day. rorrs outs to jjbw ltbbabt. Bast Himself aaa a VatleaaMaae Baalc tor Brwaklya Calleertlaau It was announced yesterday In tha Church of Peter and Paul, in Wythe Avenue. Brooklyn that tho marble' bust of Pope Leo and a rare book.

from tha Vatican Printing OffW. gifts of the Pope to the 8ylveter Malooe Library. In tha Henry McCaddla Memorial, tha new two-hundred and fifty thousand-dollar pariah house connected with tha chvck, had arrived la this city and "vera now in the Appraisers' Stores, awaiting tha arrival of a-Consular certificate from Naples, the po'nt from which the gifta srere shipped. Father Ma lone has received letter from Csrvi nal batohi. referring to tho gifta.

In aMca the writer says: Vy twr and Rev. Fathe Matoae: 1 hr received front the Hair Father, which I save Just to yoit. a beautiful tint of line rr marttt. repraaeattae CM Hut? Father s4 tl also, a nM aeec-ioas book. T.

Divine Cufne-1y of lsnl, printed" la the V.u.n fi-tntlng cilice and ooe of tne few copies I h- re tj end yoa from this alJe at the flrst -n. a Tie picture of the Komaa School. i fcn-p a small remembrance of i and wqr anecttoa fur yoo. from the Pope come In free of nw ia rapMly nearing -i. sn f'lrnltureand books wi.4 of SAia.

It witl be ooen to t- i -r iAiuno nss given one-half of 1 4 r.ry toward its maintenance. e-i rr nattAnii irtenaa .1 to axi cumaat. i Hoopla! To-day, We "hoop it tip" for Spring. For it is nearly Spring in spite o( the calendar, despite the Weather Bureau. Thouknds of Spring suits.

Quantity enough to meet any call for any size or any 8hape.J i Variety enough to satisfy any color taste no matter how lurid or how sombre. $12.50. $12.50 instead of $30, $28, 25, $2i $20, $18, $15 and $14, only 65 'suits out of the thousands were priced as little as $14 lasti Spring. All three stores. Rogers, Peet Co.

Leonard aa) Frlaco and -Broadwar. Thirty-eecend and Brcadway. NEEDS OF THE BRONX-BOROUGH Voters FgTOT tha BUI Introduced at Albanyj ProTldlng for Another AsMtablymaji and Alderman, The North Side fioard of Trade and the Taxpayers? Alliance Of the Borough of the Bronx have decided to indorse and fight for the passage of the Introduced at Albany providing or an additional Assemblyman for the Twenty-first Senatorial District and a second Alderman for the Thirty-fourth Assembly pistrlct. Last year a similar bill was introduced by Assemblyman Rellng-ton, but It. was snetved, I Ever the Thirty-fourth Assembly District was divided there has been a.

great deal of dissatisfaction on both shies of tho Harlem River, and many petty squabbles arose that: would otherwise have been averted. The toters on the south side of ihe river feel that they have very little in common with those on the north aide, and versa. A leader waa appointed for each aide of the with the hope that It would smooth matters but It baa not had the desired effect, and there la a universal demand for additional representation. Another (argument which will be used In favor of the measure Is that tha Twaniv. first Senatorial District is the only Senatorial die tr let In New York State that is made up sof but two Assembly districts, namely, the Thirty-fourth and Thirty-fifth, one-half of the latter being south of the Harlem River.

This, the voters of the district argue, should never have been kino tioned. and they say that as well might a portion of Staten Island be Included in the Battery Lastrict as a slice of the Bronx be bound up with Manhattan. jE-lvl, Vice President of the 2.fth.?,1J.BorAof Interested in the bill, said yesterday: It haa never been quite plain to me why the Borough of the Bronx, as we now designate It. should have been, deprived nf halt a representative In the Assembly after It had doubled Its population. When -the city waa divided into thirty Assembly districts we were or them, the- Twenty-ninth nd Thirtieth.

