Cumberland Evening Times from Cumberland, Maryland • Page 8
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- Cumberland Evening Timesi
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- Cumberland, Maryland
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- 8
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aiui Suutlay 1 All JUoeJe lUrytMd. Week Without Grace Ends lit Big Parley Sobwriptka He par by Carntr Sunday TimtJ Kf tt.0* OM Mall SutecripOoD Evading Watt VfrfMaiAj VlrcittlA a Columbia Sis MoBtfec AU Other OM Moelfl, W3.06 Six MonUn. Oat Virfiaia, Vltfiala aad Oiatrlct ai Columbia OM Ooa Moatl. All Ochar StaUa 'awl Sawiaj rima. for typotrapSJcal to advtrtlMBMate but will repriat that part aa Sverttement to which tha lypograpalcal error eauat ba at oaca.
Mall Subaeriptloni accepted whan earriw aantaa avalUhla Friday Afternoon, June 23, 196V Celanese Land Gift An Education Assist WASHINGTON--This will be remembered as the week that lacked grace. All week the American and Soviet governments, like a cou- ple of society matrons who didn't relish each other, couldn't make a move without their eti- quette books. And for most of the week the delegates to the United Nations went through a heavy-footed waltz, solemnly pronouncing the obvious while they pondered and debated Moscow's request to brand Israel an aggressor against the Arabs. Soviet Premier Alexei N. Kosygin, who came to New York for the U.N.
meeting, and President Johnson had much to discuss, if they could get togeth- er, that affected the world, in- cluding Vietnam and the Middle East. the midst of a sage to Congress last-January, "a transition from narrow na- tionalism to international part- nership." It would seem from all this that Johnson and Kosygin would have had no difficulty arranging to meet on this, their first close- up chance to do so. Johnson hasn't visited the Soviet Union as President and Kosygin hasn't been here before. The -announcement by the Cela- nese Fibers Company that it is donat- ing 15 acres of land to the Allegany County Board of Education for use gfeal lransil on Johnson said as the site of a new vocational-technical in hjs Slate of the Union mes center was welcome news, not only to the but for all the people of Allegany County. No definite value has been placed on the land but whatever it is, it rep- resents a sizeable sum and makes available to the school board that much more money for the project.
As contemplated the center will be used to provide vocational educa- tion for high school students in the county. The building will be available to train and retrain adults for more gainful employment. High school students will continue their affiliation with their present school and will be transferred to the center for training on a part-time basis. eecn They will take academic subjects in their home school. By making this land available for the facility, Celanese Fibers has demonstrated it is a responsible citizen of Allegany County and is sincerely interested in the future of our resi- dents and the improvement of the area as an industrial center.
But all week there was jock- eying. Prestige was involved. Should Kosygin journey from New York to see Johnson here? Or should Johnson, who is flying York to Kosy- Buclncnld Israel Aid WASHINGTON--There has been some confusion as to how much aid the Soviet Union gave the Arab nations during the recent unpleasantness in the Middle East. What nobody knows is that the Soviets' real intention was to help Israel. But they had to do it in such a way that neither the Arab countries nor.
the West would find out about it. It seems the Soviet "Union has been trying to increase its arms business to compete with the United States and Great Britain. One of the most likely prospects was Israel, who was finding it hard to get military equipment from the West. The Soviets said they would give Israel everything she wanted, but it would have to be done in such a way that it wouldn't anger the Arab countries or even some Communist-leaning states. Israel said she was interested, but didn't want to do anything to anger the United States, Great Britain and France.
Encouraged by what could turn out to be a very good customer, the Soviet Union proceeded to devise a way of get- ting Russian arms into the hands of the well-equipped Israeli army. The big ques- tion was, "How?" Then someone in the Politburo (the Soviets refuse to say who) got a brilliant idea. He told the Israeli diplomats, "We naturally cannot sell you the weapons directly, but why don't we give them to the United Arab Republic and then you can get our weapons from them?" The Israelis pointed out that the U.A.R. might be reluctant to give the Israelis any of their Soviet weapons. The Soviets told them not to worry about it.
"Just give us a list of what you need," they said. The Israelis, trusting implicitly in the good faith of the Soviet Union, handed in a list including tanks, guns, armored cars, jeeps, small arms and, surprisingly enough, six or seven Soviet ground-to-air missiles. A year later the Soviets told the Israeb's that their order was ready and would be delivered in a month. Doing one or the other seems simple enough but diplomats learn not to be simple and John- son and Kosygin are always surrounded by diplomats. Johnson asked Kosygin to vis- it him in Washington.
