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Tyrone Daily Herald from Tyrone, Pennsylvania • Page 4

Tyrone, Pennsylvania
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tffc TVHQNg DAILY HEftALO, TUESDAY, TYRONE DAILY HERALD II, An jiubllihid at Hifdld lulldlfti, fihftiylvanid, by Tyrohiiwald Cdmpbfty, Intirid at Second Ciau 0) Poll of uhdir tht Aci of March 3, 1979. Dally, Sunday, Paul M. Kionzli .1 Oirttfdl John C. Chombsrluln AdVfMUInfl, Philip K. Jr.

i W. Paul i it til i Ed It of John J. Clark Circulation Manage telephone and Siiilntli) MU 4-2100 Copy iy carrier, per week ,30 By mall, per month Sortlnelll-Kimboll, sole 943 Lexington Avenue, New York City; 360 Norfh Michigan Avtrut, Chleogo, III,) Brood Chestnut Philadelphia, Building, Oetrolf, Michigan; 336 Fourth Avinui, Pittsburgh, BASIC TRAINEE 2, Let nil ililnics be done In decency aftd In orrtcr. Got, 14: 46. Life should not bo hfiphftaflrtl sequence OvenW.

Imvo ttirre score ycnrs and ten ny be to perform tteods thnl will be romcmboiTri for eternity. AID TO EDUCATION Wtlboul proper a brofrd program old cottid give! Wnfihltvijton too much poWor over public sOllool cdtictitlfjit, There ficoins little reason to fcnr, however, Uiftt undue federal control will nrifie us ii result of the mcnmirp finally 'Immmpred out by Coiiffronn. Sitnte rlRhli'. nrc pretty well safegiUttTded. Prtftsatre Of this legislation will proviiic a welcome stimulus for ctluca'Uon nt a time when such ti ntlmulus is badly needed.

I'oi thing, Die progrnin auUiorleod by Congress Is firm step lownrcl nismrlng that qualified ycnitiir people Who WrtHt. -college education will no! Ixj denied this oppontxinlty. assurance will be not through treat grnntH ns htid itaeen propOBCd, but throuKti loans to tltsuivlns; stiidentfl, perhnps soholarsWp (jrants will bo approved Inter. Meniiwhlle, the loan fund sliotrid have a fur-rcflchliiB effect, partly be- cnusc will be nvnihiblc for further UHOttB loans nrc pnkl off. A big chunk of 'the money authorised will go tnlo matching grants in improvi- sclnnce educfi-tlori.

Tills Is cleaNy nn outcome of powt-SfJutnlk coiii.i'in about the Hiatus of 8. science 'training, and 300 million Uollar.i tu bo spent over the next four years should KO fnr do work In this Held. The emphasis on iteachlnB of foreign InnifUHgcs is also welcome, If only this lugged In recent yews, TI Is to be hoj)ecl thitt, once the federal aid prottriim Ktvinn acccp- Uince. the nocd 'for help in flcldn other science and lanBiiaKOH will bo This IH not to flay that tnnaslvo federal spending Is cither necpf.miry or doslrnble. There in renson to beltevo, thai a con- llnulnn iVdcral proKrarn would tfllmulale bilr entire oduantlohtil system to urciiU'r effort In the essential iiwk of training young peoplelo their full potential In difficult but fusclnnWng world, MARCH OF EVENTS UN Plea Is Applauded By Congreit Permanent Police Backed With Enlhuilaem My 1IKNWY OATIIOA11T Central Press AmiMliiHan IVrltcr Prenldi-nt, Kldcnlmwor'n dninmtlc, poraonnl np- pciiranco before the Unllcd Nutlonx Rcncrnl to pro- POKO a loMif-nuiBe to Miildlo problems lifts received ifcnerally fuvoruhlc roHponne in Cohgreim.