When the number was increased to thlrtyJour, we, with double our former population, were apportioned one and one-half, one Aaemblyman being made'n, The b1Ulant Individual or Individuals responsible for this absurdity Jia re never Vouchsafed any reason for It to the general public i -The Greater New fork Commission, with equal wisdom, blindly followed th.a ap-portionment in providing for Aldermen, with the addition of on member from the portions of the First and Second Westchester Districts Included In the Borough of the Bronx. Based on population alone, we ought, in common fairness, to have at least four Assemblymen and four But there are other reasons, aaide from population, why we ought to have a larger representation trntJH1 "JT. In area and as rapid the borough of the Bronx certainly has rao-e pressing needs and re- tr than a district which la fully developed. And the representative of other boroughs caanot be ex-pecaed to understand our local needs and advocate them. How can a man whonc dis-trtctJ" Pn7 Manhattan and partly In the Bronx represent our interests as well aa one who reDreaenta the Bronx and the alone? Nature has placed -her own dividing Urn, and we cannot improve on h.

Our loral Interests are not Idrntical with those of Hariera any more than they are with any other section of the city. The vary sub-division of the city into districts la tn Itself a recognition of the principle that there are local interests to be conserved. If this were not so. -why not require some of the down-town Aldermen to represent Jointly New Tork and Brooklyn? What the Borough of the Bronx needs Is a large represenuulon, both a- the OUy Hall and. In Albany, of men whose homes are among us.

wbw understand our needs and are thoroughly in touch with our people, aad who will fight for our Interests on every occasion. And as the charter provides for one Alderman from each Assembly district as now constituted, 'or as such Assembly districts, may hereafter be changed by law. the sooner such a chance la made I tbe aooner will recelva the recognition which our area, population, and Import anca demands." SAYS fSOO BUS'S WAS ST0LE2T. 1 WaaaaaOflseea It la a Cafe ana. Baa Ttareo Cass pan lows Arrested.

A well-dressed man and two stylishly attired women were prisoners yesterday before Magistrate Mead. In the Centre Street Police Court, charged with being suspicious persona, They described themselves as Thomas Oablea of MIS West ElghUetn Street, Dorothy Hunn of tha same address, and Tana Coolldge of I6T West Eighty-first Street. complainant was Agnes Burroughs of 123 West Eighty-third street. The complainant said that about o'clock Saturday afternoon she went into a cafe, on Columbus Avenue, near Elghty-aecona 8treet, and there met the three defendants." The parry had drtnka, and after a time, the complainant the Hunn woman, whom she baa knows for some time, asked ber to take oft ber fl re-hundred -dollar diamond ring that she might examine it. She plied with the request, ha ruling tne ring to ber friend.

After a time, the complainant said, tbe Coo lid r- woman suddenly Jumped up, say-: lng: There comes my husband. 1 must go," and ran from the pfatce. The complainant finally missed her ring and aaaea tho Hunn woman what ahe had done wita Jt I gave It back to you, waa the re ply. Tbe complainant said she did not remember getting it back. Finally the Coolldge woman returned.

She thought the ring bad bee a returned to Ita owner. letecttvea Sergeants MUlbourne and Yiu lely of the Central CWee were called In. and arreetM all three. Tbey spent the night at Police Headquarters. In court the cum.

plain nt said ahe did not thing that Uaotes had any thing; to do with tho disa ppearanco of th nag. lie was accordingly discharged, but the two women were beid lor luruur aiamiriali7n, February Sale tt. -i ery webartmhnt, Mona ay Tuelday, 6th jth. "Hand, orne in xthe i nost artistic designs 3and new sst colorings, that are worth $6, 17. 8, $9 at $3-75 that are Ivorth 13.50, $4,14.50.