Kosygin said he was on a visit to the United Nations rather than to the United States but he left the door open for Johnson to visit him. The President reportedly was unwilling'to lend his prestige to this session of the United Na- tions since the U.S. government considers it a Soviet gimmick to regain favor with the Arabs who felt let down when Moscow failed to support them in the war, as it said it would. The Ar- abs accused the United States of aiding Israel in the war. Kosygin apparently didn't want to irritate them all over again by what might have been regarded as a pilgrimage to Johnson.
Just before Soviet Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev arrived in the United States in 1959 for his Camp David meeting with Pres- ident Dwight D. Eisenhower, Eisenhower went to Britain, France and West Germany to confer with the heads of govern- ment there and assure them this country was not going to make any separate deal with the So- viet Union. If Johnson and Kosygin met, while nobody expected them to solve ail problems or even any, they might have been able to start on a solution of some. If they did not meet they weren't helping that transition to inter- national partnership which Johnson talked about in Janu- ary.
But for a week the two gov- ernments dawdled. Every day the White House was vague about a meeting and in New York Kosygin was equally blank. As late as noon Thursday the White House said no ar- rangements had been made. Finally, Thursday night came the announcement: The two men would meet each other halfway by having their session today in a New Jersey town called Glassboro. But that wasn't exactly halfway.
By road Glassboro is only 105 miles from New York and 25 from Wash- ington. But, since Kosygin wins by only 20 miles in this settlement, and diplomats haven't yet figured out prestige by the mile, they may be arguing for a cen- tury over who made 'a conces- sion to whom in this case. Phyllis Popularity Of Perlliiiie Grows Parents 'trying to raise their teen-age children to be both gracious and graceful probably will not be anxious to have them read the details of this particu- lar bit of one-upmanship. And, since Johnson has to fly west for his speech tonight'and Kosygin might be flying back to Moscow sometime today or to- night they are not likely to have time at Glassboro to say more than, "It was nice knowing you." Meanwhile at the United Na- tions the diplomats who have had to listen to one-sided ha- rangues all week probably won't have any more to say on their own than a bunch of cigar store Indians. Their governments will do their thinking for them.
CAssociated Press) NEW YORK According to Alvin Welzel, sex is making a very big Ameri-" can scene. (Those.who thought it left in the first place have been looking at a. different set of figures, than Welzel has.) Mr. Welzel bases his; conten-. tion on -statistical, dollars-and- figures: to As "the codes 'are lifted, they- mysteries, using, them in.
the become-splashers and sprayers worship of gods and in of-the heavy liquids. 'funeral ceremonies of great 20 per in the, first of perfume, sales indicates a'good deal of splash and spray "The of perfume on of course, 'can never be overestimated. JDuring one his- torical period fascination- was considered so dangerous as to Moses were directions erect "'an altar of incense:" matrimony that it ual freedom," he says, "and the of perfume. "Puritanism is definitely and sharply declining, and perfume sales are rising in direct pro- portion to that decline. Through- rfume and a yer-were in- out history, when peoples are Kings, 'theVaristo- cratic rich swept, perfume out of of :th.e church as the centuries -wafted on.
Queen Elizabeth I had her own still- room-where she personally corn- by, law. ppurided.her Cardinal Rich- in a way, that the etieu-had perfumed bellows to Puritan ethic should dictate, make-. apartments against perfume since, in The 'fountains of the early, days, of civilization. Bolton Glancing Sideways NEW YORK--You leave New York in your daughter's Thun- derbird, she driving, and time you get to Stratford in Connecticut. And back at home your wife is bent over two suit- cases and enough clothes to clothe all the showgirls Flo Ziegfeld ever hired for his Fol- lies.
She has bade you good speed and casual trip, you have done the same. You pass a in Stratford, and ar- rive back in New York in a driving rain late on a Sunday night and you know just what to do: go to the dining table and see what is there. Items: 1. A five-dollar bill and 21 cents in change, with a note saying, "I think I owe you this from some transaction while I was shopping for the trip. If I don't, put it in an envelope marked for me, save it and for Heaven's sake remember where you put it until I get back.