Somo ot polltlcul opponents on Cnjillot 'Tllll wore lew than. enthuftlniiUo, but JUOHL scnatoi'H oonifVeMnieii HftW 1'renl- denl'n plan a basis for long-range eiislnif 'of tlifl Which have brotifilU Mho world cloSo to war. Wnslilnglon diplomats look to Ilia economic! propotdlH the key to restoration' of nUblllty there nml were freely predicting that rnldng of tho Arulm' alnmlanr of living would go a Ionic wiiy lo dlow down the vnmpunt nutlonalUm tliut him boon exjiloiled by coinmunUt-lnfluoncea Klsonhower's call for a pormnnent UN police forea rccclvoil tho most enlhutilflslla response oC nil. of mich a force would liuva nullified Iho need lo muni U. R.

troops Into Lebanon and British troops Into Jordan. Jlowovur, tlio forco would another Oamol nnd basically inoro Important function, It would remove Urn dean fiws of Awb niUlonnl Undtrfl of nnsnsslnaUon jiltempts by mbld natlonallsls under control. of Kifyptlnn President Onmiil'Abdel Nasser. Secretary of State John Foster known to licllove that this conatiint threat of polllleal nssnsslntitlonii has up Mid-Kant trouble than any other ono factor, ProMdcnt Klsonhowtr proudly rounccd that thti nlomlo NautilHt hud nulled undor tin jvorlh polar Icecap, one caiiBllo congressman crnoliod: "Kveryono cine rushing to get, lo Ihe moon, bul we're Making cut olnlins to the underBldo of Icebergs." NEW recently approved construction of pew office building for Iho House of HcpresenUtlVM, Us third, Currently excavation la going on ft rapid, noisy pace, wljh trucks, liuildozara nnd crimes chugging und steaming, Tho oilier day, ono of Iho cranes took big blU end lilt an old- time Washington brook thai lias been covered up for many years, und used In purl tut ft section of the Washington sewage system. After some hasty repair work wus done, one of aolons, from Texas no doubt, wryly 'commented, "loo bad Ihey didn't hit oil, NO we'd liave a wny to pay for all this." WKUHIT JlKIHiCING congressional has turned tho spotlight on one of the nallon's most persistent ftnd widespread of In a report of studleu conducted yenr, the sharply criticized the Federal Trade commlNHlon for what said wus more than a decade ot "laxlly" In falling to crack down on wlduopreud false advertising ulalms for all kinds of weight reducing medicines mid The report said "Tho advertising of so-called obesity remedies or weight-reducing products Is an urea fraught, with deception und outright fraud, Candy wafers, machines, appetite sutlenU and uppttU-oiirblnf ore some moans by which unscrupulous luicHslsrs of the losi'Welfcht cult uio lo lura us to an earthy slendetUIng Valhalla," Pretty strong language! Incidentally, the commlttoo Vfported what moit weigh less, eat KM," YOU'RE TELLING ME! ly WIUIAM HITT Control Prat SOMli; of tiiclt nlhlutuK were mlisiny from thu Hnviel rouler during the recent dual meet, with American leuui.

Could Ihey huvu run In wrong dil-ectlon- pulttirully? I I I SrrfTUl of inlnttiin Ki'tl lilhU'ten were tprinlt'i'i, I'anlit Im they weren't to Jcivp up with the iMtrty I I of a Yerk camera iluti will fly to en In Thot'i hard lo plclurtl II! Food bill Of that CUvelsmi pro lootljftU team during Utinuig Ctnirtit llowever, Caactt Brown Isn't loo hli brlnj I I I Tin ice hat just fthbntttt hit (J7l'k blithituy. jjottH't ti'tm turrty, Hv't U'Oii more Anu'iican Ihun tlidt! Ill Frenct hoi OK'd a In la mtrt than I) a a ptiUtl it Iht Sunday drlvtr I I I For Unit fn gig tlit of Mti'ino pfflclil to Una out COCKTAIL Airman 3 0), Frederick 'r, flohds, son of Mr, and Jftrs, William flonoH, Port Mtttlidtt ttB 1, bun Completed Initial course of Air Force bitsic military training at the Lackland Texas, He been Bclaeled to attend Aircraft and JSfitfine school at uto APB, 111. He Is ii ftr'ftduftlc of Area Hljrtj school, Sinking Valley Mr, and Mrs. Prewlon Smith, Mr. and Ray BirtifeB and Mr, and Mrs, Olalr vMtiiel and lilldren of MttrtliiHbui'g 1 enjoyed fl picnic dinner recently at tho''homo of Mr.