BO. at $2 I50 $2.75 per yard. Thesd goods are not rem- nants, blit mostly full pieces. Bettef values have never t. fJ.J It wlllpa any one.

and especially Hotel Hen, to eal II and Inspect these goods before they are all closed out. LoA Taylor, Bk-oadwaj 20Ui St, JNT'SpNEpJRNITURE A EOWER FOR "LADYS FAtRE." Few people realize how perfect in taste and inexpensive) a room can be. First, a study of the individualities of the occupant. Next, a harmonious and graceful color-scheme; and then well-made furniture. Ourbirdacy maple pieces are so rood in line.

so precise, as to be ci detail, so conscientiously made cturm ine in any bedroom. The lus- trmic 4f tbe maple glistening' against the wa.l are liki glints of sunshine through leaty powers. We have A r-a4 1 tea fhade many unusually attractive by UkWiaijiifj as in; flowers In la bheraton with the simple trail. the softest colorings Umrinab.e. richest and most slulllully decorated too, but tbe simple inexpen.

pieces are Here JIVf, put are most exkn emely artistic ones, are what we proud of and what you can only get when you BUV OPTHE MAKER GecJ. C. FLint Ga 45 awo 47 west NEAR BQADWAV. 154 ANO 156 WEST eACTOft: AN INNOCENT MAN ARRESTED. Accused ht Bobbery In a Cable Car, Samutl 'Halstead Passes the Night in a CelL Because lie was accused of complicity in a theft on a street car on Saturday night.

Samuel Halstead of 128 East Seventy. eighth Street, twenty-seven years of age. of good family, and a law student, waa locked all night in the East Eighty- eighth Strfet Station and waa arraigned In tbe Harlei it Police Court yesterday morning before Magistrals Went worth charged with being a suspicious persor. Louis Kahn. a traveling salesman, of 106 East One Hundred and I ifth Street, was the complainant.

Kahn wa i on a south-bound Third Avenue cable car Saturday night. He raised a cry when be rot on the platform of the car nar Elgh y-slxth Street that he bad been rot bed of a six-stone diamond soarfpln. The condi ctor then stopped the prevented pe iple from getting off, and summoned i lice man Bender of the East Elghty-elg lith Street Station. Kahn pt nted out three men as those who were I he conspiracy to rob him. Tbe men wer John F.

Dore of Long Island City. Fra ik Valdes of 333 East Thirty-eighth Bti eet. and Halatead. He said that Hrlstead ind the men Jostled him. after which he i ilssed the pin.

Halstead protested bis lnnoc nee. Valdes tried to escape by climbing ver the back of the car, but waa captured. All the fersons am ted were taken to the station house, and before being arraigned la court conducted to Police Headquarter. Valdes wAs there Identified aa 'Mix." HI picture laj In the Rogues' Gallery. He claimed to be a cigar manufacturer, work ing at Lai urano street, wften the prisoners werfe brought to court Halstead was handcuffed to Ixtre.

Halstead protested to Magistrate Went- worth at tbe re aim en i ne nad been sub- Jetted to, I He said that he had been visit ing at tne noma or tbe Late Aucuatua W. Peters at East Elrhtv-sizth Street. After leaving the house he posted some let ters ana wanea several minutes for a car. He got orl a -car and on entering sat down oppueue an in toxica lea man wbo was sit ting between Dore and Valdes. Soon afterward the intoxtcated man and uore ana I aides started for the nlatf orm.

Then therie was a commotion In the rear of tna car ana tne car stoooed. Halstead rat up and walked to the back platform to see wnai ine irouo was, wnen ae was pointed out bv Kkhn as one of the men who had robbed hint. After he was arrested he was afraid to send home for fear of alarming nis lanura. dot manageo io get word to his brother. Jacob Halstead.

a lawyer. At Po lice Headeuarters he was searched and hla pedigree taken. He said Capt, McClusky Instructed the policeman to see to it that all three men were remanded. As Halstead waa telling his. story his brother Jacob rushed Into the courtroom.

He declanpd that the arrest of his brother was an outrage. Kahn up to this time had been unable to swear positively that Halstead wet) one of the men who had robbed htm. Halstead, he said, was standing on the platform aad he thought It would be a rood Ideal to have, all three men arrested. He thought the men were together. Jacob Halstead stated that hla brother was his onfldentlal clerk and waa a law student ft the New Tork University Law School.