We never did find that Sll you en- veloped for me until we moved here seven months later." blotched white ink: "I forgot to call the laundry and the shoe repair man and the tie cleaner. Your things. Call them or pick them up. I'll do something for saddled with' sexual pleasant scents are looked -upon as somewhat sinful sensuous in- dulgences, and are siibconsci-' ously. used, spar- i women.
year, perfume sales clearly reflected a change in the taboo by rising a whopping per. cent in 12 months. "For America, that's, quite amazing. Of course, in Euro- pean countries, sexual puritanical doctrines have never played an important part in the psychological makeup of wom- smell Paris used perfumed water oh festal occasions j. an'd when 'lipiiis XV gave Pompadour a household' perfume budget "that divisibly joined.
fields, which -represented--the Greeks' idea of heaven, were came to the equivalent of m'aide but "of: perfume, and about; 000 annually, the.walls flowed a' river, of per- fume from which rose a scented which enveloped the in a refreshing; dew. "The earliest religions were the perfumers," Welzel on. "Egyptian priests hiade. scents as one of their- ecclesiastical best recommen- dation "of aU 'for- th'e use' 'of perfume c'ame decision. physician -Hippocrates," says Not Peace, But A Sword It cannot be said that Soviet Premier Alexei N.
Kosygin closed all afcnues that ad to a conceivable He did in- directly declare for. the existence of IsraeL But he made peace the more difficult by using the United' Nations cynically and dishonestly and at the same time assuring the world that peace is a matter for the powers of the world. The Soviets and the 'French have not paid their bills for the United Nations' housekeeping activities in the past. deed, the Soviet Union has declared the General Assembly to have no authority for peace-keeping. It required consider- able cynicism to be in default for peace- keeping assessments and yet demand use of the Security Council and the General Assembly for propaganda purposes.
There will be no peace in the-Middle East until, and unless, the Soviet Union and the United States can join to bring Arab nations to negotiations. The Soviets, at least, did not exercise the Arab myth of insisting that Israel does not exist. But Premier Kosygin did repeat all the old charges of "aggression" the United Stales. Nor did it seem a.contradiction to the Soviet Premier that he should, when.dis- cussing say the borders created by the Second World War should remain as they are--the Soviets will hold what they took --but that Israel should "pulL back." With equal neglect-of equity, Premier Kosygin declared that Israel refused to accept the first three cease-fire demands, the fact was that Israel accepted but properly demanded a reciprocal accept- ance by her enemies. It was they who refused.
He also branded Israel the aggress'or. Mr. Kosygin joined the Arab-states in condemning the U.S. for Israel:" This would be amusing if it were not so debasihgly arid blatantly hypocritical. Thfc undisputed facts are these: La the past 20 years United States the Arab states has been a little more than three times that given Israel.
If assist- ance is limited to military supplies, the United has allocated more than twice as much to the Arab states. Israel has received about $27.6 million in tanks, jet" "fighters, and defense. King Hussein, whose small country Jordan was-created by Winston Churchill, alone has received some $66 million in military In addition, military assistance has gone to Saudi Arabia, and Yemen. In the past 20 years this country has given Israel $1.1 billion in nonmilitary aid and.more biUion to Arab-countries --of which Egypt's share was 50 per cent, Yet, Nasser --and the Soviets --de- nounce and harass this country for assist- ing can "be no peace unless the Arabs negotiate with Israel. and stabilize the.
Middle East. It will be helpful if the V.N.- is used. Indications are, however, that the Soviets want it to be a power Cl (Hall Welzel; prescribed: per- fume -for. his patients espe- cially.those 1 suffering. from nerv- ous disorders." (Kinj Features) Pott Dr.
Brandstadt you some day. Like replacing en, perfume has always been 4 2 ni 'nf 1 1 1 I i The Israelis were puzzled, but decided to wait and see what would happen. Sure snough, in May Gamal Abdel Nasser closed the Gulf of Aqaba and moved seven divisions of his troops and armor into the Sinai desert. At the same time the Soviet Union accused Israel of being an "aggressor," which was the code name for "customer." On June 5 the Israelis went to collect their equipment in the Sinai desert, where it was conveniently left by Egyptian troops, many- of whom didn't even wail to be tipped for delivering it. The tanks, personnel and even missiles were brand new.
A few were damaged in transit, but by and large the Russians had made everything available as ordered. Some Soviet items accidentally left off the list were delivered to the Israelis, via Syria, a few days later. All in all it was quite a coup for tbe Soviet Union. In one of the great business deals of our time, the Soviets managed In collect twice for the same equipment, firs', from the Arabs and then from the Israelis. As a follow-up it has been reported that the Soviets are sending in new arms and equipment to the United Arab Re- public.