and Mrsi Kopharl ind children, Lavcrne and and Andrew Basel, who have boon holding a ovaiiKel- site meeting In tho Afiscnibly of God church, arc a wcokH vacatloif at their homo flkelp before beginning a meet- In LancaHter. Mrs. Henry Kephtirt and dau- shier, Laverno, Tvrone BD, call- on Mr. and Blalno StO' phoiis and Mrs. Annie Smith and Iruipthlor, Margaret, recently.

Blrthdav (frnetlriffH to Mrn. Peer OhrlMtoflc and her sister- IaWi Mrs. Andrew J. Chrlstoflc, who will observe their birth- lav anniversaries Aiiff. 30.

Mrs. Peter Ohrlstoflo a nurses vide at tho Tyrone Hospital has to work after a weeks 'nmUlon, Preston Kophnrt, son of Mr. and llonry Kephart, obneryod his 1th birthday anniversary Aiiff. 21, find Cit'calcl Loonc, won o( Mr, nncl rs. Donald, observed his 2th anniversary AUK.

24. Mr. and Mi's. Poter Chrlstoflc nncl Mrs. ClirlHtofla's mother, Mr.s.

U. K. alnsiorlch. vlsllod Mrs. Harlet ShoonberKer, a former rosl- lent of the valley now a Ktiont at ho Vnllny Vlow Home, Altoonn.

Mrs. ShoonborKor Is confined to ler hetl and IN very 111. Mrs, Annie Dlckson, Tyrone, and icr daiifflilor, Mrs, Wnltnr Yohn, and Mlsn Mary Williams, Pitts- i'K, nncl Mrs, Yohn's dniiKhl-er- and (trandson, Mrs, Carl Yohn find son, Jofl'rej', Now Hampshire, visited Mrs. DIcK son's sister-in-law and nloeo, Mrs, Annie Sihlth nncl dauKhtor, Mar- Riirol. visitors at the Smith worn Mrs, BmltliH' nophnw ruul nlono, Mr.

nncl Mrs, Iiontcr JoliiiNtown. Mr. nnd Mi'H. Curl Iftulborpr nntl children uro MptnulliiK vacation with rohitlvoH In nuffnlo, N.Y. MI-H, Andrew Chrlntoflo, to patient for obfii'rvutloii nnd iiit'nl In Iho Tyrono Hoftpltul.

Mrs. Ohrlfltoflc obHorvcd her blrlhclny luuiivcrHiu-y AUK. 30. Mr. nnd MI-N.

Lynn Orimt rind children, flhlrloy, John, Devorly nncl BUMIUI, nltoiuliHl tho nnntuil Docir M. Pociht roiuilon nl Ciullna Drove, WllllnrnHburir, recently, Tho Uov. wtlllnnt Bloo nncl faml ly of nurrlHbui'K, forinor pn.slnr of tlio 81, John iind'Mt. Olivet tilth- crnn cluirohcH visited recently the vnlloy, Grazierville Itulh lliivcrKtlny Mr. and Mrs.

Snuffer (vnd son. Akron, Ohio, visited her mo liver, Ovuh Anderson nnd hv nvlly, Hoinewood. iMr. nnd Mrs, Vernon Jivinea, Ty- runts, und Mr. ntvci Mi'K, Wnttor t.ltthtntn- nnd notv, Oivry, llonvpwood vUlted rooenlly ftl Horshoy Park Hooent vlsltor.s nt live C.

J. Slma homo were Mr. nncl Qornurd MnrU, Tyrone, Mrs. Jo.soph Rlley and son, IMne Orove Mills, Area residents who nttonrted the tlttntlnttclon county fair were Mrs Ovuh Anderson, Mrs. Ifiloru Clar ber und Mr.

and Mrs. W. 0. Closs Miss Vlckoy Allen of 0rustlervllle Secretary Weeks: Consumers Confidence Regained, Upturn On EDITOR'S. NO'I'IC: Thn pass- Ing of Labor Oiiy traditionally murks (he beginning of a general upturn In trade, Industry and employment.