Magistrate Went worth at once ordered Halstead unhand cuffed and discharged, i Jacob Halstead threatened to bring suit against Kahn for causing the arrest of his brother. Dore Mid he had been visiting friends at 21 East Ninety-ninth Street. He walked down s)n blocks for a car and waa on hla way to tbe Thirty-fourth Street Ferry. Valdes saild that he got on the ear at Eigh ty-ninth Btre V1 treet. They were both held for examlna to-day.

lata Hart ftalem Gaa. NEWARK, N. J-. Feb. 5- Lixxle Richards, who keepi a boarding bouse at 13 Lawrence Street, ws a priaoner In the First Criminal Court this morning, charged with having stolen 64.

POO feet of gas from the Essex and Hudson fas Company. It la alleged that tha pipe leadlnr into iba house, mm tapped and the gaa conducted around the metr so that it ft; wed directly to the burners. The accused gave SvoO bail for trial. Upttoist A 44 bright and early." rcduc- liuu ui Spring Overcoats and Tori-Coats from last season Those orituny told for $15, $14 arc markei at $8e00. Those orieitully told for $20, $18, $J6 are marked at And 200 Full Silk Lined, 'that orinaDy sold for $30, $26, ire marked at $I5e00J HAOCETT, CARHART Sc CO Cor.

13th Broadway, anil St. Near Chambers. TVestttsi1 CARPETS NEW SPRING PATTERNS. Fin every carpet need with ottr special prices. AX I NSTE CAR PET, 75 cts.

per yd. (Value f.r.) The wool and weaver have pulled well toother. Their refreshing. Spring-like colorings transport one into a garden of May blossoms. REDUCED FURNITURE.

Special sale of parlor tobies greatly reduced to mike room for new! stock. Our time Is yours to show the goods. Your time is ours for payment that is the advantage of Long Credit" CASH or CREDIT (OWPERTHWAIT ti 104 106 and 108 Wipt 14 SL NEAR 6TT Cooklya Sases: Flatbu A near fttoa SL A KNOTTY QUESTION OF ART. Magistrate Olmsted, After an Exhaua-Uv Inquiry, Decideg jthe Case Is One tor Civil (pourta. Magistrate Olmstad, In ttU Essex Market Police Court, yesterday, was called upon to decide a very knotty Question.

It arose over a dispute which led to a Quarrel over the merlta, from an artistic stjuidpoint, of two crayon pictures. The contending forces were a policeman, an artist, and two customers of the Utter. The artist and the customers were arraigned after tbe fashion of ordinary prisoners, and the policeman simply testified to the disaster wrought as a result of the encounter between the artist and his in the shop of the former, at 157 Delancey Street. The artist gave -the name of J. Frelfold.

and the patrons of tho latter described themselves as Mrs. Rachael Phillips of 82 Ridge "Street and' her jbrother, Samuel Gang. Gans is a man past middle Mfe, bald headed, and with a. flowing white beard. Mrs.

Phillips is a woman of forty, and weighs about 200 pounds. It appeared from the evidence that Mrs. Phillips and her brother some two months ago entered Into a contract, with Frelfeld to reproduce their pictures in' crayon, giving him two cabinets as patterns on which to base hla works of art. I Saturday afternoon Phil Hps nd her brother called on Artist Frelfeld his studio for their crayons. They were surprised to "ndlng that the crayons were not faithful ao similes of the original cabinets, that the artist wanted an additional Price for the gilt frames In which the cray- 'V fr "a-" followed.

In which the palntlnga were wrecked and the frames dentroyed. Frelfeld found time during the argument uJnmo" demanded LnS PfcMps and her; brother, whom he described as bulls In a hlna shop." bo placed under arrest- on a rsharge of deetroy-tXtuZ of his works of art. Mra. Phillips and her brother made a countercharge against the artlst.i and. all three were placed under arrest.