What nobody knows is that all they're doing is filling another Israeli order for equipment. One Soviet diplo- mat told me, "By supplying the Arabs with arms, Israel has turned out to be the best customer we've got." (Los Angeles Times S-ndicate) Japanese experts see China's nuclear weapons developing faster than our ex- perts do--which may be because Japan is a lot handier target area than the U.S. Experts seek a crash program to curb air pollution--and they don't mean crash- ing all the cars to gel rid of exhaust fumes that account for most of it. 2. ''Joel will pick me up and take me to the airport.
Don't worry. He is always prompt." This was a note written obvious- ly before the fact of departure to be read well after the fact, well after arrival at her distant destination. 3. Another note: "A lady tele- phoned from Richmond, not Virginia, to say she had found one of your columns in the seat of a taxi in her city and liked it, was passing through New York and just wanted to yay so. I thanked her much.
Who passes through New York? You either come here and stay put for awhile or you avoid it like the plague. 4.. A scribbled note on the bottom of a laundry list: Don't forget to water my herbs." 5. A series of seven pages from a current magazine de- tailing why our times are so immersed in violence and why our nation, in particular, is go- ing through the throes of vio- lence. At the bottom of one page is written in a scrawl: "If many media didn't make vio- lence so attractive people would not practice it.
I think." 6. A coupon good for a dozen fresh tortillas at a newly opened Spanish grocery in the neigh- borhood. 7. An unopened letter from someone in Napa, named Fred Huntsman. On the envel- ope another scrawl: "Who is Huntsman? It sounds like an unlikely alias." the tie-tack I stepped on." 9.
An empty matchbox from a new British- restaurant in the 50's. I can't solve that one un- less she went there 'Saturday night with some people and wanted me to know about the place. 10. A shocking pink nylon stocking with a wide run in it and, pinned on, a scrap of pa- per saying: "Can you match this for me and air-mail it to me Monday?" 11. A suspense and spy novel.
On Page 110, where a slip of paper had been inserted, she had underlined this sentence: "None were amazed." She added on the edge of the page: "None was amazed, when I learned it in school. Novelists these days not only can't write, they don't know grammar. Why don't you write him and give him a hot protest? I would but I don't have time." 12. A broken Dunhiil cigar- ette lighter and a final note: "For the 14th time, will you please use this absence to have this fixed for me? Thank you." (McNaught Syndicate) an accepted fact of daily Welzel says women in this country obviously a "throwing off the shackles of hypocrisy, rebelling against out- moded mores and rediscovering" the erotic delights of fra- grance." Needless to say, he thinks it's a healthy socialtrend, He's been in the perfume business (he's V.P. of House of Houbi- gant) for 27 years.
"Perfume has always been a chart of sociological, eco- nomic and cultural fluctuation of nations," he claims. "When men are away fighting wars, you wouldn't have to read tha headlines to know it." You could simply take a whiff of the warring nation's women: "They instinctively seek heavy, animal- like scents. "When life is peaceful and there is ample time for romance and leisure, women seek floral scents. When times are affluent, and women have status and se- Precaution Can Stop Food Poison Danger The aftermath of many a of the common communion picnic, whether it be in the chalice? Can dishes be made woods in own back free of germ.s by: hand-washing yard, is food poisoning. The in a public eating place? trouble often results from pre- A-- Tuberculosis and paring food with hands communicable diseases can be have infected with staph- ylococci, the common pus for-" mer.
This germ may also enter transmitted by the use of any common "drinking -vessel. Manu- al" washing of eating utensils is. Comic Relief The question for to- day this: Can a man who dislikes Bobby Kennedy, mini skirts, the Rocke- fellers, hot dogs and Arthur all bad? I think not. We are discussing, of course, His Ex- cellency Jamil Baroody, Saudi Arabia's Ambassador, to the United Nations. Ba- bald; bespectacled man, has a gnonjeUke.
personality that provided comic, relief during an otherwise U.N. Security Council session. Few Americans saw Mr. Baroody's performance, even- though it was on nation-wide TV, because it came at three o'clock' in the morning. I got the last of what he said on my' tape recorder and- the next day asked the Saudi Arabian- the food if the hands preparing permitted TMe aay a.Keu onrt a Embassy for a complete transcript.
It it have touched the nose." As the germs' multiply in the food, they produce a poison that causes vomiting'and diarrhea. If you let the contaminated food stand for as little as two hours at. room temperature a heavy concentration of the poi- son.will result. Once the poison has-formed it cannot be destroy- ed by refrigeration. Thorough cooking will destroy the straph- dlJVl I curity and independence, they, ylo'cocci -but not their seek sophisticated blended per- fumes." And when the sexual codes in the country, are strict, girls are dabbers behind the ears.
