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Altoona Mirror from Altoona, Pennsylvania • Page 25

Altoona Mirrori
Altoona, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Mt, 1 THE DonnellT Into lull In A. M. Uowllni pair hlttlnt tho for Will ftcorei na they turned In wins for their with IIS tnd ore. cloijeo Weyandt aUrted oft then aniaahed a £31 acorc. lie CIOHHU with £16, a match total of 633.

Js Academy star. Ilia pln-amash- liiE bellied tlto Academy learn win Iwo vt tlirco from tlM Molro lotro took Ilia flrflt game by 80 fndomy Inking the next two Ijy 76 In hla atoro for ff. M. tlio bowler alartliiK off will a Hi anil with 2 games In the JdO'a, tolallliiK 623 Y. M.

A won threo stralKlit Brinies from tin. Hanols, the latter being form Tho HcorcH: llci-chcr 151 (80 ICohr 168 HO WcynntU Heora Pavls Tolnln Mat HnrrlS 183 L'31 151 170 -SOS i Totals Y. M. A Sherry Donnelly 101 806 SOI 2601 165 ISO 201 "H-t 213 163 186 163 If'S 913 795 864 267: 165 139 212 US 165 176 163 137 100 1" 2-M 111; Tolaln 036- S30 1C3 Know Kelloy JInlncH Woldlcr Schlrt Totals 176 136 148 Km 155 IS 760 771 MAKES PROTEST BUT HE STUTTERS AT I hftar of a bnBketball playi bftiilHhod from a sumo lio Hlnttors? NopnV Wrll, Captain Howard Ulrfc of the University of Michigan quint waH sucli a victim. In UIA rocont gatna with a Loul vlllo team, a personal fotil was callc on llirka.

AH lio atlonuHcd to ask it "What for," ho stuttered. fc. It sounded llho to tho off who Immediately called iniotho which nnulo four personals, pu tlup Illrka out of thn gnnie. In a close Rams Bilks' habit tiitlcrhig mlb'ht prove flo fro now on Harry Klpkd will do all II talking fur Ilia team while on (1 floor. I4OTES.

Toat DcpRrttncrit rolled tliflr loyvo ncoro lost ivcok KplUn ware rejiponslblo for Uie Bell opened lfa(rii their own this week, elx trains hrln enrolled from their different dupnr monts. will bowl on Monda Wednesday und Friday nights at tl Metro. Telephone Co. should able their team in tho Moll leujrue from the ulrongeat bowl era their own league. new facei 1 a red on tl clubs la-it wrek.

Thn leagx enoiiRh bowlera for a couple more The crowds fct ntjr are setting larger. A lot of Intere IB belnR taken In tho league j-bowlcrs and also the fans. HITLERS WIN 3O OR MORE GAMES EACH SEASON Is the of today tlio of play I1C- lifick? Tina Is a riiif-stKtn me. Willie 1 rannot liii gn back yours urnl Hon, I can answer llrsi one i-y. sine last To bo truthful In my am for-rd to ft answer be j'--s anii POSSIBLE AT STATE X.MM MATOK.

Arnold tilatz, outfielder of the Cubi, qualified handily, with a 78 In the recent championship, fcut was beaten In seml-flnaln by W. Campbell. itlmate victor. Freddla lffht, nown In the cast, was ilalLst wllh'73. A CIOX.F What promises to be riches monataPy golf in tho history tha ffkine In this country will be hung up by Santa Mnnlca.

Club, nea Los Angelew, latr- In to J7.000 lit thft nrofftssfonnla. To tho victor will go Don't Marry For Money! By Xob Xoy. Thn Powflcrtown basket throwers Altooim on Saturday evenin vlatiii llu-y tackle Jimlnln scho the Kt. 1-uhfi'n ronrt, -liiniata 111 ius for ihein. A "pop" moellnpr will hi held on rlday Tho yell king ('lark til tun uncl trio qxir-on Martha Main will hold for the imrt of tho ticssion.

of the .1. IT. K. A. Albert Winter will bo in ulmrgc.

IJobliy Martin iretH laurels for Good Murtln only pearrd in tho St. laikc's sovrr- (svenineH and lit! polud just fi bnsh- und onn foul. Thn Ijpst oT it is that ho Is Just a kid with three ycatd yet in school. McKenl Is nnothrr corner in tho ranks of Uic bnskot tosaer.s. Give tlnio and by ni-xt yoar lie should shim' for the varsity.