In court the caMnets were banded up to Magistrate Olmsted, and Dans Insisted on saying that the crayon did not do him Justice, Inasmuch as It made It appear as though fistfuls of his patrlarchlaT beard had been torn from his face. In order to look neat, he explained, when he sat for the cabinet he wore a nightcap to hide his baldness. He did not propose, he said, to be taxed for a crayon and a costly frame when the artist failed to do him justice facially. Mrs. Phillips complained that the crayon supposed to represent her was sallow faced.

she had rosy cheeks. Magistrate Olmsted, after an exhaustive Inquiry into the merits of 'the case, decided that It was one for adjudication In a civil court. He discharged all three prisoners. Inaamucn aa th complaining policeman did not witnesa the alleged malicious destruction of the studio. i i i SOCIAL SIDE OF TBS SAXOOK.

Mr. Moore Rays It Is lalversally Henry Jloyt Moore. president of tbe Brooklyn Ethical 8odetyj addressed the members tne Brooklyn Philosophical Association yesterday afternoon In the assembly rooms of tbe Long Island Business College, His subject was The of the Saloon Probtem. He declared that, aside from all ethical tbe liquor saloon meets an indubitable want; and. rightly or wrongly, he said.

It Is a universally popular institution. -1 The said Mr.j Moore. "Is a social Institution: men do not go to It to get 4- tbe average man drops In to see the boys. to hear the latest political gossip, to chat with the proprietor, to play a game of billiards or cards, or to read the The lecturer expressed the belief that eventually we snail come to' some modification of the public dispensary system, as uniting freedom to the strong to use alcoholic beveraaes with the removal of temptation from tne weak. 1 believe." said Mr.

Moore. that aa a necessary supplement to the dispensary the State or municipality should provide a people a palace In every dtr ward, with bowling aileya, cheerful lodge rooms, a hall for puoue meetings, a good. heap restaurant: a bar where soft drinks should be sold, perhaps an art gallery, a reading room, and other attraettve features which would entertain without demoralising Kgsatsv. af Great Annual Sale of Women's Swiss and Domestic Underwear BrS-Ail nanufacturr; Samples. -g Consisting of Silk, Aterino, Balbriffgan, Lisle Thread and All-Wool Underwear in Union Suits, Vests; and Drawers, in ail over I FIVE THOUSAND GARMENTS! We have divided this big stock into seven lots and will sell them at these I UNMATCHABLE PRICES! IiOT 1-Ladics' and Children's Lisle Vests and Cotton Vests LOT 2.

Lisle Vests, Union Suits and Drawers I LOT a Lisle and Balbriggan Vests i LOT 4. Swiss Wool Vests and Drawers LOT 5. Swiss Silk Vests in assorted shades, and Swiss Wool Vests, Drawers and Suits, also Fancy Cashmere 1 Vests and Drawers i i LOT Swiss Lisle Suits and Drawers LOT 7. Swiss Silk Suits and Drawers ALL MAIL ORDERS FOR THESE GOODS WILL Also a number of remarkable values Men's Underwear A Great Bargain To-Day "We Corsets! We have just received a special lot of Full Gored, Bias Cut Corsets in White and Drab French Linen Coutil and Black English Sateen, Sizes 18 to 26, Regular 2.00 Corset, and will place them on sale this morning at 98- Bach. ALL MAIL ORDERS FOR THESE GOODS WILL BE PROMPTLY EXECUTED.

Three Hore Exceptional Values in the New Spring Suits for Women FINE VENETIAN CLOTH SUITS, jaunty fly front Jacket, silk i ffk lined, the Equestrienne skirt, lined with Per.aline j. IOUU FINE CHEVIOT AND VENETIAN CLOTH SUITS, tight' fitting Jackets, notched collar, strictly tailor finish, lined throughout with 25 00 VENETIAN AND OXFORD SUITS, an lined with quality of Taffeta, Fly Front Jacket, and the new skirt trimmed with button in rf and loops. oU.UU Gearing out the balance of our Winter stock of Women's Jackets. 1 Formerly 15.00 to 3 5.00 7.98 and 10.00 each. Sixth -1 DALY'S Will b.

clOMd until Thurodar nifht. F.b. when will be produced th. fmmooa Drury Ln Senvatlon, THE GKEAT Kl'BV. with MISS ADA REHAN and an Im-nBM aat! First Matine.

tiaturdar. Ft. 11. Holiday Matlnea. Monday.