The question, this year lu be whether the autumn will bring- a marked acceleration In the recovery from reccaxlon that has been In progress for Hevenil months. United I'ross International asked Sinclair Weeks, secretary of commerce, to appraise the outlook. Ills analysis follows.) BINCI'AIU'WEEKS U.H. Bueretnry of Commerce Written for DPI WASHINOTON (UPD Many lime-touted siyiiH IndlcaLc live pace of recovery ahoulcl speed up evon fftsler now thtll Lnbor Day marks the normal vacation Butulay wltti her fuUier, HI' oliai'd Allen, Warrloi'M Munk, Slum wns a WodneHdiij 1 visitor ot hltt aunt, Mrs, WiifefltiUI, Tyronu. He also oolebraled his blrllulay ry 2ii.

Mi'8. Huih I'utrloou mul children of PIllHburuli wore recent visitors of hoc brother and slater-ln-lu-w, Mr. and Myora al lloinowoocl. Mrs, Ovuh Anderson has ed alter visiting her duuu'hter and I'rtii'itly of Aiuorunth. Mrs, Ode.sMi Hurpster of Tyrotu 1 vl-slU'il her Mrs.

Caroline tlull's, Otlun 1 visitors of Mrs. Gates were her son, Alfred, und his sons, Alfred, Jr. and Tommy, of the sootUund and tholt sister and her children of I'orl MHtllda. Mr. und Mrs.

C. J. Slnw vUlted her mother; Mrs. Anna Good und her sister, Mrs. Ksther Young, Al- loonu, who urn uoih 111, Mrs.

Urtci! Huvei'Stlne enjoyed the baked ham supper served Aug. at the 1-ogiui Valley Grunye No. Oii-j Bellwood. It preceded Ihe regular Grange meeting Slid Inlu- tuiton of class of candidates in the third und fourth degrees. HlrUiduy greeting to Helen Spnmkle and 0.

a. Laird, Aug. 93; Hubert Sims, Aug. 'J3; Mrs, Aug. Merle Slavs, Aug.

as; Edgar James, Thomastown, Aug. 31, Some 18 to 20 square feet of skin covers the average person, the end of slowdown, Ever Mince late April, the economy has grown Htronger month by month and tho confidence of the consumer IH vigorously rca.H.sort- Ing 1 ItHOlf. Confidence IH tho priceless Ingredient of progress. Workers, confident of Job security, spend or Invest their wages, llotisewlven, confident of steftdy (family Income, take hints from advertisements aKivln. This procedure stimulates business, confident of sales, to.or- der materials nnd produce new and boiler (foods.

Lei's lake a Blanco at tho current quarter. Flout'lshlng confl donee today Is refleoled In the rise of Ihe gross national product lolal value of goods and services. More than GO million people have jobs, Improvements are showu tho factory work week and the new orders received by manufftolnrors, Personal Income, consumer expenditures nnd Iho production' Index are at high levels. Housing Is on tho up auuln, stimulating tho construcllon Industry nnd strengthening the hope of accelerated business soon In homo furnishings nnd appliances. Tho In- venlory picture Is much better.

And public funds for defense and. highways are Hiving the economy nudgo. Good as Iho picture looks, no sensible man. or womnn can be complacent In at certain Inflation slgnn Hint are cropping up, The wnge-prlco KiuieoKe, the fed- em! deficit, the political clamor for more nnd more and more government spending nre matters which wise people outmot ignore. Business CUD price (tselt out of the market when consumers rebel.

Wage boosts that run ahead of productivity are a The worker must understand that Isn't what you get In your pny that counts; It's whnl you pay gets you, if unwarranted wane Increases spur Inflation, a raise la a loss, not a gain, And influClon sabotages the future by destroy- ng the' value of flxefl Income, Insurance policies and pensions. It will be a irixffedy If we let this economic thief rob us of full, recovery. If we can keep the brake pedal jammed clown on In- lutlon, the outlook for the coming nontha Is bright, The long range prospect for the coming decade is" even brighter, Population growing by 3 million yenr research turning out new nnd better products production geared to meet increasing world trade opening; new business opportunities, Alaska, the new state; Antarctica, the new continent; the elec' Ironic nuclear space age, Ihe new frontier. A marvelous new age of optimists, by optimists and for op- tlrnlsts. All through oiir histoTy, nnd faith have paid off.