STATE COr.LKQK, Jan. mas- new Bymnuuiuin by the fall of 192G ia no longer a remote possibility at Penn State, but Instead Is a very real prolmbN ity. A Rift of $100,000 from the collfign (hi tic throURh the alumni athletic committee has just hwn aimoutiTd by Hugo of tho Oepnrt- rnent of chysic-al eiiucatlon ami ath- ielkis. Whtlo tlilH nlfL turned ln- tlie ixiMcyr- liuUiJInK fund, for thn new rdueaiion huiidiriK for men. This to the bulTdinR fund thr, larfftrst yt tho fund lor thn new rn Is suc-h an extent that it (o he abld to sutrt.

construntfon in the spring or Special cffort.s will now br; in tlio re- mnindftr of tin; ostlmntod as Iho probahlo cost nf thi A hufie cr-ntral finnr Is to be provM- for all Indoor with RAlUTle.i on all HidfF. An Jrvloor runniiiK track with a lUu-yrud ruiifht-awny in hi a ff-fiturrt. One WITIK of huUdiiiK will contain a -swimming surnn- liiR llml htiH her 11 nfr-dtd at Anntliur of tin- huild- will Contain lorkcr.i for 4iOD ulu- A 1 depart mo tit ami for tlip rooms for varsity, freshman and vi-sitiny u-ams, spririril lockers, inc. for frtculty nienihnrs. stcatn room, drying and rub- IK rooms.

for tm-clk-al dl. hand hall rourlK, JMK! ftll Ihf nthr-r r.f a nuniorn eyniurtKiuui Tctor IU partlcnlnrTy en- n.stJc In rnatt'-r for with itl facilities, hi.s proof iJifisfs nthlrlicfl hns for- I under consJderable handicap. donls. A truiihy hull, lor th or fsdu ration rl KAS BT9 TROUJBtB, Heport from the la that "Ph Traynor, fitnr third-flacker of tho Pitt burg rlub und generally regarded as the best yctins ball player lif the N'a- tlonal T.eague, la having tronhlo with his eyef. Traynor wns taking college bustnesa course, BturtlnK 1 his fitiullca InimedlHtely after rloso of tho playlne nejison.

While the tronhlo IP not regard CM! as anrioiiF, It la wild a prominent apceltvlial UIXE; ivOvlscil hln placing any unnecessary Rtntln on tbo eyes for this winttr nt icast. school i ales who rj.v double-docker. TunliUa ITiRh linn another man who will be hi uLiolhiir yt-ar if he keeps up hia present That UKUI ta Gilbert Hurttitlt, who seta in he frame at cenlor und at forward porno times. Hut hi; Is wtill green yet. Another year ivill brint; him along-.

Juniata Hlfjb will Crrsson irinh Kdionl ntnl Antis Township srhmil mi -Ian. '2G. Thi'SA two KIHUO.H should )io Tlw are very January 18, Tyrone High cornea hero Cor a In the Kt. L.viko'« tfym. This Bailie will he last ALcmtitnln tilt for Juuiata for this month.

Dp.smontl Kfllcy, Junior Htudnnt playa good brill for the Burtticlt Hchnlastlcs. He's not nuch a light but he plays consistently. Donald AilaniH, miclBfit t-cnior In the 3. H. S.

also Kelps Lim tichoJaatfcs to win ame B. Khoriy, It will ho remembered, a brother of the famous llarlcy made the majority of Junlatn High' a points lust vcar as member of the 'Varsity capers. Weber IH nifty little guard on the J. K. B.

Varsity. Vornot. Meghan holds tho position with Weber, Tho two of them turns about on that position. Another playor will get olmnce nt the 'vnrslty Is mis Price. Price ninyoii with IT.

Reserves on Saturdiiy, knocking in tbrco ttcld K.tai.s uml sevrnil fouls. T'ricii was used In the 'Varsity frame, too. The football team gets its picture snapped tonight, fourteen players, all letter meu will got on the silver sheet. 1K1H, Dcmnrco drew with "Kid" Kit plan In ten at Jlotor Square Harden last night. MATTIKWSON AS HE LOOKED TN Itnt HAD vi-: AH.