Feb. IS. (Lincoln's Birthday.) rlss to very night. to 2 at matinees. LENTEN MATINEES BURTON HOLMES LECTURES ILLl'STRATIOXS la (XLOR aad MOTION Courses at 11 A.

II. Courses (Tues. and Frtd.) at P. M. Beainninf Week Feb.

20, T. "Hawaiian Islands." If. Into Morocco." 1IL Fes. the Metropolis of the IV. Oracian Journeys.

i V. Grand Canyon of Aiitona." Reserved Meat for either course, $3. On sal. Tuesday. Feb.

7 LYCEUM 4th av. av- st; iJanlel Frohnvmn Manager Matinees Tburs. 1 Bat'T, Third Month Oreatest Comedy. WELLS Extra stint Lincoln's Birthday tlSth.) FEB. 1 i.


FIFI AMAZING HIT. iHf lrlna- Place Theatre. A i -iace Jheatr. Tw.lfirt, A 'ro. "'P 1st time.

FLlda'a Comedy. Turend-rde. Frl. (popular prtcest Das Erba." mia 14th AV. Mats.

Wed. Z. orcn. ctrcla or bl. Iln his I 6 new I A Rnnunrrof new play I sonaa.

I ATHLOK. KXICKEKBOCKER. ITW1T A MTU ST ly UWU WIU xtr Mat. Llnooln'a B'day. Maxine EUiottl NatfumlHale.

CCDUIPCM EVff. 8:15 Matinee Sat. 2:15 OPKHA MOISE. i with Willi Gillette. GRAID SHENANDOAH OPE HOI IE.

I S00 People. SO Horses. 34 Roach Riders. FEOF. H.

SLOP LECTURES. Talks of tao Plaeo of Govera rat la Social neforaa. Prof. J. H.

Hrslop of Columbia TJnlversltr lectured to tha Class on Present Day Problems at tha Broadway Tabernacle yesterday afternoon on "The Place of Government In Social Reform." Tbe Question whether It haa any place at all. said Prof. Hrslop, "depend on the kind of government. It depends as much also on what Is meant by social whether It la moral or economic, or both. In all cases tha two reforms to be effected are of tha Individual, or cttlaen.

and tbe government. In a pure democracy these two are the same, but In our form of aovernment one exercises power over tbe The only question, then," the lecturer continued. Is, whether the agent who exercises government, Is fit for his duties? If he Is you can Increase his powers; If not, you must decrease them. All social problems, therefore, are subordinated to the question of the kind of government, in our country the fundamental defect Is that the Executive Is not responsible. Until this official Is made responsible the Govern ment can do little else than protect the citisea In the exercise of prudence; that Is.

In the rlshta of property. It caanot be safely trusted without responsibility to altauiDt to reailaa the BoclaUsUo vw' A IOC each 25c each 39C each 50C each 69C each 98C eh 1.98h BE I PROMPTLY EXECUTED. this morning; in and Furnishings in Avenue, 20th to 21st AMUSEMENTS. WALLACK'S THEO. Proprietor A Manager THIS MONDAT.


SYDNEY ROSENFELD. Characters by Jos. HrriUad, Felix Morris. Harry Harwood. Leo Dtetrichstein.

Frederic Bond, Lwre iMvldrai, Amelia Blnabam. Eva Vincent. Miriam NeaMtt, Ruth Berkeley. Eda Aberle, Elisabeth Maybew. Brttomsxte Origin.