They still do. The first national soldiers home was built In Dayton, Ohio, In 1808. Homecoming Held At Bald Eagle The annual Bald Eagle Homecoming was held at the park adjacent to the Bald Eagle cemetery Saturday, wltH more than three hundred persona In The day was spent' in greeting friends, playing horseshoes and in a general Persons were present from all sections of Pennsylvania and from New York, Maryland, Massachusetts and Ohio. fiverett Oullch Is president of the Bald Eagle Cemetery association which had charge Of this annual event, Ira Fisher is Vice president, Luther secretary, and Harry E. Murphy, treasurer.

Wdff Furniture To FIRST WOLF HOLLIDAYSBURG, PA. thi.4 humble irt over loo -years ago. Adam Wdlf began the furniture organization that today the largest independent furniture chain in the state. Charles Wolf, his founded the Wolf company In toona In while his sons, George. A.

Wolf and Heilbert T. Wolf, have guided its destinies and established ail 16 of the present branch stores throughout the state and In Maryland and West Virginia. More price surprises and more prizes than in any previous anniversary sale ever Is the promise from the WoLf Furniture Company as they make final plans before launching their 66th anniversary sale this Thursday. The Purnlture dompany began over ago, when Adam Wolf, father of Charles Wolf, founder of tfie coMpany, g-dt off the canal boat in HOllldaydburg In 1836 as a lad fresh from Germany. Me was a cabinetmaker and an combined In those days, slrtce the undertakers made their own coffins and rough boxes and built furniture because they had the know-how.

Wolf business flourished for many years iri Hollidaysburg. When Charles, one of Adam's sons, opened the City Furniture company store at Green ave. and Ninth st. in 1902, It marked the beginning of the present furniture business which covers 15 cities in central Pennsylvania, one In Cumberland, and 'the 17th Wolf store in Keyser, W. Va.

announcement of tills year's anniversary sale will be found In tomorrow's Tyrone Daily Herald. Announcement will be made c. the plaas for awarding daily door prizes, and a new 1958 model Chevrolet, With purchases over $39 and free gifts will also be awarded during this sale. Now Many Wear FALSE TEETH With LiHIe Worry But, talk, laugh of sneeze without fenrol Insecure false teeth dropping, slipping or wobbling. holds plates firmer nncl fnore comfortably.

This pleasant powder has nc gummy, gooey, pasty taste or feeling. Doesn't cause nausea. Its itlknlinc i non-acid). Cheeks "plate odor" (denture breatlt). Get FASTEETH lit any drug counter.


At. "1US10 'N' S1IINJB HEVDK" TOMORROW HARNESS RACES mid on Track at P. SI. MuMcal Show, Vaudevliu mul Olrcui In Arena ut 8:00 I'. At THURSDAY HARNESS RACES nnd on Track liau 1'.


SATURDAY MOTORCYCLE RACES On the track at STOCK CAR RACES On tho Tmcjkjit 8:30 P. M. COUNTRYlTYLE WESTEHN SHOW f'eaturluf )EAN SHEPHERD la the Arena at EXHIBITS aCouuttercinl tttiduvtrliM QAIQRS FREE PARKING GATE ADMISSIONS i All Adult Male Porter District Scouters Are Invited To Attend AN EVENING OF SCOUT FELLOWSHIP 6 At Boy Scout Camp Anderson Dinner will be served at 6 o'clock Saturday evening and breakfast at 8 o'clock Sunday morning, Those desiring to remain overnight should bring own bedding, This Space Contributed As A Public Service by HOME ELECTRIC NO OTHfR OOUAR YOU SPINO BUYS AS MUCH A THI OOUAR YOU SPINO FOR IHCTRICtTY.

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