By BILLY EVANS. Tho status of the major league ptUiher has changed greatly in the- pant iu yftirs, the difference, Iteing nlijst no-! nerliaiis In tbo last nve years. 1 The llvt'lv hall and the dcedH of Hahe Uuth luive henn the contributing to tlio clmnee. 'L'lio pitcher Is no longer supreme. Thin Is Iho of in baseball.

In which tho making of a hoihti run has passed from a hero stunt to an ordinary event. Tho pitclmr-who can win 15 gaines durjnir a major league seas-m is now considered valuable Tho couldn't win more than 11) years back wan considered very orJlnary. In these day a usually a bonus of $1000 ROCS to tho pitcher who can win 15 games. If bn can turn In 'more victories tbo bonus is proportionately Increased. wasn't llkn that In the old days when Johnson, Alexander and tlio other stars were at the lop of thoir stru' pitcher of days eonld almost be on for 2n victories hffoi'ft i he oimned and it WHS not ru all unusual for thorn to come through Hft, Johnson during the season of iJKI won litf panics umi lost tmly Puvcn with a club thai failed to reach the .600 mark In tli'3 pfircentacp column.

In this connection Christy Matbcw- in and Grovor Alexander navo flut. a record that major pitchers will be shooting at for time. Probably it will never bo equaled, certainly not with the bull now in use. Winning 30 grimes during the major SUU.S.UM a. remarkable feat at any time, tbo lively ball It Is an etxruordlnary performance.

Tel Ma the atid Alexander when in their prime won 30 or more prunes for three consecutive years. Mathowson, with the New York Giants, won oO games In 1003. followed it with in and came back with pltchinp for Phlla- delphin. captured 31 vlctoricn In 1915, reached the 3o murk In 101C and tin- isned with 30 wins in 1P17. hi fwonnK victories in Al- turner! in llw re number of 16 nhiitouls.

a. maji, Just think of it. not only winning 33 irinncN. but oiit thn In half of them. It is rallier interesting fact tlmt while both mtijni- hnvn luvist- i-il a Rroiit nuinbef shir lot't hnud- onl j- one of them ever to win 30 Raines in a season under the propcnt pitching rule.s. VittsbutKh 1" 1S03, won 35 giniifs. Stnuigiily nnoUBh'lhat war; th' the distunes was changed from 50 feet ertain In a profit many bus Improved, retronnuJod en rises and falls existing; cjondilinns. f- PtrikcH mo that the h- kill 1 seen in I lit; majorn oov fired rt from it, The majors boaKtr-d Home trams i that Kpnii of ycur.H. I'itcihinK I ed thfi niiiy and ITS "or wr-re low-i pcore he ihn iwlrlers. Nearly every club hnd four flrsl-strine pitchers, with Utiln to chcosc between them.

A of con tile of runs ma do star pitcher feel re.nsonahiy certain that ao would ore a victory. Flay for a run was tho sypte most chilis ndoptr'd, the- ai-plu In a many gannjs iiflo marker. Tt haa alwaya Keemrfl to for a run broiiKlu cm real baseball thn.ii trying to H- In clUKtern. The latter st-i: for a slam-bang style: in to hit thorn i.s the oli- L'ryhiK to pet a run enlls f. MANY ACTIVITIES FOR JUWIATA MEMBERS NV-w fnees nt bull's eye last eve- 11 as follows: Iloh- FlnnklnKon S.

2i V. Robert Itrtrry S. 1'I Clarnnco Rnlicork, S. M. T.

24. DoimUl Adjuns S. p. und IVreil Rclnhart S. 23, P.

21, phfjnt took rlficG on V. M. C. A. vriih C.

OiTjylo. In ch.irfrc'. is lifly feet ami ribove r'l made out of a possible I Thf ra acth'e every Tue. dny iiH'-r for hoys nnrt irt the nshf; supper for men, A KOCH! Mii-i'ly Hi guns and (argota always on i bonrd la lea Vhr- older 111 mi I'-ads off. In Th- iifii-fl rluh will 'M afternoon nt o'clock iv will be iorni of ceremony will bo All H.