Nellie Butler, and 80 others. BROADWAY raE.S,r? SPECIAL IjgJ55g -MATINEE BROADWAY THEATRE OPERA CO. in fmltb A De Koven's best work. ThoThree Dragoons SO Muirtcal Numbers EMeored Nlrhtly 10. 200 Laus-hs aoo Laurht-M.

Applause Ineesnant, COont the Laughs Yourself. K-PinnF0RE 400TH TIM fa KVaTL RA twl FREOEDINQ SIPAOLIACCI. ev 1IMI Ra. Ot. NE3CT OPERA-MIQNON." iAJf.

T. JACK'S Taeatre. Broadway and loth 8t Tel. mmm mrh BIO SHOWS EVERT DAY. 1 AND 1 Rare, a Radiant BtaraT A HOT TIME IS-ALASKA.

QARRICK th -r 8-way. 'llT. 81- Matinee To-day. MRS. LESLIE CARTER a ZAZA.

ACADEMY OF" MtXIC, I AT I ABHKW wEEiLlnnctt 14th St. A Irring PL The great suoeeaa. THE RAGGED EARL Tfets.Wd.ceal Ev.t:lt GARDEN THEATRE. Er rm. HAS.

TU A UAV m- vert, lam, IM.HJK1Z 31 It 1 M.UA VIOU ALLEN in ThE CHRISTIAN critrai i world in wax New Groups. LUL.I1 IriWCII ATHflDADU special War from Tampa to ML8IC. Afternoon and wiia kiiin Vi i ini 1 1 subtests. Eve.

EMPIRE THEATRE, atroadway A 40th St. Matinees Wedneadsy aad Saturday. XTRA MAT. NEXT UNCOUT8 BDAY. Empire Theatre Company mPbroso BIJOU To-Bl-ht May Irwin KATE KIP atSa Only Mst Saturday.

Extra Matinee LJneola's Birthday. MADISON Q. THEATRE, Sh feL. near Bwa. Xtra Mat.

aest Monday. Lincoln's BirthdayT Matinees Wednesday and Saturday. ai'ff E2C22S3 Sfca LoTej Hia So. KURIUYIIav SScUY PARHIERifM" COLUMBUS. I A TAVERN.

have toi- seen sxrrHT Just a Few Words About rheO'Neiii Sewing Machines. 3d Floor.) We sell sewin? machines Just as we sell everything eke here, a little lower, in price than you'll find them elsewhere." "Tfie O'Neill" is not a cheap machine by any means it is strictly first class, made to our order by one of the best manufacturers in the United States. The only thing cheap about it is the price. Ask to see it. We have five to choose from.

Here are the prices Tbe eleffinUy finished 10 Qfl In polished oak; three drawers. lOiOU The 0NetIl No. 1, oak or walnut, 1C fin drawers; better finbh IJtUJ Na .2, oik drawers or walnut with five 16.80 No. 3. oak-or walnut; drawers 17.20 No.

4. Drop Head Machine: four drawers; when not tn use the machine head drops out of sight elegantly finished in quartered oak; Cfl extra heavy stand luiUU rWe guanntee all O'Neill Sewing Machines for five years. Cameras; and Photo Supplies. Some Specials for this week's selling: 4x5 Folding Cera Poco" Cameras, with one Holder and Carrying Case 3 98 4x5 Climax Plates 32c 5x7 Climax Plates 65c 4x5 Stanley Plates 32c 4x5 Composition Trays IOc Scovines Complete Outfits 1.29 All the best Cameras in stock at all times and at LOWEST PRICES. The New Printed Challies for '99 We have just received from the makers an unusually attractive collection of the.

new Challies, introducing entirely new and novel designs in All-Wool and SOk-and-WooL, also a very choice line of PLAIDS in Large Broken and Block Effects, some Hew Ideas in Reversible Golf Cloths. All paid parebaa. delivered free to aay railroad atatioa wttala 10O aallee of Y. City Iezeeot Scwlac Maeklaca aad llerelea). Street.