BOOTS 1RLO The best way to prevent a sad ending to your picnic is to omit perishable foods from the menu. Bring 'potato chips, in- stead of potato salad; frank furters. instead of chicken salad and raw fruit.instead of custards, -'cream: puffs- or. eclairs. Canned foods don't re- quire refrigeration but- they should not be opened until are to be served.
and bars a partmented sink is used. The temperature of the.wash water the first compartment must be maintained at 110 to 115 degrees. The second compart- ment contains clear rinse water. The third compartment must contain a. disinfectant rinse and the dishes must held in this rinse for at least two-minutes- Q--A lead bullet lodged in my leg 30 years ago.
is "still there. Could it. cause lead poi- soning? A--A-lead bullet lodged in the abdomen, the pleural cavity or a joint may cause a "mild lead poisoning but if it is lodged in muscle or bone this is not likely. In case of doubt-your "doctor make tests for lead poispn- took many days to get it, because appar- ently the Embassy doesn't get that request often. Q--Can communicable disease be transmitted through the use smd yrwr questions and comments lo Wajtre G.
BrsndsUdt, M.D., in care of Uiis paper. White Dr. Brandstndt cannot answer indi- vkSaal letters he will an.wfr tetters of general interest in Jatnre cotomru. (NEA Baroody on Sen. Kennedy: "And then there is none other than the upstart-Mr.
Robert Kennedy. The'upstart! The soin of a whisky merchant! The Senator praised Israel as the 'tiny outpost of Western He favors Western-cul- ture just because his money was made in whisky or on-the stock exchange." His Excellency on the Rockefellers: "I knew the father of the governor. I "met" him here. He was a gentleman. But how did the grandfather make his money? And they talk about our Cadillacs and What about their trust funds, their ranches in Venezuela, their money in Switzerland?" Baroody on mini skirts and hot dogs: "They call us slave traders.
What about their white slaves? What about their narcotics? Their promiscuity? Let them have their mini skirts and hot dogs. What we need is not the veil, but bikinis and hot dogs." Looking Backward 8. A note on purple paper in Tic trwMt font!" 25 YEARS AGO Jane Z3, Taesday HONORED Hampton D. Driver, city, was elected vice president of the" Fraternal Order- of Eagles of Maryland at'the stale convention in Frederick. Kenneth Pollock, Frostburg, is inside guard.
FUND INCREASE--Expendi- ture of an additional $15,000 as part of the sponsor's share of Cumberland's airport was authorized the Mayor and Council at a conference of city and WPA officials. NEW SECRETARY--Everett R. Johnson, assistant to the general secretary of the Jersey City YMCA and in charge of industrial relations there, will become general secretary of Central YMCA July 1. WINS CONTEST Catherine Carder, was named stale winner in a poster con- test. sponsored by the National Livestock and Meat Board.
50 YEARS AGO Jane 22, 1JI7 WORK BEGINS--A total of 100 men was put to work on excavation required at the site of the $5,000,000 Kelly-Spring- field Tire Company plant. The contract for the excavation of 60,000 yards of earth was let. The excavation and grading will cost over $50,000. CLEANUP TOWN--Realizing the need of better conditions for the Town of Ridgeley, both mor- ally and sanitary, citizens held a mass meeting to seek the cooperation cf the Mayor and Council. BILL IN SENATE--A bill to temporarily increase the sal- aries of all teachers in the pub- lic schools of Baltimore and the counties who are per year or less was offered in the Senate yesterday.
The in- crease proposed in $100. Teach- ers claim that it is impossible for: them to get akmg. The Baroody view of the Mediter- ranean: "It is. not Italian any It is not French. It is not Arabic.
It is an American lake, where the Sixth -Fleet parades and flexes its muscles." The official transcript does not in- clude Baroody's return to the rostrum, but my tape docs. It seems that Baroody heard that Goldberg objected to the Baroody comments on Kennedy. Goldberg said it wasn't fair lo attack Kennedy, because Senators don't make U. S. foreijjii policy.
"Perhaps Mr. Goldberg doesn't Jnder- stand how his government works," Ba- roody' said. "Senators make laws aiii control votes. The administration votes, so Senator do help make foreign policy. I'm surprised Mr.
Goldberg doesn't know that. Why are people laughing? AH right, laugh at ai oH mai. Is Baroody funny?" Yes, sometimes he is. And I suspect he-knows it. Syndicate) The war left the Arab world in a state of shock--which was augmented by Kosy- gin's fairly temperate stand hi his opening U.N.
remarks. Add truths: You get oat of a mirror just what you put into it..
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