H. roll red men ruiii vicinity arc TvoIcGme io juin tin 1 The one necoEFory re- qmr-Tiii-nt is ell candidates "must over iJS years of nnd retiree! from cxetivo work. A lively program will ri-? out and a nifty lime for me. all Tin: hi.l.y rllntc in keeping up In- to Kt'-al a In Ui-- c-rn is almost fonUinnly, run nicunn or lunhinu- a tiuTu iviih a four-run Bnbo Hu(h, tlio Uv-ly Vnll. and tlir clmnRGd thu Ftylc rj1 The piny of from llio pol hapa Iho slandartt is just tint hardly pay It.

was better. to ITio present I stance, Whili most pIlcliorK wero IiofiiR Jiarrt hit ol" Hie havinp tin- best yoar of Tnosft were Hie liappy i'nr ill" pltciu-rp. They no IniiL-i x1--t. ilasclmll is now ttlc hntti'i-V Tin; Jmro stuff 1ms lirrn tbo pitcher to tbo bittsmiui. AHRAKQK TENI'IN MATCH.

Thu rhllipslmrET bowliiif; of Iho host in tho nortliorn r.miiiy trict will visit AHoona 1'rinny hchic pclicdulnd ii: an willi the AcacJotnv TiKveliut; ir; howl" on rollo'cl In llio (OIM-H. lu-M in AUoona Lust yoar. Tho I wo nt tract quite a of vctoran T. M. tn-nili'-r," Iris roturned from a rip to li) 1 Hrj says "Juniata jni-ni to mr-." boy? nrr nepd very attractive winduw dlsplnv in Tiiiiiinircs Kraf.cry store rourth itvcnuo Sixth mid P-'vorith strccls.

1 owdcr raver la on today and tomor- ii. 1 a member of the me- now respects at the association and placoil for last Saturday adds miiuli to tlir; clnh room winch wan recently covnrcd ivlth a larpo ruj; inea-surliij; by il feet Tlio Unites In Inst evening in held a vcn iiff Bcssion. OVER DP ONE MILLION STILL IN SERVICE Since delivering their first car, early in December, 1914, Dodge Brothers have manufactured and sold one million motor vehicles. Over of all these cars are still in active This striking fact stands alone a unique and overwhelming tribute to the principles and methods responsible for a product of such enduring worth. CRAMER-ARBLE AUTO CO, 1720 ELEVENTH AVENUE Young Fellows Are Wearing Winter Oxfords With Wool Socks i So We're Offering Regular and $8 Numbers for Tlnndsoinc, stylish blnck iiiul lirown calf Oxfords with overweight single soles and rubber heels, shown in three models MOCCASIN TROUSKR-CKLCASr-; SAWTOOTH TIP Built oh roomy, square toe styles now in vogue.

Sizes 6 to 11, widths A to 1) in the lot, but not all sizes and widths in cncli style Here's Real Value, Men! 1402 Eleventh Avenue of nte Weight Phoenix SiJk and Woo? Socks Just for anil coin- fort, Mnok Lin.l i.liin $1 and $1:50 Mai. H. Neuwahl, Mgr. Bargain This Sale Shall Continue Till Each and Every Item of This Bankrupt Stock Is Cleared From My Store This breaking event takes the first place in the history oi merchandising. Hundreds and hundreds of satisfied, shrewd purchasers passed out of this store today wearing a big broad smile of satisfaction, and carted away packages and bundles of the highest quality merchandise that they purchased at a saving of from one-third to one-half.

Those people absolutely knew BARGAINS when they saw them. Why should you be one of those that always say, naturally when it is too late, and the CREAM of the stock is gone: "GEE! I'm sorry I missed that sale at Robinson's 1" Don't be one of here on time. There are hundreds of bargains left yet. Get here tomorrow! My Bargain Basement Took Them By Surprise My stock room which was turned into a sales floor was a creation. There were nearly as many people in my basement today as there are garments on the shelves.

Be On Hand Tomorrow! This Bankrupt Stock Must Be Sold PAY SPECIAL ATTENTION TO THE BELOW: THE SURPRISE OF YOUR LIFE Values Up to $22 In MEN'S SUITS Values Up to $25 $27.50 SUITS and O'COATS $10.95 Ic? Values Up to $32 $35.00 SUITS and O'COATS Values Up to $35 S37.50 SUITS and O'COATS Values Up to $40 to $45 In Men's Suits and Overcoats I. ROBINSON ALTOONA, PA. TYRONE, PA..

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