MtETROrMJV.ITAJI OPERA HOI SE. GRAND OPERA SEASON Inder the direction of Mr. Maarloe raa. To-nlirht at 8 IL, BARBIE RU I1 srv iUUA. Petnbrlch.

Campanaii. Carbmr. and Ed. de Reaske. Cbndoetor.

MsnrtnnllL Toes. Afternoon. Feb. T. at F1rt p-jrm-ance of the second series of Der Rlne il.

Uinsen, DAS RHELNOOLX). Mmes. Melssllncer. and Schumann.

Helnk; MM. Van Dyck. Dtppel. Blspham. Muhi.

Prrle. Devrteak Meffert, and Van Ku- r. Conductor. Schalk. Tues.

Feb. at 8 Special perfjrmanre nnder the auspices of the Puritn AwocUtiHi. Meyertjeers LS HUOCENOTS Tb. Huu-notH JIS Nordics, Mantel! 1. and Pusanne Aim: Ed.

de Resske. DeTritw, and Maurl. Ev- fb- a. at Wifnt'i opera. L-i-Vr Nordics, Schumann-Heink.

Jean and Ed. de Resske. and Blspham. Arternoea. Feb.

at 1 TRECISELT econd performance of the second serte. of Dr Rlna: des Mbeiunsen." DIE WALJkL'RE Ejiim. Schutnana-Heink. Brema; Van ttyck. Blphm.

Roy- Conductor. Schalk. Thurs. Feb. 9.

In B'klyn Aca.l-mr-Lart of Pera this seasasi ROM EO tT iltJCSw FT'V 8BeIllnl-. orr. jsokma. lehmann and Sarille: Dlppel anl. Flancpn.

Conduct or. Manclnellt. Sat, Mat, Feb. 11. at 2 LS MaateilL Eng-le; MM.

Jeaa anl Ed. do Resske Plancoo. Albers. Bar. at Hop- Prl TANNHAL SER.

Mroee. Ravllje. Meliwllrif'r. Perny; MM. Van Dyck.

PrinSle, Bar. Muni-maun, and Blspham. STHINWAT 4 SONS PIANOS TSED. PAUCEcoNTixiraus'tr Av. Performance.

11 P. 60e. "anaous minstrel.) lAKPT.UV. iSTJ. act.J OEO.


Anna SuLu a -tw A Allen; others. C7LADIES In the AFTERNOON. 30c. continuous w.Boe. P.M.


THE TUXEDO. 60TH "MADISON AV. IN AID Or THE WEST gND STNAGOOnB. PITIl'QContlsfois Perioraincs. to 11P.M.

NEIL BURGESS CHANGE OF BIU dlvlnc BELK3TT. 2U Mlnates Constant Roar. FRANCKSCA REDDING. Iucheaa of Deonshir, Lajaretta. McAroy a Ma r.

Prof. Morris's Pwa-em Georce W. Day. Rose Oliott, (America de. Bway 2Sth SL RUNAWAY G1KL.

rif Theatre. I By Aueuatla Daly's Musical Ca. Uncoln rrasy. Soavenlr Klrht. Friday ETeains.

This Week. MENDELPSOHN HALL, Wed-sday. Feb. 8. st S.

I r.inncnESi Res seats HJiO, sow at Srhnberth'a. reHm So. Direction HENRY WOLFSOHN CASINOIvorHt UlUan Russell! Aeoompanled by THOS. i SsABROOKE. E.

HJuKBUAW. AND LDNA WALLAt'E-HOH. PER, and sreat east, la Offenbach's opera boufta, 1A BEL. Law HKLBI E. Lincoln's Birthday, Kvtra Mat-.

Feb. 1- MENDELeSOHN HALU Thla (Maa.) Aft Jit 3 Anton Van Rooy Basso of the Maurice Orsn Opera Co. assisted bf HERMAN' HA.M WETZLER. Res, seats. Sl-50.

at Schuberth's sad Hslt r. 1 1 ii 0. 1 r.j i ruw .1 HFRWF Brn. Mat. Sat.


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